Not Norman: You're quite skilled at this. I bet your husband was a lucky man.
Me: *Spits out my drink*
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I....I did it.
I can't believe I did it.
He stopped breathing.
I killed him.
I killed him.
-Eliana Phlox, march 320
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TW: Diskussion über Suizid
Eli ist in Biancas Augen nicht lebeswürdig?
Oh. Ohhhhhh. OHOHOHO
Ich frage mich welche Seite bei Bianca gewinnen wird wenn ihre "Freundin" Suizid begehen will. Ich würde halt auch komplett verstehen wenn es Bianca komplett kalt lassen würde. Obwohl mich das schon...äh...verstören würde!
Ich meine, ich habe nicht erwartet dass es viele mitnehmen würde. Eli ist eine schlampe! Sie ist nur eine schlampe mit unglaublich vielen mentalen Problemen....
Was aber nichts dran ändert dass sie eine schlampe ist. Ich finde nur die Vorstellung dass deine "Freundin" kein Interesse dran hat dich von seinen Suizid aufzuhalten als verstörend, egal was Eli gemacht hat.
Dass es Paracelsus, Salazar heck sogar Diana komplett kalt lassen würde erwarte ich sogar. Eli gibt auch auch ein fick auf deren Leben, warum sollten sie es tun?
Nur bei Bianca, überrascht mich das.
Ich überlege auch gerade die ganze Zeit ob ich das wirklich mit Bianca teilen werde....aber Ich galube schon dass es Eli IRGENDJEMANDEN erzählen will. Ahhhh. Schwierig!
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"Bianca sieht Eli als verdorben."
- Florian
Oh und wie recht sie doch hat.
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Move aside Tanatus, Eli will get the ending you always wanted to have.
World domination, being an evil overlord AND having a harem.
Just watch me.
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🌸Sweet Dream and Eli, and the more casual side of things🌸
I think one aspect I always kinda forget about Sweet and Eli is that they have spent the last 3 years, consistently talking to eachother every.single.night.
And as much as I believe that the basis of this relationship, is not about the relationship itself and more about circumstances surrounding it (with Eli feeling like it's the better alternative and Sweet feeling responsible for her) they definitely have an relationship outside of that.
Again they essentially spent 3 years together. That's more than 1000 conversations. In those 1000 how many jokes did they make? How many times have they shared a chuckle? How many times have they sighed and how many times have they smiled? How many times has Sweet tried to comfort Eli and how many times has Eli told her "No, no. It's fine" after Sweet apologized?
What I'm saying is, these people have an emotional connection beyond that one event.
Sweet has tried to help Eli emotionally for 3 years now. And Eli has confided in her, every single night, for 3 years now.
They are definitely attached to eachother.
Which is why I think a "break up" would be double hard. They are essentially part of their routine now, aren't they? I think breaking that will feel freeing, but will also be hard. There will be moments where they miss eachother, as much as they'd hate to admit it.
Starting new things is... always very hard at first even if it's the best descion you could have made for yourself.
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Tbh, I can already imagine Elis internal thought process while getting her ideal ending would be something similar to this:
Eli: And then we'll take over the world, and then everyone will fear us and-
Eli: And then we'll talk things out with Lucas and marry Norman afterwards 🥰🥰🥰
Eli:..... And nobody will DARE question my power ever agai-
Eli: And we'll go cuddle with Lucas and have long conversations about the use of poisons with Norman 👉🏾👈🏾
Eli: ....And world domination....ELI
Eli: And two husbands 😍😍
Eli: And world domination.
Eli: And two husbands 💕
Eli: *sigh* And two husbands.
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Again something for my cursed af Moros theory
Eli: So uhhh... I kinda ummm... hooked up with someone while we were adventureing.
Lucas: Again, I'm open to polyamoury!
Eli: Yes but...I don't think that you will like them.
Lucas: Oh, if they make you happy, I am sure that I'll love them 🥰
Eli: ...So his name is Moros.
Lucas: Yess?
Eli: And he is sorta...kinda... the god of decay and madneeees?
Lucas: ELI WHA-
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Idk why but I keep having violent flashback to the time Viper and I rp'd as Eli and Lucas, and I told him to be careful with food because you never know if it's poised or not and that's why he shouldn't take food without thinking unless it's from me.
Why am I like this?
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A little thing I wrote just now. And bear with me, I wrote it with a migraine so keep that in mind
Heavy spoilers
Eli was sitting on the couch, tea cupped in hand, a blanket wrapped around her. It's been getting colder and colder, winter came quite early this year and very harshly too. So Lucas tried his best to make it comfortable for his dear wife.
They spent alot of days like this, cuddled up inside to escape the frost.
The candles were lit, the fireplace was burning... and for a moment it was peaceful.
"Some days, I just want to disappear."
Eli clunched the cup in her hands.
"Then I wouldn't have to deal with this anymore."
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Eli:Hey Norman, have you ever tried a ✨️happy potion?✨️
Norman: Hey Eli, have you ever tried NOT constantly trauma dumping me? 🙂
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I don't think about Bernd alot currently (I mean duh, I'm not playing him rn) but everytime I do I can't help but grin about the fact that his family worshipes Zypher because I-
That's like THE ONE Bernd spoiler I have because it's so funny 😭😭
And it says so much about his character too. Just shows how little fucks he gives about Religion. Bro imagine you meet the SON OF DEITEY YOUR FAMILY WORSHIPES
And you just
Recognize him
I love you Bernd, never change.
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Ahhh! I finished something! Even if it's short!
Also all Eli videos we made thus far have a playlist now 💕
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Danm 😲 my paladin 🤔 apperars to be 🤫 mortal 🤭🤯
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I love "test me" as Elis theme song so much because the lyrics grow more and more meaningful the more I play her
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I keep coming back to this song and keep being amazed at how nothing became irrelevant, no it just becomes more and more fitting.
I mean, even the whole theme of
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Is now something that essentially sums up a good portion of her character and view points.
I love "Test me"
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Playing Eli is fun! Especially with relationships.
Because the last time, I played a complicated and fucked up dynamic with DM, I was clearly the victim.
But with Eli?
It's fun
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