#hit post for the love of god mac Jesus Christ
macadam · 2 years
Hey, Eugenesis anon here. Sorry I talked to you that way, and the comments are right, I don't even know what I'm doing. Sorry for the ask, feel free to erase it if you want.
Oh anon, no, you’re fine. I didn’t read it as rude at all. I think,, eugenisis has been a topic that’s been beaten out of the fandom recently because it’s been revisited a lot—over the past 3 months especially.
People cycle through information, y’know? Eugenisis is, for the moment, out (lol). But I am not one to get annoyed at someone bringing about a repetitive topic. It’d be very hypocritical of me, I think. That’s what newer fans do—and I consider myself a new fan still. We don’t know what’s been talked about a thousand times or not, y’know? I certainly haven’t been here for long enough to grow tired of much.
Important note though; people tend to jump to correct things on my blog because they find it fun, and I respond well to it. But I wouldn’t read it as something done maliciously. We’re just comic nerds, is all.
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walks into ur inbox and sets up a big conspiracy board. hi mac :3 do u wanna hear about the hs epilogues and hs2??? well i'm gonna learn u a thing about homed stuck post canon!!!! here we fucking go
ok so idk how much of the epilogues u have read, but basically to sum it up: it was made as a way to make the fans of canon hs angry. like that's kinda the whole point. and it worked because honestly!! they are quite terrible!!! and i do like them a lot but there are a lot of things that were done in bad faith with very little care to original canon, such as: raging misogyny in the form of making jane a hashtag girlboss who sexually abused jake, jade who has no concept of sexual boundaries and was literally framed to be the girl who got in between the gay couple, and like. a lot more. so it's. very far from perfect. honestly a lot of the character writing isn't even that good
but something to keep in mind is that while yes, part of the reason a lot of it is written that way is because hussie just wanted to piss people off, there is kind of a canon reason for it??? dirk went kind of off the rails and absorbed the knowledge of all of his splinters and alternate timeline selves (which for a person who hates himself that much!!! not great!!! would drive a guy a little nuts!!!) and he got a little. bro strider-ish. very manipulative and Not Nice. and he also grabbed control over the entire narrative in the meat timeline so!!! he was just messing with people and trying to convince himself he didn't feel bad about it. sad!
and the candy timeline is controlled by alt!calliope who wanted to make the entire timeline nice and perfect and domestic, a war broke out between trolls and humans, shit hit the fan pretty bad, but the narrative only focuses on the romantic and family drama which says sooooooo much about how alt!callie views the world and these characters. she grew up obsessing over them and now can't process that these are real people who are friends with the alpha timeline version of herself and it drives me bonkers and fucking yonkers GIRL YOU ARE MESSING WITH PEOPLE YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN YOUR BROTHER!!!! since ultimate!dirk absorbed the knowledge and memories of lord english through his absorption of arquiussprite he is basically lord fucking english so him and alt!calliope arguing over the timelines is literally just. two siblings who never grew up pulling their toys/friends back and forth and being upset because they can't get their own way IT'S INSANE
also the prose slaps sometimes. meat page 39 is an especially good example, like the way it capture's ult!dirk's character voice is. AAAAAAUGHJGHGH. god. the feelings of that part. the way he's clearly trying so hard not to care..... but he DOES. and you can TELL. honestly it really captures the tragedy of dirkjake so well. also candy page 14 is just. woagh. idk if you read that part but dirk dies in candy and it's just.... holyyyyy shit dude. it's a bit gorey and it is a suicide so maybe not the best part to read if you're in a bad state of mind but GOD. it just. there's something about it that somehow manages to capture dirk so well in a way. like of course his death would be self inflicted while feeling like he's doing something "right." jesus christ. i can give u links to my favourite pages if u wanna read any of em
ummm ANYWAY. hs2 is a continuation of BOTH timelines. john died in the meat timeline (sad) and got incredibly depressed in the candy timeline (also sad) but also he had a son with roxy in candy!!! his name is harry anderson and lemme tell u i love all of the kids in candy. there's harry, there's vrissy (an ecto clone of vriska adopted by rose and kanaya), tavros crocker-english (jane and jake's kid, the most tragic little guy ever tbh) and um. yiffy. yiffany longstocking lalonde-harley who was born when jade wanted a kid. i'm not gonna get into the whole ordeal of yiffy rn it was so balls to the wall insane if i explained everything i would be here all day. but also VRISKA IS THERE 🎉🎉🎉 and she is the highlight of the candy timeline lemme tell u. she's gonna end the troll/human war maybe. or maybe she'll just fuck around. who knows!!! it's vriska!!! i love her silly unpredictable swag :3
the meat timeline is where i go especially crazy because there is soooo much to analyze here in terms of prose and imagery and just. stuff in general. basically dirk and rose blasted off into space to go create a new intelligent species and introduce them to sburb and make their universe "relevant" again because something just feels Off about their current story, and they can't quite tell what it is so they're fixing it any way they can think of. also terezi tagged along because she was there when john died and she still hasn't found vriska and so she is also depressed so hey why not tag along on this death trip to the stars!!! also a bunch of others are trying to chase them down in their own spaceship, including: dave and karkat, jade, callie, and roxy (who is transmasc in the meat timeline!!!) also davekat is canon in the meat timeline and they have some lovely existential discussions about dave's immortality and karkat's mortality
anyway thats all i got for now. i feel insane about these guys and i'm hoping the new writers for hs2 can maybe improve the story a bit AND THEY ALREADY KIND OF HAVE!!! they brought sollux back, they made jake less of a punching bag and more of a character, they have vriska shenanigans, and jane is less of an Evil Girlboss and actually more of a homestuck villain if that makes sense!! AND THE ART STYLE IS BETTER TOO the hs2 style kind of devolved a bit and looked a bit terrible after a while (they might have just had new artists on at the time) but now they've got different artists!! and the guy heading it now worked on some of the original homestuck stuff!! so they're trying to slowly fix some of hussie's bad writing choices and expanding on the cool stuff that was already there!! i love hs2 it is my deeply flawed very fucked up baby :3 sorry this was so long. the demons got me u understand <3
I UNDERSTAND I UNDERSTAND. OMG THANK YOU. i actually did start reading candy/meat when they first came out (<< 17 yr old who was so so so excited for new homestuck content) and ended up. giving up on them REALLY quick. i actually got to the part where dirk died in candy and that was what made me put them down entirely bc i was SO upset . also like u said yes the way jade was characterized was so so so uncomfy for me. so those r like the two main factors that made me totally give up on meat and candy. and i kind of openly was super super mad about the epilogues for a while after that and then i realized. oh no. im a fool. im exactly the kind of person they were written to make angry HHFDBSJS. so i backed down and learned to appreciate them for what they were from a distance <3
i appreciate u SO MUCH for the deep dive bc holy shit. every once in a while i have the internal struggle of "god i miss homestuck. maybe i should go back and read the epilogues" and then i Dont hFBFSJDK . i actually do not know SHIT about hs2 in general !! i know there is. ult dirk who looks like an anime villain and i think thats great for him. aaaaand. the davekat laundry room scene which i have only seen panels for and not dialogue and i love them so much forever. and thats about the extent of my knowledge.
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bookishofalder · 3 years
Saviours Coffee House [Prologue]
Summary: Negan hires a new manager.
Warnings: Language! We’re starting off tame, but get ready because future parts get dark. WC—+2.7k.
A/N: Even if you aren’t a The Walking Dead fan, you might like this story—it’s a coffee shop A/U, I really only take the characters from TWD!
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Your eyes were only on Negan as he stalked forward, his normally bright eyes dark with fury as he clenched the baseball bat in his hands. You’d never seen him so angry...you’d never seen anyone so angry. Apprehension coiled in your gut, your mind blank, a doe caught in the headlights. You knew you had to move, to stop him—but part of you almost didn’t want to.
It was the part of you that had been beaten and broken over and over screaming for it to end. Screaming for you to let it happen.
And fuck, you wanted to listen to her.
Maybe you would.
Way Back
Negan Dean was sat at his desk, staring at the computer monitor in front of him without really seeing it. His mind had wandered away from the shop's accounting, the task he needed to complete. He had reason to be distracted, though, as he was in desperate need of a new manager, and he had a few interviews lined up that afternoon.
He’d put off rehiring for too long, left the manager position open and simply worked himself to the bone, running the place and leading it. But it had been months.
He’d needed to keep busy, after Lucille...no, he wasn’t thinking of her today. He needed to get the accounts sorted, have some lunch, and then start the interviews.
That was today’s game plan, and he was sticking to it. The extra work had finally caught up to him, as he knew it would. He was ready to step back because he was fucking exhausted and wanted to focus on his role as the owner of the Saviours Coffee House, behind the scenes. He needed a full-time manager to run the floor, someone smart and competent and good with people.
Simon had been on his ass for a while now about it, but he’d resolutely ignored his long-time friend, too stubborn for his own good. He knew Simon was right. But it was going to be on his fucking orders that a new person joined the tea—his family—even if it meant he’d fallen asleep in his office some nights, slumped over his desk in pure exhaustion.
Negan finished his task and stood, stretching out the kinks in his back, before making his way out onto the loft that overlooked most of the shop below. He had a few couches up here, and a little kitchenette next to his office, the area acting as a staff room in many ways; customers could not come up. At the opposite end of the loft, a door led up to the next floor, which was Negan’s condo. He’d bought the entire three-storey after the recession, gutted the whole thing and, working with a crew of mostly friends who had various trade jobs, renovated it entirely.
Negan was proud of Saviours Coffee House, a dream that he hadn’t always had come to life in the walls of what used to be an old, relatively small, textile factory. Now situated in the heart of downtown, it was the perfect spot for an edgy, laid-back place to unwind, meet friends, go on dates. Hell, Negan loved looking down and seeing a customer stay the whole day as they worked, even if they only bought one coffee. As far as he was concerned, the moment you spent a dime in his place, you were a customer for the day. And that had been a hit with many of the locals and students from the nearby university. Open five-thirty in the morning till eleven-thirty in the evening, Saviours welcomed all. So long as you kept your feet off the fucking tables and minded your manners.
In his former life, Negan worked as a high-ranking guard at the nearby penitentiary. It was a minimum-security, well-funded place where non-violent criminals ended up. He’d loved his years there, but after getting stabbed for the second time (the first was when he was young enough that he’d bounced back almost instantly) he decided to retire.
He sunk all of his savings into this dream, and years later had a lot to show for it. He’d also met a lot of down on their luck men in his time as a guard, so after Saviours became successful, he started a hiring program for white-collar criminals who completed a local, not-for-profit reintegration program. He only kept two on at a time, and most moved on after saving up enough.
Currently at the bar was Dwight, who’d been with Negan the longest now, having started just over a year before after getting out from serving time for drug possession. If Negan was proud of anything, it was Dwight. He’d seen the man evolve from a quiet asshole who barely grunted when customers paid, to a friendly bartender who mixed both amazing lattes and delicious cocktails, even if he grumbled about it. He was a fixture here now as much as Negan—and probably more well-liked, but Negan didn’t care about being liked. As long as people were happy, he was just fine.
It was the post-lunch lull now, so Dwight was wiping up the counters and switching the signs around from daytime menus to evening. Maggie, who had been working at Saviours for about two years, was wiping down the tables while Fleetwood Mac played over the expensive Bluetooth stereo system. He’d asked Maggie if she wanted the job, but she’d only laughed before telling him plainly that she had no desire to work full time or see him that much. He’d figured as much, seeing as she was in university, but he had wanted her to know it was hers if she did want it—she’d earned it.
Dwight was happy where he was, and didn’t want to upset the balance in life he’d worked so hard for, which Negan respected. His newest employee, also a convict hire, wasn’t up to scruff to become the manager, as much as he liked Paul, or ‘Jesus’, as everyone called him. He was a nice kid, worked hard, but seemed content working three part-time jobs. That had left Rosita and Tara, both part-time and students, and then Carol, part-time and not interested as she worked as a volunteer at the Children’s Hospital and didn’t want to give that up.
Which left him where he was now, stomping up the steps to his place to have a quick lunch before back-to-back interviews of promising contenders for a job he wished like hell he didn’t need to fill.
“Jesus. Fucking. Christ.” Negan slammed his hands onto the marble counter in frustration as Dwight watched him. He smirked as he tidied up the barista station.
“That bad, boss?” Dwight was shit at keeping the amusement off of his face. Negan scoffed, glancing behind him to ensure no customers were listening, but it was busy enough now with the after-class and work rush that the cacophony of voices and music allowed him to speak privately despite the location.
Negan held up one hand, holding his thumb and index finger a sliver apart. “I’ve got this much fucking patience left. Only one candidate wasn’t a god damned catfish and I didn’t like him,” He sighed, nodding gratefully when Dwight pointed to the espresso machine, knowing Negan needed his usual five o'clock pick-me-up. “I’ve got one last one; Daryl's friend. If she doesn’t fit, I’m going to have to beg Maggie—and you know she’ll love that too much to say yes.”
With a laugh, Dwight nodded in agreement, expertly moving about making Negan’s latte. “Carol seemed pretty sure you’d like her, said Daryl thinks of her like a little sister and when he heard you were looking for someone he was adamant she’d be perfect.”
Negan sighed, “Yeah, and I like Daryl so if this doesn’t work out and I have to start hating him I’m going to be real pissed off. Thanks, D.” He added when Dwight passed over the piping hot drink, still grinning at Negan’s displeasure.
Dwight dipped his head forward, eyes behind Negan, “I think that must be her, don’t recognize her and she’s dressed too nice for this place.” With that, he turned away and started loading dishes into one of the dishwashers. Negan turned, eyes scanning for the potential candidate, and he didn’t have to look far.
Because there you were, right out of a fucking dream.
Dwight had been right, you were dressed far too nicely for Saviours, but perfect for an interview (which instantly gave you points over a few of the previous interviewees). You were weaving by a few men who were standing at a high table and hadn’t yet noticed Negan, which allowed him to survey you.
The pretty green dress paired with a smart leather jacket and shiny kitten heels gave off an air of sophistication, accentuated your curves beautifully, and rendered his mind to mush for a brief moment. You wore your hair down, and it fell in elegant waves around your shoulders. Fuck, though, if you weren’t the prettiest woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
He thought Carol had mentioned you were in your mid-twenties, but you walked with more confidence about you than one usually saw in those formative years. Already impressed, Negan pushed himself away from the counter, stepped forward and smiled.
You looked around, his movement catching your eye, and returned the smile warmly as you approached. No doubt, you’d looked up their social media, seen pictures of Negan. Any smart candidate would do that, and Negan could already tell you were a clever girl. He called your name over the music, and you nodded, extending your hand
Negan took it into his and shook, enjoying how small your hand was compared to his. You were curvy and petite in the best ways, so much shorter than him but fully voluptuous, and you dressed like you knew you looked damn good, fuck whatever society said about beauty standards. “Mr. Dean, it’s great to meet you, sir.”
Negan grinned down at you, then pointed toward the staircase to your left, “Come on up, it’s quieter in the office.” And he led the way.
When he glanced back to make sure you were following, Negan saw you looking toward Dwight, giving him a friendly wave. He gave you a nod, a near smile, a pretty decent result from the house grump. He needed a manager who could get along with everyone, so right there was another point in your favour.
Closing the door brought the loudness of Saviours down to mere background noise, the evening crowds were always loud as shit. Negan loved it, the differences between the start and end of days, the energy. He gestured toward two armchairs he had, hating the process of sitting behind a desk to interview like he was some hot shot lawyer. He preferred the less intimidating, friendly way. It was just a coffee shop, after all.
A damn good one, though.
When you settled, Negan took his seat across from you, suddenly feeling a little distracted under the gaze of your bright eyes. “Well I’ll get straight to it; you come highly recommended by both Carol and Daryl. I won’t lie, I’m a pain in the ass to work for and I’m looking for someone who can handle hard work, long hours and most importantly, get along with my people. You really think that’s you?”
You were sitting with your back straight, legs crossed at the ankles, hands in your lap. You looked entirely at ease, meeting Negan’s eyes straight on as he spoke. When he finished, you leaned forward almost imperceptibly, your response instant.
“I’m exactly what you’re looking for, sir. I love people and get along with everyone. Do you think I’m best friends with Daryl and don’t know how to deal with a pain in the ass?” At this, Negan smirked, “I’m hardworking, and I have no other major commitments, so full time and long hours will suit me just fine.” You had a lovely voice, which was probably why you’d stayed working at the sales call centre for years before now.
In your resume, Negan had noted the year gap in wor—you had stopped working for the call centre just over a year ago, though it was noted you were a freelance writer and kept income that way. But he found it curious that you’d been working since you were a teenager and yet hadn't worked a solid job in a year. And now that he’d met you, he could see you were the hardworking type. Carol hadn’t known why you’d been away from a job for so long, stating that Daryl knew but didn’t tell her. He had said it didn’t matter, and that was good enough for Negan.
“Well, I’ll admit, on paper you’re ideal, which is why I scheduled you last today. I wanted to have time to read you.”
“And,” You interjected, a small smirk on your lips, “You know that keeping someone waiting the whole day for an interview will shred their nerves and leave them more susceptible to letting their true colours out.”
Negan stared, surprised, “Can’t get much past you, eh?”
You shrugged, “It’s a good tactic. But I assure you, I’m just as competent in the evening as the morning, and I think if you give me a chance to prove myself, you’ll be very happy with hiring me, Mr. Dean. I want to work here, you have an amazing place. It’s a part of this community, and the reintegration program is something I respect greatly, I have no issues working with men hired from there.” You paused, adjusting yourself slightly, palms falling open on your legs, “And, I’ll be frank, I want a job that has long days, that’ll keep me busy and tire me out and let me build relationships with customers. When I found out you were hiring, I jumped on the chance for Daryl to have Carol put in a good word for me. It just seems...right, to work here.”
“What about your writing, do you still do that?” Negan watched your face closely, and it didn’t waver, instead, your smile widened.
“I can write anywhere, anytime. And I make my own schedule with whatever commissions I take on, so it’ll be easy to write on my days off, or breaks if I don’t have a day off,” You pointed at Negan’s phone, which he’d set on the wide arm of his chair, “I can also help with writing any social media or website content, I know Carol mentioned you wanted to expand that presence, and I’m comfortable with that sort of work.”
Negan considered you, letting a comfortable silence fall as he thought over your words. You did seem eager, excited, and the fact that you’d researched what he was looking for impressed him further. Breaking eye contact, he glanced down at your resume once more, though he couldn’t think of anything else to ask. If he was honest with himself, he was ready to hire you after the first two minutes.
“I like you,” He said, thrumming his hands on his knees, “When can you start?”
“In the morning? Or I can go home, have my dinner and come back dressed more appropriately for work, if you need me straight away, sir.”
Negan shook his head, both as a response and in an attempt to toss away the thoughts that stirred up in the back of his mind every time you called him ‘sir’. “Tomorrow morning is perfect. And since you work for me now, you can call me Negan, asshole, or shithead, no more ‘Mr. Dean’ or fucking, ‘sir’, okay?”
When you smiled at Negan, it was the most dazzling he’d seen yet, bright white teeth and sweet dimples making his heart stutter. Damn, you really affected him. He needed to get a gri—you were half his age, for Christ's sake.
“Thank you, Negan,” You stood, holding your hand out and grasping his when he offered, your head tilting back to look at him as he stood before you. “Really, I promise I’ll make you proud.”
“Kid, I don’t doubt it.” He replied softly, and for a moment you simply looked at one another. Negan wasn't sure if you felt it, but he did; it was a spark. Fleeting, but strong enough that he knew life was about to get interesting again.
Taglist: @mermaidxatxheart @paintballkid711 @ladydmalfoy 🤍
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Take it on the Run - Dean Winchester part 3
Read part 2 here!
Warnings: mention of sex, fluff
Summary: After a month long, whirl-wind romance with the new guy in town (Dean), he ghosts, as if he never existed. You are devastated, eating plenty of ice cream, your friend decides to take you out for drinks and karaoke. Maybe something happens who knows  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"You're doing what?!" I pulled the phone away from my ear as (Y/F/N)'s shrill voice came through the receiver.
"I said I'm going out with Dean tonight-"
"No, I heard you. Loud and clear. Fuzzybritches, are you hearing this crap?" A soft mew followed. Fuzzybritches was as old as I was and, as (Y/F/N) put it, as wise as a mountain. Which made as much sense as it sounded.
"You're involving Fuzzy so you must not be that mad." I said as I pulled into the diner Dean asked me to meet him at. It had become a regular meeting place before he left. It had the classic diner feel and at the same time felt like grandma's kitchen, comfortable and familiar.
"The jury is still out on Mr. Winchester." Was all they said.
"Whatever." I said, not really paying attention because I saw the Baby pull up next to me.
"Like your voice changes when you're around him. You sound in love, it's disgusting." They said, scoffing.
"I'm hanging up now." I said. Dean looked over and mouthed my friend's name. I nodded, opening and closing my hand to mimic their jabber. Dean got out, coming around to open my door for me. I decided to put it on speaker phone.
"Hey (Y/F/N)." He said, a bright and intoxicatingly handsome smile on his face.
"Dean." They said, a grumpy mew following.
"I give you my word. I won't leave like that again. I think you'd hunt me down if I tried." He said, helping me out of the car.
"He's smart. I'll give him that." They said after a short pause.
"Goodbye!" I said, hanging up the phone. "Sorry." I said, leaning back against my door.
"Awh they're fine." He said, leaning over and kissing my cheek. This slight and minut gesture made my heart race. He led me inside where we were sat down in a booth. The seats were plastic cushions that would definitely be sticking to my thighs when I try to get up later (why did I wear shorts?), so looking forward to that. Darlene, the local waitress who had a thick southern accent even though she wasn't from the south, came up to us. Her golden blonde curls bouncing.
"Hey y'all!" She said, pulling a small notebook and pen out of her apron pocket, "Been a while since I saw you two." She looked at Dean, "And don't worry, we got fresh pie waitin' fer ya."
Dean smiled, tapping his hand on the table, "Now that's what I like to hear." We ordered our drinks and food before being left to ourselves.
"So how was your day?" He asked. The simplicity of the question was strange. If what he said was true, he was a a trained gun. He has probably killed people. But he was here in this diner. With me. Enjoying the simplicity.
"Uh, good. Kinda. My coworker didn't come into work this morning. He called in sick even though we were supposed to be working on a project together. To be honest, I'm not surprised. He's kind of a flake anyway." I sighed. Trevor, the coworker in question, was a pretty unreliable when it came to group projects. It was odd because he emailed me some reports last night and didn't mention that he was sick.
"Sounds like a douche." He said, leaning back against the booth.
"What about you? What have you been up to?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaning on the table. He smirked at me, his dimples making an appearance.
"Oh I've been around." He had a look in his eyes, that mischievous look that made me shiver. Because they were oh so similar to his bedroom eyes.
"What have you got planned, mister?"
He shrugged, "You'll see." Before I could say more, Darlene returned with our drinks and food, the subject temporary forgotten.
After pie and paying, we left the diner. Dean went ahead and opened the passenger side of the Impala for me.
"Oh what a gentleman." I pressed a hand to my chest. I sat inside, looking over the interior. He once told me that he had rebuilt this car plenty of times. Keeping a few touches that had been there forever. The army man that Sam shoved into the ashtray was a cute touch. He also said that he had shoved Legos into the vents and when you turned on the heat you could hear them rattle.
Dean got into the driver's side and twisted the key to start up the car. The purr of the engine could probably put me to sleep if I stayed long enough.
"I got a little surprise planned, just sit back and relax." He drew out the last word as he turned on the radio. The tell-tale guitar started playing, surprising me.
"Fleetwood Mac?" I asked, they were one of my favorite bands growing up. Landslide was probably my favorite song of all time.
He nodded, singing to the opening verse, "Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise
Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies..." The Chain could get anyone pumped up, it was the perfect song a trip down the road, going plenty over the speed limit.
"Can I open my eyes now." Dean had me blindfolded with a bandana. I was leaned up against the Impala, arms crossed because of the cold.
"Just a minute, sweetheart." He said as he shut the trunk of the Impala.
"If I didn't know any better, this is some serial killer behavior." I teased. I heard him laugh and then heard the sound of what sounded like fabric.
"Oh you'll see." He clicked his tongue, "There." There was the sound of soft grass under his boots as he walked towards me. I felt his hands pull off the bandana.
"Eyes closed." He said, "Just trust me." I sighed but complied. He took my hands in his own, leading me down a small hit and out a few feet.
"Here we are..." He moved around behind me, "And open." When I opened my eyes, I felt my cheeks getting sore from the smile on my face. He had laid out a large flannel blanket and a couple pillows. There was an open cooler in the corner, a couple beers and fruity drinks inside. There were small citronella candles flickering away. The sun was setting, giving the scene a warm glow.
"Dean...." I whispered. Not really knowing what to say. It looks like it's straight out of a Pinterest post pinned by some girl with too many y's in her name and captioned: goals. But here I was, experiencing goals.
"You said you wanted to go star gazing. And I think it will give us a chance to... Reconnect emotionally." He said as if the words were rehearsed.
"Those are Sam's words." I teased, turning to look at him. He shrugged, "He's useful sometimes."
"It's...this is amazing, Dean. Really... This is all I could have asked for. " I really couldn't describe how I felt. It was so grand and the same time it was so simple.
We had been lying there for hours, talking about anything that we could think of. Our lives, our families. He was still keeping secrets, but I didn't care. I was lying on my side, resting my head on a pillow. I could tell that he probably snuck them out of the motel he was staying in. The position he was in reminded me of a particularly steamy encounter.
My chest was heavy heavily, my hair was sticking to the sides of my face. Five times. I didn't think five times was possible. But as Dean put it, the sounds that I was making were payment enough for the incredible things that man could do. He had traced his tongue over every tattoo he could find. The falling angel, the white wing dove, the Mississippi moon, the Celtic infinity knot, and the most sensitive, the crystal on my hip. I sat up on my elbows, turning to look at the Adonis next to me and a softness filled my heart. He was lying there, his chest rising and falling steadily. One of his hands was on his stomach, the other behind his head. A smile plastered on his face, his nose (which was extremely adorable, I didn't know having an adorable nose was even possible), and his eyes were completely focused on me in a look that I could only describe as adoration. Even as I met his eyes, he didn't look away. He continued to stare. Continued to smile.
There he was again, staring at me now. This look had much more meaning than it did before. It was after we just had sex when all our dopamine was rushing to our brains. No, this was just being in each other presence. No need for sex, not even a kiss, just each other.
"What are you thinking?" I whispered. I wanted to reach out and touch him but I was too afraid to ruin this moment.
He grinned, the tip of his tongue poking out from underneath his teeth, "Do you remember that drive we took? Just hours and hours of driving to nowhere?"
Oh my God, oh God, oh Jesus Christ. Was he talking about what I think he's talking about? Oh God, my heart is in my throat.
"Of course." My voice was barely there, practically a whisper in the wind.
"You told me something that scared the living shit out of me." He said, there was a slight shake in his voice. Okay. Words I was not expecting. The disappointment is creeping in.
"You told me you loved me and I uh..." He paused, not meeting my gaze, "Only one other woman has ever said that to me. She ultimately got hurt because of me." Is he pushing me away? What does this mean? I would hate for my whole Pinterest goals moment to end like this.
"She got hurt because I thought it was safe, I loosened up. I wasn't at my best. Sam was gone..." He shook his head, "Gone at the hospital. He got really sick. My mind was everywhere. But that doesn't excuse that she got hurt. But when I look at you..." He reached a hand out, cupping my face, "I know that no force on heaven, earth, or hell could ever take you away from me. I...." He brought himself closer to me. I could feel his hot breath against my lips, his eye lashes batting against mine.
"I love you."
AWWW it's happy! For now.
You can read part 4 here!
Reblogs and likes if you liked it!
Songs mentioned if you're interested:
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
Any Led Zeppelin
Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks
Black Water - The Doobie Brothers
Any Metallica
Crystal - Stevie Nicks
(shoot me an ask if you want to be added!)
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the-stressmushroom · 6 years
Voltron Characters as conversations/things I have said/heard after my first month of college:
Shiro: Kimchi is God’s gift to man kind.
Pidge: The fuck is kimchi?
Shiro: You know, like delicious fermented cabbage?
Pidge: You mean that fucking disgusting thing that sometimes comes on the side at certain Asian restaurants?
Shiro: How. Dare. You.
(in the library) 
Keith: Do you think I could get away with my overdo book charges by stabbing the librarian?
Shiro: David no.
Pidge: And I’m like, try it bucko but I’m not letting you beat me up for a lost umbrella.
Lance: Different suitors require different levels of thrusting capacity.
Keith: Ok but what if im bottoming?
Hunk: This is a disgrace. Where the fuck has the mac and cheese bar been. It has been over two weeks people. Get your shit together.
Lance: The class average on my chem exam was a 58% according to my professor, but Im still praying for that A.
Hunk: Didn’t you forget to study?
Lance: Praying for the A. No bad vibes.
(the next day)
Lance: So I got my grade back.
Hunk: And?
Lance: God has failed me. I am now an atheist.
Lance: Guess who slut shamed me today.
Hunk: Who?
Lance: Sarah.
Pidge: Wait, your roommate Sarah?
Lance: Im not even finished, she slut shamed me as she was grabbing a condom for her Tinder date.
(While crossing the street in front of on coming traffic)
Keith: Hit me, I dare you. Pay my fucking tuition. 
(In class)
Keith: Do you want some of my Arnold Palmer?
Shiro: Sure. *takes sip and sputters* Jesus christ what the fuck Jared?
Keith: Its my special Arnold Palmer.
Shiro: That is straight Vodka.
Keith: With a splash of brisk iced tea.
Shiro: It is nine in the morning.
Keith: Last night I was sucking this guys dick and when he came, it shot right into my eye. And then his cum got stuck in my contact and dried and I couldn’t get my contact out. Should I go to Student Health Services?
Lance: Some people have special talents like singing and dancing and shit. My talent is slow whipping and disappointing all of those around me.
Allura: It is so so cold outside.
Keith: You are wearing flip flops.
Allura: Autumn is here.
Pidge: You are eating a fucking ice cream cone.
Allura: Embrace the chill.
Shiro: It is 62 degrees, you are going to die.
Lance: So it turns out I have a very rare type of strep throat, Strep C. Which apparently is usually only found in farm animals and people over the age of 75.
Keith: So you been making out with any cows lately?
Lance: Not that you know of.
(Very drunk at a party)
Keith: Can I make out with Gill?
Shiro: No?
Keith: But I wanna.
Shiro: No.
Lance: God Stephen let the girl do what she wants.
Shiro: I am her boyfriend!
Keith: Not any more.
(violently starts making out with Lance)
Pidge: Gay… i love it.
(PS: I have been collecting these. If you want me to post one for month two, let me know)
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love-max1982-us · 3 years
However with an increasingly diversified global Rogue portfolio
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She kept questioning me and trying to discover what I was doing, and when I refused to tell my secret even to her, she made me swear that I would not ruin myself by being an idler and a loafer. This had become an uncommonly troubling issue, one that cuts to the core of our common claims to the most fundamental kinds of personal security under the rule of law. She bagged her Salomon sponsorship in 2016 and was declared National Geographic's Adventurer of the Year in January. Shall not men be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up. Founded in 2008, The Calvin Johnson Jr. Beyond Fitness gym, 7224 Skyway, Paradise. Isn’t she awake yet? I’ll go in to her. “Let it be written that henceforth only guild members shall be permitted to name themselves journeymen or masters … provided the guilds open their rolls to any freedman who can demonstrate the requisite skills.”. They all competed in the 66th annual Golden Meadow Fourchon Tarpon Rodeo. Leiner called 911 and stayed at the scene after the collision. 28 to March 5. A whole lot bigger and amazingly better for a whole lot less. Our dna can be traced all the way back to that one original organism. With glad hearts and true, we give them to your cleansing fires, that the darkness in their souls might be burned away. Might be she had a tail too, I never looked to see.”. This weekend's Gathering of Eagles air show at Lost Nation Airport in Willoughby will give attendees a chance to admire not only some of the county's oldest aircraft, but also some of the brave pilots who flew them. I want to be treated like im fucking something really important. "I didn't know! I thought [it was] just training, and then [I realized], 'Oh my god, this is a race!' And then I felt like I [could] do it," she says. Les films Juste la fin du monde de Xavier Dolan et Embrasse moi comme tu m'aimes d'Andr Forcier, prsents avant leur sortie en salle, ont aussi connu des succs de foule mrits.. Not listed is the chip's max TDP, which happens to be 130W the same as previous Core i7s and the Core i7 980X Extreme as well.. We became close friends that very evening. Once he had gorged himself he grew drowsy. What adds to their numerous consumers is the fact that their products are space efficient and portable. Set your alarm early for the grand finale: a sunrise concert catalog cercei aur turcia by pianist Remo Anzovino (July 23, 4.45am; free with required booking). He loved being out with his friends. But it just one tenth the size of United Continental, the world largest airline company. Folk Music from around the world will be performed on drums and xylophones using the Orff approach; no experience necessary. RANAWAY, or stolen, from chanel ágynemű the subscriber, living near Aberdeen, Miss., a light mulatto woman, of small size, and about 23 years old. 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Besides, you really have a great advantage over most white people, who have not only the care of their daily labor upon their hands, but the care of looking forward and providing necessaries for to-morrow and next day, and of clothing and bringing up their children, and of getting food and raiment for as many of you as belong to their families, which often puts them to great difficulties, and distracts their minds so as to break their rest, and take off their thoughts from the affairs of another world. In fact I just talked to her this afternoon on the telephone. Weld’s book, “Slavery as It Is,” under the head of Labor, p. That all said sometimes there have to be differences allowed for in different versions on shows. Probably she had never listened from the pulpit to a sermon which should adidas stan smith j white sandisk mp3 mode d emploi tactile blue exhibit the great truth, that “in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free.”. They know how inconsistent the curriculum is from teacher to teacher. He was fully convinced, however, up to the very last minute, that he was only leaving her for six weeks and that their wedding would take place on his return. Just wanted to let all of you know! That all of your words of encouragement today meant the world to me. He is a graduate of Oklahoma State University and has a master's degree in international relations from George Washington University. When Edd caught sight of the ragged band of wildlings, he pursed his lips and gave the giant a long look. The subject was indefinitely postponed. Success in music these days is a bifurcated proposition; you either have one of a rare number of big hits, or your products barely scrape by (it's that way in the movie business, too). A post race party and trophy presentation will be held afterward inside the fort. That much was true, Selmy knew. In the event you have additional questions that are not covered by others, please feel free to requeue and we will do our best to come back to you. Do you realize what an insult it was? In her horror and, above all, her pride, she drew back from him with infinite contempt. It is the quad core gpu that izraeli kézműves ékszerek is working 4 times harder than the dual core gpu it replaced. My opinion of NFL players is that the vast majority of them are regular guys. While the company relies mostly on e commerce, consumer packaged goods and entertainment, it starting to prove its value to vehicle manufacturers.. "People might think it's a joke store or a children's toy store. If one really might call her a child she belonged to that class of thinking children who are fairly numerous in our Russian families. Will Ackerman, Grammy award winner and founder of Windham Hill Records, puts Lanier "among the finest pianists and composers on oneil mellény the contemporary scene; playing music filled with soaring inspiration papuci de casa din pasla and remarkable peace." Admission is $15 for adults and $10 for students. With so many gooey cheeses on board, there's barely room for the noodles themselves, which results in a "super creamy, dreamy" mac and cheese that Guy dove into on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. Neither team scored again until late in the third. "It's not an exaggeration to say the world stands at a crossroads on air max 90 ultra se climate change. The calcaneus and malleoli should also be observed for normality of shape and position.Weight Bearing Position, Medial View The longitudinal arches of the foot are the primary concern in this view. It is an oak aged Belgian pale ale, brewed with apricots. Golden Shoes separates itself by wrapping Christian's soccer story around his missing father and the deceitful neighbor (played by Eric Roberts) who takes him in after his mother's accident.. Yes those are GPUs but I am sure that AMD has had 45nm CPU models in their lab for quite some time now. Dottie Pope, a retired pharmacist and stay at home mom, represents the bulk of our readership Brentwood moms and she keeps them foremost in our minds.. Its neighbors are not supine, and they show on occasion, when needed, that they are able to coalesce against Chinese actions that they judge as going too far. He had been reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and spoke of it as a novel, which, like other romances, was well calculated to excite the sympathies, by the recital of heart-touching incidents which never had an existence, except in the imagination of the writer.”. He has cursed his daughter, and he came yesterday to ask you to take his daughter’s place. There were numbers of tenants in the building, almost all artisans or German women who let lodgings with board and attendance. We await results of judicial proceedings before commenting on the matter. Much of the evening, it was men among boys and in a lot of ways they imposed their will on us. In nearly all cases, the goods made in those regions came back to the United States as imports.. In another twist, Vroman sang a fascinating two in one number melding the Jewel Song aria from Gounod's "Faust" with "I biciclete rusesti vechi Feel Pretty," batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon from "West Side Story." She is gorgeously, operatically trained and perfectly professional. Now, the reader will perhaps be surprised to know that such an incident as the sale of Cassy apart from Eliza, upon which the whole interest of the foregoing narrative hinges, never could have taken place in Louisiana, and that the bill of sale for Eliza would not have been worth the paper it was written on.—Observe. I offered a reward of fifty dollars, and have him here safe in jail. Bryan Cranston, the "Breaking Bad" star who denied Hamm the award three times before, was nominated again for his role as a teacher embroiled in drug puma red bull racing evo cat ii trafficking. Such are the immutable laws of fekete táska női the moral world. Angus 'Steele' Redway wears clothes from Jay Jays. Navy recorded two second team all league performances on day three. While there is no set recommendation, many health professionals suggest consuming a minimum of eight izraeli kézműves ékszerek 8 ounce glasses of fluid per day. The girl obeyed, wordless. Autumn in King’s Landing, he brooded. The jump from one air jordan aj4 win in 2010 to a 5 5 mark last year in Joseph's first season running the program was substantial (though it ended at No. Irving, Esq. Almost a decade had passed since the Laughing Lion headed out from Lannisport, and Gerion had never returned. He can raise you above all temporary and worldly considerations. “Those are the same clothes you wore for the wedding.”. Well, good-bye. But I won’t give you back your promise. ALL DAY LONG. May 2 at the Mahoning Valley Hope Center, 3217 Surrey Road SE., Warren. Summer's out with a BANG! Flash floods and fierce. There were a lot of moving parts.. Walking Sarah to the car, Chuck admits he wishes he could access her file with izraeli kézműves ékszerek his mind so he could know everything about her. When you buy memory in bulk, it costs you lesser per gigabyte, than buying an entirely new drive later. While his highest profile roles were as counsel for the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and other clients, he first gained notice as a plaintiff. Dhoni is not getting young but you cannot blame him for going slow as we were loosing wickets on a regular basis. Air Force G Tre' Coggins, 6 2, So. Ty Outlaw continued his hot spell on Saturday, scoring 16 points and finishing a perfect 5 5 from beyond the arc. She had to be oneil mellény certain. If not tonight, upon the morrow. His tall figure, his bent papuci de casa din pasla back, his death-like face with the stamp of eighty years upon it, his old great-coat torn at the seams, the battered round hat, at least twenty years old, which covered his head — bald but for one lock of hair not grey but yellowish-white — all his movements, which seemed performed, as it were, aimlessly, as though worked by springs — no one who met him for the first time could help being struck by all this. These kids knew it wasn't over. Wilson was quick to imagine it more than a decade ago. Drifts of golden hair fell to the floor. If not, he'll stop after seven or eight. From a couple of lockers away, Jerry Hairston Jr.
0 notes
this post gets a warning for statutory rape & also child abuse bc scott’s dad is a dick
we open ch11 with stiles pov, he has been ditched by everyone, is alone in the woods, and terrified for all his friends
this is reading like night school tbh
aww he's talking about how he got booted out of cub scouts for being too talkative during meetings
"I couldn't find them," Derek said, coming up behind him, and Stiles let out a shriek.
listen even though i dont like the ship this is honestly a great dynamic i love derek being terrifying let my boy have some comfort in being able to scare other people
derek say the alpha is setting the fires to throw him off scott's scent, or maybe the argents are, and stiles is like PFFFT you dont seriously think allison is in on this and derek's like you shouldn't be surprised you know who the argents are & what they do & he stares into the campfire and Remembers oh god here comes the flashbacks 
"six years earlier" goodbye! this is gonna be so fucked up
so young derek is in the pool swimming laps and talking about the wolf moon where all the hales from around the country will be coming in to do a ritual where they honor their ancestor—and this is interesting—the beast of gévaudan
who is actually the argents ancestor in later canon lmao but it's cool that originally it was the First Werewolf. maybe this is like as close to religion as werewolves get
anyways derek and his cousin josh are gonna be competeing for some honor (derek's dad and peter have a bet going - peter's better against derek :/) so he's doing extra laps and workouts. apparently laura makes gentle fun of him a lot god im so sad
anyway the lifeguard has to leave the school for a few weeks bc his wife is having a baby soon and the sub might not let derek stay and swim after hours
obviously the sub is going to be kate i know this
awww apparently the swim coach keeps beggin derek to join the team but he's too worried about shifting at school and full moons to join
yep here's kte, wearing a Sexy Swimsuit and making eyes at derek when he happens to look at her from scross the pool. she lets out a "lusty chuckle" as he gets embarrassed and looks away
he thinks she's really pretty and can't stop looking at her body but he's content enough to just blush about it and swim it off UNTIL he realizes he's been swimming for ages, the pool is empty, and it's just the two of them, but she's still swimming in his lane
"He thought about reaching out, touching her. He wanted to, with all his straining body. But she was practically a teacher, and he was only sixteen. Of course she was just toying with him."
yeah fuck there it is jesus christ
"Flustered, even a little frightened, Derek ducked beneath the nylon lane divider, reached the side, and climbed out of the pool. He left without saying a word, heading for the boys' locker room. Her amused laughter trailed after him. He was almost afraid to shower, but he quickly rinsed off and changed into street clothes, still mostly wet. He practically ran out of the school, looking over his shoulder."
like this scene paints derek as instantly and deeply attacted to her which lol me over here in ace derek camp i don't buy it but GEEZ even with all that the fucking...predatory nature of how she acts—like she's standing in the parking lot staring at him and waiting for him when he gets out, and he runs away and leaves without a word
you could argue that he's shy and doesn't know how to handle a crush bc it's probably true but she's corraling him and cornering him. she's hunting him. FUCKED up
he's like in utter disbelief that she'd come onto him and you get the sense that he wouldn't know what to do if she was more direct
and then derek goes to the beaconburger, which i am absolutely putting into a fanfic, and meets laura for dinner, to ease the flow of traffic in their own kitchen at home
he actually does IMMEDIATELY tell laura about what happened when she asks why he's so upset and she's pretty scandalized that it's a teacher at first, but then she asks if they banged and just sort of gently teases him when he gets embarrassed because "in our world 16 is mateable" yikes that's some bad writing
laura: so she came onto you like a big slut? derek: [instantly shutting down]
man :////
i'm pretty disappointed lol for all the ways this book is good at depicting kate as predatory you'd think it'd make laura a little less "sure fuck a teacher thats fine"
lol and then she accuses him of being in puppy love and we end the scene alright then
oh my god baby scott!!!! i am highkey prepared to fight his father
scott and his parents are a few booths down
his parents are arguing about something, and they always argue, but today something Bad has happened but he doesnt know what
he like, says he isnt hungry and asks if he can go play at the arcades to get away from the fighting and jesus FUCKING CHRIST rafe says that they don't have the money, melissa says she has a couple of quarters, scott holds his hand out, and and rafe grabs his wrist: "I'm getting mixed messages. First, we don't have enough money to pay for cable. But we have enough money for Scott's inhaler. We don't have enough money for a down payment on a new car but we can stop in here at the Beaconburger instead of eating at home, where mac and cheese is a dollar a box."
and scott begins to have an asthma attack but he tries not to show it bc he doesn't like to have them in front of his dad
and melissa is like "u let go of my son" and tries to give him his inhaler but his dad is like "you baby him, it's all in his head"
and melissa has to threaten to hit rafe before he finally lets go and lets scott have the inhaler jesus fuck like he was seeing spots he nearly passed out
"Her eyes narrowed. She hated his dad. Anyone could see that."
rafe gets mad and gives him a five-dollar bill and tells him to go play his damn games. and he passes by a table with a boy and girl talking about being in love (laura and derek, obviously)
and he promises himself that eh will never, ever, fall in love, end chapter
jesus CHRIST
scott mccall who has so much love in his heart it is bursting full and running over i'm SO SAD for him
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deadcactuswalking · 5 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 6th October 2019
Now it may not seem like a busy week to cover today since we have barely three new arrivals this week, but it is a pretty important one as I think we’ve finally reached the Winter season in terms of our UK Top 40 chart, with new hits that debuted during the Autumn season becoming smash hits and potential success are just now starting to gain traction. This should be most evident in our top 10.
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Top 10
We finally have a new #1 this week and it’s exactly the song I predicted would reach this spot last week, Tones and I’s first #1 hit on the UK Singles Chart, “Dance Monkey”, up six spots from last week to reach this spot. In my opinion, the song’s relatively underwhelming and is just okay, but congratulations to Tones and I for her first #1 hit regardless, although without another hit bubbling under this song or even on the rise, I do have doubts about her future longevity on the singles chart... but we’ll see.
Another potential #1 hit from a new and unexpected artist is “Ride It” by DJ Regard, up three spaces to number-two, featuring a heavily-remixed vocal sample of Jay Sean. I really hope this hits the top but “Dance Monkey” is incredibly dominant right now so time will tell.
When I said change is most evident in the top ten, maybe I should have said top two as the highest songs in the chart are still pretty stagnant right now, although most of it has increased in its chart performance thanks to the collapse of last week’s #1. “Ladbroke Grove” by AJ Tracey is up a spot to number-three.
At number-four, we have “Taste (Make it Shake)” by Aitch down two spots from last week. Its longevity still surprises and impresses me.
Also down two positions from last week is “Higher Love” by Kygo and the late Whitney Houston at number-five, unfortunately making me quite doubtful for its chance to hit #1 as I expected.
Interesting, “Circles” by Post Malone has rebounded three spaces up to number-six.
“Sorry” by Joel Corry featuring uncredited vocals from Hayley May is somehow still here, down only a single space to number-seven.
Dominic Fike’s “3 Nights” isn’t moving at number-eight.
Re-peaking at number-nine is “Strike a Pose” by Young T & Bugsey with Aitch, up a position from last week.
Finally, rounding off our top 10 is Lil Tecca, with “RAN$OM”, up one space to #10.
There are very few climbers here and what few songs there are that climbed are either irrelevant and not notable or just plain bad, with “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi inexplicably returning to the top 20, jumping five spots up to #19, fitting tightly into both of those categories pretty well. Thanks to a music video release, Aitch’s “Buss Down” featuring ZieZie is also up 10 spaces to #25, amongst “God is a Dancer” by Tiesto and Mabel grooving up four chart positions off of the debut to #33, which means this may as well become a hit, and I am not pleased about that prospect at all.
We have a couple spoonfuls of fallers here though and a quite a bit more than the gains as this has been one of many cool-down weeks recently on the UK Top 40 Singles Chart, especially recently where we have undergone a week without a single new arrival (Although this is not the case for this week, I feel I should clarify, as we have three to discuss). Those fallers, from reverse order, are: “Wiley Flow” by Stormzy down a whopping 17 spaces to #39, “Lalala” by Y2K and bbno$ knocking back down after a surge last week, down six to #38, the underperforming “boyfriend” by Social House featuring Ariana Grande down five to #34, “Harder” by Jax Jones featuring Bebe Rexha is down six to #32, “Sunflower” by Post Malone and Swae Lee from the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse soundtrack is down four to #31, “Senorita” by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello is also down four to #24, “Goodbyes” by Post Malone featuring Young Thug takes a five-space hit to #23, “Don’t Call Me Angel” by Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Rey from the Charlie’s Angels soundtrack is down six to #18, only TWO weeks after its debut at #2, and finally, evidently thanks to streaming cuts that would damage British rap heavily, “Take Me Back to London” by Ed Sheeran featuring Stormzy and remixed by Sir Spyro featuring Aitch and Jaykae, is down 12 spaces to #13, after its sixth week at #1, which is a pretty big drop but far from the biggest drop from #1.
Dropouts & Returning Entries
Lewis Capaldi is pushing “Bruises” as his next single, which is fine, and complimented with a video meant it returned to #11 on this week’s chart, however the BBC website claims that the song is by Lil Tecca and has an amateur cover art that looks very much NOT like either Tecca or Lewis Capaldi, but does remind me of Blueface’s original “Thotiana” artwork, despite the man on the cover not looking like Blueface at all. Huh.
In terms of drop-outs we actually have quite a few important exits, such as “I Don’t Care” by Ed Sheeran featuring Justin Bieber dropping out finally from #34 and even “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus out from #36, as well as “Location” by Dave featuring Burna Boy once again dropping out from #39. Oh, yeah, and “Sounds of the Skeng” by Stormzy is out from #40 but it’ll probably be back soon.
#40 – “South of the Border” – Ed Sheeran featuring Camila Cabello and Cardi B
Produced  by Ed Sheeran, Fred Gibson and Steve Mac – Peaked at #7 in Finland and #53 in the US
Ed Sheeran has released another single from his No. 6 Collaborations Project as soon as “Take Me Back to London” fell off the #1, perhaps in an attempt to attract more US success with Cardi and Cabello’s contributions, and it comes with a video, and it’s Ed Sheeran’s 41st UK Top 40 hit (which is insane), and  it’s Camila Cabello’s 11th UK Top 40 hit, and it’s Cardi B’s 11th too, and it’s not worth your time... at all. The pathetic Latin guitar compared with some MIDI-ass flute makes for a pretty generic tropical house beat from 2015, so making Ed Sheeran sing about bilingual sex over it doesn’t exactly scream for the best combination and yeah, it’s awful. “Come south of the border with me”? Jesus Christ. Camila Cabello is barely keeping words in to fit the meter, and her squealing triplet flow is intensely annoying, which is unfortunate because I do like her “rrrr!” ad-libs and the melody in the chorus, while not particularly innovative, is catchy. Cardi B exists here too, and her verse sounds like Wiz Khalifa on “Payphone”, with just as much as empty space yet a tad more actual rhyme. Her last line here about dropping babies and albums but never dropping the ball was kind of cool though. Otherwise, yeah, this is worthless.
#37 – “Turn Me On” – Riton and Oliver Heldens featuring Vula
Produced by Riton and Oliver Heldens
Who and who featuring who? Good question, let’s go through them. Riton is an English Grammy-nominated house producer with a close working relationship with Mark Ronson, who actually had his song “Rinse & Repeat” with Kah-lo peak at #13 back in 2016, meaning this is his second UK Top 40 hit. Oliver Heldens is probably the biggest artist here, as he released the massive hit “Gecko (Overdrive)” with Becky Hill that debuted at #1 way back in 2014, becoming the last sales-only UK #1. It also had a really strange music video. He had a two other hits in 2014 and 2016, including the #5 hit “Last All Night (Koala)” with KStewart, but since 2016’s “The Right Song” with Tiesto and Natalie La Rose, the well ran dry for Heldens until 2019, where he both collaborated with Nile Rodgers and made this song. I’m pretty sure this Zula guy is Ledri Zula, who has had a couple minor EDM successes in the past solo and with G4SHI, but he doesn’t have a chart history of even Wikipedia page. I may be completely wrong about that by the way, so I’ll edit that in later if I am (Edit: Ledri Zula’s a dude, this singer sounds like a woman. I think I’m wrong). Regardless, it’s Riton’s second UK Top 40 hit, Heldens’ fourth and Zula’s first. An interesting fact about this song is its sample of “Don’t Go” by Yazoo, which was a worldwide hit in 1982. Yazoo themselves are a duo of Alison Moyet and Vince Clarke of Depeche Mode, and from what I’ve heard, they’re pretty good, with “Don’t Go” having a particularly memorable synth riff that even those who have never heard of the song or Yazoo will know, mostly because it’s featured in the film Tango & Cash, as well as Grand Theft Auto and Dance Dance Revolution... and a Family Guy episode, which is where I vaguely recalled it from, which is kind of sad. Ritton and Heldens incorporate the synth riff as a replacement of the vocaloid drop of sorts... oh, yeah, and the song’s pretty good. I’m not usually a fan of the derivative house-pop that appears on the charts ever so often by acts like Sigala and Jax Jones but I’m not going to lie: that synth riff bangs in any context, especially with the plodding bassline behind it. Vula’s vocals are pretty sweet and include a lot of necessary sass to ride the groove here, and that’s all I can say really. I can see this shrinking on me because it could grow annoying but for now, this is pretty cool. Check it out.
#21 – “Playing for Keeps” – D-Block Europe featuring Dave
Produced by ???
Ah, D-Block Europe, back again, once again collaborating with a rapper who’s definitely of slightly high calibre, although keeping it local with Dave instead of Lil Baby like last time. Now it might seem like I really hate these guys but I actually love whenever these guys show up because they just give me all of the ammo themselves. I don’t need to make any observations because they’re so blatantly awful in a way I never need to analyse... hence I overanalyse. On the surface level this is just pretty generic British melodic trap-rap but once you dig into the lyrics of their 28-song long album that debuted at #4 this week on the albums chart, you really get into the D-Block Europe lore. Yeah, no, but this is D-Block Europe’s fifth top 40 hit on the chart and Dave’s 14th, and well, I think they might perhaps be improving as this isn’t that bad of a song, at least in comparison to last week’s confusing trainwreck that was “Nookie” with Lil Baby, with a vague, minimalistic guitar-lead beat produced by... someone. Although the vocals do come in incredibly abruptly after what sounds an avant-garde sound collage intro, with a pre-chorus that just... shrivels up into itself for one measure before the beat comes back and it just sounds really odd. Young Adz’s flow is melodic and could sound better if the beat was either competent or equally melodic as there’s barely another instrument here that isn’t an 808 or a drum. Dave sounds... stilted, as he really can’t translate his style to this beat. He also sounds jarring against Dirtbike LB who is really quiet in the mix and also in the unconfident sense, with a pretty non-existent flow, in fact, he might have the worst verse here, but overall, this is a really dreary single, it’s really dull and I’m honestly disputing the fact that it exists.
Oh, yeah, it’s D-Block Europe, so let’s talk about some of the worst lyrics here, except Young Adz doesn’t deliver the awful lyrics this time. In fact, his verse is probably the best here, with a pretty fun opening line:
.44 bells, you can’t go to war with a stun gun / We all spilt blood for these cunch-blocks, hella dumb-dumbs
If you’re wondering what “cunch-block” means, it literally means “D-block”, as in places where they sold drugs. Although he ends the verse with a misguided attempt at being intimidating, which was abandoned soon after.
When you catch a case or you go to jail, they’ll never miss you / Broski, I love you like cooked food, swear on mummy, I’ll never diss you
“I love you like cooked food” is about as sweet as “I love you like a fat kid loves cake”. Dave sounds really awkward here as well, and his usually fast-paced yet bluntly delivered flow allows for the nonsensical or cringeworthy puns to be a lot more digestible, but here, he slows down and the inexplicable wordplay is just... confusing.
I’m in D2, that’s Dan on deen, nothing to do with a mosque
Huh? Also, is Dirtbike LB okay? Like, Young Adz doesn’t exactly sound ecstatic but LB’s verse here is delivered in the saddest way imaginable and his lyrics aren’t happy at all, in fact, his verse sounds the worst but you could argue he has the best content here.
Scars all over my body like I went to war with the devil himself / I have a [gnarly dude] put one in your head, have your neighbours say, “Get him some help!” / Hard to be focused and righteous when you feel like you’re living in Hell / Just put a brick on the scales, wish me well
This is actually a good half of the verse and while short, it’s quite poignant, it’s just that the first half is this:
Girl, I waited all night just to taste this / Tell the truth, I’m faded
Sigh... never change, D-Block. Never change. Also, why the hell is the video for this over nine minutes?
You know what? I’ll give the benefit of me not expecting anything at all of quality to D-Block Europe, as they’re somehow staying safe and not gaining the title of Worst of the Week, as that’s going to Ed Sheeran, Camila Cabello and Cardi B for the waste of time that is “South of the Border”, and I guess Best of the Week has to go to the nobodies with the relatively decent song, as Riton, Oliver Heldens and the Vula who I still don’t have a face to match with, get it for “Turn Me On”. You’re lucky that Yazoo let you clear that sample. Follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank and I’ll see you next week!
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