#hk robin
xneoncrayon · 1 year
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[ Wake me up / When September ends ]
Years old image set that's been needing to be posted, so here it finally is o-I-<
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liolola-a · 3 months
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Misc doodles
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aerchara · 10 months
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was playing hk when I got this idea
oki back to rw-
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i did this ingame redraw a few years ago for background practice and decided to post it.
i would redo it now if i had the patience…there’s a few things i would change, but for an old drawing it’s pretty good.
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dwentstodeta · 2 years
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abyssembraced · 2 years
((I think it's really funny that I keep wanting to make Hollow Knight verses for my non-Hollow Knight muses. Like-- the HK rp community is very small. Ghost is probably always gonna be written in crossovers more often than in their canon verses.
And Yet, I make my others Bug. Agsgdhfhsh))
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casscainmainly · 2 months
Thinking about Cass being shunted off to Hong Kong and having all sorts of feelings about it again.
I think Gates of Gotham is the only series (besides bits of Red Robin) to even touch on how Cass reacts to it.
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Gates of Gotham #1
When Dick tells her he didn't know she was back, Cass responds "I'm not". This is mostly referring to the fact she's back for a mission, but it also sheds light on how she's feeling. She doesn't belong in Gotham anymore, not the way she used to. In Red Robin #17, we see she was fighting without a Bat symbol, until Tim gives it back. Bruce sending her to Hong Kong wasn't just a geographical distancing, but an ideological one as well (whether he intended it or not). Cass understood him sending her away as a rebuke of her right to the Bat mantle.
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Gates of Gotham #2
How does Cass feel about being 'relegated to Hong Kong'? She sidesteps Damian's comment here (mostly 'cause she knows not to engage), but her silence indicates it's not an easy answer. I wonder if there is some resentment/negative feelings towards Bruce.
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Gates of Gotham #4
This exchange is so interesting if you look at it through Cass' perspective. Dick is grappling with his insecurities about not being a good enough Batman, and says "if you don't belong [in Gotham], she'll never keep you." Dick and Cass both don't come from Gotham - his comment unintentionally reflects on Cass' ability to be Batman as well. And given that Cass just returned from Hong Kong, it makes her feel even more like an outsider.
So her response - "you're[...] wrong.[...] It's not about the city. It's about how you choose to see the world. Everything else is just an excuse" - is not only addressing Dick's problems, but also her own. Her whole story is about choice and agency, and here she's making it clear: upholding the Bat mantle is their choice. No one can take it from them, not the opinions of Gotham citizens, not their own insecurities, not even Bruce himself.
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Gates of Gotham #5
Cass asserts her desire to stay in Gotham (a decision tragically followed by the New 52, but I'll ignore that for now). Where Dick's arc ends with him telling Bruce he can be Batman, Cass doesn't interact with Bruce at all - her right to the Bat mantle no longer requires a Bruce stamp of approval. It shows the difference in Dick and Cass' approaches to Batman (Cass' loyalty is to the symbol, Dick's loyalty is to the man), but also highlights Cass' growth. She chooses to stay in Gotham because she wants to, not because of anyone else.
I'm not actually sure if her feelings on going to HK are elaborated elsewhere, so if anyone has more info please let me know!!! But I think it's very interesting that her first entry into Gotham is in defiance of David Cain, and her re-entry into Gotham is, in this interpretation, in defiance of Bruce.
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redbreastedbird · 2 days
Hey Robin! A handful of MMU fans are trying to timeline the series and we have a question for you!
Are Nuala, May, and Eric all in the same 'school year', so to speak? We thought that Nuala is in the 'right' school year while May is in the year above the one she ought be in, because of the enrollment shenanigans the war causes, but we can't quite figure it out!
Could you give us a hand?
Thank you, some very confused MMU fans <3
Yes okay, this is also something that breaks my brain when I think about it too much. I did it, and I remember doing it, and yet. And yet!! I often ask myself what I was playing at.
So the trouble starts way back in the short story May Wong and the Deadly Flat, set in September 1939. In that, May is 9 years old. (Her birthday is May 4th, 1930). For the end of the story to work to set up the Ministry series, May has to stay in the UK, because otherwise she’d probably have gone home to HK and then have been shipped off to Australia in 1940/41 like other wealthier kids of Hong Kong Chinese families worried about Japanese invasion.
Now we all know that for her to stay in the UK she needs to go to Deepdean, and Deepdean takes kids from 10/11. Ideally you’d be 11 when you start first form, then 12 when you start second form, and so on. Hazel and Daisy are 13 and in third form when MMU starts. BUT I worked out a loophole about this, and this is the very real fact that British country boarding school years got skewy when WW2 broke out. They suddenly got very over-subscribed because wealthy parents were desperate to bundle their kids off to get them out of the way of bombs, and sometimes the too-young siblings of pupils were sent too. So I had at least some historical evidence that May could have been jammed into a sort of baby form, and I decided to run with that.
I figured that she would spend one year in baby form in 1939/1940, and then they’d shove her up into first form in the 1940/1941 school year. She would still be younger than most of the other girls (which is part of why she hates it and is struggling - she’s a little younger than they are AS WELL as being extremely ADHD).
Now, Nuala comes into Deepdean in the spring term of 1941. She is of course a year and a half older than May - she’s 12 when MUA begins in 1940, and her birthday is 15th September, so she really should be the oldest kid in second form. However I decided that, since she hasn’t been in formal schooling pretty much ever (she got taught by various Company members and then her granny) she’d probably be a bit behind on the curriculum. So I moved her down into first form, to be with May, and to be massively the oldest kid in the form.
The final piece in the puzzle (I really went wild with this one) is that you’ll notice that I mention Lottie, Eric’s sister, being in the same form as Rose. This is because I thought they’d have a nice time hanging out and being friends, so I decided that Lottie is super smart and would skip a form - plus, again, over-subscribed boarding school in war time might mean that Rose’s form would be the only space for her.
Anyway. That’s it. That’s the story. It’s possible I put too much thought into all of this.
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When I started rereading super sons w/ associated material added on, I was so excited for the Titans of Tomorrow arc!! Let me show y'all why!
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First up we got a side hug! Very cute.
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After Jon saves the Teen Titans, they go back to Titans Tower where Robin reveals that he told Superboy he'd let him come on a few missions with them despite not running it by the team, he claims it was a white lie because Jon wouldn't stop asking but due to later events I'm not so sure.
At the tower a version of Tim from the future of the original timeline tries to kill Superboy, he traps him in this goop we saw attack HK Superman a few arcs ago. Jon gets distressed and activates his solar flare ability.
I like their interaction, Jon specifically asking Damian to help him because he's scared, Damian immediately responding to try to reassure him.
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Jon accidently blows up Titans Tower and Damian's first thought apon waking is to find and protect Jon.
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"you're safe here Jon." People sometimes think Damian calls Jon "Kent" but he doesn't really, he calls him Jon or J or Jonathan.
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Wall slam for reassurance purposes.
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"I won't let that happen. I'm going to keep you safe and we'll figure this out."
"thanks, Damian."
"... friends help each other, right?"
!!! So sweet! Damian just steals away Jon and goes into hiding with him to protect him, not caring about the potential consequences because nothing matters as much as keeping his friend safe. I absolutely love this arc!!
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Not to go into details, there's a confrontation at the fortress of solitude, Jon gets so upset he starts exploding. Superman and future!Conner go into the energy sphere they're trying to contain to try to help him. When Damian thinks they're dead he starts hitting Tim and his anger here really shows the depth of fear he has over losing Jon. Also Tim saves the day yippee.
I've reached my picture limit I'll have to make a second post!
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taywans · 10 months
as a person who grew up in hk, studied in britain (not oxford, unfortunately, i cant flex that) and is still experiencing the effects of british colonialism to date, babel was the perfect piece of fantasy / alt historical fiction that i could have dived into this week. truly the most well-deserved hate wank fiction i've ever read about bigotry.
icb stumbled into this book blind, didn't read the blurb properly or anything, just knew it would be good based off the ratings and hype. imagine my surprise when i figured that it was set in canton? and mentions the opium war within the first chapter? that shit got me hooked so fast. and then, all the interspersed references to idioms + hanzi radicals were so satisfying. robin explaining the word dan4 / 旦 to ravy against the backdrop of sunset is just. <3 my heart cannot take it. my only gripe is not hearing robin speaking in canto when he was in canton ( guess they couldn't be bothered to engage a cantonese speaker for the audiobook .... @ audible . lol )
also r f kuang out here doing gods work. like what do you mean this isn't a way to raise awareness in european cultures about the injustices that have been wrought upon colonies. :))) because lbr no average person will pick up a history book on the opium war where it doesn't concern them. repackaging it into internationally-parseable fiction tho ??? best way of getting people interested and talking about history. 10/10.
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robotslenderman · 3 months
I was thinking about your dark materials/masquerade au last night.
Few questions on vampire deamons-
Are vampire daemons as invulnerable to harm as vampires (ie regular bullets not too bad and survivable). Or just as vulnerable as human daemons. Are they more vulnerable to fire, sunlight and true faith etc. I think big daemons make easier targets to aim for hearts or with fire weapons too.
Do vamp daemons have Disciplines?
Can tzmisce ones vicissitude? Pretend I can spell that. Or just not settle on a form only.
If they leave their shitty attitude vamp, are the vamp still in danger if their daemon is killed or is it like severing almost, (just no dead daemon.)
With sullivan (and trans people in general)- does the daemon consider themselves trans or just sullivan/their person only?
What's caine's daemon? Or is that debated by many. Also Calebros, Cock Robin, and Gerard rafins ones? Sorry I love nos
Are werewolves (if real) wolf daemons or can be any? Laughing at raging werewolf crinos and their angry pomeranian daemon.
phoenix daemons sound really magical. Is their a masquerade in your au. As it's quite fantastical anyway. Or are Kindred still at risk of hunters?
Can you ghoul or protein form into an armoured bear?
Sorry for a million questions. It's just kindred have such interesting implications on daemons in your au. I'm really interested if you didn't know lol.
Feel free to say some are to be revealed in story. Or answer privately, so others not spoiled.
So TL;DR the HDM!AU is an AU called His Dark Masquerade that me and several friends came up with. Everyone has their own distinctive headcanon for how daemons work in this universe (I think there's even one version where vampires don't have daemons at all, which die during the Embrace, and naturally cause Masquerade problems) so please keep in mind that these answers apply strictly to my version of His Dark Masquerade. While other people are welcome to adopt these headcanons for their own versions, I do not speak for anyone else and do not presume that this applies to all versions of His Dark Masquerade.
Also I'm completely shitfaced rn so apologies in advance if/when I make zero sense.
Are vampire daemons as invulnerable to harm as vampires (ie regular bullets not too bad and survivable). Or just as vulnerable as human daemons. Are they more vulnerable to fire, sunlight and true faith etc. I think big daemons make easier targets to aim for hearts or with fire weapons too.
So in my personal continuity of HDM(asquerade), daemons basically share Disciplines with their masters (for lack of a better term). A vampire who is bulletproof with Fortitude will have a daemon who shares that same resistance.
So daemons are just as susceptible to True Faith, fire, sunlight, etc. And as you point out, larger daemons are more vulnerable to attack as they're literally a bigger target.
In this continuity, Mithras has/had a daemon called Hvare Khshaetra. Hvarexaetra is Avestan for "the rising sun," and she shares all the Disciplines that Mithras has. Mithras has been diablerised by Olivia, so his Disciplines currently range from either not affected at all to quite watered down. Timaeus is currently very influenced by Hvare Khshaetra, but as the daemon represents their person's unconscious in the original HDM Timaeus is more heavily influenced by HK than Olivia is by Mithras.
Given Mithras's background (which, as of the current chapter, hasn't been completely explored yet), Timaeus is actually less influenced by the sun than most daemons would be, but that's because of his link to Olivia (and therefore Mithras) and not because daemons are less resistant to the sun. Most daemons will burn up in the presence of sunlight. While the daemons of Cainites can freely leave the sides of their Cainite, if either of them are confronted by sunlight, both of them will burn. They might be relatively independent of each other compared to humans with their daemons, but there still is a link between them, even if it's not nearly as significant as the human/daemon connection.
So basically... even if you haven't seen your daemon in two hundred years because they fucked off and ditched you when you were a neonate, they end up in a patch of sun, you both dead.
Do vamp daemons have Disciplines?
Yup! As per above -- they share the same Disciplines. Obviously a fanfic isn't the TTRPG, but if one burns Blood during a rouse check, they both gain a hunger point, and are both sated by one of them feeding.
Can tzmisce ones vicissitude? Pretend I can spell that. Or just not settle on a form only.
If their master has Vicissitude, the Daemon can use it as well. Tzimisce daemons never resettle after Embrace, but if a non-Tzimisce daemon has access to Vicissitude, they can change their form at will. Unlike Tzimisce daemons, however, they still have a "default" form.
If they leave their shitty attitude vamp, are the vamp still in danger if their daemon is killed or is it like severing almost, (just no dead daemon.)
So it's somewhat like the severing in that they can wander far from their masters and their masters won't know where they are (beyond maybe a vague sense of direction, if the abandonment is recent), but if one is destroyed the other goes with them.
With sullivan (and trans people in general)- does the daemon consider themselves trans or just sullivan/their person only?
This is probably a question better for Philip Pullman, but in my particular continuity some daemons can be trans like their master, but others aren't even if their master is. Sullivan's daemon, Molly, is basically cis. Sullivan does not identify as female and transitioned to male, but Molly has always been female.
I personally headcanon that same sex daemons can cause assumptions, in the modern era with our queer civil rights movements and numerous bigots, that their master is queer in some way, but that doesn't mean it's actually true. In Philip Pullman's continuity there's just no explanation as to why some daemons are same sex, and I adhere to that. Sullivan's daemon was same sex and he turned out to be trans, but I also have another OC (Frida) whose daemon was same sex, but she wasn't queer (beyond perhaps being on the asexual spectrum), her daemon just happened to be female.
What's caine's daemon? Or is that debated by many.
Not something I've put thought into -- either it's in the Bible as to what his daemon is (and given he almost certainly has Vicissitude his daemon can probably take whatever form she wants), or it's not and it's hotly debated.
Also Calebros, Cock Robin, and Gerard rafins ones? Sorry I love nos
Honestly have not thought that far ahead. Wendy's is a white ferret called Sammie, and Kaiser's is a burrowing owl, but I haven't thought about the other Nos.
Are werewolves (if real) wolf daemons or can be any? Laughing at raging werewolf crinos and their angry pomeranian daemon.
Haven't put that much thought into it tho I agree a pomeranian daemon standing by while their crinos master wrecks shit is hilarious.
phoenix daemons sound really magical. Is their a masquerade in your au. As it's quite fantastical anyway. Or are Kindred still at risk of hunters?
Yep, there's still a Masquerade, and daemons can either complicate it or simplify it depending on circumstances. Imagine being a young Neonate who's just been Embraced and you run into someone you knew when you were alive -- maybe you can pull off a "yeah I totally haven't aged in fifteen years", but it's a lot harder to explain your daemon suddenly taking another form.
Can you ghoul or protein form into an armoured bear?
Do you mean the Tzimisce warform? Have not put any thought into it so can't answer at this point in time.
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ainulindaelynn · 11 months
10 Characters / 10 Fandoms / 10 Tags
Pick 10 Characters from 10 Different Fandoms and Tag 10 People
Thanks for the tag @krankittoeleven <3 <3
Loosely avoiding ones I've done in the past to keep things interesting. Also, I'm wordy. There are blurbs. It is what it is xD
In no order whatsoever:
1. Brasidas (AC Odyssey) I'm going to choose him forever. Just plan for it.
2. Clarota (Critical Role, Campaign 1) So much laughter. So much heartbreak. I will never be over the foot tapping.
3. Lenny Summers (RDR2) Strangely relatable. Very beloved. And his commentary on Evelyn Miller just killed me.
4. Eivor Varinsdóttir (AC Valhalla) Outright in love with her. Someday I'll finish ACV purely for the purpose of spending more time with her (and getting to Vili).
5. Morrigan (DA Origins specifically) I know she's unpopular, but I love that swamp witch. She's such a disaster, but watching her break out of her brainwashed shell was so healing for me at the time.
6. Leah (Stardew Valley) Shane may steal all my SDV attention, but Leah is my soul-sibling. Give me the shack in the woods and let me scavenge. I'll be happy forever 😂
7. HK-47 (Knights of the Old Republic) I stumbled across this highlight reel the other day and remembered how much time I spent doing the cringing facepalm for this menace. Even today, I still add 'query' before half my questions though.
8. Yennefer of Vengerberg (Witcher) Can't stand the character (affectionate), but lately I've been awoken to the subtext / meta narrative Andrzej Sapkowski was toying with here - the conversation around power and forced choices inside femininity. Unpleasant, but interesting.
9. Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica) As a person who is naturally Lee, I will always be baffled by and slightly in love with the transparent chaos here. And also livid about all the missed thematic opportunities.
10. Rhi Bran y Hud (King Raven Series) Lawhead is one of my most nostalgic authors, and I love his deep dive into the Robin Hood myth best. Arguably my first brief Fanfiction inspiration.
No Pressure Tagging: @findusinaweek @milfeivor @whereforartthoumisthios @guard-dogbiscuits @merelyafigment @ithinkthiswasabadidea @blue-mono @desperate-confidence @aeide @brasideios (double tag :))
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robin being nice to the broken vessel
"Dont worry dear..." she said as she cradled the poor injured child, its skull was split open, but nothing seemed to leak out, its eyes were dark and empty as if there was nothing there, the failed vessel simply remained silent in her embrace. "Its gonna be okay.." something in her made her want to help it, make it better, or at least she could try.
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salthien · 5 months
got tagged by @dancy-nrew to shuffle my On Repeat playlist, post the first ten songs and then tag 10 people! I haven't looked at it in weeks so let's see what Spotify says I've been listening to the most recently
Where June Meets July: II. On A Road Trip That Summer's Day - Adjy - i don't think there's ever been a point in the last year where there wasn't Adjy on my On Repeat playlist LMAO. i've proselytized about it enough that this needs no explanation
Rule #34 - Fish in a Birdcage - i fuck with good cello and Fish in a Birdcage has good cello
Save Our City - Ludo - i've been vividly hallucinating a HK animatic/lyric comic/whatever to this song for a couple months now. i don't get how it hasn't been done yet
Neath Dark Waters (Scions & Sinners) - Masayoshi Soken - found out the Endwalker soundtrack finally got put on spotify recently. I love any song with the amaurot motif but this one is my absolute favorite
Through Me (The Flood) - Hozier - the fact that this wasn't on UU but "Anything But" and "First Time" made the cut is frankly criminal. i will sing TMTF's praises until the end of time, it got done so fucking dirty.
Babylon - Dirt Poor Robins - looooootta these guys on my On Repeat, i love the swing vibes of Queen of the Night and The Raven Locks Act 3
Blood Upon the Snow - Hozier - loved this one when it came out, and then Elle reminded me of its existence recently so it made its way back into my listening regimen
The Saints I - Dirt Poor Robins - look at me. look directly into my fucking eyes. this is a Pure Vessel song. i will brook no argument. this is the fucking Pure Vessel song of all time. i'm chewing holes in the carpet about this song.
Theseus - The Oh Hellos - this one's been on a few character playlists for me, but most recently on my quirreIhoIIow playlist so it's earned a lot of plays. i love me some cheery folk and the oh hellos always deliver
Where June Meets July: VII. The Cicada's Song Part 2 - Adjy
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oh hey it's my fucking blog title lmao. nice way to round this out
tag time! no pressure if you don't wanna. @charaznablescanontoyota @queruloustea @mostlydeadallday @bettsplendens @vulturereyy @yrlocalghost @happyhoneyhands @antisocialxconstruct @shyfather and you, reading this, if you want to steal it! if you don't use spotify feel free to just list ten songs you've been listening to a lot lately
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mmmmmmmmm i wanna make a hollow knight oc
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