zefir-crow · 5 months
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dairyfreenugget · 3 months
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(Alt text under read more)
Part 2
:] I do enjoy the pain
ID start: A doodle of the Pale King and Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight as humans. It's a close-up of their hands. The Pale King holds his trembling hand along his body when the Pure Vessel gently grabs his wrist and hand. He flinches and almost pulls away from them, but he doesn't. End ID.
ID start: A doodle of the Pale King and Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight as humans. The Pure Vessel leans against their father's arm, holding it tightly. Their brows furrowed as they look down, looking troubled or even sad. End ID.
ID start: A doodle of the Pale King and Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight as humans. A side view shot of the Pale King, with only the horns and the top of the head of the Pure Vessel visible as they lean against him. They say, "...I love you too, papa..." The Pale King looks shocked, tears pressing into his eyes. End ID.
ID start: A doodle of the Pale King and Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight as humans. The Pale King lifts his head up, his nose scrunching up as he closes his eyes tightly. He trembles as he tries to bite back his tears. One tear slowly falls down his cheek. End ID.
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peregrine5 · 4 months
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You broke another mirror,
You’re turning into something
You are not
(Song is High and Dry by Radiohead)
I was left unsupervised on an 8 hour plane ride of course I’m going to draw Helsknight what do you expect
Will I ever be over this chapter? prooobably not, no!
Credit as always to @/silverskye13 for the amazing fic <3
Ramble in tags >:)
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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This design came to me right after I woke up and I think I'm gonna use it for one of my AUs
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Stumbled upon an old pk gijinka wip that I never finished
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froaple · 9 months
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allykatsart · 1 year
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Or can they only be devoured?
Previous ish
I doubt Grimm has seen something like this before, but he's clever and he can guess. The Pale King could not escape his fate forever, just delay it long enough to save what little remains of Hollownest. Just long enough to dethrone the Radiance.
Did he know it would last that long? Maybe. Supposedly he had foresight... Perhaps he didn't see this outcome though, and this is just penance for his experiments with the void...
Commission me!
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gncbozo · 3 months
I think more people should draw the pale king with damaged hands(claws?)....
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thebirdqueen · 1 year
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Older art [Click for better quality]
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kalpforest · 1 year
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Hello tumblr! Final update for the little ghost figure. I ended up staining them, giving them a solid coat of gloss, and a base to stand on. Its a bit off center which kills me but !!!
more photos under cut
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astorichan · 1 year
Shattered Dreams: cover art
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Made another cover art, this time for my second longfic!
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aries-of-spades · 15 days
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The Saint and his Champion...
So after chapter 41 I had to go walk around my neighborhood without music in order to mentally process that, and in that thime I thought that a stained glass window of Tanguish would look really cool. Then I remembered Helsknight is the current Champion, and when he inevitably dies, he'll have a statue. And I realized it would be so beautiful to have those in the same place. Hence, this.
Hilariously, the poses were actually thoguht out a lot: HK's head being bowed and eyes closed is a very reverent like pose, the sword being down seems more peaceful instead of raised, because so much of his character development is getting past his anger. Tanguish's hands are suposed to be positioned above HK's neck and shoulders(or head I guess) sort of in a calming way, and him being higher up than HK is both so you can actually see him and also as a Saint he is in a way, higher. And even though they're inanimate objects, a statue and a window, and they(in this scenario) are in very different places, it still gives the impression that they are together and interracting somehow.
I uh... I just like being poetic :3
Redstone and Skulk by @silverskye13 has me legitimately screaming
also turns out I really like drawing stained glass windows
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deadly-glamourtail · 3 months
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(Spoilers, I mean it!) Wouldn't be a crossover between In Stars and Time and Hollow Knight without doing at least some bosses.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 with the team.
These eight drawings were super fun! Maybe I'll do actual ISAT art later, or Art Fight will take my entire free art time, who knows.
Bigfrin was why I kept going in the first place, and Mal Du Pays was such a lightbulb moment. Details and rambling about crossover lore below!
Remember me rambling about using Nightmare as a replacement for the color Red in the first part? Well, there it is. Hallownest or not, the lore is still clear that the Dream and Nightmare realms were separated long ago, so Siffrin's wish connecting them and putting non-Grimm related Nightmare Essence into the waking world is still, uh, pretty huge.
Between regular Grimm and NKG, it felt right to take inspiration from the latter to do The Playing One. Because they'd be a huge boss in this crossover too, the dagger would also transform into something inspired by the Coliseum Fools' weapons, for visibility. And, since Dream Essence appears as Whispering Roots in the waking world, the best equivalent I could get for Sif's hat was a Nightmare Lantern, though much simpler.
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With Mal Du Pays... It took a while to work out.
The first thing that comes to mind would be using Void, but that seems to be something too intrinsic to Hallownest (we know anywhere deep enough could hold Void and worshippers, but ISAT's plot isn't going down, but up). So I thought of regular Dream spirits, didn't seem to work, until a wiki dive got me in the perfect place.
Nosk can read minds and craft perfect facsimiles of important bugs found in memories, and shapeshift arms or wings as necessary to bring down their prey - maybe it's even smarter if not Infected. It was perfect! If they are a well known species, I'd probably follow the nomenclature from HK and call it Repeating Nosk, instead, but let's go with the Sadness for clarity.
Nosk is simultaneously Mal Du Pays and the ghosts in the House. In every loop, they take notice of the group, and put in fake Siffrins in their path to try and separate them. Because this never works, either because they're careful or the whole Memory of Ghosts scene, it goes on just as unexplained, since Nosk can just shred the disguise and blend perfectly into the black walls.
Until, of course, Act 5. There's no team, and now there's a single living bug other than the King for Nosk to prey on. But, since this is Act 5, Nosk reading into Siffrin's mind and becoming aware of all the loops, all the self-hatred, an incomprehensible stretch of extremely similar time breaks it bad.
Sif never notices that the ghosts are now really messed up, with stained clothes, broken masks and barely an attempt to use the same shape. In turn, Mal Du Pays won't strike because it's now aware that it wouldn't work, so, they wait.
Not sure how the fight would happen in the waking world in this crossover, but I wanna say the King sees it coming and lets it happen because he's an asshole like that. Mal Du Pays can't defeat Siffrin in a fight, so it waits until they're too exhausted, and does its thing.
Does it have a voice? Or does Sif take one look at the shells moving around and hallucinates the rest? Could go either way.
Either way, the team would have one hell of a fight in this version.
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kazu-mrhall · 11 months
We love angst, and the last one gave me an idea. Maybe a fic for like, the last night Hollow gets to spend with their s/o? Y'know, they know they have to part, so they spend the last night together before he gets locked up, as they sob into each other's arms and cuddle, with hollow thanking reader over and over for showing him what love is.
We all need a good cry.
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.
someone was banging on your door in the middle of the night.
you tiredly slipped out of bed and stumbled to the door, opening it gently, until your tackled to the ground.
You hiss a bit until you realize its crying.
You look at your aggressor and realize.
Theyre just sobbing into you, whispering something.
they rarely talk.
somethings horribly wrong.
they pull back and look at you.
void tears have stained their mask
theyre clutching to you like your an inch from death.
They lean into you, bumping into your face gently multiple times.
Theyre kissing you.
"Im sorry my flower im so sorry..!"
your very confused.
but they interrupt you before you can speak.
"Thank you..! thank you for showing me everything, for showing me the world..!"
you can get a few words in before they start up again
"whats going on?!"
they look at you for a while.
you realize whats happening.
they look down.
they gently caress your cheek.
you begin crying on your own now.
Now your clinging onto them like theyre an inch from death.
and they are.
"My flower i.."
they stare at you, tears spilling harder.
"I love you, My flower. That will never change.."
"but you will change.."
they kiss you once more.
"In any form, and any time, i will love you, my flower."
you take a deep breath.
"You taught me about love and what it means to feel, and experience, and breathe."
you release it.
"I am never more hollow than i am when i am without you, my flower."
They bring you closer, wrapping around you.
"Thank you."
They kiss you.
"thank you."
Another kiss.
"thank you, for everything.."
"My beautiful flower.."
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commander-krios · 8 months
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel the same as I do, then I’ll leave you alone.” for revan and canderous? :D
I... I finished it?? OMG I did it! I hope this was worth the wait, I'm so sorry this took so long. Warnings for graphic violence and descriptions of death/corpses.
Read on AO3
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“We need to talk.”
Closing her eyes, Yuehai breathed in through her nose, trying her hardest not to give in to the anger that swelled in her chest. The coarse red dirt of Korriban stained her feet, dirtied her robes, burned her skin as she knelt to retrieve the stone urn half buried. “This isn’t the time or place.”
Gravel crunched beneath Canderous’ boots as he stepped closer, his shadow dwarfing her as she pried the urn from the ground. The HK droid had walked off to patrol a few minutes before, leaving the two of them in the heated silence. The Mandalorian hadn’t said a word during most of their trek through the tombs or the caves, but now, when they were so close to getting off this dreadful rock, he had to open his mouth.
With a hiss, she glared up at him, furious at the use of a name that died with her past. “Don’t call me that.”
Those grey eyes she swore didn’t haunt her dreams slanted in her direction. The unforgiving sun left his skin burned as he stood there, but not once did he complain of the pain. Stubborn to the end. Something they had in common, at least.
One of many things, her mind taunted, dark whispers fading as his gaze brought her back to the conversation. It was a strange thing, to feel desire for a man that she might’ve killed in another life. To think that one look into his eyes kept her from falling to the dark again.
“Revan is a part of who you are, even if you’re ashamed of it.”
“You think I’m ashamed of who I am? Who I was?” She stood, shaking some of the dirt out of those hideous black robes the Academy gave their students. “You know nothing about me.”
“That’s a lie.” Canderous crossed his arms over his chest, not backing down even as her fingers flexed, tempted to strangle him where he stood. “We are the same. Even you can’t deny that.”
No, she couldn’t. 
And that was part of the problem when it came to this thing between her and Canderous. They were warriors, scarred by blade and hands stained with blood, capable of both terrible destruction and great deeds. Their lives were built on war, sustained by death, only to fall at the height of their power.
Whenever she looked at him, she saw the past. 
Canderous stepped closer, the space between them thinning to nothing. The sweet pungent scent of sweat mixed with the rusty smell of dirt, turned red by years of blood seeping into the ground. When he reached out with a steady hand to brush his fingers over her dark hair, she dropped her gaze to a scar on his neck, jagged, white, and she wondered, not for the first time, where he’d gotten it. His rough fingers brushed her cheek and she couldn’t stop the immediate reaction to his touch, closing her eyes and leaning into his hand, wanting to feel more of his strength.
“Look me in the eyes.” He commanded, refusing to back down when she did without argument, his eyes like molten metal, no light in their depths, only darkness. “Tell me you don’t want this, that you don’t feel the pull that’s between us. Tell me to leave you alone and I will.”
That was just it. She couldn’t do any of those things. Because no matter how much she wanted to deny this old bastard the satisfaction of being correct in at least one thing since he joined her crew, Yuehai knew she’d never speak those words. Because they were lies. 
And Revan was many things, but a liar, she was not.
The telltale feel of the dark side washed over her suddenly, skin prickling uncomfortably, the hair on her arms rising before three Dark Jedi appeared in the distance over Canderous’s shoulder. They strolled casually down the hill to where they’d been secreted away, red lightsabers glowing bright even against the bloody sands of Korriban.
“I almost feel guilty for interrupting such a lovely moment.” Heavy sarcasm laced every word, not a trace of sincerity in the voice that spoke from beneath the dark hood.
Not that she’d expected any.
Yuehai couldn’t see their faces, but she could see the pale skin and black veins that were common in dark side corruption. She sighed, stepping around Canderous at the same time he turned, her sabers in her hands without hesitation. “More of you? Didn't you have enough of getting your asses kicked on Tatooine and the Leviathan?”
One of them hissed at her, spitting curses before stepping forward, as if he could strike fear in the heart of the woman who had destroyed the Mandalorians and destroyed the Jedi. “You are nothing without your Jedi, traitor. With her battle meditation, the Republic will lie before our feet, nothing more than burned rubble and broken bodies.”
She eyed the Sith’s form, making a mental note of how he favored his left leg: an old injury or perhaps he was tortured as punishment for a failure. The cause did not matter when she could benefit from the weakness. “Your master is the traitor and I will see him kneeling at my feet before I end his life.”
A crimson lightsaber slashed through the air, a wide arcing swing that was full of rage and little control. Yuehai lifted her hand in a single fluid motion, the blue lightsaber in her left hand blocking the first swing while the one in her right, one that glowed with an amethyst crystal, found its home in the Sith’s chest. With a downward thrust, she cleaved him in two, leaving a smoking mass of flesh where a person had stood a moment before.
The Sith that had spoken howled in fury, stepping forward with a raised hand, electricity crackling at his fingertips. Blocking with one of her sabers would only work a few times before the lightning overpowered her, but she didn’t need much time to close the distance.
If she was truly Darth Revan, she doubted any of these Sith had the power to kill her. They were nothing more than ants to crush beneath her boot.
Canderous opened fire, his repeater leaving multiple smoking holes in the Sith furthest away. The scent of burning flesh assaulted her nose only briefly before Yuehai used her connection on the force to leap into the air, lightsabers posed to strike. The Sith got his saber up in time to block the attack, but she didn’t let up, slashing and pushing the Sith back until he was practically pressed against a outcropping of stone, nowhere left to go. 
The electricity built to a maelstrom beneath his skin. Shadowy whispers of imminent danger tickled at the back of her mind but she ignored the warnings, striking out with her right saber. It met the Sith’s in a shower of red and purple sparks, the blades hissing as they made contact. She pushed as hard as she could towards his left side, the weight of her form pressing against him, her muscles straining beneath thick, itchy robes. The Sith tried to pivot the sudden movement, but his weakened leg almost buckled under their combined weight.
She saw the terror flash in his gaze when he looked at her, blue eyes turned hazy, yellow, a mark of the Sith. There was no doubt that he’d killed innocents, done evil in a galaxy that had suffered enough. Here, in the sandy wasteland of Korriban, under the shade of tombs of greater Sith, this man would die and Yuehai felt not a fraction of pity for him.
He hesitated to release his hold on the lightning with her body so close. If he did so, he’d be caught in the crossfire, frying him as well as himself. As he fought against being overpowered, Yuehai spun her second lightsaber, severing his hand from the rest of his body.
He screamed as the stump smoked, blood sizzling as the wound cauterized, and Yuehai stepped out of the way so Canderous had the perfect shot. It was over within seconds, the Sith all dead at her feet, her breath coming in puffs, her lungs burning from the exertion. When she turned to face the Mandalorian again, her hair fell into her eyes, obscuring his image slightly. 
Nothing could hide the flash of his eyes as he watched her across the battlefield. After a moment, the tension eased, and he slung the repeater across his shoulder before crossing the distance between them with purposeful strides.
“Don’t-” She warned him, lightsabers still hanging at her sides, the heat felt through her clothing even with the brutal Korriban sun beating down on her. She didn’t know if she intended to use her weapons or not, but all thought fled her mind when he pressed her against the stone at her back.
He was pigheaded, impossible, irritating, and one of the most stubborn bastards she’d ever met and yet, when he slipped his strong hands around her waist, his hot mouth against her own, she knew that she was lost. The kiss was hasty, intense, leaving every part of her burning, the desire for more lingering when he pulled back.
“You are the greatest warrior I have fought against, Revan.” He told her with a conviction that almost had her heart singing in her chest. Yuehai knew what the feeling was even if she couldn’t remember ever feeling it before. It terrified her. “And the greatest warrior I have ever fought beside. I will continue fighting at your side until you have no more use for me.”
With a groan, she shut off her lightsabers, clipping them to her belt once more. Damn him. “Stubborn bastard. This misplaced devotion of yours is going to get you killed one day.”
The smallest of grins crossed his lips, fleeting, brief, disappearing as quickly as it’d appeared. So quick it was that she thought she might’ve imagined it. “Dying in battle, with or against you, would be an honor.”
It almost sounded like he was teasing her.
“Will it be such an honor when I suffocate you in your sleep?” Squinting up at him, she tried to keep the frustration out of her voice, but she saw the quirk of his eyebrow at her words.
The whir of machinery broke the silence that fell, the familiar sight of HK-47 returning from his patrol. At the sight of the bodies scattered around them, the assassin droid pivoted towards her almost offended. “Statement: Master! You killed meatbags without me. Query: How could you?”
Yuehai bit her lip, trying not to laugh at how human he almost sounded and instead, tucked her hand into Canderous’, enjoying the rough calloused skin against her own. They still needed to find the Star Map, but they were so close, Bastila’s rescue nearly at hand. Then… maybe then the future might actually be a possibility.
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holmesillustrations · 7 months
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Left: “It hinged back like the lid of a box.” Second Stain, Sidney Paget, The Strand Dec 1904 Characters: Watson, Holmes
Right: “Well, we shall be round about six.” Three Garridebs, HK Elcock, The Strand Jan 1925 Characters: Holmes
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