#his frien
askthehiddencaste · 1 year
-> A certain hopefulDaydreamer [HD] was reaching out to a friend [HD]: ~ Kiki.... It's MoOori and um. I doOon't knoOow hoOow available I'll be foOor awhile!!!! >n< [HD]: ~ NoOothing's wroOong!!! At least... I doOon't think soOo!!! Fishter hasn't toOold me what's goOoing oOon. Just that we need toOo goOo back toOo the abyss foOor awhile >_<.... [HD]: ~ I just wanted toOo message yoOou in case yoOou goOot woOorried in case I hadn't respoOonded toOo a message oOof yoOours!
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Khi frowned as he read the messages, taking a second to let it sink in he wouldn't get to see them like planned
//ok morph.... Just be careful. I'll be up here whenever you decide to come back up OK?
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ccaptain · 4 months
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@snowtombedstar: ♡ ( meme source. )
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●○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●○○○○ | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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theyamjam · 4 months
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sillu little redraw :0] im happy with how the colors came out w this one
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b0tster · 1 year
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heres what my new ac looks like if u even care
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astrowaffles · 3 months
something about iwaizumi being oikawas weakness is so aksowjsosns
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sorrinslays · 4 months
I like to believe that Sampo has pretty sharp fangs, and, this is a dumb and I'm not sure if it's possible, but, do you think when someone wants to shut him up they just shove an apple or something in his mouth so he's forced to bite onto it, making it stuck there unless he bites really hard
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silkysong · 2 years
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you better pick him up pebbles
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druidonity2 · 1 year
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The breeze is nice today.
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i-am-become-a-name · 2 years
anyway I think the holographic implants should be permanent and from now on Tegan, Ace, and Yaz should, at the most emotionally needed or hilariously inconvenient moments, be haunted by their best friend and actually have a chance to talk with them.
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shibaraki · 2 months
i’m gonna start crowd sourcing to fund mha. by which i mean monty’s hero academia
full canon rewrite but I self insert and pick the child versions of the villains up off the streets one by one and we create a misfit found family then I help rei in getting a divorce and we fall in love and now I’m the dad that stepped up and nothing bad happens ever
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tex-now · 21 days
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mistercakerz · 4 months
i need hugs i cant stop crying today :(
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
Im very curious what movie you disliked so much but you seem unwilling to say it on your frankenhooker post (and ignore this if you're uninterested in saying at all)
nah, i was just trying to not be a mood killer in the liveblog. but it was poor things. everything about that movie felt like the film equivalent of nails on a chalk-board, at once noisy and incoherent and stupidly on the nose but without anything deeper to say and expensive when your average b-movie managed the same thing using tape and a budget of rolled up fivers and favours from your mum's boyfriend who's alright at a bit of computer effects
and i get pretentious and a tad obsessive when i see claims of "you just don't get it, it's about this you see? she's taking control of her own story!" and im like. no no i get it. i just think it was shallow at best, offensive on multiple points, and also a wannabe camp attempt at shock value (do people watch genuinely shocking camp films anymore?) many things. so many things, several of which ive not seen anyone mention, but then i was trying not to over-obsess about a film that i disliked so intensely, so i didnt go too deep in my search (the lack of intersectionality in feminist masterpiece "if you're rich, you can follow your dreams and self-actualise and even slum it with the personality-less whores for a bit, and also take a brief moment to feel bad about poor people even if they may "rape and rob and kill you" (seriously what was that bit about?)" the ableism in emma stone's performance, the male gaze inherent in so many of the sex scenes, and perhaps subjectively but the dullness of the sex scenes, the het-focus with a single rushed "women stick together" bit of queer sex, although the other woman had no plotline of her own in this film and just randomly reappeared at the end for some cheap unearned catharsis, the way the storyline is structured like three different movies squashed together, and also the flatness of every dude in the story that still seemed to try to say that some of them were actually quite nice, because idk. they weren't foaming at the mouth villains or whatever, this one's a Nice Guy. and this one's a Eunuch. moving on. if emma stone isn't a born sexy yesterday, then she's doing an ableist caricature of a performance of "weird quirky girl who functions Differently." the joke is, it's both)
like. ive seen better explorations of frankenstein. ive seen better explorations of sex workers. ive seen better explorations of women gaining agency. ive seen better explorations of disabled women. ive seen better explorations of patriarchy, intersectional feminism, socialism (seriously, the way this movie approached politics seemed to be "if we insert a witty line here about being the means of our own production, that's the same as political analysis, right?")
many of those things ive seen specifically done better in 1990 b-movie horror frankenhooker, and as for the rest, i don't have to search all that hard either. put on a john waters film and you've got more going forya for a start.
just. was it good or did Whimsically Naive (but very sexy) emma stone with slightly thicker eyebrows just say blunt things and walk funny?
you didn't ask for any of this rant. you have no idea how many times ive written drafts for this movie and then discarded them. fuckit, i will be self-indulgent once (1 time)
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mutiny-huyutiny · 8 months
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сборник всякой всячины по чуме+песьему двору
cw guro under the cut c метелиным и твириным. Again.
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veloursdor · 1 year
snipet of this obikin au based on this quote from Star Wars Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice
(1.1k words)
Obi-Wan was tired from the transport, his bones aching and tired after so long away from the comfort of his rooms. It had been a tiresome mission, one standard month away from the Temple and the responsibilities he had from being responsible for a padawan.
Obi-Wan almost let out a groan at the thought of the exuberance his padawan would display the moment he crossed the door. Anakin had the uncanny ability to detect whenever Obi-Wan was back from a mission, accosting his Master as soon as he crossed the door, demanding answers to his different questions as he pouted once more at being left behind.
He suppressed the smile that he could feel growing on his lips at the countless memories he had of his padawan eagerly greeting him at their quarters, for no matter how much he pretended to complain, he was secretly delighted that Anakin still craved his presence, missed his company, despite his age. Anakin was no longer the nine year old boy that had arrived from Tatooine with a chip on his shoulder, but a padawan close to his twenties, almost ready for knighthood.
However, a distance had been growing between them for the last couple of months, with Anakin remaining distant through their interactions. Long gone was the padawan who ignored propriety and wanted to meld himself with his Master, instead replaced by a young man aloof when greeting his Master, politely listening but rarely engaging.
He hoped that, by taking the mission that would keep them apart for a month, Anakin would miss him enough to return to the caring young man he had been just six months ago. Yet, as he crossed the door of their quarters, he was unsurprised to see that they were empty, with Anakin nowhere in sight. He couldn't feel his padawan through the bond they shared, and a feeling of worry began growing inside of him.
Anakin could be as distant and emotionless as he wanted, but he had never failed to be in their quarters when Obi-Wan came back from a mission, not even when he was mad at his Master. Something had had to happen if Anakin wasn’t in there.
Forcing himself to remain calm, Obi-Wan made his way around the Temple, greeting Masters and younglings alike as he passed them by, his mind focused on finding his apprentice. Much to his delight, his padawan wasn’t at the Halls of Healing, nor was he in the Council Chambers. Finally, after an hour of searching, he felt his padawan’s presence inside The Room of a Thousand Fountains, and Obi-Wan felt as if he could finally breathe.
His padawan was safe and sound inside their home.
Slowly approaching the place where he could feel the presence of his young apprentice, Obi-Wan was delighted to see Anakin with his eyes closed, meditating softly and peacefully. His heart swelled with pride and joy at the image of Anakin finding inner peace through meditation, something they had struggled for so long.
About to approach his padawan, slightly remorseful to break such a peaceful picture, he stopped in his tracks at the sight of a young man resting his head on Anakin's lap, his eyes closed as if in deep concentration. The young man had his eyes closed - the red of his hair contrasting with the paleness of his face - as he was softly breathing at the same time as the rise and fall of Anakin's chest.
Obi-Wan was surprised to see Anakin willingly letting another padawan so close to his person, as his encounters with Ferus had proven... everything but amicable. Obi-Wan had been hoping for the day when Anakin would make a friend, so he was surprised at the hollow feeling in his chest at the sight.
Shaking himself from his own foolishness, Obi-Wan approached his padawan, regretful to break his peace.
"Anakin," he said softly, "Young one.”
But Anakin remained meditating, much to Obi-Wan’s surprise and disappointment. In the past, Anakin had loved to be interrupted mid meditation, always claiming to prefer Obi-Wan’s company to that of his own mind.
“Why would I want to spend time with myself, when I can spend it with you instead, Master?”
“Anakin, dear one. I'm back."
"Master," Anakin said after a pause, not opening his eyes from his meditation. "I'm glad to hear that."
"Would you like to go to Dex? I’ve been wanting to tell you about..."
"I'm sorry, Master," Anakin interrupted as he opened his eyes and looked at Obi-Wan with regret written in them, sounding truly apologetic as he spoke, "but Rowan and I already have plans."
"We're going to have dinner at my quarters while we watch a holovid," the youngling in Anakin's lap said, his eyes still closed, a smile on his face. "We're going to eat so much food our stomachs will hurt but no more than our hearts, because everyone knows there’s nothing like ‘Rather Me Than You’ for a good cry!"
Anakin laughed softly at the youngling's comments, making Obi-Wan's heart twist unpleasantly inside his chest. He smiled through the uncomfortable feeling inside of him, wanting to appear as if nothing was amiss with him.
"You could do that at our quarters, dear one," Obi-Wan offered calmly, eager for them to accept but not wanting to show how much he had missed Anakin in their month apart.
"I'm sorry, Master," Anakin said, a hand on the back of his neck, "but Rowan..."
"My Master just left on a mission," the youngling said, opening up his green eyes to look at Obi-Wan with a smirk on his face. "And you were a padawan once, Master Kenobi. Sometimes... we need time away from our Masters."
"Rowan!" Anakin exclaimed, his face red as a red and hot feeling began rising inside of Obi-Wan, threatening to consume him, at the implications of the padawan’s words.
But Anakin would never…
"I understand," he said through a forced smile, bowing to avoid looking at the young man's smirk. "I'll see you in our quarters when you're done with your... friend, Anakin."
"We'll go to Dex tomorrow, Master," Anakin said, his eyes looking at Obi-Wan with a feeling he couldn't understand.
"Of course," he said before turning around and leaving the room, ignoring the echoes of their laughter.
Anakin had a friend at the Temple, at long last. Someone else to spend his time with besides Obi-Wan. Now, Obi-Wan would be able to hang out with his own friends, to sleep around without having to sneak out of his room as if ashamed of who he was.
Anakin had a friend, something Obi-Wan had wanted for so long.
And yet his heart felt like he was leaving half of itself behind.
Everything was FINE.
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runsouth · 2 years
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my new friend Fernando !!! my friend named him :D
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