#his name is karl-heinz
bedpissercastiel · 1 month
i need the world to know something about karl urban.
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Karl Urban's full name is Karl-Heinz Urban??? *stares in German*
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equinox-86 · 9 months
✨️ German DL Names Funfacts ✨️
Karlheinz - A combo of the names "Karl" and "Heinz".
Giesbach - combo of two words: "Gießen" (to pour something) and "Bach" (river).
Carla - a female German name. The female version of "Carl".
Zweig - A Dark Fate Character from Shu and Yuma's routes, Name means "Tree branch"
Gottfried - The Wolf Clan leader mentioned in the Book of The Last Quarter Drama CD (Mukami). His name is a combo of "Gott" (god) and "Fried" (shortened from "Frieden", meaning "Peace".)
Riegel - A Lunatic Parade Character from Shu's route. His name means "chocolate bar."
Richter - A name, also A word for "Judge". As in court Judge.
Krone - A word meaning "Crown".
Cordelia - Female German name. Originates from Latin. "cor" means "heart."
Christa - Female German name.
Kino - not a German name, but his name is also a German word that means "cinema" LMAO.
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diacripticcomplex · 8 months
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The 3 young boys played within the hallways of the dark castle. “I found you!” Cheered a spunky red headed boy, his vibrant green eyes gleamed as he won the game finding both of his brothers during their game of hide and seek. “No fair, you had your eyes open!” The purple haired boy cried out. “No he didn’t, I was watching him.” The other light redheaded boy defended. “Whatever you both suck at this game regardless, you both kept giggling, let’s go catch bats” he told his brothers, they both agreed and off they went.
“Eh..? Who’s that.?” The boys stopped in their tracks and noticed a beautiful young girl who looked about the same age as them with locks of platinum blonde hair on the ground in the middle of the courtyard. The redheaded boy approached but his two brothers quickly held him back. “No Ayato don’t go near her, she might be a trap.” Laito expressed. “Do you smell that?” Kanato asked, all three of them sniffed the air. “She doesn’t smell like a vampire…what is she?” He asked again. A sudden commotion was heard causing all 3 boys to turn around, there stood Reiji and Shu along side their mother Beatrix, she pointed in the direction of the girl to the guards.
“Hey Reiji what’s going on??” Ayato ran up to Reiji. “I’m unsure, however we will be taking her inside the castle to question her.” He stated. “That’s so stupid, she’s a human probably from the village.” Shu commented. “If that’s the case we should rid ourselves of her as soon as possible” Reiji remarked back, the tension between these two brothers was intense.
The young girl was taken inside the castle’s infirmary, her wounds were being treated. The Vampire King Karl Heinz came to see her, a smirk on his face as he cupped her cheek. “Eve, my sons are in your hands.” He whispered to the girl, kissed her forehead then walked out the room. “Karl, who’s the little girl? Don’t tell me she’s one of your illegitimate children” Cordelia, Karl’s first wife questioned. “No she’s not my child, she’s here for my sons” he told her. “A plaything for my sons?! I will not allow that, I don’t want a filthy low born human scum next to my perfect Ayato, he will be the leader after you he needs a better comrade” she stated, Karl did not say a word he simply grabbed his wife’s face and kissed her lips, sending her into a submissive trance.
The young girl woke up from her slumber to see a bright red headed boy with vibrant green eyes starring down at her. “Who are you?? Are you a spy??” He said, crawling on top of her. “Ow! Hey, get off of me!” She yelled out. “No! Not until you tell me who you are and what you’re doing here!” He shouted back at her. “My name is Yui Komori, I don’t even know where I am, I just got lost and ended up in a forest, who are you??” She explained herself then asked him. “My name is Ayato, you’re in my house” Ayato stated then got off of her. Yui tried getting up but her wounds hurt very badly and prevented her from fully getting off the bed. “You’re injured pretty badly, everytime I get hurt I heal very fast but that’s because I’m the best” he said to her, this caused her to laugh a bit. “Say Ayato, are your parents home? I have to go home to my father.” She expressed. “I don’t know , I can look around and ask” he tells her, and then leaves the front door to search.
“Are you from the village below?” A blonde haired boy asked, he looked a bit older than Ayato and his attire was that of a prince. Yui shook her head, “I don’t think I am, I’m not entirely sure though” she said to him honestly. “I..I have a friend who lives in that village, maybe he might know something about a missing village girl..you shouldn’t stay here we’re not from the same worlds.” He hesitated as he spoke. “I’m not sure I am from your friend’s village I grew up in a church..why are we from different worlds?” she explained, then asked. “It doesn’t matter now..I’m Shu, what’s your name?” He asked, Yui told him her name, and the two had a brief conversation about Ayato, she found out they were half siblings and that 6 young boys lived here in total. “Ayato said he would look for your parents to discuss a possible way of contacting my father so that I can go home.” She expressed. “You won’t survive here, mortal.” A young boy with raven hair and glasses proclaimed. “Reiji..don’t say those things” Shu replied back at this. “I’m simply stating the truth, just put a pillow over her head and be done with it” he said, taking a pillow. “Hey Yui, you’re going to have to run, go find Ayato he will help you” Shu stated, his voice was somewhat shaky but serious. Yui tried her best to get up, and make a run for it adrenaline got to her.
The beautiful young girl ran though the hallways of the dark castle and bumped into a boy, with white snow hair and blood red eyes. “Please help me!” She cried to him. “Why would I help you..? I can’t help anyone..get away from me you wreak” he pushed her down. “I’m not your savior” he said. But she got up again and pleaded again, he pushed her down again. “Get away from me!” He shouted. “Subaru…my love what’s wrong?” A voice called out, almost as a ghostly whisper. A woman appeared behind Subaru, she was absolutely stunning, she looked just like Subaru. “Who’s this little girl?” She asked her son. “I don’t know” he replied back. “My name is Yui, I don’t know how I got here, I just got lost in the forest, I want to go home to my father!” Yui cried out. “You must be another bastard from my filthy husband! Subaru kill her! I do not want to bear witness to her, she’s an abomination just like you!” She hysterically screamed. Yui got up before Subaru could do anything or say anything and ran away, more and more into the confusing castle, “please god…this must be a nightmare..!” She cried to herself as she ran. She tried looking for an exit or for Ayato or Shu to help her, instead she was face to face with a woman who had long purple hair, a beautiful gothic black dress and eyes like Ayato’s. And in that moment Yui froze she couldn’t move..her heart beat was loud and it felt painful for her, she passed out.
Waking up, Yui found herself in her room back at the church. She ran to her father, Seiji who was a priest and hugged him tightly, “father I had a nightmare…” she began to tell her father but little did she know her nightmare was just a glimpse of her future..
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fabunicorn · 2 years
Forced agere with the diabolik lovers boys
Okay so I don’t know when this will be out it could be today or ages from now but ya know
Forced agere
I don’t know it could be triggering let me know which ones are triggers because I genuinely do not know
You were yuis younger sister and was sent with her to live with the sons of your fathers friend Karl Heinz, however upon your arrival there was a man who you seemed to be dead only for him to sit up and snatch your sisters phone out of your hand. “Damn your noisy this isn’t even your house so would you please keep it down” the red haired male sneered at your sister, you brows furrowed in anger “well maybe if you answered the door we wouldn’t have just walked in” you replied in a tone that was dripping with annoyance, the red haired male turned over to you looking at you with wide eyes “well aren’t you just a cute little one” you raised your eyebrows in confusion at the man you weren’t little by any means.
Yui noticing the uncomfortable silence interjected “your alive but your heart it wasn’t beating at all” the man looked back over at yui annoyance grazing his features “why wouldn’t I be alive? Just what do you take me for?” he grabbed yui pulling her down onto the sofa with him leaning down towards her neck, only then did you notice pearly white fangs in his mouth you gasped in hoof ‘ vampires’ you thought. “Ayato what’s all the commotion down here?” Spoke another voice coming out from the darkness, the man apparently named Ayato cursed under his breath at the intrusion, you heard a name whilst Ayato was cursing and the other man scolded him, Reiji You rushed over to the new man tears in your eyes “this man just attacked my sister please help us” you asked with a pleading voice the new man tuned towards you gaze softening at your sad expression you looked like a little kitten, so cute yui finally shoved Ayato away from her and joined in with you pleading for help. Reiji’s gaze sharpened at the interruption and sneered towards yui “and who might you be?” Yui replied hastily trying to get the both of you out of this situation “we are yui and y/n kumori our father sent us to live here but we don’t know why” the man turned sharply towards Ayato ad began questioning him whilst you looked at yui in fear and she pulled you close for protection.
You were both snapped out of your frightened daze when a butler came and took both of your bags and Reiji took your hand leading you to another room, Ayato and yui following close behind when you finally reached the new room yui and Ayato sat down and Reiji continued to stand motioning for you to also take a seat doing as told you sat down next to yui. Reiji asked yui to explain why you were there whilst you took in your surroundings until yet another voice stopped you in your tracks “well, well, well what do we have here two cute human girls paying us a visit” a man with red hair and a fedora spoke from the balcony of the stairs you looked away for a split second only to see your sister being licked by said fedora wearing man.
“Laito it is highly inappropriate to do that to a young lady you just met” mused Reiji from the other side of the room glaring slightly at the fedora wearing man “its only natural to want to taste something that looks so delicious, am I right Kanato?” Another boy appeared behind you responding quickly “yes I agree” this boy had purple hair dark eye bags and was holding a teddy wearing an eyepatch strange. He looked at you with a light smile before speaking “this one is so cute she looks like a little doll” laito chuckles once again “yes she does aren’t you just the cutest little thing doll-chan.” You shifted uncomfortably when Reiji interjected “you two leave her alone your making the poor thing uncomfortable”
Ayato began to go onto a monologue that you really couldn’t be bothered to listen to until a loud bang echoed throughout the room making you jump and tear up in surprise you were always an anxious one and loud noises set you off more than anything. cooing at you the fedora wearing man known as Laito pulled you onto his lap shushing you as if you were a baby, you pushed yourself off him with a cry of disgust clinging onto Yui’s arm you looked for the source of the noise which happened to be another boy that had bright white hair with pink tips ‘geez how many men live here’ you thought finally calming yourself down. Said male looked towards you with guilty eyes feeling bad for scaring such a sweet little thing. after some more back and forth with these men another one appeared on the sofa with light blonde hair wearing headphones, at this point you had enough and went to stand and leave the room with your sister only for the blonde man to grab you and lay down with you in his arms “cute little thing” he thought before closing his eyes and resting again with you on his chest.
After being thoroughly questioned by the other men in the room Reiji began introducing all the brothers they were Shu the idiot holding you, Reiji the one who brought you in here, Laito the one who licked your sister, Kanato the one who spoke to you and Subaru the one who punched the wall your sister interrupted the silence after they were done with introductions “I think this is some sort of mistake besides your all pretty… weird so me and my sister will be going now” yui grabbed you and began to run away and all you could think was ‘bad choice yui’ her being the clumsy person she is fell and scraped her knee that’s when she saw the vampires eyes glowing red she, ran away screaming leaving you behind. Your heart pounded harshly at the betrayal and you fell to he ground sobbing, soft warm arms enveloped you and picked you up it was Reiji “how dare that deplorable girl leave such an innocent little one behind” he said sights laced in his tone “never fear little one we will take care of you the way you should be, with love and care” you looked up at him with confusion only to see all of the vampires smirking at you as everything went black.
A few hours later…
You awake to the sound of a music box playing softly in the background your eyes open slowly adjusting to the light. you were in a crib in a room decorated with plush toys and pink ‘why am I in a crib? I’m not a baby’ just then you noticed a figure in the corner of the room it was Reiji again accompanied by Shu and Laito, he slowly walked towards your crib and lifted you out of it, you took a look at what you were wearing it was warm and soft a grey footed sleeper and believe me it was impossible to no notice the crinkling sound coming from your bottom ‘a diaper!’ You thought in disbelief.
Reiji walked over to an arm chair on the other side of the room and began speaking softly “you must be wondering what’s happening well we decided you are jut a little one seeing how you reacted to us the crying and panicking we decided it was better for a softer approach so from this day forward you are our little one and will be treated as such.” You teared up at this you know you cry a lot but that doesn’t mean your a baby, “have you used your nappy yet?, you were in a deep sleep so you wouldn’t have noticed until now if you did, let papa check you” Reiji slipped a dinger down the backside of your nappy checking for wetness and things of the such when you began struggling he shoved a pacifier in your mouth, you tried to protest but you still being emotionally hungover and tired just let it happen.
After realising you were still dry Reiji passed you over to Shu who gladly took you into his awaiting arms and laid with you in the arm chair making soft rocking motions “I’m going to get her a bottle she must be hungry by now, keep a eye on her and make sure she doesn’t escape” Shu simply nodded towards Reiji and continued rocking you staring at you with loving tired eyes. a while must have passed because Reiji came back with a bottle of milk in his hands, Shu reached out for it grabbing it and putting the teat of the bottle in your mouth, you being quite thirsty after such a long sleep accepted it drinking the milk Down greedily, when you were finished shu passed you to Reiji to be burped your face flushing red as it happened.
After you were done with your milk the rest of the brothers quietly came into the room just watching as you started at them with scared tired eyes Laito smiling came over and booped you on the nose taking you into his arms mumbling about his “sweet pretty baby” before putting you back into your crib to rest the others left the room whilst Laito tucked you in.
‘Well this could get interesting’you though drifting back off to sleep
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klein-sodor-bahn · 6 months
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Kaspar Kraus-Maffei or 18 528
I present to you a new OC. Kaspar is the younger brother of @thesudrianmufflepuff ‘s Karl-Heinz and Franz. He’s an S3/6 built after the formation of the DRG. He’s basically the grandpa sitting on the porch complaining about the kids these days. But he has a soft spot for Gitta (64 446).
But this fella has a little adventure coming his way involving the Black 5 named Eric Treacy and how their dynamic is see undercut 🤭
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animeprincessforever · 5 months
Kou Mukami X Mother Reader The Deal And A Mothers Love
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Positive. That's all I saw. Those to little blue lines that made a difference. I sighed. "My family will disown me. What am I going to do?" I said as I patted my stomach. All the sudden I saw him. A man with pink hair that called himself Touga Sakamaki. He told me he'll give me and my baby a chance I agreed since I was desperate. The deal was I'll live with him and nanny his boys. But when my baby is a certain age I have to give him up. 
-9 Months Later-
I gave birth to a baby boy named Kou (L/n). He was a beautiful little boy. But looked more like his father. When Touga came to check on me he asked "Are you doing alright Mrs. (Y/n)" I looked at him and said "yes but I can't give him up. I know you told me it was part of the deal but I love my baby." He gave me a look and mumbled something. I gulped 'is he mad? what am I going to do?' I looked at Kou as he starred up at me. I packed my bags and ran away in fear of my life. Then like in a horror movie I heard Touga say "(y/n), you made a mistake. Now were are you?~" I gulped and saw a little gutter and I put the carrier that held my sweet baby in it down the gutter and cried. All the sudden I was grabbed. And. Everything. Went. Black. All I could think was 'My Poor Baby I Love You So Much, Please Forgive Me.'
Kou's POV (Now A Mukami)
I had just finished a performance. It was pouring rain and I rushed inside and saw Neko-Chan (AKA Yui) Yui smiled and said "welcome back" I smiled "thanks care to help me out I can't get these damn buttons to get undone." She nodded as she followed me to my room her kindness and expression felt familiar like I seen it when I was human. Yui asked "Kou I have a question for you." I tilted my head and pulled her close "And what is that my little kitten?" she gulped and said "well I was wondering do you have any memories when you were a human?" I tensed "yes... but i lived in the gutters wanting to reach for the beautiful sky... As for my parents every so often I see a woman that just stares at me but never talks... She has a since of sorrow and pain in her eyes..." Yui said "thats so sad." I said "well you can't dwell on the past!" Yui said "do you think... That woman was your.... Mother?" I chuckled and said "she seems to you around your age and a weak human. I doubt it. Now I am done with you. Please go or I'll feast on you" Yui squeaked and ran. 'works every time' I thought I went to sleep and saw that woman again. I groaned "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!?!" she started to cry and mumbled "I'm sorry I failed to protect you as a mother... I did what I had to a man kept me as his prisoner when I was kicked out of the house when I was pregnant with you. I wanted to give you a better life so I went with the man. He killed me cause I tried to escape when you were born he was going to force me to get rid of you. I couldn't I am so sorry" I said "WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE ALL OF THIS?!?!" She looked at me and said "that bracelet underneath it has my name. (Y/n). I wanted you to have something that was mine so I kept my soul in it and all of what I saw made me feel more and more guilty. That man that saved you and the others was the man that killed me..." I woke up and looked at the bracelet 'she.Is. My. Mother?' Ruki knocked at my door and said "Kou dinner" I sighed "Ruki." "Yes?" he replied. "I want to meet with our master... I have some questions concerning something important to me..."
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diabolikpersonals · 6 months
I feel like while Yuma and Ruki are fighting over their opinions and presidents Kou and Azusa are just there staring at the both of them left and right.
Yumas literally trying not to launch himself at Ruki standing over the table and Ruki’s arguing sitting down. Kou’s recording to post on social media with the caption of “Dont tell Ruki I don’t remember the names of the 95 politicians of Japan” and Azusa just tryna enjoy dinner.
(japan has a prime minister and the vampire clan has a king. but the idea of karl heinz making a vampire democracy where his sons have to campaign is really funny)
it’s probably kou’s duty to stop them, poor guy xD I can picture him going “be friends!! be friends!!!” and forcing them to shake hands
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yumikattodl · 8 months
Diabolik lovers Blood Bloued prologue
Blood. That was all I can see at the moment. And then a man with white hair and golden eyes.
-Who you are? - I asked. It was in the blood. Did he kill them? .. "I should hate him" these words flashed through my mind. " My family is dead. He killed them. Do I want to kill me? - Hello, dear child.
The man said. - -w-who are you? I repeated myself. - Karl Heinz. That name meant nothing to me. -
What do you say to take you to me. I need you for my plan I don't understand what this one is talking about.
Tears are streaming down my face. They are dead. He killed them. Even so, I shook his hand. The man smiled **** I was in his castle. He introduced me to his first wife and told me to look after me. Violethair looks at me with contempt, anger, as if I am inferior ... I don't understand. But I was just a child. Violethair has three sons.
P-p-please, please ... Stop ... - she said when the woman was choking me.She hated me ... I don't know why, I was only 4 at the time. I wanted to know why she hated me? what did i do to her I know, but Karl Heinz took me in. And she hated me from day one ...
- Mom, what are you doing? a childish voice said. - Oh, dear lait. Don't interfere. the woman said.
- Father said he must live. And you can't get rid of her, said the red-haired boy. Looking at me.
- Wouldn't you like to entertain me?he asked the woman. Violet, hair let me go
- I would like. she replied.The redheaded boy winked at me.Disappeared, with his mother. What did he mean by "entertain"? I've always wondered. I didn't know what was going on. The woman tried in various ways to get rid of me. But one of her sons always helped me. But that was the order they got from their father. The girl didn't understand that. Usually she wondered about their relationship with her mother but didn't understand. She knew that only each of them wanted her attention. When she was with Ayato, she said she was a mean bitch who deserved to die. I said he would kill her someday. He hated her with all his heart. As time passed, she realized Ayato was right. Their mother really was a bitch who deserved to die. Usually, when a girl pleaded with a woman for her life, she only laughed. She hated women. The girl forgot who her parents were and who killed them. But she still missed them. She wanted to come back to them. But she knew it was impossible. She knew they were dead and she would not come back to them. She wanted to know what she was doing here and why? But he also wanted to pay off the debt to Karl Heinz - Sam.
He took her to him. She had nowhere to live, she was grateful to him. She respected Karl Heinz. When the girl was 10 years old. Karl Heinz locked him in his castle in Eden. He protects her from his mean wife Cordeli. He didn't want her to die. He needed it for the plan. from 6 years. The girl was taught various things while she was imprisoned in the castle of Eden. Currently, the girl is 16 years old. Karl Heinz entered her room. Hello Miss Yumi. the vampire king smiled.
- I would like to inform you that today you are leaving for my sons. The girl was surprised by this news, but nodded.
- To the mukami brothers.
- added. Yumi, she didn't know who it was, didn't even know them. All she knew was that she had 6 sons. She had never, ever heard of mukami.
- Who is this? she asked confused. "These are my next sons," he replied. Yumi, she was shocked by this news. She knew she had 6 sons with whom she only met laito, kanato and ayato. She didn't know his other sons, only their names. Analyzing the information in my head, it turned out that the vampire king has 10 sons. She was shocked. "Damn, he has a very big family"
- I understand, sir. She replied. "I told you to call me by name," the man said.
- excuse me. she said. - When should I pack? she asked
- I'll tell you today and he left Thinking, "I'll finally follow through with my plan."Yumi, she packed in 3 hours. The girl took her things went down to the living room. She said goodbye to Karl Heinz. The next she got into the limousine that was waiting for her outside. In the sky she saw a full moon. She liked very much when it is full she liked to see the full moon. Yumi, was curious about the new place she was heading to while riding in the limousine. But, she also felt a strange anxiety. She was leaving Karl Heinz Castle. It was the first time she had left it. Even though Karl Heinz'em had imprisoned her she thought it was for her own good. She was loyal to him. She didn't want to leave the place where she lived too much. She treated the place as her second home. Her old home. She didn't remember. All she knew was that her parents were dead and she was taken in by Karl Heinz.Yumi sighed as she left the place where she had spent a long part of her life.
Part 1
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daemoninfluff · 7 months
I made such a good joke today but it only works in german with context so I'm gonna explain it all to you cause I don't have any hobbys
1. my mother and I were driving trough a village at about 7pm and some young people were walking/standing on the street (it is a main road, you can't really drive around the village so it has near constant traffic)
2. Halbstark is a word used for rowdy teens which dates back to the 50s
3. there's a song called Junge, wir können so heiß sein (Boy, we can be so hot) by Extrabreit, which is about a teen named Karl Heinz Jürgen who doesn't do sht and then acts as if it's the world's fault his life is sht, the singer tells him how hot they all can be (80s hot = today's cool)
So what I said was "Diese Halbstarken denken, sie wären so heiß, dabei sind sie alle Karl Heinz Jürgen" (These half strongs think they're so cool, but they're all Karl Heinz Jürgen)
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pleaaaseeee i need to know more about the kang sanguine kids (anything you have time for though, no pressure)
AAAAA of course! Talking about those kids always makes me so happy because me and @secretarykang think about this family so much and a lot! I have some headcanons for all of you ❤️
Silas is so proud of having inherited his mother's blonde hair and otherwise looking exactly like his father. Especially since neither of the twins got the blonde hair.
That also means he's super protective of his hair. The one time Dante managed to get under his skin was when he attempted to cut Silas' hair. And then he got the hell beaten out of him by his older brother.
Dante came rushing to his parents late that evening, limping a little from the beating and grinned from ear to ear about having finally angered Silas.
But the fights between these two aren't always this lighthearted. Nor do they end this sweetly.
Dante believes in the new order of things - and as a young lad, he overlooked the importance of his Sanguine blood's knowledge of ancient arts and magic, as well as histories and places.
He and Silas once got into a vicious fight:
"Very well then brother - make due with the writing of history as you can't make it of your own." Dante spat, blind malice dripping from his words in his fury. "I can rest assured you see - that while I'm out there making history, you will be in the halls of the library, writing of my greatness."
Silas' voice was ice itself as he spoke back. "Oh, if only there would be anything worth recording of you, Dante."
It was the worst fight they ever had. Also the one that resulted in them maturing more than ever before.
Needless to say, Saeclus and Devyn intervened before things got out of hand. And both of the boys were grounded. Saeclus was the one who spoke to them individually and had them gain an understanding of each other's situation.
They would reconcile afterward - exchanging silent apologies.
You might be wondering, where does Aurora fit in all these politics? And the answer is nowhere.
Aurora has no interest in family politics - she behaves honorably and proudly as is expected of her, but she wants nothing to do with petty politics. She gladly leaves the handling of politics to her two brothers and instead pursues her true interest: science.
That makes her want to exhaust every resource in her reach for scientific studies. And one of those sources is the Vampire King himself, Karl Heinz.
Silas is the most talented with magic, having inherited his father's attribute for it, and his preferred weapon is a spear. He also rides his own stormbird, Artessa, who's named after his late grandmother Arterailla.
Dante is a natural swordsman, and would easily defeat Ayato in a sword fight. He also has a natural survivalist's instincts and is fiercely protective. He rides his own dragon, Walberg, named after his other grandmother.
Dante's dragon, Walberg, is an exceptional breed between an Adlerland dragon and Vibora one. He tamed him himself - though he had some help from his father - and is really proud of it.
Aurora also rides a pure silver she-dragon named Zola. Her ride isn't as impressive as Silas, nor is it as rare as Dante's, but Zola is everything Aurora likes in her ride so she isn't complaining.
All three of them go riding together sometimes, and they joke around in the air too. Silas and Artessa gracefully dancing around his younger siblings in the air, Dante having Walberg shoot fire at nothing in the sky, and Aurora riding through the flames just because she can.
It's one of their favorite bonding moments. And it gives Saeclus and Devyn a chance to breathe too, so they really encourage it.
Despite all their differences, the three of them are really tightly knit as far as family is concerned. And they love each other and their parents before anyone else.
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Merry Christmas
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The soothing tone of a violin spread through the Mukami manor. Everyone was on and about, after all today was christmas and KArl-heinz ordered them to spend this christmas with the Sakamaki and Yui. This destroyed the plans that Ruki set and he now, together with Azusa, was cooking twice the food they would have needed if they were only 5. Kou was lucky enough to escape the whole preparation process as he had a christmas show he needed to attend to. And the last two were decorating the manor.
Yuma was currently entangled with a silver and blue rope that was supposed to go around the room. It wasnt thick and probably not even noticable. "Why do we even have to do this!? Ya stupid brothers wont even care!" Yuma complained and only got a bored 'I dont know' from his husband. Shu was playing on his violin. He got it from Yui on their wedding day and it had Yumas name engraved on it. "How about ya help me?" , "If you have it entangled I will gladyl help. That just seems to bothersome." Shu replied and smirked lightly when he looked at Yuma.
The usually intimidating Vampire looked rather silly with the pink sweater he wore. It was a present from Nori, Laikos daughter, that came earlier today and Shu made him wear it together with raindeer horns and socks in the same shade of pink. "You didnt help with the other stuff so help me-" , "Yuma? What are doing with this deco?" Ruki walked into the room with a tray of cookies. "Whatcha mean Ruki? You told us to decorate the manor." Yuma answered and emphasised the us. "Yes I did. But I also told Shu to use the decoration with the gold and red theme."
"Ahh yes he mentioned that." Shu put down his violin and looked at Yuma.
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Herr Moses in Berlin Makes a Name for Himself pt. 3: "Frederick" II
In pt. 1 and pt. 2 I discussed Knobloch's analysis of the name Mendelssohn in conjunction with Herr Moses himself and his protestant descendants, respectively, and how for them the surname they choose to adopt is representative of their relationship to mainstream 18th/19th century German culture and its associated difficulties. But since almost everyone in Knobloch's biography is a historical figure whose existence is independently-documented, a new problem arises in translation:
Probably the most important personality in Herr Moses in Berlin to whom this adaptation is relevant is King Friedrich II of Prussia, whom Knobloch refers to throughout Herr Moses in Berlin as "Eff Zwei,"
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Knobloch's purpose with this is twofold: not only does the flippant appellation succinctly convey his anti-monarchist position to the publishers and readers of the DDR, it subverts the authority of the man who, more than any other figure, represents the Prussian state's coercive classification and oppression of its subjects. Whereas Herr Moses is referred to by the personal name he used in his letters, His Royal Majesty is reduced to a letter and a number.
I've rendered this label in English as F2, because I think it looks most natural to an anglophone reader and sufficiently conveys Knobloch's intense dislike of the man. While I don't feel as strongly about Frederick II as Moses "Your Royal Majesty Please don't Explicitly Deny my Children the Right to Exist" Mendelssohn or Heinz "the Legacy of Prussian Militarism and State Subservience was the Dominant Influence on my Childhood" Knobloch, I can see why he is the closest thing Herr Moses in Berlin has to a consistant villain. And I think most of the people on his site who feel some connection to his queerness or abusive past are simultaneously capable of recognizing that as an absolutist monarch, even a self-styled Enlightened Absolutist, his military campaigns and repressive policies often ran contrary to the best interests of his subjects, especially, in the case of Herr Moses in Berlin, the Prussian Jewish community.
But Knobloch does not exclusively refer to F2 as such, and in cases where he is called "Friedrich" I have tentatively localized him as Frederick, because he is famous enough to be recognizable as the King of Prussia whether or not his name is localized. Likewise "Maria Theresia" has become Maria Theresa and "Karl der Grosse" is Charlemagne, because the French title is the most iconic-sounding one in English. I don't feel bad about it either; they're public figures and my one translation will probably not have a significant impact on their legacy.
But what about people to whom Heinz Knobloch refers, for whom his Latinized/Germanized rendering of their name is not the one they would have preferred to use in life?
It's a significant plot point in Herr Moses in Berlin that, for most of Mendelssohn's lifetime, the Jewish communities in German-speaking countries did not consider that to be their (first) language, a barrier which protected the autonomy of intra-communal affairs but hindered interactions with the German-speaking non-Jewish authorities. I hope to treat Mendelssohn's promotion of multilingualism and assimilation as a Thing he Liked rather than an Unequivocal Good, but Knobloch and many of the sources he quotes are very fond of it. I don't know whether I should render names like Isaak and Aron as Isaac and Aaron when neither are necessarily the preferred self-conceptualization of their holders?
For Moses Mendelssohn himself, bearing multiple names in multiple spellings and alphabets is integral to his literary/philosophical ethos. But how should I approach the friend of Knobloch's whom he calls "Sergej Lwow," a Soviet author who was published under this name in the Weltbühne but whose pen name is that of a particularly linguistically-contentious city and who was born something closer to "Sergei Gets?" How to render the nickname of Anna Luisa Karsch, "die Karschin," a formulation which indicates that she was the wife of someone named Karsch in a manner more succinct and antique than any English counterpart? How to do justice to people who lived and wrote and thought about themselves in their own way, and did not anticipate that, two and a half centuries later, a USAmerican student would care so terribly about telling their stories?
I promise this is not complaining. Questions like this are utterly fascinating to me, and are part of why I like literary translation. But as I revise my version of Herr Moses in Berlin I will inevitably have to make one decision or another about what to call people, and I certainly do not make them without reservations.
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matterjapod · 2 years
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But there are also Legends in the game like Beckenbauer and Cantona. The game includes a lot of players from top football nations like Brazil, England, Italy, Spain, Germany and France. Each team's score in points is at the top of the frame, and the score in goals at the bottom. The player is playing as Portugal, and the icon in the bottom-left indicates that they are controlling Deco. Legends of football such as Johan Cruyff, Eusébio and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge are unlockable during the game. The best players have special moves often named after their nickname. In the career mode 'Rule the Streets', one creates a player and competes in tournaments around the world to obtain 'Skill Bills' to buy clothing and upgrade his rating.Īs the player improves, he can captain his own street football team and eventually become an international. The game is a street football game in which the player can take control of 4-a-side versions of national football teams in matches where the object is to win by scoring a set amount of goals or points via tricks, or within a time limit. However, the hand-held versions, particularly on the DS, were received poorly for not including those innovations.
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history-matters · 3 months
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Every single person who has served in the First Presidency of the Mormon Church (LDS) since at least 1970 has had a book-length biography written about them, with the exception of Dieter Uchtdorf. Why? Because President of LDS is the highest ranking living Stasi in the United States. His official biography, which was written with approval of Russian, and some Central European friendly services, is forged, as well as his last name. There were two brothers behind the back of this former Lufthansa pilot, who also flew with Interflug. They were: Wolfgang Karl Adolf Uchtdorf - born on 7 April 1929, in Zwickau, Kreis Zwickau, Saxony, Germany. He married Irmgard Martha Luschtinetz on 7 May 1959, in Elko, Nevada, United States. He served as NCO in the US Army Corps of Engineers. He died on 17 May 1971, in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States, at the age of 42, and was buried in Murray Cemetery, Murray, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. Karl-Heinz Uchtdorf - born on 29 January 1933, in Berlin, Germany. He worked for the LDS Church and built up and headed the European Distribution Center in Frankfurt, Germany in the 1970's. He died on 15 July 2005, in Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany, at the age of 72. Nonetheless, there was another Stasi (HVA)* man in the U.S., who oversaw Ivana Winklmayr, Arnold Schwarzenegger and even Dieter Uchtdorf himself in 70-90s.
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clarytee · 7 months
Until recently, I was not aware of that Karl Urban has German ancestry. His full first name is Karl-Heinz. Doesn’t get much more German grandpa. He always be Karl-Heinz to me from now on.
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