#sobbign crying intried
attourney-at-lycan · 2 years
genesis was born into a basically a military family that prides themselves in being the best at providing o’khasis w/ strong knights/guards/bodyguards- some of the ppl of their family serve directly under Lord Garte himself- so she was raised in a way that taught her how to fight and serve those above her. she was taught from the moment she could wield a sword how to be the best weapon for anyone, a sword unable to have their own opinions, beliefs- she passed at the top of her class in knight academy and when zane cane around to build the jury, he chose genesis to be one. she’s pretty much what you can expect from someone who was raised in this way, she doesn’t seem to show any emotion or sympathy, she can be cruel and has convergent thinking, she’s not… cold or mean? but sort of monotonous? in a way? she has zero social skills so she does not do well alone in a public setting. she’s extremely obedient to authority figures and uhhhh thats all i can come up w/ for her? she has a bit of a strange relationship with jeffory? by that i mean, jeffory tries to stop genesis whenever she does something cruel when zane’s not around. he has to spend a while to convince her to out her fists down and just jgnore it bc zane’s not gna care. he sorta feels bad for her since she never really got that freedom at all? kinda like an animal born in captivity who even if you give them a way out, they probably wont take it bc their little area is all that they know. if that makes any sense, its so weird to compare my ocs to animals but thats sorta the best way i can explain it.
CONNIE- ohhhh connie connie he’s great. originally i had planned to make him some sort of deranged scientist/inventor who was stuck in the dimension of a different god for years and while thats not completely off what i want to do, i’m kinda not set on that now. but anyway, connie is basically con man extraordinaire but also a coward at times- he’s an alchemist, also doctor also surgeon also herbologist also scientist also researcher also archeologist also historian also he used to work in a circus for half a year if that can add anything to his resume- when he’s not getting himself killed trying to discover the secrets of the dead gods, he’s creating medicine to help those who cannot pay for a healer or expensive healing potions, or he’s out stealing shit from zane or he’s doing some other shit. anything other than getting a good night’s sleep. i do plan on- it’s a bit of a funny little “spin off idea” where its aaron and connie traveling together before the events of mcd, where connie hires aaron to accompany him on a small bodyguard job turned years long adventures with aaron keeping connie from joining the souls in the nether. he’s sm fun ik telling u-
ares i dont really have much tbh? in my rewrite meteli’s a port city that has a lot of run-ins with pirates and so ares was picked up by pirates and dropped off @ meteli where he basically grew up there before something happened that caused him to die? maybe he and some other riff raffs were too close to the nether portal and boom shit happened now ares is a shadow knight- ALSO i forgot to mention he is half elf, my only non human oc (FOR NOW- i tend to go apeshit w/ ocs) his personality tbh is kinda 🧍i dont know actually- the closest i can get is like a chill dude that likes to do the least work possible but if forced to he will be pretty cruel? im not sure on him yet but he’s fun..
also here are picrews (bc i cant draw for shit im so sorry) of them w/ the order being the same as how i mentioned them
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