#with a daily 3+ hr commute so i was just eating books hahah
sothischickshe · 3 years
I’m on a reading kick. Do you have any novels or short story collections you’d recommend?
!!!!!! omg yes i deffo do, ty for asking!
my major problem is that i give basically all my books away haha so im sure ive forgotten a lot of what i liked but anyhoooo!!!
short stories
daphne du maurier: ive read several of her short story collections & they were all great! don’t think you can go wrong whatever you pick
kelly link - pretty monsters
philip k dick: i read a 5 volume set of all (or most? idk) his short stories in chronological order & no regrets! don’t think you can go wrong whatever you pick
alice munro - runaway
nadine gordimer - the soft voice of the serpent
neil gaiman - smoke and mirrors (i find his short story collections to be a bit of a mixed bag cos im not into like sestinas or lovecraft ff, but there’s also always some gems!)
angela carter - the bloody chamber
roald dahl: ive read a few of his short story collections (for adults, though tbf i remember revolting rhymes being a lot of fun too) and they were great! assume you can’t go wrong whatever you pick
dh lawrence - st mawr (i think this is technically a novella, you might only be able to find it in a collection...? it’s really fucking good though)
william morris - news from nowhere (or, an epoch of rest: being some chapters from a utopian romance...yes this is essentially socialist propaganda, and wot?)
aldous huxley - the island (60s huxley!!)
david mitchell - ghostwritten (first novel, structurally pretty similar to cloud atlas but i think this is probs both better AND a better intro, especially cos it’s kinda worth reading his bks in chronological order bc they’re loosely connected & that pays off later)
sarah waters - fingersmith (the novel the handmaiden is based on; set in victorian britain)
cs lewis - the screwtape letters (epistolary demon pov)
jane austen - lady susan (epistolary novel, extremely fun villain)
jasper fforde - the eyre affair (first in a series, super meta, welcome to literary crime!)
kurt vonnegut - cat’s cradle
jd salinger - franny and zooey (probably a novella? the sequel novellas & short stories are also excellent)
daniel defoe (?) - moll flanders (published 1722 but it feeeeels way more modern than, say, dickens)
lev grossman - the magicians (first in a series, sort of a realistic hogwartsy universe, with in-universe narnia-esque books but with clocks....im not explaining this well but it’s sooo good)
franz kafka - the castle (unfinished but still)
richard matheson - I am legend (will make you hate the film though, if you don’t already)
umberto eco - foucault's pendulum
robin sloane - mr penumbra's 24-hour bookstore
g willow wilson - alif the unseen
xiaolu guo - a concise chinese-english dictionary for lovers
milan kundera - the joke
diana wynne jones - howl's moving castle (an american made me read this, so i assume the joke lands with a non-british audience, haha)
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