#his expression... orz so wonderful
merakiui · 2 years
On another note, i've been sketching your idea of SK! Jade ever since u answered that one ask (he's been rotting in my brain that long ssdskdjkdk) and this is just a smol thing that's sittin in my wips, so yeah, i'm dumping him here <3
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Anyway, congrats again for bringing the mummified boi home!!!
I WAS SO SURPRISED!!! The minute I saw the purple light I thought, omg heyyy's blessing worked!!!!! Thank you so much for providing me with luck!! <3 Eel lovers do indeed become eel havers!!! 🎉
ALSO OMG?!?!??! I GASPED WHEN I SAW THESE MASTERPIECE SKETCHES WHOA!!!! he looks so handsome!!! I'm in love with your art style and how you draw Jade! Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→ Also, "love is stored in the shrooms." 🥺 so cute... he looks so happy. our beloved murder eel hehe.
AAAAAA and the piercings!!!!!! OOOOOOO ignore me while I simp. Get you a man who can do it all: cute, professional, hot, and mysterious. I want to be the cigarette between your lips, Jade. Please just one chance. OTL
Thank you again for the congrats and for blessing me with your beautiful, amazing, wonderful, perfect, [insert more lovely adjectives here] artworks!!!! 💕✨ To return the favor, I will present a little exchange from the upcoming chapter:
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flower-yi · 3 months
(just sending the ask again bc tumblr crashed when I send it orz, so I'm sorry if it shows up double!)
hii, its octopus/viioletnoir from ao3 :> just read your new chapters, and for the prompt thingy, may I request nr. 36 with Bladie please? ♡♡
I hope you have a wonderful day!!
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36. Helping brushing their hair after a shower. | "One summer, I taught myself how to announce in Latin to the world that I wanted nothing at all, when, in truth, I was desperate to be heard, understood, loved; my name a warm memory; There was the wind and the ocean, and in it there were whales that lowed in the darkness like the onset of collapse; There was this dark will, and what could I say but my name and what hurt?" All I Know, Paul Guest
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It is sudden, and it is new: the image of Blade sat in front of a dresser, reflection showing you behind him. His hair is wet, damp from a shower, and his normally pale skin flushes with a hint of crimson—some sort of sign that he’s alive, but barely.
You admit it’s strange. Blade is not one to be… coddled like this, but sometimes, for how predictable he is, he can be spontaneous.
“You look nice.” Blade feels nice in your embrace, arms wound gently around his shoulders; tiptoe barely helping in reaching him. He is silent, like always—only ever making a sound as a response, and this time, the noise that leaves him is warm.
When you look at the mirror, his eyes has slipped close and a pleasant air wafts around him.
Oh, you can’t help but comment on it. “A shower can get you like this, huh? Mm, well… I like it. It suits you.”
It hangs in the air, your compliment. You don’t divulge further that he looks alive like this, few minutes out of the shower, because Blade, right now, has a countenance of someone normal—someone you’d see in the streets and not regret knowing.
“Mm… thank you.”
“Oh, manners?” You press a soft kiss to his cheek. “You’re being nice today. I wonder what’s happened.”
The both of you don’t have to wonder, really. It’s one of the few moments there’s no imminent scripts to play out because Elio decided to take a rest in some rare fashion. All of the hunters dispersed to places they normally reside when not called, and in Blade’s case, it is with you.
You make barely a move of your arms to put them elsewhere and a bandaged hand comes up to wrap itself around, as if to stop you. Then, something cold grazes your skin, and with a glance down, you see the tip of his nose pressing onto your arm, and— and he sighs.
Stunned, you fall silent.
Another breath. “We have all day,” his voice rumbles, as if to say do not leave.
Blade’s voice allows you to get your bearings, and you say, in response, “I just want to brush your hair, silly,” You press another kiss on him, this time on the back of his head. With his grip loosening, as if some form of relief has made itself clear, your arms fall back.
A hairbrush is within your hold, one that’s been barely used. It’s Blade’s, something you’ve bought him months ago, but only now has it returned to your hand since the day you brought it home.
(Blade’s reaction when you got it was a simple appreciative hum, and he returned to whatever he was working on.
You remember leaving a lipstick mark on his face before he went out on a mission. He came home with a storm in his eyes.
It was in tact. Barely been touched at all, despite how disheveled his clothes were.)
One of the things that surprised you about him was how soft his hair was. You’d gotten a touch of it before you were Blade’s partner, and it was nice. Silky, managed, and most of all, beautiful.
You expressed it to him, once, and he fixed you with a firm stare. Only then, when Kafka told you of his origins, did you understand. (It was innocent, however. Blade could not fault you once for it.)
“Did you use my shampoo?” The strands fall perfectly into place, dividing like a glimmering waterfall under the bristles. You press your nose to his shoulder, enamored, “Wow. You even used my soap, too.”
Something akin to an amused huff leaves him. “You choose your products wisely.”
“Do I?” You’re grinning. “Well, that settles it. We’ll both be smelling like each other.”
(In the mirror, there is a quirk of a smile curling his lips; so faint that even you miss it. But it does not matter. Because to him, your smiles are enough to replace his own.)
With each brush of his hair, you fill in the space of quiet Blade leaves you to occupy. You talk about everything; to how lucky he is that he’s got a partner that would brush his hair like this, to how his hand should hurry up and heal for him to play with Silver Wolf, to how he should allow you and Kafka to spend time together—to which he frowns at—to how you think you’re seeing wrinkles on your face, and a few white hairs spurting out.
“I think you should pluck them out today. What do you think?”
Blade is quiet. Too quiet, perhaps. You discard the brush on the vanity, glancing at the mirror—
"You will be the first to have hair turned white," Blade suddenly speaks. "I will follow second."
You ask, "Would you still be here by then?"
He turns, moving his hair from your hands, and fixes you with a smoldering gaze. Blade doesn't need to answer, you think. The curse will force him to live longer than you will, and that knowledge burns at the back of your mind, but you want to humor yourself despite knowing your lover will roam the earth until eternity.
"I will be," Blade's reply comes unexpected. "I expect to be the one to see you off."
Is this panic you're feeling, or comfort? Panic in him setting aside his desire to die for you, for your presence in his life, for the respite that you bring? Or comfort in knowing he'll live until then, until your body decides to become one with the soil, until you say your last I love you?
It's becoming hard to speak, pressing yourself up to his side; arms wound tight around him. "Like some pretty grim reaper,“ You force out, teeth gritted. ”That sounds so ironic.“
“It is an act of love,” Blade defends. “Don’t misunderstand.”
How could you not, when you are always faced with the fact that your lover will never meet their end?
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mintytealfox · 7 months
So we have Survivor Nort Decucts... And now we have Hunter Nort deducts... Put them together and what do we get?
You get a hella tragic story oh my GOSHHHH 😭😭😭😭
The set up will be: 1-Surv!Norton 1-Hunt!Norton -Then my thoughts 😏
1-Kindness: Is that an Olive Branch you just threw or... (A Good Deed: Norton, a Miner, Always visited the hospice and cared for all of the homeless old miners) 1-Shrewd 'Each step requires long-term planning' (Shrewd: An old, folded letter: Yellow and brittle. It was once abandoned in a dust corner. Signed, Benny.) -This is interesting 👀 These are both the first which automatically makes me think they are connected. I wonder if the Olive Branch thrown is from Benny? Or if its from Norton with the helping out with the people around Benny? Either way Benny ends up sending a letter to Norton. Maybe it saying something like 'want to meet up? I have stuff that might interest you' or something. Which adds to my -squinting- at Benny. Sounds like Norton was alone even though Benny was around all that time? hmmm
2-Diligence: The more effort, the more rewards? (Work Record: Norton Campbell is always the first to go down into the mines and the last to leave it.) 2-Lonely: 'The loneliness of separation must be endured on the climb up' (A coin: Stained by ash, footprints, tears, and dirt from the slums.) -Brings up the whole 'he had nobody' not even Benny vibe again -squints- Where was Benny during all of this? Seems like Norton would work and work and work so he couldn't feel or notice how alone he is. Like work was his only constant and 'friend' to keep himself from going nutty, but in the hours where work couldn't be used as a distraction he was miserable 😿Crying as he clings to what little he has...my gosh. That coin was so important to him man, I wonder if it was the last thing he got from his dad or something, cause he takes it everywhere and it pops up all the time in the trailer orz which means he never spent it just held onto it enough where you see TEAR STAINS ON IT! I CANNOT-- 😭😭😭😭
3-Efficiency: We need more trials. (A stack of Recommendation Letters: It can be seen that every one of Norton's previous employers appreciated his hard work and expressed their regret at being unable to keep him for long.) 3-Sophisticated 'wear a mask for the sake of survival' (A note on the back: What a detestable Person! Wagging his tail like a dog in front of the overseer!) -This one I can’t quite grasp yet -squints- is this referring to the back of the letter from Benny? Why write that there? Is Benny talking smack about Norton being so good at wearing a mask and pleasing the employers? Or is Norton talking smack about himself? Or is Norton pissed about others doing what he is doing? Wearing a mask to just survive or what the heck? 🤣 This one is still baffling me fr fr Oh wait a min....Seems like he had to jump job from job cause employers kept needing to fire workers, unable to keep him on as an employee. Likely becoming more jaded that him working hard and being good isn't working much for him since he keeps getting let go. Then seeing some fresh faced bushy tailed worker beside him would likely piss him off lol 'Why are you acting like that we are all getting fired anyways' Yea I super don't know with this one, I am juggling so many possibilities for this one.
4-Persistence: People won't be unlucky forever, right? (1-Page Note: There are 13 items listed. The first 12 appear to be names of places, and the last one is crossed out.) 4-Willful 'Those who persist will encounter more opportunities' (A page from a diary: I found that old man's notes. Now, it belongs to the one who lives long.) -He doesn’t sound all that fond of Benny pff like there is a hint of a dig there and/or him trying to convince himself that he is going to break out of here and live. Did he decide to set a plan in motion after getting the letter from Benny? Or was it after meeting with Benny?
5-Patience: Next time... (Diary: Tomorrow, I will go to the last place recorded by the old man. If there's still nothing, then I hope he...) 5-Gloomy 'The other side of Kindness and affability' (Abandoned junk: A tattered quilt, a chisel, an unsent letter, and a small piece of wrapped and hardened white bread) -This one I don't see much of a connection other than reference to old man and then there is that QUILT that could have possibly been the one Benny had made for Norton when the Dad was still alive. 'Then I hope he...' sounds hella ominous now lol -squints- Then Is this stuff found with Benny or was it found where Norton abandoned everything? Did Norton not send a letter? Maybe he meant to go back to get his things but never got to cause of the damage the explosion deed had on his mind ah. This one also gives me more questions than answers lol
6-Courage: The more dangers, the more opportunities. (A Geological Report: Part of the tunnel had been blocked by an unidentified object. One small mistake could cause the inner structure of the mine to collapse.) 6-Greedy 'Merely retaking what the heavens owe' (A map: Several crossed-out mines and a red circle.) -I am thinking Greedy and Gloomy should switch here cause Greedy goes well with the Patience with reference to 'go to the last place recorded' BUT what the frig is that 'unidentified object' -squints- Did Norton set that up?? Was that in the red circled mine? Was the place just found like that and Norton was like -cough cough- "whatever nothing is stopping me". Is this all just setting up how Norton was willing to go anywhere to find what he is looking for? hmmmm Willing to go where no man has gone before. Smash Greed and Courage together and ya thats what you get lol A desperate dude that has nothing to loose and only to gain if this all goes right. aahh
7-Alert: You need to be more cautious. (News: Due to the use of gunpowder and detonators, the era of simple rock drilling is coming to an end. 7-Arrogant 'Only by being bolder can you challenge destiny' (Torn paper: Record the blasting's depth, distance between holes… and the amount of explosives used.) -He uhhhhh, yea he definitely ends up using explosives lol. And its interesting that he made sure that everything was measured and counted in every way. Bro knew what he was doing 1000%. He had it all down to the second, the inch! He was careful alright, careful to make sure this goes perfect AH
8-Share: You need more helpers. (Mining Precautions: Theft of explosives is illegal and will be reported to the police once discovered.) 8-Hypocrite 'Important moments must be witnessed by companions' (A memo: Two bottles of the cheapest whine for those drunkards to wet their throats. And toss some fatty meat to the guard dog.) -BRO STOLE THE HELL OUTTA THEM EXPLOSIVES LOOOOOOOL AND HE DID IT IN THE MOST CLICHE WAY EVER AND IT WORKED IIMMMMM--LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Like How many laws did he end up breaking by the end of all this?? LIKE GEEZZ And people are so used to him being kind and caring, none were the wiser! This Duddddeeeee!! He played the LONG GAME GOLLY
9-Wisdom: Smart people know when to hold on and when to let go. (An Accident Report: An explosion collapsed a mine on the outskirts of the city. It's suspected that the miners had mishandled the explosives, and the police expressed that there's little chance for anyone to survive) 9-Ruthless 'Exploding from deep within like an ignited explosive' (A page from a diary: Those journalists and policemen are gone. So it's just that simple?) -Bro played everything! The people, the system, the science, the math?? LIKE DUDE! If it was an accident, he wouldn't have survived. Norton had this planned to the T! Every 'i' was dotted and ever 't' was crossed, he knew he was surviving that explosion if everything went perfect like he was planning for OH MY GOSH. Bro playing chess while everyone else was LEARNING CHECKERS
10-Luck: That's only because the rest are just unlucky. (1-Page Case: Moderate burns to the face. Suspected to have been caused by direct exposure to excessive temperatures) 10-Numb 'Forget them and stay away from the dark underground' (A magnet: "Maybe it can keep me away from misfortune and darkness.") -He really didn't get much out of this did he. Like, all he got was trauma, burnt up, and a magnet. And boi is he clinging to that magnet with is all. His new coin; his new thing to cling to orz He really lies to himself a lot 😿He keeps finding out far too late that what he thought would change everything just made everything worse 🙃like yes everything changed, but changed for the worst. That tunnel vision hitting him so hard he never stops to go 'huh, this is a horrible idea, how would this possibly change my fate??' Its like he is trying so hard to convince himself that it was all worth it cause he got this crazy magnet orz gooooossshhhhhhhhhhhh Instead of using this as a wake up call it seems he is pressing on that sigma grind. Nothing like a plague doctor bird man monster to set things right LOOOOL
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midknightwritings · 2 years
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"I Like You, I Love You !!"
Synopsis : Confessing your love for a certain orange-haired knight was a struggle in itself as you constantly backed out at the last second in nervousness. Noticing your struggles, your friends recommended that you should confess with a song instead !! With their support, what could go wrong ??
Era : Basic !
Warning/s : Swearing, mentions of feeling anxious / slightly panicked
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader [ Main POV ] / Leo Izumi / Arashi / Ritsu / Tsukasa / Anzu [ Supporting characters ]
A/N : "I like you, I love you" IS SUCH A CUTE SONG I COULDN’T RESIST !! So... *offers you a oneshot* The inspiration was too strong for this one wahaha~☆ I tend to struggle a bit when it comes to dialogue so I hope I was able to portray them decently orz
I mainly used the english lyrics from the wiki !! :)
“Hey Leo! Sorry for disturbing you but do you have a moment?” you smiled at the orange-haired knight, who was currently shoving his music sheets haphazardly into his bag in order to get ready for practice, causing the papers to crumple due to the force. “Ah~ [ Y/N ]! Why are you here so early~?” he asked, but when you opened your mouth to reply he immediately cuts you off, “Wait!! Don’t say anything otherwise our ever expanding fantasy will crumble before the cosmos~” With a hand on his head and a pondering expression, your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat at how adorable he currently looks.
Internally psyching yourself up, you took a deep breath in to calm your nerves before you finally answered. “I finished the paperworks early and was wondering if... If... You wanted to play a game while waiting for the others! Yeah...” you shyly explained, a light blush dusting your cheeks as Leo looked at you with a curious gaze. He immediately smiled and nodded in agreement, “Very well! This king shall dedicate his time to you until his fellow knights return~♪ So what game do you want to play~?”
“Wha-what about ‘Shiritori’?” you answered instantly without thinking, earning a curious, and slightly confused, expression from the said king. ‘Seriously [ Y/N ]?! Out of all the games out there, why did you pick the one that focuses on word play?!’ you internally scolded yourself; “I... I just thought that maybe it could help with writing lyrics since you know… S-Synonyms and stuff…?” you stuttered in an iffy tone. That seemed to convince Leo enough though and with a big smile he agreed.
“Uuu… [ Y/N ], you're sneaky! Giving yourself an advantage since you know my weakness? Well, you’re mistaken because as king I will rise victorious in this battle! Wahaha~☆” “Oh, my dear king~ It is I who will stand victorious on this battlefield today! Ready~? Shirito"ri"…”
“RITSU !!” you both exclaimed at the same time, earning a confused “Huh~?” from the studio door. As Leo looked past your shoulders, you spun around to be greeted with the sight of Ritsu, Arashi, Tsukasa, Izumi and even Anzu carrying towels and water bottles.
“Jeez, while we were out here busting our asses off to prepare for practice, you two lovebirds are playing a game? That’s so~annoying.” Izumi rolled his eyes as he placed the towels on top of an empty table.
“L…Lovebirds?!” you exclaimed in embarrassment but Leo just laughed cheekily at Izumi’s comment, seemingly unbothered by the nickname. “Sena~ If you keep your face scrunched up like that you’ll get a ton of wrinkles way~y before becoming an old man!”
Ever since you transferred to Yumenosaki, you've gotten close to the members of Knights after closely working with them after the DDD incident. Then, upon Leo’s return, you started getting close to him as well. The more you two hanged out, the more your feelings started to grow and eventually, you ended up falling for him… Hard…
Your ‘crush’ on the said king was so obvious to the other members that they would often tease you whenever they could. Offhanded nicknames and comments such as these were common at this point but they never failed to make you blush and internally cuss them out. You’re honestly surprised that Leo seemingly didn’t notice but you just assumed that he thought this was all platonic since he often says “I love you~!” to his friends anyways. This kind of upsets you but, at the same time, you’re very grateful as your feelings were still a secret.
• ━━°⌜ Timeskip ⌟°━━ •
After practice, Leo immediately jumped up and grabbed his bag before dashing to the door. “I’m heading off now! I gotta help my family with dinner~ Bye-be~e~☆” and with that, Leo was out the door in the blink of an eye. You waited for a minute or two and, when you were 100% certain that he was gone, you groaned loudly and sank into the desk.
“Your efforts are so pathetic that they’re comical at this point.” “Now now Izumi-chan, there’s no need to rub salt on their wounds... We all know [ Y/N ]-chan’s trying their best...” “Yeah Secchan, it’s not their fault their brain seemingly turns to mush every time they see anything remotely orange~”
“Guys, I get it…” you groaned again, grabbing your water bottle and taking a sip; “I just can’t help it! Every time I see him, I can’t seem to think properly!!”
“[ Y/N ]-san, this may seem quite bold, but have you ever thought about finally confessing? You’ve been pining over LEADER for quite some time now, and I believe that telling him your feelings can finally give you some CLOSURE.”
“I’m trying!!” you dramatically wailed, “Every time I think about finally confessing, I back out at the last second and come up with a super dumb excuse! Just last week, I planned to confess but got so scared that I ended up asking if we could play rock-paper-scissors instead!!”
A scoff caused you to turn to the silver-haired knight who was seemingly holding back his laughter. “Izumi seems to think that was hilarious…” you sarcastically called out, causing him to raise an eyebrow with a small smirk on his lips. “At least I don’t go around asking people if they want to play rock-paper-scissors~” he teased, making you huff in embarrassment. However, just before you could retaliate, a quiet voice spoke up.
“[ Y/N ]-san, if you struggle with words then why don’t you confess to Tsukinaga-senpai with a song instead? Singing and talking are two very different things, so maybe that could help you.” Anzu recommended, making you stop and think about it. “Well if I sang, then maybe I wouldn't get so embarrassed...” you quietly mumbled to yourself; “Do you think it’ll work?”
“Don’t overthink it [ Y/N ]-chan~ That’s the perfect way to confess to ou-sama!”
• ━━°⌜ Timeskip ⌟°━━ •
A few days passed since then and, with the help of Anzu and the other members of Knights, you were able to come up with the perfect confession song! It wasn’t too complicated, as you decided to poke fun at your previous confession attempts as a way to shed light into how you truly felt at the time. The song was both light-hearted and serious, and you hoped to build up those emotions for the climax, which was at the end where you would actually sing your confession.
Anzu was kind enough to book a recording booth after class on Friday and, the moment the bell rang, you immediately hopped out of your seat and ran to the studio. Throughout the week, you spent time with Leo as if everything was normal. It was quite hard, because Leo is surprisingly quite observant, but you somehow managed to pull through.
Once you entered the recording studio, Anzu was already there, setting up the recording devices as you went inside to set up the microphone itself. Once you were both done, Knights, excluding Leo of course, entered the studio. They wanted to help guide you through the vocals since you weren’t used to singing for an audience.
Once everything was in place, the recording session began.
The session went without a hitch as you sang through the choruses and verses with ease. With the feedback you got from the knights, you were also able to fine-tune all the melodic and harmonic details! However, your heart started to quicken the further you were in the song because you knew the inevitable was coming. With that, you finally reached the confession section.
It was a simple line! All you had to sing was, “You know, the truth is that I like you! I love you!!” and you’ll be done! That’s what you initially thought, but your hands started to shake with nervousness as you held the lyric sheets tightly.
“Just one more line [ Y/N ]-chan and you’ll be done! You got this!” Arashi cheered from outside the booth as Tsukasa smiled and nodded in agreement. “Let’s just get this over with alright?” Izumi huffed, but you’ve been friends with him for long enough to decipher that he was also cheering you on. Ritsu lazily gave you a thumbs up and a soft smile, indicating that he was rooting for you as well.
“Alright [ Y/N ]-san! Whenever you’re ready.” Anzu smiled as she moved forward and pressed the "record" button on the large device. Taking a deep breath in, you saw the light inside the booth change from red to green, indicating that the device was now recording. Mustering up all your strength and against the loud, rapid beating of your heart, you started to sing the final line.
“You know, the truth is, I, ah-” you stuttered out immediately, your hands seemingly shook with such force that you couldn’t even see the lyrics anymore! Your mind started to spin as you began to imagine Leo in front of you, looking at you with his shining green eyes that held an excited, yet curious, glint within them; wondering what you were going to say next.
At that moment, you became a complete mess.
“I, um, um, you know… You, aah… I, sorry, wait, um, you know-”
You were so caught up with your internal struggle to, ‘Just sing the damn line [ Y/N ]!’ that you failed to notice everyone outside the booth watching you. Some in surprise, others in slight amusement. Seeing that you didn’t want to stop, Anzu signed at the others to stay quiet as she decided to continue recording. All they could do was watch from the outside as you kept trying to push yourself;
“Uuh, I… About you…! You know, I, you… You know, I, you- I, you… Li, li, li-li, li-li, li… li-”
At this point, you weren’t looking at your lyric sheets for guidance anymore, but rather, you were staring at them to avoid the gazes of your friends. You could feel them watching you with confusion? Maybe pity? Who knows because you sure as hell didn’t want to know either!
“Li-li-li-li, li, li, li, li… Breathe in, out…” you muttered to yourself as you tried to psych yourself up, but the moment you looked up at your friends, you finally saw their expecting gazes and just sighed in defeat.
“Sorry, just forget it…” you languished, waving your hand in defeat and signaling Anzu to stop recording. She looked at you with empathy, and understanding, as your gaze was down at your feet. Your mind started to fill with various thoughts running at once.
‘Am I really going to back down now after all the help they gave me? Am I really gonna allow myself to give up just like that...?’ you thought as you subtly glanced up at your friends once again.
You didn’t want to read into their expressions too deeply but you could tell that they were more worried about you. Anzu saw your gaze and gave you a small smile and a nod, but just as she was about to click the "stop recording” button, a wave of determination seemingly engulfed you. Izumi noticed this and quickly grabbed Anzu’s wrist, causing her finger to hover just above the button as you yelled out, “Wait!” at the same time.
As they all looked at you with encouragement, you took another deep breath in and tried again;
“Li, li, li-li, li-li-li-li. Li-li-li-li, li… li… li… li… Li, li, li-li, li-li, li… li… Like you, I love you!!”
The blush on your face was now a deep, deep shade of red as your heart was beating so hard that you genuinely thought that it’d break through your ribcage at any point now. Looking at your friends once again, you can see Arashi silently clapping with a smile, Tsukasa giving you a thumbs up, Izumi with a small smile and Ritsu mouthing “You did it~” as Anzu stopped the recording.
“I don’t think this is gonna work out after all…” was the first thing you muttered out when you exited the booth. “Don’t say that [ Y/N ]-chan! You were finally able to say it in the end! Plus, I personally find your stuttered singing to be quite cute, you know~” Arashi comforted you but it only caused you to sigh even more. “There’s no way it was good enough though…” you mumbled, fumbling with your thumbs as you started to feel self-conscious.
As the others tried to comfort you, their voices were drowned out by the negative thoughts that started to plague your mind. ‘Leo deserves better than this…’ , ‘This wasn't a good idea after all…’ , ‘I’m going to make a bigger fool out of myself with this after all, huh…?’ were just some of the ideas that clouded your thoughts. Finally packing up your bag, you turned to them all with a sad smile.
“Sorry for dragging you all into this and wasting your time… I think it’d be best if you just pretended that this never happened…” you choked out as you left the studio before anyone could say a thing.
• ━━°⌜ Timeskip ⌟°━━ •
That night, you started to overthink the entire situation, causing you to drown in self-loathing at the thought of wasting your friends' precious time. You spent so much time thinking to yourself, that the weekend seemingly passed by in the blink of an eye. Luckily, you were able to come to terms with the whole situation when Monday rolled around.
‘I’m ok with pining from a distance as long as we're still friends... It wouldn’t be that bad, right?’ you thought to yourself as you got ready for school once again. With this newfound sense of acceptance, you decided to find Anzu and the other knights to apologize to them; and that’s exactly what you did.
You entered the school gates and greeted everybody as if you totally didn’t have a mini breakdown during the weekend and, when you ran into Anzu and the others, you greeted them as usual before apologizing. You were glad that they accepted your apology, as they completely understood your perspective but, at the same time, something seemed off about them all.
You first noticed this from Anzu. She seemed excited about something. When you asked, she said that she got to mix a really important song during the weekend and she was super happy with the results! Listening to her happy ramble eased any worries you had so you moved on.
When you went to Tsukasa, you noticed that he was a bit jumpy but you didn't question it because Knights’ next live was coming up and you just assumed that he was nervous about that.
Ritsu was surprisingly more awake than his usual morning-self. When you teasingly asked why, he just said that he had to give something important to "someone" and moved on. He never told you who this "someone" was but you just assumed that it was a classmate.
Arashi was quite giddy and cheerful, but the wording of her teases made you do a double take. Subtle remarks such as, "[ Y/N ]-chan don't worry about a thing! I still ship you two so hard! Ah~ You will be such a cute couple~" in combination with her playful winks never failed to make you blush. Once again though, you thought that this was her way of making you feel better because she was acting like the recording session didn't happen in the first place.
Last was Izumi. He didn’t seem any different compared to the others when you went to him to apologize, but what caught your attention was the fact that he kept checking his phone every minute or so in rapid succession. You just thought that his schedule was packed so you didn't mind.
However, something else was off… Normally, you’d see Leo composing in the halls and greet him on the way to class but today... He wasn't there?
Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you entered your classroom wondering where he was. Taking a seat on your desk, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket before opening the message;
Izumi : oi, can you help me find ou-sama? class will start soon and his stuff isn't even there yet! So now I’m the one tasked with hunting him down this is so annoying… You : huh that’s strange… shouldnt he be finished vandalizing the hallways by now? Izumi : did you seriously think I didn't check?! jeez, I'm not stupid [ Y/N ] he must be somewhere else go check our studio and I’ll check the halls again You : you can count on me o7
Shoving your phone into your pocket, you hopped out of your seat, left your classroom and started your search. Looking around the halls curiously, you wondered why Izumi asked for your help in the first place. 'The studio huh...? Leo usually isn't in there in the mornings so why should I check there?' you thought to yourself as your eyes scanned the halls for a familiar shade of orange.
As you continued your way to the studio, you started to lose hope as the halls were seemingly void of any scribbles. ‘Where could he be?!’ you thought to yourself as you tried to rack your brain for any possible leads. Just as you were deep in thought, you suddenly stopped dead in your tracks as you heard a familiar voice humming a very familiar tune.
‘Oh fuck…’ was the only thought that crossed your mind as your heart sank. Turning towards the direction of the voice, you were met with the sight of Leo laying on his stomach on the floor in Knights' studio, holding an IPod and wearing earphones.
Quietly making your way towards the opened door, you slowly leaned in from the side of the doorframe and peeked in, trying to hide yourself. This seemingly worked as Leo didn't notice you and continued humming, even bopping his head to the beat of the song. Your song.
All you could do was quietly watch in horror as you even caught him humming a recognizable rhythm. Tensing at what you heard, you instantly knew that those were your stutters. Trying to hold back your tears, your mind was racing with so many thoughts.
‘Why is the stuttering there?! Didn’t I tell you guys to forget about the song-’ your thoughts were cut off by a surprised, “Ah!” from inside the room. You stared at Leo for a few seconds before your mind finally processed that he was looking at you too, with an unreadable expression. So, you gave him a small smile to try and hide your nervousness.
“Hey Leo… Izumi’s looking for you, he said that you need to go to class…” you explained in an uncharacteristically hushed tone as you tried to fight back your tears. You didn’t want him to see you cry, especially since the damage was already done with the song. ‘I don’t want to make things worse…’ you thought to yourself but, just before you could run away, Leo gave you playful pout.
“Uuu… [ Y/N ]~ Forget about classes! I-Aah, wait!! I cannot allow myself to forget~ This is su~per important so listen~☆”
‘Here it is…’ you thought as you braced yourself for the inevitable rejection, but you jumped in surprise when you felt Leo hug you tight. Without his smile faltering in the slightest, he pulled you in close and nuzzled into your face like a cat. A deep blush covered your cheeks as you stood there frozen in shock, your mind going blank due to the situation you're currently in.
“L… Leo?!” you were able to stammer out in confusion, causing the orange-haired knight to look at you with a happy glimmer in his eyes. Without breaking away from hug, he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and, with the same melody you know all too well, sang;
“I like you, I love you too~♪”
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Camping on Silvio's Private Island Event
A non-exhaustive list of things we learn about Keith and Gilbert (or get further confirmation about)
I haven't read the Rio/Silvio ending yet
I used a shaky translator and am summarizing from memory (too lazy to revisit my screenshots orz), so please forgive inaccuracies and feel free to correct me or add anything I may have forgotten!
This is not a full-fledged summary of the event
He is very knowledgeable about medicinal herbs (their properties, their origin). When Emma suggests they go exploring the island, he expresses his interest in looking at the flora.
Sariel says that alter!Keith is quite popular among women according to rumors. Shy!Keith had no idea, and he becomes rather glum upon learning this.
He gets along with Gilbert fairly well, especially compared to others. He even considers offering Gilbert his lap to rest his head on when Gilbert overheats on the island. And when nobody else is interested in what Gilbert tries to propose as a campfire activity, Keith comes to his defense and asks that they all at least hear Gilbert out.
He's reminded of his youth when they're all splashing around in the river.
As a kid he dreamed of having adventures like Silvio has had on his many voyages. He praises Silvio for being an excellent explorer and Silvio blushes from embarrassment.
Reacts poorly to climate change? He overheats when they arrive on the island. Sariel has to hold a parasol over him while Keith fans him as he lays out on the beach. But then the instant Emma's like "I want to go exploring!" he gets up and volunteers to come along and hums merrily on his way. So was he faking (just to get Emma to offer her lap for him to sleep on)? Does that count as a "lie" if he was?
When Sariel comments that he felt murderous intent from Gilbert, Gilbert laughs it off and says that murderous intent comes to him as easily as breathing.
Likes to stir the pot. When the group encounters bats in a cave he's like, "I wonder what would happen if I disturbed them with my cane"
Apparently gets really winded from running (but this is also super sus to me... Like he could have just been faking it so he could stay close to Emma and then invite her to play in the water)
Suggests playing in the water in the first place because it's something he apparently picked up when he was visiting/inspecting an orphanage.
Is constantly heckling Sariel and even has the balls to jokingly call him "Papa" XD Poor Sariel can't catch a break from hellcats.
Has experience with keys/lock-picking
Values the time spent in the present, just laughing and having fun, because you never know when you might die.
In the same vein, he appreciates the call to adventure (treasure-hunting, for example). Even though the key he finds could easily be explained away by Silvio, he prefers to find out what the key goes to himself.
He prefers to be alone when he's trying to think. Man left camp and sat on a stump in the forest to contemplate the key T_T
Rarely attends social gatherings and has no interest in women in Obsidian
His campfire activity suggestion is to talk about each other's love life, though of course he refuses to tell anyone who he's been eyeing (leading Emma to speculate that it's unrequited love on Gilbert's part, and not, in fact, her orz)
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bmpmp3 · 1 month
*said like im a dracula* good evening. im a bit of a ghoul rn because a bit of rainy weather and distant fireworks have migraine'd me like im some kind of dying victorian child so this week's cover feature will probably be a little bit shorter, but there's still some good tunes to be heard!!
This weekend we're gonna talk about our first non-vocal-synth-original song: Kaibutsu (怪物) by YOASOBI.
Like I explained in my first of these posts, while there will likely be a vocal synth focus because of the sheer size of the cover community. anythings on the table! Plus this is vsynth adjacent as half of the duo, Ayase, produces Vocaloid music as well.
Kaibutsu!!!! Love this song, it's the opening for Beastars and while I've never seen the anime (nor have I finished the manga orz still working on it) there was a lot of great music put out for it! The different parts of this song are so fun, I love the verses with their low-bass-y synths under some quick vocals that lean into piano bits in the chorus later on. Ayase's composition is wonderful and of course Lilas Ikura's singing takes it to the next level: she has such a clear voice but she still manages to push so much expression into it, I really love the "oshietekureyo"'s right going into the bridge.
The first cover I want to highlight is a vocal synth cover, this KAFU cover by shinomattya:
A moodier take with KAFU's moodier, breathier voice, I really like it! I've mentioned before how KAFU was the first vocal synth to actually pass my own personal turing test LOL I didn't realize she was a synth when I first heard her! Which, based off how hit or miss she is in the English-speaking vsynth community, might be kind of a surprise. I thought she was like some up-and-coming utaite who uses edges of pitch correction for stylization or something... ANYWAY this was one of the first covers I heard using her after I finally figured out she wasn't a real person LOL and it's really nice! I think her more pronounced breaths really work nicely, and I like the mix levels!
Next cover is an actual human being (no making mistakes this time!!), this cover by まきの (Makino):
Pitched down really nicely, I'm like, scared of pitching down instrumentals because if you're not careful it can sound kind wack but this worked so well I think! His vocals are also nice, he's got this slightly soft low voice with hints of nasal which all together sounds very rich. I like his softer falsetto-y parts in the chorus with the more chest voice-y sound on the low notes.
And another human cover, actually four humans - Lambsoars acoustic cover!
Really fun, they all have nice voices of course but the snapping, piano, and guitar bring it all together so well. The four guys different textures in their voices also adds a lot of dimension.
AND ONE MORE, but last is definitely not least, actually I think this is my absolute favourite cover of this song: JuanMo's pipa cover!!
This fucking rules you guys have no idea. I wasn't super familiar with the pipa a couple years ago so I was googling around listening to all kinds of videos as one does when they are curious about an instrument and when I clicked this one my mind was BLOWN wide open. The articulation on the melody... that thing SINGS like holy shit. Awesome.
And that's all, I hope you can enjoy whatever holiday this is. The Canadian one with like the fireworks. The reason I have no class tomorrow. I have a migraine and I forgor u have to be nice to me <3 *turns into a mysterious beast and runs into the night never to be seen again*
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bora-in-tamriel · 2 years
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(Elden Ring) ELEINA (pictured: inhabiting her vessel, taking her form upon it) BECAUSE I NEED TO TALK ABOUT HER and Morgott both of them kees kees their little story
I’m still lacking some confidence when it comes to nitty bitty itty bitty details in lore, it might not be a smooth read forgive me :”D also how does one woman, i forgot how to draw soft looking women so her face may change in the future orz
after writing note: long thing below, I wanted to write even more but might just split it? and make another thing of art for it, I like having visuals of things and I want the location n all to have visuals eventually
Lady Eleina, as she is referred to by her vessel, Lancer, is a maiden born from a sapling sprouted by the Erdtree long ago. The sapling rested beneath the golden Leyndell Capital, in a small hidden chamber webbed by long thin roots of the Erdtree.  In her “slumbering” stage, her body hovered (think of Rennala floating pose) within the branches of the sapling, surrounded by what seemed like a bubble of golden light. Her skin and hair glowing, with a silky white cloth dressing her form. She rested there for hundreds, if not thousands of moons. Specific duration is unknown.
The one who actually found her was young Morgott in his attempt to flee the sewers beneath the capital. Free from his shackles, he found himself chased into a corner. In a desperate attempt to push through the walls that confined him, he passed through one, ending up on a narrow passage. Through there, he found the chamber where the sapling and the golden woman rested. It was another dead end, but the guards had not noticed his location just yet. Morgott sought a place to hide, to leave, perhaps another wall, but the beckoning golden light of the yellow sapling and its orb pulled him to the center of the chamber.  Peering through the wall of the orb, he saw the silhouette of a person. Pushing past the blinding light, he caught a glimpse of long golden hair, before the orb that covered the branches suddenly expanded in a sound alike to glass shattering, engulfing the sapling’s trunk and touching the floor. The density of the orb lessened, now easier to see through.  The disturbance briefly awakened the woman, making her stir in her place. Her eyes light golden, peering curiously at her surroundings through her long lashes. It was too soon for her to awaken; it wasn’t her time. An unfamiliar figure caught her eye, standing at the side of the sapling, gazing at her form with wonder. 
Young Morgott, expression full of shock, confusion and a hint of curiosity, shrunk away as the golden eyes found him. But the gaze that met him made him lean back in. The woman gazed softly, with quiet curiosity. She was intrigued, albeit a bit confused, but showed no signs of repulsion, disgust, horror, anger,... She smiled. So gently.  The young Omen didn’t know what to do. She slowly uncrossed her fingers, reaching a gently glowing hand out to the omen boy. He hesitated, slightly shrinking away from her approaching hand. Halting beside his cheek, she watched him with a flinch of confusion in her brow. But she waited patiently to see if he’d allow her touch. 
She looked over his messy white hair, his frightened golden eyes, one of which was more closed than the other. His winding horns sticking out the right side of his head, the ragged cloth he was wearing over his lanky form. For a young man, he was very thin. There was a feeling within her, she wasn’t quite sure what it meant. Like a dull twist in her gut. 
After a moment, the Omen boy decided against his fears, leaning into her hand. She smiled once more as her fingers gently traced his skin. It was curious, the boy. She wasn’t quite sure what he was. Concept of people, living beings, had been ripped in the rude awakening. She had no memory of anything, only curiosity. 
She was so gentle, careful, as if she’d hurt him if she moved too quickly or touched too roughly. The warmth of her palm made him melt, expression crumbling as he leaned his cheek into her hand with a hint of desperation. It was foreign; the kind, gentle, gesture; he wished it to never end. 
Yet end it did all too soon for him. 
A pain struck his side, visions of golden light flashing around the small chamber as guards restrained him. With their shackles, their chains, they took the young Omen royalty back to his chamber, deep within the sewers of Leyndell. 
The woman in gold didn’t know better of what had happened. She seemed to have not registered he was taken by force. She only gazed into her vacant palm, before returning to her slumber, beckoned by the golden sapling. Few guards remained in her chamber, staring in confusion of this discovery. Who was she?
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tiredtief · 2 years
How do you create tension in your works?
I've love resding your fics and i was wondering if i can have a few great advices from you.
Wow, I'm so touched! Thank you so much, and I apologize for abandoning my works orz
Tension is really hard to get right in text form because you have no visuals or audio to go with it, compared to a movie or a show. One way I work around this is I start altering sentence structure to get a different rhythm going. Here's a quick comparison:
She was running through the woods, swatting away at tree branches as the beast chased closely behind her.
She ran. Heart thudding. Tree branches grabbed at her like hands. The beast panted behind her. His breath was on her neck. So close. Too close.
The first example has a long sentence while the second has more short, punchy sentences to communicate emotion through text. You also get a glimpse into the mind of the character even though the writing is in third person (my personal favorite).
Strong visual language is also important, particularly with focus on body language and facial expressions. This is to pull the reader into the exact state the character is in, which is why in the second example above I mentioned her heart thudding and the breath on her neck.
One suggestion I can give is to visualize your scenes in advance as if they were a movie (imagine them out in your head, maybe LARP them out if you want if you don't feel cringe about it lolol) and really get them down how you want them to go, then go back through and analyze what particular elements make the visualization tense to you. If you're so inclined you can try drawing them out as if they were a comic or animatic to get some direct visual ideas as well.
idk if any of this is helpful or just rambly but writing is a very subjective process so practice is the best way to figure out what works for you - also reading other people's work and taking inspiration from what you like that they do. The reason the kissing scene in Thunder is imo better than the one in Too Close is because I read a fic in between them that had an excellent kissing scene and it inspired me to alter how I wrote mine.
Thank you again for your kind words! I hope I could give you a bit of advice.
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actualbird · 2 years
AHHH you're so nice thank you for the compliments orz!!!! i do read the tags but im a little introverted idiot i can only see them and squeak in my mind 😖 sorry for sending an ask for this ahwhqjwhwj!
WAAAHH, HI!! and pls omg it is my pleasure, i rlly adore ur art style (idk the art words but ur art just exudes such lovely energy and also aaaa how u draw expressions <3!!) and also the concepts/AUs you draw (theyre all so GOOD)
and aaa no need to say sorry at all!! im way more comfy tag-rambling on tumb than replying on twitter (im also an introverted shy person shdfhsdj), so im just glad whatever i can say abt ur work can be seen somehow and return even just a fraction of the joy i get from seeing ur art!!
i hope you have a wonderful day :DDD (and thank u again so much for the permission for the fic, im goin kinda insane (positive emotion) writing it rn)
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hugispuso-archive · 2 years
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers!
third time’s the charm ehe ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ﹒ ₊˚✦﹒₊ enjoy!~
i saw this last night but i was super tired after having movie night with friends BUT TYSM!!! orz 🙏 what did i do to deserve your kindness 😔💕
i haven't talked about beel in a while but dw he's always in the back of my head <3 and he still has the throne of being my ult f/o HSDUHFHH i actually um,, have plans to develop our relationship further AHA iykyk 🏃🏻
what i noticed about beel is that he never activated my tsundere-ness. not even once. the closest thing would be like, me wondering how he can be so cute and hot at the same time. but that's it. i never actually acted hostile towards him or insulted him. and i realize, maybe that's why he got up to the ranks so fast? because he has such a comforting presence that i allow myself to be just, me around him. i don't need to add double meaning to my words or anything. aaaahwgdhdh idk how to explain properly i just love him _(:3 」∠)_
i actually have our anniversary art as my phone wallpaper. and every time i open my phone i go wweeeeuuuhhhhh and practically melt into a puddle because wow. did i really draw that??? have we really been together for over a year??? i also tend to compare it to my birthday gift art for him because it has a huge improvement for a 4 month difference. it's really satisfying to look at, plus i get to stare at us SHSHAJAJS 🙈
i have not added any new lore so this is just me gushing about the randomest things. i love him!!! what else do you need to know /lh i love how he genuinely cares for his family and would do anything to keep them happy, but it's kinda difficult for him to do so because expressing affection hasn't always been his best forte. but he tries, he tries and just uses whatever he can get his hands on. seeing his brothers get along with one another and on good terms is enough assurance for him that everything will be okay.
he might be a demon but he's literally one of the nicest people i know. 🥺 when times get rough he will always be the first person i run to. he doesn't even need to do much, he can just be there for me and listen to my rants and maybe give me hugs and kisses, and i'll feel better the next day. actually, these past few weeks wherein my attention has been switching between different f/o's, i would randomly remember beel and go 🥺 i miss my beel. and it's just!!! it says a lot. he's my comfort and i'm his comfort. we help each other and i'm not exchanging that or him for anything else. <3
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my love!!!! 🧡🧡🧡
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merakiui · 3 months
thinking about the stitch event again and,,,,,, alien floyb thoughts are on my mind. orz
alien floyd who escapes his planet to avoid the responsibilities his father is trying to shove onto him. he wants to explore the cosmos, not remain shackled to a single planet. so he steals a ship for himself and takes off into the starry outer space, eventually crash-landing on earth.
alien floyd who camouflages himself to blend into this new environment with its bipedal creatures. walking on two legs is difficult, but he doesn’t give up. perhaps you stumble upon him and help him to your home so that you can check him over for any injuries. he looks so lost and confused, so dazed… you wonder if he’s okay. floyd watches you silently the entire time. you’re…strange. he’s immediately curious.
alien floyd who takes to living alongside you rather quickly. he doesn’t have anywhere else to go, and you were kind enough to let him stay. in return, he helps you where he can. though most of his help is misread. he hunted those pesky birds who sit on the clothesline and chirp every single morning and brought their carcasses to you, awfully proud of himself. now there’s no more noise in the morning! aren’t you happy? :D but you shake your head at him and tell him he can’t just senselessly kill living creatures.
alien floyd who tries to be good for your sake. he’s an alien, so he often forgets his own strength when compared to that of a human’s. (he’s sorry for breaking the tv remote or the window or the coffee maker or the microwave… ;;;;) what’s more is that you don’t know he’s an alien. you just think he’s a human like you. floyd’s not sure he wants to tell you the truth. you’re already such good friends. would you fear him if you knew who he was—that beneath the softness of his human veneer there are predatory features and a strength that could kill you in seconds? so he continues masquerading as a human. it’s safer this way.
alien floyd who finds himself falling for you. he keeps these feelings to himself, mostly. although it’s difficult to truly hide them when he’s so expressive. he can quell monstrous urges for the most part, but he’s certain that if you were to bring home a person and he mistook them for a potential mate…… floyd would kill them. ruthlessly.
alien jade who is somewhat envious, for he had been hoping to escape on his own one day. floyd beat him to it and now he’s stuck having to clean up the mess his twin’s made. >_< so when jade’s given clearance to track him down and he learns floyd’s been cozying up to a particularly cute human on earth……. well, if jade had any apprehensions about leaving for good before he doesn’t anymore. :)
aliens floyd and jade who love their human more than anything. if earth is taken over by their overlord of a father, it’s okay because they’ll keep you safe. <3
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non-fantasy · 8 months
I actually wanted to send you liphiyo ask ough
red string of fate has already been done...
I think you talked about them being like "why do I have 2 strings?!"
me thinks red strings can be interesting and i was reading a short comic one day bc i was bored and it was also about red strings and it talked about going against fate and choosing someone regardless of whether there was a shared string or not
and my friend talked about how it's more impactful when 2 people without the strings love each other and then the string forms between them. so it's like the string is formed out of their love! they chose their own fate!
am going all over the place ah... the plot of that comic really was wild... i'm just going to quickly talk about the plot because it's spinning in my head now
(this is where the read more thingy would've been but i have failed to make it for the past few minutes... wait i've just realized that maybe the read more thingy doesn't exist for sending asks). just skip this part and go all the way down to liphiyo if it's too long ough orz
Main character (MC) only starts dating his boyfriend said that he could see a string connecting them and MC was like sure why not? (later it's revealed that they both already mutually liked each other)
Then one day MC can see strings and he finds out that bf was lying to him, their strings are not connected. and ofc MC doesn't like that his bf lied so he wants to spend time apart
and the bf is shown to be in constant anguish bc he's too heavily dependent on MC
and MC is just... going on a trip, sightseeing and thinking about life and his relationship while skipping final exams at the same time. but he does finally come back to reconcile with the bf
but ofc the bf gave up on waiting on the MC just when he comes back? and bf lets a god possess him?!!!
why did the god possession happen... that was the one part that confused me...
bf had like a spiritual connection? and could see this god as a child? and the god really really wanted to possess his body forever i think? but yeah bf let god possessed him so god could forcefully tie the string between the bf and MC
and then the god just left... (why would the god leave if it really wanted to possess that guy forever... i have so many questions regarding the possession thing... the god never shows up again...)
ah... once again, MC is not happy with bf for not talking to him about this and they really could have communicated this entire time but they eventually make up and the end :0
this was so important to tell you... trust me... reading that comic and then writing the plot again helped me think about liphiyo
this liphiyo thought was cooking too long and slowly in my head that i forgot the exact words I was gonna say...
smth like Hiyori not having a red string at first and wondering if she even deserves a prince? and then meeting Aizo and Yujiro and after bonding with them and spending time with them... boom! strings appear!
i think i had the silly idea of one of them being some kinda matchmaker god and making the string themselves but that thought went nowhere...
huh... they (or one of them?) could also have that ability to be able to see red strings in general... not just their own...
despite this liphiyo idea being in the microwave in my head for so long, i can't express it grahhh
Blake, pls forgive me for going off topic orz
you are reminding me of a fics i read
one was like... yujiro and hiyori but even though they were in love their red strings weren't connected... hiyori was too scared to confess because she was scared it wouldn't work out but yujiro was just like "where do you see the red string? here? okay" and grabbed a pair of scissors. hiyori was shocked that he was actually able to cut the red string despite not being able to see it and their red strings tied together because they made the choice to be together
the other was yujiro seeing the red string between hiyori and aizo and thinking he had no place with them because he would be the third wheel but then they were like "why are you avoiding us :C" and "don't avoid us on your own, idiot! >:C" and then the three of them got red strings together....
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icharchivist · 5 years
the funny thing with discussing the possibility of characters with abandon issues is that i can work the magic of “ahah this is a headcanon ofco- wait isn’t that one of my symptoms, wait, did the character have that to start with, did i overread it, or did i just project on them by complete accident” and then i end up in a crisis for ten minutes not knowing if i’m driven toward characters with abandon issues and only realize when i’m in too deep that it’s why i did, or if the moment i end up loving a character i just go “:) and YOU take my abandon issues, YOU DO. :)”
#for the record we were specifically talking about Gentaro if we take his song for canon and hUH.#bc personally i find it super weird that he mentions he was bullied for 'being an adopted son' and not... say... for being poor#while he also mentions how he was grateful for the couple who did adopt him and therefore made himself smaller to not be a burden#like that could hint at rooted abandon issues that were made worse with the bullying eventually#and then i'm just like 'icha you project? you project icha? ICHA???' and this is terrible kdjhfdk#ichatalks#ichapersonal#the worst is that technically i find my reasoning makes a lot of sense so - i m e a n#tbh answering my own question i started loving Gentaro early on#but i remember listening to the song was what broke me. And I mean.. huh.#I mean the part about bullying at school is easy enough to relate to since yay same#but since the sentence about him being 'bullied for being adopted' stuck with me i wonder if that was something that impacted me then#but i just... didn't realize yet#oh well orz#And i mean yeah like if he DOES have abandon issues boY#bc just narrowing it down is one thing but once you start to justify all the coping mechanism on that lense....#this is where the projection really starts my lads and i have SO mUCh to say about that#at any rates#aLTHOUGH let's get it straight his whole chapter of anxiety about the posse breaking up DOES express that right?? right???#oh no now i'm seriously wondering how much is projection and how much is right tHERE#well.. rip...#basically if you ever see me justify a character's behavior saying 'that could come from abandon issues'#you know i would be working through something#fun fact i used to do that with Gon for exemple kdjfhd all my defenses of him were 'that makes sense in the lense of abandon issues'#and it is just like projecting 1o1 but i can use it for meta so
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rebornologist · 2 years
HEHEHE LOVE YOUR WORKS SO MUCH! MY NIGHT TIME DESTRESSING TIME ;))) may i get uhhhhhh a scenario with xanxus & your favorite khr character(s) (1 or more ur choice bby) where the s/o finally calls them the nickname they've been rehearsing in their head. Like they just haven't found the right timing to use the nickname but is dying to use it so they just randomly say it and giggle or something. -YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN FROM DAY 1 XOXOXO also GOOD LUCK ON UR FINALS if you see this before u take them
Hi dear! I passed all my finals thanks to you <3 this is hilarious bc I literally can't think of a single other character to write this prompt for, so I'll sit on the part two. BUT I just penned the most whipped Xanxus I could manage lmaaooo I make myself laugh
♡ Giving Xanxus a silly nickname ✧
xanxus/gn!reader, shortfic/scenario count: 595 words warnings: established relationship, fluff, reader is generally antsy, may be ooc xan orz
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Okay sooo… his emo boy raccoon tail accessory, and his obsession with trash..? You get brave and decide to come up with a silly little nickname for him. Buckle up, [y/n].
You shift nervously in your seat, once, twice… and again under the guise of getting comfortable. Unfortunately for you, your anxiety was palpable to your significant other. You eye the mafioso next to you, his dark lashes fanned over tan skin. He looks almost peaceful like this, if not for the arch of his thick brows and downturned lips. Luckily, he didn’t take your nerves to be anything pressing. You wondered if he would be mad (it’s not like he could never be mad at you, but never for something so silly, right?). You mulled over how you would say it. What if he ignores you? Would you just say it again, but louder? Oh, even the mere thought of having to repeat yourself made you cringe. ‘Raccoon.. coontail..’ you repeated in your head, and then your follow-up explanation, ‘because you’re wearing that stupid little fur tail thingy! I don’t mean it in a bad way!’ Yeah, you’ll probably make it out unscathed. Probably.
Why were you with this guy, again?
“Ah..?” His reply grunt escapes his throat before you even begin. He had been waiting for you to speak up. He wanted to know what on earth could possibly be bothering you this time. That stops you dead in your tracks for a moment, but you press on.
“…hey Raccoon.” You stifle a snort, scanning his face for a response. There was the slightest furrow in his brows. So faint, you swear it might have been his default expression before you even said anything. He crosses his arms, shifting slightly. Not a peep from him. You don’t know what you expected. Was he in a good mood today or something? Is he about to kill you in one strike?
A few moments pass. The awkward silence was making you lose it, your gaze never leaving his slightly annoyed (so, default) features.
“All that for.. this?” He stirs, opening one eye, and you immediately divert your gaze. Oh hell.
“U-um, well… you’re like..” you falter, the entire preplanned retort just fizzles from your mind. You whip your head around when you hear the chair scoot from under the man, looking back in his direction.
His gaze is unreadable as large hands find their way under your chin, smoothly but firmly tilting your head up. He towers over your seated position.
“You gonna finish your explanation..?” He squints, dark ruby eyes scan over your panicked features, mouth drawn downwards in disgust.
Oh goodness, can you even?
[e/c] eyes meet deep scarlet ones. This isn’t your first rodeo, and you have a feeling that he’s not upset at all, surprisingly… unless that was blind hope on your end.
“You’re.. the fur thing… you’re like my little trash panda,” your eyes sweep from his unamused face to the fur accessory and back up, a playful grin just clawing its way onto your face. The same face that was keeping you out of trouble, right now..
He scoffs, looking even more disgusted. You could swear he rolled his eyes, likely deciding that this wasn’t even worth being pissed about. Releasing your chin, he straightens and his eyes scan the room. He places his hand on your head for a moment, then pulls away before you can even react, leaving your hair slightly mussed. The tall man clicks his tongue, and starts to walk away.
“Hey, where are you—?”
“Don’t call me that ever again in front of anyone else, trash,” he grumbles just under his breath, “are we going to see that stupid fucking movie or what?”
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after that, y'all go watch everything everywhere all at once and you cry a ton and that's the only thing that wakes him up bc he's literally not at all invested in the film and then afterwards u call him Raccooncouie DUHH enjoy ur mans xx G
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tarosucheon · 2 years
Hi there! I've been reading your previous work and they are *chefs kiss* I understand you probably have a lot of orders coming in every day so feel free to not do or skip this one! I realize there isn't much villain headcanons, or more specifically Amyeong/Dark ones. I think his past relationship with Kayden is interesting, and I know this is a extremely vague topic to write about, but I am dying for some Amyeong/Dark works! Thank you so much for your time and effort! 💕
↳ Response: Fun fact, Dark is one of my favorite characters; ranking third behind Sucheon and Jisuk, so I'm very glad to finally write about him Also concerning the request itself, I was confused if you wanted a x reader request or just general headcanons so I just went with general headcanons. If this isn’t what you wanted, feel free to drop by my inbox again and request another one that's more shaped to your prefrence Final note, I am;;; so sorry this is so late. I'm too ashamed to even look at when this was sent to me orz
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꒰Dark Headcanons ༉‧₊˚✧
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꒰ ⌨ A new order has come in! ··· ꒱
↷ Base: Fruit Tea [General HC's about a character]
↷Flavor: Blackberry Sage [Dark]
↷ Boba: general headcanons about Dark
↷Allergies (Warnings): None
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┊Dark · · · ♡
Thoughts/Personal theories about Dark
I feel like his character is the character who is the most closely tied to whatever lore is going on with the world of Eleceed. He seems to be right in the thick of whatever the hell is going on in the core of the awakener universe, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he becomes a big part of the story as it starts progressing towards the even darker side of the awakened world. 
He’s an interesting character because he seems pretty far-gone, but he still does have some moral semblances. He’s capable of expressing remorse and gratitude (as seen in his interaction with Jiwoo’s mother) and understands when he’s in the wrong. He still holds attachments and doesn’t pull the ‘I am a villain and therefore all past relationships mean nothing to me because I am obsessed with my goal’ 
If nothing else, he’s a character that’s had his moral compass skewed over pretty early on and has a twisted view of how to go about things. 
He’s not even similar to Kayden in that sense, either. He’s nowhere near as egotistical or self-enamored as Kayden was/is. There’s really prominent moments of gentleness he displays at times that sets him apart from other villains Jiwoo encounters. 
I am improperly obsessed with his relationship with Kayden, especially because it’s one of the more mysterious and complex ones we’ve seen so far. It definitely has some semblance of a mentor like relationship, especially on Dark’s part, what with him being all broody (aka hunting down the person who was Kayden’s apprentice) that he didn’t accept him as his apprentice, but in Kayden’s perspective, he doesn’t seem to have as strong attachment to him in contrast to Dark. (He literally said “I taught him some stuff but he isn’t my apprentice) 
Considering Dark’s past with the ‘place’ that obviously fucked him over and possibly gave him trauma about his power, maybe Kayden was the first to make him feel like his power wasn’t a monstrous thing he possessed. Although considering Kayden’s personality at the time, it probably wasn’t the most positive change Dark could have gotten, but it probably influenced him enough to where he gained a new purpose in life-he wanted to become like Kayden-taking down all the world rankers and becoming stronger. 
Disregarding Dark, it’s not like there’s an complete absence of emotions on Kayden’s side. Hell-Kayden even let him off the hook after he had tortured Jiwoo. And this was, mind you, seconds after he had just obliterated the other guy Amyeong was with to absolute shreds. I’m wondering just what kind of relationship causes Kayden to let someone go after laying a finger on his son apprentice. 
And again, when Dark goes to “visit” Jiwoo with the intent of killing him, we see that Kayden was literally just standing outside the entire time. This tells us that Kayden knew where Dark was, and he knew he was planning on killing his apprentice yet again, despite the fact he literally told this boy “If you try this again I’m not letting you off the hook.” This is pretty significant considering Kayden’s personality. If it was true to his regular personality, he’d likely just track down Dark the moment he escaped and crushed him. But he didn’t. He let Dark meet his apprentice and injure him. And it seems like Kayden was fully expecting this outcome, which is the most interesting part for me. It’s like he almost wanted Dark to learn something from confronting Jiwoo, like he wanted Dark to change as well. This gives me hope that Kayden also perhaps still cares or holds out hope for Dark.  
In conclusion, I want Kayden to re-adopt Amyeong. Please. I am kindly demanding Kayden to do so. 
General headcanons about Dark
Probably likes cats or some oddly specific species of birds 
I feel like his only source of nutrients is pills or bars; something quick to eat when he’s constantly on the go. Or maybe he doesn’t eat at all, both options are entirely possible. 
Would probably be the type to style his outfits-if he were to have any fashion sense- matching his hair. Off-white would definitely be his go-to. 
Sleeps with his eyes open just because he used to do that after his right eye got all screwed up and now he just unconsciously keeps his eyes open
Being an assassin has made him hyper sensitive to everything. Although he won’t physically show it, his internal alarms will start going off when he hears even the slightest movement. 
His humor is completely dead. He just doesn’t get jokes. Practical pranks, knock knock jokes, riddles, stand-up comedy, all of it will be met by a blank and vaguely unimpressed stare. 
“I don’t care why the chicken would cross the road. Stop talking to me.”
Thank you for reading! Please come again
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atelier-maroron · 3 years
Comte's older twin brother Cain -ikevamp oc-
@akitsuneswife Ask and ye shall receive! But seriously, thank you and everyone who liked/reblogged my initial post orz
So here's a wip of what "Cain" looks like, except while I like this hairstyle I'm not sure I like it for him. His outfit is still TBD so just ignore the... whatever the hell it is I drew on him here. It's a placeholder. I love floofy sleeves and I will draw them on everybody.
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1. Why is his name Cain?
So like I mentioned before, Cain isn't actually his name, but he eventually took it for himself out of spite and hopelessness, as a symbol, and abandoning his real name for good. It stems from his inferiority complex, but that itself has its roots in something unexpected.
There was no sibling rivalry between himself and Comte initially. They both had their individual talents and they were both adored by their family.
But then one day Comte from the future appears in the past. He just, poof, appears out of nowhere and passes out in front of them. The twins are around 9 years old at this time.
Comte is badly injured, but of course being a pureblood, his wounds are ultimately non-life-threatening. Still, he requires attention.
The boys don't immediately recognize the older Comte. In fact it's Vlad who sheepishly points out the resemblance. Then, being kids, their minds immediately leap to time-travel.
Thinking it's the coolest thing ever, they carry Big Comte to their secret treehouse and use their collective knowledge (which is rather substantial for their age given their noble upbringing) to nurse him back to health.
When Big Comte wakes up, he's very surprised by where (and when) he is, and even more surprised, distressed in fact, when he sees that he suddenly has a twin brother. But he remains tactful, and not wanting to disrupt the delicate balance of space-time any more than he already has by unintentionally travelling to his own past, he pretends to be oblivious.
But the kids are like, "We already know who you are."
But Comte maintains his charade. "And who do you think I am?"
"You're one of us from the future," says Cain.
"But we don't know who," says Smol Comte.
"I think he's Cain," says Vlad. "Are you still friends with future-me?"
Big Comte gets real quiet when Vlad asks this, and for a brief second an incredibly sad expression crosses his features.
"Oh no," says Vlad. "Did I die?"
"You can't die, dummy, you're a pureblood."
"Don't call Vlad a dummy, dummy."
"Anyway," Big Comte clears his throat, trying to swallow the big lump. He can't afford to be nostalgic or heartbroken right now. "I really must be going."
"Not so fast!" Each of the boys dashes to block a different door/window out of the treehouse.
"Are you me?" asks Cain.
"Or are you me?" asks Smol Comte.
And as Comte exchanges looks with the trio, he starts to wonder what exactly he's gotten himself into.
To be continued because somehow this turned into a fanfic???
* But wait, you say. Couldn't the boys just check Big Comte for some obvious birthmark? Absolutely. But Big Comte is not about to let them.
- Cain's Secret -
One of Cain's fangs is very obviously chipped from roughhousing with Comte and Vlad when they were kids. Normally it would have fixed itself but for some reason (read: my capricious whim) it just never did. He's indifferent about it but MC finds it endearing and loves running her tongue over it when they kiss.
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