#hodgson x little
solomon-tozer · 2 years
You're back with the little kisses!! Can I have one for Little/Hodgson, please?
I am!! I didn't really stop, I just didn't have the ability to interact on social media for a minute there. I've still got a few things in my inbox to get round to, but I hope to get them done soon! Thank you so much for the request ^^
Little Kisses: Little/Hodgson
It takes just a look for Edward to know, for the darkness settled around him to fall away. A light within him that had almost gone out answers the playful look in George's eye, warmth filling him as he realises that Geroge has remembered.
"What is it?" he asks, aware of the smile already tugging at his lips. He thought everyone had forgotten.
"It's a surprise," George tells him, grinning, leaning in, his breath soft against Edward's lips. "Close your eyes."
Edward's eyes are already falling closed. His heart soars as George kisses him, lingering, and Edward leaning in to keep him there. He doesn't know what the surprise might be, but, with a kiss, George has made Edward's birthday perfect.
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gaunt-and-hungry · 10 months
*holding hands out like a little waif* Hodgson x Reader?
To Ease a Little Tension George Hodgson x Reader
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George was not the sort of man to miss finer details. Leftenants had a degree of well rounded skills. He was acutely aware of many things. Being aware of the crew was where it started. Keeping others in line was one thing. He did not make a habit of such things but he could not help it. You had time in London and he wasted none of it at all with checking in with you. A simple wave and dismissal was not enough for him, nor was some absentminded reassurance. "No, I am not a blind man." He promised, gentle and careful. "Something weighs on your shoulders. I can see that much." He was careful with you. Holding your hands tenderly. A gentle kiss pressed to the back of your hands. He soothed and worried them gently with his thumbs, pressing his forehead against yours. You could see through his dilated pupils he was a tad nervous, perhaps a tad uneasy but excited nonetheless. "I know what will ease your mind." Leftenant George Hodgson would have a good few hours. He had half a mind on how to spend them. "If you've the constitution..." He glanced over your shoulder not fully making eye contact for a moment, his own hands still grasping yours like a secret hidden between the both of you. "I can think of a way to ease that tension... if you'll have me. I'm certain I can find a way to lift your spirits if not other manners of things." He squeezed your hand. And he began pulling you forwards, closer to him. His sharp eyes against that dark navy uniform and the quirk of his lips as he brought your hands to his lips, watching you for any sign of disinterest or rejection. A few hours. A few hours to help ease your tensions. 'Yes' You had thought, allowing him to pull you forwards, leading you away from the ships, "I might like that," you smiled.
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anyone want terrible vampire couple hundy seducing oblivious edward little?
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leadandblood · 6 months
Ships that fascinate me, please keep talking
I like other, more popular ships! But they're not on this list, because there's you know... Enough spotlight on them already (Hickey/Gibson, Crozier/Fitzjames, ... you know) I just wanted to make a list for myself of the ones that I don't see that much of, but find interesting to think about. If any of you make stuff for these ships please let me know so I can follow you <33
Literally anything involving Tozer but e.g.
Tozer/Irving (read this👀)
Anything with Jopson in it but specifically
Des Voeux/Stanley
Crozier/Franklin or
Fitzjames/Franklin (I want to study your brain but do keep talking)
The Liuetenant polycule (+/- Jopson)
Anything with Hodgson really
Anything with Tom Hartnell
Cracroft/Hartnell (this one confuses me but do tell me more-)
Any and all throuples, please give me more throuples, I'm begging for more throuples, there's never enough throuples-
Hodgson/Irving/Little (I want to see the intricate autism x autism x autism courting rituals)
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favouritefi · 23 days
my proposal for a locked tomb x the terror crossover wherein they are all in the cohort but come from different houses
2nd: all the marines, crozier, blanky, jfj (actually 3rd but sent to live with relatives on the 2nd)
3rd: franklin, hodgson, gore, dundy, des voeux
4th: all the ships boys, hartnell, manson, peglar
5th: jcr, collins, mcdonald, little
6th: goodsir, bridgens
7th: stanley, morfin, gibson, armitage
8th: irving
9th: jopson
BOE: hickey
feel free to house any boys that i missed
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charlesdesvoeux · 5 months
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Gaelic: Jack Hodgson x Reader (NSFW)
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GIF by @vakariaan
Tagging: @kmc1989 @hufflepuffgirl @aiko24k @caffeinatedwoman
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Sometimes when Jack takes you to bed, he slips into Gaelic. It’s something he does when he needs to express himself, when things have become too much.  He whispers the words against your skin when he’s inside you, his cock raking over that deviant little spot.
The words intermingle with English as he tells you that he loves you, that he has always loved you right from the moment you met on that beach in Herefordshire. He watches your skin flush as he hikes your thighs a little higher up his hips because he knows you like it when he fucks you hard, tender and deep.
“Oh mo fhíorghrá, we’re getting there now aren’t we?” He smiles as his fingers entwine with yours. You look so beautiful underneath him, like the first break of sunrise over the hills in Ireland.
The sound of your ecstasy heightens as he picks up the pace, his mouth sealing over yours at the pinnacle of pleasure. You tighten around him, your pussy gripping his dick as you climax and Jack, he comes with you, his release spilling inside of you.
His gaze meets yours, his thumb chasing over the apple of your cheek before he kisses you again.
“Is breá liom tú mo stór, i ndáiríre is féidir liom.” He whispers against your lips.
I love you my darling, really I do.
Love Jack? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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Franklin's lost expedition crew
I was looking at posts about AMC's The Terror and I kept getting confused by the use of first names, so I wanted to see how many of the characters had the same names. Arranging the crew in alphabetical order, I got:
1 x Abraham (Seeley)
4 x Alexander (Berry, McDonald, Paterson, Wilson)
5 x Charles (Best, Coombs, Des Voeux, Johnson, Osmer)
1 x Cornelius (Hickey)
2 x Daniel (Arthur, Bryant)
3 x David (Leys, Macdonald, Young) + Bonus: Bryant in the show but most historical sources I found list him as Daniel
1 x Edmund (Hoar)
3 x Edward (Couch, Genge, Little)
2 x Edwin (Helpman, Lawrence)
3 x Francis (Crozier, Dunn, Pocock)
1 x Frederick (Hornby) + Bonus: Des Voeux, whom I have seen referred to as Frederick rather than Charles on occasion
6 x George (Cann, Chambers, Hodgson, Kinnaird, Thompson, Williams)
1 x Gillies (MacBean)
1 x Graham (Gore)
7 x Henry/Harry (Collins, Goodsir, Le Vesconte, Lloyd, Peglar, Sait, Wilkes)
10 x James (Brown, Daly, Elliot, Fairholme, Fitzjames, Hart, Reid, Ridgen, Thompson, Walker) + Bonus: Ross, who was not part of the expedition but appears in the show
23 x John (Bailey, Bates, Bridgens, Brown, Cowie, Diggle, Downing, Franklin, Gregory, Hammond, Handford, Hartnell, Irving, Kenley, Lane, Morfin, Murray, Peddie, Strickland, Sullivan, Torrington, Weekes, Wilson)
2 x Joseph (Andrews, Healey)
1 x Josephus (Geater)
1 x Luke (Smith)
1 x Magnus (Manson)
1 x Philip (Reddington)
1 x Reuben (Male)
2 x Richard (Aylmore, Wall)
8 x Robert (Carr, Ferrier, Golding, Hopcraft, Johns, Sargent, Sinclair, Thomas)
3 x Samuel (Brown, Crispe, Honey)
1 x Solomon (Tozer)
16 x Thomas (Armitage, Blanky, Burt, Darlington, Evans, Farr, Hartnell, Honey, Johnson, Jopson, McConvey, Plater, Tadman, Terry, Watson, Work)
22 x William (Aitken, Bell, Braine, Clossan, Fowler, Gibson, Goddard, Heather, Hedges, Jerry, Johnson, Mark, Orren, Pilkington, Read, Rhodes, Shanks, Sims, Sinclair, Smith, Strong, Wentzall)
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 9 months
The Terror’s New Year Resolutions
James Fitzjames - to finally make 2024 the year he goes beyond page 1 of “How to be a Good Listener” 
Harry Goodsir- to stop stopping s*x in the middle in order to make diagrammes and take notes, shouting "Imagine"!
Edward Little - to sign up to a standup comedy club 
Francis Crozier - to give gin a go with an open mind 
Dr Stanley - to find if his daughter likes birds 
Henry Collins - to finally tackle his arkoudaphobia
William Gibson - to perfect his popping dance skills
George Hodgson - to publish his memoir "How I Looked Inside Myself and What I Found" (spoiler: 300 pages to figure out he found not much)
John Irving - to actually learn watercolors instead of just recommending them to everyone left, right and centre
Sir John- to stop pulling people’s legs
Solomon Tozer- well, he tried Veganuary, but failed on day 1
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
Jeopardy-style trivia questions about children's literature. All answers to be given in the form of a question (e.g. What is X? or Who is Y?). Are they answerable? EDIT: You can answer the questions too!
This Oregon-born author is best known as the creator of the characters Ramona Quimby, Henry Huggins, and Ralph S. Mouse.
This Canadian province is the setting of L. M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables.
Mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson is better known by this pseudonym, under which he wrote fantastical fiction.
This book was a result of a bet that Dr. Seuss couldn’t write a story with only 50 unique words.
This J. M. Barrie novel opens with the line “All children, except one, grow up.”
The second half of Louisa May Alcott's novel Little Women was originally published under this title.
In L. Frank Baum's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Dorothy travels to the Emerald City wearing shoes made out of this precious material.
Although not the first published of C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, this novel comes first chronologically within the stories' timeline.
This Mark Twain novel was the first book ever written using a typewriter. Just found out that the answer I had for this was incorrect. Here is an alternate question: In E. B. White's novel Charlotte's Web, Charlotte greets Wilbur with this "fancy way of saying hello or good morning."
Roald Dahl's heroine Matilda Wormwood declares this Frances Hodgson Burnett novel to be her favorite book in the children's section of the library.
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For the ask 6 characters game : all the lieutenants (since Fairhorlne doesn't get developed, just replace him with Lt. Jopson)
Oh damn, as bad as I feel that this got lost in my inbox, it's another lovely boost to find it again and to revel in whimsy! :D
Marry - Little! It always has been and it always will be dear sweet Ned-Boy. He is my everything. <3
Kiss - Gore! I've smooched in before and so help me god, I'll smooch him again! I think he'd taste good and kiss like a Disney prince.
Be Room-Mates With - Jopson! Again, stewards just make incredible room-mates in general in my book. He'd be clean, fastidious and incredibly trustworthy while also being a remorselessly gossipy bitch in the know. I feel like he'd be sort of 'fixer' too, though I couldn't tell you why - one of those mates that's just like "Oh, you need x, y, and z? Don't worry about it - I know a guy." ;)
Wrap a Blanket Around - Hodgson! I'd swaddle him tight like a literal baby and rock him off to beddy-byes to the sound of Clair De Lune. I think he'd like that.
Push Off a Cliff - Irving! I've chosen him for just about every other option before - he may as well meet God now!
Set on Fire - Le Vesconte! I'm sorry Dundy, pet, I still haven't forgiven you for the psychic damage you inflicted on my husband. Get singed!
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solomon-tozer · 1 year
For the little kisses: Hodgson and Blanky, Terror's resident extroverts.
This is from Dec '21... oh no. That much time has passed???
Little Kisses: Hodgson/Blanky
There's such a wonderful warmth to Thomas, his coal-fire presence drawing George in, his laughter brightening the world around them in an otherwise endless night. George listens to him talk, traces that smile with his gaze, and grins as he feels where their shoulders bump together. To have that touch agaist his skin would be such a wonderfully dangerous thing, George thinks.
And Thomas can tell he's thinking. With a chuckle, he leans in, words shifting to a low murmur, and George is left scrambling for his thoughts as he feels lips against his, rought and soft and warm—oh, so warm!
Later—much later—and still aglow, George decides that the kiss was pure, honeyed light.
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Charlie Anderson x Hodgson expedition
1. That man called himself "Charlie charming" with full confidence, I believe in him
Rachel King x Clarice Stokes (Clarachel)
1. i just think they're neat
2. imho Rachel should break up both with Eric and Nick and start dating Clarice, she deserves both to live and love and be loved
3. The only person Rachel is somewhat nice to. Also she like goes out of her way to try and save her. Also? Two women covered in blood. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
4. Such little screentime between the two alone :( the way rachel wasn’t giving up on clarice despite having *just* met her is so cute to me
Nick Kay x Salim Othman
1. Such a rare pair but they’re so cute!! They had so much potential and the game literally threw them away
2. Nick has a little crush of every character from HoA but NOONE can resist that beast of a man Salim 😩
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gaunt-and-hungry · 11 months
Anything For You
(N)Edward Little x Reader
I'm experimenting with this one so bear with me. Unsure if I will stick with it. (Current Struggle: Edward being IC. Please send feedback) For @mister-dr-goodsir Current Rating: G (Under Construction) Warnings: None Currently Current Word Count: 1,974 Summary: Nedward and you have had a working relationship as Steward and Leftenant for almost five years. Whilst in Disko he takes you as company so he is not alone whilst you are at port. His trust and care for you may be slipping out of his grasp a little as he realises he may want more of you than you are willing to offer. Or... the other way around, moreso.... He hopes you want out of him. Hopes you can make use of him. Hopes he can please you as you have pleased him. Perhaps more than a Leftenant should wish to please their steward.
There was a ripe tension in the Leftenant’s shoulders. There was a ripe tension and it rippled with stagnation worse and worse since the Discovery Service departed from Disko. It had been naught but two days and you carried about your duties as usual. The brief respite of solid land only lasts so long until seafaring legs and hearts become uneasy like caged animals. Stewards were, blessedly, rather easily ignored less they were needed for something immediately. Ensuring that the Wardroom Officers had what they needed was quite easy when they called for very little. Edward Little, affectionately, Ned, was a cordial man, a broad and well mannered individual with such eyes that pooled like new moons in the light of the Patented Illuminators in the dark of the cabins and like fresh hot coffee and milk when cast in natural light.
Leftenant Edward Little did not often need much. He was mindful of himself, always keen on ensuring that he was both reliable and independent. You knew this from the years spent serving under him. There was, of course, no shame in needing your services as a steward. It was, after all, what the Discovery Service paid you for. If you were to be quite honest there were few Wardroom Officers that truly wished to bend to the supplementary aid that you nor your other Petty Officers provided. Much of your time was spent, instead, tasked to Little and Hodgson’s linens and laundry and ensuring that their living spaces were tidied as well as their basics were supplemented. Soaps, their personals, parchment and ink of course. To ensure that the Command did not need for things was much more just maintenance of keeping them well provisioned. Fresh clean and hot water for the morning and evening was always your priority. Usually you were more than able to slip in and out of his cabin unseen and unnoticed in the early morning and in the evening. Whilst the Leftenants were in for their evening meal, usually taken together, you were left ample time to bring hot boiled water to his basin. Twixt your duties you put things back where you knew he would keep them and where he liked them to be.
Thankfully the man was not as much a mess as some others you certainly knew of. In a funny way you knew that Edward Little would be quite clean. This was not your first time serving under Leftenant Little. Nor, did you hope, would it be your last. The two of you had a strange and unspoken relationship that had begun to shift and ebb in a way you did not understand since Disko. You had served under Little as a Steward aboard the HMS Vindictive back in 1842. He was a senior Leftenant then and even here he carried the years of experience within his shoulders. Shoulders that you knew from having spent nearly a half a decade now tending to his requirements. You knew things about this man that you probably ought not.
In Disko, he had watched as Dundy and Irving left off to traverse the hamlet with Hodgson. You, however, had prepared to explore the unusual land that was, in all reality, a sea away from what you considered home alone. Edward Little had looked to you then, his imposing height in full glorious uniform that you had helped button down that morning. He was a well adorned and decorated Leftenant. Edward Little caught you by surprise when he held both of his hands in front of him politely and inquired if you would not wander too far and accompany him during their stay in Disko, his gloved fingers knitted woefully before his stooped shoulders.
You were off duty. You dipped your head and nodded at that, a strange sense of duty and loyalty to him slipping through despite your best efforts. “If that is what you wish, Leftenant Little,” you had offered a cordial bow of your head then and followed him well and dutifully. He spoke about his previous visit and how the small hamlet of Claushavn had grown. He told you of the time he had tried his hand at whaling when he last had been there. He spoke fondly of navigating the Sullorsuaq Strait and the Bowhead Whales that harboured there during the seasons and their magnificence. You could not recall a time when any of the Wardroom Officers sought you for casual pleasantries. With all respect it was not only usual but often looked down upon as a form of fraternisation. 
The sun would begin to dip early in the evening. Each of those evenings you returned to the ship as they drew into a rich crisp cold that wracked your teeth with chatters, your body drawn up tight to conserve warmth. Edward never seemed as steeped by the cold as you. It was always when a palsy of cold began to grip your body that Leftenant Little ushered the both of you back to the ship where, finally within the warmth of his cabin, your trembling fingers would undo his jacket and waistcoat and help ensure that they were well put away. Little had been a First Leftenant already once before, which meant he took Command with a tone of serious contemplation. Fastidious habits and mindful self care were incredibly important to the Admiralty. Yet unshelled in this manner he stood less like a man that sought glorious futures of Captaining his own ship and more as a gentleman that appreciated your presence and the knowing direction you provided when you worked. You were still off duty. Something that nagged in the back of your mind as you knew you certainly would not be paid for this work. The cold still sat deep in your bones as you asked each evening if that was all he required of you. You were still off duty. And each evening he would bow his head and nod politely, “Indeed,” he would speak low and calm, eyes upon his desk or the floor or perhaps his bed as if he was uncertain of his place in his own bedcabin. “Thank you for your service.”
And you would politely bow your head back to him and bid him a pleasant night, sliding his door shut with a mindful gesture as to not disturb anyone else that may be asleep. 
This accompanying companionship continued for the three days you were at Disko. Leftenant Little caught you before you could escape anywhere and inquired for your presence each morning to which you, truly, had no other plans. You could not speak the local dialect nor knew where you were when traversing the shore nor surrounding land that he desired to show you before your ship left port the following day.
It was when you returned early to the ship for an evening meal that you realised something was amiss. Something had woven itself pitifully into the Lefetnant. You ate with the other Petty Officers as you always did but observed quietly as your charge returned woefully and dolefully to his bedcabin quiet early. That would normally be your cue. There was a duty you had to ensure that the Leftenant was tended to. You shovelled the last of your dinner and took a good hearty drink of your tea before you excused yourself.
He allowed you in, knocking briefly in the way you always had since the HMS Vindictive and allowed yourself in. He looked at you with startled eyes, large orbs taking your presence as if he had not anticipated you meeting like this. The idea seemed absurd and yet, “I may return a proper time if now is poor, sir,” you offered, though went about picking his boots up regardless and tucking them beside his berth.
It was here that things seemed different. It was this moment that something became… strange between the two of you. 
Edward Little warred with something as he danced between his feet. He did this every so often as the ship moved, his body taking up the tide as if it would rock him back to a state of calm. He was clutching his hat between his hands, slow rotations. He had told you that you were alright to do as you please. You did as you always did and when you returned with evening water for his basin, hot and steaming, he asked if there was anything he could do for you. 
You were stunned to a strange surreal silence. “I beg your pardon, sir.”
“Is there,” he had swallowed hard, “Something, if anything at all,” he struggled, mouth opening and closing with those saucers of rich chocolate flickering between you and the floor, “Ah. Forget me. I must be unwell. Out of sorts…” He turned from you then, a bitter and detached, “Dismissed,” coming from him where he could not face you.
Two days and he had avoided you like a sullen thing that had been caught mid offence. He would not raise his gaze to you. Usually you were more than able to slip in and out of his cabin unseen and unnoticed in the early morning and in the evening. You had restocked his parchment. You had refilled his ink and tidied his desk. However, his linens battled against your desire to ensure his bed looked pleasantly comfortable and well made when he entered. Your last engagement had left you feeling as an undesired intruder. The callousness with which he dismissed you last leaving you feeling hollow a little and as if you were a nuisance that ought not be in a Leftenant’s path if you could help it. He had left you questioning much of him from that little interaction. He had not spoken nor raised his eyes to meet you since.
“Oh,” was all he had offered at first, immediately removing his hat as he stood in the doorway with a shameful look upon his features. He was a beautiful man in his own respect. Handsome and pleasant but still a Wardroom Officer. You stood like a stunned creature, staked to the wood floor with his pillow still yet in your hands. “I am intruding.”
“It is your cabin, sir,” You spoke reflexicely, the statement itself a far cry from how you ought to have spoken to him. “May I ask something of you, sir?” You were unsure where this was coming from, a sudden shift in the air propelling you like wind in sails. You moved towards him.
“Yes, yes anything,” he seemed uneasy but finally after those forty eight hours of palpable tension and uncertainty he looked to you with those rich eyes. “I meant it. If there was something you wished of me, I would gladly do what I can. You do so very much for me. It hangs upon my shoulders that I may take advantage of your services,” he confessed. It was an out of place thing, almost as if the Leftenant had dropped his teacup and could not catch it before it clattered to the floor in a hundred porcelain daggers. He looked much the same. 
This stunned you into freezing once more. “Oh. I ah,” you lost your thought for a moment, “I am unsure what I would ask of you. I have no complaints working under you, sir,” you had canted your head, measuring him carefully. 
“You have worked so very hard for me. These years,” he gives a thoughtful pause. “I… Wish you would ask something of me.” a soft shudder was rippling through his body, his limbs tense where he stood. “However you wish. However would please you.” “...Oh?” came from your lips. And then, all at once you realised what he was implying by this sentiment and your world came crashing down. You gasp. “OH.”
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enyoalkis · 4 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @boleynecklace, thanks! <3
3 ships you like:
LietBel / Lithuania x Belarus or Tolys x Natallia (Hetalia) - My OTP <3
Rhaenicent / Rhaenyra x Alicent (House of the Dragon)
Henry II of England x Eleanor of Aquitaine - My favorite toxic irl historical ship 💀
First ship ever: Woody x Bo Peep and Buzz Lightyear x Jessie from Toy Story! I was so obsessed with the movies as a kid!
I also was a huge Luigi x Daisy fan from the Super Mario games.
Last song that you heard: This Hell - Rina Sawayama 🏳️‍🌈
Favourite childhood books:
Matilda - Roald Dahl
A Little Princess and The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett (I also love the 90s film adaptions!)
Madeline - Ludwig Bemelmans (and the cartoons!)
Currently reading:
No More Time to Dance - G. Lawrence
The Sympathizer - Viet Thanh Nguyen
I'm close to the end of NMTTD, lol. It's the 2nd book of their Catherine Howard series, and this and the first book Shadow of Persephone are so far the best historical fiction books on her and her tragic life. Unlike most historical fiction and period dramas featuring Catherine, the books don't depict her relationships with her childhood music teacher Henry Mannox or Francis Dereham as consensual but unfortunately groomed and SA'ed by them as she was in real life. It also depicts Catherine as being more street smart than academic smart but isn't completely out of the loop of politics.
Currently watching: I just finished watching the TV adaption of The Sympathizer last night.
Currently catching up on season 8 of Catfish MTV and watching Bridgerton (season 2 because I'm a Slowpoke)
Currently consuming: I just ate oranges as an afternoon snack 🍊
Currently craving: Going back to Japan 🤪 I'm planning to travel there again in August!
Tagging @kvietka, @tinkatonx, @twerg45, @honrupi, @boogiepopmeup, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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spitfiremai · 2 years
Mai's list of books.
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Gadis Kretek (Ratih Kumala)
Rumah Lebah (Ruwi Meita)
Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk (Ahmad Tohari)
Seperti Dendam, Rindu Harus Dibayar Tuntas (Eka Kurniawan)
The Tokyo Zodiac Murders (Soji Shimada)
This Is Me Letting You Go (Heidi Priebe)
Resign (Almira Bastari)
Melbourne Wedding Marathon (Almira Bastari)
Dear Evan Hansen (Val Emmich)
Norwegian Wood (Haruki Murakami)
After Dark (Haruki Murakami)
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage (Haruki Murakami)
Once Upon A Broken Heart (Stephanie Garber)
Women Don't Owe You Pretty (Florence Given)
Asmaraloka (Arata Kim)
Game Over (Valerie Patkar)
Seaside (Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie)
The Poppy War (R.F. Kuang)
Aroma Karsa (Dee Lestari)
On reading.
The Midnight Library (Matt Haig)
The Little Book of Sloth Philosophy (Jennifer McCartney)
Men Without Women (Haruki Murakami)
Catatan Harian Menantu Sinting (Rosi L. Simamora)
Jakarta Sebelum Pagi (Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie)
A Lady in Disguise (Georgette Heyer)
That Camden Summer (Lavyrle Spencer)
The Secret Garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett)
Mrs. Dalloway (Virginia Woolf)
The Rules of Magic (Alice Hoffman)
Practical Magic (Alice Hoffman)
The Stars We Steal (Alexa Donne)
Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak (Ahmad Tohari)
Perempuan yang Menangis Kepada Bulan Hitam (Dian Purnomo)
A Love Like This (Ayu Riana)
Love Me, Leave Me (Ida Ernawati)
Progressnya Berapa Persen? (Soraya Nasution)
Harga Teman (Debora Danisa)
The Name of The Game (Adelina Ayu)
Penaka (Altami N.D.)
Laut Bercerita (Leila S. Chudori)
Alamanda dan Sihir yang Berujung Salah (Nellaneva)
Nonversation (Valerie Patkar)
The Arson Project (Akaigita)
Ephemera (Akaigita)
The Infinite Quest (Fino Y.K.)
Cantik Itu Luka (Eka Kurniawan)
Di Tanah Lada (Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie)
Ganjil Genap (Almira Bastari)
Omen (Lexie Xu)
Dia, Tanpa Aku (Esti Kinasih)
Circe (Madeline Miller)
Cat Stories (James Herriot)
A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens)
Cannery Row (John Steinbeck)
The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)
If You Could See The Sun (Ann Liang)
Persuasion (Jane Austen)
Pierre and Luce (Romain Rolland)
Serpent and Dove (Shelby Mahurin)
The Devotion of Suspect X (Keigo Higashino)
The Sisters of Winter Wood (Rena Rossner)
To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
Funny Feelings (Tarah Dewitt)
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents (Lindsay C. Gibson)
Getting Past Your Breakup (Susan J. Eliott)
The list will be updated every week.
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