#himself and let Shannon go - to really deal with the healing there.
stagefoureddiediaz · 7 days
Something something about Eddie learning Buck will be there for him off the job, even without Chris being in the equation.
Something something about that being an important realisation for him to finally make because he’s always hidden behind his son when it comes to Buck (and his love life more generally - even Shannon in reality was for Chris not himself) but he won’t be able to this time.
Something something about that realisation being the key to giving himself permission to examine his heart and feel his true feelings.
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talktonytome · 24 days
Ok I couldn’t stop thinking about this post and how Eddie’s cultural background impacts his life so I’m adding some of my thoughts:
re: repression and emotions- unfortunately for those who subscribe to the machismo part of our culture, they are taught to repress emotions- boys&men shouldn’t cry, suck it up, showing pain is weak. And we see that with Eddie and his Dad, who ingrained that so much so Eddie resorted to unhealthy outlets (like cage fighting-another macho thing) and he was having panic attacks because his feelings and emotions had no where to go. He was so reluctant and skeptical of therapy (again another machismo/ Mexican thing)
re: being forced to grow up too fast- when he was a BOY, his dad told him he had to be the “man” of the house now and take care of the family, which segues into getting Shannon pregnant in their teens. By his dad’s measure, he was a man right? He was expected to get married and assume the role of husband and provider. And sure, religion plays into it as well. he felt pressured and never had the time to think what do I want to do? And as is the case for so many to escape their situation, he joined the army and boy do you grow up fast there.
re: relationships- he married his first serious girlfriend when they were so young and even though they loved each other, people change so much and they weren’t given the option to consider not being together. Eddie mostly assumed the role of provider because he didn’t know how to deal with everything going on, especially with Christopher. (btw I don’t think it’s fair how harsh some ppl are about Shannon bc she was left alone with a kid and Eddie’s parents who hated her) He wasn’t there to be a husband or a father because, as he said himself, he left first and ofc he felt guilt over that. His only impression of love and their relationship was stagnant and frozen in time. When he reunited with Shannon, he was only maybe just starting to get closure when she died and he fell into that grief and never let himself fully heal from it. After being with Christopher again, he fully took on the role of father and that is all he was. His subsequent relationships did not work because he was really looking for a mom for Christopher and again didn’t ask himself what he wants, he struggled with relationships, and as a result, the women he tried to date suffered.
We know that his aunt constantly tries to set him up with people and oh god if that isn’t relatable. If you’re Latinx, we hear it all the time! “Cuando te vas a casar?” (When are you getting married?) “No tienes novio(a)?” (You don’t have a gf/bf?) “Deja the presento a” (let me introduce you to). There’s this pressure and stigma about being alone and Eddie goes along with these set-ups, women that are not chosen by him so ofc it feels like a performance. (I mean dating already is when you’re just getting to know someone.) and there’s the expectation in our culture that you need a partner and nuclear family to be complete.
In conclusion, I wish more people could see the influence and impact all of this has on Eddie’s life and decisions, and how he’s hispanic man forced to grow up too soon and become a dad-coded. I wish that nuance was considered more often, and my hope for season 8 is that he finally breaks it all down and figures out what he wants and who he wants to be!
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carolinahope · 4 months
We have seen Eddie working on and healing many of his issues. And it was beautiful. It hurt but seeing him more settled in his fatherhood, in being a son, being able to ask for and accept help, it was glorious.
The one thing he never really seemed to heal from - or even attempted to, was the loss of Shannon. And not just her death, even before, him leaving, her leaving, her asking for a divorce.
He is doing all he can for Chris - and it is so heartwarming. But he is doing shit all for himself.
He idolizes her. He is putting her on a progressively higher pedestal. He is turning the wish of a relationship into the reality that never actually happened for them. I believe he loved her. But I also believe that had she lived they would have never gotten back together. And it looks like Eddie is reaching a breaking point.
Before 7x07 I was thinking how this whole season we have seen Eddie happy. There was the Chris of it all with his player ways but other than that, he has been enjoying his life in a way that he was maybe not able to before.
But it seems it was just the calm before the storm. Because he is tearing his life to pieces to pursue a past that never really happened. And it will explode in his face. I may not care for Marisol but he basically turned her into a glorified babysitter. Who is banging the dad. And there is also Kim who is thinking she is going out with a sweet DILF. And Buck who thinks they trust each other and have each other's backs. And Chris who is dealing with the loss of his mother maybe even a little better than can be expected given everything that happened.
And when it all falls to pieces there will be a lot of healing and rebuilding to do. My heart already aches but if this is finally the kick in the nuts Eddie needs to untangle his feelings for Shannon, to let go of both the fantasy of them and the guilt, to look into the future and look around him to see what he actually build while chasing waterfalls then I am willing to suffer through it. I am not happy about it but I will do it.
For Eddie, for Chris, for Buck.
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the creator said that in 5b they'll have eddie dip his toe in the dating pool, but what's the point? ana was perfect for him and he couldn't feel anything for her? repeating the same crap yet again and forcing another useless love interest on eddie is pointless.
Hey, Anon!
Oooo I don't know how perfect Ana was for him tbh. Perfect for Christopher, yes (and even that is debatable), but not for Eddie. And they made sure to show us that in many different ways from the outset. "Jinxed", "follow your own heart", etc.
I get what you're saying but I do really believe this is just part of the Buddie journey we're taking. I truly don't see a woman being Eddie's ideal romantic partner in the end. They've called this into question way too many times, even last season, in order for it to be some woman he goes on a date with in 5B or later on.
Well, I know I probably sound like a broken record by now but think about him dipping his toe in the dating pool like this: when someone gets out of a relationship (divorce, breakup, death, etc.), once they have some time to process the end of that relationship and they are ready, they are always encouraged to get back out there, even if it's just baby steps. Why? Because it not only helps them to try to find a new relationship but it's also part of the whole process of healing/getting over it. Not to be crude, but you know that line of "to get over someone, you need to get under someone else"? I'm not saying this is exactly that or that sex with other women is going to happen (though tbf it might, who knows?) or that sex with someone else is an absolute necessity for someone to get over a relationship ending (like I said, a very crude line) but the idea is essentially the same. Eddie has done so much work over the past season and has had so much emotional growth, it only makes sense that now he is looking towards what he wants and trying to find it. The man never knew what he wanted in a life/romantic partner before. He married Shannon because she got pregnant and from the sound of it, before the pregnancy, the relationship wasn't that promising. Eddie ran to the military, and then re-upped so he didn't have to deal with Christopher's CP. Then Shannon left him and Christopher. He was closed off and focused on taking care of Christopher. Then Shannon came back into their lives and when he finally lets her back in, she tells him she doesn't want to try again, it's over, and she wants a divorce. Then she dies which throws him into a spiral of grief and unresolved anger, all while still trying to focus on taking care of his son. Then he meets Ana who is the first woman he's been attracted to since Shannon, who has similarities to his wife and appears to be perfect for Christopher, but ends up not being perfect for Eddie himself. Panic attacks happen (which never happen to Eddie) and Eddie is starting to feel trapped. He breaks it off and then leaves his would-be family to take another job that he hates, thinking he's doing right by his son. Then he finds out his son didn't mean what he thought he did, but he can't undo this mistake, which ends up helping to spearhead him into a breakdown which he then needs to get help for. He does the work and starts to get better, returns back to his 118 family, sure of his purpose in being a firefighter and helping people, even resolves his issues with his father (which I can tell you from personal experience, that is a MAJOR turning point in your life when it happens), and now for the first time, he's doing what's right for him.
So it's only natural that now that his son is older and he's doing great, that he's back at the 118 for good and he's secure in his position, that he now looks to other areas of his life and thinking about what he wants from those areas. Son? Good, check. Work? Good, check. Home? Pretty good, check. Family? Good, check. Love? ....and there you have it. The dating is simply that, opening him up even further to determine what it is he wants romantically and from a would-be life partner. That's it. People didn't like Ana Flores when she happened (with some good reason) but it was in her name what her purpose in the story truly was: to open Eddie up (and Christopher to the idea of Eddie dating someone other than his mom). People are not going to like the idea of this dating pool thing (and most already don't lol) but guaranteed its purpose in the story is to open Eddie up to the possibility of finding what he really wants (not yet realizing he already has it). That's all this is and it's still leading all of us down the Buddie road.
Hang in there, Anon. I hope you have a great rest of your day!!! <3
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matan4il · 4 years
what do you think of eddie's parents in eddie begins?
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for this question! <3
Hooo, boy. A lot to unpack here. OK, so beginning with episode 301, we know that Ramon Diaz gave his son a more traditional and conservative upbringing, which means teaching Eddie to suck it up. Not to show emotions and definitely not to confront and try to heal them. Just ignore and move on, that will somehow resolve things. Which means we knew Eddie had some parental baggage and not enough tools to be able to deal with his issues when they arise. The street fighting confirmed this. When Eddie is hurt and angry, he has no healthy outlet for his feelings.
But then Eddie Begins showed us that his mom wasn’t so great either. Helena Ramon showed so little affection for her son during this episode, so little care and empathy, it’s a little hard to take. He’s back from war and as someone who served, I can tell you, your family’s support is insanely important. The way they show you they’re proud, their concern for your well being, it all plays a part during your service, but even more than that after you’re done. When you go back home, adjusting to civilian life is *harsh*. You need your loved ones’ help and understanding. Yet, when Eddie makes one mistake with Chris while she’s present, we see Helena hard and critical with him, mocking his being a ‘hero’ *while* his dad is reading the letter specifying the reasons why he won his medal. And then Shannon confirms in the following kitchen scene that this is typical of Helena and that she's spoken to her daughter-in-law in a similar way.  No wonder he thinks so little of his medal and of himself. Just think of how many other accomplishments Eddie’s mom probably mocked or belittled over the years, destroying his sense of self-worth. It’s heartbreaking. 
And then we have the scene where Eddie’s parents *both* tell him he’s not good enough to raise his own son. He’s doing his best to correct the mistakes of his past as well as theirs and they ignore it all, while being hypocrites about it. They acknowledge Eddie’s in a difficult situation, but instead of helping him with finding a better solution, and while ignoring the efforts he’s already making to better the situation, they want to take Chris from him. They may have a point that they were a stable part of his life, but their solution is weird and crooked. To deprive a child from having their parent (especially a kid already abandoned by his mom and with an absent father for many years) is a really harmful thing. This course of action should only be taken under the most extreme circumstances, usually when the parent poses a danger of some sort. That’s not Eddie. And he didn’t deserve to be treated as if he were. Helena being emotionally manipulative in that scene was also... I can’t even. First she tells Eddie something positive, that she knows he will do what’s best for his son. Then she follows that up with a sucker punch, “don’t drag him down with you.” Think of how much judgment of Eddie’s life and capacity to better it is folded into that. And the emotional whiplash of joining these two things together, as if the only way to do the right thing for Christopher is to admit he’s a failure, a lost cause and can never hope to change that.
Lastly, when he talks to Chris on the porch after that, his son mentions he’s never heard his grandparents yell before. Eddie lets slip that “it’s like we’re talking about completely different people”, implying he’s heard them yelling a lot. Who were they yelling at? We have three options. First, at Eddie, which seems to gel with how little they seem to think of their son and how little care they show for his self-esteem. But then, they might have also been yelling at each other, an unhappy marriage. I find this option interesting, because then it adds another layer to Eddie’s marriage. I can so see him looking at his parents fighting and telling himself, he won’t be like that. He’ll have a good marriage. But the tragic thing is that just like with his fatherhood issues, just because he wants to do better doesn’t mean he has the tools to. He wanted to be a better dad and a better husband, yet he ended up with a marriage with little healthy communication (from both parties) and being an absent father. And then of course the third option is that his parents did both - during the most formative years of his life, they yelled at each other and at him.
They just make me feel for Eddie so much, even more than I did before Eddie Begins. I hope that answers the question, feel free to tell me either way!
(also tagging @hearteyesforbuck because I think you asked me something similar...)
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himbo-buckley · 4 years
Well, hello there (again)!

I got to say, this was both my favourite and least favourite part to write because by now all my theories are (hopefully) explained enough that I can just ramble about the characters and connections and ya’ll will forgive me if I stray away from what’s actually happening in this episode. Which I will do. A lot actually.
On the other hand side I have so many thoughts about what’s happening and this is gonna be long af as I started writing on part three at the same time as I wrote part 1 and 2 and I barely found things to cut, which means we are clocking in at a casual 7700 words. So maybe get that drink now, cause it’ll be a ride!
Also the links to part one and part two
And look, by now you probably know the drill but I’m just gonna give you my preface again:
This meta was supposed to be a lot shorter and only talk about how both Buck and Eddie use sex to distract their respective partners from whatever topic they actually wanted to talk about but since I decided to rewatch the show to make sure I don’t miss any such scenes, it has exploded a bit and taken on more topics
I should also mention that I am a Buddie shipper and while I tried, you will find several references and arguments for the ship in this Meta, not all of which necessarily call for a romantic pairing but just: These two are deeply connected and you cannot look at one without discussing the other and they are each other’s strongest emotional connection.
I should also preface this by saying that the whole of the 118 has some obvious intimacy / commitment issues except Bobby (which is sort of surprising) but *John Mulaney voice* we don’t have time to unpack all of that!
On another note I cuss a little in this Meta because my parents let me listen to TicTacToe as a small child and after that it never stuck that cussing is wrong so, uhm, parental supervision is advised or something
This Meta will so far have FOUR parts now. The original plan was to do three, one for each Season and is organised by episode so you could technically follow along, but due to personal reasons, also known as *feelings*, Season 3 has already exploded disproportionately and for readability reasons I have split it in two (this is part three, the cut will happen after Christmas, it works storyline-wise)
And now, for our next instalment of I read too much into things: Season 3A (also called: „Eddie Diaz, stop being such a boy scout (Wait, no, not like that!)“)
Episode 3.01:
911 as a show has a fairly interesting way of storytelling where it sometimes feels a little like they cut together snapshots of lives in regards to certain topics. And because of that you only ever see a small part of the lives of the characters. That being said: I hate hate hate how 5 months passed between the Season 2 final and the first episode of Season 3 and aside from a few offhand remarks we get virtually nothing. Also it’s very unrealistic that Bobby and Athena didn’t have any parties for 5 months, like nope, I don’t believe you show!
That being said, I appreciate how much time it took Buck to heal because it’s realistic! And also most importantly gets Oliver Stark a chance to truly shine!
I wanna take this chance real quick, to thank the producers and writer both for writing Evan Buckley the way they write him and for casting Oliver Stark to play him because omg, it works so well! Look, Oliver Stark is attractive. He is buff and handsome, but he is not perfect. He is Tinder-buff, not MCU-I haven’t seen a drop of water in a month-buff, he’s the kind of fit that will fill the whole screen one minute and make you say „Wait, I thought he was wider than this!“ the next (you know how everyone always talks about the hips to shoulder ration of Chris Evans? Yeah, the opposite of that) . And he has a really pretty face but his nose is a little too cocked and he has scars and there’s the „adorable facemark“ and he seems so damn dorky which is exactly why Evan „Buck“ Buckley works, why he is hot. And he gets to be emotional and sensitive and caring on top of that and yeah, I don’t know if I wanna be him or date him anymore either. Like he singlehandedly made me rethink my view on dating, just because I am hoping for someone like him.
Anyways, that’s probably something none of you wanted to read about in a META so we’ll get to the juicy stuff now, alright?
One thing that I realised as I watched season 3 for the third time just now is how often it repeats itself. It feels a bit stagnant at times, the way the characters make two steps forward and one step back all the time, most notably in Bobby.
I wanna talk about Bobby for once because you can not look at Buck in Season 3 without looking at Bobby as well. These two characters are connected the same way Buck is connected to Eddie. Most things Buck does character wise in Season 3 are caused by Bobby’s actions, in the same way most of Eddie’s are caused by Buck.
And the thing that 3.01 tells us from the get go? Bobby thinks of Buck as somewhat of a son (which we knew already) and Bobby sees himself in Buck, which is why he does what he probably hoped someone would have done for him the 10 or something years ago when he hurt is back and holds him back. There is also the fact that he tries to teach Buck to have a life outside the firehouse, though that is something he probably should at some point in the near future actually voice to Buck, because Buck on his own can not draw these conclusions from Bobby’s actions. Buck on his own thinks it’s about him not being good enough and so he works himself to the bone to try and proof otherwise. (Someone please just finally tell him what a good boy he is? Yeah?)
As for the scene during the party, you could actually see how much Buck had to force himself to be that open and that vulnerable with Bobby (and not just because he is *literally* having an embolism) and that hurts because to this day Buck has not realised that Bobby will always be there to catch him. Buck still thinks he needs to proof himself to Bobby because of his firing in Season 1. And would you believe I actually cried a little typing these words?
And now I’m gonna talk about my agenda, also known as Buddie real quick, and point you toward the fact that while we have seen Eddie be vulnerable with Buck and Buck be vulnerable with everyone else we have not seen Buck be audibly vulnerable with Eddie and I do not think this is a coincident at all.
Look, Eddie is a guarded guy, right? He has a hard time being vulnerable, a hard time asking for help, a hard time giving up control. But he does all these things with Buck and he does them willingly and with barely an outside push, which is different to say with Bobby. Eddie let’s himself fall with Buck and by doing so raises Buck’s self worth and gives him the feeling of being in control Buck craves so much (while Eddie sort of despises it because he feels like he always has to be the one in control), but it also means that Buck is afraid to let himself fall with Eddie because it might mean Eddie won’t trust him again. Buck generally is a very emotional guy and he doesn’t seem afraid to voice his weaknesses, in fact he is probably too aware of them and too willing to let others poke at them, except with Eddie. With Eddie Buck always tries for strong, because he knows Eddie needs him to be and because he thinks, if he’s not, Eddie will see what everyone else saw and leave him. On Eddie’s side I do think by now he is more than willing to catch Buck and still let himself be caught in return. At least at this point.
(also, if we do ever get Buddie I could see a reverse of the Shannon-Eddie situation happening where Eddie is the one being open and Buck has a hard time being emotionally vulnerable, afraid it’ll scare Eddie off and he’ll leave like everyone else.)
But then, one could also point out that Eddie probably knows all the things going on with Buck anyways because I truly think they know each other inside out and are two feathers of the same bird and same recognises same and all that - it’s just that Buck is someone who needs to actually voice his feelings to deal with them, so unless he voices his vulnerabilities to Eddie, for him, the other guy doesn’t know them. (Except Eddie does know.) (and man, I wish the rest of the 911 would finally figure out that with Buck you always - always - have to say things! You can’t just imply. You can’t think your actions speak loud enough. You need to actually use your words and do so in a way that leaves no doubt because that boy thinks so little of himself and he will make himself doubt every nice thing that ever happens to him.)
Now, moving back to what’s actually happening in the episode and why all of this is important:
We have the very important talk in the Station were text points out some of the things I just said and Eddie realises that he needs to do better, so he pulls a Buck and steamrolls him. (also do we truly believe that Carla was out of the country? Do we? Do we not think Eddie spent the whole ride over coaching his son on lying to his best friend because Eddie is just like that?)
Also I love how before this Maddie is talking to Josh and she says something along the lines of wether she should push Buck or coddle him and it cuts to Eddie trying the first.
On Eddie’s side of this meta we somewhat learn where Eddie’s issues stem from and it’s of course Daddy issues because this show loves them very much. (Seriously, out of 5 firefighters 3 have confirmed absent fathers causing issues and one has it heavily implied. Tim Minear, do you wanna talk?)
Also, Ramon Diaz probably threw in a „real men don’t cry“ with his macho speech about just brushing shit off and thereby emotionally crippling his child further, because he seems cliche like that.
Sidenote: The Buck and Christopher relationship is so beautiful and important and „Some cool outfits, too.“ is one of my favourite lines, though I do have to say - as someone who works professionally with kids - that this is what really shows how much Eddie truly thinks of Buck and how much he trusts him because it’s safe to assume that Buck has never been alone with Christopher or any child for longer and has never had to take care of one by himself and yet Eddie just trusts him to take care of his son for what is probably a 24h shift. Truly magnificent. An unparalleled relationship. So meaningful.
Episode 3.02:
No actual relevance but I do wanna point out that the thing about the mom being the love of boat guys life but her son being her’s? Yeah, that’s Eddie (and Buck).
Also, Buck’s just a natural at being a dad (not because of the fun stuff but the stuff when he knew exactly how to distract Christopher when those bodies floated by) and at some point I need Eddie to point this out to him and I need him to voice his jealousy about it, because Eddie? Not a natural dad.
(I actually think that is something that is true about a lot of things for these two. I mean yes, Buck is a hard worker but I think only in areas he is already naturally gifted (remember that whole thing with the Seals? “You just have to be badass, which I am?”) and he generally doesn’t try if things don’t come naturally because Buck hates failure because Buck already feels like a failure. Meanwhile Eddie seems like the kind of guy who has this huge capacity for learning, so even if something doesn’t come naturally to him (like fatherhood) he has the determination and willingness to try and try again until he finally gets it right and is perfect because Eddie, too, hates failure.) (And now I wanna see more about their childhoods because I could actually see Buck be somewhat of a gifted child in his youth who never learned how to actually apply himself and because of that has always been told he had so much wasted potential while Eddie was either an overarchiver or a slacker, I’m sorry I don’t make the rules. Or maybe I am projecting.)
Episode 3.03:
I read somewhere on tumblr that Ryan Guzman and his wife thought Eddie and Lena would be a thing and where actually on board and I was like? No?
I mean I do love the way she takes one look at him and decides he needs his ego checked (and also Eddie is like: ui, me like-y! (maybe because he misses another person that used to be an asshole to him right off the bat?)).
Also love all the references to Eddie being in the army („The 118 is huffing it“-scene comes to mind). Again, kudos to Ryan Guzman for always acting with all his body, because you can always feel the army training in his posture like the way he usually stands just a little bit straighter than everyone else (well, at least that’s what it looks like to me, someone who has not been in the Army and knows only like two people that got drafted and no one who went willingly, because my country generally doesn’t do that these days ).
As for what is happening in the episode, I think it’s a reference to Shannon that Eddie dealt with that couple that, despite loving each other a lot and getting along fairly well, decided to get divorced. Which is what 911 should have done with Shannon. (Me being salty about Shannon? It’s more likely than you think.)
I also think it’s a nice parallel the way both Lena and Buck are so desperate to search for their missing loved one with no regard for their own safety and I’m assuming Eddie saw Buck in Lena’s actions as well, which is why he trusts her so fast. (Because Eddie just like Buck is looking for connection and intimacy but Eddie is even worse at creating it than Buck, so he just tries to recreate the one working bond he truly has.) (Something actually proven in text by Eddie: becoming a firefighter because he misses the army.)
And I know everyone and their mother has already pointed out how Eddie was not worried about Chris at all because his son was with Buck and he knows Buck would never let anything bad happen to his son ever.
Which is why *that* scene is even more heartbreaking, because Eddie has so much trust in his Buck and kudos to Ryan Guzman because man, the way you see Eddie steel himself for what Buck is saying? The way you can feel him pulling himself together because Buck needs him to hear this. (Look, the scene is about a father learning from the person he trusts most in the world that his son might be dead and they could have easily forshadowed Eddie’s fighting ark by having him react negatively and violently here but instead he stays calm because it’s Buck and Buck for once needs him to be the one in control - also, on a less ship-y note because Eddie’s world is falling apart right there and he needs to keep in control because if he doesn’t, he will probably never be again.)
Which brings us to that scene in the loft, and listen, I know I said at the end of part 2 Eddie barely had any character development in the two seasons since we met him, but uhm, this scene? Proves he had some development, because right then right there he is so fucking vulnerable with Buck. It is of course part of him being a protector because just like with Shannon in 2.04 he realises that this is was Buck needs him to be right now, so vulnerable it is.
I do think however that it’s beautiful how Eddie apparently took the time during a fucking natural disaster to figure out that Evan Buckley needs him to use his actual words, so use his actual words he does.
And I do wanna point out that this is something he never had with Shannon, Eddie was never able to figure out what is wife of what? 7-8 years needed of him but he does know what his best friends needs. And wether that is just Buddie or just plain old character development, remains to be seen.
(Though we should mention that it wasn’t a permanent thing, Eddie does fail Buck a few times in Season 3 (but he also doesn’t a few other times) but we’ll get to that when we get to that!)
Also, honourable mention to Maddie Buckley-Kendall for getting that phone call and probably nearly dying of a heart attack and then having to race to the VA thinking the worst and probably imagining her very selfless brother either being already gone by the time she gets there or close to dead - only to probably arrive there and see Christopher in a bed with Eddie sitting next to him and Buck sitting vigil a few feet away because he doesn’t think he deserves to be with the Diaz’s anymore but he also can’t bear to part from them!
And another mention to the poor stranger who probably never got their phone back.
Also a teeny bit mad they forgot to give Oliver scars on his legs.
Episode 3.04
First of all I gotta say Eddie is such a boy scout goody two shoes with his whole „Well, it’s mandated!“ (also he’s been probably hanging out with Buck a buncha times in whatever many weeks passed since the Tsunami and  therefore knew how hard his best friend worked on this and he’s gonna be supportive, kay?)
That being said, remember when I talked about two steps forward, one step back? Yeah, that.
As for the lawsuit, look, we could argue all day on wether it was justified or not, but I personally do think Buck had a basis. But he was also acting rash and hadn’t thought all the implications through and should have used his words instead, but quick reminder: Buck has severe abandonment issues and he has problems with emotional intimacy - so the whole talking about it? Not that easy.
Also, imagine working for months to come back to work, the one thing you think you’re good at and thinking you have everyone’s support only to find out the person you love like a father has betrayed you, probably with the knowledge of everyone else. Yeah, you’d lash out too!
Even though, I have to point out it’s not his normal MO (which is why we see him regret it almost immediately in the next episode).
As for Eddie in this episode, he has not one, not two, not three, but four whole conversations about feelings! You go buddy-boy. Embrace that character development! Don’t take a step back! … or, nevermind, we all know what happens next.
That being said I think it’s interesting that while Chimney clearly confides in him, Eddie does not confide in him in return but rather talks to female!Buck. I mean, talking about his struggles with his son and his family worked with him and Buck so why not with him and Lena (cause Lena isn’t Buck).
I do think Eddie and Chimney are close, but Eddie just doesn’t feel the same connection to him as he feels to Buck.
As for Eddie being so beautifully open and vulnerable with his son and saying like the exact opposite of what he had been taught: Eddie loves his son. He loves his son more than anything in the world. And if Eddie can’t let himself be vulnerable with him, who can he be vulnerable with? Especially when it helps Christopher.
(Also, Eddie by now recognises what is wrong with him, he just doesn’t think he can change it but he can prevent it from happening to his child.)
Episode 3.05:
This episode has a lot of shit happening and I have a lot of thoughts, most of which are relevant to the episode. But we’re gonna start slow, ease you in:
Boy do I love overprotective Dad!Eddie! How long do you think did it took Carla and Christopher to convince Eddie to let Chris sleep over at his friends? A month?
In other news Buck is just the picture of regret during the deposition and yeah, he should be. The whole thing is harsh. Never sue your friends, no matter how justified, if you want them to stay your friends! But it’s so obvious Buck didn’t know it was gonna go down this way because he did not think this through at all.
First off: Remember how in part 2 I said Buck and Eddie’s storylines were connected and how earlier I said Buck was the catalyst for Eddie like Bobby was for Buck?
Yeah, that’s the episode for all of this.
It’s not as obvious as in Season 2 because usually it happens over two episodes but it’s no coincident that after last episode Bobby triggered that shift in Buck, Eddie is now suddenly careering out of control as well - it’s because Buck is his catalyst, his *trigger*.
Please watch 3.04 and 3.05 back to back and tell me Eddie doesn’t make a 180 between those episodes. He goes from worried about his son to punching people in parking lots. What changed? Well, he could no longer talk to Buck. And Buck is his anker and his catalyst, the one person he doesn’t have to be in control with (which he really could use considering what he is going through with Christopher). And when you take that away he spirals. (Also there is the deposition where his best friend betrays him by talking about his dead for less than a year - wife, a topic Eddie has been avoiding in regards to his feelings since … well, the day it happened, probably.)
And I’m not saying the whole street fighting thing wouldn’t have happened if Eddie wasn’t such a boy scout and said, screw the chain of command and just called Buck to bail him out, but that’s what I’m implieing.
Also the scene between Eddie and Lena, I mean, I’ve already talked about it somewhere else but I do wanna point you to the way it is phrased: Eddie „wasn’t allowed“ to call Buck. Meaning he wanted to. But you know: Boy Scout.
Now, let’s talk about the grocery store fight because I have so many thoughts!
And what I love about these two episodes, as well as the next one, is that they show both the connection Buddie has as well as the contrasts between them:
One of the biggest differences in Buddie is how they deal with fear and obstacles and it is visible throughout all their lives and specifically these three episodes.
Evan Buckley is a force of nature, he is a fighter, he sets a goal and he reaches this goal with a single minded focus, steamrolling through everything in his way until he reaches said goal. Just look at the lawsuit and remember how his original plan was to get everyone to sign a letter of support for him.
When something frightens him, Buck doesn’t run away he runs right into it, tries to destroy it or be destroyed. He fights. And if that doesn’t work, he finds a way around the problem, but always going head to head with the thing because Evan Buckley is very determined and very self destructive.
Just look at the way he held onto Abby for nearly a year after she had left: Instead of dealing with his feelings of abandonment and the fact that the woman he loved left him, that boy dug his heel in and fought tooth and nail to keep what little he had left of her, of them. Refused to acknowledge being left for months. And when he finally leaves he literally compares himself to a ghost, because you know, he is just an empty shell at this point.
It’s also why he falls so hard for Ali because he is just desperately looking for something to cling to and so he transfers all those un-dealt feelings onto her and then he get’s hurt and his problems become bigger and different and Ali can’t deal - not surprising considering they had barely a foundation. They just went from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds and that just never works out, unless you’re in a very expensive sports car.
I also truly think at times Buck hides behind the loud mouthed, dumb adrenaline junkie persona he got going on as it keeps people from looking deeper, because Buck is very scared they won‘t find anything deeper - or worse, decide they don’t like what they see (and hey, he even got that confirmed by Ali leaving! and Abby! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY MADDIE!).
(Which, to push an agenda real quick, is why I ship Buddie so hard? Because they do have a foundation, they have been emotionally intimate with each other, they’ve seen the worst of each other and still went: I’m gonna have your back. And they have pulled a lot of shit on each other in the two years since meeting! Like, I’m sorry 911, I love you, but please never try and tell me they will have a deeper connection with anyone but each other because it’ll be a damn lie and you know it! If you don’t wanna do Buddie, let those boys get emotionally healthy and THEN give them an endgame but don’t try and replace Buddie with Loveinterests. I’m serious. I might stop watching!)
Eddie meanwhile is much more open with his feelings in the sense that he is less open in general so it’s far more noticeable when something is bothering him *because* he is subtle about it. Because Buck is so loud and so open and all about what you see is what you get, you don‘t assume he is hiding anything because you already see everything, right? (Always hide the real shit in plain sight, you guys, that‘s where no one remembers to look!) But Eddie, Eddie keeps his cards close. Sure he is funny and nice but he is also fucking reserved! And when something bothers him he draws into himself even more and that’s something that shows, that people will take notice of.
Eddies reaction to bad things (also known as *feelings*, because that boy is fucking repressed) happening is running away. And I am not saying he is a coward, I am saying he probably thinks he is and I am saying he runs away from his problems - that’s what 3.15 was about for Eddie: embracing his family (his vulnerabilities) and from what I‘ve seen in the last few days floating around in spoiler *now* Eddie has to learn to face his problems and not run away.
Which will be hard because Eddie deflects a lot.
It‘s funny (in a way that is not funny) that Buck, the fighter, is like the least aggressive guy around while Eddie, Mr quiet and reserved, who is all about running away from his problems, is so physically aggressive - except it is not and makes a lot of sense.
Season 3 truly shows how they deal with problems and I love it, I love them and this show so much!
Because Buck deals with the bombing by working tirelessly to come back to work, he deals with losing Christopher by nearly killing himself trying to find him and he deals with his fear of being replaced by filing the lawsuit to get his job back - which is also why I have to agree with Eddie: Buck truly has a one track mind. He sees the problem and nothing else. That makes him an amazing firefighter but an exhausting guy to be around because he does not give up.
I think in canon we only ever see Buck give up twice, maybe three times once with Abby and once with Christopher, both times he nearly killed himself first. (And one could argue that neither of these times he actually gave up, he was just out of options and time.) Tbh the only actual time he gave up was with Ali and that was probably his one track mind just not having any capacity to deal with a girlfriend on top of everything.
Eddie meanwhile deals with his wife dying and his best friend nearly dying twice and his son being traumatised and his best friend not being allowed back to work and his best friend filing that lawsuit by ... not dealing with it. He just moves on. Runs away from his feelings and his pain by fighting. He can’t deal with - can’t fight - his actual feelings so he fights something else. He lashes out. Becomes feral. That’s literally the gist of this episodes voiceover!
So tbh as much as I like that they resolved that lawsuit within one episode I am a bit bummed that we hardly saw anything of the 118 and especially Eddie without Buck there (specifically during his fighting time) mainly because I think we would have seen Hen and Chimney with Cap and Eddie maybe with Lena but generally keeping his distance, hiding away from them. (I don’t think Eddie just brushing past Buck in 3.06 was just about Buck.)
I truly meant what I said about 2.01 and Eddie taking one look at Buck being an asshole and deciding this one is gonna be his friend. Because while Hen and Chimney have been nice and friendly with him from the get go, they never give him shit the same way they give each other or Cap or Buck, and Eddie needs that. He needs someone who isn’t afraid to call him out and push back, both to get Eddie out of his own head and to make him feel comfortable enough to do the same. Which is why he bonded so fast with Buck and Lena (also, would he have bonded with her like that if Buck had been there? Probably not. Eddie is like the definition of „I only have the emotional capacity to care about three people at a time and two of them are my son“), because both held him accountable for his shit, which no one else on the show does, specifically not Hen and Chimney who treat Eddie as the guy who is good at most things so they just overlook the shitty stuff. And Cap does the same, because Eddie has a lot on his plate and Cap understands his issues better than anyone else’s. 
Ya‘ll just need to watch the supermarket scene! It‘s all there!
Buck is in the store trying to create a moment so he can talk to all of them (meaning he is pushing, leaning into the problem until it gives), tries to make the problem go away by apologising (remember what I said about trying another way? Working hard didn’t work. Accepting his predicament didn‘t work. The lawsuit didn’t work. So now he tries talking it out - which he should have done to begin with, but hey, I’m not his therapist (sadly)) (It’s too bad it only worked to a certain level as we saw in the next episode but oh well, that’s actually realistic.)
Meanwhile Eddie has none of it because Eddie is currently running away from his problems so he can’t have his problem stand in front of him buying cat laxatives. So Eddie goes feral, and makes it all about Buck and his mistakes and then throws Christopher under the bus because that man is fighting for his life and he has nothing left to loose!!! I truly love this scene so much, you guys. It’s so revealing about these characters.
(I also shouldn’t have to point out that most of the stuff Eddie said to Buck was about Shannon, right? He was saying the things he was feeling about Shannon and he was throwing them at Buck because Buck was the one who brought it up, but also … look, it’s just ship-y from here all right?)
As for what I said about Hen, Bobby and Chimney in regards to Eddie? I know Chimney made some remarks but come on! Had it been any of them or Buck who yelled at someone like that they would have all interrupted and tried to diffuse the situation. But because it’s Eddie they sort of let it happen. (Also tbh because it’s Eddie and Buck and everyone is a little mad at Buck but they are something different to each other.)
Also, not to push my agenda, can we just talk about how comfortable  Eddie has to be with the 118 but especially Buck, how much he has to care, to scream at him like that? Because he is reserved and he always tries to let go of his feelings and he hides so much. And I know part of it is that Eddie is coiled too tight already and about to burst but it’s also about Buck and the fact that Eddie expected better from him because Eddie has such a high opinion of him. Like sure he gives him shit sometimes but I think it’s because Eddie always expects the most of Buck (and Buck rarely lets him down). (And now I did go all ship-y)
Just compare this with his relationship with Shannon: with Shannon Eddie always is the one to make decisions, in part because he believes that’s what a man should do but also in part because he doesn’t trust her - and that was even before she left. Eddie trusts no one but himself for the most part but he does trust Buck, because to Eddie Buck can hardly do wrong. Which is why the whole law suit probably hit him so hard cause he expects everyone to let him down all the time but Evan Buckley? The guy he trust with his son more than anyone else? That guy? He expected better off! And that my friends is beautiful.
As for the voiceover it does poise one very central question for Eddie’s character: If he gives up control, will he be able to regain it? Because that is Eddie’s biggest fear and why he always holds everything so tight: he thinks if he lets the floodgates open once, he’ll never be able to close them.
In other news: Ryan took his shirt off.
Episode 3.06:
Before I write another 2400 words about our boys, I wanna remind you of that scene of Bobby, Chimney and Eddie wearing sun glasses, with Hen wearing her normal glasses, standing round, looking like an album cover! *plays „Clique“ by Kanye West, Jay-Z, Big Sean*
Do you think Athena and Hen talked about Bobby and how he would / does handle Buck? They did, didn’t they?
Also love how Hen and Chimney are super welcoming because one, they know what it’s like to be the odd one out and two, they love Buck and actually see his point of view. I believe. Now if only someone would remember to tell him.
Like, come on, they probably sit in the ambulance gossiping all the time!
I really love that we saw some bonding between Buck and Hen and Buck and Chimney in this episode because as much as I love Buddie we do not see enough of those combos (we don’t see enough of Buddie either).
Also the whole two steps forward, one step back? That is Bobby in this episode.
Now, we have to talk about the apology scene because this is Buck, expressing himself, being vulnerable. I love this episode a lot especially in regards to this Meta because here we see all the things I explained for the last episode: Buck is expressing, trying his best to make the problem go away while Eddie avoids it.
Also, you know, there is the whole illegal fighting thing that is visible on Eddie and look, if you did something like that would you willingly spent time with the one person who will call you out on it or will you avoid him like the plague? Especially if the last time you saw him you were screaming bloody murder at him in the middle of a grocery store! And the next time you see him he calls you out for your bruising. Yeah, guys, that’s just realistic.
Also bit of a reach, but the reason this is part of my discussion of 3.06 and not 3.05, which is Eddie’s relationship to Buck. Remember how 3.03 ended? That beautiful moment that made Oliver Stark cry on Instagram live? Remember how Eddie said „It’s his turn to save you now.“? Yeah, what happened to that?
Okay, Eddie is not an expressive guy. He is bad with feelings. He hates having them. And here comes Evan „Buck“ Buckley and he is just the polar opposite. Sure, he’d rather not talk about his feelings either but he has a lot of them and he *likes* having all of them and he wallows in them and that is probably a lot for a guy like Eddie to deal with. Especially when I do think Eddie understands somewhat where Buck came from and he probably feels guilty af about making Buck feel like he was being replaced. About not seeing the pain Buck was in. About not being there for him - which is why he lashes out, because guilt can make the healthiest people do horrible shit and Eddie is far from any definition of healthy at that point.
But I do have to say I am reaching with this and if I ever meet Tim Minear I will have him explain the fight scene and the apology scene to me word for word because it has to be deeper, right?
It can’t just be Eddie lashing out, and saying exactly the things he knows will hurt Buck because he is mad mad mad? Yeah, I know, whatever.
(Because even if that is the case? This is still the scene where a guy uses his best friend as a substitute to get his anger for his dead wife out in a somewhat healthy manner.)
Which is why I love both these scenes immensely, because it shows exactly how differently Eddie and Buck deal with things, because Eddie avoids them or gets mad and screams at them while Buck, actually does something fairly healthy and try to talk it out - but like only as his last option. He tries anything but talking before that, except with Eddie because they are connected and he finally *finally* lets himself be emotionally vulnerable with Eddie.
Which is also why the apology scene is so important to me, despite thinking while a bit rash, Buck wasn’t exactly wrong in his actions. I would have hated if they just brushed the grocery store over or made it about Eddie and the issues he had at the time. Instead they gave us this beautiful scene where Buck finally - FINALLY - gets to explain himself to someone, especially Eddie, the guy who he hurt the most because Buck is his anchor, and Eddie actually listens and then he gets it and he is like, oh, I wasn’t wrong! He really deserves all my trust!
So you know, that’s just beautiful, wether it’s platonic or romantic.
Episode 3.07: no relevance
Episode 3.08:
I wanna say something right of the bat that is probably controversial as hell:
Eddie did not want to share with Bobby. Eddie likes Bobby, he trusts Bobby, but he wasn’t really feeling like sharing with Bobby.
The reason Eddie talked with Bobby about all of this? Well, first of all it was bound to happen, sometimes things need to be said and then it doesn’t really matter who you’re talking to.
Also Eddie? Boy Scout. Army man. Chain of Command. If your superior officer tells you to share - you share! There. I said it. (This is not a Bobby Nash - stan account)
Also: „A friend of mine told me I needed an outlet - think I found it.“ - no, you didn’t Buddy boy, it’s why I’m currently 10.000 words into an episode by episode analysis of your character! (can you tell I am slowly going off the rails with this?)
But I do love how we finally got to see sassy!Eddie again. I missed you, babe!
As for the kitchen scene and the look, yes, I know, Maddie was looking at them like that because she just called them out about gossiping and they turned around and gossiped, buuuut … ya’ll also realise that Chimney was apparently *not* aware that anything was wrong with Eddie when Eddie had been acting weird way longer then Hen. He nearly punched Buck in a grocery store, he comes in with new bruises like 3 times a week but sure mate, he is all normal! (Or you know, Buck is just hyperfocused on Eddie)
One thing that freaks me out every time I watch this episode is how completely fucking nonchalant Eddie seems by the fact that he nearly fucking killed a guy. To quote Lena Bosko, professional plot pusher: „What the hell, Eddie?“
And then of course 3.15 happened and we saw Eddie shoot multiple people, so he probably learned how to compartmentalise and I guess I need to remember this is a TV show and no one actually died. But wow, I really need this addressed more because I have such mixed feelings about this.
And with regards to this I wanna say something even more controversial: Eddie got off easy. Yes, the guy willingly went into that ring but Eddie nearly killed him and all Bobby wanted to talk about was why Eddie was fighting? Again: What the hell?
Another thing this episode firmly proofs is that Lena is really just a poor substitute for Buck because Eddie doesn’t actually know anything about her, he just uses her as a sounding board because, well, Buck wasn’t there and he was lonely?
As for the actual conversation happening, yes, there we have it, in plain sight, Eddie needs to be in control because he thinks this is what Christopher needs him to be and as I’ve said before Eddie will always do anything for Christopher, even if he hurts himself in the process.
Also, remember when Lena told him he needed to show and tell his son how he felt so Christopher knows it’s okay to feel that way as well? Clearly didn’t stick of he would not feel this intense need to be in control. Which is realistic, you don’t just unlearn behaviour you had for like 30 years just because someone gives you some good advice once! (Man, my life could be so different!)
I’m also not a fan of Bobby’s „She died.“ because while yes, it wasn’t her fault that she left this time, grief isn’t rational. And even without the looming divorce Eddie has every right to be upset and to be angry at the world, and yes, even his dead wife. She’s dead. It doesn’t hurt her anymore. (Although that would be one feeling he should probably keep from Christopher.)
Not to mention Eddie feels guilty as hell. His anger? Mostly at himself. The sentence “I broke his mother”? Broke me as well.
But I also understand Eddie because while he may be grieving, his son is clearly traumatised by the whole situation, as seen in 3.04, and Eddie is trying his best and look, his outlet wasn’t the healthiest but um, at least he realised he needed one? He addressed that? That’s growth (sorta).
Amount of shirtless!Eddie scenes: 2, which feels a bit like overkill for one episode (pace yourself, Tim, this isn’t Game of Thrones)
Episode 3.09:
Frank! My main man Frank! Ui, I love him! When Tim calls me to come consult for Season 4 because clearly by now I am an expert on his characters and the way they should act, I will tell him to bring Frank back. I miss Frank. I hope he’s doing okay. He deserves the world. Also really wanna meet Rosemary.
And hey, as someone who has worked in the mental health sector and probably will again come October (if I manage to finish my degree by then, urgh, Corona, you are destroying my thesis!), I love that scene on the sofa so much! All of them openly sharing that they have been in therapy and talking about their therapists and just, uh, that scene makes me all tingly!
Before we get into all the emotional things I’m just gonna add the scene on the sofa to my list of scene I don’t fully understand. Like, what emotion exactly was Eddie supposed to be conveying because to me he sounds angry. And why should Eddie be angry about Buck sleeping with his therapist? What reason could he have?
Okay, yeah, maybe it’s a little exasperation and annoyance because apparently Evan Buckley is just coasting through life and doesn’t even take therapy seriously. Idk. I haven’t read the script.
But it does lead us to Buck giving Eddie shit, because, as I’ve said before, that’s what Buck does.
As for the therapy scene, yay, there is a mention of the nearly dead guy! Who is not dead. Yay!
I do love Eddie’s reasons for going to therapy and really trying, even though he is not clicking with Frank. He is such a good dad! (Also I’ve been debating for like 20 minutes whether Eddie would be more comfortable sharing with a woman or with a man and for some reason (his connection with Buck vs his relationship with Shannon) I think he’d be more comfortable with a man. Idk. I could be wrong. - Also Eddie is probably always uncomfortable talking about his feelings, so there is that!) His reasoning shows also yet again what I said about both Buck and Eddie before: they are protectors. They will make themselves vulnerable to help someone else. It’s a thing.
Also I pulled out my pocket edition of ICD-10 to check and while we don’t have enough information to give a full diagnosis, it’s safe to say that he is supposed to be going through a depressive episode. Because yes, sometimes depressed people aren’t sad, sometimes they are fucking angry.
Now, as for the Evan Buckley of it all and that scene: I read another Meta by someone clearly much better at this than me that stated Eddie uses Sarcasm as a way to deflect, which is exactly what is happening here because Eddie is not as fine with everything that happened as he pretends to be. I think he has just come to the sudden and horrible conclusion that his tipping point has been Buck no longer being in his life and so he decided it was easier to just move on then deal with his feelings (which is what got you into this mess in the first place, Edmundo, so please rethink,) if that means Buck back in his life.
I also think Eddie deflects here because he realises how much what he did and what he said actually hurt Buck in return and Eddie doesn’t fully know how to deal with that. And look, if they actually start discussing their issues then Eddie will have to admit his guilt and Eddie will have to say he’s sorry and right then he is still too pissed to do so, so he decides to move on.
Ah, the wonderful clash of Eddie thinking actions speak louder than words but Buck needing to hear the actual words.
Sidenote: I sent the kitchen scene to my roommate, stopped before they played the video game and asked her what she thinks happened next. And to quote „Love me <3 <3 <3. Please fuck me“ - because yes, she did take one look at them and decide the one with the puppy dog eyes was a bottom. That’s also a quote.
Episode 3.10:
Eddie really is trying so hard to be a good dad, isn’t he?
I also love the little head shake Eddie gives after Chris ask Buck about spending Christmas with him, because he clearly has already talked about the whole thing with Buck. And I’m not gonna talk about the framing. Other’s have done that before and I don’t actually know that much about it in first place.
Also it is cute as all hell that Chris asked Buck in the first place and also heartbreaking.
Other than that this episode doesn’t have that much of a relevance for this meta, because if I have to start discussing Buck’s other issues as well this will never be done.
Before I let you go, I wanna say something real quick:
In the past few days there have been several posts about content creators and liking vs commenting / reblogging on my dash and I just wanna say this is true for meta writers as well! Look, I love everyone who likes this because validation, but I’m not actually writing this meta for myself, I’m writing this because I have thoughts and I wanna share them with the rest of the class and have the class discuss it with me!
So please, reblog this and comment under or in the tags or come to my ask or my messages, even if it’s only to tell me that my punctuation is shit! 
Anyways, @angelcamael and @greyhello here’s part 3!
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foster-fan-club · 5 years
So I have been talking with @sophies-earbuds for awhile about sokeefe vs sophitz and I’ve wrote a little about it before, but now I really want to analyze each character in this love triangle madness->starting with Fitz:
[before I take off into the madness I would like to add a disclaimer: this is not meant to prove one ship “superior”, but at some points it will lean in favor of one or the other or both->it’s just meant to add some character analysis to the whole thing (message me if you ever want to talk more about these ships)]
Fitzroy Avery Vacker:
Fitz starts off as being an easily lovable and very cute character. Sophie falls for him, we all fall for him, and soon enough we are on the edge of our seat to see if Sophitz will happen. But just as we start saying he is our favorite, Shannon gives us a look into a trait that will soon define his character in a whole other way.
Alden’s mind breaks.
Shortly afterwards Fitz is left angry, broken, and feeling enormous loads of guilt-wishing that he could’ve been there for his father. Fitz starts to unload his frustrations onto Sophie and that is the first time Sophitz is truly questioned (besides the moment we learn how handsome Keefe is).
His anger issues are not resolved and he never truly finds closure or comes to terms with it. Instead this anger boils over into Alvar’s betrayal, Keefe’s betrayal, almost killing Alvar *twice*, the whole unmatchable drama, and more.
People argue that Shannon ruined Fitz to make Sokeefe happen. But in my opinion, she didn’t ruin him, instead she has now set him up for self growth and redemption.
By the end of Legacy, Fitz is finally adjusting to the changes in his life, he’s slowly realizing that Alvar is beyond his control, and he is working towards finding closure for his friends.
I feel like Sokeefe will eventually happen and that will present another obstacle for Fitz to endure. But Fitz has already hit his lowest point in Legacy, in my opinion. So now he is going to endure the greatest change. I feel like Fitz and Sophie both have a lot of personal growth they still need to go through apart, before they can even try to start dating again. Part of Sophie’s growth will most likely fall along the lines with Keefe’s recovery/new ability and their newish relationship. Fitz needs to refind himself and spend some more time with his family to help him heal. He will obviously depend on Sophie throughout this time and vice versa, but I don’t expect it to be in a relationship way.
Fitz Vacker is not a villain, even though some people paint him out to be. He is just as confused and as hurt and as betrayed as Keefe. He just deals with it in a not so great way. But Keefe also dealt with his guilt in a not so great way in the beginning too (I mean trying to play double agent against the Neverseen is not the smartest). Fitz and Keefe share many characteristics in common and they both have the potential to essentially make each other’s mistakes. But they don’t, instead they learn from them. They learn together, as best friends (wow I’m tearing up bc of Feefe/Kitz [idk their ship name]).
My prediction for Fitz is that he will start to branch off from the group and find his own way. Only once he has grown as a person, will he have a chance at winning back Sophie’s heart. If he does succeed with it all, Sophitz will end with a lot more value than it had in Flashback and Legacy.
So that was my overall *breif* analysis, but if you want more, just keep reading!
The change in Fitz was explained indirectly and perhaps some people missed it. Guilt is a major theme in the kotlc series and plays a big role in each character’s life. It is said multiple times after Alvar’s betrayal how getting angry is a way Fitz’s guilt is expressed. Just like how Alden’s guilt caused him to lean a little harder on his classic “no need to worry” standby. Brant’s guilt caused him to slowly go insane. The guilt Sophie felt for her human parents, eventually led her to a state of numbness. Keefe’s guilt causes him to be reckless. Grady and Edaline’s guilt caused them to shut out the world after Jolie’s death. Eventually each character finds a way to deal with their guilt. Alden eventually admitted that he was wrong to perform the memory break and was provided closure when Della and him helped Wylie and Prentice recover. Grady and Edaline adopted Sophie as a way to fill the emptiness in their home. Even Brant found closure by facing Grady and Sophie (although by then he was already too lost). Keefe is slowly finding closure by coming to terms with his dad, accepting that he isn’t responsible for his mom, and no longer trying to be the hero. He isn’t fully there yet, but Sophie is helping him get there. (This is very important for why sokeefe is such a strong ship but I already said a lot on that earlier) Fitz has never truly found closure and I think that is why he was so upset that Sophie and Keefe let Alvar go. Fitz feels responsible for being played by the Neverseen under his own roof (similar to Keefe). Fitz feels responsible for the shame he brought on his family’s *now questionable* reputation. [That is probably another reason why he wasn’t too happy about the whole unmatchable thing- not because he didn’t love Sophie but because he couldn’t bear hurting his family any more]
His direct family doesn’t blame him, but other members of the Vackers still look down on him. But most importantly, Fitz blames himself. He really wanted to be able to just finish Alvar, not because he is some dark, killing machine- but because he sees it as the only way to ensure Alvar doesn’t hurt the people he loves anymore. To me this is actually a sweeter side of Fitz that is often overlooked as just a creepy trait. Fitz would risk his own well being, he would risk breaking his mind, he would risk living with the burden of killing his brother- just because he believes he can protect his family, his friends, and Sophie. Now as creepy and weird of a justification that is- it is still a valid reason why Fitz would turn into who he is now so quickly. To me Fitz still has the same intentions in mind, but he is so guilt ridden and traumatized that he has gone to extremes.
When you hear him blaming Sophie for bad things that happen to him, it ends up actually being Fitz blaming himself. But Fitz doesn’t have the humility to admit that yet. I used to watch this tv series as a kid that I still love now that had a character who was very guilt ridden. The character was told that to become who he really is he must let go of his feelings of guilt and shame. The character responds *very hotheadedly similar to Fitz* “I’m not guilty or shameful- I am as proud as ever!” He is then told that pride is not the opposite of shame but it’s source. That has stuck with me through reading kotlc because it pretty much describes Fitz.
Fitz is PROUD to be a Vacker, he is PROUD to be a telepath, even in the beginning of the first book he gets defensive when Sophie makes fun of Foxfire because he is PROUD to be a Foxfire prodigy. All this pride can also result in tons of shame and guilt. He feels that he can not make others proud, he can not truly earn his titles, without leaving around loose ends that could tarnish his reputation. When you think about it, Fitz is as proud as ever. He just took elite level tests and will find out soon if he will get in. He figured out how to transmit long distances to Silveny. Sophie and him have strengthened their cognate connection after getting past their feelings. He found the moonlark. He is able to get past Sophie’s blocking. He has accomplished so much, but still feels guilt. His pride causes him guilt and shame, because when something that is out of his control happens- he does not have the humility to admit it. Instead he wants to hunt down Alvar, he wants to be angry for not being there when Alden’s mind breaks, he gets mad at Biana when she gets her scars from Vespera because he wishes he could’ve taken the hits for her. He really does try to be Wonderboy and sometimes he even shocks me with how skilled and smart he really is. But he is still learning how to admit mistakes and move on. This has been his characters biggest guilt related flaw throughout the entire series, it is nothing new. Each character has their own flaws that develop throughout the series.
When Fitz apologizes to Sophie at the end of Legacy, that is when I see his first true act of humility. He apologizes to her before, but this time it just felt so much more genuine because he finally is starting to realize what his actions are doing to those who love him. This is new self growth is where I see Fitz’s character heading. The end of Legacy has given him a chance for a sort of redemption arc. He was never a bad character or evil, he just needs to grow to be his true self. Fitz needs to let go of his past grudges to be able to move forward. He needs to admit that Alvar is out of his control and that he might not be able to be the hero (similar to Keefe again). I feel like when he says he is no longer looking to kill Alvar and hunt him down, but instead is looking for information about his best friend- that really made a difference to me. He is starting to move past it and work towards the greater good. Maybe post-redemption Fitz will have another chance with Sophie. But for now we are all rooting for sokeefe to have a standing chance.
I am so sorry that this is so much to read, but I was going to post all of this eventually so I decided, why not just spam everyone at once??
Soon I will be posting analysis for both Keefe an Sophie, but it will probably *hopefully* be a lot shorter because there is already a ton of great posts about their characters and I don’t want to be too redundant. My asks are always open if you ever want to send in your own opinions/feedback and/or other characters and plots you want to see more of on here!
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 59)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:4275
Warnings: Language, bad coping mechanisms, grief, depression, lack of motivation, feelings revealed, relationships at stake, tension is high, start of endgame movie, losing hope, hope is brought back, Song for this part:  I’ll never love again- Lady Gaga Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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The next morning, before dawn, you were out of bed. You started a new simulation to try and find Thanos. While the simulation ran, you went outside to practice. Shannon was right, even if you did find Thanos, what then? You needed to practice, to train. So that’s what you did. 
Your powers were like Wanda’s and Remy’s combined. You were born with the ability as an Asgardian goddess to charge potential energy and launch it. The mind stone had given you electrical dark energy that you could launch from yourself as a bolt of energy, or use it as an extended limb, like Wanda. Using the dark energy, you could fly. Using the electric part of your energy, you could electrocute things, like Thor. You learned illusions and trickery from Loki. By all stretches of the imagination, you should be the most powerful one in the room at all times, save for Shannon who could absorb any power, not to mention her natural healing power. 
But being powerful meant nothing if you didn’t know how to use it well. So for the next twelve hours straight that day, you practiced. You learned how to create a shield around yourself using your purple energy. You learned how to send shockwaves through the ground like Thor. You practiced charging objects and throwing them, as well as creating powerful energy shots and launching them. You practiced flying. You hadn’t done much of it since the New York attack and you wanted to be sure that you felt comfortable doing it. 
Shannon left you to it, knowing that you wouldn’t want to be bothered, but Steve checked on you. He asked what you were doing and if you needed help. You explained you were gearing up to fight Thanos and you didn’t want Steve to get hurt. He didn’t say much but nodded and left you alone. Natasha watched you and she wanted to say something, offer something, but she didn’t know how. You two weren’t close at all. You liked Natasha, by all means, but she didn’t know how to comfort you in something like this, so she let you grieve the way you needed to. Bruce felt sorry for you. He desperately wanted to help you. He felt he could take anything you threw at him, but his concern was with Shannon and finding Tony. Bruce and you were a bit closer, and he understood better than most the healing factors isolation and being alone could have. Thor… well you and Thor could hardly stand to look at each other. You’d lost the same thing, and you both felt responsible. You didn’t blame him, and you hoped he didn’t blame you.
You didn’t fault any of them for not coming to see you. You knew they all had their own grief they were dealing with, their own personal missions. This was yours.
This became your new routine. Rising at early hours, running tests to see where Thanos might be, running scanners for him using the stones again, then you’d set out to practice your powers until late at night. You were at least sleeping now and eating at least one meal a day. It wasn’t ideal, but it was an improvement. You logically knew you couldn’t fight Thanos if you were malnourished and tired. 
A few days after Shannon had visited you that night, she didn't feel like being at another one of those meetings with the faces of the vanished and seeing Tony’s and Parker’s faces. There’s only so much she could take. So here she was in bed hiding under the covers with Lucky being the little spoon. When there had been a few light knocks, she hoped they would leave her alone.
“Hey,” Bruce said softly as he poked his head in. “I know you probably want to be left alone, but I think we should all be together at a time like this. I also brought you something to help calm your nerves.” He held up a small tray with two cups of tea. “It always keeps me calm.” 
“Thanks, Bruce, but I think I'd rather stay here in bed with Lucky.” She came out from under the covers. “There’s no way I’m going in there and see Tony’s or Parker’s face.” She shook her head.
He nodded as he sat the tray down. He rubbed his hands nervously before stuffing them in his cardigan pockets. “Yeah, yeah, I get that. It’s hard to see his face. I told them to take their faces down because we don’t know if--” He stopped himself, choosing his next words carefully to not upset you further. “Well we don’t know what’s happened to them, if anything. Hell, you know Tony. He could be on his way here, right now. He might’ve just wound up a place a little bit away from here.” He tried to add cheer to his voice. 
“Bruce, thanks for trying but I can feel how uncertain things are until we find out more.” She took the cup of tea from the tray. 
“Well isn’t that just it? Things are uncertain, so don’t lose hope, okay? If you lose hope, all we have is Cap. I mean his motivational speeches are great and all, don’t get me wrong, but we need you… I need you.” 
“But what can I do? I’m not Tony or Steve. They both have things I cannot be or give so what now?” She put the cup back. “I just need someone to take over and be the one in charge for once”
Bruce nodded. “I don’t know how or if that’s gonna happen, sweetheart. Nat might. You know they all look up to you. It isn’t to pressure you. You don’t need to be anyone but you. Your optimism and quick thinking is what gets us through. You’re the glue of this team, don’t forget it. But… I understand if you need a break. Steve, Nat, and I can take over for a bit. At least until we hear something on Tony or Peter…”
 “That would be great, really, I don’t know what I would do without you, Bruce.” She touched his hand and she became so overcome with his emotions that she shed a tear. “I’m so sorry, Bruce. I didn't mean to get in tune with your emotions, that power has been really strong since that day.”
“Hey, first off, don’t apologize to me, ever. Secondly, of course it has been. You’ve lost a lot and you have no idea what happened to Tony. Your power of emotion is bound to go haywire. Besides, I don’t mind you having a peek at my emotions every now and then,” he stated, almost sheepishly. 
“Is that a hint of a blush I see?” Shannon joked, putting her hand on his cheek feeling how warm it got and was getting hotter by the second. “I don’t mean to pry but I felt a few things when I touched your hand, mind telling what they were about?” She looked at him seriously.
“Shannon,” he started uneasily, “you already know what it is you feel,” he said softly. 
“It’s one thing for me to feel a person’s emotions, it’s another thing to know what or who they are directed to,” she calmly explained. “If this is making you uneasy we could change the subject,” she suggested. She partially knew but she wanted him to confirm her suspicions.
He rubbed his neck, feeling more nervous and awkward by the second. “Damn, I never wanted to do this. Let alone while Tony’s...well... missing but...Ah, damn. Shannon… I’m in love with you. Alright? I know the timing is terrible. I know you’re married. I should’ve said something before, but you’re so happy with Tony, and he’s my best friend and I didn’t want to ruin any of that. I can’t hide it anymore though. With the way the world is now… I think it’s now or never, you know?” He peered at her, guilt, hope, worry, and relief all rolled into one. 
“Umm… wow, I... I don’t know what to say Bruce—” She got quiet for a bit processing what her friend had told her all that time ago at the mansion about Banner having feelings for her. She didn’t think that it was true. “I’m flattered that you feel this way about me, Bruce...and I know we’re in a spot that’s between a rock and a hard place but until I can know for certain what’s happened with Tony, I don’t think I can act on this.” She placed her hand on his, feeling his emotions and tried to not let them confuse her. She knew she had always had a soft spot for the man but she married Tony and she couldn’t betray him like this. What if he comes back… no, she needed to stop thinking. 
“You’re right. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I never wanted you to know. I never wanted to put you in any position of choosing him or me. Just… with things the way they are…” He shook his head. “Just think on it? I’m not saying we need to do anything now or anything soon at all. Just… give it some thought.” 
“This is my fault. If I hadn’t felt your hand we wouldn’t be in this situation but you’re right we ca—” Just as Shannon was about to answer the man, you walked into the bedroom, making the two jump apart and causing the dog to look up.
“Shan, I want--Oh, I’m sorry,” you said quickly as you watched your best friend and Banner break apart rapidly. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can come back later,” you offered, already making your way toward the door.
“No! No, that’s fine, Y/N you can come in. Bruce was just trying to convince me to go to the meeting, which by the way you're late to.” She waved you in and then pointed to the time on the clock. “You know Steve is probably looking for you, you better go.”
“Right,” you agreed uneasily. The energy in the room felt off. “Yeah I think we should go, don’t you, Bruce?”
“Huh? Uh. Yeah. We should get down there.” 
You eyed him for one more moment before you and he walked down for the meeting, leaving Shannon to think in her room. 
You knew Steve, Nat, and Shannon had been watching the pager that Fury left behind. It was constantly paging something or someone and they wanted to find out who. You had to give it to them. They never stopped. Steve and Nat, no matter how broken they were or devastated, they stuck to the mission, the cause -- to get back what we’d lost. 
But you couldn’t do it. You just didn’t have it in you anymore. The fight was gone. All you had was finding Thanos, and you had no idea how long that would take. Each passing second you didn’t find him chipped away at your soul, but this was all you had. It was your only hope, your one shot at maybe getting Loki back, getting everyone back, so you had to do it. 
Thor...he was beyond pissed. He felt that it was his fault. For the first few hours after it happened, he just kept muttering, “What have I done?” “It’s all my fault”. Some tiny part of you wanted to believe that. You wanted to blame this all on Thor for not aiming for his head. Or blame Wanda for leaving Vision. Or blame Shannon for not fighting harder. Blame anyone, everyone. Someone had to be at fault, right?
But the fact of the matter was, it was your fault. Wanda fought like hell to get to Vision. According to Steve, she held back Thanos (with five of the stones on his hand) with one hand and killed Vision with the other hand. Wanda was only human, her power forged from the mind stone and she was nearly all powerful. 
But you? You were a goddess of Asgard. You had the physical strength of Thor, the born powers of bio-kinetic energy, and your purple electric energy was granted by the mind stone. There probably weren’t many out there stronger than you -- but you couldn’t get to Thanos -- at least that’s what you kept telling yourself. 
This was your fault. If anyone should’ve been able to kill him, it was you. Wanda, with even less power than you, was able to hold him back successfully. Thor with his new axe could battle the stones and kill him with brute force. There wasn’t one reason in the world you couldn’t kill him. 
You should’ve let Nat and Okoye take care of Proxima. You should’ve abandoned the battlefield and waited for Thanos. You should’ve been by Vision’s side and not Wanda. 
If any one of those small things had changed, maybe this all would’ve been different. 
You heard footsteps approaching and you tensed. You didn’t want to speak to anyone. You hardly ever did. It was almost as if talking would break you. You were lying in bed after a day of training just wishing for some good news. 
“Y/N?” Shannon’s soft voice filled your room and you slightly relaxed. “Someone is here. A Carol Danvers? She may be able to help.”
You furrowed your brow before rolling over to get up. You padded down barefoot in your pajamas, your hair unbrushed, but you frankly didn’t give a damn. 
Thor, Steve, Nat, Bruce, and Shannon surrounded a blonde woman you’d never seen. Or they faced her at least. 
“Y/N, this is Carol. She’s…” Shannon started to explain then it seemed words failed her. 
“Long story short, I’m here to help and I’m a friend of Nick Fury’s,” she spoke, filling in the gap. 
“So what are you doing here?” you asked, all animation gone from your voice except for a slight wonder. Your hands were stuffed in your hoodie pockets.
“We think she can help find Tony and the rest of them,” Steve stated. 
“So you guys said he was in a spaceship? What’d it look like? I can try to track it.” 
“Titan… He was going to Titan,” you interjected.
“You’re sure about this?” Steve questioned. 
You nodded. “When I was his slave, he talked of his home quite a bit. If Ebony Maw took him and Strange… And he sent Proxima and Corvus to Earth then chances are he wanted them to meet him back on Titan.” 
“He told them that,” Thor concurred. “Just before he blew me up with the power stone. He told everyone to meet him on Titan.” 
“Alright. I’ve got a starting point,” Carol said with determination before she started to walk away. 
Shannon stepped in front of her. “Please, bring Tony back to me. He… I…” But that’s all she could get out before she started to sob. You took a step closer to her and wrapped her in your arms. You gave a look to Carol that granted her permission to leave. 
With that, it seemed as if a tinge of hope filled the atmosphere, at least for the rest of the Avengers. Not so much you… well, not you at all. 
You walked Shannon back to her room and now it was her turn to grieve. She’d been holding it in for so long, you thought that maybe the idea of hope now was maybe sending her over the edge. If she hoped for Tony and Carol didn’t find him, or worse, found him dead or one of the vanished then she would be crushed. But if she didn’t hope then she felt like she was letting Tony down. 
“What if she doesn’t find him?” she asked as she got into bed and you pulled the cover up around her. 
“Don’t talk like that,” you gently ordered. “We can take some solace that at least someone out there is looking for him.” 
It’d been two weeks since Carol showed up and there was still no word back if she’d found Tony or not. Shannon had taken to going outside to look for signs of a ship or refreshing her texts to find out anything. She’s on the verge of giving up. She knew she shouldn’t but this feeling of being useless was getting to her. She’d been seen walking around in Tony”s unwashed shirts and hoodies and some shorts around the compound. No one had the heart to tell her anything. She knew they all pitied the situation. 
From her phone she heard Tadashi. “There’s still no signal reaching the transponder, Mrs. Stark.”
“Thank you, Tadashi, please keep searching.”
“Will do, Mrs. Stark.”
While she sat on top of the compound, on the roof, a door shut behind her suddenly. She was going to turn to see who it was, but he spoke quickly, letting her know who it was.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea you were out here,” he apologized. “I can leave you alone if…” he let the offer hang in the air. 
“Hey there, big guy, there’s no need. I”ve been out here alone for too long, keep me company?” She looked up at the man. “Unless you came out here to be alone then I’ll go somewhere else—” She started getting up.
“No. Hey, I interrupted you. Sit,” he gently ordered. He came over and sat beside her. “I thought I’d come out and see… well see if there was any sign of… you know. Had to get some air from trying to find Thanos.” 
Shannon flinched at the sound of that name. She didn’t know if she would ever be okay from all of this. “Yeah it’s been heavy with everything lately. Had to leave that building or else I knew I’d end up fighting someone.” She leaned on him taking in his scent of herbal tea and mint. “It’s nice out here, helps clear the mind.”
“That it does,” he agreed looking at the sky. He then dropped his gaze to the rooftop. “Shan… I know I said I’d let you think on this. But.... It’s been two weeks now and… I don’t know. I thought maybe… I just wondered if we don’t hear anything about Tony… in four months, would you want to try a date? If I’m right, I think you feel similarly to how I feel about you. It’s a compromise. I can’t go on wondering, and you shouldn’t go on feeling guilty or wondering if or when you should move on.”
Shannon hid her face inside the hoodie she was sporting and took a deep breath thinking of Tony in that moment. “Well you’ve never been wrong about anything before, I do love you too, Bruce, but I’m still married to Tony…” She looked up at the man. “But if in four months there’s no news from Carol about...you know… then yes I will try going out on a date with you but you have to promise me that I’ll get time to mourn.” She had looked down at her hands fiddling with her ring. 
It felt wrong to even be talking about Tony as if he was already gone, as if there was no hope, but Shannon could see with some clarity that these were dark times. Times where every moment was precious and she couldn’t spend it always wondering and holding out hope that may be wasted. While she adored Tony and loved him with every fiber of her being, she also knew she loved Bruce, and had for quite some time. She didn’t see a reason or purpose to rob herself or Bruce of a potential future in a world where futures seemed rather bleak.
“Of course,” he assured. “I’m not trying to get rid of Tony or gloss over your love for him. I know you love him, I know you love him more than me. I just… I don’t want to waste any more time, for either of us, if we can be together. I’ll give you all the time you need. I just needed to know that there was even a chance for us or if… well if I needed to move on.” 
“Oh, Bruce, I’m sorry for putting you through all of this.” She had moved to face him properly. “Thank you for being so understanding of this. You’ve been such a stability for me these past two weeks.” 
“Of course,” he vowed as he held her tightly in a hug.
You were still searching, running calculations, practicing, strengthening... You showered at least, and Shannon forced some soup down you a few times. She said she couldn’t have you dying along with everyone else. You didn’t want to break her heart any further so you ate it, and again, you remembered nutrition was important to your mission.
No news had come from Tony or anyone he might have been with so you dwelled on your anguish. Much to your surprise but not Shannon’s, Steve stopped in to see you. He asked how you were but all you did was start crying - you couldn’t help it. You hated it, you hated him seeing you like this, but at this point, what did it matter? 
When you finally gathered yourself, and Steve was rubbing your back soothingly as you leaned over your lab desk, you finally turned your head slightly to face him. 
“Steve… I’m so sorry for Bucky and Sam. I hope you don’t hold yourself accountable. You did everything you could. Hell you did more than most.”
He bobbed his head, as if he were wagering whether or not he really did. “I appreciate that. I’m sorry about Loki and Strange.” 
You nodded, not wanting to verbally acknowledge them. You knew you couldn’t without bawling, so you just nodded. “And I haven’t said it before, but I’m sorry about New York,” you emphatically said, changing the subject slightly. It’s something you’d wanted to say for a long time. 
He waved it off with that all American smile at first but you shook your head. 
“No, I’m serious. I’ve never apologized about New York to you and I want you to know it’s something that has haunted me every day. I hope you know that you, Shannon, all of the Avengers… you’re all my friends, you know? Loki… Loki and I, we were brainwashed and if I could take all of it back, believe me, I’d give about anything.”
He nodded, his smile more sincere and sweet as he slowly closed his eyes, his hand still on your back. 
“I know, Y/N. I know,” he assured. “I forgave you a long time ago. Both of you. Speaking of things we’ve never said. I don’t think anyone has ever made you an official member of the Avengers, but I’d like you to know I consider you one. You’ve been one since Ultron.”
Your gaze softened on him before you pulled him into an embrace. “Thank you,” you breathed. 
Shannon had entered your room. It was late, which meant most of the Avengers had gone their separate ways for the evening. It seemed the only time you two could speak was late into the night, probably because you were both obsessed with searching during the day and they were precious hours. 
“Y/N/N,” she started solemnly, softly as she sat on the edge of your bed, her eyes on her hands. “It’s been twenty days since… since Thanos… And Tony, Carol… They aren’t…” 
“Shannon, you can’t--” You swallowed. “You can’t give up hope. If you give up then I have nothing, okay? Do you hear me? Nothing.”
“I know, but it’s getting so hard since--”
Just then, a rumbling cut her off. The two of you looked at each other as it got closer and louder. After a few seconds, you two realized it might be Carol, so you threw the covers off yourself and you two began running outside. Once you looked up, it was easy to see what had made all that ruckus. A rather large spacecraft was being brought in by Carol. As soon as the craft was sat down, the hatch opened, exposing a very weak Tony leaning on a blue woman. Steve rushed forward, going to Tony’s aid. 
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. You finally felt some semblance of happiness. Tony was alive. Thanos didn’t kill him. He didn’t vanish. He was okay… That could mean that… 
But you stopped yourself before you let the thoughts run too wild.
Shannon ran forward to greet him. The two fell into each other’s arms, embracing, kissing briefly. The image sent a surge of warmth through you as well as seething jealousy. Of course you were happy for them. You were thrilled, honestly. But it was hard to be happy for her when you’d lost everything. 
Everyone was concerned with Tony’s return, as they should’ve been. Bruce got him hooked up on fluids, Shannon had given him a shower, Steve helped find him some clothes. Everyone agreed that he needed to rest, as did Carol and Nebula before anything was discussed. 
None of this was said to you though, because as soon as Tony arrived, your emotions ran wild, forcing you into your room. As soon as the door closed behind you, you broke down. You knew Shannon wouldn’t leave Tony, not tonight, not for you, and she shouldn’t have to.
But you couldn’t help it. This was too painful and somehow… somehow you were bitter and resentful over it all. 
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat-blog​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles​ @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711​
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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Buddie Recs For You
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Eddie doesn't realise how badly he's destroyed his friendship with Buck until his former partner has swapped stations, changed phone numbers, and moved homes without warning. It's nearly impossible to track Buck down and it's clear that Chris is suffering too. After Eddie is injured on the job, he has to start piecing together the broken pieces of who he is with the help of family and friends. Under those sorts of circumstances, a chance to repair his fragile friendship with Buck might be possible - but it won't be easy when Buck has a new boyfriend.
121k - 25/25 Chapters
Commentary: Right, I've read this one before, and I have conflicted feelings about it... the writing is really good, but well, they deal with Eddie getting amnesia, and there's not a real resolution of him getting al of his memories back, only some of them. Now, for me, that didn't really work out just as I wanted it, but I still liked the story, and like it's written really well with good character driven story and whatnot... So yeah, read at own risk
a leaf falls on loneliness
Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that.
But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.”
—you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting—
So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence.
11k - 1/1 Chapters
The Space Between Sleep
It all started innocent enough but Buck can no longer deny it.
He has a stalker.
Someone so obsessed with him that they would spend hours and hours following him, unnoticed, taking pictures of him, taking notes of his habits.
But life has been so good lately, and Buck doesn’t want to worry anyone. So he tells no one about it, he can deal with it on his own.
38k - 11/11 Chapters
Reaching In The Dark
It all started innocent enough but Buck can no longer deny it.
He has a stalker.
Someone so obsessed with him that they would spend hours and hours following him, unnoticed, taking pictures of him, taking notes of his habits.
But life has been so good lately, and Buck doesn’t want to worry anyone. So he tells no one about it, he can deal with it on his own.
38k - 11/11 Chapters
Commentary: Okay, so, I think I've read this one before... and I can't remember if it's like quality or what it is... but imma leave it for you to figure out, cause there's a lot of other ones that I wanna read for you to make sure they're good, so... read at own risk!
I'll Be Your Arms, I'll Be Your Steady Satellite
Buck couldn’t believe how quickly the day had turned. When he had been thinking about what came next, this hadn’t been what he expected.
--- The 118 takes a call that changes everything, turning Buck's world upside down and pushing his life in a new direction.
54k - 25/25 Chapters
Commentary: So, this was the one where he had a kid, and like, man, dad!buck was a thing I didn’t know I needed that much, but apparently I did, cause man I love it so much! Also, now I really wanna read more dad!buck kid!fic’s, preferably where like Buddie is together, and they want another kid, and so they decide to do surrogacy with Buck this time, and like, have most of what happens in this fic happen, but with some additions to it that I wished they added, with there being more Christopher being a big brother... anyhow, read it! It’s very good and adorable!!!
Like We Never Loved At All
Prompt: The lawsuit is all a front to protect the team but they don’t know so they treat Buck harshly. Buck bares all of it until Eddie or Bobby just breaks whatever hope he has left. By the time the truth comes out Buck is gone. Fast forward to a year or more later Eddie and Christopher are out with the team when Chris sees Buck. He’s got longer hair and cold eyes but most importantly he’s pushing a baby carriage with twin babies. He’s loving to Chris but frosty towards the team. What happened
22k - 6/6 Chapters
Commentary: Right, read it, and like it’s good, but the writer said herself that she was thinking of continuing it (But she has yet to do so) so though it has an ending to it, it’s not really a resolved one... more like a very very open-ended one... So again, read at your own risk.
Of Bikes and Concussions
Buck gets into an accident on his way to work in the morning, and before he can explain why he's late, he gets thoroughly chewed out and the rest of his day goes way downhill from there.
7k - 1/1 Chapters
After Buck grabbed the mistletoe and kissed Hen, he decided he wouldn't stop there. After making the rounds, he reaches Eddie, and nothing is ever so easy with that man.
9k  -  5/5 Chapters
Rewrite the Stars
Buck is struggling with nightmares weeks after he has returned to work after the tsunami. He is struggling to sleep, and distancing himself from everyone-- most of all, Eddie.
39k  -  19/19 Chapters
Bury Your Dead
If you had asked Edward Buckley to describe his parenting style, he would’ve told you that he was a “disciplinarian.”
28k  -  13/13
Commentary: Stumbled upon this one, and I’m pretty sure I’ve read it before, it sounds familiar, and as far as I can remember it was rather good!
it’s okay
Finally back with the team, Buck isn’t going to let anything tear him away again. He has to prove his place, his part in the family, even if that means smiling through the pain.
Or, Buck gets hurt on a call and doesn’t tell anyone.
11k  -  1/1 Chapters
Commentary: Oh, it has a lot of angst and it will warm your heart!
Broken Silence
combined prompts asking for quiet Buck trying to stay out of everyone's way after the lawsuit--he and Maddie get hurt but he thinks they won't care, because of how they've been treating him lately, so he doesn't say anything, but does request time off, and then comfort ensues!
2k  -  1/1 Chapters
Commentary: Listen, I know that it’s shorter than what you usually read, but man, it’s so heartbreaking and gooooooood
Comfort of Strangers
"I don't want anyone else to have your heart, kiss your lips or be in your arms. Because that's my place."
Buck and Eddie grow closer, one kiss at a time.
15k  -  15/15 Chapters
5+1 Times People Call Them a Family
5 times someone points out that Eddie, Buck, and Christopher make an adorable family and 1 time where they say they are family.
4k  -  6/6 Chapters
Buck’s voice was soft and hesitant, but full of patience when he finally spoke again. “Did I do something to upset you, Chris? I can leave—”
“No!” Chris whirled on him, a complete shift from the standoffish vibe he had been giving a second ago. The tears he bravely held back finally broke free from his eyes, sliding down his rosy cheeks from behind his glasses. He shook his head vehemently, the yellow crayon falling to the table. “No, I’m not mad. Please…” His words turned to whimpers, his lip trembling. “Please don’t leave me too.”
31k  -  10/10 Chapters
Commentary: This was the one I linked you too on messenger. It has like a minor supernatural element to it, that they don’t warn you about, cause it’ll like spoil it, but it should not make you shy away from it, because it’s a thing that makes the story fits so well together and makes it so heartbreaking and good! So yeah, check it out, and be prepared for the angst!
All Bets are Off
"Enough!" Bobby sighed, he pinched the bridge of his nose, obviously exhausted. "Alright, I'm gonna need everyone to be completely straight with each other from here on out. No more fighting. Okay?"
Hen rolled her eyes but nodded. "Okay Cap."
"I'm always straight." Eddie called defensively.
Bobby's mouth opened to respond when they heard a strangled chain of coughing behind them. When they turned, they saw Chimney, choking on a bagel.
"Oh man…" Chimney coaxed through his wheezing. "That's the biggest lie you ever told."
Or, the five times the firefam realized Buck and Eddie were in love, and the one-time Eddie finally did something about it.
35k  -  6/6 Chapters
Commentary: So it’s a 5+1, but it’s a lengthier one than the other one, and it’s so good! It’ll both satisfy your buddie need, but also your Bobby being a father to Buck need!! And like a lot of other good stuff, so yeah, should definitely give this a go
you working?
a request for some jealous!Eddie
Summer is winding down and the 118 is out for one last event at the local park before kids are back at school. Buck attracts attention, Eddie glares at the world, and Hen is honestly having a blast.
4k  -  1/1 Chapters
Commentary: In reality, it’s a part of a series that’s 18k words long, but like 10k of it is a lot of smut, and like some of it’s plot driven, other very much isn’t, and then like the last part is an engagement one, so like, if you’re prepared for the smut, then sure, otherwise, you could just enjoy the first part of it, with a very adorable jealous Eddie Diaz
am I coming out of left field?
5 times it was obvious to literally everyone that Buck and Eddie are in love, and the one (first) time Eddie actually admits it.
3k  -  1/1 Chapters
Commentary: Short, but cute, though the last part could be better
Can't Stay Away
“Long story short, your kid is too damn smart," Buck began. "Seriously, Eddie, maybe you need to pull him out of that fancy school and send him back to public school. Dumb him down a bit so he’s easier to handle.”
Buck’s words became so tangled in his anxiety that he couldn’t really process what he was saying. “What the hell are you talking about? Is Chris okay? Is he in trouble?”
“He’s fine. Safe and sound, happy as a clam, but I’d say he is definitely in trouble.”
In which Eddie's parents hate Buck, and Christopher is too damn clever.
6k  -  1/1 Chapters
Commentary: Oh this is a good one... Like, proper whump and Christopher being the captain of our ship!
There It All Is (What's Always Been Mine)
“You alright Buckaroo?” Hen asked and Buck shrugged. “You’re not worried about hosting this sleepover, are you?”
“I just don’t want to screw this up,” Buck said. “Like, I’m the one who’s not a parent here. Am I really qualified to be in charge of three kids?”
Or, when a sleepover becomes the sight of a dangerous emergency, Buck learns what his friends and family knew all along; he’ll do anything for the people he cares about.
8k  -  1/1 Chapters
Commentary: I said I wanted Buck with kids, and I got it. Basically, it’s cute, and I luv buck with kids, and this is a good one. 
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A Dive Into My Bookmarks
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light me and i'll burn for you
In which an old friend of Buck's joins the 118, and Eddie does not like him. At all.
31k - 3/3 Chapters
all the stones and kings of old
Edmundo Diaz, King of Calder, does not want a husband.
He had a wife, he has a son. He doesn’t need anyone to try and fill the void in his life Shannon left when she died—he is perfectly content with an empty bed, with Bobby and Athena advising him, with household staff taking care of Christopher when he can’t.
But. Apparently he doesn’t have a choice in the matter.
(Theirs is not an auspicious start.)
36k - 14/14 Chapters
Commentary: So this is the AU that I talked about, with it being medieval, and like, something out of Merlin, only I don't really think there's magic in it... i can't remember if there is... So I don't think there is. Anyhow, it's pretty good!
Everybody Knows
The five times someone assumed they're together, and Eddie had to correct them, and the one time it happened and he didn't have to.
14k - 1/1 Chapters
You square all the corners, I straighten the curves
Five times Buck and Eddie pretend they're dating (and one time they don't)
11k - 1/1 Chapters
The things we lost in the fire
Commentary: Now, this is a two part story, I'll add the summary for both parts.
Part 1:
Evan Buckley left his past behind when he left home for good at age 19. But an unexpected phone call on a quiet shift disrupts the life he's built for himself: forcing him to confront his past in order to build a new future.
Part 2:
It was fall at the 118. That was supposed to mean pumpkin spice lattes, Athena’s world-famous pumpkin pie, and the yearly tradition of getting bullied by children at the annual firehouse trick-or-treating.
Instead, it was a disastrous cornucopia of Maddie’s pregnancy, the Buckley parents visiting, and a sexuality crisis for good measure.
Oh, and?
It was wildfire season.
204k - Part1: 10/10 - Part 2: 22/22
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The Ones I Need To Read First
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waiting on the sunrise
When Buck left home, it was a rushed decision. He didn’t know where he was going or what he was going to do, but he had a high school diploma and enough street smarts to make it as far from his father as possible.
It's been nearly ten years since then, and now his father is in town. Buck quickly learns that some things haven't changed. But other things have, and his family will help him realize that.
28k - 10/10 Chapters
Two Weeks Noticed
With Christopher away at camp, Eddie finally has a chance to catch his breath after the hellish year he's had. Meanwhile Buck is still reeling from the sudden reappearance of Abby. On a routine night of movies and pizza, Eddie and Buck discuss some feelings and stumble into something that may just take some time to figure out. Good thing they have two weeks to get a handle on it.
148k - 15/15 Chapters
I Hit the Accelerator (But the Car was in Reverse)
When Buck is forced to confront the truth about his breakup with Abby, having casual sex with his hot new coworker seems like the best rebound idea.
Unfortunately, that hot new coworker turns into his best friend. But best friends can keep having sex with each other, right?
There's no way this could possibly go wrong.
68k - 15/15 Chapters
the weekly bet (but the forever kind)
When the squad bets on how long it will take for Buck and Abby to get back together when she comes back to LA, Eddie is forced to reconsider keeping his feelings for Buck a secret. “Thanks,” Eddie mumbles, hiding his face deep in his pillow, even if Buck can’t see him in the dark. “What for?” Leave it to Buck to be confused about something so obvious. “Being you, idiot.” “And again with the name calling,” he answers, content and sleepy. Nights like this, Eddie feels like asking for a miracle. But to the team, it wasn’t a matter of if Abby would take him back, but when. A matter of days.
49k - 9/9 Chapters
Guess We'll Just Have to Adjust
No, Buck does not have a damn crush on Eddie fucking Diaz. No, Buck is not thinking about Eddie's stupid smile or his stupid hair or that obscene sound he made when he pushed the couch the way he did.
Having a crush would be weird. And dumb. And the last thing Buck needs in his already fucked up life.
36k - 12/12 Chapters
Speak Now
Fake Dating AU idea from a tumblr post that got out of hand the minute I started writing.
Eddie lies to Shannon about being in a serious relationship when she wants to re-enter his and Christopher's lives, and of course the person he asks to be his pretend significant other is none other than Evan Buckley, because what are bros for?
25k - 3/3 Chapters
Pack a Bag, Say Goodbye
It wasn’t the first time he felt unwanted. In fact, it was an all too familiar feeling. But the last time he felt this way, he had left. Run off to South America and wherever else he could find himself. But the one thing that had helped him stop feeling lost, the place where he had found himself, had been ripped away from him.
So, why was he still there? What was the point in sticking around? ---
After the lawsuit, Buck is struggling when he realizes how unwanted he is at work. When he makes the decision to leave, how will everyone react? And to what lengths will they go to get Buck back?
61k - 30/30 Chapters
According To You
“He’s gonna’ be fine, they did scans, they said it’s just a scratch--”
“Just a scratch?” Eddie blinks incredulously. “‘Just a scratch’ doesn’t require stitches Evan! God, how could you be so irresponsible?! How the hell were you not watching him at the park?! How could you let him get all the way across the street without you?!”
5k  -  2/2 Chapters
When it comes to an end (I will want you to plea)
After the lawsuit, Buck and Eddie are casually sleeping together. Eddie tells himself it doesn't mean anything more than that. An unexpected incident at work brings up something Buck thought he'd long buried behind him and makes Eddie re-evaluate his feelings for his best friend.
26k  -  8/8  Chapters
He didn’t know who he could contact.
Even though it had been months since he had returned to work, there was still an awkwardness that could not be cleansed. There had been a chill at the start, he had been confined to the station, knowing that his decision to reveal personal information to his lawyer had truly been a mistake. Eventually, the team went back to how they once were in the field, working together to save lives without hesitation. They would share meals, the comradery slowly showing once more.
Outside of work, Buck felt alone.
21k  -  10/10 Chapters
Helping Hands
Everyone wants Buck to heal from the past year, and they think getting laid will help him. Buck doesn't want to revert back to Buck 1.0, but he also doesn't want his friends to worry about him. So Buck enlists the help of his best friend Eddie in fooling his friends.
55k  -  9/9 Chapters
Next To Me
Buck and Eddie started off in different places but eventually they ended up in the same. Eventually, they ended up in love.
Told from Buck and Eddie’s perspectives, a canon-compliant take on Buddie and how they could realistically get together.
Buck had never had a friend like Eddie before. Someone that burrowed under his skin and wrapped around him and became a part of him — like an extra limb, someone he couldn’t do without.
He loved him. Eddie loved him. Eddie was in love with him. With Buck. With his best friend. But it didn’t matter…loving him meant that the only thing that mattered was being able to keep him in any possible way even if that meant that Eddie could never tell him.
93k  -  17/17 Chapters
burn 'em up and scatter their remains
A serial killer taunts L.A., targeting first responders. Fear creates tension among the 118, at the station and outside of it, but they’re going to need to come together stronger than ever to survive this.
50k  -  25/25 Chapters
Eddie's Not-So-Secret Feelings
5 times Eddie says sweet things about Buck in Spanish so Buck doesn't find out he's in love with him +1 time Eddie realises Buck speaks Spanish and knew all along With special guest stars: Eddie's entire family
17k  -  6/6 Chapters
More Than You Know
Eddie's forgiven Buck, and things are back to normal between them. By normal, we of course mean they are in love with each other but haven't confessed to anyone yet. After a bad call, Buck goes over to Eddie's to keep him some company. Except Eddie isn't home. And when Eddie does arrive, he bruised and bloody.
44k  -  17/17 Chapters
a christmas miracle
The 118 are discussing their plans for the holidays, but Eddie's plan has Buck reeling with hurt.
38k  -  4/4 Chapters
i think i might've inhaled you
How do you tell your best friend that you're actually in love with them? If you're Evan Buckley, you don't.
25k  -  2/2 Chapters
You're Standing Here Beside Me
In the beginning, May doesn’t know much about Evan “Buck” Buckley.
Also known as my 1 + 5 + 1 Buck & May sibling fic or "1 time May finds out she has a big brother, 5 times Buck and May are totally siblings and 1 time May and Buck spend time with the rest of their family.
14k  -  1/1 Chapters
The 118 Quarantine Chronicles
A look at the 118 during Quarantine. Featuring cooking competitions, tirades against math, parades, idiot boys in love, prank wars, and happiness.
16k  -  11/11 Chapters
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger...Right?
Behind the Scenes: What we didn't and should've seen when the screen went black.
Four Times we could've seen so much more Buck Whump, Eddie caring and 118 protectiveness and one time it could've been a lot worse.
11k  -  1/1 Chapters
Now when do I start to feel again?
Buck's first call back with the team doesn't go as well as Bobby and Eddie hoped. It leads to Eddie having to make a tough decision. A decision that only gets made after a very emotional day.
Buddie fic, pre-slash, 3x06 Coda, Bobby is clearly not only Buck's emergency contact but also his dad. Re-edited for typos 11/11/19
11k  -  2/2 Chapters
Nothing to Lose
A simple trip trip to the bank ends badly when the robbery crew takes a firefighter with them.
Will his family and friends be able to find him before it's late. Will he realise everything he has and fight to get back to them.
Buck always needs to be the hero, even if he doesn't think he is.
Pre-Buddie because I am absolutely not confident writing how that would even unfold. There are hints of it of course because that's basically canon.
15k  -  10/10
now that it's over (and i'm sober)
Eddie felt like he was going to choke on his own tongue.
It was a wildly inappropriate thought, given that they really were trying to rescue this girl from a fly-away hot air balloon, running at it with all the speed their legs could muster.
Even digging his heels into the ground and wrapping his hands tightly around one of the drop lines couldn’t stop him from staring slack-jawed at his best friend.
13k  -  1/1 Chapters
and the winner is......
When Maddie convinces Buck to join her and the rest of the couples of the 118 on a couples game-show with Eddie as his partner, he does so hesitantly, if only because he knows that by the end of it -- the rest of the team will realize he and Eddie are way more than best friends.
18k  -  1/1 Chapters
Drift Away
“You’re getting a call tomorrow from the Chief. You’re being reinstated to active duty. The city gave me the option of transferring you to a different station...I declined.”
“You won’t regret it”
“You might”
He did
18k  -  3/3 Chapters
1 note · View note
mattzerella-sticks · 5 years
Reflection, a Buddie fic, jealous!Eddie, 3.8k
Eddie Diaz knew a few things. His wife, Shannon, was no longer with them. While he will always love her, it was time for him to move on. Surprisingly, his heart already did without his notice. It set up camp in the hands of his best friend, Buck. And he was too late to do anything about it.
Because Buck has a personal trainer. Buck has a crush on his personal trainer.
If Eddie ever meets the man, he might dip back into his 'phase'. But knowing how that might hurt Buck, he hopes they never run into each other. At a party in Buck's apartment, there's a high chance their paths will cross. Only what happens when Eddie meets Buck's personal trainer?
Eddie stands in a corner, scanning the crowd for a particular face. Shoulders tense, expression smooth like the marble of Buck’s kitchen counters, he broadcasts a very clear message - stay away. Appropriate behavior if Eddie were back at his station overseas and not at a party. A party celebrating a very important person in his life.
He catches Buck’s eyes in the crowd, the other man in the middle of a conversation. Buck lights up, waving him over. Eddie declines, darting away to sip at his beer. Too slow to miss him deflate at the snub.
His heart stutters over itself. A low growl rumbles through his mind, sharp teeth chewing him out for causing Buck’s smile to dim by ten percent. Barks at him to push off from the wall and join him, even at the risk. Slide in close and interrupt Buck while he works through his fifth tangent. Because Eddie knows his friend loses the plot easier than a loose contact and everyone around him looks antsier than soldiers during a surprise mine sweep.  Eddie would then reel him towards an ending, helping lighten the social traffic.
It’s exactly what he wants to do. But a phantom hold keeps him from following through on the fantasy. The fear that, if he were to go over and enjoy himself, the very person he wasted already too much time searching for would surprise him and ruin his fun.
If there’s no fun had there’s none to ruin.
“You doing okay there Eddie?”
Hen and Chimney double team him, fencing him in and blocking his view of the entire party from his post. Any chance of escape stolen by Hen bracing her arm against the wall and Chimney spreading his legs in an awkward way that he finds comfortable. “So I’m not shifting around all the time.”
“But it’s a tripping hazard!”
Chimney smirked, “Too bad.”
Eddie frowns, carefully constructed mask slipping to expose his raw nerves. It rights itself in the next moment. Only the damage was done.
“What’s wrong?” Hen asks, “This is supposed to be a party! Why are you the treating it like a funeral?”
“I’m not -”
“Eddie’s not imagining himself at a funeral, Hen,” Chim interrupts, “no, no, it’s like he’s surveying a fire for any stragglers.” They snicker into their drinks, Eddie rolling his eyes at their antics.
“Real funny, you two,” he sighs, “Look, sorry if I’m being a little bit of a buzzkill but I’m not in the mood to party.” “Then why’d you come?”
He answers with a soft gaze towards the apartment’s entertainment section, Christopher sitting wedged between Denny and Harry playing with Denny’s Switch. Two more controllers added since his birthday, so they can all play Mario Party. Christopher shakes the controller madly to win whatever mini-game randomly chosen, laughing when Harry knocks into him.
“Hurry up dad!” Christopher urged Eddie. He waited by the front door, bouncing with excitement. Eddie shrugged on his jacket, telling him to be patient. “But I want to see Buck!” he said, grinning, “Don’t… don’t you want to?”
Eddie did, but he wasn’t alone. There’s another person here that probably feels the same flutter in his stomach whenever Buck’s form crosses their gaze. Except they can act on it, whereas Eddie has to wait for his stomach acid to digest those damned butterflies.
“That’s sweet,” Hen says, cup over her heart. “But that’s not explaining the stiff upper lip thing your face is doing.”
Chimney nods, “You’re no Brad Pitt but you have a better poker face than this, man.”
His lips thin further, and Eddie wishes a tornado would sweep through the room and suck him out of the apartment. It’s the only natural disaster he feels his family aren’t equipped to handle, meaning they’re less likely to rescue him from death. Although Eddie believes, even if a tornado found a way to travel across the Midwest and to Los Angeles without dissipating, his Texan blood would keep him alive for the fallout. “Maybe I would perk up a little if people stopped harassing me about why I’m not the life of the party?”
“Hey, don’t make us out to be the bad guys,” Chimney says, “we’re first responders.”
“We’re just doing our jobs,” Hen adds. Her finger pokes his chest three times, on the fourth Eddie waving it away.
Chimney steps closer, voice lowering to a whisper. “Really though,” he says, Eddie straining to hear him over the background chatter, “are you okay? You can tell us?”
“Was it therapy?” Hen asks, “I saw you leaving in a huff. Completely ignored me by the way…”
Eddie winces, unaware Hen saw him storm out of their therapist’s office. “My bad,” he winces, scratching his neck, “I would’ve said ‘hi’ if I saw you.”
“I know,” she says, “I could tell you weren’t paying attention. You had this intense glare in your eye like you had before we showed up.”
“Is that what it is?” Chimney arches a brow, “Something your therapist said that rubbed you the wrong way? A breakthrough you weren’t ready to hear?”
Chimney throws darts blindly and lands one close to the bull’s-eye without thought. Eddie bristles at how closely his friend’s guesses were. Although there are a few facts he has wrong.
Like the breakthrough Chimney thinks Eddie wasn’t ready to hear? Not true. Eddie understood his newfound feelings for Buck almost immediately. Already experienced the blinding, gasping fear that came with the development. Scared how things might change, to be around Buck, and what would happen if his affection went unanswered. Especially since he couldn’t hide his heart as easily as he thought. Frank sniffed them out at their session after Eddie’s revelation.
“Why did you shut down just then?” he asked, leaning forward in his wheelchair, “When you were talking about Buck.”
“I didn’t shut down,” Eddie said, crossing his arms. “I finished with the story… not much else to talk about.” Frank chuckled, rubbing at his eye. “What’s so funny?”
“Usually when it comes to the topic of your… friend , Buck, I have trouble getting you to move off the topic.” Shifting, he brings his pen to the notepad and scribbles a few words. “Has there been another rough patch in your relationship?”
Eddie scowled. “I wouldn’t say that. We’re fine.”
“ Dandy. ” If falling in love with your best friend and coworker could be boiled down to a word, it wouldn’t be that. But did Frank expect Eddie to tell him the truth?
He did. They spent half the session verbally sparring about Buck, Eddie drawing his line in the sand and making sure Frank wouldn’t wheel across it.
“I thought you didn’t like talking about Buck?” Eddie growled. Squeezed the arms of the chair in an effort to keep his cool. “Why are you making this such a big deal?”
“Because you’re making it one.” Frank lost any pretense of entertaining Eddie’s efforts then, laying into the other man. “You think I’m being annoying with this? Imagine what might happen after you leave this room. How are you going to react when your mood shifts when talking to friends or family - or Buck? When you spend time with Buck will you shut down like you did earlier? I assure you that will only draw more suspicion your way.”
Eddie sunk into his seat. “I can handle myself…”
“Or,” Frank continued, “why don’t you let me help you through whatever you’re working through in this safe space. Where, I promise, there is no judgement.”
He mulled it over for a minute, giving Frank the benefit of actually considering his offer. A scene played through his mind, Eddie in the same room with Buck. Neither doing anything important than existing next to each other. In the sequence Buck turned to him and grinned, little birthmark rising slightly and eyes squinting like he stared up at the sun.
Eddie hoped his cheeks didn’t burn like they were in his head, in that room with Buck.
“Okay,” he started, thumb brushing back and forth across his knee, “if you want the truth…” It spilled forth rapidly, Eddie accidentally twisting the knob on his faucet off and unable to stop it. Went over how, after Shannon, Eddie didn’t know if the hole in his chest would ever be filled. That the pain from losing her once hurt so long, and this time her exit was more permanent.
But, without his notice, someone grabbed a shovel and set to work. Slowly Buck stepped into a new role. Went above and beyond what a friend normally did. Especially given his own condition, dealing with the possibility that his career and life were forever over. At first Eddie thought Buck used his time with him and Christopher as a distraction. To numb the terror of not being able to return to the firehouse. Except the cast came off, and Buck stuck by their side. Became even bigger parts of their lives. Sometimes he picked up Christopher from friend’s houses when Eddie or Carla was busy. Or joined them in grocery shopping. Stayed late into the night, helping Christopher to bed and chatting with Eddie until it was one in the morning. No matter how hard Eddie begged, though, Buck would return to his apartment. Eddie watching him hop into his Uber and waiting until he received a text from Buck to go to sleep.
“God,” Eddie scrubbed his face, “I had it bad for him this whole time and I didn’t notice?”
“You wouldn’t be the first,” Frank comforted him, smiling, “When we go through trauma, it’s easy for things to fade into the background while you heal. Things change, around you and inside, that you might not notice for awhile because the immediate pain takes up all your attention.”
“I guess you’re right,” he sighed, “I spent so long being glad that I had Buck… I didn’t examine those feelings too closely because I was just happy that the pain from missing Shannon wasn’t there.”
“And when Buck abandoned you, as you mentioned in a previous session…” Eddie shifted in his seat at Frank’s choice of words. “How did you feel? Really feel? Looking back on it with the clarity you have now?”
“I… I don’t know,” Eddie said, “I guess it… pushed me over the edge. Two people I loved choosing to walk out on me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Felt like I was letting Christopher down because I couldn’t give him a stable home… was more like a hotel with one of those revolving doors. It made me mad. And I wanted to hurt people, because maybe then I wouldn’t be hurting inside... God,” he wiped his eyes, laughing, “Buck was right. He was part of the reason I had my… phase . If he found out… his ego was insufferable before.”
“Your confession is safe with me,” Frank told him, “I’m glad we could work through this in today’s time. If you held out a bit longer I was afraid we’d be cut off in the middle and it’d be forever to get you to where we’re ending today.”
“Thanks, Frank,” Eddie said, standing, “I… I needed this.”
He scheduled another session the following week, proactively dealing with his issues. While they covered many things in the hour there were still more to discuss. When his next appointment arrived Eddie wasted no time dumping the remaining worries at Frank’s feet. Like a man dangling off the edge of a skyscraper begging for someone to help him away from the edge.
Frank hauled him onto solid ground with sound logic. “If Buck is all that you say he is,” he explained, “than in the possibility where he didn’t return your feelings occurred, he wouldn’t call it quits like that. You need to have a little faith that things can turn out good.”
“It’s hard, though. When every time I have that faith it all goes sour on my end.”
“Well maybe this time things will turn out differently.”
Eddie took Frank’s advice, deciding that the next moment alone with Buck he would hand him his heart and pray he kept it.
However he could never be alone with Buck.
In the following weeks, any chance where they were the only two in the room was spoiled by a third party joining almost immediately. From fellow firefighters to random strangers. Christopher, when Eddie tried sneaking out to meet Buck. Caught and forced to bring him along since he cannot say no to his son. While at the park, watching his son play, he thought about telling him there. But then Athena walked in, apparently on patrol. So desperate Eddie considered faking an emergency so he could claim the ambulance for him and Buck and confessing on the way.
Eddie was desperate.
Instead of risking a felony, Eddie went with an even riskier option.
“Buck,” he sidled up to his friend, swinging an arm over his shoulders, “You good to join me in the gym for a little one-on-one?” Not the safest place given how accessible their gym was in the open floor plan. If he timed the barbell lifts right, Eddie could give them some protection.
Buck deflated, stepping away from Eddie’s hug. “Sorry, Eddie… no can do.”
“What? Why?”
He frowned, tilting his head in confusion. “Really? You know why…” At Eddie’s silence, Buck continued. “Ever since the accident I… I can’t work out like I used to. I had to switch up how I do things and… find new ways.”
“Oh,” Eddie mirrored his expression, “How, uh… how have you been exercising then? Because - I mean - you’re still looking fit and everything and you had to keep up your strength when going through training of course…”
Buck smiled, ducking his gaze to hide a blush. The sight of flushed skin sent chills racing down Eddie’s spine. “Been doing some classes, got a personal trainer… who I really like. He’s - uh, he’s cool. Derek, I… it’s been different, but uh - uh new. In a good way.”
A good way. Said to the floor yet Eddie still bears the brunt of the blow. Repeatedly suffering with each mention of ‘Derek’. Especially since, after first finding out about him, he becomes a recurrence in his life.
“There’s this really cool trick Derek showed me that’ll cut cramp recovery in half the time.”
“Derek, he had this really funny story he was telling in the middle of our planks…”
“I didn’t think yoga was that effective, but after one class with Derek I can see why people do it.”
Derek. Derek. Derek. He took his place in Buck’s life as his exercise partner without him knowing. The longer he waits the better chance he has of graduating from ‘trainer’ to ‘boyfriend’.
But Derek keeps him at bay. The specter of him shadows every conversation they have. Eddie imagining telling Buck his feelings only to be shot down because some random guy swooped in and struck the scalding iron while Eddie didn’t even know the metal was hot. As more time passed, Eddie sparingly saw his friend.
“It could be nothing,” Frank said. Eddie ignored him, pacing the room. “If you talked to him -”
“I mean it’s perfect,” Eddie spiraled, “being a trainer means that he can get close without there being any questions. Touch Buck’s muscles or - or press his chest to Buck’s back while showing him how to do a move or whatever.”
“If he does then that’s harassment, Eddie. Buck pays him to be his trainer and nothing more.”
“But it could be something,” Eddie turned to him, “The way he talks about Derek… there’s this stupid smile on his face that he gets when he has it bad for someone. Had it when he told me about Abby, when he was with Ally... “
“Did he ever have it when he was with you?” Eddie stayed firm in his silence, refusing to answer him. Frank continued, undeterred. “You’re jumping to conclusions without all the facts. If you talked to him -”
“It wouldn’t make a difference! He’s already gone on some other lucky jerk.”
“And is that so bad?”
He stiffened. “What do you mean? Of course it’s bad!”
“I don’t believe you think that,” Frank said, “To me, it sounds like you’re using this Derek as an excuse to back out of confessing your feelings to Buck. You’re afraid Buck might say no. Having Derek there is the perfect option because if he’s in Buck’s life than you don’t have to tell him.”
Eddie imploded. Glared at Frank, biting down every bit of bile he wanted to spew at his therapist. Swallowed it all and stormed from the room before he did something he regretted. Carried that dark cloud with him from the parking lot to Buck’s apartment where they surprised him with another party. Celebrating him being off blood thinners and hopefully not have it end like last time.
“What happens in therapy stays in therapy,” Eddie mumbles, pushing off the wall, “now if you’ll excuse me.” He escapes them, squeezing through the sewing needle loop between Hen and Chimney.
They follow, matching his hurried pace. Trying to carry the conversation even though Eddie keeps dropping it.
Luckily he sees a distraction by the mirror. Christopher stares at himself, smiling. Eddie walks over and crouches down next to him. “Hey, buddie, what are you looking at?”
“Denny said I had a piece of spinach stuck in my teeth,” Christopher says, “but I… can’t see it.”
Eddie studies his son’s teeth, aware of the figures standing behind him. “I don’t see it either.”
“Denny probably did that so he could cheat,” Hen sighs, “boy is the sorest of losers.”
“You should get back to your game, then, before you end up in last place.” Eddie squeezes Christopher’s shoulders, resigned to losing his shield against the circling vultures. He reaches forward and places a hand on the mirror’s frame, using it to steady his ascent.
At full height, Eddie notices his reflection fading somewhat. Suddenly a figure pops up, smiling and sweating, frozen in mid stretch.
“Whoa, whoa, hey,” Buck rushes over, smile twitching with nerves, “what, uh… what’s everybody doing?”
Chimney jerks his thumb at the scene. “Wondering why there’s a man trapped in your mirror?”
“There is?” Buck feigns surprise, eyebrows disappearing into his hairline. “I don’t - I don’t know how he got there?”
“What? Of course you do, Buck,” Maddie says, joining the conversation, “I helped you set him up and everything.”
“Maddie -”
“Maddie,” Chimney cuts Buck off, “you know what’s going on?”
She nods, pointing to the man in the mirror with her cup. “Being Buck’s sister I was the only one who was forced to listen to him complain about how he was going to lose everything he worked so hard for. Just because he couldn’t work out like he used to because of the accident. One day while listening to him go on and on about it this ad popped up for mirrors that double as personal trainers.” A string snaps in Eddie’s mind, the sound echoing madly. He looks over to Buck, the other man watching his feet while his ears burn. “Anyway I said I would personally buy this mirror for him if it would get him to shut up. He agreed, but only if he liked it. Day after it arrived Buck wasn’t complaining anymore. Best paycheck I ever spent…”
“Wait,” Hen glances between Maddie and the mirror, “so this is a personal trainer?”
“Yeah,” Maddie leans over to tap the glass, despite Buck’s attempts to stop her. The screen shifts and an array of faces smile at them. Derek’s larger than the rest, head enlarged and name clearly labeled below it.
There he was. Derek .
“You can pick from a whole array of trainers depending on what classes you want. It’s really interesting, and Buck seems to like it.”
“Maddie -”
“I figured you all knew about it since he’s replaced complaining with praising his trainer Derek,” she chuckles, elbowing her brother. “Little teacher’s pet.”
“ Maddie .”
Their small crowd thins after that. Christopher returns to his game, and Chimney leads Maddie towards the kitchen to steal some more food. Eddie stares at Derek, a mixture of confusion and relief churning in his stomach.
Hen sidles up to him. “You wanna know something?”
“That Derek guy kind of looks like you.”
Eddie whips around in shock, ready to fire a denial. She dips before he can pull the trigger, safe by her wife’s side. Loaded and nowhere to go, Eddie looks at Derek. Sees how, in a certain light, they could be reflections of each other. However Derek’s hair is much longer than his, pulled tight in a bun, And there’s a mole under his nose that draws the eye to it without trying.
Derek disappears, the mirror returning to normal. It’s his face gazing back at him now, Eddie’s a few inches to his side.
“So,” he says, “you’ve met Derek.”
“Yeah. I did.” Eddie turns to him, “Why didn’t you tell me he was in your mirror? I’ve been here how many times, used this mirror, and it had a double life?”
“I… I guess I was embarrassed,” Buck tells him, wringing his hands, “of…”
He guesses, “Of him being in a mirror.”
“Well, that,” Buck says, eyes bouncing around the room, unable to meet Eddie’s stare, “and, because…” His words dissolve into dust.
Eddie understands. Finally sees what he needs. An emotion reflected in his own eyes, not distorted by doubt or fear.
“Y’know,” he starts, running a hand across the mirror’s surface, “this is pretty cool.”
“...It is.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, smiling at Buck’s face in the mirror, “think you could invite me over the next time you use this?”
Buck frowns, “Why? You already got a good routine going.”
“I’ve been in the mood to shake things up,” Eddie tells him, “and besides… I missed working out with you.”
“You did?” Mood shifting rapidly, Eddie swoons at the dizzying grin lighting up Buck’s face.
“Of course…” Eddie’s hand runs across Buck’s reflection, petting his chest, “there’s a lot of time I have to make up for. We can start with exercise and… go from there.”
Buck nods enthusiastically. “I’d like that.”
The party goes on without them, both men are lost in their own world. Eddie feels the darkness that ate at his heart fade, replaced by the warm embrace of understanding. In lieu of talking Eddie prepares for his exercise date. Stretches the words in his mind so they’ll be ready for the day. Imagines how it will go. And, when successful, Eddie kisses Buck. Derek long gone from the mirror. Only them captured inside it.
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So this is a follow up to this drabble that is also cross posted on my ao3 account here
On the anniversary of the tsunami Buck gets a new tattoo. This time Eddie and Christopher go with him.
It's been three months since Eddie all but jumped Buck in the station's changing room, unable to hold back his feels upon seeing his son's drawing on his now boyfriend's skin.
It's funny but in hindsight not all that suprising how well they've transitioned from best friends to lovers. It's not exactly smooth sailing, no relationships ever are but in a way very little has changed. Only more kissing and umm other stuff.
In the week leading up to the first anniversary no one at work has braved speaking of the upcoming event. It's a date that marks a extremely traumatic time for both men, and Bobby - both the station captain being cautious about any potential risk of having the two at work on such a emotionally charged day and Bobby the friend, wanting to allow them time for themselves to - had given the two men the day off.
Neither had protested.
The city of LA still bore the scars of that fateful day in the streets and sidewalks of the most affected areas. In the buildings still under construction and renovation to repair the damage left by the water and debris. As the date drew closer new memorials for the dead and the missing where remade. But LA and it's people were healing. No matter how slow.
They're healing too, this little family of three they've created Eddie thinks on the morning of the anniversary as he watches Christopher cheerily eat rice crispies giggling around each mouthful whilst Buck dramatically throws away the toast Eddie burnt and proceeds to make more. It's a scene he's seen almost everyday now for the past couple of months but it hasn't gotten old yet.
Christopher still had nightmares, although they were becoming fewer and further between. He was still going to therapy and had even begun swimming again. In the shallow end clinging to his dad or Buck but it's progress.
Since learning that Buck had gotten a tattoo of his drawing Christopher has steadily been filling the Diaz household with new tattoo designs. Crayons and markers have been worn down to unusable stubs and there probably isn't a shred of paper that hasn't been doodled on.
Eddie doesn't mind, and has found himself perusing the arts and crafts section of the local superstore, Buck in tow for new supplies.
The news Buck getting a tattoo in reminder of surviving the tsunami (and the subsequent upheaval of the lawsuit, Eddie's fight club drama and the actual work of just dealing with it all) came during the billionth rewatch of Finding Dory with Buck confiding to Eddie in a low voice as not to disturb Christopher who was lodged between them fast asleep on the sofa, that he was thinking of asking Christopher to draw it.
Of course Christopher took to the task with all the enthusiasm a nine year old could muster- which was a lot.
He and Christopher had spent several nights after dinner huddled around the coffee table surrounded by paper and crayons working on it.
The end result wasn't anything elaborate or big - in keeping with the rest of Buck's tattoos.
Buck had also suggested that they made a day of going to the tattoo parlor on the tsunami's anniversary, to replace a bad memory with a good one.
Christopher finishes with his cereal, he rinses out the bowl as Eddie's taught him before hurrying off to get ready for their outing. Both Buck and Eddie where already dressed, Buck looking over the final design fondly as they wait in the lounge.
The design was three small fishes swimming in a wave.
There's been around ten different versions before now, but Christopher has become somewhat of a perfectionist and had deemed each preceding "not right" and thrown away.
Christopher has been telling everyone, friends, family, school teachers, random strangers in the street, everybody, that he's going to be a tattoo artist when he grows up.
Secretly Eddie worries that Chris will be heartbroken if this latest career dream doesn't pan out, although Christopher is likely to change his mind soon enough. He is nine after all and it's less frightening than his kid wanting to be a firefighter or astronaut. The thought of his little boy millions of miles away in outer space - nope not happening, no way.
Christopher's dexterity is good for a child his age with CP, his handwriting is improving and his art - though Eddie is definitely basis - is great for someone his age. Who knows. Maybe.
Christopher emerges from his room a suspiciously full backpack slung over his shoulder. Buck takes it from him and peers inside. When he shows the contents to Eddie, he can't help but laugh. Christopher has crammed a box of crayons, a paper pad, several power rangers and a couple of handfuls of Lego in side.
Buck slips the folded design inside before scooping up Christopher to carry him to Eddie's truck.
Eddie follows locking up behind him.
The drive to the tattoo parlor is a short one - well short for LA, only a little traffic since the morning rush hour has long since died - they arrive twenty minutes before the booked appointment, Christopher audibly excited as the truck pulls up.
The parlor is situated between a fancy free weight gym and a organic vegan coffee shop, it's larger than Eddie expected, there's a huge mural of flowers and birds in mixed styles reaching out over the shop front.
Glass doors lead into a spacious waiting area with a floor to ceiling shelving unit decorated with action figures and retro toys acting as a divider between said area and the actual work space.
Christopher drags his dad over to the shelves for a closer look whilst Buck confirms his appointment with the cheery receptionist a young guy with a purple mohawk and tattoos on every exposed bit of skin besides his face, he introduces himself as Luka and directs them to the couch to wait on before hurrying off to fetch their artist.
Both Buck and Christopher are practically vibrating in excitement. It's cute Eddie thinks as he ruffles his son's curls.
Chris has got the design stored in his backpack along with his latest sketchbook and some crayons to keep himself entertained. The little boy rummages through his bag whilst they wait, occasionally shoving unwanted items into Buck's waiting hands until Chris triumphantly pulls out his drawing.
"Is this the famous Christopher?" A lilting voice calls out. The owner, a short women probably in her mid-forties, the visible skin of her arms and legs adored with flowers and Disney characters, comes into view around the dividing wall.
She hurried over hugging Buck before turning to Eddie, hand out in greeting, they shake hands quickly. "I'm Mara, you must be Eddie, and you must be Christopher."
She shakes Chris hand too making him giggle.
"Well let's get this show on the road."
Lead into the main shop, Eddie looks over the room, more tattoo inspired murals cover the walls, one of which has a large flat screen TV hanging from it. There are three workstations with cushioned benches, wheeled stools and a desks. One station is already occupied, the burring of an ink gun travels the room.
Mara's station is already partly prepped, the bench and it's adjoining rests wrapped in plastic, several ink bottles line up along the desk. As she sets up her equipment Mara explains each step to Eddie, Buck and Christopher, although Eddie notes that she's directing the conversation to his son. Chris is utterly enraptured by it asking questions and peering closer.
Buck sits down on the bench rolling up his t-shirt sleeve to his shoulder. Eddie takes a seat on one of the free chairs, beside it, laying a hand on his boyfriend's thigh. Christopher comes over and Eddie picks him up to set Chris on his knees.
Christopher's backpack and crutches are leant against the leg of the second chair out of the way.
Mara demonstrates to Christopher how his drawing is printed on to a transfer sheet, " Like the temporary tattoos you can get with sweets,"  she explains, " it'll let me trace the design with my gun so it'll match perfectly with your drawing."
Mara, sitting on her stool, scoots up the side of the bench to were Buck is waiting.
"Okay Christopher now I'm going to wipe Buck's arm.." Buck makes a face at Chris as Mara does so causing the little boy to laugh.
"...where the tattoo will go so that the skin is all nice and clean and then we press the transfer paper on like so.."
The transfer paper is pressed to the inside of Buck's right bicep, Mara rubbing the paper to get it to stick down smoothly.
"Hold that there sweetie." She tells Buck as she moves to ready the ink gun with the first needle before turning back to Buck and starts removing the transfer.
"Now we peel it back and the design should now be on Buck's arm." Mara explains shooting a grin at Eddie and Christopher.
It looks really good already" Christopher chimes as the design comes into view.
"Sure does buddy." Buck agrees flexing his bicep like an old fashioned boxer, Eddie rolled his eyes, good god he loves this dork.
There's a part of Eddie that is still scared by how much love he feels for the man in front of him. Scared by how deeply that love has rooted it's way into his heart.
Eddie has had only three great loves in his life, Shannon, Christopher and now Buck. And each love is very different. Shannon was his first love, a highschool sweetheart turned wife and mother of his child. Despite their estrangement, their fumbled reconciliation and her untimely death that love still lives, though it no longer romantic in nature. A nostalgic love, a remorseful love but still love all the same.
His love for Christopher is all consuming. It is fierce and unbreakable. The love of a parent, wildly protective and proud. A love that for a long time was the only real thing Eddie felt he could show the world. Not just another role to play. Another title add to the list, like dutiful son, loving husband, war hero veteran, firefighter etc, etc.
His love for Buck grew out of the kind of friendship Eddie hadn't had since childhood, an easy friendship (despite the rocky start) that filled in the cracks left by Shannon's abandonment, his parents disapproval, the stress of single parenthood.
It grew as Buck began nudging his way into the life Eddie and Christopher were building in LA.
It grew from Buck introducing him to the godsend that is Carla Price. It grew from the endless random trivia Buck spouted. It grew from their seamless partnership on calls, from joking around with their friends.
Most importantly it grew from Bucks devotion to Christopher, his ability to work out ways to make that little boy laugh, to work out ways to help Chris do the things other kids could do. To have Christmas with his dad despite work. From Buck's sheer desperation to find and protect Christopher during the tsunami to his utter relief he was found alive and unharmed. The fact he loves Christopher so much he didn't think twice about getting a tattoo of a silly little doodle just because.
Eddie thinks of this love as Buck holds his arm still whilst another of Chris' drawings is permanently etched into his skin.
All in all the whole tattooing process doesn't take long given the size and simplicity.
Christopher has charmed Mara and her fellow colleagues who come over to say hi and is reaping the benefits of being a cute nine year old as the adults scramble to accommodate his every whim from choosing what to watch on the TV to being set up at a spare desk to draw when he gets bored to getting a chocolate milkshake from the café next door when the parlor's intern goes on a coffee run.
Eddie hopes Chris will never use his cuteness for evil but doesn't protest the spoiling.
Buck turns out to be terrible at sitting for a tattoo. He fidgets and winces. Makes faces and keeps nearly distracting Mara with random questions and jokes.
But Mara is clearly used to this, barely batting an eye and steadily working on.
When the last of the ink is applied and the the excess is wipe away she gives them a chance to look over the work.
It looks good even as the skin starts to redden, Buck is grinning from ear to ear.
"Pretty great huh Chris"
"Yuh huh." Christopher nods excitedly as he scrambles in for a closer look, hand reaching out to poke at it.
"Does it hurt?"
"It does if you poke it buddy." Christopher jerks his hand back.
Buck laughs and pulls Christopher into a one armed hug, he looks over the boy's head and gestures to Eddie who moves to join in as Mara comes back to finish wrapping up Bucks arm.
She gives him a well rehearsed run down of after care, joking that she knows Buck knows what to do but that she also knows with his luck it's best to be on the safe side.
By the time Christopher's things are cleared away back into his backpack, buck has already paid.
Christopher shuffles shyly up to Mara and hands her a bit of paper. It's a drawing of a tattoo gun, a bit wobbly but clearly it's meant to be a tattoo gun.
Eddie watches as the woman smiles, a little teary eyed and thanks his son proclaiming the drawing will have to be hung up somewhere in the shop.
Christopher preens.
The day's still young as the trio get back into the car, Buck suggests getting some ice cream which Christopher enthusiastically agrees. Eddie knows that ice cream on top of a chocolate milkshake will mean trouble come bed time. But how can he resist the double whammy of both Christopher and Buck's pleading eyes.
They'll be the death of him for sure.
But Eddie doesn't mind.
Today maybe the anniversary of one of the worst days of their lives, but so far it's been pretty great.
So they go and get ice cream. Christopher will make a monstrousitity of chocolate, whipped cream, sprinkles and gummy bears he won't be able to finish. But will get brain freeze from eating his too quickly and will pester Eddie for kisses to make it better. Eddie will pretend to be annoyed but secretly enjoy his boyfriend's silliness.
Today will officially become a cheat day when Buck orders from their favourite Chinese restaurant too tired to cook after running around the backyard with Chris for hours after they get home.
And when Christopher has finally crashed and has been tucked into bed Eddie will grab a couple of beers and they'll sit and watch nonsense on TV.
It'll have been a good day, better than expected but nothing majorly special. Just the three of them, together happy and healthy and whole.
And if Eddie is honest he can't imagine anything better.
Tagging @evaneddie I finally posted yay!
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Unforseen Chasm (Part 59)
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Part 59 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 4275 Warnings: Language, bad coping mechanisms, grief, depression, lack of motivation, feelings revealed, relationships at stake, tension is high, start of endgame movie, losing hope, hope is brought back, Song for this part: I’ll never love again- Lady Gaga Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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The next morning, before dawn, you were out of bed. You started a new simulation to try and find Thanos. While the simulation ran, you went outside to practice. Shannon was right, even if you did find Thanos, what then? You needed to practice, to train. So that’s what you did. 
Your powers were like Wanda’s and Remy’s combined. You were born with the ability as an Asgardian goddess to charge potential energy and launch it. The mind stone had given you electrical dark energy that you could launch from yourself as a bolt of energy, or use it as an extended limb, like Wanda. Using the dark energy, you could fly. Using the electric part of your energy, you could electrocute things, like Thor. You learned illusions and trickery from Loki. By all stretches of the imagination, you should be the most powerful one in the room at all times, save for Shannon who could absorb any power, not to mention her natural healing power. 
But being powerful meant nothing if you didn’t know how to use it well. So for the next twelve hours straight that day, you practiced. You learned how to create a shield around yourself using your purple energy. You learned how to send shockwaves through the ground like Thor. You practiced charging objects and throwing them, as well as creating powerful energy shots and launching them. You practiced flying. You hadn’t done much of it since the New York attack and you wanted to be sure that you felt comfortable doing it. 
Shannon left you to it, knowing that you wouldn’t want to be bothered, but Steve checked on you. He asked what you were doing and if you needed help. You explained you were gearing up to fight Thanos and you didn’t want Steve to get hurt. He didn’t say much but nodded and left you alone. Natasha watched you and she wanted to say something, offer something, but she didn’t know how. You two weren’t close at all. You liked Natasha, by all means, but she didn’t know how to comfort you in something like this, so she let you grieve the way you needed to. Bruce felt sorry for you. He desperately wanted to help you. He felt he could take anything you threw at him, but his concern was with Shannon and finding Tony. Bruce and you were a bit closer, and he understood better than most the healing factors isolation and being alone could have. Thor… well you and Thor could hardly stand to look at each other. You’d lost the same thing, and you both felt responsible. You didn’t blame him, and you hoped he didn’t blame you. 
You didn’t fault any of them for not coming to see you. You knew they all had their own grief they were dealing with, their own personal missions. This was yours.
This became your new routine. Rising at early hours, running tests to see where Thanos might be, running scanners for him using the stones again, then you’d set out to practice your powers until late at night. You were at least sleeping now and eating at least one meal a day. It wasn’t ideal, but it was an improvement. You logically knew you couldn’t fight Thanos if you were malnourished and tired. 
A few days after Shannon had visited you that night, she didn't feel like being at another one of those meetings with the faces of the vanished and seeing Tony’s and Parker’s faces. There’s only so much she could take. So here she was in bed hiding under the covers with Lucky being the little spoon. When there had been a few light knocks, she hoped they would leave her alone.
“Hey,” Bruce said softly as he poked his head in. “I know you probably want to be left alone, but I think we should all be together at a time like this. I also brought you something to help calm your nerves.” He held up a small tray with two cups of tea. “It always keeps me calm.” 
“Thanks, Bruce, but I think I'd rather stay here in bed with Lucky.” She came out from under the covers. “There’s no way I’m going in there and see Tony’s or Parker’s face.” She shook her head.
He nodded as he sat the tray down. He rubbed his hands nervously before stuffing them in his cardigan pockets. “Yeah, yeah, I get that. It’s hard to see his face. I told them to take their faces down because we don’t know if--” He stopped himself, choosing his next words carefully to not upset you further. “Well we don’t know what’s happened to them, if anything. Hell, you know Tony. He could be on his way here, right now. He might’ve just wound up a place a little bit away from here.” He tried to add cheer to his voice. 
“Bruce, thanks for trying but I can feel how uncertain things are until we find out more.” She took the cup of tea from the tray. 
“Well isn’t that just it? Things are uncertain, so don’t lose hope, okay? If you lose hope, all we have is Cap. I mean his motivational speeches are great and all, don’t get me wrong, but we need you… I need you.” 
“But what can I do? I’m not Tony or Steve. They both have things I cannot be or give so what now?” She put the cup back. “I just need someone to take over and be the one in charge for once”
Bruce nodded. “I don’t know how or if that’s gonna happen, sweetheart. Nat might. You know they all look up to you. It isn’t to pressure you. You don’t need to be anyone but you. Your optimism and quick thinking is what gets us through. You’re the glue of this team, don’t forget it. But… I understand if you need a break. Steve, Nat, and I can take over for a bit. At least until we hear something on Tony or Peter…”
 “That would be great, really, I don’t know what I would do without you, Bruce.” She touched his hand and she became so overcome with his emotions that she shed a tear. “I’m so sorry, Bruce. I didn't mean to get in tune with your emotions, that power has been really strong since that day.”
“Hey, first off, don’t apologize to me, ever. Secondly, of course it has been. You’ve lost a lot and you have no idea what happened to Tony. Your power of emotion is bound to go haywire. Besides, I don’t mind you having a peek at my emotions every now and then,” he stated, almost sheepishly. 
“Is that a hint of a blush I see?” Shannon joked, putting her hand on his cheek feeling how warm it got and was getting hotter by the second. “I don’t mean to pry but I felt a few things when I touched your hand, mind telling what they were about?” She looked at him seriously.
“Shannon,” he started uneasily, “you already know what it is you feel,” he said softly. 
“It’s one thing for me to feel a person’s emotions, it’s another thing to know what or who they are directed to,” she calmly explained. “If this is making you uneasy we could change the subject,” she suggested. She partially knew but she wanted him to confirm her suspicions.
He rubbed his neck, feeling more nervous and awkward by the second. “Damn, I never wanted to do this. Let alone while Tony’s...well... missing but...Ah, damn. Shannon… I’m in love with you. Alright? I know the timing is terrible. I know you’re married. I should’ve said something before, but you’re so happy with Tony, and he’s my best friend and I didn’t want to ruin any of that. I can’t hide it anymore though. With the way the world is now… I think it’s now or never, you know?” He peered at her, guilt, hope, worry, and relief all rolled into one. 
“Umm… wow, I... I don’t know what to say Bruce—” She got quiet for a bit processing what her friend had told her all that time ago at the mansion about Banner having feelings for her. She didn’t think that it was true. “I’m flattered that you feel this way about me, Bruce...and I know we’re in a spot that’s between a rock and a hard place but until I can know for certain what’s happened with Tony, I don’t think I can act on this.” She placed her hand on his, feeling his emotions and tried to not let them confuse her. She knew she had always had a soft spot for the man but she married Tony and she couldn’t betray him like this. What if he comes back… no, she needed to stop thinking. 
“You’re right. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I never wanted you to know. I never wanted to put you in any position of choosing him or me. Just… with things the way they are…” He shook his head. “Just think on it? I’m not saying we need to do anything now or anything soon at all. Just… give it some thought.” 
“This is my fault. If I hadn’t felt your hand we wouldn’t be in this situation but you’re right we ca—” Just as Shannon was about to answer the man, you walked into the bedroom, making the two jump apart and causing the dog to look up.
“Shan, I want--Oh, I’m sorry,” you said quickly as you watched your best friend and Banner break apart rapidly. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can come back later,” you offered, already making your way toward the door.
“No! No, that’s fine, Y/N you can come in. Bruce was just trying to convince me to go to the meeting, which by the way you're late to.” She waved you in and then pointed to the time on the clock. “You know Steve is probably looking for you, you better go.”
“Right,” you agreed uneasily. The energy in the room felt off. “Yeah I think we should go, don’t you, Bruce?”
“Huh? Uh. Yeah. We should get down there.” 
You eyed him for one more moment before you and he walked down for the meeting, leaving Shannon to think in her room. 
You knew Steve, Nat, and Shannon had been watching the pager that Fury left behind. It was constantly paging something or someone and they wanted to find out who. You had to give it to them. They never stopped. Steve and Nat, no matter how broken they were or devastated, they stuck to the mission, the cause -- to get back what we’d lost. 
But you couldn’t do it. You just didn’t have it in you anymore. The fight was gone. All you had was finding Thanos, and you had no idea how long that would take. Each passing second you didn’t find him chipped away at your soul, but this was all you had. It was your only hope, your one shot at maybe getting Loki back, getting everyone back, so you had to do it. 
Thor...he was beyond pissed. He felt that it was his fault. For the first few hours after it happened, he just kept muttering, “What have I done?” “It’s all my fault”. Some tiny part of you wanted to believe that. You wanted to blame this all on Thor for not aiming for his head. Or blame Wanda for leaving Vision. Or blame Shannon for not fighting harder. Blame anyone, everyone. Someone had to be at fault, right?
But the fact of the matter was, it was your fault. Wanda fought like hell to get to Vision. According to Steve, she held back Thanos (with five of the stones on his hand) with one hand and killed Vision with the other hand. Wanda was only human, her power forged from the mind stone and she was nearly all powerful. 
But you? You were a goddess of Asgard. You had the physical strength of Thor, the born powers of bio-kinetic energy, and your purple electric energy was granted by the mind stone. There probably weren’t many out there stronger than you -- but you couldn’t get to Thanos -- at least that’s what you kept telling yourself. 
This was your fault. If anyone should’ve been able to kill him, it was you. Wanda, with even less power than you, was able to hold him back successfully. Thor with his new axe could battle the stones and kill him with brute force. There wasn’t one reason in the world you couldn’t kill him. 
You should’ve let Nat and Okoye take care of Proxima. You should’ve abandoned the battlefield and waited for Thanos. You should’ve been by Vision’s side and not Wanda. 
If any one of those small things had changed, maybe this all would’ve been different. 
You heard footsteps approaching and you tensed. You didn’t want to speak to anyone. You hardly ever did. It was almost as if talking would break you. You were lying in bed after a day of training just wishing for some good news. 
“Y/N?” Shannon’s soft voice filled your room and you slightly relaxed. “Someone is here. A Carol Danvers? She may be able to help.”
You furrowed your brow before rolling over to get up. You padded down barefoot in your pajamas, your hair unbrushed, but you frankly didn’t give a damn. 
Thor, Steve, Nat, Bruce, and Shannon surrounded a blonde woman you’d never seen. Or they faced her at least. 
“Y/N, this is Carol. She’s…” Shannon started to explain then it seemed words failed her. 
“Long story short, I’m here to help and I’m a friend of Nick Fury’s,” she spoke, filling in the gap. 
“So what are you doing here?” you asked, all animation gone from your voice except for a slight wonder. Your hands were stuffed in your hoodie pockets.
“We think she can help find Tony and the rest of them,” Steve stated. 
“So you guys said he was in a spaceship? What’d it look like? I can try to track it.” 
“Titan… He was going to Titan,” you interjected.
“You’re sure about this?” Steve questioned. 
You nodded. “When I was his slave, he talked of his home quite a bit. If Ebony Maw took him and Strange… And he sent Proxima and Corvus to Earth then chances are he wanted them to meet him back on Titan.” 
“He told them that,” Thor concurred. “Just before he blew me up with the power stone. He told everyone to meet him on Titan.” 
“Alright. I’ve got a starting point,” Carol said with determination before she started to walk away. 
Shannon stepped in front of her. “Please, bring Tony back to me. He… I…” But that’s all she could get out before she started to sob. You took a step closer to her and wrapped her in your arms. You gave a look to Carol that granted her permission to leave. 
With that, it seemed as if a tinge of hope filled the atmosphere, at least for the rest of the Avengers. Not so much you… well, not you at all. 
You walked Shannon back to her room and now it was her turn to grieve. She’d been holding it in for so long, you thought that maybe the idea of hope now was maybe sending her over the edge. If she hoped for Tony and Carol didn’t find him, or worse, found him dead or one of the vanished then she would be crushed. But if she didn’t hope then she felt like she was letting Tony down. 
“What if she doesn’t find him?” she asked as she got into bed and you pulled the cover up around her. 
“Don’t talk like that,” you gently ordered. “We can take some solace that at least someone out there is looking for him.” 
It’d been two weeks since Carol showed up and there was still no word back if she’d found Tony or not. Shannon had taken to going outside to look for signs of a ship or refreshing her texts to find out anything. She’s on the verge of giving up. She knew she shouldn’t but this feeling of being useless was getting to her. She’d been seen walking around in Tony”s unwashed shirts and hoodies and some shorts around the compound. No one had the heart to tell her anything. She knew they all pitied the situation. 
From her phone she heard Tadashi. “There’s still no signal reaching the transponder, Mrs. Stark.”
“Thank you, Tadashi, please keep searching.”
“Will do, Mrs. Stark.”
While she sat on top of the compound, on the roof, a door shut behind her suddenly. She was going to turn to see who it was, but he spoke quickly, letting her know who it was.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea you were out here,” he apologized. “I can leave you alone if…” he let the offer hang in the air. 
“Hey there, big guy, there’s no need. I”ve been out here alone for too long, keep me company?” She looked up at the man. “Unless you came out here to be alone then I’ll go somewhere else—” She started getting up.
“No. Hey, I interrupted you. Sit,” he gently ordered. He came over and sat beside her. “I thought I’d come out and see… well see if there was any sign of… you know. Had to get some air from trying to find Thanos.” 
Shannon flinched at the sound of that name. She didn’t know if she would ever be okay from all of this. “Yeah it’s been heavy with everything lately. Had to leave that building or else I knew I’d end up fighting someone.” She leaned on him taking in his scent of herbal tea and mint. “It’s nice out here, helps clear the mind.”
“That it does,” he agreed looking at the sky. He then dropped his gaze to the rooftop. “Shan… I know I said I’d let you think on this. But.... It’s been two weeks now and… I don’t know. I thought maybe… I just wondered if we don’t hear anything about Tony… in four months, would you want to try a date? If I’m right, I think you feel similarly to how I feel about you. It’s a compromise. I can’t go on wondering, and you shouldn’t go on feeling guilty or wondering if or when you should move on.”
Shannon hid her face inside the hoodie she was sporting and took a deep breath thinking of Tony in that moment. “Well you’ve never been wrong about anything before, I do love you too, Bruce, but I’m still married to Tony…” She looked up at the man. “But if in four months there’s no news from Carol about...you know… then yes I will try going out on a date with you but you have to promise me that I’ll get time to mourn.” She had looked down at her hands fiddling with her ring. 
It felt wrong to even be talking about Tony as if he was already gone, as if there was no hope, but Shannon could see with some clarity that these were dark times. Times where every moment was precious and she couldn’t spend it always wondering and holding out hope that may be wasted. While she adored Tony and loved him with every fiber of her being, she also knew she loved Bruce, and had for quite some time. She didn’t see a reason or purpose to rob herself or Bruce of a potential future in a world where futures seemed rather bleak.
“Of course,” he assured. “I’m not trying to get rid of Tony or gloss over your love for him. I know you love him, I know you love him more than me. I just… I don’t want to waste any more time, for either of us, if we can be together. I’ll give you all the time you need. I just needed to know that there was even a chance for us or if… well if I needed to move on.” 
“Oh, Bruce, I’m sorry for putting you through all of this.” She had moved to face him properly. “Thank you for being so understanding of this. You’ve been such a stability for me these past two weeks.” 
“Of course,” he vowed as he held her tightly in a hug.
You were still searching, running calculations, practicing, strengthening... You showered at least, and Shannon forced some soup down you a few times. She said she couldn’t have you dying along with everyone else. You didn’t want to break her heart any further so you ate it, and again, you remembered nutrition was important to your mission.
No news had come from Tony or anyone he might have been with so you dwelled on your anguish. Much to your surprise but not Shannon’s, Steve stopped in to see you. He asked how you were but all you did was start crying - you couldn’t help it. You hated it, you hated him seeing you like this, but at this point, what did it matter? 
When you finally gathered yourself, and Steve was rubbing your back soothingly as you leaned over your lab desk, you finally turned your head slightly to face him. 
“Steve… I’m so sorry for Bucky and Sam. I hope you don’t hold yourself accountable. You did everything you could. Hell you did more than most.”
He bobbed his head, as if he were wagering whether or not he really did. “I appreciate that. I’m sorry about Loki and Strange.” 
You nodded, not wanting to verbally acknowledge them. You knew you couldn’t without bawling, so you just nodded. “And I haven’t said it before, but I’m sorry about New York,” you emphatically said, changing the subject slightly. It’s something you’d wanted to say for a long time. 
He waved it off with that all American smile at first but you shook your head. 
“No, I’m serious. I’ve never apologized about New York to you and I want you to know it’s something that has haunted me every day. I hope you know that you, Shannon, all of the Avengers… you’re all my friends, you know? Loki… Loki and I, we were brainwashed and if I could take all of it back, believe me, I’d give about anything.”
He nodded, his smile more sincere and sweet as he slowly closed his eyes, his hand still on your back. 
“I know, Y/N. I know,” he assured. “I forgave you a long time ago. Both of you. Speaking of things we’ve never said. I don’t think anyone has ever made you an official member of the Avengers, but I’d like you to know I consider you one. You’ve been one since Ultron.”
Your gaze softened on him before you pulled him into an embrace. “Thank you,” you breathed. 
Shannon had entered your room. It was late, which meant most of the Avengers had gone their separate ways for the evening. It seemed the only time you two could speak was late into the night, probably because you were both obsessed with searching during the day and they were precious hours. 
“Y/N/N,” she started solemnly, softly as she sat on the edge of your bed, her eyes on her hands. “It’s been twenty days since… since Thanos… And Tony, Carol… They aren’t…” 
“Shannon, you can’t--” You swallowed. “You can’t give up hope. If you give up then I have nothing, okay? Do you hear me? Nothing.”
“I know, but it’s getting so hard since--”
Just then, a rumbling cut her off. The two of you looked at each other as it got closer and louder. After a few seconds, you two realized it might be Carol, so you threw the covers off yourself and you two began running outside. Once you looked up, it was easy to see what had made all that ruckus. A rather large spacecraft was being brought in by Carol. As soon as the craft was sat down, the hatch opened, exposing a very weak Tony leaning on a blue woman. Steve rushed forward, going to Tony’s aid. 
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. You finally felt some semblance of happiness. Tony was alive. Thanos didn’t kill him. He didn’t vanish. He was okay… That could mean that… 
But you stopped yourself before you let the thoughts run too wild.
Shannon ran forward to greet him. The two fell into each other’s arms, embracing, kissing briefly. The image sent a surge of warmth through you as well as seething jealousy. Of course you were happy for them. You were thrilled, honestly. But it was hard to be happy for her when you’d lost everything. 
Everyone was concerned with Tony’s return, as they should’ve been. Bruce got him hooked up on fluids, Shannon had given him a shower, Steve helped find him some clothes. Everyone agreed that he needed to rest, as did Carol and Nebula before anything was discussed. 
None of this was said to you though, because as soon as Tony arrived, your emotions ran wild, forcing you into your room. As soon as the door closed behind you, you broke down. You knew Shannon wouldn’t leave Tony, not tonight, not for you, and she shouldn’t have to.
But you couldn’t help it. This was too painful and somehow… somehow you were bitter and resentful over it all. 
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything @adefectivedetective @dontbetooobvious
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog   @sammysbuttcheek @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters @natsuccs @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Marvel: @reigningqueenofwords​ @flowerbunbunny​ @zelda2248​ @misz-adrii​
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
11/09/2019 DAB Transcript
Ezekiel 20:1-49, Hebrews 9:11-28, Psalms 107:1-43, Proverbs 27:11
Today is the 9th day of November. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It's great to be here with you as we…well…as we begin to close the books on another one of our weeks and continue forward on our journey. So, we’ve been reading from the Contemporary English Version this week, which is, of course, what we’ll do today. And we’re continuing the journey through the book of Ezekiel. Today we’ll read chapter 20.
Father, we thank You for another week in Your word and we can see on the calendar that we don’t have so many of these weeks left before we will conclude another revolution around the sun, and another adventure through the Scriptures. And, of course, that's thinking out in front of ourselves. We are here now, and Your word keeps us grounded each day in the day that we are in and You give us what we need for the day. And we thank You for bringing us this far and we do indeed look forward with anticipation that You will give us what we need each and every day as we continue this journey to the end of the year. Come Holy Spirit, speak to us through Your word, plant Your word in the fertile soil of our lives and may our hearts be fertile soil, not hardened, but fertile and ready to receive from You, that we might flourish and that the fruit of the Spirit might be the harvest. Come Jesus we pray in Your mighty name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that is the website. That’s we’re you find out what’s going on around here.
So, I mention often the different places to go, like the Community section. That's where the Prayer Wall lives or the Daily Audio Bible shop, that's where resources are available for the journey that we are all on together. So, check those things out. Stay connected.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible as we continue our journey forward into and through this year then I cannot thank you enough. It is all of us being in this together that makes it possible. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996. Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or uoi can just press the Hotline button in the Daily Audio Bible app, the little red button at the top and start talking.
And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Kathleen from Florida. I would appreciate your prayers. I’m getting ready to start a woman’s Bible study in my home that is tied to the Daily Audio Bible and the God of Your Story. And I’m just really coveting your prayers that the people who are supposed to come, that there will be no hindrances and that everything that is said and done will just be of the Holy Spirit. And really, really appreciate this portal and life giving resource and would really appreciate your prayers for this season that we’re moving into. Thanks.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Denise it is November the 5th this is my second recording this morning but I’m catching up from this weekend. I listened to all the prayers and it is a great way to do some housework and I just want to thank everyone for calling in and people who are praying and people who requested. Just wanted to name some people. Mark with end-stage COPD, we are praying for you. Mike Greenberg who is dealing with a friend whose daughter committed suicide, I don’t even know outside of the word how to handle that but brother we’re praying for you. Praying for Bailey Ann in Tennessee who is fighting a variety of mental illnesses and isolation. We’re praying for Kevin who was…who is bipolar and stabbed himself and just praying over healing and sending all the right healers to him. We’re praying over Max from Adison. Max, please call in and let us know how you’re doing. Praying for Brenda who woke up on 9/11 who couldn’t walk. Praying for Tom who prayerfully cried for healing for his wife Nancy. And Tom I heard you and your prayer, and you are on the repeat list in the Bible or in my prayer list I have. Praying for Shannon in Salem Oregon and the elementary school community with a child that was hit and how painful that all must be. Betty and her son Nathan. Jason with chronic fatigue. Mark and Sydney for your niece. Daddy’s Dreamer for your children who are facing gender identity. Running Desperately to Jesus for your seizures. Marjorie and her husband. Marjorie was just committed to a mental health facility. And lastly, Mike from Florida you called in about your daughter and could you call back and let us know how things are going. We’re praying but we’d love some specific prayer points. Thanks everyone. Praying for you all. Amen.
Hey DAB family this is Tony the painter. I’m not in London anymore I’m in Hatfield but I…I…I…I have to pray today for Sandy and Amarillo. Father God Lord please come into Sandy’s heart, into her mind, into her body and always Lord, never ever let Sandy ever forget You. Lord let her just be filled with Your Holy Spirit for all the rest of her life Lord. And Father God Lord I praise You and we’ll praise You and we ask You to just pour out Your blessings on Sandy and if possible, bring healing to her mind. Lord we love you in the name of Jesus. Amen. And Sandy this is kind of a huge thing for me to hear you saying these things because to become a Christian I had a motorbike crash at 65 miles an hour and I hit my head and my short-term memory is terrible. And, so, hearing you speak the way that you did really…it just…I just…I just heard your frustration and…and that realization that there are limitations. But you know what?  You can come through all of this because Jesus is walking right with you. He’s got you in His hands and He loves you with all of His heart. So, anyway, God bless everybody. I’m praying for all of you. Love you guys. Oh…and I’ve got my Campfire mug. That’s so cool. Thank you, Brian. Take care, God bless you all. Bye-bye.
This is Kathleen from Florida. I heard Sandy from Amarillo who called in this morning about a brain stroke. And I have to say that I just wept after first hearing her plea. So, Jesus I ask for Your holy hedge of protection around Sandy physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, that she would have words of knowledge and that she would have opportunities to minister to the medical attending and ask for healing for her, but I ask for or Your will to be done and if it means You have spiritual healing in mind for those around her or who are attending to her, I pray You give her grace as Your work with the Holy Spirit comes full circle. Thank You, Jesus. And Sandy, know that I find You extremely courageous for calling in. We’ll be praying for You.
Good morning family this is Bridget from New York City today is November 5th. I’m behind. I’m still on November 1st. I just wanted to share my heart with you guys. I woke up today with this song on my Spirit, “Rescue” from Lauren Daigle and one of the lyrics really stood out and, you know, he…she says, “I hear you whisper underneath your breath. I hear you calling with your SOS.” And I know for me personally sometimes, I get hurt and offended by the words that my husband says and the way that he behaves. And it’s hard, right, not to feel, you know. It’s hard not to let it bother me, you know. And then God puts this song on my heart, and I know that He does hear my heart and I know that He will rescue and I’m just thankful for that. So, I just want to pray for those women that feel, you know, offended or hurt by their spouses. Lord, I just lift them up, I lift up every single female that’s in a marriage God that Lord her husband’s words weigh heavy to the point that it shakes her atmosphere Lord and I pray Father for You to shake her atmosphere. My God Your word says that You are our Father, that there is nothing that You would keep from us, that if Your child asks for a fish, will You give them a rock? No God. So, I just pray right now for every woman that is hurting that Father You would hear their cries and answer their heart cry Lord God, that You will open up their husband’s eyes to see God how it is that their words weigh heavy on their wives Lord God. Help us God in Jesus’ mighty, mighty name help us God. Amen.
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andthest0ryg0es · 7 years
This Isn’t Happening - Chapter 11
She felt his hand wrap around her wrist, stopping her escape and pulling her back despite her momentum and attempt to shake him off.
“Jennifer, what are you doing here?” He didn’t sound angry, but he didn’t sound guilty either. She thought maybe he sounded excited to see her but quickly shook the thought from her head as the blonde in the background caught her eye again.
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“I… it was... supposed to be a surprise,” she managed with great effort to gasp out the words without letting any more tears spill. “Shannon checked your schedule for me,” she sniffled and finally managed to pull her arm from his grasp. “He didn’t mention… I’m gonna go,” she insisted, turning away from him again. Jared rushed past her and stood between her and the gate.
“Stop, please,” he said, his hands up in surrender. He looked sincere in his desire that she stay, and it tore at her heart even more. How dare he use his acting abilities on her now, in this situation.
“I clearly overstepped, Jared. Please just let me go home,” she sobbed, finally unable to control her tears.
“Go inside the house, please. I’ll be in in just a minute. Please, sweetheart, give me a chance to fix this,” he pleaded with her.
“Jared? Are we going or what?” The blonde asked from over Jen’s shoulder. Beside them the car gate started to open. Jared ignored it all, his eyes never leaving Jen’s face. 
“Please. Give me five minutes and I’ll drive you to the airport myself if you want. Or I’ll call you a car. Whatever you want. Please.” He looked desperate. The way Jared had rolled his eyes and huffed at the blonde’s question convinced her to give in.
“I’ll be inside,” she said quietly, turning towards the door and dragging her suitcase behind her, feeling every bit like the spitting image of Eeyore in a rainstorm. Shannon pulled in and parked next to J’s car, getting out with a worried look on his face as he took in the scene. Jared kept himself between Jen and the gate until he was certain she was far enough along the walkway to not turn back and then turned his attention back to the blonde.
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“I’m sorry, I’ve got an emergency to deal with tonight. I can have my brother drive you home or I can call you a car,” Jared offered. His tone as he said “brother” made Shannon flinch.
“Seriously? Just call me a car,” the blonde huffed, obviously pissed she was being blown off.
“I got it,” Shannon stepped forward, his phone already in his hand typing in the app. “You go ahead,” he motioned Jared towards the front door where Jen had just disappeared. “I’ll come in once she’s been picked up,” Shannon assured his little brother.
Jared glared at him for a moment and then let it go with a breath. He turned for the front door and sprinted inside. Jen was sitting on the couch waiting for him.
“We never discussed exclusivity,” Jared began, his voice soft and maybe even a little hesitant. “If I had known you were coming I wouldn’t have made any plans for tonight... And I’m truly sorry I hurt you.” Jared crouched in front of her where she sat on the couch, waiting with infinite patience and calm for her to respond. His ability to do that infuriated her more than the blonde.
“It was stupid of me to think that I was the only one,” Jen began and Jared moved to interrupt but stilled as soon as she put her hand up to stop him. She’d been taking deep breaths and practicing how she was going to break up with him in her head and just wanted to get through it. She spoke into her lap, unable to make eye contact with him even as he strained to catch her eye from his position crouched before her. “You’re right. We never discussed it and I shouldn’t have assumed. But I don’t think I can continue like this now that everything is cleared up. What we do together is intensely personal for me, and I’m just not comfortable having a non-exclusive dom. I hope you can understand that.”
“I can,” Jared said calmly, reaching out and taking one of her hands, stroking along her thumb as he spoke. “I don’t want to stop seeing you,” he said matter of factly. “I made a mistake tonight and I very much hope you’ll let me correct it. I didn't realize until you were here...” his voice faltered in a way she’d never heard before and Jen finally looked up to see the tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry. If you can forgive me I’d very much like to continue our relationship,” Jared told her, wiping away his own tears and then hers.
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“I don’t... You...” Jen had no idea what to say. Jared Leto was on his knees in front her, crying, and saying he wanted to be exclusive. “This isn’t happening,” she breathed out, shaking her head.
“It is. If you want it to,” Jared assured her.
“No one else,” she emphasized. “You promise there won’t be anyone else even when I’m not here?” She felt so selfish asking this of him, but its what she deserved in a dom and in a boyfriend and she knew it.
“I promise. I’m all yours, if you’ll have me.” Jared caressed her cheek and when she didn’t pull away he dared to lean forward to capture her lips with his. He kissed her slowly, wanting to memorize the feel of her lips against his for those times when she was away. The sound of Shannon clearing his throat broke them apart.
“Hi!” Shannon squeaked, waving goofily from across the room. Jen waved back. “So, J, I’m gonna go. You’re uh... she’s gone. It’s all good. And I’m just going to leave you two to your surprise date night,” he said in an apologetic tone. “Sorry about that...I made you reservations at Providence for 8 if you guys decide to go out and I planned to come over tomorrow and take Jen sightseeing while you’re at your meeting at the studio so... yeah. I’ll see you both later.” Shannon waved goodbye and turned to leave.
Jared squeezed Jen’s hand. “I’ll be right back, okay? Promise me you’re not going to change your mind and bolt.”
“Go,” Jen insisted, sitting back against the couch and trying to relax. She waited until Jared was out of sight as he walked Shannon out to reach into her purse and pull out her water bottle and a Xanax. She usually only took them when flying but right now she really needed to find her calm.
Jen could only hear the louder bits and pieces of the brother’s conversation. “Some warning... Oh, thanks bro... How was I supposed to know?... Don’t... Of course.” Jared walked back in only a minute later with a weak smile on his face.
“Would you like to go out tonight or should I order a pizza?” Jared stood in the doorway still looking fragile and skittish, as if he thought she would make a run for it any second and he’d have to stop her.
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“What if someone sees us together?” She asked, suddenly in a panic. “How does that... How do we avoid that?”
Jared rushed to her side and pulled her into his arms, rubbing her back soothingly. “It doesn’t matter if someone sees us together. They’ll think what they want and print what they want and it sucks but there isn’t a hell of a lot we can do about it. I will try to keep you out of the tabloids as long as I can, for your sake. I’m sure Shannon booked the private dining room for us when he was planning this little surprise, though, so there is very little chance of us being spotted if you’d like to go out.” She melted into his arms, resting her head on his chest and matching her breathing to his. She inhaled his scent and hugged him closer, but still didn’t answer. “Let me take you out tonight. I really think you’ll like the food and the restaurant is gorgeous. Let me wine and dine you a little,” he cajoled.
“Okay, I’ll just have to go get changed,” she agreed. Jared led her through the house by her hand, grabbing her suitcase with the other as they passed by the entryway, leading her to his bedroom.
“This is your first time here, isn’t it?” Jared asked.
“You have so many girlfriends you can’t remember who’s been here?” she asked half jokingly and half bitterly. Jared sighed. “Sorry.”
“Not your fault,” Jared assured her. “I was just confirming. I can’t be sure Shannon didn’t sneak you in some other time,” Jared teased, trying to lighten the subject. “Bathroom is through there, my closet is through there,” he informed her, pointing out the two doors. She wheeled her case into the bathroom and hurriedly changed. Jared carried on the conversation as he slipped into his closet to change as well. “How long were you planning to stay?” he asked, raising his voice to be heard from the next room.
“A couple days,” she answered.
“How long can you stay?” he asked, hopefully.
“I don’t have any reason to rush home right now, why?”
“Our annual Halloween party is in three weeks and I was hoping you’d be my date,” Jared told her, peeking his head around the doorway into the bathroom where she was changing. He saw her struggling with the zipper on her dress and stepped in to help.
“I’d love to, but I can’t miss 3 weeks of work and pay rent,” she told him. “How about I fly home at the end of this week and I’ll fly back for the party?” She suggested as she touched up her makeup and hair.
“I guess that would be acceptable,” Jared pouted adorably. “I’ll have Joie set up the flights for you... You look gorgeous,” he told her, holding her in his arms as he looked her over in the mirror. She tilted her head back for a kiss and then spun out of his arms to dig her heals out of her suitcase.
“Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself. Why’d you change?”
Jared shrugged his shoulders. “I wanted to,” he said sheepishly. Jen reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss.
“Let’s just forget about it. Come on, we’ll be late.” This time Jen took his hand and started to lead him through the house until she stopped abruptly. “This place is fucking huge and I have no idea how to get back to the front door,” she admitted. Jared laughed and happily took the lead again, guiding her out to his car.
The private room usually sat 8 or more, but they had it all to themselves this evening.  Jared pulled out her chair for her and recommended a few menu options she might like. They made pleasant small talk through most of the meal, until Jen couldn’t take it anymore.
“So, who was she?” Jen asked as they ate, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. Jared nearly choked on his food.
“You really want to have this conversation here?” he asked, stunned. “We could have stayed home if you wanted to have it out with me.”
“I don’t want to fight. I just want to know, I think you owe me that much,” she told him calmly, continuing to eat and grateful for the artificial calm that Xanax from earlier was bringing her.
“She was just a friend of a friend, we run into each other occasionally. It was our first time going out, probably our last too to be honest.” Jen didn’t say anything and had become intently focused on pushing the food around her plate all of a sudden, so Jared continued. “I haven’t taken anyone else out since you and I met. I don’t know why I was stupid enough to schedule tonight. We ran into each other, she asked and I said yes.”
“You told me yesterday you’d call me tonight. When were you going to do that? From the restaurant? Or after the ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’?” Jen’s tone turned petulant, and she hated it, but she had to get this out of her system so they could move on. She abandoned her dinner plate, crossing her arms and staring him down.
Jared’s jaw tensed. “I would have called you from home after dinner, and I’d have been alone, thank you very much. I wasn’t planning on sleeping with her. She kissed me as we were leaving and...”
“Oh, so its all her fault, huh?” Jen huffed. She could see the angry tension in Jared’s face and his clenched fists, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself from blurting these things out and making it worse.
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“No. I take full responsibility and I’m sorry,” Jared said, managing to unclench his teeth and sound truly apologetic. “I’m human and I make mistakes, sweetheart. I’m not good at this, and I didn’t even realize I wanted this until I saw you standing there. You have no idea how long its been since I last bothered to even try to have a real relationship. Ask Shan, it’s rare. Maybe give me a little credit here?”
Jen instantly regretted pushing the subject. He was right, she didn’t know. Rumors on the internet and Vyrt gossip aside, they’d never really discussed these things before. “You’re right,” she acquiesced, taking a sip of her water to help unclench her own jaw and throat. “Thank you, for being honest with me now and for giving us a shot.”
“Honestly, I haven’t stopped thinking about when I could see you again since you got on the plane in Vegas. This week was miserable not having time to call you. I missed you, sweetheart,” he admitted, holding her hand across the table.
“I missed you too,” she returned the sentiment, then upon reflection of the past week a blush creeped up her cheeks. “You have no idea how much I missed you,” she said, her voice lowering. “Not being able to talk to you and not touching for over a week was hell. I couldn’t concentrate, I’ve been a mess. You, sir, are a sadist,” she complained. Jared couldn’t help but smile at that.
“Maybe I am, but you like it,” he countered, his eyes smoldering at her from across the table as he bit his lip. “And you turned me down last night,” he reminded her.
Just like that the fire and burning desire that she’d lost in the whole mess of today was rekindled and then some. “I wanted you, here, in the flesh. I wanted to be in your arms when I finally get what I’ve waited all week for,” she told him. “Take me home now, Jared,” she insisted.
“If you insist,” he answered, winking and offering his hand to help her up from her seat.
Thank you, as always, to my fic lobster @jletolove4eva for helping me figure out where to end this chapter. 
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An Interview With Michigan Author B.G. Bradley
Conducted by Matt Dryer
MD: Today I’m speaking with Winter Heart author B.G. Bradley. Winter Heart is the first in a series of books taking place in the fictional town of Hunter, Michigan; located in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
MD: - Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today.
B.G.B. - My pleasure, Matt.
M.D. – Let’s talk about the Hunter Lake series of books. You’re recently released novel Winter Heart is the first in a series of books set in this fictional community. Please tell us a little about the series.
B.G.B. - Well, originally they were simply going to be about a late-middle-aged widower poet and retired college professor taking walks on a frozen lake in the U.P. But then his pesky sister just kind of walked in through the cabin door and the stories took off.
Then I realized there must be even more family. The main character, Ben O’Brian, had to have a past and an extended family and friends…a whole community. At this point the books concern a great many of those characters who live in the Hunter area. It’s small town life in the north with all that entails, including history, which is another character really… and the incursion of modern life and the future with all that entails.  
M.D. - And it all takes place in the same location?
B.G.B. - Yes, with only a few side trips, the events all take place on Hunter Lake, in the nearby village of Hunter, and on the Gros Rocher River.
M.D. - Is this a linear series or are they stand alone stories that can be read out of order?
B.G.B. - The first two books and at least two of the later ones, definitely stand alone. The others could be read on their own, but are probably better read in connection with the full series so that all the nuance comes through.
M.D. - Do you have the whole series mapped out, already?
B.G.B. - Yes! At this point Summer Rounds, the second book, is nearing completion, and a number other books are in first draft form.
M.D. - How many books will there ultimately be in the series?
B.G.B. Nine.
M.D. - Will they focus on the same characters throughout?
B.G.B. - Some of the characters appear in nearly all of the books, but there are whole novellas that focus on all different characters. I enjoy getting into the heads of different sorts of people and play with points-of-view and there’s a pretty good variety of narrative styles in the books.
M.D. - What was your inspiration for Hunter?
B.G.B. - There were many inspirations. I grew up in the U.P., in the town of Newberry. I spent many summers and hunting seasons on the shores of a nearby lake, and in various tiny bergs all over the U.P. I think all of those places play a role in the inspiration. I also attended a tiny private college in Lower Michigan, and Hunter is a little college town in the novels. That, without question, figured in the fictional creation, as well.
That being said, none of the characters or locales are truly based on any one person or place. In other words, it’s fiction, and my imagination roams freely throughout it inventing interesting little foibles and qualities for characters, and landscapes of the mind.
M.D. - Please tell us a little bit more about yourself. What is your professional background?
B.G.B. - I spent ten years as a journalist, beginning at age nineteen. I worked for a number of newspapers all over the Upper Peninsula. For twenty years I was a columnist for two or three U.P. papers. During many of those years I was also a high school English teacher, a stage actor, and a theatre director. I’ve also done some voice-over work. After retiring from the high school, I became an adjunct professor of English at Northern Michigan University.
M.D. - I understand that before the novel Winter Heart, there was actually a play based around the characters in that book. Can you tell us more about that?
B.G.B. - Yes! The play was called Lake Stories and had the identical location and characters. It was presented at Lake Superior Theatre in Marquette in 2010. We did lots of improv with local actors and that work helped to create many of the characterizations which now appear in the book. Though I had some pretty solid ideas about them before we ever started. Where those ideas come from, I’m not always certain. Some of the sources for characters, to be honest, are a little mysterious, even to me. I had the opportunity to play Ben O’Brian in the play opposite Dr. Shelley Russell, from the theatre department at Northern Michigan University, as Grace. That was a great experience, as I have known Shelly for the better part of 30 years and we had a great rapport going in, not to mention that she’s a marvelous actress. Monica Nordeen, Rob Shirlin, Timmy Grams, and Shannon Miller rounded out the cast, and they all did wonderful work. Ha! Even my dog, Huck, whose image appears on the cover of Winter Heart, got into the act, playing himself. It was great experience. Important, I think. The play showed Yoopers, as something more than folks with interesting accents, who ice fish.
M.D. - Wow, so the character of Ben is really close to your heart. Is it safe to say that he is the character you most relate to?
B.G.B. - Yes, though in working with editors on these books, who include, of course, yourself, Lindsay Brindley, my sister Beth Bennett, and Monica Nordeen, it’s been pointed out to me that some of the other characters share some of my personal traits, which I suppose is unavoidable. Though, outside Ben, the revelations about the other characters’ traits resembling me, came as total surprises. I guess we don’t always recognize ourselves. That may be a good thing. Ha, I’m not sure.  
M.D. - Please excuse this next question if it's too personal, but in Winter Heart, the character of Ben is dealing with the loss of his wife. You write so succinctly about loss and healing... but your wife, Debbie, is very much alive and well. How did this come to be such a theme for the story?
B.G.B. - First let me just say, thank God for Debbie! She is the love of my life and my rock and has been for over thirty years. So, your question is a great one, but I’m afraid I only have nebulous answers. I lost my father when I was fourteen, and so, perhaps it was only natural that having dealt with such a devastating loss so early in my life, that death, dying, and healing, became an integral part of my personality and thus my writing from an early age.
I’ve suffered other losses in my life as well, and these, I suppose have reinforced, that urge to contemplate and write about these darker matters. Sometimes, too, a loss of love, or a disappearance of someone from your life under very ordinary circumstances can be traumatic too, but in a more subtle, even insidious way. It can sneak up on you.
All these, I think combine to create some of the dark themes in the book. But Winter Heart is not really about dying. It’s about living. It’s about the belief that even when things really go south and you’re left in a lonely place, there is a way through. If you have a little faith, and are lucky enough to receive some gifts of grace, as most of us are if we’ll only look around, we pull through and all will be well…joyful even!
M.D. - Let's talk about your next book, Summer Rounds. What is this one about?
B.G.B. - The book is told through the viewpoint of Dale Sylvanus and concerns his efforts at redemption. He starts the story sleeping in a boat house, after going on a Saturday night drinking binge. Gradually, the really good folks around him, and Dale is a great fellow too, just a trifle confused…okay…very confused about his priorities in life…anyway, the really good folks around him including his wife and kids, and a village priest, attempt to pull himself back up and get back in the game.
M.D. - That’s Dale, the handyman from Winter Heart?
B.G.B. - Yes. The one who rescues Ben from his…uh…furnace troubles.
M.D. - Does anyone else show up from Winter Heart?
B.G.B. Well, Ben’s sister Jen plays a very important role.
M.D. - Will this one be structured the same way, with multiple perspectives and poetry interspersed throughout?
B.G.B. - Interestingly, no, though some of the later books use that somewhat experimental style. This is conventional first person, from Dale’s point of view, using Dale’s type of language. It’s folksier, more elemental, and yet takes on some questions about modern life in America, in addition to describing life in a small town.
M.D. - When does that book come out?
B.G.B. - You can look for it this summer.
M.D. - You've really done some extensive world-building here. Will you be looking to do any non-Hunter related projects in the future?
B.G.B. - Yes, I have a few science fiction books in the works.
M.D. - Science-Fiction! That's a departure. Is that genre a major influence for you as well? How about comic books?
B.G.B. - Yes to both. I was a comic book nut growing up, especially the Marvel titles. I used to go down to my local drug store and buy the whole line each month. Of course, that’s when the most expensive ones were twenty-five cents. In science fiction, I was an Arthur C. Clarke fanatic! I read everything he wrote as fast as I could get my hands on it. He’s a huge influence.
M.D. - You've planned out nine books for the Hunter series and more than one science fiction project. You’ve been quite busy! When you're not writing, what sorts of things are you doing?
B.G.B. - I spend a lot of time in the woods, canoeing, cross country skiing, duck hunting. It gives me peace, solace, and just out and out happiness. I love to watch a sunrise in the woods or over water, alone or with friends and family. There’s just something about those beginnings that bring constant hope. We’re going to be okay.
M.D. - Is writing a part of your everyday life?
B.G.B. - Yes, and it has been since I was in my very early teens and even a bit before that. These days I rise at about 4 a.m. and spend up to four or five hours writing. I love it. More than that, it grounds me and gives purpose to everything else I do. T.S. Eliot wrote, “How do I know what I think until I see what I say.” He’s exactly right. If I can write it down, I can usually make sense of it. Ha, sometimes even the craziest things!
M.D. - And the poetry which is such an integral part of Winter Heart. Are there any plans for collections of just your poetry?
B.G.B. - Yes, my editor, Lindsay, in particular has been pushing for that and at some point it’s going to happen. I write a poem a day. Not always a good poem a day, but I always get one in, ha!
M.D. - That'll be delightful! Congratulations on your success with Winter Heart and best of luck as you continue your journey!
B.G.B. - Thank you very much!
Winter Heart is available now through local U.P. book sellers as well as online at: https://www.amazon.com/Winter-Heart-Hunter-Michigan-1/dp/1548139785/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1520291878&sr=8-3&keywords=winter+heart
Summer Rounds will be available this summer from Benegamah Press!
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gossipnetwork-blog · 7 years
Celebrities' Best Transformation in 2017
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/celebrities-best-transformation-in-2017/
Celebrities' Best Transformation in 2017
A lot of things could have changed in a year, some for the better and some for the worse. While it’s undeniable that shocking and tragic news often gained a lot of attention, we just cannot ignore these celebrities who amazingly made significant positive transformation, either gradually or in an instant, within the past twelve months. To honor their personal achievements, AceShowbiz has compiled the list of nine celebrities with the best transformation in 2017.
These selected stars may have transformed physically or mentally. The likes of and lost weight to get healthier, while bulked up for his own reason. In other cases like ‘s, a moment of enlightenment may have been part of their journeys to be better persons this year. So without further ado, let’s take a look at which celebrities who deserve the praise and what they have been through to earn it.
Even before her drastic transformation, never hesitated to show off her figure on her HBO series “”. But that doesn’t mean she wanted to be stuck in that size forever. A strong advocate for body positivity, she surprised everyone when she showed off her toned arms and smaller waistline at the premiere of the comedy show’s final season in February. Turned out the 31-year-old actress/writer’s slimmed down frame was the result of working out with Tracy Anderson, which she started years ago as a way to manage her anxiety.
wasn’t always overweight, but his weight continued to rise along with the rise of his fame. His weight loss started to show in 2015. He looked much thinner and his wide waistline was gone. But he wasn’t sure that his weight loss would last. Appearing on “” in March 2016, he jokingly said, “Just wait another six months and I’ll be back to normal,” when complimented for his new look. More than a year later, Goodman looked healthy in a much smaller frame at his Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony. Revealing the secret to his weight loss, the “” star once opened up, “I decided to stop stuffing food into my mouth every five minutes.” He added, “I took it slow. I just wanted to change my lifestyle. You look in the mirror everyday and go, ‘I gotta deal with this the rest of the day, I gotta deal with this schmuck?’ ”
Known for her image as a fat, funny lady, proves that she can change, too. The “” star has shed 75 pounds and the secret is simple. “I truly stopped worrying about it,” she shared. “I think there’s something to kinda loosening up and not being so nervous and rigid about it that, bizarrely, has worked.” However, in reality the 47-year-old actress followed a fairly strict diet that’s low in carbs and high in protein, and maintained a consistent exercise regimen. Worth to be noted though, Melissa didn’t get the result in an instant as her journey to significant weight loss reportedly began in 2015, when she got into shape for her role in “”.
Like many actors, is required to undergo a physical makeover for his role in “”. Playing a comic book character, the time travelling mutant Cable who has a bulked-up body, the “” actor gained muscles by hitting the gym and having a strict diet. Clearly proud of himself, he could not wait until the movie is released to show the result of his hard works as he has taken to Instagram since summer to share photos of his bulging muscles and veins. With such fit physique, the “” star definitely makes being 49 years old look better.
It might be initially not for the right reason, but Mama June a.k.a. June Shannon showed what strong determination should be like. The former “” star started her weight loss program to get back at her ex Sugar Bear who was getting married. Making financial gain of it, she filmed her journey for a reality show on WE tv, “”, which captured her painful surgeries and the great challenges she had to face to make sure she kept her strict diet and regular exercise. June indeed achieved her goal and showed off her new size 4 figure at Sugar Bear and Jennifer’s wedding, but even better than that the mother of Honey Boo Boo (Alana Thompson) has the result of 300 lbs-weight loss months after the show aired.
It could be who made change, or it’s Miley’s change which then resulted in her rekindled romance with the Aussie hunk. The “” star had previously ditched her Disney darling’s persona during her twerking days, but she appeared to have left her wild side behind after she got back together with Liam. Confirming her transformation was the artwork of her new single “Malibu”, which is a throwback to old Miley, the sweet country music star. In an interview with , she talked about her new image, “I feel really kind of far away from that person.” She added, “I didn’t want to show up to photo shoots and be the girl who would get my tits out and stick out my tongue,” she added. “In the beginning, it was kind of like saying, ‘F**k you. Girls should be able to have this freedom or whatever.’ But it got to a point where I did feel sexualized.”
definitely had a tumultuous year. After a DUI arrest in July and a feud with his brother , the 29-year-old star, who had previously revealed that his skinny body was because he’s suffering from hiatus hernia, confessed to drug addiction before entering rehab to seek treatment for the issue September. In October, he checked back into rehab, a week after leaving treatment, leaving an impression that it hadn’t worked out just yet during his first attempt. Breaking up with his girlfriend Madison Parker after coming out as bisexual in August, he didn’t let it bring him down. Instead, in October, he posted a new photo on Instagram showing his healthier self after 30 lbs weight gain. “Continuing to focus on myself and my health,” he captioned the snap, adding, “Needed some time to heal and this is a direct result.” Moreover, he has since made up with his brother Nick.
Having had his weight fluctuated over the years, showed the most consistent result of his strict diet this year. The actor slimmed down after gaining 40 pounds for the filming of 2015’s “”. People started to notice early this year. Unlike his previous slim down which didn’t last long, he has been able to maintain his slimmer body until now. The “” star revealed he turned to his good pal and “” co-star for advice, hired a nutritionist and kept a food journal to get back in shape. After such a lot of hard works, it’s no wonder that he wanted to his fit biceps on the set of his directorial debut “” in New York City in July.
We all were used to see the concerning and gaunt-looking since his heyday was over, but this year there’s something dramatically different with him. Having been away from the spotlight for years, one day he made headlines for a good reason. He looked happy and much healthier when stepping out with his girlfriend and goddaughter in Paris in early December. Rocking a clean-cut look, he even sported a slightly round belly like a wealthy businessman. But what inspired him to change his lifestyle remains a mystery.
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