#his gap moe is absolutely insane
headache-haven · 9 months
i cannot stress enough how welt yang is literally the character ever . 
he's well over 80 years old . he has an adopted son . he's been in wars and has died several times . he knows a little too much about mecha anime . he used to teach history . he cannot sleep because of The Fucking Voices . he's even bisexual .
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mikakuna · 20 days
Once you start thinking abt omega Jason Todd ur life is over— like FU C K
Tits. Ass. Thighs. TYPICAL OMEGA ASSETS OK? OK. also idk. Him in a collar? Stunning. Also something about nesting is absolutely insane. God. FUCK. AAAH.
also jay having 'only omega child' syndrome? beautiful. Hiding his designation usually... gap moe... or OR USING IT TO HIS ADVANTAGE????? Jesus Christ. I'm going to die. Also. Heats. He's warm and flushed and curled up. What more do you WANT ????
only omega child syndrome YES YOU GET ME BABE !!!!!
these are my exact omega jason thoughts and rambles and bestie can confirm because we are the same @jstodd 🙌🏽
he most definitely either doesn't understand how painfully attractive he is/how badly alphas drool after him or he's so aware that he uses it to his advantage. yes he can afford whatever he wants but also he's gonna have fun batting his pretty eyelashes at toxic alphas to get them to waste their money on him. he WILL drag them around for the girls who were done dirty by them. leading cocky alphas on is his game.
on the other hand is a jason who never realizes when someone is flirting with him because he has like zero familiarity with the concept of someone actually liking him (he died when he was 15 and awkward give him a break + his self esteem is like below zero). it's just a constant of jason being insanely clueless when alphas flirt with him and the bats not understanding how someone so smart and capable can be so oblivious. (bruce is secretly glad jason doesn't realize because he's rejecting all of these alphas and bruce's protective alpha father side doesn't have to get.. involved)
yes he has overprotective siblings and an overbearing father. yes he absolutely despises it and wishes he knew more omegas.
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ulabewriting · 5 months
Olja Agregor.
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TW : quite a bit of cursing, (mystical jerk)! ! !
• is supposed to grant you a wish but… declined every single one so far.
• “Soooo… I grant you one fucking wish, with absolutely no limits and the whole ass opportunity to go wild, and THIS is what you wanna wish for ? Yeah no. Think harder.”
• grinning and smirking 24/7. either that or staring into your soul like you’re the weirdest, most confusing creature ever. (quite ironic. eh.)
• his green skin shines in the moonlight. Frankly, when he’s just sitting on your windowsill, shutting his mouth for once, and the moon lights up his skin, making it seem so glittery; it’s one of the most gorgeous scene you’ve ever witnessed.
• 5’10 with a terrible posture.
• gremlin type of mf looking ethereal, somehow. The gap moe is insane–
• likes fruit. any fruit. He loves raspberries. He’ll pout and mumble a little “thanks” if you ever bring him some.
• has his own demonic(i guess-) grimoire to cast powerful, forbidden spells but fucking HATES reading. Never read the whole thing and never once used it.
• will lose his shit if you ever try to touch it, tho.
• “Get your disgusting little human hands away, DUMBASS, are you out of your GODDAMN MIND????”
• jealous bean. Not the kind to be over the top, but if you ever get home later than usual unannounced, he’ll definitely be pouting, floating away, arms crossed, his back facing you.
• “fuckin’ human, think they can just leave me alone like that”
• playful goblin jerk.
• “you were hanging out with WHO?? No wonder you can’t formulate one coherent wish for the life of you; you’re polluting your brain by befriending stupid idiots like that”
• “uh ? No, you’re a dumbass too. You’re definitely a dumbass, you’re just… You’re… alright. I guess.”
• suddenly blushing and avoiding your gaze.
• “no, i’m not fuckin blushing?? No, I’m not– Just– Just fuckin look away, shut your stupid mouth– i’ll send you to hell if you don’t shut it, you fuckin–”
• a tsundere. Obviously.
• bares his teeth like a dog when he’s pissed off.
• will swear up and down he hates your guts… but he gets worried out of his mind when you’re coming home late, fears you’re mad at him when you get silent, casts spells to make you warm when you’re cold, cleans your room while you’re away “just cuz he’s bored”, his eyes go wide in panic when you cry while watching a movie, always gives you a bite of his fruit, even when you say you don’t want any, is bitching on your “friends” when he feels they did you wrong, will get snappy if you tell him you’re seeing them again, stares at you when you sleep; not long enough to be a creep, just enough to make sure you’re real and still breathing…. . . .
• loves when you’re annoyed and actually snap back at him.
• “oh ?” he quirks his eyebrow, smirking devilishly, openly daring you to keep going. You’ve never seen him look this interested. This jerk–
• secretly cares about you. (he thinks he’s discreet enough and you have no idea but… oh well.)
• weirdly supportive. “C’mon. I know it’s hard waking up every day to study but you’re strong, you gotta do it, you’ll survive it, little troll.” / “Yeah, I think that’s about right. Hey, you’re not as stupid as you look, human!”
• talks big about himself all the time.
• “hey human, did I ever tell you about this one time I, ALONE, fought like THREE evil spirits, definitely by myself, and sent them back to the void? like, ALONE. I’m a fuckin legend, kid.”
• but surprisingly bad with compliments. Like, you’ll mention how cool you think his big witch-like hat is and here he goes, pouting again, furrowing his brows, mumbling little “thanks, yeah, whatever” while a darker shade covers his cheeks.
• twisted inferiority complex masked with a false superiority complex.
• gets sentimental every once in a blue moon. You get home and he’s all quiet, staring at nothing. When he seems to register that you’re here, he looks at you. Like, really looks at you. His yellow eyes dive into your soul and seem to admire your whole existence.
• “It’s actually… nice, being here with you.”
• insanely protective. Oh my god– don’t you DARE going out without a coat or skipping breakfast, “your weak human system needs it”.
• hums the same tune all the time. You’ve asked multiple times what it was but he never really answered. His voice is warm and comforting. You bet he sings like an angel. (he does :] )
• loves cats! especially black cats. (“mf felines as dark as my soul”, he said.)
• sometimes you joke around about summoning another creature to have some company and his face goes dark in annoyance. “I don’t need another dickhead circling around my human all day.”
• likes to flick your forehead when you’re not paying attention to him.
• please pay attention to him. He desperately needs it, for some reason. He’ll definitely tease you for doing so. “What ? Becoming my biggest fan already ? Can’t get enough of me, uh ?” but will pout if you don’t.
• can seem very…. explosive, but never really gets angry. Nothing more than a tough exterior, honestly.
• wraps his tail around your wrist to pull you close to him. He’s too proud to openly ask for cuddles but… you know that’s his signal.
• LOVES cuddles. He’ll just never admit it. ;)
• his symbol is a flower : lily of the valley. Sometimes he just makes one appear in his palm and stares at it in silence, like he’s dimensions away from here. You’re not exactly sure what his link to it is.
• whenever he starts pestering about something, just take off his huge hat and slide your fingers in his hair and he’ll instantly melt– not remembering what he was even saying, closing his eyes and humming in pleasure, pressing his head harder against your hand.
• likes to bite. Even though he has the longest, pointiest, most terrifying fangs you’ve ever seen, he somehow manages to never really hurt you. You know… just enough to mark.
• once, he annoyed you so much, you threw your pillow in his face, hitting him straight in the nose and causing his hat to fall on the ground. It’s his personal mission to make you do it again one day.
• likes to rate your outfits just when you’re about to walk out the door. “Hm mh, ok, yeah, you’re definitely serving today, that’s a 10 for sure.”
• follows you around your house like some kind of lost puppy. Gets hella defensive when you point it out.
• “Me ? Your fuckin’ pet? Do I need to remind you I’m from the deepest pit of hell, you dookie head??”
• rolls his eyes as hard as he can whenever you ask for a new wish.
• But what IF…. the only reason he refuses to grant you a wish is… because he knows once he does; meaning his mission is accomplished, he’ll disappear again. And so, what IFFFFFF…. he just doesn’t want to leave your side so he won’t grant you no fucking wish to remain with you forever– I’m just saying WHAT IFFFFF———
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cospinol · 3 months
spring 2024 isekai log☆ we very, very narrowly missed a 1-2 isekai finish in my overall seasonal ranking this time around (thanks to tadaima okaeri stealing second place by finally deciding to lean into the sleazy side of its setting a little at the eleventh hour) so i think the takeaway of this season might be that i have bad taste in anime. anyways, highs and lows!
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can you believe it, a season where the isekai log hosts the season's best show by a mile???!!! kantei skill is really, actually almost perfect in every way - neatly plotted, thoughtful in its theming, and absolutely bursting at the seams with delicious little character dramas. every single member of the main cast is good enough to carry an entire series on their own (as is appropriate to a plot about acquiring really good personnel), and the mock-battle arc that the season ends with once the whole cast's been brought together is not only a delight in its own right but a confirmation that this series both intends to commit to and is very clever at coming up with military strategy plots - basically all of its priorities are exactly what i want them to be ,and it executes them almost perfectly all the time. i haven't mentioned the isekai aspect at all yet because it's a classic case of 'we put tensei in the title to increase the viewcount of this standard fantasy series' and it almost never comes up in the series at all, except one random reference ars makes to hattori hanzo late in the series that came so out of left field that it made me laugh out loud. i can't overstate what a selling point ars is a protagonist, too, the rare case where his being a little plain and clumsy in some respects and highly competent in select others functions as *incredible* gap moe, he is so cute!!! nothing but respect for MY future emperor... this is a preliminary 8/10 but if next season continues to deliver while raising the stakes i'll increase the whole package to a 9
dainana ouji is structurally and tonally a lot more conventional - it's a goofy comedy about joining the adventurers' guild and killing demons and so on, it's just also insanely good on a technical level, understated but incredibly stylish with an excellent sense of comedic timing; its pacing is breezy and its cast is endearing, and the tournament arc in the manga (which it convinced me to read ahead in because i was enjoying it so much) promises even more. this series is a lesson in simple excellence, that's all!
after that of course there's nowhere to go but down, so we're immediately dropping down to the 'basically average on a normal isekai scale' sector with the new gate, which is really... generally pretty Fine for a normal isekai. it's hard to praise much about it when it has such stiff competition but while its writing is always thin and basic it's got close enough to an idea of what a story should look like to spare it from a lower score, and it never made me angry, so (<- a sad glance back at my usual standards for the genre). the only thing of any note at all about this show, unfortunately, is that it's incredibly ugly on a 'something went very wrong very early in production' level such that all of the characters look wildly off-model at all times; please look at what the protagonist's design already looks like on the poster and then imagine how the show's faring by episode eight
madome (not an isekai, but it's a basic fantasy LN with maou in the title, so) earns about an equivalent middling-four that i did also lightly consider bumping up just a little because its approximate competence in most respects eventually gets it to a pretty cute and decently well-earned no-harm-no-foul slice of life status quo by the very last episode, but ultimately for all this show's extensive parade of gimmicks and light-novel flights-of-fancy it never came up with anything that i cared enough about to give it an extra affection point. also, critically, i think the single most important aspect of the show (the romance between the two leads) is just nothing to write home about; it's not actively irritating but their respective neuroses don't interact in a particularly interesting or cute way - and i know they could, because this show is extremely similar to last fall's ikenaikyo (which has the exact same 'lol it sounds sleazy conceptually but it's actually fluff' premise (as well as just about the exact same protagonists), but which i didn't review at the time because it didn't put the demon lord part in the title, natch) and fares very poorly in comparison -- and as much as i liked that romance, i only gave that show a five, so. them's the breaks!
one level down, from 'nothing special here' to 'no, i mean there's literally nothing here', is dekisoko, where... there is nothing. the gimmick is kind of that it's not really an isekai because he was reincarnated in the same world, i guess, but it can't actually commit to it enough to give us any indication of when/where his first life took place relative to the current setting, which might give you some indication as to the care and consideration put into this series's writing. of course the premise is just a basic veneer and a justification for mc-kun's op abilities and what it's actually dedicated to is absolutely fucking nothing; it listlessly goes through some basic isekai motions (dad possessed by a demon! evil but not evil holy knights! elf forest! and other greatest hits), looks extremely bad the whole time, and then stops. the only character of note is the goddess (??) from the protagonist's previous life who also was reincarnated along with him(??), who has Two character traits (kinda goofy and speaks in the third person), which is twice as much as the rest of the harem, and a few cute interactions with the mc over their shared history, but then of course she's not even the main girl/actual fiancee, even though she's the redhead with twintails! the state of the genre, honestly...
and finally re:monster. this fucking show...... okay, so this show is pretty clear about what it is from the get-go; it's a basic tensura-like where the protagonist makes the most of being reborn as a low-level monster by using his random unrelated hax. the first few episodes of the show cover his early levelling-up as a small child whose peers are barely sentient, and instead of choosing to have very little dialogue it features a constant voice-over where the mc describes the events that happened to him, in third-person past tense, clearly almost verbatim from the light novel. it was around the fourth episode, when the protagonist was fully grown and now clearly having conversations with the other characters that we'd occasionally hear a line or two of between stretches of the same narration that had been going since the beginning in exactly the same overbearing quantity, that it hit me...... that this was going to be the entire thing. yeah, technically this is a television show; it's got pictures, and occasionally it trusts that you can understand that the protagonist is fighting a monster right now without having it explained to you, but for the most part what the experience of watching this series is actually equivalent to is reading a series of detailed episode summaries on a dedicated fan wiki, or possibly listening to someone read you a light novel!!! i swear could count on one hand the number of scenes where two characters exchange more than five lines of dialogue before the narration swoops back in to explain 'that scene happened to me' and shuffle us on to the next set-piece; we are never in ogurou's head in real-time; nothing happens in this show, it's all already happened. then we did this, then we did that. it never stops!!!!! i did a little poking around to see if any other reviewers were as bothered by this as i was but it seems that i'm the only person in the world who this format drove out of their fucking mind - every time the 'next day' sound effect plays it's a drop of water on my forehead, slowly bringing me towards the brink. this fucking show... of course the plot's also atrocious even for a tensura-like and the tone (insofar as it's possible to set a tone in a wikipedia plot summary) is incredibly broken; in particular it's flippant about (and full of) sexual violence on a level that's shocking even for the genre and in a particular way that's downright nasty, given the fluff piece(????!!) that it generally seems to want to be when it gets down to character interactions; there's also all sorts of miscellaneous stupid crap like the names of the female characters not being revealed until after they've given birth to the protagonist's babies(??????????!!!!!!). i did ultimately just keep watching in the end to see if it would ever actually become a real show. it did not
and that's isekai for you. oh, i dropped tsukimichi 2 in the end; i'm only about eight episodes away from the finale but all of those episodes are the same showpiece-arc that i don't like the premise of lol. the moral of the season is that 'let's make a village for monsters' premise is the real evil and all the other subgenres should gang up on it and kill it
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infernalantics · 3 months
Top 5 Akito Cards
oh my god lynx ily you have given me so much opportunity to be so annoying . tgod bless
1) find a way out. 1000% percent. the smile, the desperate clinging onto his shirt, the mic cord, the suspended in mid-air feel,. just. everything. oh my god. gghhhhghehthrhggh
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2) rise as one. HES SO POOKIE😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ITS JUST SO CUTE MY LIFE WAS SO RUINED WHEN THIS DROPPED GGGGGGGG HES SO CUTEEE THEY LET HIM BE CUTEEEEE . thry let him be gap moe after all this time. dragging him kicking screaming to become a dogboy. he’s literally ouppy. come onnnnn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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3) untrained fes . once again he is so absolutely pookie i love his smile and his little dandelion awwwhhhhhhgghgg his laugh in the card side story 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ youve got me when i’m being sappy i actually love him so much 😭😭😭😭 it just looks so sweet and free . he is that damn dandelion and his ass is the one thing that refuses to die !!!!!!!!! what the hell!!!!!
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4) …. sorry y’all um. i think im insane because i’m kind of endeared to the untrained bms card now. it jsut. this scene is so good and he looks so happy and free and the FIRE IN HIS EYES!!!! can anyone hear me… he’s inheriting that damn blazing spirit . god. awwwwgghhhuuuu and he can finally just let go of all of what’s been holding him down 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 WAHHHHHHHHHHH
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5) wday knight . hes just like. idk. that bitch has such a nuclear level of gay devotion i KNOW his ass cannot do casual. this is only amplified by knights hes literally insane . the card itself is probably lower but the emotion it puts into my heart puts it higher.
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mao-likes-2-draw · 5 months
guess who finished turnabout bigtop…
what the hell was that????? i felt like crying at the end because why was it so sad??
(spoilers under the cut, tw for suicide and mentions of grooming)
the ENTIRE thing was a fever dream. i know it was rushed and literally written under the influence, but GOOD LORD ????? some of the most insufferable characters i’ve ever seen were in this case. i was so tired when i finished it though i think they warmed up to me.
moe was something else, but me and my sister kept laughing so hard whenever he made the sprite like 😐 he was the real mvp of this case though (in a way??) very annoying sometimes though
regina was so bubbly and sparkly and her gimmick was just not working. this case has some of the most gimmick heavy characters, so i genuinely cannot deal with how bad some of them are. the whole plot involving regina was also kind of gross because of the age gaps between max, ben, bat, etc…i do understand her whole thing was about being sheltered and spoiled and unable to cope with bad things and blah blah blah though
big back ben… he was just an uncomfortable character. 31 in love with a 16 year old?? i did like the whole act with him and trilo at least, i like how he almost uses him as an outlet? or that’s what it feels like anyways
i actually did like acro. i thought he was dramatic and kind of an asshole for plotting murder on a 16 year old for an incident that basically killed his brother, but my sister was totally on his side. now i do feel like if the girl who inadvertently caused the death of my brother was in my room every day, taking out my trash and feeding me, and laughing and smiling, showing NO sympathy about what happened and saying “ohhh he became a star :)” i would go a bit insane too. not to mention him being wheelchair bound because of the incident, AND unable to leave the lodge because he lived on the third floor (someone move this poor man to the first floor please) the isolation must’ve been torture with the only person you see being what you see is the cause of all this. when he finally DID have enough of it and executed his murder plan, it didn’t even go right. he instead killed his only family figure he had left, leaving everything he had gone. his legs, his job, his brother, and finally the ringmaster. moe said he was livid when acro found out about the ringmaster’s death, because he didn’t even KNOW who he actually killed. he must have been crushed by that point, and he did contemplate suicide or turning himself in to the police. but he didn’t. because he KNEW bat was still alive, despite being as good as “dead” in the seemingly unshakable coma. he couldn’t kill himself or go to jail, because he needed to be there for his brother on the off chance he even woke up. he’s a murderer, but it wasn’t pure malice. one of the more sympathetic culprits in JFA .
max was funny, but again the whole thing with regina was really weird. i did like how he was a country bumpkin and his real name was billy bob johns and his flamboyant personality was great too
moving on, the whole case in general didn’t feel real. it was all zany and gimmicky, it didn’t seem like it should belong in AA. in fact, nearly all of the cases in JFA feel like a fever dream.
the plot was SO convoluted, and the whole trial parts were actually the worst. i liked the investigations. i think what i love about the investigations in little communities like the circus or global studios or the police department in rise from the ashes is the absolute TEA that the characters give you. like YES can i hear about all these scandals, and dee vasquez’s ties to the mafia and the rumors about edgeworth and blah blah blah… yess girl give me the drama!!
overall, everything felt unnecessary and over the top, but it’s a circus. i guess that was a point. still an absolute batshit case to go through, most insane and annoying story i’ve seen come out of AA so far.
justice for everyone in that fucking circus though. justice for regina too!! shes getting groomed left and right. will never forget this case for like another 10 years. God.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Hirogaru Sky! 29 and 30~!
Back on the wagon~! Or I suppose in this case, the plane. Or Elle-chan's weird crib gondola thing.
First, a story about a missing doll! Second, a Beach Episode! Just as summer winds down! Funsies!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Goddamn I am so sick of rain. Had my power knocked out this evening. Spent half of my cooking time totally in the dark.
-Who dat?
--nya? Hummy??
-An alive neko-san!
-"Did you have fun in the rain? :)"
-In shambles! Completely and totally spooked!
-"Sora, stuffed animals don't speak. Not like birds."
-Man, with all these huge European-style houses that're only occupied by ghosts or villains, a Pretty Cure Town's real estate market must be insane.
-...Hmmmm... I wonder how low the property values can get?
-For villains who live in the Cures' worlds, do you think somebody like Westar fires rent lowering gunshots? Or am I thinking a little too American?
-Ohhhhh, Tsubasa's a believer now.
-Gap moe! Sora's got phasmophobia~!
-Sealed the kitty.
-Elle-chan :)
-What a cute little fella, huh?
-The first step to overcoming one's fear is acknowledging it!
-Yoyo confirmed horsegirl.
-Speak to us, kitty.
-How sweet :)
-Sora had no time for such simple pleasures.
-...put it like that, you don't forget your first friend, huh Mashiro?
-A drone can be as cat-shaped as it wants, I'm knocking that bitch outta the sky.
-"D-don't mind me! My daughter's got a strong arm on her! She should try out for the baseball team~!"
-Ohhhhhhh, the kitty's a dream weaver.
-...man, something about a toy being abandoned and forgotten really hurts me. Doesn't matter if it's Toy Story or the Fresh PreCure movie or even that story TomSka told about that time he buried all his Thomas the Tank Engine toys on holiday in Fuerteventura. You wanna get me to cry, you give an artificial being abandonment issues.
-Neko-san... :(
-Minoton Spotted
-"The game is afoot, Pretty Cures!"
-Step into the Hell House!
-This is badass, what the hell
-Breakin' out the colors early, huh Butterfly?
-Get clocked.
-Oh shit
-Thanks, cat.
-Sky's athleticism is something to be admired.
-Kick that bubble!
-Goodbye, Monster House.
-Oh man, I don't envy Tsubasa, it must hurt to pick that many splinters outta there.
-"Until we meet again, Pretty Cure."
-Oh, that's sweet... That's too sweet...
-Hello, Summer~!
-...Hey wait a sec, you already got your cameo!
In the summertime, when the weather is hot~! You can stretch right up, and touch the sky~! When the weather's fine, you've got women on your mind. Have a drink, have a drive, go out and see what you can find.
-Anyways yeah, it's the ass end of August, it's been raining and thundering a shit-ton where I live when it isn't absolutely infernal, and apparently God himself.
-The ocean~!
-It's really FUCKING big!
-Very cute swimsuits.
-It'll be close to 90% ocean when climate change finally kills all of humanity for the sins of the 1%~!
-That run was the gayest fucking thing I've seen all month, and I just finished Season 2 of Good Omens. /j
-I see Tsubasa goes for the Sonia Nevermind wetsuit style. And Ageha... hoo...
-Brined like a fish.
-Beachy beachy~!
-Sora's got built in Iron Boots. She can do the Water Temple no problem.
-Lotta Sora focus these two episodes!
-...Tsubasa, are the Puni Birds supposed to be penguins?
-...is that why you can dance? Are you just Happy Feet?
-Idk how you expect her to do all that, but okay!
-Swimmer friend~!
-Half an hour.
-Wipe that :3 off your :3, Mashiron!
-Ah don't worry Tsubasa, summer's practically over already.
-I suppose Mashiro's teaching would be much better by default, but goddamn. Sora really saw her gf in the water and dove right in.
-"My unconditional surrender is all but guaranteed!"
-Rubber ducky...
-I love the crabs, little dudes.
-Jesus, that's a shit ton of fish. Is Gran Ocean just a few nautical miles away?
-I love those.
-Watermelon energy~!
-Summer vacation, baby~!
-Now this is podracing!
-Minoton about to make me unwise.
-I have to wonder how many hot single moms (and dads, of course) see Minoton and feel seen.
-Ah, I see Minoton put his clothes back on.
-Good thinking, I think it'd have gotten a little weird if he hadn't.
-Life preserven't!
-Game on!
-Immediately fell into the ocean.
-His ass is NOT fightin'.
-Get deflated, idiot.
-Ironically, I think if Sora asked Minoton to help teach her to swim, he'd have gone for it.
-Goddamn, the ocean's so terrifying. Even in relatively shallow waters like these.
-Sora says "My save!"
-Who needs floaties when you've got lifeguards on duty!
-Baywatch PreCure!
-...man, Mitch Buchannon would absolutely somehow have been a Cure in the past. And yet somehow still be both an armored skeptic debunking every Scooby Doo mystery he comes across and a foremost expert on paranormal investigation who has fought mutant alligators, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and even a climate change-induced apocalypse.
-Incidentally, if you're in dire need of some quality TV cheese analysis, might I recommend Allison Pregler's Baywatching?
-It's part critical commentary, part abridged series, all peak comedy.
-...something of an influence on this program, fun fact~!
-Sunset time~!
-What a fun summer~!
-Oh ye gods, it's raining again, better wrap this up soon.
-Okay, guess we're getting all the previous cameos again. ...I'm not spoiled on anything coming up, I am a good boy, I like surprises, I haven't the damnedest justification to offer as to why Precious wouldn't show up again, shhhhhhhh.
-You are a good bean, Yuin. Sorry the only beach food highlighted was watermelon, but tbh you wouldn't mind at all.
-Right okay, we're done here, I gotta jet! Catch you later~!
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
as your resident jigen stan, i wanna see a more in depth analysis of him according to you because i'll take anything at this point i am Depraved
alright, alright-- i'll try but i really don't have as much to say about him as the rest of the gang.
okay so... first of all i dont think jigen has any gap moes. at least not any that are as extreme as the rest of the gang. I took the liberty of watching some more lupin clips and discovered that he just has quirks, not really anything as significant as a gap moe.
honestly, jigen is the closest thing we've got to a straightman. which is good, comedies usually need those. but he's not uptight and boring and a fun killer- he's just not completely insane. Since he's the straight man, he gets all the serious episodes. Mostly involving women. I guess when the lupin iii writers wanted to do something cool and serious, they'd bring in Jigen.
He's still a massive dork though. (clip) He's Lupin's pal to the end, and even though Jigen himself isn't that silly, he loosens up around the gang. I like how in the past he was a gritty assassin and now he's... well... not! he doesnt kill that much anymore. from killer to nerd
anywayssss into his quirks:
sometimes they draw him doing silly poses while doing cool stuff. similar to goemon, but toned down.
his attachment to his hat. he will get sooo embarrassed if he doesn't have it, feels naked without it on, and apparently can't shoot good without it. he also has multiple and hangs them out to dry. (can't find clip. it's part two though.)
on that note, he's a clip of him losing his hat
he has more quirks in the english dub.
his superstitions. like athlete's foot acting up. he has on multiple occasions not done a job because of something superstitious like this
the way he says "friggen" wayyyy too much. and "crap". in english dub. veryy funny
and onto misc things. this is very not organized sorry.
he's so buddy buddy w lupin!!! they're pals. I love this nuggie gag they got going. also very witty, in the clip immediately after this one. he's got a lot of good oneliners.
but also they're the kind of friends to tease the fuck out of eachother! the frineds who are like "YOU HAVE UNOOOO" and to tell eachother to shut the fuck up and to embarrass eachother in public. they wrestle just because they can and bite. they're best friends, and absolute menaces to eachother. just guys being dudes.
I think they would do this (short)
i find it funny how he's a selfproclaimed "woman hater" and yet he is the one with the most exes and girlfriends in the entire series. like ok.
this whole big with his toothache. he really is a dork.
To summarize: Jigen is the "straight-man" of the group, in a way. But he has quirks that make him just as entertaining as the others. The closest thing to a gap moe we have is that he used to be a gritty assassin, and is now a huge dork who goes around with a monkey faced goofball stealing treasures. what a turnaround! The best way I could describe him is "dork".
In conclusion, here's Jigen and Goemon spitroasting Lupin (clip)
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beanboisforbrains · 3 years
resisting the urge to send all of them at once
🤔☘ answered here! Answering the rest out of order because the last one is long LMAOOO
👌 What are some matsu duos that you think are underrated?
WAKABA BABEYYYYY! CYBER AS WELL! NEARLY ALL THE CHORO DUOS TBH. Choromatsu has incredible middle child energy, its so fun seeing him try to be a big brother to Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu, especially when they call him out. Combined with the fact that he flip flops between being nagging mom friend and intensely delusional, it makes his interactions a real treat.
Also, up until like 3 months ago, parka wasn’t on my radar at all. Then I saw a parka compilation on youtube and my third eye opened. They’re so cute, I like parka a lot. I think they’re kind of underrated and I can’t believe I didn’t even think about them until recently sfkjds.
🎉 What do you like most in a skit?
I like sextuplet centric ones that take place in the “canon” timeline. When the six of them are together and the duo interactions makes different aspects of their personality shine, its just soooo *chefs kiss*. Even silly little skits, like Totty Quiz and all The Late Night Himatsuya skits, bring the biggest smile to my face. UGH skits where there’s a balance between being nice to each other and being absolutely brutal, LIKE ACCIDENT, OH MAN *EVEN BIGGER CHEFS KISS*
😍 What’s a moment that made you fall in love with your favourite character?
I love you for asking this but also do you know what you’ve unleashed.
Before watching the show, I was already prepped and primed for becoming a Karamatsu girl. One year and a half of screenshots and clips about this man from someone trying to get me to watch ososan... I didn’t know much about the show, but I knew blue man funny and cute. 
I also really liked his design, even though they mostly looked the same to me back then skdfnskd. HIS SUNGLASSES AND LEATHER JACKET LOOKS GOOD OKAY. AND HIS ROLLED UP SLEEVES!!! His bravado was/is so cringe but also endearing? From the clips I saw, it seemed like he really cared about his brothers and wanted the best for them.
When I started watching season 1 EVERYONE WAS SO MEAN TO HIM 😭😭😭 S1 OSOSAN WAS SO RUDE TO HIM FR
Thus began the babygirlification of Karamatsu Matsuno. I was like damn nobody love you in canon, so I’m going to love you. I liked the fact that he was still nice to his brothers even though they could be so aggressive to him. BUT I ALSO LIKED THE FACT THAT HE JOINED IN ON THEIR STUPID TRASHY ANTICS. I LIKED WHEN THE NARRATIVE WAS DEPICTING THEM AS ASSHOLES, HE WASN’T EXCLUDED. 
I’m glad I didn’t interact with the fandom until I caught up to season 2 and had already formed my own opinions about the bros, because I can definitely see myself warping my interpretation to fit the fandom standard. Karamatsu was the nice oneTM but from season 1 there were moments where we could peak behind the curtain, behind the façade. His actions were so outrageous, I was like okay, at least some of it’s got to be an act. Moments where his bravado falls because things aren’t going his way and he gets all whiny are some of the best. IT’S THE GAP MOE APPEAL.
Honestly at this point, Karamatsu only had a slight edge above the rest. I liked all the bros relatively equally. And then Osomatsu kicked Jyushimatsu in a huge oh shit moment. Immediately followed by oh shit moment #2; Karamatsu punches Osomatsu and drags him outside.
Emotion 1: Super surprised. Karamatsu has been wimpy this entire season, but when it comes to his family, he’s able to recognize the responsibility he holds as the second son. He can confront even the oldest if its to protect his brothers.
Emotion 2: That was kinda…THAT WAS KINDA… 😳 😳 😳 Karamatsu stepping up was so insanely attractive to me LMAOFIDSJKKDJFS
Once he truly got his hooks in, there was no escaping. Now practically everything he does I find fascinating/lovable/endearing/s-se-*gunshots*
I know I just spent 400+ words describing what I like about Karamatsu BUT I STILL THINK ITS VERY HARD TO PUT INTO WORDS WHY EXACTLY I LOVE HIM. ITS JUST THE VIBE. Something about him activates the “go stupid” part of my brain so intensely. I just want to
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ikeservant · 4 years
Hello hope you are doing well!!! Can I ask for hc for Kenshin, Ieyasu, and Hideyoshi (or anyone else you want) discovering that MC is a hardcore otaku who thirsts over anime/otome boys😂😂? Maybe Sasuke gotta help explain to the warlords what even anime/otome is XD Thank you all the time I love your stuff!!!
Ahh thank you so much!I love this prompt lol! I’m dummy weak thinking about a bunch of 1500s warlords finding out in the future that people write headcanons/fanfics/fanart of them dream about fictional dudes. I’m people 😂. Also put what genre/type of anime they’d be into if they were able to be introduced to anime and manga.
Kenshin: Probably thought that Sasuke and MC were siblings because of her using similar weird words and fangirling during the weirdest times. Sasuke would explain to him how from their time that stories and tales were widespread and had vivid illustrations that people would gather around and develop a fanbase. Would be very confused to see keychains and anime merch from MC’s bag from the future. When he asked why there were decorations of 2D men, MC excitedly explained how they were all “best boys” and tell their stories and tales, meanwhile Kenshin was glaring daggers at these fictional men that pose a threat. “Kenshin your yandere side is showing. You are the bestest boy and you’re the only one I want to wifey up.” He’ll have to ask Sasuke what half of that sentence meant, but he was pleased that he was the 3D man that she chose. If MC could bring back some manga/anime for Kenshin, he’d be in love with any war/gore and action based ones. Not necessarily for characters but how cool the action and fight scenes are and wants to try them out with Sasuke (run Sasuke).
Ieyasu: Was very confused when they first met and MC was very eager and pushy to get to know him better. “Why are you following me, you weakling?” “I know you’re a tsundere. You’re hard on the outside but gooey on the inside. I’ve played so many routes with tsunderes that I shall uncover you in no time. Just like the simulations!” *cue Ieyasu thinking MC is absolutely insane and going the complete opposite direction*. Eventually MC grew on him and he did end up softening up and falling in love (JUST LIKE THE SIMULATIONS! SCORE FOR MC). Would find a lot of the terminology MC uses weird but still made him want to learn what it meant.  Did not know what “I ship it” meant when MC chuckled that when he started complaining about Mitsunari, but rest assured will gag when he finds out. Startles MC when they’re laying in bed and he says “I.. ship us.” awkwardly trying to use her weeb terminology, earning a kiss for this cute tsundere 😉. If MC could bring back some manga/anime, he’d be very intrigued with complex characters and plots that have both dark and light elements and have an overall empowering message. Relates to characters that have a tragic backstory but endure and grow stronger and roots for them in the end. (Might imagine MC as the love interest but don’t tell MC that)
Hideyoshi: Now the first thing coming out of MC’s mouth when he decided to trust her and smile at MC while offering to be friends and help carry the vase she was carrying was “A-am I witnessing gap moe in real life?” with a look of utter awe. This confused the heck out of him, “M-my name’s Hideyoshi. Who’s Gap-Moe?” Eventually would get used to the random terminology, although very confused. When he saw the anime themed keychains and wallet in MC’s purse and asked about it, he should’ve prepared tea because that was a looong lecture that he understood nothing of but found it adorable how excited MC was talking about it. “Wait so what are fangirls?” “You know those girls in town that rush to you and gush over you? Those are fangirls. My fangirl group just goes after fictional guys.”, making him confused even more while also lowkey wishing MC was his fangirl and wondering if he is a fanboy for MC (spoiler alert: he IS. And he’s a fanboy for Nobunga). Made him realize how much MC made his kokoro go doki doki (this is the most otaku trash phrase I’ve ever said). If MC could bring manga/anime, he’d love anime where good trumps evil and heroes defeat villains because he loves imagining defeating injustice and having a happy ending for Japan while defeating the cruel enemies and rivals around Nobunga. Also loves emotional/heart wrenching love story manga and anime that make you cry and get hit hard in the feels with the characters b/c he’s such a romantic with a big heart. Would hug the hell out of MC after finishing of any of those types of series while saying that he will always love her‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
Bonuses b/c I thought they’d be fun:
Shingen: Literally finds anything about MC fascinating, and the fact that they’re passionate about fictional stories and are so emotionally touched by them made him love that MC had a big heart, even for fictional characters. Gets a lil jealous when MC starts fawning over specific fictional dudes. When MC and Shingen are a couple and she starts talking about one of her fictional baes he’d probably literally sweep her off her feet and say something cheesy like “But can he do this” and swoop in for dat kiss. Would probably find his own meaning in the terminology and use it. “This is my waifu, my goddess, I am her biggest fanboy.” is how he’d probably introduce MC as (swoon). If MC could bring manga/anime, he’d be a hardcore sucker for romance anime and would reenact many of the romantic scenes, even the confession scenes. “Shingen we’re married. This is the 45th time you’ve confessed to me.” “But not like from this anime (´•ω•̥`). Would also like detective/mystery series bc he likes unraveling mysteries and plays behind the scenes.
Yukimura: “Not another Sasuke-speaker.” Would be hanging out with MC and Sasuke and listening to the weird terminologies. Would also probably make fun of MC at first for her fantasizing about fictional men and having merch of them saying “Is that cuz you can’t get a real life man?” (cue the heated arguing). Would eventually be intrigued by some of the story plots MC tells him and would eventually fall for her nerdiness and everything. Would ask Sasuke for help on coming up how to confess to MC like in the anime and otome games she talks about (A for effort, my boy). Would be a blushy puddle but puff his chest out if MC fangirled over him. If MC could bring anime and manga, he’d freaking LOVE superhero anime bc he just wants to save everyone and do whats right and he just looks like the type of dude that loves superheroes and superpowers and gets pumped when the hero defeats the bad guy.
Mitsuhide: Would be curious about these strange, foreign words MC says, even though its just fangirl lingo from 500 years in the future. Would probably tease MC if they had any keychains or small merch of anime characters. “Why have a pocket-sized man to love if there’s a full sized one right here.” 😉. Would find it very creative that there’s so many diverse stories and characters. Loves when MC gets excited talking about story plots, gets a lil jealous and tries steering the topic away from thirsting over the dudes. Would probably confess his feelings by saying “Is there a real life story about a kitsune falling for a foolish mouse and they become lovers for eternity?” “Not that I know of.” “Want to make that story happen?”. Would love speaking modern slang and otaku terms with MC because its like their own little love language and it also pisses Hideyoshi off since he doesn’t understand wtf they’re saying. If MC brought manga/anime, would love psychological based horror, seeing how characters react to scary situations and what’s the mental breaking point to madness, or plots with mind games and outwitting opponents bc he’s all about that big brain and likes seeing characters creatively outsmart enemies. Likes characters that are morally gray/antihero that do good but do so in unorthodox ways bc he relates to them (and is secretly smug if MC says they need more love bc it feels like she’s saying that about him too). Likes stories w/ bittersweet endings because he likes seeing the beauty in things while acknowledging the harshness and cruelty of life as well.
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queenofnohr · 3 years
notable things that happened during this last session:
ziraj is afraid of ghosts which is very gap moe but he didn’t end up sleeping at our place bc of that (we have a ghost bartender)
we got a promotion in the Zhentarim meaning we can ask Ziraj to kill people for us (and also Davil was impressed with Fontaine’s work)
Fon and Roanoke have matching Zhentarim rings of protection
I also took the spell Dragon’s Breath which Roa used to wreck havoc
We went to the slums and Fon was like “oh let’s take some food over” and another party member was like “oh like rations?” and Fon was like “no I was thinking about getting like the food we serve at our lounge and making little boxed lunches” and the rest of the party had these like the smallest little gasps, like the sound ppl make when an image of a particularly cute animal crosses their timeline/dash unexpectedly, and my DM just starts laughing like “god the gap between how considerate [Fontaine] can be outside of business and how absolutely cutthroat they are during a job is insane”
Fontaine usually doesn’t do anything too gutsy but (Fake) Twin Supremacy wins out and Fon and Roa rolled the same number for initiative and one turn there were like 8 whole people attacking our druid (who was transformed into a giant octopus) and so Fontaine turns to Roa and goes “My dearest brother whom I love so much for always protecting me, I’m going to do something terribly risky right now” and then rushes over to the other side of the dock, telekenesis pushes the druid out of the way, takes her place, and uses Arms of Hadar to hit every single one of them and after their turn Roa just rolls his eyes and goes “Good fuckin’ grief,” pats our bard who he was backing up on the shoulder and says “take care of the rest of these guys” (to be fair there were only 2 guys left) and runs out in front of Fon to unleash his breath weapon and kill 5/8 guys instantly all while chastising Fon about doing dangerous stunts and Fon just going “but I knew you’d run right after me!” :D
Fon and Roa may be piloting a submarine next session
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