cazzythefrogking · 10 months
marauders incorrect quotes pt 122
James, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
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hogwartslegacypics · 1 month
What are your favorites Sebastian Sallow fanfics?
the only seb fics i’m currently reading are @adylorewrites + @choccy-milky’s. i used to read a lot more, but they’ve all either been abandoned or update so infrequently that i’ve put off reading them until they’re completed.
if you’re looking for fics, here’s a link to an AO3 filter i used to use with seb fics sorted by most hits with some other tags excluded that tend to get in the way, so it should be like 99% seb/mc fics.
for one shots, @applinsandoranges is my favorite writer. she writes seb so well and her writing is very hogwartsy. i’ve even requested a few there
also omg i almost forgot but i wrote a one shot myself LMFAO you can read it here! it’s based off of choccy’s fic so if you’re a fan of hers you’ll probs like it, BUT even if you haven’t read her fic as long as you like taylor swift you’ll like it TRUST ME. even if you don’t like taylor swift it’s still a funny scenario to read play out: of seb and mc experiencing a concert 100+ years into a new era, all through their poor victorian child eyes (and ears)
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samshogwarts · 4 years
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FINALLY!!! I finished my Picture for @carewyncromwell s MC Future Challenge. Sorry for being so late >.<. Samantha didn´t change her stil much. Just her hair grown longer and she wear typical wizard clothes.
After Hogwarts, Samantha starts her education as an Auror and work for the ministery in London "as an Auror" (cough cough). She is much more skeptical and suspicious. Just around her old Friends she is "the old and true Samantha". No One knows what happend. Only after the Battle of Hogwarts People knows what happend. (But this is still a secret)
On her daily Work Samantha didn´t use her wand very often. But when she does her enemy or oppnent have a big problem..A BIG, BIG one. She prefore to fight with her dagger and her two guns (which she wear on her back under her coat) and is also known for not showing much mercy (but she didn´t kill her enemys). There are many People how would call her dangerous, but not for the people how know her.
On Bill and Fleurs Wedding, Samantha and Charlie become a couple again after they realise they just break up becaus of a missunderstanding. After the battle of Hogwarts Samantha become the new DADA Teacher and open herself again for the World. This is the Time her friends learn about the truth of her work at the ministery. But she doesn´t care anymore. About her past, her scars and all the tears in the past. She wants to live her life as happy as possible. For herself and for the friends, how are no longer by her side (like Tonks, Rowan and Kyril).
so yes. That´s probably it. There are much more detaisl about Samantha after Hogwarts, but thats to much for now. If you have any qouestions, just ask :D
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What mode of travel do you think Hogwarts would use for the next Triwizard tournament, since it wouldn't be hosted at Hogwarts next time?
"The next time", anon says with confidence.
Remember, Crouch Sr. resurrected the tournament as a publicity stunt. The previous tournament had been 150 years ago and cancelled thereafter due to the deaths and injuries of students.
What happens this time? National disgrace as his Death Eater son escaped from prison, impersonated a professor, and murdered one of the participants. Cheating from every single delegation. The use of multiple unforgivable curses on participating students. The participation of an underage student, Harry Potter at 14.
It was an utter disaster.
One that now is forever tied up in Crouch Sr.'s tarnished legacy.
I don't think there's going to be a next time.
It may take another 150 years before the next Crouch Sr. desperately needs a publicity stunt for their career.
Certainly, no one's going to be eager to do this one again anytime soon (especially with Britain in recovery mode after Voldemort). And by the time it does come around, probably all the schools would have changed drastically.
But if you're forcing my hand: something Hogwartsy.
My guess is giant raven, badger, lion, and snake all decorated in their house crests carting around a miniature Hogwarts or maybe a giant pumpkin or something where carved into the inside are the participating students' living quarters.
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jonnyparable · 3 years
From the Ruins
Firethorn in the day and night. Of course a future magic school in a castle is inevitably going to end up looking a little Hogwartsy. Castle building was never something I wanted to attempt, as I was never fully satisfied with how they looked in the past.
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I must say though, that Firethorn Castle is turning out way better than I expected. It certainly is beginning to look the part now.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
⭐️ Fic Rec: Feline Felicis
Snarry. Rated M. 10k. @vulnerasanenturmyprince
Potter, in a fit of being his usual hazardous self, goes about things in all the wrong ways. Of course it falls to Severus to fix the mess. It goes not at all as expected.
danpuff notes: I have to admit to being a sucker for cat!Harry. Ever since reading A Bittersweet Potion, I truly can't get enough of it. This is nothing like ABP, of course, but Feline Felicis is an excellent read for all cat lovers!
Anyone who has ever owned a cat will get all of the good cat-owner feels from this. You will commiserate with Severus' woes, giggle at the realness of conversing with a cat, and your heart will melt right alongside his during his time with cat!Harry. All of the joys of cat ownership, all of the fears, all of the stress, you get it all!
Botched potions are another fun concept to read about, and especially the bits of potions-craft we see in this work. There is also a Hogwarts-detail included in this work that, I won't spoil, but you'll know when you see it! It's a very Hogwartsy-detail that I really adore so much and might just have to headcanon for the castle from now on!
Then, of course, there must be sweet romance! This is a snarry, after all! (Keep your hats on, wixen, Harry is very human for that portion!) But the romance is a nice little bow on top of an already adorable, heartwarming story.
Also, we must take a moment to appreciate that, while the "tooth-rotting fluff" tag is well-deserved, Severus and Harry are still their (respectively) "strict" and "hazardous" (as called by one another) selves. They are still very lively, very real characters, however cute their story is. And, in fact, makes the story all the sweeter. At least to me!
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mmoutfitters · 3 years
Do you know of any Hogwarts cc clothes for toddler-elder? Im dging to find cc that works.
hi! this is some of the hp stuff I have in my game that is more hogwartsy. i really don’t have and couldn’t find much for toddlers :( but....there are a couple of notable packs and sites that might be helpful to you!
hogwarts fan made stuff pack by isandor | harry potter pack by @cowplant-garden | simlish harry potter pack by @silverhammersims | the sims 4 tag at @hpsimslinks | 
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1. snitch earrings / time turner / harry potter sweater  2. deathly hallows earrings / scarf / sweater 3. harry potter sweater 4. harry potter baseball top 5. harry potter childrens sweater 6. harry potter shirt for kids 7. harry potter hoodie 8. harry potter hoodie for kids
9. quidditch jersey 10. quidditch uniform sweater 11. harry potter hoodie for men 12. hogwarts button-up 13. scarf / harry potter sweatshirt
14. harry potter shirts 15. house jacket w/ scarf 16. harry potter sweater 17. hogwarts uniform 18. simlish harry potter tee 19. harry potter toddler t-shirts
20. harry potter dress 21 + 22 hogwarts uniform 23 + 24 hogwarts robes 25. hogwarts child robes
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genshin-latte · 3 years
Hello!! It's me again, back with more Hogwartsy shenanigans XD
First of all, aaaa this post has made me revisit the Harry Potter books again, after years and years of not opening them, can you imagine? It is both a curse and a blessing, becuase on one hand, I am reminded of why I used to love the series, but on the other hand, I have a paper due in about 5 days. A paper which requires So. Much. Editing. Maker have mercy, I hate it here. 😭
You brought up some very interesting points! I definitely see what you mean when you say that he seems too fierce to be in Hufflepuff? Like, the way I see it, Diluc has this almost rashness to the way he acts and responds to certain situations (especially conflict) that doesn't seem to quite belong in the house of patience and quiet contemplation. It's definitely interesting HAHAHAHA
I feel like Diluc might be one of those hat-stallers, you know like the people who the sorting hat just has a hard time sorting into a particular house. Minerva McGonagall is a famous one, apparently she holds the record for the longest time the sorting hat spent sorting one student, or something?? Yeahh, it couldn't decide whether to put her in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, which makes a lot of sense
Also also!! I feel like it is worth mentioning that the way in which the sorting hat sorts students was never like specifically laid out?? Like what we know really comes from context clues from the text, and across all 9 books, the sorting hat has been shown to be pretty inconsistent on the way in which it sorts students. Sometimes it sorts based on what they want (i.e. Harry), sometimes based on characteristics they value, sometimes it's based on the values they hold dear (i.e Hermione), and yet sometimes it's also based on character traits they possess yet have just not taken root in who they are just yet (i.e. Neville).
Here's an interesting theory I've been considering though: perhaps the sorting hat sorts students not based on any of the criteria given above, but based on which house they believe the student would thrive under the most. Just something to perhaps consider!
Anyway yeahh so I feel like the sorting hat can be wildly inconsistent sometimes so the moral of the story is fuck all and sort people into whatever house you like!! Be free!! Be merry!! Gryffindor Diluc? Wonderful! Hufflepuff Diluc? Great! Ravenclaw Diluc?? Unconventional, but welcomed! Slytherin Diluc??? I'M HERE FOR IT
That is all I have for today, thank you for indulging my unecessarily long rants about hogwarts houses. (also also if you or anyone wants to talk more about characters and houses, i'm here and i'm very lonely wjsshwhzhah) 💕
- the wannabe sorting hat
HIIII noo I lovee reading your analysis, though I’m not very knowledgeable regarding harry potter, I’m still on the 4th movie... I’ve never watched it at all skdbfur so I still have a lot to learn, I do know the house basics from what I’ve read though but not completely so I appreciate you taking the time to explain everything :0
Thoughts? 🤭👉👈
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Describe what would happen if Lily (from "Lily and the Art of Being Sisyphus") suddenly found herself in cannon Harry Potter world in the middle of his fifth year? Oh, and she can't bullshit herself out of this one for some reason, instead she stays there for a month or two while Rabbit, Lenin, and Trotsky somehow join forces and try to find a way to bring her back. Bonus points if Lily crashes a DA meeting and kicks some peoples butts anticlimactically.
Oh boy, that I’m sure would go so well for all involved. In the middle, you say? Alright, let’s do this thing. For my sanity I’m going to pretend this taking place in an up to date version of “Lily and the Art of Being Sisyphus” as of chapter 7-whatever we’re on right now.
So, there’s a couple of different ways that Lily can arrive. There’s a few obvious ones that stick out to me.
First, it just somehow happens. Reality’s falling apart in Lily’s own dimension and two seconds away from collapse. Rabbit’s floating around as these things called dementors, eating Umbridge, speaking English all the time, shit’s going down. It’s not all that out of the realm of possibility that Lily accidentally falls into a wormhole which deposits her in canon land.
Second, someone summons Lily. Now, this could either be team good (hooray) or team bad (boo hiss). Lily, being a being of unspeakable power but fairly neutral alignment, could easily be summoned by both. That said, I’m not really sure who to blame the summoning on.
The obvious choice is Harry, because Harry is stupid enough to summon a god to the mortal realm to slay Voldemort and Hermione’s smart enough to figure out how to do that for him. Go omnipotent creature, kill that evil snake man! However, we’re inserting Lily into canon directly, which means no short cuts of Harry having the dumbest idea he’s never had. Otherwise it’s not so much that the Order’s smart enough to know this is a bad idea but that such an idea would never actually occur to them. It says a lot that Dumbledore only ever gives tasks of any importance to Snape, the Order is kind of just... Harry’s glorified babysitters and taxi service.
So Harry and or the Order isn’t summoning Lily to solve all their problems for them. Good on them, smart choice.
Now, what about the Death Eaters and Voldemort?
With the Death Eaters we have a similar problem as the Order. Such an idea would never occur to them or if it would then they’re smart enough to say “NOOOOOOOOOO”. That said, if it ever did, oh Bellatrix would be so down. But only if the being worshipped at the altar of Voldemort’s wonderful... Voldemortness. Whatever it is she sees in him. 
Voldemort it depends where you lean on his characterization. We don’t actually see that much of him in canon, barely even hear from him, and we mostly hear about him from a variety of dubious sources (either people who have no idea what they’re even talking about or else Dumbledore who tells Harry this information while actively grooming Harry to kill himself). I’ve seen people characterize canon Voldemort as having once been brilliant but currently mad, as being mad and yet also brilliant despite his many failures, as not mad at all and his schemes are just so intelligent, so brilliant, that none of us can follow them and they all seem to end in failure, and there’s always what I think which we won’t discuss because I look bonkers enough on the internet.
Insane Voldemort might think it’s a great idea to summon some unknown god to stomp all over his enemies. I’m not exactly partial to cookoo bannanas Voldemort but honestly, it’s either him, Lily stumbling through a wormhole, or random kids chanting Bloody Mary in a mirror three times and out comes Lily.
Right, I wasted a lot of paragraphs on that.
Anyways, in the greatest scheme known to man, while Lucius is trying and failing to get that prophecy, Voldemort unearths some ancient text to summon an unknown god. A power that is unknown to mankind. So, I imagine Lily is summoned into canon much like that scene in Ghostbusters where the Sumerian god descends from the heavens. Glowing gate out of nothingness, fog machines, maybe a little less glitter and spandex, and instead Lily having no idea what the hell is even happening.
Lily, realizes she’s in deep shit as she notices Bellatrix prostrated on the ground in worship (of Voldemort of course, not Lily, Lily is just a deity and is nothing compared to the magnificence of the dark lord) as well as the various other Death Eaters all either looking terrified or in mindless awe of their lord’s amazing power. Lily feels like she’s entered Twin Peaks as she eventually is able to put together that the lisping snake man is supposed to be Wizard Lenin/Tom Riddle.  Lily and Voldemort probably have tea or something, but as he’s crazy bananas in this version per my own convenience and he looks like something that eats children, it doesn’t go well and Lily gets increasingly weirded out and convinced she’s in some sort of parallel hell reality that comes about when Rabbit eats the entire goddamn universe. So much like someone in a surreal horror movie, Lily flees into the night and goes to Hogwarts to see what madness is there. At first, she’s confused, as Hogwarts looks... mostly Hogwartsy. There are some differences. Umbridge is still alive and apparently torturing all the children as opposed to just Lily. The dementors are gone and apparently Black has now been on the run for years. Default doesn’t exist, instead Hermione Granger is still happily in Gryffindor with Luna Lovegood sorted into Ravenclaw. The biggest marker that everything has changed is that Ellie Potter appears to have been replaced by Harry Potter: A boy who looks oddly like Uncle Death. Now, Lily knows that Death is an alternate reality’s version of her, but this guy doesn’t act anything like him or sound anything like him. Not even a much younger, amnesiac, version. Death... plays quidditch. What is this? Lily tries to return home but is blocked, realizing this means that the Rabbit explanation is more likely, and in Hogwarts decides to see if she can resurrect something of the world she knows out of this monstrosity or at least see where Wizard Lenin ended up. Rabbit, missing in action, should certainly be hunted down.
Lily decides that her best bet is to tail this Harry Potter, who might be the result of whatever happens when Ellie Potter (the persona) is digested. So, Lily cons her way into being a student, joins Gryffindor, and tries and fails to get into Harry’s friend group. First, though she’s older than the thirteen-year-old she’s pretending to be in her original story thanks to time travel, she doesn’t look fifteen yet either. Second, no one just injects themselves into the Golden Trio.
Still, Lily tries and while Ron thinks she’s damn weird and Hermione finds her suspicious, Lily earns herself a billion bonus points by figuring out that all she has to say is, “Oh gee, Harry, I believe you that this bloke named Cedric Diggory was murdered and Voldemort is back from the dead. It’s so awful the Prophet is calling you a liar now have you happened to see a fellow with white hair, black eyes, might be a rabbit? No? Well, do let me know when you do, because he’s late for a very important date.”
Unfortunately, even being close to Harry, there’s no sign of Rabbit but Lily starts getting pulled into Harry’s woes. She hears about his detention with Umbridge (laughs awkwardly as she remembers what happened to Umbridge in her world), hears about quidditch being cancelled (Lily could care less but pretends to be sympathetic, yes Rabbit-eaten Ellie, it is awful that quidditch is cancelled), hears about Dumbledore ghosting Harry (Lily unimpressed as this is what Dumbledore does), and hears about Voldemort’s mysterious actions of mystery involving glowing orbs.
Lily drops that she doesn’t exactly think Lord Voldemort’s a man with a plan here but that’s not what the gang wants to hear so reluctantly, and unprompted, Lily promises to look into it. 
In the meantime Lily attends one DA session, turns it into horrifying dodgeball where the children are traumatized forever (because the patronus, Harry, really? That the grand self defense method against dark wizards we’re going to teach these people. No, no, we have to teach ‘duck or die’. You duck, or you die!) and is politely kicked out by Hermione who reminds Harry that he’s the one who should be teaching self defense and not terrifying transfer students who appear out of nowhere.
So Lily goes to fetch the prophecy instead. Having bullshit abilities and being secretly Harry Potter, in a way, herself she’s able to collect it and hears the thing. She remembers hearing this from her own dimension but decides to give it some more thought, then some more thought, then even more thought. She probably spends half a day trying to decide if this means Lily is secretly a zombie or Harry is the manifestation of her being secretly a zombie because ‘neither can live while the other survives’. Like all of us, Lily eventually decides prophecies are stupid, heads back home, and delivers the thing to Harry who is even less able to understand it than she is. Lily tells him that it probably means he’s a zombie, congratulations buddy, glad that’s been working out for you.
Meanwhile, as Lucius no doubt flips shit that the prophecy is simply gone, Voldemort starts taking action. He sends “I know where you live” letters to Lily at Hogwarts which promise doom and destruction and even more doom. Lily finds the idea of doom squared alarming. So, Lily decides to do what she does best, she sics one Tom Riddle on another Tom Riddle. What could go wrong? Lily asks Harry if he’s ever seen a diary with the name “Tom M. Riddle” on the inside cover. Harry flips shit and Lily has to talk fast to get him out of believing she’s the devil. When he tells her that Trotsky was murdered in perhaps the most hilarious manner possible in this world (a very true Rabbity end for him) she nearly gives up when impossibly she catches another hint of Tom Riddle in the air. She follows it to the source, the old Default Common room, and finds a very pretty tiara that Tom Riddle stuffed himself into.
Lily wakes him up in a very jarring manner, tells him that the other Tom Riddle is out there being Voldemort while he’s stuck here in a sad little crown, and tells him that it’s clearly his right to go beat the shit out of Voldemort to take what’s his and never bother Lily again. Tom is very, very, very confused. Instead of doing that he decides he’s going to stick around Hogwarts. That was not in Lily’s plan.
Forced, to hide his identity, Lily introduces him with the good old Albanian refugee trick. Only, without the excuse of A.L.F or Quirrell getting mauled by vampires that just sounds weirder than usual. Lily then backtracks and announces that Voldemort burned down his rural Welsh village (That’s right Umbridge, Voldemort is alive and burning down villages! I will take that detention, thank you!) Mot Elddir here is a true hero for surviving such an awful event and should be placed in Gryffindor now.
Harry is dumb enough though that meeting Tom Riddle face to face, even with blonde hair, Harry can’t quite recognize him though there’s something familiar with this chap. Dumbledore is not that stupid and starts gagging in horror at the staff table and has his suspicions of this Lily girl being a Death Eater/Voldemort himself confirmed. Dumbledore confronts Lily, Lily plays hilariously dumb, “What Death Eaters, people who eat death? Never heard of it, sounds contagious.” Dumbledore confronts Mot Elddir who just finds this all hilarious and has decided that Lily is his new favorite thing that he’s kidnapping as soon as he discovers what he wants to do with his life. He tells Dumbledore this is the best thing since Christmas, and yes he has many many evil schemes involving all the children (he has none).  Voldemort instructs Snape to poison Lily, and while Snape feels a pang of conscience at murdering children, Dumbledore gives the go ahead in that they’ll send Lily to the hospital wing where perhaps they can then give her veritiserum and get some answers about what the hell Voldemort is up to. Well, Lily gets poisoned and realizes that she has so many enemies now that she honestly can’t tell if it’s Dumbledore (who is her enemy for her having blatantly released Tom Riddle) or Voldemort (who is her enemy because... she’s not actually sure why for that just that she maybe didn’t burn down London). Being Lily, she doesn’t die or is sent to the hospital wing, and just kills herself to wash the poison out. Snape is horrified and astounded that the girl appears perfectly fine. He’s even more horrified as he hears news of what he missed out on while at Hogwarts, Voldemort summoned some great power into this world and rumor has it that it’s loose at Hogwarts.
Lily talks to her newest Tom friend and tells him that if he’s going to stick around he should help her find out who just murdered her and all that. She doesn’t like being murdered, while dying’s alright, somehow being murdered makes it all that much more unpleasant. New Tom is not very sympathetic and notes that he’s here for his entertainment, not preventing her from being murdered. He just spent the past several decades as a crown, give him a break.
Dumbledore decides that time’s up, time to put Harry to the test. Unfortunately, Harry takes this as a moment to go “Welly well well, look who finally has time for Harry Potter? Finally has time to tell him a prophecy HE COULD HAVE TOLD HIM ABOUT YEARS AGO!” So, Harry destroys his office. After Harry has his Tommy Wiseau temper tantrum (I can’t imagine it any other way), Dumbledore tries to tell Harry that his new friend (who was so kind to fetch him that prophecy, impossibly, from the department of mysteries) is likely some eldritch abomination summoned by Voldemort from another world. Harry alone can defeat her.
Harry at first is angry and disbelieving. Dumbledore notes that Harry must have noticed that dear Mot is really just Tom Riddle going blonde. Harry is speechless, but it’s all true, and he desperately points out that Tom could have done something to Lily. Dumbledore notes that Lily was weird before Tom showed up, hasn’t Harry wondered why Lily doesn’t ever seem to need a wand? Ever? 
Harry is horrified and leaves in a daze. On returning to Gryffindor he confronts Lily and asks her some of what Dumbledore asks him. Lily badly tries to pretend she had no idea Mot was evil incarnate, “Tom Riddle? What? No. No! There’s no way that Dear Mot could possibly be Tom” but has no excuses for why she’s so unbelievably talented. Lily decides to just go for it and explains to Harry that this world isn’t even real, it’s a cheap reflection of what reality used to be, that an extradimensional creature other than her has devoured them all and this thing is the result. Lily’s not sure she can fix it, but she can at least try to find the thing that did this to them.
This is enough confirmation for Harry and, fueled by betrayal, he demands a duel with her. Lily notes she doesn’t want to duel but Harry insists. Rather than do it, she runs away, grabs Tom and notes they’re leaving Hogwarts now. Only, outside of Hogwarts protection, she and Tom are easily tracked down and picked up by Death Eaters.
Tom is vaguely embarrassed by the whole get up, as Lily points out how and why it’s ridiculous, while Voldemort probably circles the pair of them and gives some very menacing lisping speech of evil. Lily points out that this is not her fault, Voldemort’s just weird and Lily kind of likes London, she feels no need to stomp on it. 
Before Lily’s forced to kill Voldemort, Rabbit finally shows up, notes that Lily’s the one who’s late, and pulls her into a wormhole. 
The other Tom Riddle is left behind in dumb horror, realizing as the seconds tick by, that apparently Lily is not coming back for him.
The end.
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tasteslikemolecules · 3 years
12, 16, 21!
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Besides BMOL and The Darkness I'm not sure which arcs aren't popular. On a theoretical level I like all the major arcs, but sometimes the execution was horrible. I really liked Mary working with the BMOL and I liked the idea that there was a way to be a hunter that was smarter and more organised - and I loved that Sam saw these advantages and was opening up to working with them despite having been tortured by them. I liked it as a Sam/Dean conflict, and there was potential there. I just wish they didn't paint the BMOL like such obvious villians and killed off the one redeemable character. I really hate how SPN portrays non-US culture, but most of the time it's just in the margins and easier to ignore. But the over the top charicature of English (sorry, "British") and by extension European hunter culture was just so lazy and there was so much of it - God, that dumb Hogwartsy school! I get that some of that was tongue in cheek, but the complete dismissal of a better way of hunting just because the organisation itself was horrid? That's very in line with other narrative choices, but it's such a shitty world view. The personal is always more important than the greater good. It's fine if Sam and Dean think like that, but the show endorsing it without any awareness is infuriating. Oh wait, this was supposed to be about arcs I do like....
I liked the Metratron arc, and I never understood the hate for him. He's one of the better villians the show had. And apparently there's people who don't like the Gadreel story line for, you know, being horrifying, but that's clearly what makes it so amazing! And I mentioned the Amelia storyline before. I've grown from liking to loving it. I like that Sam gave normal life another shot, and the way it was taken from him yet again. I love the Amelia/Benny parallels so much, and how it culminated into the trials, and how that lead to Gadreel. I think it's the most cohesive and well thought out a two season arc ever felt to me.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? I'd like it to be more cohesive. I'd like it to finish the stories it starts and not drop them half way. Don't chicken out all the time when it gets juicy and emotional. Lean into the abusiveness and toxicness of Sam's and Dean's relationship more. Show the horror of everything more clearly (yes to HBO SPN in a narritive sense.) Let Dean kill when he so clearly wants to. Also: More Sam. Sam. Sam.
Most of all, I wish there had been better writers for the later seasons. Going from shitty to good episodes and back again is a rollercoaster I don't enjoy.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships? I don't really have strong feelings about them, but I enjoyed Carfuckerweek and I find Kermit/Sam intriguing. I think a good crack ship can reveal something interesting about the characters. On the other hand, I've seen people refer to Sastiel as a crack ship so I'm a little wary of the term.
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sothischickshe · 3 years
I’m on a reading kick. Do you have any novels or short story collections you’d recommend?
!!!!!! omg yes i deffo do, ty for asking!
my major problem is that i give basically all my books away haha so im sure ive forgotten a lot of what i liked but anyhoooo!!!
short stories
daphne du maurier: ive read several of her short story collections & they were all great! don’t think you can go wrong whatever you pick
kelly link - pretty monsters
philip k dick: i read a 5 volume set of all (or most? idk) his short stories in chronological order & no regrets! don’t think you can go wrong whatever you pick
alice munro - runaway
nadine gordimer - the soft voice of the serpent
neil gaiman - smoke and mirrors (i find his short story collections to be a bit of a mixed bag cos im not into like sestinas or lovecraft ff, but there’s also always some gems!)
angela carter - the bloody chamber
roald dahl: ive read a few of his short story collections (for adults, though tbf i remember revolting rhymes being a lot of fun too) and they were great! assume you can’t go wrong whatever you pick
dh lawrence - st mawr (i think this is technically a novella, you might only be able to find it in a collection...? it’s really fucking good though)
william morris - news from nowhere (or, an epoch of rest: being some chapters from a utopian romance...yes this is essentially socialist propaganda, and wot?)
aldous huxley - the island (60s huxley!!)
david mitchell - ghostwritten (first novel, structurally pretty similar to cloud atlas but i think this is probs both better AND a better intro, especially cos it’s kinda worth reading his bks in chronological order bc they’re loosely connected & that pays off later)
sarah waters - fingersmith (the novel the handmaiden is based on; set in victorian britain)
cs lewis - the screwtape letters (epistolary demon pov)
jane austen - lady susan (epistolary novel, extremely fun villain)
jasper fforde - the eyre affair (first in a series, super meta, welcome to literary crime!)
kurt vonnegut - cat’s cradle
jd salinger - franny and zooey (probably a novella? the sequel novellas & short stories are also excellent)
daniel defoe (?) - moll flanders (published 1722 but it feeeeels way more modern than, say, dickens)
lev grossman - the magicians (first in a series, sort of a realistic hogwartsy universe, with in-universe narnia-esque books but with clocks....im not explaining this well but it’s sooo good)
franz kafka - the castle (unfinished but still)
richard matheson - I am legend (will make you hate the film though, if you don’t already)
umberto eco - foucault's pendulum
robin sloane - mr penumbra's 24-hour bookstore
g willow wilson - alif the unseen
xiaolu guo - a concise chinese-english dictionary for lovers
milan kundera - the joke
diana wynne jones - howl's moving castle (an american made me read this, so i assume the joke lands with a non-british audience, haha)
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cafeacademia · 3 years
🏠 of neville please!! my fav color is purple and i’m in slytherin. i don’t have a particular vision, just make it look pretty please!! thank u & happy birthday!!
Hi lovely! Thank you so much! I hope you like what I came up with, I included a version with and without a border since I wasn't sure which you might prefer more! I decided to keep it all in a purple theme with lots of Hogwartsy and Neville related images 💖 thank you for requesting!!
The images used can be found on this pinboard
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Also I hope you don't mind me tagging you, Tumblr is being such a pain today and I don't trust it 😅 @ckaries
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fanonical · 5 years
Door 3 of the LEGO Harry Potter advent calendar
today we are opening the third door!
i was surprised this morning after taking a look at the build — a christmas tree — i thought it was a bit small, and perhaps a part 1 of a bigger build, but after building it i realised i was mistaken —
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it’s small because there are TWO of them! i think that they’re very cute, if a bit simplistic. that being said, they certainly have that Hogwartsy magical property to them that makes them feel lifted right out of the story as opposed to a generic Christmas tree, and i can’t remember seeing a build quite like this in previous LEGO advent calendars.
so far, this calendar is keeping me on my toes in ways i didn’t expect; i have previously thought the calendars were a bit samey and repetitive but in just three days i have been proven wrong over and over again.
however, this is a little bit of a step down from a miniature Hogwarts express — not that i can expect something so good every day! all in all, today was a nice surprise, even if building it twice was a little repetitive.
here’s a photo of all the builds so far together:
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as you can see, even though the train doesn’t really fit the proportions (being far too small for a scale train, and somewhat too big for a scale toy train), the pieces fit quite nicely together and the theme feels consistent even though the colours are all wildly different — i like how the cold blues of Harry’s sweater compliment the bright red of the train and the earthy green of the trees. perhaps the team who made the calendar asked a tiny plastic Madam Malkin for tips.
what do you guys think of today’s build? let me know!
stay tuned for Door 4 tomorrow
door 1 / door 2
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lemonsherbett · 3 years
Gezmek istediğin 3 ülke neresi ve neden gezmek istiyorsun?
Fransa - sebebini tam bilmiyorum özellikle Paris hayali bir kent gibi sanki
İngiltere - edinburgh kalesi özellikle . jk rowling hogwartsi kendi kafasında yaratırken ordan esinlenmiş
Arnavutluk - dedemin ailesi ordan göçmüşler benim bir bağlantım var sayılmaz ama lafı geçiyor genelde ve merak ediyorum
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marewriteblr · 4 years
a human uni student who hides albums of pictures of themselves dressed in old clothing through the centuries as though they were some kind of immortal is suddenly confronted by their best friend, who appears to have found the album in their desk, as he excitedly tells them that he knows their secret, he knows they're a vampire, it all makes sense now, and he's so happy about it because now they can both attend that famous academy for the supernatural since he, apparently, is one of them, and they're absolutely speechless because oh god what have they gotten themselves into, all they wanted was for people to see something strange and ominous in them like some immortal nature spirit wandering the earth but now they have to pretend to be a vampire to everyone at this weird hogwartsy boarding school while all they want to do is go out in the sun again and not hide from every mirror in sight and god are coffins uncomfortable at least i can drink grape juice and say it's rat blood
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grayingskies · 5 years
education in the circle
Something interesting I’ve noticed in my latest play through of the Magi Origin is that a lot of dialogue around the tower uses the phrases “your mentor” or “my mentor” (and only once, “your mentors”). It seems that education in the Circle functions like an actual historical apprenticeship, in which a young person learned a trade from an expert, rather than my Hogwartsy notions of scheduled classes and multiple teachers.
In the origin, you get to listen in on a few lessons, two of which feature adult apprentices, both being taught actual spells one-on-one. The other features a single mage giving a lesson to three children about the Chantry’s teachings on magic. A presumably cut conversation in the toolset, which I could not get to fire, states that apprentices are only allowed to practice spells after they are older and have learned magical theory.
So I’d guess, as children, apprentices are taught in groups, typically Chantry teachings and basic magical theory; and as adolescents, they’re assigned a mentor who teaches them one-on-one and begin to practice actual spells.
So who is Amell/Surana’s mentor? While it’s never explicitly stated, I like to think First Enchanter Irving is. He gives the Warden so much advice before the Harrowing, the Knight-Commander cuts him off; another mage tells the Warden “Irving must be very proud of you” after they complete the Harrowing; and Duncan mentions multiple times that the Warden was taught by Irving in conversation (though Irving refers to Jowan as “my apprentice” in much the same way; either could be saying that Jowan/Amell/Surana is simply a student of the Circle).
Other tidbits:
The apprentices sleep in separate girls and boys’ dormitories.
The Warden starts out with the skill combat training, one of the practices you watch in the origin is a combat spell (the practicing apprentice is terrified), and older mages are called to the king’s army, implying that some degree of combat training is either required of or encouraged.
Mages are promoted to enchanters when the First Enchanter decides they are ready to mentor to apprentices.
Mages and apprentices are permitted to walk the grounds around Kinloch Hold, though they are not free to do so at any time.
Apprentices are the most numerous group around the tower.
The Harrowing takes a heavy toll on a mage and most need at least a week of rest afterward. One mage mentions he threw up for a week after.
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