#his attitude to his Lover changes drastically
byfulcrums · 9 months
I love TOA so fucking much. The way it makes it clear that the gods are people. The way it makes us realize that so many of them are victims too. The way it tells us that they might've been victims once, but now they're almost as bad as their abusers
The emotions of a human are not things a god should feel. Apollo says this multiple times. Humans feel bad when they kill others. They love, hate, get angry — they are happy. Their lives are so so short, but they somehow manage to change drastically during them, shaping the world after their image in a different (and sometimes better) way than the gods'
Gods cannot do any of this. Gods are immortal, unchanging, uncaring. Gods leave their children to die. Gods have sex only to abandon their lovers later. Gods are jealous beings, the opposite of good people. Gods are not people at all, is what they want us to think
But Apollo, turned human and far weaker than he ever was, is still a god. He has thousands of years of memory — he is jealous, he abandoned his children and lovers, he sent little kids to do things for him when he could've very easily done it himself. And yet, he cares. He's surprisingly selfless, even if he tries to convince us otherwise, and he loves and has given up on expecting something in return
Apollo is a god. Apollo is the living proof that gods aren't unchanging — he's the reason we know that gods are people. Some very powerful and fucked up people, but people nonetheless
And here's the thing: Apollo's given up on all that, a long time before we see him for the first time. The gods used to care. But their caring brought pain and despair upon the world and they don't seem to realize (or maybe they just don't care. Ha. Pun) that their uncaring attitude is doing the exact same thing
Even if they could, some of them wouldn't visit their children. They're not good people, after all. But they can try
Apollo wants to try. He wants to change for the better, and this isn't something good for a god, but he still does. And I think that the other gods could too, some day
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prettybrownelf · 2 years
Hi! Hope you having a great day, do you still taking request? If so can you do a smut Tsu'tey x Male reader (different species or Na'vi)? (if you comfortable with the smut and different species/Na'vi).
Where the male start to ignoring Tsu'tey (they are in relationship) and he find it weird because both of them always stick with one other but today got strange, Tsu'tey think the male reader having a bad day or just want to be alone.
After a few day, Tsu'tey got annoying because the reader keep ignoring him wherever he try to approach the Male but fail and don't even start with the sweet scent when the Male walks past Tsu'tey. The warrior didn't know what was wrong with his lover so he try to approach him but in different ways.
Tsu'tey follow the reader into the forest not letting the other male know. When both of them got far away, Tsu'tey watched M/n sat down the nearest tree and try to calm himself from the heat. Watching it for a while, Tsu'tey know what going on and wanted to help the reader to calming his heat down but he still mad at the M/n for not letting him know and they start "doing" it.
Until someone smell the sweet scent then saw both of them doing it, Tsu'tey isn't happy having someone saw his lover in a situation like this so he glare at them and telling them to go away.
(Having an aftercare would be nice, sorry for kinda cringe plot, there aren't many Tsu'tey x male reader and sorry for the bad grammar, English isn't my first language)
The Warriors Mate
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Pairings- Tsu'tey x Male! Navi! Reader
Summary- Tsu'tey cant seem to figure out why his mate has been distant lately
Word Count- 779
Content Warnings- Slight A/B/O Dynamics, Praise, Smut, Slight Overstim, Aftercare
Tsu’tey was worried. 
He knew he shouldn't be, you were probably just having a bad day, but something inside him was telling him this was something more. This distant, cold, attitude of yours was clawing at his heart. The two of you have been inseparable for years, so this sudden change in your attitude of worrying to say the least. But a bad day is just a bad day right? You'll be back to normal by tomorrow. 
Except you aren't. For the next few days, you barely look at him. Always making up an excuse to get away from him, moving away when he tries to touch you. Tsu’tey’s worry turns into annoyance as the days go on. As far as he knows, nothing has happened to change your mood so drastically, so what would your reason be for brushing him off all the time? 
Tsu’tey tries everything to get close to you. Although the sickening sweet scent from you tries to distract him, he continues. Taking every chance to sit next to you, trying to play with your hair, all for you to push him away. 
After a few weeks, Tsu’tey gets fed up. He's angry, but not at you. He's angry at whatever has made you feel this way. He misses the loud, bubbly mate he's used to having. 
The second that night falls, his eyes don't leave you, watching as you sneak your way into the forests surrounding the tribe. Tsu’tey quietly follows you, hoping to be able to finally have a conversation with you. 
Instead, he's met with you hunched over in pain. Worry fills his chest as he looks for any sort of wound, only to find nothing. Sweat drips from your brow as you attempt to calm yourself down. The confusion in Tsu'tey’s mind finally leaves as he realizes what's wrong with you. 
Your head snaps to him as he makes his way towards you, although you're in too much pain to run away this time. 
“My love, are you ok?” Tsu’tey asks, crouching in front of you. All you can do is groan in pain as your mate tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. “My love, why didn't you just tell me you were in heat? I could have helped you sooner.” You lean into his touch the second his hand is on you. “I'm sorry, I just didn't want to bother you.” Tsu’tey can't help but laugh as he helps you lay down, crawling over you. He places a small kiss on your forehead. “Dont worry love, it's my job to take care of you.” 
Tsu’tey’s kisses slowly travel down to your neck as you let yourself relax against the grass underneath you. The feeling of Tsu’teys hands on you feels like ice against your burning hot skin as he takes off your clothes. “Just relax, ok? I'll take care of you.” All you can do is nod as he runs his thumb against your cheek. Your body immediately bucks into his as he slowly begins to run his hand up and down your cock. You didn't even realize how hard you already were until he began. 
Moans and whines are all you can produce as Tsu’tey stops as fast as he started, positioning himself in line with you. The second he pushes into you, you're gripping onto him. Tsu’tey growls into your ear as he finally bottoms out, slowly beginning his thrusts as he whispers small praises in your ear. Your mind is completely blank as you focus on the overwhelming feeling of pleasure coursing through your body. His name falls off your tongue like a song as you try to keep up with him. 
The grin on Tsu’tey’s face sends you over the edge, making you see stars as he continues to get harsher and harsher. Overstimulation fills your body as you hear your mate moan above you. “Just a little while longer love.” A twig breaking in the distance makes Tsu’tey’s head snap up. His thrusts don't stop as he makes eye contact with another Na’vi. 
The Na’vi backs away quickly as he sees Tsu’tey’s glaring eyes. Tsu’tey continues his thrusts, listening to your panting moans underneath him as he finally finishes. 
He can feel how hard you are breathing under him as he looks down at you. Your fucked out expression makes him smile as he takes you in his arms, letting you curl up to him as he lays his back against a tree. His hand combs through your hair as you catch your breath. The small vibrating coming from your breath makes his heart swell as you slowly fall asleep in his arms.
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deobienthusiast · 4 months
be my only one | jacob bae
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• pairing: ex!jacob x gn!reader
• word count: 3.7k words
• genre: exes to lovers, angst, fluff, non-idol jacob, non-idol tbz members, there is also a mention of non idol joshua because why not🤷🏾‍♀️
• rating: PG
• warnings: jacob makes the executive decisions in that make him and reader sad, the sad parts are pretty sad guys, BUT IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING I PROMISE!!!!, make out sesh also
• tagging: @deoboyznet
• notes: based off of leehi’s only (love that song so much! a favorite of mine) ex jacob trying to rekindle the flame with the only person he wants to be with! WELL WE LOVE THAT!!!!! i didn’t bother to have anyone beta read this because i feel as though we’ve collectively all waited long enough as a group. BANNA BANNA BY @daemour (thank you so much love🩵) THE ENDING IS SO FUCKING BAD OH MY GOD WHY AM I SO SHIT AT WRITING ENDINGS.
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If Jacob had to pinpoint the exact moment his life went to shit, it would have to be when he lost you. You were his world, his life. Hell, Jacob would go as far as to say you made up his entire existence. There was no reason to go on if you weren’t there, no reason to wake up in the morning if he didn’t get to see you first. You were single-handedly the only reason Jacob continued on this planet. All the bullshit, violence, corruption, politics. He could ignore all of it when you were around.
To Jacob you were what the sun revolved around. Screw the solar system, screw space, screw NASA. The universe’s entire makeup was created specifically for you in his eyes.
Jacob only knew how to treat you like a delicate flower. He was the gentleman type. Constantly opening doors, lifting heavy objects, carrying the groceries in the house in one trip (which he was positive he could do each time until he tripped over one of his shoes the last time and face-planted). He wanted to be your knight in shining armor, and he was. Always coming to your rescue and supporting you in everything that you did. So, when you came to him that one day, almost three years into your relationship, to rave about getting the dream job opportunity you had been working so hard for, he was ecstatic. Jacob was so proud of you. This was what you had worked so hard for. All the late nights, plans canceled (something Jacob never let you feel bad about), the constant studying, numerous tests. It was all for this big moment.
The happiest moment of his life was finding out you were getting everything you wanted.
“I did it Cobie! I did it! I got the job.” You said excitedly, handing him the acceptance letter.
You were too caught up in your own excitement and emotions to notice Jacob’s dark eyes scaling the acceptance letter. He was particularly locked into the almost two year internship that would bring you across the ocean, away from your home, from your friends and family. More importantly, away from him. Jacob couldn’t be bothered to say anything. He would never want to take this moment from you, so he bit his tongue.
The next time you saw all your friends, you raved about the job opportunity, making everyone buzz with anticipation. They knew how hard you had worked, Jacob had kept them all filled in whether they liked it or not. Sangyeon suggested a party before you left to celebrate.
A going away party.
Jacob hated those words. He didn’t want you to go away, whether it was your dream job or not. He wanted you to stay with him forever. Jacob wanted to tell you that the job he had was enough to support the both of you. He worked hard so that you wouldn’t have to, but that would be selfish. That would make Jacob everything he’s really not. When it comes to you, though, he wants to be the most selfish person on the planet. He couldn’t, no, he wouldn’t. That wouldn’t be fair to you, and all the work you put into this.
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The party came quickly. Jacob was heartbroken. Because the party meant you left quicker. You had noticed a change in his mood, the closer the party got. His attitude had changed so drastically that you hadn’t seen him in almost a week when the party arrived due to him staying with his friend Kevin. You weren’t sure what the issue was, why was the love of your life acting this way. You needed to talk to him about your leaving, you needed to reassure him everything was going to be okay. Jacob wasn’t giving you the opportunity, though.
Everyone arrived at yours around 6. Food, drinks, and lots of storytelling are what the night entailed, but it was hard to enjoy anything with your better half keeping a football field length distance between the two of you all night. Eventually, enough was enough. You watched two of your young neighbors pull Jacob into the kitchen to get him a drink, clearly trying to convince the older boy that alcohol will temporarily solve his bad mood. As you stood, you were stopped by Kevin.
“Jacob has been spending a lot of time at my place.” He said, leaning in close to speak into your ear so you’d be able to hear him over the bustling noise of your party.
You looked at the boy with sad eyes. “He won’t talk to me. I’m assuming this is because I’m leaving.”
“Can’t get anything past you, huh?” Kevin teased in an attempt to lighten the mood.
You frowned as you stepped away from him, heading towards the kitchen to hopefully rescue a sober Jacob before Sunwoo and Eric got him too plastered. This impending conversation would need to be done sober.
Jacob was in somewhat better spirits when you located him in the kitchen. He was sandwiched between the two boys, and they were all laughing about something, you weren’t sure what.
“Jacob,” You spoke softly, so softly that Sunwoo and Eric didn’t hear. Jacob did, though. He always did.
Jacob let his eyes slowly trail up and down your body. You always looked so effortlessly beautiful. He was so enamored with you, it wasn’t even funny. Your call out to him by his full name was a distress call. You were upset, you were bothered, and he was the cause of it. Jacob hated that. He hated making you upset. Jacob was a very sensible person, he wasn’t one to fret too easily on things. He was a very good communicator. So for him to leave you in the dark for days was uncharacteristic of him. He just needed time to process everything.
Jacob cleared his throat in a sign for the two younger boys to make themselves scarce in the kitchen. He was buzzing on account of the two shots they had managed to get into his system, but he was still sober enough to have a conversation with you. The conversation.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Stupid question. He knew the answer, so why ever ask.
Your eyes rushed to his, darting back and forth as a look of confusion crossed over your face. “Okay? Okay? Why would I be okay when my boyfriend has been avoiding me for a week?”
Jacob flinched at your frustrated tone. Your voice had raised just slightly, loud enough to echo off the white kitchen walls decorated with gold accents, but not loud enough to stop the party that was still going strong hours later.
“I just need time.” Jacob said quietly.
You shrugged, throwing your hands in the air in the process. “Time for what? Time to not talk about our feelings and process things together?”
Jacob sighed. “You’re leaving.”
“Which we knew would happen if I got the internship.” You countered.
“Yeah. But I was expecting like six months, not sixteen. You’re going to be gone for almost two years.” Jacob raised his voice this time.
Long gone was the boy you fell in love with. This was a whole new Jacob that clearly had formed in the week that he was avoiding you. His statement had filtered out of the kitchen, catching the ears of passerby’s. Some stopped by the kitchen doors to crack it open and eavesdrop. It was rare that the two of you fought, opting to keep any issues you had behind closed doors so this was new territory to your friends.
You chuckled to yourself. “Jacob, I didn’t know the internship was going to be that long. Nor did I know they would be sending me all the way across the globe. I thought you’d be happy for me.”
“I am happy for you, but you can’t expect me to not be upset that the love of my life is going to be leaving.”
Tears began to prickle the corners of your eyes. You had never seen Jacob like this before, he had never spoken to you in such a stern tone. You weren’t sure what to do, but you just wanted to make him feel better.
“Okay, so I’ll give it up then. I won’t go. I wouldn’t be able to focus anyway if my boyfriend is heartbroken over the fact that I’m not with him.” You said.
By this time the music had stopped, people were listening in, or standing outside the now open kitchen door, watching.
“You don’t have to do that. And I won’t let you.” Jacob said.
Kevin had pushed his way through the crowd, almost knowing exactly what Jacob was going to say next, as he tried to stop the boy.
“I’m not going to let you give up your dream job for me. I would never let you do that.” Jacob began.
“Hey, maybe we should all just take a breather.” Kevin chimed in softly.
“I’m breaking up with you.” Jacob said quietly.
Your eyes widened at his statement. “What?”
Jacob looked down at his worn sneakers, the same ones you gifted him when you first started dating. The same sneakers you would always tell him you’d buy a new pair because no amount of washing was going to make them look better.
“I’m not letting you give this up for me. And if you won’t be able to focus knowing I won’t be able to function without you, then I’ll make the decision simple. No reason for you not to go if there isn’t a reason to stay.”
You took a step towards the boy, grabbing his hand as you sniffled. “Jacob, please. Don’t do this.”
Slowly, he pulled his hand from yours.
“It’s already done. Party’s over.”
That was the last thing Jacob had said to you before you left for your internship. He didn’t want to make the situation harder than it had to be, so he didn’t go with you to the airport. Your shared friends were not pleased by this. A final opportunity to see each other, and Jacob chose to let you leave on your own. No goodbye, no see you soon, no I love you. None of this was like Jacob, like your Jacob. You decided to just let bygones be bygones. You decided to suck it up, and you left.
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The first few months were the hardest. You missed Jacob terribly. You avoided Chinese restaurants and frozen yogurt stores. Botanical gardens and zoos were a no go. Jacob felt the same way. Every little thing reminded him of you. What he didn’t realize was that eventually you became numb to the pain. You had to push on, even if you didn’t want to.
When you got your first promotion during your internship, you had to resist the overwhelming urge to call him. One because he was in a totally different timezone than Los Angeles, and two because you weren’t together anymore. You did call Kevin and Sangyeon, though. And they made sure to inform Jacob of your successes. Jacob couldn’t have been happier for you. Everything was working out for you. You updated Kevin and Sangyeon whenever you could on anything new and exciting while you were in the states. It became a habit to talk to them, and it was no longer because you knew they would tell Jacob. It was because you just wanted to tell someone about what’s going on. You made new friends, started going out again. From Jacob’s heard perspective, you were happy. That was good enough for him. Sort of.
The sixteen month internship went by fast. Before you knew it, it was time to come back home. Jacob had managed to make it an almost full two years without you. He clearly was not the same. He hid himself away, and didn't like going out with friends. It got to the point that Kevin and Sangyeon stopped updating him about you, because they refused to feel sorry for him anymore.
Jacob knew his friends well enough to know that they had been visiting you when you got back home. They probably weren’t telling him to spare his feelings, but he just wished they’d let him know how you were. He wanted to know everything. If you had changed, if you were going to go back to the states, if the internship was everything you had hoped it had been or more. He wanted, no, needed to see you. Thus came his chance.
“A party?” Jacob asked softly, staring down at the takeout Kevin had brought him.
Kevin shook his head with a shrug. “It’s more like a welcome home dinner. No heavy alcohol, no loud music. Just friends catching up with a friend. You should be there, Cob. We’d all want you there.”
Jacob looked up from his food. “We?”
Kevin nodded, giving Jacob a reassuring smile. “We.”
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To say Jacob was nervous would be a vast understatement. He was pretty sure he was sweating from places he didn’t know he could sweat from. Everyone was already at the restaurant Kevin had picked for dinner. There was talking and laughing, hugging, some people notably crying. Jacob was greeted warmly by his friends, and for the first time in almost two years a genuine smile made its way to his face. He sat down next to Kevin, joining into the conversation before someone spoke.
“Look who’s here!”
Heads turned to the doorway of the back room everyone was in, and Jacob felt time stop. You looked ethereal, stunning. Your hair had grown. Your style had even changed, but you. You were still you. You still looked like you did when you left. A smile was adorning your round face. The bubbly pep in your step had Jacob smiling to himself. There was a slight flush on your face, most likely from the uncharacteristically warm weather outside. You were looking around, being pulled in every different direction imaginable by friends greeting you. That was until you saw him. When your eyes met, Jacob felt fireworks go off in his stomach. He had never felt so jittery in his life. It was like he had drunk the world's biggest and strongest red bull. A small smile made its way across your full lips as you lifted your hand, giving Jacob a small wave. Jacob returned it.
He stood up to greet you, ready to give you a hug and feel you in his arms again, but you were intercepted by Sunwoo and Eric. Jacob could only laugh. Of course the two youngest of your friends managed to get to you first. You let out a loud laugh as they tackled you, and butterflies bloomed in Jacob’s stomach this time. The sound of your laugh brought back so many memories that Jacob became glued to his spot. He watched the rest of your shared friends get up and greet you, hugging you tightly as if you’d dare to even leave again. It wasn’t until a tall figure appeared behind you that Jacob was eventually pulled back down to Earth. For the first time since you walked in the room all but five minutes ago, Jaocb’s eyes weren’t on you. Rather they were on the person, the man, who showed up behind you.
You stepped back from everyone and looked at the boy. He smiled at you before giving everyone else a smile as your friends warmly greeted him.
“This is Joshua! He was my roomie in the states. I figured I would bring him back so he could meet some of my favorite people.” You told everyone.
Jacob watched the way you two were looking at each other. He couldn’t read the look on your face, apparently you had gotten really good at masking your emotions while in the states. He was able to get a good read on Joshua’s face, though. The look he knew all too well, because he would give you the exact same look. You both managed to make your way through the sea of friends and sit at the large table set up for your party.
You ended up being seated right next to Jacob. Joshua sat across from you and was able to be bombarded by Kevin and your other friend Chanhee to tell his life story. This gave you an opportunity to give Jacob a look over before speaking.
“Hi Cobie.” You whispered softly.
As always, Jacob heard you. You could be a million miles away, and he would still hear you. You just had that effect on him.
He looked at you, finally getting an up close look and felt his breath catch in his throat. You looked perfect.
A smile made its way to your face at the sound of his voice. “How have you been?”
Jacob smiled back. “I’ve been good.”
Jacob ended the conversation there, much to your dismay. He didn’t want to get into how he had been while you were gone. The truth is, he hadn’t been good at all. In fact, he had been an absolute wreck. He felt like he was trying to function without one of his limbs. He didn’t want to ruin your dinner, though.
The night went by smoothly. Everyone seemed to get along well with your friend, if that’s what he was that is. Jacob mainly kept to himself. Only getting a moment of silence when he excused himself to use the restroom. Kevin followed the boy, stopping him at the restroom door as he looked over Jacob.
“So are you two going to talk or just ignore each other the whole night?”
Jacob shook his head. “We have talked.”
Kevin scoffed. “That’s not what I meant. There are unresolved issues that need to be fixed. I’ll lock the both of you in the closest until they are.”
Jacob let out a sigh, knowing the boy was right. He sulked on the way back to the table, catching your eye in the process. He sat in silence for a moment, feeling your gaze on him. You let out a sigh before laying your hand on his arm.
“Maybe we should talk.”
Jacob looked at you as he nodded. You both stood up to excuse yourselves and headed for the entrance. When you both got outside, the silence of the dark night sky greeted you both. The moonlight cast shadows across your face that made your features pop. Jacob probably said this every time he saw you, but he was still convinced he had never seen you look more beautiful than you did in this moment.
“How were the states?” Jacob asked, breaking the silence first.
You smiled, turning to him as you tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “It was amazing. I learned so much. Made new friends, experienced new things. I missed home, though.”
Jacob nodded. “You missed your friends.”
A small nod followed his statement. “I missed you, Jacob.”
The boy could only look at you before finally letting it all out. “I’ve missed you. So much. You remember earlier you asked me how I was doing. I told you I’m doing okay, but the truth is, I’ve been absolutely terrible. I literally just got back into a healthy eating and sleeping routine again. When you went to the states, you took a piece of me with you. I never wanted to leave our, I mean, my apartment. I stayed inside all the time. I practically became a recluse. I turned down every offer to go out and spend time with friends. Kevin even tried inviting my family, but it was enough. I thought I would be able to handle ending our relationship. I would never want to hold you back and when you mentioned giving up your internship just to make me happy, I panicked. I was afraid you’d end up resenting me in the long run. I figured I might as well break up with you, because I knew you would leave. There would be nothing to keep you here.”
“You’re wrong.” You whispered.
Jacob gave you a confused look. “I am?”
You chuckled. “Yes. I’ve always had a reason to not leave home, and it’s you Jacob. It’s always been you.”
You stopped only to open your mouth and then close it again just so you could formulate your feelings correctly. “Jacob, I learned a lot about myself while I was in the states. I learned a lot about myself as a person, and I learned a lot about what I want in my life and my career. A lot of things changed for me for the better while I was away, but the one thing that didn’t change was the strength of my feelings for you. The love I have for you, how in love with you I am, that never once wavered. I didn’t even bother trying to find a way to get over you because no one would’ve compared.”
“Not even Joshua?”
His comment made you laugh as you took a step towards him. Jacob took the opportunity to wrap his arms tightly around your waist, trapping you against his chest.
“Not even Joshua, Cobie. He’s just a friend. I promise. I love you, Jacob Bae.” You told him, inching yourself closer and closer until your nose was bumping against his.
Jacob grinned, laying a long passionate kiss to your lips. You practically melted against him, dragging your hands up his chest and to his shoulders before wrapping them around his neck. You tugged ever so gently at the hair sitting at the nape of his neck, making the boy shiver. You pulled away from him, giggling slightly as he whined quietly and tried to chase after your lips.
“Easy tiger. Plenty of me to go around.” You told him jokingly.
Jacob let out a breathy laugh, tightening his grip around you. “I’m not sharing you with anyone. Not Joshua or the states. I’m dragging you back to our apartment and locking the door.”
He lifted you just slightly off the ground, giving you another kiss before he pulled away this time. “I love you, too.”
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all the fics belong to @deobienthusiast and are protected under copyright- absolutely no translating/reposting or claiming my work as your own.
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vulpisnocturna · 1 year
what itachi reaction when he being gentlemen toward his lover, yet said lover act indifferent. (the lover purposely act indifferent, just to see itachi sweat)
Enough. You guys, Itachi has suffered too much, can’t you ask me to write him horny and happy?
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- Itachi is the type of guy that keeps chivalry alive even if he’s the only one who’s doing that. He loves an independent girlboss (ungendered) but he’s still going to treat his lover like royalty
-I’m talking this man is running them a bath, opening the door for them, walking on the side of the road, cooking for them etc
-in exchange, he needs attention. He may not look it, but Itachi is clingy (okay, he does look it, he gives off touch starved vibes). He wants to kiss them, to be kissed, wants to hold his lover, cuddle and yes, also get down and dirty often :)
-so when his S/O starts lightly pushing him off when he goes for a hug, turning their head when he tries to kiss them, says it’s too hot to cuddle, doesn’t want to hold hands, Itachi’s brain is going haywire
-He’s thinking about everything that’s happened in the last month to come up with any reason to explain their behaviour, and he comes up with nothing. Are they simply grumpy? Itachi ups his game. He does all the chores in the house, cooks their favourite food, buys a nice bottle of red wine. Offers a nice massage, a walk, a vacation. Nothing seems to work.
-Itachi is starting to get frustrated and nervous. He doesn’t understand, and he hates it. And he doesn’t want to come out and say it out loud, because he feels vulnerable when his S/O is treating him coldly. So he simply asks if there’s anything wrong. When the answer is no, Itachi has reached a conclusion
-they don’t love him anymore. There’s no other explanation. They still say it, but if their behaviour has changed so drastically, that’s the only assumption that makes sense.
-At some point, he will ask if they still love him or if they wish to break up with a lump in his throat concealed by a calm attitude
-I dare the S/O to ignore him or do this shit again 🤬
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duhragonball · 5 months
Do you have any further opinions on Gendo and Shinji having some potentially not healthy views on women?
I'll see what I can come up with.
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Gendo uses multiple women throughout the story, but I'm not sure that indicates an unhealthy attitude toward women in particular. He exploits men, including his own son, just as readily.
I find his affairs with the Akagis hard to explain, because he seemed so laser-focused on his objectives, and so averse to forming any close relationships with anyone. Even if his relationships with the Akagis were purely physical for him, it still seems like the sort of thing he wouldn't indulge in... unless he thought it would bring him closer to what he actually wants.
I guess my personal theory is that he didn't seduce the Akagis, but they threw themselves at him, and he played along because he needed their talents too badly to risk pushing them away. Naoko was practically rooting for Yui to die in that accident, so it seems likely that she fell in love with Gendo while they worked together and made her move after Yui was out of the picture. Gendo might have rejected her, but he needed the Magi supercomputer that she was building.
Only after the Magi were completed did he turn against her, calling her a "useless old hag". I think he was counting on Rei to hear him saying it, and used her to provoke Naoko into doing something drastic. Although, considering how important Rei was to his plans, it seems odd that he'd put Rei in such a risky position.
In any event, Ritsuko watched the tail end of Naoko's relationship with Gendo and immediately decided she wanted next. This seems really foolish, considering Naoko's fate, but I get the impression that Gendo is this charismatic enigma, the sort who attracts people to his cause, in spite of his cold and repulsive personality. Maybe Ritsuko thought she could fix him, or she just found him fascinating and wanted a closer look. And so Gendo found himself in the same position all over again, playing along with a new lover to ensure her cooperation with his plans.
That doesn't make him blameless, of course. He saw these women offering themselves to him, and he used their infatuation to his advantage. I guess what I'm saying is that he didn't get entangled in those relationships because he was lonely or horny, or desperate to feel powerful. He just played along with them for as long as they were useful, and then discarded them when they ceased to be useful.
I'd say that probably explains his apparent closeness to Rei as well. They only get along well because he needs her for his plans, and she's willing to go along with literally anything he wants her to do.
But, again, I don't know that this has anything to do with their gender. If Rei were a boy, I don't think it would change much for him. If the Akagis were men, he'd probably still use their attraction to him to his advantage.
Regarding Shinji... man, I don't know.
Yesterday I watched a couple of old Folding Ideas videos about End of Evangelion. Dan Olson was talking about how the movie served as Hideaki Anno's "revenge" against obsessive fans who hated the original ending in Episodes 25 and 26. I think the "revenge" theory of EoE is still open to debate, but I still need to do more research into that. Anyway, Olson was pretty confident about it, since it explains how different Shinji is portrayed in each ending.
In EoTV, Anno used Shinji as a medium to explore his own psychological problems, and the ending is more positive. But in EoE, Anno uses Shinji to represent the emotionally stunted otaku he was so mad at. So in the movie, Shinji never "does anything" or "learns anything". He wallows in self-pity, demands Asuka's sympathy, and strangles her when he doesn't get it. He's a petulant child throughout the whole film, and the misogyny is on full display.
Olson explains that Shinji is useful for this sort of thing because he started out as the standard anime protagonist: a blank slate that the audience could project their own identities upon. By the end of the TV series, Anno could easily turn Shinji into his alter ego, and use him to express his own anxieties and fears. And when the otaku rejected this, it was like they wanted Shinji back the way he was so he could be their avatar instead, Anno granted their wish, making EoE-Shinji a representation of all of their worst qualities.
And that's an interesting interpretation, but what frustrates me is that it basically leaves no room for Shinji to be a character in his own right. He's just a vessel for whatever Hideaki Anno wants him to represent. If Anno is feeling introspective, he'll make Shinji in his own image. If he's mad at the otaku, he'll turn Shinji into a straw man.
And that makes it hard for me to really talk about Shinji's attitude towards women. Early in NGE, he basically behaved himself and seemed to prefer keeping his distance from girls, if only to avoid any awkwardness. Misato and Asuka kind of brought him out of his shell a bit, and then in EoTV he seems to rely on them to help him figure out his damage. In EoE he seems desperate for a woman-- any woman-- to make him feel happy, forever. If he can't have that, he'll either go limp or throw a fit.
I don't know what the throughline is with Shinji. If I understand commentators like Dan Olson correctly, there is no throughline with Shinji. He's just a placeholder for one psyche or another. Still, I suppose he's defined by the loss of his mother, and there's always this lingering temptation for him to think he can just retreat from his problems and take refuge in a woman's embrace. Early on, he's reluctant to accept Misato's hospitality and compassion, maybe because he can't believe it's genuine. Later, he starts to appreciate her more, and then he begins to take the women in his life for granted a bit. In EoTV, he pulls back from that mentality, but in EoE he sinks deeper into that false hope that a woman can make him safe and whole.
Am I making any sense here? I'm not sure.
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gaygoetia · 5 months
Fallout TV Season 2 Wishlist
- MORE. WOMEN. This is the number one for me. Get Lucy some female companion options please! I also really want to see Steph and Barb get more screentime and development.
- More (any) queerness! I think it would be particularly interesting to explore in the context of Vault 33, given their culture is so focused around traditional 50's values and their mission to repopulate the earth. They don't address it specifically in the show so I'm curious to know whether same sex relationships are frowned upon in the Vault or treated as ok as long as it stays casual (the way hooking up with cousins is implied to be).
- More robots!! I am a known robot lover to the extent that I wrote my uni dissertation on portrayals of robots on television so ofc I want more robot content in Fallout. Specifically I would love to see more iconic robots from the video games like the Protectrons, Synths and the TV robots from New Vegas. It would also be cool to see a robot get hacked or reprogrammed (I know we saw it a little with Snip Snip but I'm thinking something a bit more sophisticated haha)
- Super Mutants! Would love to see these in the show and see what kind of interactions they would have with the characters (especially Cooper)
- More pre-war flashbacks, especially from the POV of other characters like Barb, Steph and Hank. Would love to get a better insight into what led them to where they are now and how the apocalypse has changed them.
- On a similar note I am so excited to hopefully see present-day Barb and Janey. It would be interesting if Janey is now a teenager or an adult and maybe doesn't even remember her pre-war life any more.
- New Vegas. Much as I love the other games and the world of Fallout in general, the setting of New Vegas is unparalleled and I hope it hasn't changed too drastically in the years since FNV. It would be so interesting to see how sheltered characters like Lucy and Max react to all the open vice and debauchery of the Strip.
- More insights into Vault life and/or vault experiments. I really liked how season 1 had a storyline within the vault and showed a little of the culture and hierarchical structure in 33, then contrasted it against Vault 4.
- On a similar note to the above I hope we get some Norm flashbacks. I love that short king and am curious how he ended up with such a cynical attitude that's so opposite to literally everyone else we see in Vault 33. I would also love love love to get more of a sense of his relationship with Lucy and their experience growing up together.
I'm sure there's way more than I haven't thought of yet but these are the first things that come to mind.
What do y'all think? What are you excited to see in season 2?
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seriouslysam8 · 7 months
I’ve never understood Wolfstar, Jegulus, or Drarry. Yes, Sirius and Remus were friends but they went that close. If they were would Sirius have believed Remus was a spy? Did this conversation not come up as he was gazing into his eyes or shagging his brains out? Would Remus not have tried to bail or see Sirius in jail? None of it adds up. Jegulus doesn’t make sense either. There’s no interaction between James or Regulus, if James was going to choose a Black it would be Sirius not Regulus. This is the Wolfstar gang wanting to pair James with someone else because they believe Sirius belongs to Remus. Plus, James would never date a death eater. Then there’s Drarry, and I don’t get this pairing at all. They have nothing in common other than being Seekers at quidditch which we don’t even know if that was Draco’s position or if he was placed into that because it was all that was available on the Slytherin team. Harry hates everything about Draco, his morals, his friends, his attitude, and his family, his existence, and his face. Would Harry have really cared if Draco died in the fire? Probably not. He would have felt bad for a few seconds because he’s a cabbage and maybe when Narcissa asked if Draco was alive he would have been thinking fuck I should have tried harder to save the lil bitch (although I can guarantee Harry would have lied to Narcissa about Draco because he needed to get rid of Voldemort). Rorry makes way more sense than Drarry. And don’t even get me started on Drinny. Ginny would have never let that ferret touch her and if she was forced to marry him, you best believe my girl found a way to murder the whole Malfoy family in one night. What all of these pairings have in common is Remus, Regulus, and Draco are completely off character and writer makes them the Casanova of Hogwarts. There’s nothing in the books about Remus being good looking, Regulus is decent looking but not as attractive as Sirius, and there is not even one line of Harry thinking Draco is a good looking guy. The Drarry shippers have made me hate the pairing so much that I can’t even ship Scorbus lol. I hate that kid and want him to die for just being a Malfoy 🤣. I know it’s not fair but you can thank the Drarry shippers for my hatred of Scorbus and pushing their agenda.
I agree with you on all fronts (except for Scorbus because I loooove me some Scorbus and it’s the only thing making me keep Draco alive!)
Wolfstar is like the friends to lovers trope. But I don’t think they were that close either. They thought each other were the spy!! It just doesn’t make sense. I’d love to hear how Wolfstar writers write this. Like do they just forgo canon like they do these characters personalities?? You could maybe sell me on post-Azkaban Wolfstar but they need to be in character and you need to make it make sense, you know?? Even then, I’m suspect. You’d have to do a lot of convincing for me to try it.
James dating a Death Eater?? No, makes zero sense whatsoever. James hated the dark arts. He hated Death Eaters. He would never have dated Regulus. Ever. From what I understood, the characterizations of them are bad in order to make them work.
Now, if you wanted a good friends to lovers couple, I would recommend a nice Prongsfoot or Rarry, like you said. If you want the little cabbage to be born (which I know I do), I love me a well done Jilypad. That throuple just makes sense on so many levels. I’d love to read a long fic with this couple, but I’ve only found short one shots. And, in my mind, Hinny is together in every universe… except the one where Rarry is together. End of story. Sorry, there is one universe where Hinny is not together.
As for Drarry, I view it as like a Dramione. They both make the same amount of sense and you do have to drastically change their canon personalities to make it work. I’m not a big fan of enemies to lovers. But that’s just me.
Now, I do love Scorbus. It’s very Romeo and Juliet with their forbidden love because their families hate each other. There’s not enough good Scorbus out there.
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jazzysnazzys · 1 year
Love at First Fight.(Part 2)
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Joel Miller x Fem Reader, (WC: 2k)
AN: hello again my bees! ive been having a lot of fun writing this in my free time, and i think im going to start posting on here more! if you have any suggestions or prompts you’d like me to write dont hesitate to send me an ask my loves <333 thats all from me, enjoy!
warnings: descriptions of gore, cursing, slow burn, mentions of age gap?, enemies to lovers, consumption of juice (drink responsibly!!)
You were always a heavy sleeper before the outbreak. Sleeping in till noon on weekends, your alarm waking everyone else up but you, and no matter how much sleep you got; you always ended up tired.
This world wasn’t fit for people like that. Swift movement and quick escapes had forced you to drastically change your habits in order to survive.
You quickly awoke to the sound of heavy feet shuffling inside the poor excuse of a cave you collectively decided to rest in. Peeking over your shoulder, you found Joel brewing some coffee.
You rubbed your eyes and let out a yawn, giving a curt nod to Joel who obviously didn’t return it.
Jerk .
You rolled your eyes and got out of your sleeping bag, stretching. Joel watched you like a hawk as you walked over towards him. You stared at his coffee.
“Can I-“
“No.” He cut you off before you could finish.
“You don’t have to be such a dick. I’m one of you now.” You glared at him.
“You’re only here because the kid practically begged me to let you stay.” He pointed at Ellie’s sleeping body inside of her sleeping bag, looking all cozy.
“Otherwise I’d have killed you on the spot.” He continued, his piercing gaze was filled with disdain.
Who the hell did he think he was? You guys had just met, and he decides to treat you no better than an infected! You wondered if he was always like this or if the outbreak had really changed him.
“You don’t scare me.” You shot back, standing your ground.
“I should.” He practically spat at you angrily.
“Can you two stop flirting so loud? I’m trying to sleep.” Ellie spoke in a groggy voice, pointing between the two of you.
“We’re not-“ You started.
“I don’t care. Just don’t suck faces in front of me.” Ellie smirked at you and rubbed her eyes. What was it with people cutting you off today?
You groaned, shaking your head before walking over to your bag. You were voided of your weapons, courtesy of the old man, only having a knife to defend yourself with.
Pulling the heavy bag onto your shoulders, you watched as Ellie got up and started her playful banter with Joel.
“Enough. Let’s head out.” Joel looked at Ellie, ignoring you completely.
You sighed and followed Joel, Ellie waiting for you like the angel she is.
Today was going to be a long day.
You kept silent most of the walk, listening intently as Ellie rambled on about some cards she liked to collect. As she spoke, you glanced over at Joel who seemed like he would rather be anywhere else in the world than with the two of you. You wondered how this girl had put up with his attitude.
Ellie followed your eyes to the direction of Joel and she let out a giggle.
“Don’t mind the old man, he’ll warm up to you soon enough. He was just like this with me when we first met, and now we’re like…best friends. Right Joel?” Ellie grinned as she glanced at Joel.
“Shut up.” Joel didn’t spare her a look.
“See? Practically attached at the hip.” Ellie’s humor made you chuckle to yourself and ruffle her hair.
Your eyes locked with Joel. You tried to see what were in those eyes. Hurt? Anger? You almost felt bad for him.
“Hellooo?” Ellie shook your arm trying to grab your attention.
“Uh, yeah?” You snapped out of your thoughts, staring at the girl.
Ellie smirked, an idea crossing her mind.
She ran a couple steps ahead of you and Joel, leaving the two of you to walk side by side.
“I’m gonna go up here!” Ellie glanced back at you two, both you and Joel looking very unamused.
The atmosphere was thick with tension.
You were the one to try and break it.
“So…where are you from?” You shot a glance at Joel, who was of course ignoring you.
“Okay, uhm, how’d you end up with the kid?”
Joel kept his pace not even sparing you as much as a look.
“I don’t understand why you have to be such a jerk. You barely know me!” You whisper yelled at him, your anger rising.
“You answered your own question.” He spoke sternly, continuing to walk forward.
“You should get to know me before you judge me! You’re such a dick. I’ve been trying to be nice and all you want to do is brush me—“
“What?” You blinked.
“Texas. I’m from Texas.”
You sighed, exasperated.
“Yeah, I figured with your thick accent, cowboy.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Sure thing, cowboy.”
You shot him a glance, which he returned with annoyance.
“Hey guys! I think I see a town up ahead!”
Ellie interrupted your ‘friendly’ conversation.
Joel quickened his steps to catch up to her as did you.
Joel scanned over the neighborhood, seeing if any of the houses looked good enough to scavenge. After finding one, he nodded his head towards it to signal you and Ellie to follow him.
He kicked down the door and has his shotgun out as soon as the door fell. You felt weak as your hand gripped the knife that Joel had so graciously allowed you to keep.
Suddenly, the sound of yelling runners alerted the three of you. You pushed Ellie behind yourself out of instinct and ran up to one. Joel was wrestling with one before breaking its skull open with the back of his gun. You plunged your knife in one’s head repeatedly, before it fell down. You checked to see if Ellie was alright, but her eyes were filled with fear as she screamed at you.
“Watch out!”
You were tackled by one that had gotten the jump on you. It’s disgusting, mutilated face growled at you as it pounced on you. Your knife was right next to you, but taking one hand off of the infected would leave it to overpower you. You struggled against it when all of a sudden a large hand threw the infected against the wall, relieving you from the heavy weight.
Joel punched the runner’s head repeatedly. It was already limp, it’s head spewing out brains and other bodily fluids. Joel kept punching it, grunts escaping his mouth as he turned the infected’s head to mush. You were on your hands, catching your breath and watching Joel beat the once human, to a pulp. Once Joel was satisfied, he exhaled hard.
He turned to look at you.
“Are you bit?” Joel’s eyes were deranged. He looked like a madman.
“No.” You quickly responded.
“Good. Let’s look around for anything useful.” Joel acted as if he didn’t just commit an inhuman act of violence.
It intrigued you even more.
You got up and wiped the dirt off of you as you lead Ellie with you to check for supplies.
You didn’t end up finding much. A couple cans of food and a half full bottle of alcohol.
What you did end up finding that peaked your interest the most, was a bottle of wine.
You quickly shoved it in your pack before following Joel and Ellie.
You three had basically checked all of the houses in the small neighborhood, only a couple run ins with some runners and a single clicker.
Ellie had her sights set on one of the houses you guys had checked out. She wanted to stay in it for the night. Through non-stop nagging, Joel finally gave in.
Walking into the home, you looked at a framed photo of a family. Silently, you apologized to the family that used to live here and thanked them for their shelter. You had a feeling they weren’t around anymore.
“I call the upstairs bedroom! Don’t get too loud down here you two!” Ellie ran up the stairs and you and Joel could both hear her slam the door shut.
You and Joel shared a look as there was of course, only one bedroom downstairs. With one bed.
Of course.
Of. Fucking. Course.
“I’ll take the couch.” Joel grunted as he moved to sleep on the couch.
“Cut the bullshit Joel. The bed is big enough for both of us. We’re adults.” You looked over at him and he shrugged as he picked up his things to go to the bedroom you both were about to share.
As he sat down, he slipped off his boots.
Meanwhile, you took out the bottle of wine you had been saving in your pack. You popped the cork off and took a swig, savoring the taste.
Joel eyed you curiously as you drank the liquid. You could feel his gaze on you. He held out his hand for you to pass the bottle.
“What’s the magic word?” You smirked.
“Just give it.” He let out an annoyed gruff.
“Uh-uh. I shouldn’t. You didn’t share your coffee with me this morning. Say the magic word.” You teased.
“The offer is going away quickly. Going once, going twice-“
You giggled and handed the bottle to him.
“That’s more like it.”
He took a huge swig of the bottle and let out a content sigh.
“Good find.” He spoke.
“The Joel Miller complimenting me? I must be dreaming.” You spoke with sarcasm, taking the bottle and gulping down another sum.
“Shut up.” He grunted.
You both continued to share the bottle for a while and for the first time, there was little tension in the room.
Even though the wine must have been years old, you felt the familiar feeling of alcohol oozing in your veins. You felt a little bold.
“Sooo. What’s your story?”
“Don’t matter.” He stared at the wall in front of you both.
“Well it does to me. Speak up. I’m listening.” You waited for an answer that never came.
“Fine, fine. Touchy subject. Sorry. What will you share will me?” You sighed, your vision a little distorted.
“I’m just trying to survive. Along with the kid. S’all you need to know.” Joel huffed.
“Well, you don’t gotta be a stranger. I’m here.” You tried to comfort him.
You knew for a fact that he was a broken man. Probably had a family before the outbreak. You could tell by the way he would lovingly stare at Ellie like she was his reason to keep going. She probably was. The way he would suddenly get broody when Ellie would ask you questions about your account of outbreak day. Of course, you’d never pry the information out of the man, however much of a dick he is, he didn’t deserve it. No one did. Though it had been years since the outbreak, the grief never did go away. Neither did the memories.
Unbeknownst to you while you were lost in your head, Joel had already fallen asleep, snoring softly with your wine bottle in his hand.
He looked so at peace. The familiar crease of his brow no longer present. The scowl that was usually plastered on his face was gone, replaced with a calm expression.
You took the time to admire his features for once.
He by no means was young, but that didn’t make him any less handsome.
The way his hair fell perfectly into curls, his strong nose bridge, and prominent brow bone made you stare even longer.
If only he wasn’t such a dick.
You soon passed out next to him as well, both of your legs tangled together, and his arms slightly holding your waist.
Another day awaited you tomorrow.
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karenarella22 · 1 year
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This Chapter Contains Graphic Content, Read it at your own risk.
-Today is August 16th 2018, it is 10:38 and we will begin with the statement of Elizabeth Morgan, you can introduce yourself and tell us your age and relationship with the victim please-
-My name is Elizabeth Morgan...-
-Looking at the camera, please- I point to the device over my left shoulder.
-I am 40 years old and I am the widow of Nick Morgan-
-When was the last time you saw your husband alive? - I look at the notes in our file.
-I saw him on June 27th when he was getting ready to go to work- she moved her hair out of the way on a ponytail.
-What time was that? - I take note of his words.
-At approximately 8 in the morning...sorry I don't understand what are we doing here, the police already took my statement from me when they went to notify me of the death of my husband...-
-We know that, but in order to build a good case against your husband's murderer we have to have all the facts clear, it is good that the statements are recorded in case at any time the jury needs to see them as evidence, don't worry, these are formalities so as not to run the risk of the statement changing and this influencing the investigation, you just have to say if you think that you require a lawyer here and we'll call one for you, but it's just a routine statement, I don't think you'll need a lawyer, right?-
-Of course not, let's continue then- she smiles and settles in the chair, one leg over the other keeping her scrupulous eyes on every detail of my attire.
-Do you know of someone who would like to hurt their husband?-
-I really don't know, as I already told the previous officer- she clarifies with a hint of annoyance in his voice- Nick was very patient with people, he worked in customer service at a car dealership all day, so he didn't knew if he had enemies or not, we didn't talk about work when we were at home-I nod.
-Perfect- Dylan intervenes- How was the relationship between you two?-
-Well we weren't perfect, we had our arguments but we resolved our differences- she shrugs, downplaying the situation.
-Have you ever heard the name of Thomas Wester?-
-No, who is he? - She asks.
-According to the phone records of your husband's cell phone, Thomas Wester and your husband were lovers- she furiously clenches her fists, rising from her chair, hitting her hands on the metal table that separates us.
- How dare you say such barbarities about my husband? – Serenely I took a sheet of the evidence folder and placed it in front of her eyes.
-These are the conversations between the two victims that our digital forensic analysis team managed to recover from your husband's phone, some are explicit messages and others not so much but they profess an eternal love between the two of them, don't you think?-
-Then it was true...- she growls between teeth as she takes the sheets of papers to read them. She drastically changes her gaze letting us see the true self of this woman, aggressive and dangerous.
-Giving your attitude I assume you already knew about it- I crossed my arms accommodating my anatomy on the chair with my gaze fixed on those empty eyes that were hiding behind the façade of grieving widow.
-I suspected it actually- Elizabeth takes a seat back in her place-Not really until the date he disappeared-
-What made you change your mind, Mrs. Morgan? - I make more observations in my notebook.
-The day he disappeared I received a brown paper envelope, it had no address or postal code, what it did have were certain photos- she shakes his head from side to side as if trying to prevent these memories from reappearing.
-What photos?-that's Dylan again.
-Photos of my husband, you know- she rotates her hands clearly uncomfortable-.
-No, I don't know, ma'am, I remind you that everything you don't say or stop saying can be misused in court I need concrete information, if you need a lawyer to advise you, we'll call you one, so I'll ask you again to be explicit, please-
-They were photos of my husband with that Thomas guy- she gnashes her teeth with fury.
-You must have felt a lot of anger I suppose-
-That's right, but I just wanted to find him- the widow's pseudo-lament is interrupted by the door that opens, revealing Cadet Becket with a piece of paper in his hand.
-Becket it better be important...-
-Yes, of course, excuse the interruption- he approaches the table without taking his eyes off the woman- we found something that you guys should know- I take the paper reading it briefly.
-Thank you very much, cadet, this will be very helpful- I look back at the widow- well ma'am we'll take a minute, I have to check some information I'll be right back- I turn off the video camera, leave the room and walk directly to the conference room where Dylan is next to the sergeant.
I watch the screen for a few seconds, inside the interrogation room there are always two cameras available to the police, a manual one that allows us to interview criminals and close-up shots of the confessions that are later analyzed by the behavioral analyst of the police. Brigade and one built into the wall, usually to record interrogations of victims and possible suspects who, so that they do not feel intimidated, is always recording from an angle where they cannot see the camera, even when they are told that they are being filmed.
A completely different woman is the one I see now; she angrily walks from one side to the other as if she were a caged lion looking for a way to escape, rubbing her restless desperate hands in search of a little peace.
-Make the call I'll go for the prosecutor- I take the phone and dial the number written on a small crumpled piece of paper on the table. I look through the screen waiting for some new development. The phone rings on the other end of the line, the widow reaches into her purse and pulls out a mobile phone. Answering what appears to be an urgent call.
-Hello Elizabeth or should I call you fury? - I walk back to the interrogation room- I think you will need a lawyer now-
-What are you talking about?-is she really playing dumb?
-Elizabeth Morgan, you are under arrested for 6 counts of murder and the attempted murder of Thomas Wester, in addition to illicit association to commit the crimes- I take the woman's arms and put the handcuffs on her with a little effort- you have the right to a lawyer, if you can't afford one the state will provide one...-
-Wait please, what can I do to save myself from death penalty?-ok... that was faster than I thought it would be.
-Depends on what you can offer us- I sit her back in the chair abruptly.
-I want it on paper, a deal that ensures that they will not give me the death penalty and that I will be serving a sentence in a minimum security prison- I hear the prosecutor enter the room.
-Good afternoon detective... Mrs. Morgan-
-Greg- I greet him without taking my eyes off the harpy widow who is complaining about how painful the handcuffs are.
-We don't usually negotiate with assassins, ma'am, why do you think that with you the situation will be different-
-I know the identity of all the participants in the murders, and the place where they usually meet, there are the plans of all the murders, they were planned and are meticulously detailed and also I know who the last victim is- she mocks.
-I want the deal, then I'll tell you everything- she leans on the back of the chair, I look at Greg who, with no other alternative, sits in front of her and begins to write the paper that will seal the fate of the life of some poor soul that he will not even know what he did wrong to fall into the clutches of this malicious group.
It all comes down to a sheet of paper and a pen.
Once I remove the handcuffs without second thoughts, the woman who at some point called herself fury takes the pen and signs her name at the bottom of the page.
-Ok now speak- I demand.
-Take a seat official because this will be very long story to tell-
-About 8 months ago I received a letter on the porch of my house, just a piece of paper with an address inside and a quote that said "I have information about your husband's adventures" this caused me a lot of intrigue because it was right at the time in which Nick began to act differently, the usual late arrivals, phone calls at strange hours which he answered in another room, the typical of an affair. Believing that he was a jilted ex, I decided to approach the address and see what was happening.When I came to a forest just outside of Little Peak, a very old cabin with a small windmill by the door near a creek, I thought for a moment that they couldn't get more romantic, the place is right in the middle of nowhere I was sure no one could find it- my stomach churns at his words.
That old oak shack was almost dismantled by the elements after we abandoned it, I don't think it's the same place but how many shacks in the middle of Little Peak can there be with a windmill at the door.
-When I got to the entrance the door was half open, I decided to go in, I went through the central living room of the house where there was no one...-
-Without so much detail please, this is not a novel- I interrupt anxiously, I move my leg trying to release the anxiety that just remembering that gloomy space causes me.
When I got to the back garden I saw at least six more people, the one I assumed to be the owner of the house began to speak, at first I was angry, I thought it had been a bad joke since neither my husband nor his supposed lover were there, in his place were six strangers whom I had never seen in my life, the supposed leader began to read from a book, old leather- she makes some gestures with his hands- it seemed like a bad joke but as he was reading his reasons seemed logical to me, he talked about getting rid of the impure people around us, of the problems that they bring us, he said that we should continue with the legacy that the universe had placed on our shoulders, he said that we should plunge this town into chaos again in order to cleanse our souls, his arguments were so convincing, as if a force controlled us since we entered that house, and we all agreed to do so.
That house, damn house seems to influence the thoughts of everyone who enters there.
-I need an exact map of the place where the cabin is located, please- I impatiently handed her my notebook and pen, as well as the names of all the people you met.
A Machiavellian smile appears brightening his face as she writes with all the patience a human being can have. The prosecutor motions for me to step outside for a moment, leaving her in Becket's hands.
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btelling · 2 years
Hi there! For the ask game - 1: What inspired you to write the fic (The Squib) this way?
Oh yay! Someone asked one!! Hello anon, and thank you! Excellent question, and I'll assume here by "this way" you mean POV, general story structure, and setting etc, but shout again if I don't answer your question. For POV, I wanted something drastically different than my original fiction project which is first person, very short sections, and multi POV. It's a lot of fun but it can be such a headache at times because I get very caught up in not liking to write set-dressing in first person. When I walk into a room I don't think to myself "I walked into the room, the green walls dappled with the weak morning sun, my coffee cup from yesterday forgotten just like the memory of my past lovers, John was the worst. I met him two weeks ago at a bar down the street...." and on and on. So I wanted to get out of that headache and free up the part of my brain that just wanted to GO. Third person close is so lovely for that. You have the freedom to really dive into a character's psyche, but also to comment on that as the author. And to set dress and to shift in time. You have a lot more narrative control. It's a lot easier to move about the space so to speak. And since this is an AU where I need to build a new world, I needed to move easily about the space. And then try as I might I can never move past multi POV truly. Harry to me is the main character in The Squib, he feels like the home base. But I love being able to jump around to other characters if the story wants to, and this one definitely needs to because each character has such a unique relationship with the muggle world that brings such wonderful opportunities for exploring this horrifying new landscape they all find themselves in. I also LOVE, in a story that jumps POVs, exploring who gets the narrative when. And who do we never hear from, and why. So more fun things to come with POV hopefully! It's all stuff I love exploring. For the prologue, that came all out in one draft. One fell swoop. I knew I wanted it to be from this collective POV in a way, of all the muggles watching this broadcast. A play on JK's muggle prime minister chapter if you will. Also another POV I love playing with is collective POVs. They're so fun and it felt really apt here. And a prologue felt like it was really needed, and I think it can work really well in dystopian fiction if used intelligently - I'm thinking about how Atwood has these just stunning almost prologue feeling short openers in Oryx & Crake and Handmaid's Tale or the opening scene in the first episode of The Last of Us -- you get a flavor of the world you're about to sink into and they're just... ugh delicious. But yes, hopefully it's used well here!
For structure/timeline, I love a time jump and then reflecting back on how quickly (or not) the world changed. We all know how JK left the wizarding world, so seeing the shock of that reveal for the reader is so fun, and then having the characters either incredibly used to this horrible new reality (which, that blasé attitude can be so rich and shocking and horrifying, discovering just what new realities characters have grown used to) or having them still continually discovering new horrors, either is so ripe. It's such a great tool for sprinkling in world building details and angsty longing for times past. I think we all got to experience that during the lockdowns. I know I got caught up a lot in the melancholy remembering of how things used to be vs. the stark contrast of where they now were. I live in quite a dense metro area and walking around the once-busy, then absolutely dead streets and seeing the closed shops and restaurants was profoundly shocking. Something Capital B Capital D "Big Deal" is happening. They are ripe for the opportunity to bring in memory, bring in character -- what preoccupies a character's mind, why they keep coming back to THOSE memories or those longings. One of the scenes I love in the first real chapter is when Harry longs/morosely daydreams about how he and Ginny, in another world, could have been building their life and living in their own flat, having their friends and family over for dinners and he dissolves into pulling in, not just characters who are recently missing or dead in The Squib, but who are dead in canon before the events of the story. We know Harry wants to start back the clock, so to speak, and can't accept this current reality (who could) but where would he even start it back from? It's really fun to play with. And setting, one of the spaces I always return to when writing is suburbia. I was raised in just a dreadful suburban town, that started out quite small when I was young and just ballooned into this awful ex-urban sprawl of strip malls and mini mansions and cookie cutter developments and neon and asphalt and unwalkable spaces. Suburbia is angst to me. It's so full of these weird liminal spaces and this frustrated longing and this ill-contented malaise. I always find a way back to it when writing. And the opportunity to force Harry back to Privet Drive? Sorry Harry, it just was too good to pass up. He rejected the muggle world and now the wizarding world or his wizard-ness, the thing that allowed him to escape in the first place, is forcing him back. And I can think of nothing worse than thinking you've escaped your original trauma and being forced back into it again. So yeah, sorry Harry.
Thanks for reading! xx
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mommydragon-of-all · 5 years
Answering this from @hadiden-lavellan
Soren's brows furrowed in indignation at the words, and as Hadiden turned from Cullen he was already in mid step to follow him, grab him maybe, turn him around, make him see reason.
"Oh thats high," he threw ahead, "I wasnt even born innocent." But his momentum was haltered by a strong arm, and his burning gaze jumped to the commander in his way, pissed and incredulous about the whole scenario.
It was one thing that the blond elf believed Soren truly under his command, he was playing the inquisitions puppet decently enough in order to stay around in the middle of this new mess, but for people to believe they actually could stand in Sorens way, make him oppose the drive of his heart, that was ridiculous. He may have indulged it with an amused smirk, staying in his supposed role momentarily and going around it right after, had he not been so worked up. But he was pushed past play pretend by a protesting fire stirring in him like a waking dragon. 
Soren may have started to develop a bit of an itch to do as it pleased Hadiden, but he answered to no man, and his need to protect the dummy grew bigger by the day. Even if he had to face the mans fury for it, he was NOT leaving this idiotic martyr wanna be to his fate. The idea was noble and admirable, but the execution looked like giving up, and Soren loathed it. Here he was after all, taking this mad dive while throwing away one of his greatest weapons, a fine piece of blood magic work. Not that he was quite aware of Sorens countless enhancements, but still, he sure had a glimpse by now of just how efficient a beast of destruction he could be. Besides, he was no man to run *from* trouble, and much less so a man to leave people he cared about behind in mortal danger. The idea of leaving Hadiden behind so ignited a sinking feeling in his stomach. He didnt like it. He didnt like it at all.
He shoved away the restricting arm and started towards Hadidens turned back again, eyes gloving with defiance and determination.
"The only way-..." he was interrupted by iron grips halting his steps, from both sides now, along with some words that flew by his ears, and he clicked his tongue in annoyance. He had no patience now to pay this chain of command game.
An irritated tic to his pointy nose and he was done playing roles, done fitting in, done with these pathetic shackles latching on him. The two man were clutching his arms, legs wide and bodies stiff as they held their position restraining Soren. Or so they believed.
With his arms “held down” in their grasps he grabbed the two man by their belts and lifted them both, tossing them back with a casual ease one might shrug small monkeys off with, not grown man in full heavy armor. The momentum had them both slipping off his arms and stumble back several steps after they touched the ground again, the commander finding his footing first and steadying the other man. Soren didnt mean harm, he just flicked them off like the annoying little pests they were being at the moment, but that nonchalant effortlessness widened the mans -and onlookers- eyes even more.
Soren paying no mind to anyone but the other elf ahead of him, continued.
"The only way im leaving Haven is towards that incoming mayhem. Why not just let me loose on it, for fucks sake? Im the Master of mayhem!"
He noticed Hadidens back stiffening, as if he braced himself to say or do something perhaps, 'most likely to continue being stubborn', Soren thought with a huff.
"You know what? File your complaints after we’re done with this." Whatever the proper procedure this charade had standing, he would deal with it later. He wasnt one to ponder consequences whenever there was time to act. So with that said he turned his steps towards the entrance instead.
He was done reasoning too. It was a pointless exercise in stubbornness, and they had no time to have that match right now.
What he didnt expect though, was 'friendly fire'. He grew soft to a lot of these people already, had his usual guards down, senses filtering out the familiar, trusted movements. Big mistake. One that bit him in the ass a good few times already. Even Cáren couldnt beat that lesson into him, and she did toss mean surprise blows at him often enough to try. Well, if it wasnt always for purely educational purposes, that was still a counted bonus. Still, no use, once one was filed as friendly, the alerts went down.
A rush of magic filled his head and the world tilted, stretching distant and disappearing into thick darkness. 'How clever' was Sorens last thought in his surprised state, distracted for a moment before blacking out. It was just enough time for his quick brain to figure it was Dorians move, the one who knew enough of the loopholes in his magical artefacts and accessories defenses, and could pull that, well, less than reputable spell out of his finger. Impressed or not on that account, there was a thunderstorm to face... later... after he woke up.
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bajibitch · 2 years
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How they’d react to being with someone who is flirtatious pt.2
Tetta, Shinichiro, Emma, Mochizuki, and Izana
Warnings: implied toxic relationships for some, mentions of sex
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He assumed it would stop the minute he confessed his love for you so imagine his surprise when the two of you are out and he notices you looking at someone sweetly as you tease them. The difference in how he treats you is drastic. He doesn't want you to be up under him, whenever he talks he has an attitude, he rather you stay at your own home because he wants space, and so much more just to make you feel bad. It isn't until he feels you’ve suffered enough that he tells you how he felt disrespected. You can hate how he went about it, but if you tell him you want out of the relationship he will use the fact that he’s in a gang to get you to stay and be a better lover.
He’d think it's karma if he didn't know how you were before, but since he knows you're flirtatious he doesn't have a problem. He would be bothered if you were lacking when it came to making him feel loved, so as long as you keep giving him kisses, cuddles, and comfort then everything is fine.
She hates it and will start hating you too if you don't take her seriously when she demands that you quit. Like Kazutora she feels as if she has to compete, even though she doesn't tell you it will become obvious in her outfit changes and the way she tries new hairstyles and asks your opinion on them. Eventually, she will end up breaking down in front of you saying how you make her feel undesirable. That will be your last chance to do better and if you don't then she will leave and have her brother beat you up for breaking her heart.
He will let you have your fun since he knows that at the end of the day you're leaving with him and when that happens things will take a heated turn once the two of you are home sometimes. While the two of you are fucking he’d degrade you and have you reminding him who you belong to.
He will beat the ever-living shit out of the person you're flirting with and then ask you what the hell you're doing. If you're smart, you’ll reply by saying nothing and he’ll gladly take you by the hand, and the two of you will walk off while he talks about something he wants to try with you. If you get on him for overreacting then he’ll argue that it never would have happened had you not been cheating and because you made him feel unloved he’d try to hurt you too by making you feel worthless.
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part one
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deadqcaxds · 2 years
the major problem about fanfictions are that people read anything and everything if they are stories about their favorite characters. they might have their nose up in the air when it comes to actual books but they'd pick up the same kind of erroneous fanfiction in a heartbeat.
a reason for that might be that most readers or writers don't consider fanfictions as actual pieces of literature. they think it's something for them to pass time with and therefore, low quality doesn't matter. they forget that actual fanfictions are something even harder to produce than original novels because you have to be mindful since they aren't your OCs.
so here are some of useless apoce's (very aggressive, haha, i'm short-tempered) opinions about where fanfiction writers are going wrong.
changing character personalities- now this is something i'm frankly very annoyed about because changing personalities is unacceptable (unless you are doing AUs).
why the fuck would i click on a fanfiction about soukoku only to find that dazai is some expressionless bastard who doesn't even have is signature comic relief attitude and chuuya is a shivering, feminized version of the actual spirited, passionate and loud mafioso?
seriously, i really don't care if this hits too close to home for some people, because you can always go write an actual novel with your own OCs if you can't maintain the original characteristics of people you are writing the fanfiction on. i didn't come to read about some strangers with the same name as characters who i love and whom their original authors worked painstakingly to produce.
sheesh, imagine your own OCs being changed drastically for the sake of someone else's plot? personally, i wouldn't have forgiven them. trust me, even readers appreciate it more when you stick to their actual characteristics.
covers (not meant for ao3 writers)- wow, simply wow. i never realized i was this pissed over fanfiction writers when it came to the covers they use.
listen, if you have forgotten, let me remind you again, COVERS ARE ALSO A BASIC PART OF STORIES, especially if they are e-books. how do you expect me to get invested when i see a poorly cropped image from pinterest that has no link whatsoever to the characters you are writing about or the story line?
of course there are authors who create some absolutely godly edits for their fanfictions (gimme tips master), but the others can't even choose a proper font/color that will at least be clearly visible.
oh, and don't even get me started on the fact that a baji x reader fanfiction might have a cover starring vanitas— no, hold on, like why? what does that even mean?????? seriously people, if you want tips on making covers, why don't you check my other post?
the english- it's okay, i understand that your first language isn't english sweetie, still doesn't give you the right to type, 'howl walked to calcifer sticks his hand over and moans "AAAAAAAAA I'M DYING I'M DYING!!!!!!!!'"
first of all what did that even mean? and how do you moan a scream? and lastly, don't grammarly ads ever make you wanna pull your hair out? do you not know of it's existence? do you think you can get away with a disclaimer that you don't know english? well newsflash, grammarly can help.
(p.s. no don't even think of asking me about that cursed howl x calcifer fanfiction)
the blurb/synopsis- there is not much i can say about this because most people can nail it, but the others... could you at least pretend to treat your fanfiction as an actual story, posted online to be read by the whole world?
do you think it's funny to say it's a fic about kuroo x kenma and then turn it into a bokuto x akaashi just because the latter ship were introduced as best friends of kuroken and you suddenly decided you like bokuaka more than kuroken halfway into the story?
certain AUs- matchablossom is a married couple/ enemies to lovers ship. i agree. does that mean joe has to lowkey abuse cherry? i thought it was an enemies to lovers and not a toxic story about a over possessive dickhead and his lover with a stockholm syndrome?
likewise, the dom/sub stories and many more, why are they so toxic? just because he is a dom doesn't mean he gotta be openly manipulative and lowkey sociopathic? if that's what your tastes are, i am indeed quite concerned about your choices.
last but not the least, being grateful- hello? readers are your lifeline, who tf are you being so rude to? and why for? do you think you are so much better that you cannot accept criticisms or a loophole kindly pointed out by one of your audience? last time i checked, you were the summer child who said, 'this is my first time writing online, please take care of me'.
in conclusion, please, for heaven's sake, consider your fanfiction as an actual novel and try to match the bars set for them. just because you get loads of reads and kudos doesn't mean you can get away with whatever crap you sprout. oh and by the way, if i have offended someone, um haha, wasn't it your own fault?
that's it for the post, hope most people will agree and not come after me with pitchforks :)
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space-blue · 3 years
I was watching Arcane and thinking about how in each act silco’s stance on where he is about physical affection or physical touch changes so drastically (in all jinx scenes but especially during the bridge/saving jinx part). I wanted to know your thoughts about silco’s relationship with physical touch throughout the show. It sounds simple but it must have been so difficult to have gone through that much change in the amount of time he did. With the amount of traumatic stuff he’s been through It’s honestly Impressive.
Very interesting question, Anon, thank you!
Silco has so little physical contact with others, it's dire. The two people who loved him and who he loved back are the only main ones shown initiating touch, and they both end up being the ones killing him.
First Vander, who was either a close friend or a lover, depending what you ship, drowning him. Then Jinx shooting him right after he told her he'll sacrifice his life's dream and work to keep her at his side in an emotional scene.
Like, seriously... 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。
In the first act he's never shown to touch anyone himself. Even when he pushes Sevika off.
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Vander chokes him (again! yay!) the only other contact is Sevika swating him out of the way (what a boss she is, seriously)
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And then well, Powder's tackle-hug.
I think it's what makes the hand shot so important. 3 episodes in and this is the first time this man willingly choses to embrace another person, lifting his hand oh-so-slowly like this is an action he's giving a lot of thought to. It has weight and meaning.
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In the later acts Silco's relationship with his body is a little bit more worrisome. I just made a post regarding Jinx's abusive attitude to Silco, among other faults, and it's pretty clear that Silco, who seems to not invite any contact by anyone else, tolerates way too much from her.
He never pushes her off or reproaches her for infringing on his personal boundaries and manhandling him. I mean, come on! She stabs him in the face three times!
One thing she never does though is grab his neck. I like to h/c that it would make him pretty ballistic and that it's a no-touch zone for anyone. (Which also makes his reaction to Singed stabbing him there seem pretty mild, eclipsed by his main concern : Where's JINX!?)
This gif though I think reveals what their relationship is usually like.
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He kisses (the band on) her head when she's dying, but I don't think that's the first time. The show seems to drop plenty of hints that they're touchy-feely in their displays of affection and generally comfortable with each other.
Which. Breaks my fucking HEART when she abuses this and hurts him. It's almost like she's too comfortable in their relationship. She doesn't trust him and yet ignores any and all boundaries with the confidence of someone who knows they're too loved to be punished.
A strange dichotomy.
I personally like to think that Silco was a normal dude who was comfortable with touch, and since I ship Vanco, that he was probably happily physical with him.
Then that touch and closeness got completely ruined, along with Silco's trust and many other things, when Vander used his bare hands to choke him and keep him under water.
This was probably followed by long years of not allowing anyone close, both emotionally and physically. He lets the manhandling of Deckard to others for example. I guess that's what goons are for.
When Jinx enters his life, it's a second chance, and I think the old Silco, the one he claims "died" in the Pilt, comes right back out, craving skinship with this new person who fills the hole in his soul that was ripped by Vander. I think he's back to his normal, and that overall act II and III probably show usual levels of interaction, if more strained by the events of the show.
Yes, sadly I don't think this is the first time Jinx was physically abusive to him. He could have used more boundaries, and not just for him. Jinx was in dire need of them.
ALSO, Sevika fucks with Jinx by advising Silco to let her come to him, but it's pretty revealing of how dotting he is that he was off to find her, which ends up resulting in said assault. Sevika is a queen of many things, including meddling.
Anyway, I realise this is fairly rambly, and I'm not sure I really answered your question! x'D
In my own writing in F&D, I've been careful to use physicality to set Powder and Vi apart. The progression of Silco and Vi's comfort around each other is directly reflected by their physical contact sloooowly increasing over time.
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softmafia · 3 years
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Updated Hisoka Headcanons
Warnings: fem y/n, violence, nsfw, hate-love
A/n: it’s been a couple months since I’ve made my first headcanon drabble, which was Hisoka relationship headcanons, but overtime my opinions and headcanons have drastically changed. So here’s an updated version! Some of my ideas haven’t drastically changed, but maybe just a little altered.
Hisoka’s idea of love is very old fashioned, he does love watching soap operas and old romance movies; of course. So he’ll be very loyal and some-what devoted, BUT however, don’t expect him to let up on lusting over people he wants to fight. He’ll obviously tone it down and not make it seem like he wants to fuck them, but he’ll still desire and get aroused over the battle. Remember this doesn’t mean he’ll cheat or doesn’t love you, he just has very questionable power-highs.
When he develops these “feelings” for you, you’d have to strike him as interesting at first, or catch his attention somehow. Let’s face it, you’d have to be really strong. Since I love the enemies to lovers dynamic, I think Hisoka would show emotions by getting angry, so if you’re somebody strong who’s able to make him feel visible anger and frustration; besides his normal nonchalant, mysterious attitude; then he’ll soon find himself getting butterflies.
Don’t expect an actual stable relationship, Hisoka will still leave to fight and leave you with cold shoulders. Even though he dreams of romance and desires you, it’s only a fantasy, he doesn’t plan on changing his habits and still does things on his own accord. Considering you even caught his attention in the first place, you’d be the same too. It would be an on and off hate-love relationship.
Expect having to break up all of the time. Sometimes you’d get annoyed at him and would cut him off for a while, or sometimes Hisoka would leave for so long he just decides that you two are done. But whenever either of you want to slither back into each other’s hearts, it’s pretty easy since you and Hisoka still love each other very much, he just has a weird way of loving people, or just doesn’t care as much to show it.
He’ll let you cuddle next to him, lean next to him, he’ll lift his arm so you can cuddle closer to him, but don’t think that he’ll return the favor, he doesn’t hate it, but he just doesn’t really care for cuddling out in the open, but laying in bed together is a different story.
He’ll comfort you, but he’ll do it briefly and won’t linger on the subject for long. For example, if you’re feeling low about yourself he’ll pull you close and kiss your head, telling you that, “You’re the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, you’re perfection.”
A weird love language, sometimes you’ll find his hands on your body, holding you close to him to the point you can feel his heartbeat against your skin, and sometimes he’ll just completely blank you and only respond with small hums or nods.
Hisoka is a very talented poet; and he’d write you amazing poems about everything he loves about you, how much he loves you, but he’ll never directly hand these to you for whatever reason. He’d somehow manage to slip them behind your ear with his “magician magic” and once you feel something weird against your earlobe you’ll pull it out and find an amazing poem. However, when you confront him about this he doesn’t say anything about it and just blanks you and only replies with small responses again.
He won’t be very emotional with you, even though you are his sweetheart and hold a special place in his heart, and mind. But he will let his guard down whenever you’re truly alone together and act just like a normal human being, but don’t expect him to be soft or sentimental.
He loves teasing you, but not taunting or mocking like he does with his opponents“prey”. Just playful, lighthearted teasing, sometimes he’ll tug at your ears gently.
He’s not emotional or sentimental, but he’s very sweet with you and has a big soft spot for you. If you’re cold he’ll do the most corny thing and pull out a warm blanket from his arm bands, or whatever they’re called, like a true magician. He’d occasionally surprise you by hanging upside down on the ceiling right in front of your face, and pulling you close for a romantic, Spider-Man kiss, but seconds after that; he’ll disappear out of thin air. He also does corny magic tricks to impress you, tease, or make you laugh. He sneaks up behind you just to pull a card out of your cleavage.
It’s common knowledge that he has a lot of issues, he even admits this, among these issues includes jealousy and possessiveness. He’s not a full yandere though, and lets you have freedom and talk to whoever you want, but that won’t stop him from getting spiteful at people who look at you in a way he doesn’t like, or how you’ll talk to people. He’s especially weary and jealous of your friends, he’s very silent about that though, but does always tell you; “You shouldn’t surround yourself with people who serve no purpose, you’re so much better than that.” After all of your friends are out of hearing range, no matter how much strong they might be. Hisoka thinks their existence is pointless and ridiculous, but these feelings also extend from some kind of fear, he sees them as threats to your love for him he’ll never say it though.
One notable trait about him, is that he’s very silent in large crowds or get togethers, and only speaks when he feels like it, but is very observant and listens to every single word, as seen during his time with the phantom troupe. So if you’re in an argument with somebody, he’ll listen closely and only speak up when you get insulted or spoken down to, he’ll have your back in every argument and will fight with you with everything he has. Let’s be honest he’ll probably end up killing the person if they get too much on his nerves.
If you’re somebody who drinks, he hates when you’re drunk. He doesn’t mind drinking, and will take a couple of sips himself, but he finds it foolish and immature when you’re in a drunken state.
He’s an amazing cook, but doesn’t do it all of the time, and when he does it’s usually for himself. Either you have to beg him for a taste of his amazing food, or you’ll have to beg him to cook something.
Although his romantic ideals are old fashioned, he wants somebody strong-willed, powerful and independent, he doesn’t like housewifery and docility. He especially values independence since he does leave a lot, he doesn’t want you to be completely dependent on him, because not only does he find that pathetic; that will make him feel really bad for leaving you.
Hisoka leaves a lot, but does miss you. He won’t make a huge, depressed scene about it, but he’ll romantically take your hand in his and kiss the back of your palm and simply say that he missed you.
You two go on a lot of missions together, he loves the way you fight and loves seeing your power in action, your aura feels amazing against his skin. One time when you two were sparring with each other, he came up with an idea to find a way to make a technique where you could use your ability to support his, and vice versa, essentially creating a “power combo move”. You’re a power couple that are a forced to be reckoned with and have caused so many deaths.
In the bedroom, he’s the dominant one, no questions. He doesn’t like being submissive because it’s just not that fun; to him at least. But he is amazing, Hisoka is so romantic and knows everything to get you going. Sex is very special to him and honestly, he’s been saving himself; you’re the first person he’s ever even touched.
Like I said, he’s very romantic and passionate in bed, you only thought lovers like him existed in movies! Hisoka touches you so gently, yet so firmly and dominantly. His fingertips graze your body and your curves, he kisses you from your breasts to your hips and treats you like a goddess. Every time he fucks you and comes inside of you it’s like a reminder that he owns you, and you belong to him. But, even though he’s passionate, he’s very rough and sometimes gets carried away. He’ll fuck you until you’re sore in all holes and not able to walk right for a couple of days.
Tricks are one way he’ll initiate sex. One night Hisoka decided to surprise you by sneaking up on you in the bedroom, and sitting in front of you. He held up some cards that are face down and told you to pick one, you pulled out the Queen of Spades, he then told you to turn it over and you saw a small sticky note plastered to the card that read, “You’d look so much better naked, and under me~” it was so random and silly you snickered, but it didn’t stop a blush from creeping on your face.
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Someone To You
Pairing: Alive! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Y/N and Luke have been friends for most of their lives and have already spent some time in love, but not knowing how to jump from friends to lovers, they have been stranded in that rare transition for much longer than they should, something that does not go unnoticed neither for them nor for the members of the rock band.
A lot of Luke and Y/N fluff, and a lot of friendship between Y/N and the Sunset Curve boys💖 (oh and my usual nonsense)
Word count: +3k
Songs used: Kiss me by Ed Sheeran and Follow You by Echosmith
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Two in the morning and Y/N has been lying on her bed for twenty minutes trying to go back to sleep without any success. She is about to give up and go to get her journal when an unmistakable knock on the window echoes through the room.
She gets up and turns on the lamp before going to open the lock, her best friend entering the room seconds later and closing the window again before turning to her. The second they are face to face, Y/N lunges at him, entwining her legs tightly across his waist, her face buried completely in his neck, letting the familiarity of his body and scent wash over her.
“Oh god, I missed you.” He whispers in a husky voice, putting his hands on her hips and carefully kicking off his vans with his feet, then moving to her bed, dropping her gently on her usual side.
That's when he can see the girl's face with attention, her features slightly illuminated by the night lamp and making clear that she had been awake before he arrived.
“Difficult night eh?” He asks just before pushing his body forward to jump to the other side of the bed, and she lets out a sweet wholehearted laugh when he stumbles at the last second and ends up falling on his belly on her hips. “This was supposed to be way cooler and smoother.”
“I know Lu, maybe try to just walk next time?”
“Y/N, darlin’. Rockstars don’t just walk, we have to do everything with style.” He gets up and lightly kisses her on the cheek before stepping carefully around her to lie down on his side.
“My mistake, Lucas.” She teases with a smirk and he frowns before playfully sticking his tongue out at her. “Now, what happened? Whenever you appear at the window out of nowhere, it’s because you feel overwhelmed."
He analyzes what she said silently. All the times that he has entered through that window passing through his head, as well as all the hugs and cuddles received. All the years, and feelings and memories making him feel blessed to love her. "I guess you are right, you are my safe place." Y/N's face lights up, and she confidently moves closer to give him a soft kiss on the nose. “And you are mine. Now, spill, handsome.”
He smiles at the compliment, and makes an exaggerated wink that makes her snort. “My mom made me leave the house almost impossible, I was minutes away to miss the gig. I don't understand why it's so hard for her to understand that this is what I was born to do. If I want to be someone in this life, I have to continue on this path, no matter what. I don't want to die and just vanish, I want to leave a mark. We all want our lives to be great and to be remembered." Luke drops his head against the pillow and covers his eyes with his hands, letting his annoyance out.
“I get you, and you know I will always support you.”
“But I just want you to know this. You are someone, Luke. To me, to Reggie, Alex, Bobby, and no matter how much you guys argue, you are someone to your parents. You don't need to connect with everyone to make an impact, just with the people who matter to you.”
He moves his hands behind his head and stares in silence at the ceiling for a few seconds, and then turns to see her with the most charming smile in his repertoire. “Will you come to the Orpheum after we nail the audition?” Anyone would be disconcerted by his attitude, but for Y/N it is a typical Luke Patterson defense mechanism. Whenever he feels like the conversation is getting too heavy or when he just doesn't want to respond, he drastically changes the subject with his best smile to try and distract her.
“Of course I will, It’ll be one of the most important days of your life, I would never miss it. And I would not change you singing in my ear for anything, but there is something so special when you are on stage, it is like being in front of the microphone sets your soul on fire.” She replies with a delighted smile.
"I totally get what you mean. So, you like me to sing you to sleep, huh? C’mere beautiful." He requests before trapping her against him, his calloused fingers quickly finding her hair, stroking it gently as he sings in her ear.
“Settle down with me, cover me up, cuddle me in. Lie down with me, and hold me in your arms” He stops for a second to meet her eyes again and give her a light kiss on the forehead, before confidently singing the chorus. “Kiss me like you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love, falling in love, falling in love.”
Y/N smiles against his neck before finally falling asleep, the peace Luke always gives her completely invading her and melting her in his arms.
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In the morning Y/N snaps her eyes open when she raises her arm to wrap her best friend’s waist and finds the space empty. She sits down and finds a note on her nightstand, Luke's unmistakable handwriting peeking out due to a poorly folded sheet.
“Good morning darlin’, sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, I had to go to the last rehearsal before the auditions. After that we will pick you up to go celebrate <3
PS: you look so hot while you drool my shoulder and the pillows."
The girl can't help but blush, and furiously examines the pillow to see if she actually did it, only to find another little note below it.
“Gotcha.” She rolls her eyes and a little laugh escapes her lips.
Today is a ridiculously important day in the lives of the boys, if they manage to be among the 10 chosen for the second part of the contest, they will compete in the legendary Orpheum for the opportunity to land a record deal.
The four of them have been working like crazy even though the situation with their families has been getting worse in recent weeks, none of them have even thought about giving up. Without much to do during her day off, Y/N allows herself to remember the feeling of being in Luke's arms, the conversation she had with Alex and Bobby just a few days before in the back of her head.
“Why are we doing this again?” Alex asks clearly annoyed while Bobby and Y/N laugh, turning to see Luke and Reggie jamming some songs across the sidewalk, in front of one of the hottest clubs in LA.
“Something about making the band better known before auditions.” she reports, as she closes the buttons on Luke's bleached jean jacket she's wearing.
“I understand that, but couldn’t he wait til tomorrow? We practiced all day, I’m tired as fuck.” The blond replies, getting irritated from exhaustion.
Bobby yawns, his eyes getting heavier as he rests his head in Y/N’s shoulder. “Muffin, I swear, your man has infinite energy.”
“He is not my man, Bobs.” She answers as she rests her head on his, ruffling his hair gently.
"Well maybe you should let him know, because he refers to you as his girl all the time." Bobby informs her, raising his head to see her reaction.
“He does?” Even in the dark both boys can see how red her cheeks are, and how the smile on her face grows with each passing second. Bobby decides to take a chance and keep teasing her.
“My girl is so insanely talented, that’s my sweet girl, my girl said this and I thought it was so freaking awesome because I’m hopelessly in love with her.”
“Man, that was so accurate. 10/10.” Alex replies while laughing, they lean in to highfive above her head, and she can't help but blush even more at her friend's words.
“You guys are the worst.” She wrinkled her nose and they both turned to see each other, agreeing silently that now is the moment to ask one of the questions they had wanted to ask her for months.
“Since we met you are in this strange relationship, in which you are both aware that you are in love with each other, but neither of you does anything. What are you waiting for?" Bobby asks, indicating Alex to support him with his eyes.
“Yeah bro after 3 years, it gets kind of old.” He adds, trying to sound cool.
“I guess, we just think it is not the right time. Since you started the band he has worked tirelessly on his career as a musician and that is what I want him to focus on. We both know what is in our hearts and for now that is more than enough.” She blurts out, trying to get her thoughts in order.
“That was so cheesy I want to die.” Alex answers in reflex, and his eyes go wide when he realizes what he said.
“Oh my God, Alex. Go away! I will never open my soul to you again.”
The girl blushes again, a small smile at the corner of her lips as she remembers how after that her friends continued to tease her with Luke and called her Mrs Patterson for the rest of the night, both she and Luke totally embarrassed when they continued to tease them in the truck on the way home. She decides to get out her notebook and try to write a song, which she hadn't done since Luke formed Sunset Curve, and by the time she finished she had just some minutes before the boys arrived.
She managed to get ready in time, but what she found when she opened the door was not what she expected. The face that greeted her was Reggie's and not Luke's as always, and the sad little smile on the bassist's face wasn't normal either.
She instantly hugs him, making soft circles with her fingertips on his iconic leather jacket.
“Don’t worry about me, sunshine, I’m fine. But he needs you.” He takes her hand and walks toward Bobby's old truck, and Y/N is even more confused when she meets his beaming smile as they climb into the back of the vehicle. Alex is smiling too, but he looks clearly anxious, and Luke is nowhere to be found.
"Can someone explain to me what happened? Where is Luke?"
“We did it, muffin!” He embraces her excitedly, his clear happiness reassuring the stressed girl.
“Congrats guys! I’m so proud of you!” He released her and she hugs Reggie with her left arm and with her free one takes Alex's hand, who takes it in his and fondly kisses her knuckles.
“Thank you Y/N, but going back to Luke, we need your help. Things didn't go as smoothly as we expected and how to put it nicely… he lost it.” The blond informs her while anxiously playing with his necklace.
“You are the one who always shows him the way.” Reggie says with a bigger smile this time.
“Okay, start the truck Bobs, my man needs me.” Alex snorts a laugh and Bobby fulfills her request after smiling teasingly at her.
“You told Bobby he wasn’t your man.” Alex remarked with a smirk, turning his head toward the back seat to look into her eyes.
“And you told the boy at the club that you didn't know Reggie so you wouldn't have to give him his number. What's your point?” She answered swiftly with a mirrored smirk.
The drummer tries to counter attack but fails miserably, instead whispers a “...Well played.” and looks back to the front of the road.
“Was he cute?” Reg asks with genuine curiosity, and they all debate whether the boy was Reggie’s type or not on the way to where Luke is.
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The boys leave her in the big park where the girl already imagined her best friend was, and she walks directly to the place where they sat millions of times throughout her childhood and adolescence, in their little corner of paradise. It doesn't take her long to find a disgruntled Luke sitting against their tree with his guitar three feet away, lying on the grass.
“You look so hot when you are frustrated.” Luke looks up and calms down when he meets her eyes. “I think you are the one who needs a song to relax now.” She adds, pointing out at the guitar. He nods and she picks it up, sitting between Luke's legs, her back leaning against his chest.
She blushes as she begins to play the song she finished composing just an hour ago, grateful that he can't see her face because of the position they are in. “I thank God for you all the time. Someone who knows my faults, but loves me despite them all. And you, I'll follow you just like that. Doesn't matter how far, If I have you, I have it all.”
She feels him kissing her hair, his heart beating just as fast as her own. “I think I found my soulmate, yes I do. I think I found the one who knows me. I don't wanna think about what it'd be like without you. Anywhere, I’ll follow you anywhere.”
When the song ends she freezes for a few seconds and Luke takes the opportunity to take the guitar and move it to the side, so that he can hug her closer to him, his arms around her waist while his chin rests on her shoulder.
“Your voice always shows me the way home.” Luke whispers sweetly in her ear, and Y/N instantly remembers Reggie said something similar in the truck, which means Luke had probably already expressed that thought to his friends, causing her to melt in his arms. She guesses it’s her turn to apply the famous Luke Patterson defense mechanism.
“What happened? I know you guys did pass, Bobby was so happy he wanted to cry.”
“We passed literally with the last ticket. They said they couldn’t see Sunset Curve, just another wannabe garage band, definitely not material for the big leagues.”
“Wow, that’s rough. And how did you react?”
"Reggie and Bobby held me by the arms and Alex by the back to stop me from going berserker." She smiles softly, imagining the scene clearly, and stretches her neck to see the guitarist's face.
“Lu, what else is bothering you?” He looks deep in thought, like he's forming multiple ideas in his head.
“I don't approve of everything they said, but I think maybe they have a point. I spent so much time trying to get the band to be material for a discography that I neglected our essence."
“Okay, then what’s the next move?”
“I have an idea, but I can’t do it without you.” He admits, staring deeply at her with his beautiful hazel eyes.
“Good thing you don’t have to. Luke, remember when we first met?” She asks, trying to distract him from his problems at least for today.
“Yeah, we were six. I told you I wanted to be a rockstar, and you said Lucas wasn’t a rockstar name, that I had to change it immediately.” He recalls with a soft smile.
“After that day you got angry every time someone dared to call you by your name.” She remembers the scene with a laugh.
“You have to admit, little Y/N was wise, you wouldn't have a band if you were still a Lucas.” He chuckles, caressing her hair lovingly., and she leans at the touch.”
“From that day I knew that I always wanted to be by your side. All my life I have tried to be someone, someone for my parents, for my friends, for the public, but I have never had to try with you.
I've always been someone for you... and that's more than enough. You've always known who I am, even when I'm not sure myself. You have always been patient and have loved me unconditionally, and I want you to know that you can always expect the same from me. god, I know since I was a kid I would do anything for you. I need you, I’m tired to wait for the correct moment, because every moment with you feels right.”
“Lu… is this a love confession?”
“I- yeah. But it’s so hard, I feel so many emotions right now and I really want to kiss the hell out of yo-” Y/N pulls him towards her connecting their lips hungrily, both melting into each other's mouths. He bites her lower lip slightly and separates a few seconds to admire her face, her eyes shining with love and lust.
“Darlin’, you can admit now your thing for rockstars. That’s exactly how you see me when I’m on stage.”
“I’ll admit it as soon as you admit you pretended to drown in the pool last year so I could give you mouth-to-mouth.”
“I would never do something like that… again.” They both laugh adoringly and Luke kisses her hard, determined to make up for all the lost time.
“Hey lovebirds, it’s time to go, Alex is minutes ago to snap at Reg and I don't want to end in the middle again, Reggie bit me last time.” They part abruptly, looking up at Bobby with daggers in their eyes.
“You can’t be all annoying all the time about our relationship and then ruin a moment like that.” she says clearly frustrated.
“Wow, eager much, muffin? someone is already whipped huh?” He jokes, causing Luke to put his finger in his mouth and then in his friend's ear.
“Bobby If you don’t shut up I swear-” She starts to fight, but he interrupts her.
“Are you guys dating now?” They both turn to see each other and smile, Luke wipes his hand on Bobby's shirt as they start to walk to the truck and entwine it with Y/N’s.
“Yeah, yes we are.” He declares with a majestic smile.
“Dammit I lost the bet to Alex. He said this was finally the year and I bet on another five.”
“Five? Really?” The girl asks, unable to believe what she hears.
“What? You have been in this strange relationship for about 12 years, five more years would be easy peasy. Reggie bet that you would make your lives with someone else and meet in 20 years to realize that it was always you." He informs them as they reach the vehicle, she looks in shock for a moment but then recovers and feings anger.
“Yeah, that’s it we are walking.” She decides, pulling Luke onto the sidewalk.
“You're just looking for an excuse to make out with your new boyfriend, you never get mad at us, not even the time Reggie stuck gum in your hair.” Bobby calls her out, and Reggie rolls the window down to emphasize that it was an accident.
“Okay yeah, I want to make out with my boyfriend and stick my tongue down his throat because as you mentioned, I've been waiting for many years to be able do it. So get lost or admire the show.” Reggie quickly closes the window again, and Bobby makes a disgusted face before almost running to the driver's seat.
“I’m so in love with you.” He admits with loving eyes, and she stands on tiptoe to fill him with light kisses on the forehead, nose, cheeks and lips. “I’m so in love with you, Lu.”
“Hey darlin’, I know you said the tongue in the throat thing to scare them away but…” He tries to explain himself, but she stops him knowing exactly what he wants to say.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m kissing the hell out of you as soon as we get home.” She reassures, caressing his hand.
He lets out a big sigh of relief. “Good.” A big smile on his face while pressing her hand a little harder to make sure this is actually happening.
Thanks for reading ✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning, @strangerthanfanfiction713 @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc @bibliophilewednesday @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1 @lukeys-giggle @katie-navarro @crybabyddl @cocopuffs0211 @marvel-ousnesss @tuttigunner @dpaccione @justalittleweirdoo
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