#Sweet Dream and Eliana
Eli: I talked to Sweet, but she suddenly seemed so immature...
Anyone: Maybe it's because she's litteraly a teenager and you are a grown ass women?
Eli: ..................Wha
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
I’ll Be Home For Christmas…
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
… If Only in my Dreams… (Part 2)
Warnings: Meanish/Distrusting Yelena, Violence, Blood, Pushy Men, Angsty/Open Ending.
Smut: Fingering(R), Oral (R), Mommy (N), Detka (R), Praising!!, Teasing, Marking, and Nipple Stimulation.
18+ | Minors DNI
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"My love, it's okay, I can assure you that Eliana and Jackson will be perfectly fine at Clint's for the week.," you smiled softly at your wife, doing your best to convince her that leaving your six month old daughter, and two year old son behind is a forgivable offense., "It's not worth it.," she huffs, and you shake your head., "Anything to get Yelena to stop staring daggers into me whenever she visits is worth it.," you muse lightheartedly, but the redhead sees straight through the facade and to your hurt.
Of course she wants Yelena to trust you, but it doesn't feel like enough of a reason to head off into the snowy tundra's of Russia; to the same motherland that only ever brought them pain. Still, in a weird way it also offered them a bit of comfort, and that happens to be exactly why you chose this destination. You'd wanted to meet Yelena on a turf that was familiar to her, where she knew the lay of the land and you didn't—offering her that extra bit of security, and hoping that if by just knowing more than you she would feel a smidgen safer.
Natasha threw the luggage into the trunk, and watched as you rocked your daughter to calm her knowing cries. Eli had always been so perceptive, anytime Nat had to leave for a mission before her recent retirement the infant would wail. You could calm her fine, but Nat had always had the special touch to soothe her. She swiftly made her way back to you, scooping up your son so he'd not feel left out, she then pulled you and Eli in for a group hug., "Moya milaya malen'kaya sem'ya, kak zhe ya tebya lyublyu.," and at the sound of her mama's voice Eli's cries faded into sniffles, and as her face was no longer blanketed by the shade of the hug you could see she'd regained her peace.
(My sweet little family, oh how I love you.)
"That's so unfair.," you whined while settling into the passenger side of the car, shifting in your seat you pulled your knees to your chest, and looked over to pout up at your wife. She looked to you with stern eyes, but the slight amusement was readable in her soft smirk., "Detka, sit properly—that's really dangerous.," you groaned, putting your feet back down, then she rewarded you with a peck to your lips, "You're such a mom...," she simply shook her head at your childish behaviors, then she started the car and began the hour long journey into the city to meet Yelena at the compound where a quinjet was waiting for all.
As soon as she parked the car in Tony's garage she tapped your shoulder to wake you up, she watched you in pure adoration as you stretched out your limbs, much like your cats Liho and Bonnie usually do every morning beside you., "Good morning sleeping beauty.," she teased, and you smiled widely at her, meeting her halfway when you saw her leaning in for a kiss. She hummed against you, more than satisfied with the cherry chapstick that adorned your pillow soft lips. Had it not been for the loud knock on your window that startled you away from your wife she'd likely have stayed here lazily making out with you for at least an hour.
Yelena stood off to the side, her arms were folded over her chest, and she wore the signature scowl you'd grown accustomed to. It was designed with you in mind—the American woman that was allowed to love her sister, but had apparently waited years to make a move.  To her it makes no sense, why did it take you three years to make it official? Not only that, but she’s yet to see what possibly could’ve drawn Natasha to you—you were her opposite.
Yelena had no faith in you, she trusted you just as much as she did Dreykov, and even then she at least knew what to expect with the sleaze ball. With you it was all sunshine's, and rainbows, but she was truly convinced it was all a ploy; no one is that happy. It felt to her as if you were only here to give Natasha a false sense of security, and in the end it would be revealed that you were just another person sent to ruin the redheads life and to break her heart. She was here to see to it that you didn’t have that chance, she just needed to find proof.
It was irrational, especially when Natasha had repeatedly told her herself that you were true, but until Yelena could truly understand you she would never be able to believe it. Because even when she sees you with your shared kids, everything in her says you're only just playing the part of a doting wife, and adoring mother. Yelena found this trip, that was your idea, to be the perfect opportunity to seek out her truth. Because if her deep suspicions reign true then she would have no problem killing you in her home country for her sister's sake.
Natasha got out of the car first, hugging her sister tightly while you collected the luggage., "Vesti sebya.," You then greeted Yelena with a friendly smile and wave, but all you got in return was a curt nod before the blonde was making her way to the quinjet., "This is going to be harder than I thought.," you quietly muttered to yourself, but of course your wife heard it, and in turn she brought you in for a tight hug, and a reassuring kiss., "This will either work or it won't moya lyubov', and if it doesn't then it's her loss, because I mean it that this is her final chance to come around."
Disagreeing with your wife would've been of no use, you knew that when she said something so profound that she meant it. Yelena's on her last leg with her sister, so you were going to do all you could this week to convince the blonde you were of no threat to your wife, kids, nor her.
The flight to Russia was long, even with the jet cutting it in half, so most of the time you spent sleeping in your wife's lap while the jet flew itself. Natasha ran a hand up and down your side while reading a book she'd been waiting for all year, all the while ignoring her sister's harsh glares until she was annoyed enough.
"Ona ne vrag.," Natasha suddenly spoke, causing Yelena to move her glare up from you., "My uvidim ob etom.," Natasha groaned at her sister's continual resistance to your existence., "Perestan' byt' takim nedoverchivym. Ona moya zhena, a ne KGB.," Yelena shrugged at her sister's pleas for blind trust, and opted instead for planning to do her own research.
(She's not the enemy.) (We'll see about that.) (Stop being so distrusting. She is my wife, not the KGB.)
When the jet landed outside of the secluded cabin you rented Natasha gently woke you up., "Moya lyubov', we're here.," she smiled down at you, her heart melting at the dopey smile you gave her, and at the tiny squeaks you had produced while stretching., "It's kinda cold.," you observed, causing the redhead to chuckle before pulling you up and into her embrace., "Welcome to Russia detka.," she mused, the both of you shared a sweet kiss, then Natasha was quick to wrap her jacket around you to shield you from the frigid Russia air.
Yelena quietly observed the two of you in your intimate bubble, part of her found Natasha's carefree side to be a good sign, but she still held deep reservations that kept her guard up. Once the both of you got off the jet she was soon to follow, entering to find you were set up in the kitchen making dinner, and Natasha was in the room she picked out for the both of you. Yelena said nothing as she passed you by, and headed straight to her room to freshen up.
You sighed at the continued cold shoulder, but it wasn't anything less than expected on your end. Yelena was stubborn, seemingly more so than Natasha had been all those years ago, so you knew earning her trust would take time. For dinner you decided to try to start bridging the divide by making borscht, then for dessert you made a delicious honey cake, and it was all finished just in time as the sisters entered the room in the midst of a conversation in Russian while you were applying the finishing touches.
"Hey, perfect timing! Dinner is ready.," you announced, a friendly smile on your face in the hopes that Yelena would see you were trying., "I'm not hungry.," the blonde deadpans, but in a contradictory manner she snatches a granola bar off the counter and heads back to her room, leaving you looking more than defeated. That simply broke your wife's heart, and if not for your hand tugging her towards the table she'd have given Yelena a piece of her mind., "It's okay Natty, this will take time, she doesn't trust me, of course she won't trust my food."
Natasha did her best to cheer you up, telling you stupid stories about Clint while eating far more than she should have, but the way you lit up at the sight of her enjoying your attempt at a traditional Russian meal made the incoming stomachache more than worth it. After eating she urged you into the shower, telling you to relax and that she'd do all the cleaning.
Yelena took this brief moment to do some snooping around, she quietly rummaged through your belongings, looking for any clue that you weren't who you said you were, but then she heard your playlist shuffle to her favorite song, and she nearly blew her cover., "So bye-bye, Miss American Pie, drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry.," she approached the bathroom door with intrigue., "Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye; singing, 'This'll be the day that I die.,' "she smiled, a genuine one when she heard you singing the song, and reflexively she whispered along too., "This will be the day that I die."
Then she heard the sound of running water coming to an end, the thought of either of you finding her in here a frightening one, so she made quick work to return your items to your bag before slipping out just in the nick of time before Natasha was making her way back to your room. As you exited the shower though you were hit with a whiff of pine, and vodka; Yelena had been in here, and you were not even the slightest bit mad as you hadn't nary a thing to hide, and hoped she discovered that.
Natasha entered the room a few minutes later, a wide smirk on her face as the space now smelled distinctly of your lavender products, and you were stood there in a pair of panties with your back to her while sorting through your bag for weather appropriate pajama's. Quietly she tiptoed over to you, her arms snaking around the soft skin of your waist, and her chin resting on your shoulder., "You smell so good lyubov'.," she softly whispered, her lips brushing against the skin of your ear causing a shiver to run down your spine., "You cold?"
With all the strength you could muster you hummed a soft yes, but the shake you tried to hide was prominent to the spies ears., "I've got a surefire way to warm you up moya lyubov'," she rasped into your ear, her lips quick to press against the bare skin of your shoulders, and a moan left your lips against your will when she began to suck the skin between her teeth., "Just say the word baby, and I'll have your body warmed up in no time.," her hands were softly cupping your breasts when you gave her the go ahead she needed., "Please, I need you so bad Natty...," your wife's callous thumbs trailed over your hardened nipples in a silent confirmation, she was internally beaming over how easy it was to be getting her way.
In quick succession her hands fell to your hips to spin you around, and just as she expected you were wearing that soft smile of yours, with eyes that swam with immense waves of love. This sight of you so willing to be at her mercy always excited her., "You are so beautiful, my perfect angel, always so ready to please.," and before you could mumble your agreements her lips were swallowing your heartfelt words.
Natasha seamlessly guided your body back to the mattress while her tongue explored the familiar territory that was your mouth. Gentle was the name of the game tonight, so she took extra special care to cradle your head, and lower back as she laid you down beneath her., "Moya lyubov', you gotta be quiet for me.," she mumbles against your jawline as she's begun trailing soft kisses along your skin en route to your nipples., "Can you do that for me detka?"
Feverishly you'd nodded, but as she pinched your nipple, pulling a muffled whimper from you, it was clear she was expecting words., "Yes, mommy, I promise to be quiet.," her lips wrapped around your nipples, the widow sucked upon the nub harshly in an attempt to tease your limits, while nimble fingers slowly trailed down your body, procuring a line of goosebumps from the side of your breast, down your stomach, and stopping at your thigh.
Her fingers remained on your thigh, tapping every once in awhile just to taunt you while Natasha paid such close attention to your breasts, leaving her deep marks behind. She was expertly working you up until your entire body was burning with a desperate need for so much more. It was just as she promised, that familiar warmth quickly spread throughout your body when those fingers you craved so desperately finally pushed your panties to the side, and slid right on into your wet heat.
Natasha had released your nipple with a pop, wanting to see the strain in your face as you did so well with restraining your reactive sounds., "Good fucking girl.," she praised, plump lips leaving a wet kiss in between the valley of your breasts, a raspy chuckle soon following as your body shivered over the simplest of praises. You'd always been such a good girl for her, it was something she truly appreciated, but she'd also be lying to say she didn't have a wonderful time punishing you when you're being a brat.
While her fingers were thrusting deeply into your squelching cunt, her lips were traveling down your body to join their effort, and upon facing your arousal smeared folds she let out a small groan of her own., "Such a generous pussy you have moya lyubov'," she smirked when a tiny whimper managed to breech your lips, her fingers instantly stilled inside you, the way you looked down at her was truly pitiful., "Keep it quiet detka, or I'll have to stop.," she warned right before sucking your clit into her mouth, her free arm flying up to still your hips.
Natasha loved how needy you always were for her, to be needed by you was her greatest joy, and to bring you to the brink of pleasure was something she would never willingly give up. Her fingers had met quite the resistance due to the way her tongue was swirling around your sensitive nub, and with how her teeth were occasionally grazing over it, it had all left you teetering deliciously over the edge, and your lover who knew you like the back of her hand, knew that it was likely going to be impossible for you to contain your pleasurable screams.
So her free hand that had been previously holding your hips still made its way up your body, giving a slight squeeze to your throat, that was met with your walls mirroring her actions as they harshly clenched around her. Natasha continued to move her hand up, she tapped three fingers over your lips, you were grateful for the offer, releasing your lower lip that had been painfully being held prisoner you allowed her digits to slip right in—just in time.
Natasha's fingers muffled your intense screams, the orgasm she'd built you up to so slowly came rushing right out of you after she curled her fingers one final time, pressing into that deeply rooted pleasure point within you, all while her tongue lashed over your clit. Slowly she brought her fingers to a stop, she could feel you whining around her fingers as she removed them, but her replacing them with her tongue seemed to settle you instantly.
She dove her tongue into you as far as she could to garner as much of your arousal as she possibly could, Natasha was never the type to waste, she cleaned you up happily, getting lost in the moment even. Moans of all sorts left her, and to no one's shock you came again. It was a true delight to the redhead, she could never get enough of you, and she only ever removed her face from between your thighs when she heard a sniffle, and felt you suckling on her fingers in an obvious attempt to self soothe.
Natasha kissed all the way back up your body until her face was hovering above yours, her eyes were staring into yours adoringly, the sight of faint tear tracks softened her, and her lips quirked up affectionately before they were pressing to yours in the most caring manner., "YA tebya lyublyu.," she sighed against your kiss swollen lips, "Moy prekrasnyy rebenok.," her forehead was pressed to yours, your shaky breaths fanning across her face, warming her slick covered cheeks, and her heart was soon to follow when your brain cleared up just enough for you to croak out an., "I love you too."
(I love you) (My beautiful baby)
"There she is.," she cooed just before smirking., "Tell me now detka, are you all warmed up?," you softly glared up at your wife, earning you a playful warning glance., "Yes mommy.," she hummed in approval., "Thank you.," and at the show of manners she couldn't contain herself, she laid kisses all over your face, the giggling you were emitting only further spurring her on until your face turned to catch her lips.
Natasha briefly reciprocated the sweet kiss, but much to your dismay she removed her body from atop of yours, and the cold left in her wake caused you to squeal in distress. In that moment your wife wondered why she agreed to this trip, you've never been good with the cold., "Shh, moya lyubov', it's gonna be okay.," she cooed, her movements were swift when moving to clean you up, whispered apologies all she had to offer as the warm rag still came with a chill., "There we go angel, all nice and toasty."
You reached up for your wife instantly, because even with the thick sweatpants and t-shirt combo you wanted to create an inferno under the blankets with your collective body heats., "Just a moment detka, gotta change into my pajamas, then I'm all yours.," and within a minutes time Natasha was slipping beneath the many blankets you'd collected, and pulling you into her warm embrace., "Sweet dreams."
When morning arrived it was accompanied by a groan of displeasure, the clock flashing 5:00AM, you cursed the chill in the air that had managed to seep through the thick comforters, and inevitably caused your eyes to flutter open. Natasha instinctively awoke at the sound of your grievance, her eyes quick to observe your pouting face, the sight had her instantly pulling you even closer, and she was quick to kiss you., "What's the matter moya lyubov'?," you sighed, shifting to your side to face your wife, and for a moment all your problems seemed far away.
Then another wafting of cold air across your exposed arm left you to shiver, and the redhead knowingly smirked., "Need some warming up? Is that it my sweetest girl?," her teasing was followed by hearty laughter when you tried to shove her away., "You're far too insatiable.," she only laughed harder., "Well, when you have a wife like mine, and no kids around for miles, what else am I meant to do with this time?," you deadpanned., "Make your sister like me.," and with your pained words she was frowning., "It'll happen detka, it's hard not to love you, and Lena will see that soon enough.," the redhead settled a loving kiss to your forehead., "I'll make breakfast today lyubov', you rest."
Natasha left the room shortly after making the offer, she'd wanted to hold you in silence for a moment, and you held no protests, her arms were one of the very few places you felt safe. Once she left you pondered what to do with this day, then you decided it best to be a lazy day, one where Yelena would be able to get to observe you and Natasha in your element. Nothing extravagant was necessary, and so you threw on a pair of sweats, Nat's Shield hoodie, and a pair of fuzzy socks before making your way to the living space. Yelena had been sat on the couch while talking excitedly with Natasha about her dog—Fanny, and you truly felt guilty when the conversation died as you entered.
Seeing the sisters so close left your heart aching, it'd been months since either had the time for one another, and you think that's in part to the arrival of Eliana. Natasha saw how her constant absence affected her bond with Jackson, and whenever Eliana wailed for her she hardly had it in her to leave anymore. Those tidbits, accompanied with the night she came home to find you passed out in the tub, exhaustion written all over your features were enough to push her towards her retirement.
It left you to wonder if most of Yelena's reservations stemmed from the "suspicious" hold you had on your wife. Natasha was reluctant to leave the house without you nowadays, she was once a free agent who found familiarity to be boring. Never one to stay in one place for long, then you showed up, popped out a couple of kids for her, and suddenly her preferred Saturday is a night in with her family. There's nothing wrong with such things, but to Yelena it almost seems like you weakened her sister, and she wonders why else would you have sought to do that if you weren't an enemy of some kind.
A part of you worries that the poor girl is still entrapped in the "Love is for Children.," mindset you once found Natasha living in. You're also starting to fear that the blonde is failing to realize that you and Natasha had actually bonded over being free agents, that you didn’t change her, the both of you just simply evolved.
The two of you met when Tony recruited you to join the Avengers team of misfits, the powers you held a clear benefit to them. Natasha was wary around you for the better part of the first year, but after an undercover mission that lasted three months she warmed up to you. Even still, she was guarded, and it took you two years of being a member to convince her to even consider you as a close friend. On off days you began to take her to your favorite places, odd spots off the radar of most civilians; you would tell her stories of your times at Hydra where your powers were forced upon you. Eventually this led to her sharing her story, the twisted tales of the Red room, and the ones about the lost sister she always wished to find.
After three years of knowing one another, the obvious sexual tension had grown rather thick between the two of you. Neither of you were willing to ruin the fostered friendship, until that drunken love confession at a Stark party, spurred on by your jealous rage at seeing Bruce so close to the redhead. Natasha smirked upon hearing you admit your feelings, rather happily she welcomed your advances, she was only ever flirting with Bruce as a means to pass time until she would have the courage to go after you, and luckily for her it worked in her favor, because once she had you it was game over.
The marriage, and the family came after a close call with your health a year later. Cho grimly informed you that your powers were actually killing you. The powers to manipulate poisons, and fire to the worlds benefit were having a reverse personal effect, and the only way to fix anything was to render you powerless. To undo all that Hydra did, and to return your physiology to a base level. Natasha had been terrified, especially when you considered not going through with it. Having these powers was all you'd known since your teens, and to part ways felt a bit too wrong; forbidden really.
But having Natasha screaming at you before sobbing uncontrollably, sharing all her dreams for an eventual life with you solidified your decisions, and now here you both are—reformed adrenaline junkies, consumed by an unwavering love for one another, with two blessings created from that aforementioned love, and a stubborn in law trying to ruin all the good in which she doesn't understand.
Natasha hadn't been looking in your direction when the tense silence fell, too focused on not burning the pancakes and bacon to even spare a glance back. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that you must've gotten up for Yelena to have suddenly stopped gleefully shouting. A heavy sigh fell from her lips at her sister's unending animosity towards you, and she herself was wondering if this was even worth it anymore. It'd been a year since she found Yelena, and what was once a happy discovery has been tainted by this perplexing divide the younger widow has created.
Nevertheless, she is going to give this one last chance for your sake, so as to not leave you feeling guilty about the downfall. Ever the mediator she enters the dining area with plates of food, instructions given to the both of you to join the table, and for a few moments you all eat in tense silence until she finally breaks it., "So ladies, what's the plan for today, hm?"
Yelena's cutlery clattered against the table, but she said nothing, leaving you to look to your wife with eyes full of obvious discouragement., "I thought today could just be a lazy day.," your wife hummed in contemplation, sending you over a comforting smile after a moments time., "That sounds wonderful moya lyubov', we can each pick out a movie to watch.," she offers, and without giving it away she kicks her sister in the leg, a silent message to cooperate or else.
Natasha saw you visibly relax when Yelena mumbled out a disgruntled "Yes.," her heart even swelled when you went from pushing the food around your plate to scarfing it all down.
"Pochemu ona tak mnogo spit?," Yelena asked her sister who'd been admiring your sleeping face for the last few minutes. Natasha didn't appreciate the judgement in her tone, but she answered her anyways., "Ona dolgoye vremya bolela, poetomu teper' spit naugad, chtoby prisposobit'sya k izmeneniyam v svoyem tele."
(Why does she sleep so much?) (She was sick for a long time, so now she naps at random to accommodate the changes to her body.)
Yelena's frown she'd been wearing deepened, she knew the bulk of your story, but this is the first she's hearing of you ever being sick., "Chem bolen? Pochemu ty mne ne skazal?," Natasha scoffed at her sister's truly offensive question., "Eto bylo do togo, kak ty vernulas', i ty yasno vyrazila svoyu nenavist', tak chto bylo bespolezno govorit' tebe, Yelena.," the bite in her tone made Yelena recoil, she'd yet to hear it even with how she'd treated you thus far, but it was clear to the blonde her sister was fed up.
(Sick with what? Why didn't you tell me?) (It was before you were back, and you made your hatred clear so it bared no use telling you Yelena.)
The sisters both turned back to the TV, the movie you chose one that Yelena actually liked herself, and for the first time since meeting you she thought that maybe you weren't that bad.
Come lunch time the sisters had both moved onto doing their own thing, and you found yourself back in the kitchen cooking, but this time the meal was for your wife, and you. No sense in making food for the blonde again, so you left a box of Kraft on the corner of the counter, with a bottle of hot sauce before slipping out of the communal space to return to your wife. Yelena hurriedly made her way into the kitchen once she heard your door shut, the smell of whatever you had made wafted to her room, causing her stomach to grumble.
After seeing Natasha so upset earlier, and definitely not because everything you made had her salivating, she decided she'd at least try your meal, but she found herself to be pretty disappointed when finding the used pots empty and in the sink. The resentment that never truly left was back to the forefront of her mind, and just as she prepared to huff like a petulant child she found that you had extended her an olive branch of sorts by leaving factory sealed favorites of hers on the counter.
The following few days went much the same, Natasha did most of the cooking, with you there to guide her since this wasn't her strong suit. Then you'd plan out some activity for the day that Yelena reluctantly agreed to on account of her sister's ever present scowling from beyond your shoulder. It felt like you were making headway too, the blonde was greeting you without prompting, or at least you thought she was, but now that you're sat here watching her fight with her sister in Russian you understand the previous peace was a ruse.
Today was the fifth day of the week long trip, and it seemed to be off to a very rocky start, with Nat having received a call from Steve pleading for help. Retired as you both may be, you were reluctant to cut your found family off completely. Since you were in Russia he asked your wife to do some simple intel collection, a job that required hardly anything of her, and she finally accepted with your given blessing.
Yelena was not as gracious., "Ne ostavlyay menya s ney nayedine.," she seethed in her mother tongue right before your very eyes., "Prekrati, tebe pora zadumat'sya o vzroslenii Yelena.," Natasha growled back, her body half way out the door already, and with a harsh glare the blonde let her go, and stomped back to her room like a tantrum throwing toddler.
(Don't leave me alone with her.) (Stop it, it's time for you to consider growing up Yelena.)
"Wow, no wonder her and Jackson are best friends.," you teased your wife, successfully lightening her mood as she chuckled, and she was even more grateful that you had made your way over to send her off with a tender kiss., "I'll be back shortly detka, I promise.," her eyes were apologetic, and yours were forgiving, silently telling her that all was going to be fine.
Yelena had been held up in her room for hours, and after another laugh came from you she had had about enough. Entering the living room in a rush she made her way in front of the TV to block you from watching., "Do you have to hog the only form of entertainment in this cabin?," you found her childlike manners amusing to say the least, but the disdain was growing tired., "Yelena, there's multiple seats here, feel free to take one, but if that doesn't work for you on account of you pointlessly hating me, then maybe go build a snowman or something."
The blonde was taken aback by your words, because though the proposed hatred was real, it had been an unspoken truth up until now. Mostly because she hadn't decided if the hatred she felt was deeply seeded, or just a cover up for something else, but either way she found your confidence in verbalizing it admirable. Silently, she sat herself down, choosing to watch whatever you selected, and you fought to hold back a smile at your subtle win.
"Natasha said you were sick.," Yelena states matter of factly after many beats of silence., "Yeah, I was.," you curtly replied, unsure if you were willing to let this be the first, and potentially only conversation the two of you will have engaged in., "What kind of sick?," you sigh, using the remote you turn off the TV, and turned to face her rather unamused., "Not that it's really any of your business Yelena, but to make a long story short my powers had been slowly killing me, and had it not been for your sister's persistence I was going to let them."
Yelena looked at you mildly shocked that you'd confess something so vulnerable when all she's been to you so far is cold., "Why would you let Natasha fall in love with you, then selfishly choose death over loving my sister back?," you chuckled humorlessly at her preposterous question., "That wasn't what was happening in that moment Yelena. Those powers I'd had to lose were all I knew for a very long time, and letting go was scary.," a tear fell as you recalled that day, but you did your best to continue as you ignored the salty droplet on your cheek.
"Death never scared me all that much, it was as natural an occurrence as breathing, truly merciful in nature really. If I'm being honest it was the living that left me terrified, every step I took carried this massive responsibility, and to finally have a say in matters that concerned me left me leaning towards letting nature win out. My pragmatic mind reasoned that Nat would be fine, but when I finally looked to her I was never more sure in my decision to stay."
"What did she do?," you felt uneasy answering, this was all so vulnerable, and it didn't feel like you were sharing with family here, it felt more like an interview with one of the nosy tabloids. Still, you were willing to share if it earned you some of her trust, or at least less of her hatred., "Well, besides all the screaming she did, it was actually the initial look in her eyes. They held this concoction of emotions, but beneath it all was this childlike fear that broke my heart. After all those stories of her loss, and grief I couldn't believe I'd considered leaving her, and so I simply went back to having no powers."
Yelena hummed, leaning back into the couch she turned back to watch the TV, leaving you feeling a bit used, and very heavily vulnerable. Fortunately for you, it was now 4PM, so it didn't surprise you when your phone rang, you stood up to excuse yourself, wiping away the tears before you answered on the last ring., "Mommy! Loot! I go potty on da big potty.," you smiled warmly at your son, failing to see the brief concern flashing over Clint's face., "I'm so proud of you mommy's big boy!"
You watched him dancing around the bathroom, his chubby cheeks jiggling, and bringing a genuine smile to your face. While Jackson was washing his hands based on your instructions, your eyes drifted towards Clint., "Where's Nat?," you heard the concern in his voice, and internally you slapped yourself for letting him even see you like this., "Mission.," Clint nodded, though he was a bit confused, you knew he'd be sure to call her right after.
"Mommy, Mama come home soon?," your sons voice was full of a sadness that cracked your heart right open., "Mhm baby, just be a good boy for a couple more days and we'll come to get you.," your son blew you a kiss before he ran off to watch cartoons, and Clint gave you a few minutes to stare at your little girl who'd yet to wake up., "We'll call back at bedtime, bye for now Y/N.," you smiled at the man, then you allowed your face to fall as the phone clicked.
Upon entering the kitchen to make dinner you found the blonde already working on it., "Hm, what poison shall I expect to be dying from tonight?," you asked., "I'm an expert in all things poison you know.," your anxious heart settled some when Yelena genuinely snorted., "Fortunately for you, I left all of my arson back in the states."
"Good, arson is such a boring poison anyways, you'd have been better off using cantharadin.," you observed the way her shoulders became a smidgen less tense, and you chocked it up to a win while reaching for the last bottle of rose, and allowing a bit of silence to fall while the blonde fixed what looked to be meatloaf.
Natasha's mission was truly effortless, she actually enjoyed the familiar field work, but the high faded fast; she entered the cabin scowling after a phone call with her best friend., "Yelena, what the fuck did you do?!," she shouted, but when she saw the two of you sat at the table giggling she was taken all the way aback., "Natty, you're home! We made dinner!"
"Actually, I made dinner while Y/N polished off our last bottle of wine by herself.," Yelena mused, and you giggled whilst haphazardly throwing yourself into Nat's tense body. The way she instantly softened at your touch wasn't lost on Yelena, she was starting to see that you were truly no threat after an hour spent asking your drunk brain for answers, and listening in partial disgust at the way you practically swooned over Natasha, and told her stories of your life together she'd never needed to hear.
Nevertheless, she was starting to come around to you, being forced to share a space alone with you clearly worked in everyone's favor today. Natasha was still confused, but to see Yelena was talking to and laughing with you, and not staring daggers into your soul like normal was an obvious improvement, and she wasn't about to question it. She sat down, pulling you into her lap with ease as she did, feeding you and eating the delicious mystery meat all while having a calm conversation with the both of you that veered so far off track that you're all now getting ready to head to a Moscow bar.
"Natty! Did you see? She's warming up to me.," you squealed, and your wife smiled fondly, she'd always found your excitable nature rather adorable., "Yes lyubov', I saw that, but I also heard you were crying. Care to explain?," her hands were cupping your cheeks so that you'd be forced to face her in case you tried to lie for her sisters benefit., "Yelena asked me all about when I was sick, and it felt kinda icky telling her, but it's okay now, I promise!"
Natasha's face remained unreadable for a few seconds, then you melted into her touch when she smiled at you, her lips tenderly pressed to yours and for a moment you lost yourselves in the kiss., "Hello! I am ready, so you should be too.," Natasha groaned., "Blya petukh blok.," then she gently pecked your lips a few times, a bit reluctant to stop honestly, but she knows that the more the two of you bond, the easier her life will surely become., "We're coming!"
(Fucking cock block)
Natasha nursed her beer at the bar while you and Yelena danced around the joint like madwoman after your vodka shot competition left the both of you absolutely hammered., "Privet, krasavitsa.," the redheads smile fell into an immediate grimace at the gruff voice., "Ne interesno.," she coldly remarked, her eyes never even sparing the man a glance., "Davay detka.," the moment his hand settled over her arm it was being spun behind his back.
Natasha's eyes widened when she saw you'd shoved the man into the counter, "No means no bucko!," you slurred, Yelena snorted at your words, but her amusement died when her sister glared at her., "Y/N, let him go, let's not make a scene.," she tried to pull you off the man who was currently yelping but it was to no avail., "Skazhi, chto ty sozhaleyesh'.," and after the man's arm was twisted until a crack was heard he sincerely apologized to your wife.
(Hello beautiful) (Not interested) (Come on baby) (Say you're sorry)
"Detka, when did you learn Russian?," your shocked lover asks you as you fall into her., "I'm doing Duolingo, want our babies to be able to speak both languages, it's only fair I learned too.," you mumbled over a long yawn, Natasha's hand scratching at your scalp not helping to combat your exhaustion., "Cute.," Natasha was too enamored by you to notice the man rearing back to sock you, but Yelena saw it as the golden opportunity to be violent, and in turn finally give you her stamp of approval after seeing you drunkenly defend her sister.
"That is how it is done.," Yelena beams at you, Natasha's mouth is at a loss for words as she observes the broken glass, and the unconscious man who's body crumpled to the floor., "Etogo ne mozhet byt'.," Natasha groaned just as her hand gripped Yelena by the nape of her neck, then she threw your giggling form over her shoulder, and beat feet before the Russian law enforcement got involved—seeing as how her and Yelena are wanted fugitives around here.
(This can't be happening)
"What?," Natasha grumbled while staring at her sister through the crack in the door. Yelena smiled anyway, lifting up a green smoothie of sorts., "For the sick one.," Natasha hesitated to take the glass, but she is an expert at reading her sister, so she sees no hidden agendas are at play here., "She is a lightweight by the way.," the blonde teased, the door was then slammed in her face the next second., "Hey! That's not very nice, I wanted to join the party."
Natasha returned to your side in the bathroom, her hand gently ran over your arm, causing you to lift your head out of the toilet. The pout on your face was cute enough to kiss away, but the reality that you just vomited wasn't forgotten., "Here moya lyubov', drink this smoothie, then we'll take a shower and get right into bed.," you grimaced at the sight of the green slop, but the green eyes staring you down held no room for your rebuts, so you pinched your nose, and miraculously gagged the whole thing down.
"Good girl.," Natasha praised, enjoying the tired smile you rewarded her with., "Come now my fiercest protector.," she lovingly teased, you accepted her extended hand, and Natasha pulled you up, and into the warmed shower., "Rest now honey, you know I got you."
The loud ringing of a phone woke you up rather suddenly that your body jolted up, the pounding in your head was not exactly a fan., "Sorry moya lyubov', but also come here and talk to the babies.," you scooted into your wife's side, the blanket pulled up high, and as your eyes adjusted you noticed it was only 4:30AM so that meant is was 8:30PM back home in New York., "Goodnight Mama, Goodnight Mommy, I lub you!!!," Jackson shouted, the both of you chuckled when Clint's hand raised to turn his hearing aids off., "Goodnight baby, we love and miss you so very much."
You held tightly to your wife's hand, the shake in her voice enough to tell you just how much she missed your little ones, and you were at the same point, but due to a forecasted blizzard you couldn't leave a day early like you wanted. Laura now had the phone as she was rocking Eli, who's soft whimpers died down as soon as her mommies voices surrounded her. Then Natasha began humming a familiar Russian lullaby, and both kids were out like a light., "Looks like you took another one down.," Laura teased, your soft snores causing the women to share a laugh before ending the call.
Natasha lowered your bodies back down, an uneasiness weighing heavily on her chest, she couldn't exactly place the cause, but she pulled you closer in the hopes of quelling the feeling., "YA tak lyublyu tebya, dorogoy. Moye serdtse b'yetsya tol'ko dlya tebya i nashikh malyshey.," and as if you had this sixth sense you turned in her hold, pulling her even closer to you, and nuzzling your face into her neck. Your actions caused a soft sigh to leave her lips, and brought a relieved smile to her face.
(I love you so much honey. My heart only beats for you, and our littles.)
At a much more appropriate time, 10AM, the both of you exited your room, hand in hand en route to fix a pot of coffee for your hangover. Natasha kissed your cheek before offering to make the life saving beverage so you could relax on the couch. Yelena had already been in the living room watching a Russian show., "Good morning to you, the coffee is all gone, and I do not apologize.," she laughed manically when you fell into the couch with a huff., "Maybe wake up earlier next time."
The blonde gulped when you glared at her, Natasha chuckled at the sight, because she knows what it's like to be on the receiving end.  With one kiss to your lips you lost all the fight, and Yelena was a bit shocked to feel grateful., "We're going to also need more firewood.," your wife mentioned while you continued to sulk on the couch., "If this one expects to survive tonights blizzard that is; I'm fine."
"Ha! So funny, how about along with your blizzard I add onto it a cold shoulder free of charge.," you grumbled, lifting your arm from over your eyes to glare at the smirking redhead, you stuck your tongue out at her for emphasis before rolling over to hide from the offensive light., "Natasha, be nice to my new sister over there, captain lightweight was your superhero name right? This was to be expected really."
"I take it back, you can return to hating me, I will only tolerate the teasing if it is towards Nat or Clint.," you groaned into the couch, the response was muffled, but the blonde heard you perfectly., "Barton? Oh, I am so in!"
Natasha smiled fondly at the sight of you two finally getting along, even if it was at her best friend's expense; the old man could handle it.
"Tasha, are you going to get my firewood?," the redhead snorted when she saw you shivering., "I'll head out in a few minutes.," she began to agree to it, but then her brows furrowed at the text on her phone., "Actually, could you two manage? Steve's having difficulty decoding the files, and the blizzard is already underway."
Natasha threw your whining form over her shoulder., "We'll be right back.," she spoke to the amused blonde, then she took you to your shared space to change you into warmer clothes for your trek through the frigid tundra., "Detka, three jackets seems a bit like overkill.," she laughed, but the sight of you all bundled up and pouting made her heart fill with warmth.
She secretly snapped a photo of you, then she placed a kiss to your nose while pulling a furry beanie over your head before guiding you back to the living space., "You two be safe now, don't let the big bad snow take you guys out.," she was quick to grab you before you could angrily waddle away., "I love you detka, hurry back.," you never could stay mad at her, so you leaned forward to plant a sloppy kiss to her cheek in subtle retaliation to the taunts, but then you kissed her deeply, leaving her near breathless., "I love you too Natty, I expect cuddles when I return.," she nodded then pushed you on out.
Yelena had went to follow, but a hand on her bicep stopped her., "Zabotit'sya o ney.," the fear of losing you was evident to the blonde., "Eto prosto sneg.," the quip was playful, but Natasha saw in her eyes that she'd take your safety seriously now that she'd let her initial reservations go; you're her family now. The knowledge settled the redhead's nervous heart, but as you two walked away she felt that uneasiness from this morning seeping back into her chest, and if not for her phone ringing she was about to follow the both of you.
(Take care of her) (It's just snow.)
Yelena found your complaining amusing for all of like ten seconds., "Here—it'll take the edge off, and warm you up since you're shivering.," the flask got a genuine smile out of you, of course she has a flask full of vodka in her vests pockets. After a long sip, and the consequent shiver you handed it back to her., "Seriously though, three jackets—what's the point?"
"It's freezing Lena.," you groaned, speeding up in your state of annoyance you missed the way her lips quirked at the nickname you gave her., "Cold is simply a state of mind Y/N Y/L/N.," you turned to her with a scowl., "Romanoff."
Three loud thuds sounded off behind you, and in real time you watched Yelena's face fall, and her wrists raise., “Yelena, what the hell?,” but before you could get your answers you were harshly thrown into a tree., "Y/N, stay down.," the blonde grunted, you were a bit disoriented but you soon noticed the three burly men all surrounding the widow., "Like hell I will.," you replied, jumping to your feet you entered the fight, successful in impairing one of the men, but now as you dangled over a cliff you were thinking you should’ve listened to Yelena.
Tears clouded your vision every time your body lowered, the grappling hook Yelena managed to attach you to at the last second while being thrown about wasn’t having much luck with the inclement weather you were facing. It was funny really, you meant it when you said death had never scared you, but now, after seeing all this life had to offer you you’re truly terrified. Natasha wasn’t exactly equipped to raise the kids on her own, and more importantly you weren’t ready to cause a heartbreak like this.
For some reason after you were thrown off the side of the cliff the men had retreated, as if the odds weren’t in the favor being three to one over two, which wasn’t logical with Yelena’s shoulder being dislocated, and her focus being split to you. Nothing here made any sense to you, but facing imminent death you hadn’t really had much time to ponder their motives.
“Y/N, hold on okay, Natasha will be here soon, hold my hand…,” you looked up, wincing at the way even the slightest of movements loosened the hooks grip., “Yelena, listen to me—we don’t have long before this hook gives way, and if I were to grab your hand we’d both go down.,” the blonde knew you spoke the truth, but in the moment all rationality went out the window., “Grab my hand damnit, you can’t die!,” she shrieked., “We just became sisters, and you have a family to get home to!”
“Tell Natasha that Jackson only likes ketchup with his fries, try it with anything else and it’s automatically the ‘icky’ sauce.,” you softly said while tears continued to fall down your cheek., “Eli’s favorite stuffy—Mr. Frog, she can’t sleep without him, let her know that I have a box full of replacements for that damn thing in the hallway closet for emergencies.”
The hook shifted again, and you screeched as your body shifted down further at a rapid pace., “Tell her I wasn’t scared; that I was brave.,” you breathed heavily in anticipation., “Even if I wasn’t, she doesn’t need to think I died scared, and remind her I wasn’t alone.”
“No! You’ll tell her, I know she’s coming!,” you smiled up at the blonde one last time, she had the hook under her hand in a vice grip, and if you were to shift again she’d be thrown down with you, and that was the last thing you want., “It’ll be okay Lena, you will all be alright.”
“Please, don’t go Y/N… I-I’m sorry, oh God, this is all my fucking fault.,” her guilty sobs caused your heart to ache, and so you spent your final moments trying to offer her support., “You tried to save me Lena, at one point you wanted me gone, but now look at you. Thanks for becoming my sister, it was truly an honor that I didn’t take lightly. Tell Natasha that I love her please, and take your hand off the hook—there’s no need for both of us to die…”
Yelena violently shook her head, but when she finally looked into your eyes she saw the pure desperation they held. No matter how much she willed it to not be the case, you were right. So the blonde let go, she began to hum the tune of American Pie, you chuckled sadly as you recognized it from the other night, and the irony of the unspoken lyrics weren’t lost on you as you free fell down the mountain side, the image of your happy family in your mind, and the sound of your wife’s voice the last thing you heard before you were met with silence.
Natasha stood there in a state of shock, had the snowmobile been able to surpass the speed of 40mph she would’ve been here in time… When she finally peered over the mountain side it was nothing but a thick mist, there was no proof you’d even fallen besides Yelena’s sobs, so the redhead refused to believe it. There’s no way you’re dead, you were just in her arms like an hour ago; this had to be a joke. Your wife picked her sister’s beaten down body up off the snow, ignoring her incessant sobbing as she placed her on the snowmobile, there was no need to engage her, you were perfectly fine.
When they reached the bottom of the mountain Natasha was flying off the dreadful machinery., “Y/N! This isn’t funny! Show yourself now, and I promise I won’t be mad! Christmas is right around the corner—I swear I’ll return all of your gifts!,” Yelena whimpered at the sounds of her sisters reckless optimism. The fresh trail of blood was clear as day, but she knew Natasha was willfully ignoring it, and that it was up to her to make her face the debilitating truth.
Limping off the bike, with her injured arm pulled tightly against her chest she approached her sister, using her good arm she grabbed her., “Don’t fucking touch me! Where is she?”
“Ona ushla.”
(She’s gone)
“No…,” Natasha shrugged her sister off, then frantically began to search for you, eyes of green forever avoiding the ground, because if the red in her peripheral meant anything, she didn’t want to know., “Ona ne mozhet uyti..”
(She can’t be gone)
Yelena couldn’t watch her sister meltdown any longer, so even in her state she wrestled with the redhead until she was able to force her head to look down., “No…,” her denial was but a whisper, but once her mind caught up to the truth she fell to her knees, a blood curdling scream leaving her throat, only to be followed by heart wrenching sobs that made Yelena’s heart shatter further along with her sisters.
Yelena followed the splattering of your blood, expecting to find you, and not wanting your wife to be the first to, but the splattering was never ending, and the further she limped, the more her heart skipped within her chest, and her speed picked up until everything stopped. She felt like she couldn’t breathe, a piece of your jacket sat atop a branch, your bracelet you used to alert Natasha lay broken in the snow, and a few paces ahead of her lay a stain of oil, and corresponding wheel imprints., “Oh God.”
“Natasha! My dolzhny idti! Ona u nikh!.,” she shook her shoulder, but it was of no use, the redhead wasn’t in much of a responsive state. So just like she’d done for her minutes prior she got her onto the snowmobile and drove as fast as she could while unfairly cursing you., “This wasn't cool Y/N... So not cool at all.”
(We have to go! They have her!)
9,624 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn😳
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firstprinced · 4 months
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hi pretty people and happy pride month!
long story short - i read a lot of fics of alex and henry. all the ratings, all the lengths, au's and canon. now, this has been going on for a long time (don't ask me how long i will not confess). lately i have been just reading recent works and after sending another fic rec to the gc, i thought to myself, why not share them on tumblr. so this is just that. i will not limit my recs with anything but will write out ratings, wordcount, summary etc and give my own notes (spoilers not included).
SO! here are some of my latest fic recommendations from those i've read during the last week or so! ALL of these are posted between 31st of May and 5th of June 2024. bon appetit!
one more thing, everything not E is very pure in my eyes. all below E are marked with blue and all E fics are in pink.
but daddy, you love him by @theprinceandagcd rated M, 16k. tags: non-famous au, kid fic, mutual pining my comment: so sweet i was about to die. and i cried! minor angst i just cried over how pure it was. alex's daughter in the fic, brie, is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world.
author's summary Alex peers up at Henry’s face, the familiar tenseness in his jaw and mildly disinterested eyes nowhere to be seen. Instead, Henry’s expression is open and borderline delighted, like Brie used an extra strong shot of sorcery to draw Henry in and melt the ice that he usually stays locked behind.Suddenly, Alex’s vague crush on an unapproachable coworker feels realer, all because he’s standing there and looking at Alex’s daughter like she hung the fucking moon. He’s treating the most important person in Alex’s life—his entire goddamn heart—as if she truly matters to him, giving her fist bumps and smiling at her and telling her she’s beautiful like her dad.It’s doing weird things to Alex’s chest and making his palms sweat even in the air conditioned office, and he can’t decide if he’s okay with that development or if he wants to stick his head in Brie’s Easy-Bake oven.
the law of attraction by ao3 user bananamilks rated T, 6k. tags: non-famous au, fluff, no angst, henry is a flirt, bisexual disaster acd my comments: i can never get enough of a confident, flirty henry. alex didn't stand a chance. was giggling and kicking my feet and also full on LAUGHING
author's summary As he’s pulling out his textbook, a shadow crosses over Alex’s bag. Before he can look up, a warm, distinctly accented voice asks, “more exams?” “They never stop,” Alex says. He looks up at Henry, who is grinning down at him with his arms crossed over his chest. If Alex notices the way his shirt is pulled taught over his broad shoulders then that is no one’s business. Henry glances at his textbook, and Alex finds himself angling it so Henry can see better. “Criminal procedure. It’s about–” Henry leans one arm on the table, and his blonde hair flops down into his eyes. He’s studying the book cover like he’s the one with the exam, and this close Alex can see a tiny mole on his upper lip. “Uh… criminal… procedures.” The corner of Henry’s lip quirks up and – Jesus Christ. “You don’t say?” [or: Alex is a law student and Henry works at the library. Naturally, they're smitten]
playing to win (you're in my head again) by @anincompletelist WIP (but written and posting every day or every other day so no sweat)! rated E, about 30k finished, currently 2/7. tags: enemies to lovers, pining, friendship, getting together, dob/sub dynamics, kink negotiation, kink exploration, subspace, aftercare, post-college, masturbation, oral sex, eventual fluff my comments: NOW, i don't know how much i'll rec wips but this one i HAD TO. one, please do read this author's other work if you have not. two, this is everything i could dream up. CHOMP CHOMP. yeah that's my academic peer review.
author's summary Other than Nora, there’s Pez, the one that’d wrangled them all together in the first place and continues to plan their token themed brunches & bar crawls each week; Eliana, or Eli for short, ridiculously talented creative with a heart of gold underneath the leather jacket and the nose ring; and Mateo, their resident bro, all around hype-man and Alex’s fellow bisexual. And that’s pretty much the group. Except for Henry, of course. But Alex tries not to think about him if he can help it. + Or, Henry and Alex are practically perfect for each other. Once they get past the years long animosity and hate-pining, of course.
'we hereby conduct this postmortem' (or something along these lines) by ao3 user natoureuse rated E, 23k. tags: homicide detective alex, medical examiner/forensic analyst henry, character injury, blood and injury, mentions of murder/death/guns and so on, sexual content, feelings realization my comment: SO incredibly funny, beautiful, soft, sweet, FUNNY. i loved everything about it and this author writes so well oh my god! it, because of their occupations, involves some blood and dead people so if that's a hard no so be it but it is SO fluffy you wouldn't believe based on the tags etcetera. adored it.
author's summary “There is evident lack of blood around the wound.” “So that suggests he was dead beforehand?” “It suggests that the blood coagulated before the stabbing, which would mean…” Basically that he was dead beforehand, to summarize. Or; Homicide detective Alex tries to befriend his rude ass coworker, medical examiner Henry.
that's it for today! i'll see if i'll keep this a weekly thing and maybe i'll change the format in some ways but these are the fics i wanted to highlight! show love for new works and works by new authors - comment, leave kudos, all that good stuff 🩵
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naivesilver · 10 days
AND FOR THE LAST ONE In this case you can pick whichever you wish but perhaps could I interest you in picking any of my beans interacting with any of your beans? 👀👀 IF YOU'D RATHER NOT THEN!!!! no.10 or no.15 for Wick with Nova/Leroy? :) Okay i'm done being a menace to your ask box MWAH 💕 TALK TO YOU SOOOOON!!
You know at the beginning I was planning for something entirely different but then inspiration STRUCK so we're here now 🥰🥰🥰 hope you enjoy
Pregnancy and baby prompts
18. Being unable to stop caressing the baby because "it's so soft!"
(ish, I just wanted an excuse adglfhlashk)
The house is silent and slumbering when Zvezda comes, all the lights smothered except for the fire in the hearth.
She is glad for it, though she hardly feels the need to conceal herself when out on a mission, especially one as pleasant as this. No, it’s only because it makes her job a little easier, a little quicker, and darkness holds no power over her, the faint glow of her hair accompanying her as she traverses the cramped rooms looking for her target.
The man in the bed is deeply asleep once Zvezda finds it, worn out with all the exhaustion of a new father - she smiles at the sight, but turns away quickly, her eyes drawn to the small bassinet in the corner. Only then does the fairy’s smile reach its peak, and she bends down to look at the child inside, careful not to disturb anyone’s rest.
The girl must be a few weeks old already, or have skipped that endearingly wrinkly phase most newborns seem to have - her cheeks are silken-smooth, her head full of dark, feathery hair, and even in sleep she holds tightly fisted tiny hands up to her head, looking as though she were dreaming of a matter of the utmost importance. Every so often, she twitches in her slumber, her face briefly knitting into a frown before it relaxes again and her breath evens out.
She’s wonderful. She must be thriving, despite being given to an unwed man who never raised a child before, and that pleases Zvezda greatly. “Hello there, devochka,” she whispers, brushing a gentle finger on the impossibly small head of the fairy-born babe.
She and Reul Ghorm don’t always see eye to eye, but that’s no fault of this girl, and besides, not many children need fairy godmothers the way this one will, unplanned and ill-fated, with such powerful and inclement blood coursing through her veins. She will require a watchful eye and kind hands, if she is to grow into the inheritance the Blue Fairy might have left her, and Zvezda wagers she can provide both of those, in a pinch.
“May you light the way for all you meet, little one,” she continues, still smiling. “It’s in your blood, and I will be there to help you. You are your father’s sun, but your mother named you Grad Rùnag, her sweet surprise; I understand now, why she did.”
She bends to press a kiss to the girl’s forehead, then, the last few words a quiet prayer that would be barely audible even if there were anyone around capable of hearing them. “Let us make sure she never forgets it either, hm?”
She straightens up at that, casting the room one last, longing glance; and not a moment after, she vanishes, leaving little Eliana squirming in her swaddle, comforting warmth rolling down her head and pooling around her tiny body like a motherly embrace.
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whitmoreroyals · 1 year
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Transcript under the cut
Beginning / Previous / Next
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{Eliana} How are you feeling Drea?
{Bridgette} It is such an exciting day!
{Andrea} The nerves have finally kicked in but I am excited that this day is finally here.
{Adrianna} Ok your hair looks good, time to change into the dress.
{Eliana} I bet we are all just happy you found your love.
{Andrea} I know I feel so lucky to have found a sweet man like Ethan.
{Adrianna} You both are lucky to have found each other. Ok, you are all set let me adjust your veil in the mirror.
{Eliana} You found yourself a whole prince. *chuckles*
{Bridgette} I am excited to have you be part of our family my cousin is one lucky guy!
{Andrea} You guys are too sweet! This is really happening huh? I feel like I am in a dream.
{Adrianna} Well sis it is for sure not a dream you are about to become a full-fledged princess. *smiles*
{Royal Servant} Miss Thurston we are ready for you.
{Andrea} Thank you. Well ladies it is time.
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berkeleys · 1 year
July 13th, 2023 A long conversation between mother and son. 
Morning of a sunny Thursday, hot outside but comfortably chill in Julian's office. He'd been there for an hour or so, taking turns between different stacks of paper. They'd worked out a pretty efficient system, color-coded (thanks, Dave) for different things. Planners a pale rose, legal stark white, calendars yellow. Speeches are always a light teal.
Julian plays with the phone in his hand, feeling the texture of the case like it's something interesting. He finally taps the screen awake, and then the first number out of his favorites.
His mother picks up after three rings.
"Nunca me llamas por la mañana," Lili says — always irked by his busy schedule. "’Soy el gobernador’, o lo que sea."
Julian laughs. "What if I just missed you?"
She's silent on the other end — but he can sense her eyes narrowing as if knowing better. He has no option but to continue:
"Just thought I’d call you before coming over today. To talk."
"Huh." Skeptical. "¿Debo sentarme?"
Julian laughs, "De verdad, creo que sí.” 
Fine — maybe there are some sort of nerves building. The reasons are few and simple: this is his mother on the other end, the indomitable force of Eliana Esparza. Lili. Simpler still, is the fact he's doing it alone, without that sweet face nearby to prove a point. You can't meet Alan and not fall in love, he believes without doubt, and if Lili fell in love with him first, it would be easy to tell her second.
They continue to talk, solely in Spanish. He can’t risk her missing any words.
"I told you I’m bringing someone with me, yes?"
"Sí. Alan?"
"Sí. He works with me. He— Well, all of those speeches you watch me give? He wrote all of them. They're his words."
"Oh." It's an impressed oh. An impossibly good oh.
"Yeah. He's very talented. He's very good. He's kind. So funny. Stupid smart.” Julian could go on and on and on. “And he's important to me, in my life. That’s why I want you to meet him."
Another skeptical beat, from her. 
"You are asking me to 'play nice'."
Julian laughs — he’s not. "I'm n-"
"¡Siempre me llevo bien con tus amigos!"
"Yo se,” he’s laughing still, shaking his head at her fire. “Mamá. Es sólo... que...    — no somos amigos. Somos novios." 
They talk for a while longer, the conversation stretching for nearly a full hour. She has questions, many of them, and Julian is honest and patient with his answers. His voice is melodic as he tells her the story of them. There's a veil of tranquility over the room by the time the story is over and the questions are done. 
He tells her of May, of June, July, August, and so on. Tells her of not remembering the act of falling for Alan — tells her it’s like he was born with the feeling already built in, burning in his chest already. How some things are complicated, yes, but mostly they’re very simple. 
Just the week before, Julian stumbled over his words when he had to describe his own face —now, he talks about Alan's with dream-like precision. 
(Handsome? Very. Tall? A bit more than me. Brown or blue eyes? Brown and blue.) 
She had been a perfectly imperfect mother. Raised him the best she could, insisted he learned English that’s better than hers, locked enemies away even if they shared her blood. She asks why Julian doesn’t simply leave, and begin again — he explains they live in a country full of Joaquíns, and that it’s easier said than done.
Lili curses his brother’s name and vows to disown the rest of the country, too. 
His ear is hot, and they’re ready for goodbyes. Almost lunchtime now — she’s gotta eat, and yes, he is the governor still. Joke or no joke. Still, Lili saves the most important for last: 
“Do you love him?”
“More than I have ever loved anyone before.” 
“Does he love you?” 
Julian’s smile is practically heard over the phone. “He does.” 
“Are you happy?”
“Very much so.” 
Long beat, and then her smile, invisible though warm to his ear. “What does he like to eat?”
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Amberlynn gets fever + Keiko caretaker
This is my first Tumblr story. I hope you like it!
The curtains closed after the final bow, and Amberlynn sighed with relief. Finally, she thought, I can take off this itchy costume.
She and the rest of the cast hurried backstage. Out of all their shows, this one definitely had the most uncomfortable costumes.
Sequins should be illegal, Amberlynn thought as she quickly changed into her clothes backstage. She was so sweaty—probably from dancing—that her costume was nearly sticking to her skin.
She spent a few minutes undoing her hair. Another few minutes cleaning off her makeup. She was pulling her sweater on when someone called her.
Amberlynn turned around as her classmate, Dina, came up to her.
“Your friends are waiting outside,” Dina said. Then she smirked. “And I saw you-know-who in the audience. Your guy got you a little something.”
Amberlynn chuckled and rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Purple flowers,” she said, “like always.”
Dina giggled. “Every show, always with those purple flowers.”
“He knows they’re my favorite.”
Amberlynn put her costume on the costume rack and grabbed her purse before hurrying out of the backstage room to meet her friends.
As soon as she was out in the crowded hallway, she spotted Birdie, Isaac, Jordan and Eliana all together. She made her way over to them and barely opened her mouth to speak before Jordan squealed and threw her arms around her, making her yelp.
“Amber!” she said, jumping up and down. “You were great!”
Amberlynn couldn’t help but laugh, especially when Eliana pulled her girlfriend off of her.
“That was a great show,” Eliana said, smiling sweetly.
“I loved the costume you were wearing,” Birdie said in her usual happy, dreamy voice.
“Thanks,” Amberlynn said, not having the heart to tell Birdie that the costume was hell to wear. Then she looked around. “Where’s—?”
Suddenly, arms wrapped around her from behind, one of the hands holding a large bouquet of purple flowers. And a box of doughnuts.
“Hi, babe,” Keiko said, planting a kiss on top of Amberlynn’s head. She was much shorter than he was, so he had to bend several inches just to do that.
Spirit and Oliver also appeared then.
“Great show,” Oliver congratulated with a large smile.
Spirit narrowed her eyes at Keiko. “Your boyfriend made me drive him to the bakery to pick up some doughnuts, even though we’re literally going out to dinner,” she told Amberlynn. Then she smiled. “You did great, Am.”
“Thanks,” Amberlynn said. Then she turned around just enough to look at her boyfriend’s face and smile at him. “Hey,” she said.
“Hi,” he said while leaning down to press a quick, sweet kiss to her lips.
Isaac made mocking kissing sounds and Jordan slapped his arm, shutting him up.
Chuckling, Keiko let go of her, letting her turn to face him completely, and he handed her the flowers and doughnuts. “You were incredible, as always,” he said, bending to kiss her again.
“Okay, enough!” Isaac said before their lips could touch. “Stop eating each other’s faces so we can go get food. It’s almost nine and I haven’t had dinner!”
“Having dinner after the show was literally your idea,” Spirit deadpanned, pulling her keys out of her pocket and twirling them on her finger. “Let’s go before we miss the reservation.”
Jordan pulled her own keys out, and they headed out of the building.
— — —
“How the hell is your mouth not dead?” Isaac whined to Spirit, fanning his mouth before taking another sip of water.
Spirit shrugged. “I told you not everyone can handle triple diablo sauce.”
Amberlynn couldn’t stop laughing at her ridiculous friends.
“Does everything have to be a competition?” Birdie asked, dumping ice from her finished water into Isaac’s glass.
“With Senorita Diablo and The-living-Hitler’s-white-dream?” Jordan said, openly amused. “Absolutely.”
Jordan’s words made everyone but Isaac burst with laughter.
“I’m not that white,” Isaac muttered, pouting, making them all laugh harder.
Amberlynn was enjoying the dinner her friends planned for her so much that she barely registered how dizzy she was feeling. She chalked it up to being a little bit tired. It was late, after all.
“So, who’s paying?” Birdie suddenly asked.
Everyone looked at Jordan, who sighed and stood, making her way to the front counter to pay.
“Next time we get dinner together, let’s not get Mexican,” Isaac groaned, still sipping his water.
Spirit pretended to cough and said, “White boy,” making everyone laugh again.
Suddenly, Amberlynn shivered despite the sweater she was wearing and how warm the restaurant was. Keiko noticed and turned slightly to look at her. “Hey,” he said quietly while the others talked. “You okay?”
Amberlynn smiled and nodded. “Yeah, of course. Why?”
He shrugged before putting an arm around her shoulders and kissing her cheek. “Just asking,” he said. “You look a little pale.”
She shrugged. “I always look pale.”
“Yeah, well—”
“Okay,” Jordan said as she came back. “I swear, no matter how much you order here, it’s impossible to spend more than forty bucks.”
“Well, I have an early class tomorrow,” Oliver said while standing up. “Spirit, can you drive me to my apartment?”
“Of course,” Spirit said. “Isaac, Birdie—I’ll drop you two off, too.”
They all stood and made their way out of the restaurant. Outside, Amberlynn shivered worse. She was suddenly more aware of how cold she was and how badly her head hurt.
She felt clammy as she and Keiko climbed into the back seat of Jordan’s car. She was vaguely aware of her boyfriend asking her a question.
“I said, are you sure you’re okay?” he said quietly.
“Oh,” Amberlynn said. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired.”
Keiko looked at her disbelievingly. But he didn’t say anything for the rest of the drive.
It wasn’t a long drive to Keiko’s apartment. When they got there, Jordan parked and turned in her seat to look at Keiko.
“Mom called,” she said. “Apparently, she called you and you didn’t call back.”
Keiko, unbuckling his seatbelt, said, “I’ve been busy with classes. Tell her I’ll call tomorrow around noon.”
Jordan turned back around in her seat. “Okay.” Then she looked at Amberlynn through the rear-view mirror. “So, I’m taking you to your dorm now?”
Amberlynn opened her mouth to answer, but Keiko suddenly said, “Actually, why don’t you spend the night. Better idea than going back to those cruddy dorms, yeah?”
Amberlynn didn’t know why the offer surprised her. She’d spent nights at Keiko’s house before. She even had her own key. Maybe it was the unusual tone in his voice, which was a note higher than usual, that made her surprised.
But she smiled and nodded and said “Sure”.
Amberlynn and Keiko said bye to Jordan and Eliana as they got out of the car. Keiko had an arm around Amberlynn’s shoulders as they walked inside and took the elevator up.
In the elevator, Amberlynn started to stare off into space, only being snapped out of it when she felt Keiko press a hand to her forehead. She looked up at him with questioning eyes as he moved his hand from her forehead to her cheek, and then down to her neck.
“What’re you—?”
“You have a fever, babe,” he said.
Amberlynn’s eyes widened a little. “What’re you talking about? I feel—”
“Fine?” he interrupted. Then he sighed. “Am, you’re sick.”
Amberlynn wanted to protest more, but the elevator came to a stop then and the movement made her head spin painfully, making her sway a little. Keiko’s arm around her shoulders was the only thing keeping her steady.
Keiko led her to his apartment and brought her to his couch. “I’m gonna grab you some medicine,” he said softly. “I’ll be right back.” He stood and went to his kitchen, going through cabinets and grabbing a few things while Amberlynn laid back on his couch, letting her eyes drift closed for just a second to steady the dizziness.
Before she could fully fall asleep, Keiko was beside her again, gently rubbing her arm and whispering to her.
“Babe,” he whispered, “I’m sorry, but I have some medicine you need to take. But after that, I promise you can sleep as long as you want.”
Amberlynn nodded, sitting back up again. Keiko poured a bit of NyQuil into the measuring cap and handed it to her. She drank the medicine and handed the cap back before closing her eyes and sinking back against the couch again.
“Hey,” Keiko whispered. “You’re not gonna sleep here. Just hold on.”
Amberlynn was already half asleep when she suddenly felt an arm slip behind her back and another beneath her knees. Keiko picked her up and carried her to his bedroom, laying her down on his bed and pulling off her shoes and tucking her beneath the sheets. He took off his own shoes and climbed into bed beside her and she opened her eyes to look at him. “I’ll get you sick,” she said.
He smiled and shrugged. “I’m willing to take my chances.” He leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. In response, she turned onto her side and wrapped her arms around him, curling into his warmth.
Suddenly, she remembered something. “Oh, shoot,” she groaned.
Keiko pulled away from her enough to look at her face and he looked down at her with concerned eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“I forgot your flowers in Jordan’s car.” She didn’t know why, but tears started to fill her eyes. “I can’t believe I forgot my flowers.”
Keiko couldn’t help it. He chuckled a little at seeing his adorable girlfriend get so emotional over forgetting the flowers he got her. “It’s fine, Am,” he told her. “I’ll ask my sister to bring them by tomorrow.”
“I could just pick them up from Jordan’s place tomorrow.”
Again, Keiko chuckled. “Unless your fever is down by tomorrow, I don’t think you’re going anywhere.”
Amberlynn nodded silently and closed her eyes again, hugging herself against Keiko again.
“Wake me up if you need anything, babe,” he whispered, running a hand through her silky curls.
She snuggled deeper into him, burying her face in his shirt. “I love you,” she whispered.
He smiled. “I love you, too.”
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
Of your Sunspears: rankings for the most likely to lose faith? Fastest on foot? And who takes the longest getting ready in the morning?
!!! OOO okay okay, gonna omit banners because it'd only be Liifa's lmao; BUT THESE ARE ALL GOOD !!! im still meaning to add two more Sunspears to my roster, at least so !!! might randomly input thoughts abt them i did add them <3 no names yet tho...
Most (to least) Likely to Lose Faith?
Sylvari - It still thinks of the Dream as its primary center of faith, but its fascination with Kormir is what brought it around! I don't know if it's technically 'holding the faith' or just curiously peering in through the window?? lmao
Asier - He's already outta here !! I mean. okay. he technically still has some faith BUT he thinks (very adamantly) that Kormir wouldn't have him anymore, for his piracy and vampiric deeds.
Charr - More steadfast in it than the first two, very very particular about what she believes in and holds to it.
Alana - She fought alongside Kormir, damn right she's gonna hang in there the absolute longest!!
Liifa - Okay. Well. Longest if Liifa wasn't around. He's always been so so so dedicated to and about his faith that I think someone could have definitive proof that Kormir doesn't exist (allegedly) and he would just be like ":) that's cute. you're wrong." and continue drinking his tea!! Kormir is his favorite ever and no one will EVER be able to take that away from him. <3
Fastest on Foot?
Liifa - Primarily because of his shapeshifting capabilities BUT applies outside of that too!!
Charr - Charr runnin' on all fours goes brrr
Sylvari - spritely !! excited !! trips sometimes though. Okay, trips most times. it trips a lot.
Alana - Calm, long strides. She could be faster, but she'll catch you someday anyway. :)
Asier - He's a pathetic wet meow meow tbh. Dude's so tired aksjdhs
Takes The Longest to Get Ready in The Morning?
Asier - Man just rolls outta bed. he's up. he's done.
Sylvari - also rolls outta bed but just takes longer to get around to it.
Charr - Gotta fix up her hair! Make sure her armor is pretty!
Alana - Takes her sweet time just to annoy Joko nowadays, does elaborate makeup looks for fun. I need to actually put a board together for her that has these elaborate makeup looks.
Liifa - He is not taking ten years for laughs. He's not doing any of this for fun. The man wears makeup for sure and if it isn't perfect, he will die. ♥ Sometimes Eliana bugs him about how long he takes and then does his hair while he's still doing his makeup (for the fourth time!)
>:) !!! this has unintentionally spurred new blorbo thoughts... hehe. rotating two new Sunspears in my head...
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elicnalahote · 1 year
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full name.    Eliana Olympia Lahote
nicknames / aliases.   ‘new york’, ‘newbie’, ‘lahote’, ‘el’
size.   5′5″
age. ��  verse dependent; 20
spoken languages.   english, some spanish
species.  human
hair colour.   brown
eye colour.  brown
body type.  athletic
dominant hand.  right
place of birth.   la push, washington, usa; moved to New York City at age 6
siblings.  none
parents.   John Lahote and Emily Clark
occupation.  student, waitress
current residence(s).  la push, washington, usa
financial status.  low income; blue collar working class
driver’s license.  no
sexual orientation.    bisexual
preferred sexual role.   switch
hobbies to pass time.  watching tv, movies, reading, listening to new music
abilities. none; dream sharing once imprinted on
Eliana Lahote was born in La Push, Washington to Emily Clark and John Lahote. She spent her first few years in La Push before her mom left her dad and moved to The Bronx until her mother’s death when she was 20. She then had to move back to La Push and live with her dad. She had to get used to living in a quiet place as opposed to loud sounds of the city. Having to work multiple jobs to keep Emily and herself from being homeless, she feels oddly calm in the forest. It’s unsettling at first.
Eliana has continued nightmares from coming home to her mom OD’d on the floor and is very shy around her father’s friends and their kids. She is a very independent person and is sweet and kind when she isn’t in survival mode. But she’s a strong woman who had to fight plenty of her own battles. El doesn’t know much about the stories from the tribes from her dad’s side, but will soon get thrust into the world with the wolves always passing by her house.
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namenerdery · 8 months
Girls with interesting names born in Ohio between 2011-2015 [S]
Sabine Electric Love Sacred Brown Sah'Rinity Unique Justice Saiilor Anya-Nicole Saint Chasity Cora
Sarenidee Marie Ti-Arra Satiene Crystal Scerenity Selena Sci'Kriet Jadai Noe Sckarletta Marie
Sckyy Kimara Scylar Micole-Irene Searientie J'Harmoney Seattle Reneigh Sechylle Kenna J
Selebrity Lou'Myah Senator Veda-Marin Seneca Skypath Serynite Niccolle-Rennee Sevaeh Skye
Seven Lynn Severina Josephine Shaolin-Fury Evette Shine Forever Siberia Anya
Silence Gray Silver Lyn Samantha Sincerely Eugenia Delores Sixx Marie-Gail Skarlette Lotus Rayne
Skarlyt Louisa May Skeye Yazimine-Davon Skhy'Lar Dior Skye Heavenlee Moonlite Elaine Sky'Heiress Eliana
Slayder Elizabeth Hope Smokey Jean Snowdrop Skye Solace Galilee Solapaccia Mae
Solaris Rhae Azar Soliloquy Rose Solo Nichole Sonic Meadow Sonnet Epiphany Grace
Southerly Jo Sparkle Forever Sparklin' Diamond Spirit Fallynn Spring Rayne
S'Sence Marie Staralie Treasure Starr'Vaeh Marquia Stokley Rose Stone Rollins
Stonie June Lavey Strummer Jane Sugar Chiffon Summit Catherine Sunshine Marcella Magnolia
Superior Faith Surely Dove Swaizey Nevaeh Sweet Ever Swisher Rooney
Sylence Awnestie Dream Sylphia Nichole Sylvanas Elizabeth Rene Symphi'Nee Forever
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theart2rock · 1 year
Vor 40 Jahren - September 1983
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Ich möchte mir vornehmen, jeden Monat 40 Jahre zurückschauen und einen kurzen Rückblick zu machen. Dabei auch einmal über den Tellerrand der Rockmusik zu schauen. Events - 01. September - Joe Strummer und Paul Simonon von The Clash geben bekannt, dass sie Mick Jones aus der Band geworfen haben. - 01. September - Die Sowjetunion schiesst bei Sachalin eine Boing 747 der Korean Airline ab. 269 Insassen sterben. - 04. September - Phil Lynott spielt seine letzte Show mit Thin Lizzy in Nürnberg - 18. September - Kiss zeigen zum ersten Mal ihre Gesichter ohne Make-Up bei MTV. Parallel dazu wird das Album Lick It Up veröffentlicht. - 20. September - Das erste ARMS Charity Concert wird in der Royal Albert Hall in London abgehalten. ARMS steht für Action into Research for Multiple Sclerosis. - 21. September - Das Mobiltelefon Motorola DynaTAC 8000X wird als weltweit erstes Handy zugelassen - 26. September - Oberstleutnant Stanislaw Jewgrafowitsch Petrow verhindert womöglich einen Atomkrieg, in dem er einen vom System gemeldeten Nuklearangriff korrekt als Fehlalarm interpretiert. Wichtige Veröffentlichungen - Swordfishtrombones - Tom Waits - The Present - Moody Blues - Heads Or Tales - Saga - Born Again - Black Sabbath - Labour Of Love - UB40 - Sports - Huey Lewis and the News - Lick It Up - Kiss - Shout At The Devil - Mötley Crüe - Into Battle With The Art Of Noise - Art Of Noise - DaDa - Alice Cooper - Righeira - Righeira - Bent Out Of Shape - Rainbow - Breaking The Chains - Dokken - Built To Destroy - Michael Schenker Group - Canterbury - Diamond Head - In Heat - The Romatics - Johnny 99 - Johnny Cash - Mean Strak - Y&T - Subject...Aldo Nova - Aldo Nova - Windows In The Jungle - 10cc - What's New - Linda Ronstadt Schweizer Hitparade Platz 1 Single Charts - Moonlight Shadow - Mike Oldfield - I Like Chopin - Gazebo Schweizer Interpreten in den CH-Charts - Keine Schweizer Vertretung in den Charts US Billboard Single Charts - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Eurythmics - Maniac - Michael Sembello - Tell Her About It - Billy Joel US Billboard Album Charts - Synchronicity - The Police - Thriller - Michael Jackson UK Single Charts - Red Red Wine - UB40 - Karma Chameleon - Culture Club UK Album Charts - 18 Greatest Hits - Michael Jackson & The Jackson 5 - The Very Best Of The Beach Boys - The Beach Boys - No Parlez - Paul Young - Labour Of Love - UB40 Happy Birthday - 03. September - Alexander Klaws (DSDS-Gewinner) - 12. September - Frank Dukes (Produzent und DJ) - 13. September - Eliana Burki (Alphornspielerin) - 14. September - Amy Winehouse - 30. September - Carmen Elise Espenaes (Midnattsol) Farewell - 15. September - Johnny Hartmann (Jazzsänger) - 18. September - Roy Milton (Blues Musiker) - 25. September - Paul Jacobs (Pianist) - 29. September - Berthe Trümpy (Tänzerin) Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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Ich galube dass Sweet den Titel "Gottheit" ablehnt, findet Eli etwas ekelhaft, weil es so wirkt als ob Sweet versucht ihre eigne Macht und Größe zu minimieren.
Eli ist zwar unglaublich überprivilegert (Reichtum) aber auch unglaublich underprivileged (Behinderung, mentale Krankheiten, wortwörtlich die 0.0001 Prozent sein)
Aber wenigstens würde sie beides zugeben
Sweet maßt sich ein auch ein Teil der mortals zu sein, aber sie ist keiner.
Du bist EIN Aspekt. Mortals sind tausende. Du wirst siehst aus eine eingeschränkten Linse sehen.
Ich glaube Sweet auch nicvt ganz mein Hauptpunkt verstanden der eigentlich war
"Du kämpfts für eine Gruppe von Personen, in ihren Namen, bist aber nicht Teil dieser Gruppe und hast dich niemals direkt damit auseinander gesetzt wie sie zu deinen Plan stehen und jetzt steht eine Person aus dieser Gruppe von dir und sagt dir dass du aufhören sollst und du dimmist sie."
Das war der Punkt.
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sunskate · 1 year
Ice Dance Programs 2023-24
Misato Komatsubara/Tim Koleto 🇯🇵JPN RD: Ghostbusters FD: Loving You (from Passion) Barbara Streisand & Patrick Wilson; Love Grows (from Final Fantasy VIII) Nobuo Uematsu (choreo: Romain Haguenauer)
Azusa Tanaka/Shingo Nishiyama 🇯🇵JPN FD: choreo Romain Haguenauer
Nadiia Bashynska/Peter Beaumont 🇨🇦CAN RD: INXS, Never Tear Us Apart; Duran Duran, Wild Boys
Miku Makita/Tyler Gunara 🇨🇦CAN FD: choreo by Matthew Gates
Alicia Fabbri/Paul Ayer 🇨🇦CAN RD: AC/DC, choreo Zach Donohue FD: Lewis Capaldi, Someone You Loved
Sandrine Gauthier/Quentin Thieren 🇨🇦CAN RD: Joan Jett, I Love Rock n Roll
Emma Goodstadt/Christian Bennett 🇨🇦CAN (Jrs) RD: B-52’s, Love Shack
Hannah Lim/Ye Quan 🇰🇷KOR RD: Prince, When Doves Cry, Let's Go Crazy FD: Umbrellas of Cherbourg
Emilea Zingas/Vadym Kolesnik 🇺🇸USA RD and FD choreo: Benoit Richaud
Emily Bratti/Ian Somerville 🇺🇸USA RD: Prince, When Doves Cry, Let’s Go Crazy FD: Celine Dion, Ne Me Quitte Pas choreo by Greg Zuerlein, Charlie White, Tanith White
Eva Pate/Logan Bye 🇺🇸USA RD: Bobby Brown, My Prerogative; Run-DMC (feat. Aerosmith) Walk This Way
Katarina Wolfkostin/Dimitry Tsarevski 🇺🇸USA RD: When in Rome, The Promise; Blondie, Call Me
Isabella Flores/Ivan Desyatov 🇺🇸USA RD: Prince, When Doves Cry; Def Leppard, Pour Some Sugar on Me, choreo Massimo Scali FD: West Side Story, choreo Kaitlyn Weaver
Angela Ling/Caleb Wein 🇺🇸USA RD: Aretha Franklin, Hold on I'm Coming
Raffaella Koncius/Alexey Shchepetov 🇺🇸USA RD: Stray Cats, Rock this Town, Stray Cat Strut
Klara Kowar/Thomas Schwappach 🇺🇸USA RD: INXS, Never Tear Us Apart, What You Need FD: James Bond
Leah Neset/Artem Markelov 🇺🇸USA (jrs) RD: Scorpions, Still Loving You; Joan Jett, Hate Myself for Loving You. choreo Kaitlyn Weaver FD: choreo Nikolai Morozov
Eliana Peal/Ethan Peal 🇺🇸USA (jrs) RD: Janet Jackson, What Have You Done For Me Lately, Rhythm Nation FD: Lord of the Rings
Jenna Hauer/Benjaming Starr 🇺🇸USA (jrs) RD: Tina Turner, Simply the Best (?)
Caroline Mullen/Brendan Mullen 🇺🇸USA (jrs) RD: Wham!, Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go; George Michael, Father Figure (?)
Yahli Pederson/Jeffrey Chen 🇺🇸USA (jrs) RD: Queen, Kind of Magic; Queen w David Bowie, Under Pressure (?)
Evgeniia Lopareva/Geoffrey Brissaud 🇫🇷FRA FD: choreo Guillaume Cizeron
Holly Harris/Jason Chan 🇦🇺AUS RD: Madonna (Material Girl, Express Yourself?), choreo: Marie-France Dubreuil FD: choreo Marie-France Dubreuil
Olivia Smart/Tim Dieck 🇪🇸ESP RD: Blondie, Call Me, Rapture
Sofia Val/Asaf Kazimov 🇪🇸ESP RD: Top Gun
Jennifer Janse van Rensburg/Benjamin Steffan 🇩🇪GER RD: Beds are Burning, Midnight Oil; Don't Leave Me Now, Supertramp; Runaway, Bon Jovi FD: wild west theme choreo: Pasquale Camerlengo for both
Phebe Bekker/James Hernandez 🇬🇧GBR RD: Prince FD: Muse
Layla Karnes/Liam Carr 🇬🇧GBR RD: Sweet Dreams, medley, Eurhythmics FD: Hit the Road Jack, 2WEI
Shira Ichilov/Dmitriy Kravchenko 🇮🇱ISR RD: Get Down on It, Yesterday, It's Raining Men FD: ("to a singer from Montreal") choreo: Pasquale Camerlengo, Igor Shpilband
Mariia Nosovitskaya/Misha Nosovytskyi 🇮🇱ISR RD: FD: Gladiator choreo: Pasquale Camerlengo, Igor Shpilband
Elizabeth Tkachenko/Alexei Kiliakov 🇮🇱ISR RD: Yello, Oh Yeah, Desire, The Race FD: Incantation, Ojo Azules; Inca the Peruvian Ensemble, Danzante Vasija del Barro; Inti-IllMani, Sikuriadas choreo: Elena Novak, Jimmie Manners
Yuka Orihara/Juho Pirinen 🇫🇮 FIN RD: choreo Luca Lanotte FD: music from Chicago choreo Massimo Scali
Carolane Soucisse/Shane Firus 🇮🇪IRL RD: Rick James, Super Freak, Give It To Me Baby, Mary Jane
Mariia Holubtsova/Kyryl Bielobrov 🇺🇦UKR RD: Bonnie Tyler, Holding Out For A Hero; Bonnie Tyler & Bryan Adams, Straight From the Heart; Bonnie Tyler & Desmond Child, If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man) FD: Joe Hisaishi, Merry Go Round of Life, Fragile Dream, A Walk in the Skies choreo: Romain Haguenauer, Pascal Denis, Sam Chouinard
Zoe Larson/Andrii Kapran 🇺🇦UKR RD: Pointer Sisters, I'm So Excited; Grover Washington/Bill Withers, Just the Two of Us; The Weather Girls, It's Raining Men (?)
Adrienne Carhart/Oleksandr Kolosovskyi 🇦🇿AZE RD: Billy Ocean, Caribbean Queen
Maria Kazakova & Georgy Reviya 🇬🇪GEO RD: Queen, A Kind of Magic, Save Me, I Want To Break Free, Need Your Loving Tonight FD: Schindler's List choreo by Matteo Zanni
Natalie Taschlerova & Filip Taschler 🇨🇿CZE RD: Janet Jackson, The Knowledge; James Mtume, Juicy Fruit; The Pointer Sisters, Serious Slammin' FD: Negramaro, Bluecobalto; Havasi, Terra Rosa; Giuliano Sangiorgi, Son Felice choreo by Matteo Zanni
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typewriterstorys · 1 year
Miss Winchester
A women in a long white nightgown comes into a room that looks like a nursery. Her name is Mary Winchester. In her arms are her was her four years old son Dean Winchester.
"Come on let's say goodnight to your brother and sister" Mary said turning on the lights.  Then putting dean down.
Dean walked over to the first crib in the room.
"Good night sam" Dean said kissing his little brother Sam Winchester one the head. The going over to the second crib and saying "Goodnight Lia" he said kissing his little sister on the head like ehe did with Sam. Her real name was Eliana. But they called her Lia or Ellie for short. Sometimes calling her  Sweet pea.
"Good Night love" Mary said kissings sam on the head. Then going over to her daughter. "Good night sweet pea"
"Hey Dean" Mary heard from behind her. She turned around and there standing was John Winchester.
"Daddy" Dean yelled running to his father.
"Hey Buddy"  John said back to his son picking him up "What do you think. think Sammy's ready to toss around a football yet" He asked dean.
"No Daddy" Dean answered back.
Mary left Eliana crib and went over to them.
"You got him" Mary asked her husband.
"I got him" John said back to his wife Hugging dean close to him.
"Sweet dream sam" John said looking at sam the turning to look at Eliana "Sweet Dream Lia" John said before Turing off the light of the nursery. Then leaving.
Mary was awaken to sam crying over the baby monitor. She sighed as she turned on the lamp next to her.
"John" Mary said in a sleepy voice. But there was no responses. Mary looked behind her to see John was not there.  Mary sighed and got up to go see what was wrong with Sam. She did not seem to notice that fact that the baby monitor was acting funky.
Mary walked across the hall to the Nursery to see John standing over Sam's crib.
"John is he hungry" Mary asked
"Shh" John said not looking back at her.
Okay" Mary said making her way to the her room. but was stopped when she noice a light flickering above a photo. She went down toes what was wrong.
Mary tapped on it too see what was wrong. It stopped after a few times of her tapping.
"Hmm " Mary said the was about to walk back to her bedroom. But stopped when she heard the tv. Mary went over to the stairs and made her way down them.
When she got to the last steps. She saw John sitting in the living room asleep with the tv on. Mary quickly ran upstairs. Who was in the nursery?If John was in the living room?
"Sammy. Lia" she said trying to get to her children.
When she got to the room. What
she saw made for freeze. then she screamed.
Which woke up John.
"Mary" John yelled getting out of his seat and running up the stairs. "Mary" John yelled again pushing open the door to the Nursery. To find no one in there but the twins.
"Hey Sammy" John said "Okay" he said. Then a something fell next to Sam's head. John went to see what it was. Then a red drop fell on his hand.
John looked up to see where it came from. He then fell to the floor in shock.
On the ceiling was Mary. With big cut across her stomach. Her mouth was hanging open like it was stuck from her screaming.
"No. Mary" John yelled
Then from Marys back. A fire started. Both of the twins were crying now.
John quickly got himself up. Grabbed Sam.
" Daddy" Dean said from the hallway.
" Take your brother outside as fast as you can" John said handing sam too Dean.
"What about Ellie " Dean asked
"I will get her. Now Dean go. Don't look back"John said " Go Dean Go" He said then going back not the nursery to get his daughter.
He got there just in time the fire was abut to get her. John looked back up at the ceiling.
"Mary" he yelled as his wife body was sweep up by the flames.
John ran out of the house and picked up Dean well hold Eliana his the other hand.
"I gotta" John said to his kids looking back at the fire. As it exploded through the windows. 
One of the neighbors had called the fire company. Who was now trying to stop the fire. Also keeping some teenagers who wanted to see away.
The Winchester were all sitting on Johns 1967 Chevy Impala. John was hold sam. Dean had Lia in his hands.
John looked up at the burning house and the fire fighters. with a looked off revenge in his eyes.
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nocturne-pisces · 2 years
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DILF/Best friend’s dad!Steve Rogers! You’ve always been close with Eliana, you were over at her house so often that her father the Steve Rogers, often joked you knew their home better than they did. You’re as rocked by the divorce as she is, and after being invited to stay for the summer, you take the opportunity to comfort your friend, even if the sight of her father gives you goosebumps. You’re older now, wiser. And besides, what’s a little harmless flirting between family friends, right?
Fabric Softener
Dark!BestFriendsDad!Steve x PlusSize!Reader x Dark!Neighbor!Bucky
warnings: noncon, threats of violence, mean!steve, meaner!bucky. i am not responsible for your media consumption.
Series Masterlist
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notes: this is for @boxofbonesfic 7k Monkey’s Paw Challenge. you deserve each and every follower, thank you for letting me participate.
wc: 1.2k
thank you to @branded--with--a--j for beta’ing 💚
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You were just trying to help him with the laundry, lifted up on your tip toes and explaining which detergent wouldn’t bleach the blues out of his favorite t-shirt when his fingers tangled into the hair at the base of your skull.
“Y’know, I’ve really gotta thank El for having such good taste in friends.”
His hips pinned yours against the washer, the steely length of him pressing into your ass cheek.
“Mr. Rogers, please—“
“Baby, I told you, call me Steve. We’ve only known each other since you and El met in high school. I even helped you unpack your dorm, I’d say we’re pretty close at this point.”
“Steve, don’t do this-“
He pulls your body ever tighter against his own, close enough for him to lean in and whisper into your ear.
“Don’t do what, sweetness?” The hand that wasn’t anchored to your scalp snaked its way around your waist, dipping under the waistband of your shorts and panties. “You think I don’t see how you look at me? You think I haven’t noticed how you gotta rub those soft fuckin’ thighs together every time I get close?” His middle finger slips between your folds, finding your clit and circling it slowly.
“Eliana will hear and she’ll come looking for me, you won’t get away with it.” Despite your threat your knees threatened to give out, your legs shaking from the building tension between your thighs. You feel him laugh more than you hear it, the contractions in his chest reminding you how much muscle he could use against you, much more than he was currently.
“Eliana took her Ambien twenty minutes ago. She hasn’t been sleeping so well since Sharon left. Come to think of it, neither have I.” Your whole body tensed as his tongue left a stripe of cooling saliva up your neck, stopping right below your ear.
“Mr. Rogers, please just let me go, I won’t tell anyone.” His finger stopped its ministrations against your clit, diving deeper to find the already primed entrance of your empty cunt waiting for him.
“I know you won’t tell, sweetheart, because you know what I’m capable of.”
He untangles his fingers from your hair and slams you forward by the back of your neck, a yelp escaping your throat as your face met the washer lid. You felt him bend over you, laying his weight across your back as he ruts himself against your clothed ass.
“You won’t tell anyone because you know all I would have to do is squeeze and you’d be done for.” You felt the tears slip over the bridge of your nose, collecting in a small puddle on the metal under you.
He holds you down with one hand, the other jerking your shorts down to web between your thighs. “Open those legs for me,” he cooed. You did as you were told, widening your stance as much as you could. “Goddamn, such a pretty pussy.”
You thought he was just looking, that he would be content to get a glimpse and let you go- but the sudden burning stretch of him plunging into you jolted you out of your pipe dream. He gave you no time to adjust, no time to get accustomed to his girth. “Oh, fuck, that’s tight.”
“Steve-“ you plead, your arms bracing against the washer as you try to push up.
“Be good for me, I don’t want to dig up the backyard tonight.”
You drop your weight back onto the washer, the burning in your chest from your sobs confusing as the pain morphs into a sick pleasure. You can feel your own wetness around him, feel how your cunt has betrayed you as your lunch crawls up your esophagus.
A rap on the garage door has you scrambling up and trying to get away, but Steve’s iron grip keeps you locked against him, your pussy fluttering around his length.
“Come on in, Buck,” he calls, his hips rutting erratically and making you whimper.The door swings open to reveal his best friend and next door neighbor, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth as he takes in your soft form held against Steve’s.
“Aw, buddy, you started without me? I’m wounded.” He and Steve share a look, dark and consuming, predator appreciating predator.
Bucky takes a step closer to you, his hand coming up to pinch your chin, turning your gaze to meet his. “Mr. Barnes, please help me.” Your face crumbles, your last ditch effort to appeal for sympathy dashed as he mocks your desperate expression.
“I don’t like it when they talk, I just wanna hear you choke.” You force your eyes shut, will your psyche to crack and take you far away from here, but a sudden sharp, burning pain to your cheek makes them fly open again. “Eyes on me,” Bucky commands, letting his belt hit the floor before he pulls his jeans and boxers down to the middle of his thighs.
He’s already rock hard, his cock jutted out and bobbing when he hops up to sit on the washer. Your head is wrenched back again, Steve spitting words down into your ear as you tremble. “No teeth, sweetness, or I’ll remove ‘em myself.”
You barely have time to register what he means before he’s positioning your face over Bucky’s lap. Steve pins your elbows to your ribs on either side and lets his best friend take hold of your hair, pushing you down on his cock until he hits the back of your throat. Immediately your body tenses up with a gag, a low groan coming from behind you.
“Shit, Buck, do that again. This pussy is gonna choke the life outta me.” And he does, this time pushing down hard enough that the head of him pops into your throat. It burns, makes your thighs clench together with restraint, and both men moan out. “She clamps down every time you fuck her mouth,” Steve says, a chuckle rising from his chest as he pulls out only to slam back into you- making your head dive deeper onto Bucky’s length.
Both of your arms are tugged behind your back, Steve’s free hand snaking back to your front to apply pressure to your already throbbing clit. Bucky leans back against the cabinet, guiding your mouth around him every time Steve pushes you forward. You try to wriggle away from Steve’s exploratory fingers but you only succeed in pushing back into him, the lack of oxygen from Bucky fucking your throat making you dizzy and sensitive.
You feel your impending orgasm creeping up on you, the knot in your tummy tightening. You try to tell them to wait, that you don’t want this- but you only manage to gurgle around Bucky, his hips lifting to meet your face as his rhythm becomes sloppy. His grip on your hair tightens and you lose the ability to control your breathing, the edges of your vision darkening as your orgasm hits you.
“Are you cumming, sweetness?” His tone is incredulous, amused that your body has given in to him so completely. You only have time to register Bucky spilling down your throat before the darkness overtakes you, your body limp in their hold.
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When you wake up on the couch, a blanket draped over you, you can hear them talking from the kitchen.
“So, Sharon is picking up Eliana tomorrow?” It’s Bucky’s voice, coming from a bar stool at the kitchen island.
“Yeah, but sweetness over there told her parents she was staying all summer.”
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thenestingmama · 3 years
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𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇. 𝒲𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟤 ✨
Hello everyone. How are you all doing? Yes, I know I haven’t posted on here in a very long time, or on anywhere for that matter. Even my instagram account have been inactive, with my last picture being posted in mid November. The last time I posted on here was for the quadruplets’ birthday. We even missed posting for Christmas, and speaking of Christmas, I hope you all had a good time. Now we have stepped into a new year, and I’m sure that 2022 will be an exciting one. Our oldest, Eliana, has been busy with performing all through December. After the 2021 “The Sound of Music” ended, she was invited to play a role in the original Christmas show, and of course she said yes! The last performance was on December 30, and now she is ready to take on a new project. We’re so happy to see her follow her dreams in acting and theater, though her dance studio’s competition team do miss her a lot. They’re so sweet and supportive, and she still takes dance classes there—but her competitive dance career will be put on hold for all of 2022, to focus on theater. How about the other kids? Well, I’m sure that 2022 will be an exciting year for everyone, so not all the focus will be on Ellie. The twins still have school and their soccer team, and I’m sure there will be a few games to attend. I’m personally not good with sports, but I find these games enjoyable. And what mother wouldn’t want to support her kids? On another note, Tomás is doing exceptionally well in school, and is far ahead of his classmates. Not saying that his brother is doing bad—they are both very clever kids, and are often praised by their teachers and other school staff. Xochitl has been accepted into Ellie’s dance studio, and will be joining her older siblings at Rosewood Park School as a kindergartener in August, which she is very excited about. She will be five years old in April ❤️
As for Samuel and myself, I plan on continuing to be a stay-at-home mom for another year, and then maybe find a job, or at least something to do while the kids are at school and daycare, etc. The quadruplets will be 3 years old in November, so around the age our older kids started to get serious about their hobbies. Eliana had her dance and gymnastics, and the twins started soccer. Xochitl have been taking dance lessons from her older sister over the past couple of years for fun, and though she seems to be more interested in her gymnastics, has been accepted into the dance studio, so we'll see how that goes for her. That said, I'm curious to see what interests the little ones will take on. They are all very creative and good at using their hands, but also active and sporty like their older siblings. Chenoa and Kele love to play soccer with the twins, so maybe we'll see a future with two more soccer-players in the family? But I'm rambling at this point. I came on here to wish you a Happy New Year, but so many things have happened, and so much is planned. To end this post, however, as was planned, we wish you a Happy New Year. Hope that 2022 will be good to you.
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