#ikevamp oc cain
badass-at-fandoming · 2 years
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#i re-read the date night short and all these feels came rushing back
My Top Posts in 2022:
List of Amusing Beckett Facts We Learn in the Year of the Scarab Trilogy, which I read so you don't have to (really, it's Bad Art)
About mid-March, I finished the Year of the Scarab Trilogy and…honestly, it's second worst White Wolf book I've ever read. To save everyone the pain of drudging through it, I wanted to share screenshots, but typing those up inflicted psychic damage. So, instead, here's a list of cool Beckett fun facts. If you have a specific question about the Trilogy and its plot, characters etc, my ask box is open.
Beckett gets ensnarled in the novel's plot because he wants to interview Mother Inyanga about her personal history and the history of Kindred, as she knows it. She agrees to the interview if Beckett writes a book report on the Chicago hunter community.
Beckett handles his financials through a "small, private Swiss bank" in Geneva. It's called Witz-Kohn, which I think translates to "joke?" Anyway, Manfred Von Reis handles his account. The bank wires Beckett money on demand and auto-pays off his credit card bill every month. Cuthbert has a credit card!
Beckett flies American Airlines, first class preferred. I'm guessing Cesare's character was invented later. For reference, the novels take place February 2001 to March 2001. Don't worry: there IS a prophecy-written-on-the-subway-walls-esque joke of "hehe what if an iconic American tower blew up would that be fucked up or what"
Beckett has learned "some thaumaturgical rites." Unclear how many. He uses two rituals in the book. One's a tracking spell, which he uses to find a person who previously ingested his blood. The other enchants a murder victim's finger to point at whoever murdered them. That ritual sounds creepy, and the author intended the scene to be a ~creepy blood magic~ moment. But what happens is Beckett pinky promises to avenge this dead Gangrel, and braids his own hair into a necklace, so he can wear the pinky close to the skin. That's like Addams Family wholesome, bro.
Beckett thinks email is pretty neat. He frets that laptops are too big to meld into him when he transforms, so he hasn't purchased one yet.
Beckett (on accident!) finds Menele's haven, and our Gangrel boyo just. Turns right the fuck back around. He goes through all this effort to find who's emitting this massive, looming Presence over Chicago, only to decide he will Not Mess With That, No Thank You.
Beckett lectures not once but /twice/ on how Caine can't possibly be real. He gets miffed when someone inevitably interrupts him.
Becket clarifies he's not after the Heart of Osiris (the book's MacGuffin) for power, but for knowledge. His ultimate goal is to repatriate the Heart to the Egyptian supernatural community. Once it's clear the Heart's headed to Egypt anyway, he ends his pursuit.
Beckett starts the novel with No Fear and ends the novel with One Fear that Menele's influencing his actions. Like, he has a whole crisis over it, as a treat. Given what happens in the Diary, Beckett and Chicago really don't mix well.
Beckett has a cabin in upstate New York, not far from the Stillwater Reservoir. The cabin stands on an outcropping far from the nearest road and is only accessible via game trails. The nearest town is Big Moose. Towards the end of the story, Beckett spends upwards of a month there, recovering from a weird ghost stabbing. He's cranky about it.
Beckett gets his first mobile phone in March 2001. He asked Von Reis to shop around for satellite phones, buy what Von Reis thought best, and ship the phone to Beckett at his PO Box in Big Moose. I didn't realize that was a thing you could ask a bank to do for you(?). After carefully reading the instructional booklet front to back, Beckett made his first call to Nola.
I'm mildly dazzled by Beckett's Look™️ throughout the book. He wears a sheepskin jacket, which he changes to a leather one once it gets too ratty. Of course there's the little round, red sunglasses. His hair is long enough to braid, loop around his chest to the opposite shoulder, and dangle an enchanted pinky from. Nola gives him a silver charm bracelet, which he likes aesthetically. My brain shorted out.
In the novel's epilogue, Beckett searches for hidden tomes around the fjords of Norway. The books belong to an elder Kindred, and nobody knows exactly what they're about. Theories include (a) journals of the Kindred's contemporaries from the time of Carthage's fall; (b) a translation of the precursor to the Book of Nod; (c) Lapplander mating customs; or (d) musings on vitae's powers, a treatise that might bestow insight as to where Kindreds' abilities came from and what else Kindred might be capable of. Beckett thinks (d).
Thanks for reading! Onto Nights of Prophecy.
107 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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"William Shakespeare loves waking up to the sight of Vincent's face" and "Leonardo fucks Comte to the point of exhaustion" is not what I thought I'd learn today, but here we are.
109 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
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Source: https://twitter.com/outstarwalker/status/1016805107986587653
Artist: https://twitter.com/outstarart
112 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
Jean's route: You have atoned enough. You deserve love and joy.
Arthur's route: Failure neither defines, nor determines the worth of, a life.
Will's route: Your productivity doesn't determine your value. We love you for you, not your art.
Charles's route, probably: Some people deserve to get murdered.
333 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Have you ever wanted to run away from your problems? Kiss girls?? Become a werewolf???
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Now you can!!!*
Experience the heartwarming terror of Moonrise! In a video game made by a queer woman and for queer women and sapphic folk, this supernatural celebration of queer femininity takes you into the darkness and lets you own it. Use your compassion and sense of responsibility to make connections and fall in love. Or use your newfound fangs and claws to rip, shred, and tear through your problems. Is this the start of a satisfying, shape-shifting life full of romance, or the blood-soaked birth of a new deity of the forest? You decide!
Play as a trans woman, cis woman, or nonbinary person; lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, or asexual. Polyamory options included!
Date your nonbinary best friend, the ruthless Rogue leader, or the lycanthropic goddess amongst werewolves.
Build up your Empathy, Bloodthirst, Snark, Responsibility, Uncanny Valley, and Defense to survive lethal encounters and protect those you hold dear.
Pledge allegiance to the tradition of the Masquerade or the desperate, volatile Rogues.
Expose the supernatural underground to the blistering light or keep their secrets in the deep dark.
Embrace the feral monster within or hold fast to your humanity.
Get your spooky time on for the low, low price of $1.99. Available on iOS and Android, plus inside the Hosted Games app!
Play the demo here: https://www.choiceofgames.com/user-contributed/moonrise/
*Moonrise is a 49,000-word urban fantasy interactive novel by Natalie Cannon, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Cannot guarantee real life girls or werewolf transformation.
337 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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atelier-maroron · 3 years
Comte's older twin brother Cain -ikevamp oc-
@akitsuneswife Ask and ye shall receive! But seriously, thank you and everyone who liked/reblogged my initial post orz
So here's a wip of what "Cain" looks like, except while I like this hairstyle I'm not sure I like it for him. His outfit is still TBD so just ignore the... whatever the hell it is I drew on him here. It's a placeholder. I love floofy sleeves and I will draw them on everybody.
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1. Why is his name Cain?
So like I mentioned before, Cain isn't actually his name, but he eventually took it for himself out of spite and hopelessness, as a symbol, and abandoning his real name for good. It stems from his inferiority complex, but that itself has its roots in something unexpected.
There was no sibling rivalry between himself and Comte initially. They both had their individual talents and they were both adored by their family.
But then one day Comte from the future appears in the past. He just, poof, appears out of nowhere and passes out in front of them. The twins are around 9 years old at this time.
Comte is badly injured, but of course being a pureblood, his wounds are ultimately non-life-threatening. Still, he requires attention.
The boys don't immediately recognize the older Comte. In fact it's Vlad who sheepishly points out the resemblance. Then, being kids, their minds immediately leap to time-travel.
Thinking it's the coolest thing ever, they carry Big Comte to their secret treehouse and use their collective knowledge (which is rather substantial for their age given their noble upbringing) to nurse him back to health.
When Big Comte wakes up, he's very surprised by where (and when) he is, and even more surprised, distressed in fact, when he sees that he suddenly has a twin brother. But he remains tactful, and not wanting to disrupt the delicate balance of space-time any more than he already has by unintentionally travelling to his own past, he pretends to be oblivious.
But the kids are like, "We already know who you are."
But Comte maintains his charade. "And who do you think I am?"
"You're one of us from the future," says Cain.
"But we don't know who," says Smol Comte.
"I think he's Cain," says Vlad. "Are you still friends with future-me?"
Big Comte gets real quiet when Vlad asks this, and for a brief second an incredibly sad expression crosses his features.
"Oh no," says Vlad. "Did I die?"
"You can't die, dummy, you're a pureblood."
"Don't call Vlad a dummy, dummy."
"Anyway," Big Comte clears his throat, trying to swallow the big lump. He can't afford to be nostalgic or heartbroken right now. "I really must be going."
"Not so fast!" Each of the boys dashes to block a different door/window out of the treehouse.
"Are you me?" asks Cain.
"Or are you me?" asks Smol Comte.
And as Comte exchanges looks with the trio, he starts to wonder what exactly he's gotten himself into.
To be continued because somehow this turned into a fanfic???
* But wait, you say. Couldn't the boys just check Big Comte for some obvious birthmark? Absolutely. But Big Comte is not about to let them.
- Cain's Secret -
One of Cain's fangs is very obviously chipped from roughhousing with Comte and Vlad when they were kids. Normally it would have fixed itself but for some reason (read: my capricious whim) it just never did. He's indifferent about it but MC finds it endearing and loves running her tongue over it when they kiss.
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