#his family keeps getting possessed by things that pretend to really be them and say kill me. and when he says he can't they get up in his
after-witch · 3 days
Do you have any broad thoughts about what Mahito is like when jealous? I'm having rambling, distracted thoughts at work
I feel like there'd be different levels.
Kenjaku showing an innocent curiosity in them might inspire a little possessive jealousy like a child with their fave toy.
Someone flirting with you, or doing something he could misconstrue as flirting, or even something he weirdly considers flirting then ☠️
Or he gets curious about these budding new emotions and decides to experiment. Deliberately setting you up in scenarios to see how he feels about it. Do what he wants, get punished, don't and still get punished.
I think Mahito jealous is both fascinating and utterly horrifying, because it would IMO be a very new feeling for him. After all, what would he really have to be jealous about, before he finds someone he's possessive over? It's not something he's experienced before.
And while I do think Mahito on one level enjoys new emotions and experiences, this would be one which makes him feel... not good. It makes him feel all twisted inside, dark and annoyed.
And not in a gleeful way, but a way that makes him upset. Things aren't going the way he wants them too, and he likes things to go the way he wants them to. But usually, he can change that. But with this feeling? It's not going away, at least not easily...
I think you're spot on with it being contextual. The wheres and whys and whos of the jealousy would impact how Mahito reacts or behaves.
Kenjaku being curious about reader? Well--he wants to keep you for himself, so he won't bring you up anymore, he might even lie and pretend he's gotten rid of you. There, no more Kenjaku asking about you, and the feeling dies down.
But it's not always that easy.
Let's say you're not kidnapped and Mahito either stalks you, lets you roam free while terrorizes you on his whims, or maybe you're even in a relationship....
Let's say that, you're out living your life, and he sees you interacting with others. Doesn't matter if it's romantic. You have friends and hug them and smile at them and talk with them. All of those things, aimed at things who are not him. Things that are worse than him, because they're human, and he's not.
He wants you to smile at him like that, to tell him your secrets, to giggle with him.
So why don't you??
(Just because he sneaks into your house at night and writes messages on your mirror with your lipstick??? Or is it because he sometimes stands over you while you sleep and you've caught him, a few times, assuming he's a night terror or a ghost? You're so petty about things, sheesh.)
Again, that awful twisting feeling... but it goes deeper, it hurts more, it makes him want to wriggle out of his skin. He has to figure out how to make it go away and if he can't, or if he finds that killing your friends just makes you find solace with others (family? neighbors?) then he just gets more agitated by it.
And if it is romantic... it's a lot more intense. It's one thing for you to put an arm around a friend (even if he hates it) and laugh with them; it's another for you to kiss someone. To embrace them. To let them whisper in your ear or, heaven forbid, go further.
I can see him, at least early on, maybe wanting to play with the emotion. To see how else you might make him feel. Only when he discovers that he really hates it, it ends poorly for you.
But then, most things end poorly for you, with Mahito involved.
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weidli · 11 months
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salvation // born under a bad sign
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peachesofteal · 9 days
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader request (s): grocery run, Simon talks about “the move”
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“These look good.”
You’re holding a carton of strawberries, lifting them to the ceiling to check the bottom. “Huh big guy? Do these look good?” You lean close, tickling his toes from where he’s hanging in the baby carrier on Simon’s chest. Orion giggles, beaming at you like always, and you smile right back.
Simon tries not to blurt out right then and there how much he loves you. He stems the stream fighting to fall out of his mouth, walking mindlessly behind you, Orion kicking his feet and babbling, something new that started when he was away. He’s so proud, thrilled to watch his son start to grow, start expressing himself, and it pains him all the same. He’s missed so much, and he’s going to keep missing things.
“What about some pasta?” You’re turned with an eyebrow raised, and he blinks.
“Hmm?” He palms Orion’s belly.
“Pasta. For dinner tonight?”
“Sure honey. Whatever you want.” Your head cocks, slightly, and you put a dry bag of linguine in the cart.
“Want to go pick out a jar of sauce and I’ll meet you at the yogurt?” You stretch your back. “Not sure I feel like going for scratch tonight.”
“Okay. Come on bub, let’s go get mama her sauce.”
There are too many options. He didn’t realize there could even be this many options, white, pink, red, garlic, no garlic, the list goes on.
It’s a bit of a puzzle. What do you like? He should know these things. He wants to know these things.
“What a handsome little man.” A woman appears at his elbow, leaning past him to peek at Orion. “He’s so cute.” He gives her his only attempt at a polite smile, though it’s strained and looks like a grimace.
It’s hard, pretending to be a civilian. Walking around in a grocery store like he wasn’t just pulling a trigger a week ago. His instinct is to size the woman up, analyze her for potential threats, cover the back of Ry’s head with his hand. He grits out a thanks. “Thank you.”
“He looks just like you,” she continues, smiling, “handsome like his daddy.” The sentiment curdles his stomach, and he narrows his eyes.
“His mama agrees.” Her smile turns a little embarrassed, awkward, but still present, persistent.
“I’m sure she does if she’s got two big men around.” Bloody hell.
“If you’ll excuse-“
“Simon?” You’ve just turned into the aisle with the trolley, confused at first, and then catching up quickly. You sneer at the stranger, stepping around her to point to a sauce on the shelf, your breasts grazing his forearm. “I like this one.” You say softly, sliding a hand to his lower back, glancing over at the obtrusive woman. “Will you get it for me?” He smirks.
“Of course mama.”
“Is that it?” You eye the three bags, two duffels and a backpack. He shrugs.
“Don’t really have a lot. I have a storage unit for some things in Manchester, family stuff, but I’m pretty used to jumping around. Flat I rented came furnished.” You suck in a breath, like you’re all the sudden realizing what a daunting task it is, being his. Belonging to him. Being loved by him, a man who kills for a living, a man whose possessions only fill three, four bags at most.
“Okay, well, there are drawers… in the dresser, and half the closet of course. I cleaned out some bathroom drawers too, I wasn’t sure what you’d be bringing so I made some room in the kitchen too, in case you had dishes, and-“
“Hey.” He steps close, snaking a palm around the back of your neck and stroking over your pulse point. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just… this is a big deal.”
“It is.” He hums.
“I’m not… changing my mind, just like… my flat isn’t exactly… Simon sized.” He swallows his grin, pleased at how you’ve walked right into his next topic of conversation.
“About that…” your brow creases. “I think we might be a little cramped here, mama.” You slump.
“I know…” you sound defeated and he thumbs your cheek. “I just… I don’t know what comes next. I’ve been here so long, you know? It’s my place. And what do we do?” He does know it’s your place, knows how much you love your stacks of books, your small hanging house plants that sun by the window. He loves how you decorated Orion’s room, dark green with gold stars, loves how your plates and cups and bowls are all a mix of painted pieces, ornate designs that don’t really match but always seem to fit together.
He knows it will be hard, these next steps, but he’s not afraid. He trusts he knows what’s best for his family, knows how to keep you safe, and happy. He knows you’ll love it, the one he’s picked out.
He just has to tell you now.
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futureman · 8 months
eyes on the monitor
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pairing: mike schmidt x f!reader
summary: mike catches something on the security cameras that really shouldn't be happening at a family-friendly pizzeria—even an abandoned one
warnings: 18+ MDNI, stranger!reader, submissive!mike, trespassing, smut, m&f masturbation, public masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, squirting, finger sucking, cum eating, looming danger
word count: 3k
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Mike has seen a lot of things on the security monitors in his three short nights working at Freddy's. 
Old animatronics that still roam about like they're possessed, cryptic messages written on dusty windows and mirrors. But he can honestly say he never saw this coming.
As the cameras shift from right to left, one of the screens glitches and crackles, and then there's you, tucked into a booth like you belong there. Except you don't. He's not even sure how you evaded his notice, let alone how you got into the building.
Don't you have any idea what's lurking in these halls? The dangers that patiently wait behind the curtained stage not even ten feet from where you're sitting? From where you're...
There's no way you possibly can because you're still lounging there without a care in the world, your legs spread wide and your jeans dangling off one ankle while you fuck yourself on your fingers. Two of them, your ring and middle, pump a steady rhythm in and out, dribbling slick all over the vinyl beneath you. You're so wet, even the camera's picking up the refracted light from the prize counter glinting off your pussy.
He should be panicked. He should be halfway to the auditorium by now to stop you, to drag you out of the pizzeria before the unthinkable happens, but—
But he can't bring himself to move or stop watching. He can't stop himself from palming his stiffening cock through his pants, either. Your head lolls back onto the booth and your body readjusts, giving him the perfect view of your languid movements. Now, it's almost like you're on display just for him.
And suddenly, he doesn't care about Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, or Foxy. He definitely doesn't care about his job or whatever else that career counselor said on the phone. The only thing Mike cares about is getting his dick out as fast as humanly possible so he can match the calculated press of your fingers and your frustratingly unhurried pace. 
You're thoroughly enjoying your pleasure—that much is clear—and it would be so easy to just...join in. He'd planned on sleeping through his fourth night, but now that you're here, there's nothing else he'd rather be doing than spending his shift fucking his fist and pretending it's you.
It'd be wrong. So, so wrong, but as you continue on, completely oblivious to his inner turmoil, he can feel himself getting harder and harder. There's a growing wet patch on the front of his sweatpants that's getting difficult to ignore, and he nearly moans as he grinds the heel of his hand into his lap for relief.
His gaze trails down your figure, surprisingly clear on the aging monitors, and he watches, dry-mouthed, as your unoccupied hand snakes up your body to tweak a nipple through your shirt. 
Fuck it, he can't take this anymore.
He yanks his pants down so fast, he's shocked he doesn't knock himself onto the floor, and hisses out a breath the moment his fingers wrap around himself. It aches with how good it feels, but he only allows his eyes to roll back for a split second before they're locked back on you. 
And you're sexy as hell. Your shirt's been tugged up and tucked under your chin to reveal that you decided to forgo a bra, in addition to the rest of your inhibitions, and he's thanking every deity he doesn't believe in that he doesn't have to imagine the plush curve of your tits and how they'd look sucked into his mouth.
Crap. He can't keep thinking shit like that if he wants to last longer than a few minutes. Ignoring the angry pulsing against his palm, he starts to stroke himself in time with your thrusts, diligently following your lead. But you're moving so slowly like you've got all the time in the world in this abandoned wonderland you've claimed for yourself, and Mike's time is limited. 
The longer this night goes on, the more restless they become, and it won't be long before those curtains open and you're interrupted. For good. There must be something seriously wrong with him, because he doesn't give a shit about that, either. They can wait. He's got another job to finish, and he needs this.
It's been so long since he last allowed himself to let go, and even longer since his body actually wanted to. He's harder than he's ever been in his life, and it's confusing and a little painful, and yet he hopes he lasts until his alarm goes off at 6 a.m., teetering on the edge of nirvana right alongside you. He wants you to make him cum so badly, and he knows you will, even if you don't know it yourself.
Tiny, hushed pleas escape him as your fingers speed up, begging you to coax him, to encourage him to be good for you and follow your every move. His office is too far from the auditorium for his words to carry, but he continues to moan them anyway, desperately. Obediently.
His eyes flutter closed as he succumbs to the fantasy of your lips grazing the shell of his ear, giving him firm instructions and praising him when he proves how well he can listen.
Such a good boy for me, Mike. A little faster, not too much. Nice and tight, just like that.
"Fuck. Like this? Is...is this okay?" he whimpers aloud, thumbing over the tip on his next upstroke. 
His hips buck into his hand at the sensation, and he grits his teeth, anticipating an admonishment that never comes. He's more than a little disappointed. 
That is, until he hears it, crystal clear as it filters through the cracked door and reverberates through his entire body. A needy, perfect moan, rising in pitch and volume with each passing moment. Yours.
You must've heard him, somehow. It's the only explanation. He has no idea how long he's been babbling, drunk on the tight, slick slide of skin against skin, but you're responding to it encouragingly like he's only ever imagined in his wettest dreams.
Mike's eyes shoot open, darting back to the monitor, and he has to grip the base of his cock tight to keep from cumming then and there. You're staring directly at the camera now, your chest heaving as you fuck yourself with three fingers, and he winces at how quickly his balls start to tighten.
He's going to cum. Shit. Shit.
But you didn't tell him he could. You're not even aware of the power you hold over him, and yet—
"You sound close, baby. You gonna cum for me?"
He sees your lips move and then your voice rings out a moment later, breathy and labored, and...how the fuck did you end up in this place? Who are you? He fucks into his fist frantically, leaking precum all over his fingers, and he can feel sweat matting his dark curls to his forehead, pooling where his aching wrist meets his hip bone. 
Maybe it doesn't even matter how or why you're in this pizzeria, not anymore. He can't stop anyway, not when you're urging him on and calling him baby. He feels delirious, blind to the rest of the security monitors and newly flickering lights. To the purple curtain slowly opening behind you.
Right now, it's just you and him. The familiar, searing heat in the pit of his groin, and the wet squelch of your fingers stroking your convulsing walls and rubbing tight circles into your clit—you're both so close, he knows it. He just needs you to say it. He needs your permission.
"Only if—," he gasps, belatedly realizing that his other hand is cupping his balls, squeezing reflexively without his permission. "—only if you say I can."
He watches your jaw drop, and your thighs begin to quake in response. Quicker than he can process, there's a sudden shift, and your gaze darkens mischievously to match the subtle quirk of your lips. You're in control now and you know it. You like it. He does, too.
Your pace doesn't slow at all and, instead, your hips begin to swivel into your touch, grinding into the sticky vinyl bench for more friction. 
So, that turns you on, huh? If he strains his ears, he swears he can just make out the squeaking of a diner booth being pushed to its limit. He's never been more jealous of furniture in his life.
That could've been him, if only he'd manned up and done his damn job. He could've had you bent over that table or bouncing on his cock; felt you gushing around him, clamping down on him. You would've wrung him dry.
Turns out you still do, just from a little further away. 
"Still hanging in there?" you coo from the other room, but the teasing in your voice is undercut by something headier. You sound wrecked.
His eyebrows pinch together, his expression almost pained, and he can feel that telltale pressure building, building.
"Y-yeah, but I...fuck, I can't hold it anymore," he whimpers, unable to keep his hips from snapping up into his hand. His thrusts are getting sloppier and tears are beginning to gather at the corners of his eyes. He wishes you could see him right now. "C-can I? Please."
Your fingers stutter and, for a second, he thinks he might've pushed you over the edge, but you recover just long enough to give him one final push. To tell him the one thing he's been longing to hear since he tugged down his pants and started playing your little game.
"Such a good boy," you repeat from earlier, a murmur that just barely reaches his ears, except this time it's really you and not just a fantasy. "Cum, baby. Let me hear you."
Then, his mind goes blissfully blank.
Mike doesn't just cum, he bursts. Soft whimpers taper into something guttural and animalistic as thick spurts coat his security vest and dribble down his length, soaking into the thick fabric of his sweatpants. He moans his way through it, nearly giving himself a friction burn with the intensity of his grip and speed. And he's loud, just like you told him to be. Much louder than he should be.
For a brief moment, his vision whites out, and he almost misses what he's been looking forward to all night. He blinks away the lingering spots obscuring his sight, and that's when it happens. Bathed in flashing green and yellow fluorescents, your entire body curls in on itself, shaking as your orgasm overcomes you and soaks the floor. 
His cock jerks pathetically in his hand as you work yourself through it, your eyes heavy-lidded and still locked on the camera. After a few more pumps, you slump into your seat and remove your fingers from your cunt, sucking them wetly into your mouth. 
He should get up. He should walk right into that auditorium with his dick still out so you can clean him up too, but he feels frozen in place. The skin at the back of his neck prickles and erupts into goosebumps and it feels like a warning, yet he still can't bring himself to look away from you. 
So, he doesn't notice the purple curtain opening just a fraction more in the background, and the curved, silver hook that peeks out from behind it. The blood rushing in your ears and steady heaving of your chest masks the metallic rattling, leaving you dangerously in the dark, too.
But Mike's eyes on the monitor are just enough to keep the pirate in his cove, and you're captivating enough to ensure they stay there. 
Sticky fingers twitch in his lap and, as if you can tell, you smirk around your own before pulling them free with a lewd pop. His mouth waters at the thought of what you must taste like and, unbeknownst to him, you're thinking the exact same about him. Since you're not there to help him yourself, you ask him to be good for you one last time.
"It's your turn," you laugh teasingly, swirling your tongue around your fingertips. "You should probably clean yourself up before you head home. It's almost six."
Heat curls low in his stomach and compels him to obey again. A cursory glance down at his watch tells him you're right—his alarm will go off soon, way sooner than he expected, and he's still covered in sweat and his own release. He could pop out of the office to the bathroom and be back before any real damage is done, probably. But that's not really what you're asking for.
"Tell me what you want me to do," he calls out, not bothering to hide the neediness in his voice. He's never experienced anything like this—like you—before and he's not sure he'll get the opportunity ever again.
"Lick it off. All of it," you instruct, dropping your fingers between your legs to swirl around your clit before popping them back into your mouth. Slowly, you show him exactly what you want, and he's a little horrified to realize he's getting hard again. "Can you do that for me?"
He nods quickly, forgetting you can't see his approval, but it doesn't matter, anyway. He's sucking the drying cum off his palm and fingers faster than he can reply, and his muffled responding moan tells you everything you need to know. After everything that's happened during this unexplainable night shift and everything you've made him feel, he'd likely do anything you asked.
"Such a good listener," you continue, ceasing your ministrations to lazily slip your underwear and jeans back into place. 
He's hit with a sudden wave of panic. This can't be over yet. There's still so much mystery shrouding you and whatever connection you have to this place, and if you leave now, he'll be left wondering forever. He wants answers, but disappointingly, you only leave him with more questions.
"How did I get so lucky with you, huh? The other security guards weren't nearly this fun," you smirk, dropping another bomb he never saw coming.
Oh. Oh. He freezes as he finishes laving the remaining wetness between his thumb and index fingers, the reality of the situation finally making itself known. This isn't the first time you've done this. It's probably not even the second or third. This is a habit, and he's not the only unwitting participant to fall prey to your seduction.
Fuck, he knew you were too good to be true. He hates that his body's still fighting his rationality while you sit there genuinely believing you've done nothing wrong. So innocent and, yet, still such an enigma. No one's ever made him cum that hard but, thankfully, his head is finally clear enough to put a stop to all of this. It's time to do his job.
The opportunity presents itself almost immediately. The flickering lights that have progressively gotten worse since his shift started reach a fever pitch, and the familiar figure in the corner of the screen reveals itself, wrenching his attention away from you. 
Mike barely has enough time to warn you before the screens start to glitch—every single one of them—and display nothing more than lines and lines of meaningless code. 
"You have to go. Now," he yells, struggling to be heard over the tinny screeching and jarring sounds of children's laughter crackling violently over the intercom. "Just—get out of here. Run, you have to run!"
He doesn't wait for a response, operating on autopilot as he wrestles his pants up and shoots out of his seat to the breaker box across the room. Terror and adrenaline pump through his veins, puppeteering him through the instructions left for him by Mr. Raglan.
Pull the lever down then back up, reset the power, and wait for the monitors to reboot. All he can do now is hope the machines don't deem you a threat and let you go. The room is plunged into darkness and the speakers go eerily silent.
Then, the systems come back online just like they're supposed to. But you're gone. He frantically searches the monitors for even a trace of you, evidence that you ever existed at all, but there's nothing. The only relief he's granted is that there's no blood or pieces of you scattered across the building. There's nothing at all.
Bracing himself on the desk in front of him, he breathes in desperate lungfuls of air, crashing from his adrenaline-fueled high and giving in to exhaustion. Just one more night. One more night at Freddy's, and he'll take that paycheck and never look back.
After a while of waiting for his panic to subside, his watch starts to beep, signaling the end of this night from hell. Fighting to ignore his conflicting feelings and lingering confusion, and even more so the phantom heat still licking at the base of his spine when he lets his thoughts stray back to you, he grabs his backpack and all but speed walks to the breaker to cut the power again.
As his fingers close around the lever, the intercom suddenly crackles to life. Something akin to hope blooms in his chest, and he whips around to see your image picked up by the camera at the entrance, radiant and unharmed under the morning sun of a new day. 
You're smiling, and he can't find it in himself to care that he's smiling back. You turn to leave, then think better of it.
"Same time tomorrow?" 
He scoffs, shaking his head at how ridiculous his life has become since he started this gig. If not even haunted animatronic mascots and the looming threat of death can't keep you away, then who is he to try? 
Yeah. He'll see you tomorrow.
thanks for reading!
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azulock · 7 months
hey, how you doing? Could you make a bllk guys who have a breeding kink? I bet Isagi would have one 👀👀👀
Fallen by my own sword on those Isagi headcanons, huh? But yes, that freak would very much have a breeding kink, damn Isagi. Looking at my breeding kink guys list now, it's pretty much "men who need therapy" (on a bigger or smaller level)
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bllk guys who have a breeding kink
isagi yoichi
This fucking freak - he loves it, loves it a little too much actually. I hope you like it too and that you actually want children, cause if you don't, well, Isagi sure wants them. He loves creampies just by themselves, really wants to cum inside only, but if you can have kids, that's double. The panty stealing fuck will claim he can tell your fertile days by smelling your underwear. This weirdo probably just been keeping track of your cycle in secret through more mundane means. So on your fertile days he will be doubling down on his efforts to keep you filled up with his cum.
For Isagi the kink is a mix of possessiveness and the wish to have a big family - to prove how perfect you are to each other. He had a good family, he will be a good dad, right? If you are in a relationship, this is only the natural outcome. He also won't shut up during sex, muttering all the time about how he is gonna make you look so good and swollen up with his babies. Will be trying to fuck you at any time during your fertile days, constantly saying it's time for a good breeding session, that you need to stay filled up to become his good pretty momma.
itoshi rin
Obsessed with family - for better or for worse. Wants to make you into his family, and just getting married ain't gonna cut it. The only way he can do it is by making you carry a part of him within yourself, and doing it once isn't gonna cut it. If his relationship with his brother didn't work out, then he is gonna have his own kids and they won't have this problem. He needs to prove he is better, that he will have a better family, more kids, better kids. Even this is a competition, and he is going to win.
He generally fucks like a desperate animal, and the day you let him do it raw, it's gonna be just a matter of time until he shows his breeding kink. It's strong, violent, animalistic, he needs to cum inside you like he needs air. If you have that kink too, then he is done for and he'll just give in. There won't be much talking during the sex, just grunting and growling as he fills you up again and again. Not the type to be keeping track of shit, he'll just be taking his pleasure and filling you up with his cum at any chance until either nature does it's thing or your period shows up.
alexis ness
Breeding as a form of devotion - or possession to be more honest. His yandere tendencies really show through here, he wants to breed you to feel that you are forever connected to him. Just painting your insides white isn't enough to mark you as his, he needs more, he nerds to make you have his children so you'll always a part of him attached to you. There is no bigger intimacy in his mind than carrying someone's child. Really, just the thought of you pregnant with his baby is enough to get him hard as a rock.
Probably won't have the guts to just show his kink straight up, he's gonna hide it for a while, pretend he isn't obsessed with the idea of breeding a child into you. But if you have a breeding kink and show your hand first he's gonna be overjoyed - tho, if you are only into it for the kink, he probably won't even think of that possibility. In his head, it's only a breeding kink if you can actually get pregnant. If you let him indulge, he will be fucking into you aggressively, begging you to take his baby, promising to be all sorts of nice and gentle while you are pregnant.
kunigami rensuke
A man with a love for his family - and not even wildcard could kill that, it just made that love a bit rougher. He's a tad more intense, more aggressive, more wild. He wanted to have a family with you and he still does, but now that reflects in an intense breeding kink. It's not about possession, it's about building his own family. About making you into a home for him, and for his seed, for his children. It's about showing how strong he is, that he will paint your insides white and give you a big strong baby.
If you have the same kink he will go crazy, wanting to prove that he can do what you desire. Even if you don't want kids right now, he will act as if you do, it's like training for the real thing. He can wait to have kids, with you wanting it the wait is worth, and he still gets to enjoy the fantasy while he fucks you hard. The mental image alone makes his blood boil. The thought of you big, glowing and vulnerable warms his heart, and he'd prove himself again by being there to care for you.
mikage reo
Wants to prove himself a good father - and there's nothing saying he can't enjoy the process of getting there. He's not the aggressive type in his breeding kink, but that's not to say it isn't intense. He can't look at you without the desire to fill you up with his cum, sometimes he'll catch himself randomly imagining what you'd look like big with his child. For him it's the biggest show of affection, to accept to carry someone's child, to out yourself in such a difficult and vulnerable position for someone you love. It's not just a big sexual fantasy for him, it's an emotional one too. He still is aware of the serious side of having kids, so for now, it's just a kink, but in the future he's going through with it.
He'll probably be worshipping the ground you stand in the minute you let him actually breed you. It isn't going to be rough, but it's going to be passionate. Reo will be pumping you full time and time again while praising you and whispering all his love in your ear. He'll keep track of your cycle to make the most of his chances, he'll still pump you full all the other days tho. But he really wants to get the best chance to breed you, so he can show his pregnant wife off as soon as possible - it's the little bit of possessiveness he has in that kink.
bonus: kaiser, karasu & shidou
Only engage in it as a kink - to the point where they will pay for your birth control. Kids are difficult, expensive and time consuming. He might want to have them at some point in the future, with a lot of planning, but he ain't risking it for a cheap thrill. He still finds the kink hot, tho, something about how primal it is really gets the blood pumping. He loves filling you up with his cum over and over again, whispering about how he is gonna plant his seed into you and make you his. Though, he just wants the fun, not the consequences.
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thebearer · 11 months
nsfw alphabet with carmen berzatto
please minors dni 18+. smut ahead ;) enjoy!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
in the beginning, carmen was so bad at aftercare. he was a clinger and a cuddler, a little self conscious one too, but he didn't know after care was a thing really??? like would wipe you off and cuddle you, but when you started doing more intense or harsher things, you had to tell him "hey can you do a little more lol?" now, he's more thorough with a complete check afterwards. bath if you need one, food (ofc) or something to drink, more vocal too with praises and making sure you're not in a drop or shock, and still a clinger afterwards too lol.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his- his hands. he needs them to work and they're good at that apparently. good at drawing, and smoking, and holding your hand. good at smacking your ass until you cry or pulling on your hair. good at wiping your tears, holding your face in his palms, watching you suck on his fingers. watching them disappear in and out of your pussy, your arousal dripping down his wrist. he's just... he does a lot with his hands lol.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
carmen is filthy with cum. maybe it's a territorial type thing, something primal inside of him, but he will paint you with his cum. your tummy, your tits, not so much your face bc you don't like it. inside of you is his favorite, esp when he makes you keep it in there after fucking you in the office or at a dinner party in the bathroom, you have to go out and pretend like nothing happened- dripping him down your leg the entire time.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he's kinda into voyeurism??? a little bit lol. not actually in front of someone, he's too shy and possessive for that, but will finger you under the table at family dinners. likes it when you jack him off in public. having sex somewhere you might get caught, or where someone might find you or hear you. he always fucks you harder when someone might be around, lives for it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he's not super experienced by any means, but seasoned enough to know what he's doing. probably a body count of three or four before you maybe. there's still a lot of things that are new to him (esp the kinkier things the two of you get into) but he's got the basics covered.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
the hook or the shoulder holder. anything where your legs are over his shoulders, preferably thighs to your chest and he's plowing the fuck outta you. makes you go numb and he loves when your thighs squeeze around his neck, nearly makes him pass out. he can go so deep and it feels so close for the both of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
depends on the mood. if he's being daddy carm, then he's very serious. if it's just you two fucking around or having sweet, sappy sex, then he can be a little more silly.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
trimmed but a little on the wilder side. got a bush and a happy trail that you love. when you first started dating, he would try to trim it all the way, and you had to tell him you loved it. so now he keeps it. wild curly pubes that match his hair when it grows super long. you love it when he'll let it go full bush so you can just bury your face in it lol.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
very romantic and lovey always. even after he's been a little mean to you, he is always quick to be sweet. very much so the type to say "i love you" every time in missionary... and every other position, but he's just sappy lol.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
used to jack off more when he was single and busy. less when mikey died and he took over the beef bc he was stressed to the max. now, he doesn't really ever jack off. you two fuck enough he doesn't have to, and he really doesn't have time lol.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
he's a total soft daddy dom, which might come as a shock. a little bit of a brat tamer. nothing he loves more than putting you in your place. a big fan of "fucking the fussy out out you" and embarrassing you a little. ofc it's never severe bc carmen would have dom drop like a mf, but spanking you and then making you come out to family and sitting on your stinging ass, trying to pretend like it's nothing? gets him hard all over again.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
bedroom or kitchen. depends on how you're playing and fucking, or really what he needs. he'll bend you over the kitchen counter and have you there all night, but in the bedroom, he'll take his time with you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
you. just you. the knowledge that you like him and think he's attractive and are willing to have sex with hi. sometimes when you're bratty and a little mean, it wakes up his daddy side and gets him going to tame you, but really your existence.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything super intense that would leave a lasting mark or scar. super degrading, either way, he doesn't want to make fun of you or be too mean (outside of calling you a brat and impatient), certainly doesn't want yo to say it to him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he's a chef. he likes to taste his food. loves giving you head. unbelievably good at it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
depends on the mood. usually he'll pound you out kinda slow but enough to leave you shaky, but really depends in the vibe.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
king of quickies. in the morning before work, if you come to visit him at work, sneaking home on a lunch break, before going to a friend's house, in the car. anywhere. he just doesn't have the time all the time so quickies make it easier.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he's probably like sixty/ forty on risks. yes, he'll fuck you in the dressing room while you're trying on bikinis, but no, he won't spank you with a rolling pin are you out of your mind?
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
depends on how tired he is. usually two, but if he's super amped up, can go as many as you need. can go all night if he has to.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
sorta toys? has a paddle (you bought him) for when you're really bad. the wooden spoon and spatula he uses for spanking you. you had a vibrator that he'll tease you with sometimes. and he bought you a few plugs when you were anal training and bc sometimes you're a brat and he plugs you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
teasing king. endless teasing until your teary eyed and pouting and furious. the more you're on the edge, the more he likes it. likes to get you to that point you're nearly brain dead with pleasure, then will finally give in because nothing it better than watching you come undone.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he's gotten better. used to be a few muffled whines and grunts that he was embarrassed of. now he dirty talks a lot. likes to kinda grunt-moan when he's fucking you, and sometimes you'll get lucky and he'll whimper right in your ear before he cums!!!
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
big fan of mirror sex. likes holding you by your jaw while he fucks you roughly, making you watch yourself come undone, all while he grunts and hisses things in your ear. "look at you, fuck. this is what i see every time. get to see you- see you like this. lookin' all pretty and fucked out."
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's def thicker than mosts. thick and veiny- like his build. uncut (that won the poll) and i feel he'd be around seven or eight inches. enough to have you gawking and like... holy shit. he thinks it's not very big or impressive and you reassure him otherwise lol.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
pretty insatiable. esp if he's well rested and not stressed, but even on those days, he just wants to fuck lol.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he's a cuddler and he'll pillow talk for a little bit then he's out lol. to quote nicki, pussy put his ass to sleep. and it is a deep sleep every time lol.
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secretly-dum · 1 year
Joel Miller Headcanons
(please read warning/contents before reading)
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pairing: joel miller x reader
request: none
summary: nothing, just some ‘regular’ headcanons
warning/contents: romantic SFW and NSFW hcs (part 1?)
additional notes: here you guys go <3 I’m so sorry for being demotivated but fortunately not enough to not do this!! Thank you all for being patient with me <3
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In a relationship with Joel (SFW):
-Would be so possessive around you in public, his hands would HAVE to be somewhere on you, to having your hand hold his to having his shoulder touching his.
-He’s soft in private, this man is TIRED of life and just wants you to be his cuddle buddy.
-Talking about cuddles, he LOVES to cuddle, especially when it’s cold and he needs to “warm up”(an excuse to sleep with you)
-But of course since this is Joel we are talking about, he acts ignorant and pretends that he doesn’t like cuddling(mostly because he doesn’t like showing his soft side to you, so reassure him that you won’t make fun of him for that)
-One time he needed to “warm up” so he slept beside you not touching you at all and when you woke up his leg was over yours and his arm was wrapped around you(he also refused that it was himself doing this and said that he ‘moves’ in his sleep).
-His love language is definitely words of affirmation and physical touch.
-He is SO deprived of both, if you even show an inch of both his heart literally just melts.
-PLEASE play with his hair, seeing his face hide his cute smile is so heartwarming.
-Uses so many pet names to refer to you, you can’t even count anymore, and some of them don’t even make sense(he called you ‘honeysuckle’ once).
-Will do anything in his way to protect, heal, and love you. This one guy is bothering you? All of a sudden he’s gone. You have a horrible wound? He’s stocked up with medicine immediately. You like figurines/toys? Will kill anyone and anything to get you a single figure/toy.
-Is more of a listener than a talker, he loves listening to you talk about your day and interests.
-Goes to you or Ellie every time he has free time, you guys are LITERALLY his world.
-Forces himself to understand confusing concepts of your interests if it means interacting with you.
-Hates it when you’re sad since he’s really not the best comforter, doesn’t know what exactly to do when you cry so he just holds you while you cry into him, it somehow works making you feel better every time.
-Goes to you and tests out his 4 dad jokes before telling them to Ellie, you always have to hold in your giggle when he’s trying to tell the jokes to Ellie.
-You and Ellie’s needs are in front of his, he could be on the brink of death but still do anything in his way to make sure you both are healthy and safe.
-Secretly thinks of you as Ellie’s parent, and sometimes makes up cute scenarios that make you all three look like a small family in his head (this hc makes me sob)
-At the start of the relationship he was hesitant to showing/expressing his feelings, but now since boundaries are set and he’s more comfortable, he will always tell you whether or not he’s feeling negative.
-Watches you as you sleep but not in a creepy way, he always have thoughts that make him think you’ll die in your sleep so he’ll stay up an extra few minutes to make sure your safe. He loves how comfortable and dreamy you look.
-If you make something for him, whether it be a joke or not, he’ll always keep it on him. You gave him a nut and made some stupid joke? It’s on top of his dresser with other things you and Ellie have gave him.
-Definitely gives you something back, if you keep it and he sees it somewhere he smiles so hard his cheeks hurt.
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In a relationship with Joel (NSFW):
-I don’t care what ANYONE says this man is a switch who prefers to be a bottom.
-Despite him being strong physically and emotionally, he’s always so vulnerable and obedient to you.
-Won’t do any slapping, choking, and hitting to you unless you ask/tell him to, but nevertheless he will lightly hit you, feels weird to hit his lover.
-Will be quiet if you guys are in a slightly unsafe area, but will scream your name if you guys are in either his or your home.
-Did I mention how he won’t slap, choke, or hit you unless you ask? You can do all three to him and he’ll still say thank you (one time you asked him why he won’t do the same hitting to you and he said “It’s not the same” 😭)
-Whimpers and whines like a bitch, it’s incredibly pornographic and I’m wondering to this day who taught him to make such angelic noises.
-Begs and obeys, can’t be brat unless you catch him on a real bad day or he just wants a punishment from you.
-Doesn’t do any risky stuff like getting you pregnant or hurt but will gladly let you fuck him in a spot that could get you guys caught.
-If he’s being dominant, he will be a soft dominant, Joel once said “he loves you too much to be doing such ‘harsh’ things to you” (unless you ask him to!)
-Pussy AND cock drunk, he’s addicted to you and your pussy/dick. Would be licking/sucking you for hours if he could (bisexual!joel is real).
-Overstimulation kink, which goes for both ways if you want. He loves it when he says he can’t take it anymore and you say he can.
-Your touch lingering over his body has him so turned on, the anticipation of how you’ll touch him turns him on so bad.
-Loves it when you mark him, bites, hickeys and etc. If you mark him on somewhere visible, he’ll show it off like a trophy.
-Likes bondage, seeing you all tied up and the curves of your body being more visible to him has him in a chokehold.
-He tells you that you taste so sweet and good, even if you haven’t showered that day(let’s be honest barely anyone showers in TLOU anymore)
-For some weird reason, seeing you sweat or have someone else’s blood on you turns him on a lot. Something about seeing you like that makes him want to fuck you right then and there.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
That hc of Mochi and s/o was so cute ♡♡♡ can you make one for Ran?
Yeah sure! Ok so these are hc's of Ran as a husband and having kids, pretty sure the last one was a female reader so these ones are too!
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So many dad jokes, he's a really big fan of them. No matter how many times you and the kids roll your eyes, he won't stop.
Only dresses your kids in the most fashionable outfits, will wear matching outfits with the kids.
He's very sweet and loving towards you, thinks you're one of the best things that's ever happened to him and is always remiding you of that.
Loves using pet names on you, calls you "my love" a lot
He's never stayed up longer then when you were giving birth/ when the baby first came home. He was so worried about how tiny the baby was, wanted to keep an eye on the baby instead of sleeping (ends up passing out in a chair)
He's very sleepy in the mornings, usually you have to drag him out of bed or bargain with him (I'll give you a 100 kisses if you get up)
Insists on cooking you breakfast even though he's not the best at it
He's even more excited about the wedding then you are, is very on-board and active with the planning.
While you're pregnant he jokes about naming the baby "Ran Jr"
He actually calls you pet names so often that your kids get a bit confused when they start talking. They also call you "my love" and "light of my life" Ran thinks it's funny and gets pretend possessive of you, saying your "his love". 
Panics more then you when you go into labour, Rindou bets you that he'll faint (thankfully he doesn't)
His favourite part of your wedding is your first dance together (well yknow part of the actual party part, not including the after)
Attempts to teach the kids how to use a baton when they're older (he says it's just for pinatas but you know better)
One of his favourite things to do as a family is when you're all snuggled up on the sofa, watching movies together.
Doesn't care if your kids go "eww" or says something, nothing is stopping him from kissing you in front of them or being affectionate. (That might actually make him do it more often)
Always invites the kids into your bed when they have nightmares "come sleep in mummy and daddy's bed, the monsters can't get you here" 
If someone flirts with him he points to his wedding ring and laughs (he can be a bit mean sometimes but he thinks they should've noticed)
Nearly has a heart attack from cuteness overload whenever you call him and put one of the kids on the phone. 
Also texts you a lot of random selfies and pictures he's taken throughout the day. (A lot of them have Rindou looking unimpressed in the background) 
And finally, he kisses you and his kids goodnight every night before sleeping
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viburnt · 4 months
So hear me out! You did leopard touya and i FELL IN LOVE how about a lion or tiger bakugou tho🫢
Lion! Bakugo SFW+NSFW
Lions, kings of the jungle: known for their manes and imponent roar, basking in a reputation a bit too big for them. Lion! Bakugo boasts about his skill and power, even more than normally, that is. Adding a Lion to this blond only accentuates his egocentric behavior, but there are some new traits to discover with this hybrid.
Lion! Bakugo is all roar and no bite. He yells and curses, and pretends to be the leader, but lions (specially male ones) take care and try to provide for their prides (in this case, his clique).
Lion! Bakugo can't bear the thought of having other guys close to you. You're his partner, not some pesky pray for others to take! He keeps a close eye on who your friends are and who you are with, defending his territory. This hybrid is also very possessive; if you had a previous partner, he'll make sure to get rid of any trace of them.
Talking about territory, lions get extremely defensive with their stuff: he doesn't share. Once Lion! Bakugo starts feeling comfortable in a determined space (like an specific lunch table, library spot or your/his bedroom) he'll make sure others know that area is his as soon as he steps into the room. Oh, you wanna sit in his spot? How dare you?!
Did I mention lions are polygamous? Both sexes are. Bakugo doesn't really practice it because you're more than enough to breed and form a family, but sometimes (just sometimes) certain redhead is added to the mix. He doesn't allow you to have more partners though, female lions can only have one or two males to mate.
Mating season is intense, to say the least, Lion! Bakugo tries to breed you multiple times a day. Alone at the library? He may be bashful but he'll sit you in his lap. After training? Don't worry, he doesn't mind a bit of sweat. Are you doing homework? You could work on his cock too, right? Prone bone is his go-to position, right where he can bury his girth deep inside you while also having access to your body.
He wants to knock you up so bad.
Lion! Bakugo is also strangely affectionate towards you outside of his rut, planting chaste kisses on your face and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. He is very calm and easy-going with you when you compare his behavior with others, you can even say he relaxes with you.
Going back to how this species accentuate his self centered traits, however, Lion! Bakugo is even more hated by others than normal. There's not a second where he is not talking big game about him and his strength.
He roars (unironically).
Also, one of the main predators lions have are hyenas... remember who is a hyena hybrid? Shiggy. Suits him right considering how he was kidnapped by the league.
Lion! Bakugo also has an even messier hair, a lion tail, and matching ears. His body is a bit more sturdy and even has a bit of a tummy because, well, cat pouches. He's still such a pretty thing to look at!
"Bend your legs a little more-" Bakugo growls, tightening the grip on your hips as he pulls you closer to him. You lost the count of how many times he's had his way with you that day alone, his thrusts making your legs weak.
You pant, looking at him over your shoulder. "Fuck, you're gonna give me a cub soon, I promise..." He grunts, hissing as he digs his nails onto your plush skin, painting your insides white once more.
You have to change your sheets.
Tags: @i-literally-cant-with-this @shonen-brainrot @doumadono @imagination-mess @trickster-kat @shionancientsblog
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milliesdiary · 2 years
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⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐍 𝐀𝐔
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; there’s not enough cute stuff with aegon, so here is a little something! thank you so much to the amazing person who requested this :”) it gets suggestive at times but there’s no explicit smut ♡
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• As a lazy and irresponsible college student, Aegon would attend frat parties every night. It ruined his grades — his GPA was dangerously low — but he couldn’t bring himself to care. There was no way in hell he was going to wake up with a hangover and complete a bullshit homework assignment on Canvas. He was the type of guy to pre-game a big ass party.
• Instead of doing schoolwork, Aegon would rather spend the day rotting in bed, bundled in a college sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. So he did. And he sure as hell enjoyed it, almost as much as he enjoyed women.
• Before your relationship, Aegon was the biggest fuckboy. He never even thought of being committed to someone; he liked being able to sleep with whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted — no strings attached. He was with a different sorority girl every night. Hookups were elite in his eyes.
• And the thing about being wealthy? It was easy to find a girl to fuck. They were always interested in his money, his clothes, his possessions; he could be the biggest douche and still get laid.
• But you, the girl in the one class he forced himself to go to, were the only one who didn’t fall for it. And it annoyed the shit out of him.
• Aegon quickly became determined on winning your affections. The man always found (or made) reasons to be close to you; chatting with you out of the blue or just shoving his way into conversations. He was able to convince your friend to give him your Snap, and he started texting you from then on.
• And to his surprise? You were a decent person to talk to. Not like the other incompetent and annoying girls he’s spoken with (at least that’s how he’d describe them).
• Eventually, Aegon started to anticipate texting you every day. He told himself that it was because he wanted to fuck you, convinced himself that the feeling would go away once he got you in bed and ghosted you after. It was lust — there’s no way it’s anything more. He will never form emotional attachments.
• So, naturally, Aegon is really fucking surprised when he wakes up one morning and realizes he has a crush on you. And really, really surprised when you actually ask him out. Aegon tries to play it cool, to act indifferent. He just shrugs and pretends to think about it… when he actually has already made up his mind. He says yes, of course.
• Once you two start dating, Aegon finds himself a bit confused on how to be a good “boyfriend.” He’s never been in a relationship before and it’s strange. You give him a kindness he isn’t used to receiving, which is successful in throwing him off-kilter.
• Soon after, Aegon tries to stop referring to all women as “whores.” You’re the exception, apparently. Sometimes he slips up, but corrects himself when you give him an intimidating stare. Much like the rest of him, it’s a work in progress.
• He stops going to parties as often. But when he does go, he has you by his side at all times. His hand is either around your waist or his arm is looped around your shoulders, keeping you close.
• Aegon is possessive as hell. God forbid any other man looks at you. This man glares at pretty much any male that is facing your direction. Honestly, he never knew he could be the jealous type. He always prided himself in not giving a fuck. But when it comes to you? He gives too many.
• Soon, you help him sober up. He actually softens a bit more as a result (just don’t tell his younger brother).
• Speaking of, Aegon brags about you to Aemond a lot — though he limits this to the sexual aspects of your relationship because he’s that petty.
• When you meet his family for the first time though, Aegon keeps you away from Aemond at any time possible. He doesn’t want his brother’s eye on you at all.
• He even gets a bit jealous when you hang out with Helaena. It quickly makes him realize that he likes your attention on him and only him.
• It turns out that Aegon is big on physical affection, though he would never admit it. When you come over to his place, he is automatically pulling you onto the mattress with him to snuggle. He’ll spend a lot of time running a hand up and down your thigh, whispering to you about how pretty you smell, or how much he missed you all day. It’s one of the times he really lets his guard down. This man can actually be pretty romantic when he wants.
• Aegon mostly enjoys having you curled up into his side, your head on his chest, and listening to you laugh at the dumbest tiktoks. He always asks why you watch the weirdest “shit,” but sometimes he has to hide a smile behind a hand.
• Whenever Aegon plays video games, he likes it when you straddle him in his chair and just sit there, your nose tucked into his neck. It makes him feel like you want his presence, and don’t just put up with it. It only lasts for a minute or so though because he gets too horny. Expect to be pinned on the bed after that
• When you ask him to start studying for classes, Aegon frowns and tells you about how dumb it is. But then you stare at him with those pretty eyes of yours, and he is somehow convinced to open up a textbook and at least pretend to read.
• With your support, Aegon tries to catch up on his missing assignments. He says it’s because his mom is making him, but really, he’s scared he’s going to get kicked out of the university and not see you. He starts going to classes again (kinda).
• You want something? Aegon is going to do his absolute best to make that happen for you, even if he ruins other people’s lives in the process. The dedication is top tier. He’s going to spoil your ass until the end of time.
• He rants to you about his day, every day. There’s always something that pisses him off and it’s super funny.
• You’re the only person who can calm him down whenever he’s upset or overwhelmed. His mother considers it a talent.
• Surprisingly, Aegon starts remembering your favorite snacks. If he’s out somewhere, he’s going to grab something for you in the check-out line.
• When it comes to take-out food (Aegon’s absolute favorite thing on planet earth), he’s giving you a text asking what you want. Even if you say you don’t want anything, expect him to walk into your apartment and toss a Mcdonald’s bag at your head, grunting out a stern “eat.” It’s all love, of course.
• Aegon learns how to have restraint when he’s with you. You call him out when he’s acting too brash or being too inappropriate with his words. You teach him many, many things. Despite how much he tells you to stop “nagging him,” he becomes appreciative of it.
• Besides physical affection, his love language in terms of receiving is words of affirmation. He craves verbal reassurance: tell him sweet things, how lovely he is, how amazing he's doing in school, how much you love him. The amount a little reassurance can do to this man’s confidence…
• Aegon begins to trust you with lots of things. He becomes more open: he confides in you often. He even lets you in on the fact that his mother forced him to go to college, that he never wanted to be here. When you comforted him afterwards — and didn’t side with his mom — he was officially wrapped around your finger.
• Aegon kisses you a ton. He swears your lips are always beckoning him in some way.
• His signature way of kissing you is having a hand on the back of your neck and drawing you in, licking his way into your mouth. Aegon compliments you between the kisses he places on your neck, whispering about how beautiful you are, how you drive him insane.
• A very messy kisser by the way. Gentleness is not his forté!
• PDA doesn’t frighten Aegon; he loves showing you off. Sometimes he’ll try to start a make-out session with you in random places.
• This man has no shame — except when it comes to holding hands. It embarrasses him for some reason. Perhaps it’s because it’s too soft for his liking, too intimate, and it makes him feel less of that ‘i don’t give a fuck’ type of guy. He eventually comes to love it though. It gets to the point where his hand is always seeking out yours.
• Aegon even got offended once when you jokingly said no to holding hands. He refused to continue walking through the store until you intertwined your fingers together. The second you finally do so, he’s scowling and huffing under a breath, “you are the bane of my fucking existence.” There’s no real malice to it though ♡
• When you are laying in bed or on the sofa together, Aegon gives you one of his AirPods so you can listen to the same music.
• Another fact: Aegon carries something of yours on him at all times. Usually he’ll have your chapstick in his sweatshirt pocket.
• His favorite thing? When he lays his head on your lap and you play with the soft waves of his hair. It’s so relaxing — sometimes he’ll fall asleep like that and drool on your leg (expect him to get snarky and deny that he did it once he wakes up).
• Aegon is really bad at answering other people’s texts except yours. When he gets a notif from his mother or grandfather, he immediately swipes it away. But the second your contact name pops up? He’s clicking the notification in 1.2 seconds to respond. It doesn’t feel like a chore to talk to you.
• He’s a hypocrite too. He’ll say birthdays are stupid, yet he has yours marked on his phone calendar. Don’t tell him you noticed though or else he’ll delete it out of embarrassment.
• Aegon will hold you hostage in bed in the mornings. He’s not a morning person at all — something he somehow makes your problem. He wraps you up in his arms as you try to slink out from the sheets and buries his face into your hair. When you tell him you have an early class and you’ll be late, he just grumbles and tightens his hold on you. His morning voice is so pretty, all deep and gruff as he mumbles a slurred, “five more minutes.”
• Sometimes he’ll take your hand and softly kiss your knuckles in the morning, half-asleep with his hair a mess :”)
• At some point in the relationship, Aegon will go out to buy you pads or tampons. It’s the worst fucking thing to him, but you manage to convince him every time. He puts his hoodie up and his sunglasses on in a poor attempt at a disguise, standing in the feminine hygiene aisle for five minutes. There’s so many different sizes of pads and tampons that he gets super confused. He literally wants to die as he pulls out his phone to text, “what size cunt are u”
• He likes showering with you. He claims he does it to ‘save water,’ but you know he doesn’t give a shit about the planet or being eco-friendly. He just likes the feeling of your nails scrubbing shampoo into his scalp and wants to have lots of shower sex.
• Aegon may be in a relationship now and drink less, but his libido remains as high as ever. He seeks you out quite often, and will fuck you whenever there’s a chance. Every night usually ends with you both hooking up.
• Aegon never gave a shit about pleasuring the girls he used to fuck — he was very selfish — but he quickly becomes focused on your pleasure as well. The girls who he slept with in his youth taught him well, allowed him to learn how to navigate a woman's body; he’s extremely experienced in this realm.
• He’s the biggest tease on planet earth. Aegon will whisper in your ear about all the nasty shit he wants to do to you with the goal of getting you flustered. The smug grin on his face when he sees your pitiful reactions is the hottest thing.
• Sex with him is just *chefs kiss* (even the quickies)!!
• Aegon feels like he’s going to have a heart attack the first time you say you love him; it’s something that he has always needed to hear. Something that he has rarely ever heard, if at all. He almost wants to fucking cry. In that moment, Aegon knows you’ll be the death of him. He’s not good with words — so all he can do is pull you into a searing kiss and show you.
• Overall, Aegon is a loving boyfriend. Sometimes he can be very snarky and sarcastic, causing trouble here and there by rebelling against his family, but he tries to do his best :’)
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justyanle · 1 year
could you please write some sappy Lo’ak x gn!reader head cannon’s?
Sappy Lo'ak headcanons!
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a/n: i was literally clenching so hard trying to write this because i didn't know how to stop hcs from turning into a full on story 😭 anyways, lets gaur!! reqs r still open
You and Lo'ak met while joining the warriors at the ground, the two of you supposed to be spotters, yet still disobeying orders and getting to the group of warriors handing out the rifles.
"Hey! Aren't you the Olo'eyktan's kid?" you yelled at the younger Sully son.
His eyes widened and lips parted slightly when he turned his head to turn his head to the source of the sound, the view he was being met with was almost sending him into a permanent shock, stunned by your features.
"Y-Yeah, aren't you one of the spotters that were at the campsite earlier?" he gives a wide smile at the sight of you, not believing that someone as beautiful as you could talk to him.
You laughed, "We aren't supposed to be here!" a giggle erupts from you, cocking the weapon handed to you.
A few months had passed since your first encounter together, growing closer since then, getting into more frequent trouble than ever.
The two of you would always be found leaving a place that looked like that was wrecked by a Thanator, you and your best friend being the cause of the ruckus.
He would often be bringing you trinkets, babbling you about the "useless shit" he found - in reality, he was practically blushing really hard from both the embarrassment and shyness he developed around his crush because he has observed that they keep all of the items he had retrieved for you.
He was also VERY, VERY, touchy whenever you guys are sneaking out, usually telling you something along the lines of "Shut up, I'm only doing this so you can go back alive to the camp in one piece or else your dad would kill me." but, he was always feeling jittery when he held you close to him, wanting to rush into his bed face first and let out a girly squeal with his legs kicking in the air due to the minimum distance you guys shared.
Once he introduced you to his family, you all basically clicked, although, he was being extra possessive and much more of a show-off when you two were close to Neteyam, being insecure that Neteyam would once take the spotlight again.
When the two of you would play with Tuk, you guys would play pretend marriage, smiling to yourself at the thought of Tuk in a make-shift gown made out of leaves.
"You may now kiss, newly wed!" The youngest Sully exclaimed, in the middle of you and Lo'ak that were facing one another.
Both of your hearts thumped in your chest as both of you awkward teenagers were just facing one another holding eye contact as if telepathically communicating.
"Well?! What are you two doing?! Waiting for air to push the both of you?! I said you may now kiss!"
Lo'ak engulfed your smaller build of hands into his five fingered ones, cupping them into his hands and landing butterfly-inducing pecks on your palms and fingers. Tuk squealing in the background.
He then soon lets go of your hands, cups your face, gazing at your perfectly sculpted features before bringing his lips closer to your forehead, leaving you blushing as your delicate skin and his hydrated lips made the intimate touch.
"OH MY GOODNESS!! AHH!! I DON'T THINK THIS WOULD JUST BE A PRETEND MARRIAGE ANYMORE!' Tuk cheerfully screamed with the butterflies in her stomach, thinking she could have just potentially found her sibling in law.
Ever since Tuk shared the eventful evening to her whole family, they were basically teasing Lo'ak to the point he couldn't even achieve a wink of a sleep.
They were all rooting for Lo'ak to make a move on the sweet Na'vi named [Y/N].
"Hey bro! Better make a move before they mate with someone else!" Neteyam says as he shrugs by his younger brother.
Though, not only his family was the only one teasing him. Your family was secretly observing the two of you from afar, often saying things like "Ah, our baby's all grown up already, ready to have a mate!" making you have a purple hue out of embarrassment.
More moons have passed, you and Lo'ak have made it a hobby to sing each other's songcords to one another.
You had already made it a routine to a point you had memorized his songcord, you had stopped because you had expected it to end already - though, what you failed to notice was that Lo'ak had added another cord to his songcord.
"I thank Eywa, for the gift she had given in the form of you. I let my heart choose, leading me off to, you. Ma [Y/N], Ma [Y/N].." his new cord ends as he kept his gaze on you.
"Ma Lo'ak."
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a/n: its like 2 days ever since i started writing fanfics guyz pls spare me i dont know how to write good yet 😭😭😭 i literally dont know how to write headcanons bcs theyre not supposed to turn into long ass stories 💔 anyways, reqs still open
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soubi122 · 1 year
How Long? - Part 5
Warning! Manipulation, mentions of pregnancy, thoughts of baby trapping, fear, angst, anxiety, possessive Ran.
Three more chapters left!
Last Flight
Sitting on the cold floor reminded you of how much you hated this feeling. The feeling of falling, the feeling of fear, panic and helplessness. “Pack your things…” Ran repeated his words with less enmity. It was supposed to be a relief but he made you feel just the opposite. You didn’t know whether or not he’d lose it again. 
Packing a carry-on with the essentials, you bid your home a silent farewell, not sure if you’d even make it back alive. This was the one place you thought no one would find you. On the complete opposite end of the country, in a small town and away from the city - you were free. Free to live your life quietly and peacefully, away from the blood, turf wars, drugs and sleazy men and women. It was a good two and half years.
The drive to the hotel was quiet, as much as the scene was to die for, you couldn't help but feel anxious. Ran kept his hand on your thigh, almost as if he was afraid that you’d jump out of the car at any moment. A little paranoid, no? 
When you arrived at the hotel, you could see the woman at the front desk straighten up and unbutton the top two buttons of her blouse. She had no idea what this man was capable of. Her pretty smile dropped when she saw you come up from behind Ran. “Welcome back sir. Did you find what you were looking for?” She asked while fluttering her expensive lashes. He waved her off and proceeded to call the elevator. Ran didn’t even look in her direction and it made the woman pout. If only he could have been like this to all the women when he was taken. Perhaps you should have let her take him, he might have actually proven you right - once a cheater always a cheater. 
Opening the door to his room, you were met with an abundance of papers and maps. This looked like the room of a serial killer or a conspiracy theorist. He proceeded to throw away all the scattered materials and packed his belongings. While waiting, you built up the courage to speak. “Ran, I will book a hotel when we land.” You say with hopes of him understanding. “No, it’s safer if you stay with me.” He said without even looking at you, he was adamant about not letting you go. “I think it’s best not to draw any attention, I don’t want anyone to start investigating and potentially endanger Bonten.” It was a valid argument, with Bonten being under constant surveillance and with you being dead, it made sense to stay away temporarily. “I don’t care, you’re not-” He began to protest but you cut him off with two reasons that made his blood run cold. “I’m dead, remember? Besides, Mikey will really kill me if Bonten gets involved in my murder investigation.” Shit, you were right. You were always right. With a heavy sigh, Ran drooped his shoulders in defeat. “Promise me you’ll let me stay somewhere else.” It was hard to say yes to that question. He wanted to keep you with him, what if you decide to run away again? What if someone recognizes you? However, you evaded him and everyone else for 3 years - you must already know how to avoid detection. “I promise.”
After checking out of the hotel and dropping off the rental, you and Ran were waiting at the airport for the flight to commence boarding. Many couples strolled by, many were on their honeymoon or returning from a family vacation and had kids with them. Seeing and hearing how these couples interacted with each other, it made you nauseous. Especially while sitting next to the man that single handedly destroyed your life. This could have been you and Ran if he wouldn’t have cheated on you. The thought of having a child with him broke your heart. Biting back the tears in your eyes, you looked down at your cell phone, pretending to have gotten a notification or some sort. You knew what life was like with him, but how would have it been if he stayed loyal, would you be raising a child now or would you be the wife of a man who has several mistresses? The thoughts were eating away at you and Ran could tell that you were beginning to fidget in your seat. 
“Now boarding flight 757 to Tokyo. Now boarding flight 757 to Tokyo - Narita Airport.” The woman on the intercom said. Thank goodness - you couldn’t stand a second more of this awkward silence between you and Ran. The flight was about 3 hours long, luckily Ran had gotten decent seats but oh how the gods love to fuck with you. A couple with a baby was seated in front of you, the baby looked to be about 1 year old and their chubby little cheeks made your heart melt. They were considered a lap passenger so the baby was in the couples’ arms at all times. You could tell that they were first time parents.
The plane was in the air and your journey back to Tokyo began. During the flight, you remained quiet and avoided any conversation with Ran or the flight attendants. Mid flight the baby began to cry, however, the mom was not there. The flight attendant returned to inform the father that the wife was in the bathroom pumping. You could kind of see the panic in the father’s face as they weren’t used to having the baby cry. He would turn around and look back to see if the mother was coming back but she was still pumping in the bathroom. The neighboring passengers were getting a little irate about the baby’s continuous cries. 
“Remind me to get first class tickets next time.” Ran mumbled under his breath, he too was getting annoyed. Of course, those who have never dealt with children will have zero patience with them or anybody else. Seeing how he would grip his thighs or message his temples - he was slowly losing it. As someone who had friends that were nursing, you knew pumping could take 15-20 minutes. Just as Ran was about to open his mouth, you stood up and crossed over him, surprising him - just what the hell were you doing?
Lightly tapping on the man’s shoulder you asked if he needed any help with the baby. “Oh, she’s just hungry - her mother should be back shortly.” He said sheepishly, but you could see the pink blush on his face from being flustered and embarrassed. He didn’t know what to do. The baby’s sudden wailing made the father even more flustered. “May I?” You asked and extended your arms for the baby. The man handed the baby over to you, you positioned the baby against your chest and had their little head rest on your shoulder. Softly patting the baby’s thigh and setting them - the sound of your heartbeat and rhythmic movements helped to calm the baby down. The soothing patting went in sync with your heartbeat. It’s all about the angle and rhythm - “T-Thank you so much. ” The father said and smiled. It was the first time he'd seen someone other than his wife put the baby to sleep. 
The movements and patting was also soothing to you. For a moment, you forgot where you were and who was by you. Ran's eyes never left you, he saw how you handled the baby so gently and just how powerful a woman could be in moments like this. The smile on your face was warm and delicate like the morning sun. That baby in your arms was lucky to be held against your chest, to be held in the arms of a loving and beautiful woman. 
Warmth began to blossom inside of his chest. Seeing you like this, with a child in your arms… It made him want to plant his seed, let it take root and grow in your womb. He knew you'd nurture and care for it, a beautiful little boy or girl would be born out of love. They'd be surrounded by two loving parents and uncles who would treat them like one of their own. Ran was starting to imagine how you'd be while decorating a nursery with a swollen belly and a smile on your face. A real smile… 
"Umm…excuse me." The sound of the mother's voice snapped both you and Ran out of your little bubbles. "Oh, I'm sorry - it just looked like he really needed help." You say softly. Once the mother handed over the pump and bottles to her husband, you began to hand over the child to her. "Here's your little one back." She smiled and thanked you for helping them. You excused yourself and took your seat next to Ran. The flight attendant came over to thank you for stepping in and also to thank you on behalf of the other passengers. It doesn’t really take much to be kind.
Ran slowly tried to reach out to hold your hand but was reminded of the very hands that were wrapped around your neck. He stopped himself midway before you could notice. The solemn look on your face made him regret his actions. If things didn't pan out the way they did, perhaps you'd be leaning against his shoulder and touching your belly - signaling that it was time. He truly wanted to be happy with you. Perhaps there was a way to keep you here with him, permanently...
The flight continued in silence between you two. Once the plane landed and passengers were allowed to exit, the couple turned around and thanked you once more. The baby made cooing noises and smiled, she looked happy. Such innocence and bliss - it made you subconsciously rub your belly. This didn't go unnoticed by Ran. Maybe there was a chance to change your futures after all. Just maybe he can try to smooth things over with you after you meet up with everyone, they might just welcome you with open arms and - wait…that’s not how they’d react. Reality hit him square in the face, you faked your death and went into hiding with help of Bonten’s leader. Traitors were subjected to severe punishment. Negotiating the terms of punishment will be his priority. He will still try his best to make this work, you said you loved him after all, right? Did you really mean it?
Stepping foot back into Tokyo was hard. You��d grown used to the quiet and sounds of the ocean, it was much more soothing than the sound of cars, trains and people. Putting on a face mask, you hid your face from the crowds - remember, you're dead after all. 
You and Ran made your way through security and headed to the parking lot where his car was. When the garage attendant greeted him, he paused for a brief moment, blinking and taking a second look at you. “What space is my car parked in?” Ran asked with a curt tone, the fact that someone else was staring at you made him rather irate. “Oh, space 13 sir.” The attendant bowed and handed the keys over. Ran took the keys and didn't even say thank you as he walked away, you bowed to thank the man and followed Ran. "You're in a pissy mood…" You pointing out the obvious wasn't needed. 
As he drove down the highway, you began checking for hotels that had availability, you didn't want to stay in the same living space with Ran. "Can you drop me off at this hotel? I want to rest before meeting everyone." For a moment everything went silent, you were a fool to think that he would let you stay somewhere else. "You're not staying at a hotel, you're coming home with me…" He chuckles and places a hand on your thigh. This was not part of the agreement. "You said-" You began to protest when he cut you off. "I can't let my wife stay somewhere else when she has a perfectly good home to come to." What the hell did he just call you? "I'm not your wife, Ran." You corrected him, you never signed papers or said 'I do' to each other, he had no right to call you that. He squeezed your thigh a little, his fingertips were starting to dig into your skin and make you flinch. 
"Please, just stay with me…" The importunate tone made you uneasy. Ran was beginning to crack. Sighing in defeat, you nodded your head and muttered an 'ok'. He was quick to put a smile back on his face. It was rather naive of you to expect him to keep his promise. It was hard not to think of all the things that took place in the city you once called home. You wondered if home was going to look the same or if he changed everything. Did he keep your things, throw them out, sell them or give them away to his playthings? There was no use in thinking about it, it’s been 3 years. His tears and sincerity hinted at him truly regretting his actions. “Ran…I need you to be honest with me.” You begin to say as you stare out the window. He hummed in response. “Do you truly love me or do you hate the fact that you lost me? That you were not the one to end things? Or that I didn’t bend to your will?” The question made him slow down the car, just enough to drag out the drive home. Why the sudden bombardment of questions? 
The harsh questions swirled around his head like a maelstrom. Was it his ego that was bruised and not his heart? No…he loved you, he truly loved you. Ran remained silent, he didn’t know what to say in order for you to believe him. His silence spoke volumes to you, you knew he was struggling to find the answer. “Can I show you when we get home?” He said while keeping his eyes on the road. If he’d turn around to face you, he knew he’d stop the car to claim you. Perhaps Ran had a fetish for your love, regardless of his actions - you pushed him out of your life and he came right back for you. When you spotted the building that you once called home, it made a knot in your stomach - you hoped to never see this place again. 
Parking his car in the underground parking lot, he cut the engine and turned to look at you. He could see that your hands were trembling, this place brought back bitter memories and he was the cause of them all. “Let’s go, my love.” Ran said with a sickening warm tone and exited the car. Once he closed the door, you inhaled deeply, pausing for five seconds and exhaling, preparing yourself for what awaited you. 
Taking the elevator to the top floor, you felt your knees almost give out. The scent of hydraulic oil made you nauseous, there is nothing quite like home, huh? The sound of the elevator dinging made your heart beat faster. You were getting closer and closer to the hell hole you were living in while he did his deeds. Each step taken felt like your feet were in quicksand, your legs felt heavy and struggled to keep up with Ran’s long legs. 
Once Ran opened the door, the faint smell of tobacco and sandalwood perforated your nostrils. You were surprised he kept it clean, since you were the one to pick up after him and clean the house - he’s never done housework before. Walking in, you take a look around and notice that he’s changed everything. The walls were painted, the furniture was different, the dining table was gone and even his dishes were different. “It um, looks so different.” You whisper and set your things down by the entrance. “Rindou tried his best.” He said while scratching the back of his neck.
When you were gone, Rindou threw all your things out against Ran’s orders. He couldn’t handle seeing his older brother lose himself over a dead woman that he claimed he felt nothing for when he was out cheating. Rindou hired interior designers to renovate Ran’s home. However, he was unsuccessful with renovating the master bed and bath. The interior designers were threatened with a pistol to their temples if they even walked into those rooms. Aniki…you need to fucking let it go. Rindou would say it over and over again, but Ran refused. 
This didn’t feel like home and you were glad, it was a stranger’s home afterall. “I shouldn’t be here.” You say and take a step back but Ran wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. “Come on, let’s rest and then we can go see everyone else.” He whispered in your ear. It gave you chills, this felt like a trap. 
“Ran, please…I can’t.” You whimpered and felt the tears well in your eyes. Trepidation began to rattle your nerves. Everything began to get blurry as your heart pounded in your chest. He began to guide you to his bedroom while still holding you from behind. When he opened the door and your eyes scanned the room, you felt a pang in your chest. The bedroom remained the same. Your once shared bed, the dressers, nightstands and photos remained the same as the day you left. “Welcome home, (Y/N).” 
@rinrinfoxy @mor-pheus @no-signal  @namelessnikki2 @gabi-moureira @spookys-s @slvtmeow @jinii-desu @mmmaaannnsssiii @3xchooo @kokotakeomi @no-name-jack @barriesandcrem @reidsmexyconverse @waterfallsdown @1980losersliveinme @gabytodd @simp4ren @fffsksixj @whatsonthemirror @jcrml @reiners-milkbiddies @unr-u-1y @bakugosgf2005  @whoisneth  @bluephoenix908  @asmosslut @laurenzitaa @uniqueeggtoast @arlertsbaby 
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morocorra · 25 days
assigned each TTPD track to trc/td3 chars/pairings because I was bored.  
Main Tracks
•Fortnight — post TDT & BLLB era Bluesey. not every lyric fits perfectly but the tone/overall subject (requited but forbidden love, especially the implication it’s both literally forbidden (other people involved/kiss curse) and self imposed forbidden (they’re from two different worlds and need to bridge that gap) is so them, pining and yearning, Literally “we can pretend this once then never speak of it again” and then mourning that as they try and keep their distance, also the “your wife waters flowers I want to kill her” bit in my head is Blue being jealous of Henry when she meets him. It makes sense. To me. Primarily a Blue pov song and then the Post Malone bits can be Gansey. 
•The Tortured Poets Department — The Gray Man x Maura, The Gray Man’s post TDT break up anthem. When you give up your hit man life for a woman and she runs off to a cave to find her ex boyfriend, a tree! Will really mess up an Anglo Saxon Poetry lover.
•My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys — DC Party Adansey from both their povs, Adam fearing Gansey only can value him as a possession and can’t love him in a way that Adam would want and Gansey fearing Adam secretly hates him + his heart breaking when Adam smashes the figurines. But the bridge is very Adam pov “I felt more when we played pretend than with all the Kens” Adam’s relationship with projection and both hating Gansey’s facade and being infatuated with and attracted to it, also there are so many ways they pretend seperately and together. 
•Down Bad — Pynch, first verse and chorus definitely Ronan pov in trc, the second verse and chorus as Adam pov in mi then after that could be both of them although still would lean more Ronan pov for the vibes. 
•So Long, London — Noah song. A lot of it could be his pov talking to Whelk, but then the friends he’s referring to could be the Gangsey and the Gangsey pov could be the final chorus saying goodbye to him. 
•But Daddy I Love Him — Niall x Mor. Niall’s pov as he tries to get his mother/his family to accept that he loves Mor. 
•Fresh Out The Slammer — Jordeclan. Self explanatory. 
•Florida!!! — at first I was going to give this one to Blue because of some of the themes about feeling conflicted about your hometown, then I wanted to make it a Hennessy song because some lyrics really fit her, but then eventually I decided this is actually a song about The Fairy Market. Different parts could be from Hennessy Jordan and Declan’s pov and maybe a little bit from Mor’s and/or Henry’s. 
•Guilty as Sin? — this song has both Bluesey and Pynch vibes but to me it’s a Bluesey song overall. Blue pov, yearning for someone you can never touch it’s perfect… 
•Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? — Ronan song fits him in the first two trc books real well imo. In the second verse he’s addressing the Gray Man but he could be addressing a number of people from Declan to Kavinsky to Niall to Gansey throughout the song. 
•I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) — Maura Sargent and her terrible taste in men! First verse and chorus about Artemus and Calla and Persephone shaking their heads in the background, then the second time with The Gray Man Calla again shaking her head. 
•loml — Jordeclan, but specifically a Jordan pov song after Declan chooses death by fairy market over her could either say this is her thought process in a middle bit that we didn’t get to see or an au where Declan did die and/or she did leave him for a bit after this.
•I Can Do It With A Broken Heart — Adam song. I think you could read it as in the first verse / go of the chorus the “him” being referred to is Gansey post DC but then in the second verse/chorus it’s Ronan in mister impossible era. His whole thing with masking/not paying attention to his feelings through both series and literally “faking it to make it” at Harvard… I can pass this test… the tonally upbeat music and devastating lyrics. Soo him. 
•The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived — Rovinsky break up song. I think the first verse and chorus is K pov but the rest of the song is Ronan’s pov. 
•The Alchemy — another song with both Pynch and Bluesey vibes but this one I’m giving to Pynch overall. The whole high school relationship currently long distance but I’ll always come back to you thing. 
•Clara Bow — for a minute I thought I really would have to give up on making this one about trc, but then I thought about the whole theme of women mirroring each other Blue and Gwenllian and the tapestry of girls with Blue’s face, their literal mirror powers, the 300 fox way women and how you see something of all of them in Blue / she’s a product of them, Hennessy and her clones, Mor and Aurora. So yeah general vibes of that theme. 
Bonus Tracks 
•The Black Dog — Pynch divorce bop. Adam pov. 
• imgonnagetyouback — Bluedam, now you may be thinking that I’m just assigning this one because I already think get him back! by Olivia Rodrigo is a Bluedam song (see previous web weaving) and this song is just a worse version of that song, and you’d be right that’s why I’m saying it. 
•The Albatross — Bluesey. Gansey associating the color blue with death, learning Blue is his death, being fascinated by her and falling for her more and more the more he accepts his own death… 
• Chloe or Sam or Sofia or Marcus — this is all about romantic drama/a love square between Blue Henry Gansey and Adam, different parts of it are from Gansey or Adam’s pov primarily about each other but they refer to Henry or Blue at different points. The Adansey divorce to Sarchengsey to Chengsey divorce pipeline song essentially. 
• How Did It End? — Adansey!! literally “he was a hothouse flower to my outdoorsmen, our melodies were such we could not cure them” I won’t just go through every lyric but every lyric just screams Adanseycore, as many of her songs about divorce do. 
•So High School — Pynch. “You know how to ball I know Aristotle” referring to Ronan playing tennis is an especially fun aspect. 
• I Hate it Here — Adam, first verse and chorus could be DC party Adam and then as it goes on it’s Adam at Harvard thinking all the things he won’t say to the crying club, and then it’s Adam about Henrietta. 
•thanK you alMee — Declan song centered on his conflicted grief/hatred of Niall. 
 •I Look in People’s Windows — Adam observing the wealthy/people he envies. 
•The Prophecy — Blue song. Elements of Bluesey obviously but mostly about Blue who won’t let fate define her and is brave when she’s afraid, begging for a different fate for Maura when she’s missing for Gansey and Noah, for herself when she wants things from the future that seem impossible for so many reasons. “And I look unstable gathered with a coven around a sorceress table” so the bath tub scene with her and her mom and Aunts! 
•Cassandra — Gwenllian Glendower anthem! 
•Peter — Adam pov Adansey song 😭 I already made a web weaving explaining this and if I tried to again with words I’d throw up and die, but this is the most trc coded song on the album other than the prophecy. 
•The Bolter — Hennessy song. First verse refers to her childhood trauma, The chorus fits Jordanessy and their mi scene with the cars so well and the whole repeatedly dying thing is obviously very Mister Impossible plot coded and also the cyclical nature of her lace dreams are reflected here. 
•Robin — Adansey. “way to go tiger”. 
•The Manuscript — Blue x Henry pining era song post Sarchengsey divorce. 
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likeabitchylamb · 2 months
it's so genuinely interesting to look at my favorite characters in supernatural because it changes so much as the show goes on and each character is different in each season and with each writer. Like, Sam in the early seasons with the demon blood, his brand of daddy issues, his trying to be good but everyone including heaven is telling him he's nothing more than a demon blood-drinking vessel of Lucifer, and he'll sacrifice himself to save the world and stop the apocolapse. oh my god i think about that every five minutes. he's just a long, shaggy-haired, too-tall, and too-kind young man. he sees the best in everyone, and tries to redeem monsters when he can because if he can save them, he can save himself, right? and later on I think about the soulless sam and hallucinating lucifer and the ramifications of being in the cage for so long, and all that so often. but then... idk he has his moments from time to time, but it felt like his character finished and just needed a woman to pair off with because TV character arcs always end with characters marrying, but he didn't even properly get that? he married an off-screen woman after his actual love interest DIED!
then we get dean, who started out as the typical beer-loving cool womanizer dude who loves his family, his car, and hunting things. then he gets broken down as the show goes on into exploring his daddy issues, and it was never something i really fully loved until later on, mostly because the show was always so insistent on keeping his Cool Status at first. then he did and it was always so good. but the show always put a beer back in his hand, a gun in his pocket, and I always left the season feeling like there was more to be explored. he can yell, scream, and cry, but he was never allowed to truly grow from those experiences. he died a hunter, after explicitly showing that was the last thing he wanted.
casiel. oh my god i love castiel. he very quickly became my favorite character above sam with his lack of understanding social queues and his relationship with heaven. ohhhhhh my GOD his relationship with heaven. that scene at the bench where he's begging for clarification and a sign and for god to talk to him????? I'm sobbing. at times i felt like his character's arcs were forced, or his arc was too quick, or off-screen, but that's a by-product of the studio keeping him as a side character so misha had a max number of episodes to show up in. i really hate not seeing "starring: misha collins" because misha really is the heart of the character. just like everyone, but especially misha. he kept castiel around and brought him to life beyond what was expected and that was how it was from day fucking one of his portrayal. oh my god.
also, adam! because his bitterness and spite and hatred always felt So Real. imagine you're him, and your dad travels for his job, but comes to baseball games and he's nice and all. then he disappears and suddenly two men, kinda older than you, show up saying all sorts of crazy shit. they're your father's children from his first marriage before his wife died when they were super young -what?- and his job was hunting monsters -what the fuck?- and you're actually a dark secret in his life and they are fucking pissed cause he was such a shit dad to him -what the FUCK?- oh, and he's dead, killed by a demon -what the actual FUCK- then you get possessed by -get this- the archangel Michael and before you can even begin to properly process that angels exist and the apocolapse is happening because you're still reeling over the fact that your dad was a deadbeat to his two other children who were raised to hunt monsters and your family was like a vacation getaway for him so he can pretend to be normal instead of raising his two other children properly, but you can't think about THAT because oh my god sam took control of lucifer and dragged you and Michael, btw in the same body, down to the hell. but not normal hell, oh no, this is the cage where time is so much faster and you're there for hundreds of years and lucifer is torturing sam and it's awful and you're stuck there with Michael and wow, did he ever say goodbye to his mom (note: i forget if his mom is even alive or talked about, but i assume so) Then you get brought back, and of COURSE YOU HATE EVERYONE!!!
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aerkame · 1 year
Hi this is the person who had a lot of finfolk Howdy feelings. This turned into a wall of text so i completely understand if you decide not to post it
So this might be a bit of a ramble, and I don’t know much about finfolk lore. So I apologize if something doesn’t line up with the original lore, or I accidentally say something that conflicts with something you’ve previously mentioned.
Im imagining that Reader is a puppet from the port town on the mainland—the one that the neighbors commonly visit.
The mortal most likely meets Howdy for the first time during one of his trips to his restaurant. They had taken to going there on their lunch break and soon become a regular. Howdy is probably going by an alias and has shifted into another, smaller form (by his standards. he still towers over Reader) Still, he's outgoing by nature, and strikes up a conversation with the mortal.
They both find that they enjoy each other's company. Sometimes they can't talk for too long (the restaurant is busy. the mortal's work keeps them late. Howdy leaves for Home) but when they do meet, they find that time flies by.
Reader does take note of how he (very stylishly) keeps his arms and hands covered and how he's averse to touch. They assume it's a sensory thing.
Eventually, Reader opens up about their plans for their future. Specifically about their wanderlust. They talk about all the places they want to travel to-- major coastal cities, island nations-- places that, if they went, he could follow.
But, during another visit, Reader expands their list - backpacking through the country, hiking in the mountains, riding camels in the desert. And Howdy finds himself feeling very... possessive.
The more Howdy speaks to Reader, the more Reader opens up, and with that they begin to vent. They start to talk about an annoying thing their friend did, workplace drama, family gossip...
(this can be interpreted in two ways.
Either Howdy hears these minor annoyances and gossip, and builds them up into signs of a dangerous situation. Further justifying his possessiveness over Reader.
OR Reader really isn't in a good place on the mainland, but they just brush off any abuse like it's nbd. Meaning they're also not likely to catch onto any red flags Someone Else might be raising)
Whenever Howdy returns Home he gives updates on news from the mainland. That news can span from anything from major world events, any possible treats to them and Home, to simple gossip.
The neighbors start to notice Reader coming up often in these little updates. He mentions them more and more with each visit. And eventually the neighbors' eyes start to drift towards Wally.
Howdy was starting to sound like Eddie after he met Frank.
Maybe it was time to have a chat with Home...
Wonderlust is my new favorite word, next to sublime. Also I wanted to write only the aftermath of the neighbors asking Home for permission because I am already writing an x Howdy and I don't want to ruin that sweet sweet angst/romance. >.>
TW: Mentions plans of kidnapping and drugging, anything in Finfolk nature is a TW really.
It was no secret to everyone at this point that Howdy had eyes for you. The only problem was that you lived on the mainland and you were making plans to leave soon. Sure, it would be easy to just track you down again, but it would be better to have things done more quickly to attract less attention on things. It's hard having to keep track of witnesses and making mind-altering potions. Plus, they hate having to go through all the effort of pretending to be police or other government officials.
The rest of the neighbors seemed fine with you in all honestly. Having met you in person themselves in one form or another, they think you'd be a fine addition to their little island. All they needed was the approval of Home.
But of course, it wasn't difficult at all to get Home's approval. He already knew this entire time having watched you from his crystal baptismal font as the water kept rippling from place to place looking for your location. He's sure your adventurous nature would love what the peninsula and it's waters had to offer. They had surrounding reefs, caverns filled with crystals, and many more smaller islands nearby, all full of colorful creatures that don't exist on the mainland or anywhere else.
Now it was just a matter of getting you back home that needed to be taken care of. One of the neighbors could simply kidnap you in the dead of night, but you having a late-night job made things complicated. Either Howdy would need to invite you somewhere isolated where no one would be to do this or they would have to play things out slowly and wait for an opportunity.
No one wanted to wait however, from what things sounded like, things weren't exactly safe back at your own home and it seemed to be getting worse over time.
So, Howdy returned back onto the mainland with Sally and Frank.
Frank did his usual routine of shifting into a new person and taking on the persona of a police officer (Who would of thought he made for a pretty good cop huh?) and Sally went in with the disguise of a sweet florist that worked just down the street from where you lived. No one would even bat an eye at what took place here.
Howdy or Sally may or may not have had involvement in the death of the person that hurt you…oh well, it's not like anyone would remember that guy anyways! Literally. Not even you would remember.
Howdy was the only one to go in without a disguise, or at least staying in the form you knew him as. He had invited you to his restaurant as a treat, as a date really. You happily accepted.
It was so nice, so peaceful, and you were so easily tricked.
All it took was just a single touch to your hand and everything started to feel numb as your body gave out under you. With bare hands, Howdy carried you to the back of the restaurant to make a B-line for the back door. Not a single customer batted an eye, and not one employee or waitress gave the scene a second thought.
You awoke to bright rays of sunlight on your face. Sitting up, you found yourself in what had to be the softest and largest bed you've ever been in. Everything still felt so...tingly? Numb? What happened?
"Ah, I'm so glad you're awake minnow!"
I wanted to mention that the waitresses and employees at Howdy's seafood restaurant are cute remora dogs and shark dogs. Most of the customers tend to be sea-dwelling creatures like sirens, mermaids, etc.
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monstercampus · 8 months
Ellie help I have werewolf brain rot and Kirk has been living in my mind rent free the past few nights 😩 please tell me more about him, does he have a secret soft side or is being mean his love language and you know he cares about you if he's giving you a hard time? Why does he live in a dorm by himself? Where is he on the possessive scale? Honestly just tell me everything you know about him so I can simp to the best of my ability 🥺😫🙏
And actually while I'm here, anything about Elliott or Julian would also be tasty 👀👀👀 forgive me for the werewolf team fic altered my brain chemistry and I may never be the same
absolutely !! !!!!! i am at your mercy uwu <33 (this is mostly stream of consciousness so if u want more i am READY)
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(cws: kirk being a sap + lore)
Kirk is very much that way--giving you a hard time is generally how he shows he cares about you. He's only truly mean to those he doesn't care about, and trust that there is a difference even when you get frustrated over his attitude in the beginning. He didn't grow up with a lot of love in his household so it's really not his area of expertise, he never really learned how to show it and only started experiencing affection when he joined the pack and made friends with all the other werewolves. Being snuggled, having his hair stroked instead of pulled, listening to his friends talk about him being handsome and smart even if he's got a shitty attitude.....it's weird to him. He doesn't hate it deep down, but he hates how it makes him feel vulnerable when he doesn't want to be.
'Vulnerable' is barely even in his vocabulary, which is why he comes at you with so much heat at first. He'd been hoping and praying that you two could boink, have a good time, and then you would pretend like it never happened so he wouldn't have to face any of those feelings he has when he looks at you. But when you don't, and when you're just so sweet, Kirk can't handle it and has to revert to what he knows: being a dick. Not nearly to the extent of how he is with other people, but just enough to keep you at arm's length in his constant fear that you're gonna end up making him feel like he isn't totally worthless. Because what would he do then? He's accepted the role of being an irredeemable, raging douchebag for pretty much all his life. He's got an attitude, his temper is awful, he doesn't consider himself that good-looking, he's got some of the worst grades out of the whole pack, he fixates on things and lets them consume all his thoughts, and he hasn't even got any palate to boot and will eat just about anything, even if it's on the verge of spoiling. He's total garbage and he's friends with a pack of people that couldn't be more perfect; Julian is incredibly charming, Portia's practically a genius, Nick is insanely handsome, Elliott is so gentle and really funny, Priam is a total sweetheart and Athos is the pinnacle of cool in his eyes. How could he even think of measuring up to all that, much less stick out among the rest and prove he's worth even a little bit of your love?
That may be the most frustrating part about Kirk--he can be the prickliest guy you know and he would die before he ever says those things out loud, but he seriously admires his friends and you yet he has little to no belief in himself. Granted, growing up he would've gotten his ass beat for showing that kind of weakness, so it's still deeply ingrained in him as an adult--especially since the pack are pretty much the first friends he's ever made on his own. And at his core, he's jealous. Jealous of them and their nice families, jealous of how well they all turned out despite going through their own struggles, jealous of how easy it is for them to be open when he's terrified of people finding out he's bi, jealous of you for being so brave and so beautiful in equal measure....so that's why the best thing he can do--in his own opinion of course--is to be your collective guard dog.
After all, Kirk isn't afraid to bite. His instincts are hard to control in his human form, could you even imagine how feral he can get when he's full wolf, or even just close to the full moon? If anything it's what he's good at; hunting, beating ass, and taking a punch. If he can't be as good as you and the others deserve, the least he can do is make sure that sweetness and the goodness of your souls isn't ever dominated by someone else. He'll spill blood, he doesn't care. He would even get suspended if it came to that, expelled, arrested, whatever it takes and he'll let the chips fall where they may. You'll know his love for you is real when he starts acting protective over you, not only when other people try to bother you but as far as your daily needs as well. Have you eaten properly? Are you thirsty? Do you need to sleep? When's the last time you stretched? He acts like it's a favour he's doing for you, like you're a little wolf that needs caring after, but in truth it settles his own self-doubts and makes him happier knowing that he's doing something for you--that he's taking care of you like a mate would, and when you smile at him or thank him for his help he just melts. He would do anything to keep hold of that smile.
.....Which is why he's got a plan in his head for after graduation. He and Nick are the oldest and thus are going to graduate first of all of you, so once that's over and done with he's got plans to start building a place for you all to properly call 'home'. It's nothing crazy--just a cabin in the woods--but if there's one thing he can confidently say he's good at it's woodworking, and he's sketched out the designs to make it everything you could ever want.
Personal rooms for you, him, and Portia who has trouble falling asleep when it's noisy. A big living room with enough sofas to fit you all. Polished oak walls like Julian grew up with and always wanted to see again. A bathtub big enough to fit Nicky's giant, muscly legs without spilling over. Tables and chairs to fit everyone and more, to fit all the family gatherings and maybe even the pups you might have one day. A garden out back where he'll plant those ugly little flowers Elliott loves. Trees and greenery around where they can run and hunt and play during the full moon, totally obscured by the rest of the world. A big fucking chandelier in the dining room to intimidate any friends you bring over that think they're hot enough shit to snatch you. It's gonna be perfect, it's gonna be the one thing he can say he's proud of in practically his whole life. It'll be a gift to all of you for putting up with his assholery for so damn long, for sticking with him even when he couldn't find a single reason why you should.
That's the kind of love Kirk shows. Words don't mean much to him--actions and acts of service are how he expresses his affections, because it's much simpler for him to put work into something he can touch and measure and paint rather than throw some flimsy words around and call it love. Plus, one of the reasons why he lives in his own dorm is because his downtime is incredibly important to him. Usually he would request a private one-bedroom apartment, but this year he was assigned roommates that he very quickly drove away with his annoying habits almost entirely on purpose. If he's not comfortable with someone, then like hell is he going to share an intimate living space with them--and after a long day he just needs time to be completely alone. He has to think, work on his projects, exercise, chew on something, and have no prying eyes around that will impede his progress in trying to figure out how the hell he can try to make himself worthy of being loved by you. A dumb, violent wolf reaching to grab the very moon from the sky.
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