#yoseob scenarios
blu-joons · 2 years
When He’s Scared That You’ll Leave Him ~ Highlight Reaction
Your smile was weak as Doojoon finally returned home, much later than you expected him to. An apology came from Doojoon straight away as he sat down beside you, looking at you in panic that you were still awake.
Your hand rested against Doojoon’s thigh as he took a seat down beside you, “why are you looking at me like that? Have I done something wrong?”
“You’re too good,” he commented.
“Me?” You laughed, pointing at yourself. “Where’s that suddenly come from?” You asked, unaware of how guilty Doojoon felt for making you wait for him to arrive.
His smile matched your own as Doojoon spoke, “how do you keep doing this? I’m always late, or not around, it’s not how I should be.”
“You’re busy with work, you know I understand that.”
“Does your patience not run out though?” Doojoon enquired, “do you ever just want to tell me to go away when I keep cancelling on you.”
“Not at all,” you laughed, nudging against his side. “It’s all part of the job of dating you, I’ve kind of got used to it now anyway.”
Doojoon’s eyes narrowed in your direction, “how can you ever get used to being messed around by me as much as this?”
“I guess you just make it worthwhile.”
As you began the drive home, you couldn’t help but notice that Yoseob wasn’t quite himself. When you pushed him on it, you got nothing, but eventually he began to explain what had upset him through the night.
You smiled sympathetically as Yoseob worried about the attention you got from some of your colleagues. “You’re not jealous of them, are you?”
“It’s not that,” he responded.
“You think they paid much attention to me?” You then suggested, watching as Yoseob’s head nodded. “Don’t tell me you think that they had my attention, please.”
Yoseob’s nervous stare met your own, “they were all so funny and good looking, even I wouldn’t blame you if you dated one of them Y/N.”
“But you’re the one that I’m dating, none of them.”
“I know,” Yoseob whispered, turning to glance out of the window. “I guess they just made me feel a little insecure, like I’m not good enough.”
“That’s nonsense,” you replied, quickly shutting Yoseob down, “I mean they’re nice colleagues, but they can be so irritating Yoseob.”
A faint chuckle came from him as you reassured him, “you’re really telling me that you like me more than all of them?”
“Of course, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as Gikwang mumbled underneath his breath, concerned that he was taking the stress that he was experiencing at work out on you, fearing how much longer you’d tolerate it.
Your head shook as Gikwang finished, clearing your throat straight away. “Are you kidding me? I want to help you, not get annoyed with you Gikwang.”
“Aren’t I annoying?” He quizzed.
“We all get stressed, it would never give me a reason to leave you,” you chuckled, draping your arm across his shoulders, “you need to talk to me, not worry about me.”
Gikwang’s concerned eyes glanced to where you were beside him, “you’ve taken care of me constantly, doesn’t it start to drive you up the wall?”
“Not when it’s the person you love who needs help.”
“Thank you,” Gikwang whispered, resting his head against the side of yours. “I don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes here with me.”
“Just promise me one thing,” you asked of him, “stop thinking that I’m going to leave, because I’m not, I’m just going to keep supporting you.”
Gikwang nodded as he made his promise to you, “if I start annoying you though, you have to tell me too Y/N.”
“I’ll never get annoyed with you, don’t worry.”
It was understandably hectic as you and Dongwoon prepared to come to the end of packing his belongings for him to head on tour. All evening something that had been up with Dongwoon, eventually spilling.
Your head nodded as Dongwoon voiced his concerns about leaving you and going on tour. “How come you’re worried about me? I’ll be alright by myself.”
“WIll you still be here?” He asked.
“Of course,” you scoffed, almost in disbelief that Dongwoon would ask you such a thing. “You think that I’d leave whilst you’re on the road or something, have you lost your mind?”
Dongwoon’s shoulders shrugged in reply to you, “it crossed my mind, I’m scared you’ll get bored of waiting for me or find someone who can be around.”
“It’s only a couple of weeks, I’ll just be missing you.”
“Really?” Dongwoon quizzed in surprise, feeling your hand rest over the top of his. “You promise that you’ll be here when I get back home Y/N?”
“Of course, I promise,” you chuckled, squeezing against Dongwoon’s hand, “just as long as you promise to miss me whilst you’re on tour.”
Dongwoon’s head nodded instantly back to you, “I know that I’ll be missing you every second whilst I’m gone.”
“And I’ll be missing you just as much too.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Different Kisses with Yang Yoseob
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Thank you immensely for this request. Momentarily I panicked because whilst I’ve been a fan of BEAST/HIGHLIGHT from debut, I always biased GiKwang >_> and sadly not many people on tumblr write for this group anymore, so there wasn’t really much to go from to back up my own thoughts on Yoseob. But I am passionate about this group, and feel I’ve come up with some great kisses for Yoseob, so I am so hopeful you agree with me! I put a lot of effort into these because of the lack of posts on this amazing man, and I’m really happy with them!
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Yoseob’s kisses really contain how much he cares for you.  
First kiss:
Your first kiss together was unexpected. Yoseob struggles to speak up about his deeper feelings, finding his emotions a little overwhelming when he tries. And so he had been holding off on confessing how he even felt about you, partially waiting for that elusive right time and also to ensure he had the right approach. However you beat him to it, admitting to him in a rushed manner just how much he makes your chest flutter whenever you see him, and how much you want to be more than friends. And whilst you’re trying to not hyperventilate from your confession and tame your flushed cheeks, Yoseob is so enamoured by your efforts, feeling so immensely elated that you like him too that he leaned in to place his lips on yours, kissing you lightly.
And you’re thankful he was this light with your first kiss, because had he done so with more passion, you would have floated on off to heaven rather quickly, and missed out on dating him. It was breathtaking the way it was and you often think back to your more innocent love, smiling over how far you’ve both come from that shy confession.
Public kisses:
Yoseob isn’t against PDA, but he always plans to keep it cool. Holding hands, slinging his arm over your shoulder, that kind of style. However he cannot help himself regardless of where he is when it comes to you. He’s naturally very affectionate towards you, happy to help feed you if you’re sharing ice-cream/a meal, and whenever you smile at him, he literally lights up with happiness. Because of how cute you both are, it’s very hard to keep to his simple plans, lots of hugs, forehead kisses and even some playful pecks, depending on the mood of the outing. Yoseob just loves making good memories with you, and the more involved you are in the outing, the easier his affections will pour out of him.
Yoseob is a natural romantic and will go the extra mile for you, so a lot of your dates are well thought out. Of course your reactions are the reward to him, and he’ll be so touched when you’re so surprised and gushing out compliments, your own love for him being spoken and given to him in kisses and hugs too. He’s never embarrassed by going the extra level to see you smile.
Private kisses:
Being at home with Yoseob is a mix of playful banter and laughter, and a quieter, chill vibe. He is quite the dork, but only because he genuinely wants to see your smile and will do anything to see your lips curl up, or hear your laughter often. During these moments he’s more likely to over-kiss you, exaggerating his movements on your lips, making you giggle in the midst of it. He can be really weird though, and sometimes you’re a little concerned how he could think so out of the box, shaking your head at him and his antics. And so he’ll pout dramatically, chasing you around until you’re in his arms and being inundated with his lips all over you. Yoseob is such a mood maker, and you can count on him to make every day fun at his side.
When he’s feeling calmer, he’s the type to watch you, smiling to himself at how lucky he is to have you. And if you’re doing a task/hobby that you’re really passionate about, he cannot help but interrupt you after some time, kissing you with a proud expression, just really in love with how you look when so involved in your favourite things. Seeing your genuine and pure joy over something is enough to fulfil him after a draining day, and naturally he’ll keep kissing you once you’re free to do so, telling you how much he likes seeing you that happy. After awhile this mood could either turn playful or more heated, depending on your reactions to him, and you love how every time you’re in his company you are always entertained, or further, feeling completely cherished by him.
Making out:
Yoseob likes the affect he has over you whenever things get heated. It doesn’t matter who initiated the lustful environment, but when he gets worked up, he only has one goal – to affect your breathing. He loves how his lips, his tongue and his touch can make you gasp, moan, and heighten or slow down your breathing. He focuses on kissing you in ways that makes you breathless, only to slow it right down so all he can hear is your breathing change, your grip on him tightening as he delicately brushes his lips over your collarbone. He is quite the tease because of this habit of his, and it can really drive you to another level of desire, becoming impatient and wanting more of him. Lots of smirks and nipping when you start to get naughtier in your own caresses towards him to hurry him along, and he is the type to playfully slap back your need to move things along, especially if he notices you holding onto your breath at his attacks. He needs to hear your subtle changes to continue on with his mission to take you to that higher level, but in his own time of course. He can hold out on you for quite some time, content in making you a complete mess under his control. Eventually though, he’ll cave and want more from you, the rush of trying to get you both to someplace more comfortable and with less clothing overriding any breath play that he was previously obsessing over.
Morning kisses:
There’s no need for an alarm in your bedroom. Yoseob wakes you in the best kind of way, his soft lips along your jawline, slowly making their way to your mouth, kissing you awake gently. There’s a lot of smiles and cute soft kisses once you’re awake, the mood becoming a little playful, Yoseob booping you on the nose and your giggles making his morning that brighter. Even if it’s storming outside, inside your bedroom it’s like a sunny day with no clouds, both of you enjoying the cute time together. And you tease him a little, his sleeping habits always fun to bring up in the morning, though he always tickles you to make you breathless from all your laughter, before drawing you into his arms and smiling that smile which you know was only ever made for you to see, making you melt into the embrace and kiss him tenderly. Ah, what bliss.
Making up:
Yoseob can have a temper if he lets it become an issue, so fighting with him is always heated. He has a bit of a sass undertone too, using his sharp tongue and petty mannerisms to really lay into your argument. It’s never something you enjoy, and even though he can see you cracking with the pain, he can’t seem to calm himself down enough either, both of you needing a break from each other after fighting. It could be only an hour or three days, but eventually the fight will only make him depressed, worried about his lack of ability to fully get his feelings across to you without getting emotional, and worried that he’s upset you too much. He’ll be the first to approach you to make up, holding you closely to him as he apologises, kissing your forehead/side of your head a lot, and burying himself into you, making you both an entangled mess of limbs and feelings, but it’s a nice way to be after avoiding each other and the problem too.
Dishonest kisses:
Yoseob has a little habit of telling exaggerated stories, or little white lies. Most of the time they’re to cover his butt, or to lessen the trouble by throwing it onto someone else. He doesn’t mean it in a bad way; it’s just easy to tell what happened with a little more flourish. But you’ve been dating way too long now, and just like his members, you can tell when he’s being a little dishonest with how it really went down. And whilst you shouldn’t really reward him for this behaviour, you cannot help but play into it a little, quirking an eyebrow when you catch him out and pursing your lips together, watching as he flusters his way through with an awkward laugh. You cannot help but find him adorable when you catch him out, grinning to yourself before pressing your lips together; trying to not give him any more room to think it’s okay to lie. Yoseob takes your lapse in control to his advantage, kissing you in between his laughter, asking you why you’re so cute, trying to distract you away from his fibbing and showering you in his affections to lessen his punishment. You cannot help but respond to his kisses with your own, but when you’re done, you’ll place your hands on your hips and tell him to give it up, scolding him with a smile on your face. One day you’ll get the hang of not playing into his games – maybe!
Cute kisses:
He knows he’s cute, he’s even admitted it to you before, and because of this, he knows how to work his charms to get you where he wants you. He’ll do anything to capture your heart, making you blush and giggle, putting him at an advantage. Now you’re going to be slightly more willing to do what he wants, all he needs to do is seal the deal. He loves kissing you cutely, commenting on how red your cheeks are getting before pecking them too. This is a great strategy of his, especially if he’s trying to get out of something too (cough see above cough). Your weakness is when his face is alive with his playful ways, unable to resist Yoseob when he’s being completely adorable and fluffy with you.
Food kisses:
This one is short and sweet, literally! Like a few of the other foodies in this series, Yoseob loves eating with you, cooking with you, and doing anything with food. He is always happy and content when well fed, and if he’s with you, he’s more inclined to want to cuddle up with you afterwards and kiss you cheeks or forehead, grateful for a good meal in your company. Especially if you made it, he’ll be more appreciative of your efforts, thanking you with his lips and his words.
If you’re eating something as a snack, or a sweet dessert without him, he’ll lean over you and cut into your eating session, tasting whatever it is from your lips, pulling away with a sly smile and telling you how everything tastes better from your mouth.
Comforting kisses:
One of Yoseob’s strongest traits is that he’ll do anything for those he cares about. If you’re sick, you know he’ll be the most efficient carer of you until you’re back to full health. If you have a nightmare, he’ll scare those bad feelings away, holding you protectively and reminding you he’ll never let anything bad happen to you when you’re with him. He’ll do anything to cheer you up, from his weird antics, to researching online on how to help you with whatever you might be facing.
He’s very gentle with you during these times, brushing your hair away from your face and cupping your cheeks in his hands, kissing you softly. It’s always so full of care and it makes you stunned when he kisses you like this, feeling completely overwhelmed with Yoseob’s way of looking out for you. It’s moments like these where his love for you really shines, and you cannot help but fall more for him, something you never thought was possible anymore.
Stressed kisses:
And much like how Yoseob knows how to help you, when he’s stressed out from work, you know just how to ease his tensions. Yoseob, because of not outwardly expressing his emotions is the type to internalise, and further, believe he’s a burden on others when things with whatever is stressing him out turn south. He also overloads himself, wanting to try and fix everything, but when stressed, it’s much harder to accomplish this. You softly remind he is only human and to slow down, taking him in your arms late at night and just running your hands through his hair in a rhythm, Yoseob allowing himself to surrender to your comfort, soon drifting off to sleep in your embrace. You love these moments, holding the man you love close to yourself, gently touching his brows that are still slightly furrowed to ease them as he sleeps, and kissing the bridge of his nose lightly, or his lips, smiling to yourself at how peaceful he is. In the morning when he wakes up and remembers your care and advice, Yoseob smiles broadly, reaching to pull you into his arms more tightly, waking you but you don’t mind, hugging him back too, basking in all his extra kisses in your morning session and relieved to see him smiling again.
Silent kisses:
I’ve said it a few times, but Yoseob isn’t the outright type when it comes to his inner feelings. He’s not shy to speak up about what matters most to him in your relationship, but he does take his time to express those to you, after much deliberation of how he should. It’s always special when he finally does speak his mind, but you’ve gotten so used to reading him through his eyes, that you appreciate soul searching with him more often - not that his words aren’t overwhelming and beautiful when you hear them of course you love hearing them. It’s just that you’ve found other ways to read him, sinking into his umber depths easily, sharing long, intense periods where words aren’t even needed. Your hands intertwined as you listen to his non verbal confessions, your lips curling up with pleasure at how much you live for these moments. But eventually you can’t take it, leaning over to kiss him, his own mouth caressing you with such passion that you know that you couldn’t find anything on this earth more amazing than Yoseob’s love. When you finally separate, you grin and tell him you love him too, his own mouth spreading widely with his joy, before his lips connect with yours, over and over, in an endless pattern of quiet stares and beautiful, breathtaking kisses.
Loving Yoseob is effortless, because he takes such amazing care of you. He’s always your biggest supporter, cheering you on, lifting you up and making you laugh daily. You honestly believe he is the only one for you, and that’s all he wants to be, loving you forever, and enjoying the affections you shower him with always.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Different Kisses Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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Highlight- As Dads
Group: Highlight- all members
Theme: Highlight as dads
Type: Bullet-style reaction/scenario
he’d definitely would the dad who loves to take tons of pictures and make home videos
like he’d just want to capture every milestone in his kids life
his kids would be tired of constantly getting the pictures taken but they’d become really photogenic because of it
he’s also really emotional like when they promote to elementary school to middle school he’d go all out and spoil them
he’d try to be strict but he’d give in to his soft side
he’d make really punny jokes too and no one will admit how much they really love it
he’d also spoil his kids often but it would mostly be for food more than anything
he’d make sure his kiddos are always well fed so they might be a lil chubby but he’d love it
he’d also be that parent who brags about their kids too
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he’d be the super strict one
he wouldn’t cut his any slack and always except a lot from them
he wouldn’t be mean but he wouldn’t be able to express his feelings well
like it would kinda hard for him to tell his kiddos how much he loves him and how proud he is of them
but like you know he’d be extremely proud of them for anything that they do but he’d push them to best their best
he’d have the most meaningful stories about hard-work and struggles and his kids would always appreciate them
he’d still be very shy and squishy and his kids would love to exploit his giggly side and they’d live to embarrass him
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he’s kinda awkward but he’s hella funny and extremely sassy
he’d get along with his kids well and be the most supportive one
he’d go to all their games, he’s basically a soccer mom
ooh he’s suuper protective so he’d be strict in the sense that he wouldn't let his kids go out much without him
but he’d love to game nights and always have singing battle
oooh in car rides, him and his kiddos would be singing their lungs out to any given song on the radio
he’d be really playful too like he’d be playing all sorts of competitive games with his kiddos and would be hella salty if he lost
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 he’d be that dad who makes his kids wear like super fashionable, designer brands and stuff and would take aesthetically pleasing pics with his kids
he’s another dad who would try be strict but ends up being hella giggly instead
he’d spoil his kiddos rotten like anything they wanted he’d get it
oooh he’d love to embarrass his kids in front of their friends or just public in general
he’d be hella cuddly with his kids and would always give them cheek kisses randomly
he’d make sure his kids are very outgoing and involved in many sports and stuff
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he’s the most relatable and friend-like kinda dad
like he'd be soo chill and genuinely really fun
of course he'd embarrass his kids but they would always get him back
he'd be the most involved with their social lives and would get jealous when his kiddos left to hang out with their friends
he’d love to go on super long walks with them and love to go on adventures which means long road trips
he’d always tell them the easy way to do things and always save them from their other parent’s wrath
ooh he would kiss his spouse just to embarrass his kiddos and he’ d love it because he knows he made his whole fam happy
he would loveee to pull pranks on his kids but if he ever went too far he would always make it up to them by treating them to ice cream or something like that
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*AHHH this was so fun to write, man I love highlight sooo much
*comment down below which ‘dad’ are you most like, I think I would be most like Dongwoon but its like a mix of Doojoon and Dongwoon tbh
*send requests for these dorks bc I love writing for them
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narika-a · 7 years
19 for highlight yoseob ♡♡♡ Also to 🐉anon Haiiiiiii i luv wanna one too !!!!
Ayyy another Wannable~~
19. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.”
Yang Yoseob x Reader
Genre: College/University AU, fluff
Word Count: 195
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“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me,” he chuckled, flashing you that beautiful smile of his.
“Pfff, naaah,” you laughed nervously, sipping your drink and slowly increasing the distance between you.
“Wait,” he said when you noticed your strange behaviour. “Were you actually?” he asked surprised.
“Naaaaaaaaaaaah… No way,” you chugged down your whole drink and slammed the glass against the bar. 
“You so were,” he teased you.
“I wasn’t you said so yourself,” you pouted, ordering another drink but he just fling his hand around your shoulder and poked your cheek.
“Come on Y/N, no need to get angry. You should know already that there is no need for you to seduce me. I’m all yours.”
You almost spit your drink at his statement. People normally don’t say things like this out of the blue. You tried to get out of his grasp but he firmly held you in place.
“Hey, I just sort of confessed to you, where are you going?”
“I need another drink,” you quickly replied, blushing like crazy. You will need more than one of them if you were to survive this night.
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marina-isabella · 7 years
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30 Day Bias Challenge: D5- Bias in Red
Yoseob from Highlight (formerly Beast)
I am going to do more than my standard two days for Yoseob because I just love him so much!!😊
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smitten--kitten · 5 years
Yoseob Dream #1
I was in the kitchen, cooking sauce so that I could make a lasagna. Yoseob had his elbows over the counter, watching me. Rocking back and forth on his heels he spoke up asking for me to 'Make an extra cheesy iguana' instead of lasagna. I did a soft snort and playfully agreed. Yoseob was a little embarrassed, but knew it was gentle teasing, and he was excited to eat.
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justtextmeoppa · 8 years
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❗ Text with jealous Yoseob ♥❗
-  For this cutie @yabai-im-lost I really hope you like it! M. ♥
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de-drums · 6 years
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Hello everyone! I just finished “Kill Me, Heal Me” and I kept thinking about how Heechul would have looked if he played the main character (and his personalities) role.
So, I made a thread! Check it out if you want ^^
(I added more pics on twitter so take a look there; the ones I put here were just to made this post lol)
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mangsluts · 7 years
Russian Roulette
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A Lee Gikwang fanfic
Rated: M. Mature content. Smut.
Description: Being part of the mafia meant you made a lot of enemies. But there’s one specific enemy you’ve never been able to kill. No matter how hard you’ve tried, he always escaped you. Will things change one night when he walks into the same casino as you...?
Requested by: @christian-do
A/N I had so much fun with this au I ended up writing too much so there’s gonna be a part 2 shortly!
There he was, in your sight once again.
You weren’t planning to see him this time, but when the double doors of the casino opened, his presence was known. Everyone’s head swung around to see who was exuding such confidence at the door. Maybe not everyone here knew who he was, but as soon as you saw him, your blood began to boil, and you slid your sunglasses on over your eyes, leaning down in your seat at the roulette table to avoid him seeing you while you scanned him.
Lee Gikwang. Son of the leader of the Infamous double dragon gang, one of the strongest gangs in all of South Korea.
You, yourself were part of the Blue Moon gang, and unlike him, who was born into the mafia life automatically earning himself a high position, you earned your way to the top.
Your family was very poor, owning nothing but a small noodle restaurant, but even that wasn’t earning them enough money. They ended up getting involved with the mafia to be able to sustain their family. The Blue Moon gang would pay their bills, in return for letting the noodle shop be a secret drug cartel for them to use as they pleased. This worked for a long time, until there was one slip up, and the cops found out about the drugs. To avoid you being killed, your parents took all the blame and said nothing about the gang, immediately getting sent to prison. This left you, a fourteen year old girl in the shop alone, crying as your parents were dragged out of their shop by the cops. Sobbing, you felt a large consoling hand on your shoulder. It was a large man in a black suit by the name of Moon Junmyeon. The leader of the Blue Moon gang.
“Don’t worry kid, we’ll take care of you.” It sounded threatening, but he really did take you in, allowing you to enter the gang as if you were any other newcomer. Over the years you committed a lot of crimes, killed a lot of traitors, and smuggled a lot of drugs. But there was one guy no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t kill him.
Your arch nemesis, Lee Gikwang.
Blue Moon gang was one of the most feared mafia group in South Korea, only being competed with by the Double dragon group. So obviously, the two groups did NOT get along. You had been sent on many group, and solo missions to have him assassinated but he always slipped out of your grip every time. It infuriated you. He was so cocky every time. Once you thought you’d finally had him cornered in a dark ally, with your gun barrel against the back of his head.
“Game over” You had said. He only laughed back at you. Your ego immediately deflated when you felt two gun barrels on the back of your head.
He turned around and lowered your pistol with his finger, smirking at you.
“Better luck next time sweetheart.” He cooed, and you woke up a day later in a different town.
Sneering, you angrily put out the cigarette that you were smoking and left it in the ashtray. You thought about leaving and just reporting back to your boss his location, but then you thought to yourself.
‘Wouldn’t it be better to bring back a dead body?’
You smirked and directed your covered eyes back to him as he strode confidently through the casino, shaking hands with many older men who seemed excited to see him.
Okay maybe he was popular.
This made you even more mad.
He didn’t even do anything for himself! He had a group of basically bodyguards who followed him everywhere and did everything for him. They basically did all the dirty work. Every time you’d ever tried to kill him and failed, it was his bodyguards who had stopped you and taken you out. You couldn’t even count how many times they’d beat you and left you in a new location.
He had these bodyguards even with him now, but they were all dressed in black and white pinstripe suits and fedoras. Gikwang stood in the middle of his entourage, laughing at a joke he’d told, while they all pretended to laugh at it too. Instead of wearing a suit, he wore only the jacket part of it, with one button buttoned in the middle to expose his upper chest and lower stomach, fully decked out in tattoos. Mostly dragons. You rolled your eyes. His usually styled black hair looked greasy, almost wet, and had pieces dangling in front of his eyes which seemed to have black eyeliner smeared on the bottom.
Maybe he caught you staring, because he nudged one his grunts and you saw him mouth the word “roulette”.
Then he and his whole crew strode over to the table you were sitting at.
You turned away and tugged your black hat over your head, hoping he didn’t recognize you.
Of course you had a disguise on, you always did when you went out just in case. Today’s disguise was a blonde bob wig, paired with red lipstick, a deep smoky eye, a rather large brimmed black hat with a long black coat to match.
“What are you doing playing roulette by yourself?” Suddenly the silky voice was right next to you, and you almost flinched, but you knew better. You turned to face him, literally inches away from the man you wanted to murder. You gave him your best fake smile.
“Because I’ve been playing roulette. The people I was playing with just ran out of money. So I’m waiting for more people.” You time the truth, manipulating your voice to not sound like your own, since he’s heard it so many times.
A grin crept across his face, and a beautiful one at that. He had the biggest most luscious lips, and you hated it.
“Why don’t I play with you then?” He finally said, a little too close to your face. His breathe smelled strongly of whiskey. Maybe this is why he didn’t recognize you. He didn’t seem intoxicated though, maybe just tipsy, but enough to not know you. Which was perfect for you. He sat down at the seat right next to you, despite there being many empty seats around the table. You looked at his face and smiled, thinking about watching the life drain out of it. Maybe he thought you were flirting, because he smiled back as he was buying his roulette chips. His crowd of bodyguards all began to sit at the table
“Roulette players only please-“ the worker said. They all glared at him, then looked expectingly at Gikwang, who waved his hand, signaling them to listen to the man and not kill him.
“Let’s make this interesting. Just you and I babe.” He turned to face you again, his big almond eyes gleaming. “You pick a color. I pick the opposite. Make it fair.” He said, eyeing you up and down. You tried not to scowl at his gaze, but felt your cheeks flushing anyway.
“Sounds fair enough. But I have one condition.” You pushed all your roulette chips forward. You had won about $500 playing roulette for the past couple hours, and decided to humor him for the last few hours of his life and have fun. His face didn’t even twitch.
“Deal.” He said and entered the same amount.
“I choose red.” You said quickly.
“Why red?” He asked curiously.
Like the color of your blood when it comes out of the bullet hole I’m gonna leave in your face.
You thought.
“I like red.”
You smiled.
“Black it is for me.” Gikwang said confidently as the casino worker took your best, calling out “No more bets” despite there being only two people at the table. As if in slow motion, the ball dropped, and hit the spinning roulette wheel, going round and round in circles.
Your eyes followed the ball, nervousness bubbling in your stomach. You glanced at Gikwang who looked at ease. You got mad again.
Fuck him for being so calm..
Everyone was silent as the ball began to slow down, making thudding noises as it passed over the ridges of the numbers.
It nearly came to a stop on the black number, but at the very last second, it rolled onto a red section.
“Red 19.” The worker called as he picked up the ball from the slot.
For once in his life, Gikwang looked disappointed. He’d had everything in his life handed to him, and just lost a game of luck.
As the worker began to give you your chips back so you could cash them in for your earnings, you turned to Gikwang again, filled with pride. “Better luck next time, right?” You said, flashing him a real smile.
He looked taken aback by your words and stared at you.
Fuck. Maybe you shouldn’t have said that..
Nervously you collected your chips and stood up. He grabbed your wrist tightly and you realized you’d said too much. He realized who you were.
He stared at your, dark eyes hooded as his eyes scanned yours. Then his big lips pulled into a smirk again.
“Hope to see you again soon, sweetheart~” he said happily.
Nope. He’s still just a drunk guy.
You breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. “Very soon I hope. I’ll find you.” You winked from behind your sunglasses and walked off to collect your earnings from roulette. As you turned around from the counter, you saw Gikwang walked out the doors of the casino.
What?? One game and you’re done??
In a hurry, you grabbed all your money, shoved it in your purse and sprinted out of the casino after him. You could see the mob of suited men walking through the purple lit door of a building in a back alley. You looked up at the sign, seeing the triple X sign and a neon lit girl taking her top off. You sighed. Of course he went into a strip club.
Straightening yourself up, you followed at a distance and led yourself into the building, the bouncer not questioning your age because of the glare you were giving him. You were on a mission.
Immediately the loud music and smell of smoke engulfed you. It was so loud with sensual music you couldn’t even hear yourself think. Completely covered up, you didn’t fit in this club, but you pushed through the crowd and saw him sitting at a round table with his crew in the front row, throwing ones at a girl dancing on stage.
Wow you hated him a lot.
But you had an idea. And you didn’t like it. It wasn’t hard to sneak behind the DJ’s booth and take a glance at the roster of girls dancing tonight. Destiny was the name of the girl dancing currently, so next up was a girl named.... Cinnamon. Nice. You almost laughed as you slipped away, looking for the dressing room. The club didn’t have very good security, because you easily found the small, well lit room where all the strippers would get ready for their performances.
“Which one of you is Cinnamon.” You said firmly at the group of underdressed girls.
“Who are you?” A little redhead said rudely. You didn’t have time for this.
“I said,” you drew your pistol from the strap on your thigh and pointed it at one of the girls, who’s face drained of all color.
“Which one of you. Is. Cinnamon.” You spit out, and a young brunette finally spat out, terrified.
“I am.” She was fighting back tears.
You looked at her, she was about your size and body type.
“Perfect. Give me your outfit. Now.” You began to strip down yourself and throw your clothes at her for her to wear. Seeming confused with the situation, she complied and changed into your outfit, then gave you hers. You pulled on the skimpy outfit which wasn’t more than lingerie over your own underwear. Whatever it was sexy and it would do.
“Please welcome to the stage.... Cinnamon!” You heard the announcer say and some low music started playing.
“I’ll give it back later.” You dug in your purse and gave her your roulette earnings. “Consider it a tip.” You said, then ran up to the stage, walking out sexually like you’d seen the girls do earlier. It felt weird. You rubbed your hands up your thighs to feel for the gun and knife strapped to them which were covered by garter belts and stockings. The men started hollering and throwing ones. Your eyes met Gikwang’s, who sat up surprised in his seat when he saw you. Then pointed at you, then patted his thick thighs, telling you exactly where he wanted you. In this dark lighting, the shadows casting accentuated every muscle on his chest. What the fuck? Why were you thinking about that. You shook your head then continued to “dance” to make everything seem real, walking around the pole, sliding up and down, all the while keeping direct eye contact with the tall man who looked like he wanted to eat you up. Finally as the song died down, you walked down the stairs of the stage and down to his table, other guys looking jealous as you walk straight to him, leaning over him tracing a hand down his chest. You leaned closer to him, your lips on his ear and whispered.
“Buy a private session with me, won’t you?” You tried saying in your sexiest voice, trying your hardest not to cringe or just stab him here. You looked at him, and could tell he was going to comply with you, so you walked away, leaving him wanting more.
Heart pounding, you found the private dance rooms and waited outside the door until you saw him rounding the corner, then you slipped into the room and waited for him. In the room was just one large red couch—for parties you guessed?—it was a cheap looking sparkly material, but whatever. At least his blood wouldn’t stain too bad.
When you finally heard the door open, you realized you had been holding your breathe waiting him. As soon as he came in, your heart stopped again, your head started spinning.
“Told you I’d see see you soon.” You said, trying to steady your voice, and sound sexy.
Gikwang locked the door behind him, then took a hand and ran it through his black locks, those stunning brown eyes staring holes into your chest—which he was obviously looking at. With a smirk, he slowly unbuttoned and took off what was left of his top, which was only the jacket, and laid it on the couch.
Jesus Christ. In the low lit room, the soft light illuminated all his muscles as he inched his way to the couch, spreading his legs out dominantly. You had seen him shirtless before, because he was quite the fan of revealing clothing, but never this close.
“Oh how I missed you sweetheart” he said lustfully, patting his thighs, pulling money out of his pocket. “Here’s my deposit.” He leaned over, placing a hundred in your lacy red bra. Your face twisted into what you thought was a scowl, but just looked embarrassed at his touch. You fake smiled at him and began moving your hips back and forth, hands in the air, and touching all over your body. You had your eyes closed during the dance, but when you opened them and looked over your shoulder, your ass barely inches away from his lap, you could tell he was trying his hardest to hold back.
He looked vulnerable at this point, so you smirked and turned around, putting your hands on his shoulders. Slowly your hands drifted down his chest, feeling every muscle, then moved yourself onto his lap, straddling him.
The look on his face was priceless. He was looking at you with such admiration and longing, his beautiful lips parted slightly at the sight of you, like he couldn’t keep his mouth closed.
Stop it. Stop thinking he’s beautiful.
99 notes · View notes
blu-joons · 2 years
When You Lay Down Between His Legs ~ Highlight Reaction
Suspicious eyes watched over you as Doojoon caught you shuffling out of the corner of his eye once again. “Where are you heading to?” He suddenly asked.
An innocent smile formed on your face as you met Doojoon’s eyes, “I was just looking at that gap I can see between your legs, it looks pretty me sized.”
Doojoon nodded as he looked between the gap and you, “and I’m guessing you’re trying to move there without me noticing what you’re doing, aren’t you?”
“How?” You grumbled, “how do you always manage to work me out like this?”
“You weren’t exactly being subtle there Y/N.”
With that, Doojoon wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tightly in between his legs. “I thought if I moved slowly you wouldn’t notice.”
“Nice try,” Doojoon sympathised, pressing a kiss against your shoulder, “but you’re going to have to do better than that.”
“Oh well, at least I’m finally where I want to be Joon.”
“Exactly, and where I want you too.”
A chuckle came from you as Yoseob’s legs squeezed even tighter against your frame either side of you. “You said you were cold, so I’m just warming you up.”
You could barely chuckle as your hands tapped against his legs, “I said that I was cold, I didn’t say that I wanted you to squeeze the life out of me though.”
A shrug of the shoulders came from Yoseob as you looked back at him, “unfortunately that’s what you get for deciding that you want to lay down in between my legs.”
“You’re so mean to me,” you pouted, “what did I ever do to you to deserve this?”
“You made me move my legs when I was comfy.”
A roll of the eyes followed from you as Yoseob dramatically sighed, “you’d barely been sat down for five minutes, there’s no way that you were cosy.”
“I was, because I was warm,” he retorted, “so stop pouting at me unless you want me to move and let you keep yourself warm.”
“Sometimes I wonder what it is that I ever saw in you.”
“My nice warm legs, that’s what.”
Your eyes rolled at Yoseob’s confident reply, hearing his snigger follow. “If you think your legs were the reason I fell for you, you’re mistaken.”
“Of course,” Yoseob agreed, “because you fell instead for my handsome smile and my beautiful eyes, didn’t you?”
“You can be so full of yourself sometimes, you know?”
“But that’s just why you love me.”
Your smile turned up as you felt a gentle tug against your hair, knowing exactly what Gikwang was doing. “Sorry,” he whispered, knowing what he had done.
Your head shook in reply to him as you placed your hands against his legs. “You’re alright, it didn’t hurt,” you assured him, not wanting him to worry.
Gikwang continued to twirl your hair around in his finger, watching you with concerned eyes. “Are you sure?” Gikwang pushed, immediately beginning to worry.
“I’m fine,” you chuckled, “it can’t hurt anyway when I’m laying right here.”
“My legs don’t stop things hurting Y/N.”
Your head carried on shaking in Gikwang’s direction, “laying here makes me feel comfortable so that absolutely nothing can hurt me.”
“Your logic gives me a headache sometimes,” Gikwang couldn’t help but retort, looking down at you with his eyes narrowing.
“Just keep playing with my hair and it’ll all make sense.”
“I reckon I can keep doing that.”
You threw yourself down with a huff as you noticed the gap in Dongwoon’s legs, finally relaxing. “I thought at one point you weren’t coming home tonight.”
Dongwoon’s hands rested through your hair as you leant back, “I was convinced at one point that I wasn’t going to be coming home tonight either.”
A chuckle escaped from him as he listened to you, watching you yawn as you spoke. “I hope you don’t plan on falling asleep on me, we can’t sleep on the sofa.”
“I’m not moving,” you quickly warned him, “you’ll have to move me you know.”
“If I need to carry you to bed, then I will.”
Your head nodded, happily agreeing to let Dongwoon carry you. “Don’t move just yet, I’m comfy here and after the day I’ve had, this is what I need.”
“We don’t have to go anywhere just yet,” Dongwoon assured you, “but you know we can’t spend all night on the sofa.”
“I reckon we could, I can lay between your legs here too.”
“Trust me Y/N, you’ll regret it.”
45 notes · View notes
nuyasno · 7 years
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highlight with kids ~ 💘
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Highlight- Idol gf doing a sexy/ hot concept
Group: Highlight- all members 
Theme: Request- idol girlfriend having a really sexy and hot concept
Type: reaction-  fluffy + suggestive 
would be super jealous 
asffffffff !!!!
like how is his hot ass gf looking and being so sexy for everyone else ?? 
it would def lead some hot and sexy “concepts” at home if you know what I mean 
*wink wink* 
but him viciously swatting other boys and girls’ drooling over you aside- 
you know he would be so supportive and proud of you 
when fans wish that they could have you, he would take tooooooo much pride in being able to pick you up from your shows and take you home 
if you tried to show him your sexy dance moves at home he’d get so flustered and hella shy but the second that your confidence and power would go back to normal then he’d transform into his cocky self and ask for more of those sexy dance moves 
but all in all 
he’d be so lucky + grateful to have you
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would be hella shy 
“mood light”  
when he first saw you performing he would look shy and blushy on the outside 
on the inside he’d be thinking of nasty, nasty things because your sexy performance would get his imagination running 
it would look like he is his usual cool & collected self but in reality your hot concept would have more of an impact on him then he’d like to admit  
highkey always turned on whenever he catches a glimpse of your performance
overall tho he’d be supportive and amazed by you 
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he’d be flustered & shocked 
but only when he first saw your outfit & choreography bc you know he’d be used to your hot & sexy self at home 
but he’d be the most supportive 
he’d even go so far as to send a video to you of him dancing to your parts of the song with a huge goofy grin on his face
he’d just be so proud that you were his gf and not just another idol to him 
and if any fans came up to you for your autograph he’d definitely adopt a bodyguard persona but also stand protectively behind you with a proud smile that he could not hide
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be impressed asffff
like his jaw would drop the first time he saw you 
but he’d try to give you tips on how improve your form and perfect that body roll or thrust so that when he saw you perform again then he would just be focused on how smooth & hypnotic your hot & sexy moves were 
would just be in absolute awe at how good you were in this concept and not to mention how sexy you looked 
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he wouldn’t even be shocked the first time he saw ur performance bc he’d be in a trance of just drooling and admiring you 
like someone would have to shake him to get him out of his trance induced by you
he’d always tease you when he heard your song in public by doing your signature move in the choreo or the face you made when you have to hit the high notes 
but seeing in that concept would drive him crazy bc he already loves you so much and that concept would just further prove to him how lucky he is to have you to do that kinda concept with him anytime anyplace *wink*
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23 notes · View notes
smitten--kitten · 5 years
Out of Context: Highlight Edition
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71 notes · View notes
blu-joons · 2 years
When You Come Home Late After An Argument ~ Highlight Reaction
“Nice to see you’re finally home,” Doojoon remarked as you walked through the front door.
“Try telling your voice that,” you replied, picking up straight away on the sarcastic tones that were in Doojoon’s voice as he spoke to you.
A sigh came from him as your eyes shot a glare back across at him. “Let’s not start this again Y/N, being childish and stupid towards each other, we’ve done enough of that for one day.”
“You were the one that started it,” you pointed out with a shrug of your shoulders, “deciding to try and be smart.”
Doojoon reluctantly nodded in agreement, “I’m the one that’s ending it then. What even took you so long? Why didn’t you at least text me Y/N?”
“Because I was mad at you, why would I text?”
“That doesn’t stop me worrying.”
“Oh,” you whispered as Doojoon’s voice dropped into a faint murmur. “I didn’t think you’d be that fussed considering what you said earlier.”
Another sigh escaped from Doojoon as he looked back at you, “I said some nonsense, but that never stops me caring for you.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to do that.”
“What time do you call this?” Yoseob asked you before you even managed to open the door.
“Midnight,” you shrugged back at him, deciding after he yelled at you that you were going to carry things on between you both too.
A shake of the head came from Yoseob as he listened to your reply. “I’m being serious Y/N, it’s almost the middle of the night and you were just walking the streets like nothing.”
“I wasn’t the walking the streets,” you grumbled, “I live here Yoseob, I think I know my way around the city pretty well.”
His eyes rolled at how defensive you were. “If that’s how you want to be then think of this from my view? Not knowing what was going on.”
“Wasn’t it obvious that I was out and about?”
“Yeah and worrying about you too.”
“You don’t worry about me, I mean you practically said that earlier,” you shrugged again, throwing yourself down onto the sofa at the same time.”
His eyes followed you around the room as you moved, “I think we both said things in the heat of the moment earlier Y/N.”
“I guess you’re right there.”
“You’re here,” Gikwang murmured, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes just to be sure.
“You were asleep?” You asked in surprise, watching Gikwang sit himself up. “Why didn’t you go to bed if you were tired Gikwang?”
His head shook back at you, still waking himself up slightly. “I couldn’t actually go up to bed without you here, I didn’t know where you were, or if something had happened to you too.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted, calmly moving around the room, not realising just how worried Gikwang was about you.
A sigh came from Gikwang as he watched how unbothered you were. “How was I supposed to know that you were fine from over here Y/N?”
“I don’t know, I guess just a lucky guess.”
“It’s not the time to joke.”
“I’m fine,” you reminded Gikwang, beginning to understand just how much he fretted about you. “You don’t need to panic about anything.”
A hum escaped Gikwang as you sat yourself down, “if you’re going to stay out that late again, you have to let me know.”
“I will do, I promise Gikwang.”
“What were you playing at?” Dongwoon asked you, racing up from the sofa and across to you.
“Woah, steady,” you warned Dongwoon as he almost threw himself at you, wrapping his arms as tightly as he could around your frame.
A shaky breath came from Dongwoon as he rested against your shoulder, “you terrified me Y/N, I had no idea where you were or what you were doing, let alone whether you were coming back.”
“I just walked, and walked,” you explained, placing your hands against the small of Dongwoon’s back gently.
You’d never felt his grip so tight as a sigh came from him, “I was thinking about going out to find you and asking the boys to come and help me too.”
“I would have come home at some point.”
“I didn’t know that though.”
“I know,” you whispered back to him, “I should’ve let you know that I was safe and that I’d be back, I was too stubborn to want to text you.”
A hum of agreement came from Dongwoon, “you’re home now, and that’s all that matters. I don’t have to go out searching.”
“You don’t, I’m right back here now.”
41 notes · View notes
Ice Skates and Ugly Sweaters ~ A Wintery Ribbon- pt. 2
Group: Highlight- all members + Hyunseung 
Theme: Christmas Special- You, Highlight, and Hyunseung rent a cabin in the woods to experience a white Christmas and to do fun, wintery activities
Type: Series- fluff
Plot: Today, you start your day by getting a Christmas tree, then you learn how to ice skate after discovering a frozen lake, and wrap up your day with an ugly sweater party while decorating the tree and some fresh cookies.
Parts: 1
“Alright, we just had a great breakfast and now we should go get a Christmas tree buuut we need to go get ready first and also find out from where we can actually get a tree from,” Doojoon says more to himself than to anyone else.
“Ahem,” Hyunseung says, clearing his throat as he whips out a brochure from thin air. “I’m glad you brought that up Doojoon, because thanks to this brochure that I picked up,” he glances at you for a second, “we can find out exactly we can go to get a Christmas tree.”
“Great, you’re so resourceful,” Doojoon praises as he pats Hyunseung’s back to get a better look at the brochure from over his shoulder.
“Well then, we can all go get ready as these two find the address,” you say to the others around you.
So the rest of you leave to go get ready upstairs and leave the two elders to find the address. You got ready quickly and so did Dongwoon so you go over to his room and sit on the edge of his bed as he finished doing his hair.
“Do you wanna go check out the attic with me?” Dongwoon asks quickly.
“What? How do you know that we have an attic?” you question.
“Um, the entrance is right next to my room, how can you not notice?” he asks sassily.
“Um, because I’m not vertically gifted like you but anyways I’ll go with you,” you reply.
“Oh on that note, then maybe you shouldn’t come then since I may lose a tiny thing like you,” he teases.
You scoff and roll your eyes as you hit his shoulder, “Let’s go.”
He leads the way and opens up the ladder leading up to the dark attic.
You go in first and find a light switch and flick it on. When the attic was illuminated, it unveiled a ton of cool snow gear like ice skates, snowboards, sleds, etc, and there were tons of boxes full of ornaments and lights that you could use to decorate the tree and the whole cabin. You both gasp, surprised to have found so many things that you can use.
“Wow, who would have known that this attic had so many useful things, it feels like we hit the jackpot! Look we can go sledding or snowboarding or even ice skating!” you exclaim excitedly.
Dongwoon walked over toward the small window and calls out to you, “Y/N! Come here, you’re not gunna believe this!”
You put down the ornament you were admiring and rush over toward him, “What is it?” you ask curiously.
“Look over there,” he points to a lake. “I think that’s a frozen lake we can use to ice skate. Do you want to go ice skating after getting the tree?” he offers.
“Sure! That sounds good, we can tell the guys in the van,” you say.
“Look at what else I found,” he says singingly.
You move your head to see what he found only to feel him kiss you unexpectedly. You pull away and push his chest like a reflex, “Woonie! What was that?” you ask with confusion written all over your face.
He waves a little mistletoe over your head, “It’s a mistletoe, see?”
“Oh..” you say quietly as you put your hand over your face to cover the evident blush.
“Y/N? Dongwoon? What are you two up there?” you hear someone shout.
You quickly walk over to the entrance and shout back, “Come up to see for yourself!”
You hear footsteps getting louder as someone makes their way up to the attic. You see Junhyung’s familiar head pop up, “Hey, so what’s going on up here?” he asks as he observes the attic.
“We found all these great stuff that we can use. And since we’re so great, we already made plans on what we’re gunna do after we come home.” Dongwoon brags.
“Well, let’s hear it. What do you two have in mind?” Junhyung curiously asks.
“Since we found some ice skates and a frozen lake not too far from here, we figured that we can go ice skating today.” you explain.
“That sounds like a plan. Wait are those ornaments?” Junhyung asks as he moves towards a box full of ornaments.
“Yeah,” Dongwoon responds.
“What are you holding there Woonie?” Junhyung asks with a small smirk.
“Huh, nothing hyung.” Dongwoon replies as he tries to hide the mistletoe behind his back.
Junhyung just looks up at Dongwoon and raises his eyebrows. “You should hang it, it’ll be funny to see the others’ reactions. Also I don’t think it counts if you purposely hold it over your head Woonie.” Junhyung says casually as he looks through the box.
“Wha.. how do you know?” Dongwoon blurts.
Junhyung chuckles to himself, “Ooh, isn’t this a nice one? I think Hyunseung will like this one.” he says happily as he pulls a red and gold stripped ornament.
“Um, I think we should head down now since everyone is probably ready by now. Grab a box on your way down.” you imply.
You guys climb down the ladder and take the boxes to the living room and set them down there. But as you go down you can hear Doojoon talking, “-so it looks like we have to get a tree that’s about a ‘Dongwoonie and three- fourths of a Yoseobie’ tall.”
“Okay, that’s an interesting way to count but that sounds good hyung,” Gikwang says.
“Oh there you guys are, we were gunna start looking for you. What have you got there?” Doojoon asks, indicating to the boxes in your arms.
“We found a bunch of ornaments in the attic upstairs and these two found some ice skates and a lake, they wanted to go ice skating after we pick out our tree.” Junhyung explains briefly.
“That sounds good, we can do that.” Hyunseung says.
“Ok, I’m glad we got stuff planned out but can we go get the tree now?” Yoseob ask impatiently.
You guys get into the van and set out to go get a tree. When you arrive, you all jump out since you were all eager to pick out a tree together.
It only took you guys a few minutes to find a tree that you all agreed on. So you brought it, cut it down, and tie it down to the van using some rope that was generously given by the locals.
So you head back home and lug the huge tree inside. You guys thought that it would look best next to the fireplace in the living room so you set it there.
“Hey, I was thinking, should we have an ugly sweater party tonight, so we can decorate the tree and bake some cookies and decorate those too? And we can do this after we’re done ice skating so it would be a nice way to unwind.” Hyunseung offers.
“That sounds wonderful, we’ll do just that!” Doojoon agrees.
“Y/N and I will go grab the ice skates.” Dongwoon said abruptly as he swiftly took your wrist and lead you toward the attic.
He didn’t let your wrist go until you actually got to the attic. “Why’d grab my wrist?” you ask as you rub your wrist.
“I don’t know, I just did,” he admitted quietly. “It was the same with the kiss earlier too. It was just an urge I guess..”
You cut him off by pressing your lips against his and you throw your arms around his neck to hold your lips against his. His hands found their place around your waist and he pulls your hips closer towards his. You pull your lips away and just gaze into his eyes. You two stay like that in silence until you realize that you need to grab the skates.
“The skates... Oh crap, we need to grab the skates.” you realize.
“Hmm? Ooh, ok, yeah. The skates.” Dongwoon says as he catches up too.
You two pull away from each other and run toward the skates. You tripped and knocked over some sticks that you realize are actually hockey sticks. Dongwoon rushes towards you and helps you up to your feet.
“Are those hockey sticks?” Dongwoon asks looking at the sticks then to you.
“Yeah, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” you suggest.
“Are you thinking of playing ice hockey too?” He implies.
“Yup!” you shout as you high-five him.
“That’s great, ok you grab the skates and I’ll grab the sticks.” He instructs.
“Shouldn’t there be a hockey puck too?” you ask as you begin to look around.
“Oh, found it.” He says as he lifts a small bag of hockey pucks.
“Great, I think we’re ready to go down now,” you say.
“Yup,” he confirms.
So you two finally head downstairs to tell everyone that you found some hockey sticks.
“Sorry we took a while but that was because we did some looking around and found hockey sticks.” Dongwoon says as he semi-lies through the smile he displays.
“Oh! What if we have ice hockey game? We can break up into teams and play against each other!” you say as you think out loud.
“Yeah, we can practice playing for a few days then on Christmas we can play a match against the two teams!” Yoseob adds in.
“Man, today’s just a day full of great ideas,” Doojoon says proudly as he rests his hands on his hips.
“Well let’s not waste any time, let’s go outside now!” Hyunseung says excitedly.
Everyone heeds this and grabs a pair of skates and a hockey stick and head outside. You and Dongwoon lead the way toward the frozen lake and when you get there, you find a park bench to put all your stuff on. Everyone changes from their normal shoes to the ice skates, and it fit them well but it was a bit too big for you so you stuffed some extra socks in the front so you would get a better fit.
“I’ll go on the ice first just to make sure it’s safe,” Doojoon says, stepping onto the frozen lake and stepping into his role as the leader.
‘He a natural-born leader, he really never fails to show that’, you think to yourself.
“It feels pretty good, you guys can come on now,” he confirms.
So everyone gets onto the ice, finding their balance at first but after a few wobbly steps, they soon glide away like they ice skate often.
You however, couldn’t find your balance and were struggling to stay on your feet and you most certainly didn’t know how to ice skate.
‘Why did I think to go ice skating when I can’t even skate myself,’ you mentally scold yourself.
You suddenly feel a pair of warm hands hold your hips and straighten posture. You turn to face who was holding you, only to see Dongwoon’s warm, smiling face. “Do you need help?” he asks kindly as he wraps his arms around your waist again.
You smile and blush to the ground and say, “Is it that obvious?”
He chuckled lightly. “A little”, he admits.
“Hmph, well I don’t need your pity help,” you say with a pout as you try to push him away but he grabs your wrists and pulls you up since you almost fell.
“Don’t think of it that way Y/N, I don’t want to be by myself,” he whispered in your ear.
“Oh I see, so you need me?”, you ask testing him a little bit.
“I mean I could be with anyone else but I chose to be with you. Do you know why?” he asks softly.
“Is it one of those urges again?” you smirk lightly.
“Maybe. Maybe not.” he responds.
“Hmm, I don’t like that answer.” you say disappointedly.
“Oh? What do you want the answer to be?” he asks teasingly.
Before you can reply, Doojoon appears and forces himself in between you and Dongwoon. “So what are you guys talking about?” he asks as he puts both of his arms around you two and starts to skate with you skate. “Y/N just move like you’re walking ok, you’ll be fine. I gotta keep a close eye on you two, I’m not sure if I like you two being so close together like this. You’re still the youngest so maybe I’m just being over-protective but I’ll be watching you two. Don’t try to do anything weird ok?”
“ok”, you and Dongwoon mutter.
“What was that?” Doojoon asked.
“Ok,’ you both say louder.
“Ok good, have fun okay but remember what I said.” he says with his dorky smile as he rubs your and Dongwoon’s hair.
Since Doojoon let go so suddenly, you start to wobble again but Dongwoon helps you to maintain your balance by holding you again.
“You good?” Dongwoon checks in.
“Yea,” you say.
From there, Dongwoon actually starts to guide and teach you how to ice skate. Everyone was out doing their own thing for a very long time but everyone was clearly having fun.
When it started to get dark, you guys decided it was time to head inside. So you gathered all your stuff and went back inside the warm, cozy cabin. You all sat around the fireplace for a bit to warm up then you started to get ready for the ugly sweater party. About half an hour later you all met again in the living room.
“Well, you look ugly.” Yoseob blurts to Doojoon.
“Well, that’s kind of the point and I’d say the same but ‘ugly’ would just be an understatement.” Doojoon replies savagely.
“I swear, every time you open your mouths, it’s always to fight with each other.” You say, having more than enough of them constantly fighting.
“Okay let’s start decorating!” Hyunseung says trying to lighten the mood.
“Yoseob, do you wanna bake some cookies with me?” Gikwang asks lovingly.
“Ok, let’s go!” Yoseob replies happily.
“Why do I get the impression that they’re not gunna make cookies?” Doojoon asks, rubbing his chin. 
Hyunseung and Junhyung just chuckle to themselves but Dongwoon speaks up, “Don't worry about those two, they are literally children.” 
“Yea, and if there’s someone to worry about its those two,” you point towards the couple chuckling to themselves. 
So from there you stay and help decorate the tree until Dongwoon asks if you wanted to help him put lights up on the handrail to which you said yes. Apparently he had put up the mistletoe because Junhyung and Hyunseung shared a sweet kiss and Doojoon looked stunned which caused the rest of you to laugh. When you two were done with the lights, you moved on to the stockings, and lastly you two helped decorate the cookies and you two made the biggest messes.
With all the cookies that everyone helped make, you decided to make hot chocolate for everyone. Dongwoon helped you pass out the warm drink to everyone and everyone just wanted to cuddle up and watch a movie. So everyone decided on a movie and spent the rest of the night just sitting down and watching a bunch of Christmas movies until you fell asleep on Dongwoon's shoulder.
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Part 3
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