another you
27 posts
requests closed!! here at this blog you shall connect with the 'you' in another universe. perhaps you will meet your loyal pokemon partner? discover your hero quirk? be introduced to your volleyball-pro soulmate? fall in love with your true k-idol? whatever it may be, your adventure shall begin here.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
inthatverse · 4 years ago
Hi are requests open?
They were but I just recently closed them!! I'll open them up again soon after I'm done with most of the ones in my inbox and when I do please feel free to send a request in!!
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Quirk Matchup for @hedone26
- hi!! i hope you like this quirk specially made for you!! and tysm for requesting uwu -
Door : BNHA
User Identity : hedone26
Quirk : Lore
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i. You can call upon magical creatures such as fairies, pixies, mermaids etc. They come in groups and are all fairy-sized no matter how big they're supposed to be traditionally. These magical beings are also non-corporeal so people can hear them and see them but can't touch them.
ii. You can create them such that they only affect one or more targets or everyone in the vicinity. Each type of magical being has one special ability associated with them. All of these effects are emotional rather than physical so they cannot do actual physical harm unless the target inflicts it upon themselves. For example, mermaids/sirens can cause one to lose all rational thought and have the sudden urge to hurt themselves, pixies can incite feelings of happiness, dragons can make the target feel extremely hot almost like they're on fire. Of course, the person isn't actually burning and it's all in their minds.
iii. Usually the effect is greatest on new targets as it'll almost always make people feel confused, creeped out and overwhelmed. It can create the sensation that something is haunting them but no matter what they do, they can't get rid of it until you will it to.
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i. You can only call upon one type of magical creature at a time. The period of existence and level of emotional effect is also entirely dependent on your ability to keep focused, so make sure that you aren't easily distracted when performing your quirk. Once you lose focus, they'll fade away.
ii. When one becomes used to your quirk and it's effects, usually if they've experienced it multiple times, your quirk can become almost redundant. So make sure to research or learn about new magical beings whenever you can so that you can always keep things fresh and surprise your opponents with new types of emotional attacks of effects to get the best results everytime.
iii. It doesn't take much effort to conjure up these beings nor to keep them active but the after effects are pretty big as in you'll feel very mentally drained after performing your quirk and will need some time to rejuvenate. There's no limit to how long you can make these creatures exist but of course in order to do so you must be able to focus for some time. Not as in keep an eye on them but more like don't let yourself be distracted either emotionally or mentally such that a different issue or emotion (anger, guilt etc) fills your mind completely and suddenly you can't concentrate on anything else, including your quirk.
Special Moves
i. Along with these creatures, you can also conjure up a sword. Again, these sword is more spiritual than it is physical so others can see it but cannot hold it or touch it, only you are able to actually hold it in your hands. However, this ability takes some level of maturity and skill to develop and once again, if you lose focus or concentrate from the get go, the sword will disappear or its attacks will weaken or you might not even be able to call on it at all.
ii. The level of harm your sword can incite on your opponent is dependent on your level of concentration. The more you connect with your quirk, the more 'physical' this sword becomes and so the more serious the harm done on your opponent. Unlike the magical creatures, attacks using your sword is physical so your opponents will actually get hurt.
iii. There's a red/violet gemstone stuck on the sword handle that matches one on your forehead. Whenever you conjure the sword, both gemstones will glow and the intensity of the glow depends on how well you can connect with your quirk/keep your focus. If the gemstone gets damaged (the one on your forehead as nothing and no one else can touch the one on the sword), your ability to call upon the sword or the level of damage will be affected as well so make sure to keep the gemstone protected. Also, if the gemstone gets destroyed completely, you may lose this special ability entirely so do try to keep it out of harm.
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+ Additional Info
You are able to switch off the emotional effects of these magical beings so that they're just regular creatures that won't incite any harm. You can always call upon these creatures to have some fun or just to spend a lil time together even with friends around. They're usually friendly and won't cause any trouble as long as you don't want them to and make sure that you switch off any special abilities associated with them just in case!
- that's all for now!! take care of yourself as it's a pretty insane world out there with all the heroes, villains and civilians just roaming around but one thing's for sure, you'll never be bored in the world of quirks and spirit -
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Kpop Soulmate Ship for @joons-asscrack
- thanks for requesting!! sorry for the wait and i hope you love this cutie i paired you up with!! -
Door : Kpop Soulmate
User Identity : Mia
Soulmate : Cha Hakyeon of VIXX
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i. Right off the bat I can tell you that N would be so attracted to you. It's a well-known fact that N loves Seohyun from SNSD for one reason and that's that she loves reading and he loves girls that give off such an intellectual image. The fact that you love books, writing, and all things language related would be so attractive to him. Also he seems to have a tendency to go for taller girls and so I can imagine you two being that cute tall couple that everyone is low-key envious off because *cough-cough* model vibes??
ii. N is honestly just a sweet, reliable and friendly guy. You two would always avoid conflict and he's the absolute sweetest boyfriend. He'll always try to find things that he knows you love and enjoy and strive to do those things with you. He probably would end up making a mistake by surprising you with something romantic in public for the 2nd or 3rd date because he thought that girls liked that but when you expressed your uneasiness, he'd have sensed it immediately and called off the plan. From then on it'll just be cute lil private moments between you and him.
iii. N's got that boyish look hands down and appearance-wise you'd also be PERFECT for him. He's goofy but mature when he needs to be. Honestly he's just the perfect balance of these two that it's never a dull moment with him and you two can always engage in intellectual conversations as well, be it as deep talks at night or heated debate-like convos. Just a heads up though, he could get very passionate about the topic and the conversation could get a lil intense but it's nothing a lil hug or smile from you can't solve! That boy is weak for the people he loves.
Date Scenario
You two would always spend time at the library. You have a special spot in the library at a corner near the window where it's quiet and high up and N would always come and meet you there after classes/practice just to spend time with you. He'd always bring some banana milk for you two to share (or any drink you prefer as well) as you both find a book you're each interested in and then spend the rest of the day reading and sharing anything interesting you guys pick up from your books or randomly occurring thoughts along the way. He'd always let you use his jacket as a blanket in case it gets cold in the library and when you two eventually head home and he's back in his room, he'd always secretly bring the jacket to his face and take a deep breath because he loves how you smell and it always makes his heart go all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that he'd just spent another beautiful day with you, one he would never trade for anything else.
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- that's all for now! i wish you two the absolute best and i just know that you both would grow so close together and that hakyeon would always find himself thinking that he's just the absolute luckiest man in the world whenever he looks into your eyes or catches that playful smile of yours -
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
hello! may i request a matchup for haikyuu? i. emojis: || ii. my mbti is ISTJ (though i really don't see myself as one? but it's the result i get everytime), taurus and a slytherin || iii. personality: i'm often perceived as cold and stoic, but on the inside i'm just *really really* shy (in all social aspects) and as a result, i prefer doing nice things behind the shadows or anonymously since i get embarrassed when someone sees me do nice stuff for some reason?? if i do get caught i downplay it
Haikyuu Life Ship for @mikupog
- thank you for requesting!! hope you find this enjoyable!! -
Door : Haikyuu!!
User Identity: mikupog
School: Nekoma
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Lover: Akaashi Keiji
i. Akaashi is also an introverted guy, but he can get extremely close with someone he connects with and will do anything to make sure they're safe and comfortable around him. He's one of the most understanding people there is, and always makes sure that you know that he appreciates you. He notices you do all the small, secret nice things for others and finds it so so endearing but he never tells you when he does because he knows it'll make you awkward and shy. He truly loves and appreciates you for how and who you are in secret and would always give you a squeeze, be it a small one on your hand or a soft hug whenever you need it and whenever he senses that you feel insecure.
ii. Akaashi would always bring you to his house after school and you two would spend your time in his room where he set up lil Playstation/whatever gaming platform area for you two to de-stress after classes end. He keeps his place super tidy and you both hate bugs so you don't ever have to worry about seeing those there. He knows how much you hate doing your homework so he doesn't ever push you to do it but lets you spend all the time doing whatever you want as you two chill in his room while he helps you organize your homework into the different subjects and level of difficulty so that when you do start on them, they can be done quickly and efficiently. He's also always there to help you with whatever you need help with whenever you need it.
iii. 2am meetups with him is the best because he'll switch on some chill music and you two would just relax as you teach him how to play your new favorite video game and he'll always listen so intently and there's always this small smile on his face whenever you two spend time like that together which he thinks you don't notice but you and it always makes you feel so warm and cozy inside. Occasionally Bokuto would call and invite you guys out to the local pizza place where you three would hang out and that's when you two can be a lil louder and a lil crazier because somehow that dork can bring out that crazier side of both of you that's usually hidden to the rest of the world but which comes out whenever you three hang out together.
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Best Friend: Komori Motoya
i. Komori would definitely be someone that you can 100% be yourself with. He makes you feel absolutely comfortable and you two have probably known each other for a very long time so understands you quirks the same way you understand his.
ii. He'll always accompany you to the release event of the newest edition of your favorite video game as you two camp out to wait in line with snacks, drinks and a tent ready. He'll always get out of line to buy ice cream or whatever snacks he can find as you two just talk about random stuff and share the excitement of checking out the newest game asap. Tbh he's probably lowkey a rich kid as well so you two would most probably end up napping in his car parked just beside the queue instead of the actual tents whenever it gets too hot outside which sometimes gets complaints from others in the queue but he's just such a nice kid that he'll apologize and get everyone else waiting in line ice cream instead as an apology.
iii. As a result you two would end up making some friends everytime you guys go on such escapades and which would bring you out of your comfort zone but you always end up feeling happy and contented at the end of the day because honestly these were some of the best and most fun times that can always get your mind of school or anything bothering you that week because it's all just fun and games and talking about stuff you love with people who share the same interests with you. Komori knows that and that's why he always plans these little gimmicks that'll bound to get both your hearts rushing and blood pumping whenever he senses that you're feeling down or overwhelmed. He always knows to what degree these things should be at as well like he never goes overboard so that he triggers your anxiety like it's always just the right amount of fun and social activity to make you feel relaxed, stable and in control again.
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- that's it!! i'm sorry if it was a lil short and a lil messy aha but i hope you enjoy your journey as you wander the streets of tokyo with your designated s/o and best friend in this new haikyuu journey of yours!! do tell me if there are any parts you have issues with! have an amazing day! xx -
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Hey guys so I'm closing requests for the time being because I have a lot to complete but I'll open it up again once my ask is cleared up!!
Also I might not follow the sequence in my ask as I might choose to complete a certain door's queue before others, depending on my mood. But I will definitely follow the sequence for each door individually, just sometimes I might have more inspiration for a certain fandom aha
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Uni finally ended for the sem and now I'm free to do whatever I want yayyy!!! I'm really excited to get to your requests and tysm guys for sending in requests while I was away! I'm sorry if I missed any urgent messages but I'll try to get back to all of you asap!! ly all!! xx
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
this was so sweet omg my heart :'') thank you so much uwuwuwu
hi guys I promise I'm still alive, just waiting for uni stuff to be completed so I can fully dedicate myself to giving you guys the BEST content on this blog kk uwu
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
hi guys I promise I'm still alive, just waiting for uni stuff to be completed so I can fully dedicate myself to giving you guys the BEST content on this blog kk uwu
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Haikyuu Life Ship for @mirakeul
- thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy your ship!! sorry for the wait!! -
Door : Haikyuu!!
User Identity : mirakeul (alias)
School : Fukurodani
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Lover : Lev Haiba
i. You've always been the one to make the first move when getting to know people. So it definitely took you by surprise when this tall boy appeared behind you as you were packing up to leave class as school came to an end one day. "Hi! My name is Lev from Nekoma!! Have you heard of it? Nekoma?" You blink back in surprise. The boy had a wide grin on his young face. "Oh!! I'm sorry if I startled you heheh I promise I'm not scary." He scratched the back of his head shyly. It then only registers in you that he probably thought you were intimidated by his looming height but you were just startled by his sudden appearance. You smile back softly and extended your hand, "Hi! Lev was it? Welcome to Fukurodani!" This time it was his turn to blink back, surprised. But he quickly decomposes himself and you see his shoulders relax, the wide, confident smile appears again.
ii. Lev would have had his eye on you for a while. You were the most optimistic, warm and bright person he'd ever seen. He'd seen you around with your friends whenever he came for a practice match with the rest of Nekoma to go against the Fukurodani team. He always wanted to get to know you, even platonically, but was lowkey afraid of scaring you off because of his height, which somehow had that effect on many he met.
iii. Lev's confident, friendly, determined and kind personality matched yours exactly. You both understand each other and truth be told, you love babying and he loves getting babied by you. Sometimes he'd come home to you baking cookies and it'll automatically make his day 50x better. He'd often offer to be your hug pillow when there weren't any around, but in the end he'd end up being the one hugging you instead because he loves burying his head in your hair as you slept, it smelt like sunflowers and the outdoors which he loved so much.
iv. You two often have spontaneous races to your destinations just for the fun of it whenever you two go out. You both can't stand slow walkers but are too polite to tell them off so you guys decided one day to play it off by having friendly races so people would naturally move out of the way out of courtesy and no one would be offended. Hearing your laughters as you two ran also always made everyone around you two happy so it was really a win-win situation. The fact that you two get along so well makes your relationship all that much stronger.
v. In the future, I can see you two travelling the world a lot as Lev and Alisa become world top models and have shows around the world. Lev would always make sure his manager prepared another plane ticket just so you could follow along.
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Best Friend : Yu Nishinoya
i. It goes without saying that you and Noya would get along very well. You two are each other's support pillars and happy pills. You both know that deep down you two were always each other's strongest supporters ever since you two met years ago. Noya always tells you how incredible it is that you're so smart and that he wishes he had even half of your intelligence and you'd always rebut telling him that you wished you had his athleticism.
ii. As you're both really busy with your responsibilities sometimes, it may become hard to keep in contact but Noya always makes sure to ring you up to catch up with you every few weeks. Not that it really matters though, because being apart never really weakens your friendship and you two end up giving each other the tightest hugs whenever you can meet again.
iii. You two are the most chaotic people in the room most of the time (it gets even more intense when Tanaka joins in) but Noya can get serious when he realizes the situation needs him to be. And he always knows the right situation to become serious and to give you the reassurance you need. He also always has just the right words to say to lift your spirits back up. The thing was that unlike most people, Noya had confidence in your own ability to see the bright side. He wouldn't console you the way others do but instead say something to revive that part of you that knew your path and knew that you were worth it and capable and that you were never really alone in facing any challenges that came your way. This is what makes you two inseparable no matter what comes along.
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- that's all for now! i'm wishing you the absolute best in your journey from being the best doctor to making your way through the world of volleyball and the cheekiest boys. whatever comes your way, remember that you can always get through it with your own capabilities and the support and confidence of everyone behind you -
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
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🕯🍁 ️ghibli + autumn 🍂☕
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
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It’s not really important what color your dress is. What matters is the heart inside.
‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’ moodboard
Cartoons and series: (10/40)
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Haikyuu Life Matchups are the most popular option as of now and I can't say I'm not surprised tbh sjskksks
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Quirk Matchup for @but-why-plz
- thank you so much for requesting!! remember to take care of yourself and to always stay true to who you are, and you'll always thrive in this world or another!! -
User Identity - but-why-plz (alias)
Quirk - Dimension Dilation
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i. You can transport yourself and other people into different dimension within any object in sight. Within that dimension, you have control of 2 physical laws - gravity and temperature - and can manipulate those to your will.
ii. You have to focus onto an object with a tangible form in order to essentially enter a different dimension within that object. For example, you can focus on a flower and then be transported into a dimensional space within the flower where it's like you shrunk into it with petals around you.
iii. This dimension is separate from the space-time dimension. Our universe is made up of 11 dimensions, however we are only exposed to 4 (3 space and 1 time). However with your quirk, you can enter the other dimensions where space and time essentially do not matter anymore. So when you or someone else is within that dimension, it'll be like you caught a pause in time and can stay within it until you decide to come out again, and when you do it'll be like nothing changed. Also anything you do within that dimension, for example harm to a flower petal where a flower was your destination of choice, does not physically affect the flower irl because space does not exist.
iv. To activate your quirk on another individual, you must ask them a riddle and they must not be able to give you the correct answer. Once they fail to answer correctly, you can transport them to that dimension as long as they're within sight.
v. In that dimension, it kind of feels like you're in space where there seems to be infinite space and scintillating lights like stars around you, and a kind of floaty feeling. New users may not be used to it and feel nauseated but you are completely used to it.
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i. Any changes you impose on the physical laws within that dimension (gravity and temperature changes) will affect both you and the other individuals. In order to carry out the transportation you must also transport both you and the other person/object into it together. But once you're inside, you can leave voluntarily after 10 minutes back to our world and leave anything else within that dimension. So if you want to 'freeze' someone or something, you have to wait 10 minutes before you impose that law so that you can leave after decreasing the temperature or else you also end up freezing yourself.
ii. You can transport any number of being or things into those separate dimensions and can create multiple dimensions at a time on different objects but you'd have to ask each of them a different riddle in order to do so. Transporting objects don't require riddles but it means you have to stay for 20 minutes before you can leave the dimension. To enter the dimension again you have to have the original object in sight and so if you lose it or don't know where it is, you can never go back.
iii. Any harm done within that dimension does not affect the object but if you transport yourself out and leave someone behind which is causing damage to the surroundings, if the damage is huge, you can physically feel the pain in your body either as a headache or body ache depending on the type of damage being done. Trapping someone within that separate dimension for an extended period of time can also be dangerous because eventually you'll be able to hear them in your head like echoes you can't get rid of.
iv. As you need an object for your transport destination, if you find yourself in a void then your quirk is of no use.
Special Moves
i. You can be creative with your gravity and temperature laws. For example, you an impose a law where the gravity changes every 10 seconds such that anything within it will float and then slam back into the ground every 10 seconds as the gravity changes. Or you can make it that only living beings are affected by gravity changes and objects are not. Similarly, for temperature you can create a law where the surrounding temperature is below zero but anything an individual comes into contact with will instantly rise to 100°C and burn them.
ii. In a rescue mission, if time is running out, you can transport everything into a different dimension and stay there until you or your team figures out a solution and then go back to deal with it as planned. In that sense you've created a space where time is essentially 'paused' and there's no need to rush and come up with rash and messy plans.
iii. You can be creative in getting your riddles across to others. Like you don't have physically approach them if you don't want to or are unable to. As long as they get the message, maybe even through a text, and prove that they're unable to answer the riddle, as long as they're within sight you can transport them. In rescue missions you can send out mass texts with a store database of different riddles in order to reach a large number of people.
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+ additional info
You can always transport yourself into a different dimension if you need time for yourself and a place where you can let it all out or rest your mind on your own. If you find yourself somewhere really hot and want a cooling break you an also temporarily transport yourself into another dimensional space to cool off for a while until you're ready to brave the heat again.
- that's all for now!! i hope you like your quirk and that it'll prove useful and enjoyable to you as you journey your way through the universe of quirks, heroes and villains! -
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
I'm sorry for releasing these matchups relatively slowly because uni work is kinda keeping me really occupied rn since the academic year is ending and so a bunch of projects, assignments and quizzes are due. Not to mention the final exam ahhahah!! But rest assured that in a month or so I'll be a lot more free and have way more time to focus on requests and fulfilling your dreams!! 😊
In the meantime, I'll try to post at least one matchup per day and thank you so so much for all your requests uwu they make me so excited!!
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Hello!Can I request a Kpop soulmate Matchup
I am a heterosexual female,Scorpio ESFJ and my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw.(These do represent me well)
I may seem really reserved at first but truth be told,I am goofy and a people's(some times sarcastic) person.I am also emotional(but it's hard to make me angry) and insecure.Friends describe me as the "mom friend".I love teasing people. All of my friends come to me for advice as I seem to be an "Old grandma" as well.
Strengths:Optimistic,observant,good listener,persuasive
When it comes to guys I really don't have a ''type",so I am ok with anyone who understands me.
I believe communication is the key so I would like a person who can communicate what is on their mind,I cannot do well with people who are short tempered.  
Photography,watching anime and reading manga are my main hobbies but at times I bake too.
I love spicy food and my day doesn't start without a cup of coffee.I like listening to music (mostly pop and rock) and do my work.
I don't like to hurry or any last minute plans,I like to do things at my own pace.I am not very organised but I always plan beforehand.
Emojis to describe me: 😁😅🥰😜🤭
My all time favourite song is 'Dear future husband' by Meghan Trainor
My favorite quote is "Do more of what makes you happy"
Random facts:
i)My favourite colour is yellow
ii)I love playing RPG games
iii)I can speak 5 languages excluding english
iv) I am a dog person
v)I love pizzas and chocolates are my guilty pleasure
a)An environment: Mountains or lakeside
b)Colour to describe me:Orange
c)Action that I find comforting: Star gazing, Listening to music
d)Sound: Ticking of the clock
e)Smell: Smell of old books
I hope I have followed your guidelines as I am not sure because this is the largest description of myself I have written till date😅
Thanks in advance!
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inthatverse · 4 years ago
Kpop Soulmate Ship for @abm081104
- hi!! i hope you enjoy your ship!! this particular boy will be an excellent partner to be by your side and together, you two could make some beautiful memories ♡ -
Door : Idolverse (BTS)
User Identity : abm081104 (alias)
Soulmate : Kim Namjoon
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i. RM is the perfect fit for you because whilst you two share a lot of similarities, there are also unique parts in you that he just finds so endearing and attracted to.
ii. You two would go on photography trips together, sometimes even taking it to the mountains, where you guys would stay the night and stargaze under the open sky, talking about random stuff and taking the prettiest pictures of far galaxy mapped at stars in the sky.
iii. Joon isn't the best cook but he'll always wake up earlier than you to make coffee for the both of you the enjoy before you guys have to leave to your respective responsibilities. You guys often have takeout like pizza and just hang out at home with some anime or have a game night with some friends, little things like these that make you happiest.
iv. He's always there to listen to your rants and struggles. He can always sense when you're feeling down and will always prompt you to let it all out on him because he wants to know what's going on and he believes that letting it out will help you feel better. Even if you aren't seeking any advice, he'll be there to listen and his actions prove that he trusts in your ability to get through your hardships. In a similar way, you're also that shoulder he often finds himself leaning to whenever he has something bothering him. Being around you makes him feel happy because you're always so optimistic, and being around him makes you feel safe because he truly understands you.
Date Scenario
You two often spend time at his house, where he set up a lil library/workspace kind of place for both of you to share. There he has sofas and small speakers where you two would sometimes do work together whilst listening to music, or even do some reading to relax for the day. It's bright and comfy and at the end of the day you like to lie down with your head on his lap as he reads to you in the most dramatic accents to make you laugh (like how he did for that Run BTS episode!!) until you both eventually feel sleepy and sometimes end up dozing off on the couch for the night as the sun slowly slips away.
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- That's all for now! I hope you enjoyed your ship and do take good care of Joonie!! I just know he'll spoil yet respect you so so much and you two would be the cutest couple!! -
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