dew-creek · 1 year
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can't a student just study in peace.
(based off a dream i had)
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kurna-kovite · 5 months
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they love her
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Oooooh, I did not catch this the first time. 🤭
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The person translating this isn’t the best so there must be errors here, but maybe she’s referring to romance among all of them, including her, or confused feelings, or incest or everything idek
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
nah cause now im thinking about autism partners kaoru and haruhi discussing very autism things and hikaru's eyes are glazing over because holy shit could he have picked a worse taste in crushes. this is so cute to me actually
haruhi: dont you think it's strange companies keep using PS-grade plastic despite the fact it isnt recyclable
kaoru: likely it's more cost efficient
haruhi: i know companies don't care about the environment but couldn't they at least TRY to PRETEND they do?
kaoru: to be fair, even if they used PET-grade plastic, which IS recyclable, it still wouldn't be very environmentally-friendly. It costs way more money than its worth to recycle most plastics and ironically does more harm than good. Plus PET-grade plastics-
haruhi: -degrade over time and emit poisons yes I know. Why not metal? or glass?
kaoru: one, allergies. two, dangerous. three, money.
haruhi: always comes back to money. What exactly is money printed on, anyways?
kaoru: oh, well funny you ask-
hikaru: paper its just paper can we talk about movies like normal people now
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cindytranart · 6 months
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HikaHaruKao - OHSHC Royal Isekai AU stickers
Available now! There’s also 2 days before my Spring sale ends
Spring Sale & Update March 19th-23rd, 15% OFF select items
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gilbirda · 10 months
20 questions for writers, tagged by @gremlin-bot
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
83!!! But a lot are crossposted from FFN, and not ALL of my FFN stuff is there.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment dpxdc, but I have projects for DP in progress. I have some really old Inuyasha stuff, and Twilight, and a Gravity Falls fic that I def will continue? but mostly dpxdc :D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Clown around and find out (Kudos: 8,524)
Mondays, am I right? (Kudos: 8,080)
Employee of the month (Kudos: 7,865)
Can't have shit in Gotham (Kudos: 7,343)
How to confuse a Bat (Kudos: 6,749)
Unsurprising xd
5. Do you respond to comments? why/why not?
I usually do the week when I post a fic, but i stop after that period of time. I don't respond mostly because I dont know what to say... I love each and every comment!!! I just get nervous.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm, I'd say What could have been. It's a DP fic from Phic Phight 2022 and the prompts I used weren't necessarily angst material, but I tied them together in a story meant to leave you empty.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't do "happy" endings? I think I do "realistic" endings - main quest is conquered but we lost and gained things in the way.
I do write a lot of fluff and unapologetic one shots, so I would consider all of those "happy" endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Fortunately is not a normal event in my fics, but now that I have dipped my toes in comic book fanfiction I've gotten my fair share of purists and know-it-alls that come to my comments to educate me on what it's "canon" and explain to me how my interpretation is wrong.
That aside, I'm not afraid to portray "problematic" ships and delicate situations ,mainly mental health stuff. I'm not the first or the last person that pour themselves in their writing and use fictional characters as a medium to work on some personal things. Of course that's gotten me enough comments telling me how disgusting I am and how I'm writing XYZ wrong.
9. Do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes. I don't have a lot posted, but I have WIPs.
Mostly BDSM and how important it is to trust your partner.
10. Do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one?
Mostly DPxDC!
I did have an insane crossover between Twilight and a book not a lot of people know. TBH im keeping that information to myself xd.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
There's a russian website that reposts fics.
And also people reposting my stuff in wattpad with a "credits to the author [name]" but they never asked me for permission.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! To Russian!!!! Made me so happy ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
13. have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! I'm co-writing a fic with some close friends and my girlfriend. And another fic with just my girlfriend, but I'm so slow with it lmao
14. what's your all-time fave ship?
I'm a multishipper but usually I have 1 OTP that im Very Normal about in every fandom and then I'm just okay with everything else.
Some examples are:
KogKag, SessKag (Inuyasha)
Hardcover (JazzxJason)(DPxDC)
PrussiaxHungary (Hetalia)
Mabill (Gravity Falls)
HikaHaruKao (Ouran HSHC)
Deckerstar (Lucifer TV)
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I don't want to jinx myself.
But probably the DP longfic. It's just. So long.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told that my characters feel very real and that I write dynamics in a very organic way. In romance, I think I'm very good at portraying falling in love.
In general I've also been told I describe things in a way you can feel it, like you really are there.
17. writing weaknesses?
English is not my native language and I make a lot of mistakes, grammar wise. Or I let my weird miss matched speech patterns bleed into my characters and make them sound not quite right.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Again, I'm native Spanish speaker, so I do write in English regularly xd
Other languages, I'd need someone that speaks that language to help me.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Inuyasha. I was about 11 years old. Those fics were written in Microsoft Word 2003, in script format (aka "theater" format), and every character had an assigned color and I would switch colors every dialogue line.
20. fave fic you've ever written?
Difficult to choose.
I love a lot of my fics, even older ones.
If I have to pick just one, I'm picking Friendly neighborhood vigilante
Not feeling like tagging today, and grem kinda stole the people I was thinking I could tag.
So, if anyone wants to do this, go ahead!
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soloisfine · 5 years
fuck you rarepairs. fuck you.
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bd-z · 5 years
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ohshcfanficrandr · 5 years
Fic rec! Best Sleepover Ever by tacewrites on ao3
Mid-Week Special
Story: Best Sleepover Ever
Author: Tacewrites 
Website: AO3 
Word Count: 3,121
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen and Up (13+)
Tumblr Account: @lookatallthefandoms 
Tumblr Side Blog: @lookatallthatanime  
Author Summary: Why Haruhi thought she could get any studying done with Hikaru and Kaoru around, she didn’t really know. She does learn a few things, though.
Relationship: Hikaru x Haruhi x Kaoru
Applicable Tags: Thrupple, Fluff, Thoughtful Twins
Review (Contains Spoilers):
Hikaru and Kaoru convince Haruhi that they should have a study session/sleepover during the weekend to prepare for their test on Monday. Haruhi agrees and they have a nice innocent study session. Strange feelings have been lingering in her head for a while now about her connection with both of the guys. During their study session break she realizes a little bit more about her affections towards them both.
Things That I Loved:
I am not sure this was intended but I find it really interesting when the author was describing the amount of notes each twin was taking. Hikaru just wrote down the highlights while Kaoru just spaced out and drew a giant question mark. What if (hear me out) Hikaru only wrote down the highlights because he is already good at math and doesn’t need detailed notes. If you check the Wiki page it says that his favorite subjects are physics, chemistry, and math. And I believe in the final book of the manga the author describes that each twin takes after their father or mother in their respective family business. Hikaru focuses his passions towards computer software. But just an observation. Anyway I enjoyed the notes observation from Haruhi’s point of view.
I also loved how the author nailed their personalities. This could turn into an anime episode and would fit snugly into the fandom- no questions asked.
Things I Didn’t Care For:
I liked everything. Nothing to dislike about this cute little fic!
Favorite Lines or Quotes From Story:
A smile. A flash of something.
“And I’m very sorry about that, Hikaru,” she said, not sounding very sorry at all.
Would I Read Again?
Added it as a personal bookmark. Would read again. So simple. So sweet. So in character it hurts my heart. Love. Just the right amount of fluff and Haruhi bluntness.
Make sure to kudos, comment, and bookmark!
Agree or disagree? Am I on point or way off the mark?
Let me know in the comments below!
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hostrisque · 3 years
Headcanon: When Haruhi told Hikaru that she might be pregnant, they woke Kaoru up at 2am and made him sit behind the bathroom door with them as they waited for the results for the pregnancy test because they were nervous and didn't want to be by themselves.
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yumenosakiacademy · 3 years
if u look up the strawbs pic google apparently ships them gjhsdn
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dew-creek · 1 year
Thank you for making pretty much half of the ship content of Tamaki and the twins!! They honestly have one of my favorite dynamics in the show.
Ikr!!!! the twins and tamaki have such a fun dynamic, and episode 20 was so heartwarming.......I know compared to tamakyo or hikakao or hikaharukao, etc etc, they arent AS invovled chemistry wise but...as a multishipper at heart...I loooove them so much. I need to think of more stuff to draw them with. It needs more love for sure.
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kurna-kovite · 5 months
Second fic rec. this is how imagine angsty hikaharukao:
is there happy ending 🥺 I cannot read angst no happy ending hurt no comfort I cannot do itttt I'm a big baby
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
hikakao where hikaru is trying to get with haruhi. where it's like. kaoru has politely given them space and by doing so he's being very distant bc he thinks that's the best way to let hikaru be his own person even if it makes kaoru himself miserable. and hikaru notices and it bothers him immensely. every time he's alone with haruhi he's thinking about kaoru. when he talks with haruhi he finds he's really bad at finding any sort of conversation bc his mind is so preoccupied. even when kaoru doesn't seem to be depressed or distant hikaru STILL can't get his mind off of him when they're apart. he just always thinks about how he wishes kaoru were here too etc....he probably starts forcing kaoru to come with him because while kaoru is against it like "hikaru arent you trying to win haruhi over? it cant be a date if im here" hikaru doesnt care because its more fun when kaoru is there and all three of them hang out together. and hikaru is noticeably happier/peppier when kaoru joins them and kaoru seems a bit out of place bc he thinks he shouldn't be here but he also seems really happy...haruhi Knows what's going on but elects not to say anything and let them work it out for themselves. i realize this could also be a hikaharukao concept.
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hostagine · 4 years
FanFic Authors Tag Game Tagged by @ohshcscenerios Ao3 Name: i don’t have one D:  Fandom(s): Ouran High School Host Club & Miraculous Ladybug 
Number of fics: - 39 - (that’s including 1 that’s unpublished) 
Fic you spent the most time on: “She’s Gone” - Oh god uh,,,, it’s been 5 years and counting xD edit: nvm it’s been 4 years and 11 months. *bangs on the fanfiction like a car salesmen* Started this bad boy in 2015 and have yet to finish the last two remaining chapters. RIP lmfao pls don’t read this fic
Fic you spent the least time on: “He Liked Her” -- A little one shot fic that I wrote as a request and decided to turn it into a KyoHaru fic. I think I wrote it in maybe a little over an hour. 
Longest fic: “Luminescent” -- Oh boy. Luminescent is my longest fic, with 281,000 words & 59 Chapters. Ending this fanfic with an uneven amount of Chapters will always be something my OCD hates me for.  
Shortest fic: “Dirty Little Secret”  - The one and only KaoHaru fic I’ve written. At a whooping 560 words xD I wrote this a little over 5 years ago and it was a little thing I wrote in my notebook to pass the time while camping. 
Most hits: “Strawberry Shampoo” --  A HikaHaru story I wrote when I was 13. Many regrets. It still stands as my most popular fic, with 51,000+ hits. (pls don’t read this either. Have mercy on me). 
Most kudos: I don’t use AO3 D: 
Most comment threads: 3 xD 
Fave fic you wrote: “My Muse” -- I was so excited about this story. I spent almost 2 years planning My Muse before I even wrote the first draft of Chapter 1. But, like it always does, the plot started to develop more and more the further I got into the story and I ended up hitting a brick wall. So the story is on Hiatus for now. 
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: 
I have 2 honorable mentions: 
“Speak Now” -- I started this story, spent a month on it and then stepped away from it for a breather. Now, 4 years later, he sits unfinished. I hope one day I can finally spit the next chapter out and it can finally continue. But alas, time escapes me. 
“Painful Love” -- I’d love to rewrite this story. The plot changed so many times while writing it over the years, that it’s kind of messy. Now that the story is finished and I know how it starts and how it ends I’d love to rewrite it so it’s easier on the eyes. It’s a story that’s been with me for a long time and so it’s like wanting to give justice to an old friend. The only thing keeping me from rewriting it is that it has 50 chapters and 200k+ words and adult me just doesn’t have the time. 
Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
Here’s a little snippet from “Our World” - A little HikaHaruKao story. About A little girl from their past, who wanted to build a snowman. 
Two shadows walk up to her, and she looks up, meeting their faces with eyes full of threatening tears, knowing she just lost all the grocery money her father entrusted her with for this week. 
Until Hikaru thrusts his arm out, holding her bag. “Here.” 
“My bag,” She muttered, standing up with a wobble. “YOu found it.” 
He stuck up his nose, looking away. “Whatever. Just take it. It’s making my arm sore.” 
It was dripping wet, which meant it must have been in the pond after all, but the twins didn’t look wet at all. 
“Don’t get excited. Tamaki’s the one who went fishing. He told us to give it to you.” Kaoru spoke up in a grumble, watching his brother and Haruhi’s hand brush awkwardly against one another. “Your wallet’s in the club room drying.”
Haruhi held it close to her chest, looking up towards the twin closest to her, staring into his eyes before managing to clearly. 
“Thank you.” She said softly. 
Hikaru almost bit into his tongue from clamping his jaw down so tight. His brow furrowed, cursing her in his mind. Because how dare she be anything but that stupid, grubby commoner who wiggled her way between him and Kaoru. How dare she sit between them in class. How dare she cause them this much trouble in their club. How dare she be kind of cute. 
Stupid girl. 
“Whatever,” he almost choked. “Forget it. Come on, Kaoru.”
Hikaru turned on his heel, and stomped away. Kaoru paused, after watching the weird interaction and stared a little longer at the short girl clutching her wet bag, before he finally turned and followed his brother back to the club room, quickly catching up to him. 
“Say, Hika?”
“Doesn’t she seem kind of familiar to you?” he asked. 
“She’s a commoner, Kaoru.” Hikaru injected a bit of his wisdom. “They all look the same.”
“Hey, wait!” She suddenly spoke up, and the twins stopped, surprising themselves that they’d ever stop for anyone but each other. 
“You... never told me your names.” 
They turned just enough to look over their shoulders. 
“As if we’d tell you.”
@kayleana @avelyst 
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