#his lil bug pin
thecapricunt1616 · 1 month
BlueBell (c.b. one-shot)
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𝓢𝓷𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓽 (𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓣𝓒): When Mikey killed himself.. it was easy to say you were a mess. Mikey was the one who coaxed you through Carmys leaving, letting you know it was ok, that he was just ‘bein’ a lil’ bitch’ and he’d come to his senses soon enough. But he didn’t. And Mikey got sicker. And no matter how much you tried, how many times you called Carmy after a hard shift, or after stumbling into Mikey in the back freezer with a fucking disposable tourniquet tied around his arm, nodding off, begging Carmy to come home through your tears. Pleading, sobbing into the phone for minutes at a time that his brother was fucking killing himself - you never got a call back. 
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♡ O/S Inspo: Bluebell - Luck, truth and friendship. Incorporate into rituals to comfort those left behind and ease their sorrow. ♡ Summary: Your childhood best friend comes back to Chicago to take over the restaurant that had caused a rift in your friendship, and wants to make it better. ♡ W/C: 4.6K ♡ Posted Date: 05/26/2024 ♡ A/N: Heyyyyy!! Here is my technically second request for my 200 follower celebration that can be found ♡ Here ♡ based on this request from an anon :) please get your requests in folks! This celebration will be running Today (05/26/24) to next Sunday 06/02/24! I am still working on my first request (First date w/ Carmy) the writing bug just bit me in the butt for this one and I haven't ever written for childhood best friend Carmy it was very fun!!! Anyhoot- I hope you enjoy :D ♡ Warnings for BTC: Angsty (but comfort too!) Not edited, No use of y/n (reader is referred to as 'squish'), No use of skin colors / descriptions for reader (pics are for purely vibes!), Typical TW's that come w/ TB (speaking of suicide and all that), reader feels nauseous but never throws up!oh and not all that edited woopsieee haha sorry yall know the drill btp
♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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You had known Carmy a long time. Too long, was what you’d have said when he first moved back to Chicago. He kept in touch with you up until he left, and then it was simply every time your google search alert went off, you got a warmth in your chest knowing he’d accomplished something else. 
It felt strange, not talking to him every day. You'd had a huge fight before he’d ran off to Paris all alone. That was what baffled you, Carmy and alone - didn’t go in the same sentence usually. All middle school, all high school - he was glued to your side. Any time he needed a new assignment because he lost his, you’d go up for him and ask the teacher for a new one. When he needed to return an overdue library book, you’d face the librarian, claiming he’d forgot it at your house and you were too lazy to bring it in until then. Even going up in the fucking lunch line - he literally gave you his lunch pin so he didn’t have to face anyone unnessisarily. 
He’d meet you in the back of the football bleachers, cigarette between his lips that he’d throw out as soon as he saw you (he took to heart how you despised the habit- and he strongly disliked disappointing you) but with a mother, older brother, father, and older sister that smoked nearly a pack a day? He was doomed to pick it up himself. 
“I heard this mornin’ it was-“ 
“Chicken patty’s” you grimace handing him over the foil covered sandwich. “I didn’t get the fries - the geese are gonna have heart failure cus’a’you” you teased, opening your own and digging the 6 crumpled ketchup packets from your pocket, handing him 2 (you got the extra to wolf down the public school garbage because you made the walk up to the line, and all the way outside for him) 
“They deserve a little happiness y’know?! N-no worse than bread- vegetables are healthy!” He teased, taking the sandwich and muttering a little “Ugh” as he unwrapped it and smeared the 2 packets under the bun before closing it. “After school you wanna go T-T’the restaurant w’me?” He took a big bite. It was shit but it was something that got us through the grueling, sticky Chicago spring schoolday. 
“Mmhm” you hummed “parents outta town- Y’can sleep over if you want after. “ you nudge his hip with your own playfully. He’d been content with staying home lately, for whatever reason, but you wanted your Carmy time back. You’d figured you’d give it one more try 
“Uh-“ he started and you took a deep breath, eyes fixed on your dirty old black and white converse “N-Nat needs help w-with-“ 
“Save it” you snip, leaning against the bleachers and staring out at the pond next to the soccer field. He’d been doing this for the past months, when he used to be at your house every day, making up stupid games together and showing you how to cook his family's favorite recipes- lately, he’d just been going straight home after school and didn’t tell you why. 
“H-Hey-“ he reached out, touching your arm gently and you jerked it away. While his touch used to be comforting, now it felt like it burnt. You’d been having a crush on him for years and it felt like the ultimate knife to the gut he couldn’t see it, and didn’t reciprocate it. It hurt even worse it felt like your best friend in the whole wide world (and your only friend) had recently started ignoring you.
“Just don’t, Carmen.” You muttered, taking another bite of your sandwich. “Gotta get t’health.” You said after a few beats of silence, heading back to the school. It was one of the 2 classes once a week you didn’t have together due to your last names, and usually the worst periods of the week. But this time, it felt like a relief. 
That was the last time you’d ever met him for lunch. 3 months before the end of your senior year, and 7 years of being attached at the hip somehow fizzled to nothing more then longing glances in the hallway, and staring eachother down at graduation. 
Your mom and dad were ultimately confused when you told them you wanted to leave as soon as you’d walked the stage, not caring in the least to go to Carmys grad party - and that confused them even more. It just turned into a bratty screaming match started by your teen self, telling them how they had to ‘butt out of your life’ and to ‘Mind their own stupid business!!!’ Even though they were just concerned you were now completely ignoring the boy they had taken in as a son, and were giving him the cold shoulder when since the sixth grade the two of you had been nothing short of inseparable. 
Then - when you had started working at The Beef - as a favor for Mikey, when he had called - asking if you needed a job your first summer off from college, of course you said yes. And then Carmy took that news…. Worse then you could have ever thought. 
The fight you had the night he’d found out in the back alley of The Beef was burned into your memory since it happened. The angry accusations of you ‘having a crush on his older brother and wanting to fuck him since you were in school’ or ‘trying to weasel your way back into his life when he’d made it clear he hated that you were so ‘obsessed’ with him’ it had literally made you throw up in frustration and sadness and utter disbelief when he stomped off, face red and veins bulging in anger. 
The 5 words though that were seared into your brain ‘How fucking could you?, squish?!’ nearly choking on your childhood name, Tears streaming down his flushed pink cheeks. You never knew it would hurt him so badly that you worked at The Beef, you truly thought you were just doing a good favor for a man who was a big brother to you. Not betraying your best friend in the world, the boy you’d loved for so many years. 
You’d tried calling Carmy, only to be met with the generic voicemail message each and every time. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you wished him well, told him how much you missed him, missed your stupid inside jokes - you missed your bear. 
When Mikey killed himself.. it was easy to say you were a mess. Mikey was the one who coaxed you through Carmys leaving, letting you know it was ok, that he was just ‘bein’ a lil’ bitch’ and he’d come to his senses soon enough. But he didn’t. And Mikey got sicker. And no matter how much you tried, how many times you called Carmy after a hard shift, or after stumbling into Mikey in the back freezer with a fucking disposable tourniquet tied around his arm, nodding off, begging Carmy to come home through your tears. Pleading, sobbing into the phone for minutes at a time that his brother was fucking killing himself - you never got a call back. 
The day Carmy had come home, well - the day he started working at the beef. You were there early, per usual. You liked the 6-3:30 shift as you were out before the busiest time of day, and had maintained this shift since college. You had your degrees, you were going to be leaving after you’d graduated to start a real adult life instead of slinging stupid beef sandwiches for less-than-favorable pay - and then Mikey died. And you were the only one who knew how to do the books at the beef, before you taught Natalie. 
It wasn’t a surprise that Mikey was laundering money through the place, but what was a surprise was he left the place to his idiot little brother who’d abandoned his whole entire family to go do his stupid Executive chef-de-bullshit while everyone drowns in Chicago without him. You highly doubted that he would be able to manage the moving of money Mikey had taught you, but Nat was the only sister you’d ever known- so when she sobbed to you after mike died and she found out it was left to Carmy, and begged you to teach him how everything works- you couldn’t deny your big sis.  
“S-squish?” You heard behind you, and you nearly dropped the entire pan of beef you’d chopped into the large pan you were holding to marinate for the day. Your heart felt like it had been replaced with a hummingbird and its wings were beating so hard against your chest you were sure if you turned he would see it in your throat.
“Uh-“ you started, deciding it was better to not look at him, since tears would likely spring to your eyes. What did he look like in real life now? Was he really so…big? Was he really no longer that skinny, awkward little bear you once knew? “N-no one really calls me that- anymore…only Richie.” You grabbed the bowl of pre chopped onions that you’d grabbed from the fridge, tearing off the plastic wrap that had yesterdays date written on it, crumpling it up and dumping the vegetables over the meat before grabbing the bowl of chopped green peppers and doing the same. 
“So I can’t call y’the name I gave you?” He chides, that old edge of playfulness to his tone you missed so much. It made your heart clench. 
“The last person to use that regular was your brother” you said and that quickly shut him up as you mixed together the meat and veggies with a large spoon after adding the pre made spice mix, the last of the pre made spice mix that Mikey had left, tears brimming your eyes at the realization, shaking your head a bit hoping to will them away. 
“Fuck” he said, barely audible. There was a sadness to his tone, easily picked up by you. This was your first love. How could you not remember every single thing about him?! “Squish I’m-“ 
“Just save it. You’re here to work, right?” You looked back at him finally, and your breath nearly got caught in your throat. He was so… tall. You always teased him that he was just a late bloomer, and would grow into himself just like Mikey did - but he would constantly deny it and tell you he’d just be stuck being ‘a shrimp’ forever.
But fuck had he grown. And he has grown well. He finally grew into his nose, which you wanted to immediately poke fun at him for, his lips were still the same pouty thin ones you’d remembered - but his body. It made your mouth water. 
You’d seen it once, as he’d seen yours. You were sophomores in high school, awkward, fumbling teens that agreed to lose your virginity together. But back then he was lanky, hairless, soft. Now? He was a full grown man. 
“Mmhmm” he hummed, sounding like a child scolded but you could barely recognize the tone of his voice now that you’ve met his face. A man. 
“Carmen” you said softly and his eyes met yours again, recognizing the tears in them 
“Don’t cry, squish” he said just above a whisper, “M’sorry…” he admitted, carefully reaching up and thumbing away your tears. 
“Oh Carm” you broke down, dropping the spoon you were holding onto the bowl and practically collapsing into his arms in choked sobs. 
“I know” he said quietly, gently petting your hair just like he did when you were little. 
“He’s dead Carm, where were you? Where the fuck were you? I called you, Bear! He was sick!” you sobbed mercilessly into his shirt, letting everything out you held in at the funeral to maintain your cool for Donna and Sugar since they were blubbering messes.. You could hear the thick tears in his voice when he whispered a strained 
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Squishy- So sorry” 
Your little moment was interrupted though, by a small voice - 
“Hi! Hey- uh..Hello- sorry- I was um…I got a call - yesterday, about an interview, for an um- a Sous position?” your head shot up from Carmys shoulder, seeing a tall brown-skinned girl with braids smiling awkwardly,  eyes flickering between you and Carm, clearly looking uncomfortable. You would be too, you realized - if you walked in to your supposed-to-be interview, to see your potential boss being cried on by one of his employees.
“Shit- uh” he pulled away quickly, walking up to her and extending a hand. You decided to go to the back of the kitchen to the changing area to have a few swigs from your water bottle and calm down. You didn’t need to relish in the sting that was him dropping you so fast for another girl, even if you were short staffed and you did need the help.
You shook your head, wiping over your tears and taking a few large gulps of water. Teach him how to move the money, and quit. Thats all you have to do, easy right? 
Not at all, actually- fucking impossible. 
Carmen had been bad at math, horrible at it  - actually, so teaching him how to run the books - with Richies explicit instructions to not make him aware his Uncle and Brother were washing blood money through the restaurant - so to try and explain why the electric costed 120K a month for a hole in the wall like The Beef was getting frustrating, because when Carmy didn’t understand something- he asked never ending questions until he got it. Thats what had you and Carmy, sitting in the back office together at nearly 8 PM, going over the books for what felt like the millionth time.
“So - so the General electric, lets go over one more time squish - I’m still.. Why would Mike have done that? An-an’ why we payin f’r a system that y’say isn’t workin’ anymore? Cant we just like- negotiate? Ask uncle jimmy t’fix it?” he tapped his pencil on the desk absentmindedly as he looked over the spiral notebook you’d written the monthly ‘bills’ on, trying to explain it to him without giving away anything he didn’t need to know like Richie instructed.
You groaned, rubbing over your face frustratedly and rubbing your temples. He was gonna give you a migraine asking these same god-damn questions. “Bear- i’m tired- my shift ended like…four hours ago! I was supposed to be on a facetime date” you groan, dragging your hands down your cheeks dramatically.
“The hell is a facetime date?” he asked, that gigglyness in his voice he’d take on when he was making fun of you when you were little.
“You lost the privilege of fucking with me when you ran away” you look over at him, a frown unknowingly etched in your features.
He met your eyes, biting at his lip the way he did, blinking a few too many times as he looked down at your lips before meeting your eyes again. “I never was running from you, squish” he said, his voice taking on that softness you fucking hated because you loved it so much.
“Yeah? Sure fucking felt like it- and for your information, a facetime date is a date you do when someone isn’t close enough to go on a real date. So…yeah. Anyway- like I said - the arcade costs-” he cut you off
“So…where’s this guy live?” he questioned. “You really can’t date a guy in Chicago? Y’gotta go f’r long distance?” he asked, a little smirk on his face. The kind that would have had you wanting to crash your lips into his when you were teens, but now it just made you want to cry at all the lost time, what you could have been if you just told him you’d loved him that night, that the reason you accepted the job was so that hed fucking look at you again. 
“Why the fuck does it matter to you? You stopped giving a fuck about me - what, Tell me fancy pants CDC? How long has it been since you gave a fuck” You got up, grabbing your jacket. “Like I fucking said, Carmen, My shift ended hours ago. I’ve explained this to you multiple times. If you’re still too focused on Paris, or- or Copenhagen - Or fucking Noma- to not understand how to run your familys piece of shit? Isn’t that what you called it- huh? Why don’t you go and ask the fucking sibling you have left how to do it, yea? She’s been trying to call you, We all were- but it’s not like you give a fuck- like I said- figure it out, Bear- and consider this my formal fucking 2 weeks. I’m done in this shithole” you threw your wadded up apron at his chest and slammed the office door shut behind you, stomping off to the lockers to gather your things and go the hell home. 
The next week and a half of work felt much like high school. You and Carmy were in the same exact room, forced to work together most of the time - but not a word was exchanged that wasn't absolutely necessary between the two of you. It wasn’t until the night before your last day, he was brave enough to say something to you. It was after closing, you’d picked up a double since 2 line cooks had called out and you already knew how to hold up pace without any training. You could use the money anyway, the pay was absolute garbage - the only reason you ever put up with it was because Michael was family to you. “So uh…” Carmy starts as he put on his plaid coat, shoving his work clothes in his backpack “How was y’r um… facetime date?” he asked, shoving in his chefs clogs last before zipping the bag shut.
You bit your lip, continuing to fill your tote bag with the remainders from your locker. You wanted to just leave as soon as the clock struck 3:30 tomorrow and never look back, forget Carmen was ever a part of your life. Being around him again brought back that sharp ache deep in your chest that you’d picked up in school when you began ignoring eachother, for why? You cant even remember- other then him shrugging you off to hang out that one last time, and you ignoring him the rest of that week, and it just kept going. You realized the first you’d spoken since then was his first day back, and you couldn’t get that fact out of your head. 
“He never texted me back so- yeah” you folded up a pair of work jeans, shoving them in the bag
“Oh- shit- m’sorry, squish. Guys can be real assholes” he replied. And while you know it was supposed to be friendly and him just trying to console you, It really just pissed you off. 
“Yeah- You would know” you grate quietly, continuing to pack your bag. He frowned in that cure Carmy way, shutting his locker and putting his backpack on his shoulder. Luckily the two of you were the only ones there tonight, so no one had to be present for you unpleasant bickering.
“Are you ever gonna hear me out? Er’ you’re just gonna freeze me out forever?” he asked, his voice laced with genuine hurt. But you couldn’t help but laugh coldly, shaking your head.
“Freeze you out? Freeze you out? Well if this week has been anything like the past few years? I hope it feels half as shit as I’ve felt. Glad you’re finally getting the message, I want nothing to do with you. I don’t stay where i’m not wanted, plus- aren’t I just a whore who took a job to make passes at your older brother- who by the fucking way was literally nearly 10 years older then us? That is just…gross Carmy! Mikey was as much an older brother, a fucking protector as he was to you, and to Nat- as he was to me- I loved you! I fucking loved you, Carmy! And you-” You took a shaking breath, turning to look at him and he was pale as a ghost at your admission.
“And you froze me out first, you- you stopped calling, in school carmen all those fucking years ago? You stopped, and - and when I didn’t come to the bleachers you didn’t try to find me! You just-” you met his eyes once again but couldn’t find them as they were squeezed shut and that 17 year old was right back in front of you, nervously shaking his hand and tears streaming down his cheeks. “Fuck- Bear I didn’t mean t-” 
“D-Don’t” he brushed past you, the familiar smell of smoke and pine and sandalwood hitting your nose, the same Cologne Mikey wore. 
“Carmy” you rushed after him as he made a b-line for the office. 
“You’re right, Squish- go home” he rasped, his voice thick with tears and regret. Your heart broke in that moment. Your chest also bubbled with anger, because - you were right?!
“I’m right?” you asked and he sniffled, attempting to shut the door on you but you shoved it open “Look at me - Look at me and fucking tell me that you meant what you said Carmen!” he sat at the desk, burrying his face in his hands and rubbing over it. 
“Just fuck off Squish! I mean it- go!” He was getting louder now, but there it was again, Squish.
“If you meant what you said- call me by my name” You challenge, nudging his sneaker to get his attention, just how you did when his head would be down in english class when he didn’t want to be noticed so he wasnt picked to read out loud.
“What?” he looked up at you finally, his big blue eyes red and tear stained, rims watery and long sandy colored lashes clinging to stray smaller tears. He looked so sad, and you thought again for the first time since he left that night all those years ago, that you wanted to kiss those tears away.
“You- you keep calling me squish” you shrug a bit “If you really mean what you said - if- if you think I got this job to whore around with Michael?! Call me by my real name. The name the rest of the staff call me- the name people who aren’t a fuckin’ Bear call me.” you challange, a lump growing in your throat as he stared you down.
“Did you mean it?” He asked, voice just barely above a whisper. You knew exactly what he meant, and you were pretty sure your heart was gonna fly out of your throat any second- or you were gonna throw up all over the floor and embarrass yourself - 50/50 
“You- you go first, I asked first” You said and he ran a hand through his hair, greasy from the day before digging in his pocket and pulling out a spare quarter 
“Heads er’ tails?” he asked, and you couldnt help but crack a tiny smile. This- this was normal. In high school, when you’d both ask eachother a question and neither wanted to answer first - even though technically the person who asked first should be the first to get an answer, you both decided to let the universe decide who’d be the first to get an answer.
“You gotta be kidding- you remember that?” You leaned on the desk and he looked up at you, panic mostly gone from his eyes and you knew you still had your bear-taming charm as Mikey called it when you were kids, since you were the only other person to be able to calm Carmy down.
“Are you kidding? I remember everything” he retorts “I call heads then” he flipped it and you gasp, smile growing a bit and you nudge his knee with yours, the gesture causing warmth to flood his cheeks as he flips the coin 
“I thought it’s always ladies first?” you teased and he flipped it on to his hand, keeping it covered. 
“Y’re too slow” he cracked a small smile, before revealing the quarter was heads side up and looking up at you expectantly. That heartbeat that could also be vomit reappeared, and your chest got tight. 
“Yes” you said simply, realizing you’d said loved - not love, not a current state of being, even though it never really went away. When he came back that first day, and you were right back to using all your old coded language and laughing over old jokes - you’d realized the love never really died, you’d just shoved it down as deep as it could go.
“Of course I didn’t mean that bullshit, Squish. I was….so fuckin stupid- I was - I am a fuckin idiot. I- I changed my fuckin number and I didn’t bother to load my contacts cause…I thought you hated me - But I- I never stopped…” he met your eyes again. 
Oh god, your heart was really coming out of your throat right now
“Never stopped….loving me? You- you loved me?” you asked bravely, feeling as if you might pass out - or die - or both if he said no. 
He nodded silently, his gaze fixed on the floor ever so shyly, Classic Carmy, the Cowardly Bear
“Well- which- which is it?” you asked, you weren’t going to let his shyness cheat you out of a real answer.
“I- um…I never stopped” he finally met your eyes.
You felt as if you still may pass out, or die, or both at this admission. 
Instead of that though, you leaned in, cupping his stubbly cheeks. His breath hitched, so did yours - you weren’t even sure you were breathing, the last time you’d been this close was - well, Sophomore year of high school , when you both vowed to never speak of it again, since you were both unsure how the other felt - and much too shy to say anything about it in case of rejection or being viewed as ‘weird’ by one another. You leaned in, the smell of cigarettes and mint on his breath from the gum he would chew instead of eating on meal breaks after a cigarette. 
His eyes fluttered shut “I’ve thought about this every day” he whispers, breath fanning your lips gently. You rest your forehead on his, closing your eyes and your noses bumped sweetly. “Can I please kiss you?” he asked, his voice soft and wanting. 
“You don’t have to ask” you said and leaned in, finally meeting his lips. He pulled you closer, you were practically on his lap. It felt as natural as falling into bed at the end of a long day moving your lips with his, your fingers easily finding his curls and combing out the little knots from the day, causing him to groan softly into your mouth. You smiled a bit, straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck. 
You sighed in relief as he wrapped his arms around your waist, slipping his tongue over your bottom lip, you hummed- opening for him and moaning softly as he ran his tongue over yours, enjoying your taste as well as you were enjoying his. He was the same as you remembered, you’d fantasized about doing this with him again every time you got off - or just every time you were daydreaming in general. You weren’t sure who broke the kiss first, but you both needed to breathe, so it was for the best.
“I still love you, too”
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wisteriainslumber · 2 months
baby twst headcanons
happy mothers day, have some disorganized tiny shenanigans feat. the twst women warnings: ch7 spoilers for draconia family members, siblings lying for fun (borderline malicious behaviour), foul language, and maybe a teensybitoftraumaoopsies
if he could, he'd be an outside kid with tons of bug friends
secretly kept a caterpillar pet in a lil terrarium jar until it could fly on its own
he found it while it was raining outside and wanted to help it grow :(
my guy was a sickly victorian child
rarely would three months go by without riddle falling ill
he has dyslexia. without the pressure of having to get everything right on the first try, riddle can kinda enjoy reading now because he gets to learn new words and concepts at his own pace
deep in the corner of his room sits a journal with only half if it filled out. most of the entries start like 'i read a new book today' immediately followed by something like 'i do not understand life'
he actually can't bear to read the contents of the more recent diaries, but he equally can't bear to throw them away (not until he can send his younger self a letter that it will all be okay)
his only connection to other people his age were trey and che'nya
and on the occasions where trey was absent che'nya would 'teach riddle about the queendom of roses'
most of the time he fed him lies and riddle believed him
and most of the time riddle would yell at che'nya for being confusing and not clear enough
you can't just tell him that the hat man haunts him at night then reply with "what hat man?" when riddle asks for clarification
like !!! the hat man you just told him about !! (which gets him a reply of "who told you about?" damn you che'nya)
his favourite childhood memory was going out with them to get matching pins together
he still wears his little crown pin today!!
cats would frequently perch on his windowsill and riddle likes to watch them lounge in the sun and wonder what cats think about
(che'nya claims to know but riddle has never seen the beastman talk to a single cat)
but kitty-speak was riddle's first learned animal linguistic. he would practice by talking to the regular cat by the window
it stopped showing up for a while and then came back with four kittens and riddle smuggled them for a good... three anxiety-riddled hours before telling the cat their babies will be well taken care of with che'nya instead
riddle may had to give up those kittens that day but owning a pet cat will be in his future soon. #manifest
it was a massive game of follow the leader in the clover household
when mama clover was carrying flour over to the patisserie, you'll see the mini clovers carrying small bowls and utensils to help
easy bake oven user
but he was ass at it
legend says his unique magic manifested at age 10 when it was mommas birthday and he baked a really shitty cookie, so he prayed to the queen that his mum would think it tasted nice and it did :D
his siblings took a bite out of the rest of the batch and wretched very dramatically
had his hands full trying to convince che'nya to not eat the glass he found on the sidewalk because it 'looks crunchy'
in fact, whenever talking to adults, trey never refers to che'nya by his nickname but his entire full name. he just wants you to know!! also che'nya is a nickname for friends and family >:(
trey's room has always been free reign for his other siblings, they treat it like a common room
why? mostly because they don't have permission to do anything fun without supervision but big brother trey can to be their supervision :)) right :)))
the clover household is no longer shocked by che'nyas abrupt presence in their house. he seems to favour a certain corner of the house and most of the material on trey's bed
theres usually an extra set of utensils by their table in case che'nya appears. there used to be two extra sets but.. you know🫠
his siblings started a game of hiding as many rubber ducks in trey's room without him noticing
but after they permanently clogged the pipes of the toilet with their duckies, they switched to ugly stickers all over trey's bicycle
howEVER, it happens to be their bicycle now because trey outgrew it and had to get a new one. have fun cleaning the stickers :D
unofficial designated seats at the table and in the family car. real fights have broken out over the siblings because of these spots
still fears basketballs to this day because his brother threw one and trey happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and he woke up with the wrong accent. oh, and a concussion
all brands but barbie was ruined for caycay
his sisters used him as a mannequin to practice makeup
he had extremely elaborate revenge plans to pin them on the other sister but would get his ass whooped if he was caught
of course, that never stopped him from being extremely crafty to get out of trouble :)
referring to himself in third person cutely was a learned behaviour for survival™
it never worked in his household but it surely worked with other kids his age
collecting pity points but at what cost
had a girlfriend on club penguin for two months and got publicly dumped on club penguin
banned from club penguin because he wouldnt leave her alone and she reported him
sold off his sisters rainbow looms
those kids that are cognitively gifted such as he thought the people in the tv were trapped in there and then asked his mom if they were also in a tv and trapped
whenever dad worked in the office, cater would sit in the big boss chair and 'help', which meant that he was sorting coins and bills based off colour
he also told his dad to wash the money because it looked dirty on the corners
whenever he and his sisters played together, they'd tried to open the compartments of their toys and cater had so much fun with the screwdriver and taking stuff apart
also owned a joint notebook with his sisters. there would be things like poems, drawings, and the hair of ruined barbie dolls taped inside
cater has his own journal though, and he composes very emo poems in there. all written in glitter gel pen. cater would later look back on these and cringe but the more you read, the more you kinda get into it. it is a tad bit profound... for an eight year old, that is
demented ass doll player
his version of fun was making his dolls de-limb each other and throw them into a big pit to summon his darth vador figurine
whatever in-game ace is, that was his brother except he was significantly worse
my boy ace was the number 1 victim of big bro trappola
ate brown paint chips, which was 'chocolate' according to his brother
was locked inside the bathroom while his brother whispered bloody mary into the walls
sat through horror movies to prove he was a big boy and shit his pants when his brother recreated the jumpscares in the middle of the night
until he got a little older and started outsmarting him
now the trappola brothers team up to terrorize everyone else
its a competition for the brothers to compete over who can spoil the plot of which movie first
weaponized the slap bracelets
sucked milk out of plushies. no i will not elaborate
he's a jump rope champion! and it carries over to those skipper hoops as well
he does prefer the skipper hoops over the rope simply because there are um... ankle shattering consequences if you miss a jump, which meant it was perfect for sharing with the neighbourhood kids! gotta keep those stakes high, ya know?
tried to do a lot of magic tricks to impress papa trappola
made his brother take him to the amusement park and big bro got MAD tips because everyone thought ace was so cute, and quote unquote 'an angel'
like NO HES NOT???? if only big brother trappola knew ace picked up his charisma from him😭
grew up with 80s movies, he thinks every that happens in those movies are true stories
he was always presented with old gadgets to 'fix' so its now something he can do pretty well; restoring old devices
the kids his age thought he was like wayyy too old fashioned, like born in the wrong generation
bike kid. if he wasnt inside he was on wheels
he kept a barbie doll in his bike basket and always made sure she wore her helmet (she was the bike guard)
slept with eggs and held them in his hands hoping to hatch a baby chick
thinks teachers live at the school
super sweet child. he's the first at the other kids' side if they got hurt
at the same time he is the biter kid. especially on fathers day
loves reading stories with grandma. whenever she came over, he would bring her a book
he'd also stick around the kitchen and try to see what she was doing. he thought that maybe he could learn to cook a few things by himself so they had more time together
in times like these he would be internally angry at his father because?? grandma is always working, mum is always working, fuck that guy specifically.
easter is his favourite holiday. his family have a tradition of egg painting and deuce used to hide caramel candies in them because grandma liked them
best helper kid around. will hold the dustpans and stuff while Dilah was sweeping
knew the names of all the trucks his mum drove and also a lot of the mechanical part names
had a habit of accidentally breaking things like clocks so he learned quickly how to fix them back up
his grandma takes him shopping for stamps so deuce can send mail to his house, addressed to his mum
parkour child
bounced all around the palace, climbing the trees outside and everything. gotta keep those claws sharp
before his father fell ill, the kingscholar family used to have lil picnics with Kifaji outside
without fail, leona would always find the highest seat or a nice sun rock to rest upon
unconsciously, even now, leona finds immense comfort in sun rocks
followed his brother around everywhere
when he couldn't catch up, Falena would give him piggy back rides while he was going about his day
asked him many questions bc hes curious about the world
would ask him difficult questions he already knew the answer to just to see Falena struggle lol
whenever tiny leona got tuckered out, his brother would carry him back to bed in lieu of the servants
leona insisted on sitting in the conference room with his dad to gain insight on how kingdom affairs were run
papa kingscholar agreed since it would be good exposure for them, and leona was the one who took notes, Falena would point out the participants at the table and quietly introduce them to leona
ruined the lives of people he played chess with. imagine being bested by a nine year old in chess. the shame.
after Falena got married, leona shifted his studies from maintaining amicable kingdom relationships to medicinal research and ancient curses
the palace staff thought it was out of malice, but leona wanted to focus more on the properties of magic now
(and also, well, based on the new target on his brother, his new sister-in-law, and his nephew, there can never be too many precautions..)
even when he was a tiny child he did whatever he fancied
his servants may have told him that tending to a servant's hair was below his stature but that only made him sneakier when making tiny braids in Kifaji's hair
git gud g
another crafty child
aye, when it depends on your survival, you learn to use those legs of yours to run like the wind
even worse he was a small ass child so he was hard to find
snuck into schools and pretended he could talk to ghosts and charged the kids a quarter to talk to a ghost for them
mental math god. from multiplication to geometry and time, ruggie knows the most efficient ways to get the job done, as well as a few backup plans
would sew up little felt dolls for his neighbourhood friends
left the house to do a bunch of odd jobs and picked up quite a few languages, which meant even more jobs all around, and now he has some pretty unique talents
like, he can preform acrobat tricks! and he can also paint a house upside down. oh, and he can travel quickly on one foot! (don't ask)
oh yeah, ruggie had a huge slime stand
he would make so much slime and sell it off and it made mad bucks but he also absolutely hated slime. what a good waste of detergent and glue, honestly... >:(
and people wanted them different colours and with charms and the like. at least it was a thriving market, but ruggie cannot stand the sight of slime ever since he retired from the slime scene
really liked rubiks cubes because it was like painting a little puzzle. also, when the children got bored of it, they would try to detach the squares and put them on the faces they desired
it was so funny to watch because they will use the oddest tools and tricks to dislodge the squares (like tying a shoelace around a square and trying to tug it off like you do with baby teeth)
ruggie also made lots of origami as seasonal decor :D his grandma really like the flowers and birds he would fashion
this IS canon but i want you to know that he would take the neighbourhood kids and rotate the group around houses in different costumes to get more halloween candy. everyone stan ruggie
he has younger siblings so his sense of justice was in his personality wayy back then
got to be an exemplar big bro for them💪
whenever they were playing castle, jack was always the princess because his sister wanted to be the heroic knight
if you asked jack, he would say that his sister only wanted to be the knight as an excuse to beat the shit out of his brother
wanted piercings but couldnt get them pierced so his sister gave him sticker earrings
they did not work nor stick very well but he loved him
let his siblings bite him, it seems to be their preferred mode of affection
sometimes they will wordlessly enter his room just to bite him and chill
often had playdates with vil when he was home
jack still doesn't quite know what the difference was between all these water brands vil was showing him but the spirit is there
oftentimes vil was alone in the house so the two played grown up and cooked by themselves
vil had told his dad that they were married because jack would come over and had sleepovers a lot
jack has a big green thumb. he wanted to plant a garden but he started with succulents first because they are notoriously hard to kill
by now he's ready to advance but every time he goes to get different plants, he comes back with more succulents haha
the plants under jack's care are happy enough to bloom flowers, and he gives them to his mama
if vil learned a spell, he would teach jack and vice versa. the BIGGEST supporters of each other. friendship is magic, guys
the first time they learned colour changing spells was an entire mess and vil was bawling in a panic by the end of it because they dyed Eric Venue's favourite couch bright blue and didn't know how to reverse it
jack wanted to call vil's dad to tell him but he ended up calling the wrong number and thought they were in trouble so he ended up bawling too
whenever vil wasn't in the class, no doubt jack is going to question his whereabouts
oddly, jack and neige have never interacted and only found out about vil being their mutual friend well into their teen years
like ruggie, was a master hider
unless he wants to be found, you will never find him
learned how to read earlier than kids his age because he wanted to prove he could spell big words to his mama
he may have cried a lot as a kid but do you know what that means? FREE black paint!! SUCK IT, PLEBS.
my boy was an astounding artiste, its why hes so creative with getting his way
azul is a visual learner, and always finished books a little slower because he REALLY analyzes all the pictures like downright dissects it
his grandma suggested art as a way to express himself while also making sense of the world around him
even though he thinks his old drawing of him and the twins is outdated in terms of his skill level now, he has a sentimental attachment to it and keeps it in his room always
trading trinkets was a common thing between the trio aka the twins would pop by
mama ashengrotto adored the twins bc they adored azul('s mom that is)
also inherited a beautiful singing voice from mama ashengrotto. he and his grandma would bond by playing the piano and singing. sometimes, they'd do a little show at his mom's restaurant
red hair was seen as very attractive in the coral sea and he very regrettably colour-magicked his hair
it was not the shade he wanted, but he was curious on what was, so with the many complex spells he learned at his age, he experimented with different lengths, colours, and styles until he restored it back to its original form
there remains one surviving picture of his red hair and it is kept in his stepdad's wallet (because its the only place azul wouldn't look!)
no azul is not aware pictures of his redhead era even exist
loved to weave necklaces and bracelets using shells and plants
gave a lot of necklaces made of sharks teeth to his family and azul because those are valued good luck charms!
it might also be because he loved to hunt sharks but he pretends thats not the reason :)
wandered off all the time and floyd always had to drag him back home before night
hes a curious boy, wanted to explore everything around him, especially the dangerous places
child leashes don't work in the sea but im sure mama and papa leech would have loved to have one anyway
was the main reason why he and his brother have separate rooms
too many petty "stop leaving your mess on my side (of the room)" and hissy fights had mama and papa leech mad
things definitely settled after they had separate rooms
sometimes if he got into trouble he would pretend he was floyd and sent his parents off to look for "jade"
highkey never worked but it never stopped him from trying
started a new method of using tears and his parents were more lenient with him after so he realized he can get away with things if he shed a few tears
he can cry on command and this is his primary weapon if scaring people off didnt work
will then pin it on the other party as if he didn't enable the fight
straight up told floyd lies growing up, that the pufferfish would crawl inside his ears when he sleeps, or that floyd was 'allergic' to seahorses, or that in order to get an angler mer to go away, floyd had to use bioluminescence
this carried over to land as well except jade didnt know whether his words were true or not he just straight up made things up
was also a very very sickly child. got ill extremely easily and is much more sensitive to temperature or water pressure changes
esp during pollen season? jade is gonna lose those lungs he just acquired from sneezing and coughing
grade A hoarder
he sees something he likes? he's bringing it back home
unlike at NRC, the twins have separate rooms so the entire space is filled with a bunch of floyd's knickknacks (its why jade is always mad)
as soon as hes done playing with one he's found something else on his swims so his room is 80% things lying around
and when jade stole said knickknacks claiming it was his turn to play thats when floyd suddenly claimed that mermaid doll (that he highkey forgot existed) was his prized possession
back off jade thats his property😡
when he was younger, he loved looking and behaving exactly like jade, but as he got older he valued being his own person instead of an X2
is actually legitimately the older sibling by a few minutes and deliberately decides whether its his privilege or not whenever he can
but as soon as "because you're the oldest" is said he claims that none of them are older because they were born on the same day
to the outsider, it sounds like floyd is feeding jade a heap load of bs, but he likes gathering trivia and wording it so it *sounds* fake but really isnt
like that seahorses give birth via baby explosion
one exception to this rule is that floyd is constantly changing the story of how he met jade
one instance it was that they found each other, another was that some kid kept begging him for food and that later their mom said that was his sibling, other times, jade had allegedly died before floyd used his awesome magic to revive him
most of the time floyd tells jade that a whale shat him out and whatever came out of it looked so deformed and floyd thought jade was so soppy pathetic (in a cute way) so he brought him home
jade never tries to refute nor confirm any of these allegations but when the last story gets told he's always a little more passive aggressive with floyd that day
sickly victorian child #2
its from all the poison attempts
and as a result he may or may not have tried mithraism so maybe its worse than we think😭
allergic as hell to bug bites too like someone please give them a electric racket
hide and seek is banned from the Asim household
at that point in his life, kalim had a good 6-7 siblings and letting them loose in a big household AND telling them to hide is a recipe for disaster
it was almost impossible for him to get in trouble too because no one was about to scold the heir of the house
workers of the Asim palace were absolutely not going to scold him and his parents had like fourteen other more rambunctious younger children
but don't be fooled, kalim is a very good seeker when it matters! he can spend hours focused on finding something important, so those hide and seek games were banned for a VERY good reason when kalim was out at night searching and didn't return the next morning (meaning he got childnapped)
oh, whats a little kidnapping but a minor setback? hes fine and in one piece, the doctor triple-checked! anyways, who's ready for another round of hide and seek??
every now and then, kalim falls victim to the good ole' midnight hour and kitchen scissors hair disaster. no, no one learns
the birds and random animals in the Asim park (that's right, his private park..) all have names and kalim visits them often to befriend them
he's learned around a total of eight languages and he will personally translate (with jamil as the scribe) his own books so he can teach his younger siblings
even remembers all their favourite hobbies, genres, activities, etc, etc
the Asim children all have one thing in common and that is their love for bubbles, but who doesn't?
kalim spends time in the nrc lab to create the perfect bubble solution with big, long lasting bubbles. trust.
remembers faces, names, and even birthdays very well. you can always bet on kalim to wish a servant or one of his tutors a happy birthday!
to kalim, having someone know your name and be happy to see you is very important! so he wants his loved ones, guests, and servants to feel appreciated, especially on their very special days :)
has the immune system of god he has survived all of the flu seasons without catching it himself
he and kalim played in the bird houses often
taught the parrots a bunch of silly words and phrases
Najima taught one of the parrots to only refer to jamil as 'stinky'
he and Najima claim they look nothing alike even though kalim and everyone else insists its true
the two siblings fought over particular hairbands while sitting next to an entire selection of them💀
Najima loved to fight over things that jamil wanted first just for the victory
yeah, even in childhood jamil never got a break. as if the universe would give him that
we all heard the silly goofy story of jamil shuffling around under a vase thinking he was all sneaky and shit. he has many more stories like this
such as climbing in trees (he only got stuck twice!), wrapping himself in cloth and slithering on the ground (very conspicuous!!), again, draping himself in fabric and trying to blend in with the walls (with a 50% chance of success) etc, etc.
he is SO good at hiding and has so many secret spots around Asim palace, trust him.
Najima?? literally sent him a picture of curry for his birthday to celebrate. the two constantly send each other a bunch of pictures of random rocks, disfigured trash, and all sorts of unsavory things with the caption 'look its you'
while other servants were renovating Asim palace, they told the kids not to run around, because someone could crack their head if they fell off the ladder/the ladder fell on them
so, like the curious kids they were, jamil, Najima, kalim, and a few of his siblings camped around the construction zone waiting for someone's skull to break
its just morbid curiosity, they weren't wishing ill upon anyone
'don't carry me! i can walk by myself!' but in a way to convince his dad to pick him up
loved being carried around but would never admit to it
partook in many sweets as a kid even though he limits himself now
had a tradition with neige to make hot chocolate every thursday after school. in the warmer seasons, they switched to making their own fruit juice with the blender
from whole kiwis, to sweet potatoes, and ginger roots, it evolved to throwing random things in the machine to see what kind of funky juice would be made
our dear Eric Venue thinks this is so cute he has no problem with it as long as they dont waste food and clean up after. it would be a good habit to learn
plus vil looks so happy because he thinks operating a blender is such a grown up thing to do
1000% ate things he wasn't supposed to
the lipsmacker smelled so good though :(
when he failed a spelling bee and didnt want his papa to be disappointed in him the most logical thing in his seven year old mind was to eat the test
ripped it up and munch munched on the paper
and that had been his primary solution to bad grades until he was able to get in a good study technique (that, and his stomach rejecting the paper)
HORRENDOUS handwriting and it was because he tried to trick himself into being left-handed for a good portion of his life because the Beautiful Queen was left-handed >:(
also had trouble with enunciation from learning very big words. Eric can understand him but a bit of speech therapy and musical training helped
(if you're lucky, you'll still hear hints of it when vil's extremely sleepy)
often made friendship bracelets with, like, no one to give them to
traded a few with jack because vil taught him how to make them. jack thought that they would be a nice thing to give to the rest of his family, and made a few for vil in exchange
you think him crawling around on the dirt was a recent thing? hell no this was a learned childhood behaviour
he may not have had a bow back then but he had rocks and a will to play
and by will to play i mean he would pelt a lot of things with rocks
his old teachers had to placate him by teaching him how to skip stones on the lake for every one else's safety
only members of his own family were willing to play hide and seek with him
mostly because he is a terrifying seeker. you hide in the bushes and not two seconds later you hear those loud ass military grade boots stomping in your direction
ik no one wanted to play hide & seek with his ass. he only got worse after he developed his unique magic
helped paint his family's nails bc he had such a precise hand
its probably the nail polish fumes that made him this way. among 10 million other things
you know how kids would give each other cards and lolipops on valentines day?
well, on heart's day, rook would have drawn a picture of all his recipients and attach a cool leaf or flower to it
its very adorable and extremely thought out. his old recipients still think of him to this day (real)
rook had very nice penmanship even at a young age. he started by replicating his fathers handwriting and liked the flow of cursive and flair of a signature (rook has made a lot of personal signatures for himself)
had a wax stamp phase where he would dry out and collect a bunch of flowers and presses to make wax stamps
he still is crazy about wax stamps but now he can carve his OWN presses with his OWN knife 👍👍
made homemade twisttube videos at home with his siblings. they range from movie scene recreations, lip sync videos, or full on original scripts
be assured that the costumes, lighting, acting, and editing were rather top tier for their age, and it is because rook's family is exuberant like him (all cutie pies!!)
mud pie maker
he and the chickens in his village go wayyy back
didn't need animal linguistics to understand the clucks
uhh hey did anyone else have the experience of having pet chickens and then having them disappear and reappear on the dinner table??
im not saying it happened but im also not saying it didn't happen
he does brush his hair. the only reason he hates it when vil brushes his hair is that he feels like his scalp is getting scraped off
the only way to get epel to bathe was to use those three-in-ones because he would never sit still
those children that get dirty thirty minutes after you bathe them. sigh
overlined his lips with his ma's lipstick because ma used it to look nice before going to sell their produce, and epel wanted to help with sales this time. you can probably guess what happened after
the dislike for cosmetics is lifelong
(he did apologize by picking a handful of dandelions for his ma)
adrenaline junkie through and through. as soon as his legs were long enough to touch the pedal, he'd be operating the forklifts and in no way was it safe or responsible
fed the birds with seeds meant for their garden. they were hungry :(
fiddled around with the stray instruments on rainy days, now he can play in perfect harmony during celebrations with his relatives
epel has perfect pitch. destined for pomefiore all along <3
epel did not fear bees. he has potential for being a beekeeper but he didn't want to wear the bee suit
learned how to read and write very early in because he wanted to help out around the village. epel put checkmarks to confirm shipments and things
a bunch of his drawings are hung around the home
'helped' his grandma Marja knit by using the needle to stab the ball of yarn she needs to hand it to her
banning him from anything was impossible
locking your kids away from the cookie jar would work for anyone but idia. and not for the spiteful reason you think
makes him want to do it more because its interesting enough to stimulate his genius little brain
at that point he doesn't even want the cookie anymore
doing mental gymnastics to exploit loopholes. having a remote controlled airplane fetch him a cookie isn't going against his parents' word because technically he never touched the jar at all
which leads to extremely specific rules established in the shroud household
some notable ones include "severed limbs are only allowed in the staff freezers on halloween" and "no hacking the automated showers to chase down staff member C for thinking Premo are cuter than ortho"
his minecraft boyfriend broke up with him after they built their house together
it doesnt end there though, it never does. ortho took control of the pc to burn down the house and idia also got them banned. never underestimate the rage and revenge spirit of a child scorned
you know that thing about a devil and an angel on the shoulders? well, ortho was 90% the enabler for Bad Behaviour
and mostly because if idia was thinking of doing something, chances are, ortho was already doing said something
the S.T.Y.X staff often with the brothers were usually roped into playing video games and were happy to listen to whatever the boys felt like talking about
idia would bring new inventions to them and play a guessing game of what they think the function was
ortho stunk really bad at building things from scratch, but he was pretty good at memorizing the names of the parts to help idia
idia would ask the staff to take them to the observatory often. they would learn all about the constellations and idia liked to chart how they changed through the seasons
his parents mostly had him because idia always got too creative when he was bored and thought having a new baby in the family would help idia fix up his behaviour, you know, be a good role model for ortho and all
... turns out, ortho would be pulling idia into all sorts of mischief. and worst of all, he ALWAYS GOT AWAY WITH IT.
he is tiny but mighty
lots of attitude in this little body
his favourite word was 'why'
him and idia had new nicknames for each other all the time
some of the time they were just kid things, most of the time they were a prize
whoever clears the extreme level with the highest score gets to make the other call him a nickname of their choosing
his received nicknames included such like "cosmic warrior", "lord of the shadow realm", and "the almighty" (when he beats idia's high score... after 5 losses in a row that is)
has no problem hacking the main S.T.Y.X system then blaming it on the employees for having weak security (some bs like 'im six and managed to break into the most secure network')
im sorry but i can't deny it. yes, ortho is an ipad kid and yes his ipad was disgusting
except ortho actually does listen to cyber security and he didn't have the passcode lock, he had the password lock, and it was changed every other week
(idia has accidentally locked the ipad on several occasions trying to guess the overly complicated password)
insane attachment in the sense that he will make up some bs reason (AND a forged research paper to further solidify it) on why he can't be separated from idia
if he were actually surrounded by children his age, just know ortho would've been the biter kid
weaponizes his cuteness just like jade but in a more ^^🌸 way
in these cases he will only refer to himself in third person because it pulls the most heartstrings
tugging on idias sleeves and telling him "ortho wants a cookie" had yielded better results for him than "i want a cookie"
and ortho is nothing if not a very smart boy
fully believed that eating the seeds of watermelons would cause one to grow in your stomach
grandma Malificia found it too funny to correct him and to this day malleus still believes it
1/2 contributor to lilia's hairstyle. whenever lilia tried to make him take his bath he would spit fire
(until lilia let him play with the bubbles that was)
when he was a little kid and knew he was in trouble, he would hide in all sorts of places and pout
except he sucked at it. his hiding skill was between "if i dont see you, you cant see me", or his tail would be poking out behind the couches
usually the servants would turn the other way unless it was an emergency. because if malleus was found by anyone but the Queen or lilia, he'd have a toddler tantrum (he thinks they gave up on him)
spent most of his early days finding comfy nesting places or hunting for shiny things. there was nothing but Instinct in his little noggin until he could transform into a bi-pedal form
every day, without fail, he would get his horns stuck in something and throw a fit over it
testiest kid to ever test. when you tell mal he can't do something he'll do it bc he wants to understand why he can't do it
wanted to help grow the roses in his garden faster by summoning a thunderstorm that lasted three days and three nights
whatever tantrums you think malleus throws now are the most mild ones in his entire life
a younger malleus would summon entire hurricanes unknowingly and he would screech and babble in old fae tongue
a non-briar valley resident could easily mistake this for a demon summoning, but this is a normal tuesday in the palace
TRUST, malleus' temper is the tamest ever in the entire draconia lineage
the palace staff actually thank the witch of thorns for her mercy because this tantrum only burnt the entire east wing of the castle to the ground. the young prince is so tame !!
straight out of a horror movie, this one
has the long dark hair and only wore long white dresses to really complete the look
loves walking around bare foot to connect with nature. that dress will be smeared with mud, fur, and berry juice (that were always red or purple tones, to everyones horror)
you all have lilia to thank for the inspiration to this horror trope
im talking wandering around in the dark, glowing magenta eyes, which appear red at times
sits SO still when its story time and the story is ancient curses and tomes
was also the kid that claimed they had a ghost friend and that his peers were being mean to "billy"
and no his family was probably the exact same way tbh
the fae are sturdy and lilia went without supervision for days
its quite a normal thing in his household
lilia would be fighting real ass ghosts in diapers and his mom would be cheering him on
the streaks are not from a goth phase but it was more of a 'the fruit juice in cranberries make really nice paint did you know??'
he also really loves tomato juice and it happens to be pretty too, so, why not?
it was originally red streaks but faded and he liked the pink better
one day he packed his bags and told his parents he was going to live in the afterglow savanna and his mom straight up joined him in packing
i like to believe that lilia did have edible food as a child but the army just ruined his tastebuds for Ever bc at that point, food was only a substance needed to live, it didn't have to be enjoyable
yeah, anyway it would be super funny if lilia's parents were good chefs, but lilia legit cannot tell the different between salt, flour, and white glitter
lilia was scooped up by Malificia mostly for his skill but it really turned out to be a glorified playdate for Meleanor
the princess was a mENACE and lilia could take her thunderbolts a bit better than the rest of her servants
(meaning that lilia was the only one that wouldn't be screaming bloody murder, he just would be hella mad and Meleanor thinks his audacity is funny)
lilias method of feeding him was waterboarding him with milk and that does not come without consequences
although lilia would go out often, its safe to say that silver was never really 'alone'
lilia would have a magical beacon on him at all times even if mal was babysitting, and he appreciates that the wildlife took a liking to silver
speaking of, silver had no concept of stranger danger no matter how much lilia told him so
every time malleus would come over silver would ask him to play murder mystery with his dolls
his first word was an attempt at malleus' name
they played together a lot it was really inevitable
helps worms and snails when it rains by helping them get under tree stumps or grass
played with axes & garden shears (thanks lilia)
2/2 contributor to lilia's hairstyle. and by that i mean he gave lilia a haircut with garden shears (that lilia fully encouraged so silver could 'build his repertoire of skills')
at this point lilias hair length was more of a liability since his sons loved to tug on it and one had a penchant for burning it
take your eyes off silver for one second and he's gone. he saw an ant, a bird, a cool statue, etc etc
loved all the fairytales lilia read him and always asked to be read the ones where true love reigned
him and malleus ran off together (more like mal whisked silver away) everywhere to play and explore
mal loved to show silver the most random things and he would always speak to him like a grown up
would often protest at the end of the day because he didn't want to part ways with him
their earlier conversations looked like mal was listening to silver say something profound even though all silver could do at the time was babble in toddler language with the occasional 'tar-tar' (no one knows what this is but malleus insists that silver is telling him he's hungry)
beat the shit out of rocks with sticks
in the colder seasons, and and silver would find rocks or big ice pieces to smash on the ground
poor dude grew up confused as heck. lilia tells him lots of things, and he goes home and his parents tell him a different thing
complained about going to the dentist so much that now silver knows so much about the teeth structure of fae
his siblings love him so much, they're always doting on him and pinching his cheeks and that's why his smiles are so big and nice (real)
refused to eat anything on a fork. he hated the taste of metal
much preferred to use chopsticks. learned because he was a Big Boy now (he is one) and can help himself!!!!
unexplainable hatred for felt fabric. he used to melt all of his felt puppets in the water
him and silver dug a hole in lilia's backyard thinking they could make it to the shaftlands
they didn't make it to the shaftlands, but they dug too close to the river, so the hole filled up with water
and while silver panicked, sebek straight up burst into tears thinking the hole was going to drain the river
also burst into tears one halloween where lilia was dressed up and claimed he was the river spirit and didn't know anyone named sebek
ate a dog treat at some point but silver and malleus also joined him (not before malleus trolled sebek by saying he's going to turn into a dog now)
sebek was so distressed that he dragged malleus into it that he questioned his entire life because he loved playing with sticks. did he eat a dog treat earlier in his life???
when questioned, sebek told silver he didn't need to worry about the dog treat because he already drank milk like a puppy anyways (referencing the milk waterboarding, of course)
anyways, this incident ended in a stick-sword fight and malleus got a bonk on the head from lilia for his instigating
this is where sebek learned it btw. silver developed a thick skull because sebek is ALWAYS bonking him on the head for not knowing things he deems 'everyone should know'
taglist (let me know if you want to be added): @bigmoose1964
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ethereal-pie · 8 months
bullfrog head cannons
I have seen no fics of this beautiful French man so I have done it myself
just a ramble of my thoughts in bullet point form
he is an american bullfrog, he not only looks like one but also there are tons in France
He enjoys warmth and gets grumpy if he is too cold
I feel like he doesn’t touch you all that much but adores cuddling 
If given the opportunity he will burry himself in pillows and blankets ( bonus if they are weighted) especially during winter cuz of his hibernation instinct
He will insist you join him and promise it’s very comfortable 
He isn’t slimy like his real world counterpart but his skin feels very moisturized 
He gets cold super easy and shove himself under your shirt or jacket to soak up your natural body heat 
You also don’t have to worry about it being too hot to cuddle as he is cool to the touch 
He will insist you let him put his cold ass hands on your bare back to warm them up , he will pout if you don’t let him 
Letting him do this will more then likely result in him having his head under your shirt and his face pressed into your back and his hands on your upper stomach 
He usually avoids conventional touch based pda, the most normal pda you’ll get out of under normal circumstances is a peck on the cheek 
Instead the way he shows touch based pda is by sitting on your shoulders
Although if he is super cold he won’t care all that much
 And  Unless your in a situation where being partners with him would put you in danger, he will be  fairly vocaly affectionate
He will call you his beloved and other pet names 
As well as praise, flirt and compliment you
Some of His pet names  involve your name 
He seems like a darling, my dear, love type of person
He will jokingly call you stupid ones as well 
He has a lot of running jokes with you and will tease and joke around with you all the time, he just likes laughing with you in general 
Some of your jokes might take a second to land with him in the beginning but as your relationship continues he will pick up almost immediately 
He tries really hard to be cool cuz he wants to make friends but everyone being stuck on him being a frog annoys him a lil 
He will complain about this to you at least once 
He is trying to be cool and Poetic!
When he is mad he will begin to speak in a mix of French and English but he doesn’t really yell at all, he does talk faster tho 
He will bath for hours but doesn’t like to shower 
He cannot use certain soaps or he will get sick because he will absorb the chemicals through his skin 
He likes the look of bubble baths but if he sits in them he gets sick cuz of the soap In the water 
Given his accent I assume he speaks French but I think he can speak multiple European language, due to his job 
He is very adverse to the idea of eating bugs, he isn’t scared of them but if someone offers him a bug he will be grossed out.
He is the kind of person to not only catch and release bugs he finds inside but he will have little convos with them too
You’ll hear in the other room “hello there my miniature friend.’’ And as he takes them outside “ I’m very sorry but you cannot stay here.” 
His approach to flying bugs is far different, he will take NO PRISONERS
He is very efficient with a fly swatter and knows all the concoctions to lure and kill flys fruit or other wise 
He avoids using his hands cuz of the bug guts 
If you are afraid of bugs he will find it amusing but he won’t tease or torment you, he will just chuckle at how ridiculous you look up on the counter while he captures the invader.
He is very polite and kind to everyone he interacts with unless they have done something to warrant other wise 
He will use French sayings in English  instead of the English one because he is convinced that “ they are far superior” 
Pins and needles are now ants, it’s raining ropes not animals, forget apples and trees, dogs don’t make cats.
If you use the English versions he will argue the French version is better 
“ bolt of lightning explans the felling of it, love at first sight is so bland.’’
Please convert he will find it unendingly adorable every time 
He does get cuteness aggression and will randomly shove his face into your chest and aggressively nuzzle into you whist squeezing you and violently kicking his legs and making a happy humming 
He will be embarrassed the first few times he does this 
He will get cuteness aggression from your cuteness aggression 
If you bite him he will be very confused but won’t care all that much so long as you aren’t hurting him
You will probably be taller then him and honestly he likes it that way because when you hug him he feels like momentarily  he is a totally encased by you 
You can carry him but only certain ways
No toddler hold, with one arm and him on your hip 
Piggy backs, shoulder sitting and standing are encouraged 
You can only sling him over your shoulder in emergency’s 
Same with under your arm 
He doesn’t like princess carry’s cuz he can’t hold on to much and he wants to touch with  max surface area
Carrying him by his armpits away from you has the same problem, he will struggle 
He does enjoy if you hug carry him with both arms, either his face in on your chest or resting on your shoulder 
I have made a helpful diagram ( I can draw but it’s just stick me cuz I’m lazy)
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He will randomly start monologueing if given the opportunity 
He will tell you about being an assassin but only if you ask 
I think he is more likely to be with Someone who has prior experience with fighting
He feels nauseous after producing bubbles 
He will lean on or try to be touching you while he recovers 
You cannot truly surprise him, he will know something is up the moment you even begin to plan 
He knows because you act slightly different 
And hiding  or sneaking something past him is also impossible 
He has to actively try to avoid finding out what your doing 
You’ve snuck something into the garage, I guess he isn’t going In There for a while 
Hiding something behind your back, he isn’t even gonna face your direction while you hide it 
You cannot sneak up on him either 
When you try he will scare you by suddenly turning around and grabbing you 
On the other hand he has  scared and surprised you accidentally many times 
hope you enjoy and this inspires more fic to be written of bullfrog
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sexydoffyman · 6 months
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Phillip Graves
genre: smut
A lil TW: there's a bit of Stockholm syndrome.
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You weren't really an enemy of his. You didn't work under any organisation or army. But you did certainly mess things up for him. When he saw what you did, he understood that his downfall was not your goal. Your little attack didn't even look like a threat.
Really, he was wondering what it was about for a while. One revolver and a sniper rifle missing. One man dead. Three injured. 30k missing. Something that he doesn't want to overlook but is not that big of a deal due to the size of Shadow Company.
He first thought that there was a spy amongst his men who was gathering some stuff to attack. What bugged him about the whole situation was that two weeks' worth of food had also gone missing.
He figured that the person who did this must have been only gathering supplies needed for survival. The harmed soldiers just got in the person's way. After this little incident he started noticing you more and more often.
He always figured it was you. You left black burn-like marks on the ground, and everyone was killed in a similar way. Graves didn't make connections between these two cases at first because he expected you to kill mostly with your sniper. After looking a little more into it tho. He realised that you always used your teeth or a knife and then finished the person off with a revolver. The same way you killed one of his men.
He was intrigued by you.
He got lucky when he spotted you after running into a freshly killed man. You were about 60 meters away already. Fortunately for him, you were heading into a forest near the spot where your killing took place. He knew that forest, so he ran around you to not make you aware of his presence.
Once in the forest, you felt someone was watching you. In your years of experience, you learned to trust your instincts. And that's exactly what you did. You tried to hide behind a wide tree. You were looking all over the place while not making a sound.
Suddenly, you heard his footsteps. You made a run for it. Bushes scratching the skin of your forearms, air drying up your eyes. You ran for your life. You heard him getting closer as you frantically thought of a way to get away from him.
Unfortunately, you didn't think fast enough.
He jumped at you, pinning you below him. "Asshole", he laughs, putting a gun to your head. "You stole 30k from me." He says almost threateningly. "What about the poor man I killed?" You questioned his morals. "He is replaceable." He said with a little guilt in his eyes. You thought about it he wasn't completely heartless. Maybe you'd be able to get out of this forest alive.
"You gonna shoot that thing?" You provoked him. "You want me to?" "You're talking like you want something." He chuckled, looking over your form. "You took a body from me. It'd be only fair if you'd give me one." He paused and then added. "Just for a couple of minutes."
"Exchanging lives for sex?" You were back to questioning his morals. "You want to live?" He said it in a teasing voice. "Sounds like we have a deal." You chuckled yourself at the situation you ended up in.
He tore your pants off of you while pulling his dick out. He held the gun to your head and kept pushing your body to the ground while thrusting into you. He was fucking deprived. You shoved no signs of resist.
He liked that. You took whatever he threw at you. I assure you he'd never go easy on you after what you pulled. He just fucked the shit out of you. He caught himself thinking about how adorable you looked. Tears in your eyes, your face pushed against the wet dirt and bark of the dark forest.
He wasn't planning on being nice with you. You looked so fucking dumb. His dick stretching you as he finished inside of you.
Be more aware of your surroundings and make sure no one is watching you when you leave the scene. He gave you a fucking advice when he left. Cocky asshole.
Strangely, he started noticing a certain sniper covering for him on his missions. How adorable.
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bro-atz · 9 hours
bug bites [bro's 1k —seonghwa]
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in which: seonghwa's pissed as hell that you're being flirty with other guys.
pair: idol!seonghwa/mua!afab!reader
word count: 1.4k
content: smut, semi-public sex, a lil jealousy sex, unprotected sex (PLS REMEMBER TO WRAP UP IRL!), oral sex, consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
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Seonghwa knew that he had nothing to worry about, but he was still on edge when he saw you flirting with Jongho. He knew that you had to touch him for your job since you were literally one of the makeup artists, but he seriously did not like that Jongho was shooting you his cute, gummy smile and that you were making him laugh more and more.
You could feel Seonghwa’s glare on you intensify when you asked Jongho to close his eyes, the male smiling and nodding. You worked on touching up his eyelids, but a little bit of extra pigment landed on his cheekbone, and you immediately tried to blow it off him.
“Y/N, that tickles,” Jongho chuckled as his eyes fluttered open.
“Oh, my bad,” you responded sheepishly.
You heard something loud that made you flinch, and you immediately turned your head in the direction of the sound. It was Seonghwa, and he was standing with a crushed soda can in his hand. You made eye contact with him, and he didn’t even have to say or do anything— his glare said it all.
Come with me right now.
Quickly, you finished touching up Jongho’s makeup before excusing yourself to go to the bathroom.
You were on set for an outdoor music video shoot, so you had to walk pretty far to get to the park’s bathrooms. Just as you arrived, however, Seonghwa grabbed you and whisked you to the side of the building. He pinned you against the wall with one hand on the wall and one on your waist. His face was twisted in frustration, and he looked ready to rip you to shreds.
“Having fun, are we?” he asked, his words oozing with envy.
“Baby, what are you—”
“No. Don’t try to sweet talk your way out of this,” Seonghwa covered your mouth before you could say anything else. “You’re doing this intentionally, and you know it.”
He didn’t give you the chance to explain yourself. Keeping your mouth covered, he lowered his head to the nook of your neck and sucked your skin lightly at first, then with a little more intensity. You couldn't help but let out muffled protests because if he left a hickey on you, work was not going to end well for you at all. You held Seonghwa's wrist and tugged on it just enough for him to withdraw his hand.
"Seonghwa, I thought we were trying to not tell anyone we're together!" you hissed. "What do you think is going to happen now if we return to set?!"
"Then you should've thought twice before doing that in front of me," Seonghwa responded while tucking his fingers under your chin and tilting your head up. He leaned in close, his breath tickling your lips as he whispered, "I'm sure you can come up with an excuse for the mark."
You frowned before nodding, a smirk gracing his face before he pressed his lips against yours with so much force that the back of your head nearly hit the wall. You felt his grip on your waist tighten and his knee press into your crotch as he slipped his leg between yours. You ended up gripping Seonghwa's shoulders tightly when you felt his hand slip under your top, and you began to melt into his kisses and hot touch.
"B-Baby, wait," you pushed him away and gasped for air. "Your outfit... We can't ruin it— We still have to shoot."
"Then don't hold onto my shoulders, doll," Seonghwa murmured before bringing his lips to yours again. In between kisses, he continued, "As long as you listen to me, we shouldn't have any problems."
While inhaling deeply, Seonghwa grabbed your wrists and moved your hands so that they were on the back of his head. You ran your fingers through his hair and held on tightly as you continued kissing him, allowing him to move as he pleased. His hands, instead of going back up your shirt, slipped below the waistband of your pants and panties. His fingers quickly made their way to your cunt and began light scratching your folds as you moved your legs apart.
"Just like that, doll," Seonghwa said, his voice low. "Now, turn around for me."
You did as he asked, your hands pressing into the wall. He pulled your pants down just enough that your bare ass and wet pussy were exposed to the warm air, but your pants remained on the rest of your legs. You heard Seonghwa's pants unzip, and before long, you felt the tip of his penis rub against your folds.
"I don't want to hear a peep out of you, got it, doll?" Seonghwa whispered into your ear as he leaned closer to you.
You nodded and bit your lower lip as you anticipated his cock, but he continued to tease you for a bit— probably payback for whatever upset him earlier. You wanted to beg him for his cock, but he told you to keep quiet, and you were going to listen to him.
The second Seonghwa shoved his cock into you, you gasped, and it would've been loud had he not covered your mouth quickly. Once you relaxed, Seonghwa moved his hand away. He started to rut into you slowly, steadily, your body moving closer and closer into the wall with every thrust. You focused on your breathing to make sure you didn't make any noise, but every so often, Seonghwa would buck his hips upwards, and you would choke out a little moan.
At some point, his gentle ruts turned into insane thrusts that made your entire body react. You felt your fingers and toes get tingly, and your eyelids fluttered while your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You didn't say anything still, but when you gripped Seonghwa's forearms, he knew that you were close.
"Turn," Seonghwa ordered as he pulled out abruptly.
You nearly whimpered as you did so, the building pleasure starting to go down slightly, but when he pressed your back into the wall again and rushed two of his fingers into your tight cunt, you were losing it again. You bit your lower lip and grasped Seonghwa's shoulder as he fingered you vigorously. It was when his fingers rubbed against your G-spot just right did your vision go white. You did your best to keep your voice hushed as you moaned with pleasure, your walls fluttering uncontrollably as Seonghwa made you cum.
"You like that, doll?" Seonghwa asked, his smirk from earlier returning.
You nodded as your high wore off and your muscles relaxed.
"Is it bad I like it when you're mad at me?" you asked with a slight giggle. "It makes the sex so much better."
"Is that so?" Seonghwa chuckled. "Alright, if that's the case, then get on your knees, doll. We're not done here."
You sank to your knees before holding Seonghwa's cock. You stroked it lightly then pressed a couple of light kisses along the length, making the man inhale sharply. When you finally took the tip of his cock into your mouth, his patience snapped. He ran his fingers through your hair and began fucking your throat. You held onto Seonghwa's thighs as you did your best to keep your gags to a minimum; however, he was fucking you so forcefully that you couldn't help but.
"Fuck," Seonghwa groaned, his climax nearing. "You better swallow everything, doll."
Seonghwa let go of your head, and you pushed yourself way into him. You kept him in your mouth as he let out a low groan and came, his cock twitching as it spurt his pools of white into your mouth. You kept him in your mouth as you swallowed every single last drop of him before letting him out with a pop.
"Fuck, doll... You did so well listening to me," Seonghwa murmured as he brushed your messy hair out of your face. "You better fucking listen to me for the rest of this shoot, though."
"Of course, baby," you nodded and smiled at him while wiping the corners of your mouth.
Suddenly realizing the fact that the two of you had been away from set for a moment too long, you and Seonghwa quickly got situated. When you adjusted your clothes, you immediately shivered feeling your wet panties press against your sore pussy. A light blush spread across your face as the embarrassing realization that you were going to have to continue working with completely soiled panties overcame you.
"What's wrong, doll?" Seonghwa asked when he saw the stunned look on your face.
"My panties are soaked..."
"I wouldn't be worried about your panties if I were you."
"Huh? Why?"
Seonghwa tapped the part of your neck he left a kiss on earlier and said, "You should probably take care of this bug bite, first."
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bro's 1k event masterlist
@k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @hwallazia @yunhoszn
@nebulousbookshelf @starryriize @skteezcursed @yessa-vie @minkilicious
@sunshineangel-reads @dazzlingstarrs @dutchessskarma @yourlocaljonghoe @st4rhwa
@frobin4ever @sanhwajjong @certifiedmoa @therealcuppicake @yuyubeans
@hyunukitty @startlinglyoongi @hyukssunflower @chewyhotteoks @bsehindu
@dinossaurz @woomyteez @isiloiale @ywtfvs @nvdhrzn
@khjoongie98 @jaerisdiction @ninoshome1 @aaa-sia @tiredlittlevirgo
@preciouswoozi @woohwababes @wmewtew @yuyusgirl @exololyunho
@everythingboutkpop @bath1lda @bitejoongie @jen176pink @sousydive
@yyaurii @ateez-atiny380 @arabelleum @seeoonghwaa @oddracha
@wonuwrites @wyrated @flwrshwa @wooyoungqueen @luvt0kki
@oreoqueen @kiki277 @bakarilennox
apply for the permanent taglist here!
networks: @atzhouse @blossomnet @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet
@illusionnet @ksmutsociety @wonderlandnet
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bee-ina-boat · 7 months
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heres a collection of concept art for the rest of the entities for the mythos au!! if you're wondering where the eye is, they've been drawn already!
they are all FAR from done. keep in mind these are all just my initial concepts and i plan to do in-depth design sheets as i go to explore their designs more.
(also au context: the magnus mythos is an au where the entities are all gods, similar to various religious mythology, rather than paranormal entities that feed on fear)
design thoughts for each of them under the cut
The Web - God of Fate (she/it): im pretty happy with her design atm, shes meant to be a half spider half woman thing and i love that for her. shes probably the one ive thought the most on so far given her importance to the story. i want her to wear silks and shiny silver jewelry that just sparkles like wet spiderwebs do, not sure if im gonna keep the veil?
The Dark - God of the Dark (she/he/it): probably my weakest concept at the moment. it doesnt do the dark any justice. i mean i like the cloak idea but i want them to be very tendrilly, all consuming, shadowy, but i dont know how to properly portray them :/
The Desolation - God of Destruction and Fire (they/it): i have a neat vision for them! i want them to be made of coal and ash and smoke, to be burning and glowing on the inside, and their body is decorated with melted wax to look like clothes. not quiiiiiite sure about how their melty candle dress is now? i want it to be less constrictive
The Stranger - God of the Unknown and the Whimsical (he/she/they/it): it's meant to be this. weird wirey creature hidden behind masks and a lot of fabrics, like the framework of a poseable plush doll? i like the way the masks look but im not so sure about the body.
The Vast - God of the Above (she/he/they/it): im not so sure about his design at all im gonna be real. i want them to look like the atmosphere and be covered in clouds and have mountains for feet and an ocean cape but i feel like it might be a bit?? idk??? im just not that happy with it :/
The End - God of Death and Time (they/it): ugh i love this concept sm, making death read as less scary and more divine is so fun. theyre based on a seraphim and a sand timer,
The Buried - God of the Underneath (she/he/they/it): ANOTHER OF MY FAVORITES!!!! i love them. theyre inspired by hermit crabs!! and they have silver chains holding their shell to them. they look so endearing with their lil lopsided eyes ;; <3
The Flesh - God of the Body and Meat (she/he/they/it): i have so many ideas for the flesh y'all- im very excited to do a concept sheet for them. theyre meant to have no skin, just exposed bone and muscle, large limbs, hooves, exposed heart underneath a ribcage, teeth that close around their abdomen. white bandages that wrap around like clothes. a teeth/horn crown? i dont quite know whether to go for a more animalistic look or a more human one? like- theres so many ways to go with him idek!!!
The Hunt - God of Predators and Pride (they/it): see, i like this design but i feel like its too werewolf like? yknow? thats cool!! but itreads more monster to me than God :/
The Corruption - God of Nature, Rot, and Disease (she/they/it): i love this weird bug thing. this one i was really inspired for (mostly because. corruption aligned. so obviously im gonna think about this one alot) theyre this weird bug thing, the veil is inspired by the one from the art on the wiki! i want to maybe make them a bit more gross and weird because nature is like that sometimes, a moot on tiktok suggested that i add animal bones!! and i think thats SO smart im absolutely going too
The Spiral - God of the Incomprehensible (it/its): this weirdo is so hard to pin down istg. i imagine them as this spiral thing. body is kindof liquidy, arms are spindly and long, multiple shifting faces, overall just constantly changing and moving and like!!! how am i meant to draw that??? when my brain cant even wrap my head around what its supposed to look like yknow??? bruh jrdbhgfjdldgfh- that being said i think the main problem with the design is that it just gives me too many Michael vibes!!! is it the hair? the arms? its probably both.
The Lonely - God of Solitude and the Self (they/it): i like what this one has going so far! theyve got fog hair, fog tears, their body is meant to be splotchy like turquoise marble, i vibe with it so hard. not so sure what to do with their outfit tho :/
The Slaughter - God of War (he/they/it): another one of my more stronger designs i think! centaur with weapons sticking into them, face concealed, medieval armor and antlers- it vibes
the extinction isnt drawn because i literally have no idea what they should look like aside from color palette-
once again any and all suggestions will be taken!!!! i need ideas!!! plese!!!!
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ticklepinions · 7 months
Everytime I come back here I get a fun lil story!!!!
So! Where to even begin!???
My friend and I were having a sleep over and we are like really physically affectionate, so during our nightly cuddles they were rubbing my back. Next thing I know my back is arching and I let out a screech. So I'm there dumbfounded and my friend is obviously confused but pauses and says "oh did that tickle you?"
Ah! No! (Yes-) what caused me to uh squeal was my friend started "walking" their fingers up and down my spine- when I tell you that shit tickles like crazy-
Anyways!!!! You'd think today was better but NO! There was so. Much. Tickling. Idk what it was but my entire friend group must've been bitten by the tickle bug cause what even was today-
It started with one friend poking me- (while I was minding my own business btw!) and me retaliating. To then me subsequently getting chased (and if you know me you know I PANIK because I cannot stand being chased and I freeze and scream and all that fun stuff). Then getting my arms forcibly raised above my head while ANOTHER friend comes and pokes the living daylights out of my sides, stomach and ribs. All the while the rest of our friend group watched and one even recorded the ordeal- 😀😀😀😀😀😀
I swore my revenge so stay tuned I guess....
Oh!!!! You thought that was it!? HAHAHA. No!
There's more!
All in the same day!! My friends (like 5 of us altogether) are all hanging out and one of them throws their legs over my lap. Another friend comes up to us and starts doing the egg crack thingy to us. Yes it tickles me but not enough to make me really laugh. But my other friend! Oh boy he was already begging! The friend who pinned my arms in the above story suggested we tickle him. And tickle we did. I was in charge of holding a leg and tickling his stomach and sides. Y'all the laughter- the joy- it was just- words can't describe it actually. But imagine 4 of your friends holding you down and like tickling the shit out of you.
Long story short, I did get revenge on one of my friends and I got help pinning him down and just going to town with the tickles. The funniest thing is everyone was relying on me to know his tickle spots (yeah I'm the resident tickle monster please don't shame me 😔). He was acting all stoic and tough and claiming he's not ticklish. And he almost got away with it, I was poking and scribbling his ribs which would normally work but he held it in pretty well. But I knew under his arms/uppermost rib was a good spot. Once I got there- his facade dropped instantly. He genuinely burst out in surprised laughter and started flailing everywhere. We even challenged him to 20 seconds of tickling- which he agreed to!?!? I was trying to tickle his ankles and unprompted he's like "feet are my most ticklish spot". Thank you. You sweet friend o mine for revealing that info. With permission I took his shoe off and started tickling. He scrunched his eyes, turning redder every second but the minute I reached his toes he was cackling again.
And that pretty much was it- my favourite part aside from the tickles was just the consent, trust and mutual respect we all had for each other. Once someone said stop we did. We gave them breaks and time to catch their breaths. We made sure we weren't hurting them or making people uncomfortable by holding them down, like it was just so great to see???? Like wow basic human decency exists?!!! And in MY friend group? Chefs kiss dawg, sloppy style.
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gyubby99 · 11 months
@disneyanddisneyships oh i just thought of a VERY angsty idea
What if there was another time Mal confronted Alastor in the au where he cheated? But this time, it was for him letting Theo go to a duel at nineteen??
Like what if Mal, during that, turned into her full demon form and she was almost unrecognizable because of it? Like she was a fucking wild animal because she lost control of everything? Like my characterization of Mal is that she is holding back a lot of grudge in her life. She was a murderer in life so if she gets angry, she forgets control of herself and just loses it. She has a lot of pent up anger to those men she killed that was probably sent down there.
And she loved Theo. Emma was hurt as well. (In this au i think they are dating ok im changing things in my head) and Theo was too sweet for hell. He deserved to be in heaven. But he died before he got to do that.
Not to mention aponi..
A mother's heartbreak is one thing i wouldn't even wish upon my worst enemy.
Aponi was so, SO broken. That boy was all she had after al cheated.
So mal, knowing all of this, had a lot of rage in her.
She was determined to dethrone him.
She could stand a chance, but Alastor has more experience. She knows that.
But she's still willing to try
So she transforms in this demon form, her eyes glowing. She forgot about how she used to be friends with him. She set that aside because he's nothing but a prick to her now.
And there's a fight scene in my head where Mal in her full demon form just flies towards him, pinning him against the wall as she basically drools, and then alastor pushes her off, still trying to reason with her because he still loves aponi and knows that mal is her friend.
Then yk that Ray vs. Dr. Facilier's shadows scene before he died?
Al charges his shadows at her only for her to kick them or some sort of thing like that because her legs glow and stuff (also she fights them off with her eyes)
Then she charges against Alastor again.
Alastor then pulled the whole tentacles thing but she was quick as a bug. One tentacle caught her, but she cut it off, still focusing on Alastor.
Alastor felt a little.. nervous around her for the first time. Her rage was.. interesting.
Entertaining, even.
He was done reasoning with her and decided to just turn into his demon form as well.
Now Mal would've been scared, but in her mind was aponi's face when she collapsed on the ground crying, Emma locking herself up in the room, and more importantly, Theodore.
She knew once he was serious she wouldn't stand a chance
But she felt like for those three, she could atleast try.
Then another fight sequence. Mal does the "eye trick" but it never blinded him, it just sent him tumbling back a little. So, quick as a bug she took a chance
But Alastor was quicker and summoned a holy knife in his hands, but it wasn't to kill her. It was to scare her. She can heal from HIS attacks, so she was fearless. She's a sinner. Dead alone can't kill the dead. But with a holy equipment, you can.
.....but mal was too blinded by her anger like a wild animal lost in control and still drove straight to him, and Al, holding the knife, had stabbed her. In the gut, I think. She shrieks in pain, but still wrapped her hand around his neck. But it was no use. It was holy.
But Alastor still was in his full form, grinning as he'd won.
...not until Aponi walked into the scene. Then Al realized what he'd done.
He caused her another heartbreak.
But what was he meant to do?
Like, not completely hamilton but kinda following the story but with a very angsty twist i made up in my head lmfao
Also to add: this is one of the main parts of the reason why Vox killed Alastor. Cause Vox as both burr and jefferson... would be a lil weird because alastor endorsed vox to win against.. vox! So i think Your Obedient Servant would be very more interesting if this is what drove vox to kill alastor >:)
To each their own, though but this is my own lol
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sciderman · 1 year
deadpool and dudebro-ness just dont mash up. i think it's hilarious how straight men use him as an inc*l symbol or whatever. he's literally so fruity... i know he's not always depicted that way, but even in the movies they made him a lil gay
he is so consistently fruity but in a haha silly goofy way
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i think wade's kind of always been inspired by, like, bugs bunny and those sorts of screwball figures - and so the sexuality and gender play is kind of to do with his unpredictability and whatnot - you can't pin him down, he's crazy. is he fruity or just zany? haha hehe hoho he's so craaazy.
always obsessed with niceiza's weird freak take on wade. fed me for years.
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fact is all these zany screwball characters are non-binary. bugs bunny is non-binary. wade wilson is non-binary. they're all non-binary sorry it's right there in the text.
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filthgarbage86 · 1 year
content: himbo!eddie, innocent/inexperienced with ladies!eddie, fluff, hyperfeminine themes, mentions of weed, teeth-rotting sweet fluff
Imagine coming home from an event or something, fully glammed up, and you walk into Eddie’s trailer. It’s a very funny contrast but it made since for you, plus you thought the trailer was cozy and nice to come back to after a night out.
Imagine Eddie on the couch, watching some horror movie for the umpteenth time, the room smelling strong of the joint he was working on before you walked in. He turns his dazed out eyes to you and gives you a dopey lil smile. “Hiya babyyy”
You giggle a little bit “hiiii eddiieee”, teasing him with his tone. “Give me one second, I have to go wash up”
You head towards the bathroom and Eddie follows you. You had been gone all day and then all night with work and then friends, so it makes sense he was ready to just be with you and sharing space with you.
Once you’re both in the bathroom and Eddie has wrapped his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder, you start your night routine - the full night routine. And Eddie is just standing there staring at you.
He knew you did a lot at night to get ready, hell you left most of your creams and products on the counter, but he’d never watched you do this, or any girl for that matter, he didn’t have much experience.
You start with easy stuff, taking out earrings, letting down/out your hair and the million bobby-pins. And then, you go for your falsies (eyelashes) and Eddie stands up straight-
You look at Eddie through the mirror confused and then you looked at your falsies and started giggling again. Eddie was so lost in your giggling because to him, it looked like you just ripped all your eyelashes off. He turned you sideways by your shoulders so you could face him and he could look at your eyes.
“Eddie, honey, I’m okay! They’re just false eyelashes, they’re not real! Look” and you hold out your hand to the small caterpillar looking thing. His eyes looked like they were gonna bug out of their sockets at any point, his eyebrows still scrunched.
“This isn’t just because I’m high- you’re really holding a fake EYELASH right?”
You can’t stop giggling. Oh my gods not only is he discovering false eyelashes for the first time, but he’s finding out about them high. No wonder he’s having a hard time understanding it.
“Yes baby, look. To put them on, you put a little bit of eyelash glue on them and you stick them to your eyelids”
“Does it hurt to take them off?”
“No not at all! Here I still have one more, you can take it off. Just gently pull it off and place it in my hand.”
He looks at you like you just asked him to commit murder with you. He takes a deep breath “you promise it doesn’t hurt?”
“I pinky promise, Teddie”
Once you two link pinkies, he slowly raises his hands to your face, one hand holding your cheek and the other going towards your eye. You are astonished by how gentle Eddie is being. He carefully pinches the eyelash, and starts pulling away, slower than a sloth at first and then before he knew it, it was off. He makes sure to place the eyelash in your hand.
“See! Not scary or painful at all!” you give him a little kiss on his cheek and put your hand on his face now, dragging your thumb along his cheek to rub in the kiss. He melts into your hand and is just admiring you with big doe eyes
“Girls do that every time they get fully dressed up?”
“Some girls! Some girls do it everyday”
“EVERYDAY? They put glue and fake eyelashes on their eyes everyday?”
“Yes Eddie”
“That’s metal. You’re metal babe, wow” and you’re once again giggling at your easily impressed boyfriend.
You both return to your original stances with his arms around your waist and you finish up your routine. You’re smiling thinking and a thought occurs to you-
If Eddie thought that fake eyelashes were metal, what else was he going to think was hardcore that girls just.. do?
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the-clay-quarters · 8 days
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Okay this took me three days bcus I spent Way too long thinking about it but! here's my guys in @t6fs' template!
The only bit of this that was left blank for non character reasons is the dreams- I avoid all the dream cards in game to avoid nightmares, so I don't really know the vibes oops. Oh, and the key items are distinctive things they carry regularly, excluding things they'd own at home. Otherwise, detail bits under the cut! I ended up with a lot of notes and wanted to ramble, it's really fuckin long <3
"His" pet is Pembroke's Half-Wild Mandrake (from bag a legend). They both agree that it is still hers, it's just hard to take care of in the middle of the city so it lives out with him. Otherwise, he keeps no pets.
Apathetic but also opinionated: On most things, he's very apathetic, simply agreeing with other people's decisions. On the other hand, though, he is strongly revolutionary and aiming for a lot of change... Not that he'd tell you that, not that you should know.
Dreams: It's canon that clay men can't dream :( No rights
Habitat: He likes being out and about, he spends most of his day out in the streets. He does a lot of "low skill" but high strength work, like moving services or construction.
Both hot/cold and coffee/tea are Neither for clay man reasons: Very high and cold temperatures cause him issues in different, equally annoying ways, and he can't eat/taste either, so no preference on food or drink.
Items: The gloves are clay stained, actually, and primarily on the inside. He started collecting first city coins for heart's desire and just has a habit of keeping some on him now. Horse head amulet... fear of death and uncertainty about the particulars of clay men :)
Flower, white rose: Did you know all the funky coloured roses (ie blue or rainbow) are made by dying white ones? :)c
Animal, saint bernard: Big but fairly gentle and lazy, would be a guard dog if asked but is mostly content to just sit
Element, rock slide: Change! Upheaval! Rocks :3
The pet is her hunting dog, lovely lil thing <3 She doesn't keep many pets as she's a very busy person (and wouldn't want to put that on her poor housekeeper) but a good dog is always useful.
Rude-polite range is because she defaults to, and is usually, quite polite but often is also overcome with the need to be an absolute lil shit. Duality of man <3
Lodgings: Rooms above an ex-bookshop, now her tailoring shop!
Enemies: See: habit of being a chaotic lil shit. Apparently people don't like it when you think their party is too boring and try to spice it up smh
Items: A wedding ring with no match. A pocket watch to keep a tight schedule. A weapon of some sort, picked from a diverse collection. A travel sewing kit for rogue buttons and popped stitches. A hat pin, back up weapon :)
Flower, green dahlia: .......This one's mostly a pun off of Delia ngl
Animal, borzoi: Fancy and elegant looking, but still a hunting dog. Pretty but vicious~
The pet listed is a frost-moth but they have so. many. bugs. The phosphorescent scarabs are also pets. They have spiders. They keep any and every type of bug to either study or have as a pet. Please never visit their flat if you don't like bugs.
Gender: Bureaucratic misunderstanding. They filled out various forms wrong when they were first travelling to the neath, rolled with the neutral pronouns, realised they like it more than they probably should, and simply refused to think about that at all
Logic-emotion range is them trying to lead with logic but also having high anxiety
Lawful-chaotic and apathetic-opinionated are also anxiety, honestly. Though, for the latter, they are just quiet about their more out-there opinions, especially in the realm of politics. It's a culture thing kinda sorta, if I get into that here it'll add like 3 paragraphs at least.
Cultural identity: Catalan! Very proud of that! But won't default to that and will usually say they're Spanish. I can't get into that for the exact same reasons as the last point oops
Allies: This guy ☝ is depressed and isolating themself
Remember vs forget: When you're this far from home, your culture comes just from your own memories that you can't afford to lose. But also fuck wouldn't it be nice to simply forget the things causing you anxiety.
Items: Big round glasses to counter their shortsightedness. Bugs. Anti spider goggles that aren't prescription, both because they were originally lent and because they don't usually need to see very far with them on. Catholic rosary, worn under their shirt. Bugs. Surface currency, specifically Spanish pesetas, sent from their parents. Bugs. Bugs. More bugs.
Flower, forget me nots: Blue, anxiety coded, pretty <3
Animal, mantis: Awkward looking, vibes <3 Also, specifically hierodula papua bcus it's blue!
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blackstarchanx3new · 6 months
Red's characterization is frustratingly inconsistent (based on the viz translation)
So I tried to do a "Red centric" FS reading the other day and honestly:
Red as a character lowkey pisses me off the more I think about him.
Trying to write him doing ANYTHING in FSR just, breaks my brain because: What character does he actually HAVE?
Because I can list a fuck ton of his traits, but none that remain consistent and reliable character traits that I can make into a rule set for me to follow to write him properly and which rules I could BREAK depending on the scenario.
I'mma admit this rn: This might be extremally bad faith reading and I'll admit that with my whole chest but it just bugs me the further I try to think about characterizing him.
Buuuut on the other hand. Venting my frustrations might help me get a grasp on what he's MEANT to be like and that'd be useful.
TLDR: I genuinely think Akira has no fucking clue what they were doing with him and I think he's the worst written Link of the set of four/Shadow Link. (This admittedly could also fall hugely on the fault of the translation team too with botched dialogue.)
And I even hypothesis they cut a whole chapter about him for time. (We'll get to that)
Full rant:
Okay. So you'd think this idiot would be pretty simple to figure out.
There's a lil page dedicated to each Link describing their traits, which are all pretty accurate. (This to my knowledge i only in the legendary???)
EXCEPT IN MY OPINION, RED'S. (Green's too but maybe I'll get into Green at a later time...)
His is just. Wrong. Upfront wrong depending on how you read his character...Which...is imo inconsistent based on the canon events of the story.
Let's go down the list of traits from this page
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Easygoing - this is accurate since he takes the mission the least bit seriously between the four and gives everyone silly nicknames.
Bright- ...I'm going to assume this is in reference to his personality being "Optimistic" not his intelligence, as we'll get into soon.
Innocent - ...I have some counter arguments to this one but go off I guess. He's SUPOSIVELY more innocent than the other 3.
Simpleminded - again there is a shit ton to suggest the opposite, but well, get into that shit.
So, depending on how you read the word "bright," there are already inconsistencies with "simple-minded" (I'm trying real damn hard not to be obtuse as fuck here but I'm a stickler for wording...)
So for the "innocent" thing...okay this one particularly rubs me the wrong damn way. Because of a few diffent things.
Let's go over smth first:
Identifying the links, you can always tell its red in a panel due to his even screen tone tunic and white sleeves.
Blue has a gradient that goes almost black with screen toned sleeves. Green also has an even screen tone but black sleeves, and Vio has a noise screentone with white sleeves.
Now, Red's "Innocence" or imo lack there of.
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Now thought bubbles are hard to pin to anyone specific without like, tails to lead to characters. The fs manga is guilty of not having proper word bubbles often or pointing at the wrong damn character. But here were lead to think the one who assumed the knights were dead were Red and Green. Green starting the thought and red finishing it here.
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Red is the first one willing to stab who they assume to be very close people to them. Green as we know is the one NOT willing to fight and rather just defend himself.
So much for "innocent"
Tangent time: I'm not unconvinced the screen tone artist didnt fuck up here, and this was meant to be Blue, but...uh that's not what it ended up being
It's hard to tell because the eyebrows could be either red or blues from my guess.
Until coloring the first volume of manga I ALWAYS ASSUMED this was Blue.
It's for sure not vio or green since their eyebrows are nearly always blonde/not filled in while Reds are thin but occasionally have a bit more thickness, especially when giving heavier expressions. And if this was meant to be Blue. It would be a bit on the thinner side but would match way more personality wise.
Further on the whole "innocence thing"
Wtf was all this shit
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Like...I get it. It's for comedy haha. But it just feels so out of character for him this scene just ends up annoying me.
Like it makes him feel so fake. It makes ALL HIS PREVIOUS AND SCENES HERE ON OUT FEEL FAKE.
His tears feel so crocodile considering he doesn't cry when stabbing someone he assumes to be his friends and does THIS SHIT immediately after assuming blue is MAYBE DEAD???
Seriously I kind of hate this scene it feels so two-faced, out of character, and mean-spirited for no fucking reason.
I get it. It was a joke haha. But why the fuck is he joking around and being a goof when his response to green possibly being dead TWICE was to panic and cry and be terrified for real. Why am I meant to take one seriously and not the other from a character standpoint.
From a character stand point: it just feels like he gives less of a shit Blue is in danger/dying vs Green and considering later character interactions I don't think that's meant to be cannon/intentional. (He also calls out to green exclusively on occasions so like...Again was this on purpose or on accident...)
I'm just not a fan of writing characters shittily and out of character for the sake of comedy that doesn't even land.
From a character context: it just looks like he doesn't give a shit about blue here. Which, fine write him mad blue has been a dick but this feels like such the wrong way to go about it to me. Idk.
Onto his intelligence:
Imma be real it feels like he just is only smart when the writing needs him to be for plot reasons and not for characterization reasons.
His intelligence fluctuates so damn much it drives me insane. He's either dumb as a brick or literally smarter than vio, and there's no in-between or reason behind why. It's not like he's good at certain things and dumb as fuck at other things it's literally just because Akira pulls it out of their asses and said so and that kind of writing especially character based pisses me off. 😭
Examples of red being smart:
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I don't have a problem with Red having intelligence of his own, but they had to give vio 1 functional brain cells for this scene to work the way it did. Like red can be smart, it'd be great if he was in some instances! It'd even make sense they're all dumb at some shit or excel at others. That'd make them a good well rounded team!
Vio randomly being shit at directions would be a hilarious character trait.
IS this why he gets lost in the tower of winds? Idk if that's a genuine intentional writing reason, but I'm going to assume/head cannon. Imma say that's why, for my own sanity and making this scene make any sense. But i shouldn't have to justify vio being an idiot here with head cannons.
I'd have loved for a scene where Vio over thinks to shit about smth and red is just like "lol the answer is just this silly" but red and vio literally never speak sooooo...thats off the table.
That almost feels like that's what this was trying to be but just...failed at.
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He randomly grows a brain again in the temple of darkness. But it just feels so out of nowhere, considering how he's such an idiot most of the book. Like his competent moments, feel SO out of character in comparison.
Like I can see what I THINK they were trying to do with him but it just doesn't land. It just feels like he randomly grows a brain every so often instead of always having one but he he just lags behind the other three in terms of other contexts.
What i think they were going for is "red IS smart. He IS capable. He just needs to be in the right scenario for it to shine. He has such a unique mindset compared to the other three and hes a valuable team mate"
What it comes OFF as... is bad writing.
Onto his like "crybaby" persona the manga and the Fandom itself likes to fall back on
I've touched on it but it feels so fake.
Like I genuinely cannot tell if this is meant to be a character trait I second guess but it's thrown out the window all the damn time.
-him stabbing that one knight with no fucks given really
-him quickly getting over blue being frozen in lue of a stupid joke
Okay let's see when he DOES CRY...
Virtually all the damn time but here's smth I noticed:
He doesn't cry when shadow dies lmfao.
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But he does when they kill random rock babies.
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Yeah sorry but that rubs me the wrong way too.
Like Reds whole reaction and facial expressions to shadow dying just gives "I wonder if we're having Wendy's of McDonald's later"
Like I think most people are too distracted by vidow to notice that shit but it's so off-putting from a guy who will take the change to bust out the water works at any given change doesn't shed a damn tear when a version of himself kicks the damn bucket.
Not even a reaction to vio being upset about it. Like wtf.
This is what I mean about him being inconsistent. Literally the entire manga is just "He does x sometimes but not other times when you think he would" I genuinely cannot find rhyme or reason to half his character traits and it drives me up a wall. There's no consistency to ANY OF IT and it just leaves this sense of fakeness and it rubs me such the wrong way.
One last thing:
I'm pretty sure he had a cut chapter centered around Red.
I don't have concrete evidence but here's smth i noticed:
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This is the last time we see him before his next apearance
And then...suddenly. THIS IS HIS NEXT APEARANCE:
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I'm sorry WHAT.
He has a fairy. They've apparently been looking for the other three. TELEPORTATION IS JUST A THING WITHOUT EXPLANATION???
Like, Wtf????
What my opinion?
And SUDDENLY later Red's all like "I'm so independent!😇 "
If you want what I THINK happened in this hypothetical cut:
Red got away from the towns people and ran into the fairy, and Shadow shape shifted out of being that kid that stole his shit.
Because like...I never knew that kid was meant to be shadow Link until someone pointed that out as a possibility because...Literally I thought Red having his sword and shield gone after he left the waterfall was an art error and not because of the kid.
Like the fact that is even up for debate whether or not that kid was shadow or it could be misinterpreted is a flaw in the writing imo but whatever.
Like it was never solidly conformed. There's evidence but it wasn't stated/shown directly and having the idea Shadow can shapeshift to THAT DEGREE is very interesting/cool lore. (We know he can look like green/Link but still. Would have been nice concrete powers around him he can be random ass people too and he's not bound to being just Link.)
If you think about it:
Green got the Pyramid segment
Vio gets the whole shadow link subplot
and Blue gets the temple of darkness.
Wtf does red get. He gets tacked on in the temple of darkness KIND OF but that felt like it was ONLY because he didn't get his own chapter and they had to mash Blue and Red's arcs together making both of their arcs WEAKER. And it just, annoys me idk.
Aaaaanywaaaay. That's my rambling nonsense.
I think with the idea of what they were TRYING TO DO with Red's character I can get a better grasp of where to take him in FSR.
It's so hard to describe why Red gives me "uncanny valley" vibe in his characterization but I hope I did a decent job explaining my thoughts.
You probably noticed: When smth about red doesn't make any fucking sense. I try to rationalize it. But I don't think there was any thought behind a lot of what he does. Which is why it makes me annoyed. 😭
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whumpbug · 3 days
hiya bug!!! in offering to your writer's slump, just a small scene: could I get gene watching cassidy twirl in a skirt while entertaining the lil kiddos? just the snapshot moment, what goes through his mind?
HIYA!! this was such a fun and silly request (albeit a bit short) i absolutely adored writing it! if you have any more, pls dont hesitate to send em my way! they're a real big help! the more the merrier!
now. pls enjoy these silly cowboys. character info here!
Silver McCoy was a confusing fellow.
He could shoot a man dead in cold blood one minute, and prance around the town square in a lady’s gown the next.
Gene watched from slightly behind the general store as a small crowd of children from the orphanage formed around Cassidy.
He was clad in a frilly, ruffled dress that he undoubtedly stole from the boutique. It was mint green with a big hoop skirt and satin bows pinning up the petticoat, and.. well, it suited him strangely well. It was draped loosely over his regular clothing, and he even made a point to stand on his tip-toes as if he was wearing high-heeled shoes.
He was dancing to the banjo that resounded in the air, courtesy of Old Man Allen, who seemed to be having an equal measure of giddy fun. Cassidy's own pinch-front hat was sitting atop one of the young girl’s heads as she dramatically bowed in front of Cassidy.
“May I have this dance, ma’am?” She giggled, trying to speak from her lower chest voice.
Cassidy replied with his voice pitched all the way up, rather ridiculously. “Why, ‘course you can, mister!”
The two broke out into a swing as the crowd squealed in excitement. The children clapped along to the banjo as it got louder. At some point, Cassidy had picked up the little girl and was swinging her ‘round and ‘round, much to her delight.
He took turns dancing with the rest of the kids, even sitting some of the littler ones on his hip so he could spin them until they were all dizzy.
He suddenly feigned exhaustion, flopping spectacularly to the ground. The kids all shrieked and flocked to his crumpled form right away, only to be startled when he suddenly sat up and snatched one of the toddlers, tickling his sides before hopping back to his feet and continuing his earlier antics.
The whole sight made Gene feel warmth bloom in his chest that he hadn’t felt in a long time. He had to admit, the kids looked happier than they had in months. That wasn’t nothing.
When Mrs. Clark, the seamstress, stomped out of her shop to rip Cassidy a new one for taking one of her dresses, Gene slipped a bill into her palm that she couldn’t argue with.
The kids deserved to have fun just a little longer.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
How PM members react to you telling them you like being tickled
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We're skipping Mori bc just no-
With that new information, it's like a switch gets triggered and enter his tickle monster form.
"Run" is the only word he gives you.
He gets a kick out of chasing you down the hallways.
Once he catches you, he'll trap you in a bear hug and his hands will dig all over your torso as he whispers sweet teases into your ear.
"Aww, is this sensitive?~ Haha! Was that a snort? Do it again!~"
If anyone even dares to make fun of your interest in tickling, even if there's no ill intent behind it, he can and WILL kill them. We love a respectful man.
Finds it very adorable.
Would never say it to your face bc eww vulnerability.
Will take any opportunity to give you surprise tickles. Your backs turned? Her nails lightly run down your spine. Surprise hip squeeze bc she felt like it, etc.
You're never safe when in close proximity, not like you mind~
"Oh... what's that?" cue that bug-eyed expression of his in bsd wan.
My boy has no fucking clue what tickling is so you have to explain it to him, maybe even demonstrate it-
"I see..." he wouldn't tell you directly, but he finds it hella adorable.
"So... like this?" very shy ler at first, but once he gets the hang of it he becomes the cockiest motherfucker.
"What's wrong? Can't handle a little bit of tickling?~" that 'lil shit-
On God don't let him find out you told Atsushi too, or the two of them will compete to see who's the better tickler, not that you'd mind that though~
She boutta feel more embarrassed than you from how cute that whole moment was.
Very shy when asking if she can tickle you, her shyness makes you feel a bit better about it.
Very clumsy ler too, pls help her
With her new knowledge, she probably now wonders if Akutagawa is ticklish too-
He can and will ask if he can tickle you like a shy school boy.
Surprisingly gentle and always asks if you're enjoying it, which is embarrassing-
"Am I doing this right...?"
Bonus points if you guide his hands and give him pointers on what techniques to use on which spots.
Unlike Akutagawa, she is more cultured when it comes to tickling.
She finds it very endearing that you trusted her enough with something so intimate.
Very gentle but y'know, she sneaky, so expect surprise tickles constantly.
And her fingers are very agile which makes it even better worse
The whole tickling ordeal would make him feel very nostalgic (if y'know, y'know) except now he has the upper hand.
I can imagine he was constantly at the receiving end of tickles. But now he has someone who willingly allows themselves to get tickled.
Loves the feeling of power he gets now that you gave him this info. Will constantly pin you down and go to town on your spots.
He'd probably feel ecstatic that finally someone let's him tickle them willingly.
Probably doesn't know what he's doing but is okiee you'll guide him, even if it's embarrassing going into detail on how he should tickle.
Will constantly try to sneak up behind you and taze your sides or smth, but will usually ask if he can full-blown tickle you
Finds it very cute.
Will take any opportunity to torment you.
If you're trying to reach something on a high shelf, his hands will shoot under your arms. Not looking? A quick hip squeeze. Casually resting on the couch? He can and will jump on you and go to town.
He's just a tickling menace, but he does keep your boundaries in mind.
As a man with a lot of kids running around, he knows exactly how to tickle you.
He don't even bother asking, he just goes straight to the action.
And if you dare complain, he will pull the "but you like it" card
He's the type of ler that would tease you without trying.
"Your hips are so sensitive when I pinch them like this..." just a mere observation, while you die under his wiggly fingers-
Ango: @nataliewritez
That was probably the first time you've ever seen him smile so warmly.
He finds it very adorable and doesn't try to hide his excitement.
Will ask if he can tickle you like the gentleman he is and will respect your boundaries.
But that won't stop him from teasing you to oblivion.
"Aww, did I hit a good spot? Your reactions are adorable~"
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threepoint14art · 3 months
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i hate them!!! some (a lot of) extra stuff under the cut!
First of all, if anyone needs a visual for their height difference:
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if you think loon is too short reconsider because that's my height lmao- Also! female scorpions tend to be larger than male ones and therefore when translated to human beings girls that r scorpions tend to be tall. So height difference fucks owynn up a little bitttt, dysphoria demon that only a few people are really aware of but whats public perception against the demon in ur head
Second of all fake twitter is so funny you guys, have this
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third of all, actual details about some stuff ToT
Owynn's last name comes from an ecuadorian local legend called "father almeida" which is about a priest who fled church a lot to go drink, and one day he just got haunted by the image of his dead self on a casket. Since I made him ecuadorian, a lil crazy about his past self being "dead" (the one that was friends with freddy) and because he has a lot of religious bs on his brain, i thought that was fitting!
Loon's last name is guadalupe for la virgen de guadalupe beecauseee fun fact! ladybugs are "the bug of the lady", since they are pest control and a lot of farmers prayed to Mary to help their crops get protected!
Loons twitter handle is a reference to how whenever i want to look up a picture of a ladybug for reference i get jumped by that 3d girl
Owynn has a blue tie because he's school council! vice president (Malva is the president)
Loon's jealousy stat is not necesarely getting jealous in an inherently romantic way, he's just an incredebly jealous guy by virtue, is jealous of everyone else for being better than him and whatnot, that's just his default
Loon has matching earrings with Malva, has them both as his lockscreen, and has a rabbit charm on his backpack. Best friends!!!!!
Loon carries an extra shirt because he always ruins his! "how?" you might ask. Well you know how i always draw him near a mental breakdown? Well when ladybugs are scared they have something called reflex bleeding, which means they literally just start bleeding, horrible fact this guy also does that! rip
The pins and the styrofoam thing in owynn's stuff are steel insect pins and a mounting spreading board!!! he likes to pin insects, which for anyone who doesn't know is like taxidermy but for little guys, he just has those in hand in case he finds something cool
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relax-and-read-on · 1 year
Mortarion is my favourite boy, so can i please get various shipping headcanons? (the boy needs a hug from Sanguinius complete with wings wrapping around him)
Oh honey you just hit my FAV poor lil meow meow!!!
Mortarion, and how he would work in various ships (chaos edition)
Magnus: Magnus/Morty is the most delicious enemy to lover. There is a thousand possible scenario for those two! Magnus seeking the second most powerful psycher in the family, Mortarion having to deal with witches... There is so much things to write about them! They would balance each other quite nicely too, with Magnus hopeful optimism and Mortarion pragmatism coming up to a more even result. Tho, I think my all time fav scenario, of how they could get together, is this: what if as a child, Mortarion send out a psychic distress signal as he was abused by Necare? And what if that signal was picked up by kid magnus, and a strange, long distance relationship started?
Alpharius Omegon: The hardest one for me to figure out. I can see them being fascinated by how unwillingly Mort is being used by the Imperium, or maybe them being assigned together in the hope their tactic rub off on Mortarion and he get less causality. Sorry, I'm running a bit dry here.
Horus: Horus is, canonically, one of the two primarch Mort has any attachment too. I usually see them as having more of a big bro/lil bro relationship, but it could easily be Mortarion pinning away at him too. Or Horus having that sweet secret romance! You can add some drama to it, and make it so that Mortarion is *Horus* side pieces, and he feel like trash about it. He wants! To be loved!
Angron: Mortarion has the best apothecary, and hate slavery. The Emperor could have given him to Mort in an attempt to help, and I feel like,at the very least, Morty would have been able to find drugs good enough to calm him down a bit, or ease his pain a bit. Angron would have probably seen a friend too in Mortarion, someone that was chained to the Imperium, and who also held no illusion toward their role.
Lorgar: You have unlocked my secret fav crackpair hehe. It's actually, so, so easy to ship them: you make Mort realise that Kor is a piece of shit. Mortarion, with his hatred of abusive dad, would start to do everything to protect Lorgar. And our sweet Urizen would look at him with bug eyes like "is this affection?? I now love you mind, body and soul." They would be a violently intense pairing, that swing between wild fight and incredible tenderness. And if you want to add spice? Lorgar can worship him, as someone choose by nurgle. Nurgle, being a deity of fertility on Colchis, would probably mean sexy time, wich would make their relationship EXTRA messy. All in all, 11/10 one of my fav.
Fulgrim: Fulgrim/Mort is actually really not that far fetch! First of all, they both adore Konrad, so that is a nice starting point. Following that, you basically just need them to sleep together once. Fulgrim, being himself, would make it the most amazing of time, and poor touch starved Morty would be hooked. Completely smitten. Not only that, but while he thing that all the fancy manners of Fulgrim might be for show, he would absolutely respect his working man background and admire his talent at making things. Fulgrim would also adore plumping him up, and pampering this poor, broken soul.
Perturabo: Another one of my guilty pleasure! Take the two big bitter resentful bastard, and see what happen!!! They would annoy the hell out of each others, and yet, they are SO similar. I want Perturabo to talk about birds, while Mortarion show him rare flowers. I want them to be their best and their worst together. The kind that hurt one another, but can't stay away. Toxic in all the right way.
... and Konrad: Listen. LISTEN. If GW is gonna write in the codex that those two are best friends, and then NEVER MAKE THEM INTERACT.... Then it's free real estate, I don't care. They are besty. They know each others secret hobbies. Mortarion enjoy Konrad weird bones craft, and Konrad is touched by the array of carnivorous plants he's gifted with. They cuddles, because no one really get them like each others. They have this tense friendship, like so many queer youngster had. The one were you aren't sure if it's friendship or attraction, were you kind if want to kiss the other, but knowing that it would change everything between you two, you stay put. They see each others at their worst, and only love the other more for it. I adore them. My precious.
I'll come with a loyalist list soon ;)
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