#him walking around telling everyone his mom was probably white 😭
kennabeth · 1 month
idc if it made him miserable I loved everyone at withywoods going "whose goddamn white baby is that" behind fitz's back when they saw bee
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freshlove-sturn · 5 months
i know i JUST sent a request but if you don't like that one, maybe you could write one where chris and the reader are just friends and there's one day when chris is in a bad mood bc the triplets and the reader had planned to go out, but the reader gets her period and can't go, so chris is just being bitchy towards everyone and matt tells nick "it's probably bc his girlfriend isn't here" and chris debies it; then maybe it gets chris thinking about how much better his day would be is the reader was actually his girlfriend so he could comfort her while she's on her period ? and maybe that motivates him to ask her out ? idk
i hate that i said something so specific, you could take the idea and make it your own if you prefer ! thank you đŸ©· :)
part 1 part 2
philia (greek)- affectionate love. a type of love that involves friendship. this is the kind of live that friends have for each other. greek philosopher, plato, beloved that philia was stronger than the love that is eros (physical/ sexual desire, passion, lust, and/or romance. the kind of live couples have for each other) he believed that relationships built off of philia and eventually leading to eros were the strongest. friends to lovers.
a/n: i took this request and did my own little spin on it. i hope you like it!! i didn’t really proofread so there’s probably some errors in there, i had to copy and paste this whole thing from screenshots in my camera roll 😭 anyways
chris pov
i’ve been stressed out all week. between filming and my brand, it’s been getting harder and harder to find time for myself. i’m in dire need of some sort of distraction. i need to get my mind off of everything going on. and in all honesty, there was only one person that could make that possible. y/n.
i’ve been best friends with y/n for as long as i can remember. our moms are best friends, so we’ve known each other since diapers. we have been practically attached at the hip since we could walk. she has always been my person. wanted to get away from my brothers for a bit? i’m texting her to hang out. needed to vent? she’s all ears. advice on an outfit? i’m spending 10 minutes in the mirror trying to take the perfect picture to send to her. hockey or lacrosse game? she’s there cheering me on in the front row wearing my jersey number. she has always been there for me.
today my brothers, myself, and y/n had all planned on hanging out. its our second day back in boston after a month of being in la. we’ve had this planned since the day y/n dropped us off at the airport before we flew back to la. i’ve really been looking forward to it. i haven’t seen y/n in so long. the transition from seeing her everyday to going weeks on end without hearing her laugh, smelling the sweet smell of her perfume that i could never get enough of, and overall just the lack of her presence has been much harder than i’m willing to admit.
my alarm goes off at 8 am. i wanted to make sure i had plenty of time to get ready for today. i groggily reach over to my night stand, my face still buried in my pillows, feeling around for my phone to shut off the blaring sound of my alarm. i finally feel the cool glass of the screen. i pick it up and bring it closer to my face, squinting my eyes at the sudden gleam of brightness beaming from my phone. after i hit stop on my alarm, i notice a text from y\n.
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i know its not her fault. she has no control over that. but couldn’t help but feel a wave of disappointment crash over my chest. this was the one thing i had been looking forward to doing for all of a month and now the one person who was going to make it worth while won’t even be there? great. just my luck. i stick my tongue in my cheek and begin typing a response. careful not to come across as upset. i didn’t want her to feel bad. my reliance on her isn’t her problem and i couldn’t make her feel like it was.
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i roll out of bed and throw on a white t-shirt i had taken off the night before and thrown at the end of my bed. i walk downstairs into the kitchen, opening up the cabinet to grab a cup before slamming it shut.
“what is your deal?” nick asks, who was already sitting at the island in the middle of our kitchen, scrolling on his phone. his brows furrowed with a confused yet annoyed look plastered on his face.
“nothing” i mumble. avoiding eye contact and opening up the fridge. pouring myself a glass of water from the brita.
nick rolls his eyes at my blunt response. not even bothering to entertain the situation further.
“do you know when y/n is coming over or are we just gonna pick her up on our way to the movie?” he asks, changing the subject. unbeknownst to him that his question rubbed salt right in the wound.
“she’s not coming” i reply.
“oh. why not? is she okay?”
“she doesn’t feel good.” i bemoan. “she said she might come around tomorrow”
“aw” nick frowns sympathetically. “i hope she starts feeling better. that sucks.”
“yup” i concluded the conversation. not wanting to talk about it anymore. the more i thought about it the more upset i became.
soon matt comes down the stairs. nick informs him of the situation. he responds with the same soon matt comes down the stairs. nick informs him of the situation. he responds with the same nonchalant 'oh i hope she feels better response that nick had. the same one i'm sure anyone would have. anyone who didn't need her to function that is. i wish i didn't care so much. i didn't know why i did. it's like the betrayed feeling of when your friends texts you and tells you that they won't be at school. except it was ten times worse. growing up it had always been no y/n, no chris. we were like a package deal. invited to a party? only if y/n also got an invite. vacations? i was begging my parents to let her come with us. she is my rock.
when it comes time to leave for the movie, i practically have to drag myself out of the door. i open up the door to the van, get in, and slam it shut.
"dude what is your problem?" matt looks over at me from the drivers seat.
"he's been in a pissy mood all day long. its getting on my nerves nick interjects from the backseat.
“im just tired. we were on a plane all day yesterday and i couldn't sleep" i defend. lying through my teeth. i knew my brothers knew it too.
"you sure it has nothing to do with y/n not being able to make it today?" matt questions.
" don't care that she can't come." i lie. again.
"yeah right" nick scoffs. i look back at him and roll my eyes. he returns the action.
we arrive at the theater and buy our tickets. we get popcorn and soda and find our seats. matt and nick discuss what movies they wanted to see next as the previews play on the big screen in front of us. i say nothing. i just sit there and scroll on my phone. y/n hasn't texted me all day. i knew it was because she wasn't feeling well and she was probably just sleeping. but i couldn't help but feel a shot of jealousy coursing through my body.
"chris get off your phone the movie is starting." nick pushes my phone down.
i could hardly even pay attention to what was happening in the movie. my brain was taken over by the thought of y/n. why can't i stop thinking about her? sure she's my best friend and i thought about her enough as is, but something felt different today. i've never felt like this before. it felt like a brick was stacked on top of my heart. another being added each time i saw something that reminded me of her. anytime her name even crossed my mind, which, was going on about 5 times per second it felt like. it was suffocating. i don't know why i'm feeling like this. i didn't want to know, if i'm being honest. it scared me. more than i’m even willing to admit.
the movie ends and we all get up from our seats. the lights slowly become brighter. the crunch of popcorn under peoples feet as the stepped filled the air.
after we get home, i don't feel like talking. matt and nick were both sitting around at the island in our kitchen, discussing the movie. i head straight for the stairs.
"someone's upset they couldn't see their girlfriend today" nick jokes.
"she's not my fucking girlfriend. i don't care that i
couldn't see her today. i really don't. my life doesn’t revolve around y/n. you guys are being ridiculous." i argue. girlfriend. the word hit me straight in the gut.
"she may not be your girlfriend sure but you wish she was” matt interrupts. there it is again. that feeling. that feeling i wanted to stop being corrupted with. the feeling i couldn't pin down. the feeling of her.
"you're insane” i hiss. turning my back and going up the the stairs and into my bedroom.
i slam the door shut behind me and lay down on my bed. staring at the ceiling. i just wanted to sleep. i didn't want to think about it anymore. but i couldn't.
girlfriend. the thought of y/n being my girlfriend almost suppressed the gut wrenching feeling that was still brewing in my chest. it's like it was almost satisfied. like i almost had it all figured out.
the more i sat in silence, the more my mind overtook me. the more y/n had flooded everything i had inside of me.
just as my eyes grew heavy, and my thoughts began to slow. it hit me.
im in love with my best friend.
i sat straight up in my bed. i check my phone. 2 am.
unlike hours before, this was the first time i wasn't thinking. i race down the stairs and put my shoes on. y/n only lived just down the street. i could get there in less than three minutes. i open the door, the cold butter air instantly hitting me. i didn't care though. i step out and make a bee line to y/ n's house.
her room was on the second story. when we were 12, we hid a ladder underneath her deck. for years i would use it to sneak up to her room late at night just to hang out. i pull out the ladder from underneath her porch. careful not to make too much ruckus, in fear that i would wake up her parents. i set up the ladder right in line with her window in 10 seconds tops. i knew this like the back of my hand. i climbed up the ladder and tapped on her window.
readers pov
a gentle tapping on my window pulls my eyes away from my book. it didn't scare me. i knew it was chris. only chris knew how to get up here. only chris knew our secret knock pattern that we came up with all those years ago. but at 2am? in the freezing cold? what did he want? he hadn't even texted me letting me know he was coming. weird.
i threw my legs over the side of my bed and make my way to my window. i pull my curtains aside, unlock the window, and let him in.
"chris what are you doing here? it's 2 am and freezing outside." i question and he steps over the window sill and into my bedroom.
"y/n im in love with you" he breathes heavily. his blue eyes looking down at me with desperation. i felt my heart sink.
"w-what?" i ask. i couldn't believe what i was hearing.
“im in love with you. so undeniably, inevitability, embarrassingly in love with you. i think i always have. just haven't really known what it was j was feeling until now. i love the way you laugh. the way your smile lights up every room you walk into. how kind you are to everyone, even when they don't deserve it. i love the way-“ he rambles and i cut him off.
“chris-“ he doesn't stop talking.
“-i love the way you do your hair. i love the color of your eyes. i love how you dress. i love-" i cut him off again.
"chris!" i raise my voice louder this time. needing his attention.
he stops talking and looks at me. waiting for me to speak.
i take a deep breath.
"i have a boyfriend.”
to be continued...
a/n: I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS. WOOHOO. again, lemme know if you want to be on my taglist!!
taglist: @chrissturnioloswifesblog @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @pepsiimaxx
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
#— “oh teri” . . . maine exam paper khola, aur uss ne meri khol di ăƒ»â ăƒ»â ăƒ»đŸ„­ïč. àč‘(❛⁠ đŸȘ”
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p — DESI!OT5 × (FEM) DESI!READER | g — crack, fluff, desi!au, reader is implied to be desi but it's more on the members, just headcanons | w — lingo used is tailored towards a desi audience
A/N — y'all I needed to. call me cringe. but I need to get beomgyu as a desi out of my head okay. I'm sorry. I love this sm. so please, make some noise for the desi boys guys.
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openly unshareef but a bit gullible. probably gets in a lot of trouble solely because he can't cover himself up. he'd freeze up anytime he's confronted about any of his shenanigans. you'd definitely see him playing cricket with the maila boys in the galis, and would probably do a dramatic dive towards the side walk when a car passes by, honking. screams “Y/N, THIS IS FOR YOU!!!” and terribly misses the chakka, then screams “THAT WAS SO OBVIOUSLY WHITE!!!” to hide his embarrassment.
hates chai tho, thinks hating it gives him personality. sucks at math, always in the principal's office for “talking back” to the old teacher. is actually really smart, so his grades aren't really slipping that much.
would tell you he's planning to play cricket professionally, but we all know he's a bit all talk. brings you ghajras and tells you it was from his mom so he doesn't get in trouble with your dad. speaking of which, he goes around claiming “l/n chachu is my best friend!!!!” but can't look the man in his eyes and say hello.
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he looks shareef as hell— isn't. doesn't really do much to get in trouble, just steals his brother's car and takes it out for a drive at 3 am. texts you really late at night asking if you want to drive around. when you refuse and absolutely “BREAK HIS HEART” (he'll be fine), he takes yeonjun with him. and because you weren't there to smack the back of his head, he doesn't see the big ass depression in the road and gets stuck. calls you AGAIN, crying at 3:30 am, freaking out and going “THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!” you can hear yeonjun trying to calm him down in the back but both of them are scared they'll get caught by the police and then will be detained overnight. soobin's very dramatic.
is really annoying sometimes. bold asf tho, definitely looks your dad in the eyes and shakes his hand whenever he's around. your dad would say “stay away from soobin I don't like him,” and then proceed to immediately befriend him when they realize they watch the same drama serial that's trending.
big foodie too, calls you and tells you he's bringing home crates of mangos with his friends and gives you an extra one whenever summer hits. his friend would ask him, “dude, where do we keep these crates?” and soobin, who's never been to your house EVER, goes, “tsk— follow me.” and walks into your house unannounced and unaware. wears a white kurta with gold accents because white represents, “purity, y/n. I'm a pure boy.” drops stew on his clothes moments after.
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the real “stay away from him” wala boy. he's the talk of the town. no one knows how he manages to do it.
acing school, really fucking street smart, barely home most of the time. probably listens to a lot of punjabi. probably also curses in purely just punjabi. he's the kid that would probably post stories of driving in the rain or something 😭
all the girls in the shaadi hall have eyes on him. really good with kids too, but super fucking annoying, so you'd probably see a kid every few hours running up to their mama and crying, “BHAI HIT ME!!!!!”
acts really chichora because he thinks it's funny. would steal flowers from the bouquets in shaadi halls for all the younger kids in his fam, but save you the best one. gives you his aalu when you eat biryani together. super sentimental too, would randomly break into a poetry during a random conversation that has nothing to do with poetry.
cracks a lot of dirty jokes too, again, because he thinks it's funny. eyes you shockingly when you eat the paani puri with one whole bite after he struggles to. asks how you're better with your mouth than him, and gets a smack right on his nose. on a related note, starts a “paani puri or gol gappe?” debate with you, and picks the side you're against solely because you're against it. can't have you winning, now can he?
loves it when it rains. calls it relatable. you'd probably get a call when the sky starts getting darker and asks if he can dance in the rain with you. wears his best black kurta (he has 5) whenever you two hang out. looks very attentively into your hands when you get mehendi done, and ask if you had his name written somewhere in the designs. gets disappointed when you don't.
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probably the most religious out of the 5. the annoying type in group hang outs that threatens he'll snitch, but never does. a cute geek. probably studies computer sciences.
ironically also a gym rat. gym buddies with beomgyu. has abs but you can't see it until beomgyu dumps a bucket of water on him from the balcony and drenches him completely. and you're like, “oh.” gets shy when beomgyu forces him to wear a compression shirt for the gram đŸ”„đŸ’Ș is the Athlete Of The Year 3 years in a row. sports captain, too.
always visiting the principal's office, but not because he's in trouble. knows the principal &staff really fucking well because he's an athlete. fist bumps the principal in the halls, gets shot weird looks before the principal eventually returns his fist bump.
the kid who probably has a lot of writing on his t-shirt on the last day of school. areas of his face smeared with ink from a pen soobin accidentally broke. all 5 take a picture with the principal on the last day of school. forces the photographer to take an extra silly one of just the principal and him. refuses to give his sports captain sash back.
helps you study during the winter break. complains when you don't understand it immediately. threatens that he'll tell “l/n aunty you're constantly on your phone.” but really rewarding & generous once you begin to ace the topic. promises you he'll treat you to food (and keeps his word.)
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called kamal a lot. is a sweetheart. grew up bringing flowers for his teachers every morning. really good at language arts. writes the poetry beomgyu randomly starts reciting.
plays basketball because “the body needs varzish.” forces you to play with him after he misses many hoops on purpose. goes easy on you until you piss him off for “being bad.”
your parents absolutely love him and start internally crying when they realize he may be in the friendzone. brings fruits for your mom and a pirated video game for your brother everytime he visits. loves to tease you for losing in a video game you've never played before.
accidentally walks on you when you're adjusting your clothes. screams so loud mama thinks he slipped in the bathroom. apologizes a lot even though he saw like nothing. tries to make it up to you while you're making chai— ends up distracting you so bad it spills over the pot. absolutely dizzy and doesn't know what to do.
to make it up to you (and maybe to spend some extra time with just you), takes you to those local malls where it reeks of chalia and fresh cloth, and there's a million tailors stitching clothes. would probably get scammed so fucking fast before you start yelling that they're going way off price. confused asf, realizes maybe he should just let you do the talking, while he carries all the stuff the two of you buy for the wedding coming up.
probably hears a lot of, “wow, he's so pretty,” from a million aunties whispering to each other there. gets shy super fast.
begs you to buy something that he wants to pay for because he feels so guilty for the chai and walking in on you, even though you're absolutely refusing. sneaks away while you're arguing with a tailor, buys a pair of gold baliyaan for you.
then gives the jewelry to you while you two are sitting in the car, and proceeds to earn another affectionate smack when you realize he got scammed bad for them.
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi @bangchansbae
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Lovers & Strangers -Chapter 7
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I sat in the airport early Saturday morning probably still drunk waiting for my flight. Somehow Ethan convinced me to stay on Wednesday night, and he was serious about me coming to Minnesota. His parents arrived yesterday, and will be waiting to pick me up when I get there. I don’t know why I couldn’t just take a later flight but here I am, sitting in the airport at 5:45 am for my 6:20 am flight. I literally was only able to have a 2 hour nap
 I shouldn’t be here. 
When I got to my seat on the plane I fell asleep immediately and slept the entire 2 hour flight. This time when I woke I was hungover. 
I got off the plane and made my way past the baggage claim to not only see Ethan’s parents but mine
 Great. I walk over and my parents each give me a hug, then Ethan’s parents proceed to give me a hug next. “Hey! How have you been?” Ethan’s mom says and I smile slightly
“Good!” I say and she looks at me again
“You feeling okay?” she says grabbing my parents attention
“You look white” my mom says 
“Plane sick” I lie
“Since when have you gotten plane sick? You love plane rides.” My mother says again
“Lots of turbulence this time, I don’t know mom” I say before we head out of the airport.
We go to breakfast at some small cafe as our parents chat about this afternoon's plans to go to the Mall of America, since we can’t really see him until after his game tonight. “No offense but I just want to have a nap” I say to them. 
“You don’t want to shop?” my mother looks at me confused. 
“Not really, I was up late last night” I say
They continue talking about last night and seeing Ethan as I swirl my food around the plate, as I’m really not hungry. My attention was suddenly grabbed at the sound of Mark’s name. “And that Mark is a sweetheart” my mother says and I look up
“Oh he is the sweetest, a really good boy! Always greets us when we go down to the school.” Ethan’s mother confirms
They continue talking about Mark, where he is from, what his parents are like, what his parents do for a living, his academic standing, etc.. It really amazes me how Mark comes off as so sweet to everyone else except for me. 
After breakfast they drop me off at the hotel giving me a key. I walked into the hotel and up to the room where I layed for a bit, I pulled out Instagram and posted the pictures I took last weekend. After I posted I fell asleep. 
Ethan and I’s parents arrive back into the room and gently wake me up. As I’m getting ready to roll out of bed I pick up my phone checking my Instagram notification on my recent post as commenting back. 
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liked by edwards.73, nicoleeee, savswrld, and others
Tagged: savswrld, edwards.73, nicoleeee, cassidyholms & khlofosho
yourusername last weekend's photodump #goblue 💙
view all 15 comments
edwards.73 who's that handsome man? đŸ€€
mackie.samo I was wondering the same thing
nicoleeee no one I'd rather pee with 💓
savswrld Um, hello? cassidyholms we are irrelevent
khlofosho All the good pictures get taken when I don't go 😭
I start getting ready for the game quickly as it took me awhile to roll out of the bed. As I am in the bathroom putting makeup on, my mother comes in and shuts the door behind her. “Can I help you?” I ask her giving her a side eye in the mirror. 
“Have you been checking your grades lately?” she says looking at me through the mirror
“Last I checked they weren’t that bad” I say before batting my eyelashes on my mascara wand, “calm down” I say rolling my eyes
“You’re at risk of academic probation, you lost your scholarship for next year, and you’ve been absolutely hell to be around, and you are trying to tell me I should be calm. Y/f/n I will tell you right now, If you end up on academic probation I won’t even allow you to go back in the fall to correct that!” she says sternly at me, “understand me?” 
“Yes! Okay! Jeez, I’ll try harder” I say and my mother shakes her head leaving the bathroom. I finish up before going back out to meet everyone in the hallway. We went out for supper and then headed over to the game. 
After the big win, we all headed down to the ice level to meet with Ethan. I stand with our parents as they chat about the game Ethan just played as I see him walk around the corner. When we make eye contact, he makes a funny face to me and I scrunch my nose and smile back as he approaches our group. He hugs both his parents, then mine. 
“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Ethan’s father asks him
“Just bed, celly starts tomorrow when we're back” he says and a small chuckle escapes his lips. “You guys going right back? He asks our parents
“We might go out for a drink” his mother tells him right before someone yells out that they are loading up the bus
“Okay, well if I don’t see you tonight, we are eating breakfast at the hotel tomorrow morning at 8” he says, hugging us all one last time before walking towards the group. 
I get dropped off at the hotel and make my way to the room. As I get off the elevator I make the turn around the wall entering the hallway where my parents and I’s room is when I see Ethan standing outside my door. It’s been quite a few days without sex, so I knew exactly what he wanted. And I wanted it too. 
“Oh, I thought the celebration starts tomorrow” I say as I approach him. 
“I was thinking we could get an early start,” he says, making me instantly weak in the knees. 
“Alright, but we gotta be quick” I say unlocking the door and we both enter. I shut the door that connects to Ethan’s parents room and turn to Ethan taking my shirt off in the process. Ethan takes his off as he watches me unclasp my bra, and we take our pants off at the same time so we are both completely naked.
I walk up and press my lips to his and we being making out. He pushes me hard against the door I just shut. He trails kisses down to my chest as he massages my tits. He then begins sucking hard on them, making me gulp. “C-careful!” I say to him and he begins massaging my tits a little more rough making me throw my head back on the door behind me. 
I begin to slowly lower myself and he releases my tits so I can face his cock. I spit down on it before grabbing it and stroking him. I look up to make eye contact with him, “You don’t know how bad I needed this” he says then releases a heavy breath. I tilt my head and lick from the bottom of his cock up to his tip, kissing it before sliding it in my mouth. I begin sucking on his tip first as I stroke his the rest of his cock with my free hands. I release my mouth and look up at him before entering him back in my mouth even further. I continue sucking back and forth and I hear Ethan give me praises through his soft moans. “C-come’ir” he says and I release his cock from my mouth standing in front of him. He grabs his cock and strokes it a few times as he brings his lips to mine to makeout with me again. He lets go of his cock when he feels my hand try to take over and reaches down rubbing circles around my clit fast, “I’m already so close” he says breaking from the kiss so he can watch me moan as he slips two fingers inside of me pumping it a few times before curling his fingers hard inside of me. 
“Fuck E” I moan out as Ethan bites on to his lip enjoying watching me moan for him. He then pulls his fingers out and I whimper slightly at the loss of friction between us. He pulls me over to the bed and leans me down so I was bent over the bed laying on my stomach. His foot hits mine hinting to push them apart so both my legs take to steps apart opening my legs for Ethan. 
I hear his balls swing back and forth hitting skin and he strokes himself hard before thrusting into me deep, “Fuck Ethan!” I whimper loudly and he stops himself deep inside of me before saying: “Shhh! We can’t be too loud”. 
He begins thrusting inside of me as he grabs my hips so he can become more forceful as he pushes himself in me. He pumps hard and fast, making my legs weak. I can’t help but to arch my back slightly. At this new angle Ethan repeatedly his my g-spot over and over, “Fuck Ethan right there! OH MY GOD!” I whimper loudly again. He doesn’t shush me this time instead I feel him twitch inside of me slightly as he continues thrusting into me. He cums inside of me as he is thrusting me quickly becoming sloppy. 
“Oh Fuck!” he says pulling himself out of me fast
“Again Ethan?! Seriously?” I ask him as he runs to the bathroom grabbing some toilet paper to wipe up the cream oozing out of me. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry!” he says handing me another bit of toilet paper to clean what he missed. I clean myself and take the cream filled toilet paper and throw it into the toilet flushing it as Ethan gets changed. I come back out and get myself dressed as Ethan lays on the bed watching me. 
After I get dressed I open the door between the two rooms and crawl beside Ethan. He puts his arm over my shoulder as he turns the tv on. We watched the tv before I accidentally fell asleep and Ethan slipped away without waking me. 
In the morning, the alarm goes off at 6:30 am and I sit up immediately rubbing our eyes. I look over at my parents bed to see them already up scrolling through their phones on Facebook or reading some article or something. I roll back over falling asleep for a bit before another alarm goes off at 7. I finally get up and make my way to take a shower. 
I get myself ready then grab my bag and heading down to put it in the car. When I put the bag in the car, I then turn back towards the hotel and join Ethan’s parents for breakfast. As we eat the whole team came down. Ethan sat at the table with us waiting for the area to be less squished by the breakfast area, before getting up to get his own, then sitting with his team. 
After I finished eating, it was time for us to leave so I could catch my flight. Ethan quickly came over and gave his parents and my parents a hug, telling him that he will see them next weekend before hugging me, “I’ll see you in a bit” he says with a soft smile.
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cherryxcadbury · 1 year
Sth cute with sancho where he takes you know your first ever date
Cheers to Many More
ahh thank you for this request<33
this was in my drafts for almost a year 😭
y/n: your name
2nd person pov
“Ellie! Do I look okay?” You asked your best friend as you curled your hair.
Ellie rolled her eyes, “Y/N! How many times do I have to tell you that you look amaz-”
You quickly turned around after she stopped speaking mid sentence.
“What?” You questioned, panic rising in your voice.
“Your hair is already curly and you’re seriously curling your hair.” Ellie deadpanned.
“I don’t know I thought it’d look cute.” You justified.
“Don’t even know who this boy is yet he’s already got you acting senseless.” Ellie shook her head.
“Ellie!” You scolded.
“What? Its true. Everyone’s a fool when it comes to love.” Ellie quoted.
“What would you know? You’ve never been in a relationship.” You teased.
“And neither have you.” Ellie shot back.
“At least I’m making an effort. Can you hand me my converse too please?” You asked, gesturing at the white shoes.
Once you were done with your hair you grabbed a pair of high waisted mom jeans. They were a nice light denim shade and fit loosely for optimal comfort. In addition, you chose a v-neck, dusty pink speckled smocked long sleeve top.
Looking at the clock you cursed as you realised you’d soon be running late. You changed very quickly, grabbed your coat and purse with all your necessities in it.
You ran to open the door and was about to slip outside before a voice popped up out of nowhere.
“He’s not picking you up?” Ellie furrowed her eyebrows.
“Uhh no, we agreed to meet at the cafe. I didn’t want to be picked up just yet.” You informed.
“Safety reasons. Smart move. Okay now go! I want all the details when you get home!” Ellie called as you left.
Seeing as it was getting dark, you called for an Uber to take you to the quaint little cafe.
Fifteen minutes later, in your Uber, you tried to stop from panicking as you were on your way to your destination.
The Uber driver was able to identify your worry as well.
“You alright miss?” He asked with concern.
You shot him a bright smile, “Oh yes. Sorry, just first date jitters.”
“Nothing to worry about. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” he comforted.
“Thank you. I’m sure I’ll be fine by the time we get there.” You mumbled.
“I believe so too because here we are.” The driver announced, pulling into a spot on the side of a busy little street.
“Thank you so much.” You breathed before exiting the Uber and entering the cafe.
Upon walking in the cafe, your jaw dropped at realising it was no cutesy little nook.
The cafe was rather upscale and looked way too fancy to be anything you’ve ever stepped foot in. As you looked around you saw everyone in much more formal attire in comparison to your jeans and converse outfit.
“Miss. Do you have a reservation?” the hostess politely asked.
You didn’t know that cafes took reservations.
“Uhhh I’m meeting someone. Probably under Sancho for the surname?” You guessed.
The hostess nodded with a wave of recognition.
“Ahh yes, we‘ve been expecting you Miss Y/F/N Y/L/N. Please follow me.” You were instructed.
As you walked on you found it hard to pry your eyes away from everything going on around you. There was just so much to look at.
A smile found its way onto your face as you saw your date sitting at the table, scrolling through his phone. The hostess left you be as you made your way over to the table, Jadon looking up when he heard footsteps.
He immediately grinned and gave you a big hug, pulling out your chair for you like a true gentleman.
“So how are you?” He eagerly asked.
“Good. How about you?” You responded.
“Better now that youre here.” he replied earnestly.
You looked down at your lap as you felt your face turn red.
“Aww did I make ya blush?” He chuckled.
“What? No obviously not.” You defended, embarrassed out of your mind.
Jadon smirked, sipping his glass of water.
“So how’s your cousin?” He asked with a look of genuine care.
“She’s great, thank you so much. What you did meant the world to her.” You answered.
“Don‘t sweat it. Plus, it was a pleasure to meet both of you.” Jadon smiled.
Two weeks ago, you and your fourteen year old cousin, Gracie had spent the day walking about Manchester, shopping, eating and just having fun. While in one of the stores, Gracie squealed once she thought she saw Jadon Sancho. She made you stay in the store until her suspicions were confirmed when a few others stated asking for pictures, tickets, and autographs.
So, she made you go up to young footballer with her and get his signature and pictures with him. He even gave her a signed shirt. You appreciated the kind gesture but what you didn’t know was that you had caught Jadon’s eye.
So he asked for your Instagram with no hesitance at all. You were only persuaded to do so once you saw the encouraging look on your younger cousin’s face.
Later that day, your cousin would claim that he was obviously into you and would probably become your boyfriend in the near future.
You shook your head and laughed at Gracie’s prediction. However, when you and Jadon began to message each other everyday, it was no longer you laughing.
Back to present day you sat nervously in your sit just as Jadon looked up from his menu.
Clearing your throat you began speaking, “So uh, I saw your match today.”
Jadon’s ears perked up at that like a dog.
“You watched the match? Thought you didn’t like football” He smiled softly.
You laughed, “Gracie convinced me too. Surprisingly it wasn’t boring. You had a pretty nice goal too.”
Jadon’s smile turned into a grin at that.
“Well, I feel very privileged that you watched football for me.”
“Now, tell me about your day.” Jadon suggested, covering your hand with his.
You began blushing more at the contact. What was it about this man that made you feel so warm inside? With butterflies in your stomach.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Not much. Some errands, uni work, and then I watched Gilmore Girls for the rest of the day.”
Jadon’s mouth dropped open.
“You watch Gilmore Girls too?” He questioned.
This time it was your turn to be in shock.
“Jadon, you watch Gilmore Girls?” You asked.
For some reason, Jadon and Gilmore Girls did not seem to go together.
“Of course I do! Team Jess for life!” He cheered.
You would’ve pinned him as a Jess person. However, you yourself strongly had team Logan preferences. Through the rest of the night, there was no awkward pauses at all. You found yourselves having a lot more in common than you once thought. In started with arguing about Gilmore Girls opinions all the way to talking about both of your loves for travel.
By the end of the night, it was clear you were both enamoured with each other. Walking out of the restaurant you were about to, sadly, go your own ways before Jadon grabbed your arm.
“Come back to my place would you?” He whispered in your ear.
You shivered at his voice. But there wasn’t anything you wanted more. You grinned and nodded at him. Jadon wrapped his arm around your shoulders and your arm around his waist as you both walked into the cold night, giggling amongst yourselves.
It was young love in its finest form.
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hoetolegist · 2 years
Okay so
 I have a twilight- JASPER HALE, request where it’s like, the reader (any gender- idc) and their Indian and their super insecure about their culture, looks, and skin color and their insecurities only get larger when JESSICA STANLEY insults them about being Indian and so they distances themself from Jasper and all the Cullens who love y/n more than Bella. And then Jasper, being heartbroken turns into the major and demands why they’ve been ignoring him and they’ll like, burst into tears and explained what happens and he’ll be so mad and feel bad for yelling at them it’s all cute and fluffy at the end cause he tells them HE LOVES them AND INDIA and it ends in rough, loving smut But it doesn’t have to be Jasper it can be Stefan Salvatore or Steve rogers or blah blah blah but i’d prefer one of those three especially the vampires
Title: You're beautiful to me
Summary: an Indian teenage girl moves to a small town where she's seen as different. Can she get through it with her best friend by her side
The smut is so anticlimactic I rushed the ending 😭 I'm sorry
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is what they always say. "Stop saying stuff like that, you're pretty" they repeat every time you feel off about yourself but none of that helps. None of that stops you from knowing that you just aren't that attractive and that guys wouldn't even look at you twice. You honestly wouldn't even consider yourself average, you have a big nose, thick eyebrows, big puffy lips, shabby hair and dark skin that irritates you to no end
Everyone around you has milky white skin that dazzled in the sunlight but you and your family are so dark. Your family moved to Forks, Washington a few years ago because your mom wanted to see things outside of India, she wanted to explore and make her pottery business worldwide. When you first moved here you immediately noticed how different it was. It was very dull, always raining and surrounded by rainforest
You eventually got used to it and the humidity stopped bothering you the way it did at first. Your first day of school was hectic, you saw and felt people staring at you all day. They were whispering and pointing and you didn't know wether it was because they liked you or because they disliked you. Now you've also gotten used to the stares which still often happen but now they probably stare more because of who your best friend is
"Hey! Are you ready to go?" You heard a deep voice shout from the other side of your door. You looked around, making sure that you had your backpack and your keys. You opened your door to a tall, gorgeous man smiling down at you, leaning up against the door frame. "Yes I'm ready Jas, we have to stop somewhere for breakfast though" you replied to him
Jasper Hale was your first friend here in this small town. When you first saw him you thought he was so beautiful and to this day he still has such inhuman beauty. There was just no way he could be real! He has this pale marble-like skin, wavey honey blonde hair that fell just a few inches above his collarbone and the prettiest golden brown eyes that glisten in the sun
Maybe you kind of had a tiny crush on him but you'd never even think about acting on it
Chemistry class is so boring and you have no friends in here. You looked toward the door and saw Jasper walk past, oh good he's out. Your hand quickly shot up "may I go to the restroom?" the teacher stopped talking and pushed her glasses up "yes go ahead. Take the pass and if you're gone for more than-" you were already out of the room before she could finish
You practically skipped down the hallway with the biggest smile on your face but your smile slowly faded as you turned the corner and spotted him walking hand in hand with the one person you hated most, Jessica Stanley. She's such a bitch! She always has something to say about you. She cracks non stop jokes about your hair, your clothes, your skin, everything. It's annoying
Before you could turn around and sneak back to class you saw her glance back then stop walking. "Oh if it isn't y/n" she said as she dramatically turned around, her hand still in Jaspers. You rolled your eyes and turned around to start walking back. "Don't even start Jessica" you said trying to stay confident. She can be intimidating sometimes, you just never know with her
"What kind of eye sore are you wearing today?" she shouted after you, you stopped walking and turned around. You kind of liked your outfit today - you wore a white lehenga, decorated with gold polka dots and a white and gold choli, a dupatta draped around your shoulder. You were always insecure about wearing your traditional Indian clothes and the main reason is because of Jessica but your mom never allows you to wear anything else
She looked you up and down and laughed "I can't believe you walked out of the house with that ugly skirt on and do you need a jacket? No one wants to see your mid drift it's ugly". You looked at Jasper but he just stood there, like he wanted to say something but couldn't. You scoffed and bit your lips to stop your tears from falling. You ran to the bathroom, the jingle of your many bracelets echoing off of the walls
Jessica's laugh rang in your ears, why does she have to be so mean? She has been ruining everything for you since you first got here
You started to think about that time you celebrated your 16th birthday at school with friends and classmates since your parents had no time for it. "Happy birthday to you!" This was the most attention you've ever gotten at this school, you smiled at everyone and blew the candles out as they cheered. "Thank you everyone I-" your thanks was cut off as a monotone voice spoke out "ew are we really going to eat that?" Of course it was Jessica Stanley, she never lets up on you
You sighed "it's red velvet cake Jessica, not poison"
Her face scrunched up in disgust "but it's homemade right?" You nodded slowly, not knowing what she's getting at
"We don't know what you people do to your foods" she eyed the cake like it was the most disgusting thing she's ever seen "I won't be touching it" she grabbed her bag and walked out of the classroom, a few people following close behind her
You shook you head to stop yourself from thinking about such moments and lifted a hand to wipe your cheek as a tear rolled down. You feel so much more ugly than you ever have in your whole life
Suddenly the bathroom door swung open and in front of you stood Jessica. "y/n I wanted to say sorry" you stood there in silence knowing that she had more to say
"I'm sorry that Jasper just doesn't like girls like you, he likes girls like me or Bella. You will never be more than a friend. Got it?" You had no more fight left in you, not like you had any to begin with, so you just nodded. She smiled and looked you up and down again hate etched into her features "oh and do us all a favor and stop wearing those horrendous sheets that you call clothes". She soon walked out of the bathroom, you couldn't hold your tears back this time
A few days passed by and you stayed away from Jasper and the Cullens completely. You started wearing baggy jeans and oversized sweaters, your mom begged and pleaded for you to not give up on your culture but she didn't understand what you were going through
You sat in the back of chemistry class, giving Jessica the satisfaction of changing you completely. You saw a figure standing at the door from the corner of your eye, looking up you saw Jasper waving you out but you quickly looked away. He's the last person you want to see and talk to
When you were walking to your car, you noticed someone leaning on the front of it. You recognized the silhouette, soon realizing that it was Jasper's brother Emmet. "fuck" you whispered to yourself as you closed the distance between you and your car
He smiled at you and laughed "you know I heard that right?"
You chuckled dryly, just standing there with your arms crossed "yeah your super hearing is so cool" you said sarcastically "can you move please?"
Emmet just stood there looking at you, studying your facial expressions and your body language. He knew something was up. "I've never saw you in jeans before y/n" he sighed. You looked at him dumbfounded, why does he care? It's none of his business what you wear
"I can wear what I want Emmet" you sneered "I saw the way you guys looked at my other clothes anyway, someone just let me know what all of you were too afraid to tell me" he looked shocked "so move" but he moved fairly quickly
You were getting angrier with every word that came out of you mouth. You didn't want to look at his face anymore. You jumped into your car, starting it as quick as you can and driving off
Emmet was one of the siblings that you were close to, alongside Rosalie. They were the ones you could talk to when you just couldn't talk to Jasper. You don't know why you had treated him like that and you wished you could take it back but what's done is done
Maybe this'll keep them away from you
Knock knock knock
Three soft bangs woke you up quickly. Was someone knocking on your window? You sat up in your bed and rubbed your eyes, the clock showed 2 am
Knock knock knock
You heard the knocking again, it sounded more frantic. What if it's a kidnapper? Or a robber? What if-
"I'm not a kidnapper y/n open the window" you knew that voice! It was Jasper, what was he doing here so late? You suddenly sprung into action thinking he might be hurt or someone got hurt. "What happened?" You questioned as he jumped inside "did someone get hurt?"
He looked like he had been crying for a couple of hours. He doesn't have that glow in his eyes that he usually has. "Talk to me, tell me what I did wrong please" he whispered in the hush of the night. You stood there confused
What were you supposed to say? You've never seen him cry before, he's never this vulnerable. "Come on Jas you have to go" you tried hard to make sure your voice doesn't waver "uh you probably just need some sleep okay?" You were trying to walk him back to the window
Jaspers sadness quickly turned to anger. He was upset with how you were treating him, he's heartbroken and now you're trying to just shove him back out the window? "I don't just need sleep y/n!" he shouted in your face "I need you to tell me why you've been ignoring me. What did I do to hurt you so bad that you would rather shut me out of your life completely!"
Your eyes watered, you were never able to take people yelling at you too well and you take Jasper yelling at you one hundred times worse. "Fucking say something y/n!" he continued. He saw the tear drop from your eye and he immediately softened
Jasper grabbed you, hugging you tight as you cried into his shoulder "I'm sorry" you eventually said. You started telling him everything that was happening "it's been going on for years so you would think I'd be use to it by now". He rubbed circles into your back as you spoke, telling him about how you felt in the hallway "...and you looked at me, you looked at me and said nothing while she said the most disgusting things about me"
He looked displeased with himself, like he could just kick himself right then and there.
"The bathroom...she said a lot of things" you told him everything that was said to you and he looked livid. His eyes went black and you knew exactly what was happening
"Hey, she's not worth it" he faced the window, trying not to show his fangs. When you first found out about him he was hesitant about being around but soon he became comfortable with you. Sometimes his lack of control over his emotions is what keeps him from fully showing his true self around you
Your voice calmed him down "it's not worth it Jas" you repeated. His breathing eventually evened out
The silence was deafening, you just wanted him to say something
"I love you" is all he said
You nodded "I love you too Jasper" you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind him, resting your cheek on his back "I'm sorry for not being the best best friend like I promised I would"
You could feel him inhale before you felt yourself being disconnected from him. Next thing you know it you're face to face with him, his arms wrapped around your waist this time "no y/n, I love you. I love you so much it hurts" you gasped and tried to step back but he just held your waist tighter
"I'm not the type of girl you want Jasper. I don't fit in with you or anyone else. I think it's best we stay friends" you softly spoke out, your voice shook despite your efforts to keep it from doing that. You managed to get out of his hold to go sit on your bed. "Please leave" you finished firmly
Silence washed over you. You felt your bed dip as Jasper sat next to you but neither of you said a word
Eventually he spoke up "I think you're beautiful". You looked at him with your mouth opened in what could possibly be shock or disbelief? You don't know it's a mix of emotions right now. Your eyes stared into his, trying to find a lie within them. No one has genuinely called you beautiful like this. "I love the clothes you wore, they were so colorful. They were what made me fall in love with you. The real you"
You stood up after he said that. Fall in love with? In love with? Oh my fuck. "Uhm" you were panicking now. What if he was just lying to you? Him and Jessica will probably laugh at you about this tomorrow. But now that you think about it Jasper has never laughed at you, even when he was stuck in the hallway situation with you he didn't even pretend to be amused
You slowly sat back down at the realization that he's being real with you right now. Jasper slowly brought his hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb slowly caressing it. "I love everything about you and where you're from. Did you know that I ordered a cookbook from India so I could learn how to prepare all of your favorite meals?" he smiled a small smile "that was going to be our first date"
He was going to do all of that for you? Really? You chuckled softly, flashing him a small smile "I had no idea" now you felt even worse for treating him the way you did. "I'm sorry Jasper. I didn't mean to push you away I just thought it would be better for you if I wasn't in your life anymore. I've had a crush on you for years and I always thought you wanted someone like Bella because she's like one hundred times prettier than me" you were talking too much, something you did when you were nervous
"No one is prettier than you. Not in my eyes" There was a moment when you just sat there looking at each other. Jasper shamelessly stared at your lips for a few minutes before looking back up at your eyes. You don't know who leaned in first but one second you were having a tension filled staring contest and the next second Jasper's soft lips were smushed up against yours. The kiss was hot and desperate and neither one one of you had came up for air yet
Jasper was the first to pull away "you don't know how long I've waited to do this" he breathed. You took that time to just look at him, admire his beauty but that didn't last long as his lips were back on yours in no time
He layed you down and began kissing your neck sucking a hickey under your ear which which you now know is a sensitive spot "Oh" you moaned. This is a new feeling for you
He kissed all the way down lifting your shirt up to kiss your stomach. When his lips touched your skin it felt amazing but you still panicked "wait wait stop" you cried out. Jasper stopped immediately upon hearing your voice, he looked up at you with concern. "It's just uh" you didn't know how to say this, you didn't want him too laugh at you
"I've never done this before" he just looked at you confused "I'm a virgin Jas" you finally said
His eyes grew wide for a split second before returning to normal size. "Oh I- uhm do you not want to do this?" He stood up awkwardly, scrambling to fix himself just in case you were going to kick him out. You grabbed his arm and pulled him back down "I know I want to do it and you're the one o want to do it with, I'm just scared that I'm not going to be what you are expecting"
Upon that confession he grabbed both of your hands and kissed them gently. "you're everything I've ever wanted y/n. We'll go slow and I'll be gentle if you want". You shook your head "okay, I trust you"
You began kissing again, this time slowly. You laid back and he smoothly started to kiss your jaw and down your neck. "Ah" you whined when he nipped a sensitive spot on your neck. He looked you in your eye as he kissed down, lifting your shirt up to place searing hot kisses on your chest. You sat up to take your top completely off, he practically drooled at the sight
You had no bra on "fuck your boobs are so pretty baby" you blushed at his words not knowing if you should say thank you or not. You moaned loudly as he wrapped his lips around one of your hardened nipples. His hand slowly crept down to tease the waistband of your shorts. He looked up at you for approval
Almost hesitant you shook your head yes. You shivered when his fingers slid between your soaked folds. You clawed at his shirt
"Off" you desperately pleaded, wanting to feel his skin against yours
His chest on yours felt nice, both of you were warm, this was nice for you. It was with someone you truly loved
"I want to be inside of you so bad" Jasper rubbed his cock between your wet folds
Once you guys were fully naked you were wondering if you should be having second thoughts about this but you don't. He had to talk to you about covering yourself up though "you're perfect, don't hide it" he had whispered against your lips
Your breathing was heavy as you waited for him to put the condom on. So far you had cum twice and you never knew how amazing that feeling was until now
Jasper rubbed your thighs gently sweat g to relax you "I'll talk you through it" he promised
You nodded and tried to lay as relaxed as possible. Okay it won't hurt too bad
Oh how wrong you were
The first few inches were hell, he whispered softly in your ear "you got this" and "just a little more, you can take it"
You looked at his face once he was fully in, he was sweating and breathing heavy. "y-you can move now"
Jasper tightened his grip on your waist and slowly pulled out then slammed back into you "fuck you're so tight" he moaned
You scratched his back as he thrusted harshly into you. Both of you had agreed on going slow but the pleasure mixed with a tinge of pain felt too good
"faster please" you panted, you were dripping with sweat. You didn't have to tell you twice he picked up the pace, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing through the once silent room
You felt dizzy with pleasure a bubble if heat was forming in the pit of your stomach. You knew that feeling all too well now
Jasper was now leaning over you, hands on wither side of your head, face in your neck. You held his hair out of your face as you both chased your highs. "Come for me baby" he whispered in your ear. His deep raspy voice was enough to pop that bubble instantly and you cried out as you came on his cock, your pussy squeezing him tight
"fuck fuck fuck" he squeezed his eyes shut as he continued to thrust in and out of you. You caressed his back and whispered sweet nothings in his ear. "I'm gonna cum, mm" he grunted before he stilled completely, filling you up
He collapsed on top of you, still holding himself up a little as to not crush you. You both were a mess of sweat and cum
He rolled off of you and layed next to you "I love you" he smiled at you softly
"I love you more" you threw your arm around his waist and cuddled up to him
Never in a million years would you have thought that this would be your life
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