#hiking in humidity is a bear
mechadress · 6 months
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Hong Kong
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hayatheauthor · 29 days
Surviving the Wilderness: Writing Realistic 'Lost in the Woods' Scenarios
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The wilderness, with its vastness and unpredictability, can turn from serene to menacing in an instant. For writers, depicting a character who is lost in the woods offers a rich tapestry of emotions, challenges, and survival instincts to explore. But to do so effectively requires a blend of authenticity, attention to detail, and understanding the real-world repercussions of such an event.
Whether your character is an experienced outdoorsman or a city dweller thrown into the wild, this guide will help you craft a realistic narrative that resonates with readers.
1. Setting Up the Scenario
A. Choosing the Right Wilderness Environment
The first step in creating a believable lost-in-the-woods scenario is choosing the appropriate setting. Different types of wilderness present different challenges, and the environment you choose will shape the narrative.
Type of Forest: Consider the differences between dense forests, temperate rainforests, boreal woods, and tropical jungles. A dense forest might offer limited visibility and a disorienting array of trees, while a tropical jungle could present humidity, dangerous wildlife, and thick undergrowth. Each environment comes with unique hazards and characteristics that will impact your character’s journey.
Seasonal Considerations: The time of year plays a significant role in the story. In winter, your character might face snow, freezing temperatures, and the challenge of finding food. In summer, they might struggle with dehydration, heat exhaustion, or the difficulty of navigating through thick foliage. The season will also affect the availability of resources, like water and shelter.
Location-Specific Details: Consider the unique features of the chosen location. Is it known for dangerous wildlife, such as bears or wolves? Does the terrain include steep cliffs, rivers, or swamps? Researching the specific area can add layers of realism to your story, providing challenges that are true to the environment.
B. Character Background
The character’s background is crucial in determining how they will respond to being lost. Their level of experience, purpose for being in the woods, and psychological state all influence their actions.
Experience Level: Are they an experienced hiker with survival skills, or are they a city dweller with little knowledge of the outdoors? An experienced character might know how to build a shelter and find water, while an inexperienced one might make dangerous mistakes. Balancing their skills with the challenges they face can create tension and interest.
Purpose of the Trip: Why is your character in the woods? Whether they’re on a leisurely hike, conducting research, or fleeing from danger, their purpose will affect their preparedness and mindset. A hiker might have a map and supplies, while someone fleeing might have nothing but the clothes on their back.
Psychological State: Consider the character’s mental condition before they get lost. Are they overconfident, stressed, or fearful? Their psychological state will influence their decisions—overconfidence might lead to risky choices, while fear could cause them to panic. Understanding their mindset will help you write a more nuanced and realistic portrayal.
C. The Catalyst: How They Get Lost
The moment when a character realizes they are lost is a critical point in the narrative. How this happens can be gradual or sudden, depending on the story you want to tell.
Common Triggers: Characters can become lost for various reasons, such as deviating from a marked trail, encountering sudden weather changes, sustaining an injury, or simply having poor navigation skills. Each trigger offers different narrative possibilities—an injury might limit their mobility, while poor navigation could lead them deeper into danger.
Pacing: Decide how quickly your character realizes they are lost. It could be a slow realization as they fail to find familiar landmarks, or it could be immediate, such as after an unexpected event like a storm or injury. The pacing of this moment will set the tone for the rest of the story.
2. Writing the Experience of Being Lost
A. The Initial Panic
When a character first realizes they are lost, their initial reactions are often driven by panic. This moment is crucial for establishing the tone of the story and the character’s mental state.
Physical Reactions: Describe the character’s immediate physical responses, such as an elevated heart rate, adrenaline rush, sweating, and shortness of breath. These physiological reactions are the body’s natural response to fear and uncertainty.
Mental Reactions: Mentally, the character might experience denial, anxiety, or confusion. They might try to convince themselves that they aren’t really lost or that they’ll find their way back soon. This denial can lead to irrational decisions, like wandering in circles or making impulsive choices.
Immediate Actions: The character’s first actions after realizing they’re lost are critical. They might attempt to retrace their steps, call for help if they have a phone signal, or check the time to gauge how long they’ve been lost. These actions are often driven by the hope of quickly resolving the situation.
B. The Descent into Survival Mode
Once the character accepts that they are truly lost, the story shifts from panic to survival. This is where the character’s skills, or lack thereof, come into play.
Acceptance of the Situation: The character moves from panic to a more rational state of mind. They begin to assess their situation and prioritize their needs. This shift marks the beginning of their survival journey.
Basic Needs: The character will need to address their most immediate survival needs: shelter, water, food, and fire. Describe their efforts to find or create shelter, locate water sources, forage for food, and start a fire. Each of these tasks presents its own challenges and dangers.
Navigational Challenges: As the character tries to find their way, they will face navigational challenges. Dense foliage, fog, and the lack of clear landmarks can make it difficult to maintain a sense of direction. The character might struggle with the disorientation that comes from being surrounded by identical trees or losing sight of the sun.
C. Emotional and Psychological Effects
The emotional and psychological toll of being lost is significant and should be explored in depth.
Isolation and Fear: The character’s sense of isolation can amplify their fear. The fear of predators, injuries, or never being found can become overwhelming. This fear might cause the character to make rash decisions, or it could paralyze them, preventing them from taking action.
Hope vs. Despair: The character’s emotional journey will likely fluctuate between moments of hope and despair. They might find something that gives them hope, such as a sign of civilization or a source of water, only to be crushed when they realize it was a false lead.
Hallucinations and Delusions: In extreme situations, such as severe dehydration or starvation, the character might experience hallucinations or delusions. These can add an element of psychological horror to the narrative and further illustrate the severity of their situation.
D. Interaction with Nature
The character’s interaction with the natural environment is a key aspect of their survival story.
Wildlife Encounters: Depending on the location, the character might encounter dangerous wildlife, such as bears, wolves, or snakes. Describe these encounters realistically, focusing on the character’s fear and the steps they take to avoid or confront these animals.
Environmental Hazards: The natural environment presents its own set of dangers, such as quicksand, poisonous plants, and unstable terrain. The character might have to navigate these hazards while dealing with their growing exhaustion and fear.
Natural Resources: The character can use nature to their advantage by finding water, edible plants, or materials for building a shelter. This not only adds realism to the story but also gives the character moments of small victories that can keep them going.
3. Survival Tactics: What Works and What Doesn't
A. Basic Survival Skills
Understanding and depicting basic survival skills is crucial for writing a realistic lost-in-the-woods scenario.
Finding Water: Water is the most critical resource for survival. Describe how the character identifies potential water sources, such as streams or dew on leaves, and how they purify water to make it safe to drink. If they can’t find water, their condition will deteriorate rapidly, leading to severe dehydration.
Building Shelter: The character needs shelter to protect themselves from the elements. Whether they find a natural shelter, like a cave, or build one from branches and leaves, this task is essential for their survival. The process of building shelter also gives the character a sense of purpose and control over their situation.
Starting a Fire: Fire is essential for warmth, cooking, and protection from predators. Describe the challenges of starting a fire in the wild, especially if the wood is wet or the character lacks the proper tools. The ability to start and maintain a fire can be a turning point in the character’s survival story.
Foraging for Food: Finding food in the wild is difficult and dangerous. The character might forage for berries, roots, or small animals. Describe the risks of eating unknown plants or the difficulty of catching and preparing small game.
B. Navigational Techniques
Navigation is a critical aspect of survival, and the character’s ability to orient themselves can mean the difference between life and death.
Reading the Environment: The character might use the sun, stars, or natural landmarks to navigate. Describe how they attempt to determine their direction, and the challenges they face if the sky is cloudy or if they’re in a dense forest where the canopy blocks out the sun. Their ability to read the environment will depend on their prior knowledge and experience.
Using Makeshift Tools: If the character has access to materials like sticks, rocks, or even a piece of reflective metal, they might create makeshift tools like a compass or use shadows to determine direction. These improvisational skills can add a layer of resourcefulness to the character’s survival tactics.
Trail Marking: If the character decides to explore the area in hopes of finding a way out, they might mark their trail to avoid walking in circles. They could use stones, branches, or even carve symbols into trees. This tactic not only helps with navigation but also adds to the tension if they realize they’ve returned to a previously marked spot, indicating they’ve been moving in circles.
C. Mistakes and Misconceptions
Realistic survival stories often include mistakes that characters make, especially if they are inexperienced.
Following Streams Incorrectly: A common misconception is that following a stream will always lead to civilization. While it can lead to water sources, it might also take the character deeper into the wilderness. Highlight the risks of relying on this tactic without proper knowledge.
Overestimating Stamina: Characters might push themselves too hard, assuming they can keep going without rest. Overestimating their stamina can lead to exhaustion, injuries, or even fatal mistakes. Describing the physical toll of these decisions can add realism and tension to the narrative.
Eating Dangerous Plants: Foraging for food can be deadly if the character lacks knowledge of the local flora. Describe how they might mistake poisonous plants for edible ones, leading to illness or hallucinations. This mistake can be a significant plot point, demonstrating the dangers of the wilderness.
4. Realistic Repercussions of Being Lost
A. Physical Consequences
Being lost in the wilderness for an extended period can have severe physical repercussions.
Dehydration and Starvation: The longer the character is lost, the more their body will deteriorate. Dehydration can set in within a few days, leading to confusion, dizziness, and eventually death. Starvation takes longer but will cause weakness, muscle loss, and an inability to think clearly.
Injuries: Describe any injuries the character sustains, such as sprains, cuts, or broken bones. These injuries will hinder their ability to move and survive. If left untreated, even minor injuries can become infected, leading to serious complications.
Exposure: Depending on the environment, the character might suffer from exposure to the elements. Hypothermia can occur in cold conditions, while heatstroke is a risk in hot climates. Both conditions are life-threatening and require immediate attention.
B. Psychological Consequences
The psychological toll of being lost is often as severe as the physical consequences.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Even after being rescued, the character might suffer from PTSD, experiencing flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety. Describe how their ordeal has changed them, affecting their ability to return to normal life.
Survivor’s Guilt: If the character was lost with others who didn’t survive, they might experience survivor’s guilt. This emotional burden can be overwhelming, leading to depression and difficulty coping with their survival.
Long-Term Anxiety: The fear of being lost again can cause long-term anxiety and phobias. The character might avoid certain environments or experience panic attacks in similar situations.
C. Legal Consequences
There are also legal and financial repercussions to consider, especially if the character’s actions led to their getting lost.
Search and Rescue Costs: In many places, the cost of search and rescue operations can be billed to the person who was lost, especially if they were negligent or broke the law. This can be a significant financial burden and add a layer of realism to your story.
Negligence and Liability: If the character’s actions endangered others, such as leaving a marked trail or ignoring warnings, they might face legal consequences for negligence. This could include fines, community service, or even jail time, depending on the severity of their actions.
Impact on Relationships: The ordeal of getting lost can strain relationships with family and friends. Describe how their loved ones react—do they blame the character, or are they just relieved they’re safe? The legal and financial consequences can also impact these relationships, leading to tension and conflict.
5. Writing Tips: Making It Believable
Crafting a realistic and compelling lost-in-the-woods narrative requires attention to detail and an understanding of the human experience in such extreme situations. Here are some tips to make your story believable:
A. Research and Authenticity
Understand the Terrain: Before writing, research the specific environment where your character will be lost. Whether it's a dense forest, a mountainous region, or a desert, understanding the flora, fauna, and climate will help you create an authentic setting. Pay attention to details like the types of trees, animals, weather patterns, and geographical features.
Learn Basic Survival Techniques: Familiarize yourself with basic survival skills, such as building a shelter, finding water, and starting a fire. Even if your character is inexperienced, knowing the correct methods will allow you to portray their struggles accurately.
Incorporate Local Myths and Folklore: If your story is set in a particular region, consider integrating local myths or folklore about the wilderness. This can add depth to the narrative and give the environment a more ominous or mystical feel.
B. Character Realism
Establish Their Skills Early: If your character has any survival skills, establish them early in the story. This could be through flashbacks, previous experiences, or hints in their background. This will make their actions in the woods more believable.
Show Their Vulnerability: Even the most prepared individuals can make mistakes. Show your character’s vulnerability by having them face setbacks, make poor decisions, or struggle with their emotions. This makes them more relatable and human.
Reflect Their Mental State: The character's psychological state should evolve throughout the story. Show how their thoughts shift from initial panic to determination, despair, and finally, either acceptance or a desperate push for survival. Use internal monologue, dreams, or hallucinations to illustrate their mental state.
C. Plot and Pacing
Balance Action with Reflection: While the physical actions of survival are crucial, so is the internal journey of the character. Balance scenes of intense activity, like building a shelter or escaping a predator, with quieter moments of reflection or memory.
Use Sensory Details: Engage the reader’s senses by describing the environment through sights, sounds, smells, and even touch. The rustling of leaves, the scent of pine, or the rough bark of a tree can immerse readers in the setting and heighten the tension.
Avoid Convenient Resolutions: Survival stories are often about struggle and perseverance. Avoid giving your character an easy way out, such as a sudden rescue or finding a cabin with supplies. Instead, focus on their gradual adaptation and the hard choices they have to make.
D. Dialogue and Interactions
Internal Dialogue: In situations where the character is alone, internal dialogue becomes crucial. Use it to explore their fears, hopes, and regrets. This can also be a way to explain their thought process and decision-making.
Flashbacks and Memories: If your character is alone, use flashbacks or memories to develop their backstory and explain their motivations. These can also serve as a contrast to their current situation, highlighting how far they’ve come or what they’ve lost.
Interactions with the Environment: Treat the wilderness as a character in itself. The environment should interact with the character, creating obstacles, providing resources, and affecting their mood and decisions.
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Quillology with Haya Sameer; a blog dedicated to writing and publishing tips for authors! While you’re at it, don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey!
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the-possum-writes · 1 year
could you do a detailed smut/fluff with adult!Finn after reader has been away on an adventure?
Long time no see 🔞
❥Character: Finn Mertens
❥Tags: NS/FW, gender neutral reader, private parts aren't specified, Face sitting, Oral, Established Relationship, Fluff, Vanilla, No beta,
❥Synopsis: Coming back to Finn after spending months climbing through snow covered mountains. As much as you love traveling, you love him even more.
❥Wordcount: 2400
❥Taglist: @watchingfromthefloorboards @foxpearlwilder
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With the treefrort being no taller than a sapling it made it harder to find Finn's mobile home with how much he loves to move around without telling you, but the again, you can't say no to a challenge. 
The air is humid, and the sky grows gloomier as clouds block off the day's final rays of sunlight. The trinkets on your backpack clink together as you hike uphill toward the parked metallic trailer, where the candy horses are already preparing for sleep; any doubts about no one being home are thrown out the window when orange light shines behind the solitary door. A single knock is made while speaking clearly. "Sir Mertens, we've come to discuss your expired warranty," you say as solemnly as you can.
Footsteps approach you as a muffled voice talks from inside the trailer. "A warranty? But I paid choose goose years ago." When the door finally opened, Finn was shocked to see you instead of some unscrupulous lawyer. Even in this temperature, he is dressed in just a pair of faded gray tank top and a pair of denim shorts. He is just as you remember, tall, chubby, but neither too skinny nor excessively jacked up, and his blond beard matches the blond hairs on his head that aren't covered by his customary bear hat. However, he appears to be immune to the autumn season since when he greeted you with a bear hug, you felt firsthand how naturally warm he truly is, with his body heat surrounding you even through the layer of clothes you dressed yourself for travels.
After a minute of hugging you, he laughs in your ear and releases you. "I should've known better; lawyers wouldn't bother trekking up this steep hill just to charge me with a stupid warrant."
"You obviously never met a lawyer then, they're more relentless than a honey badger with a grudge." you point out. This gained another laugh from Finn, "Come inside! you look like you've fought one yourself."
And he wasn't lying, expeditions didn't really leave you looking fresh like a cabbage.
As you step inside his cozy trailer you soon realize why Finn was dressed in light clothes, it's just as warm as he is with the orange lights coming from a heater in the corner of the main area that looks like a living room, a few more looks around the place hold the trademarks of a single occupant, empty pizza boxes stacked together in the trash bin, clean but unfolded laundry basket out in the open and countless trinkets, weapons and treasures mounted on every inch of the walls. You drop your backpack to the carpeted floor as you take in the details of the treasures, some look familiar to you while others are completely brand new. You make a mental note to ask about them later for now you only have one thing in mind as you remove your coat.
"I'mma hog the shower bit." you affirm, not really asking for permission but you do toss in a suggestion for good measure. "You could use one too, I may look the part but you smell more like a badger than me." 
Finn scoffs at your jab until he caught a whiff of himself and agreed non verbally. The last thing you saw before closing the door to the bathroom was Finn grabbing two towels from the cupboard but not a pair of new clothes considering the basket was right there, it sent a shiver down your spine and settled in your stomach, but you choose to ignore it for now as you get your priorities straight.
The sigh you release when the warm water crashed on your body could easily be confused for something pornographic, but considering the rough terrain you've traveled through and the rough weather outside it's no brainier you'd feel so satisfied with something as mundane as a hot shower. Your hands are combing through the knots in your hair when you heard Finn follow you into the shower, you step aside to allow him some room under the shower head as he shakes his head like a dog. "Can you pass me the shampoo? it's on the sink." he asks, eyes closed as he lavishes in the hot water just like you did earlier. You poke your head out of the shower curtain to retrieve the bottle on the ledge of the sink, almost laughing your ass off when you read it's one of those '13 in one for men' brand. "For real? why not have a shampoo and conditioner like Jake did?" you snort.
"Hey, I'm a busy guy. Why waste my time with a ton of bottles if one has it covered?" is his defense, but you comply nevertheless as you squeeze the shampoo over his open palm as he washes his rowdy blond locks with it, you can't help but feel a twinge of jealously, Finn could use car shampoo and his hair would still look majestic and soft. Good genes i suppose. Your eyes went to the single hand washing his hair with his other shoulder leading to a scarred stump you've seen replaced with a multitude of weapons and robotic prosthetics but now it's just as nude as the rest of him. He helps you out with your own hair, scrubbing your back and even cleaning behind your ears like a cat grooming it's partner, and yet you allow him, let him satiate his touch starved need with these caresses on your body that don't necessarily lead to anything promiscuous under the shower head but knowing the two of you it's just a matter of time. He's the first to walk out of the bathroom, handing you your towel as he dries out his long hair in his bedroom. While you follow behind his steps it's like walking in on an undisturbed nymph bathing in a pond during golden hour, with the orange light casting striking shadows and highlights over every noteworthy angle on his body, from his sturdy thighs to his firm shoulders and lastly his prominent ass, it's like you're hypnotized when you slowly walk up to him to wrap your arms around his midriff and press your exposed body to his. "So, what did you bring me from your trip?" Finn asks softly while lowering his hand to meet with yours, caressing your scarred knuckles with his large thumb.
"Since when am i obligated to bring you stuff from my trips? there's not exactly any souvenir shops on top of freezing mountains." you jest, resting the side of your head against his back as your other hand trails up and down his hairy navel, feeling his muscles tense down south.
"You always bring me something," he snorts, "Either way, I'm glad you came back safely."
Finn tosses the wet towel elsewhere as he turns around to face you, expediently but suddenly smashing his lips against yours with a fervor you've only witnessed when he's fighting monster taller than himself, he doesn't leave any spot of your mouth untouched with drooling dripping from the corner of your mouth as you caress his tongue with your own in a cacophony of grunts and gasps that escape past your hot breaths. Finn drops himself back into the edge of his bed and brings you along with him with the only thing keeping you above him being your knee in between his parted legs, if his body is naturally warm like a radiator then the growing length nestled in his loins is overbearingly hot, you raise your knee to tease more of him in an attempt to seek more of the noises that were getting caught in his throat. Seeking more from him, you quit the teasing and get down to your knees, kissing the interior of his firm thighs as you make way to the bulbous pink tip eagerly twitching in your direction. You place one smooch on Finn's tip, before placing another, and another until you take his entire gland past your chapped lips, humidifying them with the droplets of precum slipping through his head as you take more of him with a needy groan.
Finn fidgets a bit in his spot, you raising your view to see him lovingly staring back at you through his gorgeous blonde eyelashes, compelling you to take more of him as you keep eye contact so the memory of you stuffing your mouth with his cock becomes engraved in every cell in his brain. Finn's mouth opens up ever so slightly to expel sighs, grunts and whines every time you bob your head up and down, focusing on the way your tongue swirls around his tip like a lollipop. He's so painfully close it has you aching for him more than all those nights you spent alone on snowy terrain, so you removed yourself from his cock with a final slurp and an audible pop, leaving behind a mess of saliva dripping down your tongue. "...ah, ah, not yet." you insist, ignoring your pained knees as you stand up in front of Finn, softly pushing him on his back as you climb him like a tree.
Almost as if he read your mind, Finn grabbed hold of you with a single hand. "Come here," he pulls your hips to his face, stuffing his mouth with everything you could offer to him. You gasp in bewilderment as Finn takes in as much as he can in his own mouth, sucking, nibbling and letting his tongue run wild all over you as your body instinctively jerks back and forth while tugging on his blonde hair. The action has Finn growling from under you, with his own hips jutting forward even though there's nothing to rut against, Finn has learned to become a patient man when it comes to his urges but it's like the build up from months without any lewd contact finally went to his head and has him tapping into a lustful state. And boy, you're all in for it. You remove yourself from Finn's face, ushering the most basic english through needy pants. "Need you inside, now."
This has Finn tossing you to your side, keeping you in place as he dips his head in between the crook of your neck and shoulder to lick and bite to his pleasure. He guides his fingertips to the opening of your mouth, letting him wet his digits with the excessive saliva pooled in your tongue as you got his fingers nice and wet. It's in your best interest after all. "That's it babe, i need 'em nice and slick, I want you to take me... all of me..." he whispers in your shoulder. After he's satisfied with the copious amount of drool he guides them to your already wet opening (thanks to his own saliva from earlier) and slips in one finger after another, poking and prodding inside you as he stretches you out a bit. His touch has every nerve in your your legs twitching, growing accustomed to the isolation and lack of his touch after all this time has you whimpering like it's your first time with him, and Finn dwells in this. "Missed me after all huh? or did you miss my cock?" Finn replaces his fingers for his hot rob, rubbing the tip over your entrance in a teasing manner just like when you rubbed your knee against him.
"Everything. I missed everything about you Finn-" you confess absolutely breathless, taking his mouth for another kiss as his slips himself inside you, with both of your grunting in unison.
"I missed you to," is the last time you hear him speak in a soft tone. "...Won't keep you waiting." Finn's voice struggles to sound coherent as he secures his arm around your midriff as he drills into you from behind, already starting with a rough pace as he keep true to his word like the knight he is. Your cries of ecstasy combine with his own mix of grunts and growls, even biting into your shoulder to add more marks to the growing collection on your skin. Finn didn't stop his onslaught on your for a second, not when he switched your positions and laid you on your back as he raised your legs over his shoulder to fuck deeper into your wanton body, taking in all of his rough biting that you returned with long scratches on his already scarred back, the angle not only allow for deeper thrusts but it also gave you a beautiful view of his gorgeous body. Just like the treasure mounted on his wall, some of his scars were familiar while there were new ones to the collection, one of them being the unfinished tattoo decorated over his beefy hairy chest, you run your hands over his torso, feeling the muscle underneath flex with every movement Finn provides both for your pleasure and his love for you. It's these touches of yours that has Finn slow down from his heated session against your lower regions to dwell a bit in the feelings that have you two in this situation in the first place, his thrusts become slow and shallow, taking the time to release his hold on your thigh to grab your hand and kiss your knuckles which although were scarred and calloused they felt soft against Finn's lips.
The moment is tender in it's own right, and yet it doesn't fail to have you craving for this silly man all over again. You nudge him with the sole of your foot, silently prompting him to continue.
Finn resumed his onslaught into your warm insides but with more adoring looks and complements that remind you that you're also worthy of his love and attention. "You're taking me so good... No one else can rile me up like this..." Finn calls out your name multiple times, feeling himself near the edge as his hips loose rhythm in favor of faster and harder pelvic thrusts that feel like he's straight up rearranging your guts.
"Finn, Finn please...please..." you find yourself begging, almost teary eyed.
Finn complies and smooches you one last time, driving you to that sweet sweet liberation that has you aching your back and wrapping your legs around Finn's waist, meanwhile he releases a combination of desperate whimpers and grunts as he empties a vast amount of pent up come inside your tight little hole that rushes out from around him and leaks into his bed sheets. The blow up has Finn crashing down on you, needing to tap him in the arm to remind him he's crushing you.
"My bad." he rolls sideways but not without pulling your against him, as he closes his eyes to take in the feeling of you body against his no matter how sweaty the two of you are.
You in return, appreciate his peaceful face from up close. To the scar on his cheek from the beard scattered over his lower jaw, he's marvelous, not to mention when he finally opens his eyes to look at you with those glistening pools of blue. "Like what you see?" he jokes, smiling at you despite the few missing teeth.
"Very much," you place a kiss on his nose, watching him scrunch it a bit.
"Well, if you stay for the weekend i can make it worth your time before you go back to mountain climbing." he states, which has you reconsidering.
"Hmm, actually i think I'll take an indefinite hiatus from traveling. Or atleast until i can get you something better than this dinosaur tooth i brought you." you accidentally slip up which has Finn sitting up with a knowing laugh of victory.
"Hah! I knew you brought me something!"
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kingofbodyrolls · 1 year
Friendcation (m) | myg | four
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It’s the last weeks of the vacation being just you and Yoongi, and you’re going to savor every last bit of it. You do some hiking, relaxing and discover new sides to yourself that you didn’t know existed.
→ Pairing: Yoongi x reader (female) → Other characters: Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin. → Genre/AU: best friends to friends with benefits to lovers, non idol!au, camping!au, roadtrip!au, mechanic!Yoongi, humor, slight angst, smut and fluff → Rating: mature/explicit/R18 (This is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact.) → Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 → Status: completed! → Word Count: 17,7K (wooops!) → Warnings: smut; exhibitionism, voyeurism, period sex (period blood, but not in too much detail), period cramps, protected sex, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), handjob, nipple/breast play. → Author’s note: I’m sorry this took longer to post than the previous chapters 🙇 And I’m currently still outlining ch 5 🫥 Moving is harder than anticipated, but we are almost completely settled in, and I began writing again yesterday, so that’s good 🙂It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there.
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The calendar has ticked its way to the end of August, but Mother Nature seemed to be playing a capricious game with the weather. Just when you thought the days would be getting cooler, a sweltering heat wave envelopes the surroundings, and the sun bears down with relentless intensity. It was as though the weather had a mischievous mind of its own, teasingly extending the summer season.
The unforgiving heat was taking its toll on you. Your body, once energized by the adventures of summer, now ached from the relentless rays and the humidity that clung to your skin.
Agony surges through you, and an involuntary whimper escaping your lips, “Fuck it hurts!”
Clutching your stomach, you feel utterly helpless, as if the pain has taken control of your very being. Yoongi’s concerned gaze never left your face, and you can see the worry etched in his features. 
In that moment, his presence was a balm to your suffering. He leans in closer, his hand moving to stroke your hips in a soothing, rhythmic motion. His voice, a gentle murmur, reaching your ears like a lifeline in the darkness of your pain.
“Can I do anything to help?” 
He asked, his eyes searching yours, as if willing your agony to ebb away. It was a simple question, but in that moment, it held the power to offer you some respite from the torment.
Your frustration knew no bounds as you cursed your forgetfulness. It was a recurring issue, the way your period always seemed to sneak up on you when you least expected it, catching you off guard. The fact that you had irregular periods only added to the challenge, and this time, it had left you utterly unprepared. 
In the midst of your aggravation, you realize you have forgotten to pack any pads or even tampons. Panic starts to creep in as you consider the inconvenience of the situation. It’s a moment that made you wish you had been more vigilant and prepared for this inevitable occurrence.
Your voice, tinged with frustration, anger, and the ache of cramps, sounds like a desperate plea as you confess, “I forgot to pack pads and pain meds.” 
Your words hang heavily in the air, a stark reminder of your discomfort. In that moment, his eyes soften with genuine concern. He can see the pain etched across your face, and it pains him too, knowing he can’t bear the discomfort for you. 
“I can get those for you,” he offers earnestly, his desire to help you clear in his eyes. He can’t stand to see you in such distress; it tugs at his heartstrings.
“You don’t have to, Yoongi,” you insist, your voice trembling slightly as you inhale sharply, a fresh wave of cramps seizing your body. 
Despite your attempt to maintain your independence, you can’t hide the pain in your voice. It was clear that you were struggling, and he couldn’t stand by and do nothing while you suffered. Your words are laced with concern as Yoongi gazes at you, his eyes reflecting his genuine worry. Seeing you in such pain was breaking his heart, and he wanted nothing more than to alleviate your suffering.
“I know you can do it yourself,” he begins, his voice filled with tenderness, “but please, let me take care of you, babe. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.” 
His genuine desire to help you was evident in his eyes and in the way his hand continued to gently stroke your hip in a soothing manner.
A soft smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you relent, feeling grateful for Yoongi’s caring nature. “Okay, thank you,” you whisper, realizing that sometimes, accepting help was a way to strengthen your friendship, and in this moment, it means the world to you.
With a tender nod, Yoongi steps out of the van. 
“Okay. I’ll be back in an hour or so,” he reassures you, genuine concern still etched across his features. “I hope the pain won’t get worse,” he adds softly before closing the door behind him, leaving you in the temporary solitude of Holly.
Yoongi walks to the nearest store, the warm sun beating down on him during the 20-minute stroll in the early afternoon. Upon entering, he makes a beeline for the section with sanitary products and picks up some pads. As he stands there, he wonders if you use tampons but decides against them.
Then, an idea crosses his mind. He grabs his phone and texts his sister, seeking advice on what other items would be helpful for a woman on her period.
Yoongi [15:35]: I need your help, big sis 🆘
Sis [15:37]: What do you need help with? 😏
Yoongi [15:40]: ___ is on her period, bad cramps. I’m buying her pads and meds. Should I get her something else? What do women want on their period? 🤷
Sis [15:44]: Omg. You are the sweetest! 🥹 Buy her some dark chocolate and chips, I’m sure she’ll appreciate that. I’ll swing by with dinner for you two later 😉
Yoongi swiftly collects the items his sister suggested and makes his way back to the van, a sense of urgency and care propelling his every step.
As Yoongi returns, your face lights up with a mixture of gratitude and relief as you take in the thoughtful array of items he’s brought. 
“Wow, you didn’t have to get all that, Yoongi. Thank you so much,” you exclaim with genuine appreciation, reaching eagerly for the chocolate he purchased.
Yoongi offers you the rest of the items he bought, mentioning his sister’s involvement. 
You raise an eyebrow in surprise and then burst into laughter at his confession. “You actually told her I was on my period?” you chuckle, finding the situation rather amusing. He nods, a bit apprehensive, and adds, “She’s coming by later with dinner for us.” 
You respond with a contented nod, “She’s a thoughtful sister; I wish I had one like her.” You reach for one of the packs of pads, appreciating both Yoongi’s and his sister’s considerate gestures.
You dig into one of your bags and retrieve a fresh pair of panties, relieved to replace the ones you’re currently wearing, which have become uncomfortably soaked — and definitely not with the kind of fluid you prefer.
As Yoongi’s sister arrives, the tantalizing aroma of the food nearly drives you to drool, and you can’t thank her enough for the comforting, warm meal. While you enjoy the delicious dishes in the comfort of your bed, Yoongi takes a seat outside on one of the stools.
“You know what can really help with those cramps?” Yoongi’s sister inquires, her eyes filled with genuine concern. Exhausted from the pain and with the medication not having taken effect yet, you simply shake your head without giving it much thought.
She smirks, deliberately saying it loud enough for Yoongi to overhear, then winks at you. Your face flushes crimson, because yes, you’ve considered that option. You’ve even attempted it before in your early twenties, and remember that it can get incredibly messy.
Yoongi, sitting just outside the van, lets out an audible groan. “Aish, don’t say that,” he grumbles, clearly uncomfortable with his sister’s candid remarks. Her teasing seems to have gotten under his skin.
“I’m serious. It helps!” she insists, her tone filled with confidence as she tries to emphasize her point.
“Omg, I don’t want to imagine that,” Yoongi groans again, feigning agony. “I think the pregnancy is making you... horny,” Yoongi adds with a chuckle. 
“True,” she breathes out, her chuckle playful. “But I’ve seen the way you two look at each other,” she continues, her gaze shifting from you to Yoongi. You blush and smile, while Yoongi just shrugs, a faint blush tingeing his cheeks.
“God! Something has already happened!” 
She shrieks with delight and jumps out of the van to playfully shove Yoongi on his shoulder. “Don’t mess it up, I like her,” she says with a teasing grin, her eyes warm with affection.
“I’ll leave you two alone then,” she smiles and winks at Yoongi. You catch a glimpse of him rolling his eyes at her, but it’s clear their sibling bond is filled with affectionate banter that warms your heart.
As you lie together, wrapped in his comforting embrace, his hand gently caressing your hair and resting on your tummy, your thoughts begin to race. The warmth of his body pressed against yours stirs desire within you, and your mind inevitably wanders to thoughts of intimacy with him.
With your bodies pressed closely together, you can’t help but let your desire take over. 
You subtly grind your hips against his, eliciting a low groan from him. His grip on your hip tightens as he buries his head in your neck, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. You turn to face him, your eyes locking with his as you broach the topic of period sex.
“How do you feel about period sex, like your sister suggested?” 
You ask, searching his gaze for a sign of his willingness. He groans softly, his fingers tightening their hold on your hip. “Babe, please don’t mention my sister and sex in the same sentence,” he responds with a chuckle. “My boner will go away if you do that.”
As you press into him, you can feel his arousal growing against your back, and it sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine. 
You playfully tease him, asking for his thoughts on the matter, and he responds with affectionate reassurance. “If you think it’ll help with the pain, sure,” he murmurs, his lips brushing your neck with tenderness, “I’d never say no to you, sweetheart.”
With a mischievous smile, you express your eagerness, “It will definitely give me something else to focus on.” You continue to search his eyes, your own filled with desire, and then you turn your body fully around to face him, closing the distance between you.
Your kiss is filled with fervor, driven by the anticipation of his touch and the idea of him fucking you in a moment, despite the messiness that may follow. The intensity between you two deepens with each passing second, as you both succumb to your passionate desires.
Your fingers trace the outline of his already throbbing dick through the fabric of his sweatpants, coaxing a delicious, guttural moan to escape his lips. The sensation of his heat and hardness in your hand ignites a thrilling craving within you, intensifying the desire that courses through your veins.
With eager anticipation, you seize the waistband of his sweatpants, tugging them down along with his boxers, revealing his taut cock. It springs free, proudly standing at attention, and your eyes gleam with hunger as you wet your lips in anticipation. 
Casting his discarded garments to the floor, you then gracefully lower yourself to your knees, positioning yourself before him, ready to devour him.
His longing gaze locks onto yours, aflame with desire, and he leans in to capture your lips in a tender, yearning kiss. 
As your mouths meld together, your hand instinctively finds its way to his dick, your fingers enveloping it in a sensual caress. 
His moans of pleasure reverberate through your mouth, a symphony of desire that resonates deep within you. The intoxicating sounds he makes serve as a powerful aphrodisiac, stoking the flames of your desire.
With a few more tantalizing strokes, you draw your lips away from his, leaving a trail of burning kisses along his clothed chest and abdomen. 
Moving gracefully, you position yourself on all fours above his throbbing length, the air charged with anticipation. His eyes are locked on you, dark with desire, his breaths growing more ragged with each passing second.
You gaze up at him, your sultry eyes locking onto his, a mischievous glint dancing within them. 
“You know,” you purr, your voice dripping with desire, “you have a very beautiful dick.” 
You tease him, letting your tongue playfully out between your lips. Your warm, wet tongue glides sensually from the base of his pulsating cock to the very tip, capturing the glistening bead of precum that had formed there. 
The taste and sensation of your tongue against his sensitive flesh sends shivers of pleasure sourcing through his body, and a low, guttural moan escapes his lips. 
He inhales sharply, a hiss escaping his lips, as you continue to tease and tantalize his dick with your skilled tongue. 
His head falls back slightly, his eyes squeezed shut, and his grip on the bed sheets tightens. A deep, sultry moan reverberates through the van, filling the air with the heady scent of desire and lust. 
Your every movement sends waves of pleasure coursing through him, and he’s utterly captivated by the sensations you’re evoking.
You continue to work your magic, your mouth finally enveloping him with a voracious hunger that leaves him trembling. 
His fingers tangle in your hair, a mixture of gentle guidance and unbridled passion, as he can’t help but lose himself in the exquisite sensations coursing through him. Every wet, sultry suck sends waves of pleasure rippling down his spine, and he finds himself already teetering on the edge. 
His breath hitches, his hips instinctively shifting to meet your mouth, as he moans your name in a fervent plea for more.
As you maintain your relentless rhythm, the urgency in the van heightens. Your hand expertly complements the actions of your mouth, ensuring that no inch of his dick goes unattended. You can feel his breath hitching, his muscles tensing beneath your touch. 
The way his head falls back, exposing the long line of his throat, his half-lidded eyes, lost in a daze of pure pleasure, and the soft sinful sounds escaping his lips fuel your determination to bring him all the pleasure you can. 
It spurs you on, and you relax your throat, as you go all the way down, taking as much of him into your mouth as you can. Then you hold still and breathe in through your nose, as you hollow your cheeks. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi moans as he closes his eyes for a moment.
Once more, you go back up, and down again, your movement in rhythm with the slurping noises that fill the van. As the intoxicating sounds envelop you, you can feel a flood of arousal pooling between your legs, your initial cramps now a distant memory.
Saliva glistens at the corner of your mouth, tracing a sensual path down his shaft to his balls. Yoongi’s gentle hand cups your cheek, his voice a passionate whisper, “You’re doing perfectly, babe,” he confesses, his desire palpable. 
“But I’m close, I want to fuck you now.” His touch tenderly lifts your face to his, claiming your lips in a fervent kiss, the taste of himself evident.
With a smoldering intensity still in your eyes, you gasp for breath, your voice a sultry whisper, “Do you have any dark towels?” Yoongi nods, his understanding swift as he retrieves a stack of dark towels and a packet of condoms from one of the cabinets, anticipation lingering thick in the air. 
With a silent and fervent agreement, Yoongi gestures for you to shift, giving him space to prepare. He deftly lays one of the dark towels on the bed, his movements quick and precise, while he casually tosses the other one within arm’s reach.
“Come here,” his voice is a seductive murmur, and his lips capture yours once more. 
“Let me ease your pain.” 
His breathy words send shivers down your spine, igniting an irresistible craving that drowns out any trace of discomfort.
With every piece of clothing that falls to the floor, the anticipation in the van builds like a crescendo. He undresses you slowly, savoring the unveiling of your body, and his gaze, filled with raw desire, leaves no doubt about his intentions. 
As he sheds his own shirt and gently lowers you onto the towel, the air becomes electric with the promise of what’s to come.
With your legs gently parted, he admires the intimate canvas before him, his voice a sultry whisper as he caresses your quivering thighs. “You’re absolutely breathtaking,” he murmurs, his words igniting a fiery desire that courses through your veins, intensifying the anticipation of his touch.
He wraps his fingers around his cock, teasing it a few times before skillfully unrolling the condom onto it.  
As he prods at your entrance, a tantalizing mix of pleasure and pain courses through you, intensifying the sensation as he gradually inches deeper inside. 
Your slickness acts as a natural lubricant, allowing him to slip into you with an arousing ease that leaves you gasping for more. The stretching sensation, though initially intense, begins to meld into a delicious ache that only adds to the growing desire pulsating between you.
He finally reaches the hilt, and you can’t help but release a guttural moan. 
“Fuck,” you whimper, your voice a sultry mix of pleasure and vulnerability, “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to your girth. You’re stretching me so good,” you admit, locking eyes with him and gripping his arms tightly, your nails digging into his skin as you savor the exquisite sensation of being completely filled by him.
“You’re taking me so damn well, babe,” he breathes, his voice thick with desire, as he starts to move inside you at an agonizingly slow pace. Every deliberate, languid thrust sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body, making you ache for more, even as you savor the intensity of the sensation.
He withdraws, the sensation of emptiness leaving you yearning for more, and then he pushes back in, each deliberate thrust sending ripples of pleasure coursing through your body. 
You can feel him everywhere - deep within your core and the firm grip of his hands on your hips, guiding every electrifying moment.
You find yourself in a blissful haze, caught between drowsiness and intoxication as he maintains the unhurried rhythm. Every movement is tender, every touch is deliberate, and he seems acutely attuned to the signals your body is sending. 
It doesn’t feel like just sex; it feels like a passionate declaration of love, an intimate connection that leaves you utterly enraptured.
“Does it feel good, babe?” 
He murmurs, his voice a sensual melody that resonates with your desires. As he pushes himself inside once more, he searches for that sweet spot, and when he finally finds it, he teases and tantalizes it with a rhythmic precision that sends electric waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
Each deliberate thrust is a symphony of ecstasy, and you can’t help but moan in response, your voice a harmonious duet with his.
You pant, your voice trembling with desire as you instinctively move your legs further up his body, resting them on his shoulders. 
With this new angle, he penetrates even deeper, hitting that perfect spot that sends bolts of pleasure racing through you like wildfire. Your arousal surges, a fierce and intoxication wave that threatens to drown you in the sea of ecstasy building within your core. 
As he continues to make love to you with a tender passion, a rush of emotions courses through you, overwhelming your senses. 
The way he moves within you, so gentle and caring, fills your heart with an intense and intoxicating love. It’s a feeling you’ve never experienced before, as if you’re floating on a cloud of affection and desire. 
In this moment you realize, no one has ever connected with you so deeply and lovingly before, and it leaves you feeling like you’re soaring, intoxicated not just by pleasure, but by the love you have for him.
As your body responds to his every touch and movement, Yoongi can feel your walls contracting around him, a sure sign that you’re getting closer to the edge. 
His experienced hands explore your body, finding one of your breasts and teasing your nipple until it hardens beneath his touch. Simultaneously, his other hand ventures lower, tracing a path to your core where he discovers your sensitive clit. 
With deliberate and sensual movements, he begins to rub it in slow, teasing circles, intensifying your pleasure and bringing you closer to the brink of ecstasy.
The moment Yoongi’s fingertips make contact with your sensitive area, it’s as if an electric current surges through your body, setting your nerve endings on fire. 
Your reaction is immediate and intense - your back arches instinctively, yearning for more of his electrifying touch. Each sensation he evokes heightens your desire, propelling you further down the path of unbridled pleasure.
As Yoongi continues to make love with deliberate slowness, his skillful touch ignites an intense longing within you. The combined sensations of his gentle thrusts, the delightful pinching of your nipple, and the rhythmic caresses of your clitoris send you hurtling towards an inevitable climax. 
Unable to contain yourself, you cry out his name, your voice filled with ecstasy as your orgasm consumes you. Your body quivers with pleasure, your inner walls contracting in waves, your abdomen tightening, and your vision briefly obscured by the brilliant burst of light that dances behind your closed eyelids.
As your orgasm washes over you, Yoongi can’t help but be captivated by your exquisite display of pleasure. 
He revels in the sight of your trembling lips, your flushed and contoured cheeks, and the mesmerizing motion of your breasts, which sway with each of his deliberate thrusts. While you ride out the waves of your orgasm, he continues to thrust into you, his own pleasure building as he relentlessly pursues his release, his eyes locked onto your euphoric expression.
He maintains his deliberate pace, keeping his thrusts slow and deep, savoring every moment. 
As you slowly descend from the euphoria of your orgasm, Yoongi leans down to capture your lips in a passionate and tender kiss. Your moans and pants mix with the soft sounds of your kisses as he continues to move inside you.
As your throbbing pussy continues to clench around him, Yoongi’s hips twitch involuntarily and he can’t hold back any longer. 
With one last, deep, and passionate thrust, he releases, filling the condom with his seed. His voice joins yours in a harmonious crescendo of pleasure as he moans your name, the intensity of the moment making it feel like time itself has come to a standstill.
As the waves of ecstasy subside, Yoongi’s ragged breaths gradually calm. 
He carefully withdraws from your pussy, tying off the used condom and discarding it in the sink. His eyes then trace the contours of your flushed, sated form, watching as your chest rises and falls with each recovering breath. 
Gently, he reaches out to stroke your cheek, the soft caress sending shivers down your spine. His fingers weave through your tousled hair, and he lowers his head to place tender, lingering kisses on your neck, leaving behind a few love marks as a reminder of your passionate love making.
“Yoongi, that was…” 
You exhale, struggling to find the right words to convey the intensity of the experience, “perfect,” you finally manage to sum up, your voice laced with contentment and admiration. His laughter dances in the air, a light, melodic sound that fills the space between you, and he places another soft, adoring kiss on your neck in response.
“Anything for you, babe.” 
He says with a warm smile, his eyes filled with affection as he reaches for the towel beside your head. Carefully, he begins to clean you up between your legs, his gentle touch offering both comfort and reassurance. 
You can feel the relief as he clears away the pooled fluids, easing the slight discomfort that lingered. Afterward, he tosses the used towel to the sink, intending to clean it later, and then he finds your panties, placing them back on you, making sure a fresh pad is in place. 
“Thank you, Yoon,” you murmur, your lips finding his in another passionate kiss. 
You draw him closer to you, your bodies molding together as you continue to exchange affectionate kisses. “I think it helped with the pain, it doesn’t feel so bad anymore,” you add, your voice laced with the drowsiness of contentment. 
As the soothing afterglow washes over you, fatigue begins to claim your senses. Yoongi hums in appreciation, his heart warmed by the knowledge that he could offer you some relief from the pain that had troubled you. 
Yoongi retrieves his boxers, slipping them on, and then gently spoons you from behind. His warm hand finds its place on your stomach, providing a sense of comfort and security. 
As he pulls the duvet over both of you, cocooning you in its warmth, you share an intimate moment of connection before succumbing to the embrace of sleep. The night’s passion has deepened your bond, and now, wrapped in each other’s arms, you drift off to dreamland, where your hearts continue to beat in perfect harmony.
The next day, a sense of relief washes over you as the cramps have eased up a bit. 
Still, Yoongi suggests a day of relaxation, cocooned in the comforting warmth of blankets and each other’s presence. You gladly accept his proposal, and the two of you settle into a cozy nook. 
The soft glow of the laptop screen casts a warm, intimate light across the room, painting everything in a gentle, cinematic hue. As you snuggle up to Yoongi, his arms wrapped around you, you can feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your back. 
With each passing minute, the world outside fades away, leaving just the two of you in this tranquil bubble of shared solitude.
As you both nestle in the warmth of your shared bed, a sense of nostalgia washes over you, prompting a heartfelt conversation about the serendipitous moment that brought you together.
10 years ago
A decade ago, the tapestry of your life bore a different pattern. 
The memory takes you back to a moonlit night when you were navigating the winding roads into Seoul. Your car, a loyal companion until that point, suddenly rebelled with an ominous sound, convulsing like a wounded creature before coming to a lifeless halt. 
Panic surged through your veins as you clutched your phone, dialing the number of your best friend, Jimin, in desperate hope of salvation. 
In hindsight, the absence of roadside assistance on your insurance plan now seemed like a glaring oversight. Inexplicably, Jimin’s response to your predicament was a burst of laughter, an outpouring of mirth that mingled with your frustration and fury. 
He casually mentioned that he knew someone who could help—a mechanic and one of his closest friends. Before disconnecting to make the necessary arrangements, he offered a cryptic piece of advice: "Be nice to him when he arrives." 
Though you couldn’t see his face through the phone, you rolled your eyes instinctively, as if he could somehow perceive your exasperation.
After a seemingly interminable hour of waiting, your irritation had grown into a simmering fury, matched only by the biting cold that had begun to gnaw at you. 
When Yoongi finally arrived, his weary smile greeted you, but your impatience was palpable in your eyes and your curt greeting. You wasted no time in describing the odd sequence of events that had led to your car’s demise—the strange sounds, the unsettling shaking, and the ultimate breakdown. 
Arms crossed beneath your chest, you impatiently tapped your foot on the frozen ground. With a sly grin, Yoongi teasingly asked if you had an urgent appointment, to which you replied with a petulant shake of your head, your only desire being to swiftly resolve the situation and return home to warmth.
As he popped the hood open and began tinkering with the engine, you couldn’t help but steal glances at him. 
He sported army-green cargo pants paired with a once-white t-shirt, though now it bore the unmistakable signs of his labor—stains of grease and oil littering its surface. His short, bleached-blond hair framed a weary but softly attractive face, one that appeared as though it hadn’t experienced a good night’s sleep in ages. His brawny, well-defined biceps flexed with each maneuver, and you found yourself admiring his physique, secretly deeming him quite attractive. 
In another universe, where he didn’t exude indifference and annoyance, you might have mustered the courage to ask him out. 
Ultimately, while he couldn’t perform a miraculous on-the-spot repair, he assured you that a colleague from his garage could tow your car, offering to personally drive you back home. 
You hadn’t anticipated his offer but accepted it nonetheless. The ride back to your home was mostly shrouded in silence, save for the occasional question about how you knew Jimin. 
You explained that you had met Jimin in college, and then an uncomfortable silence settled in the car. The irritation seemed to hang in the air; you couldn’t quite pinpoint whether it was his demeanor that rubbed you the wrong way or if it was simply the cumulative frustration from the terrible day you had endured.
Laughter bubbles up between you as you fondly reminisce about that night. 
“You seemed so cold and like helping me was the last thing you wanted to do,” you recall with a grin, and Yoongi chuckles in agreement. 
“Well, you weren’t any better; you seemed so angry and stuck up,” he playfully teases, which only makes you laugh even harder. 
“My car had just died, and I was freezing!” you retort with a grin, both of you sharing in the joy of that humorous memory.
“Thankfully, you fixed my car a few days later,” you reflect, a warm smile on your face, “and we began to hang out with Jimin.” You find yourself lost in the memories of those early days, where you discovered that Yoongi was not just a skilled mechanic but also a sweet and caring man who deeply valued his friendships and the people around him.
You linger in Daegu for an extra day, savoring the moments, before embarking on a scenic drive to a remote campsite nestled near Juwangsan National Park.
As you cruise along, a faint, unfamiliar noise emanates from Holly’s depths, causing a hint of concern to creep into your mind. You decide to bring it up with Yoongi, but his ears don’t catch the same odd sound. 
He reassures you that everything is likely okay, promising to address any issues should they arise. With his calming words, you ease back into the journey, albeit with a lingering curiosity about Holly’s mysterious hum.
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After hours of anticipation, you finally arrive at the tranquil campsite. 
The midday sun filters through the foliage as Yoongi deftly parks the Holly beside towering, lush trees. Together, you unfold the marquee, arranging it to create a cozy shelter from nature’s elements. 
With care, you set up the stools and arrange them around a makeshift table, making the campsite feel more like a home away from home. The aroma of the surrounding wilderness invigorates your senses, and you can’t help but smile as you reminisce about the delicious meal Yoongi had prepared the day before. 
With excitement, you retrieve some cold beers from the cooler, their refreshing chill a perfect contrast to the warm, sun-kissed air. Alongside the beverages, you bring out the leftover food, a testament to Yoongi’s culinary skills that continue to amaze you.
 The aroma of the meal wafts through the air, tantalizing your taste buds and setting the scene for a perfect day in the great outdoors.
As you sit down to savor your meal, the anticipation for the adventures awaiting you in the national park fills the air. Your conversation turns to the exciting possibilities, and you both discuss the sights and trails you hope to explore. 
“I think we’re going to be doing a lot of hiking these next days,” Yoongi’s laughter punctuates the conversation, a reflection of the carefree spirit that camping in the wilderness has brought out in both of you. 
Between bites of food and sips of beer, you share your aspirations for the upcoming days, fully aware that the rugged terrain and challenging hikes will be both physically demanding and incredibly rewarding. 
The midday sun casts a warm glow on your surroundings, making it feel like a special occasion as you enjoy a beer at this unconventional hour.
With a hint of amusement in your voice, you add, “Yeah, I think it’ll be good. We’ve been enjoying some downtime in bed for the past few days.” The memory of both your cramps and  intimate moments and shared pleasures flashes in your eyes as you exchange glances with Yoongi. 
“I didn’t think you’d be up for anything active with your cramps,” he pouted in mock defense, and you playfully shoved his shoulder. “It was good, Yoon. But staying active helps too, and thankfully, I think I’m on my last day,” you almost sing-song, frustration and relief mingling in your voice as you express your disdain for your period—both the flow and the cramps.
You lean into Yoongi’s shoulder, a soft smile on your face. 
“Thank you,” you nudge him playfully with your shoulder against his. “For taking care of me and doing all that. You’re sweet. And you’re spoiling me,” you giggle, your fingers caressing his arm fondly.
“Anything for you, babe,” he says, his voice filled with warmth, and then leans in to kiss you tenderly, sealing your gratitude with a loving embrace.
Before dinner, you decide to embark on a short hiking trail, driven by the curiosity of discovering a hidden gem like a serene river or a picturesque waterfall. You navigate the winding path for about an hour, your anticipation growing with each step. 
Finally, the sound of cascading water reaches your ears, and as you turn a bend, you’re greeted by the breathtaking sight of a small, pristine waterfall – a tranquil oasis amidst the wilderness that leaves you utterly captivated.
You and Yoongi stand there in awe, gazing at the waterfall in a moment of shared wonder. 
The rushing water sparkles in the dappled sunlight, its beauty almost otherworldly. You’re both so captivated by the scene that you decide to capture it in photographs, creating lasting memories of this enchanting moment. 
With your camera, you frame shots of the waterfall: some with both of you, others with just the magnificent natural wonder as the backdrop. 
And, unable to resist the romantic atmosphere, you steal a sweet kiss, freezing that affectionate moment in time through the lens.
Surrounded by a sea of tourists, you and Yoongi remain in your own world, oblivious to the curious onlookers. It’s as if time has slowed down, and nothing else matters except the beauty of the waterfall and the warmth of each other’s presence. You exchange loving glances and share soft laughter, creating a bubble of serenity in the midst of the bustling crowd. 
The world may be watching, but right now, all that truly exists is the magic between you two.
As the sun begins its descent and the sky transforms into a canvas of warm hues, you and Yoongi make your way back to the campsite. The crackling campfire comes to life under his skillful hands, casting a flickering glow over your evening. 
The tantalizing aroma of dinner cooking wafts through the air, making your stomach growl in anticipation. The two of you settle by the fire, and Yoongi takes charge of preparing a delicious meal.
While he tends to the food, you decide to share a glimpse of your day with your friends. 
Your fingers dance across your phone screen as you select the perfect photo of you and Yoongi beside the captivating waterfall (not the one with you kissing!). It’s a moment of pure joy captured in pixels, the smiles on your faces telling a story of love and adventure. 
With a tap, you send the photo to your group chat, allowing your friends to share in your happiness, even from afar.
Jungkook [18:05]: That’s a pretty waterfall! You’re pretty too ___ 😀
Yoongi [18:07]: What about me? 🤔 
Taehyung [18:10]: Nah, you look like something the cat dragged in 😂
Seokjin [18:11]: 🤣🤣🤣
Yoongi [18:13]: That was totally uncalled for…
Namjoon [18:13]: But you asked 😆
Jimin [18:14]: Is that a hickey on your neck, ___? 😚
Hoseok [18:15]: It totally is, I had to zoom in 🤣
Jungkook [18:18]: Maybe her sleep moaning finally got to be enough for hyung and they slept together!
Taehyung [18:19]: I think you’re onto something, Kookie! 🧐
You [18:21]: No! Nothing has happened! 🙄
Hoseok [18:21]: What is this about ___ sleep moaning??? 😳
You [18:22]: We’re not gonna talk about that! 😤
Jungkook [18:22]: Buy some earplugs, just saying 😇
You [18:22]: Kook! 👿
Jimin [18:26]: You can keep telling us nothing happened, but the hickey speaks for itself. 😇
Jimin [18:26]: Congratulations both 🎉 I’m glad you finally get some quality dick, ___. Hyung, be good to her 🙂
Jungkook [18:28]: I’m so happy that my part of the vacation is over, imagine sleeping in the top bunk of the van now 🫣💀
Yoongi [18:33]: We won’t do it with one of you sleeping right above us, relax 🙄
Jimin [18:34]: 👏👏👏
Jimin [18:34]: You know that Holly isn’t soundproof, right? I could still hear you from our tent 🙃
Yoongi [18:39]: Maybe it’s a good idea to buy earplugs then 😏
Namjoon [18:40]: 😳
With a chuckle and a shake of your head, you decide it’s time to give your phone a break. 
Your friends in the group chat have already bombarded you with teasing messages, and you can practically hear their laughter through the screen. 
You put down your phone, relishing the feeling of being unplugged from the virtual world and fully immersed in the real one – a cozy campfire, a delicious meal, and the warm company of Yoongi.
As you join Yoongi by the campfire, the aroma of the cooking dinner filling the air, you can’t help but grumble in frustration as your phone continues to buzz with messages from your friends. 
With a dramatic sigh, you pull out your phone, the group chat still alive and buzzing with cheeky comments. You glance at the screen, reading words like ‘earplugs,’ ‘moaning,’ ‘about time,’ and ‘dick,’ causing a mix of embarrassment and amusement to wash over you.
“Why did you have to tell them?” 
You groan, clearly flustered by their teasing. You look at Yoongi, hoping for some sympathy or perhaps an explanation for your current predicament.
“They were going to find out sooner or later anyway. And I think Jimin had a hunch,” he laughs, his shoulders shrugging nonchalantly. His laughter is infectious, and you can’t help but join in, realizing that there’s no escaping the playful banter of your friends.
You set your phone aside, deciding to embrace the teasing and enjoy the moment with Yoongi, who seems to take it all in stride. 
The campfire crackles, and the two of you share a knowing glance, finding comfort in each other’s company amidst the good-natured ribbing from your friends.
As you settle down on your stools and start to savor the meal Yoongi has prepared, the ambiance around the campfire becomes serene. The crackling of the fire provides a soothing background melody, and the surrounding forest exudes a sense of tranquility. 
The two of you share stories and anecdotes, your laughter filling the air as you recount the adventures you’ve had together. The flickering firelight casts playful shadows on your faces, accentuating the intimate atmosphere. 
As you take bites of the delicious meal, you exchange glances, each bite strengthening the bond between you. Underneath the starlit sky, you find yourselves lost in each other’s conversation and the warmth of the campfire, cherishing these moments of togetherness in the heart of nature.
The following morning, long before the sun had a chance to paint the sky with its golden hues, you were already a flurry of activity. 
The anticipation of witnessing the magic of a sunrise from atop the mountain has stirred something deep within you, an irresistible call to adventure that you can’t ignore. In the gentle pre-dawn light, you sit down with Yoongi to a humble breakfast of yesterday’s leftovers, savoring the flavors that still linger from your campfire-cooked dinner. 
Each bite is a reminder of the simple joys that nature and Yoongi’s company bestows upon you.
After nourishing your bodies, you donn your hiking gear. The familiar weight of your backpack, filled with essentials for the journey ahead, settling comfortably on your shoulders. The laces of your sturdy hiking boots are expertly tied, ready to carry you to new heights.
Outside, the air hangs heavy, draped in a delicate shroud of mist that clings to the trees like a whispering secret. It’s as though the forest has donned a mystical cloak, transforming the ordinary woods into an enchanted realm from a fairy tale. 
As you and Yoongi venture deeper into this ethereal landscape, the fog paints the world with an otherworldly charm. The trees, their gnarled branches reaching for the heavens, looms like ancient sentinels guarding the secrets of the woods. 
Each step you take stirs the damp earth beneath your boots, releasing the intoxicating aroma of dew-kissed leaves and rich, fertile soil.
Your journey commences with each step, retracing the familiar path that led past the captivating waterfall you had encountered the day before. The sound of rushing water serenades you, its glistening cascade illuminated by the subtle hues of twilight. It’s as if nature itself had prepared a prelude for the grand spectacle to come.
As you venture higher into the mountain’s embrace, a gentle ascent that mirrors your anticipation, the world around you begins to transform. 
The inky darkness of night slowly relinquishes its hold, granting way to the soft, ephemeral blush of dawn. The sky, painted in a canvas of purples and blues, seems to acknowledge the imminent arrival of the sun. In the east, a delicate orange ember emerges on the horizon, a harbinger of the magnificent sunrise that awaits you. 
The very fabric of the sky begins to shift, transforming from the tranquil coolness of night into the vibrant warmth of morning. It is a slow and deliberate metamorphosis, nature’s own symphony of colors and light, playing out just for you.
A serene clearing emerges beneath the canopy of the forest, a natural amphitheater carved by the hand of time itself. While it isn’t the highest point of your journey, it offers a vantage point that feels like an exclusive front-row seat to one the cosmos’ most exquisite performances. 
Here, you decide to pause, the world around you falling into hushed reverence for the celestial spectacle about to unfold. The very essence of the morning seems to gather around this sacred spot, as if nature had designed it solely for moments like these.
As you settle down amidst the tranquil embrace of the clearing, your senses seem to sharpen, attuned to the subtle symphony of nature. The forest around you was still, each leaf holding its breath in anticipation. The air carries the earthy scent of dew-kissed leaves, the morning’s first breath imbued with the promise of a new day.
The horizon is a canvas of vibrant hues, a masterpiece of oranges and pinks intermingling with the last vestiges of the night’s indigo. The sun, still an unassuming ember, hovers just below the edge of the world, poised to set the sky ablaze with its radiance.
The sun, casting its golden hues over the world, paints an ethereal dance on Yoongi’s skin. Each ray of sunlight, as if with intention, traces the contours of his face, highlighting the exquisite features that have captured your heart. His skin, kissed by the gentle warmth of the morning sun, seem to glow from within, emanating a natural radiance that defies explanation. The dappled shadows play along the edges of his features, accentuating the depth of his gaze, the curve of his lips, and the line of his jaw.
As you hold his hand, fingers entwine in a silent testament to your bond, you marvel at how he transforms in this soft morning light. His eyes, those windows to his soul, hold a quiet wisdom that transcends words. They cradle the promise of new beginnings, just like the rising sun.
You nestle your head against the crook of Yoongi’s neck, your cheek pressing tenderly against his skin, as if seeking refuge in the warmth of his embrace. A contented sigh escapes your lips, carrying with it the weight of your feelings, heavy with love and adoration.
Your voice, soft and intimate, is a gentle caress, lacing every word with the depth of your emotions. 
“This is nice,” you whisper, the words carrying the essence of the moment—a moment where time stands still, and all that matters is the two of you, entwined in the beauty of the sunrise. His response is a silent affirmation of your sentiment, “It really is.” 
Yoongi’s fingers interlock with yours again, a tangible link that mirrors the bond of your hearts. There’s no need for elaborate declarations or grand gestures; the simplicity of this experience is enough to convey the depth of your love.
You remain in that tranquil embrace for what feels like an eternity, though it is a mere thirty minutes that passes—the very same amount of time it takes for the sun to complete its mesmerizing ascent. As the golden orb inches higher into the sky, painting the world with hues of orange and pink, you’re enveloped by an overwhelming sense of contentment.
“Ah, sorry,” a soft, apologetic voice intrudes upon your reverie, drawing your attention away from the captivating sunrise. Startled by the interruption, you turn to find a passerby, their presence briefly disrupting the cocoon of intimacy you and Yoongi have created.
Breaking the spell, you rise from your serene perch, extending a hand towards Yoongi as you seek to regain the moment’s magic. He accepts your invitation with a nod, understanding your unspoken desire to continue your adventure. Together, hand in hand, you decide to venture further up the trail, in pursuit of new vistas.
In tandem you embark on your ascent up the mountain trail, the path gradually becoming steeper and more challenging. As the elevation increases, so do the physical demands of the hike, leaving you both breathless and perspiring. Each step is a testament to your determination and shared commitment to reaching new heights.
The mountain’s relentless climb seems to conspire against you, testing your endurance and resilience. The air grows thinner, and the weight of the ascent bares down on your chests, making each inhalation feel like a battle against gravity itself. Yet, you press on, fueled by the promise of a breathtaking view awaiting you at the peak.
“We should take a break,” Yoongi suggests, his voice tinged with a hint of laughter as he gently pulls you away from the challenging mountain trail and into the soothing embrace of the forest. 
Despite your determination, the physical strain of the ascent has left you panting and gasping for breath. “You’re a panting and groaning mess,” he says, as you follow him willingly, your face displaying a playful pout behind his back.
In the heart of the forest, surrounded by the tranquil sounds of nature, you find respite from the relentless climb. The cool shade of the trees provides a much-needed refuge from the sun’s unforgiving rays. As you settle down, you can't help but admire how Yoongi’s eyes sparkle with amusement, and you share a knowing smile, appreciating the momentary escape from the strenuous hike.
“And you’re turning me on.”
Yoongi confesses with a mischievous glint in his eyes, as he playfully pushes you up against a tree. 
You can’t help but burst into laughter, utterly bewildered by his comment. 
“How the heck can I be turning you on? We’re just walking!” you exclaim, your amusement clear, but you wince slightly as you rub your shoulder. The impact with the tree isn't entirely pleasant, but thankfully, your backpack absorbed most of the force.
A feral growl escapes from Yoongi’s lips as he closes the distance between you, his gaze intense and hungry. 
His tongue darts out to lick his lips, as if he’s ready to devour you whole. “First,” he huskily begins, his voice dripping with desire, “you’re panting and groaning, and it’s making me think of sex with you. Second,” he continues, his eyes never leaving yours, “your ass in those tights is nothing short of sinful.” 
He shamelessly runs his hand down your body, slowly sliding one of his legs between yours, igniting a fiery desire impossible to ignore.
Your senses are ablaze as desire courses through you, and you can’t help but wonder if he can feel the evidence of your arousal even through your tights. 
You gulp audibly, your heart racing at his word. “Babe, you’re already wet,” he says with a teasing chuckle, his voice carrying a hint of menace that sends shivers down your spine.
Before you can react, he dives in, capturing your lips with a passionate, forceful kiss. 
Your backpack straps fall to your sides, and the backpack thuds to the ground, forgotten. You moan into his mouth, your body trembling as his thigh rubs provocatively against your clothed core, stoking the flames of desire that burn within you, leaving you yearning for him in every possible way.
“Shit, Yoongi, I want you,” you confess, your voice laced with desire and urgency. But then doubt creeps in, and you hesitate, voicing your concern, “But what if someone sees us?” 
Your arousal is undeniable, but so is your fear of being caught doing something intimate in a public place.
“No one will see, and you’ll be quiet, yeah?” 
He insists, pressing his body firmly against yours, his breath hot against your ear. You gulp, your heart racing with anticipation, and nod in agreement. 
The thrill of the risk and the promise of passion in this secret nook overwhelm your senses, making it impossible to resist his advances.
“Turn around then,” he murmurs, delivering a playful slap to your ass as you obediently pivot, your front now pressed against the rough bark of the tree. 
Your breath catches in your throat as you feel the coolness of the tree against your heated skin, contrasting with the warmth building within you. 
Yoongi swiftly discards his backpack, the thug echoing through the serene forest as it hits the ground. His strong hands find your hips, fingers gripping firmly as he grinds his already hard dick against your ass. The sensation sends a shiver of desire coursing through your body, and you arch your back, craving more of his touch.
“Do you have a condom?” you ask him in between pants.
“No,” he breaths, “did you pack some by chance?” he asks you back, slightly frustrated.
“It’s not exactly standard hiking gear,” you quip between gasps and laughter, your excitement mingling with the absurdity of the situation.
Yoongi chuckles too, a mix of amusement and frustration. 
“Don’t men carry condoms in their wallets?” 
You joke, but it falls flat as Yoongi grunts, “Not everybody does,” he remarks, frustrated as he still feels so aroused and he just wants you now. He’s thinking about fucking you raw, and just the thought alone arouses him so damn much.
“Fuck,” he says as he runs a hand through his long black hair in frustration. “I’m clean, are you?” he asks with a strain to his voice, like it’s taking all of him to hold back.
“Yeah. So what are you waiting for?” 
Your words are laced with anticipation and desire as you surrender to the intensity of the moment, ready to give in to the forbidden thrill of your passionate rendezvous in the secluded forest.
Yoongi doesn’t have to be told twice and he immediately gets to work, tugging his pants and boxers down, freeing his cock. 
Then he pulls your leggings down with your panties, and as his hard dick meets your bare skin, the tension between you both becomes palpable. His impatient growl reverberates through the stillness of the forest, intensifying the sense of urgency and longing that courses through your bodies.
“I’m sorry it has to be quick and without prep,” in the hushed tones of the forest, his apology carries a weight of longing and frustration, but your reassuring words fill the air with understanding and acceptance. 
As your bodies align in the dimly lit woods, the anticipation heightens. Each touch and movement sends waves of desire coursing through your bodies, igniting a fire that threatens to consume every rational thought.
He reaches a hand down between your legs and feels your wetness there and he’s thankful for it, because that means he will most likely slide right in. The last thing he wants to do is hurt you.
“Spread your legs for me.” 
The sensation of his hand on your ass sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine. His commanding yet considerate touch ignites a spark of desire as you obediently spread your legs, inviting him into the heated embrace of your longing body. 
Each movement, every whispered command, intensifies the anticipation of what’s to come.
Your heart races as you brace against the tree, your body arching in an instinctive plea for more. 
The primal tension in the air is palpable as he spreads your aching pussy and ass wide, the anticipation building with every moment. As he guides himself into your quivering core, the sensation is a heady mix of pleasure and urgency, each inch of his cock claiming you with a possessive intensity that leaves you breathless.
You grit your teeth against the initial discomfort, your breath catching in your throat. 
“I’m sorry. I promise it’ll feel better soon,” his soothing words wash over you like a balm, and you nod, your trust in him unwavering. 
As you both hold still for a moment, you feel the tension slowly ebbing away. Each measured thrust sends waves of sensation rippling through your body, transforming the initial pain into a cascade of pleasure that threatens to consume you. 
You cling to the tree, feeling the rugged bark against your palms, grounding you in the intensity of the moment, as he is fully sheathed inside you.
“Shhh, babe,” he hushes you, “you don’t want anybody to hear us.” 
His voice is a sultry whisper, a tantalizing secret shared only between you and the wilderness that surrounds you. 
Each thrust carries the promise of ecstasy, a stolen moment of passion amidst the serene backdrop of the forest. Your hushed moans blend with the sounds of nature, a symphony of desire that sings with each rhythmic plunge, creating a delicious tension that electrifies the air.
The primal intensity of him, bare and unrestrained, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Every movement, every stroke, feels like a forbidden dance in the heart of the wild, where desire meets nature’s untamed beauty. 
You bite your lip, trying to suppress the mounting sensations, but it’s a futile effort as your body betrays you with involuntary quivers and moans, blending your cries of pleasure with the rustling leaves and whispering trees around you.
“Fuck you feel incredible without a condom on.” 
He whispers in your ear and your mind is a whirlwind of ecstasy as his words send shockwaves of desire through your body. 
The feeling of him, raw and unrestrained, makes you feel more connected to him than ever before. 
You can’t help but respond, you voice a breathy symphony of pleasure, “Yoongi, don’t stop,” you moan, your nails digging into the tree bark as he continues to drive you to the brink of ecstasy. 
His words send a jolt of desire through you, igniting a fiery connection between your bodies. Your inner muscles clench around him, a natural response to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you. The sensation is electrifying, like a current of euphoria surging through your core. His hiss of pleasure only fuels you more.
With each powerful thrust, a symphony of sensation washes over you. His primal need for you drives him deeper, igniting a wild, intoxicating connection between your bodies. 
Your grip on the tree tightens in tandem with his unrelenting pace, fingers digging into the rough bark as if anchoring yourself to the moment. 
His head rests against your neck, warm breath brushing against your skin, while his teeth gently graze your shoulder, an instinctual response to stifle his moans.
As Yoongi continues his relentless pace, the boundaries between pleasure and the outside world blur into a tantalizing haze. 
Every thrust sends shivers of ecstasy through your body, and the sensations become your entire universe. 
The wild, unbridled connection between you and him transcends the awareness of the world around you. In the back of your mind, you vaguely notice the subtle symphony of nature surrounding you – the rustling leaves and twigs breaking getting closer.
Your voice trembles as you speak, the urgency of the situation sinking in. 
“Yoongi, I think somebody’s coming,” you gasp, your words barely above a whisper, but laced with fear and desire. 
The possibility of being caught adds an electrifying edge to the added arousal you feel.
“It’s probably just a squirrel,” he reassures you, his voice strained with the effort to keep his own excitement at bay. 
His relentless thrusts continue, each one driving you both closer to the edge. But in the distance, the sound of footsteps grows louder and closer, a faint but undeniable presence that sends a shiver down your spine.
Frantically, he picks up his pace even more, his hips slamming into you with a fervor matched only by the urgency of the approaching footsteps. 
Your muffled moans mix with his heavy breathing as your bodies move in unison, chasing the euphoria that hovers just beyond your reach. The tension in the air is palpable, a heady mix of desire and the fear of discovery, pushing you both to the brink.
You’re startled by a man’s voice calling out, “Anybody here? Are you alright?” 
Panic surges through you as you realize you might be caught in the act, but strangely, the thrill of being watched intensifies the sensations coursing through you body. 
Your heart pounds, and you feel your orgasm approaching like a freight train, careening toward you with unstoppable force. 
Yoongi doesn’t know if you should answer the man or not, who clearly thinks you’re in distress. He breaths against your ear all the same, “Answer him, babe. Maybe he’ll go away then.” 
His voice is laced with urgency, and he increases his pace, trying to push you both to the edge before the intruder gets any closer.
Does he really want you to speak to someone while he fucks you? You’re afraid that your unsteady voice will betray you, but you really want whoever is closing in on you to go away. So, you steady your voice and yell, “We’re fine,” in a tone that’s slightly higher than usual. The words come out rushed and strained, but you hope they’ll do the trick and make the stranger go away.
As Yoongi thrusts hard into you again, both of you teetering on the edge of climax, he whispers, “Good girl.” 
His voice is strained with desire and a hint of urgency, intensifying the sensation coursing through your body. 
The footsteps don’t retreat as you had hoped; instead, they draw even closer, sending a shiver of anxiety down your spine again. Fuck.
The fear of being discovered intensifies the sensations coursing through your body, pushing you relentlessly over the edge. Your walls tighten around Yoongi’s throbbing cock, and your vision blurs as a wave of pleasure crashes over you. 
Desperate to stifle your rising moans, you sink your teeth into your bottom lip. 
Yoongi’s release surges through him in powerful waves, and he can’t help but revel in the overwhelming pleasure. Yet, the urgency of the situation forces him to act quickly. 
He withdraws from your pulsating pussy, still throbbing with desire, and swiftly pulls up his boxers and pants. With equal haste, he helps you rearrange your clothing, his breath ragged and a mix of satisfaction and anxiety in his eyes.
“Hi, I heard weird noises,” a man stands before you, his eyes scanning your disheveled appearance and your flushed cheeks, a bead of sweat trickling down your temple. 
“I wanted to make sure that nobody was in distress,” he says with eyebrows raised in suspicion, appearing genuinely concerned. You and Yoongi exchange a brief, nervous glance, your breaths ragged and your heart races as the stranger’s piercing gaze lingers a moment too long.
The once quiet woods now hum with the echoes of your ragged breaths, a symphony of vulnerability and exhilaration. Yoongi stands beside you, attempting to regain his composure, his chest rising and falling with an uneven cadence. 
You, on the other hand, remain a quivering and panting mess, the aftermath of your orgasm still coursing through your veins. Your backpacks haphazardly discarded on the ground.
“We’re fine.” 
Yoongi eventually manages to say, his voice slightly hoarse from the unexpected interruption. The awkward silence that lingers during the stranger’s inquiries feels like an eternity, stretching time into an uncomfortable pause. As Yoongi speaks, he feels a mixture of embarrassment and relief washing over him. His earlier intense arousal begins to ebb away, replaced by a more composed state of mind.
“Are you sure?” 
The stranger directs his question to you, and your heart momentarily skips a beat. 
You hastily gather your wits, aware of the need for a convincing response. Taking a deep breath, you lock eyes with the concerned passerby. 
“Yes,” you assert, your voice trembling ever so slightly. You feel the weight of the lie as it leaves your lips, and you hope with all your might that it’s convincing enough. “This is my boyfriend – he was just pushing me too hard against the trail, and I’m in really bad shape. That’s why I’m out of breath.” 
You silently pray that your words paint a believable picture, all while Yoongi stands beside you, maintaining a façade of casual exhaustion, the intensity of the recent encounter still lingering in his eyes. The stakes are high, and the act must hold for just a little longer.
Yoongi looks at you with a mixture of astonishment and admiration, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation. You can see the subtle curve of his lips, hinting at a proud and relieved smile that he tries to conceal. It’s as if he’s realizing just how quick-witted and resourceful you can be in a pinch.
To truly convince the stranger, you instinctively pull Yoongi into a tight embrace, as if seeking refuge in his arms. 
Your lips meet his in a hurried yet convincing kiss, one filled with genuine affection and a hint of urgency. As you pull away, you can’t help but feel the lingering warmth of his lips against yours, a stark contrast to the shivers coursing through your body. 
Beneath your hurried facade, you’re acutely aware of the discomfort caused by the sticky remnants of your passionate encounter. Your panties cling uncomfortably to your sensitive skin, and you can’t help but frown in concern. 
You can feel Yoongi’s cum starting to leak out of your pussy and deep down, you hope and pray that there are no visible signs of it.
The stranger regards both of you for a few more seconds, as if trying to read the truth in your eyes. 
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, hoping that your hastily crafted lie has convinced him. Sweat beads form on your forehead, and you wonder if he can see through your facade. 
Then, with a subtle nod and a skeptical yet understanding expression, the stranger seems to accept your explanation. 
Relief washes over you, like a soothing balm to your frayed nerves. You share a glance with Yoongi, and there’s a silent exchange of gratitude and relief in your eyes.
As you and Yoongi hoist your backpacks onto your shoulders, you exchange one last polite nod with the stranger. His gaze follows you, a hint of lingering curiosity in his eyes, but he says nothing more.
With a renewed sense of urgency, you and Yoongi turn away from him, your footsteps falling in sync on the trail. The forest envelopes you once again, the trees whispering secrets and the leaves cushioning your every step.
Silence settles between you and Yoongi for a moment, but it’s a comfortable silence, laced with the knowledge of the thrilling encounter you just had. Your hearts still race, and every rustle of leaves makes you turn your head, half-expecting the stranger to reappear.
“Oh my god, that was my worst nightmare come true!” 
You exclaim, your voice hushed but filled with urgency, as you and Yoongi put some distance between yourselves and the stranger. Your heart still races, and your words tumble out in a breathless rush. 
“I can’t believe we got caught like that.” 
You glance at Yoongi, your eyes wide with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. The two of you share a quick, nervous laugh.
“Ouch, was I that bad?” Yoongi pouts in mock offense, his lips forming an adorable sulk as he glances at you. But before you can respond, he playfully nudges you with his shoulder, eliciting a soft giggle from you. His laughter mixes with yours, the tension of the moment dissipating like morning mist under the sun. 
You playfully slap him across his chest, a mischievous sparkle in your eyes. “No! You know what I mean,” you tease, your voice laced with affectionate sarcasm. “You were incredible,” you add, letting your fingers linger on his chest, tracing invisible patterns, a silent promise of more to come.
“That might have been your worst nightmare, but babe,” he says, a mischievous glint in his eyes, “I felt how your pussy clenched more as he got closer.” His teasing tone is met with a hint of a smirk as he leans in closer. Your cheeks flush even redder.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You reply with a sly grin, your footsteps quickening as you lead the way up the trail. You look back over your shoulder, catching his eye with a playful glint. It’s a silent invitation for him to chase after you, a wordless promise of more adventures to come.
“Just admit you’re an exhibitionist at heart, babe.” 
He teases with a hearty laugh. You huff in response, but deep down, a rush of conflicting emotions surges through you. A mixture of embarrassment, excitement, and a newfound sense of liberation. It’s as though this unexpected encounter has unlocked a hidden facet of your desires, one you never knew existed.
“Also, can we talk about me being your boyfriend?” 
He asks, his gaze intense and searching, his eyes locking onto your blushing face. In the heat of the moment, you have forgotten your mishap when you spoke with the stranger, and now anxiety bubbles up within you. You stammer for words, your mind racing as you mumble incoherently, desperately hoping he won’t be upset.
He comes to a sudden halt, his fingers gently but firmly wrapping around your arms, and he fixes his gaze deep into your eyes. 
A hint of vulnerability shines through his expression as he says, “I liked it.” 
His voice is soft and sincere. A warm smile graces his lips, and you can sense the honesty behind those words, making your heart flutter with a mixture of relief and affection.
Your tense features immediately soften, and a wave of relief washes over you. You feel yourself melting in his embrace, his touch reassuring and warm. 
With wide eyes filled with wonder, you whisper, “You did?” 
The words hang in the air, heavy with emotion, as you search his eyes for confirmation.
“Yeah. In fact, I’ve been thinking about it for a few days,” he admits, scratching the back of his head, his vulnerability endearing. As you gaze into his deep brown eyes, you sense a whirlwind of emotions, but love shines through, swirling like a gentle current that binds your hearts together.
“I’ve been tormenting myself with this for the past few weeks,” you confess, the weight of your feelings finally spilling out. “I’ve been desperate to define what we are. And, honestly, it didn’t help when you introduced me as your ‘friend’ to your family.” The words hang in the air, charged with the uncertainty and longing that have been building within you for so long.
“If I had introduced you as my girlfriend,” he chuckles, “my mom would’ve started planning our wedding right then and there. And babies? Oh, she’d be all over that.” 
His laughter is infectious, and you can’t help but smile at his words, even if you’re still pouting playfully.
“But didn’t your sister do that anyway?” 
You playfully shove him, joining in on his laughter. “I swear, your family is all about weddings and baby plans.”
“That’s because she’s noisy and has a sixth sense,” he tells you with a playful grin, wrapping an arm around your waist as you both start walking again. “But hey, I promise not to pressure you for babies anytime soon.”
“You’re not pressuring me,” you say with a reassuring smile, looking into his eyes. “If anything, I’ll probably be the one pressuring you about that. I’m almost 30, and I’m not getting any younger. I’m not saying I want kids right now, but in the future, yes.”
He meets your gaze with a soft, heartfelt expression. “I do too,” he says, his voice filled with sincerity and a touch of vulnerability.
“So, do you want to date me, exclusively?” 
You ask, turning your head toward him, your smile radiating warmth. His eyes light up with excitement as he responds, “God, yes.” 
His hands find yours, and you intertwine your fingers, feeling a rush of emotions. In that moment, it feels like your heart might burst with love. He’s finally officially yours, and you are his. 
You turn around, catching his lips in a soft, tender kiss, sealing your newfound commitment with a sweet and heartfelt gesture.
You continue your hike hand in hand, reaching the summit of the mountain a few hours later. The view from the top is nothing short of breathtaking, with the sun casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape. The two of you stand there, silently taking in the beauty that surrounds you, feeling a deep connection between your intertwined fingers.
However, a persistent reminder of your passionate encounter still lingers – your damp panties, a consequence of both the intense hike and the thrilling escapade earlier. You can’t help but wish you had packed a spare pair, as you feel a mixture of sweat and his cum leaving you in a constant state of arousal.
The next day, you revel in the newfound bliss of having Yoongi officially as your boyfriend. 
Your morning is drenched in the soft, golden light filtering through the curtains, and you can’t resist the urge to express your love. With delicate kisses, you trace a path along his neck, leaving a trail of affectionate, crimson imprints in your wake, each mark a testament to your newfound love.
After another exhilarating hike, you stumble upon a magnificent waterfall, its cascading waters shimmering in the sunlight. The sheer force of nature’s beauty leaves you in awe. But as the day wears on, your fatigue catches up with you. 
Your feet ache from the miles you’ve trekked in the past few days. Each step back to Holly feels like a triumph over your body’s protests, a testament to the incredible adventures you’ve shared.
As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow inside the van, Yoongi suggests a mutual foot massage to ease the fatigue that has settled into your limbs. You eagerly agree, both wanting to give and receive comfort after a long day of hiking.
You settle into a cozy spot on the bed, your legs stretched out, and Yoongi’s foot cradled in your lap. 
His strong, nimble fingers start working their magic, tracing delicate patterns on your skin, expertly kneading away the day’s tension. It feels like heaven as he finds and releases every knot and kink in your tired feet, making you sigh in bliss. You can’t help but marvel at how skilled he is, not just with his hands but in everything he does.
You return the favor, your fingers replicating his motions on his own tired feet. The exchange of care and affection in this intimate moment strengthens the bond between you. 
As you both lose yourselves in the rhythmic dance of your fingers, you’re reminded that it’s not just about the massages; it’s about the love and closeness you share, making each touch all the more meaningful.
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After leaving the previous campsite, you decide to explore further, heading north to Yeongdeok. 
There, you stumble upon a hidden gem—a quaint park tucked away amidst nature’s embrace. The park boasts a winding hiking trail, promising adventure and serenity in equal measure.
At the trailhead, you’re greeted by a lush canopy of trees that sway gently in the breeze, their leaves casting playful shadows on the ground. The earthy scent of the forest fills your nostrils as you begin your ascent. Birds sing melodious tunes, creating a harmonious backdrop to your journey.
As you reach the pinnacle of the trail, your efforts are rewarded with a breathtaking view that leaves you in awe. Before you, stretch the endless expanse of the sea, its azure waters stretch out as far as the eye can see. Below, mighty cliffs and jagged rocks rise from the depths, standing sentry against the relentless waves.
The sea’s rhythmic ballet is hypnotic, its waves crashing against the cliffs with both force and grace, as if engaged in an eternal dance. 
You and Yoongi stand in silence, absorbing the sheer majesty of this natural spectacle. It’s moments like these, when you’re surrounded by the untamed beauty of the world, that you feel the most alive, connected not just to nature but to each other.
“It’s really beautiful.” 
Inhaling deeply, you let the sheer beauty of the ocean and cliffs wash over you, filling your lungs with the crisp, salty air. Beside you, Yoongi, his eyes reflecting the same awe you feel, interlaces his fingers with yours, his silent affirmation of the breathtaking panorama before you.
After leaving the serene park, you and Yoongi embark on a short drive to a beach; a local secret with crystal-clear waters that rival even the most exotic of destinations. 
The moment your toes touch the powdery sand, a sense of tranquility washes over you. The sun kisses your skin, its warmth like a gentle embrace, and you slip into your bathing suit, feeling the soft fabric hug your body. Yoongi stands beside you, a grin of pure joy on his face, as you both take in the panorama before you.
The water stretches out, a palette of blues and greens merging in a harmonious blend, inviting you to explore its depths. 
Hand in hand, you and Yoongi walk along the shoreline, the cool, foamy waves lapping at your feet. It’s a sensory symphony—the sound of the waves crashing, the salty tang of the sea in the air, and the soft caress of the sand underfoot.
As you wade into the shallow water, you can’t help but steal glances at each other, laughter bubbling up as the gentle waves playfully tease you. The ocean’s embrace is both invigorating and soothing, a bittersweet reminder that your vacation days are numbered. You’re determined to savor every precious moment together, etching these memories into your hearts before the inevitable chill of autumn arrives.
Following a day of exploration and seaside delight, the two of you stumble upon a charming local restaurant, its rustic façade promising authentic flavors of the coastal town. 
With the scent of the sea still lingering in your hair, you step inside and are immediately greeted by the tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked snow crabs, a local delicacy that beckons to your taste buds. Seated at a quaint wooden table with a view of the bustling kitchen, you and Yoongi embark on a culinary adventure. 
The dishes arrive, each one a work of art on the plate. The first bite of succulent snow crab sends a burst of flavor that dances across your palate, a symphony of sweet and savory notes that leave you craving more.
As you savor each mouthful, you steal glances at Yoongi, his eyes reflecting the same appreciation for the exquisite meal. There’s a shared understanding between you, an unspoken bond that transcends words—a silent agreement that this moment, this meal, is something special. 
The dim, cozy ambiance of the restaurant only adds to the intimacy of the evening. The hours slip away as you indulge in the local cuisine, the flavors becoming more than just food—they’re an experience, a memory etched into your journey. With each bite, you feel closer to the heart of this coastal town and to each other. 
As the sun begins its gentle descent beyond the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape, you and Yoongi make your way to a nearby campground. 
The day has been a tapestry of unforgettable experiences, from the rugged trails to the soothing embrace of the sea. Now, under the canvas of the night sky, you find solace in the simple yet comforting embrace of your campsite. 
With the rhythmic lullaby of crickets and the distant whispers of the breeze in the trees, you set up your cozy haven for the night. The soft glow of your campfire flickers in the darkness, casting dancing shadows that seem to mirror the playful dance of your hearts. The aroma of crackling wood mingles with the scent of the forest, creating an intoxicating blend that fills the air.
You and Yoongi retire to your snug sleeping quarters, cocooned in warmth and each other’s presence. The day’s adventures have left your bodies pleasantly fatigued, and as you lay beneath a blanket of stars, the world seems to fade away. 
The hushed conversations and gentle laughter between you are the only sounds in the stillness of the night.
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As you continue your journey, the rhythmic hum of Holly’s engine is suddenly interrupted by an ominous noise again, but more prominent than before. At first, it’s a faint whisper, like a distant rumble, but it steadily grows louder and more disconcerting. The unease in the pit of your stomach mirrors the growing intensity of the sound.
Yoongi’s keen ears catch the disturbance too, and his brows furrow in concern. 
The two of you exchange worried glances, realizing that this is not a good sign. Holly, your trusted companion on this adventure, seems to be voicing its distress in the only way it knows how.
The noise reverberates through the van, making the situation impossible to ignore. It’s a reminder that even the best-laid plans can be derailed by unexpected challenges. The anticipation and uncertainty hang in the air, creating a sense of urgency as you approach Andong, hoping to find a solution to the growing problem.
With each passing mile, the noise becomes a relentless companion, a constant reminder of the unknown. Your hearts beat in tandem with Holly’s disconcerting rhythm, as you brace yourselves for whatever lies ahead in this unexpected twist of your journey.
In the heart of Andong, Yoongi’s determination leads you to a local garage that radiates a sense of authenticity and warmth. 
With a friendly smile and a humble request, he approaches the mechanics and inquires if they might have a hydraulic lift he can borrow for a moment.
The mechanics, deeply rooted in the spirit of their tight-knit community, are quick to oblige. Their willingness to help a stranger on the road is a testament to the hospitality and camaraderie of the place. They nod with understanding and offer Yoongi their trust, allowing him to work on the van in peace.
As Yoongi delves beneath the van’s chassis, the anticipation in the air is palpable. 
You watch him with admiration, the clinking of tools and the occasional muttered words of problem-solving creating a symphony of determination. As Yoongi dives into the task at hand, you find yourself drawn into the rhythm of his work. 
The garage’s dimly lit interior casts elongated shadows as he meticulously dissects Holly’s front wheel section. The metallic clinks of tools and the soft hum of the overhead lights fill the air, creating a symphony of purposeful activity.
With every piece he carefully removes, the mystery of Holly’s strange noise unravels. 
It’s as if he’s conducting a delicate orchestra of mechanics, and you’re an audience of one, enchanted by his expertise. 
His hands move with a graceful precision, each movement deliberate and calculated. In this moment, as the problem is revealed under the probing beam of his flashlight, a surge of relief washes over you. 
You realize how much you rely on him, not just as your partner in this journey, but as the unwavering troubleshooter who turns setbacks into triumphs. 
As the source of the strange noise is pinpointed, a triumphant smile spreads across Yoongi’s face. Holly, a silent witness to your adventures, almost seems to sigh in relief too.
As Yoongi kneels beside the van, his fingers deftly inspecting the worn-out drive shaft cuffs and tightening loose bolts, he begins to explain the intricacies of the van’s inner workings. 
Though the technical jargon might as well be a foreign language to you, you’re completely captivated by the way he lights up when he talks about it. 
His voice, a soothing blend of confidence and passion, weaves a story of mechanical marvels and engineering wizardry. Each word he utters carries the weight of expertise, and as you watch his hands move with the grace of a seasoned craftsman, you can’t help but admire his mastery of the subject. Even though the details might elude you, the admiration in your eyes speaks volumes. Listening to Yoongi, you realize how love can infuse even the most mundane topics with magic. 
The way he pours his heart into this moment, explaining the van’s ailments and the remedies required, makes you fall in love with him all even more.
In this garage, surrounded by the scent of grease and the echoes of tinkering tools, you find yourself not just appreciating his mechanical expertise but also marveling at the depth of your bond. 
As he wraps up his explanation, you can’t help but smile, grateful for the chance to witness his passion and to be a part of this adventure with him.
As Yoongi approaches the garage owners with a confident smile, you can’t help but admire his resourcefulness. It’s one of those moments that showcase his determination and practical problem-solving skills. 
The owners, a pair of weathered but friendly faces, nod in acknowledgment as Yoongi explains his needs. With a swift exchange of money, the spare parts are in his hands, and he’s back at work. 
The tools clink and clank, echoing in the garage like a symphony of repair. As he meticulously replaces the worn-out cuffs and tightens the loose screws, you stand by, a silent witness to his dedication. The rhythm of his movements, the focused look on his face, and the occasional muttering to himself all paint a portrait of a man wholly engrossed in his task.
“I’m done now, thank you for waiting.” 
Yoongi’s voice breaks through the ambient sounds of the garage, pulling you from your quiet contemplation. His beaming smile and the way he wipes his oiled hands on his pants are endearing, a testament to his pride in a job well done.
You rise from where you were leaning against a nearby shelf, your own smile mirroring his. With every step you take towards him, it’s not just Holly that’s been repaired; it’s your faith in each other and your ability to navigate life’s unexpected detours.
He pulls you into a warm, oil-scented embrace, his chest pressed against yours. His heartbeat, steady and reassuring, matches the rhythm of your own.
Unable to contain your admiration, you offer a compliment with a playful smile, “I enjoyed watching you work,” but your cheeks betray you with a blush that rises like a cresting wave, “you look hot.”
His fingers, stained with grease and oil, brush gently against your cheek as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. The sensation sends shivers down your spine, and you find yourself leaning into his touch, craving the warmth of his rough hands against your skin.
“My hands are dirty, babe.” 
He murmurs, his voice a low, husky timbre that sends a thrill through your entire body. He attempts to pull away, to spare you from the grime that clings to his skin.
But you can’t bring yourself to care about the dirt when his touch feels like an electric jolt of desire. With a fierce determination, you reach out and capture his hands, fingers entwining with his in a passionate embrace.
“I don’t care,” you declare, your voice breathless with longing. You pull him closer, your lips meet in a fiery kiss that speaks of desire and a bond too strong to be deterred by something as trivial as dirty hands.
His laughter dances against your lips, a carefree melody that sets your heart ablaze. 
You pull back slightly, your eyes meeting his with a mischievous spark. 
“Maybe we should take this show on the road,” he suggests, his voice a teasing whisper that sends a thrill through your body. His playful demeanor matches the twinkle in his eyes as he senses the curious gazes of onlookers.
With a soft chuckle, you lean back, breaking the passionate kiss but keeping your connection alive. You both share a knowing look, acknowledging the audience that has unintentionally gathered around. Some wear frowns, their disapproval thinly veiled, while others struggle to look away, curiosity getting the best of them.
After a heartfelt exchange of gratitude with the garage owners, you and Yoongi set out for a local campground nestled just beyond the town’s outskirts. 
Holly’s engine hums with a newfound vibrancy, the haunting clicks and pops replaced by a reassuring purr, a testament to Yoongi’s skillful repair work.
As you approach the campground, the world begins to transform. 
The air is infused with the earthy scent of the surrounding woods, and the fading sunlight casts a warm, golden hue over the landscape. Tall trees stand sentinel, their rustling leaves whispering secrets of countless stories shared beneath their branches.
Arriving at the campground, you find a secluded spot, the van settling into its new temporary home. 
As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Yoongi takes charge of creating a campfire. With practiced ease, he gathers dry twigs and kindling, coaxing life into the flames until they crackle and dance in the gathering darkness. 
The firelight cast playful shadows, creating an intimate circle of warmth and light.
Together, you prepare a simple yet delicious dinner over the campfire. The scent of roasting marshmallows and the savory aroma of grilled vegetables fills the air, mingling with the smoky fragrance of the crackling wood. 
The orange glow of the flames paints your faces in a warm, flickering embrace as you share stories, laughter, and the occasional playful banter.
Despite your best intentions, your contributions to the culinary efforts may have been minimal, but the camaraderie of preparing a meal together adds a touch of charm to the evening. 
With satisfied appetites and hearts full of contentment, you both settle in for a restful night’s sleep. The soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze plays a soothing lullaby, accompanied by the distant murmur of a nearby stream. Wrapped in your cozy duvets, you drift into dreams beneath the vast, starlit canopy of the night sky.
The next day, you are eager to immerse yourselves in the rich traditions of Andong, a town steeped in history. 
As you step onto the cobblestone streets, a sense of timelessness washes over you. Andong has a unique charm, an old-world aura that whispers stories of centuries past. Wandering through the town, you discover quaint hanok houses with curved roofs, each adorned with intricate wooden carvings and papered windows. 
The streets are lined with vibrant flowers, their colors popping against the backdrop of ancient buildings. Occasionally, you encounter locals in traditional hanbok attire, a living connection to the town’s heritage.
Though the Mask Festival, a renowned celebration of culture and art, has yet to arrive, the beginning of it was already underway as it is just one week away. Small shops and stalls display intricate masks, some whimsical, others deeply solemn. You can’t resist the allure of these artistic creations and pick up a few as keepsakes.
As the first light of dawn gently kisses the horizon, you wake up to the promise of a new day’s adventure. 
The crisp morning air, tinged with the faint aroma of last night’s dinner, fills your senses. With the remnants of a hearty meal beckoning from the campfire’s embers, you decide to start your day with a taste of yesterday’s flavors. 
Sitting beside the smoldering fire, you savor the rich and comforting taste of the previous night’s meal. The warmth of the flames caress your skin, contrasting the cool mountain breeze that rustles through the surrounding trees. 
Each bite of food is a reminder of the shared moments around the campfire and the anticipation of the journey ahead.
With a satisfied belly, you eagerly prepare for the day’s hike. 
Your hiking gear, meticulously chosen for comfort and practicality, awaits its next adventure. As you lace up your sturdy boots, the promise of rugged trails and breathtaking vistas fills your thoughts, igniting a spark of excitement. Your backpack, loaded with essentials, feels like a trusty companion ready to accompany you on this mountain odyssey.
You have heard whispers of the legendary Byongdae cliff and the enchanting Pine Tree Forest that graces these mystical mountains. The tales have woven a tapestry of intrigue in your mind, and now, standing on the precipice of reality, you feel an irresistible pull to explore these fabled wonders.
Your journey begins amidst the towering giants of the Pine Tree Forest, a cathedral of nature’s grandeur. As you step into this tranquil grove, the air is saturated with the earthy scent of pine needles, a fragrant welcome that envelops your senses.
The sun filters through the dense canopy above, casting dappled shadows that dance at your feet. 
Each step you take feels like a pilgrimage through a sacred woodland, the ancient trees bearing witness to the passage of time itself. You crane your neck to look up, their lofty branches reaching for the heavens, as if sharing secrets with the sky. 
Birds serenade you with their melodic tunes, their songs echoing through the forest like a chorus of hidden muses. With each inhalation, you taste the purity of the forest air, a crisp elixir that invigorates your spirit.
As you wander deeper into this verdant sanctuary, you find yourself in the company of nature’s most exquisite creations. The pine trees stand sentinel, their trunks adorned with mossy tapestries, and their branches, adorned with tufts of emerald needles, sway in a gentle, rhythmic ballet.
Emerging from the woodland, you find yourself at the water’s edge, where the tranquil surface mirrors the cerulean sky above. 
Here, a quaint wooden ferry awaits, bobbing gently on the crystal-clear waters. 
With each paddle stroke, the boat glides effortlessly, carrying you and Yoongi closer to your next adventure.
The cliff looms ahead, a majestic sentinel of nature’s artistry. Its rugged facade rises from the water like a monolithic masterpiece, adorned with mosses and lichens, a testament to the passage of time. The boat docks at its base, and your anticipation grows. 
The ascent up the cliff is a thrilling endeavor, each step revealing a new facet of the picturesque village below. The air is invigorating, infused with the scent of salt and pine, while the distant sounds of village life, like the cheerful chatter of locals and the distant bleating of sheep, waft up to greet you. 
With every upward stride, the panorama unfolds, transforming the village into a living, breathing diorama beneath the vast expanse of the cerulean sky.
As you finally conquer the summit, a triumphant sense of achievement washes over you. 
The world unfolds before your eyes in a breathtaking panorama, a tapestry of nature’s artistry and the village’s quaint charm. 
You find a quiet spot to rest, nestled among the craggy rocks, where the gentle breeze carries with it the scent of adventure and the distant laughter of villagers below. Sitting there, you let the serenity of the moment seep into your bones. The sun bathes you in its golden warmth, the crisp mountain air fills your lungs, and the distant chirping of birds adds a harmonious touch to the symphony of nature. 
You close your eyes for a moment, feeling the earth beneath you, grounding yourself in this tranquil haven.
As you gaze from the rugged precipice, your voice slips into a soft, almost reverent whisper, “I’ll miss this so much when our vacation ends,” your eyes tracing the contours of the village sprawled far below.
“Weekend camping trips are always an option.” 
Yoongi suggests, his gaze lingering on the delicate contours of your face, taking in your beauty.
You turn to face Yoongi, your eyes sparkling with stars, and a surge of wonder and excitement infusing your voice, “Really?”
He nods, his hand reaching out to caress your cheek, his finger lightly tracing over your soft lips, leaving a tantalizing sensation in its wake.
Reluctantly, you begin your descent, your steps lighter now, the memories of the panoramic view etched into your heart. The wooden ferry awaits, its creaking timbers echoing with tales of countless journeys. 
As you board, the gentle sway of the boat on the water lulls you into a peaceful reverie. You watch as the cliff recedes into the distance, still an indomitable sentinel against the azure sky.
Returning to the village, you carry with you the sense of wonder and accomplishment that only a day spent among nature’s wonders can bring, a memory that will forever remain etched in your mind.
Your exploration also takes you to a serene temple nestled in the hills. The scent of incense hangs in the air as you marvel at the intricate architecture and the palpable sense of tranquility. Yoongi, always with an appreciation for the cultural significance of such places, captures the moment with his camera, preserving the beauty for eternity.
Fatigued from your adventurous day, you and Yoongi decide it’s time to savor the local flavors of Andong. 
A quaint restaurant beckons with the promise of culinary delights. The warm, inviting aroma of simmering spices and savory sauces wafts through the air as you step inside.
Seated at a wooden table, you peruse the menu with eager anticipation. Your eyes fall upon the legendary Andong Soju, its allure heightened by its formidable 40% alcohol content. With a knowing glance exchanged between you and Yoongi, you agree to indulge in moderation, not wanting to let the potent elixir spoil your evening.
As you sip the clear, fiery liquid from small glasses, you can feel the warmth spreading through your veins. The Soju carries the essence of Andong, a taste that hints at the town’s history and traditions, and it adds an extra layer of authenticity to your dining experience. 
For dinner, you decide to follow the advice of the locals and order the Jjimdak, a delectable dish that embodies the heart of Korean cuisine. Braised chicken and an array of vibrant vegetables, lovingly marinated in rich Korean soy sauce, arrive at your table. The dish is a burst of colors and textures, a tantalizing blend of sweet and savory flavors that dance on your taste buds.
As you dine, you can’t help but admire the cozy ambiance of the restaurant, filled with the cheerful chatter of fellow diners and the soothing melodies of traditional Korean music playing softly in the background. 
The flickering candlelight adds a touch of romance to the atmosphere.
Under the dimly lit Andong streets, you and Yoongi stroll hand in hand, feeling the subtle sway of the evening. 
The Andong Soju, though sipped cautiously, has lent a gentle, tipsy euphoria to your steps. The world takes on a dreamlike quality as you navigate the winding paths and narrow alleys. As you walk, the night envelops you in a comforting embrace. The soft glow of streetlights casts warm, golden pools on the cobblestone streets, guiding your way. 
The air is alive with the distant murmur of laughter and the melodious hum of crickets, serenading your tipsy journey. You steal glances at Yoongi, his features illuminated by the soft city lights. His eyes sparkle with a shared secret, and his smile, slightly crooked from the Soju’s influence, is irresistibly endearing. 
Every touch of his hand in yours sends delightful shivers through your tipsy senses.
As you approach Holly, it stands as a steadfast companion, a haven of familiarity in the midst of the Andong night. You pause for a moment, swaying gently together, and share a soft, lingering kiss beneath the moonlight. 
The taste of Yoongi and Soju lingers on your lips.
With your hearts light and spirits high, you finally settle into Holly, ready for a restful night’s sleep. The world outside may spin with a tipsy enchantment, but in each other’s arms, you find balance and serenity, cherishing the memories created in the charming town of Andong.
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A few days before your planned rendezvous with Joonie, Jinie, and Hobi in Daejeon, you embark on a detour to Gumi, a place of natural beauty and tranquility. 
Your destination is the enchanting Geumosan Reservoir, a serene oasis nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests. As you approach the reservoir, the scent of pine and earth fills the air, awakening your senses to the wilderness that lies ahead. 
The anticipation builds in your chest, knowing that an adventure awaits you amidst the pristine landscape.
Upon arrival, you’re greeted by the shimmering waters of the reservoir, reflecting the azure sky like a flawless mirror. The surrounding hills are cloaked in vibrant shades of green, and the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze becomes your symphony.
You and Yoongi don your hiking gear, ready to explore the intricate network of trails that wind through this natural wonder. 
The first step onto the trail sends a jolt of excitement through you as the earth crunches beneath your boots, and you feel the rhythm of nature beneath your feet. The hike takes you along paths that meander through dense woods, opening up to breathtaking vistas that steal your breath away. 
The cool breeze carries the sweet aroma of wildflowers, and the distant call of birds adds a melodic soundtrack to your journey.
Yoongi’s hand in yours provides a reassuring anchor as you both marvel at the splendor of nature. 
Each step forward feels like an adventure, a shared exploration of the world’s wonders.
After a day of hiking, you find a serene spot near the reservoir’s edge to rest. You sit side by side, feet dangling above the crystal-clear water, and share a quiet moment of awe. The world seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you and the beauty that surrounds you.
“I just love nature,” Yoongi murmurs, leaning gently against your shoulder, his words carrying a sense of serenity, “the tranquility, the freedom to wander and reflect on life.”
You exhale audibly, your voice brimming with happiness, “I completely understand,” you say, your hand finding its way to his thigh, “This getaway is exactly what I needed to escape from the stresses of work,” you add, resting your head against his shoulder and savoring the moment.
He hums in contentment, “Indeed, it sounded like you were in desperate need of a break,” he says, his voice soft and reassuring.
“Yeah, you know I genuinely love my job, but recently the stress has really taken its toll.” 
You say, your voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. You can’t help but feel conflicted about your career, torn between your passion for it and the overwhelming stress it sometimes brings.
“I’m grateful this trip has been a relief,” he says, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. His words carry a warmth that reassures you, making you appreciate the escape from your daily pressures even more.
You exhale softly, your fingers finding comfort in his, and ask, “What’s your next destination in mind?” 
Your eyes meet his, filled with anticipation for the adventures yet to come.
He starts rambling with an endearing enthusiasm, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “I heard about a science center nearby. I know neither of us is a science geek, but I thought it might still be a lot of fun,” he says, his smile revealing those charming gums of his. You can’t help but find it absolutely adorable.
“I’m up for it. Honestly, everything with you is a blast, so I’m all in,” you reply, your voice filled with enthusiasm. You turn your head and punctuate your agreement with a passionate kiss, locking lips with his soft, inviting ones.
Although science has never been your forte, you decide to pay a visit to the local Science Center in Gumi. 
As you step into this world of discovery and innovation, you’re pleasantly surprised by the sense of wonder that envelops you. Together with Yoongi, you explore the center’s myriad exhibits, each one a gateway to the extraordinary. 
The museum’s interactive displays and hands-on activities offer a chance to hold hands with your boyfriend while delving into the mysteries of the universe.
One exhibit captures your attention—a dazzling planetarium show that transports you to distant galaxies. With the domed ceiling overhead, you and Yoongi recline in cushioned seats, your fingers intertwined, and watch as stars and constellations come to life, painting the cosmos with their celestial beauty.
The immersive experience ignites a newfound curiosity within you, as you realize that science has the power to evoke awe and inspire even to those who never thought they’d be interested.
Leaving the Science Center, you walk hand in hand, the spark of connection between you and Yoongi shining brighter than ever.
As the day unfolds, you and Yoongi decide to hit the bowling alley. 
You both step into those classic rented shoes, each pair slightly too large, and claim your own lane, creating a private haven for laughter and competition. The joy of the game isn’t just in the strikes and spares but in the shared experience. 
Yoongi, with his effortless bowling prowess, takes the lead. He patiently guides you, showing you how to hold the ball and improve your stance. Despite his best efforts, your balls still veer off course, but it hardly matters. What truly matters is the closeness you share. With each instruction he gives, his hands gently brush against yours, fingers lingering just a moment longer. 
You cherish these stolen moments of connection, realizing that it’s not about perfect strikes but the perfect touch and laughter that make this game unforgettable. As the pins clatter and balls roll, you’re grateful for the opportunity to have fun together, even if it means embracing your ineptitude at bowling. 
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As your journey alone with Yoongi approaches its final destination, you find yourself in Yeongdong, a place where nature’s grandeur unfolds in breathtaking ways. Your destination? 
The enchanting Wolrybong peak, a majestic mountain that seems to touch the sky itself.
The ascent is filled with moments of awe as you navigate through winding trails, surrounded by lush, verdant forests. The air is crisp, carrying the scent of pine and earth, invigorating your senses with each breath. The trail occasionally opens up, revealing glimpses of the surrounding cliffs and pristine waters below, a mesmerizing sight that leaves you spellbound.
Upon reaching the summit, you find yourself standing on the edge of the world, overlooking a vast expanse of untouched beauty. 
Cliffs stand tall and proud, their rugged faces meeting the azure waters that stretch as far as the eye can see. It’s a scene that defies description, and for a moment, you feel like you’re part of a painting, a tiny speck in the grand canvas of nature.
In those tranquil moments, the world fades away, leaving you and Yoongi with nothing but the majesty of nature surrounding you. You take it all in, cherishing this time together.
As the sun sets behind the peaks, casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape, you can’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to witness such beauty and to share it with the one you love. 
As the days wind down to the end of your adventurous journey, you decide to indulge in a well-deserved period of relaxation. Nestled in the cozy confines of Holly, you and Yoongi find solace in quiet moments together. The gentle hum of nature outside, the soft rustling of leaves, and the distant chirping of birds create a soothing symphony.
Wrapped in each other’s warmth, you savor the simple pleasure of just being together. The world outside may be bustling with activity, but within your private haven, time slows down, allowing you to bask in the tranquility that surrounds you.
There’s a contented sigh as you lean into Yoongi’s comforting embrace, the soft rhythm of his heartbeat echoing in sync with yours. 
Holly’s interior becomes your sanctuary, a place where laughter, stories, and stolen kisses create an intimate bond that feels like a haven of love.
As the time comes to drive to Daejeon to reunite with your friends, you do so with hearts full of cherished memories and a renewed sense of connection. 
The journey continues, but now it’s not just about the places you visit; it’s about the love and experiences you carry with you, making every mile of the road a testament to your new official relationship.
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→ Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I appreciate every like, comment and reblog, and please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think;  your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜 → Taglist: @idkjustlovingbts, @constancelayon, @wobblewobble822, @ktownshizzle, @moonchild1, @ultimatefangirl0, @baechugff, @jimintaemin, @parapiop7, @fckkntired, @iluvfndms, @citypop-princess, @tarahardcore, @bergandysam, @massivelyfullenthusiast, @tatyhend *strikethrough means tumblr isn’t letting me tag you :(
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Kept By The Pack
CW: details of you getting kidnapped, fear, violence, mention of animal death
This one doesn’t go into individual details of meeting each werewolf, or their individual personalities just yet. Only one is named so far.
You’d ventured out on your own to a popular, heavily forested hiking area, staying at a beautiful and absurdly cheap lodge. The employees had all been wonderfully friendly, and the weather was beautiful. You just couldn’t quite shake the feeling of being watched wherever you went, indoors and out… and the employees were maybe just a little too friendly. You started to wonder if you’d stumbled into a yellow-deli situation, but they didn’t seem to share a cohesive religious or philosophical worldview.
The real problems didn’t start until it was time to leave. First, your rental car’s engine gave out. Then, the internet went down… and without good cell service up in the mountains, you couldn’t exactly call to let anyone know what had happened.
You went to the front desk for help, of course, even if the employees made you a little uneasy. Luckily it was Hunter behind the counter. The calm and collected butch was at least one of the ones you felt more comfortable around. He promised that he would call somebody to take a look at your car, and calmed your anxieties about leaving soon.
The weekend went by, with nobody coming to fix your car. You even tried to hitch a ride with other vacationers, but nobody would take you up on it. Stranger danger, and all. You watched each person and group leave, one by one, dread slowly growing with each departure, until you were the only guest left.
Without the chatter of other guests, the lodge felt absurdly empty. You found yourself jumping at every noise, goosebumps prickling at you. It was impossible to sleep that night. Eventually, fed up with the circumstances and the lack of help from the lodge’s staff, you resolved to make your way back to the main town yourself. You packed what you could into your hiking bag and left the rest there.
You snuck out as carefully and quietly as you could, knowing that if anybody caught you, they would try to convince you to at least stay until sunrise. The forest was dangerous at night. You couldn’t rationalize why, but you felt the risk was worth it as opposed to staying at the lodge any longer.
As you walked, you thought more about your stay. The employees hadn’t done anything to hurt or scare you outright. You wondered if maybe you’d hallucinated the weird aura between them, the looks they gave you…
But it didn’t matter now. You were already on the side of the road, surrounded by giant trees on either side. All you had to do was just follow the road that few miles to town. Then you could get a new rental car, drive away, and never think about this for the rest of your life.
Then again, maybe this would make an interesting story to tell your friends. Or your therapist; they were probably the best person to ask about this whole ordeal. Maybe you could even write an article about it for a travel website.
The nighttime air was humid and windy, alternating between sticky springtime warmth and cool gusts leftover from winter, driven by the moon. A twig snapped in the forest nearby.
You took a deep breath, heart pounding already. It probably wasn’t anything major. Just a squirrel, or a bird… still, you reached into your pocket and grabbed your bear spray, pulling it out and feeling the weight of it in your hand.
You didn’t even have time to calm your heart, or flick the safety switch on the spray, before you were pinned facedown in the gravel beside the road. Head ringing from the impact, and scraped up, you laid still in shock for a moment. The bear spray clattered away uselessly.
“Don’t move,” a voice growled near your ear.
You started thrashing. Grabbing at the dirt, kicking wildly, whatever you could do. The person— the beast— flipped you over and held you down by the wrists and throat with clawed hands. You gurgled angrily, still trying to knee them, but the oxygen deprivation was too much.
They bared their teeth at you, sharp and glinting in the low light. The hold around your neck loosened ever so slightly, letting you gasp and cough. “I respect the fighting spirit, pup, but it’s time to give up. You’re no match for us.”
Your panicked eyes flicked to the tree line, where more animals emerged from the tree line to circle you. The adrenaline gave you one more rush— you growled and spit at the one holding you down. “Playing with your food like this is stupid. If you’re going to eat me, just fucking do it already.”
The wolf(?) above you looked surprised, and one or two of the others snickered.
Another voice chimed in, “Bold words for a pinned rabbit. Not our fault you’re so fun to play with… I think we’ll keep you around a little longer.” Another clawed hand grabbed your chin and forced a few pills in your mouth.
You tried to spit them out, but they held one hand over your mouth and pinched your nose with the other, with the first monster still holding you by the neck. You had no choice but to swallow, and the hands retreated from your face.
The white wolf stroked your neck gently, as if to praise you for doing what they wanted. Your head clouded too fast, with the pills kicking in and adrenaline wearing off. The wolf stood on its back legs and slung you over its shoulder.
Distantly you felt the scrapes and bruises throbbing, and heard the wolves chatting amicably with one another as they brought you back up the road, away from the rest of civilization. Dizzily, you watched the sun rise over the hills and trees. You hadn’t even been close enough to see the skyline of the town.
You woke with a dry mouth and pounding headache, body uncomfortably warm. You tried to push off the heavy fur blankets, but— it wasn’t a blanket at all. Of course not. Of course, with your luck, the monsters were right there, piled on top of you and each other.
You were too tired to panic, and your thoughts flicked from once place to another lightly, as if you weren’t afraid you were going to be tortured or die soon. They were still playing with you, like a cat cuddling a mouse it intends to kill later, weren’t they?
You stared at the ceiling, eyes tracing over the lighting fixture and paint details. You were back at the lodge… and the wolf that pinned you had the same hair, and eyes, and quality of voice as Hunter.
Werewolves. Of course. It all made sense now, you thought deliriously. Monsters that you loved reading about happened to be fucking goddamn real. You’d be thrilled if you thought you were going to live.
Werewolves… yes, the pieces began falling in place. They weren’t a cult, per-se, but a pack. Belatedly, you thought it would’ve made an interesting anthropological study topic… if they hadn’t fucking kidnapped you. The absurdity of it all…
One of the wolves at the edge of the pile snuffled, and began kicking as they chased rabbits in their dream.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Chaos // Bradley Bradshaw
Chapter Six: Addicts
Summary: All hell breaks loose when the uranium mission doesn’t go according to plan. Rooster follows you down into enemy territory. It’s a race against time to find a way home safely.
Warning: Bradley Bradshaw x reader. Ex girlfriend ex boyfriend. Angst! Whump!
Word Count: 14.1k
Author Note: Oh my god. I don’t even know what to say. If you’re still here—thank you so much. We’re officially finished the main six chapters of Chaos. It’s been fun!
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“So how's that addiction going?” Bob's voice drew you from deep thought as you looked out over the water, flight helmet in hand, hung by your side. Both geared up ready to go for what could very well be your last mission. “He looks strung out–” Gesturing to where Rooster stood talking to Maverick, it wasn't hard to miss the noticeable layer of sweat that had come over him. Looking over your shoulder you could only imagine what Pete must have been saying to Rooster, talking him down from whatever purch he’d plopped himself on.
“Yeah, well, I think I'd be the last person on earth he’d wanna be flying with right now–” singing softly as you turned to face Bob fully. “And as for the addiction, I'm a full blown addict.”
“You’re addicted—“ Robert Floyd was a different breed. He saw the world differently to most, almost like a textbook. With facts and evidence to back up his hypothesis and firm beliefs. He wasn’t a believer in the paranormal and he most certainly wasn’t a fan of politics. “Like full blown addicted—“ He was a man of science, numbers, statistics.
“He’s my ex Bob, not heroin!” The Lemoore sun was almost too much to bear as you and Bob hiked up the steep incline of Grants Creek. Bob’s idea for a team bonding exercise or his version of some sort of sick joke. “And besides, don’t you think it’s important to say no to drugs?” Jerk it out by the Caesars blasting through the speaker that hooked through Bob’s backpack, the carabiner doing God’s work.
“Well, it’s just not that simple.” Somewhere along the way—Bob had removed his T-shirt. It wasn’t that it was out of character for him to do so, it was simply that he trusted you not to comment. A little on the insecure side. But his faith in you to just accept him outweighed his own insecurities. Over the past six months, you had been his closest friend, his front seater, his best friend, his…. Well, Bob would never admit it but, crush? Maybe? He wasn't sure, all he knew for sure was that he thought you deserved the world. This ex you kept talking about? Kept confiding to him about? Just didn't seem to cut it in Bob’s eyes.
“Isn’t it the most simple thing in the world?” You questioned as you dramatically gasped for air, taking in the humidity of the atmosphere around you. Bob couldn't help but to chuckle as he handed you his water bottle. “Thanks—“ Taking it, you paused in your tracks for a breather. “Everyone knows drugs are bad, right? So why even start? I mean they cause crime and death—“
“And they also prop up the US economy.” Passing Bob back his water you frowned in concern.
“What are you talking about?” Bob loved a challenge, he always had. He loved talking to you about anything and everyone. He loved it because you wouldn't shrug him off, you would listen to what he had to say with interest and intent.
“Are you familiar with gross domestic product?” It wasn’t that Bob thought you were stupid, he just wanted to explain his standpoint. Watching as you nodded in response as the sun beamed down and the layer of sweat that had formed across the expanse of your body made it look like you were glowing. A sweaty, disgusting beautiful mess. “Well it’d be great if people didn’t get addicted to drugs, but—people are addicted to drugs.” Turning to face you as you both kept walking, making sure you were still following where he was going. “In order to get the drugs they have to buy them right? And that drug dealer needs to feed his family, they need a house and clothes and the family needs a car right? And there was even this theory that said drug money was the only thing that prevented the collapse of the global economy in two though and eight.”
“Why’s that?” Panting, following Bob up the steam incline, he reached out to lend you a hand, pulling you up the hill as he continued to walk beside you, just in front of you. His hands helping to guide you up as you played damsel. Bob knew you were fine, you just didn't want to be hiking right now, on your one day off the rest and recover.
“Because drug money was the only available cash to prop up big banks—without drugs, without addiction, shit would probably go tits up.”
“So what you’re trying to say is, I’m a closeted drug addict and my drug of choice is my toxic ex?” Bob knew he’d gone a little in depth with the facts, but he wouldn’t deny he was a numbers person. Facts and statistics was his way of life. “How’d you manage to make such a black and white argument grey?”
“I just don’t think it’s inherently something that’s good or bad—just, promise you won’t let whoever this guy is, when you ultimately go back to him—“
“I won’t.” You tried to defend yourself, Bob didn’t let you finish as he jogged ahead of you, turning to face you with a stirn finger pointed your way. The sun in his eyes— he’d forgotten his favourite hat.
“Ah but see! All addicts say the same damn thing, you know he’s bad for you, you recognise the damage he does, but the euphoria that you get with him just outweighs the consequences.” Bob had you trapped in your own defence. “Next thing you know you’re on the street—“
“Could be worse right?” Bob looked at you with concern, evident in his eyes. “Well I mean I could end up dead right? But you can’t overdose on a person can you?” Shrugging your shoulders, following Bob up the incline. Feet crunching the gravel dirt with every step you took. Bob had never seen a clearer addict before in his life—how did he know? Because he was one himself. Only his drug came in the form of adrenaline.
“Just, when it inevitably does happen—don’t forget you aren’t some B-grade constellation prize.” It made you blush, you felt the heat rising in your cheeks as you hid your smile for a brief moment. There was just something about Bob that made you feel at home. “C’mon—we’re running sprint to the top.”
“What!?” You groaned, letting your shoulders slump dramatically as you threw your head back. Bob was the kinda guy who liked to do that In manorial 9/11 stair master workout just for fun. You should have picked up he was psychotic from the get go. “This isn’t funny anymore—“
“Hey, I thought you were great at running away from your problems? It must be exhausting rooting for the anti-hero though, I get it.” Challenging you, Bob took off. His bag clinging to his bare back as you sighed, chasing after him with a huff.
“I've always found that admitting a problem is always the first step to recovery.”
“But I don't think I wanna recover, that's the problem Bob.” You knew you didnt wanna recover, all you’d ever wanted was Bradley bradshaw. But somewhere deep inside you there was a terrible feeling that you'd cut whatever thin thread there was keeping you together. Lying never solved any problem you’d ever had. Perhaps Jake had been right, you should have just told Rooster the truth instead of lying, trying to protect him. But look where that got you?cNowhere and alone. Shaking off the despair, you rubbed your face, pushing the stray hairs away from your face as the wind raced around you and Bob. “Hows’ Hangman?”
“He’s easy to make insecure—I'm sure he’ll get over it.”
“It has been an honour flying with you all. Each one of you represents the very best of the best, this is a very specific mission–my choice is a reflection of that and nothing more.” Maverick stood before the class with his shoulders squared.
“Choose your two foxtrot teams.” Admiral Beau stated firmly as he stood off to the side with his arms behind his back. Watching as Maverick nodded in the opposite direction to where you stood near the back of the room. Hiding amongst the class.
“Payback and Fanboy–” Okay good, you could deal with that. “Phoenix and Bob–” You felt the wind get knocked out of you for a brief moment. Not Bob. Anyone but Bob. in the most sincere, heartfelt way– you couldn't stand the idea of him not coming back from this.
“Choose your wingman–” you had begged, pleaded Pete to choose someone, anyone, besides Rooster to be your wingman. You had even told him that flying with Hangman, although it may cost you your life, would be better than flying with Rooster.
There were a total of two men in your life you never wanted to fly with on a serious mission. Those men being Bradley Bradshaw and Robert Floyd. The only real reason you had to be so reluctant was because to see them burn out would mean the death of you too. You weren't strong enough to come back from seeing that, you knew that much for sure. There was a split second, a brief pause, a glimpse in Mavericks eyes that had you for the briefest of seconds thinking he had listened. But fuck where you wrong.
“Rooster–” Fuck.
“And team lead?” There had never been a worst position to be in. You knew some of the class knew, others maybe not. Standing to the back of the room would mean the quickest escape to grab your gear, get the fuck out and get this voer with.
“Chaos!” Jake shouted as he came jogging over. Bob took it as his sign to leave. Deciding a hug was more fitting than a handshake. Embracing you with open and inviting arms, Bob consumed you entirely.
“I'll see you on the other side yeah?” pulling away, he kept his hands firmly on your shoulders. “And dont do anything stupid, we get in, we get out.”
“Absolutely I wouldn't even dream of it.” Tapping your shoulder Bob let you go, turning on his heels to make his way over to his F-18, Phoenix waiting for him as Hangman approached you. “Hangman–”
“You give 'em hell–” Jake stuck his hand out for you to shake, graciously you took it. Looking him square in the eyes as you did so. “There is no better pilot for the job than you.”
“Do me a favour? When this is all over? You and me, we’re gonna settle our differences, you and me– the Hard Deck ,six o’clock.” Jake chuckled as he let his hand drop. Standing before you as you smiled his way. He knew you were deflecting from your own self doubt. But for now he’d let you–because it seemed to be working rough to hold you together.
“Deal–I'll book it in with Penny.”
There wasn't much time left, by the time you had finished taking your tags off– Hondo was coming at you telling you it was time. You couldn't put it off any longer even if you wanted to. Doing one final lap of your F-18, Rooster was walking your way.
“Lieutenant Kazansky!” Rooster shouted over the roaring sounds of F-18 engines. “Ma’am!” of fuck the actual fuck off, was he really resorting to ma’am? “Lieutenant–”
“Rooster, it's Chaos or Y/n, stop with the ma’am bullshit before I decide to knock it out of you.”
“I just wanted to say–” Obnoxiously loud radio chatter cut Rooster off before he could finish. Which was probably a good thing, he was probably about to say something stupid—something he’d regret or most likely wish he never said. Fear riddling his central nervous system to the point he wasn’t thinking straight, that much was clear.
“We’ll talk, when we get back–” You stepped a little closer, fingers reaching for Roosters. Softly playing with his fingertips as you kept your gaze on the ground. Not daring to look up. “We’ll talk about everything–” Nodding in response, Rooster swallowed the lump in his throat he couldn’t seem to get rid of. Stepping back and away. Sweating balls. A nervous mess.
“Hey– Brad! Bradley! Hey!” Shouting you caught his attention. Watching as he turned to face you from across the deck. “You got this– don't think, just do.”
Terrifying. That’s what it felt like to be in your F-18, ready for take off. “Dagger one, up and ready on catapult one.”
“Dagger spare, standing by.” Hangman was the first to confirm his position after you.
“Dagger four up and ready–” Then Payback.
“Dagger three, up and ready” Then Phoenix.
“Dagger two, up and ready. “ And last my certainly not least– Bradley Bradshaw. Something you would never get used to was the force of being propelled from a carrier. The way the cord snapped back and let you go at a million miles an hour–take off from a short runway, moreso a taxiway was one of your greatest fears. That and being used as a personal plaything by Bradley. There was something so dehumanising in the way you would so easily allow him to come back and forth into your life, but when things were good? They were great. But when things were bad? It made the depths of hell seem like a summer vacation. A holiday destination you'd rather visit instead of having to deal with the heartbreak he left every time he’d walk away.
But Bradley bradshaw was a changed man, right?
“Comanche, dagger one standby check in.” Flying steady as you looked at your radio. Trying to push any and all thoughts of Rooster to the side. An achievement you were unlikely to achieve.
“Comanche, one one set, picture clean recommend dagger continue.”
“Copy Daggers descending below radar.” It wasn't very professional of you to be clouded with thoughts of Rooster as you flew closer and closer into enemy territory. If anything, having a clouded mind could easily get you killed. Letting emotion get the better of you was the last thing you wanted to be a victim of while flying a mission like this.
“Daggers now below radar, switching to E-2 picture.” Lilian, Camanche, addressed the carrier as she switched signals. It was unsettling to know you weren't on radar anymore. To begin to think things could go wrong now would be sentencing you and your team to an unlikely death. But you couldn't help but wonder without a radar signal, who would come find you if things went south? Would you have to claw your way back–would Adrial beau care? Would he send a rescue? Would he send his spare in?
“Here we go, enemy territory up ahead in sixty seconds, Comanche dagger one picture.”
“Comanche picture clean, decision is yours.”
“Copy–dagger attack.” Not even a few short seconds went by before you heard and saw the tomahawks fly over the top of you. There was no turning back now. “Daggers, assume attack formation.” Phoenix and Bob settled in on your tail. Rooster behind them, Payback and Fanboy at the tail end of the group. Picture perfect.
With a deep inhale and a slow burn exhale, you closed your eyes for a brief moment and prayed to whatever god was listening. To whatever guardian angel—your or not, who would watch over everyone. Bring them home safe to their families. “Daggers set, proceeding to target, two minutes and 30 seconds in three, two, one, mark.”
“Two mark.” Rooster checked directly after you.
“Three mark.” Payback reported, his timer set and counting.
“Four mark.” Phenix stated, still right on your tail.
“Going in–” The terrain itself was stunning. Snow covered mountains that were decorated with pines. It seemed as if it had been plucked right from a scene in those tacky Christmas holiday love story movies. As you throttled forward, all four of the F-18’s engines began shrieking. Reminding you that this was anything but a Christmas movie. This was real and this was serious and this could be deadly if you didn’t put your entire being into this. “First SAM site overhead.”
“Looks like we're clear on radar Chaos.” Phoenix was quick to interject.
“Let's not take that for granted.” Smirking softly as you turned left and right—sharp corners at every turn.
“More SAM’s, three o’clock high!” Fanboy spotted, you were grateful for the backseats because honestly you hadn’t even seen the SAM’s he was talking about. Your head in the clouds.
”We got two minutes to target.” Bob’s voice rattled through your radio. An underlying nervousness in his tone. Scared–but not enough to not know what an honour it was to fly this mission, with this group of highly skilled, highly trained pilots.
“Copy–” Payback was the first to respond. “We’re a few seconds behind, Rooster, we gotta move.”
“Dagger one, Comanche, we’re picking up two bandits. Single group, two contacts.”
“Comanche, what's their heading?” Phoenix was quick to ask. 
“Bulls-eye 090, 50, tacked southwest.”
“They’re heading away from us, they don't know we’re here.” Rooster was sweating head to toe. Nervous as all hell. He didn't think he was ready for this, the way you had so confidently said you didn't believe he was ready either had stunted him. Although Jake had pulled him aside later that same night to say you were full of it–that you’d only said it so he’d stay behind, safe. It was still enough to curve him. Rattle him enough to have his nerves at an all time high.
“The second those Tomahawks hit the air base, those bandits are gonna move to defend the target–we have to get there before they do.Increase speed.” It really wasn't long after you had mentioned the tomahawks that they had hit the runways. Blowing them to smithereens as you got confirmation from the carrier it had been a successful hit.
“We got you Chaos, don't wait for me!” Phoenix’s voice came through strong on your radio.
“Bandits are switching course to defend the target.” The enemy well and truly knew you were coming as Lilian radioed in from her radio station.
“Rooster, where are you?” It wasn’t a question you wanted any response to other than right behind you. But that wasn’t what you were gonna get. His lack of motivation to go any faster then a snail had you generally concerened for his wellbeing, as a pilot of a fucking incredibly high staks mission and as a legitimate friend.
“C’mon Rooster, bandits inbound, we gotta make up time now– let's turn and burn.” Payback was the first to respond, trying to shake Rooster out of whatever state of mind he was in.
“Heads up Phoenix–” Flipping to your side with a sharp pull on your throttle—you sped through the arches of a bridge that hadn’t been simulated on the course you’d all been running the last few weeks. Phoenix still hot on your tail followed suit. Flawlessly.
“Guys, we’re falling behind, we really gotta move.” You heard everything going on behind you, not being able to turn back was killing you because it didn't just feel like you were leaving lieutenant Bradshaw behind. It felt like you were leaving your best friend behind, the love of your life. It probably felt that way because he was, you were leaving him behind–and after your last wingman? That wasn't something you could bring yourself to do. Never again. Fanboy was doing everything he could from his seat in the back of Paybacks F-18.
“If we don't increase our speed right now, those bandits are gonna be waiting for us when we reach the target.” Listening to Payback trying to coerce Rooster into getting his head in the game was starting to take its toll on you. Throwing caution to the wind with everyone around–including but not limited to the entire dager squad, the Admirals and an entire team of operations specialists listening in on over correspondence spoken.
“C’mon Rooster you can do it, don't think–just do.” Something in the way you said it really had Rooster listening, his chest warm as his heart grew. You really didn't understand just how much your words could affect him. The simplest of sentences could send him into overdrive or bring him to his knees. And this—sent him into hyperactive hyperdrive. “Don't think B’rad, just do.”
Channelling his dad's energy, Rooster shoved his throttle forward as he felt the G force around him change. Climbing rapidly as he raced against the clock to catch up.
“Jesus Rooster not that fast” Payback shouted as he suddenly felt like the one who was left behind. Watching in disbelief as Rooster hightailed it through the valley at high speed.
“That's it Bradshaw, that's it.” Smirking to yourself you knew Rooster would catch up. He’d make up for lost time now that he had his thumb out of his ass.
“Damn Rooster take it easy!” Fanboy teased—knowing Rooster was probably going a little faster then he honestly would have liked to have been. Purely to get back to you.
“Thirty seconds to target, Bob check your laser.!” It was becoming a race against the clock more so than ever before as you approached the target.
“Air to ground check complete, laser cose verified one six, eight eight. Laser is a go.” Bob confirmed, he could feel his heart beating out of his chest. He was so nervous.
“Phoenix, stand by for pop-up strike.” This was it, everything came down to this.
“Dagger three in position.” Phoenix confirmed flying hot on your tail.
“Popping in three, two, one.” inverting was always one of your favourite manoeuvres to pull, it made you feel invincible. Immortal for a split second. Coming back to a neutral position as you tried your best to steady your eyes on the target. The pressure on. “Get me eyes on that target, Bob–”
“Dagger three, stand by Chaos–” you could hear the panic lacing Bob's voice as he worked as fast as he could to get control over his weapons systems.
“C’mon Bob, C’mon!” You couldn't hold off for much longer, running out of time as you approached the target. It was now or never and never wasn't an option.
“Stand by!--” It felt like the longest few seconds of your entire life as you waited for the tone to sound. “I've got it, captured.” The sweet sweet sound of Bob's voice filled your cockpit as the radio blared with the confirmation you needed.
“Target acquired bombs away.” There was not another second to spare as your dropped your bombs. “Popping in three, two, one!” Pulling up the nose of your F-18, you fought against everything that told you to pass the fuck out. The force against your body nothing like you’d ever imagined as you felt the black ring around your eyes consuming you.
“We’ve got impact! Check! Direct hit direct hit!” Bob’s voice pulled you back from the brink as he confirmed you’d managed to actually hit the target. The taste of sweet sweet success had never tasted so sweet. But as sweet as success tasted there was a bitter aftertaste– where the hell was Rooster?
“Dagger two status!” It came out more pained than it should have, but fighting against the urge to pass out and the force of a thousand elephants crushing your chest will do that to you.
“Almost there Chaos almost there– Fanboy where my laser.” Rooster replied as he inverted over the lip of the mountain. Not far away at all. But after Roosters initial reply everything seemed to blur together as radio white noise.
“Rooster, there's something wrong with this laser! Shit deadeye deadeye deadeye!”
“C'mon guys we’re running out of him. Get it online”
“Come on Fanboy, get it online.”
“There's no time, im dropping blind–”
“Rooster i got this–”
“No time Pull up!”
“Bombs away, Bombs away!!”
“We’re not out of this yet.” Warning signals blared the moment you flew up above the SAM’s. Instantly on you the millisecond you were in their airspace.“Here it comes!” Your radar wasn't that far off. Signalling that you were in shit, deep. “Radar warning! Smoke in the air! Phoenix, break right!”
“Emergency jettison, Dagger three defending!” Phoenix's voice came through strongly on your radio as she followed your instructions.
“Here comes another one!” Bob reported as he tossed and turned in his seat–looking every which way he could to see where the next SAM was coming from. Your second pair of eyes in the sky.
“Dagger one defending!” You coudlnt have smacked your first against your emergency flare trap if you wanted to. Deploying your flares, looking around to see the SAM’s explode behind you. “Rooster status?” it wasn't a question, but an order. Rooster heard it in your voice as he came over coffin corner.
“Oh my god–” You heard him, that was enough confirmation you needed to know he was still in the game. Still alive. “Smoke in the air!! smoke in the air!!” But knowing SAM’s were hot on his tail the second he breached coffin corner was something that made your heart stop. This was a fucking mess. But if you got out of this alive? There was only one thing you wanted to do more than anything else in the entire world. Just make things right.
“Break right Payback!”
“Breaking right!”
“Oh my god, here they come!” Fanboy.
“SAM on your six Rooster!”
“Deploying countermeasures!” “Negative contact.”
“Dagger one defending–”
“Talk to me Bob.”
“Break right phoenix break right! Nine o’clock nine o’clock!”
“Rooster two more on your six!”
“Dagger two defending!” emergency flares.
“Payback, SAM on your nose!”
“Dagger four defending!”
“Rooster tally, seven o’clock–” 
It was all becoming too much to hear, too much to focus on, everything seemed to mash into one big mess inside your head.
“Talk to me Bob!”
“Dagger two defending”
“Phoenix break right!”
“I see it!” A mess of overlapping radio chatter until. Well, until it wasn't– until Rooster drew you out of the flurry you were in. deep in it.
“Dagger two defending–” Rooster groaned as he hit his flare cap. “Shit! I'm out of flares!” Your heart sunk, panic rose as you watched Rooster try and shake the SAM’s that kept coming his way.
“Rooster evade evade!” You shouted, tears welling in your eyes as you turned around. Splitting your throttles quicker than you could say I got you. This was Bradley Bradshaw you were protecting, you'd do anything for him– anything. Bob had said it months ago, you were an addict. You’d always go back for more no matter how bad he was for you. How bad you were for him.
“I can't shake em, they're on me! They’re on me!!” Shouting, Rooster panicked as you flew towards him. Not a thought behind your eyes besides protecting the one man who drove you fucking crazy with blind rage. The one man who knew all your secrets, all the flaws. The one man who loved you as fiercely and as passionately as he hated himself for loving you. Bradley Bradshaw wasn't just some pilot on some suicide mission you were leading. He was your best friend, the love of your life. To not save him would be to live a life alone, always regretting that you let him go.
“I can't do this again–” You whispered to yourself as you said a silent prayer to whatever god was watching over you. Whichever one that would listen you didn't really care. All you wanted was for Rooster to be alright. Be safe. Be able to go home. Even if to him his home was you. Wherever Rooster was? Home was wherever you were.
Without thinking, without hesitation, you pulled back on your throttle, sending your F-18 up, climbing in altitude as you swung up and above Rooster, hitting your flares to protect him. You felt the heat rising as you took out one of the SAM’s that were coming at Rooster, but it only grew as another blew out the back of your F-18.
“Fuck!!” Sending you spiralling into the valley below. Your skin burned under your flight suit, shrapnel embedded itself into your shoulder as you pulled your ejection cords. Punching out of the jet as it fell from the sky. Falling to the ground uncontrollably as you struggled with your shoot. “C’mon– c’mon!!” Ripping the cord just in enough time to slow you down before the tree line.
“Chaos!! No!!” Rooster shouted as pure panic consumed him. “Y/n!!” Watching the fireball that had been your F-18 crash into the valley below uncontrollably.
“Dagger one is hit! I repeat, Dagger one is hit! Chaos is down!” Phoenix reported back to the carrier. Bob couldn’t breathe, he’d told you not to do anything stupid. Why did you not listen? Addicts never listened.
“Dagger one status?” Rooster pleaded through the radio as he watched your F-18 go down in what would only be described as a fireball. Thick black clouds of smoke following. “Status?-- shit does anyone see her?” Rooster's voice became more panicked the longer he went without a definitive response. Flying around he couldn't see you. “Dagger one come in!”
“I didn't see a parachute–” Payback confirmed as he followed Rooster right on his tail.
“We have to circle back!” Rooster wasn't putting it to the group for questioning. He was going back, that wasn't an negotiable option. But that didn't stop them from trying.
“Comanche, bandits inbound, single group hot. Recommend dagger flow south– one minute to intercept.”
“All dagger flow to ecp–”
“What about chaos!?” Rooster hissed. Tears welling in his eyes– enough to the point where they steamed down his cheeks.
“Dagger spare requesting permission to launch and fly air cover!” Back on the carrier, Jake Seresin sat idly by at the hands of the Admirals who shook their heads despite his plea.
“Negative spare–” At the sound of the order he’d received Hangman threw his mask down with a frustrated grown. You weren't a quitter, if anything you were a fighter. But this? Was enough to break even the strongest of people. You had told him you wouldn't get to come back from this one, Jake just didn't know you meant like this.
“Dagger two you are not to engage, repeat you are not to engage.” It was a nightmare Rooster had never really thought about. Losing you on a mission, having you there one minute then being gone the next. Sacrificing yourself for him was also something Rooster was not about to let you do. “Dagger two return to carrier– acknowledge.” He’s been lucky this far in his career to not have flown a mission with you. And of course the first was the last.
“Rooster, those bandits are closing, we can't go back.” It killed him to say it but Bob knew he had to, in order to not lose anyone else today. He’d told you not to do anything stupid, so he wasnt going to do that either. Holding back his only emotions, because this wasnt over yet– Bob was the first to make the conclusion everyone was afraid to make. “Rooster, she's gone–Chaos is gone.”
The chill of snow captivated you entirely. It stung, like when you’d hold something cold for far too long. Everything hurt. From the blood that had seeped into your flight suit from the wound you had on your shoulder—to the pressure forcing itself down onto your lungs. Your ribs were on fire, your nose bloodied. Pushing yourself up onto your knees felt like a task only the fittest of people could do. But you pushed through, taking in your surroundings. Snow, trees, more snow and more trees.
With a heavy sigh, you sat back on your feet, legs bent as you focused on breathing– chuckling softly at the disbelief you were alive.
Your head spun at the sound of what you could only assume was an approaching helicopter. Almost definitely not one of yours. Scrambling as fast as you could against the clock to unclip your parachute. Watching in a flurry as it came around the corner—tracking you down.
“Fuck—“ You mermered to yourself as you worked a little faster. “Fuck fuck fuck—“ Struggling to breath, struggling to run, struggling to do just about anything as you ran for your god damn life through the snow– you decided that jumping over a nearby job that looked as if it could hide you would be your best option. You couldn't outrun a helicopter.
“Fuck!” Screaming at the top of your lungs, you curled yourself up into a ball as the enemy helicopter fired rounds your way. Missing every time but only by mere centimetres. So close you could feel the residual heat coming from them. “Oh my god–fuck!” Holding your shoulder you watched as the helicopter came around to face you, staring down the barrel of a gun, accepting your fate– you gave in. Shutting your eyes tight, you heard the sound of explosions, being met with sight of the helicopter blown to pieces when you opened them curiously. Watching as Roosters F-18 came racing by. Enemy SAM’s making contact with the tail of his F-18, forcing him down.
“Oh God No–” With pure panic bubbling to the surface as you stood, you watched as Rooster was struck, his F-18 spiralling down towards earth on fire. “Rooster! Fuck! No no no no no!” It hurt to move, it hurt to breathe, you were bleeding from God only knows where with injuries unknown and countless–but you had to get to him. That wasn't negotiable.
Racing through the snow, trees lining the way, you ran as fast as your body would allow you to and then some. Pushing through everything you felt to get to Rooster. Seeing him casually folding up his parachute.
“You alright!?” You didn't let your legs slow down until you got to where Rooster was crouching over. Standing, he replied.
“Yeah, I'm good! What about you?” With a heavy shove to his chest you had Rooster on his back in the snow. Watching as he ripped his helmet from his face as you did the same. “What the hell!?” Rooster stood to his feet in a fluffy, his eyes beaming at you. Anger laced his tone as he got in your face.
“Fucking idiot! What are you doing here!?” You couldn’t hold in your anger. You thought he’d been stupid enough to sacrifice himself for you.
“What am I doing here?” Rooster repeated as you huffed, clearing injured and out of breath. Your good arm, working to cradle your clearly not okay arm. Holding your forearm close to your chest as you held the weight of your arm—taking pressure off your shoulder. Your collarbone throbbing. Ribs collapsing into your lungs.
“You think I took that missile so you could be down here with me!? You should be back on the carrier by now!?”
“I SAVED YOUR LIFE!” Leaning into it, Rooster gritted his teeth. Defending his actions as you puffed your chest. Still cradling your arm.
“No! I saved YOUR life! That’s the whole point! What the fuck where you even thinking!!”
“You told me not to think!” You had nothing to come back at him with. You had told him that, on many occasions. You just never expected he’d use your own logic against you. Stunned into silence– you watched as Rooster held his arms up and slammed them back down into his sides in a what the hell kinda way.
Out of breath and knowing that Rooster was alive, you let out a sigh of relief. Rooster stopped to look around for a brief moment– taking in the terrain.
“Well, it's good to see you.” You cooed, standing tall as blood dripped from your shoulder, seeping into your flight suit. Staining it a dark crimson colour.
“It's good to see you too–” Pausing briefly as his eyes wandered down to where the colour of your suit had changed, Rooster's heart sank. “Your bleeding?” Coming closer, you leaned into his touch. Feeling a little light headed as Rooster worked to unbutton a few of your flight suit buttons to get a closer look. Grimacing at the sight. “Well it certainly looks worse than it probably feels.”
“Feels like I've been shot by a flare.” The taste of iron covered your taste buds as blood dripped from your nose. Working to wipe it away with the sleeve of your suit.
“Little dramatic but I'd say some form of shrapnel.” Rooster mumbled as he worked to do up the buttons he had undone. “Other than that? You alright?” Silence fell between you as you looked up into Rooster's eyes. Noticing the blood on his neck.
Nodding you pressed your lips together—knowing if you spoke you’d be lying through your teeth. You didn't want to say anything else about any other injuries because you didn't know what was wrong. All your knew was that everything fucking hurt.
“I didn’t mean what I said.” It hurt to speak but you pushed it aside. Reaching out with your good arm to wipe the dirt off Roosters cheek. “I just didn’t want you flying this stupid mission.” You did it all for love.
“Yeah, I gathered that.” Rooster smirked as he reached out to cup your cheeks, standing so close although you were standing in the snow? You felt nothing but warmth. His warmth. “Hangman told me—“
“That fucker—I told him in—“ Rooster didn’t let you finish. His lips were warm against yours for what felt like a lifetime. Time stood still as he deepened it, desperately needed to just be with you. “When we get outta this mess, that's it okay—no more games, I wanna make this, us–work.” It hurt to hold your breath or whatever breath your lungs could hold as you kissed Rooster back. His hands still cupping your cheeks, holding you close to him as snow fell around you. “I thought for a moment there that I’d lost you for good and I’ll never shake that feeling.”
“Marry me?” Okay yeah now you couldn’t breathe.
“Did you hit your head?” Reaching out to inspect Rooster’s head, you frowned in response to his out there question. Listening to him chuckle as he shook his head. “What the hell—you hit your head didn't you?”
“I’m serious. Marry me Y/n.” Rooster was as serious as a heart attack.
“Bradley, we’re standing in enemy territory, I don’t know how to get us out of here and you already know whatever we are just isn’t—“
“Don’t think, just do.” Rooster smirked as he kissed you again. His hands squishing your cheeks together as you chuckled into his touch. Pulling away because you genuinely couldn’t breathe, your ribs crushing your lungs.
“Okay okay—I’ll think about it.” Silence fell as your eyes met Roosters. “When we get outta this mess, ask me again.” Roosters hands lingering on your hips—keeping you close as snow fell around you. “We need a plan.” Kissing the top of your head as he pulled you in, Rooster was unaware of the pain you were in.
“Well—what's the plan?” But despite the pain, you still had to figure a way out of here.
Alarm bells rang throughout the valley as you and Rooster laid parched at the lookout point you'd decided was the best vantage point. Holding your binoculars up, you handed them over to Rooster who was looking at you as if you were crazy. You’d have to have hit your head, this was crazy even for you.
“You're not serious?” looking at you with disbelief evident is his eyes Rooster asked if you were bat shit crazy. “You've gotta be shitting me, an F-14?” Rooster held the binoculars up to his eyes one more time to confirm what he was seeing, what he was hearing. There was no way this was your plan. Stupic, idiotic and absolutely chaotic at best.
“Mav’s shot down two MiG’s in one of those things–” You never took your eyes off the prize. This was the only way to get you and Rooster home. The only way you could come up with. “We need a way out—the only way out is to go out the same way we got in, fly.”
“Are you mentally deficient Chaos? This is a suicide mission—“ Rooster argued as he laid beside you on his stomach.
“What, and you thought blowing up all that Uranium wasn’t?” Rooster had to admit he got you there. “Rooster I learnt a long ago that if the Navy was only going to see a girl that’s dangerous, a force to be reckoned with and way too stubborn, then there’s no point in trying to be anything else—they aren’t coming back for me, for you, this is the only way we’re getting out of this alive.”
“We don't even know if that bag of ass can fly! Also, you've never flown one before!” Hissing through gritted teeth Rooster watched as you sat back on your knees, groaning softly as you cupped your side. Your bad arm still resting against your torso. Trying to keep it still without a sling was proving to be a little difficult.
“Let's find out–” You waisted no time as you pushed yourself up onto your feet—marching out into enemy territory.
“Chaos!” Rooster whisper shouted as he reached out for you, slipping through his fingertips as always. “Okay–” Deciding he didn't want to be left behind, Rooster ran after you, catching up quickly as you continued scouting the area. Feeling the brick wall that was Rooster crashing into the back of you as he lost his footing for a second.
“There's guys up there Chaos–”
“Yep–” You acknowledged Rooster as his hands guided your hips.
“There's more over there–” Looking around frantically, Rooster shoved you softly, forcing you to pick up the pace as you saw people running around you. Most likely heading to their stations.
“Okay–let's start running.”
“Yeah, run, run!” It really didn’t take the two of you long to reach the hangar where the old F-14 sat tucked away. Panting as you struggled to breathe—Rooster's stomach dropped at the feeling something might not be okay. “Hey you good?” His hand on the small of your back as you looked over the generator. A million things you had no idea what did or didn’t do. But a few things stood out.
“I’m fine.” It was a blatant lie, but to mention you felt like you were dying would be to worry Rooster for no good reason. “Okay so when I give you the signal for air, you're gonna flip this switch until the needle gets to one twenty.” Rooster listened as you explained what you needed him to do. “When the engine starts, you gotta pull out the pins and disconnect everything– do you understand?”
“How do you know all this?” There really wasn’t time to go into depth about how you’d taken an old aviation course a while back. Nothing serious, but it gave you enough basic knowledge to guess your way through this.
“No time for that now, do you understand?” Shaking off Roosters curiosity.
“Yeah– yeah I'm good.”
“Good.” Turning to try and get power going, you couldn't hold in your excitement when the generator kicked off. “Yes!--’ Racing off as you held your shoulder firmly, losing blood a little quicker than you would have liked to have been.
“Once I'm up, stow the ladder.” Placing your helmet on as Rooster watched on almost starstruck. He couldn't believe this was happening. He always thought you would be the death of him, but this wasn't what he had on his bingo card. Watching as you climbed up the ladder, stowing it away shortly after you sat down in the cockpit.
“Okay wow–talk to me Mav, what am I looking at here?” You mumbled to yourself as electronic wiring filled the cockpit as you gave Rooster the signal. Firing up the engines, Rooster raced around untagging and pulling pins. Jumping up onto the wing of the F-14 before settling in behind you.
“Oh my god this thing is so old–” Rooster had never flown with you before. Sure, he’d flown with you in terms of training—but he’d never been your back seater. He’d never been in the same cockpit as you.
“Canopy?” Rooster knew what type of pilot you were, reckless and crazy.
“Clear–!” But that was exactly what you both needed to get you out of here alive. Try or die. Pulling out of the hanger slowly, the creaking of aluminium filled your eardrums as you hit the breaks. Fuck— there way nothing left.
“Both runways are cratered, how are we gonna get this museum piece in the air?” Rooster asked as he sat behind you. Watching as you flipped the safety up—extending the wings out as if you were preparing for takeoff.
“Why are the wings coming out, Chaos?” You couldn’t help but to chuckle at how ridiculous it sounded coming out of Roosters mouth. He knew exactly why the wings were coming out—he just didn’t want to believe you were inherently this fucking crazy. This desperate. “Chaos this is a taxiway, not a runway, this is a very short taxiway Chaos!”
“Rooster just hang on–” You didn't see another way out. Committing as you fired up everything the old nF-14 had to give as full speed. Sending you both back against your chairs.
“Holy Shit!” If Rooster lived to see the day, he swore to himself that if he ever had the chance to have children, he’d be sure to tell them about the time their mother used a taxiway as a runway. Hopefully that would be enough to convince them of just how crazy you were. Perhaps maybe they'd be too scared to be reckless themselves.
“C’mon c’mon c’mon needles alive, c’mon– You grinned as you watched the needle climb, pulling up on your throttle as your landing gear left the taxiway.
“Chaos!!” Rooster shouted as he felt you lifting off.
“That's it, c'mon! C’mon! Here we go!”
“Holy shit!” Rooster felt like he was going to be sick, this was crazy even for you. The craziest thing he’d ever seen anyone do, and he knew Maverick. This took the cake. He felt the landing gear rip off the bottom of the F-14 as you just barely missed the top of the lookout. Exhaling in relief, Rooster turned his ESAT on. “You’re fucking crazy–”
“Hey if you have any ideas air them now Bradshaw–” Laughing together, you thought you were home free.”Can you work on getting us in touch with the boat?”
“Yeah, working on it, but the radio’s out, we have no radar, everything is dead back here. What should I do? talk me through it.”
“Okay, um–first the radio, throw the uh–UHF-2 breaker, try that?” There was something incredibly attractive about the way you told him what to do. Rooster knew it was probably really bad timing, but he couldn't help the way he felt. It was empowering, you were strong and fierce and everything his mother told him to find in a woman.
“There are three hundred breakers back there, anything more specific?” Rooster looked around at all the breakers trying to find the one you'd told him to try, completely overwhelmed.
“I’ve only taken a short course on old aviation and navigation, dad and Mav never really talked all that much about anything like that– I think it was more of your dad's department.”
“I'll figure it out.” Flying steady, it was almost too good to be true. Too easy, pulled off without a hitch. There was a small part of you that felt like something else was about to go wrong. The engine would die or the wings would fall off. “Chaos tally two five o’clock low.” Well it wasn't what you were imagining but it was still serious. “what do we do?”
“Okay listen, just be cool, if they knew who we were, we’d be dead already.” That much was ture. Scrambling your brain trying to come up with a plan, but there was nothing–you were running on empty.
“Well, here they come– what's your plan?” You wanted to be honest and say you didn't have one, because you really didn't. But you couldn't go down without a fight–not when you had Roosters life on the line as well. You were getting yourself out of this. Getting Rooster out of this.
“Just put your mask on, remember, we’re on the same team.” Flying up beside you the bandits gestured a few things you weren't sure of, signalling back you tried to say you could hear. That must have told them something was off. Watching as he filled back. “Oh shit his wingman is moving into weapons envelope.” Alright, listen up– when I tell you, you grab those rings above your head.” Rooster looked up to where the yellow and black striped rope was above his head. “That's the ejection handle.”
“Chaos can we outrun these guys?”
“Not their missiles and guns.”
“Then it's a dog fight–” You let Rooster's words linger in the air for a moment. He knew you had it in you, but something was stopping you from being reckless.
“An F-14, against fifth generation fighters?” Arguing the point, you really didn't want to have to admit you didn't think you could do it. Your lungs felt like they were full of water, your heart burned, your shoulder throbbed and your nose felt like it was ten times bigger than it should have been. You’d done a bang up job on yourself that was for sure.
“It's not the plane, it's the pilot.” Rooster's voice was soft, a starck contrast to the situation you were both facing right now. “I know you’d go after then if I wasn't here.”
“But you are here–” The way you said it, such softness in your tone, such a love, with such a desire to protect him. Rooster had to snap you out of it because he knew you better than anyone and there was no one else who could get the two of you out of this. It was do or die trying, there wasn't any room to hold back.
“C’mon Chaos, don't think, just do.” As if something possessed you in the blink of an eye—you were pulling back on the throttle violently. Forcing your jet behind the firs bandit before hammering in with your guns. Peppering the aluminium. “Tell me when you see smoke in the air!” Rooster did his best to stay in his seat as you broke left, then right. Doing your best to evade the second bandit. Turning around to look at the missile coming directly at you—tone ringing throughout the cockpit.
“Smoke in the air!! smoke in the air!”
“Hang on!” Turning left as sharp as you could, you swung low–racing past the bandit that was already on its way down. The missile that had been heading directly at you making contact with the bandit as you cut in front of him.
“Yeah Chaos! Splash one splash one!” Rooster cheered behind you, turning to see the bandit on your tail had fired yet another missile. “Here comes another one.”
“Rooster flares, now, now, now!” Rooster did as he was told, working quickly to deploy countermeasures, flares popping as he held his finst against the button. “Splitting the throttles, coming around.” You knew you were talking to yourself at this point but you didn't really care. It seemed to help as you pulled back and fell behind the bandit. Now positioned behind him once again. Chasing him down as you tried your best to get your targeting system on him. “Give me tone give me tone” The target lock beeped rapidly–notifying you that you had him locked. Or her– you weren't really sure and you didn't really care, it was them or you.
“You got him Chaos you got him!” Rooster kept doing his best to keep you focused, keep you fighting. He couldn't really do anything else. All his systems were down, he wasn't a backseater.
“I'm taking the shot!” As you took the shot with one of only two missiles that you had– you hoped it was a straight shooter. Unfortunately it wasn't, and you couldn't really explain what actually happened even if you tried. Watching as the bandit stalled his engines and flew straight past you, flat in a spin that seemed near impossible to control.
“Holy shit what the fuck was that?” Rooster had never seen a manoeuvre like that, neither had you.
“Hang on, we gotta get low, the terrain will confuse his targeting system.” swinging low, the nose of your F-14 took a steep dive towards the valley, only mere metres above the ground as you took sharp lefts and rights.
“Here he comes!” Rooster announced as he had his head turned. Feeling the not so good sensation of rounds embedding into the aluminium of your F-14.
“We took a hit, we took a hit!” Rooster watched as the bandit gained turf on your tail.
“Talk to me Rooster, where is he?”
“He's still on us!”
“C’mon Chaos to some of the Vigilante shit!” This felt personal now. You were fucking pissed. You were hurt, bleeding. They say looks could kill and the way you were looking at this bandit right now—How was he not already dead?
“Brace yourself!” You were flying for revenge. Not a single aviation rule applied at this point. Pulling up as you climbed for altitude only to swing back around and cut the engine for a brief second to fall behind again.
“Holy shit!” Rooster usually had a pretty good constitution, but the way you were flying? It had him on the brink of spewing chunks down your back.
“I got tone, taking the shot!” You watched with revenge in your eyes as the Missile went flying towards the bandit. Smoke in the air as he deployed his flares—making contact. “Dammit—I’m out of missiles, switching to guns.”
“You got him Chaos!”
“It's not over yet, once last chance!”
“You can do this!” It felt like you were peering through a window, a deep portal, time travelling
All the love you unravelled and the life you almost gave away as Rooster encouraged you to keep fighting. Memories flashing back as you chased the bandit down.
“I'm trying to break up with you Y/n”
“I can't make you wait for me, I'm not going to do that.”
“I think I'm ready to let go now–”
“Thank you for breaking me to the point where I learned to finally value myself, It took a lot.”
“I'm not doing this anymore, this back and forth bullshit!”
“Well figure out a way to stop because you will be the last person I allow back into my life!”
“Go to hell Kazansky.”
As your mind whipped through a rolodex of memories, you hadnt even noticed you’d pulled the trigger for the final time. Peppering the banit with everything you had left. Roosters cheers, pulling you back from your subconscious.
“Yes! Splash two splash two!!” Bradley couldn't control his excitement if he tried, reacting over to tap your shoulder– not releasing it was your bad one.”
“AH, Fuck!” Hissing through gritted teeth you closed your eyes tight. Flying smooth over the water towards the carrier's last known positioning.
“What, what's wrong?” Rooster asked, not knowing how bad things really were. “Are you alright?”
“Im fine its just–” Pausing briefly, you let out a prolonged exhale as you adjusted yourself. “Just my shoulder Bradshaw, nothing I can't handle, just work on getting us in touch with the carrier.” It didn't take Rooster too long to figure out where that breaker was hiding that you told him about before the bandits had showed up.
Chaos, I got the radio on, gonna get us in touch now–”
“Copy That–” All of a sudden, your alarm systems began blaring. All you could think was not again, had you not been through enough all ready? “Oh my god–” Looking around you began to panic, eyes wide with fear.
“Where the hell is this guy?” Rooster questioned as he did the same, leaving fingerprints on the glass of the cockpit as he twirled in his chair. Looking every which way possible to try and spot the bandit.
“Rooster–he’s on our nose.” There wasn’t a moment more than now where you wished you could wake up screaming from dreaming, quickly acting to fire another round of ammunition—nothing “Dammit it, we’re out of ammo.” With fearful eyes and a heart racing at a million miles an hour—you saw the unimaginable. A missile coming straight for you. “SMOKE IN THE AIR–ROOSTER FLARES!” There was barely any time to react, you’d only just managed to pull up on the throttle. Sending the nose of your F-14 sky high.
“That was close!” Rooster turned in his seat as his eyes followed the bandit, watching with a tight chest and shallow breathing as he came back around. Coming right after you. Pressing his thumb against the flare ignition—nothing. “We’re out of flares Chaos!”
“Shit he's already on us!” Stuck in a tin can, bleeding to death—there wasn’t much else you had up your sleeves. In all accounts you’d put up a pretty good fight, one hell of a fight even. The sound of artillery fire rained down on your F-14, jolting you around as warning bells blared and systems flashed.
“We took another hit.”
“no , no, no, no, no, no–”
“We can't take much more of this!”
“We can't out run this guy, we gotta eject!”
“What?” Rooster would follow you to the end of the earth if you asked him to. But there had to be another way. One more spectacular surprise up your sleeve. You’d gotten him this far, the carrier was in sight.
“We need altitude, pull the ejection handles the second I tell you.”
“Chaos wait–” How could you give up now?
“Rooster there's no other way, eject eject eject!” It felt like the weight of the world was crushing you in on yourself—your lungs burned like smouldering piles of tar. “Rooster–pull the goddamn handle!”
“It's, not, working!” Those three simple words held so much weight. Enough to break you. Rooster tried his best to break the canopy free but it was no use. You’d done even in your power to save him, save yourself. But all your efforts would go unnoticed.
Underneath all your bad blood, you and Rooster still had your sanctum. Despite everything? Bradley Bradshaw was still home.
Although you’d said it a million times over, but it was never too late to build it back everything you had—everything you wanted to have and more. A one-in-a-million chance is still a chance at the end of the day—and for Rooster you would take those odds.
“I’m so sorry—“ There was no time left to unbreak the broken, unsay spoken words, find hope in the hopeless. There was no time to beg for someone to pull you out of the train wreck. There was no time to unbury the ashes or unchain the reactions.
“I'm so sorry Bradley—“ You simply were not ready to die, not yet. As you closed your eyes, knowing soon after you’d be consumed entirely by fire—Rooster voice pulled you back out of the void that had its strong grip around your throat. Numb to almost everything as you held onto whatever life you had in you. Cold, your fingers and toes seemed to be numb. The left side of your body, just nothing. Ghostly.
An air to air kill. That’s what it was. The explosion so big, so powerful—it left clouds of dark black smoke lingering like demons. The gates of hell itself had opened up as a familiar F-18 came soaring through the plumes.
“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your saviour speaking—“ With a sigh of utter relief and a thankful smirk. You had never been so happy to see Jake Seresin. “Please fasten your seatbelts, return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions, and prepare for landing.” Smacking your first twince against the glass of the cockpit, you laughed aloud. So beyond thankful. You were fucking alive—alive long enough to see Rooster back on stable ground. Safe with the people who cared about him the most.
“Hey Hangman–You look good.” Rooster commented from his seat in the back. You couldn’t help but to chuckle as Jake nodded in response before radioing back, the same cocky response he’d given Rooster at the Hard Deck.
“I am good Rooster, I'm very good. I'll see you back on deck.”
“Impeccable timing—“ Rooster sighed as he felt his entire body relax as you followed Hangman back to the carrier. “And exceptional dog fighting, lieutenant Kazansky.”
“I had someone pretty important to protect, I wasn’t going down without a fight.” You had nothing left to give. Fighting with everything you had to stay awake, stay alert and land this F-14. Switching channels as you radios back to the carrier. “Chaos is downwind. No front landing gear, no tailhook, pull the cable and raise the barricade.”
There was something important you had to do. Racing past the bridge of the carrier where both Admiral Beau and Admiral Bates stood. You flew low and close as you held your finger up to the glass. Giving them the bird before your right engine cut out.
“Please don't tell me we lost an engine.” Rooster sighed, what else could possibly go wrong.
“Alright I won't tell you that.” Chuckling you braced for impact. With no landing gear you hit the deck with a thud—scrapping for what felt like miles as the barricade helped to slow you to a complete stop. “You good?”
“Yeah, i'm good–” Nodding as he spoke, Rooster was quick to remove his helmet as the canopy opened. Standing to greet the crowd of overly excited crew who thought for sure you were both goners. “Here, I got you.” It was a simple gesture but a much needed one. Rooster stood on the ladder as he helped you down. Noticing how much blood had soaked your flight suit. “Fucking hell you’re not okay.”
“M’fine.” It came out more of a mumble than a definitive statement but before you could try again Rooster was being hauled away into the crowd of excited cheering men and women. Jake Seresin appeared as the crowd dissipated from around him as they drew their atom Rooster. “Chalked yourself another kill?” You teased as he stood before you. Handing you a handkerchief to wipe the blood off your face that had dripped from your nose. Swollen and surely broken.
“That makes two–”
“Chaos has Five, makes her an ace.” Phoenix was quick to interject as her and Bob joined the conversation. Bob carefully and ever so gently wrapped his arms around you, drawing you in for a hug that he never thought he’d get to give you. 
“Lieutenant Kazanksy!” Although even for less then a few minutes,there wasn’t a part of Rooster that didn’t want to be by your side. “Lieutenant Kazansky!” God you couldn't let him speak another word, pulling Rooster in by his flight suit as he neared you. Your lips on his as he leaned into you.
“Thank you for saving my life.” Mumbling against Rooster mouth you felt your heart skipping beats. You tried to tell yourself it was because of Rooster—but deep down? You knew it had something to do with the way everything felt numb. How everything seemed to still, all the noise and colour in the world began to fade.
“You did the same for me–” Rooster cooed just as he noticed how disoriented you’d become. Suddenly dropping forward into him as your legs gave out. “Chaos?” The adrenaline that had been pumping through your veins since that helicopter came after you. “Hey—Y/n?” Tapping your check softly, Rooster dropped to his knees with you limp in his arms. Your eyes on his as you struggled to breathe. “Woah—hey, what’s wrong? Chaos, can you hear me?” You couldn’t hear Rooster, not at all. But you could see his lips moving as Bob worked to clear a space around you—calling for medical staff to intervene.
“Shit—no, no, no, no—hey Y/n you stay with me yeah?” Rooster felt the blood on his hands as it seeped through your flight suit. “Don’t do this, we’re good? Yeah? Your alright—“
“I’ll marry you.” Choking it out as blood leaked from your mouth. “Don’t think, just do.” Eyes rolling as you lost it completely, following whatever force was pulling you away.
Jake Seresin had become used to the steady melody that was the bells and whistles that let him know you were still fighting. Unlike Rooster, who hadn’t left the hospital let alone Miramar—Hangman would do the usual rounds every few days.
First on his ever growing list of tasks would be to always stop by the nurses station. With his tan service uniform dawned and a smile that could break hearts, he’d lean on the counter and chat to whoever would give him the time of day.
After getting his kicks with the front desk nurses—Jake would make his way to your room. He’d taken it as a good thing when they moved you out of intensive care to general pop. But he didn’t account for the roommates you would acquire. Rooster and Bob had yet to leave, they would tag team watching over you.
Jake would linger at the threshold of the room for a moment, he’d take in the sight of you. Intubated, comatosed, arm in a sling to help your shoulder heel, collarbone broken. With a sigh, he’d put on a brave face. Stalking over to read your chart that hung from the bottom on your bed. By all accounts you seemed to be getting better, so why after three weeks had you shown no sign of waking up.
The next item on the agenda would be to check on Bradley and Bob. The Miramar hospital's latest residences. Jake would pick up the rubbish from takeout, he’d pick dead followers out of the bunches Rooster continued to buy you. He’d place blankets over Bob and Rooster as they laid knocked out old on those uncomfortable as all hell hospital chairs. He’d even go as far as to make sure the window would be cracked open slightly, hoping the fresh air would do good to help you recover.
Today was different though. Because as Jake Seresin stood at the threshold of your hospital room, a bunch of flowers in his hand to replace the decaying ones he’d seen diminishing rapidly on Wednesday—he saw you looking back at him. Eyes tired with a soft smirk evident on your face.
“Well I’ll be damned—“ You didn’t respond, you simply placed your finger over your mouth. Jake understood instantly as he crept into the room. Taking in the fact Rooster and Bob both sat slouched in the corner of the room. One drooling, both slightly snoring with mouths a jar. “How long have you been awake?” Hangman was as quiet as he could be as he placed the bunch of flowers at the foot of your bed.
“About an hour—give or take.” Watching as he pulled up a spare chair, coming close to your bedside as your eyes followed him. “I didn’t wanna wake them.” Gesturing to where Rooster and Bob sat sleeping, leading on one another for support as they caught up on the one thing that seemed to evade them—sleep. Jake followed your gaze for a brief moment before turning back to you. “They look like hell.”
“I dunno if you’ve had a chance to look in the mirror Chaos, but I think it’s safe to say you look the most hellish.”
“And you pick up? With that attitude? Pfft—way to make a girl swoon Seresin.” Laughing hurt, but you pushed throughout the pain. “How long have they been here for?”
“Well Robert decided to join the sleepover after you got out of the intensive care ward—Rooster? I don’t think he’s left your side since the carrier, man had to be detained for a minute there while on board.”
“What why!”
“Because he wouldn’t let you go, people were trying to do their jobs you know, help you—but Rooster just would not let them take you.”You had nearly given your life for him, how could he ever let you go? It probably wasn't the most rational decision, but it was the only one his brain at the time would commit to. In his arms you would be the safest. “Have you spoken to the doctors yet?”
“I told them I’d buzz when I was ready to be poked and prodded—just wanted to kinda lay here and just breathe.” Hangman smirked as he pushed himself out of the chair he sat on, reaching out for the clipboard hanging at the foot of your bed before nestling back into the chair. Leaning back as he flipped through the reports, looking at you grimacing.
“Shrapnel from SAM’s embedded in soft tissue of left shoulder, a broken clavicle—full fitness tear of your subscapularis, seven broken ribs, a punctured lung, broken nose—and to top it all off? Chaos, you had a bloody stroke.” It came as a massive shock to you, Hangman could tell by the way you just shared into his soul. Speechless, stunned. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact you managed to fly an F-14 back to the carrier with a busted collarbone—that would’ve been enough to take me out of the fight.”
“I don’t really remember much.” That part was no surprise as Jake flipped the papers back onto the clipboard, setting it aside. “I remember the mission, being hit—everything after that’s pretty blurry.”
Rustling from the corner of the room at you and Jake turned your heads almost completely synchronised to see what all the commotion was about. Bob had stirred himself awake from the sheer lack of comfort. Rubbing his eyes as he yawned—Bob’s eyes met yours and instantly thought he was still dreaming.
“Hi—“ Only when you said something did he stumble over to your bedside, his glasses crooked on the bridge of his nose.
“What? You’re awake!” Too scared to touch you, Bob's hands shook as they hovered over your arm. He’s always known you to be strong, fearless, independent. This was a whole new ball game though. You looked fragile, like paper thin glass that could shatter into a million pieces instantly if he wasn't careful. Bruises still purple, green and yellow. Bandages and stitches covered cuts and deep lacerations. Your nose looked better though, he'd give you that much.
“Seems like it, yeah.”
“How long? Why didn’t anyone wake me? Wake Rooster—?” Bob questioned as he turned back over his shoulder to see Rooster till sleeping soundly.
“An hour give or take, and you looked like you needed the rest.”
“They only took your interbations out like four days ago.” Bob was quick to pull up a chair as he sat down on the other side of you. Still rubbing his eyes, still waking up. Feeling groggy but god was it worth it to have you awake again.
“Miss Chaos here is still defying odds it seems.” Jake Seresin had developed a new apraction for you. He saw you as something higher than a god.
“How long have I been out for?” You weren't really sure how long it had been, but by the scruff that covered Roosters cheeks as he slept it must have been a hot minute or two.
“Three weeks give or take a few days, Doctors thought it could’ve been a lot longer, something about how your body had been put under a lot of stress.” Bob explained as he monitored your heartbeat, the numbers steady, giving him peace of mind. Always such a numbers guy.
“Admiral Beau is pressing for gross misconduct you know.” Hangman let it slip just as Rooster began to stir awake. “Says your injuries were a direct result of your own actions.”
“Doesn't surprise me.” Coughing slightly as Bob handed you one of those small plastic cups full of water. Helping you take a sip carefully. Holding the back of your head gently for support. “He’s not my biggest stan is he?”
“Nope, but he probably won't get very far, especially since he denied my request to fly aircover–” Jake's eyes were full of rage as he cracked his knuckles. Rooster finally came to as he sat up in his chair, the blanket that covered his legs falling absentmindedly to the ground as he groaned, not in pain–but from something that wasn't comfort. “Ah, this should be good.” Jake smirked as he let out a soft chuckle. Bob couldn't hold back his smile as he did the same, leaning back into his chair as Rooster rubbed his eyes. “Hey Bradshaw– look who’s back in the land of the living.” Jake caught Bradleys attention.
“Oh my god!” Bradley Brashaw had never moved so quickly in his life. Racing across the room like a mad man to get to your side. His eyes full of love and admiration as they welled with tears. The happiest of tears to see your smile again. To see your eyes, big and full of life. “You’re awake.”
“And you have a beard.” You couldn't help but to tease, reaching up to cup Roosters cheek as he leaned in to softly kiss your forehead. Something he had done every day for the last three weeks. “I like it.” Rooster smiled against your forehead before pulling away, gesturing for Hangman to move his ass out of the chair he sat in.
“Can you like, move man?”
“Because you asked so nicely.” Hangman winked as he stood. “C’mon Bobby let's go get a bite to eat, I'm starving.” Bob looked panicked as Hangman gestured to him to get up. You sent him the softest of looks knowing he just didn't wanna leave.
“Robert Floyd, I'll be here when you get back.” The way you said it with such certainly gave Bob peace of mind, you looked
“I know what you felt like when everyone said to leave Sam.” Bob's voice was soft as he looked down at his feet. “Promise you’ll be here.” It wasn't a question, Bob needed you to promise or else he wasn't leaving. Reaching out for his hand you held him as tight as you could, which wasn't all that hard.
“I promise.” It hurt to leave you but he knew he had to give you and Rooster some time alone. Standing to his feet Bob let your hand go as you turned your attention back to Bradley. A soft smile plastering itself across your face as you let your head fall back against the pillow. “Hi–”
“Hi yourself.” Bradley beamed as he kissed the back of your hand over and over again. “Shit I dont even know where to start.” Choking back his tears, Rooster just softened his gaze, taking you in for all your wew. The love of his life. “How are you feeling?”
“Um– yeah I've felt better, I won't lie.” You couldn't take your eyes off Rooster, he looked so damn good with that scruff, that almost beard that covered his cheeks and chin. “I don't remember much at all.”
“What do you remember?” Rooster cooed as he ever so lovingly moved as close to you as the chair would allow him to.
“Um–” You could still hear it, how panicked rooster was when he said he was out of flares. “I remember you saying you were out of flares.” Swallowing to stop yourself from choking up. “I remember the heat from the fire, and the weird way the snow burnt too. I can vaguely remember shoving you at one point but that's all I got.” Rooster nodded softly in response as he sat back in his chair.
“Well boy, do I have a story for you.” Rooster sat with you for what had to have been a good hour and a half explaining in depth what had happened. Everything you had done for him. Doctors and nurses worked around him as they did check ups and small assessments. He held your hand as they drew blood and never left your side.
Bradley Bradshaw told you everything that had happened, his hero. Only excluding one key detail. The fact he’d asked you in full confidence to marry him.
Four Months Later.
“Whatcha doin?” The sound of your walking stick had become a common noise Bradley Bradshaw had associated with your presence. He’d hear the gentle thud against the hardwood floor and know you were somewhere close by.
Your arm wrapping around Roosters torso from behind, he hadnt heard you coming. Turning in your arms Rooster faced you– looking slightly down and you tilted your chin up towards him. He’d kept the beard.
“Where is your walking cane?” You had been spending your time at Roosters childhood home. With Carole gone it sat empty most of the time while he was deployed. With recovery still months ahead, it only seemed out of necessity for you to move in with the man you swore to be by your side every step of the way. Even if it were only a temporary thing.
“In the bin where it belows.” Rooster had been doing some remodelling in his spare time. He’d ripped up the old carpet in the living room–knocked out the old splash-back in the kitchen, even changed the majority of the light fixtures throughout the house.
“Y/n–” Rooster smirked as he let his hands fall softly to your waist, playing with the strap that ran across the circumference of your waist–your arm still in a sling from your shoulder surgery months ago.
“Bradley–?” You questioned back with raised eyebrows.
“You had a stroke, we've talked about this.” Rooster sighed as you huffed at him, pulling away.
“I don't need it anymore! Look!” Spinning around in a small circle as you touched your nose. “See-perfectly fine.” It had only been four months since the Uranium Mission and by all accounts you had been recovering well from your injuries. But time was definitely something you were struggling to accept you needed to heal completely. You hated being grounded, hated being on sick leave, hated not being able to go to work.
“Shit someone call Mav, may as well get you back up in the pilot's seat.” Rooster teased as he crossed his arms. He knew better than anyone else that was killing you. But he had to be the voice of reason.
“You aren't funny–” Sending him a glare you turned on your heels, heading down the hallway.
“Just get your cane so we can go will you?” It was sad that your favourite day of the week had become grocery shopping day. You and Rooster would make a whole day of it.
“Fine– but not because you told me to.” You’d start with the list the night before, both going through the fridge freezer and pantry to see what you had left and what you needed.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night Chaos!” Then before you’d even make it to the first of three grocery stores plus the specialty butcher—Rooster would stop by the local cafe, picking up the regular coffees and breakfast bagels you’d never get tired of eating.
Meeting Rooster outside by the passenger side door that he had opened and ready for you to jump on in—he’d pull you into him for a loving kiss. This was the domestic bliss he’d craved for so many years.
“Did you get a new air freshener?” Questioning the intense smell of pine that smacked you in the face. His side of the broken heart necklace still hanging from his rear view mirror. “Smells like—“ sniffing, you couldn’t put your finger on it until the memory came flooding back. “Pine—“
“Marry me?”
“Did you hit your head?” What the hell—you hit your head didn't you?”
“I’m serious. Marry me Y/n.”
“Bradley, we’re standing in enemy territory, I don’t know how to get us out of here and you already know whatever we are just isn’t—“
“Don’t think, just do.”
“Okay okay—I’ll think about it.”
“I’ll marry you.”
The smell of pine brought the missing pieces of the puzzle back as Rooster climbed into the driver's seat, fixing his seatbelt.
“Oh my god—“
“What? You good?”
“You’d asked me to marry you?” It came out softer than you thought it would have as you turned to look at Rooster confused. “You asked me to marry you after I found you in the snow—“
“Y/n, listen to me—“ Rooster could physically see the panic rising as your eyes widened in disbelief.
“And all this time you never thought to mention it!?” He’d admit it may have been the wrong thing to do. A judgement call he’d blundered. Rooster knew bits and pieces had started to come back. Not only would you tell him when something would be triggered, but he’d help to curve the nightmares that plagued you.
“Chaos—“ You didn’t want to listen, opening the door of Roosters bronco, stepping out as fast as you could without your cane as you hobbled your way back inside. Rooster hot on your tail. “Wait a second will you.”
“For what exactly! What am I waiting for? Huh? Is all this just some elaborate scheme of yours? I saved your life so I’ll scratch your back huh! Is that it!”
“What are you talking about?”
“You didn’t bother to jog my fucking memory! You told me everything else except the part where you literally asked me to marry you!!”
“I can explain why if you would just let me—“ Trying his best to come closer to you but every step Rooster took you’d take one step back. Holding your hand out as if to protect yourself.
“You’re just waiting for the right time to leave again aren’t you, that’s why you didn’t say anything because you took it back, right?” Within an instant your inherent anger turned to sadness at the thought of being left alone again. “Right, Bradshaw? Because who was I to think that you’d stick around—“
“No—“ Rooster had been in this position before where he’d been too much of a coward to speak. He wouldn’t let that happen again. And he wasn’t about to take it so personally this time when you were so quick to accuse him of leaving. Because he had done that, a million times over. “No, I'm not waiting for some miracle moment to come to leave you.”
“Bradley I—“ Finally getting close enough to pull you closer by your hips, the back of the legs against the couch.
“Hey, shut up.” Bradley pulled you down onto his lap as he sat on the couch. “I’m gonna tell you the truth and you're gonna listen and then we’re gonna go get these bagels before I starve to death alright?”
“Okay—“ Bradley was quick to wipe the tears away that fell from your cheeks as you straddled His waist. His hands cupping your cheeks as your forehand rest against his.
“The only reason, and I mean the only reason why I didn’t tell you I’d asked you to marry me was because I wanted to give you a chance to become yourself again before literally becoming someone else entirely.” It was the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Your heart grew so big as Bradley spoke. “I’ll marry you tomorrow if you’d have me Y/n but I wasn’t gonna do that to you when you’d just been on death's door. I mean I watched you learn to walk again, I just wanted you to find your way back without thinking about me, thinking about a wedding and all the really stupid and stressful things that come along with that.”
“So, where do we go from here? I mean--”
“I have absolutely no intention to ever leave you again, you're it for me—I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to convince you of that if I have to.” On that note Rooster was as gentle as he could have been as he helped you off of him, jumping up as he ran down the hall, the small velvet ring box hidden at the back of his sock drawer. Jogging down and hall back to you before he got down on his knees before you.
“Oh Bradley—“ You sobbed. Covering your mouth as you laughed together. “Now!?”
“Waited my entire life to get this right, so—Y/n Chaos Kazansky, will you marry me?”
Tags: @lyannaredbird​ @luckyladycreator2​ @skagelynn​ @teacupdreams​ @the-winter-marvel33reblogs​ @mrsjaderogers​​ @katieshook02​​ @thescarletknight2014​​ @justanothermagicalsara​​ @4ngelicb4byy @percysaidnever​​ @puriini​​ @luckylexie​​ @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @shrimping-for-all @fayethefairy @lonelywitchv2​​ @mizzzpink​​ @unforgettwble​​ @callmemana​​ @lemoonandlestars​​ @mulletmcghee​​ @redqueeen99​​ @bucky-barmes​​ @mak-32​​ @fivsecondsflat​​ @loveless-simp​ @bradleysgirl @mintellaine​ @hannabritta​ @nemtodd-barnes1923​ @bradleysgirl @xoxabs88xox @baju69 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @shanimallina87 @abaker74
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piratesfromspace · 2 years
What happens in Siberia… (141xReader)
Pairing: Reader x Ghost x Soap x Price x Gaz Rated: Very Explicit Word count: 2.7k Summary: the squad celebrates your first successful mission in their own way. Note: This is just pure filth, just bring me to horny jail at this point. In the same universe as my "Rain or Shine" fic. Reader callsign is "Rain", she's bi and autistic (I am autistic myself). Inspired to finish this wip by the queen @yeyinde and her Body Electric, go read it.
Content: group sex, oral, p-i-v, praise kink, size kink, alcohol, probably some warcrimes, overall canon typical violence
MASTERLIST // PART 1 // PART 2 // <> // PART 4 // PART 5
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They are at the end of the world. Far East. Miles and miles of snow and ice and the occasional patch of dark trees. It’s just the five of them: Price, Soap, Gaz, Ghost and her.
They've been hiking for days now. Camping along the way, never really leaving their heavy gear. All-white winter jackets and pants, the gray of the kevlar vests, the black of their weapons. The blizzard makes everything blur. The cold - deadlier than any heat - numbs the fingers and the senses. 
They're used to the humid furnace of the jungle, the burning sun of the desert, but the freezing temperatures of Siberia are seriously undermining their mood. It was the only way to discreetly reach the compound of this Russian oligarch they need to steal intel from. The mission was simple enough : reach the damn place, eliminate everyone in a surprise attack, find the hard drive with the info in it and wait for evac. Simple. The difficult part was getting there without being killed by the cold or the beasts living in those damned icy woods. Soap swears he saw a wolf the size of a jeep. Or maybe it was a bear. Hard to tell when you have to wear a ski mask so your eyeballs don’t freeze in your skull. 
When the 141 strikes, they sweep the place clean. The handful of guards don’t stand a chance against them despite the weariness of the travel. They had found an entrance in the sewer system, reached the basement and its concrete walls, but when they climbed to the higher levels of the building, they suddenly found themselves in an imitation of a luxury cabin. Warm wood, white furs thrown on sprawling beige sofas, a fireplace big enough for a child to stand in it. A chef kitchen. Half a dozen bedrooms with king size beds and ensuite bathrooms.
The place is stocked for literal orgies. Champagne and vodka and cocaine - and the drawers in the bedrooms are full of condoms and lube. The kind of place rich assholes spend their winter vacation in when they go skiing in the Alps. It fits with what they know of the owner.
Once they secure the hard drive, and make sure nobody else is alive in there, they all stagger to the living room with a palpable relief. Evac will be there in a little less than 48 hours. Two whole days in Nowhere, Siberia, with nothing else to do except rest in this 5-stars chalet after days of miserable trek in the snow.
“I really need a shower” Rain mutters, and she makes a beeline for the main suite. Ghost follows without a word. When it’s just them and the core squad they don’t bother to hide anymore. It was Rain's first field trip as not just a supply manager. Of course they had her at the back of the group when they breached the building, Ghost the first to break in as usual. She did not even have to fire a single bullet. But she went in with her gun tightly clutched in her hand and her night vision goggles on nonetheless. 
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They are doing shots. Tsarskaya vodka, straight from Saint Petersburg. The hot meal has been the best she had in months thanks to the freezer of the pantry being full of stupidly expensive delicacies. Price, Gaz and Ghost are sprawled across the sofa, Soap and her are sitting on the plush fur carpet. They’re all down to cargo pants and T-shirts, a blessing after days in those heavy and cumbersome jackets. She could cry at the relief of feeling something else than the wooly inside of her gloves under her fingertips. Her limbs still ache from days of fighting the cold and sleeping on the ground, but the fatigue has been somewhat dulled by the vivid memory of Simon’s tongue between her legs when he dropped to his knees during the shower she took earlier. Her back is warmed by the fireplace, her belly is full and she still feels a bit light-headed from the fight. She wants nothing more than to indulge in the playful atmosphere and the many promises of those two full days of rest with her squad.
“A toast” Price starts, raising his vodka “to Rain - for her first mission accomplished!”
“Please Captain, you make me sound like a damn rookie. I’ve been in the team for a year now. And I’m older than Soap for fuck sake!” 
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”
The easy banter goes on, more vodka burns her throat, she bares her neck and laughs - and Ghost’s eyes narrow with a glint. 
Nah, I tell you, you're still a rookie. Oh yeah? I bet you could not think of something I haven’t done that MacTavish has. Easy, you never killed. Not because you never see me do it means I didn’t do it before. (there is a silence)  Let’s lighten the mood… ‘bet you never kissed a girl. Come on, I’ve had more girlfriends than you, Soap.  Never had a threesome?  I did once back in college. Why, you’ interested, Gaz? (it’s a joke - but also not really)
It lasts for a while until Soap grins victoriously.
“You never kissed me.” he beams, even though it doesn't really make sense for the little game they’re playing. She’s too tipsy to care.
“If that’s the only thing to shut you up.” and she leans into him, grabs his thigh for balance and just like that - she kisses him. Her tongue breaches his lips and she can taste the vodka they’re drinking and the sugar of the russian caramel they had for dessert. The kiss lasts only a couple of seconds, but Soap is glass eyed when she sits back down. 
Price lets out a low whistle. “Damn, Rain...”  “Thank you, Captain.”  “John for tonight” “Thank you, John.” she whispers, tone low and suggestive. “I’m gonna get more dessert!” she announces all of a sudden - she had always craved sugar - and she bounces to the kitchen, leaving them all a bit stunned. 
Price glances at Ghost. For once, he has no clue how he will react. To his girl openly flirting with others, to his girl initiating something they won’t be able to come back from. 
“She decides.” Simon’s voice is even more gravelly than usual. “You follow.” he asserts, and that’s all the instructions they will get from him. It’s clear enough though - she’s the one in charge from there, Ghost trusts them to do as she says, and he trusts her to ask for what she needs.
When she comes back, she sits down next to Soap, leans heavily on him. He brushes her hair out of her pretty face, and she looks at him with intent, daring him to continue what they started. It’s like she provides him with a pool of gasoline, and hopes for nothing more than a spark to light it all and let the fire consume them both - and by a chain reaction consume them all.
He doesn’t resist and kisses her again. She lets him. She even moans against his lips when he grabs her nape. It’s like the match has been cracked, it’s too late now. No coming back from that. The flames are already spreading. Gaz falls on his knees behind her, strong hands on her waist, his mouth against her earshell.
“Is this okay? ‘This what you want?” She breaks the kiss just enough time to answer a breathy yes.
The rest is a blur. Someone removes her T-shirt, lays her down on the fur. Expensive vodka poured into the divot of her navel.
“It’s cold!” she protests with a laugh until Gaz laps the alcohol from her skin with a gaze so sinful it warms her right up. 
Ghost is right there by her head, a hand spanning her neck, holding her jaw. Through his mask, he whispers sweet praises to her, walking her through it. Soap is playing with her tits, teeth grazing the gentle curve of her breast before his latches on one of the tender buds. Gaz is laying on his belly, tongue buried in her cunt. She’s still sensitive from what Ghost did just before during their shower, but Gaz is different in his approach, he takes his time, goes slow, licks her clit like they’ve got all night (they have). 
He sinks one finger into her then a second. “Fuck she’s tight.” He exhales against her folds, half-wonder, half-worry. “Let me do it.” It’s Price - he’s been hovering around them all, carefully observing, waiting for the right time to step in. It’s not that easy for him, he’s their Captain, even though he had the intuition to forbid her to use his title earlier. But if they’re going to do this, he wants to do it right - right by her. He won’t let her be hurt on the battlefield, no reason to stop caring for her now. 
He takes Gaz's place between her legs.
“Open your mouth for me darling.” he croons and he coats two of his fingers with her saliva, presses on her tongue and rewards her with a good girl when she licks at the rough pad of his fingers. Price sinks into her cunt again, gently fucks her with two fingers, scissors her open with an infinite patience. Gaz pets at her clit, circles slow and wide, not enough for her to come, but definitely enough to make her forget the burn of the stretching process. 
They take turns making her shatter to pieces only to carefully rebuild her after. Soap takes her in long lazy strokes, before guiding her lips on his cock and she can taste herself on him - it’s enough to make her whimper around his flesh. Price maneuvers her on her hands and knees, grips her hips with large hands, fucks her in powerful thrusts and drown her in praises.
You’re so fucking pretty like this You tell me if it’s too much Fucking hell, you feel so good
She keens and laughs as she comes for the third time of the night. It’s a lot but they don’t stop, not as long as she welcomes them. Not as long as the embers of her desire are still shining gold. Gaz has her ride him on the couch, Ghost holding her waist to help her get up when her legs become too shaky. They work as one, just like they did hours before. They take care of each other in so many ways, it was just a matter of time before such a night would happen.
Ghost is finally shedding the last of his gear - he’s naked except for the mask. The flames of the fireplace frame his devilish figure with an unnatural glow - an Angel of Death, covered in so many scars he looks like he’s been to Hell and back a few times. Muscles rippling fat and strong under his skin, light trails of blond hair leading down to his leaking cock. Rain is not the only one to stare, but she’s the only one he sees, and when she pleads his name, he drapes his body over hers.
One of them has brought back lube from one of the bedrooms. Simon coats his length in the shiny liquid before burying to the hilt into her cunt. Despite the fair share of preparation, she’s still panting at the sudden pressure. Her little pained whimper has them suddenly on high alert. But Simon is handling her with the confidence she can take it, he offers shallow trusts and reassuring words until the burn of the stretch turns into blistering pleasure.
He brings her legs on his shoulders, his arms the size of her thighs, and if she already appeared small compared to the rest of them, Ghost is dwarfing her. Soap is mesmerized by it, how Simon’s dick fits inside her despite the absurd size difference. Ghost moves again and the change in position has him hit that spongy spot hidden just behind the bone of her pelvis that makes her moan and whimper. Johnny had already dreamed about it, imagined it, heard it from the other side of a door, but actually seeing her lips part around cries of pleasure under his lieutenant, it makes his cheeks burn even more than when he was the one hitting the end of her soft cunt.
He’s taken out of his trance by Rain’s pleading voice. Please Johnny she begs - and she begs so pretty he would do anything she asks him - and she catches his hand and brings it just where Ghost and her are connected. When he presses on her clit, she arches off the sofa, and when he keeps rubbing in time with Simon’s thrusts, she comes so hard she drenches his whole hand. 
There is a pause in the non-stop sex, someone presses a glass of water to her lips, another digs his fingers into the muscles of her back. She closes her eyes and sighs in contentment, lulled by the soft crackling of the fire and the satisfied groans of her lovers. She thinks they’re all sated, but it’s her Captain - no, it’s John - that cups her cheek and asks oh so gently will you have me again, sweet thing?
How can she say no when he talks to her like this? She’s raw between her legs, delicate flesh all swollen and still wet, and she will regret it tomorrow - will she?. She nods, and he moves her back down on the pile of throws. His rough hand on her delicate neck, he feels the warm pulse of her life - he has her life between his hands everyday, tonight is just more literal. What did he think would happen back when she appeared on base for the first time?
Despite everything, she had survived her first few months with them, had embedded herself so far in their team, she is impossible to remove now. The men foolish enough to try would have to step through their fire. It was inevitable, actually. The squad swore to do anything to protect each other, and it’s even more obvious with her. One could mistake it for machismo, the reality is they do their best to understand what it’s like for her to live in this world made of ongoing threats - coming not only from their enemies but also from the other soldiers they sometimes share their missions with. The revelation that she had killed before - before them - is no real surprise for Price. He’ll ask her more, maybe, when the time is right. When the place they’re in will be no more than ashes and smoke, white and gray and covered in fresh snow.
When they are done, nerves raw and skin too sensitive to the touch, it’s her captain who carries her under the shower, letting the water soothe the last of their fever. Once he’s sure she can still walk, he reluctantly lets her go. She needs to be alone, needs to reset away from their eyes. You alright sweetheart? Was it too much? - Price is suddenly anxious, the pungent bile of doubt pooling under his tongue. Her temples burn, she’s a bit ashamed of what she’s about to say but here in a place that no one knows about and that will vanish from the surface of the earth, she feels like she can admit it, that her secret will be safe, thrown out in the blind blizzard of Siberia. It was perfect.
She steals the largest T-shirt discarded in the living room - Simon’s - before crashing into one of the beds. Ghost materializes by her side, like a cryptid she can’t quite get rid of even if she wanted to. He glues himself to her back. Check-ins and praises whispered in the icy black of the night.
Fucking hell, you were so -so good. Are you okay pet? Didn’t know you had this in you.
She finally falls asleep just as the foggy glow of dawn starts creeping up the dark sky. They still have one whole day and one whole night before packing up and dowsing the place in gasoline, before cracking a match and watching it burn. They’ll make the most of it.
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anavatazes · 10 months
Learn to be a Texas Southern, From Austin.
Ok. First of all, I love you all. I truly do. I adore my fan fic writers, especially if you write my Joel crack... um, stories. *cough* The man keeps me in a bear hug and refuses to let go. Not that I am complaining ;).
BUT, for the LOVE of all that is holy and good and Joel, STOP using any American TV show or movie for reference to how things are in Texas as far as the food, the way they talk, the way the weather is, how and what a BBQ is, and I swear if I see another one with snow...
Like I said, I love you all. Yes, fan fiction is fantasy. You can write what you want. How you want. That's what is so great and wonderful about it. Get creative, get wild. Go crazy! But don't sit there and act like you do your research and are an accurate little miss that can do no wrong. Nuh-uh. I will find a slew of little old ladies that will Bless Your Hearts from here to Oblivion if you call Ribs with BBQ sauce proper BBQ in Texas. Believe you me. Every State in the Union has their own form of BBQ, and in the Southern States, it's a fucking religion akin to College Football and Jesus.
American TV and movies are pretty generic when it comes to the accuracy of our own culture and will take great liberties when trying to pass off one area for another. This includes accents, ways people speak, and how the areas they are in truly are. I touched on this briefly when I went over the whole Bless Your Heart phrase and how it does not mean what you think it means and it can get pretty offensive quick. American TV likes to go for the shock value, and the drama more than it likes to go for the accuracy and really doesn't care who it offends in the process. And older shows, like Dallas, Southerners don't talk like that anymore. Except maybe a few left in Kentucky... Maybe. Watch play-throughs of the games if you want a feel for how Joel speaks. Especially the first one. Stay away from the second one if you are trying to avoid season 2 spoilers for the show.
No Outbreak!/Pre-Outbreak!Joel will spend Saturday mornings with Sarah hiking. And there are next to no hills (unless man-made) in Austin. It's all flatland. No mountains. A few rivers, and Lake Travis isn't far away. A lot of trails all around Austin from 1999 to 2013, depending on when you wanted to have Outbreak Day if you wanted it at all. They'd probably go to one of a trillion restaurants in Austin for lunch, depending on their taste. It is canon that Joel can't cook. Tommy, Ellie, AND Sarah all bring it up in Pt. 1 and Pt. 2, if you know where to look. I would say one of their favorite places would be Home Slice for some great pizza. Or maybe even Torchies for a wide variety of tasty Tex-Mex food. Maybe even pick up some Brisket (Texas BBQ) to take home to get ready for an afternoon spent watching the University of Texas football game on the TV, if we're in August to January. Honestly, May through the beginning of October, they probably aren't doing too much hiking. The temperature of 100° plus (in Fahrenheit) is all the rage at this time. And you might have high humidity one day, with non-stop thunderstorms that might seem like a hurricane, and can spawn a tornado, but really isn't a hurricane. Then the next day, be the dryest heat that you've ever experienced in your life. Though, from what I've heard, the latter rarely happens now. More humid days are common now.
Texas BBQ.
If you are ever in the Southern United States, do yourself a favor, and just do not call anything related to the grill BBQ, ok. You will be better off and have a nicer visit, and life overall. If you like to live dangerously, go ahead and call the grill a BBQ. Call a cookout a BBQ. Go ahead. I'll wait. I'll have the tissues ready and waiting for the passive-aggressive politeness from the ladies and the open hostility from the not-so-gentlemen. You have a Cookout, or you Grill out. A BBQ is a way of life and means something different in each state (and will start a war in North Carolina because they are so special, they have two kinds of BBQ). Most everyone in (at least the South) can agree that BBQ food is some sort of slow cooked meat. In Texas, almost 99% of the population agrees it's Brisket, and the rest are wrong. (That's another Southern thing, they are right, and everyone else is just wrong. Drives me nuts when they use it in an argument). Now, they will have different ways of preparing it, and they will have fights over it (have witnessed several), but they all agree on Brisket.
Being close to the Mexican border and Texas' history as a part of Mexico once upon a time means that there is a heavy Mexican influence in Austin. As much as Texas likes to claim to be white bread, it really isn't. From the food to the people to the names of streets, cities, etc, there is a heavy Mexican influence. The idea that, somewhere, that Joel and Tommy have Latino blood is not far-fetched. Especially on the show. At the very least they would have a basic understanding of Spanish. That is being from Austin, regardless if they share any Mexican heritage or not.
Politeness and the True Southern Gentlemen.
I hate to break it to you, but there is no such thing as the great Southern Politeness and Hospitality. In fact, if a guy comes up to me and says he's a True Southern Gentleman, I'm running the other way. That "Gentleman" is 9/10 times a walking sexual assault case. This is not to say there are no nic+e and polite people in the South, but it is no different from any other place in the US. But, I will tell you, from the upper middle class on up, they can be some of the most passive-aggressive mother fuckers you will ever meet. From the Mid-Middle Class on down, the more hospitable they will be, and they fit the stereotype the upper class has somehow gotten. It's a mess.
Not everyone in the South is Christian, or devout, but will say a phrase that will make you think they are. I touched on this in my Bless Your Heart post. As God as my Witness, Good Lord Willin', Christ Almighty, and others are common phrases you will hear in the South. It DOES NOT mean the speaker is religious by any means. Trust me.
That's all I have for now. I could go on, as there is more. And please remember, fan fiction is fantasy, it's creative. Write what you want. This is just to help out those who are looking for more accuracy. And as it has been a while since Austin for me, and you are from Texas, and more specifically Austin, and you wish to add more info, and/or correct anything, feel free, please. There are a lot of differences among the Southern States, and it can be a pain to keep it all straight. So I have no problem in receiving help to keep in all in line :).
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pinkpogiclub · 3 months
if you're up for it i would LOVE to hear a full account of your day yesterday, your videos were so great !!
Hi!! <3
I’m always really happy to yap about cycling so this isn’t a hardship at all! I hope you don’t mind me using your ask as a way to do just that! Thank you @tourmalet ❤️‍🩹🫶🏻
First of all! Let me preface this by saying that im really really lucky because my family has always been very into cycling (my grandpa used to cycle back in the forties and the fifties when Coppi and Bartali were racing and he passed his passion onto my dad, his son): they’re the literal best and the reason why im the way I am right now.
That being said, we never managed to be spectators for the Tour because it wasn’t as easy to reach as the Giro, always too far away: which is why we decided to go as soon as we learnt that the first stage of the tour would be starting here, it really was a no-brainer.
So we made a plan and yesterday morning we packed our backpacks and took my uncle’s car to one the final climbs of the stage, operating on stress levels that could have powered a jet engine. Anyways. Now, I’ve been to numerous Giros, but BOY was the atmosphere different yesterday: SO SO many people from different countries (a couple near us came all the way from the Czech Republic just to cheer on Jan Hirt, which he probably needed after what happened yesterday) and generally you could just tell something big was happening. We also spoke a bit with Alfio Vandi (now 69 years old) who was, back in 1976, the first rider to ever wear the white jersey during the Giro d’Italia: definitely trippy to think about him riding alongside Merckx, I’ll admit I was kind of starstruck lmao!
We then hiked a bit (like a couple of km’s, nothing major luckily) to get to the spot my father had in mind, the same one he always passes by whenever he rides that climb like every Sunday (love u dad). We waited there from 11am to 4:30pm-ish and, while the company was great (group of 70 year olds watching motogp and formula one on their phones, very loudly bitching and moaning about ferrari) the weather was just shit from start to finish. SO humid it felt like breathing in mist and also very very warm: just this fact alone made me genuinely wonder how the HELL the riders could bear it for more than 100 kms while I was almost dying just staying still and laying around 😭
And THEN. When riders started coming it was as if everyone there suddenly reverted back to their kids selves: people cheering and clapping and laughing, literal seventy year olds jumping up and down at the sight of jonas and tadej passing by them!!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!! I had promised myself not to be TOO biased but I started screaming WOUT!!!! as soon as I saw him (he kind of made a face at me? I think? Idk im choosing to believe he did) which also means I didn’t even see G, Remco, Egan and basically every other GC contender until I watched my videos back. Lmao, talk about tunnel vision. This also goes for Mathieu, who probably saw me cheering like a little kid, waving and all. Sorry pal💀
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Jasper arrived later, almost alone, and I was the only one cheering for him for some reason? Beloved war criminal in criminal team ❤️ And how was I repaid for my love and affection? This bitch spat on my backpack!!!! DISMANTLE ALPECIN RN!!!!!!!!
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While we were waiting for Mark (Cavendish) to get there the silence was SURREAL; there weren’t that many people there and so the only noises you could really hear were the bikes and some of the scattered riders talking amongst themselves. It was kind of insane, in the sense that I’ve always associated the tour with loud cheering and large crowds, but right then it was a very tangible and human experience, I don’t even know how to explain it. Very real, very raw.
Eventually Mark (and Fabio!) arrived and you could tell they were both exhausted beyond reason but were still, somehow, pushing on through. Mark used to be my absolute fave when I was a child so BET I cheered him on like there was no tomorrow. FORZA MARK FOREVER!!!!!!! (he also has a really cool bike and I was kind of giggling at him sporting a big ass 300k sponsor watch while clawing his way up that climb. Suffering in style I guess, slay)
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Overall, the day was extremely tiring but SO worth it: I would do it again another hundred times and I genuinely think everyone should experience the tour at least once in their lifetime. I feel like it’s one of the very few instances where you can actually realise how INSANELY talented the pros are compared to “regular” people (just to put it into perspective: my father is by no means a pro cyclist, but they rode the same climb as him in a THIRD of the time. CRAZY). They withstand scorching heat, gruelling climbs and every sort of injury for three weeks straight, experiencing a level of fatigue i don’t think I could even imagine lmao (the way jonas and pogi were climbing was actually scary: literally riding like they were on a Sunday outing with their friends. Managed to shock my dad. 10/10).
So yeah, all of this to say: I had a lot of fun and I absolutely love this sport to bits. I really wish all of y’all moots could have been there with me, truly😮‍💨❤️‍🩹
NOW. I’m wrapping all of this up with a few bonuses:
- a guy from total energies, whose name I can’t figure out for the life of me, giving me his bottle for no apparent reason other than the fact that I was yelling at him to push cause the hardest part was done (love you king)
- gifted polka dot jersey tee thrown by sponsor bus
- a sunburn from hell I will probably feel for a week
- American woman sporting a GC Kuss shirt: QUEEN
- a beer and food truck near the summit: you wouldn’t believe the amount of people day-drinking themselves silly in 30+ degrees heat
- VAI PACEJ (which I guess is a combination of Pogačar and Tadej?)
- BINI!!!!!!!
- the view from where I was <3
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Thank you all for listening, if you managed to stay up until here im giving you a big kiss on the forehead🫶🏻
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abbyslev · 2 years
A/N: this is a vday special! i do apologize, it's a bit rushed. i want to thank everyone for reading and showing support!! i love all of you and i hope you have a lovely vday💌👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
WARNINGS: suggestive in some of them, implied sex in yelenas, nothing else but fluff and cuteness!!
Hange forgets its valentine’s day 100%
they get up at like 4 and realize it’s valentine’s day when they check their calendar 
goes to the store and grabs last minute flowers and all your favorite snacks along with a little teddy bear
they were on the phone with levi the whole time like “IM SO FUCKED LEVI WHAT IF THEY WAKE UP”
in the car they assemble the gift and pick up some coffee and bagels 
when they get home you’re still asleep 
they set it out on the counter and crawl back in bed until you wake up :D
Hange kisses your head with a huge smile on their face
“Happy Valentines, babe.” They whisper while rubbing your bare hips 
you look at your surprise and just fall apart in Hange’s arms
they feel relieved when you don’t catch on that they forgot
levi got you two a reservation to a fancy restaurant last minute while hange was in the middle of the store losing their mind 
you gave hange a new notebook, some new jewelry and a book they’ve been wanting for a while 
they tear up a bit </3
the dinner was amazing 
that night was lovely hange was gentle and slow 
10/10 valentine’s day 
she’s a simple gal
she makes you breakfast, put flowers in a vase and buys you a watch you’ve been looking at for a while 
you gave annie some new boxing gloves she’s been wanting 
you two cuddle all morning 
annie takes you on a small hike to an open field and you two swim in the clear waters for hours 
eat with your humid clothes and dripping hair in the grass while the sun sets 
you two change and drive home while listening to music and annie holds your hand 
that night you two tried chocolates one of her coworkers gave to her bc they didn’t like chocolate 
“this one’s like a five out of ten. Try it.” As she puts it in your mouth.
“I actually give it a ten outta ten.” You shrug while Annie starts arguing with you why it’s not that good 
you end the day off with a nice warm shower and night cuddles </3
please do not play with my wife 
she has been planning this since the day SHE WAS BORN 
flowers, stuffed animals, clothes, perfume, books, candles, robes, candy, ANYTHING YOU WANT IS YOURS 
this year she got you a lot of things including a kitten :)
the cat had stayed with eren and his gf while valentine’s day creeped up
you had opened your gift and hugged mika and she told you she had one more gift 
“mika, baby, this was more than enough,” You laugh
she hands you a very wobbly, white box
you open it and a calico cat comes out 
you tackle her in tears
“did i do okay?” 
you just kiss her bc WHAT
she cooks breakfast and everything <3
you gave her some new products she’s been wanting to try and some new running shoes 
“baby, these are so pretty. you didn’t spend a lot did you?” 
“mikasa you got me a cat, SHUT UP BABY” 
 she takes you to a garden and walk around 
lovely night with both of you in a bubbly bathtub 
you give her a back massage 
trace her back tattoo until she falls asleep
<3 she’s so perfect 
she’s a classic
she’ll cook you a lovely breakfast 
you got her a basket full of snacks from around the world 
they didn’t even last two seconds
she got you a necklace and a new hoodie 
that night you, sasha, connie and jean go out to dinner 
she likes to include them in everything and you love them so why not 
you and sasha hold hands and connie’s like “GAYYYYY”
all you can eat buffet 
connie’s idea tbh
its okay it’s all perfect and you guys are crying from laughter 
that night you and sasha watch movies while eating what’s left of the snacks you gave her 
she falls asleep with crumbs all over her face 
you fall asleep on her lap, pocky stick in your hand as the movie keeps playing 
wake up with a stomach ache but it was a 10/10 night<3
tbf she’s gonna buy you some lacy, red lingerie 
its just yelena 
its basically a normal day for both of you
you get home
there’s rose petals trailing to your bedroom 
all over the bed in a heart shape 
she’s so corny someone arrest her 
good thing you wore the lingerie 
yelena comes up from behind you 
you two literally go at it until the sun comes up 
she’s not a romantic person but yet it’s still a good day<3
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4ttack-ur-heart · 1 year
connie x y/n date at the zoom🦙
Lions & Polar Bears
Pairing: connie x gn! reader
Summary: You and Connie go on a cute date to the zoo.
Genre: Fluffy af
Warnings: none
authors note: glad I am finally posting this. It's been in my drafts for months and wanted to send it out earlier, but writer's block and a bit of seasonal depression hit and I wanted to end it good.
okay and ngl, towards the end it’s really fluffy and totally cringe and cliche so I’m excited. also i'm pretty sure I used only gender neutral terms in regards to the reader, but if you catch something I missed just lmk :)
——— he's literally adorable-
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“Babe, look at the wolves!” Connie gushes out to you and grabs your hand.
He’s been dying to go to the zoo lately, so he was ecstatic when you bought the tickets online to surprise him. Apparently it was the best gift you could’ve gotten him, as Connie turned into a kid going to Disneyland for the first time.
“I see, baby.” You smile at him and link your arms with him. A few people surrounded you, but thankfully you took a day off of work so it wouldn’t be as crowded as it would on a weekend. “What do you wanna go see see next?”
He hovers over your shoulder, glancing between the park map and the wolf enclosure. “The elephants are near by. Can we go see them?”
“Of course.”
Your local zoo was a popular tourist spot since it was also a rescue center for the animals, thankfully not just some poor creatures behind a steel fence.
It was pretty humid unfortunately, but you and Connie prepared. Both of you were twinning with a couple anime t-shirts and shorts with a pair of sunglasses.
He dragged you through the park, hand desperately clutching onto to yours in hope you’ll match his speed. “C’mon, slowpoke. Don’t make me carry you.”
“If you do in front of all these people, you can sleep with the polar bears tonight.”
“What’s the difference?”
He earned himself a light smack to the back of his buzzed head.
It was around noonish by the time your stomach started growling. Between the sun, the humidity, and walking, plus the water bottles you stored in your little backpack were rapidly declining.
“Baby, we should find somewhere to eat real quick.” You tell him as the smell from the food stands started to waft in your nose.
“Weak.” He replied.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Most people don’t survive off of Oreos and a redbull.”
“Ugh, fine- whatever Mom.”
Connie laughed at the glare you sent his way. He wasn’t wrong though. He sure acted like a kid rather than an adult, but his goofy personality was what you liked about him. “Okay, okay, what do you want to eat?”
After various glances between the different food stands, you both decided on getting burgers, which made your stomach growl even more.
Connie came up behind you and placed a hand tenderly on your stomach, “Hey quiet that thing down, it’s gonna attract the animals.”
“Sorry, my handler hasn’t fed me yet.” You let out a giggle as Connie places a small kiss on your cheek.
“Let’s go, babe.”
After a good meal of overpriced food, the hiking up the many hills of the zoo were no match for you two.
“You liked the elephants?” You asked and swung your clasped hand with his. He’s been in a great mood all day and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in yourself that you made the right choice in buying the tickets.
“Yes, you’re the best,” He gave you a kiss. “What do you wanna see?”
A confused look took over your face and your eyebrows raised from behind the lenses of your sunglasses.
“Uhh, it’s only like 2:00 pm…” You tell him. “Why do you think I spent the night at your place? I made sure I was going to wake your ass up early, babe. We’re gonna see everything.”
Connies brain felt like it was short-circuiting.
“You okay? You look liked you’re about to faint.”
His hand squeezed yours in response and he nods, a small tint of pink staining his cheeks. “Yeah.” He let out a small chuckle as you started dragging him toward the lion exhibit. “Never been better, actually.”
“C’mon! They have a show soon, let’s go watch.”
“This is Mila,” The zookeeper’s voice rang through the small headset from atop a podium. “She’s a lioness who was rescued from poachers about five years ago. We got a call from a rescue organization out there and we managed to send a team out to safely get her and her cubs out.”
The lioness sat comfortable on top of the large rock platform. Her eyes scanned the crowd of guests before sharply shifting her gaze to her cubs. The two smaller lions started nipping at each other playfully, definitely putting on a show for the crowd.
“They’ve grown a lot since they’ve been rescued, but a mother never stops being a mother.” The keeper laughs as Mila starts to trek towards them. The two quickly separated, their manes bustling with movement.
A deep and almost guttural noise echoed through the enclosure. Mila and the zookeepers attention shifted to the noise.
“How exciting, it looked like our male lion, Apollo, has woken up from his afternoon nap.”
“That’s something you two have in common.” You playfully elbow Connie in the ribs.
“Ha, you think you won, but I don’t see how being compared to a lion is bad.”
The crowd let out sounds of wonder as Apollo made his appearance. The lion stood strong with his large and dark mane.
“Apollo was transferred from another zoo due to issues with mating with another lioness. We were a bit nervous when he was relocated here, since we didn’t know how he would react to Mila and her cubs.”
While Connie pretty much had a front row seat, a few people started to trickle in closer and obstruct your vision, but you didn’t mind. He looked back towards you and pulled your arm to make you move closer as the crowd started to ‘aw’ at the lions. He pushed you in front of him so you could see what was going on.
A cub slowly emerged from under Apollo’s legs. The little cub seemed skittish from all the attention, but a slight bump from Mila encouraged her to move out from Apollo.
“As you can see, the two have bonded very well and had Serene. Normally, male lions won’t really take part in raising cubs, only seeing it as a the lionesses job. They mostly add protection and watch over the pride while the mothers go out to hunt. After Serene was born, he immediately showed signs of care, which surprised us, and he always has her in his sights. Talk about daddy’s little girl.”
“Dude, that’s so cute.” Connie wrapped his arms around your front and rested his chin on the top of your head.
As the show continued, the zookeeper gave out other information about the lions and Mila’s family.
“Hey, I think it’s ending soon.” Connie’s voice whispered in your ear. “Wanna beat the crowd and go check out the llamas?”
“Whatever you want to do, Connie.”
And with that, you both snuck out and headed for the llamas.
“Holy shit, they’re fluffy.” He gaped at the animals.
“Connie, there’s kids here.” You whispered as a few parents glanced in your direction at his profanity.
“So? Take them to Disneyland then. The animals won’t censor their lives, why should I?”
You shrugged off the glares, he did have a point. The pack of llamas and alpacas were sifting past each other behind the fence. The smell was… tolerable- kinda and globs of spit dribbled down some of their mouths. You decided it was safe to keep your distance.
“Would you like to pet him?” One of the handlers asked.
“Wait- yes, can I?” Connie asked.
You quickly take out your phone and snap a few pictures of Connie with the llama. His hand gently rubbed the furry muzzle and the llama bleated a bit at the touch. It was going great, until a large thick glob of spit trailed down Connie’s wrist and down his elbow.
“Careful-! Sorry, he’s drools a lot. Here’s a tissue.”
After many more hours of seeing the animal habitats, the sun started to set. The warm summer atmosphere started to glow dim with dark colors painting the sky. Torches and lamps illuminated the walk ways and guests were busy trying to catch the last shows and exhibits before closing.
“Babe, let’s go to the gift shop.” Connie drags you towards the small shop, like a little kid in a toy store… literally.
The shop was filled with souvenirs ranging from magnets, water bottles, and plushies. The cute jungle theme was spread throughout the store with bamboo flooring and vines hanging from the ceiling.
It’s only been a few months of you two dating, but you’ve both have been inseparable. There was never a dull moment with Connie. Weekends could either be going to a dive bar or watching Netflix with takeout, which both of you never minded. He was also treated you like royalty too, always opening the doors, complimenting you when you’re feeling down, fuck- even tying your shoes.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Connie shoved a monkey plushie in your face. Blinking your eyes to focus, you took in it’s abnormal appearance: wide body, small head, scrawny legs.
“Look how ugly this thing is!” He laughed and tossed it back in the basket with the others.
You chuckled at him and glanced at the other plushies. An adorable lion caught your eyes and you picked it up. The soft fuzz from the mane tickled your fingers. “You’re coming home with me.”
Connie bumped into you and you both made eye contact, a light blush heating up your faces. He cradled a polar bear plushie in his hands.
“That’s the one?” You asked, your gaze fixed on the stuffed animal.
His eyes never left you. “Y-yeah.”
After paying for both the plushies, it was finally time to go home. The plushies rested under your arm as the two of you walked back to Connie’s car hand in hand.
The other families were trailing slowly to the exit with exhausted kids sleeping in their parents arms and strollers.
“Thank you for today.” He said once you two reached the parking lot.
“Of course, baby.” You squeezed his hand tighter. “I’m glad you had fun.
“Nah, like…” Connie trailed off for a moment, biting his lip. “You don’t understand.”
Your head creaked to the side in confusion. “Understand what?”
“Fuck, like other people I’ve dated in the past never really enjoyed doing stuff like this.”
He walked you to the passenger door of his car.
"The zoo? Who doesn't like the-"
“Nah, they’ve always wanted to go clubbing every night or go to five star restaurants- and like don’t get me wrong, I like to go out and get fancy once in a while too.”
“But it’s draining. Overall it wasn't what you wanted to do, was it? Plus we’re young and broke, who can afford it in this economy?” You finished for him with a giggle.
A sigh of relief escaped him. “You get it.”
Your hand reached up and swiped through his hair. “I do. Wanna get Taco Bell on the way home?”
“Dammit, how are you-”
"So perfect for me," he wanted to say. “Fuck it, Y/n, I love you.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and Connie looked like he was about to pass out- again. A warmth flooded through your body and you couldn’t help the smile forming.
“I love you too.”
He was wide-eyed. “R-really? You aren’t just saying that cause I did? It’s okay if you don’t yet- or if you never do- wait…”
A loud laugh escaped you as he continued to ramble. “Connie, I love you too.”
Connie let out a heavy sigh. “That’s a relief, the drive home would’ve just been...” He whistled lowly.
You leaned up to kiss him. “Get in the car, I’m hungry again.”
Connie finally pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex. The music was playing lowly in the background and his hand never left your thigh the entire drive. Taco wrappers and hot sauce packets littered the floor by your feet and both plushies resided with you under your seatbelt so they could be safe.
“Y/n, babe, wake up. We’re home.” He gently shook your sleeping form.
A grumbled left your lips, but you didn’t stir. Connie grabbed the trash and threw it out in a nearby bin then opened your door. He reached over and unbuckled your seatbelt. The two plushies found their way into your tiny backpack which Connie reluctantly put on.
“Come on, my little polar bear.” He laced your arms around his neck and edged you off the seat. Your legs wrapped around his torso and his arm secured itself under your butt to support you. You hummed into his neck, ever so grateful he was carrying you.
“Fuck, maybe I should’ve called you a koala instead.”
Taglist: @cullenswife @sad-darksoul @laylasbunbunny @kokosmiles
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fascinationex · 4 months
I did a short vampire og fic for ficlet flash exchange recently but, of course, I had to chop it down to ficlet length. This is the longer version.
The One With The Vampire Group Chat (Extended Version) (no animals were harmed in the writing of this fic)
Sedgeford was a small, sleepy riverside town. The weather was cold and the humidity was high, and each morning the mist was grey and cool and damp clung to every blade of grass and paving stone. This was the kind of town with a defunct copper mine in the hills, and deep-worn towpaths where horses had once drawn cargo down the ancient canals. There had been a working blacksmith there right up until the 1970s. Now, though, the mines were abandoned and strictly forbidden to wandering children, the towpaths were overgrown with greenery and grasses, and old Mr Smith's son had packed himself off to study agriculture at the university.
The old house had stood in Sedgeford for centuries. It was built into the side of the hill near what had once been the old town centre, but the town centre had shifted a bit, after a terrible fire in the 1890s, and then even further after the closure of the mines. Now, the old house was a lonely pointed silhouette against the sky, soaring above its sagging, long-abandoned brethren.
This old house was occupied.
Meredith liked dark lipstick and geometric jewellery, and she wore her snowy hair short and curled, as had been the style a century ago. She smoked cigarettes from a long, old-fashioned holder, so that a haze of blue-grey smoke followed her around and settled on the sleek fur of her glamourous coats.
More than one child had asked their parents if she was a fairy. "No," they said, "just a very strange old woman."
Meredith, of course, had been an old woman when the oldest grandfather of the town had been a boy. But Sedgeford wasn't the sort of town where you said anything about that. Sedgeford was a misty, quiet place, mostly forgotten by anyone of consequence.
They hadn't really embraced high speed internet, in Sedgeford, but they did well enough to support Meredith's weekly group chat of creatures of the night.
"No! Cassandra is visiting me this weekend. At my age," Meredith was now saying, on her Saturday evening video chat, "one gets so tired of moving all the time. I haven't left Sedgeford in two hundred years, and I'm not about to start."
The two other creatures of the night rolled their eyes right to their cameras.
"Oh yes, at your advanced years," scoffed Etheldred, a short, tawny-haired woman who was herself so old that technically her name was better rendered Æþelðryþe. "You're all of three hundred. Don't blame your laziness on age. I moved last year."
Meredith was nearly four hundred, but saying so would make her seem young indeed. She exhaled a plume of smoke to hang hazy in the air. "And are you still unpacking?"
"Eugh," said Ethel, by which Meredith figured she meant 'yes'.
"Perhaps eventually I'll have to pass away and leave everything I own to my much younger granddaughter who bears a suspicious resemblance to me," sighed Meredith, "but it's all very inconvenient."
"It always is," Nikomachē sympathised. She was combing out her thick dark hair, voice muffled slightly as she turned her head from her microphone. "But better than answering awkward questions about undying women who can't face the sun."
THUMP went the sound of a tiny body colliding with the heavily tinted glass beside Meredith's front door. She looked up from her computer screen and leaned forward so she could just see the door in the welcoming darkness of the house.
Then she clicked her tongue. "Excuse me. She's here, I think."
Meredith got up to wrench open the front door.
Cassandra was there, hunched, wings furled tightly, looking dazed upon the front step. But when the door swung open, she raised her fuzzy little head and used her tiny arms like hiking poles to scuttle right inside.
"You're early," Meredith hissed down, shutting the door with extreme prejudice. "It's a wonder you even got this far without burning to a crisp — it's barely dusk!"
Cassandra didn't turn back into her vampire shape.
She huddled on the carpet instead, shivering sadly in her soft dark fur.
"Huh," said Meredith, smoke leaking from the corner of her lips.
This happened sometimes. Usually only with truly new vampires — ones who were ten, twelve years, or less. Meredith teased Casandra about being basically a foetus sometimes, but the woman was not even a century old.
She poked her with the toe of her shoe.
Cassandra chirped. Maybe the sun had panicked her and she'd lost the knack of transformation?
Meredith scooped her up one-handed, despite her protesting shrieks, and bore her back to the computer, trailing smoke and a swish of furs in her wake. The screen had turned dark. She smacked the space bar three times to wake it up.
"Ladies!" she exclaimed into the stream chat, interrupting their chatter. It didn't include her and therefore it was probably not very important, anyway. "Cass has a problem."
She hoisted the squeaking little bat up in front of the camera. It continued to squeak. It actually tried quite hard to bite her, which Meredith supposed was just the vampire's instinct. They all turned into biters when they panicked, didn't they?
"Oh," said Nikomachē. She put her brush down and peered closer to her own screen. "Well. That," she cleared her throat, clearly trying hard not to laugh, "er, that happens to the best of us."
"It does not," said Meredith. "But it's certainly happening to Cassandra. Do either of you know how to turn her back?"
"Ha," said Ethel. "Yes. I've sired three now. You learn."
"Stop dangling the poor thing," Nikomachē advised. "She must be so embarrassed."
Meredith dropped her to the desk. She smacked into it with a thump and laid there in a daze.
The ritual wasn't that involved — but it was definitely a ritual, and not just a regular little cantrip like they used day to day. The circle had to be drawn in human blood, which was in plentiful supply, so Meredith sacrificed a rug to its necessity. There had to be rosemary to burn, so Meredith had to fetch a parasol and tiptoe outside to cut some. It needed salt and silver and hawthorn berries ("She's bloody lucky it's nearly autumn!") and, most importantly, a vampire to conduct it and show her what shape she should be.
She complained bitterly at every step.
It felt powerful enough: when Meredith did it, she felt that curious sixth sense that had only come upon her after death engage. The air was heavy and damp, and her teeth ached in her skull, singing their siren song to bite, bite, bite.
The bat squeaked at the top of its tiny lungs and flapped its wings wildly, but it did not actually change back into Cassandra.
Meredith turned back to Ethel. "Are you quite certain this was the right ritual?"
Ethel's mouth was slack, her brows knitted together. "Yes...? It's worked the four times I've done it."
"Well, I didn't do it wrong," snapped Meredith.
"Nobody said you did, dear," said Ethel placidly.
Cassandra must have been well and truly stuck, because it wasn't just the first ritual that failed them. The second one, a more elaborate version with six white candles, a bottle of wine and a tiny trickle of sunlight received only a surprised hiss and a squeaky shriek of alarm from their subject.
"Here," said Nikomachē, at last returning to her seat with a large, old book. She took several photos on her phone and sent them to the chat.
Meredith scowled at the ritual. "You want me to use my hair?"
Nikomachē was quiet, fingering her own dark locks and eyeing Cassandra's huddled form like she, too, wasn't sure it was worth it. Then she said: "I don't want you to."
"Nike! Come on, Meredith, it's for a good cause?" Ethel coaxed.
And so it was. Meredith puffed angrily on her cigarette as she took a kitchen knife to her own hair, growling through her pointed teeth.
The hair had to be set alight in the bowl, too, and that stank.
The doorbell rang.
Meredith looked at the ritual circle, where a lock of her own pale hair was still smouldering. The bat shivered in place in its cardboard box.
"Oh, Meredith, that'll be the young reverend doing one of his 'welfare checks' again," crowed Ethel, giggling.
Meredith pulled a face. It very well might be. He was new in town, and persistent about offering his company to the elderly on his hours off. A real old-school man of god, that fellow. He was also her only visitor from the town, most of the time. Meredith had half a mind to just eat him.
"I don't know how you have the patience." Nikomachē's voice was distant because she'd graduated from judgemental stares into the camera to peering into her mirror, tracing the plush shape of her own bow lips.
"Darling, I don't have the patience," sighed Meredith, "I just can't afford to invite a police investigation if I want to avoid moving."
She got up from her crouch on the floor and left Cassandra cowering in her box. Her illusory cantrip fell over her as she came to the door: a frail old woman, wrapped in the glamours of yesteryear to stave off the coming twilight.
She opened the door.
Her cigarette dipped alarmingly when her jaw dropped.
"Cass—Cassandra?" said Meredith. Cassandra was a pretty thing. She was tall like a man, because the women all were these days, and dark eyed with careless hair and make up that gave her wan olive skin the illusion of colour.
She still dressed like Morticia Addams, like someone had given her a floor length wardrobe all in black with her Vampire 101 Starter Pack. But maybe she'd grow out of that.
"You sound surprised to see me," Cassandra noted, leaning in to bump her marble smooth skin against Meredith's jaw. While she was there, she touched a lock of Meredith's brutalized coiffure. "What on earth happened to your hair?"
"... A bad cut. New hairdresser. It'll grow out."
Meredith thought, inevitably, about the bat in its box, in its ritual circle, in her living room, kept under the watchful eyes of her streaming buddies. She met Cassandra's dark eyes.
A wave of mortification washed over Meredith. Her heart gave a single, slightly painful thump, startled to sudden life by pure embarassment.
"Could you give us a moment, darling?" she said in a tone that did not offer an alternative, and then she shut the door right in Cassandra's face.
"Meredith?" Cassandra's muffled voice followed her.
Meredith dashed back to her living room and her computer.
"Cassandra is at my door!" she snarled, dumping the bat out of its box and getting the whole ritual apparatus away by dent of simply rolling the rug into a cylinder and shoving it beneath the couch.
Nikomachē and Ethel went silent.
"Cassandra is... at your door?" Ethel's mouth tugged down in a confused frown. "But darling, who was the bat?"
There was a pause.
Nikomachē coughed. Then she snorted. Then hilarity overcame her and she began to giggle.
Ethel's expression cleared. "Oh, my dear," she said, and joined Nikomachē in her laughter.
"You're useless," Meredith declared. "You're both bloody useless!" and she stabbed her pointer at the red button to end the stream.
She turned on her heel and went back to the door to greet Cassandra properly.
Huddling in its high corner, unobserved and presumably scared out of its tiny mind, the bat gave a feeble squeak.
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
[what am i]
It is 2004. Is the Geiger Counter heavy because it’s Old Tech, or because it’s a Geiger Counter? I do not ask the question aloud. My father is talking. I rotate it in my hands, examining it. He is talking about his father. The Geiger counter is a relic of my grandfather’s military service. It is older than me. It is older than my school. It is older than my father. I turn it on. A red light glows. The dial fidgets. “Are we safe?” I ask aloud, as it softly, slowly ticks. “Are we ever?” My father answers. My look of horror is met with laughter.
It is 1999. There is a photo of a mushroom cloud rising out of a deep blue ocean. It sits inconspicuously in a wooden frame near my grandfathers chair. I stare at it. I have recently learned about atomic weapons in an abstract sort of way in school. My grandmother speaks. “Your grandfather took that picture.”
It is 2002. “These are some of my favorite books.” My father believes I am old enough for his old novels. The entire John Carter of Mars. Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke. Foundation & Empire. Edgar Rice Burroughs. Tarzan.
It is 1971. My father hunts wild pigs. Dogs he has raised from puppies explicitly for this purpose rustle through the jungle ahead of him. He is like the pigs, the descendants of Europeans on tour, left behind by boats bearing death. He is armed only with a large knife and his dogs. He survives.
It is 1955. My father plays with the Geiger counter that I will hold in my hands one day. It is humid and hot inside the Quonset hut. My father points it at my grandfather. The dial dances; the machine goes tickticktick. My grandmother is sleeping, or trying to; migraines take her out for days at a time, sharp pain and vivid halos exacerbated by the tropical sun. The noise wakes her, and my grandfather takes the Geiger counter away.
It is 2009. “Weird.” Not the sort of thing you want your doctor to say. “Has your heart always done that?” I ask him to explain what he means. “Oh, it’s just, it’s… beating… funny?” He indicates some squiggles on a monitor, as if I could see the patterns as he did. “Do you mind if we run some tests?” I would be a fool to decline.
It is 1977. My father watches the stars. The sea is still. He has turned off the lights on his boat, and the nearest artificial light is over the horizon. He eats fish he caught during the day. He comes to land to get the supplies he cannot catch; tools made of metal; rope, line, medicine. He spends seven years on that boat, going from island to island. He survives.
It is 2019. My father puts dilute hydrogen peroxide in his water bottle. We dress and depart. He hike through the craggy desert highlands, rich browns and ambers of the desert varnish broken by the occasional brilliance of a tarantula hawk. The local wildlife is smart enough to seek shelter at this time of day, but we are Sons of Empire and ignore the sun, like Adam turning his back on God. We traipse over broken boulders, fighting gravity for a scenic view. He tells me about the past between breaths; this mountain was sacred, once. Those who sanctified it are dead now. The way he talks, you would think that he killed them himself. The breeze is hot and dry on the ridge top. Looking down on the valley below, he drinks deeply from the bottle. He offers me some. “Extra oxygen” he says, with the air of someone sharing valuable advice. Tentatively, I take a sip: It is slippery, and burns slightly. My 70 year old father climbs back down from the mountains with me. We pretend the desert sun does not exist.
It is 1946. The War is Over. The Good Guys have won; or so the story goes. My grandmother is newly married, and loves her husband very much. Once, she had been a daydreaming farm girl, a fan of the Wizard of Oz books; She feels like Dorothy, transported, when her husband’s work whisks them away from rural California to The Pacific. They’re working on something big, he says, but loose lips sink ships and he says nothing else.
It is 1949. The migraines are paralyzing. The doctor tells her she is pregnant, and her mind fades to static. This is the 5th time she has been told this in her life, but she has yet to give birth to a single living child. The Geiger counter ticktickticks whenever her husband is near.
It is 1950. My father is born.
Son of Empire
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graysmiles-world · 1 year
1800s Steddie Vampire AU
The moon was high when Steve entered the cemetery, as it was most nights. It led him down the path, past the already dug up and reburied graves of many who had already passed. Despite the fact that he did not believe in the resurrection from those beyond the grave, a job was a job. And this was a job that paid particularly well. No one wants to come and speak to the dead, much less to exhume their bones and check for any fresh blood in their veins.
He picked up the shovel when he passed it on his hike. It always moved locations, night after night. Sometimes by the pine on the hill, others near the back of the cemetery with its handle stuck through the fence. And once, propped up so nicely, waiting for him, at the iron gate. 
Yet Steve ignored these peculiar things. Just as he ignored the way that he felt cold hands trailing across his shoulders, and tiny hands tugging at his coat. If one were to stop and think of everything strange that occurred in the cemetery in the moonlight, they would stand there until they themselves were just another one of the bodies buried beneath the living.
The dirt was dry and  crackled underneath his boots as Steve walked, matching the dead leaves upon the branches above him. The land had suffered drought in the many previous months, not helping the already awful curse that had struck the town and many more like it.
But the night was humid, and Steve could smell the petrichor as he moved about to his assignment. There was a storm brewing in the distance, making the already terrible gooseflesh rise even more along the back of his arms and neck.
Finally, he reached the grave of the man he was to dig up. Edison Munson, Steve was told earlier that day by his supervisor. The first to die in his apartment building of consumption, over a year before. His uncle had followed, and so had numerous others. And now little Maxine was sick, so her mother pled for help - and the doctor had sent Steve. Luckily, Edison’s uncle was a soft man, and he placed a marker next to the mound of dirt with the initials EM and 20. 
Steve heaved one great breath of fresh air before pulling up the cloth around his mouth and nose. He had learned that the stench of the dead was highly muffled by the dirt. And once that was gone, it felt like the curse itself was reaching inside one’s lungs and squeezing it to its death.
Steve set down the lantern he’d been carrying all this way next to the marker. He placed the tip of his shovel into the dirt and leaned down, bearing all his weight onto it. The sweat gathered on his brow and dropped onto the dry earth, leaving a darkened spot behind. 
He worked for over two candle marks, jumping at the clang of the metal against the bottom of the lantern. Thankfully, the light had not gone out yet. Multiple times, when Steve had been in the middle of digging - his lantern had gone out and would not be able to be relit. If the moon was bright enough he would continue by its light, but if not - he would be forced to return on the next evening to resume his work - praying that the cemetery would allow him to finish his job.
Robin wouldn’t be able to last a minute in here, he knew. She had tried once, months ago when Steve first started. She was able to make it twenty paces in before something tickled the back of her neck and she was racing out of there. Steve, who had already grown used to the strangeness of the area, only looked at her with confusion. But ever since then, she had refused to come back: claiming that she was only to return in a coffin herself. 
Instead, she found work as a laundress, marking the end of two years of them working only together. Steve would have been happy to quit himself, but the job made too much and Robin made too little to be able to support both of them in their one-room apartment.
She was deathly afraid of dying of consumption, and living on the street would only exhaust that risk: so here Steve was. Digging up dead people to check if they were the carriers of this malediction. He hummed as he worked, a jaunty little tune he’d heard in a tavern a few nights previous. It wasn’t Steve’s usual preference, but the song was catchy and he felt it was great to entertain himself while working. 
Steve finally finished, setting his shovel aside and moving to get a better view of the plain wooden coffin. This was usual for many who died in the past few years, except if they were extremely wealthy. What was not usual, however, was the way that the edges of the top curved up, and the lightened scratches among the wood. 
Steve lowered himself to his knees beside the coffin and checked his mask before wiggling his dirtied and cracked fingers between the top and the bottom of the coffin and yanking up. The nails came out much easier than expected and experienced, but Steve was too busy looking at the body within it to particularly care.
Steve has had this job for a while now. He’s seen bodies new and old, crumbling and still rotting. But never in his life had he seen a body that looked like this.
It was the most beautiful person Steve had ever seen. More beautiful than Nancy, his ex-fiancee, and more gorgeous than any other woman he’s courted or any girls working the street.
His skin was pale, glowing in the moonlight. His hair was dark, darker than Steve’s, and curled - reaching his shoulders. His fingers, long and thimble, crossed over his chest. Steve wished he had seen this man alive if only to catch sight of his eyes and to feel his gaze upon him. 
But this was impossible, Steve knew. A body that was dead for this long would be only bones. No soft tissue left. 
Hell, even recently deceased persons were not as otherworldly as this man. Steve had attended Nancy’s funeral and he could still remember how gaunt her cheeks were, how flat and limp her hair was. He remembered the rest of her family’s funerals as well, the thinness of Micheal’s hands, the way baby Holly’s chest seemed to cave into itself. 
Steve looked around him, not knowing if what he was seeing was real or not. Perhaps he was only dreamin, or had been so sleep-deprived that his mind made up this man because he was so touch-starved for affection. Or maybe he was now cursed, and hallucinations were the first stage.
But whatever it was, it was still there when he looked back at Edison. Steve’s shoulders slumped, and his head went foggy.
It was like when he and Robin were prescribed some strange medications for a fever a while back. It made everything so loopy and he felt like he was about to float up into the air and far, far, away.
This was similar, but instead of feeling like he was floating off into the atmosphere, Steve felt as if something was tugging him down to Earth. Deep into Earth. To Edison.
There was a pulling sensation at the center of his chest, at his beating heart. Like a string was wrapped around it and yanking out from behind his ribs and out of his chest. His body was a sacrifice, made and grown to be consumed by Edison. Steve reached out a shaking hand and placed it atop Edison’s. It was ice cold, freezing the blood in his veins and traveling up his arms. There was no way that Edison’s heart still beat. Yet, still, Steve’s own heart was pulling him closer and closer. He slowly reached up to remove the cloth covering his nose and mouth, leaving it dangling around his neck. 
Steve leaned up and over the side of the coffin, closer to Edison. He was a ballon, being tethered to place. His head bounced all over the place but was still steadily moving towards the corpse.
Something in Steve knew he should be freaking out. Thoughts screaming for him to get out of there, to run, overturned by the pressing thought of closer. Steve needed to get closer. 
All anxieties were out of view. Being disowned and left by his parents, not being able to find someone to love, the fact that he was a grave digger, and that his eyes dragged towards boys as often as girls. 
Nothing mattered except Edison. 
Steve was close enough to Edison’s face that if he were breathing, Steve would be able to feel his warm breath on his cheek. A stone dropped in his chest when he realized he couldn’t. His lips we magnets, moving towards Edison’s until they were pressed together.
Cold and chapped, and Steve just breathed out into Edison’s mouth once before the trance broke. 
Steve lunged back from the coffin. He whipped his head around wildly, searching to see if someone, anyone, had seen the sin he’d just committed. He didn’t know what he wanted the answer to be, and so his breathing settled when he realized he was still alone. His lantern had long since gone out, and he looked around himself with only the moonlight. 
Nothing had changed. The Earth had not shaken from his actions, and his heart, and lungs had not leaped from his chest. 
He laid back in the dried grass and dirt, uncaring of how dirty his hair was becoming and how annoying it would be to try and wash it with the water from the basin. 
Steve just worked on just breathing. In, out. In, out.
After a few moments, he felt alright enough to raise himself onto his hands, looking back at the coffin and how it lay so unassuming in the dirt. 
He sat up completely and moved to his feet, creeping unsteadily towards the wooden coffin. I’m just going crazy, Steve told himself. There will just be a body there, and then you can do your job. 
Steve looked over the edge of the coffin, convincing himself that Edison would still be there: dead as a doornail. 
There was nothing there. Not a scratch, not a tuff of fabric or hair to show that the coffin had been used in the first place. 
Steve felt like his throat was seizing up, and he stumbled back, trying to get away as fast as possible. He just needed to get out of there, and then he could flag down a carriage and get to his apartment. He’ll wake Robin and tell her what happened and in the morning they’ll go out looking for new work. 
But his plans were foiled when he rammed into something solid frigid. 
“Well,” warm breath ghosted against his bare neck. The cloth around it felt more like a noose than protection now. “I never expected to wake up to someone so pretty.”
Steve turned around as quickly as possible. He’s heard and felt lots of things in this cemetery, but this was the most real by far. It seemed the dead didn’t want to stay buried when a living, breathing, person was there. 
“Edison,” Steve breathed, eyes darting around the corpse that was just lying in the coffin minutes ago. They stood toe to toe, Edison moving forward with every step back Steve took. Edison was the same height as Steve, so his eyes stared directly into his own.
They were dark, glinting like stars in the moonlight and Steve was enamored. 
“I go by Eddie, actually,” Edison - no Eddie smirked, one corner of his mouth tugged up and revealing some rather sharp teeth. Steve couldn’t help the stuttering breath he let out at that, heat tugging in his gut. “And what do they call you big boy?” 
Steve gulped. “Steve. Steve Harrington” He doesn’t know why he introduced himself with his first and last name. A last name that isn’t even his anymore. 
“Well Steve,” Eddie slid his tongue between his teeth on the word, dragging it out. Steve felt rooted to the spot, unable to move from such an intense gaze. Suddenly, Eddie sprung back, his movements gay and flowing like a marionette on strings. 
“It’s such a pleasure to meet you,” he bowed, a deep bow with the tips of his hair touching the dirt. Steve burrowed his brows and opened his mouth to say something but Eddie had already sprung back up and around before he could make a sound. 
He whooped and wiggled, screeched and screamed, and looked out to the world with such mischief in his eyes. And Steve knew, whatever he was - he wasn’t human.
While Eddie was seemingly enjoying himself a few paces before him, Steve crouched down to grab his shovel, standing back up slowly. He wasn’t quite sure what he’d do with it, maybe hit Eddie over the head and run for the exit. 
Before a plan could be formed fully in his mind, Eddie turned and spotted the shovel and the white-knuckled Steve had on it. In a moment, Steve’s back was against the trunk of a tree with Eddie holding a broken bottle to his neck. He wasn’t sure where he’d gotten it. Maybe it was in his jacket, or maybe he’d picked it up from the ground while slamming Steve against this tree.
“Don’t even try it, honey,” Eddie whispered to Steve. His eyes held no amusement, and seemed to reach deep into his soul and down to his stomach. It clenched and rolled with fear, and Steve decided to focus on that instead of the toiling heat gathering in his chest. “I’ll suck you dry and leave you in the coffin instead. No one would ever know where you’ve gone.”
Eddie moved forward until they were pressed together, head to toe. Eddie’s thigh was wrenched in between Steve’s, and his mouth was now placed around his Adam’s apple. Now Steve was able to feel the sharpened teeth against his skin and shivered. Just a little pressure, one wrong move, and Steve was bleeding out - dead in seconds. It shouldn’t have given him the reaction that it did, with Steve trying to resist writhing against Eddie’s thigh and pressing his throat harder against his fangs.
Steve felt Eddie laugh against his skin, dampening the area with heat and moisture. He leaned back, so there was just enough space to breath and speak. He ignored Steve’s whine at the lost. “Awh, you poor baby,” Eddie grabbed Steve’s cheeks and squished his cheeks together. He was still able to feel the press of the grass against his side. “Digging up bodies in the middle of the night, just trying to find someone to take care of you - is that it?”
Steve didn’t know how to answer, how Eddie wanted him to answer, so he just whined again. Eddie’s nails, which felt a little more like claws, dug into his cheeks. “Say you’re sorry, and I’ll take care of you.” 
Steve whined again, and then tried to speak through his squished cheeks. “‘M s’r’y,” he slurred. Eddie tilted his head, amusement filling his eyes and curving his lips. 
“I didn’t hear that, can you repeat it, sweetheart?” 
“I’’ so’ry,” Steve cried, feeling the hot rush of tears filling his eyes. He was so frustrated, but he didn’t know by what. The weapon against his side, Eddie at his front, the tree at his back. The toiling heat in his chest or the fear creeping up his throat. 
Eddie groaned and pressed his face against Steve’s cheek. “Now drop it.” 
Steve, who hadn’t even realized he was still holding the shovel immediately dropped it. Blood rushed back into his palms and it tingled down his arm. Pins and needles slid into his skin. 
Eddie groaned again, deeper, louder. He pressed his thigh higher up against Steve, up against his groin - where it was heavy and wanting.
“Good boy,” he panted against Steve’s cheek. Steve preened from the praise, breathing in stuttering gasps. He tilted his head back against the tree, giving more of his throat for Eddie to do with as he wished. 
“Eddie,” he gasped, “please.”
Suddenly, the heat was gone. Without anything to hold Steve up, he slid to the ground, ass on the dirt. Eddie was a few feet before him, eyes dark as he stared at him.
Steve just panted, gasping for breath. He didn’t know what to say. 
Eddie gulped, “You’re crazy, Steve Harrington.” 
With that, Eddie disappeared into the night.
Everything was quiet. For once, Steve wasn’t surrounded by the ghosts of the past waiting to take a bite, to pull and poke and prod. He was completely alone. 
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prosebyday · 1 year
Glacier National Park
Grazia Curcuru
Grinnell Glacier, Many Glacier, Glacier National Park
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I felt unstoppable today hiking the iconic Grinnell Glacier hike, my watch recorded 40k steps and Gaia recorded 13.6 miles, it was supposed to be 10.6 miles but I chose to hike down to Lake Grinnell at the bottom after hiking up to Upper Grinnell , because the lake looked so beautiful. I didn’t get any blisters but my toes were sore and as soon as we got to the lake I dipped my toes in the water. I felt amazing for hours after. A few hours later I felt the stiffness set in, I had to get ice out of the cooler for my knees because I couldn’t really move. 
Lake MacDonald, West Glacier, Glacier National Park 
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We rested our legs and rented kayaks on Lake MacDonald in West Glacier after an early morning drive along Going to the Sun Road. It felt amazing to still explore while resting my sore muscles. I got to exercise my muscles that don’t get used on a hike. We walked the tourist trap shops, lined with Huckleberry jams, syrups, flavored coffees, all claiming to be “fought from the claws of grizzly bears.” They even sold scented tshirts, which did not seem very bear safe in an environment where we needed scent-proof bear bags for our food, lipbalm, sunscreen, a bear lock on our bear proof cooler, and bear spray on us at all times. I bought a Glacier National Park patch, like I do at every national park I’ve done a “deserving” hike at, because it makes me feel like a Girl Scout. I plan to sew them on a denim jacket. I picked the prettiest patch, with mountain goats, lakes, meadows, wildflowers – even though it had mountain goats – one of the few animals I hadn’t seen here yet. The lady at the register told me I can’t wear the patch until I see a mountain goat. I had one day left and knew I had to find one. 
It was brutally hot and sunny, so we went back to Lake MacDonald. There were children paddleboarding, insisting they’d “found a barrel” and they “think it’s full of oil.” The beach wasn’t sandy, it was formed with smooth small rocks. The water was crystal clear and warmed by the afternoon sun. The view of the mountains we kayaked towards hours earlier was directly in front of us as we swam and enjoyed the water, sharing giggles, a child laid face down on the hot rocky beach to “work on his tan.” 
Pitamaken Pass, Two Medicine, Glacier National Park
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Pitamaken Pass was the most intensely grueling, gorgeous, and insane hike I’ve ever been on. There was so much exposure on the edge of the mountains, with a narrow trail and talus (loose rock), that tumbles under your feet down the side of the mountain. But it was a TRAIL, so it was still one of the least dangerous mountain hikes I’ve been on, because it’s maintained. There were gorgeous wildflower meadows and these funny white “bear paws” everywhere, they look like giant q-tips and only bloom every 5 years.
The trail changed so much over the 18 miles we hiked, from dense forest, muggy, humid and lush with brush; to trickling rivers with meadows, juniper, bushes, butterflies and red rocks; to walking along the rich blue of Old Man Lake. Then the slog of climbing up 1,000ft over a mile and 3,200 ft of elevation gain total (with a lot of up and down, which makes it feel like you’re never making progress). My brain was throbbing in my skull, rapid pulse, and swaying balance. I thought it must be dehydration or electrolytes, I told Adam I thought I was going to be sick, it was over an hour before I realized we had maxed out our altitude for this trip so far ~8,000ft, after only sleeping at ~5,000ft. So I carried on, tossed some Propel electrolyte mix in my Nalgene and took my shirt off to cool down, all in measures not to pass out, but also kept moving because the sun was beating down. There was no breeze or shade, but I hoped there would be both on the other side of the Pass. It didn’t come as quickly as I needed it, but as a breeze picked up once we got to the top – so did my dizzying headache. Once we got to the Pitamaken overlook on the continental divide, I sat on a slab of marble and ate some trail mix in the shade.
The next 3 miles of the trail looked like a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Our footsteps clashed like we were breaking tiles on the shrapnel of sedimentary rock. The rocks above and around us were flaky and layered like good pastry, but horrifying to walk on as they crumble around you. Beneath us was a steep drop down to the vibrant greens of pine forests, cool alpine lakes and trickling rivers, juxtaposing the crumbling gray and brown rocks we balanced and wobbled on. As I rounded the corner, I saw a scruffy white goat in the distance on top of the pass with mountains behind it. It didn’t look anything like the long-haired, fluffy rocky mountain goat you see in all the Glacier National Park merch, but July is shedding season. I took a picture and 4 more goats appeared and started grazing… on what, I don’t know, since I can’t recall anything growing at that altitude. I finally saw my mountain goat, 5 mountain goats. 
Storm clouds rolled in and it’s dangerous to be above the treeline in a storm. I picked up the pace, but the descent proved to be steeper and looser – it’s tricky to get traction on loose sand. The next few miles were a blur, a race against a storm. Eventually, I saw juniper next to my boots and looked up - I made it to a meadow, where things can grow! And I saw trees nearby. As I entered dense brush again, it was hot and humid, I was overheating and stripping layers. The dark clouds brought us some cooling shade and a light sprinkle, but it didn’t last long before the sun, heat and humidity were back and worse than ever. I was so hungry and sore and tired but I just wanted to get out so I kept my pace. 
Once we started bumping into older adults with trekking poles and no water or backpacks, I knew we were close because we parked near a campground. I took off my boots and socks, stood in a cold river to ice my swollen toes and watched a wedding party take pictures with the mountains while I ate trailmix, dirty and sweaty.
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incoherent-brainrot · 24 days
C1 [Sage]
Sage wipes the sweat from his forehead. The night is uncommonly hot and humid, with the only animals awake in the night the singing grasshoppers. Sage tries to readjust his robes, as if that will do anything to relieve the heat he feels. He can feel himself sweating through every fiber of his robes. He looks up at the starry skies, where not a single cloud exists to offer the promise of rain. “Miss Rose, will we be out much longer?”
“I’m sorry. But we need more fire-shoots for the crown prince.” The young woman in front of him takes her own pause, breathing deeply as she rests her hands on her broad hips. Her white hair is slicked to her head by sweat. She readjusts her medicine pack, her deeply tan skin glowing in the moonlight. She starts to walk towards the south end of the forest.
“Miss Rose, you can’t be serious.” Sage follows her, knowing exactly where she’s hiking based on the sallow look on her face. He knows it’s impertinent to grab her hand, and he stops himself mid-motion. However, he can’t stop himself from looking into her maroon eyes. Sage feels giddy as their eyes meet.
“Sage, please. The emperor asked me to retrieve medicine for the crown prince. And you have your gun, right? We won’t have anything to worry about.” Rose looks at Sage with her large, maroon-tinted eyes. Her eyes tilt upward as if she’s always on the verge of a smile. The face paint she wears exaggerates her eye shape, making her look fox-like. Rose turns quickly and continues trekking towards the Ruby Cave, her black-and-gold robes fluttering in the breeze her movement creates. Despite being much shorter than Sage, she is fast on her feet and as brave as any man in the night.
Sage grits his teeth, but otherwise doesn’t contradict her. As they walk, he readies the shotgun, making sure it won’t jam if he needs it. The other two guards behind him whine in nervousness; Sage is one of few people who understand how to hold and use these pre-Calamity weapons. Sage ignores their nervousness, focusing on Rose.
Rose stops and makes a signal with her forefinger; a small pink orb of light over her head. Sage and the other guards lower themselves completely in the leaf litter, hidden in the foliage. Rose hunkers down, taking off her pack and crawling carefully towards the gaping maw of a cave. The cave entrance is lined with hundreds of red and pink fungi in the shape of gentians. Despite their beauty, these fungal flowers spread deadly spores that send even the gentlest animals into rage-filled frenzy. Between these bundles of false gentians, long bright bundles of fire-shoot grow. Rose moves slowly and delicately, not even daring to use scissors or her knife to cut away the fire-shoot stalks. The dreadful, low hum of something asleep in the cave drowns out all the other noise. Rose works as quickly as she can, taking care not to disrupt the false gentian or make noise.
Sage keeps the shotgun aimed at the mouth of the cave. He can feel himself sweating into into the leaf litter under him, this time from sheer nerves. He looks around, purple eyes spinning. Even the false gentian are sweltering in this heat, their “petals” oozing liquid like sweat, while others droop downward like frowns, ready to die without the sweet relief of rain.
The sound of Rose getting up snaps Sage back to focus. Rose is delicately backing herself up towards her pack. She undoes the leather tie silently, having harvested almost all of the fire-shoot from the cave mouth. Rose is about to crawl back to Sage when something appears at the front of the cave. Sage is about to fire when Rose sends up the pink light from her forefinger again.
She can’t possibly hope to use magic on the bear, can she? Sage feels his inside coil in on themselves in panic. While he would never doubt the medicine woman’s power aloud, he still cannot imagine that she would be able to wield a spell faster than the cave bear could unzip her soft belly with its giant paw.
Rose has flattened herself to the ground, over the pack of gathered medicine. When she’s completely still in the foliage like this, her robes almost look like leaf litter. But no amount of stillness can hide the bright, blazing white of her long hair. The cave bear walks outside of its cave, swinging its massive head and scanning the landscape with its beady eyes. Sage shivers but points the shotgun at the scarred nose of the cave bear. Sage pushes down the thought that shooting the giant bear is akin to a toddler aiming a toy gun. He breathes out with a hiss, refining his aim. If I can hit it’s sensitive nose, I can distract it from Rose long enough to—
The sound of a firework going off obliterates any thoughts from Sage’s mind. The firework goes off to the west, sending the cave bear sprinting away to attack the sound. Before Sage can register anything, Rose has grabbed his hand and is sprinting to the east. She is still holding the smoking end of the firework in her right hand.
“What are you waiting for? Come on, before it comes back!” Rose is running as fast as her lithe legs can carry her. The medicine pack rattles on her back as it bounces. Rose doesn’t look back, pulling Sage through the woods. Despite being much taller than her, Sage can barely keep up with her. Noticing the other guards have failed to keep up, Sage tries to slow himself and Rose down as they reach a clearing.
“Miss Rose, the other guards…” Sage tries not to pull on the soft golden hand whose fingers are interlaced with his own. He feels heat on his high cheekbones that has nothing to do with the physical exertion.
Rose stops and looks up at Sage. Her maroon eyes meet Sage’s purple ones, and he hopes she doesn’t notice how his heart jumps to his throat with a gulp. Sage rubs the back of his neck as Rose releases his hand.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any disrespect.” Sage does his best not to stammer as Rose’s perfectly round face looks up at him. She smiles and her eyes close into little joyful crescents. There’s a mole under her eye; Sage wants to kiss it.
“Don’t worry. You’re right.” Rose looks back as Rulan and Leif, the other two guards, catch up. Both are red-faced and panting. “Come on, we have to get back to the palace. Plucked fire-shoots don’t last long in heat this severe.”
Rose takes Sage’s hand in her own again. His stomach flips over, and somehow he’s more anxious than when he was staring down the cave bear. Heat starts to pool in his low belly as he looks at her body; his arms tremble with the need to pick her up and pin her to him. “Miss Rose…”
“I’ll need your help to process the fire-shoots.” Rose doesn’t seem to notice Sage’s little blubbering moment as she talks. She leads Sage by the hand, following paths left by deer all the way back to the palace. Rose waits for Sage to open the palace gate. Sage fights the nervous bile that rises in his throat. He can count on one hand how many times he’s been within the inner portion of the palace, but Rose walks with calm confidence into the inner hallways of the palace and then the kitchen. Sage stays close to her, feeling underdressed and dirty compared to the sleek marble walls.
“I’m sorry to drag you in here with me.” Rose says amidst the clattering of pans and the clink of knives onto the stone countertops. “I know you’re probably exhausted from escorting me medicine picking. But I can’t make this medicine alone.”
Rose looks at Sage: even in the low light, her maroon eyes are piercingly bright. Sage bites his lip to try and ground himself, before tying up his long hair again and nodding. While he had often accompanied Rose on her nighttime medicine foraging, she had never asked him for help making the medicine. “Anything for the crown prince.” Sage was sincere in this; for the past five years, Sage had been the crown prince’s loyal hunter and guard and held the prince in high regard.
Rose starts to build a fire in the hearth. Her eyes reflect the firelight, glowing like stars in her face. For a moment, Sage sees Rose not as a delicate, soft woman but as something else: in the smoke and heat of the fire, Sage almost thinks he sees Rose with long white antlers, indicine ears, and crushed velvet on the tops of her cheeks. She turns to Sage sharply, making her long earrings rattle, and the mirage is gone. “Let’s begin.”
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