#his comment to virg was hilarious
sadiiomane10 · 6 years
liverpool fc baking is something i never thought id witness but im glad it happened, cus now we kno that
 virg is an excellent head chef 
and studge really doesnt wanna be there 
andy is great at everything
naby is the quietest bean 
virg and andy commit to everything and win cus they can
theres a possibility for food poising after one of them dipped their hands into the eggs 
virg is the reason they lost cus he did nothing in the game the same way studge did nothing while baking
and virg needs to go home so hurry the f up studge 
there was carrot cake on someones shoes, no.1 reason they shouldnt be allowed in the kitchen lbr
the melwood baking tournament was a Mess but its comedy gold
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footballerimaginess · 3 years
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Hi can I have a fluffy vvd one where you are alot shorter than him and the liverpool lads tease you about the height difference and maybe even klopp makes a comment as well xxx love your writing xx ❤❤❤thank youxx Word Count: 553  You were surprising Virgil at the training ground. You were let in by one of the ladies on reception. "Hello" you smiled as you signed in and took a pass. "Thank you" you shouted as the girl let you in through the training ground. You walked around and had no idea where he was, he said he was busy doing training so he wouldn't answer his phone. As you peeked through the door, you could see him in the mirror doing weight training. "Hello" Trent turned the corner, making you jump out of your skin. "Shit you scared me" you clutched your chest dramatically. "Sorry babe, are you looking for Virgil?" he asked you as he laughed. He took you into the room. "Virg" Trent shouted, over the loud music. Virgil turned around and saw you standing beside him. "What are you doing here? Did you come to surprise me or has something happened?" he questioned. "Nothing has happened, I just came to surprise you. Is that okay?" you smirked. "Of course, I am not complaining. Don't worry" you giggled as you stepped on your tip toes to kiss him. "Wow the height difference is mad" The boys laughed, you blushed and felt your whole body going red. You were so used to these comments, but it was getting annoying. "Y/N you are so short. What height are you? because I didn't know you were that small" Trent asked. You heavily sighed. "4ft9. Yes I am very short, I have never been told this before ever" you rolled your eyes. "Nahh I can't believe how small you are. It is crazy, I have never seen anyone that short to be honest. I am sorry I guess". you smirked. Virgil pressed his lips to your head. "It is fine boys, yes she is short. I have had so many comments whenever I get seen out with her. It is no problem, she just has a small body. There is nothing wrong with that boys. Now stop going on like you have never seen a 4ft person before. Y/N is special and amazing" he kissed you again. "Urgh cringe. This soppiness is gross" Trent huffed. "Can't tell who the single one is can you" Virgil teased him. "Shut it you" Trent huffed and walked away before the boys all gathered together in the training room. "Hello everyone, what is happening here? Seems like we are having a meet and greet" they laughed. "Oh hello Y/N" you waved. "Hello, lovely to see you" Jurgen smiled at you. "I haven't seen you before have I. Has Virgil been hiding you? In a small box or something" Jurgen chuckled to himself. "Oh aren't you hilarious" he laughed. You ignored them all and went home with Virgil. "You know they are only joking, when they tease you" Virgil reassured you as he ran his hand down your leg. "Yeah I know they are. It is just proper annoying because I have had these comments all my life. It is just annoying and just pointless. Being told you are short isn't a new thing. I guess when you are pretty tall it is a thing isn't it" you laughed. "It is fine babe, don't worry. Let's just ignore it" Virgil kissed your hand as you drove home.                  Taglist: @footballffbarbiex @evie-pr @sanchos-dream @meteora-fc @footballxixstars @domspeach @football-and-fanfics @donkeykai @martret​ @glam-khal​  @eatsleepbreathefutbol​​
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
Okay so here is part two of this promt of mine to thank my now almost 250 followers. First part here. Enjoy!
Remus had a lot of fun stating the facts to the others. When they finally put everything together their faces will be even more hilarious! For now the others remained clueless though. For a little while Remus thought they'd all be old and grey by the time anyone figured it out.
Luckily they did get a clue about a week after Remus learned the exciting truth.
It was the evening before the premier of a project they'd been working on for ages. Roman was going over everything in the common area with everyone else as practice audience. Remus was playing heckler. No one asked him. He just did. He probably should have noticed Virgil tensing up with each comment. But he didn't. After Remus shouted something about a possible wardrobe malfunction Virgil shot up. "We have to cancel. We're not ready!"
Everyone looked up at Virgil in surprise. It'd been a long time since last he demanded skipping or postponing any type of commitment. It was always an option to him, but this wasn't a suggestion. It was a demand so strong that Thomas actually was thinking of what to tell Joan already.
No one knew what brought this on or how to resolve it. But Roman was still going to try.
"What do you mean? I'm sure we can see to any doubts you have and blow everyone away tomorrow."
Virgil balled his fists and shook his head. "Too much can go wrong..." he hissed through gritted teeth.
"Certainly. But we mustn't let down our audience for mere chance of failure.," Roman countered gently. "You think I'm being paranoid?" Virgil snapped accusingly.
Roman looked taken aback. "Virgil you are overreacting. I am merely trying too help!"
Virgil huffed, threw his hood over his head and stormed off to his room.
"Virgil!?" Roman called after him, but he didn't follow him up the stairs. He remained behind until they all cringed at the sound of a door slamming shut.
The prince's shoulders slumped and his head lowered dejected. "I'm... I'm going to reread the lines again..." he muttered before heading to his own room.
Patton reached out to Roman's retreating frame but came up short on things to say. The silence remained until a gentle click signaled that Roman had entered his room.
"That was fun," Janus muttered sarcastically as he got up, intending to talk to Virgil.
"Snakey, he just had his first fight with his boyfriend. He isn't up for 2 lies and maybe a truth," Remus pointed out. "Just like how my bro isn't going to appreciate playing tag with me."
Everyone stared at Remus, surprised he was capable of such insightful comments.
"Well that leaves us Lo," Patton observed looking up towards the private rooms tensely. Roman and Virgil argued a lot. Even now that they were all friends. Such was their nature. But those arguments were usually loud and full of Virgil's quips and Roman's dramatics. This one was unnervingly quiet in comparison.
"It would appear so. You should check on Virgil, I shall attempt to reason with Roman," Logan suggested. Patton nodded and together they headed to the opposing rooms. "Good luck," Patton smiled at Logan before knocking on Virgil's door.
"Virge? Mind if we chat for a bit?" A moment of silence before the door was opened. Patton hadn't heard him walk over... had he been by the door?
The question was forgotten when Patton saw Virgil's make up was running.
"Come in Pat..." he whispered softly, though he wasn't looking at him. Or rather past him at Logan.
Once more that puzzle was put asside in favor of cheering up his kiddo.
They sat on Virgil's bed, V curled in on himself Patton Indian style.
"I know I shouldn't have ran off... and that Roman wasn't calling me paranoid. So if that's all you wanted to say..."
"Actually," Patton started, interrupting Virgil before he could even start whatever self depreciating train of thought he was starting.
"I wanted to ask why you are so worried about this performance. It's not a big event and we are well prepared. Remus was only trying to get Roman of balance you know?"
Virgil dug his fingers in his hair in frustration. "I know! But what if it happens for real!? Roman'll get hurt!"
Patton blinked in surprise. He expected Virgil to be worried about Thomas first and the rest of them second. Prioritizing Roman like that... was Remus onto something? Patton always thought Virgil and Roman would make an absolutely adorable couple.
Virgil sighed and wrapped his arms around his legs to pull them tightly against his chest.
"Ever since you guys accepted me... I've been patching Roman up when he got 'bruised'. And even before I tried to check up on him... it's my fault when he gets hurt Patton. Because I didn't push Thomas hard enough, or too hard... anything I do wrong ends up hurting him. He was right to hate me. And when he realizes that I'll lose him and then you guys will stop talking to me and..."
"Kiddo hey... you're spiraling buddy." Logan said it's important they tell Virgil when he's trapped by his own head and how. "Breathe."
Virgil nodded and took a few deep breaths while wiping at his eyes.
"Virgil, none of us would ever blame you for trying your best."
Not even Roman. He knows you always act with our best interest at heart. And if you tell him you were worried for his safety, the whole thing will be forgotten," Patton assured the anxious side gently, secretly hoping that getting Virgil to open up towards Roman this way might help them get closer. Prinxiety just might set sail after all.
"You think so?" Virgil asked, not convinced.
"I know so. Take it from your old man kiddo. Roman cares about you. He has a funny way of showing it sometimes, but he does."
Virgil's face relaxed his eyes softening and his lips pulling into the tiniest smile.
"Yeah... I'll talk to him," Virgil nodded getting up and walking to the door with Patton. 
Logan frowned, confused by the strange look Virgil had cast at Roman's door. Fearful yet almost longingly...
He must be mistaken. Emotions were not his area of expertise after all.
Instead of pondering the question any further, he turned and knocked on Roman's door.
"Roman? I wish to discuss something with you,"
A moment passed. "It's open."
When Logan entered he found Roman sat at his desk, his notes in front of him and his hands in his hair.
"I... can't figure it out Logan... I turn the conversation over and over in my head... what should I have said?"
When Roman looked up it was evident to even Logan that he'd been crying though he was doing his best to hide it.
Logan sat down on the bed his body angled towards the desk.
"Virgil was not mad at you Roman. It would seem something triggered a negative thought process in his mind which he tried to hide as not to disturb us. In doing so though the thoughts were not addressed and instead were left to build up tension which got released all at once. Even if you said exactly what he needed to hear, he was not in a mindscape to accept any of it. I am sure Virgil regretted what he said as soon as he said it. I theorize that he took distance in order to calm down before talking to you again," he explained.
Roman nodded allong to that. "So... I haven't ruined everything?" he asked almost timidly.
Logan shook his head. "You know I am not good with feelings. But i have observed that you and Virgil have grown close since he got accepted. Especially in recent weeks he is calmer and less prone to negative thinking when he interacts with you. Likewise he has clearly helped you be more focused and keep a level head, some of the time at least. You two have built something strong. And one fight like this won't end that."
Roman was tearing up again, but this time he was smiling.
"Truly? You believe I am good for him?"
Logan nodded his head, eyeing Roman curiously. He might be wrong but it almost seemed like...
"By Neptunes swimtrunks!" Roman exclaimed wide eyed. "I thank you for your aid Logan but I must make myself presentable and talk to my Emo post haste!"
His emo? Logan almost wished he was wrong. If Remus was right in any capacity he'd never let any of them live it down. But Roman and Virgil finding happiness with each other might just be worth it.
Logan let Roman push him to the door and let himself out as Roman was already hurrying to his bathroom. In the hallway he found Patton being led out of the opposing room by a nervously shifting Virgil.
"Is Roman mad at me?" he asked nervously.
"Of course not. He is worried about you," Logan assures his friend warmly.
Virgil relaxed at that. "Thanks guys. I think we'll be fine," he told them as he headed to the door. Logan got the hint and led Patton down the hall. He heard Virgil knock at the door an call out Roman's name. If he or Patton had turned back they would've seen how Virgil kissed Roman as soon as he opened the door.
Roman kissed his boyfriend back as he walked them both inside and closed the door.
"Not that I'm complaining but... what if someone saw?" Roman wondered quite happy actually with the bold gesture of affection. Virgil's role usually made him extremely cautious, which made his bouts of impulsivity even more surprising and delightful.
"Well if they did then I get to take you out to make it up to you," Virgil shrugged.
Roman chuckled. "You have nothing to apologize for mi corazon. But the thought is greatly appreciated. Want to talk about this over pizza and Disney?"
Virgil smiled and nodded. "You pick the first movie." 
Logan and Patton voiced their suspicions to one another as well as Janus. All three agreed to wait with intervening and giving the two a chance to figure things out for themselves.
The tipping point came when they had a scheduled meeting with Thomas to discuss an upcoming colab he was nervous about.
First Roman and Virgil weren’t to be found anywhere. And then when Thomas pulled called them up by force they looked… disheveled.
“Good timing Thomas. One second later and… I honestly don’t want to think about that,” Virgil muttered as he straightened his hoodie and hair out.
Roman looked rather sheepish as he tugged at his sash and combed trough his hair.
“Where did you two come from?” Patton asked astonished.
“Imagination,” Virgil huffed as he turned to Roman, avoiding everyone else’s eyes subtle enough to be considered a coincidence.
“I told you we should have waited until after the meeting,” he told him, though he didn’t seem to be as mad as he was trying to be.
“I didn’t think we’d take that long,” Roman tried feebly.
“I did! You have no self control! Always have to go the extra mile don’t you?” Virgil pointed out. Roman looked back at Virgil now, a lot more confident.
“I didn’t hear you complaining,” he pointed out with a smirk.
Virgil rolled his eyes, but stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down. “I was kind of distracted,” he admitted.
“It’s no matter, we are here in one piece and there are more urgent matters at hand. Shall we, my stormy knight?”
Virgil sighed dramatically. “You are lucky you are so cute.”
Everyone in the room looked on incredulously. How were these two so clueless?
When the meeting ended, Roman and Virgil picked up their hike where they left off. On a blanket on top of the hill, ignoring the sunset in favor of making out.
“They need help Logan. Desperately! I am all for letting my kiddo’s take their time but this is too much! They are obviously in love!” Patton pleaded.
“Even I can’t stand watching them make eyes at each other any longer. Virgil is… taken with Roman. And Roman appears to be returning those feelings,” Janus admitted reluctantly. Virgil’s eyeshadow had been lilac more often than not when around the creative side. Only a complete idiot would keep denying it at this point.
“Told ya!” Remus grinned.
“Okay, fine… So how do we go about ‘setting them up’?” Logan relented.
Remus giggled manically. This was going to be so good.
“We make them spend time together! They have to realize they are meant for one another if they spend time one on one!” Patton exclaimed.
“But they are already together most of the time?” Logan objected.
“They are always working though. We have to pull them out of their comfort zone!”
Janus and Logan exchanged looks. “I’ll give an example,” Patton decided.
“Kiddo’s will you come down please!”
Roman and Virgil appeared almost at once, side by side, smiling brightly at Patton, Virgil’s eyeshadow bright and shiny as any of them had ever seen it.
“s'up pops? Virgil asked casually.
“Family picnic. You two take care of deserts!” Patton grinned brightly. “me and the others are going to put a basket together. Kitchen is all yours.”
And before either of the happy couple could respond Patton had pushed Janus and Logan out, followed closely by Remus. “have fun you two,” the green twin winked before rounding the corner.
“Are they seriously setting us up?” Roman whispered in astonishment.
“That’s hilarious,” Virgil grinned before turning to the kitchen counter where a cookbook laid open on a cake recipe. “Think you can handle this clever scheme o unconquerable prince?” he teased.
“Oh ye of little faith. It is I who shall thaw thine frozen heart with true loves kiss,” Roman grinned back.
“Do you think they've confessed yet?” Patton wondered as he placed nervously in Logan's room ten minutes later. The room calmed him down mostly but not near enough to be considered calm.
“Let's find out!” Remus exclaimed. Before anyone could stop him he was gone.
“That'll end well.” Janus groaned as he followed behind with Patton and Logan. To everyone he’s surprise they found Remus watching the kitchen rather discreetly. They joined him and were left speechless.
Roman and Virgil were both wearing aprons and chefs hats that matched their styles perfectly, both disregarding their usual top attire for simple t-shirts. Which was a good thing because there was an abundance of flower, chocolate and egg all over them.
Virgil was currently scolding Roman who was  trying to take the mixing bowl from him. Neither was cross with the other though. In fact, both were nearly dying of laughter.
“Truce! Truce!” Roman called out as he managed to get a hold of himself. “Let’s compromise. Lest we get poorly mixed batter added to  our canvases. How about I show you what I mean?”
Virgil relaxed his protective hold on the bowl and let Roman step behind him. Roman adjusted Virgil’s grip and laid his hands over his aligning their arms. He gently guided Virgil in mixing the batter.
“See?” Roman asked softly after a bit.
“um… wait almost. Show me that last bit again.” Janus quirked a brow. That was a lie. And if that was a lie, then Virgil just wanted… Oh boy his ray of stormshine had it bad.
Patton was nearly vibrating. Surely they'll realize…
“and there. Now it can be baked and we can get clean!” Roman declared satisfied as he stepped away. Virgil nodded and sighed in relief. “Finally, I’m more beat than the batter,” he joked. Roman snorted but he wasn't the only one.
“Oh hey Padre!” Roman greeted innocently. “ The cake will be done soon!” 
Logan was up next. He reasoned that the key was physical proximity. He had observed that as light as the two acted about it afterwards it had clearly gotten to them. Remus suggested locking them in a closet until they ‘made out’ but Logan was sure he could be more subtle than that.
“What? But organizing the thoughts is your job!” Roman complained.
“It is and I apologize. I've been falling behind on my duties. Please, I am sure that if the two of you worked together it will be done quickly.”
Both Roman and Virgil sighed. They knew this was a set up, so they'd get away with more flirty behavior. But it was also work. And the room where the thoughts were being kept was so full of cabinets and boxes that it was near impossible to move around on your own let alone… oh.
If Logan thought he was being more dignified than Remus would be by disguising it as an accident he was wrong.
Roman wasn't even surprised to hear the door click shut as soon as Logan was “out of ear shot".
He was surprised to find that Logan had arranged the cabinets and boxes in a manner that would make them topple over and trap him and Virgil on the ground. Virgil on his chest as he'd pushed Roman to the ground and his arms wrapped protectively around his body to cushion his fall as much as possible.
They were stuck in that exact position for as long as Logan seemed necessary.
“Do you think either of those schemes would've worked if we weren't already dating?” Virgil wondered. Roman thoughtfully played with the hairs at the base of Virgil's skull for a bit.
“Not sure. We can both be stubborn. I’m kind of glad that I’ll never know,” he confessed.
Virgil sunk deeper into his embrace. “Me too.”
It wasn’t as fun as the baking scheme, but it was nice to cuddle with nothing else to do. Virgil usually got fidgety after a few minutes, even if he wanted to stay forever.
Roman wasn’t much better at staying still. But this… This might just convince the both of them to do this more often.
“I don’t hate this,” Virgil sighed after laying in silence for a while.
“I do make for a handsome pillow,” Roman joked as he pulled Virgil in closer.
“You do. But I mean… Usually silences are terrifying to me. But this? I don’t mind. I don’t worry about what you’re thinking. Or that I’m supposed to say something. It’s just… us and that’s enough. You know what I mean?”
Roman thought it over for a moment. “Yeah… I do. This is… As close to perfect as life is going to get,” he sighed contently.
It was something close to 30 minutes before they heard the door open and a moment later the room rearranged itself. “Tell me this isn’t something we could’ve done this entire time!” Virgil groaned as he got up, not showing his reluctance to do so.
“This is Logan’s domain. He maintains order in here. I have no power,” Roman huffed pretend offended, he was less successful in hiding how perfectly content he‘d been with their predicament.
“Indeed I do,” Logan agreed, flanked by Janus and Patton who both saw the look on Roman’s face. Again almost but not quite. What would it take?
Logan apologized for their predicament and assured them that he would complete the task. If they’d bought into the ruse for even a second this would have definitely tipped them off. But they let Logan think he was successful at least in hiding his intentions.
Janus initial idea was to simply impersonate either of the boys and using that form to get the other to confess. He never tried. And if he did he wasn’t found out almost right away.
So his second attempt he didn’t disguise himself or his intentions. Not to Roman at least.
And so the theater was left to fade away. It’s purpose fulfilled in an unexpected way.
“What exactly are your intentions with Virgil?”
Roman looked up from his vanity comb still in hand.
“After what you tried to pull yesterday, I’d say you know what my feelings are. As for my intentions… I won’t do anything that’ll make him uncomfortable. Don’t you worry,” he said as he returned his attention to the mirror and hummed ‘Once upon a dream’.
“So you are in love with him,”  Janus drawled studying his nails. Though he glanced up to see Roman’s face flush. “Well…” the prince hesitated for a moment but then a blissful smile broke free and he leaned back with a sigh. “Yes,” he confessed dreamily.
“So tell him.” It was not that hard! He was the romantic side wasn’t he? Shouldn’t he be all for grand gestures like this?
Roman pursed his lips and shook his head, sitting up again and returning to his beauty routine.
“I’m waiting for the perfect moment.” Their first official date actually. If the other’s hurried and put the pieces together, they might be able to go on one for their 2 month anniversary.
He might already have something planned out. He had little doubt he’d be the one to crack first.
“I thought you’d say that. Come on, he’s waiting.”
Roman shot up. What was Janus planning?
The serpentine side led him to the imagination where a theater was set up. They entered stage right where Roman saw Virgil was waiting on stage.
“What is this about Jan?” the emo growled, eyes darting towards Roman and to the audience. Patton and Logan who looked about as confused as Roman felt. Remus was behind them just munching on popcorn.
“Remember the valentine’s episode?” Janus asked, everyone nodded, still confused.
“Well Virgil never got around to showing you all how he’d go about wooing someone. So I figured he could show us with Roman as an example crush. Thomas is getting ready to ask Nico to be his boyfriend. Might as well have all the possibilities out there. Direct, from the heart, grand gesture… You two have already shown that my methods of evasion and deception won’t work on Nico. He seems to find Thomas charming when he’s honest about his flaws, so we aren’t even going there.
Virgil, you have the floor,” Janus smirked smugly before getting of stage and joining the others in the audience.
Virgil took in a deep breath and glanced up at Roman as he let it all out.
Clearly he was nervous.
“Okay… So first…” He took hold of Roman’s hand. And it wasn’t the first time, this shouldn’t be a big deal. But doing it in the open, with this unexplained tension in the air, and his own confession in his head, it made Roman beyond flustered.
“Is this okay?” Roman pulled his eyes away from their joined hands as Virgil gave his a squeeze, looking at his boyfriend’s face instead. He looked so nervous.
“Of course,” he sighed breathlessly smiling warmly at the boy who completely owned his heart.
“Good… Roman… You know I blow at putting my thoughts in words. But this is something I need to say. Because just showing you feels like it isn’t enough.” Virgil took a deep breath and tugged at Roman’s arm, turning them to face each other.
“I like you,” he murmured, looking down “I like everything about you even the parts that drive me nuts. I like the way I feel around you. I like arguing about stupid things and laughing about it later. I like making messes with you and not worrying about cleaning it up. I like how you make me forget how scared I am sometimes. I like being myself with you, and feeling like that’s enough. I…”
Virgil might have a lot more to say than that but Roman wasn’t giving him the chance.
He pulled Virgil in and kissed him soundly. Virgil didn’t even pause before returning the kiss.
There was a loud wolf whistle, Remus clearly, but other than that complete silence.
After an infinite moment they pulled apart and smiled at each other.
“You can’t say things like that and expect me to just not kiss you mi amor.” Roman could hear the loud gasps from their audience.
“Wait! Are you saying…?” Patton started.
“We’re official,” Roman confirmed excitedly before returning his attention to Virgil.
“And that means, I shall be planning our first date. Be ready at six this evening, wear something semi-formal. No ties no monkey suits. But something nice. Understand?” Roman checked, not wanting Virgil to worry too much about what to wear, but needing him to not wear the hoodie just this one time.
Virgil nodded. “I think I can do that.”
Roman turned back to their audience. “I’d almost forget. Padre, may I take Virgil out?”
Patton was still  in shock but nodded. “Of course, um have fun.”
“Told you all!” Remus shouted satisfied.
“How long?” Janus demanded, not a fan of secrets he isn’t privy to.
“Almost two months,” Virgil smiled making everyone go back in their head and see their interactions in a new light. They could see the moment they thought ‘How did we not figure this out,’ crossed their minds. Oh they’d been right. This was hilarious.
Roman chuckled fondly at their friends’ faces, before gently gazing down at Virgil and stroking his bangs out of his eyes/
“As much as it pains me to part my darling. I must prepare our evening.”
“Wait! Wait! You two… You two are boyfriends!” Patton exclaimed vibrating with excitement as that discovery finally registered. He jumped out of his seat and rushed over to the stage to hug them.
“Oh my goodness I’m so happy and proud!” he gushed. Both of them chuckled.
“Well, while I wish we had not wasted time on attempting to help you, I too am glad you have found happiness with each other,” Logan allowed.
Janus remained stubbornly silent, realizing Remus had known and had not told him at the very least.
“Thanks guys, that means a lot. And we were just messing with you guys, we weren’t keeping it a secret cause we didn’t trust you,” Virgil assured them as Patton finally let go and Roman put an arm around his waist, both excited that they could now do this in public.
“Oh you rascal! You really had us good. You have to tell me how you got together now though!” Patton insisted.
“Perhaps, once we return from our date Padre. Which I’ll have to start preparing for,” Roman reminded them reluctantly. He let go of Virgil’s waist and took his hand to place a kiss on it.
“I will count the minutes,” he muttered to his knuckles and exited stage left.
It took everything Virgil had not to start squeeling.
“Oh M G! We are going to pick out an outfit!” Patton giggled dragging Virgil along.
“I’ll lend you a hand. Obviously I have the most style,” Janus insisted as they too left the theater.
Logan sighed as though resigning himself to his fate. “Roman is bound to skip over practical details. I better ensure the date is a success or we’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Just admit you want to be part of it Nerd. That’s what I’m doing,” Remus grinned as he pulled Logan along.
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thebestworstidea · 4 years
Spa Day (Monstrous Roommates)
(on Ao3)
Virgil was vacuuming. He didn’t particularly care for it, but he had pulled entirely too much fluff out of his computer keyboard the night before; so when he woke up late afternoon alone in the apartment, he’d hauled the vacuum out and started at one end, working towards the other.
He’d never known a werewolf before Patton. He’d heard about them of course; vampires tended to be ridiculous snobs and loved to gossip. It was Remy’s accepting attitude not his need to consume all the tea that set him apart from the rest of the - as Logan had put it- “Blood drinking community” but that didn’t mean what he’d heard was necessarily accurate. The point was Virgil had no idea how Patton managed to shed while in human form. Technically they had a waiver on the lease for Logan’s ‘mobility dog’ but the landlord was cranky as fuck about it, and Patton spent most of his time inside the apartment in skin, not fur. This somehow did not stop the apartment from filling up with mounds of fluffy white and brown fur, especially in the spring.
Logan had said the first couple of springs after they’d moved to Florida were especially terrible, and he had tried to keep up by brushing Patton daily, Patton had a picture of himself sitting sheepishly next to a pile of fur that looked as big as he was, which he found hilarious. Logan had offhand commented that being in an entire house of werewolves was worse, and it made Virgil’s head spin. How did they not simply have carpets of felted fur? It was a mystery.
He’d changed the vacuum bag once and was on his second pass through when he heard the front door unlock and made a face. Patton always said he was going to vacuum, but he hated the noise, and even wearing noise canceling headphones, he tended to rush and miss spots in his desire not to be that close to the machine. Virgil shut it off and stuck his head around the corner into the hallway.
“Sup.” he said and blinked, because Logan was by himself, hanging up Patton’s service dog harness and taking his shoes off.
“Good evening, Virgil.” Logan said pleasantly. Virgil drifted over, kissing Logan on the cheek, before settling back on his heels.
“Not that I’m not thrilled to see you, but didn’t Patton go with you today? You had class in that lecture hall with all the stairs, and the horrible acoustics.”
“He did, but Roman met us as we were leaving campus, and said he was stealing Patton for a spa day. I went to the library alone to study afterwards. Are they not back?”
“Nah, I’ve been alone since I woke up. Been vacuuming.”
“Thank you.” Logan ducked down and gave Virgil a kiss which he smiled into, and maybe kissed back a little. They parted and smiled a bit at each other.
“I don’t know enough about spas to know if it’s been a long time or not.” Logan admitted.
“Me neither. I mean, Roman’s talked me into a pedicure, but that’s not, like, a spa experience.” Virgil had to grin remember the horrified expressions on some of the other customer’s faces as they’d come in, though whether it had been for his gothyness, Roman’s skin tone, or their blatant homosexuality was a question for the ages. White women of a certain type were just too much fun to wind up. It had been kinda nice, even if it had taken some real will power to let someone touch his feet. “Should we text him and find out when they’re coming home?”
“Or we could enjoy the quiet.”
They shared a smile, but Virgil shook his head. “I mean, I’m going to finish vacuuming, so I don’t know how quiet it will be.”
“Well the two loudest members of the household are gone, so I expect very, vacuum and all”
They shared another smile at their boyfreinds’ expense.
Virgil had gotten the vacuum back into storage, and was sitting quietly in the kitchen while Logan made dinner, when the door unlocked and Patton stomped in, looking quite out of sorts. It wasn’t very late, not even seven. It looked as though the ‘spa’ had included a haircut, his curls trimmed back to only a gentle tostle at the top.
“Love, please.” Roman begged following him in. “You look wonderful!”
“Logan tell Roman I’m not speaking to him.” Patton sniffed.
“Over a haircut?” Logan asked, bewildered.  Patton turned and glared at Roman. 
“Patton, darling” Roman said, failing to his knees and taking Patton’s hands. “Tell me how I can earn your forgiveness sooner. I genuinely thought that you’d enjoy it!”
“What happened?” Virgil asked, pulling an earbud out. “How could a spa day piss Patton off?”
“Spa day.” Patton scoffed. There was polish on his nails, but oddly applied.
“It wasn’t a spa day?” Logan asked.
“I will give him that it was a very high quality dog groomer.”
“Oooh.” Logan winced. “Roman, I’m sorry, Patton isn’t speaking to you.”
“You looked like you were having fun!” Roman protested. “You were very good.”
Patton tensed up, his hair shifting on it’s own before he pulled his hands out of Roman’s and going over to hug Virgil hello. Roman fell face first on the vinyl flooring and didn’t move.
“I take it I shouldn’t compliment the shampoo?” Virgil asked, kissing Patton’s cheek in case that sent him into the dog house with Roman.
“It’s for a glossy coat and anti-flea and tick.” Patton mumbled into his shoulder.
“I wonder how long that’ll last?” Virgil said thoughtfully.
“What, you hate ticks, and I hate taking them off you!” Virgil protested, and pulled Patton into a hug before he could pull away, petting the short clipped hair on the back of his head. Relenting Patton sat in his lap. “You look super cute. Considering they cut it while you were a wolf, it translated well.”
“I know.” he mumbled very quietly. Roman hadn’t moved, as though he’d just given up on the world. “It really was very nice.”
“Are you teasing Roman?” Virgil whispered in his ear.
“A little. He bought me the most enormous apology ice cream.” 
Virgil sniggered.
“I’m kind of wondering how long I can draw it out. It was a nice thought, even if it was super tacky.”
“You’re a bad man Patton Hart.” Virgil whispered and kissed him on both cheeks. “Do we get to see the whole effect?” 
“Fine, since it’s done anyway.” Patton hopped out of Virgil’s lap, and Logan slapped a lid on the pan as Patton changed forms, since that tended to result in an explosion of shed fur. Nothing happened. Patton stood with his fore-paws on Roman’s back, making him moan piteously, and raised one leg, posing. He was substantially less fluffy than usual, close cropped, with a bit of extra fluff left around his face.
“They groomed all the shed out!” Logan said, astounded. “That never would have occurred to me; after the brushing failed.”
“This is so much cooler. Like, 80% cooler for sure.” Patton said.
“What?!” Roman did his best to push himself off the floor, but was weighed down with a great deal of wolf. “You manipulative jackal!” he cried. “You LIKE it.”
Patton lay down on top of him, laughing, and licked the back of Roman’s head.
“Well, technicaly I didn’t say I didn’t. Just that it was tacky to promise me a spa and bring me to a groomer.”
“Logan, tell Patton I’m not talking to him.”
“Why is it always me?” he demanded.
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oh-theatre · 5 years
A/n: HI HEY I WROTE FOR THE INTRUALITY BFFS AU I HOPE YOU ENJOY! Uh basically just a few things from across the au, its probs confusing so ask me questions :DD and ill answer. But ye! Let me know if you want more okay BYE IM SORRY ITS BAD ENJOY
Words: 1860
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, therapy mention
Pairings: Logicality, Demus, possible prinxiety
Summary: Just some moments from across the Intruality bffs au!
“Elevate a little higher!” Remus sings, Patton chuckles but nudges him to quiet as weird looks glance their way. Apologizing with his eyes he continues working away, Remus whispers next to him, bobbing his head to the music. “Throw a party in the-” 
“Could you not?” A voice from across the room begs, a smirk hidden by a bite from Remus. Pattons blush quickly appears as he pops his head out from behind his friend. “Oh! Patton” Logan notices, both sharing a rosy tint to their cheeks.
“Just get married” Remus mumbles, pretending to focus on his math. Patton coughs, turning back to his computer, Logan scratches the back of his neck, patting away the sweat with his handkerchief. Roman bites back his own laugh but says nothing. “Play ‘Frozen two’, I wanna listen!” Remus pleads, a sweet affection as his eyes push forward.
“Its your phone and airpods?” Patton hands him the device, a giddy shuffle as Remus starts the playlist. Both instantly feel more triumphant as they continue their work. “Show yourself!” They sing together, fits of laughter as they dance. Logan once more goes to shush the pair but finds himself endeared with the boy. They had come to expect these antics, when all six had been put into the same study hall they knew chaos would ensue. Dee looked on, watching Remus butcher every last note as his own music blasted in his ears. 
“Hey, broadway!” Virgil lashes, Remus turns, an innocent perk to his ears. “Maybe shut up so Dee and I can focus?” He spits, Remus obliges but only after he sticks out his tongue. Winking slyly at Dee, the more quiet. “God, hes worse than his brother” Virgil mutters, erasing roughly at the problem he had failed to do. 
“Its fun V” Dee admits, his own foot matching the rhythm of his music. “Plus lets be honest, its Friday, no one is actually working” He continues his silly doodles across his homework, knowing he can finish it in two minutes. Virgil huffs but keeps quiet, the distraction too much. 
“Be right back” Patton whispers, taking his laptop towards where Logan and Roman sit discussing their psychology classwork. “Can i?” He wonders, Logan hiding his excitement nods. “I had a quick question about our recipe?” Patton sits, Logan listens. “I was wondering if you wanted to tak-” He pauses as the music in his ear shifts. 
‘I just had sex!’ Rings out loud, Patton's eyes grow wide quickly turning to Remus. His idle face as he conceals his giggles looking at his work. Logan tilts his head but Patton simply removes the device, recovering from his fright.
“Your question?” Logan repeats, Roman mimics his brother with his own dancing. 
“I was thinking we could maybe take it a step further?” Patton proposes, knowing how anxious Logan was about his culinary abilities. “A pastry tree, we start with bigger ones on the bottom and slowly work our way up! So we can experiment and give the judges different options” He finishes, the sweetest of smiles.  Logan wants to argue, find a problem but his plan worked and worked well for their grades. 
“We can try” He decides, a quick grin and Patton leaves once more. Silent punishment to Remus when he returns to his seat. The class continues and ends fast, they all part to lunch, gathering in their separate areas.  
“You good lego?” Roman asks as he unpacks their chairs from the locker, Logan snaps back from his distant stares into the bleak plaster. He nods taking his seat, his eyes setting upon a very hyper Remus and Patton as they prepare for their meal. “Hey Virge” Roman greets, Virgil and Dee join them, a quadrant of four chairs forms. As usual…
“What's up with nerd central?” Virgil asks, snapping in front Logans face. He shakes his head returning once more. Virgil follows his gaze however, biting back a knowing smile, Patton already sunk into his book as Remus lays his feet across the boys lap. “Ya know, I heard that they were dating” He puts out, Logan snaps his eyes, fear ridden.
“Hah! Please, Remus and Pat?” Roman laughs, sitting down with a shake. “Thats hilarious, Remus and Patton are best friends and anyway Remus has a huge crush on Dee” He adds, munching into his sandwich. Dee rolls his eyes, a soft kick to Romans knee. 
“I know, just wanted to see what glasses over here would say” Virgil teases
“I assure you, I could care less about Pattons romantic status” Logan adjusts his glasses, sitting neatly eating his food. Virgil and Dee share a glance but leave it be. “We should invite them to sit with us, they are our friends” He offers, no qualms could be made. They did consider the pair friends...so what was the problem? 
“Sup losers” Ethan kicks his chair into the circle, forcing his way between Roman and Dee. 
Ah right…
“Easy Remus!” Patton urges watching his friend balance atop the table trying to hang the valentines decorations. The door opens, Logan accompanied by Roman, Dee and Virgil strut in. “Remus get down” Patton asks, Roman chuckles, a sweet squeeze to Patton as the group passes them. “Tell your brother hes being an unsafe” 
“Just say idiot” Roman corrects, Pattons expression changes as does Remus’s. He removes himself from the table, returning to his spot behind the desk in the library. Roman sighs, dragged away by Virgil. Patton sits next to his friend, softly kicking his friends chair.
“You're not an idiot” He assures, Remus nods, burying his head in his arms. “Ro’s your brother, its his job to make fun of you” Patton comments, Remus huffs wishing the insults wouldn't go so far. “Come on rum-rum” He hums, Remus giggles, frustrated with his resilience. “Come help me please and then we can go home, watch a movie, make snacks, build a fort” He says, laying his arms and head on Remus’s back. The idea sounds wonderful, but hes not sure hes up to it...just yet. “Oh and dont forget we have therapy today” Patton reminds, Remus groans. He knows its helpful and he gets to do it with his best friend but the idea terrifies him. “I know you dont want to...but its going to help” Patton encourages
“Fine, on one condition” Remus decides, annoyed with his friends walking eggshells around each other. Patton faces him, furrowing his brows in question. “You have to go up to Logan right now, kiss him and then ask him to be your valentine” Remus dares, Patton squeaks almost knocking over the books behind him. 
“What!” Patton exclaims “You cant be serious! Youre not actually leveraging therapy over my valentines right now” 
“Do it or you'll be flying solo” Remus leans forward, Pattons breath seizes as he swallows looking towards the said target. “Hmm” He sighs, wistfully looking away. Patton shuts his eyes tight but snaps.
“Fine” He barely whispers, Remus cheers pinning delighted in his chair. 
“Have fun!” Remus grins watching Patton walk away, so much hesitance to him. Patton wrings his hands as he approaches the group, Logan spots him a formal smile to the boy. He stands to meet Patton halfway, Patton takes a deep breath. 
“Pat-” No time, he takes Logans tie, only tugging softly as he pulls the boy into a kiss. The absolute silence that falls over the room save for Remus’s disbelief, is frozen. Pattons heart pounds until suddenly Logans melting right into the kiss. 
And its perfect, its absolutely everything Patton had dreamed of
He pulls away in a frantic panic, forgetting what he was doing. Logan clears his throat, dusting himself off. Neither dared to move or speak, they simply stared in delighted confusion.
“Will you be my valentines?” Patton remembers the deal, Remus pounds hard on the desk through his exasperated laughter. “Im so sorry” He rushes, ready to turn away in his shame, feeling a soft hand take his. “Im sorry im not thinking straight” Pattons fear drips out of him, feeling the world grow silent with the simple pound of his breath.
“Ever! He's not straight!” Remus calls out, shushed by Dee. 
“I would love to be your valentine” Logan replies, a soft tone just for them. Roman and Dee erupt into cheers, Virgil nods satisfied as Remus waste no time running into his friend. Embracing the petrified boy, Patton still believes he's dreaming as Remus hugs him. “And you don't have to make a deal, I would have done it regardless” Logan adds, Remus falls to the floor much to happy.
“You told him!” Patton cries, Remus can barely nod. 
“He just texted me” Logan shows, Patton's face surely matched that of a tomato. “I'm glad however, it was taking too long” Logans coy expression only set Patton's heart a flutter.
“Motherfucker!” Remus stands, taking Patton from behind, the teens feeling safe in one anothers hold. 
“Yes good point” Patton murmurs, Logan chuckles. One more quick peck to Pattons cheek before he returns to his friends. “I'm gonna faint”
“Do it coward, you wont” Remus dares, still nuzzling into Patton's shoulder. Patton locks eyes with Dee, tuning out the silly teases from Remus. 
“Dee would you like to be Remus’s valentine?” Patton inquires, Remus falls silent. “Sucks to suck” He jokes, patting Remus as he returns to his position. Dee stands, ignoring the eyes that now watch him. Remus stutters failing to connect a coherent sentence. A hushed conversation and the pair meet in the hallway. Returning moments later, now words spoken but their interlaced fingers said enough. 
Suffice to say, Patton and Remus had a very good first session.
“One cold brew for you” Remus presents as Patton approaches the locker, Logan accompanying him in the early morning. He takes it, the most grateful look upon his face, Logan yawns. “Goodest of the morns Logan” Remus smiles, Logan nods through his exhaustion
“Coffee starlight?” Patton offers, Logan moans in happiness taking the caffeinated drink. Remus laughs sitting comfortably in his chair, kicking Patton in a rhythm. The boy doesnt mind, hes used to the fidgets and it didnt hurt. 
“Pickles did you do the homework?” Remus questions scrolling through his computer, Patton sets up his chair, taking his coffee from Logan. He gestures towards his own locker, Patton nods a quick kiss goodbye.
“Gonna have to be specific” Patton says, allowing Remus to lay his feet across him. Remus shows his computer screen, Patton checks the work and nods. “You got it” He assures, Remus fist pumps, shutting it happily.  “Wheres Dee?” Patton wonders, going over his schedule for the day. 
“He had an early test so I dropped him off, but we’re having dinner later for valentines” He smiles, Patton smirks. “Happy one year by the way” Remus celebrates
“You too” They cheer their drinks, falling casually into their conversation. The pair joke and laugh through excitement for the day, cheer and the musical. Everything felt right...for now. I mean it was senior year who knows what might happen.
At Least this, was solid and consistent.
Their friendship
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coconut-cluster · 5 years
so in your hs au.... does virgil KNOW he likes roman? or like, when does he start actually liking him? and what about roman? sorry i just love this au a lot
aw thank you!!! to answer briefly (bc it’s ten o clock and also i ramble lol):
he knows deep down but he refuses to admit it and insists the flirting and whatnot is just because it’s funny to see roman blush despite all that dramatic bravado
this one will actually be less brief:
he and ro didn’t get along when virge first came to the high school - roman thought virgil was trying to steal his friends, and virgil thought roman was uppity - but they became slightly begrudging acquaintances after ro told some rando theater kid jerks to leave virgil alone (virgil easily could have defended himself, and he already had since he started school there, but he was tired that day and had resigned himself to shoving his earbuds in and ignoring them as much as possible until he saw roman muttering to them out of the corner of his eye; the group snapped something back, but ultimately they retreated down the hall and left him alone from then on; roman watched them leave all the way before he turned to virgil, who had long since taken his earbuds out and was now watching him with a “what the frick are you doing” look). roman made a throwaway comment about hating those kids since middle school, then he walked virgil to the corner where his mom was waiting and they exchanged a very awkward goodbye, made even more awkward by virgil’s mom yelling out the window that it was nice meeting roman as virgil tried very hard to spontaneously combust.
but after that, virgil found himself much more comfortable hanging out with the whole squad. roman made an obvious effort to be friendlier to him, and after a while, they were actual, genuine, non-begrudging friends. their bickering turned to playful arguing and such - and one day, when virgil made an offhanded fake-flirty joke and saw roman’s face go bright red, he made it an ongoing habit to do so again. and again. and again, and again, and- you get the point. it was hilarious to him to see roman - confident, loudmouthed, all-too-charming roman - get flustered at a little joke, or a simple gesture like virgil flipping his hat backward or tugging his collar, so he did it as often as possible- just to laugh at him, of course. 
and when roman did silly things like dancing with him before concerts or bringing him a milkshake after school or complimenting him with that stupidly sweet smile of his, and virgil felt something in his chest flutter and a dopey grin tug at his lips, he ignored it and kept joking. (but it gets harder every time.) 
roman is a hopelessly romantic dork who falls for virgil the minute he hears him laugh and YES he has an ongoing list of things he likes about virge and NO it will never see the light of day
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thebestestboyo · 4 years
How Remus Started Working For Patton: Part Four
Tw: Remus being Remus/Swearing/mention of snakes but only for a moment
"Wow, I expected an old warehouse, or perhaps even a shady bar. This is... hilarious." The remark didn't come from Remus, no, this time it came from Virgil.
The group had stopped outside of a quaint-looking bakery, the shimmery blue and yellow sign reading 'Down With The Pastryarchy.' Virg was right though, it didn't seem to fit the vibe of 'gangster.' At least not to Remus. It was cute though! As in how a poison dart frog was cute before you realized it could kill you!
"First of all, warehouse?? Who would set up there? That's just irresponsible! How would you even heat such a large area?? Secondly, have you been inside one? Its just so loud!" Dee stepped inside, letting the others follow.
"For your information, I have been inside a bar. Probably for different reasons than you, ya overgrown garden snake."
"Excuse me! I'm not always up to no good!"
"The news would say differently."
"Society has never portrayed those who work outside its crippling boundaries as good. As you probably don't know Mr. Gloom Sky."
Pat butted into the tussle, wagging a finger at both of the men. "Now now, there's no need to be throwing names around. Its not very sweet of you two."
Those in question turned to look at him, this bubble of sunshine, and at least had some decency to look ashamed. Virgil could at least understand why Demetrius had warned that Patton was a force to be reckoned with.
Remus in the meantime, was laughing. Wait. Why was he laughing???
"That was a good pun. You know, considering the setting?"
Smiling up at him, Pat squeezed his cheek playfully. "I didn't think you'd catch that!"
"Well, I had to cake a chance! It clearly paid off," God Patton was cute. Remus was about to rattle off several more puns before Virgil elbowed his side, cutting him off.
"Less flirting, more getting to the point."
Blushing furiously, Remus swatted at Virgil, both for elbowing him and eluding to potential romantic feelings between him and Patton. Seriously, not everything he said to Pat was flirting!
Ok he was kinda flirting.
Just a little though! He wasn't about to rush anything! Especially when he hadn't asked Patton how he felt on the anatomies of several creatures, and the different ways in which you could steal someone's eye! How would he know if Patton was good for him until then?
For the umpteenth time that morning, Remus's thoughts were cut off, this particular time by Dee. Butts on a fish, he needed to chose a different time for his internal monologues.
"Come then if you're so desperate to find out. The entrance is this way."
Opening a door labeled 'employees only,' he seemed to...descend? Wait what?
A sudden grip on his arm was the only warning before Pat pulled him and Virgil in after, giggling. "You guys will love it! We worked so hard on it!"
"I find that hard to believe..."
This time it was Remus who elbowed Virgil, afraid of him upsetting Patton. "I'm sure it will be great Pat Pie!"
Virg groaned at yet another pun, but let the two of them be dragged down the stairs. It was surprising how they managed to fit this spiral staircase so seamlessly into the bakery, no surprise why someone hadn't found out their base yet. It was hiding in plain sight as far as anyone could tell.
Dee, further up ahead, called back to them, his voice echoing from the tall ceiling needed to fit in the staircase. "Pat, remember the trick step. They don't know about it."
"Oh! Right. Guys, hop over this next one ok?"
"Why would we need to-" Virgil made his mistake of not heeding Dee's warning, being thrown back by the step sliding out from beneath him. "Motherfu-"
"-By the sounds of idiocy I assume he didn't listen." Dee turned back to them, clearly hiding a smile as Remus supported Virgil, only to have the step beneath HIM slide into the wall as well. Before Virgil could snap back at him, all the steps were pushed back into the wall, resulting in all three of them falling the short distance to the ground.
"Oh I like this." Chuckling, Remus helped Patton to his feet with a flourish, before pulling up Virgil as well.
"This is some tomb raider bullshit, I'm calling it out right now."
His smirk all too clear on his face, Dee gestured to a lever right next to where the stairs had been. "No, tomb raider bullshit as you so eloquently call it, would be this lever sending you into a pit of snakes."
Eyes wide, Remus could hardly contain his delight at the prospect. "Does it send us into a pit of snakes??"
"Unfortunately, no. Just into a pit. Snakes wouldn't live well down there, there's no source of food or heat for them to thermoregulate their body temperatures."
Patton turned to face him, voice full of concern as he reached for Remus's hand again. "Plus, what if we fell on them! The poor snakes might get hurt!"
"You are right...but think about how cool it would be!"
"But snakes!"
"Ok, what about...a tank full of jellyfish? They'd have water and the water would stop the jellyfish from getting hurt!" Remus was surprised that Patton so easily took his hand, but it made him feel all fuzzy inside, the good kind. It was very unlike when you got a mouth full of raccoon fur.
Don't...don't ask.
As the two debated the moral complications of jellyfish compared to snakes and eventually to electric eels, Virgil deadlocked his gaze on Demetrius. If glaring could kill, he would have been dead where he stood. Unluckily for Virgil, he just smirked back at him in turn, continuing to lead the group to wherever they seemed to be going. At this point, he couldn't tell.
God what he would do to wipe that stupid look off of his face. It was unfair. He couldn't be hot AND evil! That was just cruel!
And he still had his stupid jacket off, showing his stupid muscular arms, and his stupid face with it's stupid grin was just making the situation worse, and it was all STUPID.
"Take a picture punk. It'll last longer."
"I'm just waiting for you to finally show us this place you've been droning of for the past thirty minutes. It feels like I've been forced to follow you for hours already."
"Don't worry Dark and Stormy, we're already here."
With that, he opened a door into one of the biggest rooms they'd ever seen. Wasn't this underground?? How did it have such a high ceiling?
And it was filled with people who Virgil would normally avoid. They all had that look about them, like if you looked at them wrong, they'd fuck you up. These were the king of people Remus tended to piss off when he was drunk and made everyone in the nearby vicinity regret him doing so.
"We're back you punks!" Dee called out to the group, smiling? Of course he was smiling. He was a gangster.
"Hey welcome back boss! And hello Patton!"
"Who are these two?"
"Where ya been? Normally you're not out so early!"
"These guys new members?"
Honestly it was kinda a lot for Virgil. Remus on the other hand was thrilled about this. They all had something chaotic about them! One of them had a sword??? Who the fuck fights with a sword!? Another was carrying what looked like a jar of live bees? Remus didn't know!!!
"These are visitors. Don't rough them up too much. Patty likes them."
"Dee!" Pat's cheeks tinted pink, clearly embarrassed at being called out. He didn't let go of Remus's hand though like he thought he would, instead tucking himself into Ree's side. Holy fuck. He was using Remus to hide in?? That was a first for him.
"Sorry, this is Patton's...friend, and the friend of Patton's friend." Cheekily, he and Pat exchanged a glance that Ree was too slow to interpret. But it made Pat's face turn even more red, so Remus assumed it was an inside joke or something.
Virgil in the meantime seemed thrown off by how domestic the inside of the base seemed, and being honest, he couldn't blame him. They both assumed it was much less...pleasant? Was that the word? No, there had to be more more suitable for this odd situation....
Calm! It was calm. God Patton was making him feel dizzy from all the sudden affection or something, usually he was better at this!
Remus looked down at the smaller man now cuddling into his side, sighing softly and unclasping their hands to set the overcoat he had brought with him around his shoulders. "You cold or something Pat?" He was ignoring Dee's comment from before, as it clearly was rubbing Patton the wrong way.
"Oh! Um, yes, a little! Thank you." Both of them played into the white lie, brushing it off to make him feel more comfortable. But perhaps Patton wasn't hiding in Remus just from the embarrassment...
Virgil cleared his throat from behind them, reminding the two that Dee had been waiting for them still.
Pat still kept the coat around his shoulders nevertheless, as they all packed into Dee's office.
"So. Remus."
"And me." Virgil interjected, sitting on the arm of couch that faced Dee's desk.
"And Virgil. You're probably confused as to why I made Remus a member of the gang."
"Uh yeah dimwit, you really had to drag us this far just to tell us this?"
Pat frowned at him, going over to sit on the desk near Dee. "That's not particularly nice of you to say."
"Sorry Patton. But I'm serious. This could have gone a lot faster." Virg couldn't believe himself. He was apologizing to the co-leader of a gang?? Just because he gave off disappointed dad vibes did not mean that he was completely trustworthy.
"I thought it best to reveal my hand, so to speak. You do know that telling the authorities about us would be unwise, due to the vast amount of resources we have. It would be a pain to have to move locations and change identities after we've set up shop here."
"So...this is a threat."
"Not necessarily. It's an invitation. For Remus specifically. He doesn't have to participate in our business, I just thought he'd appreciate being able to freely talk with Patton, and being part of our association helps with that."
Remus was...a tad shocked at this news. He was put into a gang...to be able to flirt cause havoc with Patton?
As if he could read his thoughts, Dee waved a hand dismissively. "While normally this doesn't happen, I decided to make it an exception. Originally, you, Virgil, weren't a part of the plan, but as you are Remus's roommate, I wanted to cover my bases."
"Don't tell me you're gonna pierce my ear as well."
"I doubt I could even try without losing a finger. The only reason I did it to Remus was because I was in a hurry."
Pat swung his legs gently as they talked, looking over at Ree for his reaction. It was, intrigued to say the least, Remus seemed to be pretty open to most things. Was that a strength or a downfall of his? Patton couldn't tell. But he did enjoy the coat around his shoulders, smiling to himself as he tucked into it.
Maybe this one would work?
And maybe he'd make a new friend as well! Virgil seemed nice, if not a bit guarded. He supposed that was to be expected, it's not every day that you get told your friend (best friend?) is now a member of a gang that controls half the city.
The words between his brother and Virgil grew muddled, as Patton daydreamed what this meant. It was a little shocking for him to find Remus calling his attention, snapping his fingers from the spot he had taken next to Virgil.
It was enough to get Patton back into reality, and to hear that Dee was asking him a question. "Pat were you listening? I asked what you thought about Virgil being allowed in as well."
"Oh! Sorry Dee Dee, just caught up in some thoughts! Sure Virgil can come in, maybe he can try some of your baked goods!"
Pat had seen the way his brother kept looking at Virg, so he thought he'd...well, help him out a little. Even if it resulted currently in an embarrassed Dee in the meantime. Sorry!
"Wait were you the one to come up with the idea of having your super bad gang cover being a pastry shop??" Virgil grinned mischievously at this new information, and Patton could tell that it lessened the stigma about Dee, at least a little bit.
"Not completely! I just thought it might be a good cover, and Pat had already come up with the name! What was I supposed to do???"
"That's rich! The snake in the grass bakes?"
"Wha- no!!!"
Glancing back over to Remus, Pat was delighted to find him cackling at the chaos Pat had created.
Perhaps this would become their new normal? If it did, Pat definitely wouldn't mind.
-Just an author's note-
Sorry it took so long to finally get to this point! I wasn't expecting the buildup to last four chapters 😅There will certainly be more backstory and action as I write this, so I apologise for how slow it is
Thanks for sticking around through it though! I really appreciate it
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sugarglider-s · 5 years
Spider frens meet a wild mulany.
This is how I imagine the mulany bit about virge and lo would go.
"So not to long ago I was in a resterant. A small mom and pop restaurant in new york. And I'm catching up on the news, which by the way we have like 7 or 8 heros in one city what are we doing to need that many heros like I knew crime was bad but yikes new York do we really need to be that micro managed?
And also like at least four of the heros are childeren? Like yeah they're teens or whatever but all i can think is, stop burning the candle at both ends. Teen hood is hard enough with out fighting a gross monster every other day. So I can imagine fighting crime is taxing. Also those three other heros, team RED, I heard they're also teens, I mean to be fair most of this is from fan blogs but still get some rest. I think the only adult is rainbow weaver and like why is there one adult corraling 7 teens like they're cats. Give him a medal and a nap.
*crowd cheering*
Anyways. So I hear laughter to my side and there are these kids, highschool age, that's all I know cause teens sort of melt together after a point.
*audience laughter*
if you don't beleive me look at a teen. Like Hollywood has them all played by 20 year-old And some look like that but mostly they're all babyfaced and it's like you're not an adult.
Like teens genuinely beleive they are adults sometimes but look at them. I can still pinch their cheeks and not feel like it's paper about to tear.
So they're punching in something into the jukebox. And when they walk away 'what's new pussy cat' resounded through the resturant.
It felt like karma in a way. Like God was looking down and telling me this was my repentance. After a while though just when the other diners are getting agitated the opening notes of its not unusual plays. And now I knew I was famous but when everyone turned on me with those blank expressions I realised just how famous. And all i could do was sort of shrug. Because how do you respond to that? 'Hey I know this is from my highly famous bit I did this one time, but I swear it wasn't me'. I eventually talked to those boys that punched in the code.
And like first off one looked like a business man. It's clear he's only like 16 or something but he had the look of a harrowed business man that just wants to go home to his house plants. The second kid? He looked like he'd just cried black tears, like faded kiss make-up under his eyes. And seeing this adult business man in a teens body next to this ripped jean kid that probably walked out of an anti bullying psa from the 80s was jarring.
Business kid had on a perfectly ironed button up and tie. In the middle of the summer. And this goth kid had on a fair amount of make-up. And a hoodie over his shirt. Like I know we think we're invincible as kids and teens but both of you please dress apropiatly, don't get heat stroke.
So I-i say 'you know what's new pussy cat is longer than I remembered." The Ripped jean kid and business kid both snapped up in shock. And ripped jean kid looked like he was about to bolt. You know those runaway kids that have that look? that I'm gonna run look? that was him and he channelled it In only one second. And business boy glanced at his friend for one second and then stuck out his hand.
*chuckle* I wasn't expecting something so formal honestly. He just plagiarized my prank and his response was to attempt to shake my hand.
I of course shook it back, but let me tell you his handshake was very firm and he had this look behind his eyes like he was making a deal. I felt like I was about to sell my soul to a business kid, I'm the middle of new york, on a hot sweltering summers day, while wearing a rubber ducky polo next to two kids that just stole my joke, making and entire diner, veeery pissed off at me, and one kid looks like he's the business advisor for the mob and the other like all those sad teen songs about no one understanding.
And they were the nicest kids I've ever met, their parents gave me permission to mention them by name in a bit, cause they're minors I had to get parental consent and their parents though weary were chill with it.
So they introduce themselves and business boys name is Logan, and ripped jeans is Virgil. And they looked like they were about to faint. Like I've met fans before but none were as excited as these two. It was nice.
At one point they asked for pictures and I got glimpses of their home screens. It was picture of them with I'm presuming their boyfriends unless, we're taking up French customs now. And Logan had a picture of him with this bubbly kid that looked like the incarnation of sunshine. Just his total polar oposite. The kid was freckled, oh and this is cute they had matching glasses. But the kid was wearing a flower crown and kissing Logan on the cheek. His business facade crumbled because I saw that blush.
Virgil however just smirked at his home screen. Again this kid, his presumed boyfriend, total polar opposite. Disney shirt, bright smile and very dramatic posing, I saw a theater kid when I saw this kid and I know theater kids, i did improve.
So I give them prank tips, I take a few pictures with them I call it a day. Next thing I know pictures I'd posted on the internet have all these comments were people think I'm related to virgil.
Now one thing I didn't mention about this kid was he's Asian, he mentioned a few things in passing that might pin down if he's like Chinese of Japanese or Filipino or something but I know so little about Asian culture, I know the Chinese restaurant menu, and even then that's like saying 'taco bell is authentic Mexican cuisine'.
But out of no where people are claiming I'm related to this kid, and I know I joked that I got made fun of for being an Asian American kid in school, but i wasn't actually Asian the kids were just stupid. And I think they found my blog because now there's a fan site with 'proof' of how I'm supposedly related to this kid.
I don't know how Virgil and Logan are doing but I hope the answer is well and appropriately dressed for the weather."
—(Sugar) I read this in Johns voice and it is fucking hilarious. I can’t BELIEVE how goddamn funny it is.
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ad1thi · 5 years
just friends(?) P2
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
The pain comes in waves.
The very first week after the text (Sam was calling it Textgate which would’ve been hilarious if it didn’t hurt so much) Steve calls endlessly.
Every single minute he’s off from work or not working on his graduate portfolio, Steve is calling and texting and on one memorable occasion, writing a letter.
He’s desperate for any chance of talking to Tony.
(the calls and text go unanswered)
(the letter comes back undelivered)
After 2 weeks of radio silence, Steve shows up at Stark Industries, in his best fitting suit (the one Tony looked at, whistled lowly and said “you look lick-able Rogers”) and meets a stony faced Virginia.
‘Virginia hi is there -”
“It’s Ms Potts,” she interrupts smoothly, “and I’m under strict instructions from Mr Stark to turn you away.”
He’d forgotten that Virginia worked for Tony.
“Virg- Ms Potts please. I just need 5 minutes. I just need to explain myself please.”
He’s not above begging.
“Leave Mr Rogers,” she says before spinning on her heel, “Or I will have security escort you out.”
He’s frozen, immovable, stranded in the depths of his guilt and self loathing.
(he isn’t quite sure he deserves to get out)
He goes into the NYU art department, to fill out the application since he needed to start looking for a new patron now.
“Mr. Stark is still listed as your patron,” the clerk says with a very confused face, “He sent in a lump sum just a few days ago. Should I call him and inform him that you’re no longer interested in his patronage?”
“NO!” Steve says (a bit too loudly by the rise of the clerk’s eyebrow) and then lowers his voice, “No I’m very interested in his patronage. I just didn’t realise I had it, is all.”
“Look Mr. Rogers I’ve been working this desk for a long time, and I know you artist types can be,” he pauses delicately, “forgetful.”
He scribbles something, “Here’s Mr. Stark's office number. I’m a very busy person, so maybe figure out what your situation is before you come and bother me.”
Steve barely remembers to thank the clerk and apologize, focusing on that feeling in his chest that feels suspiciously like hope.
He takes another 5 days before he dials the number, putting his phone on speaker and holding it close to his mouth.
It rings and rings and rings and finally,
“Stark on the line,”
God he sounds, he sounds exactly the same (Steve has no idea why he expected Tony’s voice to change in 2 months when it hasn’t in 5 years)
“Hello?” Steve can hear the slight inflection in Tony’s voice that means he’s getting annoyed but he can’t seem to get his throat to work; too focused on the fact that he’s hearing Tony’s voice after 2 months.
“Alright look I don’t know what kind of practical joke you seem to think this is but I am a billionaire and I have better things to do then -”
“Tony, it’s me, it’s Steve.”
“Steve,” Tony’s voice is carefully blank and Steve thinks his heart might break all over again.
“How did you get this number?” In all the years he’s known him, he’s never heard Tony talk like this- like he’s talking to an automated machine.
“I uh, the clerk at the patron office gave it to me. I went it to file for a new patron but apparently you sent in money a few days ago?”
Tony laughs and its so dark, it pierces through Steve, “your career is fine Rogers. If thats all?”
He cuts the line before Steve has a chance to answer, to apologize.
And Steve presses his hand against his chest, and lets the tears fall.
(he was right)
(his heart did break all over again)
Sam comes to visit him, which is when things start to fall in perspective.
“Out!” Sam kicks him in the chins, “get out of the bed you miserable lug.”
(never let it be said that Sam pulls his punches)
“You’re not the only one hurting you know,” Sam says once Steve has showered and cooked him (him being Sam) a batch of pancakes (under extreme duress).
“I mean, I know you know that Tony is hurting. But this isn’t easy for me and Bucky either.”
oh my god Bucky.
“Hey he doesn’t blame you,” something must show on Steve’s face because Sam backtracks immediately, “he gets it. We all do,” he grimaces slightly. “James and Pepper don’t- but we’re working on them.”
Steve raises his eyebrows, “I hurt Tony. There’s no way they’re going to forgive them.”
(I don’t expect them too, he leaves out)
“Look they know you didn’t mean to, and its only because your dumbass was in love with Tony,” Steve chokes on his orange juice, “and if I can convince James to date me, I can do anything.”
“Wait hold up backtrack a bit, you knew?” 
“Yeah Steve, everyone knew,” Sam counts off fingers, “Me, James, Pepper, hell even Bucky knew.”
Sam places his hand on Steve’s shoulder, “The only person who didn’t know was Tony. And as harsh as it sounds, Bucky got tired of waiting for you to fess up, and got tired of ignoring his own emotions.”
Steve slumps against his seat, “Buck- Buck knew?”
“I’m not trying to hurt you Steve, because I know you love Tony. But Bucky is your bestfriend of 20 years man, friendships like that don’t come easy. Maybe you need to consider that Tony’s not the only person you need to be reaching out too.”
The next day he texts Bucky.
Steve gets up from his seat, and is suddenly unsure of whether he’s supposed to pull Bucky in for a hug the way he usually does, or just shake his hand like they’re acquaintances.
Bucky solves his dilemma by pulling him into a tight hug, and it fixes something inside of him that he didn’t know was broken.
“Its good to see you man,” Bucky says, lifting up his mug to take a sip of his coffee, “It’s weird not talking to you for 3 months.”
“Thats what happens when your bestfriend is dating the guy you love” just because Steve missed Bucky doesn’t mean he isn’t hurt.
Bucky places his mug down, “I see we’re not beating around the bush”
“In the effort of full disclosure, I did genuinely believe you when you told me that it was platonic.”
“But I saw how much it was killing you, me and Tony together and I tried to break it off remember?” 
Steve remembers. Tony’s downcast eyes and the way he would turn in himself everytime he and Bucky were in the same room.
Bucky points at him,” and you pushed for me to get back together with him. Remember that? I said no over and over but you just wouldn’t let it go,” he spreads out his arms, “and I was half in love with him myself by that point. After a while I couldn’t convince myself that it was for the best because you weren’t ever gonna fess up to your feelings.”
Steve would’ve done anything to get Tony to smile like that again, even if it meant thrusting Bucky at him.
“Look Steve you’re my family you know that,” Bucky takes in a deep breath, “But I was miserable, you were miserable, and so was Tony. It didn’t make sense for all of us to be miserable, especially since you were never going to tell Tony how you felt. And you kept throwing me at him like I -”
“I just wanted to be happy Steve, thats all. I never wanted it to be at the expense of your happiness, and I tried to back away I did. But for fuck’s sake Steve you wouldn’t even tell me how you felt and I just- I didn’t see any point in all of us being miserable is all.”
“You really do make him happy,” Steve says finally, “I was his friend for 5 years and I’ve never seen him smile the way he does around you.”
Bucky smiles, but there’s something broken about it, “yeah well, doesn’t really matter anymore; because we broke up a few weeks ago.”
and, oh.
It’s weird, hanging out with Bucky with this thing hanging over their heads.
It’s hard being his bestfriend when Bucky knows that Steve is happy that Bucky and Tony broke up.
But they manage.
and while it doesn’t fix Steve’s heart, it does make his life calmer.
(his life is always calmer with Bucky around)
It all comes to a head about 6 months later.
Steve’s in his usual coffee shop, which is just a few blocks away from Stark Industries so it genuinely shouldn’t be a surprise.
but he still feels like the wind’s been knocked out of him when he looks up from his sketchbook and sees,
(who’s frozen from his place in line, looking directly at him)
tag list: @honeybearrhodey, @rogers-stark45, @tried-our-best, @kirouskasa, @fincaffeinaddict, @endlesslove1084, @imaginestevetony
reblog (i check the tags) or comment if you wanna be tagged in p3
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iamfruitie · 5 years
14 with Bingle? It'll be fun to see an uncontrollable fucking Google :P
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14) “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
“What do you need?” Google asked, eyes still on his computer screen as Bing wrapped his arms around him from behind. 
“It’s late, Googs,” Bing said in a soft whine. 
“I’m almost done, you can go to bed,” Google stated. 
“But I really want you in bed with me.” Bing slowly moved his hands to Google’s chest, pressing a kiss to the crook of his neck. 
“I’ll cuddle you as soon as I’m done,” Google asked, his mind too focused on his task to catch on to Bing’s, not so subtle, hint. 
“That’s not what I want, dear.” Bing’s voice dropped, but it still wasn’t enough to get Google’s full attention. 
“What do you want?”
“I want you to fuck hard enough to break the bed,” Bing whispered, hands now traveling down further along Google’s body. “Fuck me so that I only know your name. Fuck me to the point of begging for you to keep going and going-” Bing’s hands stopped at Google’s thighs. “-and going so that all I could ever want is your cock inside of me.” 
“O-Okay.” Google quickly scrambled to his feet, shutting the laptop. “I think it can wait until the morning.” He added, turning to face a grinning Bing. 
“That’s what I thought.” Bing’s chuckle soon became a giggle as he was suddenly lifted and placed on the nearby bed. Google placed a few kisses along Bing’s jaw and was a little shocked that Bing was already tugging at his shirt. Google figured Bing was in one of his ‘touchy’ moods and slipped off his shirt, catching the Bing was doing the same. He waited for Bing to start his ‘tracing every detail’ of his chest, but he went straight for taking off his pant and started working on Google’s. 
“Someone’s excited.” Google couldn’t help from comment as he kicked his pants and underwear away.
“Fuck the foreplay and fuck me,” Bing stated, getting his own undergarments off and pulling Google in for a kiss. 
“You’re definitely excited.” Google reached over to the end table, opening the top drawer and pulling out a bottle of lube that was going to need replacing after tonight. “Let’s get right to it then.” Google popped open the cap and squirted some on to his fingers, rubbing them around to coat them before pushing one into Bing. 
“Come on, Googs.” Bing protested. 
“I’m going to prep you properly, cause I love you,” Google said with a little chuckle, nipping at Bing’s neck. Bing only groaned in pleasure and annoyance, placing a hand on the back of Google’s head, silently asking him to keep doing that. Google obeyed and ran his tongue up Bing’s neck and biting right under his ear, slipping in a second finger at the same time. He could indulge Bing a little with that and still keep him somewhat together. 
“Fuck~” Bing moaned when Google finally reached that sweet spot, giving it some extra attention as he pushed in a third finger. “Googs, Googs please.” Bing pleaded. “Fuck me, fuck me already.” Google moved his hand around for a little longer and was okay with how Bing felt before pulling it out. 
“Alright, alright,” Google said in a teasing tone, getting the lube again and putting the rest of it on his hand. 
“Googs?” Bing asked, voice hinting that he was a little worried.
“Yes?” Google covered his cock with the lube.
“Fuck me.”
“About to do that.” Google chuckled. 
“No, I mean, fuck me.” Bing looked Google dead in the eyes. “You always say that you’re not going as fast as you can, that you’re holding back for me. Don’t.” There was a pause as Google waited for bing to changed his mind. 
“Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.” Google warned. 
“Do it,” Bing confirmed. “I won’t break.” 
“Just, let me know if it’s too much, okay?” 
“Duh.” Bing giggled and wrapped his arms around Google’s neck, meeting him halfway for a kiss. 
“I’ll start slow and work my way up,” Google said and slowly pushed his cock in, covering Bing’s mouth with his own to swallow the groan that came out of Bing. Google waited a few seconds, enjoying the feeling of just being inside of Bing before starting to move his hips, barely shifting them but already getting Bing to moan softly. 
“Googs~” Bing saying his name like that got Google to move faster, just enough to shift the volume in Bing’s voice. “Fuck! Give it to me! Give it to me!” Bing felt Google’s hands go to his hips and grip them, tight enough that it felt like he was going to leave permanent finger-shaped dents in them. “Goog-ah!” Bing cried out when Google did what he wanted and pounded into him. Literally punching the breath out of him with each harsh thrust of his hips. 
Thank God they were androids. 
“Google!” Bing dug his own nail into Google’s back as Google kept going at a speed Bing couldn’t even comprehend. Google was practically growling into Bing’s ear, his own breathing ragged and groans made their way between them every time Bing said his name, his full name. “Google, Google, Google.” Bing panted, eyes watering from the strong pleasure that burned inside of him. “A-Ah~” Bing couldn’t close his mouth anymore as loud moans came out of him. Google stopped only for a second to adjust them, looping an arm under Bing’s back and, somehow, going even faster than before, making it so Bing’s cock could rub against his stomach. “Google, Googs, I-I’m gonna-ah!” Bing couldn’t help himself from literally screaming when he came, feeling himself drawing blood from Google’s back as he scratched them down, trying to ground himself. Google bit into Bing’s shoulder after a few more thrusts and came himself, his moan being muffled by Bing’s skin being between his teeth. Google ended up plopping down on top of Bing and the two laid there for a while, gasping for air they didn’t need. “Dude...I can’t feel my ass.” Bing suddenly said, getting Google to laugh. 
“What a romantic thing to say.” Google chuckled and pulled out, getting a grunt to come out of Bing. 
“Put it back,” Bing whined.
“I’m not putting it back.” Google kissed Bing’s forehead. “We can try that a different night.”
“I’d tell you to keep it in your pants, but your pants are already off.” Google rolled off of the bed while Bing laughed. 
“How come you don’t joke around with the others? You’re hilarious.” 
“Because I don’t love them,” Google stated before looking over his shoulder and winking. 
“I’m so damn lucky.” 
“Yes, you are.”
Tag List: (Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything)@rainbowdonutunicorn@blueyeswhitedragon16@cookieface678@virge-of-death@superdltpurplerage@sirkawaiipotato@gigi-the-bear @bitten1ce
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iamvegorott · 5 years
Undercover Love Ch. 35
Learning Spark
“Everyone sit down and be quiet,” Chase ordered as soon as one of the screens turned to static on the control panel. Everyone obeyed right away without a second thought, even Dark did as well. Anti popped out of the screen with Blank at his side, the younger Virus’ eyes went wide when he saw the number of people and he began to tremble slightly with fear.
“His name is Blank,” Anti said for the others in the room.
“Hey Blank, I’m Chase.” Chase greeted with a soft and kind tone, crouching down so he was slightly shorter than Blank. “Do you want anything? A drink? A snack?” Blank just looked at Anti as if waiting for permission and when Anti nodded he did as well.
“Some water.” Blank’s voice was barely above a whisper.
“I’ll get it.” Bim offered and stepped out.
“I promise that we’re good people, we won’t hurt you,” Chase said.
“Everyone is the good guys in their own eyes.” Blank stated, but the way he spoke made the words sound like they weren’t his own. “You kill for hire.”
“We do,” Chase admitted, knowing there was no point in lying. “But it’s more complicated than that.”
“Is it?” Blank started to pick at his fingers.
“We only take jobs from those who wish to prevent any more suffering. Who want really really bad guys dead. The kind of bad guys that kill more with just a simple wave of their hand than we ever have in our years doing this.”
“I just want peace.” Blank whimpered, flinching away when Bim walked up to him and held the cup of water out.
“Bim good,” Robbie said from the spot on the floor he sat on. “He’s just fancy.” He added with a giggle.
“Fancy?” Blank giggled as well.
“Why is that funny?” Bim asked.
“I think it’s hilarious.” Anti chuckled and took the cup from Bim, who just sighed and sat back down next to Yandere. “Mom already knows everything that you told me, I sent what’s basically a transcript.”
“Mom?” Blank looked at Chase and tilted his head. “Who’s dad?”
“The man that your creator took, my husband.” Blank went stiff when Chase said the last word.
“Husband? Your loved one?” Blank glanced at Chase’s hands and saw that he was wearing two rings. “He’s your loved one? The one you want forever?”
“Yes, yes, he is.” Chase placed a hand on Blank’s shoulder. “Please help me get him back, please.” The circuits on Blank’s face flashed a quick blue. Chase hissed in pain and yanked his hand away, using his free one to hold it out towards the others when they moved to defend him, all except for Henrik though.
“He’s definitely been with some bad people.” Chase sighed as he moved his fingers, slowly getting feeling back into them.
“Is that the learning spark you were talking about?” Edward asked.
“Learning spark?” Dark gave Edward a disproving look for not talking to him about something.
“Henrik just brought it up the other day,” Edward said in defense. “When Anti was first made, there were a lot of things he couldn’t learn from just looking it up on the internet. Mostly types of emotions that are beyond basics.”
“I still don’t understand,” Dark said.
“Blank was made the same way Anti was, so it’s safe to assume he works the same way,” Henrik stated. “Anti was created with a base form of knowledge due to coming from something connected to the internet. Such as basic history, biology, math, language, and the works that someone that was Marvin’s ago would know.”
“He doesn’t act like the age it looks like he’s been formed into,” Dark said, not catching that Blank shrunk a little at his comment. “He seems young.”
“So was Anti,” Chase said. “He spoke young, acted young because he was young.”
“Blank’s barely been alive,” Anti said, giving Dark a look that told him he messed up.
“What does the spark mean?” Dark asked, changing the subject to get Anti to change his facial expression.
“It just means he learned something new.” Henrik shrugged. “I’m still trying to figure out why it happens, but whenever Anti learns something new, a little bit of electricity comes out of him. He’s learned to control it and have it come out of a different location on his body of someone’s touching him, but clearly, Blank’s not yet learned that and he shocked Chase. He saw what love was by looking at Chase and it was new to him.”  
“I’m sorry.” Blank was on the verge of tears and was shaking again. “I did-didn’t mean t-to.”
“You’re not in trouble, buddy.” Anti gave Blank a smile and Blank shook his head, as if not believing him.
“They say that and they still hurt me anyways.” Blank hugged himself.
“Blank, can you roll up your sleeves?” Chase asked and Blank’s eyes went wide once more.
“I just want to see something, okay?” Chase waited for Blank to look at Anti again and when Anti tugged at his own sleeves, Blank did the same. “That’s what I thought.” Chase sighed when he saw the dark bruises on Blank’s arms. “Are there more of them?” Blank only nodded. “Can I give you a hug?”
“I’ll be soft.” Chase moved close to Blank and wrapped his arms around the small man, confirming his thought. Blank was nothing more than skin and bones, he could practically feel every rib poking into him. He looked at Anti and the two shared a look that they both knew about Blank’s size. “Jackie, make some food for Blank,” Chase said when he let Blank go.
“But I-”
“I’ll eat with ya, I’m starving.” Anti gave blank a smile. “What sounds good to ya?”
“Pizza?” Blank perked up when Anti chuckled.
“Fuck yeah, let’s make some pizza.” Anti guided Blank towards the kitchen and Jackie went with them, Robbie popping up and joining them when Chase gestured with his head for him to.
“Why did you hug him?” Google asked.
“Nothing wrong with hugs,” Bing said with a shrug.
“You wanted to see how big he was, didn’t you?” Henrik asked. “After seeing those bruises, I would have made the same assumption as well.”
“Is Blank not eating?” Edward asked.
“More like he’s not being fed what he needs.” Chase corrected. “He needs a lot more food than you’d think he would.”
“So, it’s hard to guess if he’s being denied food or if they don’t know any better,” Wilford said.
“If they caused those bruises, I wouldn’t be shocked either way,” Chase grumbled. “Anti will be able to tell out of all of us since he’s a Virus as well.”
“What do we do? Feed him and then ask where the others are? Do we really think he’ll do that, he seems terrified of them.” Dark said.
“If they rely on Blank for what I believe they do. They'll be getting a hold of us any second now.” Chase said and soon one of the control panel screens went to static.
“You have something I want.” A voice they have yet to hear stated.
“As do you,” Chase said back, not even facing the screen.
“Give him back.”
“Give him back,” Chase repeated.
“I see we’ve come to standstill.” The voice cleared his throat. “Tell Blank to take you to the First Location, he’ll know what it means and we’ll have a trade-off. I’ll be seeing you with him in twenty minutes. I know you’ll be able to get there in time.”
“What do you think he means by that?” Yandere asked.
“Host suggests we make a plan.” Host stated. “He is unable to tell what exactly it is, but something...fishy is going to happen.”
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
Friends in Dark Places [ch 12]
pairing: moxiety, eventual logince, background eventual remile, background eventual remy/emile/deceit
WARNINGS: sensory overload, panic attacks, self hate, school dances, swearing, food mentions, kissing, embarrassment, rumors, eating, possibly something else
tag list: @hufflepuffgirl01 @cocobearthe4th @cas-is-a-hunter @band-be-boss-blog @theunoriginaldaisy
a/n: so i have to repost all of these in a different format! yay fucking me!!!! please consider reblogging these if you’re a fan of this series because it’s all fucked up now
first - previous - next - companions
consider buying me a coffee (please)
“So, Virgil. Are you going to prom?” Roman casually asked before popping a french fry in his mouth.
“Um, I don’t know. I wasn’t planning on it.” Virgil absently dipped a chicken nugget into the pool of ranch on his tray. He really hadn’t thought about prom that much. Plus, the thought of a whole bunch of his peers stuck in one room together, probably grinding with their respective dates, was not a pleasant one.
“Awww, kiddo! You should go! You could come with us; we’re going to grab dinner and everything,” Patton whined.
“I mean, I guess?” Virgil grimaced as he weighed the options. “But don’t I have to rent a tux? I don’t have money for that, especially not after what happened on Monday. I’d be surprised to find my credit card still working with all of that in mind.”
Logan jumped into the conversation. “You would have to rent a tux, yes, but the three of us would be more than happy to help cover your expenses. We value you as a member of our friend group, and we wouldn’t exclude you from something just because you couldn’t afford it.”
Virgil opened his mouth to argue, but Roman interjected, “Dude, seriously. Just let us do this for you. It’ll be fun!”
“Plus, Ro already bought you a ticket,” Logan added and held out a small slip of cardstock. Westview Junior Prom.
Well, Virgil Thomas was now going to prom.
“Hey, Pat? Can you help me with my tie?” Virgil called from his bathroom. He had been struggling for the past five minutes trying to figure out the witchcraft behind ties, and he still had zero clue as to what he was supposed to be doing.
“Be right there, kiddo!” It was only a few moments before soft footsteps could be heard approaching, and Patton walked into the bathroom. He’d already mostly finished getting ready sans the fact that his hair was a catastrophic mess. Virgil could guess that he’d been trying to fix it when he’d been called into the other room.
“Alright. Work your magic,” Virgil smirked. In a matter of seconds, Patton had looped and pulled the tie into place, gently tightening it around Virgil’s neck. It was deep purple, picked out specifically because of his dislike of most other colors, and it went very well with the blues and reds of the others’ ties. The tie also matched the freshly dyed purple hair that Roman had forced his three friends to do along with him earlier that afternoon. What an ass.
Virgil admired his reflection. “Dude, what the fuck? How did you do that?” He felt oddly confident in his skin. The same feeling had come about a few times since he’d met Patton, and he had to admit that it was nice. Pat’s happy-go-lucky attitude somehow perfectly meshed with Virgil’s own doom-and-gloom one, forming a hilariously compatible friendship.
Patton smiled and ruffled Virgil hair, much to the other’s dismay. “Now that I helped you, will you please fix my hair.”
“Ugh, fine.”
“I mean it, Virge! Look at this.” Pat ran his fingers through his hair and aggressively tugged when he reached a clump of knots.
“Okay, yeah, we’re fixing that right now.”
“Dinner? Really, Patton? You guys couldn’t have told me about this before?” Virgil whined as the four walked into the diner. Yes, a diner, which meant that they were ridiculously overdressed; every other patron was wearing some sort of flannel and jeans combo. It smelled great, sure, but it was so unexpected that he couldn’t help but feel on edge.
“It’s our favorite restaurant,” Logan explained. “We always come here before school events. Roman has coined it as some sort of weird ritual, but it’s mostly tradition.” He led Virgil to the booth that Patton and Roman had already rushed to sit in.
“Plus, we’re friends with the staff,” Ro started with a smile. “You’ll love them; they’re all super nice. Speaking of, here comes Emilia.”
A young lady with brown hair walked up to their table, pulling out her small notepad. “Well, who do we have here? Another addition to our little group of customers of the month for every month since 2014?”
“Hey, Emilia!” Patton said. “This is Virgil; he’s a new friend of ours. He’s been living with me for a few weeks while his dad is out of the country on business.”
“That’s sweet, Patton. Now, what can I get for you guys?”
The three regulars spouted off their orders, clearly versed in what they wanted to eat. Suddenly, all eyes turned to Virgil. He’d barely been able to look over the menu in the time the others had taken to order.
“Uh… I… Um…” He stuttered. Every drop of intelligence that he had in his body was gone in an instant, and he was left a bumbling mess.
“He’ll have a cheeseburger and fries, thanks,” Patton cut in, saving his friend from any further embarrassment.
“Alright! I’ll be back in a few with your food and a pitcher of water!” Emilia gave the boys another smile before she walked back behind the counter to tend to other customers. Almost immediately, Patton and Roman launched themselves into a fast paced discussion about the upcoming festivities. Virgil, unsurprisingly, not only felt anxious, but he also felt like a complete idiot. He was just ordering dinner--there was no reason for him to have been so freaked out.
Virgil felt a hand rest on his left shoulder, turning to see Logan with a worried expression etched on his face. “Are you okay? Do you need to step outside for a moment to regain composure? I’d be willing to go with you if you don’t want to be alone.”
“Uh, no. I’m okay. I’m just a little worried. I mean, this is my first proper school event in, like, ever, and it’s freaking intimidating. You guys go to these things multiple times a year?” Virgil ran his hands through his hair, distressed.
“I understand. When Roman and Patton first made me come with them to homecoming, I was so nervous that I nearly passed out on the way here. Thankfully, I wasn’t driving us everywhere back then otherwise that would’ve ended in a disaster.” Logan gave Virgil a small smile, adding to the tiny--yet slowly growing--list of his outward displays of emotion. Virgil knew Lo wasn’t an emotionless android, but Roman and Patton were so all over the place that someone needed to play the calm and collected one.
“They can be pretty intense,” Virgil commented with a smile at the enthusiastic conversation across the table from them. Both of the teens were grinning and flinging their hands around in wild gestures, barely avoiding impact.
“Yeah, they sure can.” Logan glanced at the other side of the table with a fond expression, but he quickly snapped out of his reverie. “Don’t worry about the dance. Oh, here!” He pulled a pair of earbuds out of his inside jacket pocket and held them out to Virgil. “It gets pretty loud at these dances. I’ve observed that you put on headphones when it gets too noisy, so I brought these just in case you didn’t have your own.”
Virgil pocketed them just as Emilia finally returned with their food. The other three immediately began to dig in while he hesitantly poked at his burger. He picked up a fry and lazily popped it into his mouth.
He picked at his fries for a few minutes, but he eventually worked his way up to taking a bite of his burger. “Holy shit! This stuff is great--wait, why haven’t you taken me here yet?”
“I was trying to ease you into our friend group, so I thought eating dinner at my house would save you some unnecessary interaction,” Pat explained. “Obviously, that was a crime against your taste buds.”
“Of course it was, Patton. Depriving anyone of this blessed food is practically a war crime!” Roman dramatically stated, throwing out his arms. Virgil snorted at the theatrics.
They continued to eat, and all but Virgil had finished their dinner when Emilia returned to their table for dessert orders. Logan ordered a slice of pecan pie for himself, a chocolate lava cake for Roman, a hot fudge sundae for Patton, and a caramel shake for Virgil. Patton, of course, began to spout off a review of all of the desserts they’d ordered, even though Virgil wouldn’t be eating most of them. They all listened politely, not really absorbing any of the information, until their orders arrived. Within a nanosecond, Pat’s face was stuffed full of vanilla ice cream and fudge sauce, easily and efficiently shutting him up.
They ate in near silence, save for the “light” discussion of whether cake or pie was better (Patton eventually had to cut in when Roman threatened Logan with a butterknife). Pat covered the whole bill once they’d finished, claiming “it’s my way of thanking you guys for putting up with my shenanigans.”
“Three, two, one!” Roman dramatically counted as he threw the doors to the venue open. Time seemed to freeze as the four friends stepped in; all eyes snapped to them. It had been days since they’d been the topic of gossip at school, but that didn’t mean the student body had lost their interest in the boys.
Roman was at the front of the group, confidently striding to the grand staircase and adjusting his red tie. Logan followed close behind, who looked absolutely stunning in the sharp suit and deep blue tie. Then was Patton, who was marveling at the cascading flower vines and glittering fairy lights. And last but certainly not least…
Virgil. He had a wary smile on his face, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his slacks. The boy made absolutely sure that he didn’t get lost; he kept eyes on Patton the entire time they descended the stairs.
Logan had been right; it was fucking loud. People were screaming left and right, and the music was so loud that Virgil could feel every beat vibrate in his chest. He was lucky that he’d put the earbuds in before they’d arrived, or he never would have stepped inside the venue.
Patton turned around to check on Virgil, obviously sensing the tension building in his friend. He held out his hand for Virgil, who hesitated for just a moment before gently taking it. If people wanted to believe they were together, that wasn’t his problem. It was no skin off his back.
They talked and danced for what felt like hours, and Virgil even joined in on a few of the dances he knew. He was having fun. He smiled and laughed, and it was all genuine! In just a few short weeks, Patton had actually transformed him from a suicidal nightmare into someone who found joy in life. It was a stupid sentiment, and he knew it, but it still brought Virgil a bit of warmth in his chest.
The DJ announced a slow dance. Ugh, how awful. He had nobody to dance with; it was just—
Patton tugged Virgil’s hand lightly, pulling their bodies closer together. “Wanna dance? We don’t have to, of course, but it would be a fun first experience for both of us!”
“I—Uh, sure,” Virgil mumbled, trying to hide his gently growing blush. Pat gently guided Virgil’s hands around his neck and placed his own on Virgil’s waist. For the first time, Virgil noticed that he was just an inch or so taller than his friend. Reveling in the warmth and closeness, the two swayed together to the gentle rhythm.
The song ended, and Virgil stepped back, shoving his hands into his pockets. He was extremely grateful that the low light hid his pink cheeks. The screaming resumed as couples broke apart, and early 2000s rap boomed out of the speakers.
And then just like that, Virgil was attacked by anxiety. His hands started shaking, and he rushed away from the small group he was in, mumbling something about going to the bathroom. He calmed slightly when he had made it outside, where he simply collapsed to the ground, but then his panic picked up again when he realized how fucking alone he was always going to be.
Nobody would love the weird guy who rushes out on social gatherings for no fucking reason! Why should they? Virgil had nothing to offer; he was just a guy who had snark to rival Roman and barely two cents to his name.
Tears streamed down his face, running in dark gray streaks as they mixed with his black eye makeup. He could feel his chest heaving, but little air actually made it into his body. Everything was working overtime yet nothing actually happened. Virgil stayed sobbing on the ground. Nothing. Changed.
“Virge, honey? Do you need me to call my mom and have her pick us up?” Patton slowly lowered himself next to Virgil, talking softly so that he woudn’t stir up anything worse.
“N-No! I’ll… I’ll… Fuck!” Virgil cried as he ripped the earbuds out of his ears. He threw the cord a few feet away, instantly regretting it as the sound of shattering plastic reached his ears. He’d have to buy Logan new ones. He couldn’t afford to replace them.
“Goodness gracious, Virgil. It’s okay. I’m going to call Logan, and we’re going to get you out of here—“
“I-I-I don’t… want t-t-to… ruin… night…” Virgil sputtered. He was having trouble pushing the words out; all of them got stuck in his throat.
Patton carefully began to comb through Virgil’s hair with his fingers in an attempt to soothe the attack. “Don’t worry about that, kiddo. There isn’t much more fun to be had, anyway. We still love you—I still love you.”
That’s it. That’s what he felt. Love. He loved Patton.
All of the impulse control he had—though, truthfully, there was very little to begin with—left his body. He reached out and brought Pat’s face to his own, lightly kissing him. Patton stiffened for a fraction of a second before relaxing into the kiss. They were both going to regret this later, but what did that matter in the moment?
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PROMPT: day 15: pranks
SUMMARY: patton and roman attempt to prank logan and virgil. it backfires.
TW: the briefest mention of spiders 
read it on ao3!!! 
Patton giggles as Roman unrolls the saran wrap and begins taping it at face level across the entrance to the kitchen. “Are you sure that this isn’t gonna hurt them?”
“Of course not! It’ll bruise Logan’s pride really badly, but he’ll get over it. Logan and Virgil are gonna be okay and this is gonna be HILARIOUS for us! Besides, aren’t they the ones that left all those plastic spiders everywhere?”
Patton shivers. “Creepy crawly death dealers!”
Roman finishes taping the saran wrap over the door and grins at Patton. “Do you have the video camera?”
Patton shakes the camera at Roman. “Rolling!”
Roman grins and scrambles off upstairs to get Logan and Virgil. The plan is that he’ll tell them that Patton needs them urgently in the kitchen. Then, when they come running in, they’ll smash into the saran wrap and get stuck. Patton will film it, Roman will laugh, and they’ll have their revenge for the spider prank thing.
Patton hears rapid footsteps in the hallway, and suddenly a black-and-purple blur speeds down the hallway, slides underneath the saran wrap, and pops up in the kitchen. Virgil shoves his messy hair out of his face and looks at Patton with wide eyes. “Are you okay, Pat? Do you need anything?”
“I’m – I’m okay, Virge,” Patton manages, still slightly in shock that Virgil manages to dodge the prank. “I was just – we were –”
Before he can even blink, Logan comes sprinting into the hallway. Patton steadies the video camera, preparing to finally catch someone running into the prank on tape, but he’s both disappointed completely flabbergasted when Logan simply drops to his knees and slides forward before popping back up onto his feet, readjusting his tie as though nothing has happened.
“Ah, Patton. Roman mentioned that you were in distress?”
Patton’s jaw is on the floor. “You . . . you just . . . how did you . . . I . . . wh-what the . . .” Logan crosses over to stand next to Virgil, kissing both Patton and Virgil on the forehead. “Roman said you needed something from me. What was it?”
“A . . . kiss,” Patton manages.
“I just gave you one, but alright.” Logan leans down and kisses Patton properly. When he pulls away, he looks back at the saran wrap across the doorframe and opens his mouth (probably to comment on it) but is derailed by Roman running into the kitchen.
“Did they fall for it, Pat? Did you record –”
Roman collides headlong with the saran wrap and falls flat on his back, the wind knocked clean out of him. Patton, Logan, and Virgil stare at him for a split second before all three of them burst into loud, wheezing laughter.
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nekoabi · 6 years
On the Verge of a Heartbreak - Chapter 25
Writing on my new computer is legitimately so satisfying! The sound of the keyboard is everything, makes me wanna write even more ;)
Pairings: Moxiety, OC/OC Words: 2291 Warnings: Food mention, mention of orgy, lots of anxiousness. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: Virgil and Patton face their friends for the first time after they’ve started dating.
Virgil took a deep breath to ready himself before he shut his locker, lunch in hand. He knew people were going to be going a little bit crazy because of him and Patton getting together. He knew full well who would be the most excited and was just trying to ready himself for the onslaught he was about to endure. He slowed as he approached their usual spot, taking one more deep, steading breath before he rounded the corner.
“FINALLY!” A voice screamed as Virgil suddenly found himself accosted by a few of his friends. He stood motionless, unsure of how to respond to the sudden affection that was being thrown towards him. Em, Abigal and Thomas has practically thrown themselves at him, wrapping him in a sudden group hug.
After a few seconds, they released him. They all allowed him the chance to settle down and put his bag under the bench before they began throwing question after question at him.
“So, how did you do it!?”
“Who asked first?!”
“Wait, did you both ask?!”
“It had to be so cute! Where did it happen?”
Virgil just let them attack him with question after question as he ate his food. He refused to respond to any of them, only saying, “Wait until Patton gets here.”
While some of them were happy to wait just a couple more minutes, a couple of them were not so patient.
“Aw, come on, Virgil! We need answers! I need answers! It’s been way too long that we’ve been waiting for thiiiiis! Pleeeeeeeease?” Abigal whined, attempting to use her ‘cute face’ to get her way. Virgil scoffed and shook his head, taking another bite of his food.
Abigal opened her mouth to complain some more, but Ana cut her off, “Virge, stop being a dick already. Just tell us.” Virgil remained silent, only staring at his friend with vague disinterest. “You’re an asshole.” Ana snorted, a wry smile tugging at their lips.
They’d just finished their statement when the cheery voice of Patton rang through, “Hi guys! How are you all?” They all offered up quick responses and allowed Patton the same curtesy they’d given Virgil. Patton took the seat next to his new boyfriend and, before sliding his bag under the bench as well, placed a gentle kiss to the boy’s cheek. Virgil flushed, and Patton giggled before resting his head against the hoodie-covered shoulder.
Only once Patton had fully settled down did anyone get the answers they’d been asking for. All of the same questions were asked to Patton, who was more than happy to answer all of them. He responded to each and every one with the largest, sunniest grin any of them had seen in a long time. Throughout all of his responses, Patton would try and get Virgil included – either by doing something as simple as looking towards hi new boyfriend or something more involved such as hugging Virgil tightly and pressing a kiss to the flushed cheek of the other boy. Everyone around them were infected by the simple love and affection that was radiating from the new couple, causing the other couples in the group to become a little more affectionate and everyone else found themselves smiling warmly.
Finally, everyone’s curiosity surrounding the circumstances of the whole ‘asking out’ thing was satiated, and Patton was able to begin eating. The conversation turned to other, usual topics with the usual ringleaders carrying the whole thing. It was comfortable, and Virgil was thankful for that.
He had been nervous since Patton had gone home the night before about how his friends would take the new change to their group. He was worried that they’d all start treating the two of them differently, maybe he’d become ‘Patton’s Boyfriend’ or the opposite would happen to Patton. It had taken him an uncomfortable amount of time to fall asleep with all the worries and fears darting through his head, but this normality was what he needed. Yes, they’d all been talking about the two of them for quite a while, but they’d not been lumped together as ‘the couple’. Virgil felt his shoulders finally relaxing, something that must have been noticed by Patton as he looked up towards the taller boy with a soft smile.
Just then, a loud gasp caught everyone’s attention. Abigal was currently whispering something into Reggie’s ear, something that was clearly amusing to him as he laughed, “If that’s what you want.” Reggie said, looking to Abigal as she leaned away from him.
Abigal, after grinning widely, snapped her head towards Patton and Virgil. Suddenly, Virgil was extremely nervous all over again and his shoulders tensed once more.
“Heyyyy, you two!” Abigal called out in a sing-song voice that just dripped with the promise of an underlying motive.
Virgil swallowed hard, his fear only growing stronger though he fought to not show it outwardly. It was almost as if Patton had a second sense for when Virgil was starting to get scared as he responded for the both of them, “Abi, you know it’s creepy when you do things like that…” The usually sunny boy chastised, his face turning serious.
Abigal giggled, “Oops, sorry dads. Oh! Now that’s another good idea!” She snapped her fingers and seemed to make a mental note, “Anyway, not important right now! I just wanted to offer you two a very exclusive, once in a lifetime opportunity!”
Silence greeted her statement, the only noise being the general chatter of the other students out around the courtyard. Everyone was glancing between each other. It was clear no one really knew what to say in response or who should actually say anything.
In the opposite direction of his girlfriend’s gaze, Reggie seemed almost shocked, yet not at all surprised. He blinked a few times before dragging a hand down his face with a long drawn out breath. His other arm came to rest on her knee, pulling her attention to him, “Abi. Abigal. Love. Sweetheart. Chaton. It’s just a double date, not an invitation to an orgy.”
Everyone reacted immediately. Ana spit out the water they’d just started to take a drink from, aiming it away from everyone as best they could, while Em’s mouth dropped open in pure shock. Virgil’s face turned bright red and his embarrassment was clearly infectious as Ayana began to sink as far into her large jacket as possible and Daniel attempted to hide his pink cheeks by looking out towards the other students. Sophia began to lose it, her arms clutching her stomach as she laughed hard. Asher shook their head with a sigh, unsure of what they should even do. Both Thomas and Patton reacted similarly to Em, with their mouths falling open, but quickly turned to help others – Patton trying to calm Virgil and Ayana, Thomas began helping Ana alongside Em as they were coughing hard due to their spit-take.
The oddest thing to them all was Abigal’s reaction. She simply pouted, mostly unaffected by the whole thing, “Awww, c’mon… just let me be a little dramatic?” She attempted to use her cute face again, but Reggie only responded by tilting his head a little.
Only after she turned away from him to address Patton and Virgil again did she see the chaos. Abigal’s face twisted into an expression of pure alarm as she took in the whole scene in front of her, “What the fuck happened to you guys?!” She practically yelled.
Sophia responded between laughs, “That orgy comment, was the fucking, most hilarious thing, I’ve ever heard. I don’t, I don’t think anyone was, ready for that.” Sophia fell back into laughter as Abigal began to pout and whine about what she’d said, mostly chastising her for possibly boosting her boyfriend’s already insane ego.
Virgil was extremely thankful that everyone else was taking the seemingly off-hand comment almost as well as he was. Sophia was entirely right, he was not at all ready for something like that to come out, especially implying him being involved. He managed to calm down and relax back to his usual levels with some help from his other surrounding friends, some of whom were now also joining in on the debate on whether or not the comment was absolutely hilarious or if it went too far. It was still being hotly debated by a few as they all grabbed their stuff and began to go their separate ways to their classes.
He’d almost been able to forget about the whole ordeal, his brain being filled with useless math and science knowledge that he’d likely forget about it in a couple of weeks’ time, but he was reminded once he arrived home.
Virgil had just dropped into his chair at his desk when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw a text from Abigal, causing his flashback. After trying to clear his head once more, Virgil unlocked the phone and was able to read the whole text.
Cat Mom: Super sorry for what happened at lunch today. We didn’t mean for it to go that far or to fuck you up. Legit just wanted to ask if you wanted to come double date with us, we’re going to the amusement park just outside of town on the weekend and I thought you two might like to join us!
It was only once a reply came through that Virgil realised it was a group text.
Sun Dad: Thanks! That sounds super fun!! I’d love to go, if Virgil’s up to come too!
Suddenly, Virgil felt the pressure. He didn’t exactly know what was at the theme park they were talking about, but he knew he was not a fan of rollercoasters or most rides that threw you all around. But he also didn’t want to disappoint Patton by not wanting to go, meaning that either Abigal and Reggie would go alone and Patton would be left out and likely upset, or Patton would go along with them and have act as an awkward third wheel for their already planned date.
Virgil quickly dove for his laptop and threw it open. He nervously drummed his fingers on the edge of the desk as he cursed his laptop for being so slow, giving him even more time to stew in his anxious thoughts. Finally, he was able to log onto his laptop and open a blank notepad document, while the group chat sat open in the background. Virgil felt his heart racing as he stared at the blinking
This was a habit for Virgil. If he wasn’t sure how to respond, wasn’t sure how to phrase exactly what he wanted to say or was worried about his response being sent early when he wasn’t happy about it, then he would open something that he could type into and have it in the bottom corner of his screen. It meant he could write and re-write as much as he liked without having the texting icon pop up for everyone else and he couldn’t accidentally hit enter or send the message before he was ready.
Virgil spent the next 10 minutes typing and re-typing his message as well as watching the minutes slip by on the desktop clock in the bottom corner of his screen. He was still hotly debating in his head if he even wanted to go along, but his want to make Patton happy was slowly proving itself to be the victor. Finally, Virgil copied and pasted his message into the group chat. He paused for a little while, wanting it to look natural and all that.
Moon Dad: I mean, if Patton’s cool with it, sure… I guess. Which place is it?
Virgil was a little taken aback when he saw the name he had. Now, he was curious.
Moon Dad: Wait. Why is my name Moon Dad? Wtf.
Cat Mom: Because Patton is Sun Dad!
Virgil felt his cheeks flushing slightly. That was… surprisingly cute and he really liked it. Them having matching nicknames on this chat just made his heart flutter a little, which somehow flipped an anxiety switch that began to wonder if he was ill. He rolled his eyes and shook the thought away, focusing on the wonderful feeling he felt.
Cat Mom: Also, yes! I am so excited!! Cat Mom: It’s called ‘WonderZone’. Cat Mom: Trust me, it’s way better than the name it has. Cat Mom: We’re going on Saturday! Meet us there at around 10? We’ll be outside the main gate, so we can all go in together!
Sun Dad: I’m so excited!!
Asshole: Sounds good. See you guys then. Asshole: Hey. Rude.
Asshole change their name to Perfect.
Perfect: Much better.
Cat Mom: Uh, wrong!
Virgil smiled wryly as he watched the other couple bicker over their chat, refusing to get involved in their argument. He muted the chat for a while as he knew this would last for at least a solid hour and went about his usual business online. It then occurred to him to look up the amusement park they’d be going to, just to see what they had to offer.
The page was as garish as most theme park websites tended to be, but Virgil was still going to press on and he looked at the attractions the park had to offer. His stomach dropped when he saw that the first group were all a bunch of popular rollercoasters and thrill rides. Virgil stopped researching pretty fast, letting the dread consume him as he really didn’t want to see too much more of these rides.
Virgil was pretty sure he’d just made a huge mistake and he wasn’t sure how he was going to fix it.
Last Chapter —– Next Chapter
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
Abigal and Ayana belong to me. Reggie belongs to @not-so-innocent-bi-sander Daniel belongs to @doces-e--tuga Ana, Em and Asher belongs to @fangsandrainbows Sophia belongs to @notalwaysthevillian
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka
OtVoaH Tag List: @daughterofsomnus @chaoticcharm-stone-posts @notalwaysthevillian @iamsilentwolf @ab-artist @6tick6tock6 @lesliealiceinwonderland @kiwisandsprinkles @luckybanana948 @planetsandanxieties @nienna14 @theunoriginaldaisy @absolutesandersidestrash @fiive-second-cookies @i-read-by-lamp @analogical-mess @icing-on-my-lasagna @quietwords-loudthoughts @reinefandoms @hanramz-the-fander @sevencrashing @blenderkit17
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coconut-cluster · 6 years
well, remy and dmitri hc’s, but they are apart of the The Squad so without further ado
Has a single mom and, according to him, “f*cktuple” siblings (which means 5)
They are, in order from oldest to youngest, Cassiopeia (Cassie), Orion, the twins Jericho and Apollo, and Nova 
(”My parents decided on the whole space theme after they had me, go figure.”)
Works at a local and very obscure coffee shop that only old people come into - he doesn’t mind, because it keeps up his mysterious reputation, gets him some free coffee, and apparently old people have a lot of gossip. 
A secret math and science whiz - he likes calculus and chemistry the best - and he’s never gotten less than an A in any math/science class (except his 9th grade biology class; he’s convinced the teacher hated him)
He flirts with everyone. Everyone. He’s milder with Emile, since Em doesn’t usually like being touched, so he sticks with cheek kisses and nicknames - he flirts even more than average with Dmitri, just because it makes Dee’s face go bright red and Remy thinks it’s hilarious.
His first meeting with the Picani’s (or the Pecans, as he so lovingly tagged them) is...interesting, since it’s on set for a video. 
(Em brought him by the office to grab the extra set of house keys from Patton, and Pat and Lo are in the middle of a Making Desserts Without Recipes video - needless to say, it’s a bit chaotic. Remy is intrigued but not very surprised to see them as Em’s parents.)
The first time he meets the other two Try Gays - that is, Roman and Virgil - he makes a comment about them being the stylish pair of the quartet, and they’re immediately endeared. 
Whenever Ro takes Em out to the mall - one of their common weekend activities - Emile asks to invite Remy, and it’s not long before Rem finds it a recurring hangout. Roman delights in Remy’s snarky commentary and sass. 
When Virgil attends one of their mall trips (totally coincidental, Roman assures the teenagers in his presence, and they pretend to not notice the blush on his face bc the boi is smitten), Virge clearly loves Remy’s dry wit, not to mention the leather jacket is absolutely Virgil Approved™ . 
(Remy finds himself somewhat adopted after that.)
((He’s not complaining.))
One time, someone asks Emile - very snottily, might he add, and though/because he knows it’s directed less at him and more at Remy, he’s very annoyed with both the question and its asker - during English if he thinks Remy is just friends with him for the Picani’s fame or money. 
He tells them to ask him again when their English essay is actually done.
(He doesn’t think Remy is friends with him for any other reason than to just be friends - Rem never asks for anything, money or not. He’s an awfully selfless boy for someone who seems so arrogant at first glance.)
(Which turns out to be a problem in sophomore year.)
Emile, Remy, and Dee - who completed the trio early eighth grade - are walking to Em’s house to work on a history project; Dee said neither of his parents would be home, and his dad got mad when he had people over alone, and Remy warned that his siblings would just be a distraction, so they decided on Emile’s house (Patton and Logan won’t be home from the office for another hour, which meant no cookies when the trio arrive, but it’s a minor issue).
Em is debating the themes of Avatar with Dmitri, who is skateboarding along the road right beside the sidewalk where Remy and Emile are strolling). They hardly notice that Remy is quiet - he wasn’t super into the show when he watched it, so they don’t make him participate in their theory discussions, and think nothing of his silence. 
But then he shuffles a step, pauses, takes a short breath before continuing his walk. Em stops and blinks at him, and though Dmitri rolls a bit further before realizing his friends are behind him, he scoots back to their side after another second of Remy’s quiet, shuffled steps. 
“Rem?” Emile says slowly - Remy glances at him, then goes back to hanging his head ever so slightly. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Remy says. No sass, no nickname, nothing. “Just a little dizzy.”
“Is it too bright?” The sky is cloudy after a few rainstorms earlier in the week, but Emile isn’t super sure how much light triggers Rem’s headaches. “I think I still have my umbrella from a couple days ago-”
“I’m good, Em.”
Dmitri and Emile share a furrowed glance, but Remy keeps walking, so they follow and continue their conversation as normal. 
They get a block away from Em’s house when Remy falls to his knees.
He hears Emile’s sharp intake of breath, the thunk of Dmitri’s skateboard against the curb as he abandons it on the roadside, but Remy’s head hurts, and everything keeps swimming in front of his eyes, and his legs just keep...not working. He just wants to take a break and sleep for a few millenniums. Bursts of pain twist at his stomach - he tries to keep his breathing even, because he can play it off if he just stays calm and pretends he tripped or something, but everything is too much, and he can only stay kneeling on the sidewalk as rain starts up lightly around him again. 
“Remy?” Emile gasps, crouched beside him suddenly. “Rem, what’s wrong?” Remy forces an even breath and shakes his head, a small, miniscule gesture, and he’s never been so glad and so angry that Em understands him so well. “What do you feel?”
Stupid smart Emile. Remy tries not to answer, but then he feels a hand on his lower back, grounding him to the bare reality, and he knows it’s no use. “Dizzy,” he says quietly. “M’head hurts.”
“Where?” He taps his forehead and Em goes quiet. “When’s the last time you ate, Remy?”
“...I don’t know.”
“You don’t-” Emile shoots Dmitri a sharp glance - Remy realizes the hand on his back isn’t Emile’s when it falters at the look. 
“What happened to your school lunch?” Em asks. 
Remy swallows and squeezes his eyes shut, fingers curling on the cement beneath them. “I gave it to Cassie.” She was hungry, and the school lunches barely have anything, so he’d given her his sandwich and tater tots without a second thought. 
(Ever since she’d started working at the cafe with him, she’d been so tired. He didn’t want to force her to take care of their other four siblings more than their mom expected her to as the oldest daughter - which was bullshit, and he’d told his mom so, but she just waved him off.)
((But his mom has classes in the evenings, so he made Cassie go to bed after dinner, when he’d ignored his plate to give the other kids more of the little they had on his and Cassie’s barista salary, just like he’d done the night before, and the night before that, and so on.))
“Em, grab my skateboard,” comes Dmitri’s voice a second later, heavy with determination. Emile scampers up and to the curb to grab the yellow and black board, right as Dee’s arm snakes around Remy’s waist and helps him stand - but then there’s another arm behind his knees, and then he’s being carried bridal-style, and he wasn’t aware Dmitri was this strong, and he’s really only complaining because he doesn’t need help thank you very much.
“I can walk, García,” he grumbles. 
Dee just blows a curl out of his eye and starts walking. “Didn’t ask, don’t care, Miego.” 
They get to Em’s house in a few minutes - a few painfully quiet minutes - and Emile’s through the door and in the kitchen before his friends can blink, rummaging through the fridge and cabinets with his tongue poking out of his mouth as he focuses on their contents. 
Dmitri sets Remy down on the couch and leans against the nearest wall, arms crossed and mouth in a tight frown. 
Remy, for once, says nothing. 
“Okay, we have PopTarts - strawberry and blueberry - uhhh, some cereal, sandwich stuff- I can microwave pizza rolls!” Em pauses. “We have healthy stuff, too, but I think you probably need something filling first.” He glances into the living room, sees Remy’s hunched figure on the sofa - the quiet of the house is almost tangible - and chews on the inside of his cheek. “...let’s start with toast.”
“Sorry for screwing up the project sesh,” Remy says with a small, forced laugh as Em enters the living room a few minutes later, toast in hand. 
“Eat your bread.” Dmitri mirrors Remy’s disgruntled scowl, but his shoulders are tense. Em sits contentedly beside Rem and tries a smile. 
“My dads’ll be home soon, if you guys wanna stay for dinner. It’s spaghetti night- Pops makes really good sauce from scratch!” 
And Remy can feel Dmitri’s eyes and Em’s hopeful, careful gaze on him, so he takes a deep breath and returns his best friend’s smile. “Sure thing, Emmie.” 
“You can take some home, if you want. They always make too much-”
The smile is gone; Emile cuts off as Remy angles away from his and Dmitri’s scrutinizing looks. “I don’t need handouts, Em,” he says, careful to keep the snap out of his voice - he knows Emile means well, but the pity under it all pokes at a nerve. 
“Then just take it to your siblings,” Em continues breezily. “Doesn’t Nova like pasta?” 
Stupid, stupid smart Emile.
“Yeah,” Remy admits, thinking of his seven-year-old sister’s bright eyes and wide smile. “But-”
“Dee, can you stay for dinner, too?” 
Dmitri starts, his eyes finally breaking away from Remy’s annoyed figure on the couch, and gives an apologetic frown. “Sorry, ‘Mil. Dad’s home tonight, I gotta have dinner with him and make something for my mom later.” Emile’s easy smile falters ever so slightly, but he nods.
“Well, we should probably work on that project,” he says slowly. Remy is glad the focus is off him now, even as he works painstakingly on downing the toast before him. 
They don’t mention the walk home again- not to his face, anyway.
But he doesn’t miss the way Patton and Logan make absurdly more spaghetti than they need when they get home, and casually give him the leftovers (there’s a small star doodled on the container - Nova is ecstatic when he sets it on the table that night).
He doesn’t miss how Emile ‘accidentally’ brings an extra lunch on most days. (”I just never remember when Dad packs one for me,” he sighs to Remy, shoving the paper bag dramatically toward his best friend.)
He doesn’t miss when Roman and Virgil invite him - and sometimes his siblings - out to the mall for “adventures” and unfailingly visit the food courts every time.
He doesn’t even miss Cassie’s offhanded remark about the lunch he’d “dropped off” for her, completed with a little signed post-it note. (”I’ve never had actual Latin-American cuisine,” she tells him when they walk home, that erudite lilt in her voice tinged with awe. “Did your friend teach you to cook like that?”)
And as much as he hates the subtle attention, the cracks in his shield of privacy and mystery and whatever else he pretends it is, he has to admit it’s nice to see Cassie bright again, to see his siblings’ plates full- it’s nice to feel better. 
And it’s nice to have people who want him to feel better.
okay i have to end it there, im so sorry i love him so much and i got a bit carried away- dmitri’s will hopefully be out this weeked!!!!
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itsme98z · 6 years
Virgil LOVES Halloween
Summary: Virgil loves Halloween and decides to celebrate. 
Word count: 394
Warnings: A few cuss words
Pairings: Platonic LAMP
*Here’s the link to the ask (I asked it) from @milomeepit about this (link). And here’s the link (link) to the song they sing to. It’s hilarious. You NEED to listen. 
**Also, I know this sucks, but I don’t care because it’s fun, funny, and I’m in a goofy mood. 
It was Halloween. Patton, Roman, and Logan were waiting downstairs for Virgil to arrive for breakfast. They all knew Halloween was his favorite holiday, and Virgil made sure to let them know. Since September first, Virgil had decorations up around the mindscape. He was watching Halloween themed movies on repeat. Every moment seemed to center around the holiday. 
“I wonder when Virgil will freak out over it being Halloween,” Roman thought out loud.
“Virgil’s daily admiration for the holiday will most likely start later in the day. He’s not fond of the mornings,” Logan commented. 
“That’s an understatement specs,” Roman joked. 
“It’s nice that he enjoys Halloween so much. I wonder when he’s gonna come down,” Patton wondered. 
As if on cue, Virgil calmly walked down the stairs.
“Morning Virge!” Patton exclaimed.
Virgil gave a soft smile. “Morning Pat.” Roman was about to speak but Virgil held up a finger and turned around. The others looked at each other confused, trying to figure out what was going on. A few seconds later, Virgil turned back around and faced his friends. He had pumpkin sunglasses and Halloween themed fake chains around his neck. He held his phone in one hand and his speaker in the other. He walked up to the table and placed his phone and speaker down. “IT’S HALLOWEEN BITCHES!!!!” he screamed. He pressed play and the song Spooky Boy by Danny Gonzalez started playing. He started dancing and singing around the living room, much to the amusement of the others.
The other three couldn’t help but join in. First, it was Patton. He wanted to celebrate with his son. After he joined, Roman got up and started popping and locking or at least trying. All he knew was choreography to musicals.
Virgil glanced at Logan hoping he would join in. Logan smiled and shook his head, then got up and started rapping along with the song. “I’m a spooky boy, hey!”
“Chilling with a skeleton, bitch, and a pumpkin on my head. If you're trying to spook me you gon end up dead!” Roman sang.
“That’s the life of a spooky boy!” they all sang together. The song faded out and the four friends broke out into laughter.
Virgil took off his glasses and chains. “Thanks, guys. That was fun.”
Patton ruffled his hair. “That was.” He smiled wide. “Happy Halloween Virgil.”
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