quixotic daydreams
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Writing Masterlist | AO3 | OC | Masterlist💕Keep that light shining strong💕- you'll find a lot of Sanders sides (mostly Prinxiety) - I write sometimes (quite a bit) - i don't take requests but suggestions are coolio! - feel free to message me/send an ask!!
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coconut-cluster · 4 months ago
I found your blog a lot more recently than most but so many of your stories and aus have brought me so much joy, and I do come back to them every once in a while. You started posting again so I just thought I'd let you know 💖
thank you so much omg that’s so sweet!!! so glad to have you!! 💚
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coconut-cluster · 4 months ago
Hellooooo, I have once again binged the uni au, and man, it still hits so hard, I am in love with how you write. I hope there will be updates one day, and if not, know that it is still such a wonderful experience to read. Hope things are going well for you, and may all your drinks be the perfect temperature 💕💕
oh my god thank you so much 🥹 there WILL be updates I promise, uni au loceit is without a doubt the au/stories I go back to most from this blog, it’s one of my favorites and I know I always take forever-and-a-while to update things but it will come!
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coconut-cluster · 4 months ago
Hiii!!! How are you and your writing and school(?)
Ive been taking art classes and as fun as they are they are kicking my ass <- pulled an all nighter today
hello erri!!!! I’m good! School is done as of this past May, but I did spend September at Oxford getting a certificate in publishing so that was incredible and so so fun!
Writing has been actually REALLY fun lately - I’ve been going between book stuff and a whole like cinematic universe with my friend and our two characters (originally from a D&D game of course lmao) so for the past like month I’ve been working on this stupidly long (by my standards anyway lol) story about my character Peregrine (who I think I’ve mentioned here before) and his two-year-long situationship from before the sessions started and all our characters met. which sounds ridiculous when I type it out but it’s been so fun dude AH
art classes are so cool !! what kind of art?? drawing painting sculpting general etc etc ??
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coconut-cluster · 4 months ago
Lexi is active! Quick, send all of the love!!!
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coconut-cluster · 4 months ago
I have not been getting notifs for asks but I’m reading them now!! and will answer shortly!! hello everyone hope you’re doing well mwah mwah!
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coconut-cluster · 4 months ago
well. so. i can’t say i *predicted* jack and sally but. hm
In honor of Halloween how does podcast au celebrate or uni au.i dont care I love them both so much. Please and thank you - bet anon
Roman and Virgil (in the podcast au) have a month of Halloween costumes!! They record each week so they do four costumes each: Roman’s were Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, Sokka, Ferdinand from The Tempest, and Sally from Nightmare before Christmas; Virgil’s were Coraline, Zuko, Light Yagami from Death Note, and Jack Skellington!!!!
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coconut-cluster · 7 months ago
working on book stuff but it just struck me why did I never make the twins sons of Dionysus in any AUs with Greek mythology. that’s literally them. theatre revelry madness pleasure like…..I feel like I failed them AND my Greek mythology obsession
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coconut-cluster · 7 months ago
hello! you're back! how are you! how is your book (if you're okay sharing about it)! much love! <33
hello! I’m always here lurking in the shadows! I’m good but stressed but good, and much of my free time has been spent preparing for a program at Oxford I’m attending soon (eee!) and doing “development” for the book that will, ideally, eventually lead to me actually writing the book lmao. I have a blog for it (and a side blog for following/response purposes since I haven’t used my primary blog here in AGES), where I’m sort of kind of updating on it? that’s @avisafterall (but if you go over there you guys can’t reveal my legal name is Lexi shhhhhh). much love back I hope everyone is hanging in and shining bright mwah mwah 💚
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coconut-cluster · 7 months ago
is there a love confession/ending to the loceit uni au. I would love to read it if you end up writing it. I love al your work it's amazing!!!
i am so so late to answering this but thank you smmm! writing conclusions (and coming through on my promises to continue/complete things) has always been difficult but i do have a draft of the loceit confession sitting in my the answer is yes, and when that day comes it will come with many more apologies for the procrastination tendencies that are ingrained in my soul
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coconut-cluster · 7 months ago
Where is your podcast au? I've looked through your ao3 and your tunblr masterpost but I can't find it!! What's it called?
unfortunately (i may be misremembering but im pretty sure) podcast au was only ever posted through asks and random headcanons 😭 so I think everything is under the podcast au hashtag </3
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coconut-cluster · 8 months ago
hello beautiful people I am here (hi!! sorry it’s been a while!!) with a question and I need opinions - for a 1940s ish Indiana Jones-esque adventure story about what is essentially a high stakes multi continental scavenger hunt thing, would it be better to be real-world based (like all the checkpoints are set in real countries) or fictional realistic world??
cuz like on one hand real world settings kind of fits the genre more closely and saves some time on worldbuilding, but fictional world means cool invented settings with more wild details and the audience is less likely to question if the challenges/traps are unrealistic because it's already a little fake (at the expense of having to worldbuild quite a bit more)…..many thoughts and I would love any input
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coconut-cluster · 10 months ago
this post is getting notes again so once more, a huge thank you to Roman Sanders for being my little canvas where 16-year-old me put all of my own feelings and experiences without having to outright confront them. the escapism runs deep
hello hi it is me back on my ADHD Roman hype train:
he starts talking sometimes and just. stops. and stands still for a second, before he zones back in and keeps going with whatever he was talking about
when he’s walking, he tends to pause and stare into the distance and the others are just like “what are you doing you’re in the middle of the walkway Roman please”
because of both of those things, he comes off as very absent-minded, but honestly his brain just goes faster than the rest of him so sometimes he has to let everything catch up
he has days where he feels restless and understimulated and he just kinda wanders around the house looking for something that can entertain him for a while
that ^^ results in him sometimes standing in the middle of the living room just frowning while he tries to think of something to do and the others are just like “why is roman glaring at the tv”
either he jumps into things immediately (when he doesn’t necessarily have everything he needs to complete them) or is dead set on gathering all the materials for a project before he even THINKS about starting
both of those scenarios mean there’s a lot of half-finished projects and random materials scattered around his room at all times
cleaning fluctuates between being the bane of his existence or the only thing that makes him feel alive. there is no in between
sometimes he just. smushes words together to describe the thing he’s thinking of just right
(it drove Logan insane until he realized that’s basically what people have been doing since language was invented)
stimulation!! is vital!!! especially like sharp or crisp things, crunchy foods and clicky objects and percussion and such. very important
(although I also think he’d love like orchestral crescendos, that kind of mounting musical moment yknow)
he has moments where he is so overwhelmingly emotional that he feels like he’s gonna implode if he doesn’t express it (it’s usually him seeing something beautiful and getting really excited about it)
on that note he is so enthusiastic which is CANON babey!!!
also I love him!!! thank you for your time
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coconut-cluster · 10 months ago
YO LEXI HI!! I was artistgracie at some point and now i am bees!
OMG HEY how are you???? 💚💚💚
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coconut-cluster · 10 months ago
i’ve logged into tumbler after 5 years and just wanted to say what a rush of nostalgia finding your account was—last time i was here i was in middle school and my tss obsession was in full swing, now i’m about to go to college and finding your account really gave me an “everything stays” moment (adventure time reference lol). anyway, it’s so cool that you’re still updating the same fanfics i kept up with back then!
this is about to make me cry full send I’m literally at the senior send off movie night with my college group of friends right now 😭 I understand exactly and I’m so glad you ended up back for a sec!! best of luck and much love for college! 💚
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coconut-cluster · 11 months ago
I find it rly funny that in tss we have four pretty normal dudes and then there's Bill cipher and evil Luigi
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coconut-cluster · 1 year ago
Whats a fulbright! Im glad you won!
Take you time writing lexi <3 weve waited this long we can wait longer (i can at least im incredibly patient lol)
It’s a grant/scholarship for American students to do personalized research or study abroad! It’s not, like, the most competitive scholarship but it’s still insane to me because I just applied to see what would happen and now I’m going insane! (They have them for faculty too, and for international students to come to America, but I’m an American undergrad so I got a US student award lol) but thank you!!!!! 💚💚
yeah im trying to be mindful of the time gap between things lol, im so happy some people were excited about the notes so im doing my best to get it done!
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coconut-cluster · 1 year ago
hello all I just wanted to pop in and say I am in fact writing chapter 5 of Crowns and Cutlasses, I didn’t just dip after posting the notes lol but I WON A FULBRIGHT so i have been busy and insane
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