#him in white christmas
sunflowerrboyy · 2 years
hmm thinking thoughts about danny kaye tonight
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realkeylogger · 2 months
drew this instead of working on my computer
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shadowdemon101 · 8 months
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I've shared these on my Instagram, but I also wanna share them here b/c I'm pretty proud of my plushies and I spent a lot of time on them at the end of last year! More pictures of the details n words below the cut!!!
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Okay last one promise! This was for a friend, but also a good test of Cholyknight's chibi doll patterns for myself! (That one costs money but it's well worth it!!!) The embroidery for the face came out really good!!! I think the ears were initially bigger than I intended and I was at a point where I couldn't undo them, but it worked out really well in the end! A lot of the base clothes and hair all came with the patterns, but I adjusted the mohawk to fit his face better, using a darker grey to show it was shaved, and I tried to detail his shoes a little more to look like sneakers. The horns I took an existing horn pattern and adjusted it to be Mallek's, though the piercings I struggled for a time before settling on stitched pieces of fabric. The piercings above the eye on the brow are hand down embroidery, which works well enough!
I'm actually super proud of the hoodie; the symbol is embroidered!!!! I made it into an embroidery design and did that myself!!!! With like, a free to use program but STILL!!! And then the hood can go on his head bc there's holes for horns!!! Actually incredibly tricky for a first attempt of that hood, but I got it!!! Also all the clothes? Easy to slip on and off! Though maybe I should've sewn the shoes in bc they fall a little too easy… but my friend really likes it so that's what counts ❤
Also it's also completely made of fleece! Minus the lining in the hood of course; since it's fleece though, there's no shirt under the hoodie bc it wouldn't fit right, but I sewed in a little bit of blue to give the illusion of a shirt xD
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wickjump · 2 months
nvrm started crying i need cross to be happy. i need him to go to that one really cool holiday themed place i went when i was like idk 10 when visiting my aunt. i need him to go and take his boyfriend(s) with him and be happy and share surface traditions with them and he shows a speck of childhood joy on his face and they’re happy that he’s happy for once and and and
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blorbocedes · 7 months
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nico rosberg for süddeutsche zeitung by catherina hess. 15.02.2024
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mr-babish-the-bunny · 10 months
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tsuchinokoroyale · 1 year
Guess the last version of this post got nuked from orbit 😮‍💨 I’m not rewriting all that context just know that I went to Texas, ate a ton of food, and saved a horse 🤠
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Live for the notion that Benny is always wearing something with a chequered pattern on it like
it’s especially hot out one day so he ditches the blazer. comes down from his suite in a short sleeved button up but oh look it has black and white checkers.
christmas comes around and his christmas jumper? black and white checkers. is it christmassy? fuck you
goes for a dip in the pool. swim trunks? black and white checkers
needs to blow his nose. handkerchief? black and white checkers
one of his boys is getting married or something and they beg him not to wear the goddamn chequered suit so he just “ugh fine” and turns up in a normal black suit and then when someone makes a quip like “funny to see you not wearing checkers haha” Benny looks them in the eye, props his foot up on the nearest piece of furniture and rolls up his trouser leg and oh yeah socks have black and white checkers
gonna be wearing a chequered tie at his own wedding. that's non-negotiable, baby.
the only item of clothing he weirdly never wears checkers on is his undies which are always those boxers with love hearts that you see when dudes get pantsed in cartoons
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edits-art-and-roleplay · 10 months
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favevostagepoll · 3 months
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wh01sstanl3y · 10 months
I will never get over what an absolute glow down this was THEY MASSACRED MY BOY
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12am-motivation · 2 years
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Definitely the latter
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doinggreat · 10 months
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desultory-novice · 11 months
Two baskets full of warm food and new warm clothes are delivered. attached are two notes:
To Adeleine:
Here's a present for you and your brother!
To Noir:
Just because someone isn't Adeline, that doesn't mean they're your enemy.
Adeleine: "...Mmm! The clothes are warm too! It's like they're fresh from the laundry! Noir! Noir! Look! 'Ra~wr! I am the scarf beast! Nothing can stop me except the colors red and yellow!'"
Noir: "How did this even...?"
Adeleine: "The note says they're presents!"
Noir: "...Okay, this is messed up. Someone's messing with us. Again. Adeleine, look, don't try any of that on yet and don't touch the..."
Adeleine: "This note's addressed to you, Noir!"
- Just because someone isn't Adeleine, that doesn't mean they're your enemy. -
Noir: "..."
(...I wish it were that easy...)
[Please Hold While We Swap Universes]
:a boy wakes up in bed, shock white hair contrasting with large patches of mottled skin over his bandaged body:
Noir: "...?!"
Meta Knight: "You're awake..."
Noir: "What...happened...? ...?!? What did you and your freakish friends do to me you tin-plated blueberry?! Where's my sister?! Adeleine? Adeleine?! Wherever you are, if you can hear me, run!!"
Meta Knight: "You are in shock. It is only natural after what you have experienced. My name is Meta Knight. The king entrusted me with your care. As for your sister, I am afraid all traces of her matter has..."
:Seeing a silvery sword with a faint rainbow sheen at his bedside, Noir attempts to call for it. It doesn't move at his command:
:With some pain, he reaches out a clawed hand to grab it:
:He is immediately surprised by how light the blade is to hold. It is warm, too. Like clothes fresh from the laundry. His innocent shock fades quickly, a defensive, frightened rage taking its place:
Noir: "G-Give her back...! I-I'll kill every one of you, I swear!"
Meta Knight: "Ignoring the fact that you wouldn't make it outside the room..." "...I am also not your enemy."
This note's addressed to you, Noir! 
- Just because someone isn't Adeleine, that doesn't mean they're your enemy -
:the sword begins to shake in his hands:
Noir: "D-Don't..." "I... I can't...I..." "...It can't... it can't be this way..." "How am I...? Only she knew how to....!"
"Tell me... it's all a dream...? Please...? I don't..."
- Tell them, Noir. Tell someone. Before it nearly kills you again. -
:the once-upon-a-time swordsman's lips quiver as the first of sixteen years worth of tears begin to spill down his face:
Noir: "...I don't...know how to live on my own..."
Meta Knight: "Though it is ultimately up to you..." "...If you do not wish, you will never have to."
[Bonus - Scarf Beast Take Two]
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jesse-pinko · 4 months
Breaking Bad but every time Walter turns around all of the other characters start singing ab how much he sucks and they hate him like in The Muppet Christmas Carol
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mr-babish-the-bunny · 10 months
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Advent calendar treats in the morning are the best mornings says mr buns.
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