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briangrossman · 9 months ago
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fewderpewders · 2 years ago
i’m already a foamstars hater sorry lmao
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forgetmenautical · 1 year ago
no but genuinely whats payday 2
you do heists I think. still figuring that out
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 1 year ago
Skitarii have built in MW2 hitmarker sounds to positively reinforce firing accurately. In order to further incentivize Skitarii rangers, they've been given the HALO grunt headshot confetti.
"My cohort is fine!"
"Magos, your skitatrii are clicker trained."
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thedogeveryonehates · 2 years ago
So this is what i've been missing in my life
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grxysuit · 5 months ago
@progenitorsprodigy @bloodthirstiing
[] - Pryde would have liked more time on this matter. But he also understood that when an opportunity presented itself- and in the interest in conserving resources and not spending anymore re-educing this god-damn Progenitor. The time was now, and he was fairly confident in the new tech to at least hold and subdue this nephandus. Containment. If they couldn't find a way to destroy him, the protocol was containment and study.
Easier said than done. There was about a dozen fail-safes and other procedures to follow on neutralising this specific abomination. He still felt like there was not enough, that he was walking into the mythical kraken's maw and may come back completely warped. If he came back. Saul too- was technically in the danger zone, but he was a lot more .. well. Officially not that expendable, but Pryde wasn't about to shed tears, something for the ivory tower to negotiate a replacement or a problem for later.
He's dressed deceptively light, accompanied by several black suits, some HITmarks. Weaponry is in ranges of subtle. Some experimental, some trusted. He doesn't want it to be too overt, he knows the nephandus would predict some of this. It's only a matter of capitalising on his confidence to outwit and manoeuvre and hastily change course. The faux lure, that captivity was inevitable. But it should count.
He stays hidden, using his own means of staying concealed visually and mentally. Sure enough, there's that itch- of reality being warped. That dreadful lurching feeling as the surrounding space dipped. Vertigo spinning in his chest.
The Nephandus appears, deceptively unarmed, shoulders slack as he does a little flourish of a bow, little grey fuzzies emanating off him like he was a giant dust bunny. He gives a lazy smile to Saul, not quite grinning.
"Hi hi~~~" He says, looking dismissively, almost bored at the overly clean environment, though not quite suspicious, Pryde knows he probably knows. But there's still the dignifying of pretending. That the outcome of this is both decided and not.
"How bad they fuck you up?" He asks, making casual conversation, pulling a bit at his torn up, miserable tatter of an off the neck sweater, as if waiting to shrug it off as he casually padded over to the progenitor.
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7grandmel · 11 months ago
Todays rip: 29/04/2024
slider dank version
Season 8 Featured on: The Joke-Explainer 7000™'s Highest Quality Rips: Sunrise
Ripped by Mitchell
So, it's been more than a week since it happened: the glorious 4/20 event of SiIvaGunner Season 8. Are we all in agreement that it was fucking amazing?
Look, I love the olden internet days and all what Unregistered Hypercam 2 brought as much as anyone else, those anthems of YouTube's earliest beginnings as heard in rips like Unregistered CyberSpace 4-5: Arrow of 2009 are well worth remembering - but the truth is, that I was just a bit too young to get to experience it all in a way that I can tangibly recall. My age was still in the single digits during the Dreamscape's reign - but in contrast, I remember every little bit of how MLG and Montage Parodies rose in popularity, and how they eventually fell out of style. And like I said back in we are number one but with outdated memes over it, it was as if they died out right as SiIvaGunner itself was taking off, like the torch was being passed from one to the other. All these years later, I presume even the SiIvaGunner team themselves were getting nostalgic for the sheer chaos of it all - and so, the age of MLG was celebrated for a day straight on the 20th of April, 2024.
It was a fantastic day across the board, and it was really hard to pick just one rip from it to feature on here. It featured everything from the typical Snoop Dogg rips a la Ganja Man 9: Hash Blunt Hash (Shorty's Stage), to genuinely excellent melodyswaps using songs featured in MLG parodies, to rips not even prominently featuring music, spoofing MLG edits more directly in a genuinely super nostalgic way. In the end, I had to go with slider dank version, just for it being the most whollistic rip choice possible - a cacophany of noise using all corners of MLG, and in said noisiness perfectly encapsulating the ""appeal"" montage parodies had back during their prime. That, and just like with slideless, I feel like there's just something special about Slider rips in particular - they've been around for so long, posted with both such frequency and such enduring quality, that a meme getting Slider'd feels as if its being inaugurated into the SiIvaGunner Hall of Fame. Seeing my beloved MLG get that very same treatment felt like a prophecy come true, a story in the making since the very beginning of SiIvaGunner, realized at last.
But, okay - what exactly IS slider dank version? It was maybe a bit wrong of me to describe it as just noise, because it does have a throughline carrying its melody from start to finish - Smoke Weed Everyday, that is. This isn't a meme medley that changes sources with every half measure of the song a la Memey Hell - rather, other MLG-related sources instead play like accents onto the base melody, little flourishes that make the rip feel more complete. The rip would've been a great listen with JUST the main melody edits, the pitchshifting on Snoop's vocals are fantastic as-is, but each little flourish just adds more than the last. I think a big reason why it works so well is because of how Slider as a track is composed of a lot of call-and-response segments: The melody plays one segment of four or five notes in a steady rhythm followed by a pause, and within said pause the music leaves just enough room for a different melody cue to "respond" to the lead melody. My favorite example of how that's used in slider dank version in particular has to be the airhorns at 0:25 - Snoop's pitch-shifted vocals are met with the infamous airhorn sample which is ALSO pitch-shifted into the aforementioned response melody, and the two sources keep playing off one another for the rest of the segment.
All your other, uh, "MLG Favorites" are here and accounted for as well, I love the hitmarker sounds as the melody starts up at the very beginning, and how the responses before the airhorn segment are just small audio clips like "NICE MEME", "Mom get the camera" and more - it lets the rip add in just about every part of MLG possible incredibly seamlessly. Perhaps most seamlessly is when Slider's melody changes midway through to a slightly less upbeat segment, as it does in the original track, only here being paired with Enya's Only Time - a song you may not recognize by name, but one that was used CONSTANTLY for shitposts about characters dying in MLG compilations, the theme song of all "RIP in Pepperonis" and "liek if u cri evrytim :(" comments all over the internet. And hey, Semi-Charmed All Star - All Star itself even makes it into the rip, taking over Snoop's lead melody duty toward the end of the rip before it loops, along with everyone's favorite Darude Sandstorm. The list goes on - you're surely getting how much fun of a listen this rip is by this point, right?
And like, I know MLG stuff isn't for everyone - there's a reason it all died out, and I'm sure many viewed this event as to be taken purely ironically. But shit, I dunno, sometimes loud DOES equal funny - and though my perspective may be tinted by nostalgia, Montage Parodies are undeniably a part of internet history, a brief but nonetheless HUGE part of online culture, and one that we need to acknowledge happened no matter its obnoxiousness. They weren't all funny, sure - but rips like slider dank version don't feel like they're made to remind us of how terrible things were, but rather how much fun they all COULD be when done right. Not that SiIvaGunner is spearheading an MLG revival per se - but the entire event gave me a ton of nostalgia for something I only recently realized that I was missing. Nice meme indeed, Mitchell - and I suppose that with THIS. IS. SOLEANNA., we've now come full circle on your rips, in paying tribute to all corners of the internet's shitposting history.
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asktheevilgeniusesson · 1 month ago
*a large hammer smacks finny in the face*
Boo did i scare you
The jackal yelps as he stumbles backwards as the massive hammer slams into his face, he covers his head after taking the mask off as its been indented twords his skull and he covers his face, rubbing the inital hitmark with pained whines.
“Ghhrhh.. im about SICK and TIRED of you fucks… no you didnt scare me.”
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hazaelis · 2 years ago
I feel like there's always some bizarre double standards when it comes to quite characters in general. For quiet female ones are often interpreted, and dismissed, as boring, unappealing, bland, badly written without any personality, etc. Whereas male quiet characters, are an insta-fave by the fans, fancied or even thirsted upon. With just a glimpse of their quietness, and aloof gaze, often being enough to woo the audience, even prompt them to create a 30-page thesis for a deep dive psychoanalysis to decipher their enticing personalities, but it appears that taciturn female characters aren't enticing enough to get their own essays. And if they do get some kind of essay, it is dismissed as hogwash.
Though FF fandom certainly loves to factor into that with their favoritism for VII above everything else, including Cloud being the only real quiet MC in the series, and any other quiet MC that has the faintest resemblance to him is automatically invalidated for being a 'Cloud copy' (Squall and Lightning). But at that point I feel prompted to ask: What about Terra? Didn't she start this whole iconic taciturn female MC trend in the series? Isn't Cloud a copy of--- *gets shot*
I'm forever annoyed that cloud is recognized by the ff fandom as a very deep character whose arc explores how his mental illness directly contributes to the character flaws we see in him throughout the game, while lightning is consistently interpreted by those very same people as just being an emotionless bitch
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helldivers-2 · 1 year ago
The answer about hitmarkers is actually strange, to me. None of my support weapons get hit markers, aside from the default machine gun. Not the Stalwart, not the Autocannon, not the Anti-Material Rifle, not the Laser Cannon. It’s been a minor frustration for me, because I can’t see if I’m penetrating armor with the weapons that don’t ignore it.
That’s strange, this is not an issue I’ve ever heard of. I’d say a support request may be in order as I’m unsure how such a specific bug could happen.
Rest assured, those weapons are MEANT to have hit markers, and they usually do.
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scarletlotus182 · 1 year ago
the only improvement i'd make to the boops is adding a Call of Duty hitmarker effect to them
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thelreads · 1 year ago
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year ago
Thelreads, MHA 279, Replies Part 2
1) “HEEEY- I SEE KENDO THERE, I DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE SHE WAS WITH THIS GROUP AS WELL”- Her Quirk might just make her hands big, but it should really buff up her biceps as well, cause damm, that girl’s literally pulling her own weight with the other two musclebound dudes. 2) “Oh ho- I don’t think Toga is taking well this attempt to give Machia a healthy mean. I think she’s gonna snap even harder than she already did
well, considering that Twice (bless his soul) died like, less than ten minutes ago in universe, I think she hasn’t even recovered from the previous snap”- Toga’s almost certainly looking for Uraraka and Deku amongst them, as the closest thing she’s got to a ‘friendly’ face amidst the enemy side that took her good friend from her. It’s probably a good thing for them that neither of them are anywhere close to Toga, cause her crazy side just upgraded to unhinged after Twice’s death, and that bodes poorly for their next encounter. Also, it’s somewhat depressing, if thematically appropriate, that the only group that managed to put a significant delay in the League’s charge was the UA students, and not any of the adult heroes. Whilst they’d be overwhelmed in a straightforward fight with the united villains at present, just like with the rescue of Bakugou at Kamino ward, it’s always the kids that successfully inconvenience the League, the next generation of enemies clashing against each other equally with all the adults being mere support to their fight, despite the fact that they shouldn’t have to be fighting this seriously yet, being still kids in school. But destiny will not be denied…. 3) “OUCH- JESUS CHRIST HE INCINERATED HER EAR”- The jokes about Dabi’s lack of chill ceased to be jokes once the chaos unfolded, and he’s only planning to turn the heat up for the heroes from here on in… 4) “OH HOLY SHIT IT WAS THOSE HITMARKERS THAT KAMINARI USES I WAS TRYING TO IDENTIFY WHAT IT WAS WHILE JOKING ABOUT IT
HELL FUCKING YEAH KAMINARI GO! “- Machia may be the big target, but taking out the league before they can interfere with Tomura’s battle would also net the heroes a win. Too bad Compress keeps his eye on the ball…and keeps plenty of balls stocked in his peashooter. 5) “FOR FUCK’S SAKE KAMINARI NO!”- Compress does not appreciate hecklers in his performance. 6) “Welp, fear not Mr. Compress, they are gonna make sure to properly kick your ass, especially now you’re out of tricks.”- Compress may be lacking when it comes to a flashy attack of his own, but his ability to accurately keep track of the flow of battle and identify potential upsets for the league’s goals well in advance is invaluable for them. That’s twice now he’s stopped the heroes before they had a shot of taking them all out, and just from chucking some rocks in their way to trip them up…or knock them down, as it were. Like Spinner, Compress is an invaluable supporting member of the League whenever he’s unable to be a front-line fighter. 7) “Class 1-A is trying to calm down a really rowdy toddler and the toddler in question is kicking their ass.”- Given how powerful the kids are becoming these days thanks to the Quirk Singularity, a child with Machia-like powers may one day be a possibility.
8) “OH NO THE TODDLER IS ABOUT TO START SCREAMING EVERYBODY TAKE COVER!”- Thankfully not, but if he had, it’s possible that Machia would have blown out everybody’s eardrums with a sound attack louder than even Jiro’s. Man’s lungs are a big as a house now, so if he screams, those kids can say good-bye to their hearing. Luckily, he also doesn’t see the need to actually attack them much either, so he’s still going easy on them by blowing them away with a mach 2 gale-force wind.
9) “Also, I find interesting that Machia has the opposite quirk from the Stressful Hulk.”-
So, now that we’ve had it confirmed that Machia’s got multiple abilities, it’s probably best to clarify something. Machia has the makeup of a Nomu, a being with multiple abilities and lowered brain functions likely because of that, but he isn’t one. The reverse rather, the Nomu are all based on him and his example as AFO’s primary engine of obedient destruction. Machia, for some unknown reason, can just naturally endure multiple Quirks without going completely brain-dead, presumably as a result of being an advanced-enough Quirk generation holder, even if having that much power did clearly knock his IQ down several notches. Despite that, what brains he has retained as coherent enough to completely fulfil any of AFO’s orders and the interplay of his Quirks is enough to make him nearly unstoppable.
The Nomu are all attempts by Garaki and AO to artificially replicate and reproduce Machia’s ensample on demand in various forms, to create an army of powerful soldiers that serve his whims unquestioningly, albeit with adjustments made for those who can handle the power better to retain high brain functions. In much the same way as Kurogiri is clearly their prototype work with creating a Nomu in the first place, a semi-artificial being with an implanted/altered personality to be absolutely obedient to orders and with multiple powers inserted into him, albeit in his case the powers were combined into a singular powerful one to preserve his mentality better. Machia is the opposite end of the scale to him, a natural existence that just could endure AFO stuffing him with so much power without exploding and remaining physically capable of following his commands, with the Nomu, and specifically the high-ends, being an attempted middle ground between them to create the ideal existence for the Lord of evil’s personal forces. Thankfully, the finished models all appear to be gone now, but the close-enough versions that are now active on the field are dangerous in their own right regardless, just not to the same extant.
(MHA ch 265) 10) “OH NO WAIT, NOT A NOMU, THEY SAW GIGANTOMACHIA, WHICH, BEING HONESTLY COULD BE A NOMU GOING BY HOW STRONG HE IS, BUT WE CAN TALK ABOUT THAT LATER,”- Technically, in a way he is a Nomu- the original template that birthed the concept anyway. It’s unclear exactly how he could withstand so many Quirks and abilities naturally, but Machia is what gave AFO the idea to create an army of mindless multi-powered soldiers utterly loyal to him to the point of being nearly brain-dead otherwise.
11) “Also, didn’t thought about that particular point, did ya, Spinner?”- To be fair, he’s mainly remembering how tough it was to fight Machia before, so based on his own harrowing experience, he knows exactly what these poor saps are going through and is enjoying the boot being on the other foot now…except, he forgot that his presence gives Machia a handicap that he didn’t have before, so the heroes actually have an easier time of it than he did.
12) “Yeah, what a shame, guess you guys are gonna have to take one for the team and let him go to Shigaraki all alone, I know, what a shame, but it is for the future you guys want, right? (: “- I actually don’t doubt that Spinenr would take that bullet if it came down to it. Lizard boy is ride or die for Tomura now, he’s proved that in spades. It’s actually a refreshing insight to how much better than AFO Tomura is as a villain, that he could naturally generate this kind of loyalty in his followers just from getting to know them, but AFO has to fall back on artificially generating that kind of loyalty in drones like the Nomu, especially given his current disfigurements have given him a severe handicap on his charisma checks.
13) “HOLY FUCK MT LADY CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD FOR ONE LAST INSULT FUCK YEAH GIRL FUCK THEM UP! TIME FOR YOUR LAST MEAL, MACHIA”-A crisis situation shows who you are underneath. For all that she seemed to be a flashy and “false” hero at the start, the kind that Stain would certainly target, at this moment, Mt lady’s proving that she’s a true bona-fide hero to the core, putting herself at immense risk and personal injury because nobody else but her can impede Machia in any meaningful way- plus, it’s also something of a fitting ‘midpoint’, for a new and upcoming rookie like her to be supporting the newbie kids on the field, just like the experienced hero Midnight put her trust and support in the next generation to step up to the plate.
HELL FUCKING YEAH GIRL!”- Acidman ain’t just an all-round attack option for Mina, it’s also a great defence when you need to venture into a Hazard zone.
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saschaederer · 3 months ago
- Threat published recently, of the mental image of floating candles in front of a dark background, (initially pertaining to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGLIFuuzBSg): Partial reference to 'those who believed in his words', here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=272Aex6o5Mo&t=4236s
- Pseudo hallucinations of dark or light color projected unto my left wrist (in partial reference to a pseudo hallucination of an apparently satanic symbol, reminiscent of this brand https://images.app.goo.gl/nDibMesLangx6jaU8 but without the lower legs, which was projected unto my wrist recently)
- A sound of a pornstar screaming in agony, during CNC
- Loud and distinctive clock tips at my ceiling, as I was about to fall asleep
- "Kai (Ederer)" - "Vier" (Ger: 'Four', initially pertaining to danger, initial reference to Mikhaila Peterson acting out the Antichrist spirit) - "Fünf" (Ger: 'Five', initially pertaining to me 'acting in harmony with the system') (all of those to the intro of 'Rammstein - Sonne' playing in my head)
- Mental images of the Youtuber / Streamer 'Asmongold' looking at me, resentfully -predatory (initial reference to him being among a group of people who're supposed to satanically ritually abuse me (sodomy of wounds), partial reference towards him doing so to others (potentially, instead of me)) - "Asmodeus" (initially pertaining to a demon from Christian mythology, alludes to 'Taylor Swift' voice)
- It having been the sensible decision to edit the "I'm fine" of yesterday's threat into in front of the "Threat published yesterday" part, in line with my formatting and to escape potential manipulations on people otherwise (Coded signal in initial reference to me not being fine (initially pertaining to a satanic inversion))
- https://imgur.com/a/UZRYwip (Partial reference to 'gamer girl' (a hypothetical teenage girl of my type, acting heroically) getting tortured for a lifetime, partial reference to Taylor Swift getting tortured for a lifetime, partial such reference to any other female acting heroically. Partially pertaining to how I had imagined myself as being sacrificed in a ritualistic manner, the day after I had posted this https://x.com/SedererAgain/status/1728579743962825199, being lifted up into the clouds in an 'arch of hysteria' to the song 'Barker & Baumecker - A Murder of Crows Pt.1', while Luciferians all around me are chanting. Influenced by the painting here https://youtu.be/sIA4EkvpLtc?si=dNx8Dvc5JlWFIFXB&t=170, being reflected by the single cover of the song (Caution: https://imgur.com/a/0qpbhvc))
- The system signaling me prolonged silence after I uploaded my new profile picture on my tumblr page (initial reference to such getting misconstrued or exploited as a signal for 'below' in the dictum 'As above, so below'. Initial reference to me, partial reference to the world)
- "Sort out X highlights" (in 'Taylor Swift' voice)
- The sound of the male vocal sample in 'Bart B More - Brap', while in the post office
- A schoolkid walking past me at the bus stop, mentioning "3" and "3,7" - The bus having the number '13' - The elevators of my apartment building having been at floor (coded reference for many years of torture) '13' and '3', when I arrived at it (initial reference to Taylor Swift, partial reference to me ('1337', standing for a meme coded language called 'leetspeak' and something I've been messing around with since I was a teenager))
- A blue BMW driving past, reminiscent of this one recently https://imgur.com/a/1B8WO2Y, with the number plate 'F DD 1924'
- "Exactly" (initially pertaining to my thought that, Swifties specifically might've been referenced by the mass SRA threat since recently)
- Mental image + sound of the 'Call of the duty' hitmarker (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5p80IIyn-I)
- Titanic moaning + vibration sound outside of my window, roundabout <30hz this time (initial reference to people getting satanically ritually abused (sodomy of wounds), partial reference of such getting performed on Swiftys specifically, partial reference to such a number of people performing such on me) - That sound moving higher in frequency and vanishing
- Pseudo hallucinations of dark color, projected unto my surroundings
- "Beige" (initial reference to me getting tortured instead of my mother, Tomoko Kuriyama)
- „Bryan Johnson“ (Initial reference to the YouTuber)
- Mental image of Louis Rossmann grinning and looking down at his old repair laptops like in this video https://youtu.be/gJYIhLQJtTs?si=nOIjwtwvwPKZJLhv, but facing left
- Mental image of the climber and Youtuber Magnus Midtbø smiling at me
- Mental image projected unto my surrounding of Top Luciferians being or getting angry at me, for the uploading of my current banner on X (https://imgur.com/a/X10f4vY) - Mental image of the single cover of 'Barker & Baumecker - A Murder of Crows, Pt1.' projected behind my back
How I handle threats I receive (Last Update: 12. 12. 2024):
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crusadingspacewarrior · 4 months ago
If you make me use hitmarkers I'm 'boutta hit you. Get that Call of Crap out of here.
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definitelyblanc · 10 months ago
trying my best to LOVE love selaco but i cant get myself past a "its good enough" games in early access but there was a demo a year or two ago but it feels like the games not improved much from then? like i swear there were more feedback for hitting things than just a hitmarker, as in actual sprays of blood from enemy + the marker? idk saying all this makes me feel like a bit of a douche cause i liked the nextfest demo and the ea release i dont really like much
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