#highmountain druid
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witchlightdesigns · 1 year ago
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I... Made a new moo. This one's a Highmountain Druid. Instead of being Mu'sha focused, she's An'she focused. She's a young Bloodtotem who trained in Val'sharah! I am in love with her design so much! It was a lot of fun making her look different than my other moo's. I am particularly pleased with her fur and her accessories.
Just another moo for Weayava to have as wonderful arm candy!
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darkenaz-art · 4 months ago
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For @dundredott 💛 I am really grateful for this commission - I love to work in monochrome and I also like highmountain taurens so much; their appearance, home, culture...
Commissions: Open - Contact me for taking a slot for November, December
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carolina-swifthoof · 8 months ago
Earthmother's Blessings
Today was a remarkable day, one that reminded me of the Earthmother���s boundless generosity and the interconnectedness of our lives.
I ventured into the city early this morning with the intention of acquiring some much-needed supplies for our tribal grounds. As I walked through the bustling streets, my attention was drawn to a humble bull seated near a post, meticulously whittling a small totem. Intrigued, I approached him and learned that he was crafting a totem of protection for a friend. This sight stirred a memory within me of a totem that had been a source of strength during my own difficult times.
Feeling a sudden impulse, as if guided by a whisper from the Earthmother herself, I retrieved the totem from my satchel and handed it to the bull. His name, I soon discovered, was Quoko Sun-Forest. He accepted my gift with profound gratitude, and we spent some time in conversation. I shared stories of my tribe and the fellowship we hold dear. To my surprise, Quoko revealed that he was without a tribe.
I didn't want him to make a hasty decision, so I suggested that he walk with us for a while and experience the fellowship of our tribe. It was at this moment that a fellow tribesman and Quoko's Pandaren friend, Barbatos, arrived. Introductions were made all around, and we soon found ourselves immersed in discussions about the joys of the Earthmother and the deep respect we Shu’halo have for her.
Quoko and Barbatos seemed receptive to our ways, though I made sure to caution them against joining us without true understanding and conviction. Chor echoed my sentiments, reinforcing the importance of thoughtful consideration before committing to our tribe.
The conversation flowed easily and warmly, with nary an awkward moment until we neared the end of our time together. Quoko mentioned something about bringing members of the Alliance into our fold. While this did not trouble me personally, I could see that it struck a nerve with Kueya and Chorwador. The scars of past conflicts run deep, but I have made my peace, understanding that the true enemy was the Legion.
As the sun began to set, we parted ways with promises to meet again. I walked back to our tribal grounds with a heart full of gratitude. Today, I witnessed the Earthmother’s hand at work, bringing together strangers and weaving new bonds of friendship and understanding. I feel hopeful for what lies ahead, and I am reminded that in every encounter, there is an opportunity to grow and to heal.
May the Earthmother continue to guide us all.
Carolina Swifthoof
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wowtalesofadventurers · 1 year ago
Tocho Youngforest bio
Tocho Youngforest is a male Highmountain Tauren druid.
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skymagpie · 10 months ago
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Shazidra - Mag'har Shaman
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Morine - Blood Elf Warlock
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Kiranyth - Nightborne Mage
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Seregna - Highmountain Tauren Druid
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Larandis - Night Elf Demon Hunter
Meet my WoW OCs! - Part 2
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sharpen-jadescythe · 3 months ago
In the not-so-far-off future, the Horde and Alliance have reached a final conflict...
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Sunny, young Highmountain Tauren, has found her way to the Southern Barrens, where Baine's tribe are desperate for aid. Like many Horde, she has given everything to the cause of keeping the Tauren of Kalimdor alive, and keeping them connected to the Horde.
The Alliance is fighting to sever the roads, and the bonds between the Tauren and their orcish allies. They've even penetrated into old game trails and mountain switchbacks that the Tauren have used for centuries. Tauren like Sunny must be wily and very stealthy to make it through to Horde outposts, occasionally taking back what roads they can.
Goblin bombs explode below and zeppelins with supplies for Thunderbluff soar above, through skies with warring wyverns and gryphons tumbling dangerously across the vital flight paths.
However, with every Alliance head she takes, Sunny is reminded that she was not raised this way. This was never meant to be her world. While she was young, the Horde and Alliance were at peace. At least, it seemed that way.
When her Night Elf father brought her to Bel'ameth to receive Elune's blessing with kaldorei children her age, a world at peace was what they both believed in.
Sunny often wonders what this fight is for? Shouldn't they all fight to end this, not just for one side? How long will this go on...
Discouraged, Sunny retreats to Desolace. One of the last neutral bastions, tended by the druids.
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clanoftheearthmother · 6 months ago
Clan of The Earthmother
How did we get here?
With the advent of Pandaria Remix and the speed with which it allowed you to level characters from creation to max, I decided to take the plunge and ‘move’ all of my characters to an RP realm, specifically Wyrmrest Accord. Some of them I paid to move, such as the Tauren Shaman who was my very first character, and some I simply deleted and remade on WrA. Over the course of Remix, I levelled roughly 30 characters to 70, first to have one of each class on both factions, and then because I was having fun and decided to level one for each spec.
To provide myself with ample roleplay options I made sure to include one of each race in my characters. I started the expansion with a few different characters; predominantly my Tauren Paladin and Tauren Priest. As a fan of Tauren lore and mythology I set about writing my Paladin’s lore as a Sunwalker under Aponi Brightmane’s command. Over the course of writing this back story I got to thinking of how a Tauren priest, who draws from An’she in a similar way to Sunwalkers, would use the void. As my priest was played as a discipline priest this was something I wanted to try and ‘explain’ in her back story.
I imagined that instead of drawing on the void, they would likely draw up Mu’sha as the druids did. This felt like a better compliment to a solar An’she priest than the void. As such I styled my priest as the daughter of Aponi Brightmane and a powerful druid. She would wield An’she’s light to heal and Mu’sha’s to harm. This feels pretty close to the in-game representation of druids, but as a more naturalistic race it makes sense.
At this point I decided I would try and include my other Tauren characters and after a little thought came up with the idea of a naturalistic clan of Tauren comprised of individuals devoted to The Earthmother and her various aspects, rather than being a clan brought together by blood. I backed out to character creation and looked at all the classes available to Tauren/Highmountain and tried to think of how each would fit into this group. The following is the diagram I came up with:
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Class designations and names
For many classes I decided to imagine what a Tauren culture might refer to them as. I decided to name druids Moonwardens in opposition to the canonical Sunwalkers, and Celestial Seer/Oracle for the priests who bridged the two eyes of The Earthmother. Fire mages felt like a natural extension of An’she worship and so were named Suncallers. At first, I wasn’t sure how to ‘justify’ warlocks but eventually landed on the idea that they could dwell in the shadows cast by An’she’s light and worship that aspect of the mythology. Because of this shadow focus I decided on Umbral Witches for their ‘class name’ Rogue’s joining them felt like a natural fit but I wanted something that felt more grounded in a description of their abilities than their beliefs and so they were named Shadehooves.
For Warriors and Hunters, I didn’t want to force the idea of them using naturalistic powers when there was no in-game support for them. I figured a guard corps for the clan would make the most sense for them. I named the warriors Guardians and Hunters were dubbed Striders in homage to the Plainstriders that wander Mulgore.
With the Tauren’s reverence for their ancestors and heritage, Shamans and Monks felt like a perfect fit for a spiritual group within the clan and while Farseer is an established Shaman title that made sense I struggled with Monk for a while but eventually I landed on Spirit Horns as a similar naming style as the Rogues Shadehooves.
I didn’t find a way to have death knights make sense as they felt like such an antithesis of the core of a clan dedicated to The Earthmother. I also didn’t really care to force them into it for the same reason.
I created one of each and while I don’t tend to RP actively, I do like writing stories for my characters and imagining how they would react to the changing world.
Character List
Garahirn Grimtotem – Sunwalker (Protection Paladin)
Hunadi Brightmane – Celestial Seer (Discipline Priest)
Rhanoth – Guardian (Arms Warrior)
Mohkri – Farseer (Restoration Shaman)
Meshagor – Moonwarden (Guardian Druid)
Quara – Suncaller (Fire Mage)
Paohu – Strider (Marksman Hunter)
Rhugon – Umbral Witch (Warlock)
Tuhalin Palehide – Shadehoof (Assassination Rogue)
Orwam – Spirit Horn (Mistweaver Monk)
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I’ll be posting either their back stories here or my thoughts on their place in the expansion and the campaign.
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joywindsong · 2 years ago
The Half Blood Mage Pt 2
The Backstory
Traditionally in night elf society, men are guided to the teachings of Cenarius while women are expected to follow the light of Elune. 
Vionira Moonwalker was one of the exceptions. Vionira showed a strong bond with nature early on in life. Born in Hyjal, she is relatively young compared to her peers. The Cenarion Circle was also hesitant about welcoming her into their ranks. After the Third War things were starting to change within the Cenarion Circle. Gender became less of an issue, as well as race. The tauren, who once followed Cenarius’ teachings but strayed away towards elemental magic, were in the process of reconnecting to druid teachings. This of course did not come without concerns.
The tauren were allied with the Horde. Even if they shared the same values in the teachings of Cenarius, they were standing by the same orcs who laid waste to sections of the sacred forests of Ashenvale during the third war. 
Vionira, like many of the Kal’dorei, was residing in Moonglade after the fallout of the war. Though she had years of experience as a druid, she was still treated as a novice and expected to attend training seminars far below her capabilities. One of the trainers was a Highmountain named Ualke. 
Ualke was a mysterious character. He resided with the Bloodhoof sharing his wisdom. Much of his teachings focused not on druidism purely, but the connection of mortals to the greater powers on Azeroth. Expertise that spanned across both druidism and shamanism made him a valuable resource in reintroducing the teachings of Cenarius to the tauren, aswell as reviving the practice of shamanism among the orcs and trolls of the Horde. Ualke regularly traveled to Moonglade with his tauren druid pupils, but he proposed to take it one step further. “Some of my students in shamanism are struggling to truly connect to the elements. It also seems that there is hesitation in my pupils in Moonglade to fully accept tauren druids. It would seem mutually beneficial to bring some of the orcs and trolls under my guidance to come to a haven of nature and allow everyone to co-exist.” Ualke would propose to the leadership in the Cenarion Circle. Reluctantly, Ualke was granted permission and the next time he came to Moonglade he brought along about a dozen students. A few druids, but mostly shaman. Some tauren, but several orcs and trolls as well. They were welcomed to the city of Nighthaven but of course stood out very clearly. Ualke had mostly brown fur with a gray mane and gray patches forming. His eyes became white as he grew old, his exact age unknown but his presence was that of a tauren in his physical prime, especially with antlers towering on top of his large frame. Mail shoulders over his ceremonial robes filled out his massive frame even more as his deep but raspy voice projected over the students before him in the forest of Moonglade. Students dressed in basic ceremonial robes sitting in the grass.
His parting words as he ended his lesson:
“Your connection to the forces of nature on Azeroth will only grow stronger if you accept your brothers and sisters regardless of race. Do not allow arbitrary political divisions in the world to make you bigoted. Elves were once trolls. Tauren were the first children of Cenarius. The orcs are our new brothers and sisters in Azeroth, and may not be the last. They breathe with the elements and the Earthmother, Elune, the same as us all. I ask that you not simply go your separate ways as I dismiss you. Please, intermingle. Understand each other. Strengthen your connection to the world around you. That is a greater lesson than I can bestow onto any of you.”
Vionira stood up and scanned around. She was a tall and toned elf with bobbed green hair, light purple skin that skewed almost pink, and dark purple markings that went down across her light blue eyes. She looked across the crowd and saw most of the students mingling within their own races or factions. So much for what their teacher asked of them. 
Across the way she noticed a tall troll with green skin and a shaved head. His tusks protruded from his face and he leaned back against a tree not speaking to anyone. Vionira took the opportunity to approach. “Hello. What is your name?” Vionira asked as intimately as she could. The troll looked down at her, he had a bit of height on her despite both being tall. “What it be to you? Old bull be preachin’ tales. Da’ elements be communin’ jus’ fine. No need’ta be friendly wit’ elves.” He dismissed.
“Well. What he said is true. Elves were once trolls, so in a way we’re kin.” Vionira lectured to the scoffing shaman. 
“Why ya’ tryin’ so hard? Ain't’ya elves be hatin’ us Horde?” “Well. I’m a druid first. I’ve also been a druid longer than anyone else in this group, and Ualke is the only instructor who actually says anything interesting. Your warchief also helped us greatly in defeating Archimonde at Hyjal. So, maybe some of you are alright.” Vionira says to the troll who blows air out of his nose. “Our Warchief do be great mon. Saved me from bein’ sacrificed by fish.” The troll chuckles. “Vionira Moonwalker, by the way.” Vionira smirks.
“Omaroku.” He tells her reluctantly. “When do you leave?” She asked. “I believe we be headin’ out at sunrise tomorrow.” Omaroku responded. “Any plans between now and then?” Vionira curiously asked. “Nope.” He answered. “Well, how would you like me to show you around?” Omaroku looked around and sighed. “Ain’ got nothin’ better to do.”
The pair split off from the group and start walking towards Nighthaven. “So’ya been a druid longest of everyone?” Omaroku questions the elf. “Of the novices. I’ve been a druid much longer than I’ve been in the Cenarion Circle. Traditionally women in our society are warriors or priestesses or sentinels. The men tend to be the druids but now it’s opening up more.” Vionira explains.
“Shamanism be new to me. I was jus’ a headhunter out on the isles I came from. Joinin’ the Horde bring new opportunities. Learnin’ ta’harness elements seem to offer more.” Omaroku explains. “You hunted heads?” she responds. “Eh, somethin’ like that. So ya’ be powerful?” 
“I would be more powerful if I got the chance to train at my level. But I’m stuck here for now. Until I can go out into the world and start really testing myself.” Vionira vents. “If ya powerful, show me.” The shaman challenges. “Excuse me?” Vionira is caught off guard. “Lemme see how great a druid’ya be, Vionira.” The troll crosses his arms. “Alright. Let’s go this way then.”
Vionira leads Omaroku off the trail and into a clearing in the woods a bit into the hills. Out of sight of the trail or the village. Vionira stands a few feet away with her hands out as Omaroku stands still in front of her. 
“Stay still and don’t struggle.” Omaroku raises an eyebrow at the elf's instructions as vines rise from the ground, entangling him. 
“What ya’be doin!” Omaroku hollers. “They only last a moment.” Vionira pants as the vines retreat from the thrashing limbs of the troll. “Dem’ vines got thorns!” Omaroku raises his forearm covered in scratches to the elf’s face. “Oh, sorry. Hold on.” Vionira’s hands glow and she casts a spell on Omaroku causing his wounds to quickly heal. “Hmm. Be an’interesting trick but what can’ya really be doin’ in battle?” The troll asks. “I don’t know how I’d demonstrate that. This is a peaceful haven for nature and beasts alike.” Vionira says, wiping sweat from her forehead.
“Ain’t tryna spar?” The troll teases. “I’m not sure you’d survive. Don’t wanna cause a war.” The druid retorts. “Ya’seem sure. Ain’t even seen me fight. Might surprise ya’.” Vionira laughs at the implication and Omaroku changes the subject. “Do be similar to elemental magic tho. Maybe the old bull be onto somethin’.” 
“Perhaps. Maybe that means you shouldn’t be so closed off to me just because I’m an elf.” Vionira says sitting down leaning against a tree root. “Ay, who be sayin’ I jus’ be closed off to elves. I ain’ one to go sharin’ everyting wit’ everyone.” Omaroku defends himself as Vionira motions for him to come sit with her. The troll obliges sitting a few feet away to keep his distance.
“Well, I personally hope that if you and your people are living in Kalimdor we can have peace. At least co-exist. For the good of Azeroth.” The night elf tries to explain to the troll who squares his shoulders away from her. “I jus’ want my people to survive. We been displaced enough in my life. The Horde offerin’ us a home when nobody else will. Same wit’ the tauren. All dis’ nature stuff, it be a means to an end.” Omaroku confesses. “A means to an end?” Vionira asking for elaboration. “I got a new home, new people, new nation. I ain’t strong enough to defend, but it be worth defendin’. I ain’t got the spirit of a berserker, ain’t got the patience of a priest, ain’t got the smarts to be a mage, and I ain’t so good wit’ tamin’ beasts. Elements be the only ting I feel I can understand enough to achieve the power I need ta’earn my keep.” Omaroku tells her. “I see.” Vionira scoots a bit closer. “I thought you were gonna say you just want to be strong, but it’s honorable that you have a purpose behind that. In a way you could connect that to all of Azeroth like Ualke says.” Vionira leans against the troll and points up generally at the trees. “I want to protect all of this, and coincidentally the nature I want to protect helps me in that purpose. Maybe the answer to harnessing the full power of the elements is to see how they allow your home to stand strong?” Vionira notices the feeling of warmth of her body touching his and sits back on her own. “Ya’know.” Omaroku chuckles “I was a bit inspired seein’ Thrall come in and fry dem fish up ta’help us. I guess the elements gave’im power to build us all up.” 
Omaroku looks over at Vionira and their eyes meet. 
He hasn’t looked directly at her so openly until now. Vionira looks away. The troll notices how smooth and soft her skin is and how delicate the features of her face are. His eyes wander down inspecting the shape of her body and Vionira peeks back over at him. “Excuse me. What do you think you’re looking at?” She scolds. “Ah, sorry.” Omaroku blushes looking forward. “Never seen’an elf up close before. At least not one not tryna kill me.” “Oh.” Vionira blushes looking at the toned muscular body of the troll. His face is much… cleaner than she would have expected. Her eyes are drawn to the long curved tusks coming from his mouth. “I’m sorry if this is strange but… could I touch them?” Vionira asks pointing to the corner of her mouth. Omaroku looks at her confused. “Uh. Sure.” He leans his face towards her. Vionira runs her fingers across his tusks. They look like they’d be more coarse but they’re smooth to the touch. As he leans forward her face gets closer to his, for a moment they gaze into each other's eyes. Vionira moves closer, angling her face between his tusks. Omaroku puts his hand on her cheek as she gets closer, gently and naturally guiding her face. Their lips touch.
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taysdigitalart · 2 years ago
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Older art of my highmountain tauren feral druid Thrashy-bleedinghollow!!
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shadowphoenixrider · 6 months ago
SPR's WoW Characters
Draggka ♀ Darkspear troll Hunter (Marksmanship)
Draggka has protected Azeroth and its people with her loyal raptor companion Spike from the numerous threats that have arisen. During the campaign to stop Garrosh in the Alternate Draenor, she fell in love with Archmage Khadgar, they later married after the Legion’s 3rd invasion. Despite being loyal to the Horde, Draggka has unofficially left them to raise her child Zal'ria with him in Karazhan.
Dranka ♂ Darkspear troll Druid (Guardian/Feral)
Older brother of Draggka, he was presumed dead after being kidnapped by Zalazane’s thralls. However, he escaped and lived with the druids, becoming one himself. He finally returned to Draggka after the Echo Isles were retaken, and reintegrate himself into society. He was instrumental in getting his sister and Khadgar together, and looks upon the relationship favourably. After Draggka retired from adventuring due to her pregnancy, Dranka took it up in her stead.
Zal’ria ♀ Half-Troll Mage (Frost)
Daughter of Draggka and Khadgar, she was accidentally conceived on their honeymoon, coming into the world sometime during the war between the Alliance and Horde. Raised both in Karazhan and Dalaran, she grew into an accomplished mage, not least due to her father and her Uncle Medivh, who has taken her under his wing as his apprentice. Although she identifies more with the Horde due to her mixed race, Zal’ria is not part of either faction, and refuses to engage in combat with any of them.
Harnaka Fireforge ♀ Orc Shaman (Enhancement)
An orphaned orc adopted by a troll and orc pair, Harnaka was going to follow in the path of her mothers by learning how to smith. The discovery of her connection to the elements led her to becoming a shaman, although she uses them in her smithing now. She has known Draggka since they both began inventing, and they are very close friends. She has recently began a relationship with Cayeli.
Aiyaona Grimtotem ♀ Tauren Paladin (Protection)
One of the few Grimtotem that remain in Thunder Bluff, Aiyaona constantly harbours guilt about her tribe’s actions, and tries do things so that other members of the Horde never question her loyalty. Painfully shy, the only people she really opens up to are Draggka and her group of friends. However, she is getting much closer to a Highmountain tauren warrior Jeipuh Proudleaf, and some suspect romance is in the air between them.
Elizabone ♀ Forsaken Warlock (Demonology)
Once a priestess of the Light, Elizabone turned to darker magics after her mind was freed from the Scourge, believing the Light had forsaken her in her darkest hour. Although possessing a cynical attitude, her time in the Plaguelands and long friendship with Draggka and the others softened Elizabone’s grudge against Life. She always wears a veil to cover the lower half of her face for a reason she will not divulge.
Cayeli Sunflare ♀ Blood elf Monk (Windwalker)
Cayeli is the two black sheep in her staunchly arcanist family. Choosing to learn to brawl with her bare hands and feet, she later refined these ways when the Pandaren came to Azeroth, becoming a monk. In a move that is likely to annoy her family further, she has began dating Harnaka.
Tinkerspring ♀ Goblin Priest (Holy)
In typical goblin fashion, Tinkerspring uses her ‘faith’ in the Light to make money, and when that doesn’t work, she has health potions to sell too. However, unlike her twin brother Fizzlespring (a mage who has a habit of setting fire to his debtors), she possesses a softer heart, and will occasionally treat people for free in dire situations. Her friends rely on her skills and appreciate her courtesy at not charging them for her healing powers.
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xellandria · 6 months ago
Final Dragonflight 70 Count: 62
Xella-Skywall (70 #1, Alliance #1, Hunter #1, Kul Tiran #1) - 12/02/22, started from 60
Basanti-Skywall (70 #2, Alliance #2, Demon Hunter #1, Night Elf #1) - 12/20/22, started from 60
Xellandria-Skywall (70 #3, Alliance #3, Druid #1, Night Elf #2) - 01/16/23, started from 60
Lina-Skywall (70 #4, Alliance #4, Mage #1, Human #1) - 01/22/23, started from 60
Alexus-Skywall (70 #5, Alliance #5, Warrior #1, Human #2) - 02/04/23, started from 60
Lynxia-Skywall (70 #6, Alliance #6, Warlock #1, Human #3) - 02/11/23, started from 60
Alecto-Grizzly Hills (70 #7, Alliance #7, Evoker #1, Dracthyr #1) - 03/01/23, started from 58
Miranwyn-Skywall (nee Sylenna) (70 #8, Alliance #8, Rogue #1, Dark Iron Dwarf #1) - 03/05/23, started from 60
Xella-Terenas (70 #9, Horde #1, Hunter #2, Nightborne #1) - 03/19/23, started from 60
Chastity-Skywall (70 #10, Alliance #9, Death Knight #1, Human #4) - 04/14/23, started from 60
Epadoa-Proudmoore (70 #11, Alliance #10, Priest #1, Draenei #1) - 04/18/23, started from 60
Paloma-Onyxia (70 #12, Horde #2, Shaman #1, Tauren #1) - 04/29/23, started from 60
Hydaen-Wyrmrest Accord (70 #13, Horde #3, Paladin #1, Blood Elf #1) - 05/04/23, started from 60
Zmija-Terenas (70 #14, Horde #4, Evoker #2, Dracthyr #2) - 06/01/23, started from 58
Delenda-Skywall (70 #15, Alliance #11, Shaman #2, Dwarf #1) - 07/02/23, started from 60
Xella-Stormrage (70 #16, Alliance #12, Evoker #3, Dracthyr #3) - 07/03/23, started from 60
Harmony-Grizzly Hills (70 #17, Alliance #13, Paladin #2, Dwarf #2) - 07/09/23, started from 60
Harmony-Ravenholdt (70 #18, Horde #5, Monk #1, Pandaren #1) - 07/09/23, started from 60
Nya-Ravenholdt (70 #19, Horde #6, Hunter #3, Vulpera #1) - 07/10/23, started from 60
Paoteya-Ravenholdt (70 #20, Horde #7, Priest #2, Tauren #2) - 07/11/23, started from 60
Dokthra-Scarlet Crusade (70 #21, Horde #8, Warlock #2, Orc #1) - 09/01/23, started from 60
Fallow-Onyxia (70 #22, Horde #9, Priest #3, Undead #1) - 09/07/23, started from 60
Xella-Grizzly Hills (70 #23, Alliance #14, Hunter #4, Night Elf #3) - 09/28/23, started from 60
Ellietrician-Proudmoore (70 #24, Alliance #15, Warrior #2, Mechagnome #1) - 09/29/23, started from 60
Naalu-Area 52 (70 #25, Horde #10, Druid #2, Zandalari Troll #1) - 10/04/23, started from 60
Uma-Grizzly Hills (70 #26, Alliance #16, Priest #4, Gnome #1) - 10/06/23, started from 60
Appelachiana-Wyrmrest Accord (70 #27, Horde #11, Druid #3, Highmountain Tauren #1) - 10/15/23, started from 60
Qinglan-Stormrage (70 #28, Alliance #17, Mage #2, Pandaren #2) - 11/01/23, started from 1
Terrisel-Grizzly Hills (70 #29, Alliance #18, Druid #4, Worgen #1) - 11/02/23, started from 60
Ochota-Steamwheedle Cartel (70 #30, Horde #12, Druid #5, Tauren #3) - 11/11/23, boosted from 1
Xella-Scarlet Crusade (70 #31, Horde #13, Druid #6, Troll #1) - 11/24/23, started from 60
Rosalynne-Stormrage (70 #32, Alliance #19, Druid #7, Kul Tiran #2) - 02/02/24, started from 60
Soranos-Ravenholdt (70 #33, Horde #14, Evoker #4, Dracthyr #4) - 02/10/24, started from 58
Xella-Steamwheedle Cartel (70 #34, Horde #15, Hunter #5, Blood Elf #2) - 02/25/24, started from 1
Shinzenbi-Stormrage (70 #35, Alliance #20, Warrior #3, Pandaren #3) - 03/14/24, started from 60
Helbryne-Proudmoore (70 #36, Alliance #21, Warlock #3, Dark Iron Dwarf #2) - 03/18/24, started from 60
Kathryn-Terenas (70 #37, Alliance #22, Monk #2, Kul Tiran #3) - 03/20/24, started from 10
Jasmine-Steamwheedle Cartel (70 #38, Alliance #23, Warrior #4, Kul Tiran #4) - 04/14/24, started from 10
Basanti-Proudmoore (70 #39, Alliance #24, Demon Hunter #2, Night Elf #4) - 04/23/24, started from 60
Xellie-Skywall (70 #40, Alliance #25, Evoker #5, Dracthyr #5, Timerunner #1) - 05/20/24, started from 10
Nira-Steamwheedle Cartel (70 #41, Alliance #26, Hunter #6, Gnome #2, Timerunner #2) - 06/03/24, started from 10
Harrowhark-Stormrage (70 #42, Horde #16, Death Knight #2, Blood Elf #3, Timerunner #3) - 06/05/24, started from 10
Xella-Proudmoore (70 #43, Alliance #27, Shaman #3, Kul Tiran #5) - 06/09/24, started from 60
Vivian-Terenas (70 #44, Horde #17, Warrior #5, Nightborne #1, Timerunner #4) - 06/10/24, started from 10
Izoka-Area 52 (70 #45, Horde #18, Shaman #4, Mag’har Orc #1) - 06/10/24, started from 60
Ursula-Onyxia (70 #46, Alliance #28, Priest #5, Void Elf #1, Timerunner #5) - 06/16/24, started from 10
Gryshka-Scarlet Crusade (nee Fallow) (70 #47, Horde #19, Hunter #7, Orc #2) - 06/25/24, started from 60
Pokoda-Area 52 (70 #48, Horde #20, Rogue #2, Highmountain Tauren #2, Timerunner #6) - 06/29/24, started from 10
Xellandria-Wyrmrest Accord (70 #49, Horde #21, Mage #3, Nightborne #2) - 06/30/24, started from 60
Witterel-Wyrmrest Accord (70 #50, Alliance #29, Hunter #8, Kul Tiran #6) - 07/01/24, started from 60
Yue-Steamwheedle Cartel (70 #51, Horde #22, Warlock #4, Blood Elf #4) - 07/01/24, started from 1
Xerrah-Area 52 (70 #52, Horde #23, Priest #6, Pandaren #4, Timerunner #7) - 07/05/24, started from 10
Alanya-Stormrage (70 #53, Alliance #30, Priest #7, Kul Tiran #7) - 07/05/24, started from 60
Doktha-Scarlet Crusade (70 #54, Horde #24, Warrior #6, Orc #3) - 07/08/24, started from 60
Fya-Ravenholdt (70 #55, Horde #25, Shaman #5, Vulpera #2, Timerunner #8) - 07/18/24, started from 10
Kezel-Wyrmrest Accord (70 #56, Horde #26, Rogue #3) - 07/27/24, started from 60
Xella-Ravenholdt (70 #57, Horde #27, Warrior #7, Troll #2) - 07/30/24, started from 60
Roxxie-Onyxia (70 #58, Horde #28, Warrior #8, Goblin #1) - 07/30/24, started from 60
Xella-Onyxia (70 #59, Horde #29, Demon Hunter #3, Blood Elf #5) - 07/31/24, started from 60
Samirya-Wyrmrest Accord (70 #60, Alliance #31, Priest #8, Lightforged Draenei #1) - 07/31/24, started from 60
Iotaniya-Area 52 (70 #61, Horde #30, Demon Hunter #4, Blood Elf #6) - 07/31/24, started from 60
Zenbi-Moon Guard (70 #62, Alliance #32, Paladin #3, Lightforged Draenei #2) - 08/19/24, started from 10
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carolina-swifthoof · 8 months ago
Pay it forward
First Light:
I woke up at first light again today. The tent was quiet and barren, as the tribe had already departed, leaving behind some berries as a thoughtful gesture. Though I missed the chance to say hello, I appreciated their kindness. I took to the skies in my flight form, heading to the springs for a peaceful morning bath. The water was soothing, and I took my time to wash and brush out my coat and mane, ensuring I looked my best for the day ahead.
Trip to Thunder Bluff:
Feeling refreshed, I donned my clean leathers and set off for Thunder Bluff. I always look forward to visiting the bread maker there, and today was no exception. I greeted Chieftain Baine upon arrival and made my way to the store, where the fresh sourdough bread was waiting. The aroma was irresistible, and I couldn't resist buying several loaves. I also picked up a bottle of Arcwine from the Nightborne Elves, a treat for later.
Back at the Tent:
Flying back on my loyal drake, I carried the loaves, too many to fit in my satchel. Upon returning, I checked the tent again, still finding no one. I took the leftover berries and prepared a pot on the bonfire to make some Moonberry Jam. The process was enjoyable, and once finished, I set the table with the fresh bread and jam, hoping my tribesmen would appreciate the effort.
Crafting for Runha:
Next, I turned to the task of preparing the furs for Runha. I dragged the tub to a sunny spot and filled it with water, mixing in the bleaching agent. After several dips, the pelt was ready for dyeing. I carefully blended the pigment to match the iridescent glow of her eyes and added moonwell water for a sheen. The final result was stunning, and I hung the pelt up to dry, the blue staining my fingers as I worked.
Care for the Mounts:
With the furs done, I tended to the mounts, ensuring they had food and fresh water. I was careful around Kueya's bug pets, making sure they were well-fed too. It's important to care for all members of our community, big and small.
Helping in Orgrimmar:
Using the enchanted cloak from my mage friend, I traveled to Orgrimmar, eager to help. I found a group of weary travelers in need of assistance and transformed into the great Ursoc to lead them through several perilous dungeons. It was rewarding to see them succeed, and I was glad to provide the rogue with some treasures to aid her journey.
Evening Reflection:
Now, I'm back home, tired but content. The day's activities have left me fulfilled, and I'm ready for a well-deserved nap. There's always more to do, but for now, I'll rest and recharge, knowing I've made a positive impact today.
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ansu-gurleht · 1 year ago
unfortunately like. all my other classes are already accounted for. mostly orcs (shaman), mag’har (warrior, priest), troll (warlock), dwarf (monk), zandalari (paladin, druid), vulpera (rogue), blood elf (demon hunter, mage), dracthyr (evoker obv), and uh……
actually. it occurs to me. i have a hunter who is either highmountain or pandaren. probably the former tbh. so i’m NOT missing a tauren, technically
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flershnork · 1 year ago
Okay, back after not touching the website for 24 hours. Last post was made at like 3 am or something, now it's 5 am the next day.
Anyways: Class customization options like what demon hunters and death knights have.
Ideas going in class alphabetical order(a lot of these are unrealistic but so is this whole idea tbf):
Death Knight: Starting off tough. DKs already get customization and its all very fitting. Obviously add new skin colors and faces to allied races. I guess it would be neat to see varying levels of rot on the different races? Option to have tauren/worgen/pandaren with massive scabs where hair is supposed to be like with the plagued animal models. Humans, elves, draenei, trolls etc. can have visibly loose skin.
Demon Hunter: More influence from more demons on the body. Ability to keep the wings at all times, change the wings for spikes like with the vengeance metamorphosis form, have the felhunter tendrils, etc. I think it would also be neat to go for some customization on the metamorphosis form too.
Druid: Moonkin reworks have been incredible. I just really wish we could make Malfurion like druids. Get horns or antlers like what DHs have. Get feathered arms, fur on the body, cat ears, and some of the glowing markings the new moonkin form got. Maybe these can be used as a moonkin form with the new customizable form, augmented version of the base race, and classic boomkin goodness choice when choosing moonkin.
Evoker: They already get a whole race to themselves. Without reworking Dracthyr, expand the visage form selection to let us have more races as a base with subtle scale patterns, horns, dragon eyes, and other subtle differences.
Hunter: The aesthetic would be very focused on gear and it would be difficult to have that but in the base race body. Best I can say is camouflage options akin to the night elf leaf hair and already existing face paints.
Mage: Nightborne glowing hands for all. Maybe allow options for glowing tattoos and body paint like what nightborne and demon hunters have. Imagine having glowing highmountain tauren antlers.
Monk: Looking into pandaren lore, it is possible to have calloused hand options although it would be very subtle.
Paladin: Lightforged draenei but without the draenei. (Glowing tattoos and floating symbols again, but different from different races)
Priest: Suggested mage effects but gold or purple depending on flavor. Maybe some lighter skin colors judging by both lightforged draenei and pale orcs.
Rogue: Honestly, the only idea I have is taking influence from the shattered hand model as well as the existing mag'har orc skins and having the ability to have dead skin used as pouches. No matter how much I hate thinking about that, it at least has a precedent.
Shaman: Primalist/Primal incarnate vibes. Not all the way, obviously, but I think it would be neat if similarly to the demon hunter scaled skin colors you could have some earth plating on the body or fiery markings along with windlike or waterlike hair.
Warlock: This one actually has the most precedent. Take influences from all of the fel corrupted models. Introduce some of the feltotem options, give all warlock races fel cracking/scarring around their hands and feet. Give new skin colors. Basically, make warlocks less intense demon hunters. Also give the felborne glow to nightborne warlocks.
Warrior: I have genuinely no idea. Battle damage does not feel like it should be locked as all classes could just as easily take that damage whether from being in the front fighting or just being frailer.
Frothing at the mouth wishing for Blizzard to revamp character customization from the ground up or at least add new body types.
I'm tired of all races having exclusively muscular men and dainty hourglass women. I want my female nightborne mage to have a little pudge, I want my male orc warlock to look noticably thinner than other orcs, and most of all I want the ability to give my belf demon hunter abs and arms with enough muscle to tear a felguard in half. Also just standardize between the feminine and masculine body types. Like upright masculine trolls and hunched feminine trolls.
Let the people keep their hourglass elf women and their brick wall draenei men. Just also customization wide enough for me to make twink orcs and amazonian gnomes.
I know a lot of this is probably unrealistic with a game that has used its customization system for 20 years now, but that's why I said "wishing", not "begging".
I have more ideas I'll probably add later but I'm tired right now.
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goldmoonadawnmane · 6 years ago
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C: Blessed By Ursoc by Belvane
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mizunosuzuka · 5 years ago
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Art completed on stream tonight! My Sorcerer in DnD’s little sister Lye, who was burned by a wizard, a Lightforged Goblin, and finally, Goose, resident Highmountain Goblin druid. :)
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