#hire me u cowards
Dear Executives™,
In this day and age, each exec is surrounded by "yes-men" - guys that make you feel good, that match your energy, that tell you you have great ideas. But have you ever considered the ways this dynamic might limit your perspective?
Enter: the No-Woman™--
A voice of perspective-expanding truth and clarity to help you see beyond the flock of yes-men around you and towards a brighter future.
If you hire me, I will sit in a crappy chair in the corner of your office playing on my Nintendo switch and eating sour Skittles (expected as part of my compensation). When you have an idea, you may voice it, at which point I will either shrug my shoulders (indicating that you may go forward with your idea) or pinch the bridge of my nose and say "that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Where do you come up with this shit?"
In meetings with the other executives and board members, I will hold a very bright, very squeaky white board marker with which I will cross out the bad ideas on the board while loudly and disrespectfully chewing bubble gum or sipping an iced beverage (your choice).
Finally, when you're giving speeches, I'll sit in the front row with my feet up on whatever's in front of me. I'll scroll through my phone, but look up to shake my head and/or roll my eyes when I know your speech is going the wrong direction.
The rest of my time I will spend gossiping with your employees in order to get a more accurate read on employee sentiment to pass along to you honestly and anonymously when requested.
Please see my resume for a sampling of the many times executives like you have proposed an idea to which I've responded "that's the worst thing I've ever heard in my life", only for them to walk back on their decision a few months later, forced to eat crow. Imagine the humiliation I could save you!
I would literally do this job for $2 and a pack of sour Skittles, but since I know you can afford it, I will do it for the low low price of $100,000. Per paycheck.
Please consider employing me, I'm truly passionate about this work xo
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
[just black list the tag #rani liveblogs got if u don’t want to see me bitch]
changes from book to show i noticed
what do you think it says thematically that they change the execution ned is carrying out from gared to will. do you think it was just cheaper to hire one guy to be both the “point of view” for our intro to the others and to also be the person executed.
i KNOW what it says thematically that they end this open with a scary shocking gared gets beheaded by the white walker scene and completely cut waymar royce’s “dance with me then” last stand and it’s nothing very good.
i don’t know that i like that they gave the “what about you” “i’m not a stark” exchange to bran and jon instead of ned and jon. i feel like it hits more when it’s jon denying his own starkness to ned’s face and bran sitting there realizing what a big thing jon has done here. but maybe i’m being picky here.
i do love this jaime & cersei scene. establishes the incest early, that they aren’t the ones who killed jon arryn, and also nikolaj’s danish accent comes through sooooo bad but i like it let him do it and give no explanation it’s sexy.
the tyrion change sure is. very typical of d&d.
i understand why it’s easier to just have jon snow outside and if they had a stronger jon snow i think i’d find this change less annoying but jon snow getting drunk at the party and crying is like 80% of the reason i love him so much. whomst among us.
these people are cowards prudes and fake perverts for changing this to fully clothed cuddling from those horn dogs .25 seconds after they came. i don’t give a shit about those three dehydrated twenty year olds in the shaving scene, also jon snow is my son i do Not want to fuck him stop trying to make me want to fuck him and give me sweaty and naked sean bean and michelle fairley having political pillow talk dammit.
making that change from catelyn wanting ned to go and ned not wanting to into catelyn fighting with luwin for ned to stay and ned not saying anything. perfect combo of “man is always right” + “completely erasing cat’s canon personality” + “misunderstanding ned’s core trait of grief due to long term depression & ptsd as ned is an honorable fool” nonsense. also let sean bean be naked?? michelle is not even like old???
i do understand why george was annoyed at the wedding night change, he’s writing something much more subtle than this, buti do think that’s a sign that they are not writing as subtle as him in regard to like. literally everything but especially dany and especially her relationships.
general comments and bitching
the archery scene is so fucking good tho. the way bran just LAUNCHES himself over that barrel to go slap arya silly but he can’t catch her she’s gone she’s in the wind and jon rickon and robb are hooting and hollering. really great.
do you know how many people i know who thought that jon snow and catelyn were fuckin bc of the glare they added there. akskdkd.
i wish they’d differentiated between jeyne poole and beth cassel in this scene with some dialogue and arya hears the training outside eventually drown out their voices instead of complete silence. those girls were not just like, the Main socialization that arya & sansa get, they’re both important to the northern plot with jeyne poole being like foundational to both of their stories. but obviously we know where that one goes.
i always think of that “when he looks at MEEEEEE and i look at HIIIIIIM” post during the direwolf puppy scene
“but he’s coming right now! down our road!”
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i really like that arya is so mean to bran because he’s In Her Spot bc she’s next oldest so SHE goes next and HE goes next to the baby.
the way mark addy does that out of breath huffy “CAAAAAAAAAAAT” and hugs her is so funny to me i love every acting decision that man ever made.
honestly they really set emilia up by having most of her scenes be with harry lloyd when she can barely match kit harington and the daarios.
kit harington is always so much worse in this season than i ever remember. but that’s okay because lena headey, mark addy, and sean bean are also sooooo much better than i remember every single time.
the feast scene is also very good. the lil deranged moment between cersei catelyn and sansa. cat’s single nod to robb and him putting on the big brother and perfect heir face immediately. jaime so clearly wanting to fuck ned and ned cannot be more turned off by how desperate jaime is. amazing.
i remember reading an article about how this white opinion writer was like was that dothraki wedding racist. can you be racist against fictional people. you definitely can right?? anyways viserys looking really worried that murder is gonna fuck up his deal before laughing is so funny.
also the suddenness of “the things i do for love” is real good. i always gasp with bran when it happens, the way they time it is really good.
god i hope i don’t spend this much time bitching for every single episode. akskdjd. this is one of the good seasons.
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wodania · 7 months
Not a member of Rolly U but now that I know you consider yourself one, I wanted to ask if you have any headcanons about him and his role at the shy maid. I always thought his friendship with Aegon was probably one of the most endearing ones.
feel free to ignore if this doesn’t interest you.
OF COURSE!!! Here’s a Duck analysis and Duck headcanon collection! I’m just yapping none of this makes sense I just like talking about the Shy Maid crew.
So Rolly is very much a blank slate character because the chapters he’s in focus more on Jon, Aegon, and Tyrion. HOWEVER!!! I do have a lot of thoughts about him.
In terms of age, I imagine he’s on the younger side. Maybe 22-23. I think he’s definitely older than Aegon, whose about 18-19 (Tyrion says he’s like 16 or something but that was before he figured out who Aegon was), but I think he’s still within Aegon’s general age range. I imagine him to be quite tall, especially taller than Jon and Aegon, and chubby.
I think Jon finds him kind of a nuisance and lowkey annoying (in an endearing way), but keeps him around because Aegon adores him. Duck is intimidated by Jon but tries to act tough around him because he doesn’t want to act like a coward in front of Aegon (Duck admits to thinking Jon would “cut off [Haldon’s] cock and stuff it down his throat,” if he went to a brothel). Very much tired father who tolerates the friend his son dragged in because the friend makes his son happy. Even if Jon and Harry did hire him in the first place. Mean but a softie on the inside, he definitely does have a fondness for Duck considering Jon uses Duck’s nickname in his inner monologue and also says that Duck is a true knight, even if he isn’t Kingsguard material. Jon does secretly adore this guy he just also thinks he’s annoying.
Duck and Aegon are INSEPARABLE. Jon probably didn’t expect that to happen. When Jon lets Aegon be independent he shows up to his meetings late, likely slacking off and messing around with Duck, probably exploring the castle and having a gay old time. He and Duck are always playing and duelling together. Aegon gave Duck a kingsguard position with little hesitation even though Jon, his father and hand, thought it was dumb. Idk what Aegon’s friend situation was like growing up, but I imagine Jon didn’t let him get too close to any children as they were likely always on the move. Jon would’ve been worried Aegon might accidentally reveal himself. So to me I think Duck is one of the first friends that Aegon was actually allowed to keep, especially since he had to be approved of first. So Aegon latches onto this guy because he’s younger and more fun than his dad. I think it’s also cute that Duck and Aegon repeat the silver-haired prince and red-headed hot-head dynamic that Rhaegar and Jon had going on. I bet that gives Jon some complicated feelings. To me they are very much the classic college frat boy dynamic. Really sporty, loud, likes joking around. Maybe Duck brought Aegon out of his shell because it gave him someone to joke around with, since Jon likely didn’t give Aegon the opportunity. I bet they’d love first person shooters and streaming on Twitch.
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Hi! There's a non-xanon polyam ship I thought I'd write about and send to you and share since your blog's all about discussion of polyam in media.
The series The Big Bang Theory has a practically canon ship: Raj, Bernadette and Howard. Howard and Bernadette are married, Raj and Bernadette are ship-teased and Howard and Raj get a billion gay jokes.
They honestly are SUCH a throuple.
I have a LOT of problems with TBBT, a LOT. Toxic masculinity, racism, misogyny, queerphobia, ableism...
But it's entertaining and I still want to at least acknowledge this ship.
What's really dissapointing is that the series, like many, constantly jokes about characters being LGBTQ+ (Amy's bisexuality, Howard and Raj...) to the extent that it only isn't canin because it's "obviously" just jokes because gay so funny.
And it would have been so EASY to commit to the joke and ACTUALLY have LGBTQ+ characters. They wouldn't have had to write ANYTHING differently or hire new writers, literally just have the show exactly as it is... But make the gayness canon. Some good could have come out of that problematic show... But nope. And it is SUCH a missed opportunity.
And, back to Howard and Raj, them being a throuple woukd have worked REALLY well.
One of Raj's main traits was wanting love and hating being single, and his romances always failing. The 3 of them being together would have fixed that. He would have a fufilling relationship with a woman he loves and Howard, the character he's shown to be tye closest to. It's literally perfect. AND THEY ROBBED HIM OF IT-
It's rather frustrating that the writers were clearly lazy bigots, and couldn't bother to actually follow through on the jokes and rather blatant threesome subtext...
Anti-woke ppl often criticise representation bevause it's some huge deal and would ruin everything... But... It's not.
If they'd made it canon, it wouldn't have changed the characters or the dynamics at all, it wouldn't have been a big deal. The reason it's made into a big deal is because a lot of ppl think rep = entire character focus and narratives about issues, and don't understand "casual representation". Casual rep in TBBT coukd have existed, but tye writers wasted that opportunity. I could go on about how much Raj/Howard/Bernadette make sense and how it could habe been signgificant rep given how popular the series was...
Also quick shout-out to the lowkey non-monogamous vibes of Amy dating Sheldon and crushing on Penny (she literally imagined Penny/Sheldon fanfic in one scene) who's dating Leonard.
Anyway, so that's about it. Your blog is all about poltam ships and I wanted to share one I personally love tho I have a LOT of issues with the source material lol
i never expected big bang theory asks but i can see ur point and i think ur right the writers are cowards. thank u for rambling to me about this i love reading yalls takes on polyships and stuff
and hey maybe theres someone reading this who agrees w u and more friendship could blossom in powerpolyculeshowdown which is my new goal here tbh i want ppl to get along and have a good time
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attourney-at-lycan · 2 years
genesis was born into a basically a military family that prides themselves in being the best at providing o’khasis w/ strong knights/guards/bodyguards- some of the ppl of their family serve directly under Lord Garte himself- so she was raised in a way that taught her how to fight and serve those above her. she was taught from the moment she could wield a sword how to be the best weapon for anyone, a sword unable to have their own opinions, beliefs- she passed at the top of her class in knight academy and when zane cane around to build the jury, he chose genesis to be one. she’s pretty much what you can expect from someone who was raised in this way, she doesn’t seem to show any emotion or sympathy, she can be cruel and has convergent thinking, she’s not… cold or mean? but sort of monotonous? in a way? she has zero social skills so she does not do well alone in a public setting. she’s extremely obedient to authority figures and uhhhh thats all i can come up w/ for her? she has a bit of a strange relationship with jeffory? by that i mean, jeffory tries to stop genesis whenever she does something cruel when zane’s not around. he has to spend a while to convince her to out her fists down and just jgnore it bc zane’s not gna care. he sorta feels bad for her since she never really got that freedom at all? kinda like an animal born in captivity who even if you give them a way out, they probably wont take it bc their little area is all that they know. if that makes any sense, its so weird to compare my ocs to animals but thats sorta the best way i can explain it.
CONNIE- ohhhh connie connie he’s great. originally i had planned to make him some sort of deranged scientist/inventor who was stuck in the dimension of a different god for years and while thats not completely off what i want to do, i’m kinda not set on that now. but anyway, connie is basically con man extraordinaire but also a coward at times- he’s an alchemist, also doctor also surgeon also herbologist also scientist also researcher also archeologist also historian also he used to work in a circus for half a year if that can add anything to his resume- when he’s not getting himself killed trying to discover the secrets of the dead gods, he’s creating medicine to help those who cannot pay for a healer or expensive healing potions, or he’s out stealing shit from zane or he’s doing some other shit. anything other than getting a good night’s sleep. i do plan on- it’s a bit of a funny little “spin off idea” where its aaron and connie traveling together before the events of mcd, where connie hires aaron to accompany him on a small bodyguard job turned years long adventures with aaron keeping connie from joining the souls in the nether. he’s sm fun ik telling u-
ares i dont really have much tbh? in my rewrite meteli’s a port city that has a lot of run-ins with pirates and so ares was picked up by pirates and dropped off @ meteli where he basically grew up there before something happened that caused him to die? maybe he and some other riff raffs were too close to the nether portal and boom shit happened now ares is a shadow knight- ALSO i forgot to mention he is half elf, my only non human oc (FOR NOW- i tend to go apeshit w/ ocs) his personality tbh is kinda 🧍i dont know actually- the closest i can get is like a chill dude that likes to do the least work possible but if forced to he will be pretty cruel? im not sure on him yet but he’s fun..
also here are picrews (bc i cant draw for shit im so sorry) of them w/ the order being the same as how i mentioned them
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experienced shallan& emotion after thinking about how ill always be right even if ya boy branderson shows himself to be wrong. ramble off the dome. its so sick and twisted that he did that to veil when she was literally same shit as our beth (2017!! oathbringer was 2017 that was her last era...) and then she fused w me and we had to deal with that missingness. VEIL DESERVES BETTER..... i literally think veil could have a 'babe you deserve to exist too you're more than your internal purpose' resurfacing arc but cowards using the DSM instead of narrative & healing (More relevant irl to even traumagenic plurals than CLINICAL ASSUMPTIONS 🙄) would not write this. pointing at him threateningly that fusion was nonconsensual (shallan was NOT READY!!) and thats damaging and you have to acknowledge this. Losing one of her support team because they decided for her that it's 'good for her' doesnt help shallan actually gain a stable sense of identity (healing goal for both final fusion AND functional multiplicity!) OR process the traumatic memories she just got dumped on her. Radiant is not a sufficient support on her own she's struggling herself with rigidity & shallow sense of identity & lack of relation to others!! And shallan is better than she was in OB re: distress tolerance for existing as herself but i cannawt even conceive that she won't backslide after learning what she did when she was tiny. Little split/surface or emerging age regression IMMEDIATELY!! That shit needs resolving!! radiant(+shallan if inner child is separate) internal mom arc i can envision it. shallan& 'responsible for the deaths of HOW many parental figures now' needs reparenting like MORE than she needs air (literally. stormlight will let u simply not breathe awhile <3) ANYWAY IM LITERALLY RIGHT ABOUT THIS AND I DONT DARE TRUST HIM TO NOT SIDELINE HER PLURALITY. Better to be jaded and right than hopeful and devastated.... But of course BEST to have 'oathbringer 2 : cathartic sobbing again' if he manages to surprise me by giving this WHOLE system some genuine dignity & healing as their own characters, rather than sacrifices to the Real Shallan's identity formation. aka how it is looking right now. Hire ME as your sensitivity reader 🔫 I have SO many community perspectives in brain and accessible to me im like fifty readers in one <- RIMSHOT
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brucequeensteen · 2 years
9, 11, 19, 21 :))
HI RYAN sorry thisbgot long but. :3
9. what’s a series or franchise you secretly or not so secretly think you’d be, like, a REALLY good writers for if they’d stop being cowards and hire you already?
okay the obvious answer is supernatural. i haven't had intense spn thoughts in months which is a good thing and a sign of healing but I know in my heart that I could fix that show I would treat it so well id be so good to it. Uhmm anyway. i also believe i would be an asset to the stranger things writing team because i loved it back in season 1 but now I have a very VERY mixed relationship with it (mostly including hatred and regret) but I could fix it i could fix them. Anyway.
11. if you currently write fanfiction or have ever written fanfiction, please tell us about the plot of the first fic you ever wrote
this is a difficult question because i genuinely don't know what the first fic i ever wrote was.... it was either marvel or harry potter sorry everyone. they were both when I was around 8 years old i just dont know which STARTED first. the harry potter one was basically just me making a bunch of ocs and putting them into the world with a new original villain. it was pretty good, considering, like 8 Yr old me did some in depth character development and I still have the notebook I used to outline chapters and write down songs that made me think of certain characters or stuff like that. and tge marvel thing was something I wrote with my cousin where we made a bunch of our own superheroes and villains that teamed up with the avengers and it was basically (comics universe) infinity war but to the left. notable heroes included Vortex who wore a suit that looks like the guys from Daft Punk and can create mini black holes out of thin air, and Jaguar who was basically my mini wolverine but she was also an acrobat. so yeah. My cousin had a guy called Dr Emoji who drove the emojibile and created little minions modeled after emoji faces and they basically fought for him. Me and my cousin are both autistic btw
19. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
UHHMMMM i don't know i can't remember nothing comes to mind. i know things. I learn things. but I can't tell u something i learned specifically while researching for a writing project. I'm most likely to remember at a random moment when it isn't important or relevant sorry ry :') um and I've never written anything that required a ton of research, but i do it for everything I write, even for small things, and not always on a huge scale. does this make sense. research is important but i don't regard it as SUPER important . Depending on what ur writing.
21. BIG ask: what do you think is the most important component of a good story?
gay sex . no im kidding. its hard to pick just 1 thing but if i must say there are 2 components that are important to ME personally:
1) complex characters that are memorable, whether they are loved or hated, characters that make you feel things and even if you aren't rooting for them you still care to see what happens to them
2) funny stuff like genuinely intelligent comedy even if it's a super duper serious and dark story if there aren't tiny moments of light and humour then. Well then I don't like it that much lol. im not saying cringey worthless one liners or even full on jokes because those are often out of place and weird, but something that's enough to make you smile or exhale through your nose, that helps you connect to the story more
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griefpersevering · 2 years
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the ripples they cause
Read on AO3 🕷 Playlist 🕷 Buy me a cup of tea ☕
Chapter Twenty-Five: Three is the Magic Number
hello everyone!! I'm so sorry about not posting a chapter last week - I was just ill and life really got in the way. But I'm back, and I promise I'll make it up to you all at some point!!
Sneak peek:
Someone must have given Kate Bishop his phone number, because Peter wakes up on Monday morning to a text from an unknown number.
There's a screenshot of a headline from the New York Post which reads, Spider-Man's trial postponed after impossible prison break! Then a message underneath: We should celebrate. Meet Yelena and I for drinks tonight?
Well, he needs to talk to them anyway. They may as well meet up somewhere more interesting than his apartment. I'm not old enough to drink.
Another number texts him less than a minute later. i can get a fake id 4 u by this evening. It must be Yelena. There's no one else that would send him sketchy offers at 10am on a Monday morning.
I'm good, thanks.
He shakes his head and tosses his phone onto his desk while he changes out of his pajamas. His eyes land on the coffee cup before he swallows around the lump in his throat and quickly turns away.
Matt promised to deliver his letter. If Peter went back to the donut shop now and begged to keep his job, Craig would let him. Peter Pan's only hires the most desperate coffee makers and donut chefs. But his letter serves as a coward's goodbye; a way to let MJ go without ever having to say the dreaded words.
She'll move to Boston in a few months anyway. It's better to rip the band aid off now so he can move on with his MJ and Ned-free life.
Once he's dressed, he picks his phone back up and goes to brush his teeth.
Meet at 7? Kate asks.
See you there.
That gives him nine hours to come up with a plan. Should be plenty of time, right?
Continue reading on AO3.
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captainshyguy · 2 years
how aboutttt 2, 9, and 19?
aaa ty sam!! 2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
hmmm, these are a little bard for me to figure out, (like i’d say realising 'oh elyon’s actually probably aro’ but that took some time to realise) i think....in the original concept for little gods,it was mostly set on earth and i had this knda ‘uhhhh....dumbass why are we teling  story abt space ods and not srtting it in space what are u doingfkfbndhjkhdfhdf’ and i was like Oh Right 
9. what’s a series or franchise you secretly or not so secretly think you’d be, like, a REALLY good writer for if they’d stop being cowards and hire you already?
pokemon >:] give me the skeleton of your plot and i’ll improve it pokemon, I’LL DO IT, I CAN 
probably at the loss of a blank slate character, but i could probably write around it
19. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM......ngl i dont do a lot of research KJNFKJDSGJKD, i dont have to very often! x] i guess i’ve learnt some bug genus names, and how to say leaf in british sign language >:] (though i mean, i can see it in my head though i’d probably have to watch the video more times to actually pull it off myself)
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fabioafterdark · 2 years
had a trial shift at a bar last week and it went rly well, the guy was like "ill text u tomorrow to arrange getting your details and stuff for the contract" then i heard nothing for a week and i was thinking the bastard was just being nice to me cos i was there but they probably got someone else who has more specific cocktail experience or whatever so i texted him on the number he used to arrange the trial shift like "any news about the job?" and apparently they actually do like me but cant hire anyone rn cos their sales are too low atm, maybe they will contact me some time next month??????? WELL WHY DID U ADVERTISE THE JOB IF U CANT AFFORD TO PAY A NEW MEMBER OF STAFF ffs!!!!!!!!!! employ me you cowards
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caracello · 2 years
can you tell me more about onni and stand still stay silent? i haven’t heard much about it and the artstyle looks really intriguing
YESSSS I CAN its a post-apocalyptic story set in the nordic countries + its got quite a bit of nordic mythology in it as well +) the main plot follows a group of adventurers that were hired to go into the silent world (aka areas that havent been explored/inhabited yet) and collect old world books to sell to researchers!! its zombie apocalypse-ish in the way that the virus that took out the world made the people and animals that were infected into like. monsters called trolls that attack people but its not too realistic! like half the cast has magic powers
onni is a side character in the comic hes the older brother and cousin of 2 of the main characters (tuuri and lalli, respectively) +)) he was originally the one being offered the exploring job but he turned it down because he is: a coward. hes a very competent mage though and ends up helping out on the adventure anyways a bit down the line even tho he doesnt physically go
its a webcomic u can read it at sssscomic.com and umm.my husband is in it so you should
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lavelled · 18 days
homage to the mates.
Quick news: The Princess Kate cancer video, twirly amongst nature, is false, fake, and a lie. Musk wrote the impregnation tweet to deflect from September 11 because it was Harry. We don’t know why Muzzled Meg is with microphones galore—both consensually horrible?
Harry’s eponymous Catturd Twitter account represents family pedophilia. Google the identity, king-wise. Harry posts unwitty far-right extremism like curricula for monsters. Harry Windsor—cause of school shootings, school fires, stabbings, and suicides—is a fanboy right-winger with zero political views writing slop on the Internet to lighten the mood from kidnapping that upsets your teenagers. Kids know how he’s a swaddled coward in the UK, getting paid to theorize about my rape.
He has fun outside of wedlock. Dril or wint or cunty, the online account with a Jack Nicholson picture from the film, Something’s Gotta Give. This is Harry. In 2014, he wrote: i am selling six beautfiul, extremely ill, white horses. they no longer recognize me as their father, and are the Burden of my life.
google iitz.
In non-eloquent terms, a literary pedometer about his papa enslaving little girls and threatening the actor who was their actual pen pal. In case South Sudan needs a civil rights guest speaker.
A Netflix deal for a hired ventriloquist who, for six years, has deliberately helped a California-enemy sex trafficking violator. To dire results. Could nothing be worse?
As a briefcase model, in brassy copper orange, she opened suitcase Number 11 to reveal 5 dollars inside which the video titled, Meghan Markle Has the Case Deal or No Deal Game Show Network on YouTube details, years before she accompanied her playbook bunkmate to the ESPYs as he accepted an award honoring a fallen 9/11 hero.
She was cast in a wedding day prank, procreated with the contract holder, and deceived youths with the intentional spread of inaccurate information about race, gender inequality, and cyber bullying that she’s never been subjected to. H & Birthmark: You’re a psycho and she’s nowhere near a Cleopatra Malala Yousafzai.
Meanwhile, my female rights are gone and her captor husband says he wants to live in my attic. A reference I’ve learned is not about a cathedral roof hideaway, but the anatomy of a persecuted 15-year-old girl.
Grieving parents deserve more than implementing Flip and Frogmore Cottage as Mad Hatter tea techniques to denote that she’s the wrong milady.
Kids feel bad for someone. Guess who?
In Harry code, Rachel means: Rape-U-1st.
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, at 9:02 am, in a Ryder rental truck, bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, killing 168 people because of Royal Pedophilia, Incorporated.
Tyler Hilinski—Quarterback at Washington State University was found with a gunshot wound to the head and a suicide note. 21-years-old. Four months before their wedding.
Jason Hairston—NFL player; founder and CEO of Kuiu, a hunting gear company. He was Department of the Interior liaison for hunting groups during the Trump administration. He killed himself at his home in Dixon, California. Four months after their wedding.
Jonathan Cantwell—Australian professional road bicycle racer; won a stage of the Herald Sun Tour and two stages of the Tour de Taiwan. He killed himself six months after their wedding.
Morgan Rodgers—lacrosse player at Duke University. Her mom, Dona, said she suffered a dream-shattering knee injury and on July 11, 2019, Morgan died by suicide. At 22.
Pavle Jovanovic—Olympian on the USA Bobsled team. He became a welder and hung himself in his metal shop on May 3, 2020.
Dieter Brummer—Australian actor on the soap operas, Home and Away and Neighbours. He killed himself in Glenhaven, New South Wales. July 24, 2021.
Terrence Butler—basketball star at Drexel University, studying Engineering. The 6-foot-7 forward from Prince George’s County, Maryland died by suicide on August 2, 2023.
Alec Musser—model and actor; played the role of Del Henry on All My Children. He died by self-inflicted gunshot wound in his Del Mar, California home on January 12, 2024.
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autisticlio · 9 months
6, 8, 10, 15, 21. 44. and hmm 34 and 35 out of curiosity if u want to do them :D
6: Age you get mistaken for
I always get mistaken for a thirteen to fifteen year old cause of my height and weight. Even today I was asked if I needed a doctor’s note for school.
8: Want any tattoos?
At the moment, not really. The main problem is that I can’t make up my mind with anything regarding them. Plus there’s the whole issue of jobs not hiring, but that’d be more of an issue if I do office work and isn’t as common.
10: Want any piercings?
Also not really. Mainly cause of the botched job that happened as a kid where one of my ears is torn. I think face piercing can look really cool like the little beads at lips. The main problem though is infections which I don’t need more of rn lolol.
15: Favorite movie
The easy answer would be Promare, but I’m definitely not into it as much compared to before.
21: What I love most about myself
I’ve been told my eyes are really nice, so I guess that.
44: A random fact about anything
I can curl my tongue.
34 + 35: What I find attractive in women & men
If I was a coward, I’d just say “great personality,” but that’s too vague and I am not a coward. Taller than me for women and about my height for men. Red head, brown, or black hair. Round face. Cute thighs. Tend to prefer feminine looks too. Cute voice.
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Betty, I am so with you on this!!! I don’t get the psychology at all. She clearly wants to be part of the wag inner circle, but also never be seen as part of the wag inner circle? Like, I get if she’s got some feminist insecurity about being seeing as ~just a wag~, but how is it any better to be seem as someone who only hangs out with hired ass kissers? Makes no sense to me. None.
it’s strange, the optics r very weird esp now that they’re engaged. does she think anyone will be upset w wag game day and fancy outfit and resto posts (or even stories!!) at this point? idts. give us fashun posts u coward!
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p1tstop · 3 years
charlie let me come film unboxed with you pls i knOw what the people want*
*michael/jon content
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son-of-drogo · 6 years
Reasons why I should play Frodo in the lotr tv series:
1. Gay
2. Short af
3. In the right approximate age range (Frodo is 50 so like mid 20's-early 30's but really looks about 18 or younger depending on how baby faced he was before he got the ring. I'm 25 and I look 16 or so I've been told)
4. Trans/demi boy
5. Cute af
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Here's a photo for reference.
6. I've read the books 4 times and seem the movies like over 100 times
7. Chubby
8. I too am obsessed with costume jewellery
9. Apparently really good at accidentally scaring the piss out of people when I appear suddenly behind them.
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