#his little recording device serves multiple functions
archivistofnerddom · 1 year
Yo, I just had a late night Bad Batch thought / headcanon:
Maybe the reason that Tech has his little recording device set up on the right side of his goggles is because he has hearing loss in that ear and that’s how he compensates.
My reason for that? Because Crosshair using his right shoulder as a stabilizer for making tricky shots. We see this happen during the Bad Batch’s introductory arc during season 7 of The Clone Wars. The comfortable, easy way they do this makes it clear that this is not the first time this happened.
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Look at Tech’s head! He just tilts it to the side slightly to give Crosshair more space. The ease with which these two have this dynamic makes it clear that they’ve done this before. Crosshair uses Tech as a stabilizer / tripod when he’s making a tricky high shot. Tech isn’t even fazed by that and clearly accommodates Crosshair.
Now take a look at Tech’s goggle set-up:
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That recording device is on the same side that Crosshair used / uses.
It clearly records both visual and sound, as evidence later in the Batch’s intro arc. Tech is able to play back the flying creatures’ sounds to lure them in for help.
No matter how good the guns that the Batch use are (and I suspect that they aren’t using peak GAR weaponry because, well, why give your best to the deviant clones?), no one is going to have a gun fired that close to their ear without suffering some kind of hearing loss. Even if Tech has outstanding ear protection, he’s still going to have some impact, at least to that ear. (And I suspect he doesn’t have top of the line ear protection because, again, the Bad Batch are the defective experimental deviant clones.) Hence, he has a device on that side of his head to compensate for another defect (and to continue with his hobby of recording everything). His brothers are probably aware of this and just say he records everything to hide the fact that HOLY SHIT TECH HAS HEARING LOSS.
And maybe that’s one reason why he’s so expressive with his hands (and good at understanding hand signals). Perfect (or even decent) hearing isn’t required when you speak with your hands.
Anyway, make of this what you will. This notion came to me at a late hour and made my heart hurt.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
since you said it was okay for us to send in multiple ones i worked up the nerve to send one in for a blind date I’ll try to be as concise as I can with describing myself so apologies if this is a little long im not super great at describing myself in generalities. i trust your judgement completely. anyways!
I’m 30, bisexual, usually get mistaken for someone younger due to my size and sound of my voice, I have a couple of different chronic pain conditions but not so bad I can’t function normally, I’m friendly and kind to most people I meet but I also don’t take people’s shit you’ll definitely know if I don’t like someone i don’t really hide it that well —I’m pretty emotionally reactive is what I’m saying. I enjoy reading, some of my favorite authors and books include Edgar Allan Poe, Dracula and Alice in Wonderland (my favorite book) just to name a few, I also really enjoy audio horror dramas despite being bad with horror visually, i really enjoy engaging my brain so I kinda also really enjoy riddles and puzzle games even though my track record isn’t that great at solving them 100% of the time, I also enjoy victorian things and the period very much and my favorite holiday is Halloween! I also tend to show someone I like them no matter if it’s platonic or romantic through physical touch as long as I know they are okay with it
please don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t feel up to it I just wanted to send in another one since your framing device is extremely adorable and fascinating to me! plus i am very curious who you’d choose for me in this situation. congratulations again finnie you deserve this so much 💚!!
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: you stop being so sweet or i'll have to serve you on the dessert menu ;-; 💚
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"Hello, welcome to the Vill-Inn! We'll uh... take your order from over here when you're ready. Just shout! There's a weird aura over there... bit of a strange vibe. It's giving us the heebiest of jeebies."
It's not as if there's a rain cloud above him or bats circling the table, but you get what they mean when you sit down across from your date.
"Jonathan Crane, my dear. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
He's charming, completely so. But there's something under that exterior layer, something dark and brooding. Something poetic, almost.
There are several points at the beginning of your conversation with him where you can see him wincing, but trying to hide the expression of pain on his face. It turns out to be an excellent way to open up to each other, as he divulges his chronic pain issues, most of which are the result of injuries from a certain Dark Knight.
"The suffering adds to my will for destruction, though. But I admire others who can admit to needing help, as they should. If you ever need someone to... discuss this with... I can offer some psychological comfort."
The more you reveal of yourself, the more interested he is. You can see him, teasing apart sections of your brain, of your psyche, and lapping them up with intrigue. A kind person who can react emotionally and keep people's cruelty at a distance?
"Very interesting. Tell me more."
Everything he says is accompanied by a wide and curved grin that feels mischievous more than conniving or malevolent, and the only time it really falls to one of warmth and surprise is when you reveal more about yourself, things that he finds a lot in common with.
Your choice of literature is certainly on par with his. When he delves into fiction as opposed to his psychology textbooks and research works, he would definitely opt for a gothic, melancholic terror. In fact, he has his copy of Sleepy Hollow with him.
"If you haven't read it, I can lend it to you. Returning it would be a good reason for us to meet again, no?"
He's intellectual, and enjoys problem solving. And while you admit you might not be much help on the difficult ones he can't quite get as quickly as certain, green-donning colleagues, havinng some emotional support would be just as effective. A love of horror is yet again more common ground, and his sly smile widens, his eyes lighting up, when you mention your love of Halloween. And when you notice the excitement, you reach out to place your hand on top of his. It's cold, but you warm him up, and he is grateful for the connection.
You might have read Sleepy Hollow before, but you'll take it anyway. Anything to meet up with Jonathan again.
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paragonrobits · 1 year
a vague idea I have for AtLA fics is using the framing device of historical documents depicting historical records of important moments for the characters as they do things to influence history or of importance personally and later historians regard these as pivotal moments; things like Aang discussing with Zuko or Azula the notion of what they may owe the world by virtue of the horrors done by their ancestors and that they are obliged to address as long as they hold the power they have
a few tweaks I have in mind is them generally being referred to by titles, as they are of such importance the implication is that they have accomplished grand and world-shaping feats such that they are chiefly known to the world by these titles. Some examples include -
Aang: Referred to as the Avatar. This is dependant on the documents implicitly being around in his life time; he is THE Avatar, and of such importance that this is all required to identify him. He is the Punt of people; you don’t need to specify who the Avatar is, EVERYONE knows. This mgiht also factor into historical documents so far in the future that Aang’s life is completely unknown and no one is quite sure if he actually existed or is a combination of multiple Avatars, and people tend to assume that no real Avatar could have done so many sweeping changes
Katara: The Master. I keep thinking of her in the context of later becoming an important teacher and philosopher analogous to many significant societal figures who don’t really have an equivalent in AtLA but are conspicious for their absence. Accordingly, she may be the origin for the most prevalent philosophy schools in the setting, and is referred to as the Master in the sense of a teacher; she is THE Master, the teacher to all and those generations to come
Azula: The Sage, or the Fire Sage. This is in reference to my personal favorite take of post-character development Azula becoming a Fire Sage; THE Fire Sage and leader of them, as part of my preferred idea for her character development being that she abstains from power and worldly goods, adopting a monastic life as she grows to regard the power sought on behalf of her father as ultimately a childish thing. All things burn away and she meditates heavily on the nature of life and energy. The implication is also that she is so well known for it, that her life as the princess of the Fire Nation is a very obscure topic. Connections to the two may not even be rememberd historically; Azula herself, or at least when she was a princess, winds up a historical footnote at best, perhaps recalled in memoirs of Long Feng but ultimately of little significance to the flow of the world.
This is indeed part of the point as she is far more influential as the Fire Sage, a reformist of the Fire Sages and potentially laid the steps towards a hypothetical dismantling of the Fire Lord position; she is EXTREMELY well known in this capacity as a incredibly respected and admired figure, but that she and the princess of the Fire Nation during the era of Avatar Aang are the same person is little known. There is a metaphorical layer here; only by casting off the falsehoods of her previous position did she truly create a life where she was happy and influenced the world by no longer moving against the flow of the world.
(There would be a lot of little sections that are contextually notes from translators and scholars debating or arguing over aspects of this; this can serve multiple functions from clarifying who each character actually is through debates on their origins or just enough hints to clarify for the audience even if the scholars don’t realize it, as well as interesting hints as to the things they would later do.)
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chenpire · 3 years
Okay listen. I grant you that Simon and Wilhelm’s interactions are well written and pretty grounded, but that’s not exactly the same as functional communication, in this essay I will...
No really, here’s the essay. The best scene to illustrate my point is probably the confrontation over the drugs in episode 5, y’know, the one where Simon is ready to bolt when Wilhelm warns him August wants to make Simon their scapegoat. I love this scene and the dialogue in it because I see it as an example of well written, nuanced miscommunication. This show’s writing is steady from start to finish so I don’t feel like I’m giving it too much credit when I say the things not said in this scene are significant.
Wilhelm talks to Simon like they’re equals here when they’re not. He knows the fallout would be worse for Simon but doesn’t seem to fully comprehend how much or why, while Simon is clearly acutely aware that he could end up with a criminal record that would severely impact his future. The offhand comment about dealing, and the fact that Wilhelm doesn’t question Simon’s explanation makes their class difference super obvious, and Simon just shuts off because he’s unwilling to explain something he’s already decided Wilhelm will not get (I think he does this again when Wilhelm tells him Alexander ended up taking the fall. He looks like he’s going to say something but then decides against it because he doesn’t seem to think there’d be any point.) Simon is aware of Wilhelm’s mess (though considering little moments like the insta story incident, how much he gets it is debatable) but Wilhelm doesn’t have even the faintest inkling of Simon’s lower middle class (?) issues, nor does he inquire when there are openings to do so. They talk past each other on issues of class constantly. Simon’s spiel in episode 1 about ‘one rule for one group, a different rule for another’ is a perfect framing device for that underlying conflict.
Wilhelm has a blind spot, and Simon lets him have it, while obviously quietly interpreting and accepting the reasons for Wilhelm’s hot and cold behaviour on his own; on this, his sister really has his number. He’s consistently established as a character that keeps things to himself, which contributes to him and Wilhelm’s entire dynamic of ‘let’s not talk about the heard of elephants in the room’. It’s not like the teenage prince having multiple life crises at once is the bad guy here, and the way he handles this situation (and others) head on says many fun and interesting things about the person he could become later on in his arc. But currently their dynamic has a huge power imbalance that neither of them fully understand or are addressing because. They’re teenagers? Nobody wants blockbuster scale class conflict in their high school fling? Come on?  
When people talk about hating miscommunication in media I don’t think they actually mean they hate all forms of it. Miscommunication is a fact of life; people talk past each other due to different life experiences all the damn time. It’s kind of part of being human. Good miscommunication should follow that, occurring because of character, as part of developing character arcs. The type of miscommunication that’s unsatisfying is miscommunication inserted into the story in a way that doesn’t connect to character or theme, that only serves to stir up drama and create plot instead of truly enriching the story being told. There’s an element of tragedy to miscommunication in that it’s a very human folly, and if done well that’s what it should feel like. Wilhelm and Simon are really rather sweet to each other, they work great when they’re in their own little bubble, in a young dumb teenage romance kind of way. The tragedy is that that can’t survive outside of their private little world unless they’re both on the same page and willing to fight for it. Which, currently, they’re not even close to.
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jdkloosterman · 3 years
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SQUAD A: Primary function--assault and destruction. Operative 07, codename ""Delilah" Previous attempts to recreate Hulk-like abilities have invariably met with disaster due to the accompanying berzerker rage.  The Section 11 scientists took a different approach and instead tried to replicate the work of Dr. Samson, tying the particular super-strength of the Hulk to the length of the subject's hair.  Trace genetic samples of the Red Hulk were used in experimentation on a test subject.  Project deemed a partial success, though "Delilah" still has high levels of aggression and can be difficult to control, particularly if her hair length is not maintained within optimal parameters.  Operative 01 has displayed a marked affinity for her, but so far experiments involving attempts at breeding have met with no success. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: "Breeding?" Are you serious with this?  Damnit, those eggheads are messed up.] Operative 08, codename "Waif" "Waif" is unusual in not coming from the usual pool of test subjects, but is in fact the natural daughter of one of Section 11's lead scientists, Dr. Yamanaka.  Her powers emerged at a young age uncontrollably during a traumatic car accident that killed one of her closest friends.  Her powers were uncontrollable and destructive until the implant could be successfully installed.  Though Dr. Yamanaka has attempted, since, to speak with his daughter, she does not seem to recognize him or anyone from her old family at all. "Waif" is one of the few operatives in Section 11 permitted to wear non-standard gear, as disruptions to her daily routine have been observed to have a negative impact on her stability. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: Guy lobotomized his own daughter.  No wonder she won't talk to him.] Operative 09, codename "Samurai." "Samurai" is a clone created by Dr. Akimichi, spliced with DNA from the metahuman Blob. His armor is developed based on intense study of the metahuman Juggernaut and his armor.  Though docile and responding well to direction, "Wamurai" has little initiative of his own.  He also does not speak, and only communicates through "Waif."  He has been observed to have a calming impact on her, hence why the two are paired together.  "Samurai" also carries a series of steroids and stimulants for use in high-stress combat situations, and has received military training. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: Love this kid.  Like a minature tank.] *Note: Given the volatile nature of the group, they require extensive coordination.  Dr. Nara's "Deer" AI has proven useful in this task, supplemented by Shadow drones capable of observing and compiling data.** **Further Note: Dr. Nara's "Deer" AI has been flagged for review after numerous incidents displaying near-sentience, including several statements curiously similar to Dr. Nara's late son.  Director Danzou has ordered an investigation into thJA)djs&(*Yhiue---------RECORD DELETED
SQUAD B--Primary Function: Infiltration and Recon Operative 03: "Gemini 1" Gemini 1 is not suited to intense combat situations unless supported by Gemini 2.  Her primary skill set is stealth, infiltration, and cyberops.  Similar to Gemini 2, she possesses hyper-optogrophy and can see in multiple layers of the spectrum, including infrared, ultraviolet, and x-ray. Energy blasts from the palms are able to target internal organs. Tests have also confirmed a psychic link between her and Gemini 2, wherein information and even physical pain can be conveyed between one and the other.   Gemini 1 has also been observed to have a notable attraction to Operative 01, which might possibly be useful. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: Who authorized that test, and how was "physical pain" determined?] Operative 04: "Gemini 2" Gemini 2 is the twin of Gemini 1 and possesses all her abilities.  He has a much higher combat aptitude, and has been noted in field operations to have a particular protective instinct involving Gemini 1.  It has also been noted that Gemini 2's combat effectiveness dips noticeably when confronted with anti-citizens Kusanagi and Green Beast.  Confrontations should be avoided. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: Who did we get these twins from, I wonder. Probably from one of the "clinics."] Operative 05: "Weapon K" Weapon K is the most successful emulation of the Weapon X project thus far.  Though it is still difficult to maintain complete control, and the adamantium binding process was not entirely successful, still he retains the all-important healing factor acquired from Weapon X, as well as the heightened senses. Weapon K handles the majority of combat situations that Squad B encounters, though he is indiscreet and tends to leave a mess behind. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: Just something not right about this boy.] Operative 06: "Shino Entity" It has yet to be determined whether Shino Entity is, in fact, a budding psychic who was consumed by insects and gained control of them, or merely a strange collective of psychic insects under a shared delusion of once having been human. Investigation is ongoing, though attempts to isolate and inspect individual insects of the hive mind have been counter-productive, as Shino Entity has invariably become aware of the isolation and dissection of members of his hive mind.  Accordingly, invasive experiments have for the  moment been suspended to ensure his ongoing collaboration.  His skill set is incredibly valuable and unique, however, enabling mass recon on a almost simultaneous response, and while not suited to combat, is essentially indestructible. Shino Entity requires little care save maintenance of the containment suit and a daily piece of rotten meat.  This seems sufficient to have earned his cooperation, along with a curious affinity for the other members of Squad B--though it still has not been determined how he manages to speak. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: I don't really care where he came from.  As long as he keeps up his work, he can call himself Shino or Lord Nelson for all I care.] LEADERSHIP TEAM Commader Kakashi: Field Commander.  Last living member of the original Section 11 team, Commander Kakshi has been declared not fit for combat due to the injury suffered to his eye during the Apocalypse Incident.  He now serves Section 11 in a supervisory tactical role, planning out missions to accomplish goals as set by the rest of the leadership.  Though not strictly required, Commander Kakashi makes a habit of deploying with the Section 11 Operatives whenever possible, a practice which Section Chief Danzou has cited him for numerous times. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: Let the old man complain, I'm not sending kids out there without backup.] Dr. Tsunade: Head of Mutagenic Studies.  Dr. Tsunade left a promising career at Tokyo University to lead the medical and study wing of Section 11.  She is in charge of monitoring the operative's physical state and the nature of their mutations, as well as any new mutations that arise.  Dr. Tsunade's connection to the program is more than professional, as her grandfather was closely involved in its creation, a fact which may have weighed into her decision to join.  Dr. Tsunade also considers herself in charge of the operative's well-being, a matter which has also led her to clash with Section Chief Danzou. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: The lady should be in charge from everything I've seen.  Though what she did to the meeting table makes me wonder if her studies have been leading to more practical applications of mutagens, recently.] Dr. Inoichi: Section Chief Danzou's successful recruitment of the famous "Ino-Shika-Cho" team may be considered one of the great accomplishments of his administration. Dr. Inoichi joined the program out of desperation to find some solution to his daughter's newly awakened powers, and his two friends followed him.  A neurology specialist, Dr. Inoichi has done groundbreaking work regarding metahuman psychics and extra-natural brain structure.  He devised the device which currently helps his daughter to keep her powers in check, which is currently under development for possible use against enemy psychics. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: Why does the record note this as an accomplishment of Danzou's? Inoichi joined us because of his daughter's accident, Danzou had nothing to do with it.] Dr. Shikaku: Shikaku, a renowned specialist in artificial intelligence and computer learning simulations, joined the program alongside his friend. His algorithms run much of the training programs that the operatives use, as well as much of the predictive software crucial to Section 11's smooth operation.  The death of his son left him emotionally distant and he has a noted reluctance to meet with any of the operatives outside of Inoichi's daughter.  Much of his work since joining Section 11 has been on his prototype ASI "Shika" and its proxy drone. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: I swear, that thing almost seems sometimes like it's actually senti303@..%$)(~~~- ERROR DATA CORRUPTION... Dr. Chouza: The final member of the Ino-Shika-Cho team, Dr. Chouza's specialty runs more in the physical arena than either of his friends, primarily involving force multipliers such as the Hulk and Blob. His "Choji" clone program has potential to create an entire army once the formula has been perfected and the laboratory repaired. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: Chouza's heart isn't in this, and that laboratory will never be fixed if he has anything to say about it.] Section Chief Danzou: Despite his near-fatal injuries from the Apocalypse Incident, Section Chief Danzou has transformed Section 11 into an elite fighting force in the wake of his predecessor.  The current roster and focus of the division is entirely due to his guidance.  He has a noted tendency for keeping his plans to himself and frequently overrules his leadership staff. [COMMANDER'S NOTE: There is reason to believe that the old man has an even more dark-ops organization on the side, for missions he considers too sensitive even for Section 11.]
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helenarlett-rex · 4 years
My Yiffpunk reference timeline
This is a small historical timeline I’ve been using for reference as I write the Yiffpunk series. It may not be 100% complete and could get added to as things go on, but for the moment this is what I have been using. Some of this info hasn’t even been mentioned in the books or short stories yet, or may have only been briefly mentioned in passing. But for anyone interested in behind the scenes history stuff, here it is. (If I make alterations or add things to my history timeline in the future I’ll make updates to this list here.)
2013: Genetic engineering becomes commercially available to the general public.
2014: A global virus threatens to wipe out the human race. A company named Genetic-Co develops a cure in the form of altering human DNA to make humans immune to the virus. Genetic-Co becomes the top name in Commercialized Genesplicing. They offered a wide range of options for genetic modification to the public but the option that quickly became the most popular was human animal hybrids. Turning yourself into an animal person had a wide range of practical applications and pop culture and fashion quickly caught on. This was particularly appealing to the members of a fan based subculture known as Furries. (Author’s notes: I know you’re thinking coronavirus. In this timeline it happened a lot sooner than it did in our own. This caused certain other events to unfold differently.)
2016: The new President of the United States is elected. (Author’s notes: For legal reasons, I’ve never used The President’s name in my books, and probably never will. But in my mind I know exactly who it is, and I’m sure everyone else does too.)
2017: Ixis begins posting vlogs to the internet and starts The Cult of Ultra-Science. Few take her seriously. Sky Copland becomes an on-the-rise celebrity in the world of winter sports.
2018: Mesozoic Resort opens on a small island off the coast of Costa Rica. The island is the only location on the planet where the use of DNA from long extinct animals is legally permitted in genesplicing, but those who have combined their DNA with said animals are not permitted to leave the island.
2019: The President abolishes the presidential term limit of only being able to serve two terms in office.
2020: By this point it was estimated that all Furries on the planet had already become animal hybrids. The President is reelected to his second term in office.
2022: A social political movement known as the Human Purists renounce genesplicing, calling it a perversion of the natural order and going against God’s design. Many view them as a group of radicals and domestic terrorists. The President shows support for this movement.
2025: The President officially leaves the Republican Party and forms the Human Purists into an official political party known as the Puritans. Running under the Puritan ticket, The President is reelected to a third term in office. The Purists gain majority control of the US Government. Ixis, founder of the Cult of Ultra-Science, is assassinated and her body stolen. Her robotic partner is left in control of the cult.
2027: Radical Purist splinter groups launch multiple, simultaneous bombing attacks against a number of major cities in the United States containing a high recorded concentration of animal hybrid populations. The attack was countered at the same time by the Cult of Ultra-Science, who had been tipped off to the attacks ahead of time and detonated stasis bombs in all of the cities that had been targeted. All of the targeted cities were now stuck just outside of time and no one knew when the effects would wear off, leaving the cities inaccessible. Massive domes were built around the cities to prevent anyone from entering. This event turned public opinion against the animal hybrids and the world became divided between human and animal, which allowed the Puritans to grow to even greater political power.
2032: The process of rounding up all the animal hybrids and segregating them away from the rest of the public begins. Fifty cities around the country were converted into what became known as the segregation cities and all of the animal hybrids were forced to live in them.
2034: After using her celebrity status to becoming a political activist for the rights of animal hybrids, Sky Copland is one of the last people exiled to the segregation city of Rabbitropolis.
2035: The Puritan government of the United States proposes a global plan for the rest of the world to follow its example. Some countries fall in line and begin construction on segregation cities of their own, some oppose it. Germany becomes the new leader of the “Free World” while the United States becomes the leader of authoritarian fascism.
2037: World War 3 is started.
2130: Human civilization drives itself to collapse. All forms of world government fall and the human race quickly devolved back into a barbaric, tribal society. The only places on the planet that still flourished were the segregation cities, now being used as fortresses to keep the humans out. The Police Force is the only human institution still in operation, now little more than a band of roaming marauders.
2217: The human race is classified as an endangered species. The people inside the segregation cities begin to leave and retake the rest of the planet. Most technology has been lost. The segregation city of Rabbitropolis chooses to keep it’s borders closed and self-segregate from the rest of the world.
2265: Ixis returns and reestablishes the Cult of Ultra-Science, bringing back much of the lost technology from the old world and returning society from a wild west state to a modern world and reestablishing a functioning government.
2266: Rabbitropolis becomes “The City State of Rabbitropolis” and is declared a micronation with its own independent government separate from the government of the New United States.
2290: The Sexual Freedom Act is signed, officially doing away with the old taboos.
2334: The City State of Rabbitropolis begins to open it’s borders for limited and highly regulated immigration of non-carnivorous outside species. Carnivorous species are only allowed inside the city under highly specific case by case basis.
2336: The Cult of Ultra-Science reintroduces a luxury item known as the Home Computer. Cellphone technology has still not been reintroduced.
2348: It is discovered that the effects of the stasis bombs had finally worn off. Salvaging lost tech and other goods from the domes becomes an actual profession known as dome raiding. By the end of the year the first survivor is found inside the domes, still sleeping in suspended animation. More survivors are quickly found and not being registered citizens, are quickly exploited. The slave trade is reborn within certain parts of the world, the American North West being the world’s leading source of the sales and exportation of slaves.
2350: The Cult of Ultra-Science reestablishes the internet for public use. The internet is highly regulated by the cult. Social media does not exist. The cult refuses to comment on any progress in reestablishing cellphone technology. A black market demand for communication devices begins to grow.
2355: Modern day.
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maddmuses · 4 years
Earth Broly (Rather than) AU
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(art credit: Shochikubai-ume)
Biography On Planet Vegeta, in Birthing Facility 4, a saiyan baby was born. Considered an anomalous mutant of sorts, with a power level that seemed to fluctuate between roughly 10,000, and 920, much of this was assumed to be malfunctions of the hardware, but one thing was certain.
This child, Broly the son of Paragus, had singlehandedly shattered every record that the saiyans held for Combat Potential.
General saiyan wisdom estimated that a saiyan child would ultimately express 100 times their power as a child during adulthood, assuming a reasonable amount of training and combat to keep them from being stunted. This would mean that, if the saiyans only took into consideration his bottom level, he would have a power level of 92,000. This would make him not only more powerful than every member but one of the Ginyu Force, but essentially only second-only to Freeza himself, except when fighting with a power level of 920,000 as an oozaru.
That was even stronger than Freeza (assuming ignorance to his second form).
Paragus saw the potential for such a child as an asset to the saiyan race, not only as a means of finally throwing themselves free of their servitude, but possibly even proving to Beerus that they had the ability to go further as a species. But alas, the jealousy of King Vegeta was too strong.
The king had planned to send the boy away to a worthless, intolerable, planet named Vampa. Though he was a warrior, Paragus was more clever than to simply swagger into the king’s chambers to demand an explanation. He knew his son’s power, and decided to take things into his own hands, to redirect his son to a more hospitable world, make a scene, and then storm out to head to earth and rescue Broly.
This plan would not go totally according to his script, however, as while Paragus would be successful in changing the ship’s destination, he didn’t account for the king being aware of this, and executing the man on the spot.
Still... Earth wasn’t a particularly valuable planet, and even if it was a world with living targets, its denizens had barely managed to reach its own moon, they wouldn’t be able to send this monster back to him.
When landing on earth, Broly’s ship would crash somewhere in the region near Mount Paozu. Within moments of departing from the pod, Broly would see a full moon and begin to rampage through the wilderness. Though as morning came, Broly would return to the pod from whence he came, after gorging himself on the carcasses of the animals, various dinosaurs and other fauna, using it as a makeshift shelter. It was through the routine, if somewhat broken directions, of the pod that Broly knew his name, though it seemed that the blutz wave projector had been damaged on entry.
Over the following years, the great ape that prowled on full moons, rampaging through the wilds, would become something of a local fairy tale. Though the villages near the area didn’t explicitly believe in the monster, it became rather infrequent for locals to wander out on those nights, just in case.
Thought he was often a nocturnal hunter, due to his time as a mindless beast, Broly would still often act during the days as well, occasionally wandering near settlements, hunting and scavenging for food.
It was thanks to these brief encounters with society, even occasionally meeting the old man who lived among the mountains as well, that Broly was able to learn some ability to communicate, though he was more naturally prone to isolation and never developed a particularly strong relationship with any human.
However, when it came to some animals, Broly would enjoy their presence, particularly a sort of bear that had mutated to have green fur, prompting it to remain alone, even moreso than other bears, which were usually solitary. To the point that it didn’t even have a mate. Spending time with this bear, often watching what it would scavenge and eat, he developed the same habits and hunting patterns as the creature.
With this, Broly and the bear, which he named “Ra” for the noise that it made, became good friends, and over the years, as the saiyan grew, so did its power, and the width of his rampages as an oozaru. And as Broly’s nocturnal rampages became more destructive, so too did the alertness of the region’s residents, such as Gohan, who had fought the great ape on several occasions.
Eventually, though, Ra would be killed, as a result of poaching. Hurt by the death of his only friend, Broly promptly skinned the pelt of Ra, and began to wear it as a silent reminder of his loss. This would also cause Broly to become more aloof and removed from humanity.
As Broly grew towards adolescence, though, eventually his rampages as oozaru became too destructive, eventually resulting in a battle with the warrior Gohan. Broly’s great ape form would kill the old man, and wreak destruction through the land, fulfilling part of his function as a saiyan, essentially killing all humans in the nearby region. Only animals, and ruins would be left in his path, though Broly refused to depart from the region, wishing to simply be alone.
While scavenging the ruins for food on multiple occasions, taking to hunting less often for a time, Broly would eventually discover a glinting orb with four stars in it. Though it served him no purpose in his survival, some sort of compulsion in his (stupid monkey) brain told him to keep it.
Some years later, after Paozu had essentially become a wasteland entirely, a girl named Bulma would wander into the region, searching for the very ball that Broly had.
Initially distrustful of the girl, Broly didn’t want anything to do with her, though after several days of pursuit, coaxing, and offerings of food, the saiyan allowed the human girl near enough to talk to him. With some convincing, Broly would accompany the girl on her journey for the other dragon balls, one that interested him, as he grew older he’d become curious of the area around, and her ability to produce houses with a small device, it would give him an opportunity to travel and exist without the risk of turning into a great ape.
And so would begin Broly’s grand magical adventure to pursue the Dragon Balls.
Key differences and events beyond: -The adventure in which they get captured by Pilaf would likely result in the dragon balls being gained much sooner, but with no wishes that the dragon could effectively grant, Bulma simply wished to return home. -Yamcha and Broly would go on to train with Roshi, eventually being joined by Krillin. --During this training Broly’s tail is removed by Roshi to prevent him from going on rampages, and relying on such a trick in future fights. -The 21st, 22nd, and 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai would be cleanly swept by Broly -Broly’s rivalry with Tenshinhan results less in a purification of Tien’s brutal nature, and more the realization that the strong don’t have to fight dirty, or humiliate and kill opponents. --Broly and Tenshinhan’s duel did not occur in the tournament and was a proposed “duel to the death” following Tien’s desire to kill Broly, after being defeated/humiliated from his point of view, by Yamcha. -Broly did likely destroy the Red Ribbon Army, but likely more in a taking on challengers way, when trying to take from him his 4-star ball. -Broly’s fights would likely be not challenging in the least until possibly the fights against Piccolo-Daimo and Piccolo, the former of which could give him a fight, and the other being able to outwit him repeatedly. -Krillin’s death resulted in Broly’s first use of the Rage form, and subsequent killing of Piccolo-Daimo, who only just narrowly had the time to produce Piccolo. -By the time he’d fought Piccolo Jr., Broly was able to repeatedly access Rage Form and deactivate it to keep a clear head during the battle, though it was still uphill given Piccolo’s greater intelligence. -Broly wouldn’t receive any training by Kami, but would be offered the position of Guardian (he would defer to someone more like Roshi who was suited for the job) -The use of Dragon Balls would become more conserved, as Broly has little interest in using them, and 
-The saiyan saga is greatly reduced in scope of battle (largely because Broly has no offspring and I’m not forcing mate(s) into the story) -Broly’s battle with Raditz was a singular affair, with Raditz’s survival being the result of quick thinking, and an offer to bring him to people who are like him -Broly briefly joins the saiyans, though not formally as a member of the Freeza Force he is given similar equipment. -Namek saga essentially doesn’t occur and is instead filled with various space adventures in which Broly seems to just display nonsensical levels of strength beyond that of even his projected 90,200. By the point that Broly is at here, his Combat Power is considered immeasurable by the scouters. -The Saiyans, Nappa, Vegeta, and Raditz, are far more powerful for their presence with Broly and providing him sparring partners. -Ultimate confrontations against Freeza’s elite guard, and the Ginyu Force (who were scrambled to their emperor’s side after Freeza began to anticipate intent to coup) results in an almost tournament mini-arc itself with various environments and battles occurring.  --I think the battles would be the likes of Vegeta v Recoome (Vegeta Win) Raditz and Nappa v Jeice and Burter (Natch Saiyan win) and Broly v Guldo (Broly win) --During this mini-tournament arc each pairing is challenged in some way, Vegeta through having to deal with Recoome’s raw power, the duo battles coming down to Raditz and Nappa learning to work as a unit, rather than in spite of each other, and Broly struggling with what is ultimately a weak (but more strategic and utility-oriented opponent). --Ginyu promptly would attempt to clean up the saiyans as he fought them, slapping around Vegeta around, but not being able to kill them as Raditz and Nappa jump him. Ultimately Broly would reappear (his fight took the longest to win) and through coordination and preventing Ginyu from stealing Broly’s body, they were able to ultimately beat him. ---Broly’s struggles in battles will mostly, especially at a space level, be against opponents who are difficult to defeat in a straightforward fashion. -Eventual battle with Freeza, going largely the same way as-is canon. Broly’s repeated battles against Guldo and Ginyu, which challenge him in an unorthodox way, leave him with a number of injuries that force the others to hold off their enemy for him. Broly was only able to defeat Guldo by being able to activate his Rage form, which seemed to “Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken” his way around time manipulation powers. --Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta die. Broly comes to the scene just as Freeza has killed Raditz (the first person he met who he felt understood him on some level beyond a love of fighting), which pushes Broly into a rage that unlocks his Super Saiyan State, in addition to his Rage Form. It’s at this point that Broly promptly brutalizes Freeza, and presumably dies on a collapsing planet.
-Broly is brought back to life via Dragon Balls after the discovery of his death. While in the afterlife, Broly was sent to train with North Kai by Kami Roshi’s recommendation. Broly also requested that his friends be trained as well, but due to their hearts had been sent to hell. --While training with North Kai Broly developed a better understanding of how to utilize his chi, as his physical abilities were beyond that of what this teacher’s training could do for him. Broly learns the Spirit Bomb. Broly’s heart is considered to be pure by the standard that he was repentant for the destruction and death he’d wrought during his rages as an oozaru, as well as subsequent instances involving his missions. After losing those close to him, Broly had changed for the better, and had become able to use the technique without the risk of backlash. -Upon Broly’s return to life, he would travel to Namek, taking two years roughly, to resurrect the other three saiyans. -The Android Saga would largely play out the same way until Cell was introduced, though as time would go on the Androids would become a tolerated nuisance once it became clear that they couldn’t kill Broly. Though this would not be a wholly disregarded thing, Broly never suffered from the same heart disease, and likely was unwilling to kill 16-20 in cold blood, though Gero would still be killed by 17 and 18 once it became unclear that 19 wouldn’t be able to handle him. -Cell wouldn’t hit the scene until Age 786, at which point Broly would experience a nearly world-ending battle, as this Cell would be the strongest in the multiverse. The ability for Broly to defeat Cell would likely hinge on Broly’s ability to think creatively, could be seen as ultimately a completion to a character arc for one who largely was able to power through fights, but was finally on the receiving end of a stronger unstoppable force.
-Majin arc probably didn’t occur? Or if it did, it was very brief since no Vegeta/Broly rivalry to force Buu to awaken, or if Buu did awaken it’s likely Broly would have been able to destroy him.
-Battle of Gods arc likely didn’t result in any permanent extension of contact between Whis and earthlings. It is highly likely that Broly simply killed Beerus, or nearly did, possible replacement of Beerus as GoD with Vegeta. -No Rez F, Broly keeps too tight a grip on the four-star ball for that. -Likely no future timeline Trunks so likely no Goku Black arc for same reason of obtaining the dragon balls just simply not occurring -If Beerus is dead or asleep after fighting Broly no Univ 6 v 7, meaning likely no Tournament of Power either.
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nicolamalfi · 4 years
❣ If someone had the power to bring them back after death, would they want them to?
// This feels like a fun opportunity to explore the culture and practices surrounding death in the PLANTs a little bit.
This will mostly be random musings and critiques, so feel free to write your own ideas if you don’t like mine. Not that any of this matters in the slightest, I just like worldbuilding.
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I imagine the PLANTs to be fiercely secular and downright anti-religion, branding all religions as collections of primitive superstitions from a time before humanity understood the nature of the universe and their own potential. I also imagine Blue Cosmos to have, at least in part, a deeply religious aspect to it. It seems to be alluded to but never directly stated. It’s essentially a classic ‘science vs. religion’ situation, where ‘man shouldn’t play god’ by tinkering with our genetic makeup. The presence of Rev Malchio always struck me as incongruous, and honestly he just seems like a plot device. He’s out of the picture for my evaluation.
So the question now is what does a society of genetically enhanced atheists and agnostics think about death? It’s probably quite varied. Some might even say that if there is a ‘soul’, only Coordinators have evolved to such heights due to their superior intellect and abilities. Some will be content with ‘we’ll never know’. Others will view death of the brain as an ultimate end because there is no scientific proof otherwise.
I’m going to go with the latter as the majority belief: brain death is an ultimate end. No afterlife. No lingering spirits. On first glance that may seem quite depressing, but that’s not necessarily the case.
If my decomposing carcass helps nourish the roots of a juniper tree or the wings of a vulture—that is immortality enough for me. And as much as anyone deserves. (Caitlin Doughty, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory)
In this way the body and presence of the deceased endures in new forms of material memory. It reminds me of record of a spaceborn few, where one of the characters is essentially a mortician on a space ship that has housed generations of human refugees after departing earth. One of the book’s themes is actually how they view death as a ‘spaceborn’ people, so I highly recommend it. They basically compost their dead, which is then used as fertilizer to sustain the living. So there is a kind of peace, a sense of both closure and continuity, and a view towards the future.
He was cold now, and heavy, but those things would soon change. He’d followed his ancestors. He’d rejoined their ancient cycle. They would keep him warm. (Becky Chambers, 280)
I’m not saying that the PLANTs do that, since we’re shown a massive cemetery where Lenore Zala is presumably buried. I also have a huge issue with that, since space would be at an absolute premium in a colony. They do the same thing when depicting agriculture in the PLANTs as a very traditional, expansive operation. No, wrong. In a highly advanced society with limited space they’d more likely be utilising something like vertical farming. Anyways, moving on…
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Even if they don’t practice cremation or composting, I imagine they would create modern multistory mausoleums rather than giant fields of the dead. Actually, all the graves we see up close in the PLANTs are for those who couldn’t possibly have bodies recovered. The fact that the Archangel crew stumbles across bodies in the ruins of Junius Seven is evidence that the dead (like Lenore Zala) were presumably left in place there, similar to what sometimes happens with shipwrecks. So maybe what we see is more of a giant memorial park, serving multiple functions? Then what do they do with their dead? Maybe they do compost them, which would be seen by Blue Cosmos (and people on earth in general) as bizarre and inhuman, further fueling their crusade.
If that is the case, what are the implications for the dead whose bodies are unrecoverable? Is there an additional layer of grief when the dead are denied the chance to return to the homeland and contribute to the cycle of life?
So, returning to the question that started all of this, if someone appeared and said they could resurrect the dead, people would quickly become wary of them or show concern for their mental health. Nicol would fall into the latter group, politely entertaining their ‘delusions’ while trying to figure out how to get them help. It would take a display of resurrection for him to believe, and how quickly he’d agree to his own would depend on the circumstances. In a moment of crisis, he would agree instantly out of a desire to return and aid the team. Otherwise he would only agree after approaching it from every angle and ensuring there would be no negative consequences. No one wants to be dead, but he would rather it be his life than pass that suffering on to someone else (like in a ‘life for a life’ situation). Even exchanging his life for that of an enemy combatant somewhere else on the battlefield doesn’t sit right, because there’s something unfair and dishonorable about the means.
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Don’t @ me. I’m not interested in a debate or defending anything further. ~
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magnetoeisenhardt · 6 years
Top ten most powerful members of the Batfam
1) Bat-mite
A fifth-dimensional entity, Batmite possesses near unlimited reality warping powers. His name isn't actually Bat-mite; he's just a giant Batman fan.
2) Claire Clover (Gotham Girl)
Claire can use her own life force to gain powers. She could maintain Superman level powers for two years, or God-like powers for two hours. However, she can not gain back the life she spends to power herself, and every expenditure of her abilities push her closer to death.
3) Charlie Gage-Radcliffe (Misfit)
Charlie's powers are strange, even by comic standards. Her character arc was cut short due to Flashpoint, but she was originally supposed to be the lost princess Ruby of Gemworld. She hails from an intensely powerful magical bloodline, but is complete unaware of her origins. As far as she knows, her powers manifest as minorly enhanced strength, and "Bouncing". Charlie can teleport an unlimited amount of distance, carrying an unlimited amount of weight. Any wounds she sustained will instantly heal, and it costs her no energy to do so. More interesting, however, is the fact that anything living she brings with her will instantly die.
This means that she can only be defeated by projectile weapons, as anything that makes contact with her could be teleported away, along with anything connected to it.
Interesting note: I believe Charlie, as a homo-magi, has powers she hasn't yet used. I hypothesize her teleportation is similar to Kurt Wagner's (Marvel's Nightcrawler), and she travels through a parallel dimension. She may be able to tap into and channel this energy for greater use.
4) Basil Karlo (Clayface)
Basil started off as a villain, but was made a member of the Gotham Knights in Detective Comics 2016. He is nearly unkillable, as his body is made entirely of animated clay. There is no organic material to injure. He can manipulate his form to mimic shapeshifting, but his composition will always remain the same. He is an extraordinary actor, and can combine this with his powers to fool almost anyone. He has super strength, and can split himself into multiple forms. However, he has an easily exploitable weakness in temperature. Extreme cold or extreme heat will nullify his powers, and make him brittle, and easy to subdue. Disintegration is the easiest way to kill him, and frost or heat based powers and weapons are fairly common.
Interesting note: The Martian Manhunter is incapable of reading the mind of Eel O'Brian (Plastic Man), as he is made of inorganic material. I believe that Basil has a similar resistance, as well as perhaps an interesting interaction with Charlie. As Basil's body is chemically almost identical to clay, I believe he's one of the few people Charlie could teleport.
However, it is unclear exactly how Charlie's "bouncing" kills. The only time this effect occurs is when we see Lori Zechlin (Black Alice) accidently kill someone while stealing Charlie's powers. The body of her victim exploded. It is never given whether the mind can survive, and, given Charlie's powers are magical in origin, it may not even matter.
5) Cassandra Cain (Batgirl/Orphan
Cass is completely human. However, her unique brain structure gives her the ability to interpret body language as an actual language, granting her a form of precognition. She is able to tell exactly what someone will do, before they do it, making her unbeatable in combat.
She's also the physically strongest and fastest human member of the batfamily, strong enough to punch through steel, and fast enough to dodge bullets after they've been fired. Her strength is only surpassed by Claire and Clayface, and only a Superman level Claire is faster. She ties with Dick Grayson for most gymnastic skill, as she can copy any of his moves. She has complete control over every function of her body. She can stop her heartbeat, speed her healing, and completely deaden pain.
She can perfectly copy any movement, provided the original user has anatomy close to a humans. She has no skill ceiling, and will be able to break her previous records every time. The limits to her strength, speed and skill don't exist.
Interesting note: Her body reading completely negates any form of disguise, including shape shifting. She can read non humanoids to a lesser extent, but not robots. Cass feels extreme empathy towards anybody she's reading, to the point where she will feel their pain as her own. She can read animals, but does not experience any empathy for them.
With her abilities, she can defeat everyone lower on this list combined.
Cass would be able to defeat Charlie in a fight, as the surprise and stealth factor from teleportation would be completely negated. Cass would know where Charlie would teleport before she does it, and could throw a projectile into that area as Charlie bounces into it.
Her abilities do work on Clayface, but she would require either cryo or thermal technology to beat him, giving her no real advantage. While Cass could predict a powered Claire, it doesn't help her defeat someone faster than light and strong enough to bench the earth.
6) Barbara Gordon (Oracle)
If everyone on this list was given access to maximum equipment, Barbara would rank number three. With unlimited access to every piece of technology on earth, she could very easily take over the world, or destroy it. Her photographic memory and extreme intelligence means that she has a plan for every situation, and, unlike Bruce, doesn't need to keep files. There is no opponent she can't outsmart.
However, her ranking falls due to her maximum strength being extremely conditional. Remove her from computers and she is a formidable opponent given light gear, but her paralysis makes her a sitting duck without her wheelchair. She is the fourth strongest on the list, but her fighting style is completely defensive, as Barbara lacks any way to engage a fight, and has to wait for opponent to come to her. She cannot dodge fast moving projectiles, like bullets, or move out of the way of powerful AOE attacks, like explosions, fire, electricity, sonic waves, chemical splashes or falling objects. Her extreme strength is somewhat neutralized by her extreme weakness.
Interesting note: Barbara's wheelchair changes from writer to writer, but at one point it contained a machine gun full of rubber bullets, a mechanical lift platform to go up stairs, grappling hooks, and a portable computer.
Post flashpoint, Barbara has a device in her brain that allows her to walk. However, this version is significantly less powerful, and shares very little with her pre-flashpoint counterpart.
7) Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael)
Azrael is the combined entities of Jean-Paul Valley, his suit's AI, and an actual angel. Jean-Paul himself is not entirely human, as he was created by the Order of Saint Dumas artificially, and had his genome spliced with the DNA of other animals. He has enhanced speed, strength, stamina, metabolism and intelligence.
His abilities are vastly enhanced with the Suit of Sorrows, capable of exceeding Bane. The Suit of Sorrows contains an angel, one who attempts to use the wearer as a host. The longer the suit is worn, the greater the enhancement, and the greater the loss of control. The suit is equipped with two bladed gauntlets; The Sword of Sin, and the Sword of Salvation. The first forces you to relive every bad thing you've done, and the second forces you to relive every bad thing that happened to you.
With suit enhanced strength, he's the third strongest. Without it, he falls behind to sixth. With or without his suit's speed, he comes in third.
Interesting note: With or without his suit, he is the second best fighter on this list. His blades defeat an enemy in a single touch, allowing him to defeat Basil. His superior skill would most likely allow him to get a hit off on Charlie, and his blades would incapacitate her before she could teleport him. Barbara would likely be able to hack and disable his suit, but, in straight combat, she stands no chance. As his blades are magical, there is a high probability they could harm Claire. However, she can power up to a point where she can take him down from range, and eliminate that threat. I have no idea whether they would work on Bat-mite, but Jean-Paul would have little difficulty tricking it and finding out.
8) Helena Wayne (Batman)
The Bat of a world ruled by Darksied, her rogue's gallery is composed entire of alien powerhouses. She faces threats so dangerous, Batman's rouges of Prime Earth are either irrelevant, dead, or her allies. In order to survive on Apokalypse, Bruce Wayne required the Hell Bat suit, a suit so powerful, wearing it kills him. Helena just uses her two fists.
9) Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Dick's advantage comes from his circus background. He clocks in at the fifth fastest, and ties for most gymnastic skill. He is an extremely skilled fighter, detective and spy. He falls below Helena Wayne, however, because of lack of want. Dick has no desire to pursue his crime fighting career, and hopes to retire. Although he served as Batman as a time, it was out of necessity, and he resented the role he played.
10) Bruce Wayne (Batman)
The first person to wear the mantle of the Bat, Bruce is the third most popular comic book character to ever exist. He has the most years of training under his (utility) belt, and is a highly skilled fighter. He has almost unlimited resources to build gadgets and vehicles, which he utilizes to extreme efficiency.
However, his stats are nothing extraordinary. He manages to scrape ninth strongest member of the batfamily, but is one of the slowest.
Interesting note: Most would grade him higher due to his crippling paranoia. Bruce is famous for coming up with a inane amount of contingency plans, to defeat any opponent. However, these plans are really stupid, and would never work.
His plan to defeat the Flash (Wally West) involves shooting him with a bullet, and having Wally attempt to phase through it instead of dodging. Wally can run seventeen trillion times the speed of light, and is famously terrible at phasing. This plan would fail epically. His plan to defeat Wonder Woman (Diana) also involves shooting her. Even in iterations where Diana isn't bullet proof, it's still impossible to shoot her. Her signature thing is blocking bullets. She can do it blindfolded, and against hundreds of bullets at a time. This is just a bad plan. To defeat Martian Manhunter, he plans to set him on fire. J'onn isn't actually weak to fire, he just suffers from sever psychosomatic pyrophobia. So assuming Batman could somehow ambush a psychic so powerful he's developed precognition, he would still fail.
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carldavidson · 5 years
Book Review: Bringing Police Torture in Chicago to the Full Light of Day
The Torture Machine: Racism and Police Violence in Chicago By Flint Taylor Haymarket Books, Chicago March 2019, $27.00
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By Carl Davidson LeftLinks
Flint Taylor's new book, 'The Torture Machine: Racism and Police Violence in Chicago,' is one of those remarkable works that won't fit under any one category. It's at once a history of a civil and human rights battles in Chicago with national and global reach, a text of modern urban sociology, an example of critical legal theory, a long polemic against white and class privilege, a literature of political exposure, a manual of strategy and tactics and, last but not least, for Flint himself, an autobiography. In its pages, Chicago's top lawyer of the left also shares with us the intense and determined commitment, with all his highs and lows, that lasted through five decades of his personal life to the present day.
The narrative begins with Taylor as a young man, teamed up with other young radical lawyers fresh from passing their bar exams. They had been working with Chicago's Black Panther Party and were among the first on the scene just after Fred Hampton was murdered in his bed. As the cops pulled out, the young lawyers managed to take over and secure the site, and pulled in the media and community leaders to examine the scene before any evidence was altered or disappeared. The reaction sent shock waves through Chicago, since it was clear there was no 'shoot-out,' as authorities had claimed, but cold-blooded assassination by Chicago police, with an assist from the FBI. To make a long story short, Hampton's killers were never tried and walked free, but Taylor and his fellow legal team won a substantial wrongful death settlement from the City of Chicago for Hampton's family in 1982. In the spirit of the times, the young lawyers took their share of the settlement and used it help sustain the People's Law Office (PLO), dedicated to fighting police brutality and other injustices in the greater Chicago area, which they had founded in 1969.
To this day, the Chicago Police Department has never stopped supplying the PLO and other progressive lawyers with a constant source of new clients seeking justice. Whether by mistreating young people of color on the streets, trying to suppress free speech and protest, abusing of men in prison, attacking the LBGTQ community, or warping the courts with false evidence and accusations, through the daily practice of the CPD, the State's Attorney's office and City Hall, Chicagoans experienced or witnessed a decades-long reign of terror carried out by a police force with the rarely, if ever, observed mission of 'we serve and protect.'
The book cover of 'The Torture Machine' features an odd graphic at the heart of the story. Anyone not yet familiar will be puzzled by it. It's a plain black box with a series of wires streaming out of it, along with a crank handle and knobs. It's a replica of a device concocted by GIs in Vietnam to torture captured Vietnamese, both soldiers and civilians. Based on field telephones that could be charged up by cranking the handle, the wires, with alligator clips, would be connected to fingers, ears, nipples, testicles and genitals to deliver severe shocks and burns. Its jerry-rigged purpose was to torture those it was inflicted upon, to punish, and to extract information, all at once.
What did the device have to do with Chicago? Taylor and the PLO team, in taking up brutality and wrongful conviction cases over several years, kept hearing from clients that 'confessions' had been extracted from them by torture, and these accounts often had one thing in common, the mention of this device and its use in Chicago's Area Two police headquarters, in its upstairs detective offices headed up by Lt. Jon Burge, and a team of more than a dozen detectives and other CPD officers. Flint Taylor
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The PLO lawyers did a simple but radical thing. They took their clients at their word. They believed them and set about digging up the truth of their claims. They learned that Burge was a Vietnam veteran, and learned to use the electric shock device on prisoners during the war. Once Burge was in the CPD and moving up to detective rank, he had built at least one of his own, and was making use of it on Black male prisoners. And not just one or two prisoners, but at least 100 or more. Nor was it a rare event. Burge did it regularly, over decades. Nor did he do it alone; he had a squad of more than a dozen Area 2 and Area 3 detectives regularly using the box and other torture devices, such as plastic bags for suffocation. While they worked this evil mainly at night in the upstairs rooms of Area 2, they weren't hidden from other cops. Others, all the way to the top of the CPD, knew about it. Likewise, the States Attorneys, some judges, and the Mayor's office-in short, to one degree or another, the entire criminal justice system in the city was complicit in torture and other human rights abuses.
These assertions may seem far-fetched and over-the-top, at least to those unfamiliar with Chicago's politics and police. But the power of the book is Taylor's relentless and tenacious bringing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, to the surface and the bright light of day. He had to do it doggedly, repetitively and sometimes little piece by little piece, decade after decade. But in the end, there it is, and there's no one who can deny it without turning beet red with shame.
The torture saga begins with an incident in the early 1980s, where two Chicago police officers were shot and killed in an altercation with several Black men they had stopped. Over the next five days, six men were soon rounded up and tortured, and two of them, Andrew and Jackie Wilson, brothers, made 'confessions' and were found guilty of the killings. Jackie Wilson contended that police abused him during interrogation, and his co-defendant and brother Andrew, was found by doctors after his interrogation to have numerous injuries. From prison, Andrew Wilson contacted the PLO and asked if they would work on a federal civil rights case, since his confession was extracted by torture.
'Labyrinthine' would be a mild word for the complex maneuvers through the courts on the cases of the two brothers over several years. But thanks to the PLO and allies, Jackie Wilson, sentenced to life, won his freedom. Andrew Wilson, sentenced to death, won a new trial, was convicted again, but was sentenced to life instead of death, and eventually died in prison. Andrew had also won a federal civil rights judgment.
Intermixed with the Wilson cases are dozens of others, some who committed no crime save being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with many victories for the defendants and their families. The crass examples of racial and class privilege and abuse in the prisons and courts introduced in Taylor's accounts could fill a book on any one of those charged.
Chicago authorities were not happy with the work of the PLO lawyers. Time and again they were slandered as liars, con artists and only in it for the money made in million-dollar settlements. The cops were especially hostile and the source of threats of violence as well. But opposing attorneys, politicians, and supposedly neutral judges piled on as well.
Several key points, however, stand out in the course of the book and the evidence behind it. First, Taylor and his PLO colleagues were meticulous in putting the interests of their clients and their client's families first and foremost. Second, they went to great lengths in 'seeking truth from facts', even when dangerous to themselves. Third, they deserved every penny they got, and continue to get, in settlements-a good deal of which keeps the People's Law Office alive and functioning for future cases.
But Taylor also had another motive, which weaves through the book like a red thread. He is determined to bring Jon Burge to justice, to try him in a court of law, and see him sent to prison. Moreover, he wants to see Burge's boss, Richard M. Daley, held accountable. To accomplish these goals, Taylor and the PLO are well aware that the effort will be political as well as legal.
This is where a unique value of 'The Torture Machine' shines. It's a field manual of strategy and tactics, and Taylor is very good at it. From the start, he seizes every opportunity at the use of media to build his clients' stories with a bigger picture of big-city politics, corruption, and injustice. It doesn't matter if it's a small neighborhood newsletter, the independent Chicago Reader, the widely read free paper selling futons along with progressive news, the Chicago Defender and other small Black newspapers, the Sun-Times and the Tribune, local and national TV, and the New York Times and other national publications. As one of his adversaries warned, 'there's nothing more dangerous than letting Flint Taylor get in front of a camera or microphone.'
Even in unfriendly news outlets, Taylor takes the trouble to find and befriend those reporters with an open mind and a degree of professional objectively, if not sympathy. His goal seems to be recognizing that the court record is not the only record of value, and once something is in print or on tape, it might have multiple uses elsewhere, in or out of court, and often does. Taylor is also deft at building organizations and making use of coalitions, acknowledging a truth that trials are not only won in courtrooms, but in the wider community as well. Organizations not 'officers of the court' can often speak more freely to the public. To win the victories and settlements aimed for, the PLO often had to assist in building an entire counter-hegemonic bloc, from people in the neighborhoods to the media and political groups, to a majority of the City Council.
Taylor and his comrades also do well in finding and making good use of conflicts and tensions in the camp of their adversaries. They evaluate judges one by one, check out the family inter-connections of various police officers and officials, looking for hints of bias, and make good use of the well-known differences between African American patrolmen and the rest of the force-all to find information to get them closer to the truths that will help their clients. A handful of cops even come forward out of the blue, disgusted with what they know is happening and breaking the 'code of silence.' One goes to great length to remain secret-Flint nicknames him or her 'Deep Badge'-but he or she helped reveal the scope and breadth of the torture scandal (it was early on in the history of the scandal)
In the end, Taylor gets his man. First Burge is suspended, then fired, and retires with his pension and boat, the Vigilante (you can't make this up!). But even as the statute of limitations runs out, Taylor makes trips to Florida (with bodyguard) to depose Burge, gets him back in court, and gets him found guilty of perjury, and finally sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. Burge is broken physically but remains an unbowed racist and fascist to the bitter end. His luck with Daley is not quite as good. Taylor wins motion after motion to bring Daley to a deposition table, but Daley is not without resources and manages to parry all but one narrow last decision, one that might still go the wrong way for the former mayor. The final version of the book reveals that Daley, now suffering from the effects of a reported stroke, was deposed by Taylor in 2018 but the transcript is shrouded in court-ordered secrecy.
As Taylor notes, however, this is far from the only reason that Burge's fate is only a partial victory. True, the PLO and allied lawyers have forced the city to pay over $130 million to those tortured and their families-not counting the enormous costs of lawyers for the police. Many police involved remain free and many tortured prisoners remain behind bars. The torture outrages will 'never be behind us,' Taylor writes in his epilogue, not until Chicago 'reckons fully with the racist nature of law enforcement and mass incarceration.'
Carl Davidson is the editor of Leftlinks, a DSA member and serves on the National Committee of Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. He is author of several books, including 'New Paths to Socialism,' available at Changemaker Publications.
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While running a small scale business, the most crucial priority of a business owner will be always to keep a check on monetary transactions daily to day operations. His main purpose is to cut down the extra expenses or manage them in a proper manner. Accounting software keeps financial data properly organized and consequently provide exact and special information when needed. This really helps a business owner in making informed decisions if demanded. As a small scale business owner, all you will need is a program that allows you to handle your daily accounting tasks such as track expenses, recording obligations, invoicing customers, reconcile transactions and give you the insight in to your business's financial wellness, let you build reports that enable you to investigate your performance from multiple angles. Selecting the perfect package that you may use for your own business can be a huge decision. Are you hunting about best accounting software for small business? Go to the previously outlined website.
Once you choose a software, it may be very hard and costly to modify strategies after in the event that you will find its incapable to serve your business needs. That is the reason it's a fantastic idea to thoroughly examine all your options before making the choice. The software that you will choose ought to be easy for your employees to know and also well suited for your daily operations. If your business requirements change often then you definitely must get a 30 days plan, free or paid. The comprehensive requirements that you will need within your account software package depend on the type of business you have and the sort of operations that you would like to perform with the help of software. While choosing the accounting software, make sure it can meet all of your entire and detailed requirements. Some of the primary facets of business accounting software could be your purchase and sales ledger functions.
A few of the common requirements which you can want from your bookkeeping software are Cost, Learning curve, Input efficacy, Reporting capacities and Flexibility. Before making any decision, you must compare the cost of the various software programs that you are thinking of. You may find a lot of professional accounting software at no cost too. The 2nd thing you need to bear in mind that how long it's going to have to learn about the device, to produce journal entries and run reports. The kind and quality of reports delivered for you by the software. Flexibility should be present at the little scale accounting program, it features the ease at which the essential information can get from the computer system. While choosing accounting software for small scale business, you must keep above-said facets on mind, and choose which variable is most essential for the business, since only you know what your bookkeeping software needs to be in a position to do. With the ideal software package for accounting process, you can vastly improve your cash flow and financial position of your business. Online accounting software enables you access from anywhere.
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hecallsmehischild · 6 years
Mental Organization
Less a post to vent poison right now. More a post to untangle the ball of yarn and line the skeins up neatly in their compartments because right now it’s all one huge mishmash and I think it’s keeping me from what they call “executive function.”
Projects that I have a handle on but that I keep having to stop because I can’t make myself create something quality if my feelings are snarled
Illustrating a children’s story my friend wrote, called How To Be Good. I’m so happy with this. I’m no pro illustrator but my skills have grown a lot since I illustrated the other story (Purple is for Playtime). It’s so visually cheerful, it makes me happy to look at finished pages.
Hey Spacejerk. I love it so far but I’m apprehensive now. I’ve taken the device I was using to create this story and smashed it. How fast do I go now? I don’t really want to write a super long fanfiction. I don’t think I want this story to be longer than ten chapters more. But if I go too fast the audience will feel cheated.
Laughter Lines. I’m more sunk into the flow of this one, but constantly worried I’m going to screw up the device I’ve been laying dominoes for. It’s more complicated than my usual and, unlike previous fandoms where I could handwave these details, it will matter that everything is just right.
Elrohee. I just want to process things here. I want to be careful, too, because I don’t want it to get preachy. Ever. This series is not about being preachy and never was.
Wire trees. I created a larger wire tree recently and also a new kind of button tree that got me all excited. Then I started a tree with wire I didn’t like (because I was running out of colors) and I regret that. I don’t like the color combination. I’m staring at the half finished tree. I hate the waste, but I want to get back to being able to make trees. That half finished tree will stare me in the face forever if I don’t. So I’m standing up to throw it away now. No… No I’m not. The color combination isn’t hideous, just… not inspiring. If I add some really nice beads to it, it will perk up. I dont’ want to waste it.
Painting. Currently I have a half finished orange mask and a half finished wooden wiggly snake. Right now I have no inspiration to finish either, though I think maybe the orange mask might be flamey? Or sunny.
Crochet. I have two blankets in the works, one random-yarn blanket and one that has planned colors as a gift. They take up a lot of space.
Recording chapters of The Book of the Dun Cow aloud. This project is fun, though I do have to muster some will to make myself do it. Dramatic reading is kind of a joy, actually, especially with this book where I have all the voices down. I’m thinking of putting up the link to the whole playlist once the book is fully recorded.
Scrapbooking. I’m so happy. I have only a fraction of this project left to do, and then everything is nicely organized into binders.
And I get very angry and frustrated and kind of despair-y when I find I can’t move forward with these. It feels ridiculous because doing creative things HELPS me feel better, but I can’t do them when I feel bad??? What kind of Catch-22 is that???
Projects I am starting to get a handle on
Basic house cleaning. Or at least floors and bathrooms and countertops. Going to try and do a little bit every day that way it doesn’t become some weekly/monthly overwhelming chore I avoid like the plague.
House decorating. I’ve started getting into this and really liking it. I found a Texan-style wreath for the front door, placed 3 different house mats, and started tacking silk ivy around the kitchen windows. I’m actually kind of proud of myself about this.
Projects I am literally flailing through
Planning a wedding. Dear God, what am I doing? In the next two weeks I need to do the final ring purchase so that something has moved forward and finished. I also need to arrange the legal marriage so our paperwork is completed in the state of our residence and there aren’t any snarls with an out-of-state ceremony. That’s the goal for the next two weeks. Also how do you decorate??? (I ask, rhetorically. I’m looking through some stuff but I think I need to simplify my idea. Maybe instead of all four seasons, just winter/spring?)
Finding a therapist. The one I called isn’t responding. Don’t know how much leeway to give. If I haven’t heard back from her by Saturday night I’m going to try calling someone else. I need to move forward with getting approval for the surgery.
Krav Maga. I’m finally back and I’m doing well with jabs and punches, but anything that requires me to squat and rise multiple times is really hard. I’m very weak there, and while squatting my leg muscles just give out. I’ve looked up a beginner’s squatting routine that I’m going to TRY to enact because I really would love to stop humiliating myself in class. Been having panic issues before class (that stop once I’m in it, because there is NO ROOM in my being to have panic when I’m constantly moving) and would like that to stop. Prayed with my fiancée on the drive over and held his hand and that helped some.
Online Writing Course. Already panicked and frozen over a super vague writing prompt that doesn’t feel like enough explanation was provided. Afraid of being judged by peers. Afraid of critiquing peers because who am I to say this is good or bad? They are all in an Official Writing Course so they MUST know better than me, right? Even if it looks like they really don’t? Frozen.
Editing Best Served Cold. Froze again. Freaked out that I wasn’t a good enough writer to edit anything and froze. Freaking…
Patreon. This is a very on and off again thing. I don’t know how to self promote except through repetition which freaks me out. I don’t know how to save good things for “just the patrons” when I want to share it all. Don’t know if I should restructure all my tiers so there’s less tiers and less offerings? Very possible.
Etsy. Nobody really looks at the listings. I don’t blame them. I’m not a self promoter and I’m not a photographer. All my stuff looks better laid out on a table to sell but I don’t know where around here to do that so for now it just decorates the house. Maybe I should give up on Etsy again and just stick with my Facebook shop. People who use Etsy are serious about their business. This is a hobby I hope to sell a bit of and give the rest away.
Krav Maga class. I connected with at least one person who’s really sweet and nice. She’s more advanced than I am for sure but helps me feel a lot more at ease and I feel the need to apologize to her a lot less.
Small Group. My fiancée and I found a small group that’s an offshoot of the church we were trying. The church is a mega-church and we’re both still very wary of that. I felt very lost in a sea of people. But this group feels like a band of very real people, expressing doubts and pain while searching in the Bible together, eating pizza, and hanging out. Meets twice a month, plus one extra day that’s just girl’s night. I am looking forward to getting to know these people 3 Mondays a month.
D&D Shabbat night. Friday nights now we (light our brand new candles!) say the blessing, and eat a meal (now home cooked because ALL OUR KITCHEN IS FUNCTIONAL, WOOOOO), then retire to the great hall to play D&D. We are currently at 1 GM and 4 players, soon to be 5 players. We’re brand new so this will be glorious.
BPV. Had a round of Benign Positional Vertigo for a few weeks. Finally cleared up. At least next time I’m suddenly dizzy out of nowhere I won’t think I’m dying.
Eating. Eating is weird lately. I’m walking this really fine line between getting obsessed with my weight and not caring. I have veered hard in the direction of aggressively “not caring” most of my life, partly because I was afraid of the eating disorders my friends suffered from. I’m doing pretty well with my eating, choosing my food carefully for one-main-meal-a-day-plus-light-snacks eating and trying to keep it all under 1400 cal. I don’t have a lot of impulse control when it comes to eating so I flat out can’t keep foods in the house “just for that one treat day” because that one treat day is TODAY no matter what I say to myself. Best I can do is limit my access to those foods (including turning down SOME opportunities to go out and eat). Impulse control gets worse with wonky emotions because I will eat ALL THE FEELS. Lately my main meal is (one can) tuna salad sandwich on onion roll, which is filling enough, then I eat plums and flavored rice cakes or salted-but-not-buttered-popcorn or pickles for the rest of the day. I picked up a few small soups which look good. Came to the realization recently that I really do need to stop thinking of this as something I do “Just until I get to goal weight.” In order to maintain the healthy weight I hope to achieve, I will still need to eat well. I don’t get to let loose just because I made it. So I have reluctantly begun adopting the idea that I need to do right by my eating habits as a permanent lifestyle change. I’d like to be around longer and in order to do so I need to take better care of myself than I have been. But I can feel obsession right on the edge of my consciousness and that’s a scary feeling. I’m trying not to fall into obsession or let it drive me off the other edge of extremes to not caring. Walking the tightrope carefully.
Sleep. Sleep is weird too. Some nights I wake up a lot, then I can get up in the morning easier. Some nights I zonk out straight through and then it’s super hard to get up in the morning. Still wish that I could not be so motion sensitive. I used to be Dusty-sleeps-like-a-rock and now I’m a light sleeper. All someone has to do is call my name and I jolt up.
Trich. Been obsessively tweezing a lot more. Gaps in every eyelid. Unhappy about this.
This Blog and Processing
I don’t always know what to do on here anymore. I post fanfiction, but the part of my life that I would normally process out loud... I can’t really do that now. It actually directly impacts someone this time. Feels like words are measured with a lot more care instead of just spilling out willy nilly and I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I know that things knot up inside some more, but does that mean I just need to find a different not-so-public outlet for these things? It hasn’t really worked well so far.
Ever since the beginning of the year I have wondered to myself if I am too public with things and I’ve been a step more self conscious about it (yeah, weird to say on this complete textual vomit, right? But it’s been building for a really long time and I need this) since the end of last year. I let some words get under my skin that I shouldn’t have, but they’re hard to shake because I don’t know how much objective truth is in them.
Dealing with unfamiliar feelings that I want no part of. Anger isn’t unfamiliar, but it’s unwelcome. Boundaries book says anger is a good alarm bell, but I just… don’t want to. I don’t know where the line for “good anger” is and I don’t know how to do anger without setting every bridge around me on fire. Hatred is unfamiliar and even more unwelcome. It feels like tasty, warm poison. I want it, badly. I want it as a defense against past, current, and future pain. I want to rear up and yell “Not this time!” when I see patterns from my past repeating and I want icicles dripping from my words. But it’s deeply wrong. This isn’t what the God I serve taught, and I know hatred will poison me to the core of who I am. I get that those ideas have been hackneyed to death with pop catchphrases and whatnot, but I mean… that doesn’t make it any less true. And it’s going to be really ugly and messy and I don’t want to deal with it when being ice queen would be a hell of a lot easier. Still, I don’t know how NOT to hate at this moment, so when I’m aware I give God permission to change this in me because I can’t/don’t know how to change it myself right now.
Sometimes I wish I had more to say on the Dear Someone tag, but I know who Someone is and I tell him in person every day and it’s the most beautiful, wonderful part of my life right now.
 I say a lot of negative stuff. Even if it’s true stuff, I tend to focus on processing negatives a lot. I want to figure out ways to process positive and good things. I think I’m afraid of sounding like I’m gloating or shoving good things in the face of people who are hurting. But. I also want to share the joyful things in my life. And be grateful for them publicly as I am privately. I want to rewire my brain so that the first thing that comes to mind is not what’s wrong, but what’s right. I don’t want to do this in a fakey way, that sort of front really bothers me, but there has to be some genuine way to express gratitude and joy on a more regular basis. Pain isn’t the only genuine thing there is.
I want to process publicly some of my Bible reading and I have done so, but every time I’m afraid I might be stepping on someone’s toes or making someone angry at me. I don’t want to start fights but I also want to share stuff. I don’t want to mislead people, but I want to explore.
I’m trying so hard to accept that I’m happy doing what I like, but when “doing what I like” gives out on me because I’m emotional I get so angry and upset and fearful and I wonder if I’m really okay with that at all. Or is it just my mental illness acting out, then? It’s hard to tell if that’s what’s clouding my thought process and dampening my will to act.
I feel bad that my To Do Today or Today’s Goals posts are not working for me as well as they were at the start. It feels like failure.
I feel grief and anger and uncertainty about my family situation, both immediate and extended. I still don’t know how to balance the fact that I’ve split off to start a new family (just me and my fiancée, not kids) and that this one is supposed to be my priority, while still loving the family I grew up in. Or what love looks like with distance. What I’ve been engaging in doesn’t look or feel like actual relationship.
I want to bake. I want to bake lots of sweets. Apple pies, I want to make applesauce and jam (not baking, I know), I want to make lembas bread and chocolate chip cookies and ALL OF THE THINGS.
My area is a freaking mess and I need to fix that by tomorrow. And also make Miso soup for 5.
Stressed about trying to keep all aforementioned balls in the air without melting down or losing track of any.
I think there’s more. But. I’m tired. And I need to go to bed. And this… I think this helps. I’ve shelved a lot of brain skeins tonight. Maybe I’ll be a little more productive tomorrow.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Are Republicans Allowed In The Impeachment Inquiry
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/are-republicans-allowed-in-the-impeachment-inquiry/
Are Republicans Allowed In The Impeachment Inquiry
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What Does The Constitution Say About Impeachment
Under pressure to defend Trump, GOP lawmakers decry House impeachment inquiry
Not a lot. There are four sections of;the Constitution;that chiefly address impeachment:
Article I, Section 2: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Article I, Section 3: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Article I, Section 5: Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings.
Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Opinionheres The Fastest Easiest Way To Keep Trump From Ever Holding Office Again
Wednesdays opening argument exposed a president who gleefully ratcheted up his acid rhetoric to the point of violent insurrection, and a Republican Party mostly unwilling to face the terrible cost of their attempts to undermine the integrity of our recent election. The GOPs blindness isnt merely symbolic: When footage was played of rioters reading Trumps tweets through a megaphone, multiple Republicans turned away rather than accept what their party enabled. The impeachment prosecution means GOP senators can no longer feign ignorance.
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Opinionthe Unfortunate Reason Republicans Like Rand Paul Are Already Attacking Biden
The callousness of lawmakers like Hawley is now a distressing image that stands beside the shouts of rioters calling for the lynching of then-Vice President Mike Pence as testaments to how far the GOP has fallen.
Republicans like Hawley may flee to the gallery when our nation needs leadership, but they wont be able to outrun their complicity in supporting the far-right radicals who raided their workplace. If they arent held accountable by voters at the ballot box, the impeachment trial will forever serve as a testament to their dark role in American history.
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Don’t Miss: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans
The Current House Impeachment Inquiry Began Without A Vote By The Entire House Is That Illegal
No. There is no law or rule requiring a vote to commence an impeachment investigation.
In addition, there is no court precedent to require a vote. In fact, on October 25, 2019, in an order compelling the Department of Justice to turn over grand jury materials relative to the Mueller investigation to Congress as part of its impeachment inquiry, U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell;flatly rejected;the administrations assertion that the House impeachment investigation is not legitimate without an authorizing resolution.
Why Republicans Are Complaining About The Impeachment Process
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And why their complaints are finding an audience
About the author: David A. Graham is a staff writer at The Atlantic.
Theres a reason Republicans have been making a great fuss about the process of the impeachment inquiry over the past few days. Unwilling, or more likely unable, to mount any substantive defenses of President Donald Trumps behavior with regard to Ukraine, members have instead assailed the way Democrats are conducting the inquiry.
You may doubt the sincerity of these complaintsmore on that in a momentbut they have grabbed attention because they are intuitively persuasive. Thus far, the inquiry has taken place behind closed doors, with only opening statements and secondhand accounts of interviews reaching the public. It would be both a miscarriage of justice and political malpractice for Democrats to vote to impeach without public proceedings. The trick is that Democrats have said all along that they intend to have a public process.
On Wednesday, GOP House members staged an odd maneuver in which they occupied the roomthe Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF, in acronym-obsessed D.C. jargon where Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper was to be interviewed under subpoena as part of the inquiry, delaying her testimony. On Thursday, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a steadfast Trump shield, announced that he would introduce a statement criticizing the House Democratic process.
Recommended Reading: Senators Republican Vs Democrat
Heres How Little Republicans Were Allowed To Participate In The Closed
When a group of Republican legislators barged into a secure facility on Capitol Hill last month to register their opposition to impeachment inquiry depositions taking place behind closed doors, we couldnt help but register an unusual aspect of the stunt.
Of the 197 Republicans in the House, 48 had authorization to attend the hearings, either by virtue of their positions or their membership on relevant committees. Of the 41 who signed on to the protest, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz, nearly a third could have just gone in and observed the hearing itself.
Part of the point of the camera-friendly effort was to raise broader questions about the extent to which Republicans were given a role in the deposition hearings. The impeachment inquiry was a function of Democrats holding a majority in the House, and Republicans argued that they were not being given a chance to interview witnesses or generally guide the outcome.
Fox Newss Sean Hannity summarized the line of argument on his Oct. 29 show.
Another day of secret meetings, secret hearings, secret transcripts, a secret whistleblower, non-whistleblower, hearsay whistleblower, all because of a phone call between President Trump and the president of Ukraine, he said. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff was calling in witness after witness but only behind closed doors, without real Republican due process at all to speculate on the presidents intentions.
The result looked like this.
Republican Lawmakers Disrupt Democratic
By Richard Cowan, , Patricia Zengerle
6 Min Read
WASHINGTON – Republican lawmakers, encouraged by President Donald Trump to get tougher in fighting Democrats attempts to impeach him, on Wednesday disrupted the U.S. House of Representatives impeachment inquiry and prevented a Pentagon official from testifying.
The Republicans stormed into a hearing room where Laura Cooper, the U.S. defense official who oversees Ukraine and Russia matters, was due to testify behind closed doors and began yelling, lawmakers and aides said.
The impeachment inquiry focuses on Trumps request for Ukraine to investigate a domestic rival – Democrat Joe Biden – for his personal political benefit.
In a dramatic confrontation during an escalating probe that threatens Trumps presidency even as he seeks re-election next year, Capitol police were called in to clear the room and bring order, a Republican congressional aide said.
A witness inside the room said the Republicans brought cellphones into the high-security facility where electronic devices are forbidden.
Theyre freaked out. Theyre trying to stop this investigation, Democratic Representative Ted Lieu said. They dont want to hear from witness Cooper today. They know more facts are going to be delivered which are absolutely damning to the president of the United States.
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Deadline: Jerry Nadler Gives Republicans One Week To Participate In Impeachment Inquiry
Rep. Jerry Nadler has given Republicans and President Donald Trump a deadline of December 6th to participate in the House impeachment inquiry or the inquiry will move into an impeachment vote without them even though Republicans submitted a list of witnesses and requested time for questioning but were denied.
The Daily Caller reports that Nadler has sent a letter ot House Republicans demanding they comply with the House impeachment inquiry and pressuring the White House to decide one way or the other whether President Donald Trump will testify either in person or answering interrogatories under oath.
BREAKING: House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler sends letter to Pres. Trump, reminding him he and his lawyers have a right to attend the hearing.
ABC News
The Democratic-led House Judiciary Committee, which is due to begin weighing possible articles of impeachment against Trump next week, sent a two-page letter to the president setting a deadline of 5 p.m. EDT on Dec. 6 for the presidents counsel to specify intended actions under the committees impeachment procedures, the Caller reported the letter as saying.
The first House Judiciary Committee hearings are set to take place December 4th, though the House Intelligence Committee has yet to officially conclude their own investigation. They claim a report will be circulated Monday, but on Friday, Rep. Schiff was telling staffers that he plans on calling more witnesses.
South Carolina Rep Tom Rice
Trump impeachment inquiry enters new phase l ABC News
Rices vote for impeachment stunned those familiar with the South Carolina lawmakers record as a staunch Trump defender, especially during his first impeachment.;
I have backed this President through thick and thin for four years. I campaigned for him and voted for him twice, Rice;said in a statement;Wednesday evening. But, this utter failure is inexcusable.
Rice voted for motions to object to certifying Bidens Electoral College victories in Arizona and Pennsylvania last week, votes that came after security teams cleared the building of rioters and members returned from a secure location. Rice told local media he waited until the last minute to cast those votes because he was extremely disappointed in the president after the riots and that Trump needed to concede the election. He also said last week that he did not support impeaching the president or invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.;
Rice, a member of the Ways and Means Committee, has supported the Trump administrations position 94 percent of the time over the past four years. He represents a solidly Republican district in the Myrtle Beach area that Trump carried by 19 points in November. Rice, who has had little difficulty holding his seat since his first 2012 victory, won his race by 24 points in November.;
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Can Senators Ask Questions During The Impeachment Trial
Under the 1986 impeachment rules, senators do not directly question witnesses. Instead, witnesses are examined by representatives of the prosecution and defense . If senators wish to ask a question, they are instructed to put it in writing and submit it to the presiding officer. Before a witness answers a senators questions, the prosecution and defense have the opportunity to raise objections, which are ruled on by the presiding officer or by a vote of the full Senate.
Opinionwe Want To Hear What You Think Please Submit A Letter To The Editor
This band of Republicans who stormed the hearings this week seemed to be demanding that the testimony of these witnesses be made public but that is the last thing that they should want, which is probably why their efforts did more to disrupt the process than show why they should be allowed to participate. These witnesses have reportedly already presented damning evidence that President Donald Trump engaged in an effort to withhold congressionally authorized military aid to Ukraine unless the president of Ukraine publicly announced an investigation of Trumps political rival, Joe Biden.
The public testimony theyre nominally demanding will happen, though. And when these witnesses testify in televised public hearings, support for impeachment will soar.
Michael Conway was counsel for the House Judiciary Committee in the impeachment inquiry of President Richard Nixon in 1974. In that role, he assisted in drafting the committee’s final report to the House in support of the three articles of impeachment adopted by the committee. Conway is a graduate of Yale Law School, a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and a retired partner of Foley & Lardner LLP in Chicago.
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Led By Cheney 10 House Republicans Back Trump Impeachment
WASHINGTON Ten Republicans including Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the No. 3 House GOP leader voted to impeach President Donald Trump Wednesday over the deadly insurrection at the Capitol. The GOP votes were in sharp contrast to the unanimous support for Trump among House Republicans when he was impeached by Democrats in December 2019.
Cheney, whose decision to buck Trump sparked an immediate backlash within the GOP, was the only member of her partys leadership to support impeachment, which was opposed by 197 Republicans.
There has never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution, said Cheney, whose father, Dick Cheney, served as vice president under George W. Bush. The younger Cheney has been more critical of Trump than other GOP leaders, but her announcement hours before Wednesdays vote nonetheless shook Congress.
Katko, a former federal prosecutor who represents the Syracuse area, said allowing Trump to incite this attack without consequence would be a direct threat to the future of our democracy.
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House Manager Uses The Words Of Republicans Against Trump
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The House impeachment managers presented senators with videos of their colleagues fleeing a pro-Trump mob, which breached the US Capitol shouting stop the steal. They showed the rioters searching for then-Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and rummaging through the senators desks on the chamber floor.
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What Happens If The President Is Convicted
If the Senate votes by a two-thirds majority to convict the president, he is removed from office. But a conviction and removal from office do not automatically mean he can never again hold public officeincluding as president. Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution also provides that the Senate may vote to disqualify the impeached individual from serving in federal office in the future. Since the Constitution does not specify a vote requirement for disqualification, a simple majority vote has been used to disqualify individuals, but only on three occasions.
Heres What The Gop Believes
Cynicism comes easy in an era of maximal polarization. Different parties embrace different ideologies, agendas, and sometimes even entirely distinct constellations of facts and truths. From inside either closed world, the other one appears shot through with delusion with its leaders blamed for actively encouraging deception for the sake of political gain.
Thats what Ive accused Republicans of doing in a pair of recent columns. Ive called them cynics who manipulate voters by intentionally deceiving them with lies and sometimes even by eliding the distinction between truth and falsehood altogether for the sake of winning political advantage. But there is something more than a little cynical about this very accusation itself. Some, like President Trump and his most loyal minions in Congress , may well be comfortable spreading a miasma of epistemological confusion out of political expediency. But thats not all thats going on on the Republican side of the debate about impeachment.
There is at least one story that Republicans are telling themselves about impeachment that rises above cynicism. I find it largely unconvincing, but it is not reducible to a clamoring for power at all costs or an indifference to the distinction between truth and lies. Many on the right actually believe it to be true and defensible. And its worth making an effort to understand it from the inside, so that we can better understand our fellow citizens.
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What Have Presidents Been Impeached For
Two presidentsAndrew Johnson and Bill Clintonhave been impeached in the House, but no president has ever been removed from office.Fifteen federal judges and one cabinet official;have been impeached.
The House impeached;Andrew Johnson;in 1868 for removing the secretary of war in violation of a federal statute that prohibited the president from firing a cabinet official without the consent of Congress.
In 1974, the House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment for;Richard Nixon;for obstructing the investigation of the Watergate burglary inquiry, misusing law enforcement and intelligence services for political purposes, and refusing to comply with the Judiciary Committees subpoenas.
In 1998, the House impeached;Bill Clinton;for providing perjured testimony to a grand jury investigation and for obstruction of justice.
Whistleblowers And Their Lawyers
WATCH: After Kupperman defies House subpoena, Republicans call impeachment inquiry charade
Andrew P. Bakaj, the lead attorney representing the whistleblowers, sent a joint letter to Maguire on September 28, made public on September 29, in which they raised concerns about the language used by Trump, amongst other things. In the letter, the lawyers state “The events of the past week have heightened our concerns that our client’s identity will be disclosed publicly and that, as a result, our client will be put in harm’s way.” The letter also mentioned the $50,000 “bounty” that two conservative Trump supporters have offered as a reward for information about the whistleblower.
, co-counsel for the whistleblower, said in a statement in September 2019 that whistleblowers’ identities are protected by law and cited testimony by Maguire which drew upon the Whistleblower Protection Act. The statement was released after Trump questioned on Twitter the validity of the whistleblower’s statements. Bakaj took to Twitter to issue a warning on September 30 that the whistleblower is entitled to anonymity, is protected by laws and policies, and is not to be retaliated against; to do so would violate federal law. Bakaj argued in an October 25 Washington Post op-ed that the identity of his client is no longer pertinent after further events corroborated his client’s account of the matter.
For impeachment inquiry
Against impeachment inquiry
Senator Lindsey Graham criticized the whistleblower, calling the complaint hearsay and a sham.
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Heretic For Mac
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Heretic For Mac
Though somewhat forgotten these days, Heretic was an important milestone for the FPS genre. Using a modified version of the Doom Engine, Heretic offered a number of significant improvements and advancements in FPS gaming, including interactive environment elements, an inventory from which a player might use any number of weapons or powerups they had collected, and, importantly, the ability.
Heretic is a tool that is able to record user events, such as mouse clicks and keys, into a C/Java. Like script, and play that script either once or repeatedly.
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Heretic Macos
(Redirected from Heretic (computer game))
HeXen: Beyond Heretic - While you were battling the evil forces of D'Sparil, the other Serpent Riders were busy sowing the seeds of destruction in other dimensions. One such dimension is the decaying world where Hexen takes place. A world littered with the mangled corpses of nonbelievers and inhabited by the undead followers that executed them. Only three humans &endash; a warrior, a mage.
Heretic For Mac Download
HereticDeveloper(s)Raven SoftwarePublisher(s)id Software GT Interactive(retail)Director(s)Brian RaffelProducer(s)John RomeroProgrammer(s)Ben Gokey Chris RhinehartComposer(s)Kevin SchilderEngineDoom enginePlatform(s)MS-DOS, Mac OS, RISC OSRelease
NA: December 23, 1994[1]
Shadow of the Serpent Riders Genre(s)First-person shooterMode(s)Single-player, multiplayer
Heretic is a dark fantasyfirst-person shootervideo game released in 1994. It was developed by Raven Software and published by id Software through GT Interactive. The game was released on Steam on August 3, 2007.[2]
Using a modified version of the Doom engine, Heretic was one of the first first-person games to feature inventory manipulation and the ability to look up and down. It also introduced multiple gib objects that spawned when a character suffered a death by extreme force or heat. Previously, the character would simply crumple into a heap. The game used randomised ambient sounds and noises, such as evil laughter, chains rattling, distantly ringing bells, and water dripping in addition to the background music to further enhance the atmosphere. The music in the game was composed by Kevin Schilder. An indirect sequel, Hexen: Beyond Heretic, was released the following year. Heretic II was released in 1998, which served as a direct sequel continuing the story.
Three brothers (D'Sparil, Korax, and Eidolon), known as the Serpent Riders, have used their powerful magic to possess seven kings of Parthoris, turning them into mindless puppets and corrupting their armies. The Sidhe elves resist the Serpent Riders' magic. The Serpent Riders thus declared the Sidhe as heretics and waged war against them. The Sidhe are forced to take a drastic measure to sever the natural power of the kings destroying them and their armies, but at the cost of weakening the elves' power, giving the Serpent Riders an advantage to slay the elders. While the Sidhe retreat, one elf (revealed to be named Corvus in Heretic II) sets off on a quest of vengeance against the weakest of the three Serpent Riders, D'Sparil. He travels through the 'City of the Damned', the ruined capital of the Sidhe (its real name is revealed to be Silverspring in Heretic II), then past the demonic breeding grounds of Hell's Maw and finally the secret Dome of D'Sparil.[3]
The player must first fight through the undead hordes infesting the location where the elders performed their ritual. At its end is the gateway to Hell's Maw, guarded by the Iron Liches. After defeating them, the player must seal the portal and so prevent further infestation, but after he enters the portal guarded by the Maulotaurs, he finds himself inside D'Sparil's dome. After killing D'Sparil, Corvus ends up on a perilous journey with little hope of returning home.
Heretic Mac Os X
The gameplay of Heretic is heavily derived from Doom, with a level-based structure and an emphasis on finding the proper keys to progress. Many weapons are similar to those from Doom; the early weapons in particular are near-exact copies in functionality to those seen in Doom. Raven added a number of features to Heretic that differentiated it from Doom, however, notably interactive environments, such as rushing water that pushes the player along, and inventory items. In Heretic, the player can pick up many different items to use at their discretion. These items range from health potions to the 'morph ovum', which transforms enemies into chickens. One of the most notable pickups that can be found is the 'Tome of Power' which acts as a secondary firing mode for certain weapons, resulting in a much more powerful projectile from each weapon, some of which change the look of the projectile entirely. Heretic also features an improved version of the Doom engine, sporting the ability to look up and down within constraints, as well as fly. However, the rendering method for looking up and down merely uses a proportional pixel-shearing effect rather than any new rendering algorithm, which distorts the view considerably when looking at high-elevation angles.
As with Doom, Heretic contains various cheat codes that allow the player to be invulnerable, obtain every weapon, be able to instantly kill every monster in a particular level, and several other abilities. However, if the player uses the 'all weapons and keys' cheat ('IDKFA') from Doom, a message appears warning the player against cheating and takes away all of his weapons, leaving him with only a quarterstaff. If the player uses the 'god mode' cheat ('IDDQD') from Doom, the game will display a message saying 'Trying to cheat, eh? Now you die!' and kills the player character.
The original shareware release of Heretic came bundled with support for online multiplayer through the new DWANGO service.[4]
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Like Doom, Heretic was developed on NeXTSTEP. John Romero helped Raven employees set up the development computers, and taught them how to use id's tools and Doom engine.[5]
Shadow of the Serpent Riders[edit]
The original version of Heretic was only available through shareware registration (i.e. mail order) and contained three episodes. The retail version, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, was distributed by GT Interactive in 1996, and featured the original three episodes and two additional episodes:[6]The Ossuary, which takes the player to the shattered remains of a world conquered by the Serpent Riders several centuries ago, and The Stagnant Demesne, where the player enters D'Sparil's birthplace. This version was the first official release of Heretic in Europe.[6] A free patch was also downloadable from Raven's website to update the original Heretic with the content found in Shadow of the Serpent Riders.
Along with the two full additional episodes, Shadow of the Serpent Riders contains 3 additional levels in a third additional episode (unofficially known as Fate's Path) which is inaccessible without the use of cheat codes.[7] The first of these three levels can be accessed by typing the cheat ('ENGAGE61').[8] The first two levels are fully playable, but the third level does not have an exit so the player is unable to progress further.
Source release[edit]
On January 11, 1999, the source code of the game engine used in Heretic was published by Raven Software under a license that granted rights to non-commercial use, and was re-released under the GNU General Public License on September 4, 2008.[9] This resulted in ports to Linux, Amiga, Atari, and other operating systems, and updates to the game engine to utilize 3D acceleration. The shareware version of a console port for the Dreamcast was also released.
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Aggregate scoreAggregatorScoreGameRankings62%[10]Review scoresPublicationScoreNext Generation[13]PC Zone78%[11]Maximum[12]
Heretic received mixed reviews, garnering an aggregated score of 62% on GameRankings[10] and 78% on PC Zone.[11]Heretic and Hexen shipped a combined total of roughly 1 million units by August 1997.[14]
While remarking that Heretic is a thinly-veiled clone of Doom, and that its being released in Europe after its sequel and with Quake due out shortly makes it somewhat outdated, Maximum nonetheless regarded it as an extremely polished and worthwhile purchase. They particularly highlighted the two additional episodes of the retail version, saying they offer a satisfying challenge even to first person shooter veterans and are largely what make the game worth buying.[12]
It extends great support towards numerous video file formats, transition effects, compositing support, keyframes animation and titles editing, etc. It also supports to unlimited file formats, transitions, effects, titles editing feature and customizable interface. Its recent update has brought so many interesting and modern features for beginners and professionals. Vegas pro 13 for mac. The recently updated versions of Kindelive support multi-track type video editing. We can say that a wide range of features is available here for free.5.It is designed to serve with all stable and cross-platform facilities for video editing needs and is working amazingly since 2008.
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In 1996, Computer Gaming World listed being turned into a chicken as #3 on its list of 'the 15 best ways to die in computer gaming'.[15]
Next Generation reviewed the PC version of the game, and stated that 'If you're only going to get one action game in the next couple of months, this is the one.'[13]
Heretic has received three sequels: Hexen: Beyond Heretic, Hexen II, and Heretic II. Following ZeniMax Media's acquisition of id Software, the rights to the series have been disputed between both id and Raven Software; Raven's parent company Activision holds the developing rights, while id holds the publishing rights to the first three games. Until both companies come to an agreement, neither will be able to make another installment in the series.[16]
Further homages to the series have been made in other id Software titles; In 2009's Wolfenstein, which Raven Software developed, Heretic's Tomes of Power are collectible power-ups found throughout the game. The character Galena from Quake Champions wears armor bearing the icon of the Serpent Riders.
Heretic Mace
^'Heretic (video game)'. Retrieved 1 July 2012.
^'News - All News'. store.steampowered.com.
^'Heretic (Video Game 1994)' – via www.imdb.com.
^Kushner, David (2003). Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture. Random House Publishing Group. p. 186. ISBN0-375-50524-5.
^planet rome.ro: Apple-NeXT Merger Birthday!Archived 2007-03-05 at the Wayback Machine
^ ab'Latest Version of Heretic with Two New Chapters! Can You Overcome the Demonic Curse of D'Sparil?'. Maximum: The Video Game Magazine. Emap International Limited (4): 34–38. March 1996.
^'Heretic Developer Interview – HereticHexen'. Retrieved 2020-06-29.
^'Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for PC - GameFAQs'. gamefaqs.gamespot.com. Retrieved 2020-06-29.
^'Heretic / Hexen - Browse Files at SourceForge.net'. sourceforge.net.
^ ab'Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders for PC - GameRankings'. GameRankings. Retrieved August 4, 2015.
^ abCharlie Brooker (April 1995). 'PC Zone - Issue 25' (25): 70. Retrieved June 22, 2015.Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
^ ab'Maximum Reviews: Heretic'. Maximum: The Video Game Magazine. Emap International Limited (4): 156. March 1996.
^ ab'Finals'. Next Generation. No. 5. Imagine Media. May 1995. p. 93.
^Staff (August 7, 1997). 'Activision to Buy Raven'. PC Gamer US. Archived from the original on October 12, 1997. Retrieved January 13, 2020.
^'The 15 Best Ways To Die In Computer Gaming'. Computer Gaming World. November 1996. p. 107. Retrieved 25 March 2016.
^Stead, Chris (12 September 2016). 'Id Software talks Heretic, Hexen and Commander Keen - finder.com.au'.
Heretic Game Online
External links[edit]
'Heretic (1994)'. Raven Software. 2016. Archived from the original on 3 June 2016. Retrieved 19 October 2019.
Heretic at MobyGames
Heretic at Curlie
Heretic For Mac
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Heretic_(video_game)&oldid=981564661'
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