#hmmm i sure wonder why i feel a little bit sick all the time. maybe there's mold in the cap of your water bottle hmm??
saltinesinsoup · 9 months
dogpeacesign.jpeg im so good at keeping my water bottles clean (lie)
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kitramune · 10 months
Mistlewoes (rating, G)
A lil InuKag Christmas drabble for you lovely folks. Sorry it's so short, I've been a little dry on the motivation, lately! Thanks to @nukawin for the prompt, here. ~*~*~*~*~
Inuyasha didn't know how this could have happened... Had he not been diligent enough? Had he missed something that only existed in Kagome's time? Something so subtle it had slipped past him? What a conniving and dangerous world she lived in!
All these thoughts and more shot through the hanyou's head as he faced down the giant bear that was currently roaring and standing taller to try and intimidate him away. He already had procured several herbs from Kaede and was working on the meat and organs.
This had all started when he overheard Kagome's family talking. Something about getting a tree for some disease. He forgot the name, but it had to do with toes.
He struck down the bear, harvesting everything he could before he moved on.
Dammit, how could he have let Kagome's toes get sick?! Or was it some kind of possession? Maybe he'd have to fight, after all. Hmmm... Well if this method didn't work, he'd try that. Lugging his haul towards the Well, Inuyasha stewed in his worry.
“Inuyasha-kun! My, what's all this?” Mrs. Higurashi looked shocked at his cargo when he made his way into the house.
“I heard Kagome was sick, so I brought some stuff to make her better. Is she in her room?”
“Sick? She never told me anything about that.” The woman looked even more alarmed.
Now Inuyasha was really confused. “I heard you and the old man talking about it and you said a tree would help bring it out of her toe? I got more stuff just to help her recover, though.”
Mrs. Higurashi seemed to realize something and lifted a hand to stifle her laughter. “Oh, that's sweet of you, dear. I'm sure Kagome will appreciate it. She'll be down soon, she's in the bath at the moment.”
He nodded. The warm water would probably make her feel better, as well. He moved to deposit his pack of items when something stopped him in his tracks. “Holy hell, is that the tree?!”
“Yes, it's called a Christmas Tree. We get one and decorate it every year around this time.”
Inuyasha gaped. “So this happens a lot? Is it a curse, then?! Is that why you have those weird shiny shimenawa ropes and shikigami all over it?”
Mrs. Higurashi hummed in thought, seeming to debate how to explain something to him. But Kagome chose that moment to come downstairs.
“Inuyasha? Why are you here?”
“Kagome!” he hurried over to her. “You'll feel better soon, I brought some things to help in addition to the tree! How are your toes?”
Kagome only furrowed her brow. “My toes? What are you talking about?”
“I think,” her mother supplied, “that there's been a little mix-up. Inuyasha-kun seems to have overheard me and father discussing our mistletoe.”
Kagome's mouth formed a small 'o' as she took in his worried expression and the pack of ingredients behind him. Luckily she couldn't quite see the viscera from there. She grabbed his hand, confusing him more, and pulled him over to an odd looking plant he'd never seen before. It was hanging near the equally odd tree.
“This is mistletoe, Inuyasha. It's not a sickness, it's for-... Well...”
Her confirmation that she wasn't actually suffering from anything did cause him to relax a bit, but it was quickly replaced by curiosity. She may not be sick, but her cheeks were quickly becoming red. A fever?
“For what?” he asked gently, moving his hand to touch her forehead and check for a temperature, ignoring her embarrassed inhale.
“It's, um... for this.” With that, Kagome stood on her tippy-toes, his hand still on her forehead, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
It was warm. It was slightly wet. It was soft. It was wonderful. It was... over way too quickly, leaving Inuyasha unable to do anything but stare at her and slowly put his hand back down. She smiled, and even through his shock, he wanted to smile back.
Mrs. Higurashi giggled, the sound breaking both teenagers out of their little trance. Both blushed, but the knowing mother seamlessly moved them on to a new topic. “Would you like to stay for dinner, Inuyasha-kun? After all, you brought such lovely gifts for Kagome and she can explain all about Christmas to you.”
Kagome cleared her throat tactfully. “That sounds... good.”
Inuyasha nodded. “Sure.”
No way in HELL was he leaving until he got to kiss her back! Even if it took all night!
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f-smutt-fitzgerald · 2 years
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Art by @ma10ba (correct me if I'm wrong)
***This chapter takes place the morning after the events of my smut horror story on AO3, Bloodlust, so if you haven't read that in it's entirety, CLICK HERE TO READ IT FIRST.
I mean… I can't force y'all to do anything. Read this first if you want, it just sorta spoils the story's ending.
WARNING: This chapter contains no smut, but it does contain death and lots of gore. Reader discretion is advised.
***Also, I just want to make clear that I intentionally left the ending of Bloodlust ambiguous because I want the reader to come up with their own ideas of what happens next on their own (a reader's mind conjures up horrors worse than the written word can ever hope to achieve yadda yadda yadda), so this special end scene isn't necessarily "canon" to my story, it's just a fun little extra bit of psychological horror for those who wanted to know how I imagined things would happen next.
Without further ado, I present to you...
The World's Worst Hangover
In hindsight, drinking that much celebratory champagne was probably a bad move, because when Azul’s alarm rang the next morning, it felt like a raging beast was screaming inside his head and jamming razor blades into his skull.
Azul desperately jabbed at the button on his phone to turn the agonizing beeping off. “Fucking dammit...” Azul tossed the phone onto his side table, rubbing at his face with a prolonged groan. Early morning sunlight rippled through the ocean outside his window and Azul covered his head with a pillow to escape it.
The housewarden contemplated sleeping in longer, but all the work he needed to get done before the Mostro Lounge’s official re-opening piled up in his mind and he knew there was no time to allow himself to properly recover from this hangover. So Azul begrudgingly tossed his pillow aside and got up to prepare himself for the torturous day ahead of him.
After popping some pain killers and getting dressed, the housewarden made his way through the dorm over to the Mostro Lounge to make final inspections before the staff came in to get ready for the lunch time opening. He expected Jade to be waiting for him in the dining room, but the vice housewarden was nowhere to be found.
“Hmmm...” Azul looked down at his phone to double check the time, and it was ten minutes past when they had agreed to meet. He had no new messages from the Leech brother, and Jade was not the type to accidentally sleep in or forget a meeting, so Azul was starting to feel nervous, albeit he wasn’t entirely sure why. The silver haired man looked around the room once more, “Where are you...?”
An unsettling feeling bubbled inside of Azul, and it wasn’t the nausea from his unyielding hangover. Azul found himself walking over to the dark, silent kitchen, his excuse being that maybe Jade would be in there checking ingredients like the teal haired man tended to do, but a part of him wondered if Jade was down below in the blocked off basement that only the two of them knew about.
Azul got his answer when he saw that the secret shelving unit door was cracked open slightly, and his already sick stomach twisted into a heavy knot. “Fuck.”
He ran to the shelving unit and pulled it open, the containers of ingredients on the shelves tumbling onto the floor as the housewarden rushed inside the closed off space and shut the door. Azul and Jade always made sure to lock the secret door regardless of whether they were inside or outside of the hidden space. Always. Jade wouldn’t have just left the door cracked open like he did. Unless...
“Floyd... Oh no...” The door to the basement was already wide open and the light was on. Azul slammed the door behind him as he rushed down the stairs in a panic, “FLOYD!” He screamed, making his way through the basement towards the uncovered door to the secret room. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck...”
Azul stopped just short of the door, spying something on the ground that made his whole body run cold. Just barely seeping out from under the door was a small pool of dark red, and for a moment Azul couldn’t bring himself to step any closer. He turned and stumbled against the dusty, empty shelves of the basement, shaking and heaving heavy breaths to keep down the bile that tried to escape his stomach. He just leaned there and focused on his breathing until the nausea subsided, knowing he needed to open that door no matter what was on the other side. So he pushed aside his panic and any other thoughts or feelings that conflicted with the task at hand. The housewarden straightened up and turned towards the door, taking in a quick breath as he gripped the handle and pushed it open.
Immediately Azul was hit by the overwhelming metallic stench of something putrid and rotten from inside the room, and it was all the already nauseous man needed to instantly turn around and vomit onto the floor. His body shook violently as he turned up the last of the contents within his stomach, tears flowing from his gray eyes as he just stared at the ground, dry heaving and hyperventilating uncontrollably.
He didn’t want to turn around. He didn’t want to see what was inside that room. He already had an idea and he’d give anything to not have to see it. But Azul knew he had no other choice, so he pulled out his handkerchief and took a moment to wipe up his mouth before turning the cloth over and pressing it firmly over his nose and mouth. He pulled out his pen, preparing for the worst when he forced his trembling body to turn and face whatever was waiting for him inside of that dark room.
There was a voice muttering from inside. It was quiet and uneven, and Azul only just now noticed it as he looked vacantly towards the inside of the room, not quite having the strength to look down just yet. His shaking hand gripped his pen as he felt around on the wall for the light switch. With a soft ‘click’, the room was illuminated by the two lights strung up on the ceiling. Azul stared up at those lights, struggling against every survival instinct in his body telling him not to look down as he forced his eyes towards the ground.
It was red. All he could see was red.
It completely covered the once grey cement floor in various sickening shades, splattered up along the walls and the furniture, dripping back down into dark crimson pools on the ground. And it covered a small, pathetic man tucked into the corner of the room between the outer plexiglass partition of makeshift bathroom and the cement wall, rocking back and forth and gripping his vaguely teal blood soaked hair as he muttered to himself on repeat, “I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it...”
Azul thought there was nothing left in his stomach to vomit, but his body proved him wrong as he looked towards his feet and saw that he, himself, was standing in a puddle of rotten blood. He suddenly keeled over against the doorframe and dry heaved the last little bit of acid that was inside of his cramping gut, pulling his handkerchief up slightly so he could let it drip onto the ground before quickly covering up his mouth again.
“Hey Azul.” A voice spoke in a calm, monotone whisper from somewhere else in the room to Azul’s right.
Still gripping onto the doorframe, the housewarden slowly panned his eyes over in the direction of the voice. He found Floyd, sitting on the ground and leaning up against the wall, blood soaked clothes clinging to his skin, crimson covering most of his pale face and causing strands of his hair to stick to his skin. He just stared at the opposing wall, unblinking eyes dark and sunken as he just sat there, unmoving as though he, himself, were a corpse.
It was at this point that Azul realized that the pathetic creature rocking back and forth against the plexiglass wall at the opposite end of the room was Jade. The vice housewarden was nearly unrecognizable in this dazed, traumatized state, trapped in a constant loop of tugging at his hair with crimson stained hands and whispering, “I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it...”
There was no need to ask what had happened. It was well past the point where it would have mattered. The housewarden slowly glanced back towards Floyd, who rolled his head over to look Azul in the eyes as he spoke again with that eerily calm, monotone voice, “What’s up?” Azul trembled as he saw now that Floyd was gripping your hand in his, the twin refusing to let go even when there was no longer any trace of life in your cold palm.
The one thing Azul couldn’t do was look at the rest of whatever that hand was connected to. Azul knew that whatever it was, it had been hours since it was a living, breathing person, and he didn’t need to know any more than that.
“I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it...”
His eyes caught a glimpse of something shiny on top of the bed at the far end of the room, and after taking a moment to organize the chaos in his head, Azul realized that these were the keys to the secret room. Needing a direction forward, the silver haired man carefully stepped through the room towards the keys. He’d have tried to avoid stepping in the blood, if it were possible to do so, but it was already too late for that. Jade continued rocking and whispering, and Floyd just rolled his head back to stare at the wall across from him, squeezing your hand in his as if to reassure you.
“I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it...”
Azul stared up at the ceiling, holding his breath and gritting his teeth to still his quivering jaw as he carefully stepped over the corpse in the center of the room. He reached over and quickly grabbed the keys on the bed, turning to repeat the process of keeping his eyes on the ceiling as he slowly made his way back towards the door.
He stopped at the threshold, taking a moment to clear his mind before carefully slipping out of his blood soaked shoes, making sure not to get a drop of blood anywhere else on him as he stepped his purple sock covered foot onto the clean cement ground outside in the main room of the basement. Having successfully made it out of the room with the keys and without the shoes, Azul reached his hand back in to turn off the light, making sure not to step into the crimson that had pooled around the doorway.
“Goodbye Azul.” Floyd’s calm whisper spoke from the darkness of the room. Azul shook as he reached for the door handle and slowly closed the door to the room, shutting the twins inside. The trembling silver haired man struggled to hold the keys still enough to lock the entrance to the room, just barely managing to twist the key in the lock to ensure that, for now, the horrors inside that room would stay there.
He turned and fell against the basement shelves, desperately wanting to allow himself to fall apart, but he couldn’t. Not yet.
The housewarden forced himself up the stairs and out of the basement, carefully locking the basement door before turning to hesitantly push open the secret door leading to the kitchen. He cracked it open just a bit at first, checking to see if the lights were still off outside to make sure no one else was around. He stood there for a bit, and when he didn’t hear any noises outside, he carefully pushed the door open the rest of the way, stepping out of the secret space into the kitchen. He swung the shelving unit door closed and quickly locked it, dropping the keys into his coat pocket as he lowered his head into the front corner of the unit, heaving heavy breaths as he was just about to drop to the ground and start sobbing.
The light in the kitchen flickered on, and a voice spoke from behind him, “Mr. Ashengrotto...?” Azul turned to find the head chef standing in the doorway, head cocked as he stared at the housewarden with a look of concern and confusion. “Are you okay, sir?”
Azul looked from the employee over to the shelving unit he was leaning against, various containers of spices and other dry ingredients knocked over on the shelves and on the ground around his feet. “Sorry... I guess I tripped and knocked everything over...”
The chef glanced down at the housewarden’s feet, “Where are your shoes...?”
Azul took a deep breath in. “You know what... I don’t think I am okay.” He forced out a small chuckle, “I admit I had too much to drink last night... And I am having the world’s worst hangover.” He looked down and lifted his sock covered foot up slightly, “As a testament to my lack of cohesive brain power, I seem to have completely forgotten to put on my shoes as I was getting ready today...” Azul rubbed his head and nodded to himself, “Floyd and Jade are also worse for wear at the moment, we partied a bit too hard last night after the event... I regret to report that I don’t think any of us will be able to help out with the Mostro Lounge today.”
The head chef raised his eyebrows, unsure of how to respond, “Oh... I’m so sorry to hear about that sir.” He scratched his head, “Should we hold off the Mostro’s opening then...?”
Azul shook his head and walked towards his employee, “Oh heavens no!” He pat the man’s arm, “This just means you’re going to have to spearhead the opening on your own! Don’t worry, I’ll pay you extra for your efforts...” He gripped the chef ’s shoulder and looked into his eyes, the silver haired man’s expression turning serious, “...As well as your discretion. I admit I’m a bit embarrassed by my self-inflicted poor bill of health, and would rather no one else know about my bad drinking habits.”
The man swallowed slightly and nodded, “O-of course sir! I’ll take care of things here. I won’t tell anyone what they don’t need to know!”
Azul smiled and pat the man’s shoulder, “Excellent. Thank you...” He stepped towards the door out of the kitchen, “I’ll let the rest of the staff know that the twins and I came down with a bug and won’t be able to attend the opening...”
The head chef turned and watched as Azul stumbled slightly into the dining room, “Are you going to be okay, Mr. Ashengrotto?”
Azul stood there for a moment and took a long, deep breath out, staring down at his purple patterned socks as he briefly lost himself to his thoughts. Eventually he nodded, “Yeah... We’re going to be okay.” He stepped forward through the lounge, away from the nervous employee standing in the kitchen. “We’ll figure this out. Just like we always do... We’ll be okay.”
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memoryoflooping · 4 months
i love the characters to bits, and i'm still insane about the thing that happened during the tutorial.
loop 13 - (why did it skip?) i forgot to press the switch. oopsie! YESSSSSS bonnie KILL. guesswork on that last question tbh i wasn't sure if i remembered i'm gonna cryyyyy why does loop not look at everyone? i guess they're supposed to be secret? for the love of god can i just hand this damn star the flower UHHHHHHH SIF JUST KILLED THE FUCK OUTTA THAT SADDNESS HOLY SHIT???? everyone looks so scared… he killed that thing super dead it looped on its own……….. sif????? sif doing that????? TIMELOOP HAUNTED???? WHAT WAS THAT???? GHOST SIFFRIN???/ odile heads or tails wins seem to be consistant, she's winning multiple times in a row another ghost on the second floor????? what????? still wondering what the spreadsheet in the head housemaiden's office is for??? why would she need this… they forgot how to see colors??? uh oh. odile might be on to siffrin. oops ? siffrin just cut himself on glass in front of everyone???? i guess the death conversation explains the ghosts? mira has papers about… people???? basic questions… maybe she wants more friends? star crest saddness smell sugary? siffrin tasted sugar in his throat… king made the saddness… hmmm sif learned a paper move awesome ? guess i should've expected it after the rock one fuck yessssss new sif weapon… knifekey sweep -ok ok thinking on after some sleep, the 3 culprits for causing the timeloop are loop, the king and sif, but i don't have much of any whys for any of them… siffrin actively does not want to be in the loop but the tutorial thing is def implying something, if it was the king it would loop when he died… loop seems the most possible… but i don't know what motive they'd have. maybe they react the way they do to the drawing is bc they know someone will die? looping to prevent someone's death? they said they wanted to be here… but maybe its that they needed to be? -ODILE IS SO ONTO ME, "you look a little out of it"… fuckkkkk "YOU'VE BEEN WEIRD SINCE YESTERDAY" OH GOD SHE KNOWS -the king froze vaugarde because its "perfect"? because it welcomes travlers with no name…. hmmm… siffrin no middle name no last name…. -the king is not doing it… i wonder if the party will comment on it after… since siffrin just said basically it -there's a scent around him…? the sugar…? -its happening again with the head housemaiden… burnt sugar again loop 14 -YES I GET TO DRAG ODILE AROUND YES -house with no flowers has the familytale… -HELP WE'RE ON A WILD GOOSE CHASE. -sif looks like they haven't slept in weeks? do they not actually sleep when it loops. uh oh -this book has been around fucking everywhere i swear -also the change god statue changed i swear to god. was it doing that before and i just didn't play attention -there's no research… -half vaugardian. huh! -ohhhhh, i understand… the split connection to your history…. a culture that should've been mine but isn't… yeah… -loop likes being in the sun -bonding proposals? -WE HAVE ISABEAU AT HOME HELP -awh poor mira feeling pressured to date -siffrin like just don't think about it -awhhh stargazing together -oh wow sif is so smart he's so good at talking about planets and the sun i know it -TRANS ISA WINNNN!!!! -stop being gay. dinnertime biiiitch
-i love all of these guys :-) -i just fucking realized after all of that i forgot to ask about time craft. i'm fucking booboo the fool -whatever i'll explode via tear and go up to the 3rd floor for the area i didn't check out loop 17 - -WOAHHHHH this room is so sick… biggg window. star charts? loop 19 - -ok we are doing this right THIS time!!!!!! -there's a chance the party will remember if sif does? -UH OOPS? I made sif remember something with the coin hoping loop would react -"you'll always forget about the things you love" siffrin are you good buddy???? -ok i'll do isa's event again tomorrow god fucking damn it i can't believe i forgot to ask about time craft in the library
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thelonewolf48 · 2 years
MSHD Season 3, Episode 3
Let's see how wrong this series can go and still give us our ship.
This post got out of hand so, be warned that is LONG!
High Hills and the whole teaching three languages, robotics and computer science gives me war flashbacks to my own school (I went to a private catholic school up until 6th grade). But they did teach us a little about ecology and horticulture... as for the meditation, well, we slept around at least two hours in kindergarten and had like an hour for ourselves (aside from lunch break) for reading and doing other things... so, I don't see a problem there.
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But I do know where this is going and I mean, sure, there are schools like that, but at least in my city public and private school accept everyone. Gay or not. NOW, that they discriminate the kids and their families... yeah, that happens everywhere in our conservative and religious society.
I don't like the translation change they did in Alta's comment: The subs read "Ah, wonderful, Miss Ana. They're gonna be as smart as their ma." To which Mariana and Ana simultaneously answer "Oh, God, I hope not" and "They will."
But what Alta really said was "How cute, Miss Ana. Are they going to attend the same school as you?" (Or, I guess, it sounds better as Are they gonna attend your alma mater?") Whichever it is... I don't like that they changed the comment because it seems that Mariana doesn't want the girls to be as smart as Ana, even though she tells everyone that Ana is really smart. Anyway, little easter egg.
You know what? I love Victor and Tere's dynamic. I've seen men like him, my dad and one of my uncles. My aunt had a high risk pregnancy and we all helped her out so, I kinda understand Victor but I don't think Tere isn't that bad... she just needs rest lol But I love them and the whole plots Tere does to try to go outside, while Victor tries to prevent her to escape. LOVE THEM!
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Ro, cutie pie, I understand your hate and bad behavior... but the fact no one is telling him to tone down his comments is off. Especially, coming from a Mexican mom. Which, fair, not all moms are the same but if I ever said something like that or raised my voice or even rolled my eyes, my mom (and aunts and basically any grown up) would scold me and maybe ground me for a week (to say the least)
Again will rant about the subs! It sounds so damn aggressive, in the subs JC says "Did you not learn the lesson?" and Ana answers "I learned you're an asshole." WOW, WOW, WOW! JC actually says "See why I sued you?" and Ana answers something along the lines of "because you're stubborn" or "you're a fool." To tell someone asshole, here in Mexico, is like a really big thing and Ana didn't insult him here... so, I wonder why they decided to write asshole... I need answers!
And then, the next comment seems a bit off because she's not being as aggressive as the subs make Ana sound... (or maybe it's me who feels it's aggressive?) Anyway, the subs read "And you don't need to know everything if it's what's best for the girls. I figured it'd be okay" and in reality Ana says "Because I do include you in everything, but in due time. I don't even know if there's an spot available."
Subs, you're sus!
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They did not just dressed a girl in a cosplay, right? ... No, they did... because of course that's how everyone looks like inside a japanese company... Never change, Mexico. Never change. LOL
Ferran and Mariana, sighs. I'm not gonna dig into that and I will rant about JC and Ana but that a few paragraphs later.
Subs... you're giving me a headache... It sounds so wrong how JC sounds when he says "if you come, dress nice" when in reality he tells Ana "think about it and let me know" SUBS YOU'RE ON THE AGRESSIVE SIDE!
Hmmm, eating soil strengthens the immune system, really? THEN WHY I GET SICK ALL THE TIME?!!!! I've eaten my share of soil and still get sick all the damn time! /sighs/ anyway, Ana throwing chocolates to the kids is so funny though!
Cynthia really is a mini Ana in the making lol, poor Pablo though.
I gotta love Romelia's guts and clever ideas, she doesn't buy that Mariana and Ana are dating but also wants to prove that Mariana and Ferran are together. I love her lol
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The subs: "I never want you to be seen in public with that dumb little slut ever again"
What they really said: "I never want you to be seen in public with that girl"
And the subs called Mariana little slut twice in the same scene... and he never said that...
Then, subs go into a different direction. In the subs, Ana says "With that mouth, I hope it all burns to the ground" JC says "Ana, come on, it's for the children", then Ana "No, this is for you, Juan Carlos" and Ana in reality says "I will not follow your discriminatory rules" JC's dialogue is the same but then Ana says "No, it's because of the children (that I'm saying this)"
And then, it's interesting that when Ana is telling JC's father off that again in the subs, Ana is attacking him when in reality she is defending JC and accepting part of the blame for their failed marriage. In subs, Ana says "And because you're an incompetent sorry old man, I will never help you" vs what she really says "Just because I don't fit into your old-fashioned, conservative mold."
Ana isn't just angry telling him off, she is also telling a message to everyone who thinks like him, viewers included (or at least, I hope that was the writers' intentions)
Subs being sus, again!
What's up with the subs and them calling everyone assholes? JC calling his father an asshole in the subs is totally wrong because he doesn't insult him... but I'm not gonna continue ranting about it.
Subs... I'm...
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I don't know what to do with these subs... They're aggressive when they shouldn't be and then they aren't when they should!
Subs: Tere: "And you won't tell me what to do with my body! Or what I want with it! A body you won't touch! Even when the doctor says so. Get it out of your head, or it's a problem, hmm?"
Reality: "I'm a woman with her own life and body! A body you won't touch! Even when the doctor said we can fuck without problems, hmm?"
Subs: Tere: "Look at me. I am a woman. Never ever again say that! I am anything other than what you see right here. And now get out of my face, hmm?"
Reality: "I am a free, funny, and sexy woman! And I will not allow you to stop seeing me as such! Nor will I cease to be!"
Although similar in it's message, I think it gives the scene very different messages. Although, again, maybe it's just me.
Business partners with benefits... I need a business partner, anyone available? LOL
Cynthia and Pablo, 11/10
The other issue I have is that after Ana and Mariana crashed the school entrance, Ro goes back into a loving kid and we never see Ana acknowledging the bully Ro was suffering, nor we see Ro telling Ana he is sorry for the way he behaved... and now it turns out Ro was only trying to protect the babies... THAT'S... THAT'S... /sighs/
And I need to go, but I love that JC finally see the light and pulled the law suit off! YAAAAAAY now I wonder what mess will the writers throw at me... lol
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berryunho · 2 years
LOL sorry omg i really died. like am still dying. i spent all day yesterday crying over my coursework and shit but i talked to that guy and he really knocked some sense into me and told me to not be so hard on myself... so now im crying internally and not externally 😭
ive been thinking about it now and i think i might switch majors for the sake of my sanity bc real talk the amount of work is insane and i cant properly function it's crazy out here idk how people do this... i was thinking maybe health sci since i already have most of the credits for the degree and ive always wanted to be involved in the healthcare field... im gonna see my academic advisor on monday and see what they say because holy guacamole i want to be able to enjoy school w/o crying every time i think about it
omg that got long but those have been my thoughts for the past few days BUT ANYWAY that's so good!!!! im so happy for you big brain energy we love to see it!! ive got a biochem midterm this week (which is the cause of my mental breakdowns BUT KLSJFRG) and ochem is in 2 weeks but as i said might change majors and ochem is not necessary... so i'll prob drop it haha
the last season was so good. i found it a bit slow in the beginning but once it picks up it's going like i could not stop watching it!! i havent watched bcs but i heard it gets better near the end again?? ive watched el camino tho
that's how i felt abt crocheting at first like im the type of person to try something for a little bit and then give up right after but honestly!!! it's so fun because you can make all kinds of different things like clothing, bags, accessories and it's so fun!! i've been picking up knitting too and i've made some socks and i'm working on a sweater rn
WOIEFJWE that man is so wonderful like i feel like he really understands me and !!!!!!!!!!! i feel like he really balances out the "negative" parts/thoughts of me and is so reassuring IM WHIPPED LOL
omg yes i had a bad cold too like a week ago (no covid as well) and i think i might be good now knock on wood!! what a slay im glad your classes are going so well for you! i dont follow hockey (gasp) but i can see the thrill of it!! hopefully they can win the next game!
highly enjoyed the break. have a great weekend too!! <3
no no no worries lol i totally get being busy and everything <33
but omg :[[ im sorry that school has been so overwhelming and stressful for you aaaaa yeah if its at the point where you're upset everyday and completely overwhelmed and don't like school then i definitely agree w changing your major.... you don't want the rest of your life to be like this lol health science would be interesting for sure !! there are so many ways to be involved in health care and the health system without being a doctor/nurse/etc so im sure you'll be able to find something that works !!
?!*%*$???($*@)? you're taking ochem AND biochem at the same time ?!!?($*@)@ i understand the breakdowns wtf id lose it fr but lol fingers crossed changing your major works out so that you don't have to take that ochem exam
fr i definitely understand why breaking bad is considered like one of the best shows of all time ... the writing was so good and the story was so compelling and even when it got to the point where you were like 'wtf thats sick and messed up' you couldnt stop watching bc you were in so deep lol but !! ive yet to watch el camino ... hmmm
oooo man thats so cool !! you're so right like i always see crochet tutorials on tiktok for like the most random things ever and you can make like. anything. its amazing. hehe maybe ill try it out once i have more free time :]
YAAAYYY FOR THE MAN!! im glad that he's good for you :] its very nice that he's sticking w you through all of your stress and helping you out!! hehe have yall gone on any fun dates or are you just ~talking~ ?
tis the time of year for colds lol this one i think is just about done ... my cough is significantly better today but i can't decide if its actually better or if its just bc i havent been talking today .... lol ig ill see tomorrow! KFLJDSKFJ [gasp] a canadian that doesn't follow hockey ... an incredible find ... hehehe im joking but yes fr hockey is so crazy compared to other sports like even though its kinda like soccer its still so different and sooooo entertaining to me lol ty for the support for my team they definitely need it [muffled through fake coughing] they're bad [more fake coughing]
yay! i hope this week of classes goes better! tyyyy <3 <3 <3
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porcelain-giyuu · 2 years
eeeeee im so happy you like my ideas don’t apologize for long posts I love them I love youuuuu !!!!
im obsessed w your aus rn;
im a tsutako enthusiast i love her and I wish we got to see more of her and her impact in the manga. Yeahhh i bet tsutako would feel really guilty after that. I think even after Giyuu and tsutako talk about giyuus hang ups with being called a practice pup and tsutakos feelings on taking up a parental role so young, that their relationship wouldn’t change that much, other than tsutako making sure that they talk to each other about their feelings, maybe?
Aw and imagining all the kids following him around like ducklings aftewards is so funny to me. Especially genya since he’s a good couple cm taller than giyuu!
How does he spend time w each of them i need to knowww!!!! He’s so awkward I want to know how he babies them!! He actually reminds me of urokodaki lol harsh yet loving ha.
poor Sanemi his one sided rival/ enemy showing affection?!?! to his estranged little brother!?!?
ooo rengoku having a crush on Giyuu!! And finding giyuus habit of collecting pups (or the pups collecting him? thats even cuter lol) enthralling!! and so funny how now he has to make sure senjuro doesn’t end up getting imprinted on as well like kanao. (Is that why shinobus angry?? yes I love rengoku lives aus those are my comfort aus. now that he’s the kamaboko squads mentor, giyuus gonna have to interact w him more huh? hmmm I wonder how that’s gonna go
this actually reminds me of the ff ‘What You're Thinking Of ? [You've Seen Me Bare]’ by saunne,
and of course uzui would like the drama that would entail
As for the uzui fivesome au; Giyuu deserves all the love , it’s so sweet reading how all of the uzuis fall in love w him !!😭!! I just want to see him get pampered, praised, hugged he’s been through so much he deserves it
How did Giyuu fall in love w the uzuis?? It must’ve been at least a bit confusing for him, especiall when they started making passes at him and he has no idea how to go from there
anon there is one thing i have to say to you. youre fueling me. your ideas are wonderful and i literally get happy-goosebumps whenever i see that little blue dot on my inbox. ANYWAY:
CW: other than some vague mentions of canonical character death, nothing big
I think even after Giyuu and tsutako talk about giyuus hang ups with being called a practice pup and tsutakos feelings on taking up a parental role so young, that their relationship wouldn’t change that much, other than tsutako making sure that they talk to each other about their feelings, maybe?
their relationship wouldn't change that much; but giyuus outlook/attitude towards kohei and the other nagai's improves. he becomes less stiff around them- he warms up quite a bit. though in the end its all the more devastating when everything falls apart 💕
How does he spend time w each of them i need to knowww!!!! He’s so awkward I want to know how he babies them!! He actually reminds me of urokodaki lol harsh yet loving ha.
that was the main idea! the only parental figures he really had were tsutako and urokodaki- their influences shape his own reactions to becoming a parent.
as for how he babies them; it differs according to what he thinks they need. if someone is flagging during training, they get a ten minute break, some hand-made manju (which are amazing- im partial to pork or fruit flavours. they also have an interesting history in japan) and an order for an hour of endurance training.
if one of the pups is sick or truly exhausted from a mission he whisks them away to his estate: to their personalized room or to spend time in the pond-gardens. he scents them, feeds them and speaks to them softly until they fall asleep wrapped in his haori. he doesn’t really say much as his love language is more quality time/acts of service, but some of the pups are eased by his voice. 
another way he babies them is that he kind of herds them around during missions that he DEFINETLY was not assigned to and then kind of micromanages how they do their things. zenitsu and genya find it annoying but also comforting, tanjiro is discouraged at first bc he thinks giyuu doesn’t believe in him but after an awkward but heartfelt conversation he’s more reassured. kanao doesn’t feel one way or another (she gets a strange soft sensation when he’s with her- it makes her feel small in a kind way. she doesn’t realize the feeling is safety) and inosuke is just excited to show off to his boss-ass mom who is also the First Hand in his “army” (which is just the other pups).  mui is usually sent on missions by himself or with some mid-high level slayers, so he either gets to spend one-on-one time with giyuu or show off to these Lowly Pathetic Slayers Without Cool Hashira Dams.
in this au nezuko has a little bit more awareness than in canon- she can recognize when people she spends a lot of time with aren’t her biological family. she recognizes them as who they are because over time she begins to see through the illusions and claims the people behind them as her new pack. random humans are still overlayed by images of her mother and siblings, but giyuu, tanjiro, the other pups, and few others she spends a lot of time with are themselves. she understands that these random humans aren’t her family, that they’re gone, but she still protects them. 
poor Sanemi his one sided rival/ enemy showing affection?!?! to his estranged little brother!?!?
no its genuinely so funny. he tries very hard to stick to the “i have no brother so this doesn’t matter to me” but he’s so confused. and jealous. and angry, because genya is trying to replace their ‘real’ mother (who loves her remaining boys very much and watches them with heavy hearts). he just... tries not to think about it. and takes a lot more missions. 
ooo rengoku having a crush on Giyuu!! And finding giyuus habit of collecting pups (or the pups collecting him? thats even cuter lol) enthralling!! and so funny how now he has to make sure senjuro doesn’t end up getting imprinted on as well like kanao. (Is that why shinobus angry?? yes I love rengoku lives aus those are my comfort aus. now that he’s the kamaboko squads mentor, giyuus gonna have to interact w him more huh? hmmm I wonder how that’s gonna go
there’s a lot of shenanigans about kyojuro trying to deter senjuro and giyuu from spending lots of time together, but ultimately it doesn’t work. giyuu spends a ton of his free time switching through where his pups are (the kamaboko squad at the flame pillar estate, genya in the stone pillar estate, kanao aoi and the triplets in the butterfly estate and ofc the mist pillar estate) so he comes around often. 
rengoku finds himself actually falling in love with giyuu. he’s invested in his pups lives, and with their influence he’s slowly shedding old hurts and cold habits. he’s becoming someone he should’ve been in the first place; giyuu is healing through taking care of others. he trains them, he feeds them and guides them- he reminds kyojuro of his mother. they’re different, of course, but they have similarities in the way they love. not like bonfires or explosions or the all-encompassing ocean, but like embers of a well-kept fire or a winding river that has already faced the test of time. in the end he cant keep himself away. 
this actually reminds me of the ff ‘What You're Thinking Of ? [You've Seen Me Bare]’ by saunne, 
YESS THAT WAS A HUGE INSPIRATION FOR ME!! i love that fic so much and ive read it multiple times. im trying to stay away from the plot as much as i can, but there are things that i just couldn’t not repurpose or draw from. read saunne’s other work!! the one about giyuu being haunted by sabito!! its amazing too!
As for the uzui fivesome au; Giyuu deserves all the love , it’s so sweet reading how all of the uzuis fall in love w him !!😭!! I just want to see him get pampered, praised, hugged he’s been through so much he deserves it
How did Giyuu fall in love w the uzuis?? It must’ve been at least a bit confusing for him, especiall when they started making passes at him and he has no idea how to go from there
well you see. giyuu has massive feelings.( “I didn't want to remember because my tears would never stop. When I did remember, I was so sad I couldn't do anything.” - quote from the manga) but he doesn’t really know what to do with them and he naturally doesn’t have a very expressive demeanor, so they get swept under the rug. he’s aware that he’s in love with all four of them- he just doesn’t think about it too much. 
as soon as he goes through the “oh fuck. ive fallen deeply and wholly in love with each of them and they’re all very important to me” phase, it just becomes another fact to him. he had an older sister. his favourite food is simmered salmon daikon. as a child his main hobby was tracking temperature and rain or catching fireflies in the summer. he is and always will be in love with tengen, makio, suma and hinatsuru. he has blue eyes. these things are the building blocks of who he is; giyuu just doesn’t realize there’s a possibility of them loving him back.
he falls in love very slowly. he’s not unaware of it happening- he just doesn’t know how to stop it.
makio always had something new for him. she gave him things, things meant for him alone. gifts with his initials embroidered on the edges, pins that match his eyes, books on poetry and weather and the science of how fireflies glow. each new thing is accompanied by thought and affection. they carry parts of herself in the contours of the gifts and the hum in her chest when he accepts. giyuu can’t bear not accepting her. 
hinatsuru likes fruit. giyuu also likes fruit. so they spend a lot of time in the beautiful shaded orchards that line the sound pillar property- he lays in the shadows and she lays in the sun beside him. she takes him to plays he’s never seen, leads him through shops and libraries and in turn he takes her to his quietest, most beloved spots. the river he fell in when he was two, where he also learned to swim. the tea shop urokodaki took him on special weekends after long hours of training. certain wisteria houses with lovely ducks that have never disliked him. giyuu wants to share with her. 
suma speaks so quickly but always clearly. she never says anything that can be mistaken as something else. shes direct and acts simple, when in reality she’s anything but. giyuu can see that her emotions are also huge, towering things that overwhelm her. she’s just on the “very expressive” side of the spectrum. he can sit next to her with a blank face and one-word answers and she understands him so easily. giyuu adores the way she exists. 
tengen is a very tactile person. giyuu was, once, but finds it difficult to breach the distance he’s built. tengen takes his hand just as often as he takes his blades; the surety of it is present too. they spar sometimes, full contact yet somehow their blows glance off each other like children playing tag. by the end one or both of them is always laughing. he enjoys that tengen knows when to back off or come closer; giyuu ends up breaching the distance himself. 
giyuu is a creature of habit, routine, an self-repression. the uzuis break him out of that last one, and he just can’t help but love them. 
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re8-drabbles · 3 years
Some RE: Village Relationship Headcanons?
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The Duke
Saved you from a pack of lycans when you accidently strayed into the village.
Started off on the wrong foot.
Duke: Found yourself in a pinch, haven't you?
Y/N: Fuck off...
Duke: Now, now, if you would rather stay out here and continue to play with lycans and get yourself killed, be my guest... but, if you would rather survive... You'd best change your tone.
Y/N: ....
Duke: That's better.
He allowed you to stay in his cart until you healed, but started falling for you the moment he got to know you.
Duke: So you have just been wandering all over Europe in hopes of finding a cure?
Y/N: ...Yeah pretty much. I know, it's pretty stupid.
Duke: I wouldn't call it stupid, as much as adventurous. Is that why you found yourself in the village?
Y/N: Yeah... I wasn't planning on being greeted by lycans when I first set foot.... I never properly thanked you for saving me or apologized for how I reacted, I'm sorry about that.
Duke: It's all water under the bridge, love. I'm just glad I happened to be at the right place, at the right time.
Both came to conclusion after the heart to heart that you both were enamored with each other.
Duke: ....Would you be interested in being more then friends?
Y/N: I thought you would never ask.
Loves it when you slip under his arm, get comfortable at his side, and cuddle.
Loves it even more when you give him suprise hugs from the back when he's looking stressed or uncomfortable.
Finds it sweet, but ironic, how much you fret over him.
Y/N: "Are you sure you are not cold? The lycans do not bother you, do they? Are you feeling well? You are not hurt, are you?"
Duke: I'm perfectly fine, my dear. Now you, on the other hand, need to come inside. Your finger tips are turning blue.
Hates seeing you upset or scared, but loves how your first instinct is to grab and hold his hand.
Y/N: I am not scared! Your hands are just really warm...
Duke: Of course, love.
Secretly gets a little jealous when others flirt with you, but he'll never admit it to you.
Will also passive aggressively hike up the price of items for the individual who flirted.
Heisenberg: 900 Lei?! That's ridiculous!
Duke: These have been hard to come by lately.
He knows you believe that even the worst person can change, and he loves that about you, but it makes him sick with worry.
Y/N: Are you okay, love?
Duke: I'm fine, just a little tired. Could you do me a favour?
Y/N: Anything.
Duke: Please stay by my side? You are too important for me to lose, and this village is swimming with enemies you are not ready to take on.
Y/N: ... I don't want to be a burden.
Duke: You could never be a burden to me.
He will protect you from everything and anything.
Keeps a lot of books and hobby items on hand for you.
It melts his heart when you give him one of your rare smiles.
He hates how the Lord's like to call you his "pet", but allows it, if it keeps you safe from their wrath.
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First time you met, he had trapped you under Mother Miranda's orders.
Karl: Long way from home, aren't we?
Y/N ... I like your glasses, can I try them on?
Karl: Uh.... No.
Mother Miranda allowed him to do what he wanted with you, as she assessed that you were no threat.
He decided to keep you around.
He became enthralled by how bold and eccentric you are.
Realized he had fallen for you when he came back from a meeting with the Lords, and caught you wearing his clothes in the mirror mimicking him.
Karl: I should be mad... But you do a damn good impression and they look good on you.
Y/N: *surprised shriek*
Loves how you only show your soft side to him.
Sometimes, he is taken aback by your agressive side.
Karl: Did you just threaten to choke out that lycans with the disemboweled intestine of its friend?
Y/N: maybe.
Karl: I don't think they understand our language-
Y/N: Fear is a universal, Karl.
He loves watching you tinker away with the scraps in his factory and will sometimes animate your creations
He will do anything to protect the childlike wonder you have somehow managed to retain, regardless of everything that has happened
Adores the way you seem to know when he needs a little bit of physical connection.
Karl: How do you always seem to know when to do that?
Y/N: Hmm... Who knows?
When you are sick, he will track the Duke down and pay him double to get medicine from outside the village.
He will often run his fingers through your hair, as you fall asleep.
He will stay until he is sure you are asleep, before slipping out to his lab.
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Was given charge of you, after Mother Miranda's experiment on you was a success.
She started off as your mentor, but quickly became fond of you.
Your passionate nature was what drew her to you.
Loves to tailor clothing for you and spoil you with the finest of silks and fabrics.
She loves to invest in your hobbies, especially painting. She will place completed works around the castle.
Being much older and taller than you, she feels the need to protect you from the horrors outside the castle walls.
Y/N: Alcina, I must do my rounds of the village. Mother Miranda will be furious if anything slips by.
Alcina: Nonsense! That fool Heisenberg can do the perimeter check. You still have much to learn before you can go outside, even more so before you can go alone.
Y/N: That's not fair to Heisenberg, Alcina. How much longer before I can go outside alone, anyways?
Alcina: Until you reach my age.
Y/N: So....
Alcina: Never.
Gets angry when Heisenberg or the Duke share too many sweet words with you. Heisenberg does it to annoy her and the Duke just enjoys pleasant and polite conversations, but it drives her mad.
Loves to steal kisses from you when you are working.
Y/N: Alcina, please, I'm almost done this portrait and then my attention is all yours.
Alcina: Hmmm, it is much more fun to pester you when you're working though.
Loves to use Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela to pry information from you.
Alcina: So... What did you learn girls?
Bela: Y/N feels a little ignored lately.
Daniela: Y/N is out of titanium white and cadmium red paint.
Cassandra: Y/N finds that the scenery is a bit bland and would love to grow some snowdrops.
Alcina: Ah, thank you girls.
Alcina is usually the first to engage intimate moments; hugs, kisses, touches, and more.
The rare moments you engage in intimacy are her favourites.
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hoodiewithhorns · 3 years
Hmmm how about and argument scenario with Atsumu or Suna...or both 🥺
━  argument scenario with Atsumu and Suna ✧
ofc aw, also sorry if this is bad and out of character I still don't know much about these two (I'm wrapping up season 2) but I’ll do my best <3.
▲ cw : not proofread, established relationship, fem reader, crying , hurt + comfort, insecurities of abandonment , neglect, angst, slight jealousy, hint of smut at the end(for atsumu), all characters are 18+, MDNI. ▼
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- he had been in a bad mood from the start 
- he told you ahead of time he wasn’t feeling good so to surprise him, you went to go see him at one of his practices
- you brought him some fatty tuna and a few sports drinks to cheer up your lovely boyfriend
- arriving safe and sound with a bright smile eager to see your boyfriend
- only to find him talking to one of his fangirls, not one but 3 of them. laughing and smiling as they showered him in compliments and praise him for his athletic abilities he even let the girls touch him up for just a bit too long for your liking. 
〜 ☆
- you paused only to stare at the scene in front of you
- his brother disappointed in him, making signs that you were here waiting for him.
- he turned around to see you standing at the door frame of the gym a frozen expression plastered onto you as if you have just seen a ghost.
- those girls were pretty. prettier than you and the fact he let them touch up on him made your chest tighten. the gym was silent with only the sounds of volleyballs being thrown left and right. 
- you didn't say anything you just walked outside and waited for him to be done.
- he walked outside and drove you back home not even saying a single word.
he opened the door for you locking it once he entered as well. you still felt uneasy wanting an explanation as to why he would let those girls touch up on him like that. the way they touched his built physique left you a little hurt. you were sure if you brought it up to him it wouldn't be a problem right? just talk about it like a normal healthy couple does! right? of course!! you thought letting a few of the negative thoughts vanish from your mind.
you took a deep breath before you walked into the bedroom. Atsumu was sitting on your shared bed with his head against the headboard, scrolling through his phone watching videos to improve his spiking abilities. he seemed to be in a relaxed state, but he didn't spare a glance when you walked in. maybe he didn't hear you? you thought to yourself. the uneasy feeling overwhelming you feeling you'd breakdown at any second. 
“hey atsu.” you spoke lightly to him easing your way up to the bed. 
“what.” his tone clearly annoyed by you. you took a step back surprised by his tone and how he responded to you. he never replied with “what” it was always “yes?” or “yes my love?” taking another deep breath looking up to try and fight back your tears that were ready to stain your face at any minute now, “y-you okay baby?” you thought it’d be smarter to ask if he was still feeling okay and not bring up the fangirls..but you were dead wrong since it only set him off even more.
“I'm fine.” he grunted back at you still not looking up at you. he tightened the grip on his phone scrolling and staring at the videos more intensely now. “o-okay baby..um..” it wasn’t a good time to bring it up you already knew he was pissed off but you just wanted to get to the bottom of it immediately. if he was In a bad mood why would he talk to those girls all happy and giggly but with you a salty attitude? it didn't make sense you needed to know. “ why were those girls touching you like that.. were they your friends..?” that was the last straw for him he placed his phone down getting up to face you as you took a few steps back.
he was now hovering over you looking down at you full of anger, shivering at his mean gaze. “what's the issue? it’s just some fangirls who saw I was in a bad mood and wanted to cheer me up not like you who just walked away.” your hands were shaking at this point you felt sick to your stomach at how cruel he talked to you. how could you just stand there while girls were touching him and laughing clearly not caring he has a girlfriend?? what were you supposed to do walk towards him as if they weren’t there?
“but a-atsu I wanted to come cheer you up I made you some of your favorites-” 
“why do you care so much about some silly fangirls huh? don't we live together?? isn't that enough for you? but nooo you always have to think about yourself don't you?” he was being unreasonable at this point he knows how you get when fangirls are all over him. it was one of your insecurities that he’d reassure you didn't have to worry about since he’d never leave you, but here he was calling you selfish for caring about that.
finally, the gears in your head letting the tears promised to fall, fall down your cheeks. you sniffled rubbing your eyes as fast as you could to not let him see you but it was too late he already did. avoiding eye contact you spoke sniffling up your words.
“i just w-wanted to make you feel better why are you acting like this atsumu..”
you cried looking down as your tears hit the ground. his face switching from annoyance to concern, he messed up and he knows it. reaching out to hug you, you moved away from him and stormed out of the bedroom heading to the living room planting yourself on the couch as you hid underneath the covers to cry your little heart out. he followed you out the bedroom looking over at the meal and drinks you had planned for him. his favorite food and sports drink with a note written in your pretty handwriting he loved so much.
“I hope this makes you feel better baby! I love you so much!♡ xoxo”
- with much love y/n 
feeling his heart crack realizing the number he did on you just now. you had every right to be upset he knew you seeing him around other girls would’ve set you off he just wanted to appear as charming as possible. if his fangirls knew he was in a bad mood it would’ve caused his reputation to sink to the ground. still, he knows he shouldn’t have let them touch him like that especially if he had you at home. he let out a sigh walking up to the couch sitting right next to you with his head thrown back on the couch eyes never leaving you, watching and hearing you carefully. 
your sniffles did so much damage to him it already hurt him when he saw you cry, but crying because of something inconsiderate he did hurt him even more.
he pulled the covers down to reveal your redden tear-stained faced stilling sniffling but not fighting back when he pulled you into his chest. how could you fight back? you loved him you never want to consider leaving him as an option. you just wanted to fix things and so you let out a soft apology as he rubbed comforting circles on your back.
“no baby I'm sorry...I was being stupid and was in a bad mood but that doesn't give me the right to hurt you like this..” his voice soft yet firm making you ease up more into his chest as you sat in his lap to face him wrapping your arms around his neck.
he looked like a sad puppy he felt bad he really did which brought you to kiss him on the lips he smiled into the kiss feeling relieved. this lasted for what felt like forever. you pulled away and he rubbed the last bit of tears off your pretty eyes.
“I'm sorry baby I really am..I was like..an idiot sandwich you know?” you giggled at his joke making him smile as if he just won back his girlfriend. “it's okay atsu I love you.. please don't forget that okay?” he nodded pulling you in once more for a much more deeper and passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist while his hands roamed your body. letting out a soft moan into the kiss, his hands went under your shirt as he pulled away smirking.
“why don't you let me make it up to you pretty girl let me show you that those silly fangirls don’t mean anything to me yeah?”
- he was always busy with volleyball
- which meant coming home really late.
- you supported him nonetheless adoring how talented he looked going against teams
- you just felt..empty without him
- he wasn’t just your lover but... your best friend 
- you missed his touch and his presence in general
- he kept coming home late from practice each week making you miss him more and more
- some nights he wouldn't even come home and would stay at a teammate's apartment at the very last minute instead of coming home to cuddle you like how he always did.
 - this made your head spiral wondering if he even acknowledges how much you miss him. 
- you understand his practice and games end really late but still, you were his girlfriend a little reassurance through a phone call or a facetime would be enough for you to sleep alright for a night.
- his texts also caused you to feel more alone back then he would spam you with stupid stuff the twins were doing back in high school and even a little bit now with stuff his teammates were doing with the occasional “i love yous” and the simple but sweet heart emojis he’d send. now it wasn't even like that. 
you glanced at your phone and it was 11:34 PM and still no text from him or sign of his arrival. did he even care at this point? you wondered tossing and turning in your shared bed scrolling through Instagram. your eyes lit up when he messaged you. hoping maybe it would be an i love you or an apology for being so neglectful towards you. 
“hey. i’ll be coming home at 12.”
“okay tarō be safe. I love you♡”
read at 11:40 PM
you sighed feeling a little happy he at least was coming home soon. still, an I love you back would’ve been nice. you waited for him for a few more minutes trying your hardest not to fall asleep. it's been so long since you two been together or specifically seen each other. part of you was excited to see your boyfriend after weeks of not seeing him but part of you was upset. so many weeks of you being alone sleeping alone without his chest to cling on or his shoulder to lay on when you cried over your favorite shows.
you jolted up when you heard the door open finally, he was home, you happily walked to the front door. Suna took off his shoes before entering placing them at the front door. you greeted him kissing his cheek hugging him tightly, you missed this..you missed him.
“hey y/n. I'm tired do you mind?”
you pulled away looking up at his dissatisfied expression. first, he calls you by your actual name and then tells you to back off after god knows how long you’ve seen him. he walked past you heading straight to the bathroom to wash up. you stood there appalled at the fact he barely acknowledged you only to tell you back off. you couldn’t believe it but you tried to shrug it off, maybe he was in a bad mood? he’ll still cuddle you to sleep so you have that to look forward too!...you hoped.
when you walked back to the bedroom he was already going underneath the covers and you followed, going under them with him, while his back was facing you. you waited a while to see if he’d ask you if you wanted to cuddle. waiting... and still not a word not even a goodnight when he finally turned the lights off.
you missed him so much all you wanted was him to acknowledge you just a little. you moved closer to his back and hugged him from behind. 
“god, y/n why are you so needy all of a sudden?” rolling his eyes at you in annoyance. you moved your hands back to you sitting up to face him.
“why I’m so needy?? jeez tarō I don't know maybe I haven't seen my boyfriend in god knows how many weeks!” you snapped back at him causing him to get out of the bed. 
“It was 5 weeks it wasn’t even that bad!” he yelled back at you, you felt your heart become heavy looking at his eyes that had not a trace of love in them while your very own eyes felt heavy holding back tears.
“you’ve been coming home late all the damn time suna! sometimes you don't even show up! I miss you so much sometimes I....” you froze the tears finally starting to fall. “I don't even think you love me anymore..” 
he froze his eyes widening at your final words. how could he be so blind? his sweet girl had every right to be needy for him 5 weeks must've felt like an entirety to you and now that he finally gets home he's acting like an assshole to you pushing you away as if you were nothing but an obstacle. he sat back down on the bed to hug you. a genuine one full of love and regret. it was silent for a few minutes of just the two of you tight in each other's embrace. 
“I’m..sorry my love...I didn't mean to yell at you like that I miss you too I just..I'm sorry” he felt bad he didn't mean to hurt you. he knows he's at fault here and all he can do is mumble apologies while he pulls you close to him as he hides his face in the crook of your neck for comfort. you hugged back of course finally having him in your arms brought you joy. 
“it's okay tarō...I love you...we’ll be okay, okay?” he nodded planting soft kisses on your forehead. “I love you too baby..but let's go to bed my love it's getting late..” smiling he pulled you into his chest to cuddle you to sleep wiping the remaining tears you had still left in you. after a while you fell asleep in his chest while he watched you sleep peacefully.
“heh.. you’re such a crybaby .” he smiled pulling you in closer planting soft kisses on you trying not to wake you.
“I love you y/n I promise to make it all up to you.” 
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rreyie · 4 years
can I make a request for a reader x connie x jean x sasha fic where reader eats out sasha (or vice versa) and jean and connie are just watching? excited to see what you do with this one 👀
YES YES YES! i’ve been debating doing something like this for a long time but doing sexual stuff with these three could be so much fun :)))
afternoon snack
summary: you eat sasha out while jean and connie watch
warnings: nsfw- voyeurism, exhibitionism, pussy eating, fingering
a/n- hey luvs! this one was a fun one to make but i had no clue how to end it, so i gave this a shot! also this is my first time writing about wlw content, but i tried my best! hope you all like it!! :)))
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you had no clue how you ended up here, it just happened.
you, connie, sasha and jean were all hanging out in your bedroom. connie was splayed out in the floor, pillow beneath his head as he read a comic book, jean on a chair sketching something, and you and sasha laying on the bed as you braided her auburn hair.
out of nowhere, your hormones got to you. you pictured yourself between her legs, eating her out as she called out your name like a prayer. your cunt clenched at the thought, feeling a pit grow in your stomach.
so, you started sneaking in some curious touches. around her neck, her waist, even underneath her boobs when you knew for a fact that neither of the men were looking. your fingerpads ever so gently trailed over her clothed abdomen, going a bit lower every time you came back for more.
it was jean who first noticed it- after all, he’s amazingly observant. he could see your hands trailing along her waist, the way sashas mouth was slightly open and the manner in which you looked at her, like it was some well kept secret.
“having fun over there?” he growled. “you don’t have to be all lovey dovey in front of us.”
he tried to act angry, maybe even a little bit disgusted. the last thing he wanted to see were his two girl best friends fucking each other, right?
he could feel his pants tighten a bit, cock waking up due to the sudden corrupt thought. quickly, he placed his sketch pad over his crotch, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by you.
your cheeks turned warm at his words, sashas cheeks also turning flush at the statement. your embarrassment soon faded away, seeing the bulge begin to form in his pants.
“hmmm...your little friend down there doesn’t seem to agree with you”, you snickered.
now jean was the one who was red in the face, connie looking up from the comic book to see what the commotion is about.
“the fuck is going on?” he asked.
“sasha and y/n are literally touching each other while we’re in the room.” jean grunted, hoping that his very obvious boner would go away soon.
connies eyes lit up, a smug smile forming across his face.
“okay, okay. i’m sorry if i sound like a pervert but can you guys like... eat each other out?” he asked. “i’ve never seen girls do it, i’m kinda curious.”
“what the fuck connie?” jean asked. “that’s sick-“
“i’ll do it”, sasha says, a growing heat forming in her stomach. “only if y/n agrees though.” she wouldn’t admit to it, but the fact that her two best friends would be watching her give you a little bit of taste turned her on.
you nod. “sure, let’s give these horny fucks something to watch. connie, pull up a chair.”
connie and jean looked at each other with confused faces, but were they going to protest to this? absolutely not. connie hurriedly pulled up a wooden chair with salmon-colored cushions and sat next to jean.
sasha rested her head on the headboard as her hands slid down to her hips and began to remove her pants by the waistband. you helped her out by practically ripping off her shirt, revealing her toned abs and rather large chest that was hidden by her bra.
you could’ve sworn you saw connie drooling while he watched you remove sashas bra, jean beginning to palm himself while you fiddled with the clasp. the white bra fell on the mattress, sashas pale tits now being exposed to everyone in the room.
if connie didn’t have a boner already, he did now. jeans boner only got worse, now feeling the precum trickle out of the head and down his shaft.
sasha pulled off your shirt as you threw it into a random corner of the room, and you discarded your pants along with it. your heat was throbbing at this point, a stain of arousal lining the bottom of your panties.
now you knew sasha was a boob woman, and every single time you showed her your breasts they never failed to amaze her. but this time, she quite literally ripped the bra off of your body with a hunger you’ve never seen in her before. maybe it was the fact that people were watching.
she gave your breast a quick nip before you pushed her against the headboard once again. out of the corner of your eye, jean had a devious grin on his face while connie just gave you two a little smile. both of them were starting to jerk themselves slowly to the sight, both tips red and veins protruding through their shaft. both men had impressive sizes.
now sasha was prettily laid out on the bed, those braids you had made earlier now messy and tangled. you moved your head in between her soft thighs, which she gave you a squeeze with.
you started out by just dipping your tongue in between her folds to collect the juices you had made beforehand. she had a good taste to her, slightly salty and smooth. she tugged at the sheets, letting out a small moan.
you quickly found her clit, inflamed and needy. you gave it a little flick with your tongue.
“oh- more, please...” sasha begged. “need your tongue...”
you looked up from in between her legs, and gave her a pompous smile, your dimples showing along the corners of your mouth. your chin was wetted with her slick, and oh boy was it a sight to see.
without warning, you plunged a finger into her tight hole, sending her hands flying into your locks. sasha moved her hips slightly as you moved it back and forth around her, getting a feel of her soaked walls. she was trying to hard to feel full, but failing miserably.
“nother’ finger”, she gasped. “please- please y/n...”
you stuffed another finger into her greedy hole, just touching on her sweet spot that sat along the bottom. this sent sasha into a frenzy, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, that was now empty with not thoughts except pleasure.
you continued to lap at her soaked cunt, like a little kitten drinking milk from its bowl. though you may have been content at the moment, sasha was becoming continually unhinged at your constant movements.
jean spat on his hand and continued to fist his hungry cock while connie rubbed the tip of his own, spreading more precum along his swollen tip.
sashas thighs began to tremble, you could tell she was nearing the edge. you’d like to tease her, you really would, but now wasn’t the time. you could tell the men were awaiting sashas climax, hoping to cum with her as their fists wrapped tightly around their cocks. their pace was fast, and you needed to hurry things up.
your fingers practically went into overdrive, curling around her sweet spot as she yanked your hair. her tits jiggled ever so slightly as she let out a gasp, followed by a moan that bordered on screaming.
as soon as you knew it, your girlfriend was creaming around your fingers, the milky fluid dripping off of your fingers.
jean and connie hit their climax too, as their white cum spat out of their tips in ropes. connies eyes were rolled to the back of his head, both men were panting as they rode their orgasmic wave out.
“shiiiitt”, jean exaggerated. “that... was fucking hot.” he looked down on his hand and laughed at the load of cum that stained him.
“made me bust a fucking nut too”, connie added in. “what time is it?”
you checked the clock that rested on your nightstand. “bout’ noon. better start heading down to the mess hall.”
sasha seemed to put her clothes on rather quickly, not saying a word to you, or anyone else in the room. you found this questionable, she was normally chatty after sex- telling you what she liked, what she wanted to do next time, all that.
“you’re awfully quiet”, you say to her. “what’s that about?”
sasha sighed. “getting horny makes me hungry, remember?”
you nod. now that you thought about it, sashas appetite skyrocketed after she climaxed. no wonder why she was so quiet.
you four all walk out of the room as if nothing happened, the only mention of what you did came later that night.
“hey, quick suggestion”, jean said. “can we like... do that again? what we did today?”
you and sasha both blurt out a “yeah”, laughter following while you all walked down the hall.
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a-n-conrad · 4 years
Dinner With May (PS4!Peter Parker x Reader)
[Summary: After the events of the PS4 Spider-man game, you find yourself and your boyfriend, Peter, having dinner at his aunt’s house. For some reason, Peter seemed even more anxious than usual. It wasn’t until you overheard a conversation between him and his aunt that you figured out why. (She/Her pronouns)
Warnings: PS4 Spider-man spoilers, not canon compliant, marriage/proposals, anxiety
Request: From my request survey (https://forms.gle/LbodcqZ7nxfGbNW96)]
It had been a chaotic month for you and Peter. Peter had been working almost nonstop as Spider-man, having to fight all of his biggest villains along with his mentor and the man that his aunt worked for, two men that he looked up to and trusted. He had been hurt fairly badly at certain points, and you had to patch him up when he did.
Not to mention, at one point Dr. Octavius had released a plague onto New York in an attempt to get revenge against Norman Osborn, and for the few days after that, you were helping Miles Morales and Peter’s Aunt May work to help all the people at the F.E.A.S.T. center that were going there for shelter as the city descended into chaos. By the end of it, May had gotten sick, Peter had broken multiple bones, and you and Miles had been almost killed a few different times. Peter was barely able to save May in time, and the clean-up still wasn’t done, but you guys were finally able to take a day to relax.
May had noticed that the two of you had been working nearly constantly, so she had invited the two of you over for dinner. May was a sweetheart. And she was an amazing cook, too so you were relatively excited to get to sit down for a nice meal with Peter and his aunt.
She was making your favorite, which you had told her a thousand times she didn’t need to do. But she was insistent. At this point, she switched between cooking your favorite meal and Peter’s every time the two of you went over for dinner.
You didn’t get the chance to go over to her house as much as you would like. You were busy enough with your job, and most nights Peter was gone before dinner to go stop crimes throughout the city. So more often than not, you were on your own for dinner, grabbing something quick from a shop that does takeout on your way home from work late in the evening.
But you had taken the day off of work to finally get a chance to relax, and you had insisted that Peter do the same, despite his protests that he was “totally fine” and “couldn’t take a day off”. Eventually, you had to get Miles to promise that he could handle one night on his own and that he would call Peter if anything came up that he needed help with. He was still pretty new to everything, but he could manage the petty crimes on his own.
- - - - -
The sun was already setting by the time the two of you got to May’s house. It had taken you almost an hour to get Peter out of the apartment that you shared, between him needed to call Miles to check-in and him nervously trying to make sure that he remembered everything. He apologized profusely for the entire trip over for making you late, and you spent the entire time trying to convince him that he didn’t need to apologize.
He had finally calmed down a bit by the time you got to his aunt’s house. He was always pretty anxious, especially when he wasn’t in his Spider-man suit, but somehow he seemed extra nervous tonight. You wondered if maybe his mental health had been suffering lately, after everything that had happened. You had to admit that you were starting to get a bit worried about him. You knew he could take care of himself, but sometimes he just didn’t. He had this bad habit of sacrificing his health and safety for the people around him and you were worried that he was doing that again.
So you hoped that dragging him to a nice dinner with his aunt would get him to take a bit of time for himself. She had been trying to get him to take better care of himself for as long as you could remember, so maybe she could do something to help convince him to take a few days to himself every once in a while. You didn’t want to make it seem like you were ganging up on him, but you had almost lost him a few times in the recent past and you weren’t ready for that.
“So which one of us do you think is going to insist on doing dishes after dinner first tonight,” You asked, your tone a bit teasing as you tried to lighten the mood a bit and distract Peter from his anxiety.
“Hmmm,” He pretended to think about it, the way he usually did when you teased him and he decided to play along, “Probably you, since you always seem to beat me to it.”
“Now that’s not true,” You place your hand over your heart in mock offense, like one of the ladies in a Victorian Era period drama, “I let you do the dishes on my birthday.”
He shook his head and chuckled a bit at that, before finally knocking on the door to his aunt’s house.
She opened the door with a smile on her face and the smell of amazing food wafting out of the kitchen. She greeted you each with a hug, letting you into the house like it was your house too. She had tried to convince you that you didn’t need to knock, but you insisted. You got a bit anxious when manners were in question. Maybe your anxiety was part of the reason that you and Peter worked so well together.
“It’s so nice to see you two,” May said as the two of you walked into the house. Her eyes almost started welling up with tears as she looked at you and Peter. Peter had officially revealed his identity as Spider-Man to her in the heat of everything happening and, while she had known the entire time, she had been incredibly worried for his safety with everything that was happening.
“It’s nice to see you too, Aunt May,” Peter almost melted as he walked into the living room. The tension seemed to drain from his shoulders as he looked at his aunt and took in the fact that she was safe, “How are feeling?”
“Just fine, Peter,” She said, her voice kind and reassuring in the way that you knew would calm Peter’s nerves a little, “I’ve been recovering pretty well, and it helps to get a day off to rest.”
You could tell that the last sentence was a little pointed, not in a scolding way, but instead in the way your mom did when she knew you hadn’t had any water all day. With a bit of teasing but mostly with care and concern for your wellbeing. And you could tell that he could hear it too by the slightly sheepish look that crossed his face.
“Well, I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well,” You responded, unable to stop the smile from crossing your face. It was always kind of cute to see him come back home. You got to see him in a lot of different lights, as Peter Parker the scientist, the photographer, the awkward date, and of course, the city’s hero. But despite all of these different personas, you had to say that Peter Parker, the doting nephew was one of your favorites, “Thank you so much for inviting us over.”
“Of course, dear,” She turned to you with the same soft smile on her face, “You know you’re always welcome over, I’m just thankful that you managed to convince my nephew to take enough time off to come to visit me.”
You chuckle a little at that, “Of course, May. You know he’d come visit more if he wasn’t so busy with trying to stop every crime in New York.”
“Oh, I know. And I appreciate you looking out for him, dear.”
- - - - -
Dinner was nice. One of those moments that you wished you could freeze in time. You were warm and your stomach was full and you were smiling the entire time. It was the first time in a long time that you were pretty sure that nothing bad would happen for at least the next hour. You got to be domestic for just a little while, safe and happy and surrounded by the love of your life and his family.
“Alright, I’ll get started on the dishes,” You said when the meal ended, shooting a wink at Peter as you stand. May shot you the same exasperated look that she always did, but let you take her plate. She had given up on trying to stop you a long time ago, realizing that you would insist no matter what she said. Peter just chuckled a bit, remembering your conversation from earlier.
Doing dishes alone in the kitchen was nice sometimes. It was a moment for you to collect yourself. You loved May and Peter, and you didn’t mind spending the whole night with them, but sometimes a few moments of quiet was nice. The smell of the food still wafted around you, and the sound of the water rushing from the sink made you think of a waterfall sometimes, even though doing the dishes wasn’t exactly the most enjoyable chore.
Sometimes, if you focused, you could still hear the conversation that was going on in the dining room. You didn’t intend to eavesdrop or anything, you were just curious. Usually, they’d just alk about F.E.A.S.T. or maybe reminisce about when Peter was a child. It was just nice to listen in a bit on their small talk, getting to know what Peter was like with just his aunt and no one else around.
Today’s conversation was a bit different, though.
“So have you asked her yet, Peter?” You heard Aunt May ask, piquing your interest.
“No, of course not,” Peter sighed, “With everything that’s going on, all of the clean-up throughout the city, there really hasn’t been a good time.”
“I suppose that’s fair, Pete, but you’re going to have to ask eventually. Unless you don’t want to,” You were sure they were talking about you, but you weren’t quite sure exactly what he was planning on asking you. Well, maybe. But you didn’t want to assume. You didn’t want to get your hopes up.
“I do! I really do,” Peter responded, almost outraged at the idea that he didn’t actually want to ask, “I just want it to be perfect. And you know we’re so busy. This is my first day off since everything went down with Mr. Li, so I hardly have time to plan a romantic dinner.”
“Peter, you don’t have to plan out the perfect romantic dinner, I promise.”
“But what if she says no,” He sighed, sounding defeated, “It’s dangerous to be with me. I could put her in danger. And even if I don’t, what’s going to happen when she gets sick of having to take care of me? It’s not easy to deal with me running off all the time and coming back with cuts and broken bones.”
“No, it’s not easy,” May sighed, “But she’s been here for this long. She knows what she’s getting herself into, and she’s stayed this long. Has she ever asked you to stop what you were doing or to choose between her and Spider-man?”
“No, I guess not.”
“Then she’s not going to,” May explained, and you couldn’t help but nod, even though neither of them could see you, “She’s chosen to stay this long. If she was going to leave, she would’ve done it by now.”
There was a silence creeping out of the dining room as the conversation paused. You wondered if he believed it. Because May was right. It was hard, and you worried almost constantly about Peter, but you loved him. You loved him no matter how many dates he skipped out on to go fight crime or how many nights he woke you up at two in the morning to help patch him up after a fight. And you weren’t going anywhere.
The air felt heavy, and you felt your heart tighten a little. You knew Peter was a bit insecure and anxious. You knew that sometimes he didn’t feel good enough, he was overwhelmed and he felt as though the world was on his shoulder. But you had hoped that he knew that you would never think that he wasn’t good enough.
You weren’t quite sure what to do, but you couldn’t let him think like that. Before you could even think of a plan, you were walking into the dining room.
“Oh, uh, hey,” You could tell by the look on Peter’s face that he knew that you had heard their conversation, “How much of that could you hear?”
“All of it.”
All three of you froze for just a moment, before May stood up, “Well, why don’t I go finish the dishes while you two talk.”
“Peter, you know I’m not leaving, right?” You asked, sitting next to him as May walked out of the room.
“I know,” He sighed, “I just… You deserve so much better. I’m kind of a terrible boyfriend, (Y/N). I’m not super reliable, and I know I stress you out.”
“I’m stressed because I care about you, Pete. I love you and you’re constantly putting yourself in danger, but I understand it,” You explained, grabbing his hand on the table, “I love how much you want to help everyone, and I’ll always be here when you need me. I don’t mind if you have to run out on dates, because I know you still care. And you’re not a terrible boyfriend. You’re an incredibly caring person with the world on your shoulders, and you don’t have to do that alone, Pete. I’m right here, and I’m going to stay right here.”
You could see tears welling up in his eyes like he had been waiting for years to hear that. And maybe he had. You squeezed his hand lightly, hoping to reassure him a little. He looked up at you, looking at you like you were the only person in the world. Like if he had to trade the moon and all the stars in the sky to keep you safe, he would. Like you were the only thing that has ever and would ever matter.
“I love you, Pete,” You whispered, hoping it would finally get through to him.
“I love you too,” He replied, you saw his hand slip into his pocket, his fingers nervously fidgeting with something. You could tell he still had something on his mind, and you were pretty sure you knew what it was, but you didn’t want to push him. He’d ask when he was comfortable and you didn’t want to push him before that, “You heard the whole conversation, right?”
“So, I’m sure you already know what I have to ask,” He sighed, sliding out of the chair and down to one knee, verifying your suspicions, “I wanted this to be more romantic, but, uh, well…”
You nod. You had a feeling he had already rehearsed the speech he was about to give at least twenty times, so you weren’t going to interrupt him, but you wanted to signal that he should keep going.
“(Y/N), I know it’s not easy to be with me. I’m flaky, I stay stupid stuff half the time, and I’d never wish the pressure of dating a superhero on anyone. But through all of this, you’re here, and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” He took a deep breath before continuing, “I don’t know if I could do what I do without you. You make me feel like the weight of everything I do isn’t as much as it is. And you give me something to go home to, somewhere safe and warm. (Y/N), you’re my lifeline through all of this mess, and it would be the greatest honor of my life if you would marry me.”
You’re crying so hard by the end that you don’t even notice the ring he pulls out of his pocket. You’re too busy trying to look him in the eyes through your tears, “Of course I will.”
You dropped down to hug him, and he pulled you as close to him as he could. It was a firm hug, and you could tell he was focusing really hard on not squeezing too tight. So you hugged him tighter. You staying like that for a few moments, soaking his shirt with happy tears, before he pulled back from the hug to grab your hand and slide the ring onto your finger.
“Congratulations,” May interrupted from the doorway, a wide grin on her face and proud tears in her eyes, “Now what do you say we have some cake to celebrate?”
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea."
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Things You Said When You Were Scared- Prompt Fill
Bit of an au after the worm attack. Jon is having a rough time.
CWs injury (canon typical worm related), paranoia, exhaustion. nausea, vomiting (it's not gross, I promise), pain, dizziness, fainting, medication mention, canon typical quarantine mention, food mention.
@janekfan @sukurarose92
Jon can’t remember the last time he felt this terrible.  There probably had been other times.  A few terrible flus over the years, and getting almost eaten by a spider once upon a time…. but time has a tendency to dull the particularly bad stuff, aside from say, flashbacks and nightmares.  But it’s the brain protecting itself.  You don’t remember the pain.  You don’t remember the fear.  You remember the memory of the pain, wrapped in spun-sugar-strands of time, growing dusty on a shelf.  You remember the taste of fear, the gripping anxiety of it.  You remember surges of it in the depths of the night and you panic… but you can’t remember it all the time.  That just isn’t how the brain works.  
Which is irrelevant.  All irrelevant, because the pain medication he’s been given is wearing off.  He thinks Sasha and Tim went off to do something….?  Probably panic together about the fresh worm trauma.  Martin?  Jon hasn’t the foggiest clue.  
Possibly because he’s hazy with pain and the last of the drugs that have been keeping him going this long.  Staggering into the walls as he tries to exit the institute.  Eyes closing involuntarily against the pain and the exhaustion.  Limbs feeling so alien between the bandages and the aching, weeping holes they hide beneath them.  Pounding dizziness down to his core.  
He aches.  
Phantom itching-crawling-squirming on his skin, through his muscles, down to the bone.  The actual holes chewed into him.  
He isn’t sure how he’s going to get to his flat.  He can’t stay in the Archives, not with the police in the tunnels and the ECDC still doing whatever it is they are doing.  But the thought of taking a cab or the tube make him want to tear his remaining skin off.  Makes him want to just lie down on the sidewalk.  
He even thinks making it to the front doors will end him.  
He’s dizzy and sick and his limbs won’t carry him.  
He has to sit down on the first step outside the door, sticking his head between his knees.  He can’t do this.  He can’t.  He’s just going to sit here all night, or risk passing out or throwing up or risking any other horror of the late twilight consuming him before he can collapse into unconsciousness in the comfort of his own bed.  
He waits for the world to stop spinning, and tries not to cry.  
Because he can’t have more pain medication until he eats something.  He can’t eat anything because it won’t stay in him, and even if it would, he can’t go anywhere.  He’s stuck.  Less than a five minute walk from his office where Gertrude DIED, from where he was attacked where he thought he’d be Safe, where he thought Martin would be safe.  A few paces from where the dead worms were pulled out of him and he was scoured raw and sterile in a hastily assembled quarantine on the sidewalk.  
He tries not to spiral into a panic attack right here.  
Trying to pull his breathing under control, because it isn’t helping his tenuous grasp on the directions of up and down.  
Where is the next danger going to come from?  
Is this when Mr. Spider will strike?  Letting him go until he’s weak and exposed and alone?  
Or is this where some unknown (or known) hostile comes in with a grand betrayal and a gun.  Leaving him to be another mystery, or a willfully ignored casualty of something he can’t begin to understand?  
Jon jumps.  And very, very much regrets it.  Heart racing, head spinning, a fresh hurt.  A fresh reminder of every opening in his flesh that doesn’t belong there.  “Ma… Martin?”  He asks around gasping and shuddering breaths.  “What …are you doing here?”  
His voice is a little distant, a little hallow.  “Don’t really have anywhere to do, do I?  You packed up my flat.  All in boxes at some storage unit.  Now, my bedroom is tangentially part of a crime scene.”
“…Right.”  It’s all his fault.  
He needs to sleep.  He needs some painkillers.  He might need to throw up, but that is an issue he plans to avoid, if at all possible.  Ditto to fainting.  Although that seems a little more inevitable.  
Martin makes no move to continue speaking.  “So… your plan was to just camp out on this bench?”  
Martin shrugs.  “Dunno.  Figured I might call Tim?  At some point?  Or try to sneak back into the Archives once the police leave?  Can’t really afford a hotel.   Maybe just sleep on this bench.  Try to decompress or something.  Jon.   Why are you still here?   Said you’d go home hours ago.”
Well he can’t exactly tell Martin he’d passed out in the break room for some indeterminate measure of time, then spent another eternity getting sick in the toilets.  And then possibly passed out again.  That’s not just something you tell Martin and expect him not to fuss over you.   And Jon tries to tell himself that that would be suffocating and not kind of welcome right now.   He tells himself that the thought of spending more time with Martin brings discomfort, and irritation, and fear.  It’s not like he can prove that Martin won’t kill him.  But he’s too tired to think about that.  He just wants to sleep.  
Martin looks at him, probably for the first time.  “Jesus, Jon.  You look terrible.”
Jon hmmms in agreement.  Not like he can argue.  Martin’s too nice to comment on the bandages.  A little too tactful.  Right?  Martin’s bumbling and stupid, but he’s tactful.  He’s Nice.  As irritating as he can be, he’s just so Nice.  
But, it’s not like he can argue.  He’s covered in bandages and a clammy sweat and he’s halfway into a panic attack and he can’t really walk and he just wants to lay down right here until the world stops moving.  Both in the sense that he’s dizzy and in the sense that things beyond his comprehension are happening at a pace he can’t begin to catch up with.  
“Can I... call you a cab?   Or... or something?”   
Jon shakes his head as much as he dares, which isn’t much.  No cabs.  He gets carsick.  He doesn’t stand a chance.  
“Well you can’t just sit there all night.”  
“Right, like you plan to?”  
Martin looks away.  
And Jon goes back to trying not to pass out.  
“Tim lives close by, doesn’t he, I walk you there?  Or… um… carry you?”  Martin’s trying to be tactful.  Jon is pretty sure that is supposed to be a pointed look at his legs.  
Jon scowls.  (Not that Martin is wrong.  There is something very wrong with his knee.)  
“Can’t just …intrude like that.  I’m sure he doesn’t want me around.  Not professional…”
“Jon, you saw him in his pants today.  You were put in quarantine together.  I think you’re past all normal working relationship boundaries, even if he wasn’t your friend.  I can’t just leave you here, and you clearly aren’t planning to get yourself home.  Besides… maybe if he takes you in… maybe he’ll take me in, too.”  
Jon stares down at the sidewalk, drifting in lazy, nauseous, out of focus movements before his eyes.  “He doesn’t want me around.  Not after taking Sasha’s job.  Not after making him stay to get his statement.”  Jon whispers at the pavement.  
“Yeah like he’s still jealous for Sash, after that creepy worm lady went specifically for the “Archivist.”  Whatever the fuck that means.  And you know Tim was only pissed because he was in pain and tired, like you are now!”  
“I should just go home…”  
“Yeah, but you won’t.”  
Christ Martin’s stubborn.  
“Now.  Can you walk, or do I need to cary you?”  
Jon tries pull himself up to prove a point, but he comes to in Martin’s arms a few moments later, Martin loudly cursing at him.  He’s in too much pain to really hear what Martin is trying to say to him.  And he’s feeling even more sick.  And he wonders where his prescriptions and paramedic provided cane have gotten to, but he really doesn’t really care, because Martin is solid and warm and he’s so tired.  
He wakes up again on Tim’s couch.  Sick to his stomach from the oppressive oder of takeout.  
“Woah, boss.  Not on the couch.  I’ve got you.”
Throwing up nothing into the bin that’s been hastily shoved in front of him even though he’s got nothing in him anymore.  He sobs around dry heaves until it’s just the silence juddering sobs.  He Hurts.  
He wants to hide.  From Martin who is making tea, from Sasha running a bandaged hand through his hair.  From Tim supporting the bin, and Jon himself.  
He curls in on himself.  Wills himself into unconsciousness, but the injuries pulse with each uneven breath, stomach still roiling painfully.  He needs more medicine, but he can’t think about hoping to keep it down.  
He sobs against Tim, as the bin is pried away.  
“‘Hurts.  Tim ‘m scared.”  
Scooped up.  Held, gently.  
“Why didn’t you head home?  Why not go right away so you could get toast and water into you, and sleep until you could take some more meds?”  Tim holding him.  Martin awkwardly sat by his side with ginger tea.  Which Jon doesn’t care for, but Tim hasn’t kept mint tea since Jon stopped visiting.  Still… it should help.  Sasha clearing away the food smells, bless her.  “Why did you have to take our statements?  I would have invited you back here, if you didn’t?”
That last question doesn’t help.  
He doesn’t know he’s tearing at the bandages until Tim’s tugging his hands away, and Martin is bemoaning the splotches of blood now decorating the bandages that are quickly becoming sweaty and grimy.  Couldn’t even stay clean after he was scrubbed sterile.  Martin and Sasha and Tim are spotless and scoured.  
“I… I don’t want to disappear.  I… do-don’t want to be found in the tunnels.  I don’t want to vanish without a trace, I…“  He doesn’t even know.  He can’t breathe.  He’s lightheaded.  He Hurts.  
“Hey… hey hey.  It’s.. it’s okay to be scared.  Why don’t we get you cleaned up, okay?  Then see if we can get some saltines and tea into you so you can get some meds, eh?  Then we’re gonna all get some sleep.”  
“I don’t want to lose you…”  Jon’s voice swallowed by Tim scooping him up.  Martin hovering with the bin and Jon’s bag of medical supplies.  
Sasha’s back by then, brushing back Jon’s curls.  “And you won’t.  Sooner you leave, the sooner we can all get some sleep, alright?”  
Jon closes his eyes, and nods, letting Tim carry him to the washroom.  
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Meeting and Dating Thackery Binx
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(My alright gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I wasn’t entirely sure how I would work this one out but I think I came up with a pretty cute concept)
- When you first met Thackery, you certainly weren’t thinking of him as a future boyfriend. You’d just moved to Salem, something you; a baby witch, were particularly excited about.
- It was a night like any other, but you’d decided that tonight would be the night that you’d perform your first ritual. So you went down to the Sanderson house late at night, sneaking inside though it wasn’t like anyone really cared what happened to the place.
- Thackery took immediate notice of you, watching from behind a few corners as you walked around and examined the place. He figured you were just a stupid teenager; albeit a very pretty one, and would leave any moment. That was when you settled down on the floor and opened your bag, lighting a few candles before getting all your things situated.
- You closed your eyes, beginning your chant as you held your hands out. The room around you was dead silent as you focused on what you were doing, willing your ritual to work. That was when you nearly had a heart attack as Thackery lunged onto your back.
- You scrambled to stand, gasping for breath and nearly knocking over the flames you’d lit as you searched the area, laughing breathlessly once you saw the black cat a little ways away from you. You cursed at him half heartedly, pressing a hand to your beating heart as you crouched down to his level.
“Are you my familiar? Huh?” You whispered sweetly. He watched you intently but didn’t move, letting you reach out slowly and scratch behind his ears.
- You looked around the room, sighing softly as you leaned over and blew out your candles, gathering your things to leave. So much for tonight being the night.
- Perhaps nothing happened that night but you would try again. You kept returning to the place, sometimes bringing your things, sometimes just bringing food for the cat that was always there. After a while, the mangy feline began to follow you around even outside of the house, always showing up as you went outside or arriving at your window mewling to be let in.
- It was a few weeks after you first encountered the cat that you’d come to realize just who you’d encountered. You’d had a rough day and just wanted to get away for a while, so you’d went back to the Sanderson house, knowing no one else would bother you there. Well, no one but your furry friend.
“So we meet again.” you smiled, watching as the familiar feline stalked towards you and nuzzles into your outstretched hand.
“I should give you a name, shouldn’t I? I can’t just keep calling you kitty. If you’re my familiar then you need a sophisticated name. Are you my familiar? ...Or are you Thackery Binx.” You’d joked, remembering the tale of the boy and the witches.
“So glad you’ve finally realized.” Your mouth nearly dropped to the floor.
- Well now that the secret was out, Thackery explained everything and enlisted your help in trying to turn him back into a human, and potentially to get rid of the Sanderson sisters for good. And so, you began your search for the solution to his century old problem.
- It took a while but you thought that you finallly figured it out, so you brought him into your room, set everything up, and began the process. The candles were lit, the herbs were placed down, the runes were written, and... nothing happened.
- You were dissapointed upon opening your eyes and seeing nothing but the usual black cat sitting before you. But then, the candles blew out and you were plunged into darkness.
- You gasped, looking around wildly as though you’d be able to see anything in the dark. You were just about to get up and turn on the light when all of a sudden, the candles were lit once more. You blinked a couple times as your eyes adjusted to the light ...and there he was.
Okay, so why the fuck is he hot. “Wow. You’re like handsome. I mean you’re a boy and you’re like seventeen. I mean you’re not old, you’re ...you’re you...again.
- The boy smiled, glancing down at his hands and then the rest of his body in awe before he surged forward and wrapped his arms around you, bringing you into a tight hug.
“You’re brilliant, y/n! Absolutely brilliant!”
- Well, time would reveal that you weren’t as brilliant as you or him thought. Yes, technically you did turn him human again, but only in certain places and only while you were alone.
- For instance: your property; where he was turned human again, the Sanderson house; where he was turned into a cat, and the graveyard; where he should have been all this time. Anywhere else and he was just a wittle puddytat.
- But Thackery was more than grateful. He’d been a cat for so long that being human for any length of time felt like a miracle. And now that he was partially human, he felt that he could finally try to do something about his growing feelings for you.
- Over time, the two of you grew closer and your will they, won’t they relationship began. He came so close to confessing to you; more than once, but you were always somehow interrupted or you said something that threw him off.
- Then, after nearly half a year of him falling more and more in love with you everyday; he finally confessed his feelings to you.
- You arrived home one day, only to find a piece of paper folded neatly on your pillow. You opened it and found a long letter detailing everything he loved about you and telling you exactly how he felt. Believe me, you’ll never read anything more romantic in your life.
- Like a rational person who was just told how much their crush likes them in the most beautiful way possible, you ran off to find him. You had a good idea as to where he was hiding out: the Sanderson house.
- Once you got there, you burst through the doors, prompting him to stand up nervously, awaiting your reaction. He was just about to try and say something before you strode over to him and pulled him into a kiss. After he got over the initial shock, he smiled and kissed back, pulling you closer as his hands found your waist.
- Alright, so maybe he’s just an ...indoor boyfriend, but you love him all the same and he loves you with all his heart.
- Pda? He’s a cat in public so it’s a bit hard to do, but you can pet him, hold him in your arms or kiss his fuzzy little head; people will just think he’s your pet.
- Nose kisses. They’re perfect for cat Thackery and normal Thackery, and for you at any given time.
- Soft, gentle kisses.
- Innocent and sweet touches. Sometimes he just touches you for the sake of touching you, there’s no real reason behind it besides the fact that he never wants you forget how nice you feel.
- He was a Puritan so; while he definitely has a bit more modern ideas from living through the years, he most likely has a few prudish beliefs that you may need to pull out of him.
- Like making out: something you had to persuade him into trying but something he is very glad that you showed him.
- Playfully chasing each other in your backyard or around the house. It’s very fun to tease him and then run off as he happily gives chase.
- He likes to pick you up at random; spinning around with you in his arms and swinging you softly.
- He tends to just use your name rather than nicknames or pet names, but when he does use them they’re old fashioned. Things like: dearest, beloved, and darling.
- Cheek kisses.
- Handholding, Hand kisses, playing with your hands, anything having to do with hands just please let him touch your hands like the repressed Puritan that he is.
- He’s touch starved and you can pry that from my cold dead hands. He’s been alone for centuries, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s forgotten how good it feels to be touched.
- Any kind of cuddling is fine by him, as long as he can wrap his arms tight around you. Most of the time, you wind up laying on top of him, head on his chest with his hands tangling through your hair. He’s very good at putting you to sleep like that.
- Waking up to soft kisses or him jolting awake in a cold sweat, calling your name and squeezing you tightly once he sees that you’re still there.
- Comforting him when he thinks about his sister and the life he had to leave behind.
- Getting to hear stories about the world throughout the years. Ever wondered what it was like in the 1800s? Well he’s lived through them, just ask him.
- He’s completely adamant about taking care of you when you get sick. He rushes over to you the instant you seem slightly under the weather, forcing a hand onto your forehead, and asking you a million questions. He’ll refuse to leave your side until you’re completely well again.
- He cannot stand seeing you cry; it tears him apart every time you get misty eyed. He’d do anything to make you feel better, asking if this or that would help or trying to get to the bottom of what's making you so upset.
- Compliments said in such a sincere and serious tone that they make you flustered and unsure of what to say. So, the best kinds of compliments. 
- Buying him some new and different clothes. 
- Want to give him a bath, you temptress? You want to see him in the nude, you meddling seductress? Hmmm? Perhaps he’ll allow it, just this once. 
- God, do you know how flustered he’d get when you have to get changed in front of him? He’d be trying his best to look away and give you privacy yet fighting the urge to peek at you, red in the face and stiff in his place. 
- He really wishes that he could help you with your homework and things of that nature but …what the fuck is calculus and what monster created it. 
- If you place a hand on his face or rub his shoulders, he’ll close his eyes and literally purr in delight. 
- Playing with his hair. He used to let Emily braid and/or tie it for him so it always gives him this melancholic feeling of joy whenever you do it.
- Can you please feed him something. Please, just give him a sandwich. He’s been eating mice all these years; he deserves some good food.
- Your family is definitely going to wonder why the cat is so attached to you. They’ll probably make jokes every time he hops on (only) your lap or completely walks past them to get to you.
- He’s slightly clingy; there’s only so much time when he can be human and hold you like a real man so he never wants to waste a moment when you’re together.
- Ever just want to be greeted with complete enthusiasm when you get home? As and you shall receive! He’ll lunge at you the instant you get step inside; if you have to leave him at home, or pull you into a kiss the moment the door shuts behind the two of you.   
- He loves when you sit on his lap but in that innocent old fashioned lovers sort of way. He usually pulls you onto his thigh whenever you’re sitting and talking, resting his chin on your shoulder while he listens intently. 
- Most of your dates are going to take place inside your house. You can’t exactly go many places besides your home, unless you want to go on a date with a cat. 
- Dates usually consist of just sitting together and talking, watching movies, reading books; things like that. 
- Candlelit hang outs at the Sanderson house. You’re never disturb and don’t have to worry about your parents or anyone else hearing you talk to him. 
- He’s determined to improve his storytelling skills just because you look so adorable hanging on the edge of your seat while listening to the folktales and old town gossip that he knows. 
- You’re definitely going to be roped into the Halloween adventure. He’ll literally just show up on your doorstep with Max, Dani and Allison, and you’ll just think to yourself “dammit new kid”. 
- Sarcasm and passive aggressive comments. They never actually hurt your feelings but they may make you send him a dirty look.
- You get back at him by calling him an adorable little kitty cat and just overall treating him like a pet. It’s very satisfying to see him get all broody as you ruffle his hair and babytalk him. 
- Having to lay down the law. 
“Thackery, you just killed a mouse like thirty minutes ago. I’m not kissing you.”
- He’s incredibly protective of you. After losing Emily and facing the Sanderson sisters, how couldn’t he be?
- Jealousy? He’s had to watch guys hit on you while being in the form of a cat; unable to deter them or prevent them from even approaching you in the first place. Of course he’s gotten jealous before. He does make sure to get his revenge on/chase people away though, jumping on or swiping at people on more than a few occasions.
- He’s definitely tried to get the scoop on your virginity and ex boyfriends by talking about the candle. Like “well maybe you could light the candle and we can just defeat them. Unless~”
- He can get a bit snappy at times so you’ve certainly had some arguments though he rarely stays mad for very long. Usually, he’ll apologize right after and try to use his words instead of just getting upset with you, like he’ll say snap and then say “I’m sorry but x”. 
- He’s a bit paranoid about not saying he loves you enough so he tries to say it as much as he can. He doesn’t want you to ever think that he doesn’t, especially if something happens to either of you.
- The future is certainly not set in stone but you’re hoping to stay by each other’s sides for a long time. Either way, he promises to always be with you. 
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
The Enforcers: Part 5 (Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader)
wc: 1.7k
tw: NSFW. (It's finally happening.)
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Suguru stares at the screen in disbelief.
"I don't know what else to say," you breathe, eyes wide. "I think that we should go to the Grand Council or my parents and--"
"It's a hoax," he frowns, shaking his head. "None of this makes any sense. And I've seen fabricated shit like this before."
"But the timestamps!" you retort, pointing at the metadata.
"Those can be fabricated by using an old machine. You can't trust anything these days unless it comes from the Archives."
"I think you need to delete these and forget about it. This is someone's sick idea of a joke, y/n." Suguru stands, scowling at the computer one last time before turning away. "I'll figure out who did this. Don't worry. Just delete that shit and don't mention it to anyone." Suguru stalks out of the room and you look at the files, dragging them to the trash before turning your computer off and trying to put it out of your mind.
You're back at the club with your friends, sitting among new faces and old ones just the same. But the nagging feeling that something isn't right is dragging across the pit of your stomach like a rake. When you glance at Suguru, he's laughing with his other Leviathan friends, but barely touching his only drink.
He must be unnerved by it, too, you think, and rub your forehead before watching Yuji try his best dance moves on Nobara, which fails miserably, of course. Yuki sits to your left, also watching the show with varying degrees of amusement before looking over at you.
"Why the long face, Ms. Successful? Is this too boring for you?" You consider telling her what's really bothering you, turning to her in the dim lighting and pressing your lips together. Her face changes and you know your secret can't be kept for long.
"What would you do if someone played a really bad prank on you?"
"What, did Suguru piss on your curtains?"
"Huh?" You look at her in shock, and she shrugs.
"Alright, maybe that's just a Toji thing. My bad." She sips her drink thoughtfully. "What kind of prank are you talking about?"
"Someone..." You hesitate, but decide to keep going anyways. "Someone put files on my computer to make it seem like my parents were involved with something called Project Kudzu and Project Redroot." Yuki frowns deeply, blinking rapidly.
"Y/n, I've never heard of those things before." You sigh, shaking your head. "Did they have any real proof?"
"Yeah, some audio files, two videos, and a bunch of TS-CO labeled documents that--" A hand lands on your shoulder, and you look up to see Suguru standing above you.
"That pre-game was wild, wasn't it?" Pre-game? "Sorry, Yuki. Y/n here had a whole bottle of red wine and played some weird game before coming. She's been going on about it to me for hours... projects and stuff." Yuki laughs, waving him off.
"It's okay! I was a little confused, too, but I get it. Girl," she turns to you, shaking her head. "You should probably go home and get some rest. If I had known you were drunk already I would've--"
"I'm not drunk," you reply, looking back and forth between Suguru and Yuki. "I swear, I'm not--"
"Let me get you home, party girl," Suguru mumbles, pulling you up from your seated position and gripping your hand tightly as he drags you along with him. "It's been a long day."
"But I'm not--" The look Suguru gives you is deadly, and you shut your lips as he takes you to the car you both came in, opening your door silently. You slide into the seat and he shuts the door with force, climbing into the driver's seat, but not starting the car. He grips the steering wheel and clenches his jaw, finally muttering,
"Didn't I tell you not to say anything to anyone?"
"Suguru, this has been bothering me for days! I don't know what to do!"
"I'm trying to find out who would break into your room and do this to you. Can you let me work?" he asks tersely. "For once in your life, can you let someone look out for you?" His black eyes are blazing in the dim light of the parking lot, and your bottom lip quivers.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay," he exhales, starting the car. "I just... I just need you to let me figure this out. Someone isn't playing nice in our own organization and if it comes at the expense of my partner, I'm not having it. Lay low for me for a while, got it?" Suguru places his hand on your thigh and you nod, feeling your heart pick up an uneven rhythm. Your mouth goes dry at his lingering touch, but before you can think about it any further, he removes his hand and pulls out of the parking lot to take both of you back to the base.
When you get back to your barracks, you pause in the living room, looking over at your Leviathan as he removes his leather jacket and deposits it on the couch, sighing. You slowly approach him from behind and touch his back, which makes him flinch a little.
"I don't know why you continue to put up with my antics," you murmur and he huffs a breath out, shaking his head. "But thank you for saving my ass... and for looking out for me." Suguru turns to you, his lips quirking up a bit.
"Little Ms. Successful is thanking me for my service? Are you drunk?" Your cheeks heat up at the nickname and you roll your eyes, about to turn away from him when he catches your wrist. "Don't do that," he breathes, bringing you in close so your chests are touching. Your breathing hitches and he raises his knuckles, grazing them over your cheek. You close your eyes at the contact, and he slides his fingers down to your chin, tilting it up and humming softly.
"Open your eyes," Geto whispers, and you do so, trying your best not to seem too flustered. He leans down, brushing his lips across yours for permission, and your close your eyes again, letting him kiss you. When his lips separate from yours, he touches your nose with his, and you raise up on your tiptoes to feel his lips on yours again. "Are you sure you want to do that?" he wonders as you pull away. You nod your head, and he laughs softly.
"I do want to keep kissing you, yes," you reply, and he wraps a hand around your waist, lifting you off your feet and wrapping your legs around him.
"Nothing good comes of that," he warns, but you scoff.
"I'd beg to differ."
And that's how you find yourself on his neatly made bed, legs pushed up to your chest as Suguru greedily laps at your cunt like a starving man. "Su..." you moan, and he grunts in response. "That feels so good."
"I bet it does," the Leviathan replies, raising his brow at you salaciously before flicking your clit with his tongue. Your toes curl painfully as he dips a finger into you, then raises it up to your lips, tugging your mouth open so you can taste yourself. You suck on the digit with pleasure, humming when he pulls it back out and finger fucks you while sucking on your clit.
You buck under his grip, but he raises off of you, denying you an orgasm so soon. Geto kisses you deeply, swiping his tongue across yours so you can taste yourself again, then sits up, motioning for you to do the same.
"You want to do this?"
"Yeah." Suguru pulls his long hair up with an elastic and removes his pants, climbing back onto the bed and sitting against the headboard. He pulls you into his lap and raises you up, allowing you to grasp his hard length before sliding onto it carefully.
"Easy, easy..." he hisses, and you slow down, taking him inch by inch. You place your arms around his neck and rock back and forth, closing your eyes when you feel all of him nestled inside of you. Suguru groans, closing his eyes and tilting his head forward onto your shoulder. "Hold on, I'm gonna lay on my back." You allow him to slide forward, and he pushes you down onto his chest with a broad hand before pumping into you methodically.
"Oh, god..." you moan, and Suguru exhales shakily. "Su, you feel amazing."
"Say it a little louder so our neighbors can hear you," he jokes, but you clench around him and his laughter is cut short. "Fuck!" The man beneath you smacks your ass, and you yelp in response. "Keep doing that and this will be over faster than you can spell your own name."
"Then fuck me and quit being a smart ass," you gripe. Suguru shrugs and mutters,
"You asked for it." before slamming his hips into your ruthlessly. You cry out at the sensations his pace brings, and he grips your wrist as you lift off of him, holding your left hand against his chest. "Stay right here, princess. I'm not letting you go for shit." Your mouth seems to maintain its "O" shape the entire time he's fucking you senseless, and you can't say a word, eyes crossing and making you see double of your partner.
"Oh, god," you finally shudder, and Suguru lets go of your hand to lean you back down, mouth latching on one of your breasts.
"Cum for me," Geto challenges you before going back to sucking on your nipples relentlessly. You feel something inside of you break - almost like a busted dam releasing a flood of sensations and emotions that you've held at bay since you arrived here. "Oh, you're doing so good," Suguru grunts, holding you as you tremble fiercely while his hips stutter. "Just let it all go."
And for some reason, tears - actual tears - come out of your eyes as if this sexual release also broke your heart in two.
"Did I hurt you?" Suguru asks, swiping at your tears with a worried expression.
"No," you reassure him, shaking your head fiercely. "Not at all."
"Hmmm..." He rests your head against his chest as his breathing slows, hands stroking your back and hair with care. "You've had a hard couple of days. Just rest, alright? I'll be here when you wake up." So, you fall asleep, trusting your partner who's never betrayed you before.
TAGLIST: @missbonekitty @wack0-genius @thankuary @jsqeeut@r-i-m-f-009 @sunfloweroranges @leanne-tamashi @girlruby23@rein-icu @brownskinnedgirll @chanelmalandro @savantsoulfinder @jibe-gajima @chilledlucifer @amnxsia @kontentious @fuyuko26 @everybodylovescayrayray @flare-on
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sugurus-slxt · 4 years
are you tired of this? - Iwaizumi
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Type: angst (happy ending)
Warnings: cursing, mentions of mental illness
Note: Y’all are married in this story and um I’m not so if I mess up well I sincerely apologize
Hope you guys enjoy the story
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday [11:15 p.m.]
“I just came home a little late what’s the fucking problem?” He shouted at you for the second time tonight. “I didn’t say there was a problem Haji. I just wanted to know what came up,” you spoke softly trying to keep a calm composure. The truth was your insides were shaking, every possible bad thought that you could think of hurtled at you over and over. You were just worried something had happened to him, your anxiety had calmed since he came home but it seems you had made one wrong move and here you were. “And I already told you the boss needed me to do some extra paperwork to take in some new trainees,” he spoke harshly but a bit calmer than before. He pinched his nose bridge between his fingers. “I’m not having an argument with you right now, forget it. I’m going to shower,” he turned to walk away from you but you grabbed his hand.
He turned to face you, “What!” He exclaimed loudly making you nearly jump out of your skin. “The dinner i-its getting cold… umm do you want me to heat it up?” You asked hoping he’d calm down, but it seems tonight was different he just got even angrier. He grabbed your wrist tightly, “What the fuck do you think? Dammit all you do is worry and cry! Now you don’t even have common sense. Sometimes I wonder why …” he stopped, words dying in his throat. Tear welled in your eyes; it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was going to say. Forgetting the pain of him squeezing your wrist, you shouted at him for the first time tonight, “Say it! Say it Hajime!” He stood mouth hanging open, not one word. You couldn’t hold back the tears that streamed down your face. There wasn’t one emotion but instead too many, everything you’ve bottled tonight had busted like a dam.
You tore away from his grip, every inch of anxiety, depression, panic, all the emotions were pouring out of you in tears, sobs and every word you cried out next. “What! You don’t know why you married me? Huh? Is that it Iwaizumi? Well I’m so sorry I worry about my husband ok? I’m sorry that I can’t control when I get depressed. I’m sorry that every day I pray for you to return home safe. Tell what else you wonder about me! Tell me!” You pushed him as hard as you could. “Do you really wanna know what I think because I don’t think you can handle it,” he asked in a scarily calm tone. You knew you weren’t prepared for what came next but your emotions clouded your judgement. Neither of you meant anything you said, you knew that. Well you hoped because you know you hadn’t meant any of it. Every fiber in your body loved this man but tonight you weren’t backing down even if it meant you’d get hurt. “Go ahead!” You shouted pushing him again.
“Dammit stop pushing me! I’ll tell you but don’t blame me because you asked for it,” he never backed down. He knew that would be best right now but he didn’t care today was hard and he was just mad that you couldn’t get that. “You cry too much. You worry much. You get things wrong all the damn time. Something as simple as cleaning the house can end up in a disaster. I am always fixing you fucking messes. Not to mention you are so childish. For fucks sake grow up. Sometimes I wonder why I married you yeah ok because I’m so sick of this,” he stopped, he wasn’t shouting but his tone was angry as he belted out everything he though was wrong. “Haji- I,” you didn’t know what to say. Everything had gone numb. You thought that he didn’t mean it, but he seems so serious so calm. It was scary, it was as if he knew he wanted to say this for a while. May he was tired of you, tired of this, was he going to leave you. He continued but his voice softened, “Sometimes I just want to scream. I get off all of my steam hitting that punching bag till it breaks but nothing helps like letting it out but I’m not mad. I really am not. I'm frustrated and I’m tired. So tired angel. So fucking tired” He hung is head looking at the ground and you looked at him but you just couldn’t see him clearly, the tears blurring your vision as you asked the scariest question of them all, “Are you tired of this? Tired of us?”
He just gave out a sad chuckle and you caught it somehow, in the moment you caught it, the tear that fell on the ground. You’ve never seen him cry. This was different for Iwa and you just looked at him as he sat leaned against the wall. You tried drying your tears and went and sat cross-legged next to him on the floor, looking at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. The silence was deafening but it didn’t stay like that for long.  “Tired of this? Yes Tired of us? Never,” he said softly. Your head shot up, “So you’re not leaving?” He turned and wiped the remaining tears from your cheek and smiled with his tear stained face,” I could never leave you” He smiled it was warm and genuine.  
“I wouldn’t rather do any of this with anyone else. Even if we are fighting. It's ok to make mistakes. It's ok to cry. It's ok to be sad, to be worried or to feel to not do anything. I know this isn’t easy for you. In fact I wasn’t even mad at you tonight, I was never mad at you to begin with. It’s just… ” He says cupping your check and stroking it with his thumb. Your wide eyes held anticipation, “T-thank y-you for saying that. And thank you for b-being honest with me. Even if you said it didn’t make you mad, I- I still want to try for you but Haji I know there’s more so p-please tell me,” you pleaded stuttering in between.
He moved his hand from your cheek and rested them on his knees as he turned to look straight ahead. “I was mad at myself because I always seem to mess up. I –I promised to make you happy, keep you safe and healthy but it seems like I always cause your despair or make your bad days worse. I make you cry, I don’t spend enough time with you. Babe you’re a trophy wife but I don’t think I’m you’re trophy husband. Hah maybe I should have let shittykawa have you all those years ago. I’m sure he’d always make you smile. Gosh… that beautiful smile. B-baby I-I’m so… so …sorry,” he broke down sobbing into his hands. You couldn’t believe it, all this time you thought that you were hurting him and always messing up but he was thinking the same. You huddled closer to him placing the words together on you head.
“Now you listen to me and let me finish o-ok H-haji,” he raised his head to look at you, tears still spilling out of his eyes, you bent forward and kissed them away and he smiled just a bit. “I love you. Only you are ok. Sure I cry, sure I worry and yes it’s about you but it’s because I love you. I’m going to do that no matter how the day turns out. God dammit you could be with me and I still worry because I never want to lose you. My depression and anxiety are always going to affect me but I always rest happily at night because you wrap me in your strong arms and tell me just what I need to hear. You make me feel like the most special girl in the world. Not a day goes by that there isn’t at least one happy moment for me and that is because of you Haji. And never give me to Oikawa. I will kill you myself if you do,” both of you giggle a bit, “You are the only one for me. The only one can make me happy. You are perfect for me in every way possible. I love you so much,” your cheeks are flushed and eyes puffy but you smile not because he needs it but because even now you’re happy with him. He bends over pulling you into a tight hug, “Thank you. Thank you. Gosh I love you so much. I’m supposed to be making you feel better but still thank you,” he buries his face in your nape. You whisper, “You already did.”
You both sat there for a bit just enjoying each other’s warm embrace. He finally rises up and lifts you along with him. “Let’s go take a warm shower together. We can eat dinner and maybe watch a movie. Maybe cuddle too. No definitely cuddle I think we need that. Ok with you baby?” He looks down at you for a response, “Of course I’d never say no to cuddles but don’t you have work tomorrow?” You ask heart-warmed by his gestures. “Nope. Not anymore. I’m taking a day off. I’m spending it with you. I’m gonna make you smile all day and we can talk about everything but tonight just enjoy each other,” he said kissing your forehead. “If you’re sure. I’m so lucky to have you. I love you so so much,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. His lips molded against yours perfectly, moving in sync. You break the kiss, hiding your red cheeks in his chest. “Hmmm. Six years and years with me and you still get flustered. How cute?” he chuckles to himself. “Hey it’s not my fault my husband is practically a Greek god.” He sets you down and pulls you into a hug, “And yes I’m sure. I’m just as lucky to have you, I love you my goddess.” You both spend the night just bathing in each other’s company and love.  
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AOT Armin x Reader Not so Innocent Part one
Content: Smut
Warnings: losing virginity, Jean being an ass, slightly sub Armin, oral sex (giving and receiving), minors not allowed!
Artist Credit @Yuna_s10
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TW: almost noncon
After Armin finds out he is a Titan and with the weight of his life being spared over Erwin's he really needs some comfort. You were there to give it to him, ever since that day he has wondered if you had deeper feelings than just friends. Armin kept a journal filled with his deepest desires for you because he is too scared to tell you how he feels. Meanwhile you try to make him jealous but it just makes him upset because he thinks you friend zoned him.
This is a side story between season 3 and 4.
You were out taking a midnight stroll because you couldn’t sleep. You could hear someone crying. “That sounds like Armin.” You said to yourself as you walked in the direction of the cries and found Armin huddled in a dark corner with his back turned to you. You walked over to him and hugged him tightly. “Armin please don’t cry.” You spoke softly as you pulled him in closer.
“(Y/N)?” He wiped his eyes. “W-why are you out so late?”
“I couldn’t sleep so I decided to take a walk. Now tell me what’s wrong Armin.” You said sweetly as you played with his beautiful blonde hair.
He pulled your arms around him more. “I feel so lost (Y/N) ever since Floch said that everyone resents me because my life was spared over Erwin's…. Part of me hates my-myself…. Why? Why did Levi chose me over Erwin? The Commander of the Scouts life is far more v-valuable t-than a m-measly Cadets life….” Armin started to cry again.
“Shhhhhh Armin please don’t cry I hate to see you upset.” You said in a comforting voice but he didn’t stop sobbing. “I don’t think Levi made the wrong decision.”
Armin looked up at you with his big blue eyes. “Y-you don’t?”
You wiped away his tears. “Not in the least bit.” You hugged him closer to you. “I feel like all Erwin did was come up with half-assed plans.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hmmmm well every plan he came up with to take down the Titans failed, but every plan you came up with worked we took down the armored and colossal Titans because of you. You even figured out that Annie was the female Titan. Without that beautiful brain of yours we would all be dead right now Armin. You saved everyone else.” You kissed his cheek making Armin blush. “And for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Armin awoke from his dream. “Every night I have the same dream about that night with (Y/N)…. I can’t get her out of my head…. I…. I think I’m in love with her.” He looked over at you asleep next to him in your sleeping bag he had a smile on his face. “She always sleeps next to me…. Could she feel the same way?” He kept looking at you, his eyes traveled down and stopped at your breasts.
“She’s so beautiful.” He thought to himself, his mind wandered as he watched your nipples become hard. He let out a sigh. “The things I want to do to her.” He could feel his pants become tight. “Armin what are you thinking!? Ugh, but I can’t help it…. I want her so badly…. I, I need to make a move soon before someone else takes her away from me…. I see the way Jean looks at her.”
Armin took out his journal and started to write. ‘I had that same dream again about (Y/N)…. I just can’t stop thinking about her…. All the naughty things I want to do to her…. I just want to bury my face in her big breasts and crotch. I want her so bad…. This isn’t fair….’ Armin let out a sigh.
“Well, I guess I should take care of this growing problem down here….” Armin thought to himself as he quietly pulled down his pants and grabbed his length gently stroking. He bit his lip as he imagined it was you doing this to him. He gazed over at you while he touched himself quickening the strokes. He watched you roll onto your side facing him and your breast popped out of your tank top. His eyes widened as he felt his warm seed seep into his hand. Armin quietly pulled his pants back on and went to wash his hands. He came back and snuggled closer to you.
“Goodnight my sweet angel.” He whispered and kissed your cheek.
You woke up the next morning laying on Armin. You freaked out and scrambled to get up. “Why was I laying on Armin!?” You thought to yourself your cheeks turned red as you stared at him sleeping. “He's so cute when he sleeps.” You smiled at him as you stroked his hair.
“Hey beautiful good morning!” Yelled Jean.
You looked at Jean and smiled. “Why good morning to you too Jean!” You replied happily.
He held out his hand to help you up. “Care to join me for breakfast pretty lady?”
You took Jean's hand. “Sure! I just need to go get dressed.” You grabbed your uniform and headed to the bathroom.
Armin laid there in silence. “Stupid Jean always taking (Y/N) from me…. He takes up most of her time it drives me nuts!” He though to himself. “I feel like she doesn’t even give me the time of day anymore…. Have I been friend-zoned?” He curled up into a ball. “When she does talk to me she treats me like a kid.”
You came back from the bathroom and saw Armin curled up. You walked over to him and were about to comfort him but Jean stepped in the way.
“You ready?” He held out his arm for you to take.
“Oh uh yeah I’m ready…. I just wanted to make sure Armin was okay….”
Jean looked down at Armin. “He’s fine lets go!” He attempted to pull you away.
“I'll catch up with you Jean.” You replied dismissing him.
“Jean I said I’ll catch up with you.” You repeated as you knelt down next to Armin.
Jean stormed off.
You rolled your eyes. “What a meathead…. Armin are you okay?” You asked as you stroked his hair.
He closed his eyes and melted as you touched his hair. “I’m better now that you’re here.” He muttered so you didn’t hear him.
“Hm? What did you say Armin?”
“I don’t feel too good.” He replied looking at you with his beautiful blue eyes.
You leaned over to take Armin's temperature and he could see right down your shirt, making his skin get hot. “Well, you are warm. Do you feel sick?” You asked as concern coated your voice.
“Hmmm, maybe I can milk this and have her attention all to myself today.” Armin thought to himself.
“My head is pounding and I have a stomach ache.” He replied in a quiet voice as he clutched his stomach with one hand and his head with the other.
“Well then lets get you some medicine.” You got up and went in your bag to grab herbs and your stone grinder. You lit a small fire to boil water for tea and started to grind the herbs as you sang in a soft voice.
Armin sat there completely entranced by you he loved to listen to you sing. He got lost watching you prepare the medicine. “Come on you dummy now is the perfect time to tell (Y/N) how you feel!” Armin thought to himself.
He went to speak but nothing came out.
You looked over at Armin. “Are you okay sweetie? You’re just starting off into space.” You spoke breaking Armin's thoughts.
“Y-yes I’m fine (Y/N).” He replied his cheeks were red.
You gave him a sweet smile. “The tea is almost ready. You should be feeling better soon!”
“(Y/N) you’re so talented if the Survey Corps didn’t have you as their medic we would be screwed.”
“Awe Armin thank you.” You blushed at the sweet compliment. “I’m thankful my parents were herbalists and passed their wisdom down to me.” You stirred the pot of tea.
“As long as I’ve known you (Y/N) you always had your hands in the dirt studying plants.”
“And if I remember correctly you were always by my side with your hands in the dirt with me studying the plants.” You stuck out your tongue.
“Just like you I love to learn new things.”
You smiled and nodded your head. “I love to learn new things with you, Armin….” Your cheeks turned pink.
“What do you mean?” He asked confused.
“Hm? Oh, n-nothing!”
“Shit, why did I say that?” You thought to yourself. “He doesn’t even get it I honestly don’t think he likes me how I like him.” You let out a sigh as you poured the tea.
“Here you go Armin I added some honey to make it sweet.” You handed him the cup.
“Thank you so much (Y/N)!” He smiled and took the tea. “It smells really good.” He said as he inhaled the steam.
You sat there with Armin enjoying his company.
He smiled at you. “Ahhh this is so nice, being able to spend time with you.”
“What do you mean Armin? We always spend time together.”
“Well yeah we do but it always seems to be interrupted by Jean or someone else….”
“Hey! (Y/N)!” Yelled Jean.
“Speak of the devil….” Muttered Armin.
“Hey Jean!” You waved at him.
“How’s little Armin feeling?” He asked sarcastically.
“A lot better thanks to (Y/N)’s medicine.” He answered back. “She's truly amazing.” He smiled at you.
“Well since you’re feeling better you wouldn’t mind if I borrowed her for a bit would you?” Jean asked as he tugged on your arm attempting to pull you away.
“I think I’m going to stay here with Armin.” You replied pulling your arm away.
“But I really need to talk to you.” Jean kept tugging on you.
You swatted his hand away. “Jean I said no! Now leave me alone!” You turned away dismissing him.
“What the fuck.” He muttered under his breath and stormed off.
“That idiot just doesn’t give up its so annoying sometimes.” You growled.
“But don’t you like the attention?” Armin asked.
“Not from him…. He’s not the guy I want attention from.” You sighed.
“Who do you want attention from?”
“W-well uh I-“
“Hey (Y/N)!” Yelled Eren as he came running over to you.
“Hey Eren! What’s up?”
“Levi needs to talk to you he’s in his office he said it’s important.”
“Oh okay!” You got up to leave.
Later that day you were going through Armin's stuff because you wanted something that smelled like him and you came across his journal. “Hm? Armin keeps a journal? Let’s see what secrets he keeps in here.” You opened the journal and started to look through the pages. You noticed the journal started the night you found Armin crying outside and most of the entries were about you. Your eyes widened as you read about all the naughty things he wanted to do to you.
“Sweet little Armin isn’t so innocent after all oh my goodness. He wants to tie me up and lick honey off my naked body?!” You kept scanning through the pages. “Oh this is a good one make love out in nature under the stars. Heh even when he is writing dirty things he still makes it sound romantic.” Your skin was getting hot and you were getting extremely turned on reading about what he wanted to do to you. “Ohhhhh Armin what am I going to do with you?” You laughed. “Well that was a rhetorical question….. I want to do everything to you.” You got up and went to go find him.
“Oh my sweet Armin I can’t wait to make you mine!” You made your way through the city, suddenly you were blindsided by someone and knocked to the ground. “What the hell!? Jean what are you doing!?” You tried to push him off of you but it was no use.
“(Y/N) you’re such a god damn tease!” He yelled as he ripped your shirt open. “Why? Why do you do this to me? You know I like you I’ve been trying so damn hard to make you my girl but no stupid Armin always gets in the way!” He kept shouting as he ripped your pants off.
“Jean! STOP! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME!?” You punched him in the face but it didn’t phase him in the least bit, he just grabbed your wrists and held you down. “Jean I don’t even like you like that! I’M IN LOVE WITH ARMIN! I HAVE BEEN SINCE I WAS A CHILD! I was just flirting with you to make him jealous!”
“NO! I’m in love with you!” He shouted back as he choked you. “No one can have you but me!”
You started to get light-headed. “J-Jean I-I c-can't b-breathe.” Your vision was getting blurry. Suddenly someone pulled Jean off of you. All you could make out was blonde hair before you passed out.
Armin tore Jean off of you. “How dare you put your hands on her like that! You disgusting pig!” Armin continuously punched him in the face. “If you ever so much as look in her direction.” He pulled his fist back. “I will tear you to shreds!” Armin punched him one final time knocking Jean unconscious.
Armin ran over to you. “(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Please wake up!” He shook you but you didn’t respond to him. He scooped you up and jumped into the window of a inn. Armin ran over to the door and put a chair against it to keep it locked. He came back over to you and put his head on your chest. “Well she’s still breathing thank goodness.” He sat there staring at your half naked body. “This is so unfair. She is literally being handed to me….” He felt his pants starting to get tight he reached out his trembling hand to grope your breast but he stopped himself. “But I know I’m friend-zoned….” He curled into a ball.
You started to wake up. “Armin?” You spoke in a quiet voice as you reached out your hand towards him.
“(Y/N)?” Armin looked down at you. “You’re okay!” He hugged you tightly.
“What happened? Last I remember Jean was trying…. Trying to…. To….” You shuddered as you recalled what Jean just tried to do to you and started to sob.
Armin pulled you in closer to him. “Shhhhh it’s okay stupid Jean won’t ever hurt you again (Y/N).” He ran his fingers through your soft (H/C) hair as he pulled you into his lap.
You turned about eight shades of red as you felt a bulge poke at your butt as he sat you on his lap. “Armin?” You looked at him as your skin got hot.
“Yes (Y/N)?” He replied. “Why are you so warm?”
“Armin I…. I….” You started.
“I…. I…. Awe fuck it!” You yelled as you tackled Armin and kissed him.
Armin was momentarily taken aback and stunned by the sudden kiss. He pulled away, his face as red as a tomato. “(Y-Y/N-N) wh-what? B-but I…. I thought I was friend-zoned?”
You looked at him shocked. “Is that why you’ve been so distant? Awe Armin sweetie no you’re not friend-zoned at all.” You pushed him down onto the bed and straddled him. “In fact, it’s the exact opposite…. Armin….. I’m in love with you.” You leaned in and kissed his neck, a small moan escaped his lips. “I’ve been in love with you as long as I can remember Armin….”
“Yes Armin really.” You repeated as you pressed your body closer to his. “And I found your journal…. You certainly write a lot about me….” You lightly nibbled his neck making Armin moan again.
“(Y-Y/N-N) wh-what are you doing?” He shuddered beneath you as you nibbled at his neck again.
“Oh don’t you play innocent with me Armin I know that you’re far from that.” You gave him a look as you gently grinded on him. “I know how much you want me.” You leaned in and kissed him again.
Armin trembled as he wrapped his arms around your neck pulling you in closer to him. He moaned against your lips as you bucked your hips against his growing bulge.
You took the opportunity and instantly invaded his mouth with your tongue kissing him deeply.
He wined as you quickened the motions. “(Y/N) it's, it's starting to hurt.”
You looked at him confused. “What is?”
He turned even redder. “My, my growing problem d-down there.”
“Awe sweetie do you want me to help you?” You cooed.
Armin bit his lip and nodded.
“Very well my love.” You got off of his lap and slowly pulled off just his pants. You crawled back up his body just to be tackled to the bed by him.
Armin rolled you onto your stomach and held your wrists as he started to hump you. Little whimpers escaped your lips as his length gently caressed your butt. He let go of your wrists and held onto your waist as he quickened the pace. “Am, am I doing a good job (Y/N)?” He asked shyly.
You moaned louder and nodded your head. “Ah-ahhhhh yes Armin you’re doing a g-great jobbbb!” You wined out as you gripped the blankets.
He leaned in and ran sweet little kisses down the back of your neck. “(Y/N) I love you so much…. I, I can’t believe this is really happening right now…. I’ve dreamt about this day for so long and finally, you’re mine.” He cooed. “How did I get so lucky? I finally get my sweet angel.” He reached down and unhooked your bra. He got off of you and rolled you back over to face him. His eyes grew wide in wonder as he removed your bra staring at your perfect body and breasts. “You truly are beautiful (Y/N).” He leaned in and kissed your neck slowly tracing your collarbone with his lips as he traveled down towards your breasts. He gazed at you his eyes filled with excitement as he gently rolled your nipple between his fingers while his mouth encircled your other nipple. He licked and nipped at your nipple as he grinded on you.
“Ah-ahhhhh A-Ar-Armin.” You wined out as his bulge rubbed against you. Your hips bucked wildly out of control every time he made contact, soaking your underwear.
He looked up at you with his beautiful blue eyes. “Yes (Y/N)?” He asked.
“Every little touch is driving me crazy Armin…. I…. I’m going mad right now…. Please Armin I…. I want you in the worst way….”
His eyes widened in shock as those words left your lips. “W-wa-wait are you saying what I-I think you’re saying (Y/N)? D-do you want me to, to take you?” He stammered looking at you shyly.
You blushed and nodded your head. “Yes Armin I am.”
He got off of you and sat on the bed.”Woah hold on a minute th-this is a big decision…. Are you absolutely sure.”
“Is it really Armin? By the way you write about me in your journal, it doesn’t seem that way…. Don’t you want to experience everything life has to offer?”
“I…. I…. I… well that’s writing in a journal I thought no one was going to find…. I never thought this was going to actually happen.”
“Armin.” You took his hands in yours. “It’s written all over your journal that you’re in love with me…. I have known you my entire life I have seen you at your worst I have seen you at your best…. I know you better than anyone else…. I was your friend before Eren and Mikasa knew you…. Armin, I’m in love with you also. I want to spend the rest of our lives together.” You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
He took a deep breath in. “I have no idea what I would even be doing….” He glanced between you and him a smile formed on his lips as he gazed at you. “But if you really want this then….” He pinned you to the bed and nipped at your neck, taking you by surprise. “I am willing to pleasure you my love.” He traced his lips down your torso showering your stomach in sweet kisses. He pulled down your underwear looking on in wonder. “Tell me what do you want me to do to you?”
“I-I want you to rub my clit.” You propped your legs on the bed and opened your lips with your fingers revealing your soaking wet core.
He took his fingers and massaged your clit making you squirt all over his hand. He continued to rub as he took is other hand and gently plunged a finger inside you.
“Ohhhhhh A-Arminnnn!” You moaned out as you gushed again, he pulled his finger out and innocently licked your juices off looking like a child licking cake batter.
He smiled at you before plunging face-first into you. He grabbed your hips and attacked your clit with his tongue as he pulled you in closer to him.
You gently gripped his soft hair, tugging on it with every flick of his tongue. Licking, sucking, nibbling Armin couldn’t get enough of your sweet taste he wanted to eat you up. You bucked your hips as you felt yourself gush into his mouth, Armin licked up every last drop.
He looked up at you and smiled. “Are you enjoying this my love?” He asked wanting reassurance.
“A-Armin.” You said panting. “Y-you're doing an amazing job.” You sat up and leaned in to kiss him. Locking lips you kissed him passionately as you lowered yourself onto his lap. You slowly started to move your hips rubbing your clit on his member, earning sweet little moans from Armin. You broke the kiss tracing your lips down his neck leaving love bites all over his collar bones. You made your way down his torso kissing right above his waistband. You locked eyes with Armin as you pulled down his underwear, revealing his rock hard member. Your smile grew wider as you gently took his length in your hand, little whimpers of excitement escaped Armin's lips as you ran your hands up and down his shaft.
“O-oh-ohhhhhhh (Y-Y/N-N) this f-feels even b-better t-th-than I ever i-im-imagined!” He tilted his head back as he moaned louder and louder.
You lowered your mouth to his pulsing length wrapping your lips around it, ever so lightly licking the precum off his tip. Slowly you started to suck running your tongue along his shaft.
He gently tugged at your hair as he watched your head bob up and down, his hips bucking with every lick. “Ahhhh (Y/N) I’m going to….. I’m going to c-cu-cummmmm!” He moaned as you took his length in its entirety down your throat he released his seed, but you didn’t stop sucking and almost instantly he became hard again.
You released yourself from him. “Let’s get back on the bed where it’s more comfortable.” You helped Armin up and tackled him to the bed, grinding on him making yourself squirt everywhere. You continued to rub your soaking slit all over his size, driving him crazy. “A-are you ready my sweet Armin?”
He looked at you shyly. “Yes, I am.”
You shifted your hips and positioned yourself right at his tip, you leaned in kissing him as you slid down on his member. You yelped into his mouth as you felt a pop.
Armin broke the kiss. “Are you okay?” He asked his voice drenched in concern.
You smiled at him and nodded. “Yes, I am perfectly fine my love.” You leaned in kissing him again as you rocked your hips back and forth. You held onto his shoulders as you quickened the pace, feeling him go deeper and deeper with every thrust. “Ohhhh A-Ar-Aminnnnn j-just like that oh my-my God!” You screamed out.
Armin was in complete sync with you, every time you came down he thrusted into you. “Ohhhhh (Y-Y/N-N)!” He moaned out as he grabbed your butt spreading your cheeks to go deeper into you. Soon he was pounding you wildly. He couldn’t get enough of you as he ran his hands over every inch of your body, caressing your soft skin. He looked at you with amazement as he watched you ride him. “I-I still can’t believe this is-is really h-happening.” He smiled at you.
“Ar-Armin I’m, I’m go-going to cummmmm!” You arched your back as your walls clenched around Armin's length releasing yourself. Toes curling, hips bucking you rode out your first orgasm.
“(Y/N)? Can we try another position?” He asked shyly his cheeks turning bright red. “I-I want to be in control.”
“Of course my love” You got off and stood in front of him.
He gazed at you completely captivated by your beauty. “My, my, my you are a sight to behold my beautiful (Y/N).” Getting up from the bed he walked over to you, he tugged your waist as he pulled you in kissing you deeply. His hands made their way down your torso, gently he cupped your butt as he pressed his length against you, sweet whimpers escaping your lips. His tongue danced with yours as he backed you into a wall. He soon broke the kiss, trailing his lips down your neck, between your breasts down to your soaking core. He got on his knees. “Wrap your legs around my shoulders…. I want to try something.”
“But how is this going to work?”
He placed his hands on your butt for support. “Trust me it will.” He pushed you into the wall more as you lifted one leg over his shoulder than the other one. He adjusted accordingly to make sure you were stable on his shoulders. Armin brought one of his hands forward and spread your lips so he could dive back into your core. He ate you up like a hungry animal, licking every bit of your juices.
Your body shook as Armin swirled his tongue around your clit. “A-ahhhhh Ar-Arminnnnn!” You grabbed his hair, pushing his face into you more as you gushed into his mouth. Slowly he inserted two fingers moving them in and out of you. He quickened the pace as he nibbled on your clit rendering you a drooling mess as your walls clenched around his fingers, earning another orgasm from you.
He came up and lifted you off his shoulders, but kept you pinned to the wall. He pressed himself closer to you as he raised you up again, you wrapped your legs around his waist. Instantly his member slipped back inside you, moaning out he thrusted into you. “I love you so much(Y/N)!” He roared as he pounded deeper and deeper in you.
“I-I l-love you toooooo Armin!” You howled as you bounced wildly with every thrust. You grabbed his head attacking his lips kissing him deeply as he went faster. You moaned into his mouth as you gushed again soaking the floor below you.
Armin broke the kiss looking at you his cheeks were bright red. “(Y-Y/N-N) I’m, I’m going to c-cu-cum a-again.” He pulled out barely in time his seed exploding all over your stomach.
Panting heavily the two of you collapsed on the floor wrapped up in each other’s arms. You smiled at Armin and pulled him in for a long sweet kiss.
He broke the kiss. “(Y/N) t-that was a-amazing!” He said as he nuzzled into your neck.
You sat there playing with his soaking wet hair. “Mhmmmmm it truly was amazing Armin.”
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