#hiring help dental
anthonymike7 · 2 years
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Qualities of an Ideal OMS Doctor
If you’re an OMS doctor with all these qualities, we can quickly help you land your dream job. Our team at Arthur Marshall provides fast and efficient recruitment processes in different fields. Give us a call today to get started on your recruitment process.
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How many times do you think Goons have offered to leave their bosses and work for the Bats? I'm just imagining Red Robin having a half-dozen petty crooks promise to work for him so long as he keeps them safe from the Penguin and he just sighs and directs them to the Red Hood.
Goons: Please, I don't want to be evil anymore! Let me join you, I bet you have dental!
Robin, sighing: You want Hood. He'll help you file the paperwork.
Tim: Uh, why’d you just Venmo me $6,000?
Jason: Oh, that’s just your commission for this month.
Tim: My what now?
Steph now has pamphlets on hand to distribute to any goons who show even the slightest interest and has funded her entire college education from this.
Cass demands payment in ice cream, baked goods, and steak.
Damian tried to argue for kittens but settles for homemade dog treats and bladed weapons.
Dick didn’t know this was a thing until one of Hood’s guys calls him because Nightwing was listed as a reference.
Duke went out and got full-on hired by Jason and now Bruce is trying to dissuade him from including being a recruiter for Red Hood as work experience on his college application.
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new-revenant · 28 days
Amusement park au
Danny hires several goons to work at his amusement park, several become park security, a few are life guards in the water park area, they already had several part timers but full timers are nice to have, a few handle food and other supply shipments, there are several that handle the behind the scenes stuff and a few that walk around as park mascots. Most of his human part timers are at risk teens and young adults. Danny makes sure that the humans working for him make above minimum wage and have full health benefits including dental
Yes yes yes! Reminds me of when Batman would offer job opportunities at Wayne Enterprises(is that the right name?) for criminals. Just because they just took the wrong path in life, doesn’t mean that they’re hopeless. Idk, when you said goons I pictured former criminals who worked for like the Joker or something. I know in my heart that Bruce would invest in the park, maybe even help find new former goons as Batman and guide them into working for the park. Anything to save a life, ya know?
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I do have a few more examples! Tim offers Mister Freeze unlimited funding to help his wife on the condition that he sometimes helps with other projects. He hires Harvey Dent to be his personal lawyer (not that he needs one). Blood Sport, Death Stroke, Dead Shot, and many other mercenaries are hired to "break into" Drake Industries to hunt down and "kill" Tim or "steal" important information in order to test his companies defenses and tell him exactly how they got in so that he can patch any holes. He hires one to break in every 2 to 3 months but never the same person in a year. Like if he uses Deathstroke in August he can't use him again until January.
Tim also doesn't want to force these rouges to move far away from their homes so he opens up branches in Metropolis, Central City, Star City, and others too. Anywhere he opens an office for Drake Industries, crime rate always plummets thanks to him hiring all the Henchmen and giving them stable jobs that pay at minimum double the minimum wage of the area plus really good health insurance and other benefits. They even have dental and 4 months paid maternity *and* paternity leave! The desk work may not be as exciting as their previous jobs but boy is it safer.
Also I would like to make one note. DI is one of the few major cooperations in America that openly does *not* donate to the Jusitce Leauge. Tim is still salty about Bruce Quest and during an interview where someone asked how much he donates to them, Tim said, "oh I don't. At all. It's not that I don't believe in them, I do, uts just. There's already so many places funding them they don't need me. But you know who does? The younger generation of heroes. Did you know that The Teen Titans only get funding through the Justice Leauge? I don't think that's very fair so I donate to them. I donate to Young Justice. I track down and do research on dozens of younger heroes who aren't part of any organization and check to make sure they're doing good in their community and then I directly donate to them. Superheroing is expensive, just look how much the JL spends on it! Could you imagine? Being fresh out of high-school, working a minimum wage job, and having to make your own suit and gadgets while also paying for *college*? The stories I have heard from some of them! This one poor kid, he told me that he had to use this roll of regular fabric he found in a dumpster because buying a roll was to expensive! Of course I sent him to a super hero tailor on my own dime, after all he just wanted to help his community saving kittens from trees and stopping local mugging. But still, small heroes like him are important. After all, didn't Superman start by saving cats from trees? Didn't Green Arrow start by stopping a mugging? Didn't Batman himself start by stopping a purse snatching? You never know who the next big hero will be in 5 or ten years."
I might have gotten a bit to into that rant. Listen. Listen this is a subject close to my heart. Small Time Heroes Are Important!
My gods, I love this so so much. You combined two tropes I love: Tim using Business to fund social programs/decrease crime/hire ex felons and criminals, and Tim turning his back on the JL after the BruceQuest.
Added with Tim funding small time heroes???? This is phenomenal
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kaciidubs · 10 months
Surprise! | Felix x Reader
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❣ In collaboration with @onmykneesforchanlix ❣
❣ Summary: Felix was a cat shifter, living most of his days in his cat form due to unfortunate living circumstances. That is, until you found him one rainy night and his life changed for the better. Years later, he decides that it's time to finally reveal himself to you fully. ❣ ❣ Word Count: 5.5k+ ❣ Warnings: Cat Shifter! Felix, slight Dom! Reader, Pussy Drunk! Felix, smut, slight angst [Felix's life before Reader], fluff, first time as a semi-couple, feminization [Felix wears Reader's clothes], unprotected sex, decryphilia, creampie, begging, praise, desperate/needy love making ❣ ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣ ❣ Additional Tags: Felix is referred to as kitten, Lix, Lixie, fluffy ending ❣ ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣
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Felix’s early life wasn’t much to brag about; growing up in an era where animal shifters were being seen less as a threat and more as an equal was a blessing in disguise, but that didn’t mean he had it easy. There was still discrimination, prejudice, and general unease, and even as a cat shifter he wasn’t free from any of them; losing his part time job due to “staff overflow” and his tenant kicking him and multiple shifter families out of their apartment building due to “remodeling”.
His roommates at the time were able to fall back on family members or other friends, but he was by himself in the city, and he didn’t feel comfortable asking them if they could house him until he got back on his feet. So, he tried getting by on his own until he could find new roommates or someone willing to host shifters.
He was able to stay a few nights at a hostel, applying to any place that had a hiring sign while earning his keep by helping the owner of the hostel - however, he wasn’t able to keep it that way for long. Which is how he found himself surviving in his cat form, easier to maintain throughout the night as he slept in worn out boxes off the side of the road.
Then, one rainy night changed his life for the better - the night he met you.
You, who was walking the dark, rainy streets with a broken umbrella and your face tucked as far into your jacket as it could go.
You, who stopped in your tracks when you saw him sleeping in that small, water damaged cardboard box just outside of an alleyway.
You, who scooped him up and tucked him into the free space of your jacket before taking him back to your apartment with the promise of taking care of him for the night.
Well, what started out as one night turned into two years and counting by your side as your loving little orange cat, and he wouldn’t have had it any other way - save for a few key things. The major one being he had yet to reveal his human form to you while you were home.
He figured that you had a feeling about him not being only a cat, from the way he participated in your morning routines with his own tasks - you doing your hair was him grooming himself, you brushing your teeth was him having a dental treat until you left so he could shift and actually brush his teeth - to the way you still had an unopened 16-count of cat food because he preferred eating the dinner you had over any form of gourmet tuna.
But, you never mentioned anything about it, you never even made a sly passing comment despite the way he’d participate in your one-sided conversations with too many coincidental meows or glares whenever you said something he didn’t agree with.
You even wrote out the alphabet on a sheet of paper so he could “pick his own name”, using his small paws to walk over the letters ‘F’ ‘E’ ‘L’ ‘I’ ‘X’ before rubbing his face against the side of yours with a content purr.
All of these events culminated into this moment now, where he was currently sitting on your bed in his human form freshly showered and naked as the day he was born; the pajama shirt you wore that night laid out in front of him.
Tonight was the night Felix was going to show you the real him, the him he hid from you out of fear that you wouldn’t want to keep him around anymore, fear that he’d go from your kitty ‘Lixie’ to just another alley cat.
His plan was simple, really; dress in your clothes to give him the comfort and confidence he needed and surprise you once you got back from work, apologize for not letting you know the night you brought him home, and hope that the kindness you've shown him for the past two years would continue further.
Orange tail swishing behind him with anticipation, he wasted no time in pulling the pink shirt onto his arms before slipping it over his head, quickly engulfing himself in your warm scent and soft cotton.
Smoothing out the top, his soft brown eyes landed on the piece of clothing he forgot he even took out, his human ears turning red at the sight of your white panties laying bright against the blanket.
He didn’t have any clothes at your place, usually reserving himself the grace of either wandering around nude or donning one of your hoodies and a pair of underwear he’d make sure to wash himself before you got home; and this plan had the added point of him wearing something to cover his exposed lower half.
Hence, the white lace panties with pink bows that he was sliding up his pale legs and tucking himself into, finishing off his look for the night.
Sneaking a peek at himself in the mirror near your closet, he felt a low rumble in his chest - the shirt slightly swamped him and the panties’ waistband sat comfortably below his tail to not cause irritation or annoyance, this couldn’t have worked out more perfectly in his favor.
A soft yawn tumbled from his lips and he glanced at the small digital clock you kept on the nightstand; a little less than an hour and a half until you came home, which meant he had more than enough time for a quick nap before his plan would go into effect.
Stretching his arms to the sky with an even bigger yawn, he allowed himself to curl up against your sheets and close his heavy eyelids - content purrs escaping him with each exhale.
“Lixie! I’m home!”
His ears perked up at your voice and he stretched with a big yawn, slowly rolling himself into a sitting position and tiredly rubbing his eye until his brain finally kicked into gear; you were home. 
A rush of excitement ran through him as he scrambled onto his knees, hands seated in his lap as he stared at the door in anticipation - his heart thumping hard in his chest. 
What were you going to say? Would you still like him as a human? What if he wasn’t pretty enough in his human form? 
His ears drooped as he deflated, small hands now anxiously playing with the hem of the shirt that was supposed to be his comfort. He heard you shuffle around the adjacent room, mentally going through the routine he’d seen you do time and time again; keys in dish, shoes at the door, work bag on the chair in the living room. 
“Lixie? Where are you, kitten?” 
The closer your footsteps grew toward the bedroom door, the more he wished he could shrink in on himself - it wasn't too late to change back, was it? No, no, he wanted you to see him - he wanted to show you the real him.
Where was he? He usually greeted you at the door, meowing loudly at you while rubbing himself at your legs. Maybe he was still asleep, curled up on his favourite place, your pillows? 
You quietly made your way to the bedroom, your hands resting on the handle for a second before opening the door.
 Nothing could’ve prepared you for what happened next.
“Lix-” Your eyes met a familiar warm brown set, but that wasn’t what stopped you in your tracks. 
No, it was the fact that said eyes belonged to a blond man currently sitting in the middle of your bed, dressed in your sleep shirt and nothing else - at least, that’s what you could assume from the sight of his bare thighs. 
Maybe you should have screamed - should have shouted curses and threatened to call the police but all you could do was blink at the man. Opening your mouth to say something, the words get stuck in your throat, making you swallow thickly while your eyes lingered on the man in front of you. 
Felix felt small under your gaze, shy even. He nervously pulled the shirt to cover his legs when he noticed you staring at his bare thighs. 
Maybe this wasn't a good idea, he thought to himself. 
He wanted to say something but couldn’t think of anything - any words or sounds dying before they even reached his throat. His eyes met yours when he looked up, and he noticed a small smile forming on your lips. 
“Lixie?” You questioned quietly.
He felt his ears twitch at the sound of his name, catching the notes of joy adding sunlight to the word; his tail swishing in response. You seemed to like his reaction because you took a small step away from the doorway before rushing toward where he was sitting.
“Oh... my little Lixie! Look at you- I can’t believe it- My cute little kitten is a shifter!” 
Felix felt himself blush at the awe in your tone, his hands tightening against the hem of your shirt.
“Lixie,” you hummed as you ran your fingers through his soft blond hair, “you’re so pretty.” 
Felix’s lips curled up into a smile, and when your fingers found that spot behind his ears - scratching just the way he liked - he couldn’t help but start purring. 
The first word to leave his lips is your name - his voice a bit raspy since he hadn't spoken properly in months.
“Why didn't you show yourself sooner, kitty?” You cooed, tracing your fingertips down the side of his face and stopping at the soft curve of his chin, smiling when he leaned into your hold. 
“I…” He swallowed thickly, nearly shocking himself at how deep his voice was, “I wanted to but... I didn't think you'd like me anymore…” He couldn't help but hold your gaze, addicted to the soft sparkle in your irises as you studied him.
“Why would you think that, hm? You're my Lixie,” you whispered, cupping his face in your hands, your eyes never leaving his, “You’re my pretty kitty…” You gave him a reassuring smile, your thumbs running along his reddened cheeks. 
With the way you looked at him with so much love and care, he couldn’t help but blush - his cheeks dusted in a pretty pink.
“Look at you,” a soft laugh fell from your lips, and he suddenly wondered what it would be like to feel them against his own, “wearing my shirt? Were you trying to turn yourself into a gift for me?” 
A hot flush ran down his back, goosebumps rising on his skin as he remembered what exactly he's wearing. 
“N-Not just your shirt��” He stammered, gaze falling in embarrassment from the guilty admission.
“What do you mean?” You questioned, and instead of answering you, Felix leaned back and lifted up the shirt - not all the way, but just enough to reveal the panties he stole out of your drawer. 
You sucked in a breath at the sight, pink little bows decorating the white lace he was wearing. It was your favourite pair, Felix knew that. 
That's why he chose them. 
They were a bit small for him, but he didn't mind - he just hoped that you were okay with it too.
“Lix…” His name left you in a breathless sigh, a hand falling from his cheek to graze up his thigh, but no further than that. “You really turned yourself into a gift for me, huh?” 
You knew how the lace fit your body, but the sight of the white patterns hugging his slim hips and slightly bulging over his dick had your brain whirring. You didn't miss the soft whimper that fell from his lips, or the way his legs shifted toward your touch.
Felix bit down on his lip when he felt your fingertips ghosting over his inner thigh, barely touching him. He spread his legs a bit, hoping you’d get the hint and touch him - but you didn't, your fingers running up his thigh and stopping before they reached the lace, then down again.
“You know... it really makes me sad you didn’t shift for me sooner.” His eyes widened slightly, bottom lip jutting out in a pout until you continued, “We could’ve had so much fun way sooner than this.” There was a sharp glint in your eye that made him whine, his hands tugging the shirt higher up his stomach.
“I’m... sorry,” he mumbled, trying to hide his face with the shirt until you stopped him. 
“It's okay Lix,” your hands came up to tug on his shirt, “why don’t you take this off for me, hm?” 
He nodded, wasting no time in pulling it over his head and throwing it next to the bed. 
“So pretty,” you whispered, brushing his hair out of his face.
Your fingers grazed against his ears in the process and he moaned, the melodic sound melting into a purr that you practically felt vibrating from his chest. 
“They’re still sensitive even in your human form…” Humming, you caressed your thumb along the base, “Aren’t you just full of surprises?” 
“P-Please,” he whimpered, his hands itching to reach out to you from where they were planted on the bed, “it feels so... good.”
“Feels good, yeah? I can make you feel even better... if you let me.” You moved your hand from his ears to his chest, gently pushing him back to lay on the bed. 
Your fingers brushed over his nipple and he gasped at the sudden rush coursing through his body. 
Eyes flickering down from his eyes to his lips, you leaned in closer with a soft whisper just barely grazing the pink skin, “Kiss me, kitten.”
Felix lifted his head so fast he was shocked he didn’t accidentally headbutt you as your lips met. 
It was different, so different from the way you would kiss the top of his head when he’s curled in your arms in his cat form, yet the softness remained the same. He didn’t think it could get any better until he felt your lips part, and when your thumb and finger pinched his nipple, he gasped and your tongue was ghosting against his own.
He let his tongue run along yours, humming lowly in the back of his throat. His cock was already hard and straining against the lace; the tip leaking pre cum, forming a small wet patch. 
It hurt, but Felix didn’t know how to ask you for more. He tugged on your shirt, wanting you closer.
You couldn’t help but laugh against his lips, pulling back just enough so that your noses remained touching. “Eager little kitten, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere, baby.” 
Pecking his lips one last time, you sat up - kneeling just above his lap - and pulled your shirt over your head, tossing it where the pajama shirt laid. 
Felix’s eyes widened - he’d seen you in your underwear before, sure, but taking in your body in his human form had fireworks going off in his head. You looked soft - he knew you was soft - but he needed to feel you with his hands, his mouth, anything you allowed.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, staring at every bit of exposed skin, wetting his dry lips with his tongue. 
You laughed shyly, trying to cover yourself with your hands, “Don’t look at me like that. You've seen me in underwear before - hell, you’ve even seen me naked!" 
Felix felt the blush spreading on his face - it was true, he had seen you naked, too many times to count, but that was when he was in his cat form; sitting on the counter in the bathroom when you took a shower or a bath, never leaving you out of sight.
“I-I know! But-” This time, he allowed his hands to touch your forearms, trailing up the skin to your wrists, then the backs of your hands, “I... I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance to see you like this- touch you like this.” He kept his touch strictly on your hands, resting over the bra that kept the sight of his dreams hidden away. “I want... C-Can I see more? Please, I wanna see you.”
“You could've had me like this months ago, kitten.” Your tone was smug, but you still reached behind you to unclasp your bra - not taking it off just yet, “It’s okay, you can touch me.” Your hands reached for his as you guided them to your bra straps. "Help me take this off?" 
Felix swallowed thickly, his hands shaking a bit from how nervous he was. He didn't want to fuck this up. This might be his only chance.
His fingers grazed the straps and he immediately decided he hates the texture - too rough, no wonder why you were always rolling your shoulders once it was off. Eyebrows furrowing at the offensive clothing, he slowly pulled them down the curves of your shoulders and had to physically fight back the moan growing from the way the bra went slack - your breasts threatening to spill from the cups already. 
“Keep going, Lixie, take it all the way off for me.”
Felix pulled it down completely before throwing it aside, his hand itching to touch you. Reaching out hesitantly, he lets a finger run over the soft flesh of your bare breasts; goosebumps spreading over your skin as you send him a reassuring smile and a nod, giving him the okay to continue. 
He doesn’t waste any more time cupping your breasts with his hands, squeezing them carefully.
If he thought kneading his own blankets was heaven, then this was damn near nirvana; your breasts resting in the palms of his hands - or at least, what he could fit - while the rest squished up with each flex of his hands. 
“You-You’re so soft... oh, fuck, you’re so soft.” 
You shivered at the curse falling from his angelic lips - the thought of your kitten, your Lixie, so smitten over what he’d seen time and time again making your core throb. “Softer than that blanket I spent so much money on for you?” You teased, laughing at the pout that overtook his lips. 
“That’s different! You... You feel better than any blanket or any pillow I've ever laid on.”
“You’re so cute, I’m just teasing you.” Taking his hands away from you, you pinned them down on the mattress near his head, leaning over him with a teasing grin.
It took all the strength Felix had to not cum right then and there; your breasts were right in front of his face, giving him the chance to kiss the soft flesh before circling his tongue around one of your nipples.
You moaned at the sudden attack, your hands tightening around his wrists while his mouth toyed with the hardening bud. Without having to be told, he released your tit with a wet pop before latching onto the second, making a sound you couldn’t tell was a moan or a purr. 
“Lixie.” You moaned, and if Felix's eyes weren’t shut you would’ve seen them roll to the back of his head. You barely touched him and he was already at his peak, wondering how it was even possible to feel anything better than this.
He bucked his hips up, moaning loudly at the delicious friction and the waves of pleasure running through his body. His eyes were closed tightly, mouth agape with breathless pants rolling past his lips. 
He was so close, he could almost taste the orgasm on his tongue but he fought against it. He didn't want to cum like this, not yet. 
"Please," he whimpered, not sure what he was even asking for.
“Keep your hands up here, Lixie, okay?” You slowly sat up, trying not to laugh at the needy whine that settled in his throat when your chest no longer surrounded his head. “Keep them up there or else I’ll stop, understand?” 
He nodded senselessly, eyes glossy and chest flushed pink; he nearly forgot how to breathe when he saw your hands go to your jeans, popping the button open and sliding the zipper down. He nearly cried when you shifted off of him, only for you to shush him with a tut of your tongue. 
“Gotta take my pants off first Lixie, I told you I can make you feel even better, and I will.”
You turned away from him, pulling your jeans teasingly slow over the curve of your ass before pulling them off completely - repeating the same process with your underwear. 
Felix couldn't help but stare at your ass, almost drooling at the sight. His hands moved to reach out to touch you but he stopped himself before you could notice, repositioning them next to his head in hopes of going unnoticed.
Leaving your clothes in a puddle by your feet, you quickly climbed your way back onto the bed and over Felix’s lap - not sitting down just yet. “You know, as much as I said you missed out on showing me the real you before, I can’t wait to see what I’ve been missing out on too.” You danced your fingers up his stomach and to his chest teasingly, watching as his hands fisted the sheets underneath him. “I’ll take good care of you, kitten.” 
Felix watched as you lowered yourself so settle in his lap and a sharp moan escaped him,  the warmth of your pussy settling over the thin lace he still had on.
He fought the urge to look down between your bodies, wanting to take a peek but instead looking up at you, trying to grind his hips up against yours. “Please... I- I can’t.. I want,” he stuttered out, “it hurts.”
“Use your words Lixie,” you hummed, a light roll of your hips nearly sending him to the stars, “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you, but you have to use your words, kitten.”
“Please, I want... no, need you to touch me,” he breathed “‘m so hard it hurts." He thrusted his hips up, groaning softly, “Fuck, you feel so good,” eyes fluttering shut with another thrust, he bites back a whimper, “please, I’ll be good for you... just touch me.”
A soft smile graced your lips, “That’s my good kitty.” Lifting yourself onto your knees, you wasted no time in tugging your lace panties down his hips and the swell of his ass, “Such a dirty kitty, making a mess in my panties, huh?” 
All he could do was moan wantonly, his dick finally free from the tight confines as he eagerly kicked them down his legs and off the bed.
You leaned back over him, pressing your lips to his in a slow kiss and letting your thumb run over his slit to collect the pre cum. Felix moaned into the kiss, parting his lips for you to slip your tongue in. Your tongues touch as Felix cupped your face in his hands, not wanting to part not even for oxygen - he doesn't want to even think about the kiss ending, pouring all of his emotions into it as if it were the last thing he could do in his human form.
Your free hand covered one of his own, squeezing it gently as you parted from the kiss. “I’ll let you slide for now,” you whispered, your lips still brushing against his, “but next time I'll have to punish you.” 
Felix felt you shift above him, but before he can register anything, the warmth of your walls are enveloping the head of his dick. "O-Oh! Oh fuck!"
You placed your hands on his chest and sank down on him completely, hissing a bit at the stretch. “Fuck kitten, you feel so good,” moaning softly, you wiggled your hips, “feel so full.” 
He fisted the sheets underneath him, throwing his head back, mouth agape in a silent moan. “S-So warm," he gasped as you lifted your hips up and sank down on him again, your walls clenching around him. Suddenly, his hands flew to your hips to stop you from moving, “Please wait, fuck- I'm not gonna last long.” Your eyes met and he sucked in a shaky breath, “Shit, you feel so perfect around me. Better than what I’ve imagined…”
“You”ve thought about fucking me?” Your light giggling made your pussy flutter around him and he nearly sobs at the feeling. “What a naughty little kitten I have - makes me wonder what else goes on in that pretty head of yours.” With your hands settled on his chest, you slowly rocked your hips against his, moaning at the way his dick massaged your insides. “Let me show you what the real thing is really like, are you ready for that, Lixie?”
“Oh god, please show me,” he whined, his grip on your hips tightening slightly. 
Moans spilled from his lips as you moved your hips teasingly slow, your fingertips digging into his skin, leaving behind small crescent marks. 
Overwhelmed from the pleasure, his moans quickly melted into whimpers and pleas. He doesn't hold back, making you smirk, “Let it all out kitten. Am I making you feel good?”
He nodded his head frantically, unable to stop the moans tumbling from his kiss bruised lips. 
“Good boy, such a good boy, Felix.” 
He didn't even have the chance to react to the sound of his full name falling from your lips when you rose slowly before dropping back down. You were riding him, the person he loved so much he thought his heart would never beat the same - he felt tears begin to swell in his eyes as his hands followed your pace.
“Kitten? Hey, are you alright?” Your voice filled with worry as you immediately stilled your hips, your hands reaching up to gently caress his cheeks, “am I hurting you?” Concern grew in the pit of your stomach as you watched a single tear roll down his cheek, reacting quickly to catch it with your thumb. 
Felix shook his head, his gaze avoiding yours.
“Lixie, I need you to answer me - do you need me to stop?” 
His watery eyes snapped to your own as he choked back a sob, “N-No! Don’t- Please- I... I feel so good, I can’t- I love it- I-I love yo-” 
Soft hiccups broke his sentence into rambled parts, and it all suddenly clicked; he was crying from pleasure, crying for you. 
“Oh... My sweet kitten…” You cooed softly, catching more stray tears with a swipe of your thumb before leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose. “I love you too, do you wanna keep going?”
More tears spilled from his eyes at your words and loving actions - you loved him back, he couldn't be happier than he was in this moment. 
His favourite human loves him the way he loves you. 
“Yes please... make love to me... please.” He whispered, hands wiping away the last few tears that were still building in his eyes. He gave you a watery smile, eyes scrunching up and face exuding a brightness you never thought was possible on a person. 
He looked so pretty under you, cheeks tinted pink and eyes looking up at you, so full of trust, so full of love.
Your heart fluttered and you had to stop yourself from smothering him with butterfly kisses around his beautiful face - he still needed you, and you were going to do what you promised you would; take care of your kitten. 
Taking his hands from your hips, you threaded your fingers with his before pinning them at the sides of his head, shifting your position slightly. “Don’t worry about anything else, Lixie - let go of everything and focus on me.” With his nod of approval, you started to ride him once more, the new change in angle letting his dick caress the front of your pussy.
“O-Oh my god,” he moaned, his eyes rolling back as you moved your hips, grinding them down. “‘s so good, please don't stop,” Felix slurred his words, so lost in the pleasure - he was sure he’d died and gone to heaven. 
You picked up the pace and leaned forward, letting your noses touch before connecting your lips in a short, sweet kiss.
“You're so good Lixie,” you panted against his lips, squeezing his hands tighter, “fill me up so well, so perfect, my perfect kitten.” 
He moaned at your words, squeezing his eyes to focus on keeping his orgasm at bay - he couldn’t let it end so soon, he wouldn’t. 
“Are you close, baby?” You mused, keeping the pace of your hips with ease, your lips brushing against his ear. Felix’s cock was hitting your g-spot with every move of your hips now and you could feel your own orgasm slowly approaching. 
“I-I can hold it!! Wanna be a good kitten for you, want you to cum first,” he pouted, thrusting his hips up to meet yours. He freed his hands from your grasp, moving them to hold your hips as he continued to thrust into you. You lightly grazed your teeth against his earlobe, nibbling on it before pressing a kiss to his neck.
“P-Please,” He whined, tilting his head to the side to grant you more access to his skin, “I-I’m gonna- I want you-” He felt like his brain was on overdrive, every nerve ending burning at every point your bodies were connected. His right hand sandwiched between your bodies to where his cock was currently drilling into you, fingers frantically searching for what he knew would help you come before him. 
You panted against his jaw, nipping at the pale skin lightly, “To the left baby, m-move your hand to the left.” 
Obeying your direction, he shifted his wrist and his fingers landed on a soft, slippery nub that made your pussy clench. 
“F-Fuck! There, right there baby!”
His fingers moved experimentally over the nub, circling around it and you moaned in response against his jaw, "You're doing so well kitten, making me feel so good." 
Felix continued to circle his fingers against your clit, drinking in the moans that spilled from your lips. He was determined to make you come first, moving his fingers a bit faster, “Good like this?” 
Nodding hastily, you connected your lips to his neck again and sucked on the skin, the desire to mark him swelling inside of you - you wanted to mark him as yours.
Following the change in tide, you were now the one wantonly moaning against his skin, riding him that much faster and a bit more sloppier. “‘S so good, F-Felix- it’s so good!” 
His heart skipped a beat and he quickened his pace, digging his feet into the mattress to fuck into you faster. “C-Come for me? Please- I need you to come for me, c-come with me-” He was so hard it hurt, his stomach clenching and heaving with each ragged breath - he felt himself tear up as he begged whatever higher power was listening to let you come first, please let you come first.
“F-Fuck Felix, right there!” You moaned out, quivering above him,  “G-Gonna come!”
Your orgasm rapidly approached as you held onto him, his frantic thrusts bouncing your body against his own. His fingers dug into your skin, and he hoped that they were going to leave a bruise - a marker of his desires finally coming true. You bit down on his neck, tongue running soothingly over the marks left on his skin.
It only took a handful of thrusts before you were shaking above him, your moans growing in volume as you wrangled your hand free from his to tangle in his hair. “Lixie! Felix! I'm c- oh god, I'm coming!" 
The grip you had on his dick grew tighter and he groaned, pace faltering as you came around him with a loud cry barely muffled against his neck. 
“T-Tight- S-So tight, I can’t-" He was getting dizzy, both hands now coming to wrap behind your back and hold you as close as he possibly can. “Gonna c-come, wanna f-fill you, please? L-Let me- s-so warm, please, please!”
It took a second for you to register his words, head dizzy from your orgasm, before you nodded frantically, "O-Of course kitten, go ahead - breed me.” You whisper and it's all Felix needed to hear. 
With one more solid thrust he emptied himself inside you with a loud cry, his hips stuttering as he rode out his orgasm. His glazed over eyes found yours and you smiled at each other, noses bumping as you leaned in for a bliss-filled kiss. 
Your lips touched softly in a short peck - soft and sweet and all you both ever needed after an event like that.
“Good kitty,” you giggled, gently scratching your nails against his scalp, feeling the rumble of his purrs vibrate against your chest. “Let’s go get cleaned up, yeah?” 
Felix couldn’t help but whine, not ready to let you go as he squeezed his arms around your sweaty body, “Can... Can we stay like this a little longer? I like holding you...like this.” 
You beamed at the blush taking over his face and nodded, “Of course, Lixie - hold me as long as you want, it’s only fair for bow often I’ve held you.” Tucking your face into the warmth of his neck, you murmured, “From now on, you can hold me as much as you want, my sweet kitten.”
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❣ This one's been in the works for a while, but I'm so honored to have done this collab with my lovely Miu! I hope you enjoyed reading and by all means, leave some nice words for her because she's genuinely an amazing writer! Love you lots @onmykneesforchanlix ❣ ❣ Any type of feedback is appreciated! Whether it be a simple like, reblog, or keyboard smash and the most essay-like comment, feel free to share your thoughts. ❣
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swisccfinds · 6 months
50 ONE LEVEL CAREERS: Storytelling careers megapack by isy's the snake
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Here is yet another career mod pack, but this one has no promotions, you just work and your job level stays at 1. As the title say this mod is best for story telling!
creator's notes-
This mod requires XML Injector by Scumbumbo. You can find it here. Pay attention if you don't already have it for another mod! In that case, you do not need to re-install it. Be sure it is updated for the last patch.
XML Injector is a mod required for some mods to work. So, you install it as any other mod in your Mods folder, no more than one subfolder deep.
This mod has been updated for the version 1.99.305 of the game (second update after Horse Ranch).
It doesn't required any DLC to work. Base game compatible
I've adopted this mod from the amazing ItsKatato who, due to her hiring at EA, couldn't continue to mod. I have made some changes: • I have changes all the pics of the careers — now they all show Sims (please check the credits paragraph at the end to see who was the amazing raccoon who helped me); • I have updated the mod for the Horse Ranch patch; • I have cleared ALL the tuning errors; • Fixed the description of some careers who appeared to be missing.
Now, here we go with the explanation of the mod (originally written by ItsKatato, edited by me):
Katato said: "Have you ever had a story planned out for your sims but you can't find the perfect career for them? Most of the time when I find the career it ends up being a complicated career with a bunch of promotion tasks and extra stuff. Well, I've made a pack of a bunch of single-level careers. All your sim has to do is go to work, that's it. This is perfect for the non-important sims in your life, like the forgotten children of your legacy challenge." In short: those are 50 careers you can use for NPCs Sims or random Sims you do not want to care about. As Amethyst said: "Go to work, make money, leave me alone". Your Sims won't need any task to perform to upgrade and get a promotion, as well as they do not really need an ideal mood to go to work since it won't change their performance. They just go and do their job. And now the list of all careers:
1. Anesthetiologist 2. Cartographer 3. Chiropractor 4. Compliance Officer 5. Data Scientist 6. Dental Hygienist 7. Dentist 8. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer 9. Financial Advisor 10. Financial Manager 11. Genereal Surgeon 12. Genetic Counselor 13. Home Health Aide 14. Information Security Analyst 15. IT Manager 16. Interpreter And Translator 17. Lawyer 18. Marriage And Family Therapist 19. Massage Therapist 20. Mathematician 21. Mechanical Engineer 22. Medical And Health Services Manager 23. Nurse Anesthetist 24. Nurse Practitioner 25. Obstetrician And Gynecologist 26. Occupational Therapist 27. Operations Reasearch Analyst 28. Optometrist 29. Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon 30. Orthodontist 31. Orthotist And Prosthetist 32. Paralegal 33. Pediatrician 34. Personal Care Aide 35. Phlebotomist 36. Physical Therapist 37. Physical Therapist Assistant 38. Physician 39. Physician Assistant 40. Pilot 41. Podiatrist 42. Prosthodontist 43. Psychiatrist 44. Registered Nurse 45. Respiratory Therapist 46. Software Developer 47. Speech-Language Pathologist 48. Statician 49. Substance Abuse And Behavioral Disorder Counselor 50. Veterinarian 51. Web Developer 52. Wind Turbine Technician 
lets give some of our love and support to isy!
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silent-browser · 11 months
Why is it that I often turn my sad into yanderes?
Anywho Yan! Manager x struggling!reader.
You haven't had a job in literal months. The rent is due and landlord isn't looking to excuse any more payments. Your fridge only has half a loaf of bread and a quarter filled bottle of watery ketchup. Stress infuses your very soul, you have not known a moment of true peace and security since you left home.
And you are exactly who they were looking for.
They had known you from high school. The two of you didn't talk much but from what they saw while they were stalking you you are a wonderful and sweet person. Deserving of praise beyond worship. And they admit that they had at some point became irredeemably obsessed.
They unfortunately lost contact with you when they transferred out to be moved into college early but now they had found you again. Duller than before sure but they are sure that with just a bit of love and care you can become that friendly and lovable person they knew you to be. But would you accept their love? Their worship and adulation?
No. You were always very independent. Insisted that you could do almost anything on your own. How admirable. No they had to help you in a subtle way. In a way that you wouldn't know they were offering you aid...
A phone notification.
You check your phone, readying yourself to tell whoever texted that you were fine and everything was fine and to not worry about you. Instead you see an email notification. A job offer. For an administrative position in a local but sizable company in your town.
You read the email over again. 'Now hiring at such-n-such company. Position open, office manager. Pays $$$/hr, full benefits, all insurance coverages, paid vacation, dental, paid time off. Requirements, good attitude and a pretty smile. Apply now!'
...This was so obviously a scam...
A very cruel one considering your current situation but a scam none the less so you delete it quickly and continue wallowing and scrolling through job sites.
"NOOOOOOO! WHY!? WHAT HAPPENED!?" Fists slam into a hardwood desk. "What was wrong with the application darling? W-were the benefits not enough? The money?" They cupped their phone gently as they continued to watch their poor darling get sadder and more gaunt as seconds passed.
"No matter dearest," they wispered before kissing their phone screen, "I can just change the job listing for you."
A new phone notification.
'Now hiring at same such-n-such company. Position open, personal secretary. Pays $$$$/hr, full benefits, all insurance cover-'
"Another scam" you mumble before deleting the email once more.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Frenzied typing filled the room. "I would never scam you darling! That's the same as betraying you and I would rather DIE than betray you dear. Never. Never.. never never never" they continued to mumble under their breath as they typed up a new email.
"god dang it"
'Now hiring at such-n-such company. Position open, emotional support human. Pays, $$$$$/hr everything you could ever want dear. Full benefits, all insurance coverages, the heart of the CEO-'
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torchiclove · 1 month
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This is a diagram of my face right now and by that I mean I have two infected teeth that need either root canals or extractions before it spreads and get worse.
These are my molars and if possible I would like to save at least one of them. But the root canal and ensuing crown will cost me over $3000 each.
I just got hired at a grocery store literally today but due to being part time won’t be eligible for dental insurance for a few months.
All this to say: if you’re able to help I would really really appreciate it. Anything donated goes directly to Tooth Fund, whether I end up getting the root canal or the extraction. Even if I get the extraction it will be over $500.
I don’t have a goal. I just want to be able to put some funds away before the next time the infection flares up (causing me immense pain and threatening to spread to my other teeth and gums and such). Even if I get dental insurance before the procedures, I will have to pay around 50% out of pocket which is extremely difficult to do with both rent and food costs hanging over my head.
I don’t have much to offer. If you would like, I can write something for you if you donate. Just contact me and I’ll try to work something out.
My c*shapp is $torontoco. @torontoco on v*nmo.
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stop-talking · 4 months
So I guess I should do an intro post / fanfic masterlist
• I'm 20 yrs old, she/her, and obsessed with Josh Hutcherson. (Mike & Futturman especially have my heart)
• I'm new to writing, but I read like crazy and spend 90% of my time daydreaming up little stories about my favorite characters. Just using Tumblr as an outlet to get those little stories to the world.
• Feel free to request any fanfic related to a jhutch character. I'm most comfortable writing for Mike, Futturman, and Derek, but I'm willing to try to write for other characters. (Minus Peeta. Thinking about the Hunger Games makes me unreasonably sad & I'm not sure I know his character well enough to do him justice.)
My Works
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
✩ Mike Schmidt:
You're his ex, but he's desperate for a babysitter. (18+)
Exactly what it sounds like. His babysitter goes missing, but he can't leave Abby home alone. Unfortunately, he's broke as fuck, and can't afford to pay someone to watch her. So... he calls you. He'll endure your bitchy attitude and relentless teasing if it means his sister will be safe. Somewhere along the way, endure turns to enjoy.
Fem reader; 10k words (total)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
No Abby, we're not getting ice cream.
Silly little one-off about the average shopping trip for Mike and Abby. He's just trying to get things for dinner, but Abby has other plans. Just Mike being the single mother that he is.
Mike's POV; 1.2k words
Read here
Open wide (18+)
Mike hasn't been to the dentist since he was a kid, but with his new job, and health insurance... he really has no excuse not to. One problem, though. He doesn't remember the experience being so... erotic? Is he insane, or is the attractive, young, dental assistant... hitting on him?
Gender-neutral reader; 2.8k words
Read here
Sleepless Nights
Abby is sure something's up with her brother. He's always been tired, sure, but ever since the events at Freddy's... well, he's gotten a lot worse. The stubborn man won't let her help, so she convinces him she's the one in need of comfort.
Abby's POV; 500 words
Read here
Gender-neutral reader; 2.8k words
✩ Derek Danforth:
So I'm stuck on this shithole island, and I can't even have a smoke? (18+)
You're hired by his mother as a last resort to try and get him sober. Alone with just him for three weeks, your job is to rehabilitate him.
Unfortunately, Derek sees you as his personal chef, maid, and whore. You flat-out refuse at first, but well, after so many days of only interacting with each other... The lines are a little blurred. something-to-lovers. It's complicated.
Fem reader; 22.9k words total (so far)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (Part 8 coming soon)
Derek sending you nudes while you're at work (blurb) (18+)
Read here
Older; not Wiser (18+)
Derek isn't the type to entertain 20-year-olds. Really, he's not. That is, until one falls right into his lap. Literally.
You're just so sweet and fun, how could he ever dream of saying no when you ask him to show you a good time?
Part 1 (Part 2 coming soon)
fem reader; 2.5k words
✩ Josh Futturman:
Win for me ♡ (18+)
You're tired of your boyfriend paying more attention to his stupid game than you. So, late one night, you take matters into your own hands. Literally. Hopefully his little gaming buddies don't mind hearing him moan into the mic...
Gender-neutral reader; 2.3k words
Read here
✩ Clapton Davis
Saturday School
(Request) "Imagine listening to music with Clapton while in detention... like sharing earbuds with him while y'all sit in silence. Then a cringe song comes on at the wrong time LMAO"
Gender-neutral reader; 2k words
Read here
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
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wisteriainslumber · 2 years
TWST working at McDonalds
my credentials are i have never worked at mcdonalds
this is crack don’t take it seriously
warnings: swearing and cr*wley
absolutely judges you for even coming to order at mcdonalds. there is no nutrition!! all of it is grease and sugar!!
refuses to work drivethru. yelling does nothing for his rage, his violent nature will not be contained
relax, riddle doesn’t have scarlet fever, his face just does that. is it healthy? probably not. 
is not the manager but when people ask for the manager they will call for riddle because he can do a better job
(if you hadn’t figured, the manager is cr*wley)
has the most monotone, dead customer service voice
if someone forgets to fill the coins or fails to lock up, you will be put on janitor duty to think about what you’ve done
understandably, it’s very effective
do not let him train the newbies. he thinks telling the instructions once/reading the employee handbook (THAT HE VOLUNTARILY MADE. insane man.) will prepare them. 
the reigns of training deuce and ace were then very quickly passed off to someone else
riddle gives emotional support hugs to kalim and cusses out the people who are mean to him with the fury of a thousand suns
if he weren’t so competent, he would’ve been fired
(he wouldn’t have been fired. cr*wley doesn’t want to hire new people)
he’s learning recipes from lilia on their break. after his attempt at soup gave him the flu, he has not tried to learn recipes from lilia since
a bit concerned by the screaming children. he’s never been surrounded by children his age so he thinks the scream-laughter is like a call for help
when he burns the batches of cookies he feeds them to the workers and tells them its the double chocolate chip cookies
the staff believe him because he’s never really done anything wrong
except for that ungodly amount of spare dental products in their staff washroom
normal people have toilet paper in the cupboard but their staff washroom has toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, all labeled with everyones names
no one knows who brought them, one day the cupboard was just full, but since trey keeps telling people to brush their teeth after eating the cookies it isnt hard to find out who did it
now because of him, if anyone runs out of toilet paper in the bathroom they need to text a co-worker to hand them another roll
trey finds the strongest types of coffee combinations for silver, but is getting increasingly concerned by the amount of espresso shots getting put into the cup
he will also coordinate group outfits for halloween or gift exchanges during the holidays
during the spooky season, you will find a free toothbrush in your bag or happy meal box
just... don’t ask
it was either that or licorice because trey clover is a black licorice enjoyer
makes promotional tiktok videos during his shift
specifically a “come with me to work ^^” videos where he films some things that can definitely get them in trouble. the words “health code violation” makes up 40% of the comments
hogs the stall bathrooms to break down and cry and send crying streaks to malleus
malleus hasnt learned how to use the app (yet) so cater has been treating their dms like his personal diary
he leaves sticky notes on the bathroom mirrors, lockers, and on the inside of the drivethru window saying some live laugh love kinda shit to mock trey’s white mom home decor
rook scribbles his own little stick figures of trey on them and adds speech bubbles
ace gives him the idea of summoning a demon at work and cater hopped on that without hesitation now there is a pentagram made of silly string on the wall of the bathroom
when taking orders he puts any additional notes in all caps. now deuce is staring at the order with the notes “NO DAIRY OR SHE WILL BLOW UP OUR TOILET” and “IF ACE FORGETS THE SAUCE AGAIN IM MAKING HIM CLEAN THE PLAYPLACE”
because of everyone’s incompetency, the receipt will contain these notes. sorry martha
when the manager had arrived to evaluate them, you will not find a single cater in sight
cay cay is slay slaying in hiding
hes the guy you should blame for never getting your dipping sauce or missing part of your order
he does trick shots in the back and if it lands in the bag, you get your stuff, if it doesn’t, rip
“i’m sorry you want how many chicken nuggies?? 200?? okay, word. wish i could spend that much on chicken nuggies”
will return bitch energy in the drivethru
he absolutely plays a game with deuce over if the person in the mic sounds hot or not
cater started that game, then he was kicked out for flirting with the customers
fortunately for the customers and staff alike, ace does not flirt with the customers
when someone asks for the manager he’ll walk away, then come back and speaks in a different voice and accent and cusses them out
kicked off from doing drivethru after he played cupcakke songs on there
he was raving over those minion happy meals and loved those banana cookies
it was a mistake to ask ace to do card tricks on their break because the items they gave up for the trick have disappeared
so sorry idia, your limited edition trading card will not be in safe hands
bribes the children with the happy meal toys for them to start calling riddle ronald mcdonald
riddle has no proof it’s ace’s doing but He Knows.
he wanted to raise money to send back to his mama
how much money hes actually raising through this job though? is not a lot
brews riddle tea every morning just the way he likes it and he gets a premium riddle smile in return
takes so much time to count coins pls be patient with him
don’t tell azul, but if you’re nice, he will not charge you for any extra sauce or toppings
he “doesn’t know where the button is” wink wink
the only one who likes the easter egg mcflurries. when jack has free time, he will make one for himself and deuce and they chill on his break
(deuce doesn’t tell jack he’s still on the clock, and jack doesn’t tell deuce that he prefers oreo mcflurries more)
once got into a fight with ace over whether fish fillets were good or not and deuce threw a ketchup bottle hard enough to knock ace out cold
he apologized profusely but all ace cared about was how to throw like deuce. (he’s got some grudges and yes deuce received a ketchup bottle to his head)
in the back, you’ll find the rookies playing with that seasons happy meal toys joyfully
deuce defends the happy meal books with his life even though none of his friends agree 
its okay deuce they’re just jealous they can’t read /j
cheka filled in the mcdonalds application for leona after seeing the happy meal toys
he thinks working at mcdonalds would cheer up his unca
it does not
leona would really prefer if you just ordered at the kiosks
works drivethru and terrorizes everyone there
“can i get a umm..” “im sorry we don’t sell ‘umms’ we also don’t sell to people who cant speak properly”
dreads when he sees a group of teenagers in line. they have the most balls and he can only be recognized as the “prince working at mcdonalds” so many times before he starts throwing hands
refuses to wear the uniform properly. comes in with the most patterned ass fucking shirts. im talking leopard print, stripes, polka dots, pineapples. he’s an uncle and he dresses like one. see exhibit a
if it wasn’t a safety hazard he would also wear those uncle slippers so he can slip them off and hit malleus with them. this is the 4th time the ice cream machine is broken and cheka wants a mcflurry.
the slippers are also for his dogs to scare off judgy karens RUFF RUFF ARF BARK WOOF
stopped passing his work off to other people after vil tried to shave him bald. he shudders from the memory of the buzzing razor
he steals a fry before putting it in your bag
obsessively counting his earnings and will notice if he is getting paid less
makes him a very efficient cashier. if you give him strictly coins he will curse you on the inside but he’s quick to organize them all and give you the change
he also does not make you feel awkward when you’re taking longer to pay. there’s nothing to apologize for, go take ur time. helping leona has built up a looooot of patience in this guy
goes outside for his breaks, picks dandelions and makes wishes to PLEASE GET A PAY RAISE.
he wants to gtfo of this job he lives too far away from his grandma
some kid wanted their birthday at mcdonalds and ruggie personally went out to get lots of decorations for their special day
the place was filled with balloons and streamers and ruggie got floyd to dress like a clown to entertain the kids
the staff fr thought ruggie was taking revenge on them bc everyone was BEGGING to be the clown in fear of floyd being placed with the kids
ruggie knows floyd is great with kids but pretended he was the worst option for the Drama™
also because floyd bribed him with a wendy’s combo to do so. they both went to wendy’s after
he IS the christian autumn girl you WILL find him wearing infinity scarves and cardigans and uggs on the first day of september brandishing a PSL he bought with the card he stole from leona
when the staff had gotten enough of cr*wleys antics, lilia takes his car for a joy ride and treats everyone to the fountain soda. sorry, we kinda on a budget here
(ruggie pats his pocket in pride, cr*wleys credit card snug in place)
very devoted worker
believes that even if he hates his job, he can still be good at it
panics when a karen asks him why the ice cream machine isnt working but what kind of logical explanation can you give someone who won’t listen?
asks riddle to take care of it
yes those are his real ears no you may not touch them
sick and tired of hearing the jacob from twilight comparisons
jack thinks hes accumulated at least 3 mental illnesses from working here and it’s only been a few months
he’s put in the back to prepare orders instead of interacting with people which he appreciates very much. he’s kinda awkward, and people ask questions that make him uncomfortable
gets the orders out in record time. he wants them done and gone with
when vil is having another one of his meltdowns, they send jack to calm him down
the staff think jack have this magical healing power but really he just pat pats vil on the back and gives him some lemon water. 
they go out for walks if they have time and take pictures of nature and vil tells him about the plants
A+ therapy buddy, now vil needs a therapy buddy for his therapy buddy
after his plan on leaving the job failed he has a new goal: overthrow the company
even in minimal wage misery, azul will find a way to come out on top
he already is holding something over cr*wley in nrc, he will hold something over the bird man again to get a higher salary
he makes the bird raise all of their salaries actually, because he’s very generous
as thanks for his effort, he takes 2% of their earnings and no one puts up much of a fight because any salary increase in this job will do
azul may have started a revolution but he is not our comrade </3
he does not take breaks. its the sigma male grindset forever. until he’s forcibly dragged away from his coffee and his new menu additions
mans the cashier and refuses to give up his spot. customers either love him or hate him
he is constantly trying to get people to buy more food and he’s terribly good at convincing them
customers don’t know they pulled out their wallet until they already paid
he practices his charisma in the bathroom mirror. he has cue cards, and they all dictate his persona to the smallest detail.
riddle walks in just needing to pee and sees azul pulling out the shittest posh accent and language and is way too tired to care. but azul does get some tips and he walks out a little more confident
wouldve worked longer as the janitor if the washrooms werent so fucking disgusting
hey, you get to hear lots of stuff when you’re cleaning the place
most people do not acknowledge the janitor, so information gets tossed around without a care
helps kids fill their cups at the drink station, helps them put on the drink lids properly too
helps azul make bots to give this mcdonalds good reviews, specifically mentioning their names and how helpful they are <3 listen, a bitch is desperate 
in case someone is getting really annoying, jade reminds everyone that the bleach is in the bottom of the supply closet
to threaten? to drink? to poison? no one knows and jade likes being cryptic
teams up with lilia to make new menu suggestions. they aim to make one recipe that finally gets the OK
hey, mushroom oatmeal is a good idea! don’t kick it till you try it!
floyd got fed up once jade snuck mushrooms in his burger as revenge so they started a fight over the tables
there was hair pulling, shouting, biting, and a chair was thrown
apparently this is one of the tamer fights?? the only children are horrified
they’re lucky it was late because they got into big trouble with manager riddle
“big trouble” lasted about 5 minutes because floyd kept repeating “why”. with riddle’s attention on floyd, jade snuck out
thank you for your sacrifice
the only reason hes not doing food prep jobs is to hide the fact that hes playing in the playplace
when his coworkers try to look for him he slithers in and hides in the tubes
when asked to look for a floyd, the kids cant point him out because he never tells them his name
is absolutely the ronald mcdonald mascot. he shows up in costume when he feels like it and it’s like watching the strangest joker sequel ever
does shitty magic tricks and turns off all the lights to entertain the children. staff hate him. 
once the radio stopped working so floyd brought it upon himself to bring a few hula hoops and starting hula hooping while walking and singing lady gaga
he brings in random shit to do trick shots and he moves around via hoverboard/skates at all times
he has an old lysol container he uses as his water bottle. to this day, floyd has managed to convince ace that drinking lysol will make you immortal
kicked off of the register because he will not shut his mouth. please stop hitting on customers and please stop calling people snowflakes, no matter how much they deserved it
he’s good at preparing drivethru orders even though he’s playing on his phone most of the time
(he’s texting kalim. all of them run like 3AM thoughts or shower thoughts)
his union birthday card makes him look like a mcdonalds worker
don’t let him work in the drive thru he shouts
always hands you your food with “have a great day!”
if you are the most awful person and complain about kalim he responds with a hearty “aw shucks, sorry ‘bout that”. and while he bounces back quickly, how dare you.
he is the one that breaks the ice cream machine all the time
he Does Not Know how to operate it yet he is always the one there when someone needs ice cream
he brought sprinkles one time for the impromptu staff ice cream party he declared, but now customers think sprinkles are on the menu
he doesn’t have the heart to say they aren’t on the menu, so he personally buys sprinkles for this specific location
goes all out during parties. he will bring in a cotton candy maker and popcorn poppers and holiday treat bags
kalim drowning in riches, why is he here??
cater complained he was lonely, so kalim joined him.
they‘re always blasting the latest tunes in the back and treating tasks like a suggestion
but how can you get angry at the big, beaming smile on kalims face?
the most efficient worker
hes so calm. hes used to stupid people.
uses his internal monologue to stay sane.
he looks aloof on the outside but he is actually screaming on the inside. everything is on fire. the floor is lava and there are no platforms.
highkey just complies to the crazy demands these bitches make because he has no energy nor mental capacity to try to reason with these people
however, he remembers every single face and name and it is going into his personalized death note
he’s on volume nine now
before jade and lilia propose their ideas to azul, they have to run it by jamil first. and jamil deems all their ideas as a one way ticket to a poison control centre
because none of them are reliable, jamil writes the numbers and names of emergency services on sticky notes and slaps them everywhere beside caters stickies
theres numbers for helplines, poison control, pest control, and electrical maintenance 
leona used one of them to write down contact information for a hitman (it is rook’s number)
jamil uses that number to call for help. it is life threatening matter (it was a cockroach)
jamil nearly whacks azul with a broom for being in the storage supply
azul hid there because alas, it is a small world and his bullies in grade school are now his customers
jamil, being a decent human being, chooses not to spritz him with rubbing alcohol and gives him some awkward reassurance
unfortunately, it works, and now jamil is azul’s emotional support human and the staff send him to find azul every time
jamil is getting an aneurysm
where vil wouldve ended up had he actually murdered neige
if a customer asks whats in their food he will give you a whole essay on where it came from, how it got transported, how its prepped, made, seasoned, and the nutritional value
he’s never felt greasier in his life. he’s gone through all of his oil blotting papers on the first week. what the hell is in the air
his makeup looks immaculate every day, its to cover up the look of “i just got my life sucked out” as soon as he clocked in
the radio doesn’t actually break. vil just mutes it whenever neige is starring in a new movie because that is all the radios will talk about. 
speaking of neige, if he and his little dwarves come in, vil will tell them he’s having a wonderful time and that this job is good for experience
if he had fewer morals he would be putting rat poison in cr*wleys morning coffee
he excuses himself to go in the storage closet and scream. epel joins him and it’s their biweekly bonding activity
very patient with the children and talks to them with an air of grace. he accepts suggestions for the types of movies they want to see him in
quarrels with leona daily. he gets called ugly, then vil’s heel will meet his toes. vil may be dignified but that doesn’t make him any less petty
sadly for leona, cheka loves vil and will tell his unca to be nicer to the pretty man
vils “yeah leona, be nice” earns him a very mature middle finger from leona
will refuse to even give this establishment clout. has their company account blocked.
after fans see vil on caters vlogs, vil changes the password to the company account so no one can post on it again. 
his true villain arc
he used to work as the janitor because he was immaculate at cleaning but the staff put him on register instead
he’s very good at appeasing people
if a customer asks whats in the bigmac he will give you a whole thesaurus but will not actually tell you whats in it or where its from
he will compliment everyone that walks up to his register. in fact, even if he didn’t speak to you, he will yell across the room and say your skin looks radiant today
his compliments are not normal, they range from “your teeth are so straight” to “you smell different...oh, you must’ve went to the walmart down the street!”
after enough complaints, vil gives rook a stern talk
it works, but now theres a new problem arising 
he’s been collecting leonas hair
it wasn’t “serious” enough of a problem to take action, but leona is preparing a restraining order
helps train the newbies the most. epel and ortho love him, which means the entire group has to
ortho follows him around asking him random questions every day because he thinks rooks answers are unconventional. he’s collecting data to help idia make friends!
all of his spare shipment of apples actually go to mcdonalds
since cr*wley doesn’t want to pay for apples he finds this the cheaper option and gives epel a slight payraise for it
epel sends the money to his mama
azul is Very Jealous.
do NOT let epel man the register he WILL throw hands.
even with his pronoun pin, bitches will still use the wrong pronouns and he Will Get Physical!
stop asking him for his number, he will cuss you out and insult your breath
also keeps tabs on these customers and writes them down on their clipboard. sebek is in on this and will very Loudly cuss out these people if they harrass epel again
he has been reported to the manager at least once a week but he can’t get fired bc cr*wley needs those applys
congrats epel, you got privilege
teams up with ace to prank the staff. they replace the coffee machine with coke cola and move everyones belongings in the wrong lockers
he brings scented candles into the washrooms, vil brings the lighter. they accidentally trigger the fire alarm but they sit there calmly staring at the candle wick
gets swarmed during the holidays because he has to help azul write down recipes (absolutely not the family recipes. those are secret) for the seasons. 
because of this he spends lots of time with azul and learns a lot about him. now azul has 2 emotional support humans
makes emotional support apple cider for azul. favouritism acquired! 
is banging the door to the bathroom cater is hogging and cater lets him in they lock the door and cry together
when a customer throws down a bunch of coins idia debates jumping off a building
why the hell does this customer want mcdonalds to do the catering to their party 
he IS the one silently judging everyone but he thinks everyone is silently judging him too
kids love to point at his hair and ask to touch it
please do not touch his hair. few people ever get close enough to touch him. idia will break down
they want 100 hashbrowns? damn bitch who is you feeding? idia cant fathom someone having that many friends
he quits being the cashier and decides to work as a janitor instead. at least no one will look or talk to him
he enjoys being the janitor but he soon finds out that people are heckin nasty. the messes he cleans up are ones he never thought would come from grown ass adults
once a kid dropped her toy and idia (after cursing his life and gathering all his courage) picked it up for her, and the little girl loved his hair so much. now he has the nickname of “flame princess” from adventure time
pulling for his favourite characters on his break as lilia makes summoning rituals for them
they work, so now lilia is invited to every kind of gacha pull idia does. he boosts the SSR rates up 10%!
declining cards of people who laugh at idia for stuttering
he finds their cars, their addresses, their jobs, everything about these people. they’re prepared just in case idia wants them :)
ortho encourages rook to fly a arrow through their car windows
they have a swear jar and ortho funds it the most
absolutely steals some of the happy meal toys for himself and idia to play with
bonding with street cats and people of all ages
people think ortho is a walking ad for mcdonalds bc he invites them to visit his workplace, but he’s conducting exposure therapy for idia. these are friends you havent met yet!
technically he is under apprenticeship training but poses as an employee to get money
he wants the new PS5 👉👈
whenever vils new movies comes out, ortho prepares an entire fan review to discuss with vil. he’s his biggest fan!
vil takes the feedback and gives ortho candy as thanks for his support
ortho is the staff favourite and he even gets extra tips because of his cute face
gets convinced to give azul a dollar for every board game he plays with idia
lilia told him this was summer camp
lurks around, says hi to people. wants to befriend idia but idia thinks mal is messing with him
one of the few who get to hear riddle bitching about his job. he doesn’t really understand, but is a good listener
will ask cater how to work the social medias and cater makes mal swear to not open his magisnap
malleus doesn’t even know what that is and apologized to cater for opening up his magicam page </3
sebek fr breathing down his neck and the only place to hide from him is in the bathroom
he finds cater and idia there crying in the corner and he joins them to fit in
they are now an unofficial group of social outcasts and they occasionally meet up to play pokemon (mal watches)
he’s in charge of refilling the ice but he just??? disappears from his shift midway??? and now theres no ice bc they’re too busy cleaning up the fucking silly string in the bathroom
people avoid him so he just does work in the back
and by work in the back i mean he’s terrorizing leona while he’s terrorizing the customers 
he’s stuck on tray washing duty bc it is too dangerous for him to do anything else
he is very unsafe near the hot oil, he practices no safety procedures near the hot steam and water. 
maybe it’s best to put him on ice cream machine duty... it’s always broken anyways
hes experienced so many things in his long long life but he hasnt experienced customer service before
prefers this over being in the military actually
kids love to point out the little bat ears on his head
decorated the place for halloween one year but then it was transferred to azul because the skeletons hanging from the ceiling were scaring the children and the (fake..??) blood in the back was scaring the staff
do not be frightened by watching him drink ketchup in the back, he just Does That
babies literally everyone and everyone (reluctantly) calls him dad as revenge
it was weird at first but now lilia is asserting his new dad status and performing the most bass boosted, earth shattering sneezes known to man
on one of his dad status days, lilia goes “relax my sons, i am only fucking one of your mothers.”
silver doesn’t even know his mother but he dies a little anyways
if given a burger, he picks out the tomatoes and pickles and eats them. jamil is kind of horrified
he keeps making new suggestions to the menu but after the third rejection of turkey-tomato-cookie sandwiches, he cooks all the employees lunch every month to show off his spectacular culinary skill
the next staff meeting, they tell lilia to stop limiting his cooking to just them, as it should be “shared to the world on the secret menu”
was also signed up for ‘summer camp’
naps on the clock but is an excellent worker for the night shift
yeah this might have been his seventh cup of coffee today and yeah maybe that’s concerning but dw it’s nothing a few bathroom breaks can’t fix
riddle is staring in horror
very chill, never sounds stressed, and gets everything out at a reasonable time
only thing to complain about is that he gives an ungodly amount of napkins for no reason
the environment is dying singlehandedly because of silver giving you six napkins for a single ice cream cone
sings to himself to keep himself awake and it soothes the staff so much
on the less busy hours of the night shift, silver tutors deuce on science
as thanks, deuce offers to take silver to a build-a-bear
they get matching bunnies they both respectfully name “max” & “ruby”
silver and ruggie have a wordless agreement to cover each others shifts when the other is busy
they don’t hang out outside of work but they are ride or die on the clock
lilia is a Proud Father
when he answered the why do you want to work here question he truly meant every word of “because i care about the company and its values” with his whole chest
was transferred to work drivethru because he was angering the customers but now he’s blowing up the speakers
if you ever wonder why your burger is so flat it’s because sebek uses so much force when wrapping it you’d think he was personally insulted by the burger itself
too much energy. he will always forget your ketchup and sauce packets bc he is speedrunning all of your orders
straight up locks the doors in front of your face and glares at you for trying to come in at 8AM on a monday
loudly chatting with trey about the importance of brushing your teeth because trey is the only one that will talk to him /j
sebeks too loud so any kind of secret or gossip cant be shared with him
leona absolutely hates being in his presence but will spread rumours about rook stealing dna to make voodoo dolls to sebek so everyone’s eyes will be on rook
now leona has free bodyguards 
he is the only person to order off of lilias “secret menu” to see him happy
sebeks life expectancy rate is declining by the day
Tagging the skrunklies!! Thank you for your excitement :D
@spadecentral​ @ruggiethethuggie @mellyteddy​ @theheavilyindulgentgoat​
462 notes · View notes
Red Hood Enterprises
Jeff: Okay, here’s the deal. Boss is unexpectedly unavailable tonight, so it’s up to us.
Assembled Red Hood Goons: *nodding*
Jeff: And we are NOT going to screw this up, right?
Goon: *more nodding*
Jeff: Good. Now, who has the posters?
Mrs. Abarca, High School Physics Teacher: Can I help you, gentlemen?
Jeff: Hi, yes, we’re here for the career fair?
Mrs. Abarca: Do you have your confirmation forms?
Jeff: Oh, yeah, right here.
Mrs. Abarca, reading the form: “Red Hood Enterprises…”
Mr. Garber, High School History Teacher:
Ms. Patel, High School English Teacher:
Mrs. Abarca: *clears throat* May I see your display materials?
Dan: I gott’em. *holds up one of the posters*
Ms. Patel: Those look… very lovely.
Dan, beaming: Thank you, ma’am.
Mr. Garber, reading a flyer he just got handed by one of Red Hood’s…employees: “How to read and understand a benefits package…”
Jeff, nodding: It’s important sh- … uh, stuff to know when looking for a job.
Victor: Yeah, otherwise you might end up with some kind of fu- … er, lame insurance coverage or something.
Ms. Patel: Insurance coverage…
Aiden: Yeah, like my first job? Total shi……… really lousy. Benefits. Pretty bad. Didn’t even have dental.
Ms. Patel, reading over the flyer: These are actually all really good points…
Mrs. Abarca: Well. Why don’t you boys just go on in and get your things set up.
Jeff: Thank you!
*a dozen or so red hood goons head towards the gym*
Ms. Patel: Do you think this is okay?
Mr. Garber: Do you think he’s hiring?
Mrs. Arbaca: Was that Aiden Sergeant?
Mr. Garber: Huh, I think it was.
Ms. Patel: Who?
Mrs. Arbaca: Oh, he would have been here before you started teaching.
Mr. Garber: What, six years ago or so?
Mrs. Arbaca: Hmm. Yes. Nice kid. Very good at math.
Ms. Patel: Huh.
Later, at the manor
Duke: Okay, you would not BELIEVE who I saw at the career fair.
Steph: What? Who?
Duke: Jeff.
Steph: Wait, like-
Duke: Yeah. THAT Jeff.
Steph: Wow.
Duke: Right?
Steph: What was he there for? Demolitions?
Duke, shaking his head: HR representative.
Steph: Huh.
Duke: For Red Hood.
Steph: Huh.
3K notes · View notes
bnuuys-writing · 11 months
Briar Valley's Dental Team
Here is the Grown up!Sebek x Dental Assistant!GN!Reader ! <3 Idk if there will be a part two but this filled me in with so much joy just to write being a dental assistant myself. hhnngnjh i lob him your honor!!!
Next I will be writing Howls Moving Castle!Vil x Reader! <3 Stay tuned!!
~Bnuuy out!
Within the shady country of Briar Valley, between the cities of humans and the Fey, was a little dental clinic that resided in between. Seeing both Fey creature and human both, after their many years of peace did they finally come to an understanding of all;
Mouth hygiene. 
At least, that's what you thought as you were inprocessed onto the team as a dental assistant coming from the Queendom of Roses. Yet, the clinic was run by only one dentist, three hygienists and you as their sole dental assistant after the last one had gone on maternity leave and ended up quitting to stay home and take care of their baby. In which a new dental assistant was in dire need right away just to keep the sanity of the poor dentist providing there, and poof! There you are! Oh my, he was so happy to see you on the floor once you were hired.
You’re probably wondering who your boss is, correct? Why! It's the one and only dentist who will see Fey-kind and humans at the same time! Doctor Zigvolt! He was perhaps a bit nerdy, a bit clumsy as well but he aspired to help both kinds of folk on both sides of the border in hopes of giving them a brand new smile! Removing teeth that were too sharp and poking into the cheeks of fae, as well removing wisdom teeth from humans who needed it. Removing cavities with such ease out of teeth and filling them back up with this resin based material seemed as if it wasn't even a chore for him! Though, all the years of doing this started to cause his back to ache with poor ethics of sitting while he worked.
Which is why you’re here! Your job was to set up a room, grab everything that was needed for your patient. Was it just an annual exam? Well you’re going to need a mirror, an explorer, and a PSR probe to see how deep the depths are within the gums to see if there's any bone loss or decay underneath the gumline! Oh! You’re removing and filling in a cavity? Time to get the restorative kit and his handpieces! Oh, its actually extracting a tooth? Easy! Time to get the oral surgery kit! Then, once you were all done and explained the post operative procedures to the patient of what they can or cannot do, time to clean up and wipe down, then set back up for the next patient!
Mr Zigvolt was easy to please as well while working, bring him a cup of coffee and he will just dote on you as if a loving father would; rustle your hair and thank you at least three times for the coffee before going back to signing his paperwork. Ah, the life of a dental assistant was never easy but it was always fun just making sure everyone you see is doing okay and helping them get out of any pain. 
Life at the clinic was easy, especially when you made fast friends with the hygienists who cleaned the patients teeth. They were sweet older fae who have seen their share of working within the clinic, always bringing you in the latest gossip about the royal monarchy within the Kingdom of Thorns while you resided within a human town not too far away from the clinic which brings us to where we are today, and now.
“Y/n! I would like to invite you over to my home for a clinic party!” Dr Zigvolt stated happily as he turned to face you, paperwork of the last patient in hand as you were busy wiping down the room. You could only smile through your mask at him as you tilted your head slightly, a party at his home? You did hear the hygienists whispering that the doctor was thinking about a happy Organizational Day of just relaxing while getting paid!
“A party, you say sir? Are you sure you would like to invite me?” You started out curiously as you looked back down at what you were wiping down to continue to the job. The procedure was a bit bloody and you’re trying to remove any signs of any blood being within the room for the next patient's safety as well as yours and Dr Zigvolt’s.
“Yes! And if memory serves me correctly, you’re around the same age as my son! I would like you to meet him! He is always busy working and I am concerned he has no friends, unfortunately.” Dr Zigvolt’s voice got weaker as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Unfortunately, he is more of a mothers boy as well, so he doesn't really talk to me much. Yet, my wife has invited him to the party and he has accepted, so I thought I might be able to introduce you two!” Dr Zigvolt barked out proudly once more, nodding his head at the plan forming within his head. You and his son will meet and become fast friends, right?!
To you, it sounded like he was trying to set you up on a blind date with his son at this party.
“Sir, with all due respect. I do not need a boyfriend.” You stated out with a small laugh as you set down another item you had been so fervently wiping down. You knew about his wife, for Dr Zigvolt was so proud of her and had photos of her within his entire office. She was the daughter of a pronounced warrior within the army who fought so valiantly with General Lilia. It would be cool to meet his wife, but son? Although Dr Zigvolt was proud of his son, it seemed as if they weren't on good odds and you weren't all that interested in someone who didnt treat your boss right. 
“Pleeeease Y/n! Its just for a few hours! And if you don't like it, I will call the guard to escort you home considering it will be at night and across the border into the Kingdom of Thorns.” With that, your gloves had been removed while he spoke as you had finished cleaning the room. Now moving onto putting barriers back up in the room. An invitation was placed down on your side table with Dr Zigvolts fancy handwriting having written out your first and last name. Now, you were a small team but still very tight knit together, perhaps a singular hour couldn't hurt? As well the fact you did want to go across the border into the Kingdom of Thorns for a while now. 
“Fine, but only one hour, sir.” Was all you stated as you went out of the room to call for your next patient. What you didn't see was a proud fist bump into the air by Dr Zigvolt as he finally got you to agree. 
The clinic was closed for today, for today was the night of the party that was being held at the Zigvolt's home. There was a dress code of dressing nicer than usual but not quite cocktail so here you were, wearing the most professional outfit you had that was quite comfortable within the autumn air. You sighed as you slung your back over your shoulder as you made your way outside your home, locking the door and promising to be back before ten. Your trek was not quite long but it was a decent walk across the border with your invitation in hand just to show the fey guards posted between the border where you were going. They both seemed to smile and nod their head at you in respect as they seemed to recognize the little dental assistant from the weird clinic that they get their teeth worked on.
Just as you arrived at the Zigvolt’s home, the sun was at the point of setting and causing a beautiful twilight to settle across the land as fireflies danced across the yard. Their home was quaint, a little bit off the road into the twisted woods that you thought you might’ve gotten robbed in but you reached the door with ease. Letting out a small sigh of relief, you reached up and gently knocked your knuckles against the wooden door, hearing the music faintly playing within the home as well as chatter and laughter rumbling out like thunder. Reaching up to knock again, the door swung open wide only to reveal an all too familiar face.
“Ah! So this is the presumed dental assistant I have heard so much about!” The woman shouted out loudly in which you could only blink rapidly at her tone. So this was Dr Zigvolt’s wife! Wow. She was tall. Letting out a small rasped chuckle, you could only wave slightly up at the woman looking down at you. Her face held scales and her teeth reminded you of an alligator fey from all the pictures but seeing it all up close made you more intrigued with her form- No wonder Dr Zigvolt is heads over heels for the woman.
“Good evening Mrs Zigvolt-” You started out before you were roughly brought in by the woman who began to laugh out loudly. On the couch were the three hygienists most likely whispering about the latest gossip, while Dr Zigvolt seemed to be placing out some baked goods onto a table that was already filled with so much food, all homemade, of course. With a tough side squeeze from Mrs Zigvolt, she laughed out heartily at your uncomfortable state of being squeezed into her side.
“Please! Just call me Sonia!” Mrs Zigvolt- Er, Sonia stated. You could only nod your head as she let go of you as you smoothed out your outfit easily after being crushed by the woman's embrace. So this was the party? Well, it seemed comfortable enough! Afterall, you did like your coworkers enough just to spend some quality time with them, forgetting the whole reason why you were even invited to the Zigvolt’s home. You found yourself on the couch in between the hygienists just loudly laughing away about some story that happened with a child ending up biting one of the girls while they were cleaning the baby's teeth. Yet, your laughter was cut off as you heard a booming voice coming from the kitchen. 
“FATHER! I’VE TOLD YOU MANY TIMES!” A masculine voice shouted out as you stood up quickly, excusing yourself from the ladies who could only watch you leave before looking at each other with large smirks on their face. There goes their precious Y/n~ 
As you entered the kitchen, you saw Dr Zigvolt seeming to be crying pathetically as Mrs Zigvolt- Sonia- was holding her husband and glaring down at a mint haired man who was taller than Dr Zigvolt but not as tall as Sonia. He wore a pristine uniform and his hair was slicked back with such pristineness that if anyone had OCD, they would find nothing off putting by this man. Standing at the door, you tried to assess the situation quickly before stepping in fully, yet it all seemed too late. As the door shut behind you, the man spun on his heel to face you as you seemed to lose all air within your lungs.
Holy seven, he was gorgeous.
“ARE YOU THE PERPETRATOR MY FATHER IS TRYING TO SET ME WITH?!” His voice boomed within the room as you seemed to flinch slightly at the intensity of his voice before you huffed, crossing your arms. He was gorgeous with such a beautiful large frame, equally muscled to fit, scales on his face that seemed to define his jawline even more as his eyes seemed to bore into yours. Yet before his mother, father, or he could speak again, you instantly piped up.
“I am no perpetrator of Dr Zigvolt, I am his dental assistant. Now you don't have to shout every word you say, I can hear you just fine.” Wow, ouch. You stood your ground as you stared heatedly back at the man as Sonia seemed a bit shocked to see your spiteful nature coming out. Sure, her husband is a bit of a coward, especially when a patient is yelling at him so to have you calmly explain things to angry patients was an asset. 
She was interested in how this night was going to go between her son and you.
“I… HOW DARE YOU-!” Sebek started out once more only for you to hold up a hand and shake your head. He was silenced into shock as you seemed to shush him! Baffled that you would even do a thing, his mouth seemed to just open and close like a gaping fish as he glared down at you.
“See? That's better. Now can you just explain why Dr Zigvolt is crying and why you are yelling?” Down to business is how you were, especially when you were in a rush and you were running behind patients and had to deal with unhappy patients all at the same time. So it was quite easy for you to navigate through a tense situation like this one. When hearing no one speak up, you could only sigh as you began to rub your temples, GREAT, this is exactly the type of relaxation you needed.
“How dare you try to speak to a royal guard of King Waka-sama’s like that! You should be punished!” The man roared out again, pointing accusingly at you in which you could only roll your eyes, ready to speak up for yourself only for Mama Zigvolt to step in. Hand reaching forward, she snatched up the boy’s ear and started shouting herself directly at the mint haired man.
“YOU BETTER STRAIGHTEN UP AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF, YOUNG MAN. DO NOT BE THROWING YOUR TITLE LIKE THAT AROUND TO OUR GUESTS. APOLOGIZE NOW.” Sonia’s voice was even more powerful than the man in front of you, startling you a little bit as you only heard ringing in your right ear for a few seconds as the mysterious handsome man seemed frustrated for a few seconds before turning to face you with an annoyed huff. 
“My name is Sebek Zigvolt! And I am a royal guard to the King of Briar Valley! The Great and Wondrous Malleus Draconia!” Sebek shouted out, but not quite as loud as last time. You could only nod your head as you sighed out slowly. Perhaps you were done socializing now, as you also glanced at the clock, it was already nine. Perhaps it was time to go. Afterall, you had just remembered why you were wanted here, to see if you could make friends with your boss’ son but seeing how it was proven otherwise, you doubt you would like to stay any longer.
“Thank you Mrs Sonia and Dr Zigvolt for having me over. I think I shall make my departure back home now.” With that, you bowed your head respectfully as you began to make your way out and saying goodbye to everyone, leaving a very baffled and upset Sebek behind you. How dare you ignore him! Especially after getting shouted at by his mother to greet you! And be nice to you!! Sebek could only glance over at his mother who only glared down at him. He knew that look, and how he hated it.
So here you are, side by side, walking down the pathway back to your home. The walk was silent as you carried a basket filled with goodies from the baking and cooking of the Zigvolt’s. This easily could’ve fed you for an entire week with desserts too, including sharing some with your cat, Grim! The sky was void of any clouds as the stars seemed to twinkle even brighter above the two of you as you walked along, only listening to the gentle breeze rustling the bushes and the leaves within the trees until you cleared your throat slightly.
“So… Sebek, was it? Why are you walking me home again?” You asked out softly with a tilt of your head, trying not to sound too awkward. Afterall, you could’ve just called a friend to come get you, or paid for a carriage to take you home. Yet, here you were, walking side by side with a very stoic and stiff man who seemed to be alert of all the surroundings. The silence minus the leaves rustling followed suit, finally after a few seconds, he began to speak.
“I was tasked to guard you home in making sure that you are safely escorted! There have been a few kidnappings reported recently and Mother–... I was tasked to keep you safe.” He finished his statement while crossing his arms in front of his chest, as if proud to state that he was put in charge of your safety just like he was protecting Waka-sama. You could only roll your eyes and sigh, as much as you hate his presence on this walk, it was quite nice to actually have a guard with you. As for the recent kidnappings? You were sure that his mother just said that just to force him to go with you. Nevertheless, you were glad you weren't alone on this cold windy night.
As if the jacket you were wearing wasn't warm enough for the chilly autumn air, you let out a small shiver from chattering teeth. Though you tried your best to play it off as in stating how you're more frightened of the dark than cold, but with the visible puffs of air in front of your face being drifted away in the wind, Sebek could tell that you were lying to his face. Yet, wise words from Master Lilia reminded him about chivalry and how it's not dead, or how a Knight is to even look out for the smaller, more unfortunate folks…
“Here! A GRACIOUS OFFERING! I REQUEST THAT YOU GIVE IT BACK TO ME ONCE YOU ARE SAFELY TRANSFERRED BACK TO YOUR ABODE!” Sebek shouted out loudly as he removed his top layer of a coat and handed it over to you. If your cheeks weren't already pink from the chilly air, they were now as you gently set the basket of goodies down to wrap the jacket around your form. The jacket was way too big for you but it was very warm as you could smell the hints of cologne and what smelt like the fog rolling over mountains, warm and earthy. Muttering a small ‘thank you’ to Sebek, he only turned on his heel away from you as he began to walk ahead of you by two steps. He was trying to hide the small blush on his face because he did not need you gossiping to his father how a mere human made him blush!
Home was in sight not too long as you crossed the border, the lights flickering within the windowsill, a beckoning warmth towards you on the horizon as you could feel your tired feet urging you faster to your home. A snap of a twig to your right caused you to jump slightly as you looked into the forest with some fear etching into your skin- Maybe you were wrong and there was a kidnapper out there!? Frozen in place like a deer in headlights, you felt a hand appear in front of you as Sebek was instantly glued to your side, hand pushing you behind him as he had his sword drawn. So this is what it meant to be a Knight?
“COME AND SHOW YOURSELF AND I MAY SPARE YOUR LIFE!” Sebek shouted loudly towards the forage of the forest lining the streets only for another snap of a twig to echo closer to the treeline. Almost as if whoever Sebek had yelled at got scared and took a step back, only causing you to step a little closer to Sebek who could only grit his teeth as his cheeks were roaring pink once more. Eager to just get you out of his sight just to avoid this fluttering feeling in his stomach, he took a step forward with his sword raised only for a squeak to come out from a bush.
A squirrel hopped out, dodging the both of you and eagerly running away to the other side of the road to the other treeline and disappearing.
“YOU SHALL NOT SPEAK OF THIS TO ANYONE, HUMAN!” Sebek yelled out loudly at you, looking over at you with a frustrated crease in his eyebrow only for you to slowly nod your head and chuckle. You could keep that promise due to the fact that you refused to admit to someone that you let your boss's son protect you from a little woodland creature. 
Finally, the walk home was over and you were at your doorstep. Turning to face the guard who protected you so fiercely, you could only clear your throat. What do you say now? What could you even do now? Tell him thanks? Go away? 
“My coat, human.” Seems like he beat you to it, snapping you out of your daze as you realized that you were still clutching onto the jacket with one hand that was still draped around you and your other hand holding the basket of goodies. Ah. 
“Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts… Uhm- Thank you Sebek, for the coat… And for protecting me.” You stated out softly as you removed the coat from around you and handed it back to the awaiting male. A huff came from him as an air of smugness seemed to form around his body.
“Oh! So a mere human knows manners! Lest you forget this day, I will be returning every once and a while, and I demand your appearance at my home so that you will never forget how I guarded you!” Sebek laughed out, nodding his head at his great idea. Afterall, he spent a lot of energy on an unworthy human who couldn't even grace his Master's presence! Although for you, it sounded completely different.
“It just sounds like you’re trying to court me and making sure that I see you next time you visit…” You grumbled out with a small defeated sigh. Whatever. This was fine, right? 
Though Sebek was not ‘whatever’, he was not ‘fine’ either!
“YOUR ACCUSATIONS ARE WRONG! DO NOT JUMP TO SUCH PRESUMPTUOUS ACCUSATIONS, HUMAN!” Sebek roared out, flustered that you would even dare bring up such a topic just because he requested your presence just so he can feel your eternal gratefulness for this night! Maybe also the fact that you are deemable interesting enough. Though, he would never admit that! Even if Lilia-sama asked! Though, he would spill the beans to his Lord.
Chivalry isn't dead, right? You could only chuckle and roll your eyes, leaning up onto your tippy toes as you cupped his cheek as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. You could feel his cheeks warming up fast as he took a step back, baffled that you would even do such a thing!
“Thank you, Sebek, the most chivalrous knight I know. I hope my kiss is full repayment for your deeds tonight.” You stated out, this time you were smug in how this came out and how the tables have turned. The compliments plus the embarrassment of getting a kiss just due to him being chivalrous caused his face to turn bright red. Yes… He supposed he would like to see you once again…
“Goodnight… Y/n.” Was all he could mutter as he stood at your doorstep, watching you close your door and turn off all the lights in your home for the night.
'Until next time we meet, Y/n...'
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Lmaoo the convos between me (poor) and the dental assistants (also poor) are too funny.
Me saying hi cheerfully to the dental assistant: good morning!🥰
Him, who never talks to anyone nicely: oh good morning, Dr Snow (he ain't remember anyone else by name)! How are you on this fine day? Is everything alright? Are any of the (Karen type) patients bothering you? Do you need me to handle them?🥰🥰🥰
Me: no, thank you🥰
Him: you're welcome, Dr snow!
My supervisor: wtf
Me, greets supervisor: hello!
Supervisor: get to work. Call me only if the patient is on the verge of death.
Me, nods: thank you!
Dental assistant: supervisor is so nice! He's an amazing doctor!
Me: yes, he is.
Him: he makes a lot of money at his private clinic *proceeds to tell me the amount*
Me: o-oh wow. So where is that clinic?
Him: it's uptown! Oh and where do you live, Dr snow?
Me: *gives a vague idea of my address and it ends up being real close to the supervisor's clinic in uptown*
Him: so... is your father a business man/doctor/any job that would basically mean that dad is a millionaire.
Me: no, dude. I'm like poor😅
Him: oh stop it! No, you're not!🥰
Me: no, but i am fr.
Him: you don't look like it.
Me, standing in front of him with a hunched back after I worked all day on the patients, mascara smearing and sweat on my forehead: ya sure?
Basically, he thinks that as soon as I graduate medschool, I'm gonna use "daddy's money" to open up my own private clinic and hire him as my dental assistant. That's why he's so nice to me.
Me? I'm only nice to him and the other clinic staff because I want them to help me find a job at someone's clinic, maybe as a referral and hopefully, when I do open up my clinic with my own money, I can hire them on a discounted rate😭😭😭
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sympolite · 1 year
it's TDOV y'all!
hey, i'm Heather, and it's TDOV.
i'm an autistic trans woman, i'm in between jobs, and i've got a lot to pay for:
a potential catalytic converter replacement
dental checkups + a cavity that needs filling
bills! lots of bills!
estrogen! i've been out for a whole month!
i do make music (and have done so for Vast Error and Battle Craze) and i draw on commission, so you're welcome to buy my tunes or commish me!
and if you're looking to hire a programmer for whatever you need, i'm your girl! i have A Degree and experience with Godot, RPG Maker, HTML/CSS/Javascript, C#, Java, and PHP, but I can adapt to what you want as needed.
but also if you wanna just throw me some money to help me transition, eat, or fix my car and teeth, that'd be killer.
ρayρal: paypal.me / sympolite cash aρρ: $sympolite ko-fi: ko-fi.com / sympolite
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ofallthingsnasty · 5 months
may I ask…you to go on about crocodile’s dentist office?? omg, oral surgeon crocodile?!? wisdom tooth removal?! screaming
Haaaa, yes you may 😳 Thing is, I don't write him without the hook/prosthetic hand - and that is tricky in that field. I personally know someone who suffered an amputation injury (idk if that's the correct translation, in German it's Amputationsverletzung, so simple lol) of two distal phalanges of the left hand and he can't practice anymore. He works for a dental implant company instead - that's why I mentioned Crocodile as a sort-of businessman in the tags of that Doffy/Law dentist shitpost. But....
tags: crack treated seriously, suspend your disbelief bc we're turning baroque works into a fucking dental mill in this jdfksjsk, using the german system bc it's all i know (regarding specialist training etc)
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He's a little... difficult. He may not be able to practice anymore but he didn't stomp this office out of the ground only to hand it to some greenhorn surgeon with a fresh-off-the-press certificate - after all, he still has the license. He still has that knowledge and experience - and he knows how valuable all of that is. No, he's smart about it: hires a capable team of dentists, oral and oms surgeons - and retains the status of 'boss', expands what he already has and pretty much doubles down on work, only this time around it's more behind the scenes. Oversees procedures, advises his employees, does a whole lot of paperwork (and tax evasion), keeps the place extremely well-running and profitable. His business strategy is to cover all dental fields with his operation, so people can have a one-stop shop for everything they could ever get done... orally. Robin is the newest addition to his little roundelay - she's an oral surgeon, yes, but she has just finished her training. She has learned an awful lot during those four years of postgraduate training, but she still lacks a lot of finesse that comes with age and experience. She's one Crocodile's top-earners and he hovers an awful lot - guiding her, monitoring her surgeries, trying to help her get better - and most importantly, faster. (If you were to ask Robin - it's almost stifling but she appreciates the effort) So when you come in, an uncomfortable case of denitio difficilis with one of your lower wisdom teeth terribly close to the inferior alveolar nerve, of course he'll hold his head right into your mouth next to Robin's. He's intimdating, that's for sure - you had expected the very clinical young woman with the prim hair and cool smile coming in on her own. But there he is, right next to her: taller than average, tired but observant eyes, dressed entirely in white scrubs, with a tilt of his head that just screams 'in charge'. One look at him and you just know he doesn't joke around. You can't glean if his presence means good or bad news - and you don't care, you're in too much pain. In the end, he does very little - him and Robin lord over you from up above, that clinical light shining around their heads like a halo while you sweat and cramp and shake on the chair, the bitter taste of anesthesia on your tongue and the cracking of your own bone in your ears. He mutters instructions to her while she performs a coronectomy on you, holds your tongue to the side with the surgical hook, tells you to 'open' and not much more. It isn't easy - the anesthesia doesn't work well due to the inflammation in the area and the pain mixed with your own anxiety has you crying fat tears while the two labor - but you somehow survive it. Robin delicately weaves her stitches into your flesh and crinkles her eyes at your perseverance, just a tad out of breath. Crocodile leaves the second she's tied her last knot, not even telling you goodbye - you pay him no mind, you're just glad you're finally done with this torture. All that's left is to get the time slot for a follow-up appointment. You shuffle back to the front desk, to the skittish man sitting behind a computer, and slur out your request, tongue still numb and jaw sore. He pulls up your digital file - and almost falls off his chair. You don't quite understand what the ruckus is all about until he tells you you're no longer Robin's patient, at least not when it comes to consultations, that you'll be seeing the boss himself next time around. (And a few days later you get to brave the presence of Crocodile all on your own while he takes a long and proper look at the state of your wound.)
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oldfashionedmorphine · 6 months
RE: clarifying about my job situation :D
so what i struggled with at work was doing what’s called “assisted dental hygiene”, where you see double patients because you have a dedicated dental assistant who helps—i am not a fan of this system personally…
i know many hygienists who do this, they usually get compensated appropriately for completing the extra procedures and are well aware their schedule will be designed for assisted hygiene before they walk into work in the morning…i however, was not expecting this when walking into work in the morning and i basically didn’t know how to say no (this happened because a hygienist wasn’t able to come in to work to do her schedule so instead of canceling the patients, they split them between me and the doctor)
ps: I used to think this job was easy until i started doing it…2 years into my career i had to reduce my work hours from full-time to part-time because of extreme back pain—where an orthopedic specialist said it was entirely from occupational strain (despite doing yoga and getting massages, the pain persisted and i would be in tears) and i ultimately lost my job asking for reduced hours (during July 2020 of all times ugh) because they wanted someone full-time…so I found other places willing to hire for just 3 days a week and it’s worked fine for me so long as i don’t over do it…but even with reducing my hours and not seeing more than 10 patients a day, i still deal with pain flare ups from time to time…basically i never want to take care of more patients than i can physically handle because in the end, i’m the one that has to feel the pain.
but anyway, here i am tonight thinking i’m being overdramatic about “assisted dental hygiene” and this article made me feel better…i’m not alone 😬
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