#him and liam both enjoy this very much im happy for them
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ruvi-muffin · 8 months ago
Matthew being like Hey wouldn't it have been so tragic and cool if Caleb left the group and became a scurger again? Good thing he found a boyfriend and settled down huh ♡
Truly a man of the people
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coldercreation · 1 year ago
I just finished reading the second Liam chapter and aaaaaaaaa just screaming. It’s perfect!! Both chapters are so well written, so full of love it kinda hurts hahaha
From the first part, idk I loved it when you mentioned about Lit past together since very young. Like, I knew that bit of their story bc I read it here in one post but reading it in the actual story felt like it was even more real, y’know? To read about Liam’s concerns about his career, Kit’s unconditional support since always…I can’t explain why I loved it so much but yeah haha feels like being closer to the boys <3
And yes, we are not lying when we tell you that that first part was soooo good. You found a well balance and projected very well the idea that Liam was confused and concerned.
And this second part goshhh i cannot <3333 i’m so weak with pet names (pretty sure I have said that before…) and praise likeee i read it and i feel like melting haha you can imagine after that second (third?) chapter im nothing but a puddle on the floor hskdjfdk apart from that, it’s great to see Liam and Kit finding themselves more settled with their instincts now :’)
I’m so excited to get into Kit’s thoughts and Izzy and Nat participation in this whole situation.
Sorry I wrote so much haha. But yeah, thank you for everything as always!! 💗💗
(P.S. you are definitely spoiling us with 3 chapters in like 4 days!! Not complaining tho…)
Ahhh thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the chapters!! I love hearing all about it so no such thing as writing too much (also, have you seen me and how much I write?? lmaoo) Such a lovely message, thank you so much<3
And yesss I’m so happy to finally have more of Lit’s background in the actual story, about the daymn time! Their dynamics in general are just so fascinating for me to mess with, and it’s fun to figure out how they shift over time in relation to how they grow and things change etc. Like, before Nat, Liam was the youngest and the most ‘babiest’ of them, so all their dynamics adjusted a little with Nat coming in. But like in this sad!kitty one, as much as it was for Kit's benefit this time around, Liam also still needs the moments where he gets to be a whole baby with Kit :( (when they’re not too busy being dude-bros to trigger Izzy & tease Nat lol)
Thehehe I hope you enjoyed the rest of the story as well! I’m afraid Kit had literally like 0 thoughts by the last chapter, but hims a cutie and he was going through it, so we shall give him a break :’) 
Thank you for the sweet message again, I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the chapters! xx
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Page 72 (part 1)
I very much like Ryan and I believe he might like me too. I would be very happy if he were to be my first boyfriend. I want to kiss him but I’m afraid to, so my goal is to at least hold his hand soon. Maybe tonight when we go to sunset cliffs. I just have to work up the courage to do so. I hope he wants a relationship and isn’t just dating to date because I would like to be in an official relationship with him, but we will see. I appreciate that he is so respectful and still wants to see me, I was afraid he wouldn’t want to, which im guessing is a good sign of really dating me. I want to talk about it with him but I think it is too early to do so. I dont want to scare him off. I like that his love language is also physical touch and I would love for him to scratch my back the way mike did at my birthday party. I liked when he put his arm around me and held my elbow with his hand. It felt very comforting and I would love if that continued. I regret joey but I know that if I have something with Ryan I will not. He is a very good example of what I deserve in a relationship, especially the respecting of boundaries and how I can be myself around him. I feel comfortable with him and like I can tell him anything which ive already told him many things ive never told anyone and he wasn’t judgmental about it, he actually made a joke about it which made me feel better. Its really nice to have someone who actually wants to spend time with me. Joey made me nervous that guys would either show up late or just ignore plans, but its nice to have someone who when I say you can come over anytime after four they say they’ll show up at four thirty instead of seven or eight. Hes makes time for me and communicates what is going on, I appreciate that he has such mature communication and high emotional intelligence, it makes me feel better about everything, compared to both joey and Liam. Ryan is the complete opposite of them and I couldn’t be happier about it. He also seems very different then dad, which is so important to me, and he even seems to dislike him, which I wouldn’t mind. He also thinks im beautiful which feels weird because never told me that, and even though joey did, it was only because he wanted to get in my pants and didnt mean it in a genuine way or just a sexual way, which I dont think is how Ryan sees me, I think he truly means it in a romantic sense and even though it feels weird, it also is nice to think Someone actually thinks so. Freshman year of college, Bryce told me I was beautiful but he told all the girls that and I remember writing a poem about how I couldn’t wait for someone to call me that and mean it and I think finally did and in the same way, I think he is very cute and I thought since I met him at Summer's party, which apparently he did too. I really like his nose and his smile, especially his smile, it lights up his whole face and I cant wait to see it again in just a few hours. On our first date I remember that not even half way through it I was already wondering when I could see him again. I enjoyed being in his presence so much and I looked forward to seeing him every time even if we dont do anything special, I like just spending time in my bedroom with him just talking and laughing. The second time he was over I joking told him that I hated him and he said no you dont and it was kind of scary to know that he knows I like him, even though I asked him out and we’re dating. Of course I like him but things like that make me nervous. I wonder if he’s ver nervous to see me or if hes just straight chillin.  
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years ago
One Too Many Times
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Former Damon Salvatore x Reader
Word Count: 2.6K (I COULDN”T KEEP IT UNDER AND IM NOT SORRY! Plus Heather said I have no rules so....)
Warnings: Angsty arguments, heart break, but that’s about it in this one. 
Author’s Note: Heres the second post for today! I hope you guys enjoy. This is for @idkhaylijah ‘s 3k Follower Celebration. Again I was waiting until the last minute to get this one done, but I figured lets use this to help kick off May Madness. I had selected Exile by Taylor swift along with the prompt: “How much of that did you hear?” Of course the prompt is in bold and the lyrics are italicized. Enjoy!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
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Even though Damon had every reason to be there, it didn’t mean he wanted to be there. He didn’t want to have to deal with the people that he was going to have to see. He didn’t want to deal with the fact that he’d go to this party and he’d see her there. It wasn’t the fact that she’d be there that turned him off from going. It was the fact that she wasn’t going to be there on her own that made a twinge of pain and even jealousy pull at his heart. 
He knew how the night was going to play out. He was going to have to watch the woman he loved with someone else. He’d have to watch as she looked at another man with the stars in her eyes just as she had once done with him. The laughter that would be pulled from her lips wouldn’t be because of the things Damon had said. He wouldn’t be the one to cause the heat to build in her cheeks at the things he would whisper in her ear. 
The thoughts themselves had made him angry. He hadn’t even seen them yet and his blood was already bubbling away. And that itself was a warning that he should have stayed away. But Damon knew better. He knew he needed to be there. He needed to be there to mingle in with the party goers before they all put their well thought out plan into action. A plan to take down a witch who believed to be holding all the cards in his favor. That didn’t mean Damon had to enjoy it. 
I can see you standin', honey
With his arms around your body
Laughin' but the joke's not funny at all
Damon had found himself a spot in the back of the room that gave him a view of the whole room. His eyes scanning over the crowd of people every few minutes. Across the room, Stefan had found another spot, doing the same thing. Both of them keep their eyes out for anything that might ruin their plans. They were only a few hours into the night and so far there had been nothing that told them things were going to take a turn. It was as Damon brought his glass of bourbon up to his lips that his eyes landed on Y/N for the first time tonight. 
She looked stunning as she walked through the crowd and made her way towards the bar. His eyes were on her and her alone that he hadn’t even registered the man that was close behind her. At least that was until she came to a stop and his hand came to rest on the small of her back. 
He watched as she turned towards him, a smile on her face as they began speaking as if nothing was going on around them. That there was no lurking danger that would be thrown upon them. Y/N didn’t even know the plan that the Salvatores and the others had put together. She wanted out. She wanted to be as far away from the supernatural world as possible. 
That is where Y/N and Damon butted heads the most. She no longer wanted to be entangled in the world she had found herself with her friends and the Salvatores. For as many times as she had been almost killed in the process of saving Elena, she couldn’t handle it any more. 
She loved Damon. It was proven several times where she went out of her way just to prove that she was there for him and needed him to know that. It wasn’t until things started to change that Y/N couldn’t take it anymore. She tried getting Damon to understand, but it seemed pointless. 
When Y/N said she was done with it all, Damon tried to fight to keep her there. He wanted her to stay but it had already been too late. While she still wanted the memories of everything, including the training she learned over the years, she just didn’t want to be a part of it any more. She wanted to be left alone without the fear that her association with the group would get her killed. And she left. 
There was nothing Damon could say or do to change her mind. He watched her from afar and always kept anything from happening to her. But this he couldn’t control, as much as he wanted to. She had been with the man beside her for a little over a month and Damon never bothered to remember his name. Even when he ‘bumped’ into them while out in the town, Y/N had introduced him and he didn’t care to listen. 
Just as he feared, Damon watched as Y/N’s head tossed back as she laughed. The laughter that filled the air had made him turn his head away for a moment. The amber liquid in his glass no longer appealing to him as he set it down beside him on the side table. He’d never understand how she had changed her mind so quickly. 
His jaw clenched as she looked up at them once more. He could see the way he was leaning into her as he spoke, the way a soft smile pulled at her lips at them. There was a voice inside of him that knew he should walk right over to them and easily pull his heart out. But he knew better. Having Y/N as a distant friend was better than nothing. And if he killed her date, he’d lose her completely. 
I can see you starin', honey
Like he's just your understudy
Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me
From the moment that Y/N had entered the house, Elena had stopped right in front of her. The woman’s brown eyes worried for Y/N before she pulled her over to the side. Y/n looked back over her shoulder at her date, giving a quick apology.  
“What is it?” Y/N asked the moment they were alone. 
“You should know what’s going on if you are going to be here.” Elena offered. Elena knew Y/N for so long that she was happy that the woman wanted nothing more to do with vampires. But even then Elena wanted her safe. 
“No.” Y/N said shaking her head quickly. “I don’t want or need to know. Ignorance is bliss and I’d like to keep it that way.”
“Y/N-” Elena began before Y/N stopped her. 
“I don’t want to know.” Y/N shook her head. “There could be a target on my back and still wouldn’t want to know.”
Elena nodded her head a moment later. That allowed Y/N to go back to her date without another word on the subject. 
“I need a drink.” She said before making a beeline for the bar. Liam’s chuckle came from behind her before he began following her over. 
“What was that all about?” He asked as he placed his hand on the small of her back as he came to a stop beside her at the bar. 
“The usual girl talk.” She lied before she ordered a drink. Liam definitely needed to be dragged into things. Especially if she herself was trying to get out of it herself. 
Y/N felt that as long as they didn’t stick around for long, they’d be okay. That the two of them would leave the moment she felt that things might change. She could easily put it as if she was ready to leave the place. Anything to keep herself out of it and not a part of it at the same time. 
“While I may not know what girl talk entails, but there was that very obvious feeling that something was wrong.” Liam said as he removed his hand from her back and grabbed the drink that had been placed in front of him. “Your friends seem to care.”
She laughed. It wasn’t an authentic laugh as she looked over at him. “They do care. But sometimes friends grow apart and when that happens, it mostly feels like strangers.”
“And what of your ex?” He asked with a slight raise of his brow. “Because by the looks of things, he’s looked this way a few times.”
It was then that Y/N had looked around at her surroundings. She followed Liam’s line of sight that led straight to Damon. There was a moment where their eyes met briefly before he turned to look away.  She bit on the inside of her cheek as she took in the way he looked before he had. 
She hadn’t missed the way his jaw ticked. Or the way that his eyes had darkened as he looked at the two of them from across the room. She knew his eyes well enough to know when there was guilt and anger swarming within them. It was the way his fist had clenched at his sides as he turned his attention away from her. Yet, no matter how much she had believed what she was doing was the best, there was that part of her that still loved the vampire. 
But she knew that this was what she wanted. This was how she was going to survive.This was how she was going to live a long enough life without the fear of someone coming after her. 
Second, third, and hundredth chances
Balancin' on breaking branches
Those eyes add insult to injury
It was as Y/N had excused herself some time later that Damon managed to pull her to the side. The annoyed look on Y/N’s face had told Damon that she wasn’t looking forward to hearing anything that he had to say. But he needed to try something, anything to ensure that Y/N was safe. 
“You shouldn’t be here.” He said the moment they were alone. 
She laughed and shook her head. “Not be at the party that I’ve been invited to?”
“Elena told me she tried explaining things to you and you didn’t listen.” His voice was calm, but Y/N could easily begin to pick up the slight tones of anger within them. 
“You guys don’t get to tell me how I can live my life.” Her eyes met his. “We’ve done this, Damon. Time and time again. I would listen to what you and Stefan had to say about things and I still got hurt in the process.”
She wasn’t wrong and Damon knew that. For as many times as they had faced enemies with in the town, Y/N was end up in the crossfire. May it have been from attempting to keep Elena safe or even Damon. She hated that no matter how many times they believed they had won and could leave peacefully, it would never last. 
“You still need to be somewhere else before things go down. Go to his place or wherever it is that you feel like going, but just don’t be here.” It was the way that his eyes softened at his words that made a familiar feeling stir within Y/N’s chest. 
This was how he pulled her in. One moment she could be pissed at him for his actions and all he had to do was give her the look he was now and she’d begin to comply. Compulsion was never necessary with her. Not when she cared enough. 
Her head shook again. “The point of me doing this is to make sure that I am living the life that I want. Not going by things that you need or Elena needs. This is about me now. “
I think I've seen this film before
“You think you aren’t doing things.” Damon began. “But who do you think has been helping out to keep you safe? Who’s been the one to ensure you haven’t ended up dead twice since you decided to leave.”
“I never asked you to!” Her voice raised slightly as she shook her head. “If I am supposed to die, then let it happen. I needed to feel like my human self. I needed the space to be able to breathe again. I couldn’t do that any more. Why are you being so difficult about letting me go?”
Damon ran his hand along his face. “So I’m supposed to live with the fact that you would willingly die even if you were given a warning?”
“Yes.” She said as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You will live with it. Because I’m not changing my mind on this.”
“I can’t let you do that.” He hated the words but they were already out there. 
She chuckled. “Do you even hear yourself? This is the exact conversation that we’ve had plenty of times before. I can’t continue to do this when you only listen to what you want.”
“You know I listen-”
“Stop.” she cut him off. “You didn’t. I said and showed every reason why I no longer wanted to do this. Before the Mikaelsons, after the Travelers, I wanted an out. I wanted to feel like my life wasn’t in someone’s control. And yet at every turn when I felt that I should go and I would tell you, you gave me some kind of reason to stay and do it all over again.”
Damon tried to piece the things she was talking about together. Hazy memories would come to mind of their fights. And in the mix of them yelling at each other, there were the moments where Y/N had told Damon she was leaving. Each time he somehow convinced her to stay. But the hurt that was in her eyes remained until finally one day she left without telling anyone. 
He took a step towards her and she raised her hand up to stop him. He opened his mouth to say something, anything. They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. A silent conversation between them. One that was familiar. One that was comfortable. At least that was until Y/N turned and looked away, tears beginning to fill her eyes as she took a step back.
“I still love you Damon.” She said after a moment before looking back at him. “But I can’t. I can’t keep this life.” That was the last thing she said before walking away from him. 
Damon stood there for a few moments after she walked away. His hand ran down his face once more. When he turned to leave, he stopped in his tracks at who was standing at the door. Caroline had her hands behind her back, a guilty look on her face. 
“How much of that did you hear?” He asked, slightly annoyed. 
“Most of us heard it from the party.” She said with a slight shrug. “Those of us that were vampires, at least. A particular human though, heard the end of it. Elena is compelling him so that when he gets back to Y/N, he won't remember the argument you two had.”
“Should have just let him go.” Damon said no longer looking at the blonde. 
Caroline sighed. “Believe it or not, she’s happier without us interfering in her life. If you care about her at all, you should let her go.”
Damon’s head snapped back towards her. There was disbelief on his face. Everyone else had simply agreed to let her go. After years of them being in her life, they were willing to throw it all away. 
Damon didn’t think it was possible to do it. And after numerous times of getting her to stay, this time he couldn’t do it. Damon knew that he had lost Y/N. 
And I didn't like the ending
All WorksTag (The tag to be notified for everything I write):
@xoxo-nikki-xoxo @mrs-jackson-kenner @mizzzpink @amariaamaris​
Always and Forever Tags (All things TVDU): @taylordrunkonwhiskey​ @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan​ @neeadinghugs​ @fafulous​ @kenmen02​ @elizamonet​ @dora-the-grownup​ @mschellehitt​ @xanderling​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @buckysarm4​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @helenasingers​ @hellotvshowtrash​ @dpaccione​ @dumble-daddy​ @theactressstaringinyourbaddream @maldita-world​ @nikmikaelsonswife​  @elijahs-wife​ @avala-moon​  @swearingsolemnly​ @hey-there-angels​ @akshi8278​ @imgoingtofreakoutnow​ @r13mar​ @raemikaelson​ @harpersmariano​
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The Vampire Diaries Tag: (All Things The Vampire Diaries) @akshi8278​ @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​
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kpopfanfictrash · 3 years ago
i really love how jk and y/n are 'older' in L2H, they're both business people and nearing their thirties and i think thats so realistic. most of the ceo!jk fics i've read are always with him being very young like 21 or so and thats not always realistic. in your fic jk seems to have a lot of experience and that seems more realistic for a 27 year old and hot (!) (in my opinion at least). Anyways i just felt like sharing this, because your writing is excellent and i feel like small details like this just make everything better. im also rooting for jk x oc!!! i really wish we can see more of them together and just being happy, i think thats what they deserve after everything they've gone through. also i hope creepy liam goes bankrupt or something cuz im not having any of his shit lmaoo
also i really hope we get to see jk and oc bond with each other and even do some couple things like going on dates :(( idk thats just so cute and jk seems like someone who would love his partner A LOT and oc looks like someone who slowly opens up so us maybe seeing more of that with jk (since she already kind of opened up) will literally have my heart doing backflips. anyways i feel like i'm going on a rant, so let me close this off by saying that i absolutely love your story and especially L2H and i cant wait for the future chapters! much love!!
Even Jungkook's age in the story is kind of unrealistic for a CEO, but I could at least see it happening! 🤣 ahh, I'm so glad to hear you enjoy reading about slightly older characters! And lmaoo about Liam going bankrupt 😂 afraid I can't divulge anything re: the latter paragraph, but I hope you do enjoy the ending! Thank you so much for reading and sending me this message, anon! Hope you're doing well!
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yorit1 · 4 years ago
Pack Hunt
Stiles was excited the pack was spending the weekend together in the wilderness to go on a hunt. The beta that hunted the best wins a prize from Derek and Stiles. Stiles was getting everything ready for their days in the wilderness. Stiles was not a wolf, so he needed extra things to be prepared. Stiles was in his and Derek bedroom, ensuring that he has everything he needs for their weekend in the wilderness. 
Stiles suddenly felt arms around him and saw that Derek was there. Derek was all ready to go and was waiting for Stiles to finish packing. He hugged WStiles close to him and kissed him on the cheek. 
“I’m so excited for this weekend. We get to spend time with the pack. And they get to hunt for us. I’m excited to see what they get and how close we will be as a pack. This is exactly what the pack needs to grow stronger and be closer. This will be an amazing weekend,” Stiles babbled on to Derek excitedly. 
Derek nuzzled himself into Stiles as Stiles babbled and hummed along. He wanted the pups to have a good weekend and for them to all grow closer as a pack. He hoped that this worked. Stiles had a lovely neck, and it was comforting him in the meantime. Stiles was Derek’s comfort and safe space, and he will always bury himself in him when he needs that comfort. 
“Sourwolf Im all ready to go. Are the pups here?” Stiles said as he patted Derek’s face affectionately. 
Derek and Stiles walked downstairs and saw the rest of the pack were ready and waiting for them. They were all excited and bursting with excited energy. Isaac and Erica ran to Stiles and cuddled him so they could release some of their excited energy with them. Stiles hugged them, and the three of them enjoyed each other’s company. 
Derek went over the rules for the weekend and then led them out of the hose further into the preserve. They would be hunting in teams of two, and for safety reasons, they should stay with their packmate at all times. 
Derek and Stiles would be staying together. Scott and Isaac were on one team, Boyd and Erica were on another team. Lydia and Allison were watching just like Stiles. Kira and Malia made the non-wolf team, but they felt comfortable and were confident they could win.  And Jackson and Liam were in the last group. 
“Go, go, go, the best hunt will win a special award decided by Stiles,” Derek called out.
The betas started running in different directions to hunt after bunnies and whatever else they could find. Derek shifted into his wolf form, and Stiles was sitting down and petting him. Allison and Lydia talked among them close to the Alpha pair, enjoying this time just to be together and spend time with each other. They were looking towards Stiles and saw how comfortable he was and were happy that they could spend this time as a pack. 
“Allison, Lydia, anything new? How are your classes?” Stiles asked. 
Most of the pack was in college. Stiles was too, and he was wondering how their classes were going. It was his role as pack mom to ensure that everyone was doing well in their classes. This was his opportunity to hear from everyone and see how they were doing. 
“My classes are going well. I have a lot of work to do, but nothing I can’t handle,” Lydia said confidently. 
“I knew you could do it. You will win all the awards. I know you will, Lyds. I’m so proud of you,” Stiles said and hugged Lydia close to him. 
“Classes are going well for me. I also got on the archery team, and I’m enjoying being on it. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to utilise my skills,” Allison said. 
“My little archer, you are the best. You could go and win all those medals. You are making Derek and me proud of how well you are doing,” Stiles said and hugged Allison. 
Both Allison and Lydia were so happy with the praise that they got from Stiles. What Stiles thought of them mattered to them. 
The three of them all hugged and chatted amongst each other as Stiles continued to pet Derek’s fur. 
Derek suddenly moved his head up in alert. They were letting Stiles know that someone was coming. Derek was calm, meaning it was someone in their pack and not in any danger. Lydia would have also alerted them if there was anything, and Allison has her gear if she needed to use it. Stiles also put some protective spells around the preserve to protect the pack. 
Stiles was excited to see who was coming and what they had brought. It was exciting to have the pack go on a hunt, and he wanted to see what they had brought them. 
Isaac and Scott came and were excited by what they brought. They were running up to Stiles and dropped the kill in front of him. 
Stiles looked down and was shocked by what he saw. 
It was a bunny. A cute one and small and fluffy. Or it had been. 
“A bunny, thanks so much. I’m sure Derek knows exactly what to do with a bunny,” Stiles said as he looked at the bunny and back at Scott and Isaac. 
Isaac came into Stiles for some cuddled and Stiles happily accepted them. 
“I’m so proud of you, Isaac. You did such a good job. YOu provided me with a nice bunny.” Stiles said as he pets Isaac’s hair. Isaac was cuddled into Stiles side Stiles sitting between Derek and Isaac and rubbing them both. 
They heard another rustle of leaves and saw that Erica and Boyd were there. They came and dropped their hunt right in front of Stiles. 
“A beaver, nice. This is amazing. I’m so proud of you.” Stiles said as he looked at Both Erica and Boyd. 
“Thanks, mom. We worked hard on this. It was amazing,” Erica said. 
Erica went to sit next to Allison and Lydia on the chairs that were set there. Boyd stood where he was and quietly watched as everything unfolded. 
Scott pointed to Boyd to get some wood when the hunt was over, and they went together to collect some wood for a fire. 
The next thing they know, they see Liam and Jackson there, and they drop their hunt in front of Stiles.  
“A squirrel. Good job, Liam. You did good,” Stiles said as he pets Liam’s hair. 
“Hey, I did well too. YOu cant forget me can you Stilinski,” Jackson said in a cocky tone. 
“Of course, how can I forget you? Oh great one,” Stiles said sarcastically.  
Stiles was happy as the pack sat together. And were exchanging stories about their hunt. 
“Jackson go help Scott and Boyd get some wood,” Stiles told Jackson. 
Jackson went to get some wood, and Liam came to sit next to Isaac and Stiles. 
“How was the hunt pup?” Stiles asked. 
Isaac and Liam told Stiles about how the hunt went, and Stiles and Derek listened as the pack’s Alpha parents. 
Suddenly Kira and Malia arrived and were carrying their hunt. They seemed proud of themselves. They dropped the kill in front of Stiles and waited to see what he would say. 
“A dear, mega, this is amazing. No one but Derek has ever hunted a dear for me before. Wow, this is so cool,” stiles said excitedly and flailed as he was speaking. 
Stiles and Derek looked at each other and knew what they were thinking. They knew who the winner of this little hunt was. 
“We are proud to announce the winner of this hunt. Now everyone will get a small prize, but the winners get a big present. Malia, Kira, you have won the first prize, and as a gift, you get a brand new car,” Stiles said. Derek shifted back into human form and was proudly presenting them the keys to their new car. 
Derek and Stiles hugged each other as they watched the pack embrace each other. 
“We have other prizes for all of you to enjoy. We hope that you all had fun on this pack hunt. We want us to be a strong pack and enjoy time together. That’s why we do these things,” Derek said in his ALpha voice. 
Scott, Boyd, and Jackson brought the firewood back and decided it was time to try the winnings. 
“Okay, firewood, it here, let us start a fire and try the different things you hunted. I’m excited to try it all. I’m so proud of all of you.” Stiles said. 
The pack worked together to build a fire and cook the meat. It was great for them all to work together. When the food was ready, Stiles sat on top of Derek, and the two of them enjoyed tasting the things their pack brought them. Derek and Stiles were very proud of their pups.
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iaminlovewithtrr · 4 years ago
Christmas with a stranger
This is my submission for 'gift of cheer' by @cordonianroyalty and @texaskitten30. This is the fluff one shot requested by @anjanettaexcordonia.
Characters belong to pixelberry
A/N: this is the first fic I have ever written, so i apologize for any mistakes. Criticism is openly accepted, negative or otherwise. Feel free to say anything!
Tags: @texaskitten30 @cordonianroyalty
@kat-tia801 @eadanga @xxrainbow-princessxx @knightthunderis @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @stuti-singh @queenrileyrose @bbrandy2002 @twinkleallnight @bebepac @ladyrileyrussel @hopelessromanticsposts @dcbbw
Summary: Two strangers spend Christmas day with which each other, which changes the rest of their lives.....
Song inspiration: All I want for Christmas is you
Word count:2683
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I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
Don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas Day
I just want you for my own
It was the morning of Christmas, and Riley was overly excited. She always waited for this time of the year, especially Christmas. Nothing is more enjoyable than sipping cider in the presence of her beloved and enjoying the Christmas meal, she always thoughts. Orphaned at 4 ,she didn't had a blood family to celebrate with , but was blessed with a great deal of foster family and friends. Every year, during Christmas, as a sort of tribute, she spends the entire day celebrating with the children of her previous foster care. Watching those kids playing merrily reminded her of her own good days in the past.
She quickly ate her breakfast and made her way out of her NY apartment, whistling and softly humming to the tune of All I want for Christmas is you, her favorite song.
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
She was so engrossed in her little singing gig that she barely registered the stranger coming towards her, and crashed right into his broad chest, spilling her reticule's content on the sidewalk.
"Oof"she yelped, rubbing her forhead.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Let me help with those! " the stranger apologized.
Riley and the stranger kneeled down at the same moment to collect her scattered belonging, and for the first time the two glanced into each others eyes. Ocean blue eyes locking onto dark ones. Damn... Those eyes.. Riley swallowed.
"Ahem" she softy cleared her thought, quickly collected her belongings, and stood up.
"Sorry for that. Should've watched my steps. " then she quickly disappeared into the crowd, not noticing the stranger eyes on her from behind.
Riley finally arrived at the foster care. Loving hearts. A bit strange name, but filling her chest with warmth nonetheless. She rummaged through her reticule for her Digital key card, but it was not there.
"Uh...?"she muttered. "Where the hell is my keycard? "
After a few moment of searching she gave up. "Im not going to get in there without my key card...."
"Excuse me Miss.... But I belive this is yours. " a voice behind her startled her.
Riley turned around and found herself staring at the pair of those same dark eyes she encountered earlier. I'd recognise those eyes anywhere, even though I had stared at his eyes for less than 5 seconds. The (cute) guy i bumped with!
"Ahem" the stranger let out a exaggerated cough and riley realised that she has been staring at his face for a solid 10 seconds.
"Right.. Ahem... Sorry... I mean... Thank you for returning this. You totally saved my ass--, i mean my...my...job". Way to make a fool of yourself Riley.
The stranger laughed quitly. "Well then I am glad I could save your job. But I should get going."
Just as he turned, a little voice in the back of her head called out to her, and instinctively she reached out and grabbed his sleeve.
"Er... Sir... I know this is extremly forward of me... But if you would be kind enough to spend the day with volunteering at the orphanage I work at? We are kinda short-staffed tonight, and there aren't much volunteers. Those children at the orphanage will be quite happy to see a new face. You could spend the with them. And me. If you are free, that is?
Crap. Crap. Crap. This i really asked a random hot stranger to volunteer?! Snap the hell out of it Riley!
Plz say yes. Plz say yes. The little voice inside her screamed.
To her surprise, he gave her a smile. "Id be happy to. I don't have any special plans for today. Btw. "
He smiled, and stuck out her hand to shake hers.
"Liam Rys"
"Riley Brooks". She said she she shook his hand. A familiar electric tinge sparked through her veins as she held his hand. His hand impossibly smooth underneath her. Woah! Are guys even supposed to have this soft hands? I wonder what kind of moisturiser he uses....
"Miss Brooks --"
"Call me Riley. "
"Well ahem, Riley.. it is rather cold outside. What say we make it inside? "
"Oh right."
She quickly swiped her keycard and stepped inside, sighing contentedly as the warm air from the heaters enveloped her. She melted a little inside as she felt Liam's warm body alongside her. Brushing this aside, she focused her attention on the scenario in front of her. Numerous gift boxes piled beneath the Christmas tree... Children merrily running and there... Volunteers mingling with each other and the children... The aroma of the food... And the Christmas songs softly playing in the background. A wide smile played on her lips.
While Riley was busy observing the surroundings, Liam found his sight stuck on the beautiful women he had known for not more than 15 minutes. She was beautiful, in a way that the noble ladies back at home in Cordonia arn't. And seeing her here in here element, smiling widely without giving a damn about public decorum or whatsoever, he found himself attracted to her. And without a second thought, he agreed to volunteer. We'll see how the day goes...
Liam cleared his throat, claiming her attention. "So what needs to be done? "
"As you can see this is a orphanage, so the children here dont have any families to celebrate the holidays with. So each year, myself and many other gather here to celebrate the celebrate with them. Thats what we have to do. Mingle with the children, play with them... And make them feel loved. "
"Sure. I can definately do that. I actually volunteered too at orphanages back home."
"If I may ask, Where are you from?
Liam immediately stiffened at the question. When he asked his father for a quiet getaway before the beginning of the social season, meeting Riley was not on the itinerary. And the fact that he was leaving Tommorow didnt helped either. The last thing he wanted to do was to lie with her, but he wasn't going to destroy these good moments he had with her by revealing that he was the crown prince of cordonia.
"I'm actually from one of the small islands surrounding Greece. "
Before she could open her mouth to ask more, Liam immediately turned away to play with one of the children.
The day went on quite peacefully and quite enjoyable for Liam. Holidays back home were anything besides spending with families. It was all about press conferences and photo ops and disguised motives hidden away in gifts. But here I was a lot more different, the sight of children playfully jostling each other without giving a damn made him smile, as that was the part of childhood he missed.
He suddenly felt a small hand on his shoulder and his pulse quickened at the feel of skin over his clothes. Behind her was Riley, holding a eggnog mug in her hands.
"Not to ruin your volunteering gig, but I got you something. "She said as she handed him the mug. Their fingers brushed, and lingered for just a moment longer.
"Ahem. Thank you. " Liam blushed, his ears turning pink.
Riley chucked softly at his antics. He is already so cute, and looks extra cute while he blushes.
Night came quickly. After winding up all the activities for the day including the gift exchanging and christmas dinner, all the children were put to bed and the volunteers were bidding their goodbyes. Only the foster care staff plus liam was left behind.
Riley glanced around. All the staff were mingling on the rooftop, with only her and Liam left in the main hall.
"Hey.... " she softly asked Liam, who was lounging in a chair beside her.
"Yeah? "
"Will you accompany me for a little walk around the times square? I just wanna clear my head a bit. " And hopefully spend some time with you...
He smiled. "Sure! Just let me get my coats. "
The pair walker out of the building and into the cold, brisk night. Celebrations were in full swing outside. Its called the city who never sleeps for Nothing.
Outside was really cold, and with the softly falling snow Riley barely suppressed the shiver that ran up het spine. Suddenly she felt strong arms around her shoulders and a moment later a coat was wrapped around them.
"I would be a terrible gentleman if a let a beautiful lady like you freeze to death. "
"Beautiful, huh? " she teased.
He blushed. That blush.
They both arrived at the square, staring at the enormous Christmas tree situated in the very middle. The glow of the lights and mini bulbs bathing them both in a gentle bluish light.
"Its really beautiful, isnt it? Riley asked. Just as she turned her head towards him liam's eyes quickly found their ways towards the decoration. Was he really admiring me than the beautiful decoration in front of him? Was it possible that he was feeling the same fluttering in his heart that she felt whenever they interacted? No, it can't be. I am reading onto this too much. We are strangers. Strangers.
"Indeed it is. " Liam quitly whispered, hiding the blush in his cheeks. Crap, she caught him staring at her. I hope she doesnt think i am creep or something. To Liam even the most beautiful decorations paled in front of her, she was more beautiful than any sights he had laid his eyes on. Don't get too attached, Liam. Its temporary. You are going to leave tomorrow. There can nothing be between you and her. You have a duty back home. This is just a little escape from reality. They are strangers. Strangers.
Just then the local band striked up a a waltz. All around them peoples paired up, with Riley watching the couples with a hopeful gleam in her eyes... which didnt went unnoticed by Liam. And in that moment, he knew what he had to do.
Liam bowed a little in front of her, and held out his hand, his other arm draped around his back. "May I have this dance? "
She smiled as she put her hand into his, her pulse quickning, "It would be my pleasure. "
She awkwardly bowed, earning a chuckle from Liam as he sweeped her in his arms, her one hand on his shoulder, his on her waist, their free hand twined together. They elegantly twirled together on the makeswift dance floor, stepping in time to each rhythm. As they glided together, liam couldnt help but gaze down at her angelic face, illuminated by the surroundings. His gaze strayed to her lips just as Riley glanced at him, they met each other halfway as their lips come together in a magnetic kiss. Time seemed to stopped when his lips met hers, and the flutter in their chest intensified. Riley's finger gently curled in his coat as liam tangled his hands in her soft brown curls. She smelled like jasmine, a scent that liam is all too familiar with. Their hands tighten around each other, almost desperately, refusing to let go, their lips moving against each other in perfect harmony. Liam tightened his arm around her waist, pulling her into his chest, and Riley softly sighed as she breathed in the scent of him.
For that moment it was only the two of them in the entire world, all the surroundings fading into nothing. Their little bubble of heaven was broken as the pair heard the the sound of clapping and soft cheering. Flustered, Liam grasped her hand and led both of them out of the dance floor and into the streets, grinning all the way.
The two of them found themselves at the threshold of a quint restaurant, and they both collapsed onto the stairs, still holding each other while wearing goofy smiles.
"So... That was.... Something else.. " Riley chuckled.
"Indeed it was. " Liam snickered.
As he glanced down at the lady in his arms, Liam felt a sudden tinge of guilt in his chest. I still haven't told her who I am. I have to tell her.
After her laughter had subsided, Liam gently took her shoulders in his hands and looked square in her eyes. "Riley, can I have a word with you? "
"Yeah... What happened? "
"I haven't told you where I am from, or what I am doing alone in a unknown city without my family. The truth is I am the Crown Prince of a small country called Cordonia. "
Riley stared at him, then burst into laughter. "Haha, Liam, nice joke. If you are a crown prince then i'm Kate Middleton." She stopped laughing when she saw the look on his face. "Oh, you are serious?"
Liam nodded. "Of course. I have no reason to lie to you. I just wanted to let you know that....that...." He struggled to move forward. "That i'll be leaving for Cordonia Tommorow morning. My social season will commence once I get back. I have to choose a bride from all the noble ladies presented to me as suitors. "
Her face fell. "You... You are really going back... I just thought we.... " She trailed off.
"I knew Riley, and I am sorry that I didn't told you sooner. I understand if you are mad--"
"Of course im not mad Liam. You did what you thought was the best. You just wanted a nice time without wandering about your duties."
"I... I wished we had more time together Riley." He whispered.
"Then lets make the most of it. We just have this night tonight, Liam. And I want to make it count. For just this one night let's just be Riley and Liam, two peoples without any obligations.
Riley pointed to the mistletoe over their head, then leaned forward to capture his lips in a heated kiss. He immediately responded, his hand cupping the side of her neck tenderly as she ran her hair through his dark hair. They pulled apart, staring into each others eyes, then their lips came together again, more passionately this time.
"Merry Christmas, Riley."
"Merry Christmas, Liam."
The night was spend together in Liam's suite, tangled in the sheets and in each other's arms.
The next morning
Liam woke up in his room.... Alone. He glanced around, none of Riley's belongings were in sight. A single note was on the coffee table beside the bed.
I want you to know that the short time I have spend with you more to me than I could describe. You gave me the one thing I wanted most for Christmas...Family. I'm grateful for that. I'm sorry that I had to convey this to you by a letter, but i thought it would be better for both of us. Perhaps we will meet again.
Liam reached and wiped the lone tear that has escaped on his cheek. "I'm grateful for our time together too, Riley.
It was the evening of the masquerade ball in the palace. Liam was dressed in his usual black regalia with a matching ornate mask. No matter how hard he tried, his thoughts managed to make their way back to Riley. Be a good prince, Liam. She's gone.
Liam stood in the huge elegant ballroom, a queue of noble ladies in front of him. Each lady he encountered, whether it was the poodle loving lady Penelope, the diplomat's daughter Kiara, or his best friend Olivia, made him realize that none of them were her.
The next lady approached, who was adorned in a white angel costume, with a literal halo above her head, her blue eyes peeking out of the glittering mask. Why are those eyes familiar...
"Hello..." Liam greeted her politely. "I don't believe we have met... Have we?"
The women smiled, then reached behind the back of her head to loosen the mask strings, Liam caught a glimpse of a familiar face as she removed her mask.
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freakygirlie · 4 years ago
Walker- 1x04 ~spoilers~
I know i’ve said this a dozen times...but Walker just keeps getting better and better and better! With every. single. episode. I loved everything about this episode so much and again! Jared live-tweeting it was the best!!! I watched this episode at 3 am lats night again help.
~spoilers~ last warning!!!
OK SO CRDIREZ BEAUTY EPISODE!!! YES! I loved loved loved loved the development of their friendship in this episode SO MUCH! 
First scene Cordirez and them badass rangers catching bad guys together YES!!! Walker trying to find out Micki’s middle name is so cute pls. 
I really enjoyed the case they worked here as well. It was both deep and emotional and that twist! YEPPPP SIGN ME UP.
THE BAR SCENE WITH WALKER AND MICKI. AGAIN THEIR FRIENDSHIP! The episode title fit so well here and I’m glad Micki and Walker have really reached a good understanding on a friend and partner level. THEY\RE THE CUTEST PLEASE I LOVE THEM. 
‘‘walker where’s my drink’‘ ok every word micki and cordell exchanged with each other was the best??? 
I really adored the tiny exchange between Stella and Walker. Speaks volumes of how much they’ve progressed since the pilot. Walker and Stella’s dynamic I ADORE so seeing them at really good terms is just beautiful.
Annnddd now August is being the rebellious kid. 
I’m glad they brought up Belle’s case here as well bc i thought they’d completely overshadowed it. STELLA AND BELLE ARE SO CUTE! I WANT SO MUCH MORE OF THEM
Micki and Walker working the case ‘off the books’! YES PARTNERS IN CRIME. or well soving crime. i didn’t like monty shaw too much anyways...idk bad vibes. WALKER DEFENDING MICKI AND SAYING SHE CAN FEND FOR HERSELF. I COMBUSTED.
*sigh* The Harlan Family. Classic Rich People.
‘‘can we keep this one off the books’‘ ‘‘OFF THE BOOKS???’‘ ‘‘are you kidding me off the books is my middle name. Just kidding it’s Beauregard what’s yours’‘ HHAHAH NICE TRY WALKER I LAUGHED SO HARD THEY’RE ADORABLE.
Cordell Beauregard Walker- such a fucking handful!
‘‘You got it ranger rick!’‘ PLSJJCDDFJFD. ‘‘that was so satisfying’‘ same micki same.
‘‘on a scale from micki to muskrat where am i’‘ ‘‘floriana’‘ THAT LOOK THO.  HSHSHSHS DONT WORRY WALKER YOU’LL GET THERE.
-I love how this show is really taking the time to address the difficulties someone like Micki- A Female Latina would go through- the sexism, blatant disrespect and disregard. Micki’s character is also something that’s very well written and acted(Lindsey ily) and portrayed extremely well. One of my favorite things about Walker is how he really trusts Micki, views her as an equal, and wants to earn her trust, not demand it. It’s perfect(cordirez breakdown time). Micki is also slowly letting her fences down around him and it’s a huge and very delightful to see step. I love and adore their friendship and chemistry so much. 
Trey is such an amazing boyfriend truly! THE TOWEL ON HIS SHOULDERS DJSFDJFD AND AH THE COMIC MICKI DREW??/ ADORABLE. Also love how encouraging and supportive Trey is. The men in this show are the best.
LIAM AND WALKER SCENE. I love their dynamic too and i wanna see moreee. Also more micki and liam scenes yes please.
‘‘thanks brother very supportive’‘ i sobbed when he called him brother. i just. *screams*
Ok so Abby and Bonham really had a bad falling out huh. Abby was in an affair with someone who still misses her??? Damn, can’t wait to see how this one progresses. ALSO WALKER FINDING THAT LETTER FROM GARY TO ABBY IN THE BASEMENT I FREAKEDDD,
Aight so August and Ruby is a biG NO OK. Like idk idk idk just idk.
THE PHONE THAT WALKER HAD. ONE OF THE CONTACTS WAS WINCHESTER AUTO. W I N C H E S T E R  A U T O. Jensen coming to the show owning this shop and Walker going to him to get his car fixed when Jared Padalecki.
‘‘micki gives a play by play of the security footage’‘ ‘‘we’re watching the same thing micki’‘ *bitchface* PLS I LOVE THEM.
Holy shit Mrs. Harlan having an affair with Monty??? ENZO BEING BOB’S SON??? HOT DAMN THE CASE CONTINUES. Again. LOVE THE WORK/FAMILY BALANCE.
‘‘walker! bulldog it!!’‘ HSHJDSHDSJ YES.
Success!!!! The Micki and Walker and Larry scene at the end was so cute! I like how they’re actually invested in their jobs and want to do good it’s so heartwarming.
WALKER CALLING TREY TO FIND OUT MICKI’S FAV THINGS!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Also I genuinely love that Trey wasn’t weirded out by it or jealous or anything.  Can’t wait to see them interact I NEED IT!.
‘‘thanks for believing in me’‘ ‘‘i didnt. i trusted you.’’ HELP STOP MY FEELS.
That last scene with Walker and his mom was so touching. Walker’s relationship with his parents is so sweet. His mom hugging him and comforting him when Walker said he missed emily so much *cries* I just wanna hold him please. 
August being worried for his father’s happiness I JUST. YOU SWEET BOY. I really think messaging Twyla was a baaaaddd move though.
WALKER AND AUGUST SELFIE. The way Walker so easily just picked his son and brought him to him, made him family photographer and that scene. THE BEST. 
I genuinely don’t think anything happened between Twyla and Walker. But we’ll have to see.
oKAY SO. Captain James??? It’s just an on and off thing. Do I trust him? Do i don’t? Why did he take those surveillance vids out??? I trust Liam with it and i’m glad he’s looking into it and all. Hopefully it doesn’t backfire badly. I have a very bad feeling that James had something to do with Emily’s death.
THAT STELLA AND BELLE INTERACTION. SO CUTE. Stella giving that jar of jame to try and make up and Belle being all cute and funny I love them. For a sec i was so scared Belle might yell at her but I’m very happy to see that they’re going strong despite all the circumstances- Belle’s parent’s deportation.
ALSO TREVOR IS SO HOT??? I like him and Stella they’re cute. Stella so obviously has a huge crush on him and they ride horses so well together. HHAHAHAH THAT DANCE STELLA DID WHEN HE FOLLOWED HER ON INSTA. SO RELATABLE.
The last Tricki scene mY HEART. ‘’you wanted a hero so you drew one. then you became one’’ Micki is going to be such an inspiration I love her. And the way they interacted, Trey getting a job!!! And Micki’s excitement, THEIR HUG!!! ‘’hugging is one of my superpowers’’ TREY BARNETT I LOVE YOU.
Anyways! As you can see the entire episode was so enjoyable and I loved it. The best part of this was definitely the Cordirez friendship development and i cannot wait to see where it goes from here!
Speculation/Thoughts for Episode 5:- So it’s for sure that Walker is going back undercover as Duke who’s a baseball...person? Idk he was wearing a baseball hat so :) Walker’s past is now very much mixed in with his present and I AM SCARED. What he’s doing is yet to be revealed but Tywla is coming back and that will just. mess. things. up. The scene in which Walker is yelling at August GOD SO NOT READY FOR THAT. It feels like him and his kids might go back to how they were before. I really don’t want that to happen. Also why am I expecting a major cliffhanger. 
And it’s going on hiatus. Idk how to deal with that. :(
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savageandwise · 4 years ago
12, 15, 21, 24
12. Favourite character to write this year:
Liam! He's just a joy to write. I love him. I love going on twitter and trying to get him to answer questions I need for fics. I'm just plain enjoying writing him.
15. something I learned this year:
How to write a passable Mancunian dialect
21. Favourite comment i received this year:
I got so many really great comments! I'm super grateful for them. My favourites have been the very long reviews of Throw the Wine. It's been a long time since I first posted that so I'm glad people are still reading.
This is my all time favourite comment I got this year:
From Elle_Jay (Jace_Lester) :
I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS FIC FOR DAYS!!! I read it on the subway on my way to work and got absolutely transfixed, and im so happy i finally have a sec to comment because holy shit this is what I've been desperately hoping i would be able to read some day. Gallaghercest is inherently dark, this dynamic holds so much power imbalance and the curcumstsnces which surrounded the two of them, both in childhood and the oasis era, were complex. SO to frame their relationship frok the lens of a HOROR/THRILLER IS SO BRILLIANT because, while the horror partially "lies in fear of the unknown," with all the supernatural stuff going on, but the way their past affects Noel is equally, if not more terrifying. Nothing will change the fact that Noel turned his brother into a victim, and that is something he has to live with for the rest of his life ON HIS OWN, because how will Sara understand? Or mam? Or paul? Or even Liam, who probably doesn't see himself as a victim. JUICY JUICY WORK OP THANK YOU
It really made my year
24. Favourite fic i read this year:
Has to be @cerberusia 's watersports fic in her kinktober 2019 collection. It inspired me to write Stop the Clocks and write for this fandom.
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oh-theatre · 5 years ago
Objection!: Chapter 20
Chapter title: To Thine Own Self
A/n:  TALK ABOUT A BAD CHAPTER AM I RIGHT FELLAS...EYYYYYY. Anyway its Virgils birthday so i wanted to get this chapter out earlier!! Because my boi!! its his birthday!! Im love him!! Im very sorry to how bad this chapter is, its funny cause it basically contains nothing of substance. All I know is that Virgil is a flirty man, anyway enjoy some trash!!
First | Previous | Next
words: 3221
summary: Its Virgils birthday!
pairings: Eventual logicality, prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing, abuse, graphic descriptions, alcohol, blood mention
Ao3 Link  
“Lo?” Patton shakes the lawyer softly, his coat tickling his face softly. Logan startles awake, his glasses falling carefully upon his lopsided face.
“E! Equals Mc scared!” He exclaims, Virgil groans from across the room toppling over to where Remy snores. “What time is it” Logan murmurs, sitting up as he adjusts his glasses. The knot tightens as Patton watched Logan adapt to the morning. His face flustered as the lawyer looked his way. “Oh, good morning Patton” Logan greets.
“Hi” He barely squeaks, he shakes himself out before extending his hand to Logan. Once their fingers connect, a quick warmth spreads over them, their bubble returns locking them safely away from the world. Soon Remy snores himself awake, pop! Patton watches as the bubble crumbles around them. “W-what happened here?” He questions, turning away from Logan.
“The case!” Virgil remembers “Patton! We have something to show you!” He rushes, swiftly taking Patton's hand unbeknownst to the quiet panic that flows over Patton. The relief when Virgil releases him is almost too much, its silly he knows but its a reflex. “Ok, we stayed up all night working on this” He shows Patton the board
“It was all a lie?” Patton reads, his soft eyes tracing the plethora of evidence. “What does that mean?” He inquires, the others turn to each other not sure how to respond. “You all need sleep” Patton decides, he adjusts his scarf making his way towards the door.
“Pat, come on” Logan begs, the lawyer turns cocking his head. “This has to mean something, I believe you ok?” Logan states Patton swallows. “George is innocent”
You'd think after months of fighting tooth and nail, Patton would gleam at those words. But as his eyes fell upon Logans, his entire body felt exhausted, defeated from the battle. Should he never emerge victorious he had already lost, lost something so special, nothing else compared.
“Maybe, but it doesn't matter now” Patton laments “Nothing we can do” He watches the board, a heavyweight places itself upon his chest. Pushing deeply as it constricts his every movement. He sees the others want to say more, after all, they had spent all night, sloppily theorizing. However, the doors opened as two small pairs of feet ran towards him.
“Papa!” Valerie cries jumping into her father's arms. Patton embraces her freely, preparing as Remus joins him, allowing himself to sit in Patton's other arm. After a brief shriek of laughter and moment of kisses, Patton smiles at Emile.
“Thank you so much for taking them last night” Patton gestures, wanting to never let this moment end. The dream he’d held for so long, sometimes he wondered how it ever became a reality. How he, out of all people, was blessed with children.
“Liam?” Patton calls listening as the door squeaked open, a piercing yet familiar sound. After a pause with no response, the lawyer stood from his desk, feeling lightheaded during this dark hour. He pushes through the house, stumbling blindly, a quick fear as rustles happen. He shakes his head allowing a quick smile to spread across his face. “Nothing to fear, I'm safe” He lies
“Cupcake?” A voice from out of the empty dark calls out, Patton really hated the nickname. Oh, how selfish that was. A sweet nickname, a sweet person and Patton hated it.
“Over here” He replies, his hands searching the wall finally reaching the lights. Allowing them to flicker awake. “Hi” He smiles softly, Liam grunts practically tripping over himself as he reaches the couch. Patton leans over, kissing his forehead carefully, adjusting his partner's hair.
“Beer” Liam requests, paying no mind to the kind gesture Patton performs. He could smell the alcohol practically wafting off of Liam, but it was late and he didn't have the energy to...run if need be. Once he returns with his opener, he sits. “What?” Liam mutters as Patton watches him expectantly.
“I was wondering if you had any more time to think...about what I asked you?” Patton began slow, making sure to keep his words simple. Liam huffs, rolling his tired eyes.
“You think you can raise children?” Liam mocks, Patton looks to the window, something comforting about the way the stars twinkled. It reminded him of someone, he couldn't pin it. He smiles again, a facade arises.
“I do, and I think you can too” Patton hopes, more convincing himself really.
“Then you are a fool and really naive if you think that pursuing this is a good thing” Liam finishes, the beer emptied before Patton can process his words. He tumbles as he makes his way mumbling angry to the room. A practically shattered Patton remains, the softest of tears fall from his eyes.
“Patton?” Logan waves gently in front of his face. The lawyer blinks before the lights come back on behind his eyes. He shakes slightly adjusting to his surroundings, shooting a quick look to his children.
“Sorry, must've spaced out!” He smiles shaky, nervous laughter practically pouring from him. “I'm really sorry but I have to go” he announces, the twin's yawn, leaning safely into their father. They loved Emile, they loved all of their dad's friends, but no place, no home, no person would ever feel as safe as Patton. Before he goes, Patton spins on his heel to face Virgil. “Hey, don't forget, my house this Thursday, birthday dinner” He reminds, Virgil bites down a smirk but nods
“You know it” He nods, almost excited at the prospect of some normalcy to return to his life. For almost the entire time he and Patton knew one another, Virgil would spend his birthday evenings at Patton's house. The lawyer would cook an extravagant meal full of the detectives' favorite foods, he would give him gifts and shower him with praises. It didn't change once the kids arrived, it simply improved. No matter what happened during the day, that was set. Breakfast with Roman, lunch with Logan perhaps. A quick ‘Happy Birthday Virge’ from either sure, but Patton's house, seven pm sharp? That was set in stone, and should they grow old, and expand their families far and wide. Virgil knew...it would always be like that.  
“And...done!” Roman cheers to himself, the rough tips of his fingers simply begging for a break. He marvels at his creation, nodding satisfied as he places the gift delicately in his drawer. Making sure its kept safe and hidden until Thursday.
“Judge Reial?” A rasped knock at the door beckons Roman's attention. His gaze falls upon a man waiting at his arch. He stands smiling as the man approaches. “I'm judge James McCoy” He greets, shaking his extended hand. A firm yet soft touch, a quick shiver as they part both sitting once more. “It's an honor to meet you” James admits, Roman feels his face arise. The heat spreading quickly, surely this was a joke?
“Likewise?” He tries, James chuckles. A deep boom, so smooth it moved across Roman pleasantly.
“Apologies, I just transferred here. I've read about your work...I mean you're incredible in court.” Roman had to wonder if he had the wrong person, he was just...himself. “I was requested to come here for a case, then I was offered a job and I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to work with you” He gushes, Romans blush only grows.
“That's so sweet thank you” Roman finds his bearings, a coy smile upon his face. “I mean, I get it all the time” He jokes, mission successful as yet another smile and laugh falls from James’s mouth. “Surely you didn't just move out here for me?”
“Don't flatter yourself” James teases, a smirk upon his face. Roman bites his lip stifling a laugh. “No I mean, I was iffy about taking the job but then my partner….he broke up with me so...new start ya know?” James explains, a raw honesty to his words. Roman nods, trying not to get excited at the developments as they unfold.
“Would you like to have lunch?” Roman blurts, a new sparkle in his eyes. James purses his lips “Thought we could maybe get to know each other” He proposes, Jame wants to hide his smile but his lips have their own mind.
“I'd love nothing more” James agrees, he collects his things at the ring of his phone standing as he goes. “It has been an absolute pleasure” He extends his hand once more, once again tickling Roman with possibility. “Lunch” He finalizes
“Lunch” Roman swoons, his back melting into the chair once more. He can feel his feet tap below him, dancing as the ideas sing throughout his mind.
“Hey Ro” Patton smiles through the door, Roman ushers him in. “You look giddy, what's up?” An uncertain expression befalls the lawyer, Roman shrugs into a shimmy.
“I just met someone” Roman marvels, realizing just how weird his insides felt. It felt like he had reverted ten years, a shiny new judge, he was dumb and easy to trick. He tripped over himself to be seen, and now here he was. People wanted to meet him, to see him. And for what? He wasn't some here, he wasn't this outstanding citizen. He sent people to jail, to spend the rest of their lives suffering.
“Bad people Ro” Virgil would take his hand, their words in whispers as Damian snuggled against them snoring softly. Roman wouldn't dare meet his eyes, fear of falling apart under their caring honesty. They weren't pools of dark mystery, they were swirling clouds of determination and ambition. Virgil's eyes radiated all he conquered, Roman loved them.
“What if they weren't bad? What if I made a mistake” He fears, the words only rising in panic. Virgil cups his face, his gentle hands tracing Romans almost perfect features. “What if I'm just like...him?” Roman dreads even the idea, but he knew it was always there. Forcing its way through the blockade. Virgil leans forward, taking Roman's lips on his own, knowing full well the judge would melt into the gesture. That for just this moment he would feel loved.
“You're not your father Roman, you never will be” Virgil assures, digging the point as far as he can. “Just this conversation, your concerns now, prove that. You care” He identifies, Roman wants to cry, but because for once in his life, he believes that maybe just maybe he really isn't. That all of his efforts and work, paid off. He is not his father.
Roman should feel sad, he misses Virgil so much. His stomach tug as even the slightest thing causes him to reminisce. But he's not, he loves Damian and he...cares for Virgil. Knowing that he's safe means the world. And something just cleared for him when Virgil uttered the words. As though he finally understood. He was...almost free. Should Virgil ever want to pursue him again or not, Roman would…
“Be ok” Roman mumbles, Patton stops his rocking of the stroller, the twins remain sleeping. “I'll be ok” He gleams. Patton forces a smile, nodding proudly of his friend. I wonder what that's like.
“That's good Ro, I'm proud of you” Patton squeezes his hand, his gaze returning to his source of joy. The twins sprawled across the stroller, sleeping carefully, cuddled with their respective stuffed toys.
“I...have a date!” He tilts his head, uneasy smile “Kind of?” He questions, Patton laughs.
“Oh?” He wonders, biting his lips as Virgil's name appears in his head.
“He's a judge, he just transferred here, he's cute and we are having lunch together” Roman finishes, drumming the desk lightly. “Guess too fast is my middle name!” He jokes, Patton swallows as his own words trail his mind, the crushing look Logan gave him replaying like an old station.
“Light and breezy” Patton nods slowly.
“Light and breezy!” Roman sings, feeling genuine, deep-rooted happiness. Unaware of the fragile demeanor of the lawyer across from him, as his world threatens to crumble, the regrets of everything he's ever done in his mind. The desperation as his heart aches to him, calling out to Logan, the phrase ‘miss so much’ we an understatement. He yearned for something he left of his own will, what an absolute...idiot he was.
Don't get emotional Patton
“I will be there soon Pat...yeah I love you too” Virgil chuckles, stuffing the phone into his pocket as he pushes through the door into the precinct. The still quiet of the building causing unease in the detective so used to the bustling bounces of the room. He turns into the room fully expecting to have the frozen solitude to himself, alas as the lights flicker on he releases a soft gasp. “Roman?” He whispers. The judge stands idle by Virgil's desk, a small amber box alight in his hands.
“Hey” He smiles, the exhaustion under his eyes visible.
“What are you...what are you doing here?” Virgil questions, their voices remain ever so soft.
“Happy birthday” He rushes, skipping a few steps. Virgil's eyes widen as he nods, taking a step forward. Roman looks enchanting under the dim lights, his aura blazing passion.
“You remembered?” He's not sure why he questions it every time, Roman has never forgotten his birthday. He's never had a reason to assume someone, especially his friends would forget, and yet he lives in fear.
“Of course” Roman laughs so sweetly, it barely makes a sound “December nineteenth, you were born at exactly six forty four pm. You didn't cry at first so your mom was pretty worried, but it turns out you were just a little shy” He chuckles, neither understand why there are tears making their way down the men's cheeks. “You were a pretty light baby. Your favorite birthday was your sixteenth when your mom took you to a concert for the first time, but your sixth comes pretty close after you got to tag along with your dad on a case” Roman recites, the absolute adoration flooding his eyes. “You always spend your evenings with Patton, no matter what.” Roman moves closer, allowing the distance between them to circulate warmth.
“What are you doing?” Virgil hopes, maybe a little too much that he gets closer.
“I have a gift…” Roman's eyes move towards Virgil's lips “For you” He states, carefully he lifts it placing it in the detective's palm. “I know its small but uh...happy birthday Virge,” He says, overwhelming conviction. Virgil carefully undoes the ribbon, the paper falling with it. Virgil sucks in, his breath falling short. A small cloud, with lighting coming out of it, sits at the bottom of the box. “It's a worry stone, carved like a storm cloud”
“Because I'm your storm cloud?” Virgil groans, a knowing smirk. Roman laughs nodding sweetly.
“Because you are my storm cloud” Roman leans in stopping himself, he knows he's going to regret his next move but he takes his waist and locks their lips. Virgil allows it to happen, his arms snaking their way around Roman's neck.
“What was that?” Virgil questions, not entirely opposed to the idea, his arms remaining.
“Think of it as a breakup kiss, and a birthday present” He shrugs, Virgil chuckles shakily. “I have a proposition,” He says removing his arms, taking hold of Virgil's hands.
“Oh do tell” Virgil plays with Romans fingers in his own.
“You say we’re moving too fast then let's start again. From the top, Virge you're basically my best friend” Roman can't keep still, Virgil feels the warmth spread as he stays safe in his arms. “I'm not gonna let that slip away, and I'm not gonna let Damian slip away. Come on, I know you miss me” Roman teases, Virgil pouts stretching Romans arms behind him, he leans in planting a kiss on Roman.
“Maybe just a lil bit” Virgil states, Roman, shakes his head still smiling.
“Virge...I'm serious” Roman begs, Virgil nods allowing him to continue. “I wanna do this right, please” He requests, Virgil has no qualms.
“Yes of course” He purses his lips feeling Romans phone buzz, he smirks coyly, removing it from his back pocket. Roman barely puts up a fight. “Oh? Who's James?” Virgil wonders, Roman rolls his eyes “Come on best friend, whos the dude, I bet-” Roman leans in kissing him
“We can start tomorrow” Roman tries to grab his phone back but Virgil lifts above his head shaking it. He takes it scrolling through the previous texts giggling after each one, a contagious joy spread from the two. And before the hour strikes seven, it's just them in their delighted aura.
“I think alcohol might have been a bad idea” Roman jokes, Logan grunts sitting down as he simply takes another sip of his drink. “Come on Lo, we should head home” Roman suggests, feeling the high of Virgil's lips upon his own drain away
“Im...going to propose to Patton” Logan decides, he flops on the couch, the music quiets as the people around him continue. Roman guffaws, a bellowed laugh.
“Yeah, alright Logan. I think you have to be dating first” Roman takes a calm sip of his drink, observing the world around him. Logan
“I'm not kidding Roman” Logan sits up, adjusting his glasses “I've known him for ten years. I practically know everything about him” Logan shrugs “I know he takes his coffee with cream and two sugars, a hint of cinnamon. I know that his favorite color is the rainbow because it changes every day. I know today its violet for Virgil's birthday. I know that he checks on the twins at least three times before going to bed himself.  I know that there are only two people who can touch him without causing him to flinch. I know that when he balls his fists he digs his nails so deep into his skin he draws blood.” Roman doesn't want to listen anymore, his heart hurts as he watches Logan defeated
“Logan you do-”
“I know that turtlenecks provide him some sense of comfort as they wrap in warm coziness. I also know he used to use them to hide scars” Logan takes a shattered breath “I know that when he kisses me my heart beats a million times faster…” Logan rubs his forehead frustrated “I know that he can never have his eyes or hands away from the twins. And I know that...that” He pauses sucking in his huffed tears
“Logan? What?” Roman wants more
“I just like him so much” Logan moans, sprawling across Roman. “I wanna give him butterfly kisses” He pouts, Roman laughs stroking the lawyers head gently. “Do you know what those are? With the eyes?” His pout only furthers, as tears well in his eyes. He clutches to the pillow, his glasses drooping.
“I know bud, I know” He whispers carefully, not wishing to ruin the night further. Its funny, Roman had only seen Logan like this once before, and it was also about Patton. It's almost ironic in a way.
“Mm, my phone is buzzing” Logan mumbles, his arm making grabby towards the device. Roman takes it for him, asking him to put in his code. “What's happening?” He mutters into the couch pillow. Roman reads, the grin slowly disappearing.
Logan, please help
Patton was being vague, and Roman couldn't handle that
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flyupandaway · 4 years ago
as usual im late to the party buuut!! 🍬&🦄 for adrian // 😵&💼 for soph // 💕&⛈️ for liam //🍯&💣 for maddie // 🏡&⌛ for viv // 🌼&🐢 for jonah!!
party doesn’t start until you arrive queen!!! ILY 💕 i had sm fun answering these 🥺
talk about your muse
🍬  family headcanon
Adrian has never had a sense of family or home. He’s always been on his own, and up until recently, he’s liked it that way. He never really understood the value of family since he’s had to be on his own and look out for himself. He always had the belief that he had to look out for himself because no one else would. The closest thing he had to family was the guys who he would go to the casino with and that was mainly because he knew he could win their money from them so he kept them around. He considers his relationship with Dove as the first “family” he’s had (and later lil Annie going to join the family!!). 
🦄  physical health headcanon
Adrian struggles with alcohol dependency and there was a time a few years ago before he moved to Miami when he was drinking incredibly heavily and would black out for days at a time. He just didn’t feel like he had any sense of purpose and had nothing to do with his life. The drinking got better once he moved to Miami, got a job and started to win big at the casino. However, now that he’s out of the city, he has slowly started to increase his alcohol consumption and is again becoming dependent on the liquor, especially since he lives away from Dove and has nothing to keep himself occupied besides work.
😵 sickness headcanon
When Sophie isn’t feeling well, the only thing she will eat are french fries. She is convinced that french fries — and french fries alone — are the cure to any cold or flu. She pairs her fries with blue gatorade and red gummy bears. I feel like as soon as Milo notices Sophie feeling under the weather she stocks up on gummy bears and gatorade and is ready to run to McDonald’s at a moment's notice to get the fries. 
💼  work headcanon
Sophie normally falls asleep pretty early except on nights when she’s painting, drawing or working on her next project. She can stay up for hours when she’s inspired, oftentimes having to get dragged home by Milo to get into bed. She is typically a morning person but when she’s inspired and in the middle of working on something she turns into a night owl. She also gets very absorbed in her work, often losing track of time, forgetting to eat or the fact that she has to go to her second job. She’s definitely missed a few of her barista shifts because she was too busy painting away.
💕 love headcanon 
Liam doesn’t mean to be a player but he oftentimes gets himself into not the best situations, which started when he was in eighth grace. He had a crush on two different girls and thought he could get a date with both of them for valentine’s day. So he made sure to give a valentine to one and then the other to go see a movie with him. He strategically picked a movie in the afternoon and a movie in the evening, but he didn’t think about the fact that the two girls could run into each other in the bathroom—which is exactly what happened. Safe to say Liam got busted and also had a bucket of popcorn spilled on him, but at least it was after the afternoon movie date so it was just the evening movie he missed out on.
⛈️  sadness headcanon
While Liam hates being sad because it leads him to making impulsive, reckless decisions, he writes some of his best music when he’s upset about something or when he’s really happy. He’s written a number of songs about Grace during their arguments about how much he cares about her and doesn’t want to lose her, which just goes to show how special she is to him but also how stubborn he can get when he doesn’t want to apologize first or talk to her initially.
🍯 food headcanon
Madison wasn’t always as good of a cook as she is now. Her junior year of high school, Madison was trying to make a turkey for Thanksgiving in an effort to give her dad and brother a “normal” holiday after her mom left. The day was anything but normal considering the kitchen was filled with smoke, the turkey was still incredibly frozen and Madison almost caused a fire in the kitchen from leaving a cookbook open over one of the stove burners that was on. In her defense, Madison thought she’d turned a different burner on. Also, when she cooks for her dad and brother, Madison typically prepares whatever they want for dinner, so she doesn’t get to eat her favorite food that often, which is cheese raviolis. 
💣 stress headcanon
Madison has addictive tendencies just like her mother but instead of turning to drugs, Madison turns to work and picks up extra shifts. It isn’t unusual for her to go days without sleep when she’s feeling stressed and just run on autopilot in a way that she knows what’s going on around her but doesn’t feel like she’s in her body to experience it. It gets especially bad around her birthday, which is also a few days before her mom left. Since she’s usually the one taking care of others, she’s good at hiding her stress, although her brother is finally starting to catch on and he refers to her in this state as “Zombie Madison.” 
 🏡 home headcanon
Given her involvement in her father’s business, Vivian is extremely paranoid about keeping things in her house. She recently rented out an apartment where she keeps most things related to the deals she is involved with, although the place looks normal. The house is what she uses when people come over or she’s hosting a dinner party for the “charity” she is in charge of. The apartment is where she keeps her money, weapons and other various items she needs for deals (and when deals go wrong). 
⌛ sleep headcanon
Despite her paranoia, Vivian typically sleeps great. Her confidence has especially increased lately after the hit on the Montgomery family since now she feels like she and her family are untouchable. She does get nightmares every couple of months though that have to do with when her younger sister was kidnapped years ago since her gut is telling her that things have been going too well smoothly. But she will never admit she has nightmares since that means admitting a weakness. As much as she cares about her family, her siblings especially, Vivian doesn’t do much to show it since she doesn’t want anyone to have something that can be used against her.
🌼 happiness headcanon 
Jonah is happiest in the mornings when he takes Lucy on her morning walk and during the weekends when he volunteers at the animal shelter. He has always loved animals, dogs especially, and if he didn’t enjoy writing and working at his bookstore then he’d probably be doing something related to animals or maybe even go to vet school. He also set up bird feeders outside his apartment building and always carries around cat treats in his backpack if he comes across a stray. He is also an avid follower of his neighborhood's “lost pet” Facebook group because he hates when people are upset and doesn’t know what he would do if he lost Lucy. So he checks the group every so often in case he comes across an animal during one of his many walks with Lucy.
🐢 mental health headcanon
Jonah’s mental health could definitely be better. He carries around a lot of guilt over what happened to his girlfriend, even though it wasn’t his fault and it happened years ago. He has developed fairly severe insomnia over the years related to the accident. He also takes on other people’s emotions, especially sadness, which can be incredibly draining for him as he is going through his own sadness and grief. But he can’t help it because he wants to see those around him happy, even if that means putting himself in a worse position emotionally. He has a hard time saying no to people, and it’s not unusual for him to get stressed over the plans he’s made with friends because he couldn't’ say no but ended up double booking himself and has no idea how to do both things he agreed to.
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years ago
Wacky Drabble #18: The Turkey Drop
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This is part of @emceesynonymroll weekly wacky drabbles.
Prompt: What if I dont see it
Im a day late on this one, wasn't sure if I even wanted to post it, but, here we are.
A/N: I can't take credit for the idea of this as it comes from an old show and I'm just recreating one of the Thanksgiving episodes from it, sort of.
Summary: The gang gathers together in Ramsford to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Beaumonts. Let's just say, all hell is gonna break loose.
Warning: Turkeys may be harmed but I'm choosing to defy reality and believe they are all okay. If you don't feel you can, this is the heads up not to read 🦃
I put a "read more" in every story, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Crossing my fingers.
Riley has always respected the customs and traditions that have been carried down throughout Cordonian history. Being the American- born, Queen of Cordonia, she opted to celebrate this holiday during her first year of marriage, in private- just she, Liam, and their close friends. She didn't want the Cordonian people to ever feel that she was trying to "Americanize" their great country. Liam, however, loved the idea of having one day out of the year for reflection and giving thanks, as this was something even Cordonian's would appreciate.
It was during their second year of marital bliss, the King presented this idea to the Royal Council, where it was passed almost unanimously. Madeleine was the only dissenting vote, having nothing to be thankful for.
It was decided the third Thursday of every November would be designated, Thanksgiving, in Cordonia.
What you are about to read is the real and true account of how the Duchy of Ramsford chose to kick off thier first official Thanksgiving.
The weather was chillier than normal that day for the typically warmer climate of the Mediterranean country. Ramsford citizens bundled in light coats, braving the elements, in anticipation of the first Thanksgiving festival hosted by their Duke and Duchess. As festival goers wafted through the rows of vendors who were preparing enticing delicacies synonymous of their homeland, purchasing turkey related memorabilia, and partaking in games often seen at these event, they eagerly awaited the appearance of their very popular royals.
Maxwell had insisted he be the one in charge of putting this shindig together, planning every single detail, even down to the location of each port a potty. Bertrand was all too happy to oblige, having no free time with a toddler and a brand new baby. The only request made- absolutely, under no circumstances, were those 'blasted, overly feathered, menaces' of his, to be in attendance. Well, of course not, Maxwell had another kind of bird in mind, ones that were more in the spirit of Thanksgiving, and he would make sure each family in Ramsford had one of their own.
Drake walked morosely behind Liam and Riley, who were busy greeting their adoring citizens with Bertrand and Savannah. He wasn't in a festive mood since being dumped a few days ago. It wasn't that he was in a serious relationship yet with the sexually oppressed American from Illinois, but, who she left him for....Neville.
"Ohhh Walker!"
Drake cringed at the unbearable voice calling out to him and he had no use for entertaining her today. He clutched the whiskey flask, a former fiancee had given him, preparing to drown out the incessant mockery that was sure to follow.
"So...", Olivia eyed him with a devilish grin and her signature raised brow "...enjoying the single life again?", she taunted.
He huffed, "at least I had an "again", what's your excuse?"
She cackled, "Touche". Her eyes roamed the surroundings as they continued to stroll along, her mood shifting with curiousity "where the hell is Maxwell, he's usually at every one of these goddamn things making a fool of himself".
Bertrand turned to the Duchess, having finished with the receiving line of guests, clearing his throat, "My brother is off preparing a surprise that will be the delight of all of Ramsford today".
Savannah looked at Bertrand adoringly, "That's right Bertie, we are giving away a free turkey to enjoy with their families this holiday season".
"That's very generous and kind of you both, I'm sure your people will be very grateful, especially those less fortunate", Liam nodded, clasping Bertrand approvingly on the shoulder.
Drake shook his head, "I still can't believe Maxwell put this whole thing on himself, I don't trust it", sipping the last remnants of his drink.
"Drake, don't be a hater. Besides, Maxwell has proved himself to be more than responsible and mature of late", Savannah defended.
"What if I don't see it?"
The group continued to enjoy the festivities and fanfare as the sun finally broke through the thickened clouds, shining a ray of warmth below. A group text message from Maxwell came through as each of them checked their phones simultaneously, telling them to look up.
Bertrand, Savannah, Liam, Riley, Drake and Olivia, each shielded their eyes from the bright sun as they looked toward the sky eagerly. The faint sound of a helicopter getting louder as it approached closer to their location. A crowd began to gather around them as Bertrand smiled on proudly.
Riley pointed up excitedly, "Look! It has a banner on the back of the helicopter".
"Happy...Thanksgiving...from the Beaumonts", Liam read aloud as the banner became clearer. Savannah and Bertrand acknowledged the ohh's and aww's of the crowd, who were enchanted by the extravagant display taking place 2000 feet above them.
"What the hell just came out it?", Drake squinted to get a better look, as a small object appeared to have fallen from the large chopper.
"I don't know, maybe its a skydiver...", Riley answered as she looked on in anticipation.
Olivia furrowed her brows, "I don't see a parachute yet... wait!...there's another one and a third".
"Those can't be skydivers...I just can't quite make out what they are though", a bewildered Liam replied before his eyes widened with realization,"OH MY GOD...THEY'RE TURKEYS!!"
The crowd began to scatter in panic as live turkeys came crashing down around them, most of them landing on the soft tarps vendors had set up. Brown and white feathers intermingling through the air as stunned turkeys flapped wildly in anger. Patrons pushing and shoving one another in desperate search for safety, running for their lives.
A stunned Bertrand, scrambled to calm the masses to no avail. Savannah cried out loudly, "Oh my god, the humanity!", after ducking under a table, pulling Bertrand down with her.
Bastien made every attempt to shield Liam and Riley, who clung protectively to one another, while dodging and weaving through crowds of fearful people, stray feathers and irate falling turkey's. They stopped only briefly as they passed a padre, recieved their last rites and hauled ass to a picnic shelter. As the helicopter circled the grounds to launch a second wave of birds, Liam hurridly scrambled to reach Maxwell to cease the unintended assault.
Drake took off running with Olivia hot on his heels. He banged relentlessly on the door of the nearest porta-a-potty where an older gentleman allowed a frantic Drake and Olivia to hide. Due to being unable to hold three grown people, Drake stood in the doorway, having just enough room to shield his head. Olivia peeked over his broad shoulders as the last of the fowl fell on a tent across from them. They stood in astonishment momentarily, unsure if it was safe to exit while screams and the jumbling shrill of turkeys reverberate off their metal enclosure.
The older gentleman with them, finally spoke out when something strange caught his eye, "what are they doing?", gesturing at the 15 or so gathered birds in front of them.
Drake scratched his head in thought, "I think the little bastards are...organizing"
"I've seen this before", Olivia replied surely, "they're strategizing... its basic battle tactics...they're planning a counter attack".
Drake motioned to the formation of incoming turkeys, questioningly, "You've seen this before?"
Olivia patted her clothing down and began pulling knifes from various hidden holsters underneath, a determined look sketched across her face. "People...birds...whats the difference, they're both full of shit. I'm a Nevrakis, damn it...I will not be turkied to death by these...disgusting chicken wanna be's...you with me or not, Walker?". She holds up a knife that barely misses his face as he stumbles backwards off the edge to avoid it.
Drake swipes the blade from her steady hand, his dark brown eyes filled with savagery, "Let's end these fuckers!".
2 hours later...Ramsford Memorial Hospital
"Drake, can you hear me?", a concerned Liam stood at the bedside of his lifelong friend, when Drake's eyes began to flutter open.
"Liam...wh...where am I?"
"You're in the hospital buddy, you've got a nasty concussion and a broken nose, but, the doctors had a head CT ordered and it didn't show any serious trauma or permanent damage...you will, however, have to stay here overnight for observation".
Drake glanced around the room, grimacing at the shooting pain from his throbbing, bandaged nose and the seering pressure behind his eyes. The overhead lights making his already blurry vision so much worse. He attempted to speak, but, his voice was hoarse and dry. Liam reached for a cup of water that sat on his bed tray and assisted him in drinking.
Drake licked his lips, "what happened? The last thing I remember was grabbing the knife from her", he nodded at Olivia, who was standing in amusement at the end of his bed, "why the hell am I'm so jacked up?".
Liam looked to Olivia, he, himself not entirely sure of the exact circumstamces for Drake's injuries, hoping she could shed light on the situation.
Olivia moved around the bed to stand next to Liam, an uncontained smiled slipping across her pale face, "It was a giant Turkey...smashed right into your face", she clapped her hands together loudly, "Smack!". A light chuckle escaped her as both men glared back with astonished expressions.
Several seconds of silence commenced as that information began to process.
"What?", Drake snapped.
Olivia explained that Maxwell must have had one turkey left because another one came barrelling out of no where, dropping like a stealth bomber, and crashing right into his face. Never one to mince words, she took the opportunity to let him know that his face looks better now that most of it is covered in bandages.
Liam took in a deep breath, "I'm going to take my leave now that I can see you are well. I told Bertrand I would attend the press conference with him...apparently, Maxwell thought turkey's could fly".
Drake rolled his eyes, mumbling to himself, "Responsible and mature, huh?", he looked back to Liam with a grateful smirk, "thanks Liam for being here".
Liam clapped Drake's arm, "No problem", he turned to Olivia as he made his way for the door, "you coming?".
"Yeah", Olivia grabbed her coat and clutch that were laying across one of the hospital chairs and followed Liam to the door. She hesitated before fully exiting, turning sharply on her stiletto heels. "You did...well out there today soldier".
"I got clobbered in the face by a fucking bird, Liv!", he shouted back, grabbing his nose in pain as his head jostled from his over-exaggerated retort.
"Even so...", she trailed, as a long pause followed, the silence nearly becoming awkward. A small hint of compassion crept through her strong features and Drake instantly recognized the change in her demeanor.
"Happy Thanksgiving, Walker".
"Happy Thanksgiving...Liv".
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silverofdreams · 5 years ago
My story is finished.
I have to thank @ao719, @debramcg1106, @burnsoslow, @the-soot-sprite who told me to post this thing cause its not within my comfort zone to write, Im more of a reader. But my brain wants me to explore this, and I might write more of it if it makes people happy to read it.
” What if….
A tale of two people”
 Authors note:
This is a one shot, and my first time ever exploring this
fandom in words. English is not my language so please excuse any mistakes or grammar faults.
This story explores the What if Drake mentioned in book 2, what if he and Rose (Riley) met somewhere else other than Liam’s bachelor party could their story have become different?
Rose / Drake
None, this is pure fluff, maybe a bit angst because Drake is Drake.
-       PG -
riday afternoon, Rose Greer had just clocked off her day shift at the bar where she worked together with her friend Daniel. She had looked forward to an evening having a long bath and then watching a movie since her work required a lot of willpower and she simply did not have a lot of that, but she needed the money and it paid her bills, so she stuck with it.
 She had longed for this evening all week and sighed loudly when her phone went off. She looked at the screen “Sandra calling”, Sandra was also one of her good friends in New York. Rose knew this could mean only one thing another blind date. Sandra was well-known for her ability to set friends up with guys, she had an agency that expertise in this and had tried to get Rose aboard several times since she moved to New York. “Yes,” she answered after debating whether she should or not.
“Rose! my best friend in the world”! Sandra’s voice echoed on the other end “I have a proposal for you”, Rose sighed “What now”? Sandra’s voice shrieked with excitement “I have a great blind date for you my friend, you cannot say no this time too good to pass up I assure you”.
“Sandra, I have heard this plenty of times before, why is this such a good opportunity” Rose questioned her friend. “I have this guy who is very handsome, he seems to fit your book of guys really well, tough but indeed handsome please help me out this time will you”. Rose sighed it could not hurt to at least go and see the guy once right, “Okay Sandra, tell me time and place and what kind of clothes I should wear”.
Sandra gave her the info needed, Rose headed home for a quick shower, a change of clothes and then the wait time begun.
7 pm arrived, Rose headed out to the restaurant Sandra told her to go to, it was a smaller one with a cozy decoration. Rose headed inside and sat down by a window, her date seemed not to have arrived yet.
If it was one thing, she hated it was people not clocking in on time, and this person seemed to fit that bill way to good. Five minutes later a guy dressed all in denim entered the place. Rose eyes widened as denim was so out of fashion, this year it was all about style for the guys in New York.
He stood a few moments looking around the area, and Rose got annoyed it was really no other people than her there at that time. He then saw her sitting by the window and walked up. “Are you Greer”? He simply asked hesitating a moment before sitting down opposite her.
“My name is Rose, thank you very much” she said a bit icily since it was not polite to greet the way he did meeting someone the first time. Oh, dear this meeting does not start on the top she thought to herself. The guy sighed to himself Why did I agree to this? The both sat in silence for about five minutes before Rose decided she had to do something, or her night off would be ruined. “Okay, it is clear none of us really want to be here, but why do we not try our best to make it a nice evening for the both of us”? She said and looked at him. He nodded “well yeah okay”. “Why do you not tell me your name to start” Rose said awaiting his reply.
“ Drake” he shifted a bit uncomfortable in his chair “ Look I’m not very good with this chit chat small talk thing with people, I’m also  not good at apologizing for my behavior either but I am sorry if I seem like a jerk to you I try not to be it is my personality “ Rose nodded “ it’s all right I do understand, it is not easy to talk to strangers and I am totally  agreeing with you about that”. “
Should we start by ordering food and then try go to there making the best out of this meeting for both of us”?  She asked, he agreed luckily for him there was both his favorite food burgers and whiskey on the restaurant’s menu. He made his order while Rose looked on with a surprised look “oh we like the same stuff that is good” she said with a hint of a smile. The first smile she had shown that evening. She ordered the same things as him and the waiter left them alone. “So, Drake was it, where are you from and how did you end up in New York”? Rose asked after a while. Drake pondered for a bit before replying “I’m from a small Island called Cordonia, I ended up here because I needed some space from what is going on back there”. Rose listened now more intrigued by this young man. He seemed to be around her age, what could be so terrible he had to leave and go to another country.?
“Wow, that seem like some tough things are going on in your life”? I myself are a New Yorker, my family is normal people and live in another state, but I choose to stay here because it is my home”. Drake simply nodded he was a man of few words but once someone melted his icy heart, he really could be a soft guy but that the would not tell her about, she would have to figure out that one herself if they were to meet again. The food soon arrived, it tasted nice Sandra sure had choose this place for a reason Rose thought as she tried the burger front of her. “Mmmmm this is tasty” she nodded as the first bit was taken in. Drake tasted his and nodded “yeah, its certainly is no bad stuff”. The two of them indulged their food during silence, sometimes its nicer to eat and enjoy the food than interrupting the other with questions. Rose is a girl that like to talk to new people she meets, but if the guy is not so into it, she tries to accept his ways and roll with it. She figured he seemed like a nice but silent guy, perhaps a bit aloof at times but certainly an interesting personality. His looks were no shame though, he was indeed handsome, muscular body type and eyes that could piece into one’s heart at the right moment. Sandra had for once not been wrong that it was a very handsome guy indeed.
Drake had similar thoughts, the woman at that dating agency had stopped him on the streets and convinced him tonight would be the perfect date for him. He would not really believe it, but the woman had insisted so he had obliged to go to the meeting. He was a guy with very little patience for silly girls, he could not stand talking about topics like fashion, movies and the like he was a man of few words. But this girl intrigued him like no one else he had met, he did not know why, it simply felt right. Maybe if he again dared to explore love he might end up happy, might have a life filled  of warm, laughter and love but it would take a while to get there, he had to try and make efforts, see where things would go he would have to get over his past girlfriend who left him to be with his best friend, he had to learn to move on with his life.
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formerprincess · 5 years ago
A tale written with fangs and claws || Chapter 55
Chapters: 55/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Nolan (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Alpha Liam Dunbar, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Dunbar Pack, Bisexual Liam Dunbar, Werewolf Theo Raeken, Alpha Theo Raeken, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, Mates, Liam and Theo are mates, Top Theo Raeken, Bottom Theo Raeken, Top Liam, Bottom Liam Dunbar Series: Part 1 of Morning Dew Pack
Now that Theo knows about the house he and Liam can mend their relationship. Happy times ensue.
“Tell me again how you got the house.” Theo pressed a kiss on top of Liam’s hair and then leaned his forehead against his boyfriend’s temple. He had his arm wrapped around Liam’s shoulders while the couple cuddled in the backseat of the truck after their passionate encounter. Only dressed in boxers this was quite cozy, Liam had to admit. He chuckled. “Didn’t I tell you before?” “I was distracted by this awesome house. Don’t blame me for that. Next time you jump something like that on me, maybe plan this beforehand.” “I doubt there will ever be something as big as this.” “You could bring a kid in the relationship.” Theo shrugged. Liam was stunned. “I thought you didn’t want kids or were not sure about wanting at least.” Theo shrugged again and looked over to the house. “I’m still not sure but we have to fill all those rooms when everybody moves into their own places.” “But we don’t have to fill it with kids.” Liam shook his head and cuddled closer to Theo. “We have all the time in the world for that. For now, let us just enjoy the thought of moving into our new home soon.” Theo smiled softly. “It’s kinda funny. You know how everybody has this image about their future, how they want it to look, no matter how distorted that image might be. If I had to choose a house for my future, I would have picked a house like that, surrounded by nature and so very beautiful.” “You’re turning into a softy,” Liam mocked Theo but he meant it with all the love and respect in the world. Theo knew that and he just teasingly poked Liam into the ribs as retaliation. The Alpha yelped and slapped his mate’s hand away. “Also, I already brought a kid in this relationship. His name is Landon.” “Ah yes, the mini-version of you.” “He is not a mini-version of me.” “Oh, he is. You two are so much alike, it’s heartwarming to see.” “I just want the best for him and his future. If the works here are done, I want him to pick all the furniture he wants for his new room. He may live with Byron and Lana but he should know he also has a home here. And it will be a room suited for a child.” “A good plan,” Theo nodded and stroked over Liam’s arm. “Back to my original request, tell me the story, in full detail now. Don’t be shy.” “I searched online for all kind of realty and came across this agency. They are specialized in finishing houses the way the buyer wants and I liked their past projects so I contacted them. After a phone call and a visit to their office, they accepted me as their client and searched for houses with my preferences. Big gardens, enough rooms, not too luxurious. I didn’t want a mansion.” “Maybe I’d have wanted a mansion with a big pool,” Theo joked. “The house has a pool,” Liam dryly remarked and started to laugh when Theo looked absolutely flabbergasted. “I’m not kidding, there’s a pool in the garden. I have no idea how the original builders planned on doing the thing, seems they started with the fun things first.” He shrugged. “You mean to tell me, our new house has its own pool?” “And a whirlpool.” “And a what??” “Halfway done but it’s there and we decided not to waste the outlets.”
Theo narrowed his eyes at Liam. “How much did you play for this house?” “Let’s say it that way, the amount would have normally made me dizzy but it was not nearly as much as I feared it would be. I even could add some more money to the future fund and the everyday fund. Like I said, if the house would have been finished, it would have been expensive. But with so much work left to do, it was cheap. Cheap for everything you get, I mean.” “Anyway, you hired the agency to look for the perfect house - they did a remarkable job there - and they found you this? Then what?” “I got some information on the house and then I drove here to visit it with the agency lady. Told you about the feeling I had when I saw it. The more she showed me, the more I needed to buy this house. We made a project contract. I paid half of the price in advance, the other half will get payed after everything is done. Which reminds me: I bought this house for us. I want you to own it as much as I do. Wasn’t kidding when I said it’s our money.” “Yeah, I know.” Theo turned his head and kissed Liam’s temple. Liam let himself enjoy the caress for a while, then his stomach grumbled. “Have not eaten much in the morning and I’m starving. Aren’t you hungry?” “I am,” Theo confessed. “Something to eat sounds fine.”
****** They had decided on fries and now sat on the tailgate of the truck in the parking lot of the nearest fast food place a big serving of fries between them.  “When Sadie complained about you being picky, you already had this house, right?” Theo questioned and loaded a few fries with ketchup before guiding them to his mouth. Liam would forever question how his boyfriend managed that without dripping ketchup on his shirt. Even physics loved Theo, it was unbelievable.  “I am committed to surprises, what can I say?” Liam shrugged. “She later apologized for being overbearing. Mike seemingly told her in not so kind words how pretentious it was for assuming I am going to pay for everything. She didn’t mean to come off as leech but I said I’d pay for a new house. It was a part misunderstanding, part annoyance with the current situation. I was just glad to clear the air with her and Mike as well.” “You did pay for a new house, she just doesn’t know it yet.” He sighed. “I know, T.” Stuffing a few fries in his mouth, Liam chewed and considered what was still going to happen to the house. Still so much to do. “I just hope the workers finish fastly and we can move in as soon as possible,” he finally said after he swallowed.  “Liam, you did everything you could. Now we just have to wait as long as it takes. Compared to the thought of forever living on Isaac's couch, this is a piece of cake.”
Theo used a napkin to wipe his greasy fingers and looked around. “Such a pretty car,” he suddenly exclaimed and Liam curiously leaned forward to see what car his mate had spotted.  A beautiful black antique car, convertible hood pulled back because of the warm weather, stood at the stoplight and waited for the green light. It was brightly polished and Liam had no idea about cars but it looked in good condition. He glanced at Theo. “I wasn’t aware you’re into cars.” “I’m not.” The twenty-two-year-old shook his head. “But those cars are beauties and very impressive. I’d love to drive one of those.” “Well, why don’t you?” The looked Theo gave him bordered on scandalized. “Do you have any idea how expensive those cars are? Not so much the cars itself but all the parts. If you have such a car you either take extremely good care of it or you don’t care about it at all and that would be a total waste of money. But most parts are not even available commercially and you need a special merchant for it. Keep in mind those cars are not made for today’s time.” Okay, Liam had not known that. He hesitated. “I didn’t know that, no.” “Always happy to educate you.” Theo reached out, just to be an ass, and petted Liam’s hair. The smirk on his face quickly turned into a frown when Liam pushed him off the tailgate. He sat on the ground and glared at the young Alpha who just smirked himself and slipped off the tailgate. “I’m going to get a milkshake, want something too, honey?” “Don’t call me honey, I hate that nickname. It’s okay when your mother says it but I don’t need it from my partner. Strawberry.” “You want your new nickname to be strawberry?” Liam teased and giggled when Theo threw a napkin at him. The older had gotten to his feet again and was gathering the garbage from the tailgate. He threw it away while Liam went into the restaurant to order their shakes. 
He just had accepted the little cardboard tray with their order when his phone rang and Liam fumbled to open the door, not drop the tray, and pull his phone out of his pocket. “Hello?” “Hello Mr. Dunbar, this is Peyton Russo.” She was the interior manager responsible for the new house.  “Oh, hey, Mrs. Russo, what’s up?” “I’m just calling to inform you the white low couch you picked out is out of stock.” “That’s unfortunate.” Liam had picked the couch for the gallery and it had already been his second choice. He originally went for a dark blue one, exactly the shade of color Theo favorited, but it had been out of stock as well.  Theo curiously tilted his head when Liam now made his way over and Liam drew a tiny house in the air to make him realize what the call was about. Theo raised both eyebrows in acknowledgment and accepted the tray from him.  “But, here are the good news, I found another company who has almost the same couch and it is in the shade you wanted from the beginning. I sent you the pictures to your email, just give me a quick okay and I can pursue it.” “That is cool, thank you so much. I will check it out as soon as I can. Thank you, Mrs. Russo.” “It is my pleasure. I’ll keep you updated on the progress.” Liam hummed and she ended the call. When he pocketed his phone, he smiled at Theo and Theo laughed. “You’re happy!” “Hm, how could I not? Everything turns out exactly how I wanted it to be.” “That sounds perfect.” Theo handed Liam his banana shake and took a sip of his own. Liam watched him but made no move to drink himself. Theo frowned. He didn’t need to voice his question, the young Alpha already knew.  “The most perfect thing is I have you by my side. Roughly a year ago Maya asked if I was okay with her setting up a date for you and I told her we would never be more than friends. I was never happier about being wrong,” he explained. Theo took his sweet time swallowing his sip. “Instead of going on that date, I should have grabbed you and kiss you but I was scared. I was just as wrong as you.” Liam wrapped one arm around Theo and nuzzled his neck. “Glad we could turn it around,” he muttered against the skin and pressed his lips down. Theo sighed happily and his hand slipped in the back pocket of Liam’s jeans to squeeze his ass. 
****** Liam hummed to himself when he cut cucumber and stole some sliced to pluck into his mouth. After their visit to the fast-food place, Theo and he had taken a trip to the grocery store to buy food and now they were in Isaac’s kitchen and prepared dinner together. It was a rare occasion for the two of them to cook together but it was nice nonetheless. 
Theo stepped behind him and wrapped both arms around Liam. “Aren’t you supposed to cut tomatoes?” The young Alpha questioned teasingly but Theo just tightened his hold. “That can wait. This is more important.” He nuzzled Liam’s neck and kissed his shoulder. “I love you so much.” The pack wasn’t at home anyway so yes, food could wait. Liam wiped his hands off and leaned against Theo. “I love you too. This day, just us, was needed.” “You can say that. I hated this void between us. It was killing me.” He loosened his grip and Liam could turn around in the embrace to wrap both arms around his mate’s neck.  “Me too. But we made up and it’s all good now. Soon we can move into our new house, with our own room again. I am excited about that one.”
He kissed Theo, fingers momentarily tightened in his boyfriend’s hair, and Theo pressed closer to him. His lips parted when Theo nibbled on it and he used his hold in Theo’s hair to pull him even closer. His eyes had closed the moment their lips touched first but this was all instinct by now. Liam knew what he liked and what drove Theo wild, which spots o pay close attention to, where to grab or bite. And he trusted Theo so closing his eyes was never a problem, had not been a problem for years. The ex-chimera truly earned Liam’s trust and had never disappointed since he got it. 
Strong hands grabbed him by the thighs and lifted him up to sit him on the counter. Liam immediately wrapped his legs around Theo so his mate didn’t get the crazy idea of pulling away from him. With how easy it was, Theo followed willingly and leaned into the Alpha. His hands dipped under Liam’s shirt and ran over his spine, goosebumps followed in their wake.  Liam’s hands stroked from Theo’s hair to his neck, the other grasped at his shoulder and lower to grab Theo’s arm and pull it up so Theo’s hand rested on the inside of his thigh. His mate gave his leg a soft squeeze while his hand on Liam’s back dipped lower and his fingers played with the seam of Liam’s boxershorts peaking out from his jeans. He pulled from the kiss to give them both time to breathe but then pressed open-mouthed kisses over Liam’s neck. Liam tilted his head to the other side to give Theo more room to explore. 
“Hrm, hrm.” The Alpha Couple stilled. Oh, come on! “You are fucking cockblocks,” Theo complained when he slumped against Liam and hid his face against Liam’s shoulder. The young Alpha didn’t want to open his eyes but he knew he had to sooner or later and opened them. All his Betas stood in the kitchen and gave them amused looks.  “Nice to see you decided to make up and not kill each other,” Mason praised and shot his best friend a toothy grin.  Liam narrowed his eyes. “I agree with Theo, you are cockblocks. We didn’t think you would be home that early.” “Rather you forgot the time with your past time activities.” Maya chortled. “Just to be warned beforehand, did you fuck on the couch?” “We didn’t have sex in this apartment. We actually have regards to how close we all live together, you little shit.” Theo turned around and glared at her with not half the heat his words seemed to hold. She just gave him a thumbs up. Liam chuckled and loosely wrapped both arms around Theo’s shoulders. The way his boyfriend leaned against the counter and therefore against Liam put him in the perfect position to do so.  Nolan watched them and snorted. “Somebody ever told the two of you how picture-perfect you two look together? Theo looks on fleek most of the time anyway and you two together are just one of those perfect aesthetical couples.”  Sadie nodded. “Nolan’s right, you two even have the same color concept. And the worst part is, you don’t even realize it which makes it all even more perfect.” “We have a what now?” Liam never heard of this before. Mason had listened to Nolan and Sadie and now crossed his arms before he raised one hand and tipped against his chin with his index finger. “Yeah, I can see that. Theo’s favorite color is blue and the darker shades of blue on top of that. Liam likes muted colors more. He has bright colored clothes but I personally know he prefers dark red or blue, green. Theo is more daring in colors but he favorites the muted ones as well.” “And since becoming a couple they never wore things which clashed in color,” Sadie added. “Also, their hair colors fit the aesthetic as well. Not too dark but also not too bright. Like Nols said, perfect aesthetical.” The couple stayed silent and let that sink in. Then Theo scoffed. “You three have lost your mind. How do you have time to think about that? You need a hobby!” “Don’t give them ideas, Dore. Although I agree, you three are nuts. We don’t have a color concept as a couple.” Liam shook his head. 
****** “I see your Full House, Mickey, and raise you to my Straight Flush which means I win! Pay up!” Theo threw his cards on the table and raised both hands in victory while he leaned back in his chair.  Mike stared at the cards then he groaned. “You can’t be serious! Is there any game you’re not good at?”  Theo laughed. “Told you I’m good at Poker. Shouldn't have put it to the test.” He reached out and gathered the candy on the table. The pack sat together and took turns in playing Poker. Since nobody wanted to play for real money, Tim had suggested candy as stake. They all participated in playing but it was crystal clear Theo was the best of them all. Probably because he had the best poker face of the group. He even cracked Mike, Maya, and Isaac.  “I’d like to believe you’re cheating but then again, I’m not good at Poker so you probably won fair and square.” Lori had tried her luck and failed miserably in the first round, therefore, decided to be a spectator rather than a player.  “T doesn’t cheat, he is naturally good at those games.” Liam eyed the amount of candy on the table and made a lazy attempt to grab one. Theo gave him a questioning look. “Which one?” “Taffee, please,” Liam ordered and his boyfriend handed him one of the desired candies over.  “If you want a rematch, I’m game,” Theo then offered Mike who grumbled.  “How with Liam eating the pool?” “I just asked for one taffy,” Liam mumbled because his mouth was occupied by the delicious candy.  “What about the licorice?” “Handed it over to Ever and Lori.” Ever raised one piece of licorice to confirm Liam’s statement and then took a bite from it. 
"We should have played Strip Poker, that would have been more interesting,” Mike mumbled quietly. Brett hooted. “That would have been awesome, yeah.” “The night’s still young.” Cade shrugged.  “If you’re so wild on showing off your bodies, why don’t you guys make a sexy calendar for the pack?” Sadie suggested immediately. “Forget sexy firemen, we have our sexy pack mates.”  Mason made a gurgling sound when he sipped his lemonade at the moment of Sadie’s offer and had to slap his hand in front of his mouth to avoid spluttering his drink over the table.  “Mason, you’re okay?” Nolan asked alarmed. The emissary just coughed and wagged his hands around while he nodded.  “He would totally put this calendar on his wall,” Corey translated dryly, “I would too. “Seriously? I would get nightmares,” Maya mocked the male members of the core pack and got very indignantly replies yelled in her face. She laughed. “I mean, I didn’t see all of you without shirts on, the only ones I have seen are Theo and Liam, both even completely naked, but I’d say you others are not really cut out for Mr. September.” “First of all, I may not be a total beefcake but I’m in shape, okay? I would be good as Mr. September,” Cade declared, “Then, when have you seen Theo and Liam totally naked?” He sounded slightly disturbed and not sure if he really wanted to know the answer. Sadie took it upon herself to answer. “Theo when he shifted in the campus parking lot and Liam after he showed us he too could shift into a real wolf.” “Please, explain further I shifted in the parking lot because we were tracking a wendigo! I do not shift randomly to parade around naked!” Theo cried out and they all laughed.  “Liam I also saw naked, Theo happened before I became part of the pack, right?” Ever realized. Upon Caden’s funny look she grinned and put a hand on his leg. “Both could not compare to you. Because, Maya, I have to agree with him, my boyfriend looks amazing.” She kissed him under the wolf whistles of the pack.
Liam sat in his chair and observed his pack. Since he had announced his new fortune, the mood had been better. Yes, they all wanted a new home, but the spirit was higher. It had been the good news they all needed and now they were able to goof around, talk about sexy calendars and stuff. He still hoped the house would be finished soon and he could announce moving day, but for now, this was as good as it could get.  Theo leaned closer to him and kissed his jaw. “In thoughts, baby?” “Just thinking about how happy we are at the moment and how it’s only getting better,” he whispered back and leaned further into his boyfriend. It was natural to search Theo out since they had been at the house together, he didn’t want any separation between them again.  “Hm, can’t wait.” Theo suckled in Liam’s earlobe and tugged on it with his teeth. A shiver ran down Liam’s spine and then a second one when he heard his mate’s low chuckle because of that.  “What do you say about paying a visit to the truck before sleeping?” Theo asked quietly and Liam bit his lower lip. That was soo tempting...
“Liam, Theo, stop whispering cute things into each other’s ears and pay attention to us. We want to play another round!” Ever called. Theo sighed but then straightened his back. “Bold of you to assume those were cute things.” He smirked. Liam laughed. “You walked into that one, Hecate.” She rolled her eyes but smiled in the end. “You really want to play again? We all know I’m going to win anyway but okay, your choice!” Theo shrugged. Liam smiled and put one arm on the backrest of Theo’s chair. When offered cards, he raised his hand and shook it. “I’m fine with watching and being your biggest fan.” “Okay.” Theo smiled at him. “Let’s start playing, I want some more candy.”
****** The days were just passing by without anything important happening. No hyenas back in town or other supernatural baddies lurking around. They all could focus on college and still finding a new place to live. To keep the surprise, Liam didn’t keep his Betas from finding new places and looking into realty but he proceeded to turn everything down. 
And then one day he got the call he had been waiting for. It was a short call but enough to put the biggest smile on Liam’s face. It had happened on his way home and he had taken a detour to gather the sale contract (thank god he had been alone or the surprise would have been ruined). When he finally made it into Isaac’s apartment, he found Theo alone at the living room table and marched over. “You are in a fantastic mood,” Theo realized and pushed his chair away from the table so Liam could sit on his lap.  “Hm.” Liam wrapped one arm around Theo’s shoulder. “Got a call from the agency, the workers are done,” he whispered into his mate’s ear.  A few seconds passed, then Theo beamed at him. “Really? Already? That is awesome!” “Oh yeah, sooner than expected but this is more than just amazing. I cannot stop smiling.” He pecked Theo’s lips. “We have a new home.” “We do.” Theo smiled and leaned his forehead against Liam’s. “I can understand why this makes you so happy. When will you tell the Betas?” “I thought we’ll wait for this Friday. That way we have the whole weekend to settle in the house and buy all the stuff for the bedrooms.” “Yeah, yeah, good idea.” Theo tightened his hold on Liam’s and kissed him. “Fuck, this is the best news!”
“You two lovebirds are always whispering recently. What’s up with that?” Brett had wandered into the kitchen and looked over to them.  “We just decided on a date night tomorrow,” Liam said, “The last one had been way too long ago.”  “Ah, well, in that case, continue with your pink lovely world.” Brett grinned and disappeared into the guest room again.  Theo chuckled. “We have a date night tomorrow?” Liam grinned. “Now we have one.”
****** Next day found Liam dressed in dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt under a black leather jacket leaned against the wall outside of the bathroom. “Theo, seriously, hurry! I’m getting impatient!” He called out for his mate. The older took his time tonight and it made Liam’s skin crawl. He had plans tonight and while they didn’t have to be somewhere at a special time, he still wanted to go.  Mason leaned on the opposite wall and grinned at his best friend. “Your man is a tiny bit vain, isn’t he?” “You take just as long to get ready, Mase!”  “I do not. I just get distracted easily.” “Sure.” Liam shook his head and laughed.
And then the bathroom door opened and Theo finally stepped out of the bathroom. "I am not vain, I just have to keep up with Liam!” The Alpha felt his cheeks burning from the compliment and he just made some uncertain sounds. His boyfriend wore black jeans and a grey shirt underneath a dark blue cardigan and wow, he looked fantastic. Mason shook his head when he saw Liam’s blush. “One would think after living together for years and being mated for over half a year, you have gotten used to this. Now go off and have fun, don’t forget protection, my young ducklings.” “I hate you,” Liam mumbled when his cheeks burned even brighter. Theo just had looked at him and smiled the private smile only reserved for Liam. It made his heart rate accelerate more than naked Theo could do.  “Y...Yeah, let’s go. Bye, Mason.” Liam took Theo’s hand and pulled him out of the apartment. 
“I have a surprise waiting for you outside,” he told Theo in the elevator. Theo looked curious but when he stepped outside and saw the highly polished oldtimer convertible parked in front of the house, he drew in a sharp breath.  “Liam!” “It’s rented.” Liam knew where Theo’s mind had gone. “There is a company where you can rent oldtimers for 24 hours and it’s not that expensive. I thought it would be nice for you to drive around during our date. Even though the other car we saw was black and this one is midnight blue as I was told, I hope you don’t mind.” “I don’t mind, I don’t mind? This car is as beautiful as the other one and I get to drive it! I would drive this car if it was pink! Give me the keys.” Theo had switched into an excited young man and when Liam threw him the keys he all but ran to get into the driver’s seat. That alone was enough for Liam to consider this date one of the best they ever had and it had only just begun. He followed his partner into the car. The fawn leather seats were comfy and he leaned back with a sigh. Theo ran his hand over the steering wheel in wonder and then looked at Liam. “Where to? You said you had plans, right?” “How about a private house tour?” Liam suggested with a soft smile. It only intensified when Theo beamed at him, leaned over the console to kiss Liam, and started the car. “Wow, do you hear that Liam? The engine sounds so smooth!”
Theo continued to praise the car for the whole drive and Liam just leaned back and enjoyed his boyfriend so happy and excited. Theo’s green eyes sparkled and he rarely talked that much about something in one go. He could have spent hours listening to Theo talk. His mom had once said she was falling more and move in love with her husband every day and now Liam discovered the same with his mate. 
He was also curious about what Theo would say to the now finished house. It looked different, Liam knew that, and he really hoped his pack would appreciate the choices he made. When they parked in front of the house, Liam vibrated out of his skin with excitement once again.  He unlocked the door and let Theo step in first.  “Oh my god, Liam.” The wall on the right and leading up the stairs had been decorated with pictures from the pack. Vegas was there, the lake, Christmas, New York, a few from them just hanging out. They were either framed with silver or blue frames yet the wall was still relatively empty.  “Those are just some I had on my phone. We can put the pictures you guys have there as well, it’s just a start.”  Theo stepped closer to two pictures. “Is that...?” “Our graduation,” Liam finished the sentence. It had Mason, Corey, Nolan, Theo, and Liam all in their red robes and smiling brightly in the camera in the first picture, in the second picture they all held out their diplomas and made silly faces. Theo chuckled.  “Memories,” he muttered. 
He then continued walking around and stopped at the reading corner on the left. The shelves were now fully stocked with books, there was a comfy looking wing chair in the corner and next to it a tall lamp. Somewhat further into the middle of the niche, the dark blue low couch Liam had decided on had found its place. Enough place for several people to read and relax. 
The kitchen had not changed that much but Liam knew the closed shelves were stocked with food, cutlery, and dishes, enough for the whole pack. The windows were freshly cleaned as well and let in the evening light perfectly. 
And then Theo saw the room which had been completely empty when he been to the house for the first time, the living room. Paint buckets and ladders had made room for two big couches, one facing the flatscreen above the fireplace directly, the other facing the window front. A smaller couch and several ottomans were places around the room to give enough seats for everyone. Next to the fireplace stood a chess table. The furniture was kept in a very light grey tone, almost white, and had dark blue pillows as an accent. The couch table in the middle was black and a soft blue carpet beneath the couches and the table completed the picture. Theo gaped at the room.  "I picked out the colors and the grey spoke to me, I don’t really know why. It is soft but not cold, you know? Guess that’s why. And the black table was a recommendation from Mrs. Russo. It was great working with her and see my fantasies come to life,” Liam babbled and stopped when he saw Theo looking at him. “You’re looking at me the same way you looked at me at the zoo when I talked about Mykonos.” “Because I am just as impressed as I was back then. You’re good at this whole interior design stuff, you realized that?” Liam blushed again. “I had help.” Theo shook his head. “Don’t be so humble and take the compliment.” He cupped Liam’s face. “You’re definitively in charge of the interior for our coffee shop.” And he kissed Liam to stop further discussions.  Liam pulled him closer and returned the kiss softly. In his head, he was dancing happily that Theo liked what he picked out. 
“Want to go upstairs and see the gallery?” He asked when they stopped kissing. Theo licked his lips and shook his head. “I want to see the pool.”  He let go off Liam and opened the door to step outside. The garden was not finished and probably would not be in the nearest future but Liam considered that a pack project. The only things completely finished were the patio they currently stood on, the pool area, and the whirlpool. 
The patio had beautiful wooden flooring and a big seating area on one side, with a white fireplace right in the middle to huddle around and sit there, even during the winter, and a barbecue. The couches were white with brownish-red wood. On the other side of the patio was a round metallic table and chairs for having breakfast in the summer or playing board games. Liam was sure his friends would find a good use for the table.  Five steps led from the patio to the rectangle-shaped pool, currently covered so the water didn’t get dirty. The pool area was also had wooden flooring but it was slightly brighter than the patio itself. Liam had decided on it because it was advertised as warm wood when the sun shined on it and perfect for pools.  The only thing not covered with wood was the whirlpool area. Large quarry tiles led from the pool to the right down a few more steps and there was the pool, outside covered with grey stones. A stone wall had been built around half of the pool to shield it from the house and give the people in the pool some more privacy. Liam saw the way Theo’s eyes darkened mischievously. It was clear they would use the pool for good at least once.  “Want to take a dip?” He inquired and Theo laughed.  “I am tempted but not tonight. I mean, it is there, we don’t want to waste it.” “No, we don’t want that.” The couple smirked at each other and Liam winked at his mate. 
He took Theo’s hand in his and they left the pool behind them while they wandered into the house and upstairs. The gallery area was kept in the same colors as the living room. Like Liam had said on their first trip here, the shelves were placed along the wall, comfy seats and overstuffed benches were placed in the middle of the gallery, a large desk stood right against the banister to get all the light from the big windows. Modern stereo equipment had been installed between two shelves. Enough to either sit and read comfortably or get some work done or listen to some music. Sleek floor lamps made sure you got enough light even when the sun had disappeared. 
“That’s all furnished right now. The bedrooms are empty and so is the gym, I wanted to decide with all of you what to get. There are other rooms down in the basement currently empty, we have to decide what to do with them. Mrs. Russo suggested a playroom? With a pool table, maybe a little bar, a poker table. But I wasn’t sure and didn’t think it was important right now.” “We have all the time in the world to figure that out, you said it yourself. You managed to create a home where we all can live and have everything we need to live a happy life. And you wonderfully implemented the more luxurious aspects like the pools into this home. Do we need a whirlpool? No. Will we have sex in this pool? Bet on it. Is this the greatest thing ever? It sure is.” He had to laugh at Theo’s excitement. “The pool really settles it for you, huh?” “I like the pool. Especially for us wolves, it is nice to have quick cool down on a hot day and the core pack is quite large, we don’t have to worry about disturbing anybody now. And the whirlpool, well, it gives me ideas.” “I bet I know your ideas.” Liam snickered. He knew Theo after all. “Is sex in a whirlpool on your bucket list or something?” Theo’s smile turned a bit more lewdly. “Since we got together my bucket list grew. There are things I’m planning on doing with you, sweetheart,” he declared huskily and it went straight to Liam’s core. Hot lust mixed with incredible fondness and love for the older man stirred up inside him and his eyes flashed. Theo’s eyes flashed in return and he smirked, exposed the hint of sharp teeth.
The mated couple stared at each other for a while until Liam cleared his throat. If they kept this up they would land in the pool or against a flat surface sooner than later and he had other plans for now. “I, uhm, I brought some picnic. Just some snacks.” He pointed at the picnic basket he had placed on the table earlier when he went to fetch the oldtimer. 
“Well, in that case, let’s sit and eat, shall we?” Theo smiled at him, grabbed the basket, and settled on one of the couches with Liam. It was not much Liam had packed, just some cucumber slices, tomatoes, little meatballs. And: “I thought we should toast to our new home but didn’t think we would like wine so I brought beer.” He pulled the two bottles out. “Want some music?” He stood up and walked to the stereo to turn it on a random channel. Soft instrumental music started to play and for background noise, this was good enough. 
When he walked back to Theo, his boyfriend had taken the black document folder out of the basket and turned it in his hands. “Liam, what is this?” “It’s the sales contract for the house. I bought this house but I said it when I talked about the money being ours. I bought it with our money so I want your signature on the contract as well. I want the house to belong to both of us.” Theo stared at him thunderstruck. “Liam, I can’t do that.” He grimaced.  “Why not?” Liam asked softly. “You agreed when I said the money is our money. We are mates, the house should belong to us both. The Alpha Couple giving their Betas a new home. I don’t see any reason why you can’t sign the contract.” Theo worried his lip with his teeth and flicked the folder open. Liam reached into the basket and pulled out the elegant ballpen he had borrowed from Isaac. He held it out for Theo but said nothing to not pressure his partner. If Theo really declined, he would accept it, no matter how differently he thought about it. 
Theo stared at the contract Then he took the pen in his hand. “You are too good for this world but I am too selfish to say no,” he declared and put his name next to Liam’s on the small line. Liam smiled warmly.  “You are not selfish, it is okay to want this. I offered it to you, you didn’t force me.” He kissed Theo’s cheek and then stored the contract back in the basket. When he turned his attention back to Theo, his boyfriend had a  weak smile on his face.  “Hey, you okay?” Liam put his arm around Theo’s waist. Theo huffed out a soft laugh. “I went from being homeless to a house owner. It’s a big step and a lot to wrap my head around.” He turned his head and looked at Liam. “But I am really, really happy.” He kissed Liam softly. Both men closed their eyes and enjoyed the soft display of love and affection. This was really one of the best, they both knew this. Tonight life was pretty much perfect and they were in their own romantic little bubble. After all those weeks, the pain and the fear, the reality of being homeless, they finally had a new place to live and start a new chapter in their lives.
Liam gasped in surprise when Theo suddenly took his hands and pulled him to his feet. He opened his eyes. “What are we doing?” “It’s a special occasion and we should do something we never did before. I can’t remember that we have ever slow-danced,” Theo explained his actions while he led Liam in front of the stereo. Liam laughed. “Oh my god, Theo.” “No complaints, puppy.” Theo pulled him closer and who was Liam kidding? Of course, wrapped his arms around Theo’s neck and pressed close to Theo. They began swaying and he leaned his head against his mate's shoulder.  “I love you so much,” Theo mumbled. “Thank you.”
****** Liam woke up and heard his cellphone ringing. He groaned and rubbed his eyes while he located his jacket on the floor and reached for it. Mason’s caller id flashed on the screen when he finally fumbled the phone out of his pocket and Theo behind him groaned. “Hello?” “Thank god, we thought you were kidnapped or something, Is Theo okay?” Mason didn’t even bother with a greeting.  “Yeah, he is.” Liam sat up and looked around. Theo had spooned him from behind, one arm over Liam’s hips after they had fallen asleep on the couch at on the gallery. The music was still playing in the background or had played before but Theo had now gotten up and turned it off. “We fell asleep.” “Did you sleep in the car? We were worried cause you didn’t come home after your date and we all agreed you would not take a hotel for the night.” “No, no hotel.” Liam yawned. “We will be home in a bit. Bye.” He hung up and ran a hand through his short hair.  Theo stretched. “Guess our pack missed us. Good to know we can’t stay away for one night. A nice feeling to know people notice your absence." “Yeah.” Liam yawned again. “I need coffee.” His shirt was rumpled from sleeping in it and Theo didn’t look much better. Well, as bad as Theo could look. Even in rumpled clothes, he looked like a supermodel.  "I didn’t expect our first night at the new house to take place on a couch yet again but okay.” Liam shrugged and Theo laughed.  “It’s a different couch than Isaac's and I slept well. That’s the important part, right?” “Right.” He checked his watch. “Fuck, we have to go and get change before classes start!”
****** Friday finally came and their classes dragged on and on. Liam waited eagerly for the college day to finally end so he could meet with his pack in the parking lot and then finally show them the house.  When it was finally time, he bounced on his feet and could not stand still while he waited. Brett who had been ordered to also meet them after his shift grinned. And he had brought Isaac with him who Liam also had kindly invited to tag along. “An excited Alpha puppy, would you look at that.” “I’m just in a good mood.” “You are in a good mood for several days now. Share your secret.” “Well, for once, a large part....” Liam gestured to Theo who leaned against his truck. “I have that one as my mate.” Theo smirked but any further praise of him was cut off by the rest of the pack arriving. 
“Okay, Lee, we are all here and you made it clear we should not have any other plans this weekend. What’s this about? We are too curious, we need to know,” Corey said. Liam grinned. “Just get into the cars and follow Theo’s truck. You will see soon enough.” “We’re going on a trip? But we didn’t pack,” Sadie mused. “Relax, Sadie, you won’t need fresh clothes for that one,” Theo promised. He tossed Liam the keys. “Here, do the honors. Drive.” “Oh, oh, it’s special when Theo lets Liam drive his baby,” Lori was stunned. But then she quickly climbed into the truck, just like everybody else. They all wanted to know what the big surprise was. 
On their way, they all tried to guess what it could be but funny enough none of them guessed the right thing. Either his pack didn’t even try to hope or the Alpha Couple became insanely good at covering things up. 
Then the house came into view and they all fell silent. Uncertain what to say. “Are we visiting someone?” Maya inquired. Theo and Liam shared a look and then parked in front of the large garage, capable of holding two cars inside next to each other. They all got out and the Betas still looked unsure what to make out of this.  Liam and Theo stepped on the front porch. “To answer the question, we are not visiting somebody.”  “But there was a sign regarding private property when we passed the gate,” Nolan chimed in. “Are we trespassing?”  “Guys, come on, you are not dumb. What do you think this is?” Cade shrugged. “A house to visit that could become the new pack house?” Maya shook her head and glanced up the house. Her eyes were a little bit glassy. “No, not a house that could be the new pack house.” She glanced at the other born werewolves in the pack and they all seemed to understand what the rest was missing. Lori finally clarified: “Guys, listen to your wolves. This is the new pack house. And it’s theirs.” She looked at the two Alphas and smiled shyly.  Liam raised his shoulders casually. “I hope you forgive me for sending you on a hunt to find new places only to turn them down but I had to stall in order to keep up the surprise. Yes, this is the house Theo and I bought. Took a while to get finished but now it’s almost done. Only the bedrooms are missing cause the plan was for each one of you to choose a room and then we go to IKEA and buy the furniture every single one of you wants,” he explained.  The pack stayed silent. Theo pointed at them. “That is the moment you should rejoice,” he prompted. 
And then...
Loud screaming and suddenly Alpha and Second Alpha found themselves in an ambush of happy Betas all yelling above each other, asking millions of questions, praising Liam and Theo, and just shouting their thoughts. This was probably the most uncoordinated pack hug they ever had and normal persons would probably stay back with broken ribs but Liam laughed freely and enjoyed the chaos. 
Theo unlocked the front door and then jumped aside last minute before he got run over by the pack. He almost landed in the bushes planted next to the front porch and only Liam’s grip on his arm kept him from it. The Alpha smirked at his mate and Theo flicked his nose in retaliation. And then they also stepped inside their new house.  They made their way to the kitchen and waited for them to calm down. It almost happened once but then Tim spotted the pool and a new wave of euphoria swept over the Betas.  “None of them is younger than twenty and they act like little kids. It will be fun to see Landon’s and Zack’s reaction,” Liam said thoughtfully.  Theo laughed. “They will be just as excited.” 
Excitement, the whole house burst with it. It was palpable and exactly what Liam had hoped for. The surprise was completely successful and it had been good he had waited until everything was finished. They could move in and finally be out of Isaac’s hair.  Only slowly the pack calmed down enough to gather everyone in the living room and have a conversation about the rooms. Liam started it. “To begin, we already chose a room for ourselves.” “Can I guess? The room up the second pair of stairs?” Mason said out loud.  Liam nodded. Maya awed. “The first time you didn’t want to take the biggest room and now you already decided on one. I am proud of you.” “What happened the first time?” Caden wanted to know.  “Mike and Sadie fought about the biggest room until Theo stated the biggest room was for the Alpha. Liam was very hesitant to accept it, only did in case he would find a mate and then could use the private bathroom. Which worked perfectly,” Ever explained and pointed at Theo.  “Good times,” Sadie said and smiled.  “A lot of good things happened in the first pack house. But now we have this house and we will make just as many good memories here if not more.” Liam was sure of that.  “Now, who gets which room?” Theo asked and started a loud argument over who and what and when and where and why. 
Tim was the only one who didn’t participate and just listened. Until he suddenly whistled. “Guys, can I say something? I get it, you all want your room to be the best but let’s face it, all rooms are amazing. However, there are two rooms on each side who share a bathroom each. Does it not make more sense when one of the couples takes two of these rooms? Just asking.” Ever and Caden shared a look. “We would take one set of these rooms, the ones on the left if that’s okay,” they finally decided.  “I’d like the room close to Liam’s and Theo’s staircase. What do you say, Mason?” Corey asked his husband. Mason nodded. The room had a little balcony and would be perfect for the two of them to sit outside and enjoy nature. 
“If you two take that room, I’d like the first room in the basement. The one with the niche. I always wanted a hammock in my room and it would fit perfectly in there,” Mike claimed.  “You want to live downstairs?” Nolan could not believe it.  "You look at me as if I moved in the cardboard under the stairs. The house is built on a hill, you know, therefore it’s not really a basement since the rooms there also have windows and a lot of light.” “I wasn’t downstairs in the basement.” Nolan shrugged.  “Also, I can blast my music and disturb nobody with it,” Mike found yet another reason why he liked the room so much.  “If you want that room, I’d like the room next to yours,” Tim pleaded. “It reminds me how the common room from Hufflepuff is described in the books. I would live in my own Hufflepuff common room, that is awesome!” “Oh my, Timmy, you’re too precious for this world.” Mike smiled and the two best friends fist-bumped. 
After that, the others fell in line. Lori took a great liking to one of the two rooms you came across when you walked upstairs, Nolan and Brett settled next to Corey and Mason on one side and had Sadie on the other. Maya took the first room on the left side of the hallway.  When everyone was settled, Liam looked at Isaac. “What about you?” “What about me?” He looked puzzled.  “You said your apartment gets lonely. You are welcome to drop by anytime if you want. You can choose a room as well. It’s yours then.” “That...Oh wow, I don’t know what to say.” “Hey, you hosted us and gave us a roof over our heads. It’s the least we can do for you.” Theo smiled at his friend and Isaac returned the smile.  Isaac contemplated it. “I take the room next to Lori then. Thank you, guys.”
“Perfect.” Liam clasped his hands together. “Now this is settled, I think we should pay a visit to IKEA:” 
We deserved happy Liam and happy Theo, don't you think? And they deserved to be happy. I ship them with happiness and I am absolutely in love with the two of them being all cuddly and soft with each other. They can barely take their hands off each other and I'm living for it. The pack finally has a new home and can turn a new page in their books. I am sure it will be an awesome time. Let me know what you think.
Have a great week ♥
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childeapologist · 6 years ago
Ahh I’ve wanted to post about this for days but I’ve been so busy and haven’t had the energy. 
Soo I went to Pop Culture con in Denver this weekend and had like the best time of my life. I bought so many art prints idk where I am going to hang them all. 
The highlight of it all was after the con on Saturday sitting at a bar with my date and his friends and basically the whole cast of Critical Role was at a table next to us.  I found the opportunity to speak with Liam and Matt and they were both so kind. I caught Matt pretty open to talk to at a point and told him what a wonderful DM he is and how much I love his stories and how they inspire me. And he shook my hand, then took my hand in both of his and said thank you so much and asked for my name. And I was just over the moon happy. My date helped me work up the courage to say hi to Liam too. I had a photo taken with Liam earlier that day so I got to meet him twice. And we chatted a bit about how the con was going for each of us. It was just aahhhh I couldn’t believe it. 
I’ll leave more details about this encounter in a read more for anyone who cares 
So we are just having some overpriced cocktails in a bar on one of the upper floors of the hotel and at first I spot someone I think looks like Matt Mercer. And I knew it was possible because the CR cast were all there, I had just met Liam earlier that day at the con. But I was like but really, at the same bar at the table next to you? That’s too good to be true. Then more people role in and I look at the table again and I see Laura Bailey, Sam Riegel. Really like the whole cast is there winding down over some drinks before bed. I go to text my friends and realize I left my phone in my room and I see Taliesin Jaffe on the elevator. He was talking to a friend and I didnt want to be a rude fan and interrupt, plus I was in liike shock so I just stood there looking stupid lolll. 
Then like when I get back at first Im just mentally preparing myself to figure out how Im going to make the best of this opportunity without being obnoxious while excitedly texting my friend who introduced me to CR. Then my date and his friends are like go on you have to go over there. And I’m like I need to prepare myself. And just start sucking down half my cocktail at absurd speed. After another minute or so of me procrastinating my date just like drags me over there up to Liam o’Brien and acts as a social buffer like “She’s exceptionally excited to see you here but also very shy and nervous.” He’s so cute, honestly, I really like this boy. Anyway Liam asked me how the weekend was going and I’m like omg its been so great, and asked him how they’re doing. He talked about how they were pooped from the day. And I was like I’m sorry for being that person to walk up to you in your free time but I was so excited when I saw you guys at the table next to us. And he was like its fine. Then I just said thank you for talking and sat back down. And then about 20 minutes later I had my amazing exchange with Matt. And the rest of the night I smiled more than i probably have in years. 
I have such a hard time getting out and participating in the world. I was nervous about this con and being in crowds of people and socializing throughout a whole weekend. And this whole weekend really taught me what great things can come from it and why i need to find more balance. After that whole experience we bar hopped a bit more and I got just the right amount of drunk to enjoy the night. We got some drunken friends safely back in bed, and headed back to the place we were staying and I got to crawl into bed with a boy I really like and everything was perfect. I’m not the type of person who can go out and have nights like that all the time but every once and a while I really enjoy it.  Days like that are always worth living for no matter how rough it gets.
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mfackenthal · 6 years ago
MFackenthal Reviews - TRR
The Broken Bits: Series: Bastien is retiring.  Can he now be with the love of his life?  Will Drake and Claire help him find his love
Masterlist: https://whenyourheartskipsabeat.tumblr.com/post/184314862013/welcome-to-my-world-this-is-my-masterlist-im-an
Fate Intertwined https://whenyourheartskipsabeat.tumblr.com/post/184440749378/heres-chapter-5-a-little-earlier-than-expected: In this series, Liam meets the love of his life before Leo abdicates.  When his life is upended, will he be able to have his happily-ever-after?  Come find out and see Drake come through from Liam time and time again.
All is Fair https://whenyourheartskipsabeat.tumblr.com/post/184416458418/an-hi-everyone-ive-decided-this-is-the-last: Come see how this series ended.  Does Liam get a happily-ever-after?
A Twist in the Tale: Liam announces his truth to everyone FINALLY!
Sweethearts (Chapter 6) https://elles-choices.tumblr.com/post/184437012524/sweethearts-chapter-6-trr-liam-x-mc:  Liam was an idiot as a teenager.  He was still the man we love at his core, but he cared too much about public opinion. This cost him the love of his life. Can he win her back or will life keep them apart? 
We’re Enough Part 3: Love and Support: https://speedyoperarascalparty.tumblr.com/post/184414641108/were-enough-part-3-love-and-support: Drake and Pam are having trouble getting pregnant and their squad rallies around them.  A reminder that you are enough.  It’s beautiful and you should read it.
Truth and Lies https://speedyoperarascalparty.tumblr.com/post/184147063743/truths-and-lies: Drake and Anitah think their significant others are cheating on them – with each other!  Come see their shenanigans.
Born Into Darkness https://speedyoperarascalparty.tumblr.com/post/183782629393/born-into-darkness-chapter-6-the-arrangement: A dark but beautiful fic about Madelaine and why she is who she is. 
The Mark: chapter 7: The Cause: https://ownworldresident.tumblr.com/post/184411903004/the-mark-chapter-7-the-cause: Liam has in custody the woman who tried to kill him.  He is very attracted to this woman.  This woman has answers that he needs.  The cabinet wants to know Liam is safe and wants answers.  How will Liam handle the pressure?
Side by Side: Chapter 13 Honesty https://ownworldresident.tumblr.com/post/183867841064/side-by-side-chapter-13-honesty: A cliffhanger of an episode … Liam and Rayne really need to talk … but what about?  Catch up and whine for more with me.
Tell Me What you Want https://debramcg1106.tumblr.com/post/184399673239/tell-me-what-you-want: Come learn why Liam cries wolf and almost gets Drake in trouble. 
Good Goodbye https://umccall71.tumblr.com/post/184360631927/charactersprince-liam-x-mc-lady: Olivia’s best friend from college comes to visit.  Liam is already smitten.  So is Saige. Come see the sweet innocence before the upcoming storm.
TTK Chapter 21 part 1 “Mad” https://silviasutton1989.tumblr.com/post/184377878383/ttk-ch-21-part-1-mad: Liam loves Olivia but also believes she tried to kill him.  Come enjoy the drama of it all!
Fluffernutter (N*FW): https://boneandfur.tumblr.com/post/184356704459/fluffernutter-nfw: let’s just say if there’s an innuendo around PB&J, it’s in use in this delighful fic
The Return Series: https://ao719.tumblr.com/post/178163456921/masterlist-series-fate-liam-x-mc: This series is especially for those who don’t really love Riley. Come fall in love with someone who is truly right for Liam. Your heart will break, but I also promise a happy ending.
Guarded Hearts Series https://lolablackwrites.tumblr.com/fanficmasterlist: Alice (MC) meets and falls in love with Bastien first.  Will Bastien be able to compete against the rest of the TRR crew? Get ready for love, romance, drama, and so much more!
Late Night Confessions https://choicesbyjade.tumblr.com/post/184155061657/late-night-confessions: When Olivia finds Drake outside looking at the stars, admissions are made.
Blue https://choicesbyjade.tumblr.com/post/183969202906/blue: Leo struggles in a marriage with a too-distant wife.  A letter from Hana is just so sweet.
@hopefulmoonobject and @ownworldresident
Something Unexpected Series Latest chapter: https://hopefulmoonobject.tumblr.com/post/184334049983/something-unexpected Liam still hasn’t admitted to the woman he loves that he is the King.  She’s about to meet his friends.  Check out how the initial meeting goes.
Hankering for Chee-zee Bread https://bobasheebaby.tumblr.com/post/184279860713/pairing-liam-x-bailey-x-drake-athena-x: If you know what Chee-zee bread is, then you know why it’s wanted.  If you don’t – come learn about it. 
Want You to Want Me – Falling for You Chapter 4 https://bobasheebaby.tumblr.com/post/183942041018/want-you-to-want-me-nsw-falling-for-you: This is Olivia with Bastien … a pairing I never would have thought about but @bobasheebaby made me fall in love with. Sigh.
Drake’s Diary ch. 28 – Coney Island: https://fluffy-marshmallow-heart.tumblr.com/post/184271285666/drakes-diary-ch28-coney-island: It’s exactly what you think it is and if you love Drake, you need to read it.  If you don’t love Drake – come find out why the rest of us do.
My Heart Torn Apart https://tornbetween2loves.tumblr.com/post/177628304621/my-heart-torn-apart: Why choose between Drake and Liam when you can have them both?  And why is watching them together soooo hot?
Secrets: What’s Done In the Dark: https://hopefulmoonobject.tumblr.com/post/184224102983/what-is-done-in-the-dark: Leo’s mother has left behind clues to the truth of his past.  Can Leo find and handle the truth?  Will it lead to a more grown up/mature Leo if he does?
The Line https://larryssunflower.tumblr.com/post/183904047398/the-line-drake-x-mc-part-one-characters: Drake owns a bar.  Liam is a father of a 6 year old, but I don’t think he knows that yet … read this and beg for more with me.
Lessons in Driving: https://laniquelovewrites.tumblr.com/post/180664067478/lessons-in-driving I may have had a small influence in this fic and so every once in a while I go back and read it because it’s amazing and I love it.  Read it and laugh at Maxwell with me!
Duties of a Prince – Chapter 34: https://theroyalweisme.tumblr.com/post/183658887923/duties-of-a-prince-chapter-34-leo-x-liam-x-mc  Haha, remember when you called this a little AU @theroyalweisme?  34 chapters later … find out just how awesome I am (Megan) and come see Sab and Leo “pretend” to be in love.
Falling Deeper in Love Series: https://captain-kingliamsqueen.tumblr.com/post/183574728626/falling-deeper-in-love-until-we-meet-again: King Liam meets a fashion designer who can fulfill more of his needs than just his need for a tux.  
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