#hogwarts blackpink scenarios
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luxora · 1 year ago
Blackpink -> {Hogwarts AU} -> Falling for a muggle
Requested: No
Group: Blackpink
Genre: Fluff. Angst.
Warning: Swearing. Bad thoughts. Self-esteem issues.
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Jisoo would like to believe that she was not ignorant like most wizard folk when it came to muggles. She was aware that they operated differently and had to get by life without magic, but she could not help but be astounded by the many bright lights shining around her while she waited for you to return with the promised snacks you were determined to get her to try.
So many muggle families surrounded her, adults and children intermixing with one another in the large crowd while squeals of delight and fear randomly exploded in the air due to the many large contraptions they were riding in. She was still remarkably stunned by the sight of the very large metal contraption which reminded her a basilisk, moving quickly through the air like a Nimbus 2000, about a dozen muggles riding it in a small compartment, hands in the air and screaming. She believes muggles called it...a roller-coaster.
“Jisoo! Jisoo!”
The sound of her name made her break away from the sight of the large metal contraption to instead meet with your bright eyes and smile as you walked towards her with your arms filled with two large drinks and a fluffy-looking, pink substance. You immediately handed her one of the large drinks, liquid rolling down the body of the drink with a thick straw in it. Jisoo glanced at the contents of the drink, scrunching her nose slightly at the very dark substance in it.
It didn’t look very appetizing.
“Go on, have a taste!” You said, smiling excitedly as you waited for her to take a sip. Jisoo glanced at you and back at the cup, her nose scrunching slightly.
“...What is it?”
“Coca-Cola, a personal favorite for us non-magic folk!” You said with a cheeky smile, nose crinkling at the mention of your non-magical abilities that she had made obvious at the start of your...meetings. You lifted your own drink to your lips and took a sip, the dark liquid moved through the transparent plastic, moving at a fast pace into your mouth for a few seconds before returning back to the cup as you let out a satisfied sigh. “Delicious! Go on, try some!”
Usually Jisoo tended to not drink or eat anything which looked unappealing, her palette grown to be rather refined due to her upbringing in a pureblood family. Her parents only ensured that she and her siblings ate the most dignifying meals suitable for witches and wizards of their stature, so anything that was remotely muggle-like was banned from the manor. But since you have introduced her to the many ways of the muggles, she cannot help but be compelled by your simply ways of life.
Her sister thought she was absolutely mad for wanting to learn more of the muggle world, but her brother encouraged her, always being the most rebellious one out of the three of them despite being heir to the Kim household. In fact, he was the only one in the family aware of her...interest in you, serving as the constant distraction for her family whenever they asked for Jisoo’s whereabouts.
“You only live once dear sister, have some fun, won’t you?”
And fun was one word to describe her experiences whenever she was with you. So with some deliberation, Jisoo lifted the straw to her lips and took a tentative sip.
Her eyes widened at the popping bubbles in the mouth, so much so that she almost spat it out due to her surprise. She swallowed the fizzy content quickly and stared at her cup in bewilderment before glancing at you, meeting your wide-eyed grin.
“Like it?” You asked, chewing on the tip of your straw with your signature grin in place, already knowing her answer.
“...You muggles astound me.” Jisoo said, making you tilt your head back and laugh, shaking your head before returning your gaze to her with a glint in your eye. You then offered her the pink, fluffy object in your hands, it being attached to a thin stick, a surprisingly supportive object for something which appeared so large.
“If Coca-Cola astounded you, then this will blow your mind.”
Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows together, slowly reaching out to take the pink, fluffy substance from your hands. It was surprisingly light, and as she took a closer look, the pink substance almost reminded her of the mist coming from a potion, albeit in a more solid form. She inspected it, shaking it slightly in her hand to test the balance of the pink substance, mildly surprised that it did not fall off such a thin stick, and then glanced at you with a perplexed expression.
Smiling at her confusion, unsure on how to eat the pink substance, you reached out and plucked a piece of the fluffy substance from its body, a decent bite size offering to her lips by your hand. Your smile still in place, you nudged the fluffy substance against her lips.
“Go on, you’ll like it. I promise.”
Even though she was perplexed from your muggle drink, she knew that she could trust you intentions with the pink substance as you have yet to prove that you are untrustworthy to her. Opening her mouth, she leaned forward and took a small bite from the pink substance from your hands, your finger tips grazing her lips as she closed them, accepting the muggle snack in her mouth.
Her eyes immediately widened at the sweet taste. She did not know what to expect from the pink substance, but she did not expect it to dissolve so quickly in her mouth. The sugar sweetness of the substance immediately filled her tastes buds, prompting a small squeak of surprise form her, completely unbecoming of a pureblood to make and yet a muggle like you was honored enough to hear something from her. And the sound delighted you as your grin shifted in a wide smile.
“Like it?”
“It...what is it?”
“Cotton Candy. Another muggle classic.”
“H-How are you muggles so advanced?”
“Advanced? Ha! I never thought I would ever hear a witch call a muggle advanced!”
While one of her own kind would have taken offense by such words said by someone like you, a muggle, Jisoo took none. Instead she flashed an uncertain smile, aware of the playfulness of your words as you propped the rest of the ... cotton candy in your mouth before plucking some more off the main body of the snack in Jisoo’s hand. You smiled at her, eyes crinkling at the side before you nudged your head towards the large bodies of other muggles as they walked about the area, visiting the different tents and stalls that were set up.
“Want to walk a bit more? Based off my own experiences, it is better to eat and walk than just standing in the middle of one place.”
“...I agree.” She said, not wanting to say anything else that could contradict your words as she slowly lifted her drink to her lips again, taking a sip. She immediately flinched a bit at the fizzy bubbles in her mouth, still not used to the sensation, which prompted a giggle out of you.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get use to it.” Jisoo felt the Cotton Candy stick leave her hand, moving to your own as you shifted your own drink in your hand so that you were now holding both your drink and Cotton Candy stick in one hand with your other one being offered out to her invitingly. “Come on, I saw a shop with a whole bunch of stuff I think you’d like.”
While Jisoo was hardly a stranger to romantic entanglements, she couldn’t help but feel like a blushing first year when she saw your offered hand, clearly indicating your desire for her to take it. You waited patiently, not lowering your hand for even a moment as Jisoo contemplated her decision before finally coming to one. With a certain visible amount of warmth to her cheeks, Jisoo reached out and took her hands, feeling the blush on her cheeks increased as you automatically laced your fingers with hers, giving her hand a small squeeze.
“Lets go.” You said gently, flashing her a smile before leading her towards the crowd of muggles, keeping a firm grip on her hand the entire time while her cheeks remained pink.
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Jennie kept her facial features schooled throughout the entire dinner, ensuring that no one would be able to detect her true emotions regarding the topic of discussion that night.
Her upcoming engagement to a fellow pureblood.
Her father believed that the marriage match was perfect. He believed that her fiancee was a pureblood worthy to be wedded to the only daughter of Kim family, one of the oldest and most pure wizarding families left in an intermixed society. Her fiance was from a from a proud pureblood family, nearly as pure as hers, and the benefits that would come from their marriage was beyond lucrative and successful that she could understand from her father’s perspective of the great matched that he has supposedly with Jennie and her fiance. 
Her mother was, of course, delighted at the match. It meant that she could put all of her attention and effort into the wedding, particularly the planning of it all. Her mother was always fond of planning events, often being the hostess of many pureblood balls that Jennie has been forced to attend ever since she was capable of walking; therefore, a wedding was the ultimate event that she could plan to show off the wealth and prestige of the Kim family, an aspect of Jennie’s life that she has never been able to escape.
While it was her own future that was being discussed over dinner, a meal consisting of biased duck and caramelized spinach and cream, Jennie did not say a word. The food in her mouth tasted like ash and the wine she was privileged to drink became dry glass as she swallowed it, words unable to leave her lips due to her tongue being heavy as lead, serving as a useless tool as her parents continued to speak to one another with excited tone; albeit not too excited, since Kims were composed at all times, even in the private company of family.
When dessert was finally served, Jennie was unable to even force herself to have a taste. The chocolate delight prepared by the house elves remained on touch, only being tasted by Jennie’s eyes as she kept her gaze transfixed on it as her parents continued to speak, not noticing her behavior until Jennie requested for her removal from the table. Her father raised an eyebrow at her, fork half raised to his mouth with a piece of dessert attached to the metal utensil.
“Is there a problem Jennie?”
“Not at all father. I am simply feeling exhausted all of a sudden. I would like to rest.”
“I see. And in order to clear any confusion, I am correct to assume that you accept the match?”
“Of course father. It is only an honor to continue carry on the legacy of our great house.”
“I couldn’t have raised a better daughter.” Jennie’s mother suddenly said, dabbing at her the corner of her eyes before she flashed a serene smile to Jennie, a hint of pride in it as she gazed at her. “Well said Jennie.”
Jennie nodded at her mouth and returned her gaze to her father for his unsaid permission for her allowance to leave the dining room, which her granted with a nod. Without another word, Jennie exited the dining room and made way for her bedroom, purposefully keeping her face unaffected as she passed through the many portraits of her past family members in the corridor, all of them congratulating her on her engagement in their haughty voices. Jennie ignored them all, remaining cold and neutral until she finally reached her bedroom, opening the door and closing it behind her, instantly locking it with a flick of her wrist.
And then she broke apart.
Her knees hit the floor before she even realized it, tears suddenly breaking free from their confines as she lifted her hands to cover her face, sobbing into her palms as the effect of the engagement news hit her. It was not like Jennie was naive, she knew that she was eventually going to have to wed one of her fellow purebloods as it was a duty of a pureblood woman, but there was one thing that she never anticipated in her life.
To fall in love.
But most specifically, to fall in love with a muggle.
Your face was in her mind, your smile blinding to her even though you were far away in the comforts of your own home, probably having dinner with your own family, completely unaware of her dismayed state or of the new decision made about her life that neither of you could fight against. Both of you already knew the impossibility of a relationship between the two of you. It was not because she was a witch and you were a muggle. That was not the problem.
It was the fact that Jennie was a pureblood witch and you were a muggle.
Jennie was proud of her blood purity. She was proud of her family’s prestige in the magical community. And overall, she was proud over the fact through her bloodline alone, she was better than other witches and wizards in the magical community. But the pride that she once had for herself crumbled down when she stumbled across you on a seaside vacation that she had taken with her friends last year.
Away from her family, away from the magical community, Jennie did not see herself as a pureblood witch when she met you, but simply a woman who fell in love with a beautiful soul who seemed to complete hers. Jennie has never believed in soulmates, especially since she was aware that witches like her only married for convenience and bloodline purity instead of love, her parents being paragon examples, but when she met you...the thought suddenly crossed her mind.
And the realization of it being true made it so much worse because she knew that any future with you with impossible.
She knew precisely what would happen if her parents found out about you. What they would do to you, and how they would make her play a part in it in order to rectify her abhorrent behavior for daring to taint her pure mind, reputation and body with a muggle.
A muggle.
An inferior being.
And yet...Jennie has never felt more alive with you. Every kiss, every touch...it would be cliche to say it was all magical but Jennie knew no other way to describe it. Her experiences with her were indescribable, your very presence affected her in such a way that she knew that she could never be romantically entangled with another witch or wizard without comparing her experiences with her.
You’ve ruined her...in the best and worst way possible.
Through her tears and wracking pain in her heart, Jennie crawled to her bed, sliding under it to pick at the loose tile which concealed her hidden treasure, a small object which was bizarre to the magical world but so normal in the muggle world. She pressed the side button and waited with blinding tears in her eyes for the screen of the cellphone to light up, eventually the screen revealing an image of the two of you together.
It was a picture you had taken with the cellphone you had purchased for her despite it being an object she would never use aside from her time with you... a selfie you called it, something which Jennie was still learning to master. It was a picture of you pressing a kiss to her temple, an arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders as she cuddled into your side, simply smiling at you instead of the cellphone as you took the photo.
The sight of it made Jennie’s tears fall even faster, and she was unable to stop them or cease their rapid speed as she shakily moved her thumb across the screen to the last message you had sent it, which was last night, the three words making her crumble completely as she reread them, albeit not with a smile on her face as she had last night, but with a brokenhearted sob.
I love you.
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Your lips melded perfectly with hers, Chaeyoung unconsciously closing her eyes at the feeling of them while her hands moved to your hips, squeezing them gently while your own hands around her necks tugged her impossibly closer, almost as if you were trying to eliminate whatever little space was left between the two of you. 
While the weather was thunderous outside, literally, the raining slamming against her back and soaking into her clothes, Chaeyoung could not focus on anything else but the warmth of your body, of your smooth skin that her hands sought as she slipped her hands under your shirt for a touch, her cool hands being the reason for your retracting your lips from hers with a gasp.
“Your hands are freezing!” You exclaimed, removing your hands from her neck to instead grab at her hands, removing them from your hips and skin, squeezing them tightly as you brought them up to your lips and blew on them, your warm breath gliding along her skin. “How are they so cold?!”
“...It is raining darling.” She quipped, smiling softly at the pause on your face before your rapidly blinked and gasped, finally realizing that the two of you were still standing on your door step, Chaeyoung taking the brunt of the rainy weather outside, accompanied by thunder and loud strikes of lightening. Without a second of hesitation, you grabbed her by the lapels of her jacket and all but tugged her inside, immediately slamming the door behind her once she managed pass the threshold.
“I am so sorry! I- I didn’t know that you were coming by! I know you said that you would come visit, but you never said when! And the last letter you sent me was a bit vague, so like...when I saw you, I couldn’t help but-”
Whatever you were going to say, you never got to say it as Chaeyoung cut you off with her lips, unable to resist the temptation any longer. She had been deprived of them for so long, the entire school year going as slow as a slug for the Christmas break. While usually Chaeyoung would be at home with her parents, her friends had opted for a vacation away at Lisa’s house, which happened to be located at a coastal town, particularly close to muggles.
Obviously her parents were displeased at first. While Lisa is a pureblood as pure as Chaeyoung, her family was far more lax in terms of dealing with muggles. In fact, Lisa’s family was fascinated with muggles to some degree, Lisa’s father being the head of Muggle Circumstances in the ministry. But despite her parents disdain for Lisa’s family, they knew that nothing could stop Chaeyoung from being friends with her, the two of them having grown up together due to the strict pureblood social circles she was to grow up in. And so when Chaeyoung wrote them a letter stating that she was going to spend time with Lisa during the Christmas break, there was no bother of a refusal letter as her parents knew that she was going to join Lisa and the rest of her friends at the witch’s home.
Chaeyoung was thankful for her friendship Lisa because she allowed her to see beyond the pureblood circles and beliefs. Lisa helped her see the fascinating side of muggles and their contraptions, and most importantly, her friendship with Lisa led to her making friendships with muggles, the most important one being you.
You were unaware of Lisa’s and Chaeyoung pureblood purity, or rather, unaware of their magical abilities completely. While Lisa was befriending of muggles, she did not divulge in her magical background due to her parents. It was okay to befriend muggles, but they could not know the truth due to the risk of the news being spread. And so you were completely in the dark of everything about Lisa and Chaeyoung. As far as you knew, Chaeyoung was a rich heiress who was in the same private school as Lisa, who simply visited the girl regularly during the holidays.
But despite the lack of knowing the full details of Chaeyoung’s life, it did not stop the two of you from falling in love.
Chaeyoung’s parents obviously didn’t know, which she planned to keep because she can only imagine what her parents will do if they found out that she had become a muggle lover like her best friend. She was already aware that her parents were trying to find a suitable match for her for after she finishes at Hogwarts, her reality as a pureblood witch becoming more daunting as they days go on, and she knows that if they found out about her relationship with you, it will only fast forward the process.
She wanted to keep her relationship with you a secret as long as possible, but she will admit that it is getting harder to keep lying to you.
You broke away from her kiss when she slipped her hands under your shirt again, craving the touch of your soft skin. She immediately giggled at your whine, only leaning forward to press a kiss to your eyebrow as your smacked her halfheartedly on the shoulders for her small stunt.
“I can’t help it, I missed you.”
“You could miss me less if you would just get a phone so that we can Facetime!”
“Like me and Lisa said darling...phones are forbidden at our school.”
“And I still call bullshit on that. For some big, fancy school, you seriously follow rules which are from the dark ages.”
Chaeyoung couldn’t help but fix a bitter smile on her face as she watched you turn around in her arms and walk away, offering to make the two of you tea to warm up. Chaeyoung’s wand suddenly felt heavy as a bag of rocks in its hidden compartment in her cloak, it being connected to her guilt for having to lie to your face every time. While she knew that Lisa felt bad about lying to her friends, she at least had some practice in it. Chaeyoung has never been a situation to lie about her magical background until now.
But Chaeyoung knows she can’t tell you truth, no matter how much she wants to. While her friends will be at Lisa’s house to comfort her about her visit with you, their words will not help the growing pain in her chest each time she watched you flutter about in your natural environment, speaking rapidly about everything that has happened since the last time she saw you in the middle of the year.
She discarded herself of her cloak and joined you in the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen counter while you busied yourself with the tea, glancing back every few seconds to flash her a smile before returning to the task. Chaeyoung’s eyes flitterred down your body, fists clenching as she become entranced with your shape, craving to be close again. So without a word, she walked up behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist, resting her chin on your shoulder as she inhaled your natural scent.
“I missed you.” She confessed, turning her head to nuzzle her nose into your neck, sighing. “A lot.”
“I missed you too.” You turned around in her arms and raised a hand to cup her cheek, smiling serenely as your traced her cheekbone with your thumb. “But you’re here now. No need to miss me anymore.”
Chaeyoung smile and leaned in to press a soft kiss to your lips, hands clenching fistfuls of your shirt as she held you close.
“I suppose you are right.”
Chaeyoung savored moments like this with you, closing her eyes as she accepted the kiss you pulled her into, keeping her hold on you tight as if she was afraid that you would apparate away, despite knowing such a task was impossible.
While most envy her position as a pureblood, Chaeyoung couldn’t help but grow to resent it because it meant that becoming public with you would lead to her being disowned from her family. And at this stage of her, she was unsure if she could be anything aside from her parents daughter, and she most certainly would not be of worth for someone as brilliant as you.
You deserved more than her, but she could not help but hold on tight onto the small semblance of hope that she had left in her last year of school.
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Your eyes were always so mesmerizing, Lisa often found herself getting lost in them, even when you aren’t directly looking at her.
Lisa knew that she was not supposed to do this, even though her parents were okay with her intermixing with muggles, there were still certain rules that they had in place regarding the revelation of their magical abilities. Lisa was aware that her family was not like most pureblood families who had complete disdain for muggles. It started back to her great-grandfather being saved by a muggle family when he suffered from an accident, his enemies from the government having drawn him away from the safe confines of his home and leaving him for dead, only for him to be discovered by a wandering muggle man.
The muggle could not do much for her great-grandfather, but despite being a stranger, he managed to carry Lisa’s great grandfather on his back to the closest medical facility he could find, which led to her great-grandfather surviving his near death injuries. Her great-grandfather never out the name of the muggle who saved them, but after that incident, her entire family’ outlook on muggles changed.
Lisa grew up with muggles and she had a similar fascination with their lifestyles as her parents did; however, despite their postie outlook to them, Lisa was still forbidden from exposing her magical background to her muggle friends. Her parents explained to her when she was a child the possible dangers that they would face if it was found out that they were witches and wizards. The Ministry of Magic made the consequences of the exposure of magic very clear, and with Lisa’s family being one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, she knew better than to defame her family through social revelations with muggles.
She thought the rules were stupid, but she followed them like any obedient daughter would. She won’t deny and say she didn’t have any close calls, because she did, but she managed to save herself every time, albeit sometimes with the aid of her parents. She was was eventually of legal age of using magic, she was able to save herself even more with a simple obliviate charm, and so she never figured that she would reveal herself to any muggle.
But she should have figured that you would have been different.
The two of you grew up together, best friends ever since the age of three and even though many years have gone past, the two of you were as close as ever.
When she was younger, Lisa pleaded with her parents to tell you the truth. You were her best friend and she could not keep such a big secret from you, but her parents made it clear to her that there were to be no exceptions, not even to you, someone who they almost viewed as another member of the family. Lisa tried asking her parents for permission several time as she got older, but the answer was the same, and so Lisa eventually stopped asking.
Instead, she simply decided to let you know the full truth about her, without her parents permission or awareness.
She loved watching your expressions whenever she showed you magic, noting how your eyes literally lit up in wonderment as you sat in front of her, staring at her wand in memorization. Even though she has shown you before, you couldn’t help but request for her to light up the room with Lumos, her wand holding the small ball of light in a gentle touch, similar to the touch that your hands on her lower back as the two of you lay in your bed.
Whenever she came home for break, sleepovers were common occurrences between the two of you despite your older ages. But instead of doll-playing, movie nights, and sugary snack hunts, the sleepovers consisted of the two of you in your bedroom, lips attached and hands exploring as the two of you would reacquaint yourselves from a long distance away, with the odd movie playing in the background.
It is quite a muggle cliche, to fall in love with one’s best friend, but quite honestly, Lisa could not imagine a better person to fall in love with. Despite growing up in ignorance, you knew Lisa inside out and Lisa knew you the same way. The two of you were soulmates, and even though Lisa is aware of the disdain that she will receive from the pureblood community, she would damn them all to hell because their opinions paled in comparison to yours.
Despite her lies and secrets, you still accepted her into your heart, something which Lisa will always be thankful for.
“It’s stunning.” You whispered, eyes locked on the small wisp of light shining from her wand. Lisa smiled at your side profile.
“Yes you are.”
Your nose immediately crinkled at her cheesy words and you moved your gaze to look at her, slight disdain in yours eyes.
“That was so cheesy.”
“You know me, I am a cheesy person.”
“I don’t like it.”
“You love it.” Lisa affirmed, lowering her wand to the mattress, snuffing out the light in order to move her hand to cup your cheek, keeping your gaze on her. She traced your cheekbone and leaned in so that your and her noses were touching. “Just like you love me.”
“You are so confident in yourself.”
“Am I wrong though?” She asked, moving her thumb to press against your top lip, tracing the small bow before curling her thumb onto your bottom lip, pulling it down. “Don’t you love me?”
“Of course I do.” You automatically answered, always been one to confirm Lisa’s beliefs when they were true, which made a smile crawl along Lisa’s lips. She leaned in until her lips brushed against yours, making you feel her words rather than hear them.
“Good. Because I love you too.”
She felt your smile against her lips before you finally kissed her, tugging her closer to you by the waist and wrapping your arms tightly around her body to eliminate any space between the two of you. Lisa simply clutched at your face, keeping your firmly in place as her lips moved along with yours, easily succumbing to the passion forming between the two of you. Only when air became a necessity did you pull away, gazing deeply in her eyes as you panted against her lips.
“My beautiful witch.” You whispered, the emphasis on her beauty making Lisa flush but smile at the same time.
Despite the obvious difference between the two of you in terms of magic, the fact that you still saw her as someone worth loving, worth being with despite the years of secrets she has kept from you, Lisa counts herself the luckiest witch in all of time. She leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to your lips before leaning forward to rest her forehead against yours.
“My stunning muggle.”
The both of you immediately started giggling, hugging each other closely for a few moments before finally reuniting your lips in another passionate kiss, wand and light forgotten as the two of you instead focused on one another, hands clutching and exploring at the same time.
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flooffybits · 5 years ago
With A Kiss
Idol: Park Chaeyoung (Blackpink)
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Note: h/c = hair color
e/c = eye color
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Meeting you on the first day of the second year was not something Chaeyoung expected to happen when she arrived, back, at Hogwarts. It wasn’t exactly ideal either since she was trying to get to class without being late, knowing that the professor was scary as hell due to her past experience with him.
But when she rounded the corner that was in the direction of said class, she was not prepared for a body to be there so she had practically tackled you to the ground.
You would expect that to be bad, but the worst part was that, when you both fell, Chaeyoung’s lips had landed on yours, causing the two of you to freeze in shock.
“Park! L/n! You should be in class, not being handsy in the corridor!” A professor had called the two of you, and that ripped you both away from each other, you shoving the girl away and then scrambling to your feet with both your faces beet red.
That had earned you both detention and Chaeyoung was so ashamed for what she did, especially when she saw how flustered her actions have made you. You didn’t even look her in the eyes and just ran to your own class, making the girl mentally curse at herself while she headed to her class.
Her friends laugh at her when she tells them why she was late and she had to bury her face into her hands, embarrassed with the whole predicament.
“Wow, I didn’t think you could move that fast.” Lisa teased her when they headed to the Great Hall and the latter groaned. “Can we please not talk about it?” She whined while shoving the latter. “But Chaeng, you literally swept a girl off her feet and kissed her.” Jisoo laughed alongside Lisa when they walked to their table and took their usual places.
“What house is she in, again?” Jennie asked curiously and Chaeyoung was thankful that she wasn’t teasing her like the other two were. “She’s a Hufflepuff.” She replies when she starts to fill her plate. “What’s her name?” Lisa asked excitedly and Chaeyoung had to roll her eyes at her friend’s hyper energy. “I don’t know. I just know her last name.”
She wasn’t really able to ask for it because you were both late, and she doesn’t think that you would just give your name to someone who tackled you to the floor and kissed you.
“Is she here, then?” Her best friend asked again, looking over to the other table, her eyes jumping from one person to another and Chaeyoung huffed as she looked to see if she could point you out just so her friend would stop pestering her.
When she did find you talking to some of your friends, she was able to see you a bit better compared to earlier. Of course, she wasn’t a hundred percent sure, she nodded her head in your direction. “Over there, the one with the h/c haired, talking to Seulgi.” She tells them and all three are taking a peek.
Of course, Jennie was just as curious as to who the poor girl her friend had knocked over, but she wasn’t as bad as Jisoo and Lisa.
“Oh, she’s cute.” Jennie commented. “Yeah! Pretty e/c eyes, too.” Jisoo wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, making Chaeyoung squint as she shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes in her mouth. “You should ask her out then, if it goes well, kiss her properly.” Lisa suggested, making the other’s eyes widen in surprise, nearly choking on her food.
“Are you crazy?” She hissed, throwing a crumpled up napkin at the blonde. “I’m just saying! She could be really nice and maybe she liked the kiss.” Lisa reasoned, but it wasn’t helping the blush that crept up Chaeyoung’s cheeks.
“We aren’t talking about this.”
“What? Your nonexistent love life?”
“Oh, shut up.”
The next time Chaeyoung sees you is during detention and she learns your name when the professor addressed the two of you. You’re both the only students in the classroom with your teacher looking over the homework that was submitted from her earlier class.
Now that you were closer, she was able to see your face clearly, and she hates how Jisoo was right about your eyes being pretty.
The thought caused her own to widen and she ducked her head, shaking it as she tried to fight of her blush. Why was she so nervous all of a sudden? She was a Gryffindor for Merlin’s sake!
“Hey!” Before you could part ways after detention, Chaeyoung caught up to you, a sheepish look on her face while she rocked on the balls of her feet.
“I know that you didn’t want to be here and that I... uh, accidentally bumped into you.” She notices the tint on your cheeks at the mention of that morning, but clears her throat before trying to smile.
“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen, I was just in a hurry for my class.” She ended and you nod your head in understanding, though still a bit awkward. “That’s okay.” You try to laugh as you both start walking down the empty halls. “Knowing that you didn’t intentionally tackle me into a kiss, there’s no bad feelings.”
That made her feel a bit better and a smile bloomed on her face. “Wait, really?” She asks and you shoot her a smile while nodding your head. “Really. But, I think we both need to go unless we want to be stuck in detention again.” You joked and she laughed while nodding in agreement. “That’s fair.”
“Goodnight, Rosé.” You called out as you finally separated ways and she stared after you, waving her hand even when your back was already facing her. “Goodnight.”
“Good morning.” Chaeyoung greets you when your houses have one of their shared classes together. You flashed her a smile when she sits next to you, her friends sitting to her other side and giggling when their friend’s attention stays on you.
It came as a surprise when she walked up to you the day after detention, but the girl claimed that she wanted to make it up to you somehow, spending the rest of the afternoon with you and just getting to know each other.
Everything after that just came naturally, and now her friends were yours, too, and vice versa.
“What’s got you all smiley?” You ask her when you picked up your quill and notebook. Chaeyoung hummed lightly, resting her chin against the palm of her hand while she tapped her finger against her cheek. “Well, the girls wanted to stay at the library to study, but I don’t want to.” She had that cheeky smile whenever she came up with something and you knew just where she was heading.
“Since I have other friends, I was thinking I could tag along with you.”
Of course, she did. As soon as you and Chaeyoung became friends, she would always come to you, if not the other three. And being honest, you didn’t mind having the Gryffindor around you, either.So, in the end, you were laying side by side in your bed and just munching on the few snacks she sneaked into your room.“Have you ever wondered what it would be like if muggles knew about us?” She suddenly asked you, making you blink in confusion as you looked up at the ceiling. “Why the sudden question?” You ask back and she shrugs. “Just a random thought. I know that they knew about us, before, but now I wonder if it’s going to be the same.”
“You’ve been very critical with a lot of things, lately.” You note, taking a glance at your friend. “Something bothering you?” She stays quiet for a while, her eyes closing as she hums and then her eyes are open and looking back at you.
“I’m just tired of all the division. Even in our own school, people have their own cliques and stereotype each other.”
You were surprised by her sudden rant, but it was something you welcomed. She always had these sudden thoughts and you would always be there to listen. It could be from the most silly things to serious topics, like this one.
It took you a while to answer, but when you did, your tone was soft, not wanting to look as though you were brushing her feelings off when it was clear she was displeased.
“I think more people just need to be open minded and welcoming with regards to change.” You kept looking at the ceiling while exhaling. “It can start with the people now, or later. It’s just a matter of acceptance and understanding.”
Chaeyoung juts out her lower lip, knowing that you were right, but she just hoped that there was an answer for it, right now.
The subject eventually changes to a lighter one until it was time for her to meet the other girls. You accompanied her to the library and smiled while she let go of your hand. "I'll see you later, yeah?" She asks and you smile lightly while shaking your head.
"Of course, Rosé." Happily, she gives you a peck on the cheek. “I told you, it’s Chaeyoung.” She giggles and waves before she was running off to find her other three friends. You stood there, a bit surprised, but smiled and then walked off with a slight skip in your step and humming a random tune that popped into your head.
Entering Hogwarts for your fifth year, you were quick with navigating your friends when you entered the Great Hall and greeting them enthusiastically, hugging each other as though you’ve been gone for years.
“What? No hug for me?” The voice called out from behind you and your smile widened even more, if that was possible, when you saw Chaeyoung, arms open and an expectant look on her face.
Her hair was, now, a cherry blonde and she was much taller compared to when you had first met. Chaeyoung had matured over the years and various students have walked up to her in hopes of swaying her, but she had always been so polite and declined them.
Of course, the same could be said for you, though the confessions weren’t as many, there were still a few that would slip you letters and gifts when you weren’t looking. Your friend group grew, as well, due to your kindhearted nature, but you still had Chaeyoung by your side.
“God, I missed you! I thought I was going to go mad when I spent vacation away from you.” She said whilst squeezing you and you laughed as you rocked her from side to side.
“Don’t go all cheesy on me, now.” You laughed while pulling away to look at her face, and she has that same dazzling smile that could light up the whole room. “Then, I wouldn’t be your Chaeyoung.” She shoots back and you roll your eyes at her antics.
“No need to be so cute in front of us. That’s not cool.” Lisa cut in from behind you. Looking at them, Jennie smiled at you with a wave while Lisa skipped over and squeezed herself between you and your best friend. Jisoo laughed at the faces you made before she decided to join in, hugging you tight.
“You should have visited us! We all could have had fun for vacation!” She stated but winced when she felt the pinch to her side and judging by the way Chaeyoung looked at her, she knew her culprit right away.
Your best friend then proceeded to smile at you whilst Jennie broke up the little hug. “Come on.” She laughed. “You’re making a scene.” The brunette gestured to the various people looking at the five of you. Mostly, the lower years were looking, really, because those who did know you were aware on how close the five of you have been, despite you being from a different house.
Add to the fact that you and Chaeyoung constantly being next to one another, they’ve gotten used to seeing you nearby when they see the other.
“Hey, do you think we can hangout, later? Just the two of us?” The girl suddenly tells you and you smiled at her while nodding. “Of course.” The other three were smiling as well, seemingly aware of what their fellow Gryffindor was planning, but before she could go further, you all had to take your seats for the start of the head master’s speech.
“I’ll fetch you, after.” Chaeyoung pressed a kiss to your cheek, like usual, and then left with your friends.
Jennie was grinning at the blonde, excitement clear on their faces. “Are you going to do it?” She asked and the latter blushed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Well, we did plan on it throughout the vacation. Why wouldn’t I?”
“That’s the spirit.” Jisoo patted her back. “I’m so excited to see the look on Y/n’s face when you tell her.” Lisa wiggled in her seat to emphasize her words. They had been trying to get her to confess ever since the fourth year, but for some reason, whenever she planned to tell you, she would back out.
After being welcomed back and finishing your meals, Chaeyoung had hurried to you so she could take you to her room, smiling at a few people as you passed by and greeting at some of the friends you were not able to see earlier.
“What’s this about, that you had to drag me all the way to your room instead of being around the girls?” You laughed when you sat on her bed, bouncing slightly while the other girl watched you with a fond smile.
She was nervous, so to say. She’s seen various people ask you, some you were even clueless to their advances, and she wonders why you haven’t accepted a single one. Were you not looking for a relationship? Or were you just not ready for it?
Snapping out of her thoughts, she chased them away before they decided to pull her courage back, and smiled at you. “It’s just... something really private and I hope you don’t laugh at me.” She answers in a small voice, garnering your attention as you looked to your usually confident best friend.
She was back to the shy girl that spoke to you during detention.
“You can tell me.” You say with a soft smile and she sucks in a deep breath, nodding her head. “I know, but... swear you won’t laugh or that you’ll get upset with me.” She tells you and you furrow your brows together, slowly nodding. “You’re not gonna tell me you murdered someone, are you?” You try to keep things lighthearted, but she’s too serious, and you can see it very clearly.
Chaeyoung stares at you for a moment before she breathes out, voice gentle and even. “I really, really like you.”
When the words fall from her lips, no sound comes after and Chaeyoung could feel her heart crashing repeatedly against her rib cage. She tried to understand the expression you wore on your face, but she was panicking too much, and you weren't reacting to what she had said.
Had she just ruined the friendship she had built with you?
Just as she was about to apologize, you finally cracked, letting out a light laugh as you covered your face in embarrassment. "Oh my god, are you serious?" You asked while peeking through your fingers and she nods stiffly, unsure what to take from your reaction until you got up and approached her.
Her eyes shut tight as she braced herself for what you were about to possibly do, making your eyes roll and lightly hit her arm. “You have got to be one of the oddest Gryffindors I have ever met.” You teased and she huffs. But, before she can retort, you’re smiling and tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I guess that’s what made me like you.”
A gasp fell from her lips and her eyes widened. “You, what?” She didn't know if she was hearing things or it was just her own wishful thinking.
But luckily for her, you had answered her unasked question by wrapping your arms around her and tucking your head under her chin. "You haven't exactly been the most subtle. I was just waiting for you to say something for the past year." You chuckled and the girl groaned, though reciprocating the hug as she buried her nose to your hair.
"You really chose to make it hard for me, didn't you?" She muttered, making you laugh as you pulled away, a happy look on your face as you pecked her cheek. "Well, I thought you were going to tell me, so I didn't bother."
"If you had told me sooner, I wouldn't have had to hear all the ridiculous ideas the girls have been telling me. Jisoo even suggested to give you Amortentia just so we could get it over with, but Lisa argued it wasn't romantic."
You gave her an odd look and she quickly raised her hand in defense. "I didn't agree with their ideas, I swear." She immediately tells you and you nod before finally pulling away from the taller girl, smiling as you did. "Well, how about we go and I hear from them what these ideas were. It sounds interesting considering that Amortentia was brought up."
"So, when do you plan on getting a dress?" Seulgi asked while wiggling her brows and your brows raise at her teasing tone. “Why should I tell you? You’re going to end up telling the others.” You stuck your tongue out and she gasped, feigning hurt with her hand to her chest. “Y/n, you wound me! I would never do such a thing.”
“You announced to, basically, the whole house that Chaeyoung and I got together.” You shot back and she cringed, pouting when she latched to your arm. “I said I was sorry!” She whined at you, making you laugh while patting the girl’s head. “I know, but it’s still fun to tease you.”
Yerim, another Gryffindor, just shook her head at the two of you, amusement swimming in her eyes. “It was a big deal for us, too. Who knew that Park Chaeyoung actually had the hots for Hufflepuff’s Y/n L/n.” She grinned. “It made sense why neither of you have ever dated anyone.” She added, Seulgi agreeing to her claim when she finally pulled back.
“Hey, I agreed to a date with Sehun during third year.” You defended and they both deadpan you. “That was one time and you barely said anything to him before you went back after an hour.” Your cheeks puffed as you crossed your arms.
“But, back to the topic, what are you wearing for the Yule Ball? I’m really curious.” Seulgi has been trying to get you to spill any details of what you would be wearing, but you just kept your mouth shut.
“Are we talking about the ball?” An arm wrapped around you before a kiss was dropped on top of your head, letting you know who it was in an instant.
Looking up, you smiled when Chaeyoung smiled to your friends. “Hey, sorry to cut in, but can I steal her for a bit?” She asks and Yerim waved her hand dismissively. “Take her, she’s useless, anyway.” She says playfully and you shoot her a glare.
“Thanks!” Your girlfriend was already pulling you away, taking your things with you while you whined at her to slow down. “Chae, slow down. Not everyone is blessed with legs like yours!” You tell her and she laughs when she slows down her pace and allows you to catch up to her, hand still latched to yours.
When you were finally walking side by side, she then turned her head to give you a light peck on the lips. “Sorry about that. I missed you.” She pouts and you can’t help but coo at her adorable face. “You saw me three hours ago.”
“Is it a crime to miss my baby?”
Honestly, you could never get tired of her cute little gestures or that bright smile. Not even the, sometimes, ridiculous ideas she and her own group of friends come up with. One of your professors have been asked why trouble seemed to follow them, and you were always there to help them out of it.
“But, I just wanted to ask you something really important.” She turned serious again, and you’re so confused when she leads you to the Room of Requirement. After getting inside, you see the flowers spread everywhere then the candles floating in the air.
In awe, you look around the romantically lit room, smiling when you noticed the candles leading you to the center of the room, where an item gleamed under their light. “Rosé, what’s this?” You ask as you stop in front of the floating object, only to see that it was a puzzle-shaped locket.
Taking it in your hand, you quietly observed the delicately looking written letters with a smile before turning around. “Is this...” But when you look at your girlfriend, she’s holding out a little bouquet and a shy smile.
“I know that we’re dating and all, but you know me.” She chuckles while stepping closer, a hopeful smile on her face despite already knowing the answer.
“Will you go to the dance with me?”
You don’t hesitate jumping into her arms and nodding your head. “Of course, I’ll go to the dance with you!” You tell her and she sighs in relief before she finally crashed her lips against yours, feeling much more comfortable, now that she’s asked you.
As you pull away, face flushed and breathless, she smiles at you while resting her forehead against yours. “By the way, it’s Chaeyoung to you, not Rosé.” You just giggled at her before pulling her into another kiss.
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itsthe-neo-zone · 4 years ago
Wands and Potions - NCT Dream and WayV
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Please read the Masterlist before continuing ahead. Thank you.
(Check the updated playlist made for the series, it will definitely elevate the reading experience! it will be uploaded very shortly.)
Chapter 20:
The pitter patter of crying clouds was beginning to affect the dreary and depressed view of the fields across the chateau.
France in the winter months reminded Rodolphus of Scotland, during his childhood. It was dull, soggy and dark. His face fell at the feeling creeping across his chest. It tightened slightly, restricting his breathing. He’d never felt this weak before. It wasn’t a feeling any Lestrange was accustomed to and naturally he opposed it.
“Master Lestrange, your guest has arrived.”
He sighed, reluctantly turning his glance away from the large pane of glass and towards the painting of a woman no older than 43 sitting poised. Signalling the house elf, he paused to await the complete privacy that would set.
 “She’s here, your daughter.” His jaw clenched slightly.
“I should assume you’ve prepared for her arrival?” the painting hissed, the woman moving, the vibrance and life in her reminded him of a time when she was alive. The dreary figures’ hair coiled tight sprung about with the sly and eerie gestures. A long bony-thin wand held in her dead skeletal fingers twirled lightly.
“I have, everything is taken care of.”
She visibly relaxed in her position. Rodolphus found it difficult to paint a picture of her fair beauty in his mind, although it was quite a long time ago. When she was once a young girl.
“The dark lord would be exceptionally pleased,”
She halted squinting a little, her eyes were calculating, she studied his face. Rodolphus shifted visibly glancing away for a second or two. It bothered him till this day that his old friend and wife was still extremely perspicacious and quick witted.
“You’re still thinking about her-” It was a statement, because deep down she already knew. “Rodolphus, I didn’t think time would make you so soft hearted.”
“I have not become soft hearted, she’s our gran-” the expression on her face and her soulless eyes stopped him from continuing.
That’s right, she completely disowned them.
“She’s my granddaughter Bella.” He fixed his tie and collar. Tensing up.
“Just like you’re pursuing your daughter, I too, have the right to pursue the fatherless girl, who is from my own blood.”
Bellatrix’s face visibly fell her fingers clenching tightly on her extension of witchcraft in her hold. “Aliana is more important, in the end the girl is a pureblood, unlike that filthy half breed.”
She huffed almost snapping the wood at her fingertips. “This is all your Cassie’s fault,” if she could spit her name out he thought she would. “If that darned girl would’ve listened to us instead of going off her own bloody way. She wouldn’t have tainted our bloodline and had that bastard child!”
“Enough, Bella, please that’s enough.” Rodolphus grunted, he rubbed his head preparing for their guest to enter. The beat of the wooden doorway echoed, as he gave the signal for the figure to enter he was met with a cloaked form.
The average height was what he first noticed followed by thin figure, the cloak did it’s best to shield him from the sight of the figures face.
He could make out the outline of lips and a chin. The cloaked human stood at a distance and once there had fallen the quiet and vacancy of nobody but them in the room the tips of the fabric draped across the corpse lit up in flames and transfigured into those of feathers as a huge and an unattractive and hideous looking bird; what seems to be an augury, perched across the -now visible- females shoulders.
She was dressed in black robes similarly like her mothers and females that were affiliated with the black family. Although they were extremely revealing and tight fitted, uncommonly so.
Rodolphus took in her facial features her lips and face were structured similarly to Bella, except she had the dark lords eyes. Rodolphus couldn’t forget the first time he had seen young lord Tom Riddles eyes. Beads of obsidian that hung loosely in pearl white paint with swirls of red marbling in his orbs. She was a few years younger than her father at that time. But she held immense levels of charisma and power.
“I wouldn’t look too long into my eyes, I’ve been told they curse and possess.” A chuckle resonated from her chest, but it was nowhere near friendly or cheering. The sound instilled unsettling fear and disquieting horror in him.
“I see Mr Mattheo didn’t join you, Aliana?” Rodolphus inquired wondering were the dark and fair male; her ‘Other half’ as they said, was. The two were very much inseparable.
“He should be here soon, but his attendance isn’t required at the moment.” Aliana smirked.
“Very well, they’ve prepared a room for your arrival on the second floor. The elves have taken care of your belongings.
 Maybe I have gone a little soft hearted?
He greeted the witch and as he allowed her time of her own to settle down, he thought back to his personal choices. Rodolphus thought back to his own granddaughter, and naturally Bella’s words. They echoed in his head. Rodolphus wanted silence though, he wanted them to stop.
“From my own blood,”
She may not be a black to her, but she’s a lestrange.
“So? What do you think?” the long Satin dressing robes flowed gently down long fingers holding them from their strappings above.
It was drawing close to the Yule ball, most of the students were being sent robes and gowns for the special evening. Selene was trying to block off their squealing, noises of euphoric happiness and excitement.
Counting snowflakes was much more infatuating to her than listening to those rampant bunch babbling on about what material looks more expensive and how short to go before it can be ‘deemed inappropriate’.
“Selene, what do you think of this colour?” Clenching her jaw she huffed turning around and plastering a sickeningly sweet smile. “looks lovely.”
 “Selene what’s wrong with you?” jinsoul dropped the fabric at the edge of her bed, pushing past the others she shuffled over sitting across the ginger. “You’ve been a bit off for a while? Everything ok?”
Although Selene was still quite disappointed in Jinsoul she knew what she was doing must be quite embarrassing even for her to know about it. Although they were different. They were close, like sisters. She didn’t have to hide from Selene. But the ginger pushed it aside valuing the long years of friendship they had.
“I’m feeling fantastic, great even, but just a little suffocated.” The sarcasm was evident in the witch’s voice. This wasn’t against jinny, she really was feeling moody. Jinny looked back at her with an empty glance. Her face expressionless, she was waiting for an explanation.
She isn’t going to get one though, to explain to Jinny was like talking to a child, there was going to be more questions than there was listening going on.
“Selene.” A nagging tone spewed past her lips and the puppy eyes came out.
Said girl took in jinny features for a moment. She was definitely a beautiful witch, selene slamost envied jinsoul at times. Round eyes supple skin with rosy cheeks. Not to mention the soft sunlight warm coloured hair that splayed down her shoulders.
“I’m worried for you, you never sleep and when you do its filled with tense sniffles and tugging on sheets. Talk to me.” It all went in one and out the other ear.
That bastard, James and his stupid friends would love someone like her under their filthy paws. Truthfully, Selene felt bad for the poor girl. She was being manipulated.
“I’m-“ Selene spluttered standing up quickly. She grabbed her wand, dazing for a short moment. Jinsoul picked up on the strange movements.
“You alright there?”
No response. Jinsoul noticed the path of Selenes sight looking out past the snowy fog and into the hills below the towers,
The figure below was pulling at Selene’s attention unbeknownst to jinsoul, she watched the dull expression perk up on the gingers face, her fingers subconsciously tightened on her wand.
 “I think you should come try dresses with us, yeah? Get your mind off things?”
Selene finally turned around to face the girl, “I have a better idea.”
“And what’s that?” but before she could get an answer from her she watched her friend run straight for the doorway of their shared room.
“SELENE! Where are you going?” jinsoul offically decided, she’d gone mad or completely suicidal, what was she going to do out this late? throw herself off the edge?
 The bellows and shouts could be heard from past the painting gateway of their dorms and the moving staircases as Selene quickly made her way down the tall towers.
“For the love of Merlin! Will you SLOW DOWN!”
Jinsoul didn’t stop at the stairs like the others, she followed the witch down the stairs. But once they made it to the courtyard past the almost hauntingly empty great hall Jinsoul couldn’t bring herself to step out.
“Fucks sake, what is it? Why are you following me now?”
“What has gotten into you, you buffoon? Have you completely lost it?”
“Maybe? What if I have lost it?” Selene screeched back, this time stepping closer back to her to avoid yelling. Yep, her theory was correct, Selene was beyond mad.
“Selene, please, don’t do this now. It’s so late out. Just come back to the dorms.” She glanced worriedly around her. “If we get caught-”
“’We’ won’t because you’re going to go back up, I’ll be fine. I don’t need to be babied.”
Selene tumbled back as she signalled the anxious witch bye and ran off. Further past the archway and down the bridge.
Selene -out of breath by now- reached the hill where she saw the lanky durmstrang boy.
After catching her breath by grasping at her knees from the sprint, she hissed calling for him. “Yangyang, where are you.” Standing straight she looked around. It couldn’t be hard to miss him. Even with the dull cold toned lighting from the lunar view.
Where is he?
All at once the field of empty she was in began to settle in her conscious awareness. She could hear the simple brushing of scions across the edge of the hill and whistling night breeze. It was eerily silent, Selene swore she could almost hear the last echoes of Jinny calling her back. Bouncing from ear to ear.
Selene’s attention focused in on two figures forming from the shadows the -what looked to be male- figures step out, holding their wands forward. Although she didn’t see them wearing robes she recognised the features, their expressions.
Students, my year. They’re from Slytherin.  
Her eyes frantically glanced from side to side, chest tightening as she picked up on the invasive stance they held against her.
Her arm slowly rose to defend herself. Step by step they were getting closer, What’s going on?
“What do you two want from me?” Selene mentally cursed herself for letting her voice sound much weaker.
“Now now, lets not harrow the poor girl like the evil wizards we are?” a spine tingling timber of a familiar voice echoed into the crisp air behind her figure and Selene felt her blood turn cold.
If they are doing his ‘bidding’ then I’m in for it tonight.
“Selene,” Rosier himself stepped into her line of sight and towards her from a distance. He was twirling his wand in his two fingers.
“An archaic lunar deity. A Greek word for moon and a Roman version of the name Luna.” He came to stand central and ahead of the two boys behind him.
“Or in such an instance it could also be the name of a blood traitor, a bastard.” He spat his stare cold, freezing her into her place and sending shivers down her spine.
A tingle of vulnerability coursed through her, she barely uttered the words.
“Jisung, what do you want with me.”
“Don’t you dare utter my name from your tainted lips!”
“I wouldn’t hesitate to kill you right here and now, your life isn’t of any value to anyone! Even your mother loathes your existence.” Jisung rasped
Selene felt pricks down her chest, she jerked just a little from the words finding it hard to respond or deflect anything. It was as if he was pricking millions of minuscule, poisoned needles puncturing them through her physical barrier of skin spreading the venom, a sour poison to every inch of her being.
I feel paralysed,
“You’ve caused too much trouble and hassle, I have to deal with it all in the end. Such a bother.” He gritted stepping closer, the lack of space between her and him was alarming.
He lifted the sharp wand grabbing her wrist to stop her from stumbling back and slipped the wand down her neck. “Although if you weren’t here I wouldn’t have to do any of this. We could all simply live peacefully without a bothersome half-breed getting in the way.”
“I- I didn’t… I didn’t do a- anything. I swear.” Selene knew he was more than capable of doing every miasmastic action he just mentioned and probably 10 other torturous ones he had thought up in is head at that moment.
Selene was grabbed by the two beside Rosier, her arms held tightly towards her back. The male held up his wand muttering the first few syllables of a jinx. She struggled against him pulling and tugging at her constricted self, momentarily losing balance.
“Jisung, stop!” 
Rosier face fell grunting as he rolled his eyes. “Lucky lucky Selene,” he muttered. She picked up on the pure frustration evident on his face.
“What are you doing?”
Greengrass himself appeared from a distance, walking up to the four, he recognised the ginger girl in their arms.
“Chenle, now’s not the time.” He turned to face the blonde, “Me and Adams were—shall we say--  ‘discussing matters’.” he flashes a grim smirk. 
The tense air between the two was almost visible, a knife to cut through butter wasn’t enough to describe it. Chenle glanced towards the vulnerable looking girl. His eyes almost darkened.
“Let go of her.”
“Chen—” “Do as I say. Please” he whispered the last part.
Jisung, as reluctant as he was -paused, he looked into his friends eyes seing no hope of turning back- signalled the two next to Selene; she pushed herself off their hurtful touch. Stepping away from all 4 boys.
“Go!” Rosier spat back at the dumbfounded males, as they staggered back, frustrated he brushed the hair from his eyes frowning, “You’ll regret this, I told you not to. Just remember that.” He was almost hurt? His tone had a worried slither laced in.
Jisung stalked back towards the castle. Leaving the two together when she didn’t need to be left with Chenle of all people.
Selene started pulling her sleeves down her arms and fixing her jumper.
“I never, uhm… I didn’t thank you. Earlier. For the potion,” she glanced up at him.  “Y-you saved me.” She sighed a shaky breath leaving her lips. “So, thank you.”
He nodded, Chenle didn’t respond with any words. He slowly turned and made his way back towards the stones covering the dipping hill and the edge of the forbidden forest.
“Wait!” he paused in his tracks at the sudden hiss.
“I mean--
He glanced away for a quick moment before stepping towards the female. “I don’t suppose you want to go back to your dorm now, do you?” he spoke monotonously.
Relieved she nodded.
 Trudging towards him she did well to remember a reasonable distance and kept up with his pace. Selene didn’t mumble a thing when they reached the edge and entered into the sombre and caliginous weald.
After stumbling and making distance he stopped her and they were at a distant clearing of the edge and at the tips of the black lake. It was eerily relaxing and silent in the space he settled in.
 Maybe it was the distinctive overcast view or the tinkling of the water lapping at the cold ground. But he wanted to talk. Let out what he was going through. The blonde slid down the tree he leaned against.
Fiddling with the objects he’d brought with him.
Selene stood to the side glancing across the night sky as it meets the hills and dark lake. Understanding finally where the name ‘black lake’ was derived from.
“Can I ask—
she sounded weak, weaker than usual. barely sounding any tone in her words Chenle grimaced but responded “Yes.”
“What were you doing out, I mean when we were in the clearing.”
 “This.” He showed the items before him. Selene recognised them to be an array of herbs and plants. “Herbs?”
“Not just any herbs!” he frowned, taking a slight insult. “Some of the ingredients we needed for the potion.”
How did he manage to gather so many in such little time?
“We’re going to have to make multiple drafts wont we?” Selene took her place next to him mindlessly observing the odd and unique plants.  Her fingers grazed his to touch the petals of a blossom he held.
But like that they quickly made distance after the contact. He glanced towards her eyes. Taking in the proximity. Catching her stare he blinked a few times. Scared she could see right through him.
“How did you find me? i mean-- find us?”
Chenle really felt like he was a ghost with the way she looked into him and not at him.
“I—I wanted to see … the—
But the sentence never finished because Selene didn’t want to have a reasoning, she didn’t want to have an excuse to be close. Even if he did hurt her before.
If Selene truly dug down deep and truthfully she wanted contact, even madder, she wanted it from him and wanted it to last long but why?
She didn’t know why.
  Selene quickly changed the subject. she didnt want it to become awkard, if it was awkward he might leave.  “I can’t sleep.”
“You’re having those nightma—”
“Yes. Except…”
There was a pull. It was strange it was getting stronger the closer he got it was hard to pull back like a magnet he could feel himself falling further and further. This was worse than any curse or jinx he’s read about.
Half of him was clawing himself back up with every force, the other half was freefalling deeper into the unknown clutches of this emotion.
“You. You’re the nightma--.”
She didn’t dare whisper the last syllable. There was less than a thread of space between the two. She fluttered her eyes shut. The terror was building inside her. Threatening to overflow.
 It never came though. His chapped cold lips never caressed hers.
“No. I-- We can’t.”
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@ajuniceuajuniceu @chenlefthearts​ @sensiblebutch @kangkinoa @nctzen2020 @mystic-jungkook @merryandhappylele @bcbymingi @mochischeeks  @rilakunma @jaehyunspaghetti @commentgirl @99jjh @johnnys-wifeu @misaraem @apricottulips @h2ogamergirl @angelsnowflake @j3nm1n 
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kpop-zone · 5 years ago
If I stay pt.2 | Jennie
Warnings: mention of death, 1 curse word
Genre: Hogwarts AU, fluff
Wordcount: 932
A/N: First time that I actually liked the angsty ending, but I didn’t want to leave the anon heartbroken, so here it is. Pure fluff :D
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You couldn’t explain it, but that light just caused endless fascination in you, drawing you closer to it. You slowly moved towards it, when you suddenly heard distant murmuring. Was someone else here?
You asked into the void, while letting your eyes wander. But no one was here, you were surely just imagining things. You were about to continue your way into the light, when you heard the voices again. One voice to be exact. And you started to understand what it was saying.
“...that we’re both so stubborn, but I know that we can work it out.”
The voice didn’t sound like the one who asked you to make a decision before. But you liked this one better. It sounded like music to your ears. Soft, like honey. And why did it sound familiar?
“Please, Y/N. You can play as much Quidditch as you want. You don’t even have to spend time with me ever again. Just let me see your eyes one more time.”
The voice was shaking. The person was crying, you suddenly realized. You felt sick to the core. It was like a dagger in your heart that was painfully twisted. You held your head with both hands, pulling your hair in pain. Who was the owner of that voice? You were sure, you had heard it before.
“Don’t you remember how happy we were last Christmas? How we drove to your parents’ house, but our car got stuck in the snow and we had to spend Christmas Eve on the road?”
You could hear a small smile in the voice.
“Can I tell you a secret? I didn’t mind at all. Because you were with me and that was all that mattered to me. We could spend Christmas together again this year. Wouldn’t you like that?”
You wanted to scream yes. You just wanted to stop the sadness in the voice.
You tried thinking back to your last Christmas. Pictures flew by your inner eye. It was like you were dreaming. You were sitting inside of a car. You remembered the snow and the voice of the weatherman in the radio. He said that this year was the coldest winter in 30 years. But you didn’t feel cold. There was this warm, fuzzy feeling inside of you. And suddenly there it was. The voice. You turned your head to the side. There was a girl sitting, throwing her head back in laughter.
“Y/N! We’re going to get stuck!”
She looked at you with pure love in her eyes and a gummy smile playing on her lips.
You snapped out of your memory lane. It was like someone threw cold water into your face. You remembered all. Your fight. The game. The bludger hitting your head and then everything turning black.
Were you dead?
“Not yet.”
The other voice said again.
“Where am I then?”
You wanted to know.
“Somewhere between the dead and the living.”
Classic Y/N, you thought. Jennie was surely upset with you.
“It’s still your choice. You can go back if you want to.”
The voice reminded you again.
You thought about your two options. It was nice here. There were no worries at all. You were just completely carefree. And that light really fascinated you. It didn’t take you a minute to make your decision, which was rather quick considering you were deciding over life and death.
“Uhm, you there? I’ve made my decision.”
You asked into the void.
The light was so bright that you felt like losing your eye sight forever. You actually had to blink a few times before you were able to see anything at all. Moving your head to the left, your heart almost leaped out of your chest. Your girlfriend was sitting next to you with her head laying on your bed.
You immediately knew that you’d made the right decision. As nice as heaven might have sounded, you were pretty sure, you had already found your heaven on earth. In the form of your girlfriend. Sure, the two of you fought more often than some others, but you always found your way back to each other, didn’t you? It made you stronger as a couple. Deciding that you had let her wait long enough, you tried to lift your hand to stroke her hair, immediately wincing in pain,
“Damn. I’m definitely not in heaven anymore.”
Jennie slightly jumped at the contact, looking up to see who was disturbing her exhausted slumber. When she looked into your eyes, she was frozen. She was surely dreaming.
She asked in disbelieve.
“I would love to spend Christmas with you this year.”
You said, laying your hand on her cheek, while smiling. Tears immediately left Jennie’s eyes and she leaped into your arms, sobbing. You felt a sharp pain, but you didn’t care in the moment. All that mattered was your girlfriend. Her silky hair. Her sweet scent. And how perfectly her body fit against yours.
“Wasn’t it a bit dramatic to almost die to win the argument?”
Jennie asked, while leaning back, a gummy smile finally playing on her lips again. As response you shrugged, grabbing Jennie’s neck and pulling her down to capture her lips.
Coming back was definitely worth it.
You only broke the kiss, when suddelny the doors of the hospital wing flew open, revealing your teammates, who were carrying Yoongi on their shoulders, showcasing the Quidditch trophy to everyone.
“I can’t believe you prefer them over me.”
Jennie said dryly while rolling her eyes, making you laugh in response.
God you loved that girl.
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heanv · 5 years ago
hellooo guyss!! ( please read this.it’s important!)
first of all happy new year!! may you all be blessed💖
so i want to ask you guys something. will you be okay if some of my writtings are based on a books i’ve read?
i personally think that if I do smth like this it may trigger somebody’s interest towards books and probs they will start reading more..?
i witness daily how people reject books and act as if they are smth bad which i find distugsting. so yeah, of course i will not copy every single thing and word from the book i will 100% add something from me but the main idea will be taken from the book.
please do leave you opinion because i really need it.thank you so much for reading this.❤️
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ffsjihoon · 6 years ago
byun baekhyun
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ambitious, confident, cunning, and pureblood, byun baekhyun was placed in slythering as fast as the sorting hat touched his head.
now, as a seven year student, he has gained a lot of respect from his power, not only in hogwarts but also in the magic world, continuing the reputation of his well known family.
his favorite class is potions, in which he excels with great abilities.
he’s not a man of friends, but values loyalty over any other trait.
“The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.”
slytherin masterlist
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girls-scenarios · 7 years ago
I Imagined Us
Idol: Jennie (BlackPink)
Prompt: Helloooooo! How are you? I was wondering if you could do a BlackPink Jennie Harry Potter AU where Jennie is the new commentator for Quidditch and has a "not so big" crush on the reader who is a player for the Ravenclaw team
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I really love Harry Potter but it’s been so long since I’ve watched the movies or read the books so I hope this is okay. A big thank you two everyone who sent kind messages after my last post as well, I really appreciate them! Also, since her house was not mentioned here, I put her in Gryffindor. And some of Got7 makes an appearance because I needed a male character or two. Anyway, enjoy!
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“You know, commentators aren’t supposed to be bias,” Jisoo said, looking down at her nails. She sat beside Jennie, who was looking through the photos on Jisoo’s camera.
“I’m not bias as a commentator, I’m bias as a fan. That’s why I had you take the photos instead of taking them myself,” Jennie responded, eyes locked on the camera screen. Dozens of photos of you, on your broom, standing on the field, in the middle of the game, and after the game, your smile wide and eyes twinkling. Ravenclaw had won the game, and you looked more radiant than ever. She couldn’t help the smile that spread over her face.
“One day someone is going to notice that you favor (Y/N) and therefore the Ravenclaw team. Even though you’re a Gryffindor.” What Jisoo said was true, but Jennie couldn’t really be bothered to care. She’d had a crush on you since she was a second year, there was no going back now. The only reason she’d even become a commentator was because you became the seeker for the Ravenclaw team.
“Is Jennie acting all lovesick again?” Lisa’s voice rang in Jennie’s ears, and when Jennie looked up, Lisa was standing in front of Jisoo, a wide smile on her face and her hands on her hips. Behind her stood Chaeyoung, who waved when Jennie caught her eyes. Jisoo sighed and nodded her head.
“She’s looking at the photos I took of (Y/N) during the game today. Same old same old,” Jisoo said.
“I’m surprised you even still take those photos, honestly,” Lisa said, plopping down beside Jennie and leaning over to look at the photos for herself. “You’re probably the nicest Slytherin I’ve ever met.”
“Slytherins aren’t all mean, Lisa,” Chaeyoung said, sitting beside Jisoo and patting her shoulder. “You should know better than to generalize houses. You’re a Hufflepuff.” Lisa shrugged.
“I was just joking,” she said. Chaeyoung said something in response, but Jennie had tuned them out, her eyes trained on the camera screen. In the photo, you were on your broom near the commentators box, and in the background, she could see herself smiling at you. Swallowing, she wondered if she was always so obvious. Did everyone know? Was Jisoo right?
“Hello, Jennie. Earth to Jennie.” Blinking, she looked up and right into Chaeyoung’s eyes. “There you are. Gryffindors, always spacing out.”
“Hey, you’re generalizing!’ Lisa pointed out. Chaeyoung huffed.
“Doesn’t count, I can generalize my own house.”
“What did you need?” Jennie asked, finally turning off the camera. Chaeyoung looked back at her.
“I was going to ask if you’d even talked to (Y/N) yet but I’m guessing that you haven’t.” Jennie sighed and handed the camera back to Jisoo, who took it with a small smile.
“No, I haven’t,” Jennie said. “There just hasn’t been an opportunity to talk to her.”
“Haven’t you guys had, like, multiple classes together?” Jisoo asked, but she already knew the answer. Jennie humored her and nodded her head, causing Chaeyoung to roll her eyes.
“At this point, the whole Brave thing about Gryffindors doesn’t apply to you. Maybe you should have been sorted into Hufflepuff.”
“Hey!” Lisa objected, but Jenni cut her off from saying anything else, leaning forward.
“It’s just that I can’t talk to them! Everything else I can do. I’d rather fight off dragons than walk up to them and say hi out of nowhere.”
“That’s how you make friends, Jennie,” Jisoo said as she stood up, camera in hand. “I’ve got homework to do so I’ll see you guys later. Don’t waste time trying to convince this girl to talk to her crush, I’ve been trying to convince her since our second year and it still hasn’t worked.” Jennie pouted, but Jisoo just gave her a smile and a wave before walking away. Huffing, Jennie sat back in her chair and crossed her arms.
“I need better friends,” she said.
“Don’t say that. We’re just trying to help you,” Lisa said, patting Jennie’s shoulder. “I bet (Y/N) would love to meet you. I’ve met them, they’re really nice.”
“Yeah....” Jennie looked down at her hands. “It’s just hard.”
“I know,” Lisa said, and then smiled softly. “But I have faith in you.” Jennie smiled back and leaned into Lisa’s arms.
“Thanks, Lisa. You’re the best friend I have.” 
Chaeyoung cleared her throat. “I’m still here.”
Another day, another game. It was getting close to the end of the season, and Jennie was anxious in her commentators seat, watching the game unfold in front of her. It was the Ravenclaw team against the Gryffindor team, and although she was supposed to be cheering for her own house, her eyes kept being drawn to you, perched high on your broom, eyes alert. 
The game had been going for an hour now, nonstop, and it was close. The golden snitch had yet to appear, and the teams were each scoring regular points.
“I think this is the closest game we’ve had this season,” Jennie said, shoulders tense. Beside her, the other commentator nodded his head.
“No kidding, Jennie. Neither team is giving any slack.” 
“Who do you think will win the game, Jinyoung?” She was speaking, but her eyes were on you. You were unnaturally still, watching something.
“I don’t know. Your home team Gryffindor has been doing pretty well this season, but Ravenclaw is really gaining on them. They’re showing how much they’ve grown since the last year.” You moved suddenly from your spot, and Jennie blinked at the blur you’d become, racing towards something. It could only be one thing, and she stood half out of her chair.
“It looks like the golden snitch has been released! (Y/N) spotted it and is racing towards it!” Jinyoung too raised out of his chair, squinting to get a better look at what was happening on the field.
“Griffindor seeker Jaebum has also spotted it, they’re neck and neck racing towards it!” Jennie could feel her hands gripping at the table, and she felt like Jinyoung was equally excited, his eyes wide as he held his breath.
“A Ravenclaw beater just hit a bludger towards Jaebum,” she breathed, leaning even further forward. Jaebum, seeming to sense something coming behind him, spun his broom upside-down and hung, causing the bludger to spin over his head and down towards the ground.
“A sloth grip roll, incredible!” Jennie couldn’t help the twinge of disappointment and the mounting anxiety inside her chest, but she hid it with a gasp.
“They’re so close no one can tell who will get it!” You reached out your hand at the same time Jaebum did, and then dirt flew everywhere as the two of you reached the ground. Holding her breath, Jennie stood all the way up. For a moment, everything was silent. And then you emerged from the cloud of dirt, golden snitch held high in your hand and a grin on your face.
“Ravenclaw wins!” Jennie exclaimed, then took a deep breath, hoping no one noticed her bias. Beside her, Jinyoung cheered, but she noticed that his shoulders looked a little slumped, and his eyes were on Jaebum, who had also emerged from the dust. Well, at least she wasn’t the only one. “Congratulations to Ravenclaw on their win!”
“Ravenclaw has been killing it this season. Will their winning streak continue into the next game? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see,” Jinyoung said, slowly sitting back down into his seat. Jennie followed suit.
“Until the next game, this has been Jennie and Jinyoung, your favorite Hogwarts Quidditch commentators.” As soon as Jennie shut her mouth, Jinyoung reached over and waved his wand, dispelling the spell that had been broadcasting their voices across the stadium. For a moment, they sat there, breathing deeply. Then Jinyoung sighed and shook out his hair.
“This commentating stuff is stressful,” he said, mustering a small smile. Jennie nodded in agreement and leaned forward to watch the teams congratulating each other on the ground.
“No kidding. Your house won, though. Congrats.” He snorted.
“I should be telling you congratulations. Your eyes were on (Y/N) the entire time.” Jennie could feel herself blushing, and chose not to reply immediately. When she didn’t say anything, Jinyoung sighed again and leaned forward with her. “It’s hard crushing on someone on the opposite team, huh?”
“Yeah. Jaebum’s a good player though. And a really nice guy, so you made a good choice.” He turned to look at her.
“I know, I managed to kind of get into his friend group somehow. One of my friends is in Ravenclaw and he introduced us. I don’t know how Jaebum feels about me though.” Jennie raised her eyebrows.
“I could talk to him if you want. We’re friends.” This time it was Jinyoung blushing.
“I don’t want it to be obvious or anything, though.” Jennie smiled at him and waved her hands.
“I wont make it obvious. I can just ask him if there’s anyone he’s interested in. Something like that.” Jinyoung smiled back.
“I’d actually.... really appreciate that. If you want, I can talk to (Y/N). I know them, we’ve been friends for a few years now.” Jennie’s smile faltered a bit.
“Well.... I’ve never actually spoken to them.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened and he leaned forward.
“Never? There’s nothing to be afraid of, (Y/N) is a really great person.”
“They’re just.... So out of my league, you know?” He shook his head and reached over, grabbing her hands.
“That’s not true at all. I’ll let you talk to Jaebum for me, but please, in return, let me talk to (Y/N). Let me at least introduce you guys.” Jennie bit her lip, thinking for a moment. Then, slowly, she nodded.
“Okay. It’s a deal.”
“Good,” Jinyoung said, letting go of her hands and standing up before patting her shoulder. “I promise. You wont regret it.”
Jennie smiled and stood up as well. “We make a good team.”
“Of course.”
“You took so much time to leave today that someone started a rumor that you and Jinyoung have, like, a thing.” Jennie choked on the water she was drinking, and Lisa quickly patted her back, eyes full of worry.
“Chaeyoung, don’t say things like that when she’s drinking water,” Lisa said. Chaeyoung shrugged.
“Well, I thought she should know.”
“I thought everyone knew that Jinyoung was super gay but apparently not,” Jisoo said, picking at her nails again. Her camera hung around her neck, but Jennie hadn’t even had time to ask her for the pictures yet. Sputtering, she wiped her mouth and looked around her.
“Wait, people think that just because Jinyoung and I were having a conversation at the end of the game that we’re dating?”
“Something like that,” Lisa said. “Apparently someone saw him grab your hands too but I don’t know. You know how much people like to gossip here.”
“This is dumb,” Jennie groaned, slumping against the nearest wall. “We were just talking. We have something in common.”
“You mean the fact that you’re both madly in love with players for an opposite house?” Jisoo said, causing Jennie to look up at her.
“How do you know?”
“Jinyoung and I are childhood friends,” Jisoo said, raising her eyebrows. “I thought I told you that?”
“Well, I remember that conversation,” Chaeyoung said, “but that was the day we were in class with (Y/N) so Jennie probably wasn’t listening.”
“Stop teasing her so much,” Lisa said, still rubbing Jennie’s back. “Jennie, you should have gone down into the field to greet the players, you could have talked to (Y/N) there.” Jennie sighed and stood up.
“It’s fine. Jinyoung said he’d introduce us. But I’ve got to explain to Jaebum that Jinyoung and I aren’t a thing first.” She gave her friends a weak smile fixed her robes, spelling them dry from the water. “I’ll see you guys later?”
“Yeah,” Jisoo said, and knocked her knuckle against Jennie’s shoulder. “Go get ‘em, tiger.”
“Good luck,” Chaeyoung said. Lisa gave Jennie a small hug before pulling away and giving her a thumbs up.
“I’m proud of you!”
“You’re younger than me,” Jennie pointed out, but she was smiling as she waved goodbye to her friends and walked away.
The Gryffindor dorm was loud. It was always loud, but it was louder tonight. Win or lose, Gryffindors were always loud after a Quidditch match. When she stepped into the common room, Jennie had to take a moment to get adjusted to the noise, and just when she did, she heard her name called.
“Hey, Jennie!” When she turned to where the voice was coming from, she saw Jackson, probably the loudest student at Hogwarts, with none other than Jaebum following behind him. She couldn’t decipher the look Jaebum was giving her, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to anyway.
“Oh, hey, Jackson. You guys did a good job out there today.”
“So, are you and Jinyoung really dating?” Man, this kid pulled no punches. Jaebum gave him a look, like that was not the first thing that was supposed to come out of his mouth. Quickly, Jennie laughed and shook her head, waving her hands.
“Nope, that’s just a dumb rumor. I swear. Jinyoung and I are just friends.” Jackson grinned and turned back around to look at Jaebum.
“See, I told you.”
“Jinyoung has eyes for someone else,” Jennie said, quickly, before Jackson could talk over her. She was mostly talking to Jaebum, but it was Jackson that answered.
“I know. But someone around here doesn’t believe me.” Jaebum huffed and pulled away from Jackson.
“I did not come over here so you could tease me,” he said, putting his hands on his hips. Then he turned to look at Jennie, and the look on his face had changed. “You know who he likes?”
“Yes,” Jennie said. “Why?”
“No reason,” Jaebum said, but his cheeks were turning pink and Jennie had known him long enough to know that he was a terrible liar.
“Sure,” she said.
“Dude, you’ve got to stop trying to hide it, you’re making it more obvious than ever.”
“Shut up,” Jaebum hissed, and Jennie laughed.
“Really, Jaebum. You have nothing to worry about. Especially not with me.” Jaebum’s cheeks and ears were red now, and he looked away while Jackson grinned.
“That’s what I keep telling him. But guess who doesn’t listen?” Jennie was about to reply when the Gryffindor door opened and two people who were not Gryffindors walked in. Jennie raised her eyebrows as Jinyoung approached her, you right behind him.
“How do you know the password?”
“I’m a Ravenclaw. I know things.” He nodded towards you. “Jennie, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my friend and fellow commentator that I am not dating Jennie.” You laughed and reached out your hand.
“It’s nice to meet you. It’s also nice that you aren’t dating Jinyoung.” Jennie shook your hand and smiled cheekily.
“And why’s that?” She asked.
“You’re way to cute to be stuck with that loser.”
“I’m right here,” Jinyoung said, and moved closer to Jaebum, who had finally stopped staring at the floor and had started staring at Jinyoung instead.
“I know, I was joking,” you said giving him a wink. He huffed, but smiled all the same. It got bigger when Jaebum put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer.
“Congrats on your win,” Jennie said. “You were amazing out there.” Her heart was pounding in her chest, but she couldn’t help smiling. You were easier to talk to than she’d thought you would be.
“Thank you! I was so nervous, we’ve been winning so much that it’s got me nervous.” You laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of your neck. “Actually, I really like your voice. Whenever you say my name I feel like I can do it, you know?” Jennie wanted to squeal, but she didn’t, for obvious reasons. She’d definitely squeal into her pillow later.
“I didn’t even know the players listened to us.”
“Of course! Well, I might listen a bit more because I like your voice, but we all like to listen as much as we can while concentrating. Honestly, I never thought I’d meet you. I always wanted to talk to you but you always seemed to far away. I thought I’d have to listen to your voice over the field instead of up close forever.” This was a dream. A really good dream. Except it was very real and Jennie was pretty sure this was the happiest she’d ever been.
“No way! I didn’t even know you knew I existed.”
“Of course I know who you are. And I’d love to get to know you better.” You smiled shyly. “Would you like to go get coffee with me sometime?” Jennie couldn’t help the little giggle that escaped her lips. So you weren’t that out of reach after all.
“Of course, I’d love to.”
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prisonerofbangtan · 7 years ago
🌻 New Writing Blog 🌻
~New writing blog here~
I'm currently taking requests for moodboards, reactions, scenarios, drabbles, & ships
General rules:
1. No smut
2. ‎Be patient
3. ‎Requests must be within the Harry Potter universe
4. ‎ This is a LGBT friendly zone (most writings will be gender neutral)
Request a member & I will make a Hogwarts! Au moodboard for them with the house I think they would be sorted into
If you want a more specific moodboard (for example Death Eater! Yoongi, Cat Animagus! Jimin, Auror! Jungkook, etc) requests are open for these as well.
Groups I make moodboards for:
- ‎Exo
- ���Got7
- ‎Blackpink
- ‎Seventeen
- ‎Nct (all units)
- ‎Red Velvet
- ‎Stray Kids
- ‎Mamamoo
- ‎The Boyz
Once again no smut
Requests must be within the Harry Potter universe (ex. BTS reaction to you introducing them to something from the muggle world, BTS reaction to your patronus being a phenoix, BTS reaction to their amortentia smelling like something that reminds them of you etc.)
Taking reaction requests for:
-No smut
-‎Must be within the Harry Potter universe
-‎Requests for just one member at a time
Taking scenario requests for:
//Song Drabbles//
Send in a song + a member and I will write a Harry Potter au based on that song
//Number Drabbles//
Only open after reblogging prompts
Drabble requests open for:
Sorting Hat Ships (Written):
Send in a description of your personality + a group and I will sort you into a Hogwarts house & ship you with a member of that group
only up to 3 groups per request but you can request again
Sorting Hat Ships (Selca):
Send in 1-3 selcas + a group and I will sort you into a Hogwarts house & ship you with a member of that group
Only up to 3 groups per request but you can request more than once
Ship requests are open for:
- ‎Exo
- ‎Got7
- ‎Blackpink
- ‎Seventeen
- ‎Nct U
-NCT 127
-NCT Dream
- ‎Red Velvet
- ‎Stray Kids
- ‎Mamamoo
- ‎The Boyz
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minachuuu · 4 years ago
Fluff:💕 / Angst:⚡ / Suggestive:💋 / Platonic:✨ / Holiday Editions:⛄🎃🌹
Quick Notes!: 
If there’s more than one emoji on a link, the first one is the content it includes more.
Mafia!AUs will be solely clasified as angst for some of its violent nature.
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Reaction to their Crush Falling Asleep on Them💕
Reaction to their S/O making Stunts on Stage💕⚡
Reaction to the 13th Member Writing ‘Where You At’ After Breakup⚡💕
Reaction to their S/O Having a Nightmare💕
Reaction to their S/O Cooking for Them💕
It’s Written In Our Contracts (Heejin x Reader)⚡💋
The Ghosts of a Choice Part 1 / Part 2 (KimLip x Reader)⚡💋
The Colors of the Night (Jinsoul x Fem!Reader)💕
Unspoken Words Hurt Too Part 1 / Part 2 (Yves x Fem!Reader)⚡
The Wingwoman Part 1 / Part 2 (Chuu x Reader)⚡💕
My Christmas Wish (Chuu x Fem!Reader)💕⛄
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Reaction to their S/O not answering their calls⚡
Reaction to their S/O being super romantic💕
Reaction to their S/O being the 13th Member of Loona💕
Reaction to their S/O pranking them💕
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Reaction to falling for a composer💕
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Red Velvet
Reaction to having an obliviously flirty S/O⚡💕
Reaction to their S/O wearing their clothes💕
Mafia!AU: Reaction to being teased for their soft spot on their S/O⚡
Reaction to first kiss with their S/O💕⛄
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The Monsters Under My Bed (MonsterAU - Halloween Special) - Written with @k-comfyspace​ 💕⚡
Part 1 🎃 Part 2 🎃 Part 3 🎃 Part 4 🎃 Part 5
Reaction to their S/O having a deep voice💕
When The Lights Go Out (Gahyeon x Fem!Reader)💋💕
Voices I Can’t Run Away From (8th Member!AU)⚡
The Voice That Keeps Following Me (Voices I Can’t Run Away From Sequel)⚡
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Reaction to their S/O being covered in tattoos💕
Reaction to being sick and cared by their S/O💕
Reaction to their S/O being a daredevil💕
Reaction to their S/O’s baby pictures💕
Reaction to their S/O being a Vampire⚡💕💋
Something About the Sunshine (Ryujin x Reader)💕
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Reaction to a Sassy & Sarcastic S/O💕
Reaction to Shy S/O Liking Cuddles💕
Mafia!AU: Reaction to their soft spot on their S/O⚡💕
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Hogwarts!AU: Follow The Light Part 1 / Part 2 (Jihan x Reader)
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Weki Meki 
Reaction to their S/O drawing them💕
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Nothing here!... Yet
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Jeon Somi
Nothing here!... Yet
Nothing Here!... Yet
Nothing Here!... Yet
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Welcome to InThatVerse
- the place where you shall find yourself in a universe other than this -
Think of this place as a hall with 4 doors. Each door leads to a different universe where you are transformed into a character in that particular universe. Your destiny will be set the way you want it to be. And will be dependent directly on who you are, what you deem important, how you think and how you behave.
Step into the hall and there are a few steps you must take in order to complete your assignment and walk through a door of your choosing:
1. Fill in an info sheet to verify your identity.
2. Choose your door.
3. Answer questions relevant to your door of interest.
4. Await approval and manufacture of your identity card.
5. Enter the universe as an official character.
Now that you're all ready, let's get started.
Info Sheet
- these are the information you need to fill out for any general request at all. doesn't matter for which fandom, they are absolutely necessary information unless stated otherwise -
i. 5 Emojis that represent who you are.
ii. Your MBTI, Zodiac and Hogwarts House (these are optional, if you think they don't represent you well, you don't have to included it)
iii. Your Personality (general description)
iv. Your Likes and Dislikes
v. Your Dreams and Fears
vi. Your Strengths and Weaknesses
vii. 5 to 10 Aesthetic Descriptions (suggestions: an environment, a scenario, a sound, a smell, a taste, a colour, an object, an action that you find comforting or that makes your heart race)
viii. A Song (could be one that you feel represents you, one that you can relate to, your favorite song, or even just the first one that pops into your head!)
ix. A Word/Quote/Phrase (again, could be your favourite word or a quote you live by or even a phrase that made you laugh recently, basically anything that you believe would help me understand you)
x. 5 Random Facts about you
xi. A description of your Appearance or a picture of yourself (this is optional or you can even use a drawing/fanart/picrew image if you'd like)
Choose Your Door
- the types of requests I offer -
i. Your Pokemon Partner (I match you up with a pokemon that I believe would be the perfect partner for you. Will include an explanation and a cute short scenario with your partner. Might include runner-ups if there were any. Please take care of this lil one as I know it would love you unconditionally.)
ii. Your BNHA Quirk (I create a quirk just for you. Would be entirely based on you and uniquely created just for your purpose. Will include a description, limitations and special moves.)
iii. Your Haikyuu Life (I give you a description of your life as a character in the HQ-verse. Will include your school, boyfriend, best friend and a short description for the latter two.)
iv. Your Kpop Soulmate (I ship you with an idol based on all the kpop groups that exist. Yes, all of them. Will include a short description and a short date scenario. However I may not be familiar with every group, of course, so it might not always be the most accurate. OR I ship you with an idol from a group of your choice. Will include a short description and a short date scenario.)
Specific Questions
i. Your Pokemon Partner
- Do you have a specific gen in mind?
- Do you have a type preference? (may be overridden if I find that a pokemon of another type suits you best)
- Are there any pokemon that you do not like? (I will not match you up with them but please love all these bbys :'))
- Do you want me to include legendaries, mythicals and ultra beasts?
ii. Your BNHA Quirk
- Would you like it to be combat-based? (even if you say no it doesn't mean that I won't give you a combat-based one, it just means that you're open to all types)
- What are some interesting talents you may have?
iii. Your Haikyuu Life
- What do you look for in a s/o?
- What do you look for in a best friend?
- Do you have a school/team preference? (if you have a school preference then I won't include a school in your request)
- Are there any characters you do not want included in the matchup?
- Do you want me to include minor characters? (if you don't specify then I will include them. these are characters that might have appeared only once or twice in the anime or may not even have been animated at all)
- Do you want me to include characters that aren't players? (if you don't specify then I will include them.)
- Do you have a team position preference? (may be overridden if I find that the most fitting character is of another position)
iv. Your Kpop Soulmate
- Any gender preferences?
- What do you look for in a s/o?
- Do you have age boundaries? (eg. only 20-25 y/os)
- Do you not want me to include groups that are no longer active? (if you don't specify then I will include them, the idols may have even transitioned to, say, an acting career, but have been idols at one point)
- Do you not want me to include k-bands? (if you don't specify then I will include them. these are bands like Day6, N.Flying etc)
(for specific groups)
- Do you not want me to include members that have already left? (if you don't specify then I won't include them and will only consider the current lineup. however for members like woojin of skz and seungri of bigbang, I won't consider them in my ships)
- Do you have any unit preferences? (if you don't specify then I will consider all units as a whole. eg. svt hip-hop unit or nct dream)
- Do you have any position preferences? (might be overridden if I find a member of another position works best with you)
Additional Information
- I don't include female Haikyuu characters as I don't know them well enough, sadly.
- I obviously do not know all kpop groups out there but I do know a vast majority. However I still consider all of them because I'm always open to learning new groups and doing these ships are an excellent gateway for me to do so!! Unfortunately this might also mean that sometimes the ships might not be the most accurate but I hope you understand!
- For reference, if you want the most accurate ships, the groups I stan or know best are: Pentagon, BTS, Twice, I.O.I, NCT, Itzy, Red Velvet and Blackpink.
- I will always try to make your quirk as creative and unique to you as possible. This is something special that you will own and I really value that.
- For minor Haikyuu characters, obviously some of their personalities aren't canon so I'll just base them on what I believe they're like irl.
That's all! Now, if you're prepared to begin your journey, it's time to step into the hall.
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krreader · 6 years ago
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you all know me, there’s only a few of my scenarios that have only one genre, so if I were you I’d just read through all of them and see what you like. I tried to put each story to the genre section I thought it’d fit most!
masterlists for other idols/groups can be found here here
→ surprising you at school/uni (+ angst) 
 → soulmate!au 
 → soulmate!au - the aftermath (+ crack) 
 → youtuber!reader (+ crack) 
 → meeting you while filming bon voyage
 → meeting foreign producer!reader 
→ falling for a hufflepuff!reader - hogwarts!au (fluff)
 → falling for a gryffindor!reader - hogwarts!au (+ angst ; crack)
 → falling for a ravenclaw!reader - hogwarts!au (+ crack ; mentions of smut) 
→ falling for a slytherin!reader - hogwarts!au (+ angst ; mentions of smut) 
→ falling for a beauxbaton!reader - hogwarts!au (+ angst)
 → your kid writing a poem about why you love their father 
 → approaching you in public, when you don’t speak korean (+ crack) 
 → taking care of you when you’re on your period
 → kissing their best friend (+ crack) 
→ family day at the beach 
 → you thinking you’re not their ideal type, even though you are 
→ playfully shoving you away when you want to help them (+ crack ; smut)
 → you getting a call during tour that your boyfriend is sick/hurt (+ angst)
 → falling for their teacher - college!au / student!bts / teacher!reader (+ crack) 
→ being with their teacher - college!au / student!bts / teacher!reader (+ crack ; smut) 
→ helping you with school work (+ crack) 
 → them being your first kiss 
 → having children different ways 
 → meeting you, a friend of GOT7, at a barbecue (+ hints of angst) 
→ falling for their neighbor (+ crack)
 → taking their family to a vacation
 → cheering you up after an exam (+ angst) 
 → you being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness - the aftermath (happy ending) 
→ you dancing to one of their songs of the new album (+ angst ; crack ; smut) 
→ having to reveal your relationship during an interview
 → you joining them on tour 
 → coming home from tour 
→ spending a cold and rainy day with you (+ mentions of smut)
 → you accompanying them to the UN General Assembly (+ crack)
 → them having to convince their kid they’re okay when flying somewhere (+ angst)
 → being with you when you get your ears pierced (+ crack)
 → you taking care of them when they’re sick (+ crack) 
 → giving/receiving a massage (+ crack ; smut)
 → saying I love you for the first time 
 → randomly complimenting you 
→ talking to your baby belly 
→ winter dates (+ crack)
 → taking care of you when you’re sick 
 → you being their older sister 
 → you being their best friend since childhood (+ crack ; hints of angst)
 → meeting you, their internet friend, for the first time (+ angst)
 → other members teasing your boyfriend for being soft around you 
 → proposing to you during an interview/on a stage (+ hints of angst) 
→ waiting for the result of a pregnancy test when they have to leave for tour (+ crack ; angst) 
→ doing their daughter’s hair/make-up/nails (+ crack)
 → another member comforting you (+ angst) 
→ other members finding you and your boyfriend cuddled up together on the couch (+ crack ; mentions of smut)
 → taking part in Return of Superman (+ crack) 
→ asking actress!reader out after a show (+ hints of crack)
 → becoming insecure because of how famous you are become as an idol (+ angst) 
→ you being the blackpink maknae and meeting the boys 
 → you having to help them when their arm is broken 
→ you as their sister (pre-debut) - sister!reader
 → their nighttime routine with you 
 → your child being obsessed with their BT21 character (+ crack)
 → them as your teachers - non idol!au ; hogwarts!au (+ crack) 
→ cuddling with you (+ crack ; smut) 
→ you being an elementary school teacher and them spending a day with you at school 
 → you being a fan of a girl group and them being supportive of that (+ crack) 
→ falling for you through a partner project - non idol!au ; high school!au (+ angst ; hints of smut) 
→ helping you relieve stress (+ smut) → falling for someone they’re working with (+ angst ; mentions of smut) → learning your native language (+ crack) → making their own lullaby for your baby → asking you out after you successfully finish a collab together → making their surprise return after taking a hiatus because you’ve been sick (+ angst) → you as TXT’s older sister - + txt (+ crack) → playing with your hair → meeting you on the bachelor - bachelor!au (+ hints of angst) → you and him getting your first pet together → home date  → you, an angel, being in love with them, a demon - non idol!au ; demon/angel!au (+ angst) → comforting you before a surgery (+ angst) → telling your children your love story (+ crack) → falling for you, their newest make-up artist (+ smut ; hints of angst) → dating an “average” girl (+ angst) → your child that you raised together, despite not being together, playing matchmaker → proposing to you in the least romantic situations → saying something cute/funny when meeting their parents (+ crack) → spending New Year’s Eve with you → getting your first apartment/house → PDA
→ ruining your round of superstar bts 
 → talking to another member about your sex life and you overhearing it (+ smut ; fluff ; angst) 
 → scaring you on halloween and you accidentally slapping them (+ fluff)
 → marrying you in vegas (+ angst ; smut) 
→ them being horny, but you’re on your period (+ smut) 
→ having a sex dream about you when you’re next to them (+ smut) 
→ you meeting ghost!bts in a haunted house - supernatural!au / non idol!au (+ fluff ; hints of angst ; hints of smut) 
→ no hands challenge (+ fluff ; smut)
 → them being drunk (+ fluff) → you losing a bet and having to be their slave for a day (+ crack) → you calling them - as your best friend - to cheer you up after a bad day (+ angst) → asking another member for a condom (+ smut)
→ reconnecting with their ex girlfriends, which makes you upset (+ fluff) 
 → drunkenly cheating on you during tour
 → you being their affair 
→ meeting your racist parents
 → only realizing that they love you when you already left (+ fluff) 
 → you being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness (angst) 
→ you being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness - the aftermath (angst version) 
→ trying to win you back (+ fluff)
 → leaving for tour when they have a newborn baby at home (+ fluff) 
 → you tending to their wounds - mafia!au (+ fluff)
 → inspired by without me by halsey 
 → inspired by without me by halsey - the aftermath 
 → you being a former foster kid and other members noticing you being “clingy”(+ fluff) 
 → complaining about you behind your back and then you trying to ‘improve’ yourself (+ fluff) 
 → you watching a video of them fainting - sister + idol!reader (+ fluff)
 → frat house leader x unpopular girl - college!au (+ fluff)
 → making you feel insecure (+ fluff) 
→ BigHit forcing you two to break up, but them proposing to you instead (+ fluff)
 → telling you they’re ashamed of you/giving you a reason they never wanted to make your relationship public (+ fluff)
 → falling for someone that’s working for them - royalty!au (+ fluff) → telling you they don’t want the child you’re expecting 
→ telling you they don’t want the child you’re expecting - the aftermath (+ fluff)
 → you confessing to them, even though they’re already in a relationship
 → you confessing to them, even though they’re already in a relationship - the aftermath (+ fluff)
 → rejecting you when you ask them out 
 → rejecting you when you ask them out - the aftermath (+ fluff)
 → being forced to break up with you 
 → being forced to break up with you - the aftermath (+ fluff) 
→ confessing to you when they know you’re dying 
 → inspired by because I had you by shawn mendes 
→ chasing after you after a fight about the child you’re expecting (+ fluff)
 → running into his mean ex (+ fluff)
 → being protective of you - vampire!bts ; human!reader (+ fluff) 
→ you becoming scared of them after you witness them kill someone with a family - non idol!au ; mafia!au
 → falling for their friend with benefits 
 → your child not being happy about you wanting/having another child (+ hints of fluff and smut) 
→ pranking you and it going wrong (+ fluff ; crack)
 → surprising you in a romantic way after a hard day (+ fluff)
 → overhearing your friends telling you to break up with them for your own good (+ fluff)
 → inspired by Kiss and Make Up by Dua Lipa and BLACKPINK (+ smut) 
→ meeting each other as enemies - various au’s ; non idol!au (+ fluff)
 → meeting each other as enemies (the aftermath) - various au’s ; non idol!au (+ fluff) 
→ fighting with you because of wanting to raise your child differently (+ fluff)
 → arranged marriage - mafia!au (+ fluff ; hints of smut) → you telling them you’re pregnant, before they could break up with you (+ fluff)
 → soulmates, but from rivalry houses - hogwarts!au ; soulmate!au (+ fluff) → you comforting them after something went wrong during a concert (+ fluff) → spending one last day together → them cheating with your best friend → you being upset after planning for a trip doesn’t go as planned (+ fluff) → you being upset about them not spending time with you on your days off due to a comeback (+ hints of fluff)
→ exposing your/their kinks to other members (+ crack)
 → sleeping with you while one of their songs is playing (+ crack)
 → taking your virginity as your best friend (+ fluff ; hints of angst)
 → other members teasing you for having been too loud the night before (+ crack)
 → them being the good guy, you being the bad girl (+ angst ; fluff)
 → them being your affair and becoming jealous/possessive (+ angst ; fluff) 
→ neck kissing (+ crack ; fluff) 
→ wanting to have sex without a condom (+ fluff) 
→ being stuck in a closet with you and having a boner - non idol!au ; college!au (+ fluff) → being sexually desperate when they come home (+ crack) → morning sex (+ fluff) → eating you out while you’re doing a livestream - celebrity!reader → foreplay (+ fluff)
→ competition - + got7 / idol!reader (fluff ; angst ; crack) → regrets series - the aftermath (+ fluff) 

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luxora · 3 years ago
Blackpink -> {Hogwarts AU} -> First Kiss
Requested: Nope
Group: Blackpink
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Have a dose of fluff!
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Jisoo and you had been best friends since first year, and only recently had your friendship turned into a romantic relationship, mostly due to all of your friends practically screaming that the two of you liked each other and Jisoo decided to just throw caution out the wind and asked you out. And not so surprisingly, you said yes. And so the two of you were now dating and you were realizing just how much you had hit the jackpot as your best friend and girlfriend was a prefect.
“Oh yeah, I am definitely never going to break up with you.” You said with a smile, lounging in the prefect bath while Jisoo stared at you from the other side of the tub, her eyebrow raised.
“Is that why you agreed to date me? To enjoy my prefect benefits?”
“Well I was already benefiting from them when we were just friends, just now as a your girlfriend, I am just as entitled to them as you are.” You said, picking up a cloud of bubbles and blowing them playfully in Jisoo’s direction. Jisoo rolled her eyes.
“That isn’t how it works.”
“Oh come on, you can’t say no to me.” You said, pushing yourself off the wall and slowly swimming towards Jisoo’s side of the tub. Jisoo scoffed.
“I have plenty of times before in the past.”
“Yeah but we were just friends then. I’m your girlfriend now.”
“That makes no difference.”
“Its a big difference!”
You splashed Jisoo in indignation, which prompted Jisoo to splash you back. And then of course, that erupted in a splashing war between the two of you as you both laughed and tried to get the upper hand in the fight until suddenly you decided to push forward and wrangle Jisoo into your arms and up against the tub wall. The two of you froze as you realised just how close the two of you were and...how naked you both were.
Jisoo couldn’t help but blush as her hands on your hips, your skin smooth under her touch. You did the same, blushing pink as your hands were on her shoulders, feeling just how soft and smooth she was with her wet locks slightly sticking to your hands.
“...We have bathed together plenty of times before.” You suddenly said, your voice softer than usual. Jisoo nodded.
“Yes...but its different now. We-we’re dating now.” You nodded.
“Yeah...we are.”
The two of you gazed at each other, trying to figure out what the other was thinking. Jisoo gazed at your face, hair wet and face bare and yet still so beautiful as she always believed. While she has seen you like this plenty of times before, it was different now because Jisoo wasn’t seeing you from a friend perspective, but of that as a lover. And you saw her the same way.
So quite honestly, neither of you were surprised when your lips suddenly met in a soft kiss, Jisoo’s hand moving to cup your cheek while your slightly dug your fingers into her shoulder to centre yourself. While the two of you were friends for years, you two were still new to be dating each other. But that was okay, because the two of you could explore it together without any pressure.
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Quidditch was one of the things which you loved the most. Not only because it was one of the most competitive sports in the wizarding world, but because you were good at it and everyone in Hogwarts new just how good you were, along with Jennie.
Jennie loved watching you during your Quidditch games. Not only were you best chaser that Hogwarts has ever seen, but also you looked so damn sexy in your uniform that Jennie often found herself blushing as she watched you play, which of course lead to her being teased endlessly by her friends as they are well aware of just how smitten she is with you. But she wasn’t the only one in the relationship because you were quite in the same flustered state whenever you saw her wearing your clothes, so it was fairly balanced with how affected the two of you become with one another.
People were obviously envious with Jennie snatching you off the dating market but she did not care. You were hers and she was going to be the best girlfriend that you would ever have, and one of her many duties of being that is watching you Quidditch games and cheering you on. Not that she had a problem with that as it just have her more time to admire you.
She loved how focused you would get during a game. You face was serious and in the zone and your obvious talent for the sport shined through your play as you maneuvered through the air with the skill of a professional player. You always annihilated the other team and this time was no different and Jennie proudly cheered you on as you were zooming towards the goal hoops with the Quaffle in hand.
The other teams beater bashed a bludger in your direction but you simply dodged it with a loopy-loop before speeding to the middle post and throwing the Quaffle through it, the goalkeeper missing it by inches. Jennie cheered loudly with the rest of your house as you scored the deciding point of the game, breaking the drawing tie which was lingering for the past few minutes. And you broke it just in time as ten seconds after you scored, your team seeker caught the golden snitch, thus leading your house to victory.
Along with your housemates, Jennie leapt up to her feet in excitement and cheered, clapping loudly and screaming your name as she watched you do a victory lap before landing on the group to join the team group hug. She was watching you the entire time and when you eventually turned to look for her in the crowd, she smile brightly when you locked eyes with her, clapping excitedly at you.
That caused you to smile and then you suddenly mounted your broom and pushed off the ground, flying towards Jennie with a bright smile on your face. Deciding to meet you, Jennie moved so that she was at the railing of the Quidditch stands and the whole of Hogwarts watched as you reached out to her and pulled her into a kiss, cupping her jaw to keep her close.
It may not be the most perfect first kiss that Jennie imagined the two of you having but it was perfect to her. In front of everyone, showing off your relationship with each other, as well as being able to kiss your lips, it was just as much as a victory for Jennie as it was for your house winning the Quidditch game.
It was perfect to her.
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It was becoming more increasingly obvious that the two of you were on your first date with each other with how shy and giddy the two of you were acting. Your and her constant back and forth brushing of hands against each other until you finally took initiative to take Chaeyoung’s hand in yours as the two of you walked to Hogsmeade was hardly the first sign that the two of you liked each other. It was quite obvious to the whole of Hogwarts, probably to the extent to the Professors’ knowledge, to how hard the two of you were crushing on each other.
To say that Chaeyoung was happy when you finally asked her out would be an understatement. She literally spent the whole next hour in her dorm room squealing in excitement with her housemates to finally being asked on a date with you. It was a dream come true for her and she was excited to be able to spend the whole of the Hogsmeade trip with you.
All of the Hogwarts students that had gone down to Hogsmeade as well couldn’t help but smile as they watched Chaeyoung and you walk about the village with constant smiles on your faces as the two of you chatted and explored the village, walking about and looking at the various shops and what they had to offer. You of course were opening the doors for Chaeyoung and letting her walk in first while keeping a hold of her hand, making Chaeyoung’s heart flutter every time as your chivalrous nature.
Eventually the two of you purchased some sweets from Honeydukes before finally deciding sit outside in the forest, away from the crowds to have some privacy between the two of you. You had managed to find a log sheltered by a few trees, a bit of a walk away by the village but far enough to give the two of you some privacy. You casted a drying spell on it before letting Chaeyoung sit on it first, not wanting her to wet her clothes as the two of you began to share your sugary treats.
You and her laughed and chatted, both enjoying each other’s company while speaking about absolute nonsense. Neither of you had let go of each others hand while the two of you sat on the log, your and her connected hands resting between the two of you, a warm reminder that this date was in fact happening. But it was when you had reached out to wipe some chocolate off of the corner of Chaeyoung’s lip did the mood shift.
Your thumb wiped away the chocolate, but it lingered at Chaeyoung’s face as you gazed at her, her own eyes locked with yours as her heart began to speed up the longer you looked at her. Her heart nearly jumped into her throat when you brought your hand to your own face where you quickly sucked the wiped off chocolate off your thumb, but then afterwards you reached out again to cup Chaeyoung’s cheek, your thumb gently stroking her cheekbone.
Her and your connected hands suddenly felt like a grounding force and Chaeyoung couldn’t help but lick her lips due to their sudden dryness. Your eyes glanced down and caught the action, mirroring after it which then caused Chaeyoung to watch the action as well. Your lips just looked so plump and kissable and she noticed a slightly pinker colour to them than usual. Were you wearing lip gloss? Was it a flavored one? Chaeyoung was curious.
A few moments passed Chaeyoung slowly began to realize that the two of you were leaning in. She got closer and closer to your face until eventually the two of you were a breath away, noses bumping gently against each other. You pressed your palm fully against Chaeyoung’s cheek and Chaeyoung shivered as you let out a gentle breath, tickling her lips. You locked eyes with her.
“Can I?” You asked, a sort of loving desperation in your eyes as you asked. Chaeyoung couldn’t do anything else but nod, and that was all the answer you needed before you closed and gap and kissed her.
Strawberries and chocolate.
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“Hey get back here you two!”
The sound of a prefects voice was more than enough motivator for you and Lisa to start running, not desiring to be caught by the school appointed student with power to spoil both her and your fun. So what if the two of you were out after curfew, its not like the two of you were causing trouble.
Well, not too much trouble. The two of you were just walking around and catching up, the two of you hardly being able to see each other due to your different schedules. Late night walks were the norm for Lisa and you to spend time together. Why the hell would the two of you let some measly prefect get in the way of spending time with each other? Neither of you were going to let that happen and besides, it was kind of fun to mess with the prefects when they were on duty, so that kind of become part of the late night dates the two of you had.
Risky, but both of you enjoyed it. You both were pranksters at heart so to be able to stalk and pounce on unsuspecting prefects was the perfect date activity to do at Hogwarts. Albeit getting caught was not so fun, hence why the two of you were running away with the prefects not far behind you.
“Quick in here!” Whispered shouted at you as she grabbed your wrist and all but hauled you into a broom cupboard, muffling your laughter with her hand over your mouth while she raised her hand to prevent the endless amount of brooms from falling to the floor and letting the prefects know of your new hiding place. You tried to stop giggling as you heard the prefects hurried footsteps outside.
“Dammit, they’re gone!”
“They can’t be that far. Come on!”
Both Lisa and you listened as the prefects footsteps began to fade away, which then caused the two of you to burst out in silent laughter, Lisa removing her hand from your lips to hold onto your hip instead, your hands already on hers.
“We fooled them!” You exclaimed, smiling brightly which just caused Lisa to smile back at you with an equally as large grin.
“Yes we did.”
Both of you shared smiles, but then realised just how close the two of you were. The broom closet was kind of small in the first place and hardly fitted two students along with all the cleaning tools. Lisa and your faces were practically a few breaths apart and Lisa realised that as she suddenly really fascinated with your lips. And you took notice of it.
Both of you shared a look before you decided to take initiative and cupped Lisa’s cheeks before leaning in and pressing your lips to hers. To say she was surprised would be an understatement, but not to the point that she didn’t kiss back. She closed her eyes and moved to wrap her arms around your waist, holding you closely. But by doing that, she had to let go of the brooms she was holding up and suddenly  they all fell down to the floor in a loud crash.
“What was that?!” A prefects voice shout outside not too far away. Both you and Lisa pulled away with wide eyes.
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emoboijk · 5 years ago
21 questions
@nomnomsik, you beautiful queen, thank you so much for tagging me 💘
Rules: Answer 21 Q’s and tag 21 people you want to know better
Nickname: Andi or Dre (but literally no one has called me either of those since I graduated college....)
Zodiac sign: Aquarius sun, Taurus moon, Cancer rising...
Height: 5′5″
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff (obviously)
Last thing I googled: ‘how to measure your bra size’ lololol
Favorite musicians: BTS (duh), Blackpink, Halsey, Twice, Chainsmokers, LIZZO
Song stuck in my head: ‘Wrecking Ball’ by Miley Cyrus 🙄 (i work at a book store and there was a kid’s book released today called ‘wrecking ball’ and i was doomed from the start)
Following: 146
Followers: 1,680
Do you get asks: hahahaha no
Amount of sleep: i try for 8 hours but i have cats so it’s usually between 5-7 (which i guess is a lot? idk)
What are you wearing: leggings & a sweatshirt
Dream job: i don’t have a dream job... (but right now i’m applying for a masters program in information sciences so i can become a fancy librarian) 
Dream trip: i would really love to go to south korea, but europe would also be dope 
Instruments: uh no
Languages: english :(
10 fave songs (not in order): 
‘Look at Her Now’ Selena Gomez
‘Lit’ Oneus 
‘Bloodsport’ Raleigh Ritchie
‘Graveyard’ Halsey
‘bad guy (with Justin Bieber)’ Billie Eilish
‘Save Me’ BTS
‘Boys’ Lizzo
‘M.I.A.’ Cher Lloyd 
If you were an animal, what would you be: i would be a cat (but like a pampered af house cat) - sleep all day, amazing fucking reflexes, 10000% adorable all the time...
Favorite food: potatoes (in any form) 
Random fact: ummmm i don’t have a gallbladder
My aesthetic: ‘fat girl is cute and funny ✨’
Tagging: (holy fuck i barely know 21 people in the real world) @prolixitae @anitacoelhopurplepaladin @youcanstayinmyheart 
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s33saw · 8 years ago
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Gryffindor!Roseanne for @celestialxforveerxbright, hope you like it!
click for better quality!
none of these pictures are mine
request one here
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eviestrol · 6 years ago
Writing Ideas
I have a few ideas for AUs, moodboards, and scenarios that I would like doing. Let me know what group(s) or idol(s) you would like me to write the scenario for. These can be reader x idol or be like my Hunger Games AU where it’s just the idols. 
I pretty much have a plot for all of these, but feel free to give me your own as well.
College AU
Gang AU - Moonbin (Astro)
Disney Characters
Apocalypse AU
Soulmate AU - Kevin (The Boyz), Yugyeom (GOT7)
Fake Married/Dating
Assassin AU
Reincarnation AU
High School AU
Single Parent Club AU
Artist/Muse AU
Hogwarts AU
Stripper AU
Mythological Creatures
Arranged Marriage
Florist AU
Boarding School AU
Mermaid AU
Neighbor AU - Wonho (Monsta X)
Royal AU
Enemies to Lovers 
Forbidden Lovers - Sana (Twice)
Greek Gods/Goddesses
Electra Heart/Opera AU (if you don’t know Marina and the Diamonds wyd. This will mostly be the Miss Y/Primadonna archetype)
Monsta X
NCT (ot18 for now)
Red Velvet
SHINee (ot4 only)
Stray Kids
The Boyz
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dyna-myght · 7 years ago
BlackPink’s Masterlist
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All Members
Scenarios - Nothing yet
Texts -
♥ BlackPink finds out that you and Jennie are dating
Series -
♥ Heart Simulator Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
♥ Whistle Fire: A BlackPink horror game AU Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to S/O finding out that they only dated them for a bet Part 1 Part 2
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to their girlfriend wearing their clothes
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to S/O finding out that they only dated them for a bet Part 1 Part 2
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to attending a car race championship and learning that their S/O is a participant
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to going to their S/O’s house for the first time
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to their girlfriend being shipped with another idol in an interview + more Part 2
♥ Superhero! BlackPink’s reaction to their S/O taking care of their injuries after a battle
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to their idol girlfriend getting into a fight with one of her own members because of their relationship
♥ Mafia! BlackPink’s reaction to thinking that their S/O was kidnapped or had ran away from them, but their S/O was with their parents the whole time
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to finding out that their S/O wants to try street racing
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to their girlfriend wearing their clothes
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to finally meeting their S/O’s parents
♥ Blackpink’s reaction to being in love with the same girl
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to being casted in “We Got Married” with their ex
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to their girlfriend catching them cheating
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to learning that their S/O is a CEO
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to you surprising them at the airport
♥ BlackPink’s reaction to a female idol flirting with you
♥ BlackPink's reaction where they are assassins and they have to choose between killing or not killing their S/O
♥ BlackPink's reaction to making their crush mad at them after pulling a prank on them
♥ BlackPink's reaction to their S/O being greasy
♥ BlackPink: Cute Moments with their wife
                     ♥ Their wife kissing the ring on their hand
                     ♥ Anniversary Date
♥ BlackPink's reaction to their girlfriend being a Greek Goddess
♥ BlackPink's reaction to their girlfriend being an animal whisperer
♥ Mafia! Blackpink's reaction to you being kidnapped
♥ Assassin BlackPink dating you because you are their target
♥ BlackPink's reaction to missing a date
♥ BlackPink's reaction to their girlfriend getting caught in an avalanche
♥ BlackPink's reaction to their girlfriend having Chronic Pain
Scenarios -
♥Riverwalk Distractions
♥ Love Management
♥ “When I close my eyes, I see you for what you truly are…which is UGLY!”
♥ Stars and Waves
♥ A strange request at a piano bar
♥ Spy AU
Texts -
♥ Jisoo steals your hoodie
♥ Jisoo trying to annoy the reader with her laughable but unlaughable puns
♥ Jisoo being shocked that her two best friends are getting along better than she thought
Series - 
♥ Tour Date: Part 1 Part 2
Scenarios -
♥ “I guess it’s probably because I’ve got a big lesbian crush on you!”
♥ What Just Happened?
♥ Roommates with Bad Girl! Jennie
♥ Protection Over Love
♥ “I know I’ve kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please”
♥ Embracing a New Friend
♥ Giggles and Whines
♥ Paranormal Possessions 
♥ Thinking of You
♥ Poly Relationship with Irene and Jennie
Texts -
♥ Accidentally confessing to Jennie
♥ BlackPink finds out that you and Jennie are dating
♥ Jennie worrying about her girlfriend on a business meeting with a coworker
♥  College AU with girlfriend Jennie
♥ Rosé introduces her best friend to BlackPink and Jennie starts to fall for her
♥ If you kiss me once, I’ll kiss you twice
♥ Friends to Lovers with Bad Girl! Jennie
♥ Jealous, clingy girlfriend Jennie
♥ Vampire Jennie
Series -
♥ Enemies to friends To Lovers Part 2
Scenarios -
♥ Sister’s best friend
♥ “heres another curse, may all your bacon burn”
♥ Regrets
♥ “One time, she punched me in the face. It was awesome.”
♥ Coffeeshop! Rosé
♥ Three Sheets to the Wind and a Cutie
♥ Shimmering Stars and Kisses
♥ “I like the way your hand fits in mine"
♥ “Wait, don’t pull away… not yet"
♥ "Quit smiling at me, I can't stop messing up me sentences when you look at em like that"
♥ Adolescence Uncertainty
♥ Phantasm Disturbances
♥ Blazing Love
♥ Just the Night 
♥ Bad Days and Sweet Nights
♥ Curiosity
♥ Bodyguard Blues
♥ College AU
♥ Hogwarts AU
♥ A Weeping Pull  *Commission 
Texts -
♥ Sleepover
♥ Reconnecting
♥ “I guess it’s probably because I’ve got a big lesbian crush on you!”
♥ “Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.”
♥ Rosé’s girl best friend drunkenly confesses that she wants to kiss her + next day messages.
♥ Rosé teasing her girlfriend
♥ Enemies to Lovers
♥ Secret admirer with Rosé (A mix of fluff and angst)
♥ Rosé and a member of Dua Lipa’s staff fall in love
Series -
♥ Bloody Roses Part 1 Part 2
♥ It's only the beginning Part 1 Part 2
♥ Dating Project Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
♥ love-love Part 1 Part 2
Scenarios -
♥ “I guess it’s probably because I’ve got a big lesbian crush on you!”
♥ Lisa as your girlfriend
♥ Best Friends to Lovers
♥ "Quit smiling at me like that, I can’t stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that"
♥ As a Date?
♥ Lisa Confesses
♥ Lisa learns that you are bisexual
♥ Whiny Lisa texts
♥ Texts/ instagrams with Girlfriend Lisa
♥ College AU with girlfriend Lisa
♥ Random texts with jealous girlfriend Lisa
♥ Vampire Lisa
Series - Nothing yet
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