#hokkai bon dance
japansapporowalk · 1 month
🇯🇵さっぽろ夏まつり 2024 北海盆踊り「子供盆踊り」/日本 北海道 札幌 [4K HDR Binaural ASMR]
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babes-and-baddies · 6 years
Can i just ask for a angst with a fluff ending with dabi I Really Love my Bby we need more Fics
sooooo here ya go. ended up a bit longer than expected, but whatever, i had fun writing it. hope you have fun reading it : )
(1.4k) (gn!reader) (AO3)
The day started off rather mundanely. Get up, have some coffee, go to work, come home, make some plans with your boyfriend, etc. etc; there was no reason to expect anything out of the ordinary would happen. Sinking into your old, worn-in loveseat, you lazily switched on your TV to flip through channels in an aimless search for entertainment.
“-ll Might was sighted last week attending a-” Click.
“-ond, James Bon-” Click.
“-sunny for the rest of the week. In Hokkai-” Click.
“-llain Dabi reportedly injured by-” Click.
You froze, blinking at the screen blankly before quickly switching back to the previous channel. It was probably nothing, Dabi could take care of himself, but you should check just in case. If nothing else it would give you something to talk about, right? Beside, it was probably nothing. Wasn’t it?
“The heroes on the scene are sporting minor injuries, but seem to be winning. Most of the Leauge of Villains have left the scene, but the villains Dabi and Spinner are still instigating the attack. As of yet, the heroes managed to mildly injure Dabi, but there is not official information yet. We don’t yet know their exact motives, so as a precaution all civilians are advised to stay out of the area. If you or a loved one are nearby, please ensur-” The voice continued droning on, but you ignored it, eyes glued to the screen.
Dabi and Spinner were surrounded on all sides, fighting the heroes off with ease. Still, there was a little nagging voice in the back of your head telling you something was off. After all, didn’t the reporter mention Dabi was injured? He looked to be moving as gracefully as ever, as far as you could tell; so that either meant the reporter was mistaken, or Dabi was fighting while hurt. He was tough, so surely either way he’d be able to finish whatever mission he was on and get back home alright. The League could patch him up fine, they’d done it before.
And everything was going fine. You relaxed a bit, watching as the two villains kept fending off their attackers until reinforcements would arrive. Most likely Kurogiri would be by to pick them up in a minute or two, so you might as well watch until Dabi got out. God, he was beautiful like this, with his eyes practically glowing in the fire’s reflection, the flames dancing around him as he dodged the heroes attacks, the pole being shoved through through his- the pole being shoved through his chest. Shit.
You watched the screen, frozen, as the love of your life fell to his knees in the middle of a burning battlefield. It was like everything around you turned to static, fading away until all you could focus on was the way he clutched at the pole impaling him with bloodied hands. He could die like that. You distantly paid attention as the surrounding heroes inched closer without care for Dabi’s injuries, as Spinner fought them off desperately while calling for backup; but the way Dabi seemed to collapse in on himself as if he was nothing more than a stack of cards that had just been blown down, like a marionette with strings cut, was all you could see. Even once a black mist enveloped the two villains, whisking them away, you could only stare ahead blankly.
What if they didn’t take him back in time? What if there’s nothing they can do? What if… what if…  What if there was nothing you could do to help? All you could do was sit and wait, hoping someone would tell you he made it through alright. Numbly, you switched off the TV and waited.
It had been three days, and no one had sent any word. You didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing, which made it even worse. The League knew your number and address, so they could easily have sent a message to tell you his condition and the fact that they didn’t either meant he would be fine but they were too busy to get in contact, or that… you weren’t even going to finish the thought. He would be alright, he had to be.
Sighing, you got off the couch to grab a drink. But before you reached the glass atop the counter, a swirl of mist materialized in the corner of the room.
“Y/N. It’s nice to see you again, albeit I’d have hoped to have done so in better circumstances.” Kurogiri introduced himself politely, but you were honestly too exhausted by worry to respond with pleasantries.
“Please answer me!” You were so close to knowing, and you needed to know, you needed to, “Is he…. is… is Dabi okay?” Shaking hands gripped the counter, afraid to hear what you needed to know.
With a small sign, Kurogiri nodded. “He’ll live, at the very least,” The slightest hint of exasperation slipped into the man’s voice, “but he has been highly uncooperative since becoming stable. It was deemed best to bring you to his side. Should you find it amenable, of course.”
“Yes!” Finally, now you could see Dabi. Just by knowing he was alright, it was like a weight had been lifted. But still, until you saw him in person, until you could see him for yourself and KNOW Dabi was alright, there would still be doubt that he was actually alright. 
Pooling blood under a limp body, enemies growing closer as spectators praised their actions without care for his safety- You shook your head, clearing your mind; you would see him soon, and everything would be alright, just like Kurogiri said it was. Without hesitation, you stepped through the inky portal.
The League headquarters looked much the same as you remembered, so you walked with confidence towards the makeshift infirmary. Your stomach fluttered from nerves you couldn’t quell, and you sped up your pace until you could finally see Dabi. At the sight of your boyfriend, sitting propped up on the cot and chest covered in bloodied gauze but very much alive, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in.
“Dabi….” You gazed across the room, his figure becoming blurry from unshed tears as you rushed forward to his side. Hands hovered over his frame, mindlessly wanting to check his injuries but unsure where to start.
“Dabi, I saw the news, are you alright?! Stupid question, of course you’re not, you just got impaled, I mean, I just…” You cut yourself off, biting your trembling lower lip to hold back a choked sob. He was okay, you knew that. But he was so close to not being okay. Dark thoughts swirled in your mind, could-have-beens and what-ifs forcing all of your fears to the surface.
“Awwwwwww, fuck, babe,”  Dabi spoke up with a voice rough from disuse but filled with wry humour, snapping you away from your spiralling thoughts. With a soft look that belied his amused tone, he lifted a hand to wipe away a tear running down your cheek. You hadn’t even known you were crying. “Were you worried about me? That’s adorable.”
You pouted dramatically in half-genuine offense. You were seriously worried! But at the same time seeing how he was acting eased the tension in your chest. It was settling in, well and truly becoming real, that everything was okay.
“Of course I was worried, you ass! You almost died!”
With a lascivious smirk Dabi pulled you forward by the front of your shirt, bringing you nearly chest to chest. Leaning forward he brought you to eye level, close enough to feel the warmth of his breath; you were worried he would hurt himself from the movement, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. When he was near you like this, everything felt right in the world again.
“You’re right, (Y/N), I did almost die. I think I deserve a get-well kiss, don’t you? C’mon sweetheart, won’t you let this poor, injured man have his last dying wish?”
You rolled your eyes. He was clearly his normal insufferable self, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. With a smile of your own you buried you fingers into his hair before slowly closing the gap between you.
His kiss was far more gentle than you expected, but it felt right. Even with his still-healing injuries and the drying tracks of salty tears running down your face, you felt whole. He would heal, and you would be there through it all.
Yeah, everything was going to be just fine.
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japansapporowalk · 1 month
🇯🇵さっぽろ夏まつり 2024 北海盆踊り 大人盆踊り「北海盆唄」/日本 北海道 札幌 [4K HDR Binaural ASMR]
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japansapporowalk · 1 year
【4K】2023さっぽろ夏まつり 北海盆踊り 大人盆踊り | 日本 北海道 札幌 中央区 大通公園【Binaural ASMR】
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japansapporowalk · 1 year
【4K】2023さっぽろ夏まつり 北海盆踊り 子供盆踊り | 日本 北海道 札幌 中央区 大通公園【Binaural ASMR】
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japansapporowalk · 1 year
【4K】豊水 ふれあい盆踊り 2023 大人盆踊り | 日本 北海道 札幌 中央区【Binaural ASMR】
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