#highlight yoseob reactions
mostlyfate · 2 years
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Highlight*:・゚✧ NOT THE END 2nd win Music Core, 210515.
My gosh. I had no idea. First of all, I couldn't be more grateful. When putting together this album, although it's not a big agency with many people, everyone involved gave it their all by working day and night, so I'd like to thank them all. The same goes for our dancers and our hair and makeup team as well as our stylists. Lastly, fans, thank you so much. I love you.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He’s Scared That You’ll Leave Him ~ Highlight Reaction
Your smile was weak as Doojoon finally returned home, much later than you expected him to. An apology came from Doojoon straight away as he sat down beside you, looking at you in panic that you were still awake.
Your hand rested against Doojoon’s thigh as he took a seat down beside you, “why are you looking at me like that? Have I done something wrong?”
“You’re too good,” he commented.
“Me?” You laughed, pointing at yourself. “Where’s that suddenly come from?” You asked, unaware of how guilty Doojoon felt for making you wait for him to arrive.
His smile matched your own as Doojoon spoke, “how do you keep doing this? I’m always late, or not around, it’s not how I should be.”
“You’re busy with work, you know I understand that.”
“Does your patience not run out though?” Doojoon enquired, “do you ever just want to tell me to go away when I keep cancelling on you.”
“Not at all,” you laughed, nudging against his side. “It’s all part of the job of dating you, I’ve kind of got used to it now anyway.”
Doojoon’s eyes narrowed in your direction, “how can you ever get used to being messed around by me as much as this?”
“I guess you just make it worthwhile.”
As you began the drive home, you couldn’t help but notice that Yoseob wasn’t quite himself. When you pushed him on it, you got nothing, but eventually he began to explain what had upset him through the night.
You smiled sympathetically as Yoseob worried about the attention you got from some of your colleagues. “You’re not jealous of them, are you?”
“It’s not that,” he responded.
“You think they paid much attention to me?” You then suggested, watching as Yoseob’s head nodded. “Don’t tell me you think that they had my attention, please.”
Yoseob’s nervous stare met your own, “they were all so funny and good looking, even I wouldn’t blame you if you dated one of them Y/N.”
“But you’re the one that I’m dating, none of them.”
“I know,” Yoseob whispered, turning to glance out of the window. “I guess they just made me feel a little insecure, like I’m not good enough.”
“That’s nonsense,” you replied, quickly shutting Yoseob down, “I mean they’re nice colleagues, but they can be so irritating Yoseob.”
A faint chuckle came from him as you reassured him, “you’re really telling me that you like me more than all of them?”
“Of course, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as Gikwang mumbled underneath his breath, concerned that he was taking the stress that he was experiencing at work out on you, fearing how much longer you’d tolerate it.
Your head shook as Gikwang finished, clearing your throat straight away. “Are you kidding me? I want to help you, not get annoyed with you Gikwang.”
“Aren’t I annoying?” He quizzed.
“We all get stressed, it would never give me a reason to leave you,” you chuckled, draping your arm across his shoulders, “you need to talk to me, not worry about me.”
Gikwang’s concerned eyes glanced to where you were beside him, “you’ve taken care of me constantly, doesn’t it start to drive you up the wall?”
“Not when it’s the person you love who needs help.”
“Thank you,” Gikwang whispered, resting his head against the side of yours. “I don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes here with me.”
“Just promise me one thing,” you asked of him, “stop thinking that I’m going to leave, because I’m not, I’m just going to keep supporting you.”
Gikwang nodded as he made his promise to you, “if I start annoying you though, you have to tell me too Y/N.”
“I’ll never get annoyed with you, don’t worry.”
It was understandably hectic as you and Dongwoon prepared to come to the end of packing his belongings for him to head on tour. All evening something that had been up with Dongwoon, eventually spilling.
Your head nodded as Dongwoon voiced his concerns about leaving you and going on tour. “How come you’re worried about me? I’ll be alright by myself.”
“WIll you still be here?” He asked.
“Of course,” you scoffed, almost in disbelief that Dongwoon would ask you such a thing. “You think that I’d leave whilst you’re on the road or something, have you lost your mind?”
Dongwoon’s shoulders shrugged in reply to you, “it crossed my mind, I’m scared you’ll get bored of waiting for me or find someone who can be around.”
“It’s only a couple of weeks, I’ll just be missing you.”
“Really?” Dongwoon quizzed in surprise, feeling your hand rest over the top of his. “You promise that you’ll be here when I get back home Y/N?”
“Of course, I promise,” you chuckled, squeezing against Dongwoon’s hand, “just as long as you promise to miss me whilst you’re on tour.”
Dongwoon’s head nodded instantly back to you, “I know that I’ll be missing you every second whilst I’m gone.”
“And I’ll be missing you just as much too.”
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xplzdontbesadx · 6 months
Highlight reacting to their Body music video 😍❤
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Highlight- As Dads
Group: Highlight- all members
Theme: Highlight as dads
Type: Bullet-style reaction/scenario
he’d definitely would the dad who loves to take tons of pictures and make home videos
like he’d just want to capture every milestone in his kids life
his kids would be tired of constantly getting the pictures taken but they’d become really photogenic because of it
he’s also really emotional like when they promote to elementary school to middle school he’d go all out and spoil them
he’d try to be strict but he’d give in to his soft side
he’d make really punny jokes too and no one will admit how much they really love it
he’d also spoil his kids often but it would mostly be for food more than anything
he’d make sure his kiddos are always well fed so they might be a lil chubby but he’d love it
he’d also be that parent who brags about their kids too
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he’d be the super strict one
he wouldn’t cut his any slack and always except a lot from them
he wouldn’t be mean but he wouldn’t be able to express his feelings well
like it would kinda hard for him to tell his kiddos how much he loves him and how proud he is of them
but like you know he’d be extremely proud of them for anything that they do but he’d push them to best their best
he’d have the most meaningful stories about hard-work and struggles and his kids would always appreciate them
he’d still be very shy and squishy and his kids would love to exploit his giggly side and they’d live to embarrass him
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he’s kinda awkward but he’s hella funny and extremely sassy
he’d get along with his kids well and be the most supportive one
he’d go to all their games, he’s basically a soccer mom
ooh he’s suuper protective so he’d be strict in the sense that he wouldn't let his kids go out much without him
but he’d love to game nights and always have singing battle
oooh in car rides, him and his kiddos would be singing their lungs out to any given song on the radio
he’d be really playful too like he’d be playing all sorts of competitive games with his kiddos and would be hella salty if he lost
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 he’d be that dad who makes his kids wear like super fashionable, designer brands and stuff and would take aesthetically pleasing pics with his kids
he’s another dad who would try be strict but ends up being hella giggly instead
he’d spoil his kiddos rotten like anything they wanted he’d get it
oooh he’d love to embarrass his kids in front of their friends or just public in general
he’d be hella cuddly with his kids and would always give them cheek kisses randomly
he’d make sure his kids are very outgoing and involved in many sports and stuff
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he’s the most relatable and friend-like kinda dad
like he'd be soo chill and genuinely really fun
of course he'd embarrass his kids but they would always get him back
he'd be the most involved with their social lives and would get jealous when his kiddos left to hang out with their friends
he’d love to go on super long walks with them and love to go on adventures which means long road trips
he’d always tell them the easy way to do things and always save them from their other parent’s wrath
ooh he would kiss his spouse just to embarrass his kiddos and he’ d love it because he knows he made his whole fam happy
he would loveee to pull pranks on his kids but if he ever went too far he would always make it up to them by treating them to ice cream or something like that
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*AHHH this was so fun to write, man I love highlight sooo much
*comment down below which ‘dad’ are you most like, I think I would be most like Dongwoon but its like a mix of Doojoon and Dongwoon tbh
*send requests for these dorks bc I love writing for them
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smitten--kitten · 5 years
Yoseob Dream #1
I was in the kitchen, cooking sauce so that I could make a lasagna. Yoseob had his elbows over the counter, watching me. Rocking back and forth on his heels he spoke up asking for me to 'Make an extra cheesy iguana' instead of lasagna. I did a soft snort and playfully agreed. Yoseob was a little embarrassed, but knew it was gentle teasing, and he was excited to eat.
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Caught Touching His Girlfriend [Doojoon and Yoseob]
This is smutty obviously. Read at your own will.
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Doojoon’s jaw dropped at his girlfriend’s, Jiyeon, words. “I’m sorry what?”
Jiyeon batted her lashes as she grew closer to Doojoon. Her manicured nails played with the buttons on his shirt, “I want to try getting off in public.”
They were the only two in the dressing room as the others were preparing for another performance. Doojoon stared Jiyeon down and bit his lips as he eyed her short skirt. He reached out and placed his hand on her hip as his eyes traveled up her body to her lips. He pressed his lips to hers which she returned. His hand caressed her hip before he shook his head and broke the kiss. “I can’t. What if someone sees?” He gave her one last kiss before he headed off to the stage.
Jiyeon tsked as she felt hornier than she was when she first got to the concert. “Fine…” She tilted her head as she stared at the door her boyfriend flew through, “Then, I’ll make you just as horny as me.” Her lips curved into a smile as she began to plan out her attack.
It was another intermission, Dongwoon and Yoseob were still on stage when Doojoon and Kikwang returned backstage to get changed. Jiyeon greeted the two as she handed them some waters. Doojoon was getting dressed as Kikwang threw himself on the couch when Jiyeon grabbed a towel, “Aw, Kikwang, you’re so sweaty. Here” she leaned down and wiped his brow.
Doojoon got the full display of his girlfriend’s ass and he could tell she didn’t wear anything underneath the skirt. He swallowed hard as she stood back up and turned to him. She smirked when she saw the heated gaze. He cleared his throat as he turned around to change without thinking about Jiyeon.
He was about to walk out when Jiyeon called him back, “You’re so clumsy.” She pulled his tie off of him. “You’d think you’d learn how to tie these correctly… Or is it you only know how to tie them around my wrists?” Doojoon sucked in a breath between his teeth. Her hands crept up to his shirt as she fixed his tie. She patted his chest and stepped back with a nod, “You’re all good now.” Doojoon glared at her as he tried to fix his pants. Jiyeon waved with a teasing smile. She knew she got him.
By the end of the concert, Doojoon was done pretending. Jiyeon had done nothing but tease and work him up. He wanted his own revenge. The group and Jiyeon climbed into the van to head back to the company where their cars awaited them. Doojoon wasn’t thinking of the location. He just wanted to work Jiyeon up. He placed his hand on her inner thigh and pried them apart a bit. She shot him a look of not now but Doojoon ignored her. She wanted to do something public, he wasn’t going to keep denying her. His fingers worked their way up her thigh, pushed her skirt up with them, as they messaged her inner thigh. Jiyeon bit her lip in anticipation. Doojoon’s finger grazed her labia and he leaned down to her ear, “Already so wet for me?” He nibbled on her earlobe as his finger continued to tease her.
He slipped his first finger in her with ease. She pressed her hands to her mouth to keep her moan down. She looked at the others who were just a row ahead not paying them any mind. Doojoon noticed she was distracted, so he slipped a second finger in and pumped them. Jiyeon’s face grew flush as she looked down at his fingers. She let out a gasp that she quickly covered with a fake cough.
“Fuck, I can feel how wet my fingers are” He growled as he assaulted her vagina, “You’re dripping.” Jiyeon huffed as he continued. He hit her g-spot on accident and she launched forward unprepared for that pleasure that coursed up her spine. “Oh?” She could hear the smirk in his voice. “Did that feel good? Should I go harder?” He asked rhetorically as he repeatedly fingered the same spot.
“Doo–stop” she pleaded as she felt herself falling apart. However, it was too late as she accidentally let out the moan she tried to suppress. Doojoon looked at her in shock. The others’ heads had turned by that point. She pressed her hands to her face in embarrassment.
“Hyung, can’t you just wait until you get back to your place” Yoseob cringed.
Doojoon’s face reddened as he mumbled a quick apology and he pulled his fingers out of Jiyeon leaving her high and dry. He couldn’t even look at her again the rest of the trip to the company.
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Yoseob invited his girlfriend, Mina, out to eat with his group members. They had reserved a small room for privacy away from the other guests of the restaurant. Yoseob sucked down his first beer as he tried to kill the neediness it felt because of MIna. All day, Mina had done nothing but tease him and left him horny and craving to be inside her. He wanted to get her back. He needed to get her back. It was like a light-switch flipped in his head as he thought of how to pay her back.
The meal was set in front of everyone and Mina looked ready to devour it all when she felt Yoseob’s hand trace her thigh. She glanced at him, but he as focused on the food he plucked off the tray and on his plate. She didn’t think a thing of it as she grabbed some food completely unaware of the devious smile her boyfriend had.
As she ate, Yoseob’s hand trailed higher up her thigh and she froze which caught the attention of Kikwang, “You okay?”
“Ye-yea. I think I just ate something a bit too spicy” she lied as she went for her water. She gave a thumbs up as she put the glass down. Kikwang looked away and Yoseob continued up his path. Mina refused to let him get to a reaction from her.
Yoseob’s fingers touched her shaved labia and he looked over at her in disbelief.
She could see the question in his eyes. Mina pulled his head closer to her as she whispered, “I’m not wearing anything underneath.”
He groaned as his fingers grazed her slightly wet labia. Yoseob had barely even touched her and she was already wet. He licked his lips as he thought if they were alone she could be on his lap riding him. He pushed a finger in her and thrusted at a slow teasing pace.
Mina let out a quiet gasp as she reached down and held on his thigh for some relief. Her food long forgotten as he grazed the spot that gave her pleasure. Under her lashes, she looked to see the three boys were so focused on their food and drinks, they didn’t realize she was withering beneath her boyfriends callous finger.
Yoseob added a second finger. The pace increased. Mina tightened her grip on his thigh as she leaned over her food. Yoseob’s eyes devoured her withering body with lust. “Go on… Cum in front of them. Let them see how I take my desert” he teased. Mina let out a low choked moan as her climax hit and her eyes waters. Yoseob chuckled darkly as he pulled his fingers from her and he lapped up the juices on his fingers as Mina caught her breath.
“Hyunnnnng” Dongwoon whined. “Some of us are still eating!”
Yoseob laughed as he saw his members looked at him in embarrassment, “Don’t act so innocent. Each one of you have got your girl off at a dinner table more than once.” He called them out on their bullshit. Their faces reddened as they went back to eating knowing Yoseob was right. He looked at Mina with and licked his lips. The dark lustful look in his eyes told Mina that he was no where near done with her.
Part II 
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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kimsoonblog-blog · 5 years
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narika-a · 7 years
19 for highlight yoseob ♡♡♡ Also to 🐉anon Haiiiiiii i luv wanna one too !!!!
Ayyy another Wannable~~
19. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.”
Yang Yoseob x Reader
Genre: College/University AU, fluff
Word Count: 195
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“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me,” he chuckled, flashing you that beautiful smile of his.
“Pfff, naaah,” you laughed nervously, sipping your drink and slowly increasing the distance between you.
“Wait,” he said when you noticed your strange behaviour. “Were you actually?” he asked surprised.
“Naaaaaaaaaaaah… No way,” you chugged down your whole drink and slammed the glass against the bar. 
“You so were,” he teased you.
“I wasn’t you said so yourself,” you pouted, ordering another drink but he just fling his hand around your shoulder and poked your cheek.
“Come on Y/N, no need to get angry. You should know already that there is no need for you to seduce me. I’m all yours.”
You almost spit your drink at his statement. People normally don’t say things like this out of the blue. You tried to get out of his grasp but he firmly held you in place.
“Hey, I just sort of confessed to you, where are you going?”
“I need another drink,” you quickly replied, blushing like crazy. You will need more than one of them if you were to survive this night.
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itstheoneshot · 3 years
Kai’s Masterlist
I’ll keep this updated as I post anything new, I hope this makes viewing my blog a little easier for you all! Please be patient, my life is crazy hectic! I will still try to write as much as I can, just some days I might not get the chance to!
Here’s a link to my post on how to format your request, send them in via ask!
My DMs are always open for chats, and you can find me on my main here too!
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- Onew
Best Friends Forever
365 Days
Night Off
- Jonghyun
White T-Shirt - A Series (in progress)
Merry Christmas
- Key
Booty Call
Designer Boy
- Minho
First Time 
In Charge
- Taemin
Seven Minutes In Heaven
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- Reactions/Imagines: All
Finding Out You’re Pregnant Part 1
Finding Out You’re Pregnant Part 2
Coming Out As Trans Part 1
Coming Out As Trans Part 2
- Xiumin
Video Call
- Luhan
Rack City
- Kris
Game On
Oh, Baby
Camera - Ft Chen
Kitten - x Tao
- Suho
First Day
Naekkeo (Mine)
Too Loud - Ft Sehun
- Lay
Woe, Is Me
- Baekhyun
- Chen
Camera - Ft Kris
- Chanyeol
One More Take
High Heels
- D.O.
- Tao
Kitten - x Kris
- Kai
Play Time
Yes, Daddy
- Sehun
I Don’t Wanna Share
And... Cut!
Too Loud - Ft Suho
- CPop
Wang Yibo - Not Good For You
Wang Yibo - He’s a Model, Darling
Ricky x Gyuvin x Reader - Two For One
Lucas - Study Session
Hendery - Doctor, Doctor
Yuta - Tokyo Nights
- GOT7
Jackson Wang - Drunken Love
- Wonho
- Stray Kids
Felix - Our Secret - Full Length Fic on Ao3 (Complete)
Changbin - Don’t Touch
- 2PM
Junho - Unlucky Thirteen
G-Dragon - Work From Home
Gikwang + Yoseob - Happy Fucking Birthday
- K-Drama
Song Joong-ki - Vacation
Jang Hanseo (Kwak Dong Yeon) - Believe Me
Ji Changwook - Daddy Issues
400 Followers Special
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Kinktober 2022
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Kinktober 2023
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mostlyfate · 2 years
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Highlight*:・゚✧ Alone 2nd win (64th win) Show Champion, 221116.
Doojoon: It's been a long time, since we won at Show Champion. Yoseob: We used to win trophies at Show Champion really huge... Trophies so huge, they could fit my whole head! Dongwoon: This particular win, is HIGHLIGHT'S 64th win. Thank you. Feel honored. Really honored... It's been 14 years y'all still love us still cheering for us... really appreciate it. (tr.)
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Lay Down Between His Legs ~ Highlight Reaction
Suspicious eyes watched over you as Doojoon caught you shuffling out of the corner of his eye once again. “Where are you heading to?” He suddenly asked.
An innocent smile formed on your face as you met Doojoon’s eyes, “I was just looking at that gap I can see between your legs, it looks pretty me sized.”
Doojoon nodded as he looked between the gap and you, “and I’m guessing you’re trying to move there without me noticing what you’re doing, aren’t you?”
“How?” You grumbled, “how do you always manage to work me out like this?”
“You weren’t exactly being subtle there Y/N.”
With that, Doojoon wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tightly in between his legs. “I thought if I moved slowly you wouldn’t notice.”
“Nice try,” Doojoon sympathised, pressing a kiss against your shoulder, “but you’re going to have to do better than that.”
“Oh well, at least I’m finally where I want to be Joon.”
“Exactly, and where I want you too.”
A chuckle came from you as Yoseob’s legs squeezed even tighter against your frame either side of you. “You said you were cold, so I’m just warming you up.”
You could barely chuckle as your hands tapped against his legs, “I said that I was cold, I didn’t say that I wanted you to squeeze the life out of me though.”
A shrug of the shoulders came from Yoseob as you looked back at him, “unfortunately that’s what you get for deciding that you want to lay down in between my legs.”
“You’re so mean to me,” you pouted, “what did I ever do to you to deserve this?”
“You made me move my legs when I was comfy.”
A roll of the eyes followed from you as Yoseob dramatically sighed, “you’d barely been sat down for five minutes, there’s no way that you were cosy.”
“I was, because I was warm,” he retorted, “so stop pouting at me unless you want me to move and let you keep yourself warm.”
“Sometimes I wonder what it is that I ever saw in you.”
“My nice warm legs, that’s what.”
Your eyes rolled at Yoseob’s confident reply, hearing his snigger follow. “If you think your legs were the reason I fell for you, you’re mistaken.”
“Of course,” Yoseob agreed, “because you fell instead for my handsome smile and my beautiful eyes, didn’t you?”
“You can be so full of yourself sometimes, you know?”
“But that’s just why you love me.”
Your smile turned up as you felt a gentle tug against your hair, knowing exactly what Gikwang was doing. “Sorry,” he whispered, knowing what he had done.
Your head shook in reply to him as you placed your hands against his legs. “You’re alright, it didn’t hurt,” you assured him, not wanting him to worry.
Gikwang continued to twirl your hair around in his finger, watching you with concerned eyes. “Are you sure?” Gikwang pushed, immediately beginning to worry.
“I’m fine,” you chuckled, “it can’t hurt anyway when I’m laying right here.”
“My legs don’t stop things hurting Y/N.”
Your head carried on shaking in Gikwang’s direction, “laying here makes me feel comfortable so that absolutely nothing can hurt me.”
“Your logic gives me a headache sometimes,” Gikwang couldn’t help but retort, looking down at you with his eyes narrowing.
“Just keep playing with my hair and it’ll all make sense.”
“I reckon I can keep doing that.”
You threw yourself down with a huff as you noticed the gap in Dongwoon’s legs, finally relaxing. “I thought at one point you weren’t coming home tonight.”
Dongwoon’s hands rested through your hair as you leant back, “I was convinced at one point that I wasn’t going to be coming home tonight either.”
A chuckle escaped from him as he listened to you, watching you yawn as you spoke. “I hope you don’t plan on falling asleep on me, we can’t sleep on the sofa.”
“I’m not moving,” you quickly warned him, “you’ll have to move me you know.”
“If I need to carry you to bed, then I will.”
Your head nodded, happily agreeing to let Dongwoon carry you. “Don’t move just yet, I’m comfy here and after the day I’ve had, this is what I need.”
“We don’t have to go anywhere just yet,” Dongwoon assured you, “but you know we can’t spend all night on the sofa.”
“I reckon we could, I can lay between your legs here too.”
“Trust me Y/N, you’ll regret it.”
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Highlight- Idol gf doing a sexy/ hot concept
Group: Highlight- all members 
Theme: Request- idol girlfriend having a really sexy and hot concept
Type: reaction-  fluffy + suggestive 
would be super jealous 
asffffffff !!!!
like how is his hot ass gf looking and being so sexy for everyone else ?? 
it would def lead some hot and sexy “concepts” at home if you know what I mean 
*wink wink* 
but him viciously swatting other boys and girls’ drooling over you aside- 
you know he would be so supportive and proud of you 
when fans wish that they could have you, he would take tooooooo much pride in being able to pick you up from your shows and take you home 
if you tried to show him your sexy dance moves at home he’d get so flustered and hella shy but the second that your confidence and power would go back to normal then he’d transform into his cocky self and ask for more of those sexy dance moves 
but all in all 
he’d be so lucky + grateful to have you
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would be hella shy 
“mood light”  
when he first saw you performing he would look shy and blushy on the outside 
on the inside he’d be thinking of nasty, nasty things because your sexy performance would get his imagination running 
it would look like he is his usual cool & collected self but in reality your hot concept would have more of an impact on him then he’d like to admit  
highkey always turned on whenever he catches a glimpse of your performance
overall tho he’d be supportive and amazed by you 
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he’d be flustered & shocked 
but only when he first saw your outfit & choreography bc you know he’d be used to your hot & sexy self at home 
but he’d be the most supportive 
he’d even go so far as to send a video to you of him dancing to your parts of the song with a huge goofy grin on his face
he’d just be so proud that you were his gf and not just another idol to him 
and if any fans came up to you for your autograph he’d definitely adopt a bodyguard persona but also stand protectively behind you with a proud smile that he could not hide
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be impressed asffff
like his jaw would drop the first time he saw you 
but he’d try to give you tips on how improve your form and perfect that body roll or thrust so that when he saw you perform again then he would just be focused on how smooth & hypnotic your hot & sexy moves were 
would just be in absolute awe at how good you were in this concept and not to mention how sexy you looked 
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he wouldn’t even be shocked the first time he saw ur performance bc he’d be in a trance of just drooling and admiring you 
like someone would have to shake him to get him out of his trance induced by you
he’d always tease you when he heard your song in public by doing your signature move in the choreo or the face you made when you have to hit the high notes 
but seeing in that concept would drive him crazy bc he already loves you so much and that concept would just further prove to him how lucky he is to have you to do that kinda concept with him anytime anyplace *wink*
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smitten--kitten · 5 years
Out of Context: Highlight Edition
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
❝ Every single word my love ❞
Plot: You are dating Yoseob after breaking up with Sunggyu, who is still angry about the break up 
Pairing: Yoseob x Reader
Words count: 2,1k+
Genre: Fluff, drama and angst
For anon , I hope you like it ^^
The break up texts - part 1
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You looked at the conversation once again. It was something you read over and over up until you were ready to bawl your eyes out. Your relationship with Sunggyu wasn't perfect, but no relationship was perfect per say. The break up came so swift that both of you weren't even sure what how it really happened, all you both knew was that it was over. Even though it had been six months since the break up, you needed to move on. You needed to get out of the depressing rut you found yourself in, and the person who got you out was a certain button nosed singer.
‘You need to stop reading those.’ A heavy sigh was heard as the person walked into the room, ‘That is the past, Y/N.’
‘I know Yoseob, but I just can’t stop reading everything,’ You still looked at the phone, ‘It was the last conversation we had before calling it quits, and to be honest, I don’t think he has fully excepted it.’
Yoseob took a seat next to you and grabbed the phone, ‘Acceptance or not, you are now mine and he can’t do anything about it, so please stop fixating on the past when you have a wonderful future ahead of you.’
‘A future with you, I hope.’ You joked, pulling him to lay down with you.
‘I wouldn't have it any other way, jagi.’
Some would think you moved on fast with dating Yoseob, but he was your vocal coach when they were back with CUBE ENTERTAINMENT. He was your friend and someone you trusted, even when you dated the Infinite singer. You wouldn't deny the fact that you did have feelings for him in the past, prior to dating Sunggyu, but that vanished when you were with the other male. Sunggyu was special, he was someone who showed you many things. Someone who was kind and gentle but just seemed to go a bit of the rails as you both progressed forward.
‘Yoseob said he caught you reading the conversation again.’ A voice filled the studio you were practicing your dancing in.
‘You and him are too close for my liking, Hyuna.’ You teased her.
‘Calm down,’ She chuckled, ‘You do know we are just friends, we have knows each other for so long that the idea of dating any of the boys would make me sick. They like older gross brothers.’
‘Okay, you are safe…..for now.’
‘Now why are you still reading that dreadful thing?’
‘Guilt I guess,’ You shrugged your shoulders, ‘Like it was just a simple fight over dinner but when I got home, it blew up. Never in my life did I picture myself swearing in the manner that I did that night.’
‘Has he tried contacting you?’ Hyuna asked.
‘Once or twice, but nothing more.’
‘And what about you and Yoseob?’
‘I don’t think he knows, well no one does, besides the people we told.’ You reassured.
And it was a reassurance you hoped you were right about. Junhyung sat in his studio, busy recording when he heard his door open. In walked a disgruntled Sunggyu. The rapper and singer had become good friend through music. They could have a good conversation just around music and they would be happy. Jun removed his headphones and looked at his friend.
‘What’s wrong with you?’ He asked.
‘Is it true?’
‘Yoseob and Y/N?’
At that moment, the rappers eyes grew twice in size, ‘I-I have no idea what you talking about.’
‘Don’t lie to me, Yong Junhyung!’ The singers eyes narrowed as Jun gulped.
Meanwhile you had been practicing your choreography for hours straight. Since you dropped your album, you had been busy with promotions. Your schedule had been crazy that you were surprised you had time to even breath. The music for you title song blasted through the speakers as your body quickly moved to the beat. It had become second nature at this moment that you didn't even hear the door open and close. Once the music stopped, clapping filled the now silent dance studio.
‘My teachings really have paid off.’ A male voice filled the space.
‘In your dreams Jang Hyunseung.’ You chuckled, walking to fetch your sweat towel, ‘Heading out now?’
‘I was about to ask you the same question, do you have any idea what time it is?’ The doe eyes male looked at you as you looked at your phone.
‘Crap,’ You gasped, ‘I didn't even notice.’
Hyunseung couldn't help but just smile, ‘Just don’t work yourself to death, okay? Eunkwang is just finishing up with Ilhoon, so they will be the last artists in the building, well besides you.’
‘Hyuna gone?’
‘Ah ha, so has the boys from Pentagon so don’t be here late. I am sure Seobbie wants you home early.’
‘You still miss them, don’t you?’ Your voice soft as he looked as if in deep thought.
He shook his head violently, ‘Forget it. Don’t stay late, see you tomorrow.’
With that, Hyunseung had left. You knew he missed his old members but you didn't want to push the situation. Taking a long sip of water, you reminded yourself about the two other males in the building. Pressing play on your iPod, you were back at it with the dancing. A good hour passed as the sweat glistened on your skin and your breathing was heavy. Your body was aching but it was good type of aching, according to you. The music came to a stop when, yet again, clapping filled the studio.
‘What is it with you Cub….’ You trialled off when you turned to see who it was.
‘Surprised?’ The voice said with amusement, ‘Expecting someone else, Munchkin?’
That nickname made your stomach churn, ‘I thought you were Eunkwang and Ilhoon.’
‘Oh really? The guard said you were the only person here.’
‘They must have left them.’
A sinister chuckle filled the room, ‘Observant as ever, Y/N.’
‘What do you want, Sunggyu?’ Your eyes rolled .
‘Oh just checking up on you,’ He stepped into the room and closed the door, ‘You have been good?’
‘Great, is that all?’ You hissed.
‘Not particularly.’ He leaded against the wall.
Sunggyu had the ability to make himself annoying just on the spot. Whether it was his use of words or just not taking the message when enough was enough. Many times he would do this but you found it cute at the time of dating, but now it was just plain irritating and getting on your nerves. You wished it was one of the BTOB boys rather then him. It was just strange to have him pop in all of a sudden.
‘If not, then what?’ You turned to face him.
‘I heard something interesting today.’ The singer scratched his chin.
‘Great,’ You ginned, ‘You can go and share it with your members, I need to go.’
‘But it involves you,’ He played dumb, ‘I went to visit Junnie and overheard a conversation with Doojoon and Yoseob.’
‘Ohhh….’ Your voice soft.
‘You cheated on me!’ His voice harsh but also low.
‘Excuse me?’ You took a step back in shock, ‘What are you talking about?’
‘It’s been six months, Y/N!’ Gyu threw his hands up in frustration, ‘SIX FUCKING MONTHS!’
‘That doesn't mean I cheated on you!’ You tried to keep your composer.
‘Really? Then you and Yoseob must just get along fucking well!’
‘Matter a fact, yeah we do!’
‘Is that why you didn't want to have supper with me that night, was it because you were with him?’
You both stood in the middle of the dance studio. Your body was drenched in sweat but now every thing seemed to just evaporate. He would dare accuse you of cheating on him just because you couldn't have dinner with him? Sunggyu was many things, but this was something to far. He was not just throwing accusations around because he clearly had no idea what to do with himself.
‘I was busy that evening!’ You shouted, ‘I was alone in the studio!.’
‘I don't believe you.’ He walked closer to you, ‘You have always been so comfortable with him!’
‘Because he is my friend and was my vocal coach when I was still a trainee!’ You defended, ‘You know all of this already, so why are you so hung up on it!?’
‘Because you moved on so quickly and I am not entirely satisfied that it was just mutual agreeing between the two of you!’ He accused.
You had a raised brow, ‘Are you accusing me of setting you up for a break up?’
‘Some thing along that line.’ He began walking as you backed against the glass mirrors.
‘Do you really think I am that diabolical?! The fight occurred because of supper, Sunggyu!’ You screamed that you didn't even hear your phone vibrating.
Yosoeb had been send phone call after phone call since Sunggyu’s arrival. Since you were so caught up in his false accusation, you didn't pay much attention. The Highlight singer knew something was wrong. He was meant to fetch you but only when you were finished. Noticing that the time was getting late, he pressed on the gas and zipped through the streets towards the building that housed all his old trainee memories and debuting history.
‘You honestly left me with nothing else,’ Your ex pinned you to the mirror, ‘You were always around him so much.’
‘And so?’ You challenged, ‘Why didn't you say anything?’
‘BECAUSE I TRUSTED YOU!’ He screeched.
‘And you had my trust! I never once crossed you when we were together, I was loyal right up till the end,’ You countered, his grip tightening, ‘Your anger right now has nothing to do with the fact that I spent time with him, but because I left you.’
‘You left me for him!’ He pointed out.
‘I did no such thing! I left you because if wasn't WORKING! We were always busy and at each others throat,’ You explained, not aware of someone at the door, ‘Dating a fellow idol is hard, and I believed it because when I was with you, it was difficult but I don’t regret my years with you,’ His hold getting tighter, ‘Ahhh you are hurting me, Sunggyu.’
‘I don’t believe you!’ He pulled you away and tossed you on the floor, ‘I lov-’
‘Enough!’ A voice cut him off as the person ran in and came to your side, ‘Y/N, you okay?’
‘Yoseob?’ You questioned, looking at his face, ‘What are you doing here?’
‘I tried phoning but you didn't answer.’ He said softly, before standing up and facing your ex, ‘What are you doing here?’
‘You are pathetic, ya know?’ Sunggyu sent a menacing chuckle out.
‘Sorry?’ The smaller’s hands began to ball into fits .
‘You just couldn't wait, could you?’
‘What are you talking about?!’
‘Y/N!’ He pointed at you, ‘You knew she was mine so you just slowly weaseled your way in so you could get her! How pathetic.’
‘Are you dense or something?’ Yoseob questioned, ‘I would never ruin someone else’s relationship. She left you. I had no dealing in this. If anyone is pathetic, it’s you. She has moved on, so do yourself a favor and do the same!’
‘You can have my sloppy seconds.’ He hissed just as a hard fist came ramming into his jaw, ‘The FUCK!’
‘Don’t you ever call her that!’ He warned, ‘She is more precious and valuable then you will ever know. You had something good Sunggyu and I am sorry that you lost it. She is a one in a million girl and you never deserved her to begin with.’
‘I knew you liked her!’ He pointed a finger, holding his jaw.
‘Because she is likable, not because I wanted to take her away from you. I am a gentlemen.' He walked and helped you stand up, ‘Are you okay, my love?’
‘I’m fine.’ You said softly just as Yoseob turned and faced the Infinite singer.
‘You better go and put some ice on that.’ Your boyfriend grabbed your things and walked towards the door, ‘Have a good evening.’
‘Where the hell you think you going?! We aren't done here Yang Yoseob!’
‘I am going home and taking my precious lady with me. She deserves more then a man who has delusional ideas. She is worth more then you would have ever imagined.’ With that, he slammed the door shut. The both of you now stood in the hallway, ‘What?’
‘Did you mean all of that?’
‘Me being valuable and stuff?’
‘Every single word my love….every single damn word.’
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jmsblog1 · 7 years
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Come Home Late After An Argument ~ Highlight Reaction
“Nice to see you’re finally home,” Doojoon remarked as you walked through the front door.
“Try telling your voice that,” you replied, picking up straight away on the sarcastic tones that were in Doojoon’s voice as he spoke to you.
A sigh came from him as your eyes shot a glare back across at him. “Let’s not start this again Y/N, being childish and stupid towards each other, we’ve done enough of that for one day.”
“You were the one that started it,” you pointed out with a shrug of your shoulders, “deciding to try and be smart.”
Doojoon reluctantly nodded in agreement, “I’m the one that’s ending it then. What even took you so long? Why didn’t you at least text me Y/N?”
“Because I was mad at you, why would I text?”
“That doesn’t stop me worrying.”
“Oh,” you whispered as Doojoon’s voice dropped into a faint murmur. “I didn’t think you’d be that fussed considering what you said earlier.”
Another sigh escaped from Doojoon as he looked back at you, “I said some nonsense, but that never stops me caring for you.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to do that.”
“What time do you call this?” Yoseob asked you before you even managed to open the door.
“Midnight,” you shrugged back at him, deciding after he yelled at you that you were going to carry things on between you both too.
A shake of the head came from Yoseob as he listened to your reply. “I’m being serious Y/N, it’s almost the middle of the night and you were just walking the streets like nothing.”
“I wasn’t the walking the streets,” you grumbled, “I live here Yoseob, I think I know my way around the city pretty well.”
His eyes rolled at how defensive you were. “If that’s how you want to be then think of this from my view? Not knowing what was going on.”
“Wasn’t it obvious that I was out and about?”
“Yeah and worrying about you too.”
“You don’t worry about me, I mean you practically said that earlier,” you shrugged again, throwing yourself down onto the sofa at the same time.”
His eyes followed you around the room as you moved, “I think we both said things in the heat of the moment earlier Y/N.”
“I guess you’re right there.”
“You’re here,” Gikwang murmured, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes just to be sure.
“You were asleep?” You asked in surprise, watching Gikwang sit himself up. “Why didn’t you go to bed if you were tired Gikwang?”
His head shook back at you, still waking himself up slightly. “I couldn’t actually go up to bed without you here, I didn’t know where you were, or if something had happened to you too.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted, calmly moving around the room, not realising just how worried Gikwang was about you.
A sigh came from Gikwang as he watched how unbothered you were. “How was I supposed to know that you were fine from over here Y/N?”
“I don’t know, I guess just a lucky guess.”
“It’s not the time to joke.”
“I’m fine,” you reminded Gikwang, beginning to understand just how much he fretted about you. “You don’t need to panic about anything.”
A hum escaped Gikwang as you sat yourself down, “if you’re going to stay out that late again, you have to let me know.”
“I will do, I promise Gikwang.”
“What were you playing at?” Dongwoon asked you, racing up from the sofa and across to you.
“Woah, steady,” you warned Dongwoon as he almost threw himself at you, wrapping his arms as tightly as he could around your frame.
A shaky breath came from Dongwoon as he rested against your shoulder, “you terrified me Y/N, I had no idea where you were or what you were doing, let alone whether you were coming back.”
“I just walked, and walked,” you explained, placing your hands against the small of Dongwoon’s back gently.
You’d never felt his grip so tight as a sigh came from him, “I was thinking about going out to find you and asking the boys to come and help me too.”
“I would have come home at some point.”
“I didn’t know that though.”
“I know,” you whispered back to him, “I should’ve let you know that I was safe and that I’d be back, I was too stubborn to want to text you.”
A hum of agreement came from Dongwoon, “you’re home now, and that’s all that matters. I don’t have to go out searching.”
“You don’t, I’m right back here now.”
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