#hogwarts sortings
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shootingstardraw · 10 months ago
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Jake and Ashley Disventure Camp Hogwarts AU! (Part. 3)
JAKE (Gryffindor)
Blood status: He doesn't know exactly.
Favourite class: Potions and divination
Worst class: He could improve in defence against dark Magic.
He spends most of his time with Ashley, either helping Miriam brew potions.
Extra Facts:
Has an ExBoyfriend (didn't end well)
He witnessed when Tom almost destroyed the classroom trying to "brew a potion".
He has a BIG crush in Tom.
ASHLEY (Gryffindor)
Blood Status: "Pure"-Blood
Favourite class: Care of magical creatures, Defence against dark Magic, Flying class.
Worst class: She can improve a bit in potions.
She's the favourite candidate to be the Head girl of her generation.
She and Tom are the best at the duelling club.
Her family rears abraxans
She isn't scare to fly in a simple broom.
Gryffindor Quiditch captain! (Jake goes to her practice to support her)
Wants to take Jake and her Boyfriend Will to her farm for christmas holidays.
Extra fact:
Her boyfriend Will knitted her that hat with their house's colors as a gift to Ashley.
Part. 1 (TOM and AIDEN)
Part. 2 (JAMES)
Next part. HUNTER
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basiatlu · 5 months ago
Drawtober Day 1: Hat
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“It’s all right here, inside your head..”
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myokk · 2 months ago
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traceyc-uk · 2 months ago
I wonder! How's NFY good at dancing? Would he dance at the Yule Ball or just stand aside eating and drinking? 🤭🌸
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Formal ball dancing: not so much, ceilidh dancing: absolutely! It wouldn’t be a dance without one 🥓
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ravenbronze · 3 months ago
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Yule Ball
A little montage of the trio getting ready for the ball ❄️💃
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anomalyaly · 2 months ago
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lilithofpenandbook · 5 months ago
Sometimes Severus comes up to Minerva. Right up behind her when she's busy. He'll stand there for a good minute as she works on marking assignments and cursing the boy's youthful energy and brilliant eyes- both of which directly responsible for his finishing his work in half the time it takes her.
"What is it, Severus?" Minerva sighs. Might as well get the obligatory nonsense over and done with, she was due a dose of Severus's antics by now (Merlin forbid he go more than three days without bothering her with nonsensical questions or infuriating wit).
"Am I ugly, Minerva?" he asked. Never there was a being with such innocence in their voice.
Minerva took a moment to take in a breath and silently call on all her patience and all her strength. "Yes, very." Her tone was blunter than the knives used to decorate at Halloween- an incident with some particularly idiotic third years had them ban anything sharper than the corners of a book during the Halloween celebrations.
Severus gasped as if stabbed. "What? Minerva, I thought we were friends!"
Minerva snorted. "Any time we interact, it's completely against my will."
"Minerva! you lie so shamelessly it shocks me." Severus made as if to swoon, a hand clutching the right of his chest.
"You must be shocked; your heart isn't where it should be."
Honestly, Minerva had to admire the fact that the insolent little kitten did not falter in his dramatics with her pointing out the key flaw in his act. If anything, he seemed to be encouraged.
"Ay! The pain of the shock, it has spread throughout my chest! Ah, I cannot breathe!" Severus swayed on his feet, leaning against the chair that Minerva was sitting in. "Oh, how your lie shocks me!"
"Well, then, you had better tell me what exactly I lied about," Minerva said briskly, "before you gasp all the air out of your skinny little lungs, laddie."
"You said," the boy said, a sudden glint in his eye and none of the apparent weakness, standing to face her and one of those long, delicate fingers pointed straight at her, "you said, that our interactions are without your will."
"That is no lie, what part of this looks like it's my will?" Minerva replied, knowing full well she wasn't going to appreciate the cheeky answer Severus had prepared for her.
"Why, the part where you remain for my company, mother," Severus replied, his voice light. "Surely, if you didn't want this, you would have, in your infinite wisdom, simply have employed your great power and assumed your famous feline form and just walked away from me."
Minerva fought her smile. His cheek was infuriating while his logic impeccable. "Perhaps I am simply conversing my energy, you arrogant wee rascal."
"You? Too lazy to avoid a nuisance?" Severus scoffed. "Minerva, you wound me. Don't you know how I know you? You've done much more to avoid the mildest of annoyances, do you truly think I believe that you are here against your will merely to converse your energy?"
Minerva let him see the flicker of a smile disgusted as a smirk, letting the bothersome raven have a little treat for his cleverness, hinting to him that he had essentially won this particular argument. "At my age you no longer have the patience to waste on annoyances. You learn to value your peace. You will understand that some day, I hope, little one."
"And if I die, my hair still black and my skin still smooth?"
Merlin, did the child have a turn towards the morbid. Minerva ignored the voice in her that told her that this would have been a retort of her own had she been in a similar conversation.
"Then you'll die a fool."
"A fool, perhaps, but my funeral will be the biggest," he replied, moving to sit on her desk and grabbing the biscuit jar. Minerva intercepted, lifting it from his grip and replacing it with a towel. His protests died in his confusion at the towel, and Minerva huffed and began to wipe his hands as if he was a child. She did not trust him to correctly clean his hands after handling goodness knows what when experimenting with his potions and she didn't care if he knew it.
"Aye, and how did you figure that?" she asked.
"Surely if I die young, I shall be the first. Therefore you all will be part of the funeral-"
"What makes you think I would want to attend your funeral, you little rascal?" She let go of his hands, almost satisfied that they weren't contaminated.
Severus ignored her and instead took a biscuit from the jar. "You will all be there, therefore I will have the biggest funeral. If I die old, you all shall be gone, so my funeral will be the smallest."
Minerva tried not to think of how depressing that sounded, how lonely it seemed. For a brief moment she felt guilty for being so old and he so young. She involuntarily could see him in her mind's eye, going through their funerals until he stood alone. She and the others- Rolanda, Pomona, Poppy, even Fillus and Hagrid- they were all of an age, weren't they? They could expect their lives to reach the end around the same time, surely? Severus was but a child next to them, he'd stand alone one day.
Minerva tried to ignore the ache in her chest at the thought of him standing alone. Merlin, no. He was far too young. No.
"You truly are besotted with the morbid and the miserable, you melanchonic masochist," she said, her tone just a trifle too sharp to be a simple retort.
Severus paused, swallowing the biscuit. Then he answered. "Ah, but the morbid is much more fascinating, the forbidden has a certain thrill, dear mother." His voice was a little softer, and his fingers, slightly coated in crumbs, were gentle when he tapped her forehead. He was sorry he upset her.
"You and your thrills," Minerva scolded, "yet you cannot even eat a biscuit without making a mess of yourself." Yet even as she spoke, the hand that she used to swipe the crumbs away, was gentle, almost tender, in its movement. She had quite forgiven him.
How could she remain angry? At this boy who looked at her with a scowl of indignation yet whose deep, dark eyes twinkled with mischief and cleverness and brilliance, who stood taller than her, yes, yet was far more delicate in his build than she had ever been, whose hair was as dark as hers had been in her youth, carelessly falling across his forehead. No, she could not remain angry.
If only he had been in Gryffindor, perhaps then she would have noticed him sooner. Or rather, if only her eyes didn't only open for her Gryffindors. How this boy could ever look at her without resentment and anger, she didn't know. Then again, he had been so incredibly isolated and lonely, was it any wonder he let go of his rightful grudges and instead accepted her friendship?
Minerva blinked as if soot from the fireplace got in her eyes. She didn't want him to notice the tears that almost inevitably formed whenever she thought about him. Who would have thought that she'd cry so much for the little devil?
"I'll leave you to your work, dear mother," Severus said cheerfully, hopping off her desk.
"Aye, after you've cleared out my biscuit jar, you villain" Minerva grumbled, looking into the empty jar. Severus shrugged.
"You ought to see it as a compliment towards your taste, really," Severus said. "But I see I have taken the last of your patience"- for indeed, Minerva looked ready to strangle him- "so I shall take my leave. Good night, my good Headmistress, and may you have peace in the silver embrace of the moon!"
And with a laughing twinkle in his eye and a boyish bow, Severus Snape left the room.
Minerva sighed. She wasn't sure if it was out of relief, or because she may have felt some sorrow at his departure.
The door opened again, and a rather meek Severus poked his head in.
"Er, Minerva?" he asked.
"Yes, Severus?"
"Er." Severus stepped in, looking away from her, walking with the awkward gait of a newborn foal, and the nervousness of a deer. "Er, Minerva?"
"Yes, Severus?"
"Am I really ugly, mother?" His voice was a whisper. His raven hair curtained his face, hiding his shame at asking such a pathetic question, and his fingers picked at one of the cuticles of a nail.
Minerva smiled, and walked to him. Softly she brushed the boy's hair out of his face and gently tucked it behind his ear.
"Only as long as you let yourself believe it, dear heart."
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corkinavoid · 1 month ago
DPxDC Hogwarts AU [pt.7]
"Fenton, Daniel!"
Tim freezes in his seat. His stomach sinks down what feels like all the way to his toes, and it takes an incredible amount of effort to turn his head towards the High Table, where Deputy Headmistress is holding the Sorting Hat, ready for the next first-year to approach her.
The Great Hall is solemnly quiet - as much as it can be, when there's over a hundred people in here, all eager for a chance to catch up after the summer break. Tim hated it when it was his turn to go up and be the center of attention. All those whispers, and muffled snickers, and studying gazes on him, it's like they made his skin itch.
Danny, on a stark contrast, seems to be completely at ease with that, though. He walks up to the front and climbs on the wooden stool with little grace, but he is smiling. He even winks at someone at the Gryffindor table, getting a few chuckles from all around the Hall for his cheeky behavior.
Tim can't take his eyes off him.
He is taller now, which is unsurprising given that it's been more than two years since they've last seen each other. His hair is short, even if it's still a mess on top of his head. But, what's more, he looks.... less round, if that makes sense. His chin is sharper than before, kind of like Mr. Masters'. And the black, unmarked yet robes of the school uniform hang from his shoulders like he's a coat rack and not a human.
The stern woman that greeted them all at the entrance - Professor McGonagall, as she introduced herself - carefully drops the Hat over Danny's head. It tips down, covering the boy's eyes, and-
Tim slowly releases a breath he didn't know he was holding.
It doesn't help the tight, suffocating knot of guilt in his stomach, but at least he is breathing again, so that's good.
How do you forget about a whole ass person?! Because that's exactly what Tim did, he forgot, like Danny's entire existence completely slipped his mind. Which is absolutely mad, and Tim really, really wants to run up and apologize, even if he is not sure what exactly for.
On a second thought, he thinks he knows how, to be honest.
Breaking his leg a week after his ninth birthday, as it turned out, also broke his whole life into 'before' and 'after', and the 'after' was a thousand times more interesting than 'before'. Wayne manor was nothing like his home, no empty halls and cold white curtains, no silence filling his life, no boring, identical days spent in the library. Instead, there was a kitchen where Alfred - who refused to be addressed as Mr. Pennyworth quite insistently - kept bickering with the house elves, and the polished dark railings of the grand staircase that were very fun to slide down, and racing Dick through the hallways, or, sometimes, flying with him above the manor grounds. There was Jason, who read books just for the fun of it and not because he wanted to learn something useful specifically - makes sense for him to be a Ravenclaw - and Bruce, who pouted like a kid every time Tim called him Mr. Wayne, and the portraits of Wayne ancestors who all had an opinion on everything, and three owls, and a secret passageway in the drawing room, and a grumpy ghost in the attic, and Ace, and-
Just everything 'after' was loads better than 'before'.
Which doesn't really excuse Tim from forgetting a person. If anything, it kind of makes him feel even more guilty. Because Danny, even if he was from 'before', was still amazing, and Tim should have... done something. He is not sure what, but definitely not just forget about him.
There are whispers breaking out in the Hall now, Tim notices. It's been almost a minute already, and the Sorting Hat still has not announced a House for Danny, instead grimacing and scrunching its wrinkled face. Which is not that odd if Professor McGonagall's calm face is to prove it, but it hasn't taken its time with anyone else yet.
Someone nudges Tim with an elbow from his left, and when he turns, there's a bulky boy with a crooked, unpleasantly toothy smile, looking at him.
"Your friend?" He asks, and it takes Tim a moment to actually think about the answer. Is he?..
However, before he gets to come to any answer at all, the Hat finally speaks, "HUFFLEPUFF!" And Tim promptly shuts his mouth. No matter his personal opinion on Danny, it's considered uncouth for a Slytherin to be friends with a Hufflepuff. A Ravenclaw friend is acceptable, but the only thing worse than a badger is a lion.
So, at least for now, Tim gives the only answer that is expected of him. Meaning, he winces and huffs, "I'd rather eat a slug," and turns away to watch the table full of black and yellow and laughs and smiles cheer for their new arrival as Deputy Headmistress calls for one Foley, Tucker.
He is still the Heir to Drake family, meaning that even as a first-year in Hogwarts, he needs to keep up with his reputation. Besides, to be fair, he is not even sure if his answer would have been 'yes'. Or if it could have been 'yes' because, in order to figure that out, he'd need to talk to Danny first, and that's-
Maybe he should think about it later.
Tucker Foley gets to join the Ravenclaw table, and then there are Valerie Gray, Angelina Johnson and Lee Jordan all going into Gryffindor in a row, which is met with roaring applause that gets louder and louder with every new arrival. It kind of makes Tim's head hurt a little.
But, just as he is about to turn back around - it can't hurt to get to know his housemates as soon as possible - he catches a glimpse of another familiar face and stops short.
She is not wearing pink anymore, and, just like Danny, her face looks a lot sharper now, but he would recognize that violently violet glare anywhere.
"Manson, Samantha," Sure enough, Professor McGonagall calls next, and the Hat takes less than a split second on her head to pronounce her a Slytherin. Tim's housemates clap and cheer their welcome, but Sam's gaze is all but zeroed on Tim for the whole time, and it kind of makes him want to shrink down and hide under the table.
"Long time no see, Drake," she drawls as soon as she sits down at his side. Then, just when Tim is opening his mouth to answer, she adds, "Or, should I say, Drake-Wayne?"
"You'd know how to address me, Manson, if you cared to listen when the names were called," he snaps without even thinking, "Other names than yours, that is."
It's not that he is ashamed of associating with Waynes or anything. He is actually rather proud of it. What irritates him is the obvious distaste that the girl shows at him, and the fact that he is not sure if it's because he is, although unofficially, one of the Waynes, or because she is craving some kind of revenge after he ignored Danny, or because of something else entirely.
"I don't pay attention to things that hold no importance," Manson brushes him off with a scoff, her chin held high.
Yeah, okay, he really does need to talk to Danny. Because he likes Danny, or at least because he liked him when he was seven, and because Danny is the only nice person in their year that Tim knows.
And because he also knows that he still absolutely doesn't like Samantha Manson, and he just might be friends with a Hufflepuff in order to spite her.
We all know how the Great Hall looks, but hey, making an aesthetic is a tradition now:
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Tim, Danny, and Sam:
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Jazz (Gryffindor, fourth-year), Jason (Ravenclaw, fourth-year), and Dick (Gryffindor, seventh-year):
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Notes that turned into rambling and got long again:
A month or so later, Tim makes the mistake of calling Sam 'violent violet' out loud, in the presence of other Slytherins. It sticks with her for the rest of her Hogwarts years. She doesn't like it at first, mostly because she doesn't like Tim and he was the first one to call her so, but she later grows fond of the nickname.
If you didn't catch that by the names mentioned, this is set in 1989, two years before Harry Potter shows up in Hogwarts. So, other first-years of importance that went unmentioned in text were Weasley twins, Cedric Diggory, Cassius Warrington, and Stephanie Brown, who is a Hufflepuff now, by the way. I considered putting her in Gryffindor (because, admittedly, she is very brave), but decided against it because in my head, her first and foremost character trait is loyalty to her own beliefs.
While Hufflepuffs are usually portrayed as kind and timid, I believe that what this House values most is a strong will and the desire to do what is fair and just. Hufflepuffs set a goal and reach it even when the world is against them, fight for it even when their hands bleed. Hufflepuffs stand up when they are knocked down, no matter how many times they have to. If Gryffindor is fire, Slytherin is water, and Ravenclaw is air, then Hufflepuff is earth. It's a mountain, a stone, a power that you don't pay attention to most times. You don't notice how hard the ground you're standing on is until you try digging it with your bare hands.
Steph might not be your 'traditional Hufflepuff', but she is hell-bent on getting her way.
Also, I think it's funny to have her and Danny in the same House. Also also, I think it's even funnier to have Steph bemoaning how her House colors are absolutely clashing with her regular clothes and acessories, which are all shades of purple.
By the way, that guy who asked Tim if Danny is his friend was Marcus Flint.
[<- part 6 | part 8 ->]
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2-dsimp · 7 months ago
࿇ ══━━━━✥◈✥━━━━══ ࿇
𝚄𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝙶𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚐𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚊𝚝
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Might do a showcase of the other bois reactions to their respective houses. Up next would be Quio the Dilf and Yujin the Hacker.
But if yall want to see the other house feel free to ask XD.
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hazyange1s · 9 months ago
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and the rest is history 😌
I’ve been wanting to draw this scene forever — it’s one of my personal favorite quests, besides being a catalytic point for Seb and Raegan’s relationship as a whole. I like to think this is the moment they realize that there’s something more than just camaraderie going on here… and that they’d die for each other what who said that
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shootingstardraw · 10 months ago
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JAKE (Gryffindor)
Estatus de sangre: No lo conoce con exactitud.
Mejor clase: Pociones y Adivinación
Peor clase: Podría mejorar en defensa contra las artes oscuras.
Pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo con Ashley o con Miriam preparando pociones.
Dato extra:
Fue testigo de cómo Tom casi explota a todos mientras intentaba preparar una poción.
Tiene un GRANDÍSIMO crush en Tom.
Tiene un ex novio (salió mal)
ASHLEY (Gryffindor)
Estatus de sangre: Sangre "pura"
Mejor clase: Cuidado de criaturas mágicas, defensa contra las artes oscuras y excelente en vuelo.
Peor clase: Podría mejor en pociones.
Es la candidata más prometedora para ser el premio anual de su generación.
Ella y Tom son los mejores del club de duelos.
En su granja crían abraxans.
No le tiene miedo a volar en una simple escoba.
Capitana del equipo de quidditch de Gryffindor.
Quiere llevar a Jake y a Will a su granja para pasar la navidad.
Dato extra:
Will tejió ese gorro con los colores de sus casas. Ashley lo ama.
Parte 1. (TOM Y AIDEN)
Parte 2. (JAMES)
Próxima parte 4: HUNTER
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choccy-milky · 10 months ago
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during pregnancy seb flip flops between being concerned and guilty and worried, to also being the most self-satisfied and smug man that ever existed LMAO. like yup, that was me, i did that
😃👍 (original)
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myokk · 4 months ago
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The first five illustrations are done for my little project - a full illustration for each chapter of my fic🥹🫶
Which one is your favorite???
I really only started drawing fanart back in April because I wanted to be able to do this eventually🤭💓 I remember the first time I tried to draw in a more illustration style back in March, I was like🤨😐🤔 how do they (the amazing artist here) do it😔😔😔 (IT WAS REALLY BAD OKAY). I started drawing all of the HL characters like crazy and posting my progress here, eventually working up the courage to post about Eloise, and then eventually bits and pieces of my writing🥹
IM JUST SO SO HONORED YOU LIKE MY YAPPING ABOUT THESE TWO…MY THOUGHTS ON THEM…MY ART…all of my interactions here really make my day so THANK YOU!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏
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whizzing-fizzbee · 2 months ago
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Arm's Length
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC Rating: Explicit (smut, profanity); all characters are 18+ Chapters: 3/? Tags: former friends to lovers, sexual promiscuity, idiots in love, mutual pining and sexual tension, angst, banter, Seb is bad at feelings, MC with an attitude, hooking up with Garreth Weasley (and probably others)
Summary: Her story with Sebastian Sallow is supposed to be over. She’s now a seventh year with classes, friends and cute classmates to fill her time. She no longer has any use for that stupid Slytherin, especially after he made it clear he has no use for her. So when he starts to claw his way back into her life, she’ll fight like hell to keep him at arm’s length. It's a fight she’ll always lose.
Notes: Fun fact: This started as two separate stories that eventually morphed into this brainrot. No idea how many chapters this'll go but I swear there is some actual plot to come. All main characters are 18-year-old seventh years. If you hate first-person POV, sorry.
Story's named after "Arm's Length" by Sam Fender.
Read on AO3, and read a snippet below the cut.
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It’s lunchtime in the Great Hall and today’s special: drama with a side of screaming.
The sound damn near made me jump from my skin. I was seated at the Slytherin table, trying to cram in some last-minute studying. I may or may not have neglected my Potions reading the night before. While the benefits of bubotuber pus are positively fascinating, I had spent the evening studying the ceiling above Garreth Weasley’s bed.
A smart decision? Probably not. Worth it? Absolutely.
So as I was trying to be a good little student, the intrusion of Violet McDowell and her grating screams suddenly echoed outside the doors to the Great Hall. They grew louder until the doors creaked open and Sebastian Sallow strolled in, looking miffed.
I, however, was delighted.
Read more.
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killlavendr · 10 months ago
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Stop why is snily actually like kinda cute 😭 i kinda imagined the scenario for this drawing being her giving him a pep talk abt smth. And him just not even really listening, too busy focusing on her
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holdmymallowsweet · 5 months ago
Gryffindors 🦁
all named and confirmed Gryffindors in Hogwarts Legacy 🗡️
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Cressida Blume - Leander Prewett
Garreth Weasley
Hector Jenkins - Natsai Onai - Lucan Brattleby
Eleazar Fig -  "Nearly Headless Nick", Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
Eric Northcott
Lawrence Davies - the Sorting Hat, for Godric Gryffindor - Nellie Oggspire
Professor Matilda Weasley
All Gryffindors in Hogwarts Legacy, to the best of my knowledge and ability (but let me know if I missed anyone). I tried to take flattering pics of everyone, and if you want to see more of someone you like up there, let me know ❤️
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