#his tail got covered up but idc
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n6ptunova · 1 year ago
can u do chris bf headcanons
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boyfriend headcanons ‱ chris sturniolo
a/n: ofc pookie!! thank you for the requestđŸ«¶
warnings: none
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- chris would try to act a bit more “chill” and “nonchalant” before you guys date, but once it’s official he turns into the sweetest boy ever. he becomes almost soft spoken when it comes to you and you only.
- he goes to you for fashion advice since he can’t really match clothes. you take him shopping and dress him up in a way that he’s comfortable with but also looks so fine. he might even make one of those tiktoks “my style before and after my gf.” he also loves matching with you for sure.
- speaking of clothes, he LOVESSS when you wear his shirts and hoodies. it doesn’t matter if they’re baggy, tight, or well-fitted on you, he just thinks you look so beautiful in his clothes and he thinks it’s cute how giggly you get and how you burry your face in them admiring his lingering scent. he’ll let you keep your fav hoodie of his too.
- he cannot go to sleep without you. we all know how he’s always sleeping in nick and matt’s rooms, but ever since you got together, he only sleeps in his bed, yours, or the couch but you HAVE to be there or else what else is he gonna cuddle??
- his favourite is when he’s the small spoon laying on top of you and resting his head on your chest (not for that reason but it’s def a bonus) and you playing with his hair till he falls asleep. if he wakes up and you’re separated he’ll whine and cuddle closer to you.
- i think it’s a given that he likes when you play with his hair, it’s his weakness fr. but sometimes when you’re bored you start braiding his hair or trying different hairstyles on him like man bun, piggy tails, space buns or your personal favourite half up half down with some strands falling out. he acts like he’s annoyed when you do this but he melts at the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
- he’ll just be looking up with heart eyes at you focusing so hard to perfect the hair style for him and secretly smiling every time you get excited at how cute he looks and the little kisses you cover his face with. he’s so whipped it’s crazy.
- he’s a part of the sassy men apocalypse idc. being in a relationship with chris is mostly joking around and poking fun at each other. so when he’s in a goofy mood and you shrug him off bc you’re busy or not focused he’ll go “oh so you don’t love me anymore?? i see.”
- “babe literally what’s more important than me rn this is insanity.” you always call each other bro but when hes feeling sassy and you call him bro he’ll say, “are you bro/friend zoning me rn. what the fuck.” and sometimes he doesn’t even respond and just crosses his arms dramatically looking away until you say his name or “babe/baby”
- he takes pictures of things he noted you like before eg. the sky, sunsets, flowers, cats, etc. and sends them to you bc it reminds him of you and he knows how excited you get over them.
- he’s a mama’s boy i stand by that, so it’s important for him that you get along with mary lou, which you do! mary lou loves you so much he starts to get jealous of both of you because you’re “stealing” his mom and you’re spending more time with her that chris starts to miss you.
- i feel like in general chris is a bit touch deprived, like in vids he’s always reaching for his brothers’ hands or resting on them, hugging them, leaning on them when laughing etc. now that he has you, you get all these little touches, playing with your fingers subconsciously, tracing circles on your thighs occasionally squeezing it, rests his arms on your shoulder when you’re standing somewhere, always hugging and kissing you on the cheek, forhead, corner of your lips, and even boops your nose sometimes 😭.
- he definitely is always looking at you with loving heart eyes all the time that fans start to make edits of “the way he looks at you” and you both eat them up.
- when he’s sick he turns into a literal child, you have to baby him or else you’ll never hear the end of his whining and complaining. but it’s okay bc when you’re sick he does the same.
- overall that man is just whipped for you fr and his brothers tease him for it sometimes but he doesn’t care (he literally punches their arm almost every time and tells them to shut up but we move!)
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ladywaffles · 3 months ago
icemav + stroking their leg
send me a pairing and a number! A/N: fem!mav x ice who is definitely in love with her and should probably wife her up already, but is too stupid to do so. when is this set? vaguely in the 90s. but what about women in combat? idc.
He comes to, and everything is sore. His head, his body, his teeth. Every nerve is screaming to make it all stop. He furrows his brow, willing the ringing in his ears away, and then—
Something else that doesn’t hurt.
A hand, gentle on his leg. Right below his knee, a thumb stroking his calf through a thin blanket.
He tries to open his mouth, but all that comes out is a moan.
The thumb stops.
“Hey! Hey,” the thumb’s person says. A woman. Soft voice, barely above a whisper. “Are you awake?”
He tells his eyes to open, but they stage a revolt against him. The world is blindingly bright, and he can’t make heads or tails of where he is before that gentle hand is back on his forehead, brushing his eyes shut.
“Take it easy,” the woman chides, amused. “Don’t overdo it.”
“Mmmph,” he responds.
“I thought I was supposed to be the reckless one between us,” she says. He reaches out for her hand, but his arms are jelly. They don’t even make it to the edge of his bed.
The woman sees it, because she takes his hand in hers and laces their fingers together. He lets out a sigh of relief, sagging into the bed. She must like that, since she uses her free hand to brush the hair from his forehead, gently combing through the sweat-gel-blood combination that’s gunking it up.
“Are you awake?” she asks again.
One more try. He tells his mouth to get it the fuck together and reply to her with words.
“Mav,” he croaks out.
The woman—Mav, because of course it’s Maverick, who else would it have been—sobs, and her hands tense in his hair and his hand. He squeezes back.
“Mav,” he says again. His body is finally coming online.
“Yeah, Ice, it’s me,” Mav whispers. “What the fuck were you thinking?”
He coughs, and Mav supports his body as the coughs wrack their way through his ribs.
“Ice?” Mav asks.
He hates himself in that moment.
Maverick sounds scared, and small.
He blinks, once, twice, and his eyes open. The first thing he looks for is Maverick, standing to his right, on his wing like she always is.
She looks terrible. Her hair is tangled and falling out of the remnants of a ponytail that may have once been a bun. There are tear tracks on her cheeks, and her eyes are puffy and red. He’s never seen her like this. Even in the days after Goose died, Maverick had never been so disheveled. Maybe she had, but she didn’t let him see it.
“Maverick,” he says and reaches up to swipe the tears away. “Why are you crying?”
She laughs, but it’s wet and sad. The breath shudders out of her chest. “Because of you, you dumb fucker,” she cries. She pushes her cheek into his palm and holds his hand there. He’s happy to let her, brushing the tears as they fall.
“I’m okay,” he tells her. “I’m okay.”
“Shut the fuck up. I’ll tell you whether you’re okay or not,” she orders furiously. He smiles, but that only earns him another glare.
“Sprained ribs. Shattered leg. Concussion,” she lists off. “Ice, they might not let you back up in the air after this. What the hell were you—”
“I needed you safe,” he cuts in, because it’s the truth. “I wasn’t going to let you go down like that.”
“Oh, so it’s okay for you to take a hit, but I can’t? Do you realize how stupid that sounds? You said wingmen, Kazansky, so fucking mean it!”
And this is a Maverick he knows, a Maverick he is familiar with. This is the Maverick he met in Miramar years ago, who got up into his face after flagrantly breaking the rules, covered in sweat with jet fuel running through her veins.
He squeezes the hand he’s still holding and tugs her forward until their faces are close, until he can feel her angry little puffs of breath against his lips.
“I did it because I had to, Mav. I couldn’t watch you fall out of the sky and do nothing,” he confesses. “I hated it the first time. I never want to see it again.”
“Ice,” she sighs. She rubs at his brow with her thumb, then presses her forehead against his.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
“But not sorry enough that you wouldn’t do it again.”
“No. Not that sorry.”
“Tell you what, Iceman. You and me? We should just agree to not eject ever again. No more ejections, for either of us. Then we don’t have to argue about who has to take what hit. Deal?” She’s crying when she says it, but she’s smiling enough that he knows he’s forgiven.
“Deal,” he says. It’s the easiest promise he’s ever made. He’d agree to just about anything as long as it’s Mav asking him.
Mav hooks her foot around the leg of her chair and drags it across the floor, until it’s up against his bed. She drops into it unceremoniously, still holding his hand.
“Go back to sleep, flyboy,” she teases, but she says it the way that someone else might say lover. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
She leans in and kisses his forehead. “Promise.”
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yourlocaltrashpandaa · 2 years ago
A/n: Wukong brainrot incoming
 do you accept? You should~ I have the headcanon that Sun has scars from wounds that never healed properly. I know he has a healing factor and he’s immortal ik but idc
Asking About His Scars
sun wukong x fem!reader
request: yes/no
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A shiver ran up your spine as cool breeze swept over your shoulders. You scutched over, snuggled into Wukong’s side. Being on Flower Fruit Mountain at night without a jacket was a dumb move on your part. A smile appeared on Wukong’s face as his tail wrapped around you waist with his arm around your shoulder. He squeezed you, hugging you closer.
“Cold, Peaches?” He asked.
 I really should start bring a jacket with me when I come up here especially when we watch the sunset together.” You said.
Wukong scoffed. “Nah, you got me to keep you warm, right?” Wukong said hugging you, nuzzling the side of your head.
You laughed, placing your hand on his chest. “I know. But, can we go inside please? I’m a little tired.” You said.
“Sure, N/n. Staying the night?” Wukong asked you as he stood up stretching a bit.
You nodded as you stood up. “Yeah. I hope that’s okay.” You said.
“Of course, Peaches,” Wukong exclaimed his tail swished behind him happily. “Like I’d say no to you~.” He purred nuzzling your cheek.
You giggled. “Stop it, you flirt!” You exclaimed pushing Wukong away gently with you elbow.
Wukong took you back into the cave and to his small cottage like home with Wukong’s little monkeys trailing behind the two of you. You always told Wukong how much you liked spending time here. It was quiet and peaceful, you felt like you could lose track of time and be contempt with that.
Wukong would always say to you, “Hey, you could just live here, you know?” And you didn’t know if he was being serious or not but you’d decline his offer though you’ve had second thoughts.
“You go and get comfy, Peaches. I’ll get things set up so we can watch a movie or something.” Wukong said.
“Wukong, do you still keep my clothes that keep here in your room?” You asked.
“Yeah! They should be in there.” Wukong said back.
Walking into his room, you looked around until you saw your duffel bag underneath the bed. Crouching down, you fished your duffel bag from under the bed and dug through the clothes you kept. You changed into a pair of shirts and a black baggy t-shirt.
“Honestly, Peaches,” You jumped a bit, startled by Wukong sudden appearance in the doorway. “You should just move in with how much stuff you leave here.” He said.
“Learn to knock
” You grumbled out.
The simian scoffed, rolling his eyes at you. “Whatever you act like I care. Let’s not act like I haven’t seen you naked before.” Wukong smirked.
You smacked his arm. “Ass.” You said.
“This is my room, you know. You don’t get to complain.” Wukong said without warning he stripped off his top.
You noticed something about him. His back was scattered with scars, long ones, deep ones that looked painful. His right arm had scars running up it. How come you never noticed them before? Maybe it was because his fur sometimes covered them up or you haven’t looked to closely at them.
He turned to you and on his chest shown a large scar that went from his collar bone and went down at an angle a little past his pectoral muscles. You frowned walking over to get closer.
“Uh, Y/n? What’s up?” Wukong asked.
You didn’t answer him as you ran your pointer finger up the scar on his chest. He shivered, tensing up a bit but then relaxed.
“How did you get this,” You asked. “Well I mean all of them.” You said.
Wukong chuckled. “I have loads of stories, yet some of them are less then pleasant.” He said.
You hummed. “Do they hurt?” You asked.
“Nah, not in a long time. Sometimes I get those phantom pains but that’s not often.” Wukong said.
“How come I’ve never seen them? Do you hide them from me?” You asked.
 you’re normally asleep when I come to bed when you stay here.” Wukong said.
“Ah! That makes sense,” You nodded. “Why did these scars remain. You have a healing factor right?” You asked.
“Well, uh, I got them during my younger days. “Havoc in Heaven” days I mean.” Wukong chuckled as he looked off to the side.
“Really. Wow, you are old.” You laughed.
Wukong frowned. “Alright, Alright! I get it, I get it,” You quit the laughing. “Let’s watch a movie, Peaches.” He said, he nuzzled his head into your shoulder and the crook of your neck.
“Okay, Okay, Drama Queen,” You grabbed his hand. “To the living room!” You exclaimed.
Maybe if you ever ask again about his scars, he’d tell you the stories, even the unpleasant ones.
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lorelune · 1 year ago
LORE! tysm for indulging my silly lion!jy thoughts. i also just realised lions can’t purr but for this, they can. idc! i will ensure he can. Trust
and ohmygod stop i loved that part of him being this natural protector. stop. got me kicking my legs and shit. just this BIG big hybrid who definitely towers over most, reducing to nothing but a fussy simpering puddle for you! ensuring you’re well fed, you’re warm, you’re sleeping fine, he knows these things before you do. he’s constantly herding you away if he can to just dote on you
and the grooming! the grooming <3 i like to think he loves it doing so much he’d do it all day any day if he could, so you somehow had to negotiate a certain time of day. definitely does it whenever he can regardless though <333
GOD YEAH he tries to be so cool and slick with his affections for you. but his tail always brushes against you, he has a large hand always touching u somehow, he’s constantly butting his head against yours and as soon as you’re sat down,,,, you have a huge ass lion man on your lap or you’re being scooped up onto his. but yes jingyuan you’re so cool and slick!!!
AND THE TAGS???? poor reader would’ve been mauled omfg and poor fu xuan having such a MENACE. but wolf!blade and lion!jy
 im frothing at the mouth. each so possessive in different ways and it’s bcus of their loyalty to you that keeps them on tolerable enough terms đŸ€­
omg. anon. first of all, despite being hiatused i have been THINKING. about this. THINKING!!! about this ask and hybrid jy as a concept because wow. WOW. im on the floor about him still anon.
i believe you anon and am WITH you hybrid jy can absolutely purr. ive heard it myself!!!
god if you're at home with jy... he is sooo doting. fussy. clingy!!! you're so right about the grooming he do need to keep scheduled times with him, otherwise he will keep you underneath him and under his tongue for as long as you're able to physically stand. maybe a little past that!! he's so affectionate with you... and god. anon does he pout when you don't let him have his way.
he WILL simply cling and... you know. forcibly herd you to a bed or couch!! it's necessary you rest and get covered in his scent... he's doing his job!! plus, his favorite way to nap is in your nap đŸ„ș or sprawled out over you with his face by your neck so he can nip and lick as he sees fit!!
and GOD. poor fu xuan really... hybrid jy is such a handful and i feel like he would give poor fx a harder time than he'd give YOU. blade and jy only keep face in front of each other, but the moment they're alone... they're both smothering. blade is a lot more teeth and claws and will brute force as is necessary. he is not someone you can win a fight against!! hybrid jy is more... slippery. he's good with his words and also has the brawn of a lion hybrid. he's big!! he's big and warm and can be so so kind... and it makes his 'suggestions' and prodding and cajoling harder to fight again. if you place your trust in him, jy will treat you so, so well.
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iwant-fuitgummi · 2 years ago
Inazuma Headcanons pt. 2!
(pt. 1 here)
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Transmasc, Bisexual
Family: Yae Miko (FF Mom), Gorou (FF Brother)
Best Friend: Charlotte
I don't know why but transmasc Kirara is so real to me.
Kirara is penpals with Collei. He's since developed a small crush on her.
Talks to Charlotte all the time! They bring her new cameras as a gift and in exchange, Charlotte gives them
He's epileptic, so he always has Yoimiya warn him beforehand if she's gonna have a firework show.
I don't know much about Kirara yet so there's not much I can really say about him.
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Kuki Shinobu
Cisgender Woman, Bisexual, Polyamorous
Dating Kujou Sara and Sangonomiya Kokomi
Family: Ms. Kuki (Mom), Kuki Miyuki (Sister), Arataki Itto (FF Brother), Akira (FF Brother), Mamoru (FF Brother), Genta (FF Brother), Granny Oni (FF Grandmother)
Best Friend: Shikanoin Heizou4She often goes to Watatsumi Island with Itto to visit their respective partners. If she can't find Kokomi, she'll head to her secret hideout. Oftentimes, Koko is asleep at her secret desk. Shinobu takes off her jacket and puts it over her shoulders as a blanket before either heading off to find Itto or just sitting down in the corner with one of Kokomi's books and waiting.
She always thought that Sara was beautiful, even way before they first started talking. She often referred to her as "the Pretty Tengu" when talking to Itto. She eventually began to talk to her (outside of getting Itto and the gang out of jail) and slowly became smitten.
She has a small shrine in her home that's dedicated to the Oni. She hopes that, by praying to his ancestors, Itto will be a little bit safer. she doesn't take the best care of it, since she hates the idea of being a shrine maiden even if it's her own shrine, but still.
Her right leg is a prosthetic. She was born without it. She also wears braces on her arms and often uses elbow crutches.
She always has a first aid kit on hand. Even though she heals with her vision, she uses the first aid kit for herself. She also uses it for minor injuries that don't warrant elemental healing.
She has selective mutism. Itto, Heizou, and Sara are all pretty good at understanding her body language and are usually able to communicate for her if needed. She also has communication cards.
idc if it's not canon. Shinobu has scars on the sides of her mouth like Iguro Obanai from Demon Slayer. She also has a split tongue and lots of piercings.
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Shikanoin Heizou
Genderqueer, Pansexual
Dating Kaedehara Kazuha
Family: Sayu (Sister)
Best Friend: Kuki Shinobu
Honestly I didn't change much about Heizou. I love him as is.
Autistic. They hyperfixate on cases until they're solved.
He has OCD, too. If things aren't done in the right order, he starts to panic.
She keeps a personal copy of each case she's ever solved, just in case she needs to go back and recheck it.
They pack Sayu's lunch every morning before she leaves to do ninja things. It typically consists of two katsu sandwiches, two onigiri, sunsettia slices, and a juice box. They also add in some sakura shrimp crackers for a snack. The lunch is the exact same every day, since Sayu is a picky eater.
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Naganohara Yoimiya
Transgender Woman, Bisexual
Dating Kamisato Ayaka
Family: Naganohara Ryuunoske (Dad), Tartaglia (FF Brother)
Best Friend: Arataki Itto
Her right leg was amputated after she blew it up in a firework accident. It is amputated mid-thigh and is now a prosthetic.
They are partially deaf in both ears. Working with explosives will do that to ya. They know sign language, and so do Ayaka, Thoma, and Itto.
Pep has type 1 diabetes and wears an insulin patch. Pep wears it on pep stomach, and has it decorated to look like a fish. It matches with some of the tattoos that pep has covering pep body.
She is autistic and has trouble regulating her volume. Being partially deaf doesn't help, and neither does the fact that she's constantly shouting over fireworks!
They have competitions with Itto to see who the kids of Hanamizaka like better! The kids know about this and milk it, getting both Yoimiya and Itto to be as awesome and fun as possible. Sara's had to intervene to stop Yoimiya from shooting off fireworks in the middle of the day in the city.
Okay so like. In a modern world, Yoimiya's definitely a decora girl. That's it. That's the headcanon.
Pep has a service dog named Kingyo! She's a boxer who helps with peps diabetes.
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Kaedehara Kazuha
Genderfluid, Asexual, Panromantic
Dating Shikanoin Heizou
Family: Beidou (FF Mom), Ningguang (FF Mom), Xinyan (FF Sister)
Best Friend: Gorou
Kazuha is always tired. They're narcoleptic. Beidou always makes sure that there are multiple comfortable places on the Alcor for them to sleep if needed.
Kazuha's perfect idk what else to say :/
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batjokes-yaoi · 2 years ago
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tears0fsatan · 3 years ago
Congrats on 350 followers!! Can I rq for a smut one shot of bratty leona x soft dom male reader? with the prompts of “you didn’t think i’d just let you get away with all this teasing, right? “you’re lucky that you’re cute.”
đ–„» characters... leona kingscholar x m!reader
đ–„» genre... nsfw oneshot
đ–„» warnings... nsfw!! minors, ageless blogs and fem aligned will be blocked, amab third year savanaclaw!reader, soft dom!reader, bratty!leona, established relationship, reader is kinda thirsty BAHAHA, just ... pure teasing, dirty talking, very light primal play LMFAO [never in my life did i think it'd come to this], pet names such as 'your highness', 'my grace', 'my prince', hair pulling, praising, degradation, not public but mentions others can hear them, oral [giving, it's not long], handjob [I FINALLY REMEMBERED THAT THIS A WORD THAT EXISTS], scratching, edging lol
đ–„» a.n... LETS GO SOFT DOM MY SPECIALTY!!!! idc what anyone says!!!! soft dom is top tier!!!!! n thank u for participating in the event hon! this req is :chefs kiss: i luv domming those who would usually be dom HAH ALSO FOR THE SAKE OF THIS ONESHOT LETS SAY UR A THIRD YEAR N NOT A FIRST YEAR OKAY 😭
🌐 % 3V3NT H3R3 @ __★
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in the midst of your fourth period, you could feel something fluffy lightly graze your leg. you paid it no mind, you already knew who the culprit was. you turned your head to stare at the student in the neighbouring seat. the second prince of sunset savanna, leona kingscholar, your boyfriend, wasn’t looking at you, rather his gaze was focused on trein who was droning on about something you could hardly recall. though, by the way the end of his lip quirked up into his usual lazy smirk, you knew that his actions were purposeful.
the tail sat unmoving wrapped around your calf, bushy end flicking every now and then, so you turned your attention back to the professor. all was fine... for a total of five minutes.
you felt his tail slowly creep up your leg, finding home resting on your thigh. you sent leona a warning glare, bouncing your leg in an attempt to throw off the tail to no avail. you could hear a faint chuckle from him, which he quickly covered up with a cough. you saw the way lucius perked his head up and looked over at the two of you, and your gaze immediately snapped down to your notebook.
you brought your right hand down to your thigh, inconspicuously attempting to push his tail off of you. it didn't help, if anything, the action made it worse as the third year wrapped around your meaty flesh instead. you exhaled through your nose, rolling your eyes in defeat, and continued to listen to the boring lecture.
well... as long as he wasn't doing anything too distracting you suppose it wouldn't hurt to let him do so as he pleased, you thought to yourself as you took down notes.
some time had passed since he made a move, and you had believed that would've been the end to his teasing. oh, how naive.
there were only ten minutes left until the bell would ring when you felt the weight wrapped around your thigh shift. your eyes snapped to leona's side profile in panicked confusion. you noticed the smirk from earlier had grown wider, the ears that sat atop of his head flicked when your gaze shifted to them.
his tail grazed your inner thigh, slowly climbing up closer to your crotch. you bit your bottom lip in an attempt to stifle the sounds of confusion from slipping past your lips. with the way his actions grew bolder, you could tell how prideful the prince was feeling.
luckily for you, the bell rang before things could progress further. you immediately stood up, the tail that had made home on your lap slid off your thigh. without uttering a word, you quietly packed your things and got ready to leave. you turned to your boyfriend who was conveniently already looking at you, an amused glint evident in his eyes.
"you're lucky you're cute." you huffed out before hurriedly shuffling away, leaving before he got the chance to respond, though you could hear his laugh from behind you.
you were able to avoid him for the last two lessons, using the time to think of ways to get back at your boyfriend. you had a few ideas in mind as to how to keep the sly lion in place.
you thanked your lucky stars upon remembering that leona had spelldrive practice today, giving you more time to organise your thoughts and prepare. your pace quickened when you remembered that leona's room had the perfect view of the stadium, elated at the thought of conjuring up a suitable punishment for your little lion.
you cheerfully greeted your fellow dorm mates while making your way to leona's room. stopping by for a few seconds to engage in mindless small talk to maintain your appearance before taking the first chance you got to run off to your boyfriend's room.
you carelessly threw your things on his floor, uncaring to where they ended up, and plopped yourself face first onto his lavish bed. you sighed in contempt, exhausted after a long day of school and your boyfriend's constant teasing on top of it.
you laid in silence for a few minutes, soaking up the comfiness that his bed offered. you were nearly lulled to sleep until you heard groans coming from the direction of the field and were reminded of why you were in the dorm leader's room in the first place.
despite feeling like you were being weighed down, you forced yourself to get up and trudge towards the large windows across the room. you leaned against the pillar, your eyes zeroing on leona who was laying down on one of the lower benches, ruggie beside him to offer some shade against the the blazing heat.
you shook your head, sigh morphing into a chuckle at the predictiveness of the captain. he always skipped warmup, only there to participate in the practice games.
only after the other members of the team finished running laps around the stadium did he get up, tying his hair up in a low ponytail that always managed to leave you awestruck at his beauty. even from afar you could see the sweat that glistened on his skin, the hot temperatures of sunset savanna living up to its reputation.
three rounds later and everyone on the court had decided to rid themselves of their shirts, leona included. you found yourself perking up with a newfound energy after seeing your shirtless boyfriend, moving from where you had made yourself comfortable resting against the stone pillar to lean on the wooden railings of the balcony. you wolf whistled to under your breath, feasting your eyes to the sight of his taut muscles.
practice didn't end until the sun had set, yet despite being out in the blistering heat for hours, they still seemed energetic. save for one lion prince, of course. he was the first one to leave the stadium, sauntering down the stairs without even a single glance behind him.
with uncouth movements, you clumsily got yourself off the ground, dusting off the dirt that clung onto your shorts. you headed inside his room, having the courtesy as to close the shutters and turn on the lights.
belatedly realising you were still in your school uniform, you shuffled towards one of the random shirts leona had laying around and brought it close to your face. if it didn't omit a scent pungent enough to take out half the dorm, then it was good enough to wear.
dressed in only his baggy shirt and your boxers, you sat idly on the edge of his bed, waiting for your lion prince to walk through the door.
leona barely flinched when his eyes landed on the intruder making himself home on his bed, "hah?" he loudly sneered from the doorway, shutting the door behind him and crossing his arms over his chest.
he stood intimidatingly in front of his door, drenched shirt thrown over his shoulder, a sheen layer of sweat blanketing his skin. "why are you wearing my shirt?" he grunted out, eyebrows raised as he eyed you up and down.
you smiled at him, though you couldn't tear your eyes away from his muscular arms to his firm pecs and the droplet of sweat that rolled down in between his tits. the lion cleared his throat and your eyes immediately snapped to his.
you unabashedly grinned up at him despite the way his lips curled up to bare his sharp teeth at you, "welcome back! you worked hard... evidently." you whispered the end of your sentence in a playful manner, well aware he could hear. you quietly muttered a 'thanks for the meal' under your breath which he chose to ignore, throwing his shirt into a basket behind him and using the nearest towel laying around to wipe off the sweat.
the prince did his best to avoid you, looking everywhere but you. he walked around the room, picking up shirts that were strewn everywhere to give them a sniff, tossing the ones that were long overdue for a wash into the basket that sat in his corner. he soon found a black tank top that he deemed was clean enough to wear.
you began to feel lonely from the lack of attention and decided that just wouldn't do.
with his back turned towards you, you wrapped your arms around his abdomen, yet the lion prince unresponsive, though his tail almost instinctively, wrapped itself around your waist. you huffed, nuzzling your face into the muscle of his back. your breath fanned over the expanse of skin, goosebumps rising at your warm breath compared to the cool night air.
he didn't say anything, but you could feel his quickening heartbeat and hear the pants that grew harsher when you kissed the base of his neck. your hands glided over his abs, feeling up the smooth and firm muscles. his muscles tensed under your wandering fingers, goosebumps arising underneath your teasing touch.
"what are you doing?" he grumbled through gritted teeth, probably in an attempt to sound menacing but with one peek over his shoulder, you could see his growing erection.
you hummed, "i don't know, what does it look like i'm doing?" your nails lightly scratched his skin, not deep enough to leave welts but enough to send a shiver down his spine. you grinned against his back, trailing kisses from the divet of his shoulder blades to the juncture where his neck with his collarbones. while doing so, one of your hands drifted lower, ghosting over his hard length.
a sharp inhale came from leona when you palmed him through his shorts, his knees nearly buckling underneath him. you quickly changed positions, turning him around and pinning him to the nearest stonewall before he could even process what was happening.
he looked at you with hooded eyes, the hushed pants that fell from his lips made his chest rise and fall rapidly. his hair tie, that had kept his hair up for the past few hours, slipped off from the movement, his brown hair cascaded down his shoulders. you took a moment to give him a once over, noticing the sweat that coated his skin had begun to cool off, leaving his skin sticky.
your eyes drifted down to his lower half, his cock, which was merely half hard earlier due to the rush of training or your actions you couldn't determine, was now fully hard. if you were to pull down his shorts, there was no doubt his length would stand proudly against his stomach.
leona let out a grunt, your eyes snapping back to his as a response. "what's this?" your free hand glided over to his erection, gently palming it through his shorts. his hips automatically bucked into your palm, though you were quick to pull away before he could get that satisfaction.
from the corner of your eye, you could see his tail flicking around, out of annoyance or anticipation you weren't too certain. he had a new glint in his eye, one you recognised for when he say you as his prey, his little play thing.
in the mess of his hair, you could just make out the flicking of his left ear and for a moment you realised that if he really wanted to take you down, he could do so easily.
and yet, here you were.
"you didn’t think i’d just let you get away with all that teasing, right?" you kept your voice light yet stern, "i let you get away with it for so long... what do you suppose i do about it, your highness?" you finished with a playful hilt in your voice, relishing in the way his tail swished from side to side at the honorific.
you felt it before you heard the deep rumble coming from his chest and you smiled, "oh, i'm sorry, did you not want to be called that, my prince?" you continued teasing, the hands trapped in your hold struggled to loosen your grip, yet you held on tightly.
you pulled the end of his top up to his lips, nudging his lips with the material, "bite down on it." your tone left no room for defiance and with little resistance, the dorm leader did as told.
guiding his legs to part, you tugged down his shorts, his boxers along with it. you cooed at his cock that sprang up immediately upon being released from its confinement. the action had leona sharply inhaling through his nose, his dick twitching from the cold air that hit his sensitive skin.
his cock was big, you'd even go as far as to say it was larger than average. it was a struggle to wrap your hand around it, but it was enough to garner a reaction from him. precum beaded on his tip even though you hadn't done anything.
while nestling yourself in between his legs, you sent him a warning look, "keep your hands to yourself or i stop everything." before wrapping your lips around his length.
"mmf!" leona's muffled cry came from above you, his hands hovering over your head before ultimately settling beside him, nails digging into his palm. you lowered yourself as far as you could, your hands wrapping around the end you couldn't reach.
you hollowed your cheeks and moved back up, sucking harshly around his tip. you kept your eyes trained on his face, observing the way his eyes had fallen shut and his eyebrows furrowing while you sucked him off.
his stomach strained, tightening his abs and making the muscles more prominent. it was clear he was restraining himself from bucking his hips up into your mouth so as a result his back arched further off the wall.
your tongue teased his slit, the precum tasting bitter on your tongue. his cock twitched a few times at your teasing and you came off his dick with a wet 'pop!'.
the prince groaned, all husky and deep, his eyes shooting open and looking at you with frustration. you had sensed he was close to cumming, which was exactly why you stopped your ministrations in the first place.
one hand immediately went to replace the loss of your mouth, pumping his cock at a steady pace. your other hand soothed over the strained muscles, his hands latching onto your arm. you wanted to swat them off, but one look at his teary eyes fizzled out that thought.
"s-stop groping, a-ah!" his raspy voice was muffled by the damp cloth caught between his teeth but you could make out whay he was saying. you chuckled but your hands didn't stop, instead they continued to glide over the expanse of skin which slowly turned into you raking your nails over the firm muscles.
you gave a single firm pump before falling back into your set pace and the black cloth fell from his lips. now only a portion of his chest was bare, though the lack of exposure was made up for with his husky whimpers and grunts.
"quiet now, you don't want the other students to hear you, do you?" realistically, you were aware that no one could hear, and if they did, they wouldn't pay any mind to it, but it was rewarding to see your boyfriend grit his teeth and squeeze his eyes shut while his hips bucked into the warmth of your hand.
"i wonder what they would think if they heard their dorm leader whining like this." you cooed, your hands alternating their pace despite the glare you received.
the lion gripped tightly onto you, his long, untrimmed nails clawing into your forearm. the sound of his hushed pants growing rougher, his head tipped back onto the stone wall as his back arched into your touch. his sharp fangs bit down hard on his bottom lip in an attempt to silence the grunts that threatened to spill over, though it proved futile when you teased his slit.
"you're doing so well, my grace." you hummed, precum dribbled from his head at the praise. you flicked your wrist at his sensitive head and kissed the corners of his lips at the groan he let out.
"you're so lewd, rutting desperately into my hand right after spelldrive practice." if looks could kill, you'd have perished long ago.
"to think, the scary, demanding captain of the spelldrive team is here, falling apart in his boyfriends arms... aren't you a naughty one?" leona growled at your words, though he cut himself off with a loud, needy whimper. his cock twitched at your words, despite the strong reaction at the degradation and you couldn't help but chuckle.
"it's a shame that this is a punishment, i love seeing the face you make when you cum... though i will admit i like seeing the face you make when i don't let you cum a teeny bit more."
the teary eyes that snapped to yours just made the urge to tease him stronger.
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© 2022 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t repost, modify or translate my works anywhere!
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hella1975 · 2 years ago
hella can u give me a visual description of some of ur ocs for toab i need to draw them
anon is facing the classic dilemma of taob readers since the dawn of time (august 2020) and for once im gonna actually do something about it so i present unto you, artists of tumblr dot com, an exhaustive rundown of taob oc descriptions:
kanut: i feel like kanut is one whose appearance is pretty solidified now. he has white hair that falls down to the base of his back that he typically pulls back into a half-knot, with a short white beard. go grandpa go. he's described as generally having a 'rough' 'sea-faring' apperance bc he's one of those people that really doesnt give a fuck about appearance especially when it has nothing to do with his healing, so while he wears the typical water tribe clothing, he'll usually have his sleeves rolled up or stains on his tunic etc. he has blue eyes and isn't very muscled because he stays out of all combat due to being the healer, but he's one of the taller tribesmen. he has those scars on his hands that cover his palms and knuckles and quite sharp features.
chena: COLOSSAL freak of a man. like i wanted him to be comically large seeing as i was working with a kids show universe where shit like that happens, so zuko literally just stands past this man's ELBOW. fucking giganotosaurus rex. he's incredibly broad and muscled as well as just tall, very thick-necked and beefy face. like it's v important to me that chena's muscle isn't the streamlined, airbrushed kind; he's a total beefcake. he's COVERED in scars like he has a specific slit in his eyebrow that needs to be mentioned bc ZUKO GAVE IT HIM but aside that honestly go ham with the scars. his eyes are grey but more of a blueish grey, and he has dark brown hair that he does quite detailed braids in to pull back out of his face and fall down his back.
tomkin: he's v skinny/lanky and trying very hard to look bigger than he is. he wears his dark brown hair in a warrior's wolf tail and effectively looks like an older, less-burdened-by-The-Horrors version of sokka. he does tend to style the braid part of his wolftail to come out of his hair a little though instead of lying flat bc he thinks it makes him look taller (it doesn't). his eyes are a very light blue.
nanook: he has shoulder-length hair that's a light brown colour but ive realised some people mean 'nearly blonde' when they say light brown whereas i just meant 'not nearly black' like a lot of the other warriors. he wears a bead on one of the front strands and it usually falls so that it's sitting by his jaw. nanook is the tallest of the tom nook & ko trio and he's pretty toned but more in a 'has actually grown into himself' kind of way than a 'seasoned warrior' kind of way. he has a round face and generally looks very steady and calm. he has a birthmark on his hand (between his thumb and forefinger) that looks like a wave and he wears ivory bracelets on each wrist.
aput: IDC WHAT YOU DO WITH APUT BUT KNOW HE'S HOT. HE IS THE FIT ONE OF THE SWT. HE'S THEIR CASANOVA. MAKE HIM ATTRACTIVE OR DIE BY MY BLADE. he has black hair that falls to around shoulder length and he doesnt usually style it in any way, and he's the second burliest in the group. he's got a much more lean muscle than chena and it makes him quicker, so fighting-wise those two are almost evenly matched (chena just wins out though. pure aggression will get you everywhere). aput has a sharp jaw and deep blue eyes
tulok: he's the smallest of the adults and has brown hair that falls to the middle of his back. he usually just braided it back or wore it in a style very similar to korra's with the blue ribbons, but since shuhon prison he's been wearing it in an earth kingdom braid. he's easily the most put together of the group bc he has a real thing for keeping clean and tidy, so his clothes are always pristine and his personal grooming is always up to date.
tovah: she's incredibly tall and lithe with sleek, black hair that falls to her hips that she wears in a PERFECT ponytail like not a HAIR out of place. she's all sharp angles and narrowed green eyes and she tends to wear earth kingdom uniform. her skin is tanned and she doesn't visibly carry any weapons on her unless she's undercover in the army and they're military-issued.
some references from beautiful fanart i have the absolute pleasure of being gifted! i wish i could put every bit of art ever made for my ocs here but im going mainly off whose showed up first when going through the tag and also any that i think just Really Captured how i personally see the character in my mind:
this portrait of kanut by @pyro-bee
atla-style tovah by @lordrei
tom nook (+ zuko) by @gloomybirdie
tovah elle woods supremacy by @herebutnotpresent
another pyro-bee kanut by @pyro-bee
tovah character sheet by @herebutnotpresent (this one is SUPER helpful)
and tons more under the 'taob art' tag if it helps!
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stargazingcarol · 3 years ago
Pairing: Frankie 'Catfish' Morales x f!reader
Warnings: uh the way i have never seen triple frontier but i like Frankie and his besties so idc. This fic has bridgerton vibes or maybe i just see it that way bc i was listening to the soundtrack while writing. And reader is mentioned to have hair (her hair is put up in a pony tail at some point). Angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending, Santiago GarcĂ­a x reader for like the first scene or whatever, language, sexy thoughts.
Summary: Frankie is getting married and you may not be handling it very well. Santiago to the rescue.
Based on that FRIENDS episode where Ross says Rachel's name at the altar when he is marrying Emily. (I got the idea while watching that episode yesterday LOL).
Word count: so my phone doesn't say how many words the fic has but i estimate it's about 5-6k words. Enjoy lmao.
A/N: I've always wanted to write a fic like this. My imagines were mostly a sad ending but i felt like this idea was too good to not write it so here you go lol.
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Sitting in the dark wasn't your normality. But you couldn't make yourself turn a lamp on or even at least a candle.
Silent tears ran down your cheeks but the worst of it had passed. At least until tomorrow, that is. You honestly didn't know how you would handle tomorrow.
You grabbed the invitation that was sent months ago when your hell started.
You're invited to:
Frankie Morales & Sarah McAll's wedding
You didn't read more, you already knew it by memory (sadly that is). You crumpled the invitation and threw it far away from you.
You gulped down more of your white wine and made a face of distaste. White wine was nasty. You honestly preferred juice with vodka or whatever.
The white wine was a gift from Benny, he was trying to cheer you up and you were cheered because: present, but you didn't like white wine at all. Or red wine for that matter.
He was just being nice and you were grateful.
Suddenly, you heard a knocking in your front door and you frowned.
"Coming" you burped right after this and snorted. Getting on your feet, you stumbled to your front door.
Opening the door to a frantic Santiago wasn't on your plans.
"Oh fuck, you're okay" he grabbed your face and kissed your forehead. He finally noticed the mess behind you. "Why is it so dark in here" He pushed past you and turned on the lights.
Santiago looked over at you and you winced at the sudden light.
"Pope, warn a girl." You tried walking normally to the sofa.
"What? Were you doing sexy stuff in the dark?" He snorted and really looked at you. The way you were having trouble stepping in front of you and he rolled his eyes.
"You kept drinking after your message, i see" He walked over to you and wrapped his hands around you. And walked you to your sofa. You both sat down and you frowned when his words finally sank.
"You sent me a voice mail an hour ago and i just saw it" he pulled out his phone, clicked on a few buttons and then your voice filled the air.
"Fuck, Santi, Pope, i love *hiccup* him so fucking much you have no idea he's my *sniffles* he's my *you burst out crying, loudly* World." The message ends and you cringe.
"That sounds nothing like me." You grab your wine and try to take a sip but Santiago covers the bottle's opening. The back of his hand touching your mouth. You grin and step back a little and say: "this is basically us making out" you laugh loudly and then stop, running to the bathroom to empty your stomach.
Meanwhile, Santiago goes to your fridge and pours a glass of water. He leaves it in the coffee table and go over to the bathroom.
You're sitting on the toilet with a small towel on your lips. When you hear the door creak you look up to see a kinda blurry Santiago.
"You look better" you mumble and he snorts.
"Wow, gracias" He says.
"No, that's not what I meant, i mean--"
"Hush" he says and grabs the towel from your hands, he feels it and it's wet with water thank fuck and not puke.
He cleans your mouth with it and you sigh, leaving him do whatever. You know he wouldn't hurt you. After putting the towel to dry, he grabs a scrunchie and grabs the ends of your hair and pulls it back in a pony tail.
"Come on" He offers his elbow and you grab unto him. He takes you back to the sofa and after you sit down, he starts cleaning up the mess you had made on the floor of the living room.
You're with your eyes closed with your head leaning back when you suddenly feel something. That something, is simply Santiago reading the crumped up invitation. You bite your lip and he, without looking at you, throws it in the trash.
Santiago knows about your love for Frankie. Unrequited love, it seems. But you also know about Pope's love for you. He has never said anything but you and Benny got drunk a year ago and he spilled Santiago's secret. A secret Benny felt so bad of telling, he made Will drive to your house at three am, way after you guys had parted for the night after some drinks and the love confession of a person that wasn't the one who, you know, wasn't in love with you. Whatever. And he made you swear to not say anything. With a dizzy mind, still trying to get over one of your friends being in love with you, you nodded.
It's been a year and you haven't said anything to Santiago. Normally, you talk about your feelings for Frankie, to Benny. But in your drunk stage you might have dialed for Santiago instead.
Santiago sits next to you and you notice your vision is getting better. He doesn't look as blurry as in the bathroom. You gulp. Santiago is looking at your turned off TV.
You both stay silent for what feels like hours but it's probably just a few minutes.
"You should sleep" he says and looks at his watch. "Big day tomorrow" At this, you can't help but pout. It's the drunk in you, really. "Or whatever" he says as an afterthought.
"I like the afterthought" You say with a small smile and you let him take you to bed.
The light was too bright in this church. You were the only loser with sunglasses in this place, and you could feel some old people giving you the side eye. Maybe wearing sunglasses at church was a devil kinda thing. You didn't know honestly.
"I don't know how I'm gonna get through this" Benny said next to you. And you looked over to see him take a small bottle of vodka, he started to open it and you grabbed it, took a huge gulp, leaving him with only a sip.
The bottle was back in his hands and he just stared at it.
"Bro" He said defeatedly.
You snort and then sigh loudly.
"The real person who doesn't know how they're gonna get through this is me, Benny. I may die." You say looking straight at a figure of Jesus.
"If u stop drinking you may live" He mumbles to himself but you hear him. His comment makes a half grin show up on your face.
"I'm not even drunk" you look over to him again. "At least not yet" shrugging, you feel a hand on your shoulder and you jump a little in your seat.
Benny's hand going to your thigh to calm you and when you look to your left, Santiago is there with a weird look on his face.
"Uh, Frankie wants to see you." He says looking at Benny but the words were directed to you. On the last second before he walks away he looks over at you and you know he can't really see your eyes but you see his and that's when you notice that this wedding is not only bad for you, but it's also taking a toll on him.
"I think he was talking to you" Benny says when Santiago walks away.
"He was" you get up and smooth your blue 50s era dress.
When you get to Frankie's door. You try to smooth the anxiety away. You start making the air exercises your therapist has told you about. Just when you're inhaling, the door opens and you see Will coming out.
"Fuck me, Will" You gasp and your hand clutches at your dress.
"Gladly" He smiles and you can't help but laugh out loud.
You purse your lips after your outburst and Will frowns at you.
"Why are you wearing glasses, weirdo." He grabs them and your hands were to late to stop him and he stares at you for a moment. Your eyes widened.
Will seems like he wants to say something but Frankie opens the door and cuts him off.
"Where's--" He notices you and his grin widens. You feel like you have never seen him smile as big as he is now doing, looking at you.
He grabs your hand and helps you get inside the little room.
When he closes the door, the air feels like it stepped away from your body completely. Your eyes are fixated on Frankie's collar and you notice the room is actually very small. You can barely walk in it, you try to take a step back and almost fall, but Frankie takes you by the waist and pulls you to him.
Once again the air feels tight and you finally look into Frankie's face. His face is adorned with facial hair and he has his reading glasses on. He says they're reading glasses but you KNOW he needs them, probably forever.
His eyes are a warm brown and you gulped down the saliva that had accumulated in your mouth.
Being this close to him was doing things to you, you could feel your whole body turn mushy against him but at the same time you felt electricity between the both of you.
Finally, Frankie's words seem to register in your mind. You hadn't even noticed he was talking.
"Do I look okay? I need your opinion. Can't get married without taking your opinion for it." His smile is nervous. And you wish you could kiss his nerves away. Your hands that were once on Frankie's waist, fall down to your sides and take your dress in your hands, holding tight. Trying to rid away the thought of kissing him randomly. Gosh, you love him so much.
You look behind you and move with your foot a gym bag and step away from Frankie. You give him a once over and you smile at his hands making a "well?" Gesture and you nod, biting your lip. "You look really good"
He releases a breath he was holding and you watch him walk and forth. The walk is not long because the room is very small and has a lot of things in the floor.
"I--I just, I'm ...nervous. I feel like what I'm doing is not what I...should...do." He finally looks at you and his eyes are pleading.
You clear your throat and grab his hand. Even with your gloves, you can feel the electricity between the two of you. Can he feel it? Probably not. And if he does...he probably thinks it's nothing.
"Do you love her?" You ask looking deeply into Frankie's eyes. He stammers and doesn't say anything. "Frankie, do you love her?" You ask again and he frowns.
"I think I do"
"You can't know; you have to feel it, Catfish. Just close your eyes." You grab his other hand, now holding both of his hands. "Visualize yourself at the altar" you say with your eyes also closed. "are you doing it?" You ask.
"Yes" he breathes and you take a peak and he has his eyes closed.
"Okay... Now the person you first imagine walking down the aisle is the person you truly love. It's okay if you imagine your mom first. It's just familiar love."
Frankie chuckles and then you continue: "Anyways but seriously, the person, that's not family, the first person you imagine, that's the one you truly, deeply, love and desire with all of your soul. Till death does you apart." Both you and Frankie open your eyes and you guys can't stop staring at one another. Daring it seems. Frankie is about to say something when someone knocks on the door and then just when the door opens you release Frankie's hands.
Will appears and you smile. You smooth out your dress and walk over to him, knowing already.
"It's time" he finally says and you nod.
Will walks away and you grab the door. You inhale, look behind, see that already Frankie is looking at you with what seems like a confused face.
"Good luck" you say before walking away.
You're not sure if what you heard is right. Frankie's words resonate all over your head like a melody, a melody that is going once, twice, thrice. Is that a word?
"...Y/N..." Frankie's words. Those were his words. He legit said that.
You repeat the whole scene in your head:
"Now repeat after me" the father says and Frankie nods even though he looks nervous. Sarah shoots him a confused look.
"I, Frankie Morales, take thee Sarah McAll as my lawfully wedded wife..." The father says.
Frankie blinks before repeating: "I, Frankie Morales, take thee Y/N..." he stops, frowns, then sees the look on his supposed to be wife, she seems hurt, and Frankie says: "No, uh, no--wait Yes--wait no. Fuck"
"No cursing please" the father says and Frankie shoots him a glare.
He finally takes in notice at the people around him. Everyone seems to be looking at him with their mouths opened. You, of all people, are looking at him strangely. Like you can't quite believe this is happening.
"Should we continue?" The father asks.
And just as Frankie says "Yes", Sarah says a rotund "No", firm.
Frankie pleads to her, grabs her hands but she steps away and then they walk away with everyone's eyes staring at them.
When Frankie and his supposed wife are gone, chatter begins all over the church. You, though, can't seem to utter a word. You feel someone's hand on yours and you look up with teary eyes over to Benny who is looking sympathetic. You can feel eyes on you, but you're trying to ignore. Keyword on trying.
Will's hand suddenly appears in front of Benny, and his giant hand opens to reveal a little bottle of vodka. You grab it and take a sip immediately.
"You're gonna get drunk" Benny whispers and you shoot him a glare.
"No, I'm not" you say, just as Will says: "No, she's not".
You look around, ignoring the glares thrown at you and try to see if Frankie reappeared. Should you talk to him? He did just say your name while he was trying to marry Sarah. What did that mean? Your hopes are not up though. You honestly don't think this means anything.
You notice, though, Santiago is not on his seat. He must have gone to tend to Frankie.
Frankie is walking back and forth in his tiny room. He almost falls and he kicks at a gym bag.
Sarah doesn't want to see him and he doesn't get why he said your name. He wasn't thinking of you. Or was he? His head is a mess.
Just then a knock sounds on his door and said door opens, revealing his best friend, Santiago.
"Pope, I--"
"It's okay Francisco. It was just mistake." Santiago says and he notices the way Frankie makes a face at the word mistake. "Or wasn't?..."
"I don't know" Frankie exhales and sits down on a chair. His head in his hands.
Santiago looks around the room, thinks about you and Frankie. His best friends. What's best for you and how the both of you could get there.
He finally sits down on the floor in front of Frankie and says: "What were you thinking?"
"What?" Frankie looks up with teary eyes, his mind thinking about so much all at the same time.
"Who where you thinking about when you saw Sarah walk across the aisle? You seemed...tormented" Santiago's hand squeezed Frankie's knee.
"I--I, don't know, I--"
"You do know" Santiago smiles and Frankie looks at him like he is crazy.
"I wasn't--Was I?--"
"Frankie you do get you're in love with Y/N right?"
Frankie's eyes widen. "Me? But how? How could I have never noticed?" He looks lost.
"It's okay Frankie. I always kinda knew you had a thing for her. I was always surprised though, how you never seemed to noticed it yourself." Santiago pats Frankie's knee and gets up. "Think about it. Think about it really hard. And then decide what to do." As he is walking out the door he stops and turns to Frankie. "It's okay. She loves you too." And walks away.
Wedding was cancelled. But the reception was not. Most of Sarah's family was gone and Frankie was nowhere to be seen.
You walked to the bathroom to retouch your mascara. You may have cried a bit. Not sure why. Well you kinda do, you feel like you ruined Frankie's big wedding.
The door opens to the bathroom and you see Frankie step in.
He looks, you don't know how to call it, sad but relieved? Maybe.
You put your mascara back to your purse and sigh. "I could've been peeing" you say and he smiles, almost as big as when you had gone to his room earlier.
He looks around and then stops at you. "It's a multi bathroom so i wouldn't have been able to see you"
"Right" you smile and turn over to him since you had been watching him from the mirror.
"Are you okay?" You finally ask after a minute staring at eachother.
"Yeah, I... I finally noticed something. Something that I hadn't been able to see for myself before." He walks over to you and your thighs tighten. Not sure why. Fuck, you just think him walking to you as slowly as he is, is really doing it for you.
He is smiling also. So lovingly at you, your breath catches in your throat when he finally stops right in front of you. You look up at him and he places his hand on your cheek.
"What is that?" You gulp.
"That I'm completely and crazy in love with you."
His words echoes all around the bathroom and you close your eyes as they fill with tears. You have no idea how many times you had imagined him saying that to you. In a beach, at a party, between your thighs. But never in a bathroom.
You chuckle and open your teary eyes. "do you really?"
Frankie frowns. His other hand cups your other cheek. "Of course. I've never been more certain of something, Y/N. When you told me to imagine someone walking down the aisle, the person that first came to mind, besides my mother..."
You laugh.
"...was you." He is looking at you with more love than he ever looked at Sarah. You feel bad for her for a moment. But then think: this is your moment. Enjoy it.
His eyes are so sincere you hold unto his shoulders as yours lips clash against him. Showing him all the love you feel for him. And have felt for years.
You love Frankie Morales, always and forever...
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bullshxtvixen · 5 years ago
What do you think kuroo's kinks are 👀
hmmmmmm, well i personally see him as the kind of guy that’s down to try pretty much anything at least once.
But I think the kinks he leans towards the most are:
- Pet play: Loves how cute you look when you have a tail butt plug tucked between your ass cheeks and the collar that you wear that has his name branded into the leather always has his cock hardening whenever he gets to see it wrapped around his kittens pretty little throat.(He even got you a little bell to put on it.)
- Biting/Marking: Covering you in love bites is one of his favorite things, he’ll leave them any where he can but he especially likes leaving bruises across your chest and inner thighs while his teeth leave their mark on your shoulder.(he has a habit of biting down on your shoulder as he cums because he knows the added sensation always tips you over the edge. He likes spanking you too because seeing his hand print on your ass is fucking hot as fuck.
- Pain kink (Giving and receiving): Okay so he’s not a sadist by any means *cough*Tendou*cough* but he does like to mix in a hint of pain with the pleasure he gives you, mainly for the fact that he knows it makes the sex even better for you. When it comes to receiving he learned he enjoyed pain when you began dragging your nails down his back as he pounded into you. The feeling had him spilling inside you in seconds. (also loves it when you ride him and drag your nails down his chest.)
- Over stimulation/Edging: He loves knowing he can make you cum multiple times with just his fingers and tongue, he gets off on knowing how good he makes you feel. 100% tries to beat his record each time. On the flip side he loves to edge the shit out of you, teasing you by bringing you right to the edge so you think he’s actually going to let you cum, before leaving you hanging. It’s the sound of you begging for him to let you cum that he enjoys the most as well as the face you make when the intensity of the orgasm he’s built up finally rips through you.
He also likes choking/breath play and ass play!!
(this is just my opinion btw, don’t come for me if you don’t like it because idc.)
//Come thirst with me!!//
blacklist ‘hq peepee’ to not see these!!!
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madamecricket · 3 years ago
Fourth (and Final) Impressions of Deltarune Chapter 2
Edit: forgot to put a readmore. Forgive me! Spoilers under the cut!
- So I wasn’t even in the palace very long before we got to a series of puzzles that Berdly couldn’t solve, much to his frustration. I figured Berdly was building up to something, either a boss fight or a growth moment, and it was the second one. Turns out when you thrive off of praise, you develop a bit of a dependency... good on him to be self-aware.
- In the flashback sequence with the spelling bee, I noticed the word Noelle got nervous and stuck on - “December”. See, I remember another sequence in the city where we had a character moment with Noelle while pressing a series of switches that spelled out “December.” Clearly the word is significant to her in some way, and probably a negative way considering how it made her freeze up. Either something big happened in December, or something big happened involving a person close to her named December, since I remember her mentioning a “Dess”. I’m looking forward to where this goes.
- The theme in the Queen’s palace slaps, just gotta say that before we go further.
- So backtracking a bit, Lancer has been stone-ified, and Ralsei knows exactly what’s up: the dark fountains create worlds, the dark fountains that was sustaining Lancer’s world is gone, and that’s why Lancer is stone now. He’ll be fine, though, if we can get him back to Ralsei’s castle town and the fountain there. Good of him to offer a solution, except...
- ... hold the fuck up, Ralsei. So you’re telling me that this happened to Lancer because of the loss of his dark fountain - which Ralsei encouraged us to go through - and because of that, the Dark World that Lancer comes from is no more? And what’s more, Lancer now depends on the Castle Town fountain - that is, Ralsei’s fountain - to live. He is now life-bound to your town, Ralsei. He literally cannot leave you and still live, and even if he could, the world he knew is gone. Oh, but it’s ok, because you conveniently have a place for him to live under your roof now. 
- And, hold on, who was it who told us we had to go through the Dark Fountain to get home?? I played through the first chapter just recently, that was you, Ralsei. I definitely remember Ralsei saying we had to do that, he gave us that quest in the first place, and I definitely do not remember him mentioning at any point that this would end with Lancer’s world being destroyed. This is absolutely not fine, Ralsei. Oh, and considering how conveniently us getting isekai’d in the library lines up with Ralsei suddenly insisting we had to go and do homework... Ralsei, are you the one isekai-ing us???
- *deep breath* Okay. I’m calling it now. There’s something Ralsei isn’t telling us. I joked earlier about how he wants to bake us into cakes and eat us, but to be clear, I think whatever’s going on here is more complicated than “Ralsei was the bad guy all along”. I get the feeling that Ralsei’s desire for friendship, especially towards Kris, is very genuine. It’s just... this whole situation is reminding me of Asriel’s deal in Undertale. Fitting considering the whole anagram situation... I wonder how Deltarune!Asriel is going to play into this.
- Okay, back to more current stuff in the game. I met up with Roulsx Kaard (idc how to spell it) again and he’s facing me in... the thrashing machine I made in the first chapter. I’m serious. Same color and everything, holy shit.
- behold the majesty
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- ...whut?
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- this is excellent. I’m going to die of excellent.
- ohh, now he’s gonna transform... aaaaand...
- oh. ... you know, I wondered when it was gonna catch up to him?
- ice cold, Ralsei. Ice cold.
- “Why don’t we close our eyes and imagine how she’s doing now” Just like last game... is Ralsei actually activating some kind of power when this happens?
- “I wish Dess could see this”? I knew it! I’m on to something!
- taking a moment to acknowledge the shipping energy in the air
- Noelle (paraphrased): “Where are we, anyway?” Me: say “Dark World” Susie: “You’re just having a dream” Again with Susie thwarting player intentions...
- .. a heart-covered Ferris Wheel. Okay, Toby Fox, we’re doing this now!
- Susie has a tail???
- And again, we return from a Susie Sequence to Ralsei apparently explaining something to Kris and finishing with a variation of “so that’s why-” before getting cut off by Susie. What are you explaining, Ralsei.
- Checked a calendar in Noelle’s palace room. “Every page is the last month, every day is the 25th”... what??
- another banger of a final battle!! let’s do this!!!
- See, I had a feeling that the Queen didn’t actually want to hurt anybody, but she has a... funny... idea of what constitutes helping. It clicks with her being basically a personified search engine - she literally wants nothing more than to give people what they want and make them happy, but she’s not always great at figuring that out based on what they search. She mentions Noelle’s “sad and lonely searches”... Noelle, honey, are you ok?
- Excuse me, Queen, this Dark World was created *today*? ... And it was created by the Knight... and I already suspect that Ralsei is “isekai-ing” us... Ralsei, are you the knight?
- New important info: “Lightners” are apparently necessary to create Dark Fountains due to their determination, and unlike Undertale, determination isn’t exclusive to humans
- ...
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... this game just became perfect
- Oh hey, White Diamond, what’s up?
- “Oh Damn I Did Not Know That” WELL NOW YOU TELL US, RALSEI!
- Susie doesn’t have a tail? Make up your mind, game!!!
- Phew. Okay. Okay. The actual game part is over. Time to process some thoughts...
- So we’ve seen two Dark Worlds so far, Lancer’s world based on games (cards, checkers, etc) and the Queen’s world based on computers and the internet. The running theme I notice so far is escapism. During her fight, the Queen monologued about a desire to fulfill the desires of people who turn to the internet to dull their pain or look for new distractions. And as for Lancer’s world... well, it’s implied to literally be made of abandoned toys. Both of them things people turn to when they need a little entertainment or escapism to avoid their real-life problems for a bit. And I think it’s been mentioned that Darkners are essentially made to serve Lightners; perhaps helping them cope with the difficulties of life? 
Even putting aside the symbolism here, Susie and Kris literally escaped to this world to blow off their classwork, and Susie in particular seems to think the Dark World is better than anything in the Light World. In the final battle, Susie, Noelle, AND Berdly were all just about to open up a Dark Fountain themselves and make themselves better lives in the Dark World and only stopped when Ralsei very firmly informed them about the Roaring. Is this going to come up again? Are these kids going to struggle with the temptation to abandon their real lives to go play eternally in the Dark World?
And isn’t that just a perfect microcosm of the relationship that people have with video games in general - including this one? The perfect opportunity to just forget about your own life for a bit and temporarily live in a different world altogether, one with battles and magic and adventure?
Just what the fuck is going on here, Ralsei? Was I too quick to accuse him of being a secret villain earlier? Is Ralsei just trying to get us to process our shit in the Dark World, and then destroy it so we move on to the Light World with renewed hope in life? .. or is he just trying to make himself the center of our fantasies?
- ...have the Queen and King met? I mean, it would make sense, but they haven’t been mentioned as having a relationship of any kind or even knowing each other. Is this another Toriel/Asgore kind of situation?
- So I’m just talking to NPCs around Castle Town, right, and I meet up with Seam again. He just told me to be careful not to stay in there too late and that I don’t want to get caught when the sun goes down... DAFUQ YOU MEAN, WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN???
- This is wonderful, I’m now witnessing Toriel and Sans having a joke-off in person.
- (Sees Kris going in to wash their hands) (Hears Toriel say “they do that sometimes”) ...so Kris has like... a condition? The heart-ripping thing has happened before?
- (Sees last thing before credits) ...okay then!!! I think that’s all the things I can get into one post, haha! Forgot to mention some things, but I can only type so much!!! Can’t wait to talk about this later, haha!!! (holy shit)
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skiller0dani · 5 years ago
Lovebirds | Five Hargreeves
M A S T E R L I S T TUA Masterlist
fluff requested requests info
In case you missed this post, I wanted to say I will write for Five. But it’ll be Imagines, blurbs, but N O T smut. Aiden Gallagher is underaged, and I most definitely am an adult and have no interest in writing about him in sexual situations. So request things. I’ll write fluff, angst, long pieces (10,000 words plus even), short pieces, idc! As long as it’s not sexual I will write it for Five. 
For most of my Five writings I am aging him up to 16, unless I say otherwise. 
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You didn’t hate him, even if it really seemed like you did. 
You actually preferred Five believed you hate him because in reality you had an enormous, ridiculously intense crush on him. While you may be 16, you didn’t behave like a 16 year old girl. You weren’t reading GQ magazines to look at ‘cute guys’, you weren’t painting your damn nails and preparing for prom. Instead you were sat in the Hargreeves mansion with the resident Seance, watching as he drank himself to unconsciousness. You were an orphan, or so that’s what you told everybody. Truth be told both of your parents were drug addicts and drunks, you haven’t lived with them for nearly a year. Clearly they haven’t noticed as the police have yet to be called. You were on the streets for a while before someone stumbled upon you, literally. Klaus literally tripped over you. He decided to take you in, and so far the Hargreeves siblings had been quite welcoming. Well all except for one. 
You and Five seemed to butt heads since the first day you moved here. He greeted you with nothing more than a curt nod as he brushed past you and up the stairs. Five had been nothing but distant, cold, and borderline cruel from the very second you arrived. You tried not to let it bother you, but it did. Vanya told you that this is just how he is, and despite his cruel behavior and decided hatred of you, you couldn’t stop your heart from racing when he came in the room. You couldn’t stop your palms from sweating when he looked in your direction, even if it was nothing more than a brief glance. When your eyes connected with his it felt like fireworks were erupting in your chest, and you almost always flushed under his gaze. You usually covered it with a scowl before he could notice the blush on your cheeks. 
Five was always so damned indifferent about everything, and he always evaded questions regarding his emotions. He almost pretended he didn’t have feelings, the only thing he outright admitted when it came to his emotions, was that he loves his siblings. In truth, you think a therapist would have a field day with him. You leaned back against the couch opposite of Klaus, with a lazy smile on his face. The sun had set hours ago, “what’s with you and Five? Jesus most days I’m worried you’re going to kill each other one of these days,” Klaus grumbles, shuffling around on the couch causing the alcohol to spill a little. You giggle as he groans, wiping his wet hand on the back of the couch. “We just don’t get along.” You shrug, you honestly have no idea what his problem is. You always tend to get hostile when your heart is involved almost like a defense mechanism. 
“We don’t get along because you’re a reckless know-it-all with a big mouth and absurd opinions.” Five chimes in from the doorway. You grit your teeth at his smug smile. “You know, I always thought being an entitled narcissist was a choice, but when it comes to you I think it’s the default option.” You snap back, with a victorious grin spreading over your face. Five’s smile drops and a look of utter annoyance takes it’s place. His hands are slid into his pockets as he stands over your sat position on the couch, “Y/N you’re projecting your daddy issues on me again.” He says, feigning a look of pity. You slam your hand on the arm of the couch as you stand, and Klaus curls into the couch, bottle in his hands as he watches with his eyebrows raised. “Saying I have daddy issues is assuming I give a shit about him. Which I don’t.” You hiss, feeling anger beginning to boil under your skin. 
“Actually, I think you need to have a dad to have daddy issues with. You’ve been gone for what? 10 months? And no word from either of your parents? Doesn’t sound like they care.” Five says with one of his indifferent shrugs. Feeling emotion rush up on you, you raise your hand and firmly slap Five across the cheek. Tears spill over your cheeks as he stands in shock, “I already know that nobody on this planet loves me. Thanks for the reminder.” You snap through tears before you quickly exit the library. Klaus pinches the bridge of his nose as he looks at Five, “you’re a jerk.” Is all he says before taking another drink from the bottle in his hands. Five turns out of the library, his cheek stinging and his heart becoming swallowed by guilt. 
If he were to be honest with you and himself he would tell you that he doesn’t hate you. Quite the contrary actually, as he’d been harboring a massive crush on you from the moment Klaus carried your sleeping body into the Academy. You looked so beautiful and delicate asleep, you looked like an angel. Klaus had brought you into his bedroom and Five watched as you snuggled into the mattress, he could barely take his eyes off you. It was in that moment that Five decided he needed to put as much distance between you two that he could. Caring about someone is dangerous because of the life he lives. The commission has tried to kill him on multiple occasions and The Handler would absolutely have a field day if she learned of someone Five was in love with. Five never let himself fall in love, so when your eyes fluttered open and landed on him, he turned tail and ran. His heart had seized in his chest the second your eyes connected with his. From then on he decided it was safest to get you to hate him, so you would want to stay away from him, no matter how badly it hurt him to do so.  
Five knew where you would be, so he made his way down to the kitchen, finding you sitting at the table talking to Grace. Her hand was rubbing your back and Five swore he felt his heart splintering into pieces as he listened to you cry softly. Hearing a knock you lifted your head from the table, quickly wiping your tears when you see Five standing in the doorway. “Mom could you give us a second?” Five asks, and Grace smiles and stands from the table, brushing a stray hair out of his face as she passes by him. You sit at the table, your eyes red and swollen as you keep your gaze firmly away from him. The silence stretches on forever, and eventually Five clears his throat, “listen Y/N-” He starts but cuts himself off as your watery eyes look up into his. 
Five takes another step towards you, “I’m sorry.” He says finally and your eyebrows raise in surprise. Five never never apologizes, at least not to you. He apologizes to his siblings all the time. “People love you Y/N, I know Klaus certainly does.” He states matter-of-factly. His hands push into his pockets and it’s now that you see the tint of pink dusted over his cheeks. Is Five blushing? You don’t know what to say, so you stay quiet as Five shifts from foot to foot. “We have terrible coffee here, do you want to go get a cup from Griddy’s?” He asks, startling the hell out of you. Did Five just ask you to go somewhere with him? Just you two? You shrug as you wipe away the last stray tear, “sure.” Five smiles softly and even holds the door open for you as you both step out onto the dark sidewalk. 
There is silence at first, but it’s not awkward, or filled with anger and tension. It’s a comfortable silence. Your arm accidentally brushes against his as you two head to the park to cut through it to Griddy’s. “Five can I ask you something?” You ask, coming to a halt in the park. Five turns and looks at you, waiting for you to continue. You swallow a thick lump in your throat, trying to steel your nerves for this question as you lock eyes with him. “Why don’t you like me? Since the first day I got here you’ve been distant and mean. What did I do wrong?” You ask, and you don’t mean for the tears to begin to well in your eyes but they do. Five shakes his head as he takes a few steps towards you, so that he’s now standing directly in front of you. “I don’t hate you Y/N.” You shake your head, you need more of an explanation than that. Your watery eyes are wide and confused as you stare up at him. 
“I’m so mean because I’ve fallen in love with you Y/N. Me being who I am, there’s a huge target on my back and really dangerous people try to kill me on a daily basis. I can’t care about anybody the way I care about you, it’ll put you in danger. Just being here with me right now is putting you in danger. I was so mean to get you to stay away from me, I was trying to protect you from-” You wrap your arms around him and press your lips against his, effectively shutting him up. Five stumbles back as you practically throw yourself into his arms, but he quickly recovers and wraps his arms around your waist to keep you from falling. Your lips move against his for a few moments before you pull away for air, a smile on your face and a startled look on his face. “You don’t have to protect me, I know what I want and how I feel. I love you Five.” You say, breathless. Five smiles before pressing his forehead against yours and then suddenly you hear clapping from nearby. 
You pull away from him to see Klaus and the rest of Five’s siblings clapping from behind a tree. A dark blush covers Five’s face as he reaches up to flip them off, “did you seriously follow us?” He asks, one of his arms still wrapped around your waist. Allison places a hand over her heart, “you two are so cute!” She coos and you turn to hide your face in Five’s neck from embarrassment. “Well to our defense, we wanted to make sure you didn’t kill each other.” He shrugs and you see Five grit his teeth in frustration. You lean up to whisper in Five’s ear, “if they want to watch, let’s give them something to look at.” A smile stretches across Five’s face before he presses his lips against yours once more. 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years ago
Could u do ‘What’s lost is found’ (I think) from the mermay prompts? Idc who it’s with but could the reader be a Great white shark mermaid?
When you first noticed the naked brunette man on the rocks, you thought of him as nothing more than a tasty snack. His flesh seemed perfect and ripe for the taking.
But as you got closer, you could see that he was actually..crying? It was obvious that he was considering how he hugged his knees to his chest, occasionally burying his face into them to sob, and then look up at the sky, gasping and hiccuping like a small child.
Now that was most peculiar. So you figured you’d investigate why he looked so distressed. After all, he wouldn’t be a perfect meal with his face covered in tears and snot.
You managed to hoist yourself onto one of the rocks, keeping yourself partially in the water so you didn’t dry out too quickly. Once you were situated, you cleared your throat to get the man’s attention. “Human. Why are you naked? Are you offering yourself as some sacrifice?”
Immediately, he glanced over to see you, his eyes widened as he saw the patches of gray on your skin, your gills, your razor-sharp teeth, and your massive tail.
Normally he’d be scared out of his mind. But he was just too depressed over the loss of his pelt to really care. He sniffled softly, rubbing his eyes. “I-I’m
not human..exactly. I-I’m a selkie, but-”
“Oh, a selkie, huh?” You chuckled, flicking your tail in amusement. “You know I eat your little friends every other day. Their blubber makes me feel pretty warm inside, you know~”
However, your smile faltered as the man teared up and started sobbing again, this time burying his face into his hands.
Now you were starting to feel a little awkward, so you sighed and sat on the rock, shuffling next to him. “Hey. Sorry. I’m not gonna eat you, alright? If you’re really a selkie..then where’s your proof? Where’s that coat you oh-so preciously treasure-?”
“It’s fucking gone, alright?! Some asshole fishman stole it!” He glared at you with red, wet eyes, although he did shrink back when you said nothing in response. “..s-sorry..it’s just
I-I want it back. But h-he threatened to kill me.” He hugged himself again.
You frowned a bit, feeling a tug on your heartstrings as you gazed at him and saw just how devastated he looked. “What does he look like?”
The selkie blinked at you in confusion. “Why do you care-?”
“Do you want your damn coat back or not?!” You snarled, leaning close to him and baring your teeth. “I won’t ask again.”
He swallowed nervously and nodded, before he gave you a brief description of the man who stole his pelt. Only then did you realize that it was the same man who tried catching you, giving you a scar on your tail as a result.
“..I see,” you hummed, getting off of him as your tail shifted into a pair of human legs. A gray cloth was wrapped around your waist, because even though you were a vicious ocean predator, you at least had some decency. “We have a common enemy. Return here at dusk and I’ll have your coat back. I know where he likes to fish most often.”

Sure enough, later that day, you found the fisherman on his boat, trying to reel in something. But while he was preoccupied, you took notice of the brown and black-spotted pelt laying near the edge, completely open for taking.
Under normal circumstances you’d mess around with the bastard who stopped at nothing to catch you, but for some reason you were thinking less about your own wants and more about that selkie’s needs.
That couldn’t be possible, though, right?
He was merely prey. He was lucky you weren’t a completely heartless beast who would’ve torn him limb-from-limb!
Nevertheless, you shook off the thoughts and grabbed the boat’s edge, snatching the pelt. It rocked a little, alerting the fisherman who began running out of his cabin.
“HEY!” He shouted as you let go and dove back into the water, out of his sight before he could aim his gun at you. When he realized you were gone, he huffed and looked to where the seal pelt previously was. “Fucking hell..I’ll get that bitch one day..”

Remembering your words, Chase returned to the place where he met you at dusk, this time wearing a pair of swim trunks he found abandoned on the beach. But the moment he sat down was the moment you appeared from the water’s surface, holding a certain kind of coat.
His eyes widened with disbelief, although they teared up as you handed him the pelt. “O-Oh thank you so much..” With a quiet whimper, he took it and wrapped it around himself, smelling it and taking in its warmth.
“Yeah. You’re welcome,” you sighed, sitting beside him. “Just don’t start crying again, okay?”
“S-Sorry but..you have no idea how much this means to me..” Sniffling, he laid his head on your shoulder. While you did tense up, you didn’t make any move to push him away from you.
So you just put an arm around him and patted his head awkwardly. But you stiffened up when he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “W-What the hell..?”
“Ah..you..probably don’t know this but..” Chase looked at you, blushing a bit. “U-Uh..giving a selkie his pelt back i-is..like a marriage proposal.”
“..oh, really?”
“Yeah. Usually humans are the ones who return it, but..I-I guess it works for merfolk, too.”
“I see.” You mused, giving him a toothy smile. “Well, you are quite the cutie and I’ve been kinda lonely.” Then you gently scratched his chin, which made him giggle a bit as he hid his face in the pelt. “So...maybe this can work. If you’re up for it that is.”
“Yeah..I think..I am up for it.” He nodded.
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glimmeringtwilight · 6 years ago
Mer-may in June bay-beeee
(I know I implied I was doing this to be a cheeky bastard but I genuinely had no inspiration to write any mer-may piece until just today after watching a 360 youtube video on exoplanets. Title is not permanent I just don’t know what to name it so you’re getting this ^ lmao)
[Read it on AO3 if you prefer idc]
When you first joined this expedition, you didn’t expect to find yourself stranded in a vast deep-blue ocean on an alien planet. If you’d known, you wouldn’t have come.
 The rest of the crew is beginning to get anxious. Food is dwindling to nothing, the farming supplies you’d brought for the trip meaning nothing here, surrounded by only violent waves and strong winds.
 The ocean here is stronger than it was on Earth, waves reaching nearly as high as mountains. The captain had been forced to take the ship under the waves to avoid the constant violent torrent, resurfacing every few days only when the oxygen begins to run low.
 You were lucky, you supposed, your crew landing on a planet with breathable air. The temperatures outside were nearly habitable, too, but with only water in every direction, that meant nothing. You wondered if there even were land masses on this planet, from the violence and magnitude of the waves. With no land for the water to break against, the tides would become violent; as you’d seen since landing here.
 The captain hasn’t said much about your situation. You wonder if she knows everyone is doomed. Whispers of a mutiny had begun to circulate, but she hasn’t addressed that, either. She sits in her room, in silence, staring out the window into the watery depths.
 With everyone on edge, it hadn’t been long since they had begun to point fingers at one another. Many of your crewmates blamed the captain, said it was her fault, that she had miscalculated the fuel needed for the entire journey to Leona-32.
 You knew she wasn’t the one responsible for this; she hadn’t done the calculations. She wasn’t part of the team that had planned everything out. She was just made captain when the original one got cold feet. She was briefed about the mission plan and put in charge as a last-minute resort, being the only person there willing to take lead.
 Despite your thoughts, you kept your head down and mouth shut. You knew better than to put yourself on the line when people were this desperate and afraid.
 Time passed slowly on the ship, with nothing to do but watch the last energy reserves drop bit-by-bit, or watch the murky darkness outside the windows. Once, someone exclaimed that they saw something in the waters. When you all crowded around the window to look, there was nothing. Paranoia, probably. Hopefully.
 Your captain has stopped eating.
 You’re worried, coming to her door at mealtime to leave food and try the handle. It’s always locked. You’ll leave to get your own food, and when you come back, you find her meal is still there, outside the door.
 The light in her room goes off and on periodically, though, so you know she’s still alive in there. You think she blames herself for this situation too.
 The crew is beginning to whisper again.
 Another week passes with little to no sign of the captain. The light underneath her door is dark now, and you haven’t seen or heard anything from inside in a few days now. You start to give her rations to some of the more sickly crew members.
 The air inside the ship feels heavier. You think the rest of the crew already knows about your captain, but nobody says anything.
 People are seeing more and more shapes in the water. You think you’re starting to see them too.
 You return to your room that night anxious, scanning the depths beyond your window for any shapes. If this planet does support life, you wonder what that life may be? If it’s sentient life, well. You don’t know what that means, but the small part of you that’s left grasping for hope keeps turning you towards the window, searching.
 You’re woken up from a nap by the sound of something tapping at your window. Your heart lurches in your chest and you quickly flip on the light, turning to see a figure in the murky darkness as it slinks away from the light.
 You step closer to the window, wide eyed, trying to catch another glimpse of it. A few seconds pass where nothing happens, and then the figure is there again, slinking close enough for you to make out a few details in the light.
 It looks almost like a fish, but its torso bears striking resemblance to a man. Your mind flashes immediately to the old legends of mermaids, and trepidation pricks at your spine.
 It’s looking at you, making languid turns and circles as it swims around your window, like it’s putting on a show for you. Still, it keeps too far away from the window for you to make out much detail.
 You’re so engrossed in watching the strange creature that you don’t hear the knock at your door. You jolt when you hear the voice of one of your crewmates, spinning to face him.
 “Hey, it’s—woah, what’s with that look? See a ghost?” Rich, one of the mates you’d become friends with stands in the door of your room, looking at you with concern.
 You furrow your brow and whip your head back to the window. The creature is gone. You wonder if it’d ever really been there. Rich clears his throat and you turn back to look at him. His eyes are on the window, too, for a moment, and he looks back at you with a gleam of understanding in his eyes.
 “Mealtime,” He tells you quietly, glancing back to the window before ducking out of your room. He sounded tired, but then again, so does everyone else on the ship.
 You’re woken up the next night—though, who knows if it was actually night on this God-forsaken planet—by the tapping on your window again. This time, it happens when the rest of the crew is asleep, save for the guard who has to watch over the food and the ship’s systems to make sure everything keeps running.
 Maybe the creature knows everyone is asleep, and that’s why it chose to approach you now.
 You flip the light on but keep the setting to dim, just enough to see the creature. It stays close to the window this time, and you can finally make out more details.
 It seems to be wearing a mask of some sort, shards of what you guess are shells pieced together to form some sort of symbol, it appears. The symbol looks
 vaguely like a cat, though you doubt it is. Whatever it is, you don’t recognize it.
 The shells are a deep mix of purple, catching in the light. You wonder if it’s to lure prey, glinting in the dim underwater light and drawing unlucky fish(or whatever else was in the water) to it. The pieces are strung together with what looks like some sort of stringy underwater weed, and you note that it’s clearly more intelligent than most fish on Earth, having fashioned itself a mask. But what is the mask for? Decoration? Does it have a practical use? You don’t know. Maybe it’s dressing itself up, because if the mask had some sort of evolutionary purpose, wouldn’t it be a part of the creature?
 You’re snapped out of your thoughts when the creature places a large, taloned hand against the glass. You look at the long claws poking out from its fingers and follow its arm down to the rest of its body. It’s covered in webbed spines, reminding you of a scorpionfish, though its skin is primarily a mix of grey and a deep purple, spattered with a myriad of the two colors. You can make out a few golden splashes on its tail.
 Those claws tap against your window again, large hand splayed against the glass. It looks at you expectantly, and you think that it wants you to mimic the display.
 Tentatively, you step close to the glass and place your hand on the cool surface over its hand, your own dwarfed in comparison.
 The creature trills, loudly, enough for you to hear it through the thick glass, and moves away to swim in circles around the window. Its bright eyes watch you as it does.
 Apparently your crew heard the noise too, and you hear a knock at your door. The creature swims away in a flash, gone as quickly as it had come. You don’t tell your crew what you saw, getting the feeling that it might start a panic.
 They begin to whisper about you.
 The creature doesn’t turn up for the next few days, but that doesn’t stop the growing rift between you and the rest of the crew. They’re suspicious of you; they might know about your “visitor.” You pretend not to notice when your rations get smaller. It’ll blow over—it has to.
 After nearly a week of silence and the growing emptiness in your stomach, it appears to you once more. You don’t have the energy to get out of bed and turn on the light, lying there in exhaustion. It continues to tap at the glass with increasing urgency as you don’t respond, but you find yourself falling back asleep despite the noise. It’ll take the hint and go away, eventually.
 Everything falls silent after a few minutes of tapping, and you thank whatever God there is for that. You’re just about to fall back asleep when something smacks against the glass. You jolt upright in bed, turning to look at the window. In the dark, you can see the creature glowing slightly, intricate pink designs that you didn’t see before spotting its body, matching its red, glowing eyes.
 You reach for the light and turn it on, blood chilling at the sight of cracks spiderwebbing across the window’s surface. There’s
 no way that thing can punch through the glass. It’s an inch of pressure glass, tempered for space travel.
 You watch as it strikes the glass again, forcing it to bubble inward, straining from the pressure. You realize that it doesn’t have to break the glass, it just has to tear it from its place.
 You jump out of bed and rush for the door, just registering the tearing of metal behind you before water floods the room, slamming you against the door. A pair of arms wraps around your waist and you thrash helplessly as you’re pulled into the endless waters.
 Your ship quickly disappears from view, and spots are dancing in your vision as your lungs scream for air. The creature’s claws are digging into your waist, drawing blood, but you continue to thrash and claw at the water in a desperate bid for air.
 This is how you die. Drowning on another planet as an alien creature drags you deeper, deeper into the water. You know now why sailors had been afraid of mermaids and sirens.
 You breathe in.
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imagines-oneshots-galore · 7 years ago
(Baby) Bump in the Road
omg I’m back. But not with what you were expecting. It’s a Teen Wolf one-shot!
Yes yes yes, I got back into Teen Wolf recently, and had this idea rolling around in my head for awhile. It’s also been sitting in my docs for like a month so that’s fun. 
Then today I got my writing juice flowing and finally finished this fucking fic! Finally! It’s not the best writing I’ve ever done, but I’m proud of it. And ready to be done with it lol. 
As always, like, comment, send me an ask or a request, I guess just let me know what you think! This is my first ever Teen Wolf Imagine, so be nice please. Actually, you know what, tear me to shreds if you want, Idc. 
Pairing: Scott McCall x Reader
Part: 1/1
Fandom: Teen Wolf 
Word Count: 4,494 (is a long one)
Summary: Scott McCall did not plan on being a father this young, so he could do the only thing he could think to, he ran. 
Warnings: Heavy Angst, slight violence, mentions of blood, unplanned pregnancy. There’s fluff if you squint.
A/N: I already kinda did one up above, so I won’t again, but it’s sad. I’m sorry lol. 
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Scott third person POV-
How was he supposed to react?
You were teens,
Children really.
You barely knew how to take care of yourselves, let alone another person.
And Scott was scared. Rightfully so in his mind.
You were pregnant, and he was a werewolf, not to mention only 18 years old.
How would that even work? Would his child grow with fangs instead of teeth and claws instead of fingernails?
Would they kill you from the inside out? Or would they be human since Scott was bitten not born? All these questions flooded his mind the minute you said the word pregnant. And he had fled.
He knew it was a mistake, that he should stay with you and make sure you were alright. Especially considering you were the one who would have to carry this werewolf-human baby. If you even decided to keep it. He hadn’t stayed long enough to find out.
He only stayed long enough to break your heart.
You POV-
Realistically you knew that Scott would react like that, but some small part of you had believed that he would be happy about it. That he’d be somewhat excited at the prospect of being a father and raising a child together. But that part was wrong. And you were devastated.
Normally you weren’t a crier, that just wasn’t your thing (unless they were movies, then you’d ball like a child). But as soon as he had climbed on his motorcycle and sped away, you hadn’t stopped crying. You hated it. You hated feeling weak. You hated feeling vulnerable. And that’s what crying made you feel.
Plus, his departure made you question even more what you were going to do about the baby. You just didn’t know if you could do it alone. Realistically you knew you’d have support. If not from Noah and your surrogate father Chris, then at the very least Melissa. But knowing it was Scott’s, and that he didn’t want to be a part of its or your lives, you knew you wouldn’t be the parent your child deserved.
Did he ever actually love you the way he said he did? You had been told before how much you were like Allison, maybe you were just so similar that he was with you to try and be as close to her as possible. While it wasn’t likely, you were questioning everything about your relationship with the werewolf. How did you mean anything to him if it was so easy for him to leave you behind?
So you cried out all of the pain you felt. The pain of being pregnant so young, and the pain of not knowing what to do. Most of all the pain of Scott leaving you.
Eventually, you stopped crying, only after you had passed out from exhaustion. Chris had heard you sobbing all night, but he didn’t know what to do. He didn't even know what was wrong. So he entered your room, expecting to see you either covered in blood or watching some sad movie. But instead he saw your room was in tatters, which wasn’t all that unusual, but it was so much more than just clutter. Things had been tossed around, thrown on the floor or shattered on the wall. You were in the center of it all, with puffy cheeks and swollen eyes. He saw you breathing softly out of your mouth, probably because you couldn’t breathe through the congestion in your nose. Your hand was gripping both your pillow and the shirt you wore, which Chris knew for a fact was Scott’s. Your father figure was stunned, it was one of the few times he’d seen you cry, all the other times involved death of some kind. While he didn’t know what was wrong, the one thought that crossed Chris Argent's mind when he sat down to move the hair from out of your mouth, was that he was going to kill Scott McCall.
Scott POV-
He knew it was time to come back. He had his time to think, and he could only imagine the shit storm that was awaiting him when he saw you again. He still didn’t quite know what to do, but he what he did know was that he’d stick by you no matter what you decided. The more he thought, the more he realized he wanted to do this with you. Whatever it was, even if it meant he had to be a father a little sooner than he had intended. Scott wanted to have you in his life forever,  and he wasn’t about to let this (baby) bump in the road keep that from happening.
So he drove back to the Argent apartment, with his figurative wolf tail between his legs. When he pulled up, he was immediately met with a very mad Chris Argent.
“What the hell did you do to her wolf boy?” He asked, his tone cold and sharp. Scott knew he had really fucked up this time.
“I didn’t... “ Scott paused. “I ran away when I should have stayed. I got scared so I left, at the worst possible time” He knew what he did was wrong, and that he had a lot of making up to do, if only Chris would let him through the door.
“Yeah well you messed her up bad McCall. You know I wanted to trust you this time, and I did, for a while. But once again I have a daughter crying her eyes out in her room. And it’s all because of you” Scott was left speechless, saddened by the realization he had made you cry. Something that was not only hard to accomplish, but something he had promised to never do.
“Please sir, I know I fu
” Argent raised his eyebrow. “Messed up, but I really need to talk to her. It’s really important. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.” Scott pleaded.
“Why should I let you?” Chris asked, arms folded.
“Because I love her, and I need to make this right.”
You had been awake for a while now, the tears had finally stopped, but the ache hadn’t left you. Neither had the confusion. What in the world were you going to do? You already knew you loved baby more than you had ever loved anything, so abortion wasn’t an option, but that left you with two other choices.
You could carry the child then raise them yourself.
Or you could put them up for adoption.
Both options made your heart ache in your chest. You were barely an adult, realistically you couldn’t give your child the life it deserved, but even the thought of having to give away your baby made your head spin and chest spasm. It was your baby, and Scott’s, even if he didn’t want them.
In the end you had come to a decision. It wasn’t an easy one, but in your heart you knew that you were strong enough to do it, and that it was the right one for you and your baby.
Your head snapped to the door when you heard a light knock, quickly, you wiped away the remaining tear tracks on your face and straightened up your hair. As for the room, you would just have to say that you were looking for something and knocked your table over.
“Come in,” you called out, immediately clearing your voice to get rid the evidence of what had been happening just hours before.
The door creaked open slowly, revealing a hesitant and obviously guilty Scott McCall, and you froze in your bed. Out of all the people you thought would come through, Scott wasn’t in the top ten.
“(Y/N)? Can
 can we talk?”
You continued to stare at him, the man that you loved, the father of your unborn child, and right now the very last person you wanted to see.
“You had your chance to talk, and you left.” You replied, and Scott’s heart broke when he felt no emotion through your words, It was like you weren’t even there, like you were somewhere far far away.
“You left when I needed you most. But I don’t need you now. So I would suggest you get the fuck out of my house before I call Chris and he makes you.” With that you stand and start to walk over to him, intent of pushing him out of the room before your tears had a chance to begin again. But in your haste for him to leave you failed to remember the shards of glass littering your bedroom floor, and stepped directly onto one of them.
Immediately pain shot through you, causing you to quickly lift your foot up, and cry out in pain. You must have been more fatigued than you thought, because you immediately fell to the ground, more glass making its way into your arms and hand as you tried to catch yourself.
“(Y/N)!” Scott yelled as he dove for you, and quickly picked you up from the now red floor.
“Well shit that fucking stings,” You whispered as blood started to trickle down your fingertips.
“Are you okay? Oh god hold on, where’s your first aid kit?” He asked frantically, running into your adjacent bathroom to dig through your cupboards.
“It doesn’t matter because you’re leaving. I can take care of this on my own,” You reply hotly, once again attempting to stand only to fall back to your bed when pain flooded through the sole of your foot.
“Like hell I am, I know you’re mad at me right now but I’m still your boyfriend, and need to make sure you’re okay,” He said as he finally came out, producing your first aid kit and tending to your wounds. You watched him in silence as he worked, mulling over his words in your head even after he had finished and came to rest on the bed next to you. One thing kept sticking out though, and it couldn’t be left unsaid.
“Scott, I’m not angry,” You paused, turning towards him so you were looking in his eyes, “Well okay, I am somewhat angry, but more than anything I’m hurt.” This time you had to look away, your lip already trembling.  You were never one for sharing your emotions, verbally at least, and this was huge for you to admit.
“I was so scared Scott, I still am, and when I needed you most, you ran away,” tears once again burned behind your eyelids, but you refused to let them fall as you continued. “I have never felt more alone than I did in that moment. You have no idea how scared I was, I’m only 18. I’m supposed to have my entire life ahead of me, and yet here I am, pregnant, with no fucking clue what to do. So I go to the ONE person who can help me, the ONE person who helped get me into this mess, and he leaves me behind without so much as a word. I know this is happening to you too, that you’re only 18 too, but this is something we needed to figure out together! I thought you fucking loved me Scott, but this just proved that I was a placeholder for a while. Maybe a replacement for my dead best friend. I don’t know and frankly I just don’t care anymore, I just need to do what you do best and run away. ” You were out of breath by the time you finished, and you just didn’t have it in you to keep yourself from crying. Full on crocodile tears slid down your cheeks, but you didn’t stop them, all you could do was curl in on yourself, away from the boy who had hurt you so badly, who had yet to even say anything.
Scott felt like he couldn’t breathe, he hadn’t thought that his absence would have caused you so much pain, and he felt like an utter jackass that he had. So he sat there in silence, watching as the fierce girl he knew and loved broke down in front of his eyes, all because he couldn’t face the consequences of their actions. The thought alone of you thinking he couldn’t possibly be in love with you, that you were just a replacement for Allison, made his own vision blurry. You were his entire world.
“Just leave Scott, please” you whispered, sobbing as quietly as you could. Your words snapped him out his trance, and he knew, right then, that he wasn’t going to leave your side, so he did the only thing he could think to do. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap, tucking you in as tightly as he could without hurting you. At first you had tried to weakly fight him but he didn’t let go, instead he held on tighter, putting his lips against your head as his own tears started to fall.
“I’m so sorry (Y/N). I was just scared too, I didn’t know what to think or how to feel, and you were looking at me so intently that I just freaked. What if you don’t survive this (Y/N)? I’m a werewolf. This baby could kill you and It would be all my fault, and I just don’t know if I can live without you. And you were never, ever, a replacement for Allison, or a rebound or anything like that. I love you more than anything in the world.” he said as he rocked you in his arms.
There wasn’t anything more to be said. You were only kids after all.  Two kids who had gone through more than anyone should at their age, who had yet another crisis to work through.
Chris Argent had heard the whole thing from behind the door of his surrogate daughters room, he knew he shouldn’t have been eavesdropping, but he had to make sure the McCall boy wasn’t going to hurt the girl again. He had nearly bust through the door himself when he had heard her fall, and once again when he found out the predicament they were in, but he didn’t. He had stayed behind the door, trying his damn hardest to process just what his daughter had said (and trying to resist the urge to drop kick Scott to the nearest landfill). Chris was upset of course, upset that they were so reckless, upset that Scott had reacted the way he did, upset that (Y/N) hadn’t come to him for help, but most of all he was upset over the fact that he could do absolutely nothing to help ease the two kids he held so dear to his heart’s, pain.
He also couldn’t imagine what (Y/N) was feeling at the moment, most women were happy to find out they were carrying a child with their significant other, but those same women usually planned it, and more often than not the first people they would call was their family. Not that Chris wasn’t (Y/N)’s family, because he was, but he wasn’t her birth parents. They had died three years prior, a freak accident that wasn’t supernaturally related. Then Allison became (Y/N)’s rock, she became her sister, and she was gone a year later. This was supposed to be one of the happiest moments of her life, and the people who mattered most to the girl weren’t there.
Chris slowly backed away from the door, content upon hearing Scott say exactly the thing his girl needed to hear, and walked out of the house. He needed to talk to someone, someone who would know what to do in this shitty situation. So he traveled to the cemetery, sat against his wife’s headstone, and asked for help.
Back in the apartment (Y/N) and Scott had laid down, the emotions causing an exhaustion so intense they couldn’t stay upright. They hadn’t left eachothers arms though. (Y/N) was draped over Scott’s chest, legs intertwined and head tucked safely under his chin. Scott was holding on to his girl for dear life, both arms wrapped firmly around her waist and his nose buried in her hair.
“What are we gonna do Scott,” (Y/N) finally whispered, her voice hoarse from the hours of crying she had done that day.
“I don’t know baby, I don’t know.” he replied, pulling her closer, so she was nearly laying completely on top of him.
“Before, I came to a decision, back when I didn’t know whether or not you were in this with me, and as hard as it will be, I still think it’s the right one for us,”
“I’m with you (Y/N), no matter what the decision is. I’m not leaving you again,” and she believed him.
8 œ Months Later
You were sure you were about to pop. One more inch and you were going to rip at the seams, spilling everything out onto the ground. However, the doctors assured you that you were a perfectly fine weight, and that you may even gain a few more centimeters before the baby was due. This was not a good thing to hear, you were already uncomfortable as you were, back pain and cramps and not to mention the fact that your nipples had begun leaking (that was a fun trip to the store with Chris.) This pregnancy had been tough, not just on you, but everyone around you. Right after finding out about the baby, Gerard had showed his ugly mug once again, and nearly killed everyone you held dear. While in the end, the evil bastard was gone, there was still a threat. But it was minor enough that you only needed one protective detail compared to the three you had when Gerard was around.
Scott stayed true to his word and had been with you through it all, through all the nausea and cravings, and gave you every single massage you asked for, no matter the time or place. Unless he was fighting for the safety of his family and pack of course. You and him were as strong as ever, and continued to strengthen as time progressed.
At this point, you only had about a week left, and as much as you feared the day your lady bits were shredded to pieces, you were ready for your little boy or girl to arrive. Both you and Scott decided you wanted to wait to find out the gender of the baby, wanting to instead see your baby before settling on a name. Also, after going out and frantically asking Derek if you would be killed in childbirth due to its werewolf heritage, you found out that only born werewolves could produce werewolf babies, and since Scott was bitten, you were safe.
Everything was falling into place for your family, and everyone was gearing up to meet the new baby.  Until it all went to shit.
Unbeknownst to you, Monroe had been planning an attack on you, her reason? After Gerards death, she wanted to make the McCall pack hurt. What better way than to target (Y/N), Scott’s greatest weakness.
She had sent a lackey to kill you in your sleep, while everyone was across town fighting a “threat” she had staged. But what she hadn’t accounted for was the fact that you were pregnant, nor that you could fight back, even when nine months pregnant, and while they hadn’t been able to injure the baby or you, the stress still caused you to go into labor and now the entire world seemed to be off its axis. Scott had rushed back to the apartment, stopping to make sure you were okay before grabbing you and the hospital bag you had prepared.
“Scott,” you gasped as a contraction hit you, right when you were stopped at a red light. He instinctively grabbed your hand, letting you squeeze him as hard you needed (thank god for tough werewolf skin), before slamming on the gas as soon as it turned green.
“We’re almost there baby, just hold on for two more minutes,” he urged encouragingly, bring your trembling hand to his mouth to kiss you.
“The nursery is finished right? You guys got it all set up?” you asked, trying to take your mind off of the fact it felt like you were being stabbed right in the vagina.
“Yes it is, we got it done two days ago. He’s all set to move right in.”
“He?” You asked out of breath and with a smile, “You think it’s gonna be a he?”
“Yeah, It’s just a feeling,” he shrugged, releasing your hand briefly to rub a hand on your enormous fucking stomach. You covered the hand on your body and smiled up at him.
“I think so too baby,” suddenly you felt your heart drop, and it wasn’t because of the pain.
“Do you think we are making the right choice Scott?”
“I know we are (Y/N),”
What happened after the arrival at the hospital was a blur, there were so many lights, sounds, and pains, you didn’t know where to focus. The only thing you relied on was Scott. His freakishly large hand never strayed too far from yours, and his voice was near constant in your ear. Telling you how much he loved you and how proud he was of you.
39 Hours later a baby boy was born, and you swore you had never been happier in your life.
71 Hours later after that, it was time to say goodbye.
You and Scott had made the decision to give your little one up for adoption. It was the hardest choice you had ever had to make, but in the end you knew that in your current stage of life, it was just too dangerous to raise them. Not only was Monroe a bigger threat than you anticipated, Scott was a true Alpha, something rare and valuable, so your baby would have only been a target. With heavy hearts you had searched for a family that you could trust, one that had no affiliations with the supernatural. It was a tougher search than you had planned, but you eventually had found a loving pair of husbands. They were warm and kind and caring, and best of all they were human, ad lived far away from Beacon Hills. They had offered to keep you and Scott in the babies life as much as possible, but you had declined. It was just too dangerous.
You had asked to not share your identities if the baby asked, and asked for them to just say that you weren’t able to take care of them, but still loved him with all your hearts.  It was horrific to think about, and you were surprised they had agreed, but they were so desperate for a family that they did. In return they would send you a picture of him every year on his birthday, so that you would know that your baby was okay. 
In the meantime you had soaked up as much time with your child as you could while he was still within you. You had went baby clothes shopping with James, and Scott and Chris helped build the nursery within their home with Steve.
You were happy with who you had chosen to raise your baby. Even if it hurt terribly because it wasn’t you and Scott. 
 All of your family had already come to say their farewells, and every single one had  left crying heavily. Even the old sour wolf.  This baby had a huge family that loved him dearly, and while he wouldn’t know them, they would always protect him. 
Unfortunately, you were in the final hour with him, James and Steve had left to get their car ready for departure, and to let you and Scott say your goodbyes.
You were cradling him to your chest, tears steadily streaming down your face, Scott was in the bed behind you, holding both you and your baby as his own tears fell. You had expected this to be hard, painful even. But it was so much worse.
It felt like your heart was being ripped from you, and it may as well have been. This baby was grown inside of you, you had been there for every hiccup, kick, burp, fart, everything. And now you were saying goodbye forever. You knew this was the right thing to do, but it hurt more than words could even hope to explain.
You honestly didn’t know if you would survive letting him go.
“We love you Christopher,” you whispered against his head, breathing in the newborn smell you would miss dearly. The Roger’s had let you name your son, claiming that the middle name was enough for them, and that you would at least have the knowledge that his name meant something to you. It hadn’t been a hard decision, Chris Argent was your father and closest confidante, he had also been with you every day of your pregnancy, after all you lived under his roof, but he would have been either way. He had started crying when you told him the name, kissing you and the forehead and giving Scott the longest hug you think he’d ever had.
“You are already loved so deeply, by so many people,” Scott choked out, reaching down to stroke the infants soft cheek.
“Grandpa Chris, Grandma Melissa, Aunt Lydia, Uncle Stiles, Aunt Malia, Uncle Derek, “ He continued.
“Aunt Allison,” you added. Scott hummed and kissed your head. 
“And Mommy and Daddy too. We love you more than you will ever know, and we’re so sorry we can’t be there for you, but we wish you the longest and happiest life. Just know that we will love you no matter what. You’re our Christopher.” It was getting harder to breathe by the minute. How would you do it?
Twenty heartbreaking moments later and it was time. You were sobbing, unable to contain it as you kissed him one last time before Scott handed Christopher over to Steve.
Both James and him smiled down at him, and the pain lessened slightly in the knowledge that he was going to a family that he deserved.
“Thank you Scott and (Y/N), you have no clue how much this means to us, and we will love Christopher for as long as we live,” You gave them a watery smile as they exited the room, taking your heart with them.
“Oh god Scott, what do we do?” you cried into his shirt, clinging tightly to him as he was the only thing keeping you from falling apart. Scott gripped you back, burying his face in your hair to steady himself.  
“We take care of each other (Y/N), and we keep the world safe for our son.”
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mother-of-fuckers · 4 years ago
currently have too many wips so I'm writing this down for future me (or any1 else idc)
this is meant to be in a comic format and this is just a rough idea
(also in this Lucio has made up with Muriel somehow, don't ask me I don't know but for the sake of the joke they don't hate each other) (too much)
dog safe dye yea? dye Mercedes and Melchior's tails pink and purple.
when Lucio finds them and promptly throws a fit have Muriel tackle him and hold him down in a chair while Julian ties him down with his fancy sailor knots. Portia's got covering the rug with paper and Asra is soundproofing the room.
in the middle of it Nadia walks in like wtf r u doing and then just leaves like I don't even want to know, I'm not dealing with this
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