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The Archivist - Sebastian Sallow x Female!Reader
Summary: Weeks after discovering some ancient tomes you're unable to decipher, you reach out to the Ministry of Magic Archives for help decoding the timeworn pages. The last thing you'd expected was for Sebastian Sallow to show up, much less for him to be so... attractive. Had he always looked like that?
Alternatively summarized as Sebastian Sallow pursued a professional career as a book nerd and also happens to be really well versed in sex.
Word Count: 6,969 (LMAO)
Warnings: 18+. aged up characters, explicit sexual content, size difference, Sebastian wearing glasses again
Up on Ao3 here for your viewing pleasure
You honestly didn’t think you’d ever thrown on clothes faster than you did the day someone apparated into your living room with a deafening crack, followed by a crash and a muffled, “Shit, ow.”
If you were to die, you weren’t eager to do so half-naked and half-asleep.
After hastily tying your robe around your waist and stuffing your feet in a pair of deteriorating slippers, you cautiously stuck your head into the hallway, the unruly strands of your bed head sticking to your cheeks and poking you in the eye as you assessed the situation.
At the end of the hall you could see a stack of books scattered across the floor, along with a previously organized collection of newspapers now strewn over the top of a prone body. Said body was stirring beneath the crumpled parchment, and you bit your lip and wished desperately for coffee as you weighed your options.
Option one: it was a murderer and you should leave immediately. The only problem was that the hallway leading to the front door was now blocked. Shit.
Option two: it was a burglar, and if you could remember where you’d left your wand last night, you could petrify the man in place until officials came to your aid.
Option three: it was a murdering burglar, and you might as well attempt to find out as much as you could before you wound up gruesomely cut down so you could at least haunt the bastard.
As the concealed figure attempted to sit up, you heard another thump as something fell from above them, followed by an irate groan, and you gripped the doorway to your bedroom tightly as you managed to call out a meek, “Hello?”
All movement and noises in the living room ceased for a moment, the air still and silent. You swore if the intruder dropped so much as a pin, you would hear it. The pair of feet belonging to the unknown man dragged along the floor as he seemingly stood himself up, and figuring that no burglar would be such a noisy wreck, you took your chances and slowly made your way down the hall to take in the damage done to your living space.
Bizarre as it was to be so civil with someone who’d essentially broken into your home, you rounded the corner and found yourself asking, “Are you alright?”
You were met with your potential adversary as he turned around, and you were equal parts surprised and confused to discover that it was none other than Sebastian Sallow. It had been years since you’d last seen him, the two of you having gone your separate ways after graduation as you continued hunting down ancient magic sites and he pursued a career within the Ministry. The last letter you’d received from him had come in a little over a year ago, sadly informing you that his sister had finally passed, albeit peacefully.
To find him now standing in the midst of your demolished living room was a shock in and of itself.
“Sebastian?” you asked incredulously, your eyes raking down his disheveled but well dressed body. He had certainly grown since you’d last seen him, his long legs accentuated by pressed slacks, and the suspenders that wrapped over his sculpted shoulders left little to the imagination. The button up he wore was just shy of being too small for his broad figure, and when you glanced back up at him, you watched as he brought one of his hands up to his face to fix his crooked glasses.
“Hi,” he said lamely, flashing you a somewhat sheepish smile. “Sorry for the mess– I, uh– well, I think I landed on something when I popped in.”
Your eyes flicked down once more to the toppled stacks of books that now covered the floor, and your brow cocked of its own accord as you breathed out a laugh, “You don’t say.”
Still reeling from the abrupt wake up call, you could only stare dumbstruck as Sebastian fixed his clothing and picked invisible lint off of his shirt, then offered his hand to you. “Sorry about the books. And the, uh, language. I’m here about the old tomes you found?”
As you accepted his outstretched hand and tried not to pass out from the firmness of it, you blinked and attempted to figure out what he was referring to. “Tomes?”
“The ones you wanted looked over?” He let go of your hand to rifle through the small satchel strapped to his thigh, and it took a herculean effort not to drool over the sheer width of his leg. Merlin’s bloody balls… you’d been holed up indoors for too long. “You sent in this consultation request a few weeks ago,” he said, pulling out a small slip of parchment decorated in your familiar scrawl, and then it all started to come back to you.
It had been nearly a month since, but during your last excursion to Scotland, you’d come across a set of unique, fragile tomes buried deep in an ancient magic site there. As curious as you’d been to read through their contents, the text within was hardly legible, and in truth, you weren’t even sure it was written in English. In a bid to still make use of the age-old books, you had reached out to the Ministry of Magic Archives to have someone potentially aid you in deciphering the timeworn pages. After almost a month with no response, you had simply shelved them all and moved on to planning your next trip.
“I completely forgot,” you muttered, taking the paper from Sebastian to read it over. “I kind of gave up hoping that the Ministry would send someone.”
“They weren’t planning on it,” he started to say, sounding conflicted as to whether or not he should continue. “But after I got my hands on the request, I took something of a personal interest in the case.”
Jokingly, you teased, “You hold that much sway working in the Archives?”
“I do when I’m the Archivist.”
“You’re the Archivist?” Your jaw dropped comically fast, your eyes wider than saucers as you processed his statement. Suddenly you were looking at your former friend in a whole new light. In your mind, you had always assumed the Ministry’s Archivist would be… well, ancient. Old and withered, graying and feeble. Not youthful and– quite frankly– hot. “How did that happen?”
Sebastian rocked back on his heels as he stuffed his thumbs in his pockets, the very picture of modesty as he shrugged, “It’s technically my trial period since the old Archivist just died a few months ago. But yeah, I guess my thirst for knowledge and reading habits paid off. At the very least it impressed the Minister enough for him to promote me.”
Eventually you managed to pick your chin up off the floor so you were no longer gaping at him like a fish, and you bashfully tucked a particularly stubborn strand of hair behind your ear as you cleared your throat and said, “Well, congratulations then. Glad to hear you’re doing well for yourself.”
Sebastian stared at you for a long moment before laughing softly under his breath, his hand sweeping through the front of his curly hair, “Thanks. But anyways, I can take a look at those tomes now if you’ve still got them?”
“Oh, yeah, sure. They’re on the shelf by the couch, let me just get changed.”
“No worries,” Sebastian said quickly, grinning widely as he moved around you further into the living room, his eyes roving over you momentarily. “I’ve got this.”
Did he just… check you out? No way, you thought, shaking the idea from your mind entirely.
You tracked the brunet as he strode over to the cluttered shelf beside the sofa, watching intently as he moved a few books around until he found the unmistakable tomes propped against the wooden panels. With the utmost care, Sebastian carefully withdrew one of the three with delicate fingers, his touch featherlight and ever conscious of the fragile nature of the bound piece of foreign literature. As he thoughtfully deposited the book on top of the coffee table, you couldn’t help but admire how gentle he was being with it; with hands that big, you found his tender touch to be something of a contrast to his entire person.
Shamelessly, you also found yourself wondering how those hands of his might feel against your skin.
Beating back your lustful thoughts with a mental brick, you managed to say with an even tone, “I’m surprised you can tell what’s what in that mess of a shelf. I’ve been told I have a bit of a hoarding problem– most people can’t separate the floor from the walls.”
“Well, I’m not most people,” he retorted, flashing you a dazzling smile from over his shoulder. “It takes a bookworm to know one. My old overseer at the Archives used to tell me I ‘had no shelf control’.”
The silence that settled over the room was utterly loud, and as Sebastian’s face took on the hue of a ripe tomato, you were fighting a grin with every fiber of your being. Your lips contorted into something resembling a downward smile while the Archivist-in-training turned back to the bookshelf, dragging a hand down his flushed cheeks as a pained groan weaseled its way out of him. “Please forget I said that. I’ve picked up on one too many library jokes in the past five years.”
Sweet Merlin, he was dorky as hell. Please leave, excessively hot Archivist. Either leave or stay for about six hours and don’t go until I’m ready to let you.
To spare him his dignity and also because you needed to refrain from staring at his attractive backside, you spun on your heel to head into the kitchen. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“Please,” he sighed in agreement, sounding all too excited about the change in topic.
“I’ve got tea, coffee, and… water,” you finished pathetically. The barren cupboards above the pantry nearly brought a tear to your eye, and you made a mental note to do some shopping later if you had the time.
Sebastian set the second tome down on the coffee table at the same time he called out to you, “Tea is fine, thank you.”
It took a smidge longer than normal to boil the water, seeing as you had to pause your efforts to find your wand buried beneath the piles of maps in your bedroom. Once you had it in hand, however, you whipped up two steaming cups of black tea and returned to Sebastian minutes later to hand his cup over to him. He took it graciously, plainly eyeing you up over the brim of the mug as he took a tentative sip, and your stomach flipped at the suggestive look he fixed you with.
“I’m a little jealous, you’ve got one hell of a collection here. I almost wish I could take some of these old books off your hands.”
“Mm,” you hummed around a mouthful of tea, swallowing pointedly. Sebastian’s eyebrow twitched minutely. “Well, I think it might be time for me to clean house a bit anyways. If you wanted to, you could always come back and take your pick of what you like.”
His brows rose momentarily before settling, a muscle in his defined jaw ticking as he glanced between you and the tomes on the table. Then with a voice like pure sin, Sebastian smoothly said, “And what if I like more than the books?”
Shit, shit. Redirect. You fought to employ every ounce of self-control in your body so you wouldn’t just jump into his strong arms and straddle him right there, but you were acutely aware of a few facts; you looked like you had fought a Hippogriff in your sleep, you had sorely little on under your robe, and Sebastian's eyes had been devouring the noticeable outline of your collarbone for the last minute or so. Fuck.
“Then it sounds, uh,” you started to say, struggling to form words with the broad shouldered Adonis across from you seemingly undressing you with his eyes. “Like we might be on the same page.” It was the truth– you were as interested in the Archivist as you were in the purpose for his visit– but once the unintentional pun registered, you rolled your eyes and dug the heel of your palm into one eye, swearing softly. To his credit, Sebastian just laughed, taking another hearty sip of his tea as you shyly smiled up at him.
With more work to be done back at the Ministry and your tomes in hand, Sebastian dutifully let you know that while he couldn't stay presently, he would absolutely be coming back later that night. He followed you into the kitchen to deposit his cup beside the sink, intentionally reaching over your shoulder to set the mug down before letting his fingers ghost along the skin of your neck. Goosebumps broke out all over your body at the contact, and when you turned around to face him with the counter pressing against your rear, his hands came to deftly adjust the revealing neckline of your robe with a coy smirk tugging at his lips.
“See you at seven,” he purred, leaving you a blushing mess in your kitchen as he stepped back, winked, then apparated away.
By the time seven o’clock rolled around, you had bathed, gone to the market to replenish your sorry excuse of a pantry, tidied up the previously demolished sitting area, and started cooking dinner. Part of you felt like you were getting ahead of yourself with everything, but after spending the entirety of your day reflecting on the stolen glances Sebastian had sent your way and his rather telling comment in the living room, you told yourself it couldn’t get any more obvious than that.
He had always been rather cute during your time at school, but something about seeing him grown and fully matured had ignited a fire in your veins that stubbornly stayed burning for hours.
When he showed up five minutes early at six fifty-five with freshly washed hair and wearing a darker version of his earlier outfit, your doubts all but vanished. Clearly you weren’t the only one itching to make a good impression.
Sebastian followed you into the living room, now noticeably cleaner than it had been earlier in the morning, and held up the bottle of wine he’d been holding at his side. “I know you’ve got tea and water, but uh. I figured why not. It’s Friday after all.”
You smiled softly and let your hands brush against his as you took the wine from him, curiously watching as his fingers flexed when his arm returned to his side. “Thank you. I take it the Archivist doesn’t go to work on the weekends, then?”
“The Archivist in training doesn’t, but I’m sure my free time will be a commodity before long. I’m pretty sure the last one frequently slept under his desk at the Ministry Headquarters. What about you? Any drab desk jobs to speak of?”
“Nope,” you said, gesturing to the couch as you turned to head back into the kitchen. “When I need the extra money I’ll help out Sirona at The Three Broomsticks, but for the most part my explorations and Professor Fig’s estate hold me over well enough. I’m hardly ever home anyways, so it’s not like there’s many expenses to keep track of.”
“I see,” Sebastian huffed as he collapsed into the couch, spreading his long arms along the top of the backrest as he took in the neater state of the living room. “I’m guessing your adventuring is why there’s so many books in the first place. Have you ever thought about upsizing?”
“Hardly,” you set the bottle down on the kitchen counter and chanced a look at the man on the sofa, oddly pleased to see him so at ease in the midst of your cluttered home. “I’d much rather downsize the collection. I don’t even need the majority of what I have– I’ve read through it all ten times over.”
He nodded, “Fair enough.”
“Anyway, I imagined you’d be hungry, so dinner’s almost ready.”
“Oh, damn,” Sebastian mumbled, sitting forward to run a hand through his drying hair as you flitted around the kitchen. “You didn’t have to.”
“Unless you planned on feeding yourself later, I think most shops will be closed by the time you leave,” you said pointedly, turning to hide your grin when you observed the brunet flushing bright red. Miraculously you resisted the urge to add ‘if at all’ to the end of your statement. You unearthed the corkscrew buried deep within the kitchen drawers and popped open the wine bottle, filling two glasses before striding back into the living room to hand one over to Sebastian. “Feel free to take a look at any of the books, see if any of them might be worth taking to the Archives.”
The larger man gave you a lopsided smirk as he took the offered glass and clinked it gently against yours, muttering his agreement before shamelessly ogling your retreating form returning to the kitchen. The cinched waist of your otherwise simple dress was incredibly distracting. He elected not to sift through the piles upon piles of books, opting to instead watch as you hummed to yourself and stirred something on the stove, which Sebastian was beginning to realize smelled pretty fantastic. He was grateful for the distance between you both so you couldn’t hear his stomach growling.
Once the food was ready, you ate with comfortable conversation flowing between the two of you the entire time. You asked Sebastian what he did in his soon to be nonexistent free time, and you were surprised to hear that he had taken on the role of Feldcroft’s token handyman. In his own words, the muggle approach to fixing things was relatively therapeutic, and he loved getting his hands dirty almost as much as he loved having his nose burrowed in book pages. It explained his physical appearance, at the very least. Until now, you’d just assumed he had a habit of squatting massive stacks of books in the Archives when he was bored.
In turn he had asked you about your hobbies, about the ancient magic sites you visited, and about living on-the-go so regularly. It was so normal for you now that you barely batted an eye at being away from home for weeks at a time, and you told him as much with a half-hearted shrug.
Lazily, you swirled the remaining wine around in your glass, bringing it to your mouth as you murmured, “It’s not like there’s anything waiting for me here, so I don’t mind it.”
Sebastian watched you intently as you finished off your drink, taking in the pretty flush decorating your cheeks and the delectable way you licked your wine-stained lips in the moment that followed. “Anything, or anyone?”
“You don’t have anyone to come home to? No pets, no kids…” he trailed off, the rest of his question dangling in the air like a lone cloud. Your eyes fell to Sebastian’s hand as he sensually ran his pinched fingers along the stem of his own glass, and his half-hooded eyes hidden behind his glasses said everything in place of the missing portion of his sentence.
No lover, is what you knew he was indirectly asking.
“Do you see anyone else here?” you teased, the sides of your mouth curling into a coy smile.
“No,” Sebastian retorted, pushing his empty glass away as he sat back in his seat, amusement etched across his handsome face. “Then again, it doesn’t hurt to check. Had to make sure I was reading things correctly.”
You perched your elbow on the armrest of your chair and balanced your chin on top of your fist casually before asking, “Was that another one of your jokes?” Hoping that you looked more confident than you felt, you mirrored his position and crossed one of your legs over the other, taking immense satisfaction in the way the brunet’s throat bobbed at the sight of your legs outlined through your attire.
Sebastian looked puzzled for a moment before realizing what he’d said, and he rolled his eyes at the same time an airy laugh spilled from your lips. “An accidental one, make no mistake,” he moved forward to the edge of his seat, leaning forward to play with one of the folds of your dress with his index finger. “But I have been thinking about you all day, and I may or may not have convinced myself that you’re way out of my league.”
“You should be more confident,” you whispered, dropping your hand to clutch at the one the Archivist was inching towards your leg with. His fingers immediately spread to accommodate your smaller ones, and you tugged him a smidge closer so your noses were mere inches apart. Jokingly, you taunted him further by asking, “Did you still want to look at my book collection?”
Before you could so much as yelp, Sebastian closed the distance between the two of you in a flash and pressed his lips to yours fervently, any lingering awkwardness falling away like leaves on a tree. His free hand came to curl around the back of your neck, holding you firmly against his mouth as he angled his head to the side to deepen the kiss further, and you couldn’t help but moan against him at the brutish feeling of his broad hand holding you in place.
He pulled away just enough to brush a tinier, more delicate kiss against the tip of your nose before he sighed, “I really don’t give a damn about the books right now.”
A budding Archivist not caring about books? The scandal, is what you wanted to say, but then Sebastian’s lips were back on yours, swallowing your pending comment with a ferocity that had your stomach churning wantonly. Those brilliant hands of his left your neck and your hand to trail along your waist, his fingers digging firmly into the bodice of your dress to pull you towards him, and you followed his guidance all too willingly as he urged you from your seat. Within seconds you were in his lap, melting against him as he ground his hips up into yours while simultaneously using his hands to rock you against his hardening cock, and a satisfied groan emitted from him as you allowed him to move you as he pleased.
In-between kisses, Sebastian managed to croak out, “Bedroom?”
You barely managed a nod, too enthralled by the man under you to form actual words, and at the same time you dove back in for another heated kiss, Sebastian looped an arm around your back and the other under your ass as he stood up, lifting you with him as though you weighed nothing. Instinctively you hooked your legs around his hips, letting him haul you along to your bedroom while your hands flew to his neck to clutch at him ardently in a bid to keep your mouth glued to his. His ability to multi-task was something to compliment later on, because he kept walking and working his mouth over yours with a finesse that bordered on inhuman.
The next thing you knew you were being thrown down on the mattress, bouncing in place briefly before you had to bite your lip to stifle a curse as you watched Sebastian fucking crawl up the bed towards you, predatory and sexy as hell. As soon as he was within reach, you grabbed for one of his suspender straps and pulled him closer, kissing him once again and moaning eagerly when you felt his hand grip at the seductive curve of your waist to squeeze before he settled on top of you. With his knees on either side of you, it was impossible to overlook the feeling of his achingly hard cock pressing down against your leg, and Sebastian groaned loudly when you tried lifting your hips to convey your impatience.
“Someone’s excited,” he murmured against your swollen lips, grinning to himself as you worked to catch your breath. “Have you been thinking about me, too?”
“Yes,” you gasped, your train of thought momentarily derailing when Sebastian moved so his chest was pressing against your clothed breasts, his hips flush with yours to better grind against you. “Don’t you own a mirror?”
Instead of replying to your thinly veiled compliment, Sebastian dipped his head into the crook of your neck to nip and kiss his way along your jaw with a rumbling moan, the force of his ministrations forcing your head back against the pillows. He was as eager as you were, that much was certain. As he rutted his concealed cock against your thigh, you heard and felt him shudder against you, and in an attempt to silence himself, the Archivist’s plush lips latched firmly onto a patch of skin under your jaw to suck a mark there.
The stinging sensation of him biting down had your eyes fluttering shut, your entire being relishing in the light pain his teeth bestowed upon you, and Sebastian blindly reached for your wrist to pin your arm above your head. The dominant display had you voicing your approval in the form of a low moan, enjoying how being stretched out for him allowed for his other hand to rake down your side to start bunching up your dress. His movements didn’t cease as he lifted his hips slightly to free up the rest of the fabric trapped beneath him, and he expertly collected the material into a disheveled heap below your navel. When his dexterous fingers ghosted along the waistband of your undergarments, your next breath caught in your throat and caused you to gasp shakily.
You felt as Sebastian’s lips curved into a smirk against your spit-slick skin before sitting back on his heels to murmur, “You’re so noisy.”
Through his lashes, he watched as a brilliant flush swept up your neck to cover your face, and you timidly tried to hide your cheeks with the back of your free hand. “S-Sorry,” you stammered, but the man above you was having absolutely none of your self-consciousness.
Your mediocre shield was wrenched away from your face and pinned up alongside your other hand in an instant, and you blinked up at Sebastian in blatant surprise as he leaned menacingly over you. “Don’t stop,” he implored you, biting his lip as he took in the sight of you beneath him. “I love it.
The brunet secured your wrists into one of his hands so he could drop the other one back to your aching center, swiping two of his fingers up your slit through your underwear to feel the wetness that had collected there. The sensation left you breathless, another choked gasp weaseling its way past your lips and earning a dark chuckle from Sebastian. His digits moved up to slide beneath the fabric blocking his path, and a low groan sounded from him as he felt how truly soaked you were from his efforts. Without looking away from your pinched features, he gingerly slid a single finger in, biting his lip hungrily at the way your lips parted and your head rolled to the side when he began steadily pumping in and out of you.
When you felt his thumb begin to rub against your clit, your eyelids fluttered shut from the intense pleasure that washed over you, pulling a strangled whimper from you. “Fuck, Sebastian–”
The hand he had securely wrapped around your wrists tightened a fraction to draw your mind out of the gutter, and he roughly gritted out, “Look at me, darling– open those pretty eyes for me.” You couldn’t help but oblige him when he referred to you so sweetly, and when you cracked your eyes open once again, his body seemed to shudder with delight as he growled, “So fucking perfect. My name sounds damn good when you say it like that.”
With his gaze burning into yours and the close proximity between the two of you, you didn’t think the overwhelming euphoria you felt could get any better. That is, until he added a second finger into the mix. The initial stretch was felt only briefly before his thumb pressed against your sensitive bundle of nerves, the persistent ministrations against your clit muting any discomfort and leaving you arching brainlessly beneath him as that hot, incessant feeling in your gut roared to life. It was tantalizing, and your hips bucked off the mattress in an attempt to chase his movements and reach the climax you were utterly desperate for.
“Please, please,” you begged mindlessly, your desire to come so potent that it was almost painful. “Please, Sebastian, please.”
“Already?” he tsk’d mockingly, shaking his head minutely as he eagerly wet his bottom lip and removed his thumb from your center. “I think you can hold on a bit longer, don’t you? I’d much rather end this with my cock, if it’s all the same to you.”
The lack of friction sobered you up instantly, and the lustful haze that had clouded your mind cleared enough for you to blink blearily up at him, a small frown playing on your lips. “Really?”
Sebastian cocked a brow at you, as though daring you to tell him he was being unreasonable. “Would you rather this end with my hands?”
You tried to roll your hips up into his hand before relenting rather quickly, and you muttered, “F-Fine. Just hurry up, I might throttle you if I have to wait any longer.”
Sebastian grinned wickedly at the way your back arched when he curled his fingers inside of you before torturously withdrawing them. A small sigh slipped from you when he let go of your wrists and slid away to hastily begin shedding his clothing, taking care to be gentler with his glasses as he set them down on the nightstand, and once he was wholly bare before you, the only thing you could do was stare.
His physique was mind boggling; toned, defined muscles made up every inch of his torso, accentuated by broad shoulders that you were convinced didn’t belong anywhere near someone who worked in a glorified library of all places. His skin was sun-kissed and peppered with freckles, a testament to the aforementioned physical labor he claimed to enjoy. It hadn’t made much sense to you before when he’d told you– forgoing magic to use his own hands to help fix things. But if a habit like that gave a man a body like his, you would never doubt his preferences again.
All of Sebastian looked positively divine, including his cock. Thick, hard, and twitching tellingly, it arched proudly against his taut stomach, the head violently red and already leaking beads of pre-cum in response to the situation at hand. You swallowed thickly when you realized that that would be inside of you, and you were suddenly grateful that he’d told you to wait. Not to discredit his fingers or anything, but you had a nagging feeling that you would enjoy his lower parts far more than his hands.
Ignoring the nervousness that settled in your stomach, you sat up to quickly pull the sleeves of your dress down your arms, wriggling out of the attire quickly before throwing the bunched up material to the floor. As you reached down to slide your underwear off, Sebastian returned to kneel in front of you and stopped you by lightly pushing you flat against the pillows, then ran his hands along the plane of your stomach.
“Allow me,” he said chivalrously, taking care to gently slip his fingers under the waistband and sensually remove the material entirely. With nothing else separating you from him, Sebastian took his time eating you alive with his eyes, letting his hands drag up your thighs and squeeze at your knees before pushing your legs apart so he had space to siddle forward. The blunt head of his cock bumped against your slick cunt, and a barely there shudder ran down your spine in anticipation.
It took a good amount of self-control for you to let Sebastian press into you achingly slow, his eyes pinching shut while his teeth savaged his bottom lip, and when he was finally sheathed inside of you fully, the brunet was practically shaking with the desire to fuck your brains out. He waited, though, his palms sliding from your knees to your upper thighs to dig his fingers into the skin there, raking his hungry gaze over you while he gave you a moment to adjust.
You appreciated the sentiment, because Merlin– he was big. It was impossible to overlook every delicious inch of him pressing against your inner walls, the subtle grinding of his hips stretching you out more and more to the point where your breath continuously caught in your throat. It felt good, though. Good enough to leave you wondering why you’d never sought him out when the two of you were still in school together.
At some point, however, you realized Sebastian was fucking with you. It probably had something to do with the repetitive, shallow thrusts he teased you with, and when you craned your neck up to look at him, he was already staring at you with a wide grin splitting his face, his tongue poking out between his teeth.
“W-What?” you grumbled, your hands fisting in the sheets. “Are you going to make me beg or something? I already said please.”
“I was just enjoying the face you were making,” Sebastian said, rocking his hips just enough to leave you arching towards him. “You look like you’re trying really hard to keep it together. It’s cute.”
“I’m flattered,” you breathed out around an airy laugh, then wriggled your hips down in an attempt to bait the Archivist into moving. Mercifully, it worked.
Sebastian gave a throaty moan, leaning forward to brace one hand on the side of your waist while the other gripped at your thigh tighter, and he withdrew his cock languidly before plunging back in. Your breathing hitched and your head fell back against the pillows at the abrupt sensation, and the sight of you so obviously enthralled by his efforts was what expelled the remainder of his patience.
Holding onto your thigh with bruising strength, Sebastian fell into a steady, toe-curling pace. He pulled you onto his cock with every deep plunge, digging his feet into the bed to lend some force to his thrusts, and his reward was the sound of your shaky voice reverberating off of the bedroom walls as your spine rounded. You keened loudly, overcome with both the feeling and the sight of Sebastian– because not only was he deceptively good at rendering your mind into a puddle of mush, he looked amazing while he was doing it. The muscles in his arms rippled as he supported himself above you, his brown curls falling into his face as his head hung heavy between his sculpted shoulders, and when your arousal had you clamping down on his cock harder, those full, kissable lips of his fell open around a guttural groan.
“Fuck, you feel incredible,” he grit out through his clenched teeth, gazing down at you with lust-dark eyes that made your blood burn hot in your veins. “So bloody gorgeous– like a fucking work of art.”
His praises left you whining in earnest, and you didn’t bother to keep your voice down in the slightest. With every sinful noise that escaped you, Sebastian’s hold on you seemed to intensify, and his thick cock filled you harder with every desperate pump of his hips. His ragged breathing left you craving more of him– all of him– and you rutted against him as much as was physically possible in a bid to take him deeper.
Sebastian picked up on your desires wordlessly, and he shifted his hold on your thigh so his hand was looped around it to better pull it to the side, giving him the room he needed to spear into you with wicked precision. It also allowed him to discover what you sounded like crying out for more, your voice reedy and strident within the four walls of the bedroom, and when he shifted his hips down to achieve new depths, your moans echoed around him. He had to be hitting a good spot.
“Right there, Sebastian, fuck– right there–”
Your lower half was positively shaking, and Sebastian was honestly at his limit. He sat up momentarily before grabbing both of your legs, watching as you blearily tried to figure out what was going on while he pulled your knees over his shoulders. Moving over you swiftly and urgently, he bent you back and rammed his thick cock back into your tight heat, animalistic grunts sounding from him as you arched tight and cried out, but you were barely given the space to breathe before he was fucking you hard– hips bucking rough and deep and so fucking good that you were left screaming and gasping helplessly at the sheets.
Sebastian pinned you to the bed and pounded into you, his own moans dripping loud from his lips as his hands grasped at the sweaty, flushed skin of your waist, pulling you close while he filled you over and over and drank in your noisy pleas for more until your back was arching clear off the bed and your thighs were shaking. You were barely holding on, your climax from earlier roaring back to life in your gut and rendering your tongue a lead weight in your mouth.
Forming words was damn near impossible, but you still managed to babble out, “Like that, Sebastian, fuck, just like that– I’m close– please, I’m–”
He obliged you instantly, keeping up his pace while he brought his hand between your legs to thumb over your bundle of nerves, his hips angling upwards with every deep, precise plunge. Taking his bottom lip between his teeth, you watched through your slitted eyes as he bent forward to press a chaste kiss to your parted lips, swallowing your breathy whines with a satisfied expression playing over his face. “Come on, darling. Let’s hear how you sound falling apart on my cock, yeah?”
As if you even needed the encouragement.
Every muscle in your body tensed as a wave of unparalleled ecstasy crashed over you, and your hands flew to Sebastian’s shoulders to absentmindedly attempt to grasp at something to ground yourself. His movements didn’t stop as you writhed beneath him– milking every possible noise out of you with unconcealed fervor– and it was only when you sagged into the sheets twitching and whimpering that Sebastian let your legs drop to the sides so he could wrap his arms around you to give you the last of his deep, quick thrusts before he was coming too, your name tumbling over his lips as he fell alongside you.
“Fuck,” Sebastian murmured directly beside your ear, still draped in a boneless heap on top of you as you trembled against him. One of your hands slid up to bury your fingers in his tangled curls, and you mumbled something unintelligibly into the crook of his neck. He pulled back slightly to hear you better, “What?”
Your eyes were still glazed over as you came down from your post-coital high, “Are the Archives chock-full of sex books or something?”
Sebastian smirked tiredly at you, pulling out gently before collapsing beside you with his arms still wrapped securely around your waist. “One or two. Why?”
You stared up at the ceiling in a daze and shook your head softly to yourself, “Because you’re a little too good at that. It’s kind of scary.”
“Good scary or bad scary?”
“Good scary,” you clarified, turning over so you could face the brunet and smile softly at him. The way his entire face lit up at the sight of you would live on in your mind for years to come, you were sure, so you wistfully said, “We should do this again sometime.”
Sebastian paused, leaving you worried for a short second until he wriggled in a way that let him press his hard cock against your stomach, and he closed the distance between the two of you to give you a chaste kiss on your nose before grinning mischievously. “Like right now?”
You raised your eyebrows in silent surprise before laughing playfully, rolling over onto him before taking his face in your hands to kiss him deeply. It was a sweet moment– tender, affectionate, and heartwarming. It only ceased when you let go of his cheeks to move down his larger body, already itching to put your hands to better use.
The only thing that stopped Sebastian from staying holed up within the warm, comfortable confines of your bedroom with you forever was the imminent arrival of Monday, but Saturday and Sunday were days well spent. You were rather disappointed when your time together came to an end– enough so that you actually pouted when Sebastian had slid out from beneath the covers to get ready for work. Thankfully though, the Archivist was as unwilling as you were to call it quits after everything, and following a heated, lengthy kiss, he promised to come back as soon as he was able.
It only took him eight hours to find himself back in your bed, but you knew then that it would be impossible to stay away from him for very long from here on out.
#sebastian sallow x you#sebastian sallow x female!reader#sebastian sallow x reader#sebastian sallow smut#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanfic#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#hogwarts legacy oneshot#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow oneshot#my writing#the final word count for this being 6969 is honestly the highlight of my fucking month who would have thought#I'm just a large child
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do better; caitlin clark
𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝/𝚋𝚕𝚞𝚛𝚋 𓍯

“tha’s all you got?” she snickered, biting her bottom lip as she scrutinized you.
you insisted u could ride her backwards: ur back facing her as you do short prods on her slippery cock that tortured your pussy with a bow on top.
struggling to go faster, you tsk’d.
annoyance was an understatement as your hips just weren’t going any longer than what u wanted. “n-no i..” concentrating on moving higher to convince her you can do better.
veiny cold hands grasped your hair, forcing u to lean back just right to make caitlin kiss your earlobe, but she didn’t. “i know u can do better than that, sweetheart.” she murmured, her voice laced with a satisfying gruff as her breath aerated across ur marked neck.
shuddering briefly, you nodded, lifting urself up a little as ur right hand grazed on the dips of her abs.
both of her hands fly to ur hips, immediately making you politely sit on it, enticing you to bounce.
you waste no time in bringing all ur effort into the now rapid ricocheting, ur tight walls had a mind of its own — clenching while slowly gushing out sweet precum.
her middle finger prowling to the famous sponge she loved to devour, lick and pinch. operating in circles as she admired the motivation she had given you.
“mh’, good momentum my little girl” a hint of mischief tinged as her other hand fondled with ur boobs that cried for touch, nor bitten or marked yet.
her hooded eyes encountered ur own, biting ur lip as you maintained eye contact.
it’s gonna be a long night towards you.
#✦ analia’s blurb .ᐟ#caitlin clark#caitlin clark smut#caitlin smut#caitlin clark x you#caitlin clark x reader#caitlin clark x fem!reader#caitlin clark x y/n#wnba#wbb#caitlin clark fic#iowa wbb#indiana fever#caitlin clark icons#caitlin clark images#caitlin clark headcannons#caitlin clark fluff#caitlin clark oneshot#wlw#lesbian#gay awakening#smut#lesbian sex#masc lesbian#caitlin clark highlights#iowa hawkeyes#iowa#cc#fanfic#fan fiction
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Dabi with a daddy kink.
Oh, and this man would fuck you in public. Not even like, "fuck in a public bathroom," would bend you over in a restaurant with everyone watching and do it.
A/N- I just want to start this off with.. why the hell are you so right?!?! He absolutely is the type of man to do some shit like this~ 😩 I hope you like it...
CW- smut, daddy kink, public sex
The first time it happened, it was an accident and you swear by that, really you do. It was in the heat of the moment, his cock was just so deep and your brain was fuzzy, everything seemed so high and cloudy. His hand was so warm and big around your neck, lithe fingers calloused and squeezing just right. Your voice coming out garbled and squeaky, tongue limp and wet, hanging out so pretty for him. So soft and warm on his thumb as he slips it in to keep you quiet for him.
He freezes when he hears it at first, cerulean eyes shooting to your own, burning hotter than hades flames. Dilated pupils leaking uncertainty as they flicker from your irises to your lips, thumb sitting pretty wrapped in plush skin. But you give yourself away when your eyes get all wide and anxious, at that point you know, that he knows what you said. That little gargled whine of "Daddy" was real, it came from you, and fuck, the repeated spews of "sorry, 'm so sorry Touya", "didn't mean it, just so good Touya." Leave him light-headed, heart pounding against his chest, pupils dilated on a high he didn't know was achievable. There's a quick, tighter squeeze around your throat before his hand pulls away to wipe the tears off your cheeks, hands moving wet hair off sticky wet skin.
"Shhh, it's okay, calm down pretty baby, I'm right here, yeah? I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. But I need you to say it again princess, say it again for Daddy, please?" You try to say it again, you really do, for Touya, but it comes out choked, you don't mean for it too, it gets caught in your throat when his wet thumb presses down on your sticky clit. Rubbing rough circles into the little pearl, getting leaky juices on the floor when it drips off his cock, smearing on your thighs. "Try again baby, need to hear it again, you sound so pretty, hm?" Too much. It's too fucking much, his voice is raspy and cracking, warm breath panting in you ear, pleading with you.
He gets faster in his pace, cock twitching inside it's warm confinement as his balls slap against your ass. Heavy and full, ready and willing to give you everything you need. But it's too hot and stuffy in the dirty alley-way, people walking by and laughing. Parts of different conversations bouncing off your ears as your eyes roll back. The first spurt of warm cum he fucks into your cunt, has you keeling and pleading with him, voice raising in pitch as your nails dig into un-burned skin, blood starting to leak and gather under your nails.
"Daddy please, too much please, I can't, please I swear I can't, 'm too full," his hips stutter while hitting against your own. His abs clench, body tensing in full from the euphoria. Head thrown back as his eyes clench tight, white canines biting deep into your neck, pulling away soaked in crimson as deep imprints burn in their wake. The pain leaves a dopamine rush in your brain, ears buzzing from the overstimulation of everything.
"There you go baby, there you go, 'm so proud of you, so fuckin' proud, good girl." It's all so warm. His hands burning as electric eyes stare you down and whisper praise into your ear. Warm, wet tongue licking up ruby from your throat- smearing it onto un-flawed perfect skin. The full shock that wracks through your body when you cum for him makes you feel faint, legs like jelly and thighs strained from being wrapped around his waist for so long. The cobble from the cold, stone wall leaving nasty imprints on the backs of your thighs and arms. But it's all so worth it, worth it for Dabi, worth it for Touya.. worth it for Daddy.
#baby-tini#anon ask#I'm kinda proud of this#I hope I did your request justice#I did wanna highlight the public sex but I was more focused on the daddy kink lol.#dabi x reader#dabi x reader smut#dabi x y/n#dabi x you#dabi smut#touya x reader#touya smut#dabi imagine#boku no hero academia dabi#dabi my hero academia#my hero academia dabi#mha dabi#bnha dabi#touya todoroki#dabi#todoroki touya
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Elevator Action
The gang's reaction:
#nanamin#artists on tumblr#digital art#jjk art#nanami kento#kento nanami#nanami smut#nanami x reader#nanami x you#yandere nanami#yandere nanami kento#jjk nanami#jujutsu nanami#higuruma hiromi#free palestine#highlights#higuruma x reader#jjk higuruma#hiromi jjk#jujutsu kaisen fanart#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#yandere jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu gojo#jujutsu geto#jujustsu kaisen x reader#geto suguru#jjk geto#geto x reader
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照らすの夜の中 導いて、 君は
#okay so now I'm definitely hit the threshold of drawing furry smut lol LEVEL UP#ela mi amora eres una mala influencia#that's a spicy meatball#but once again COME AT ME TUNGLR FILTER THERE'S NO BITS#ROTTMNT#leosagi#leoichi#usagi yuki#leonardo#rise usagi#RRCU#don't ask questions about where they are or what they're sitting on because bro idk either#white highlighting on a dark canvas my new beloved#rhinociart#TMNT#me following canon shapes: you got a flat head. flathead
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ok so WHYYY aren't you a professional writer yet??? im reading your hunger games au w reader x könig and holy fuckint shit???? If you wrote a book I would read it. 1000%. Like. Wow. Wow. WOW.

y’all are so nice wtf 🥹🥹 this message made my day and it’s not even 9am yet!!! thank you so much for taking the time to send this it means the world to me - you got me smiling GOOFY fr!!! 💕💗🩷💞💗
#y’all carry my self esteem fr#‘every time you compliment me - I get another highlight in my eyes!!’#honestly the idea of writing a novel has been something i’ve considered recently#but gosh idek what i’d write about#so far i only feel motivated to play with other people’s characters and worlds like barbie dolls :)#throw the cod boy in the death arena :)#konig#könig#konig cod#könig cod#cod#call of duty#konig call of duty#könig call of duty#cod x you#cod x reader#cod smut#könig mw2#konig mw2#cod könig#cod konig#call of duty konig#call of duty könig#tgwctm nice words
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Nanami Kento is the "Stay down!" Fighter aesthetic; take your beating because you're too pathetic to take any more, don't waste his time by trying to carry on fighting, he's taken pity on you so don't throw that back in his face kind of fighter.
"Stay down. I'm done with you. I've got ten more just like you to beat bloody out there, and I'm not staying for overtime."
Higuruma Hiromi is the "Get up!" Fighter aesthetic; you drag him into a fight and now you just want to lay down and die like a little bitch? Please. You fight until you're dead. Go into this with conviction and commit kind of fighter.
"Get up! I'll kill you on the ground if that's what you want, you sorry piece of shit, but it's an ugly way to die."
And...these two aesthetics are Besto Friendos.
Neat Suit/Messy Suit aesthetics
Cold Anger/Hot Anger Aesthetics
City-Skyline Penthouse/Converted-Factory Penthouse aesthetics

Image Credit: moonlessoul
#jjk#kento nanami#jjk nanami#kento nanami x you#nanami fluff#jujustu kaisen#kento nanami x y/n#kento nanami x reader#nanami kento smut#jjk fluff#higuruma x reader#highlights#jjk higuruma#higuruma hiromi#higuruma#higuruma smut#higuruma angst#higuruma fluff
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•·.·´Roommate!Calum Headcanons`·.·•
- for a long while, cal was staying in luke's room in the apartment that he was sharing but eventually both of them were over it and so was luke's actual roommate.
- to cope with the lack of personal space he was afforded, calum often found himself going out into London to explore, whether accompanied by other people or just by himself.
- one day, ash invited him to come out with him and his new roommate-turned-best friend and told him that she was bringing another girl named y/n.
- well at the very least, he could meet a cute girl
- so he found himself sat in a booth with ashton and his roommate picking at a basket of fries laid out in the middle of the table
- you were running a little late because of a call you had to take for work, but finally you were able to shut the other person on the phone up and you made it to the restaurant.
- when you arrived, calum was mid-bite of a burger he ordered, but as he looked up and caught sight of you fixing your hair and looking around for your friend, he nearly choked.
- holy shit, you were hot.
- the sound caught both your attention and his friend's.
- "you okay, mate?" "what? eh-hem... yeah— yeah, i'm good... 'something stuck in my throat." he rasps out as he takes a deep breath and looks away. "you couldn't have told me that she was hot??" he panics and attempts to fix his beanie's placement. "i didn't know, honest!"
- his coughing fit had brought your attention to the table and with that, an air of recognition lit up your face when you realized your best friend was sitting at the table.
- she had mentioned her new roommate and his cute friend. but what was his name? calvin? carlos?
- "y/n! jeez, you're late by a long shot!" "sorry! i got caught up by a work call... is this ashton?" "hi, it's nice to meet you! this is my friend calum."
- calum. calum was his name. and by the looks of it, calum was just your type.
- ash directs your attention to cal the moment he's swallowing the last bit of burger he had. he was gonna kill him for letting him embarrass himself in front of a cute girl like this.
- "it's a pleasure to meet you!" calum says as he takes a sip of his drink and wipes his face clean of crumbs.
- "calum, y/n is actually looking for a roommate!" your friend interjects and shoots you a cheeky smile. she knew the boy was just your type— the perfect balance of hot and dorky. you give her a look and then focus back onto the boy.
- god, he was so cute!
- "yeah, i am, actually!" "well, i'm actually looking for a place to stay.. so..." "well, you can come over sometime to check it out if you'd like?" "hell yeah."
- he mentally patted himself on the back for getting himself invited into a girl's house, no matter what the occasion was, and scooted over on the booth so you could sit down and he could talk to you properly.
- calum was gonna give it his all to make sure you had a good impression of him, but based on everything you'd already seen, you didn't need much convincing before he was living with you full time.
.⋅ ۵ Living with him! ۵ ⋅.
- living with him is super fun!
- he's always got something to say or something he wants to do, so you never really have a dull moment with him
- he gives some of the best advice, considering he listens very well to all of your problems, but he also can get a little off topic, so make sure to keep him focused!
- i think he'd dust really well.
- i don't know why, but i think that's his chore.
- he owns it. that's the one he volunteers to do, but the dust gets in the air and then he starts sneezing and when he sneezes once, he gets 100x more dramatic.
- he's also the type to get angry when he sneezes, like he goes from 1 to 10 so quick
- "ohgodohgod— WAIT I'M GONNA FUCKIN' SNEEZE." a loud sneeze erupts through the quiet apartment. "bless you." "my fuckin' nose, i swear to god, I'm cutting it off." "oh wow, okay—"
- he's a very good roommate in the sense that he doesn't make a lot of noise
- he respects that you have your own life and he has his, but that doesn't mean he won't occasionally barge in
- he's a "barge into the room no matter what" kinda guy
- you'll be in your room laying on your bed scrolling through pinterest on your computer and all the sudden BAM the door is open
- and calum is standing there like this ^ ◡ ^
- "hi, y/n!" ..... "why aren't you talking back to meeee?" "calum, what if i was changing?" ..... "well i'd be a lot happier, i'd think."
- speaking of which, he's a pervert
- think typical boy humor— everything is a dirty joke
- 'cause he's a freak
- but he encourages you to join him because part of him wants to feel like he ruined you
- please just give it to him, be happy and happy calum is so aww
- he's got a thing for his personal space (can you just get out of my grill?)
- yours? he'll jump on you as you're laying on the couch
- but his complaints are all lighthearted and he hopes you know that because he secretly enjoys it when you take after him and burst into his room just to lay down with him
- he's the type to constantly order food to the apartment
- like, yes, he's a musician, but he isn't popular enough to have enough money to support these food delivery fees and it's starting to get really concerning
- "cal, that's like— the eighth time this week that you've ordered chinese food, you're gunna go broke!" "oh i'll be fine, don't you worry! now what do you want, orange chicken or pad thai?"
- he invites the boys to hang out often, but instead of being like the others and letting his roommate stay away from the group or only join in on certain things when they want to, he insists you be there
- he wants to show you off
- he wants you either in the adjacent kitchen hanging out and participating in conversation or he wants you in the living room with them like you've known them for years.
- as far as other people go, he doesn't mind people coming over for you.
- or at least that's what he says.
- he deeply cares.
- he assumes a very protective position whenever any kind of guy is over with you— not in the brotherly way, but in the way that makes the other very intimidated.
- he will NOT say anything while you're there, but the death glares are killer.
- when you decide to take a quick bathroom breath, calum couldn't be happier because that means he gets the sucker to himself.
- he flashes you a smile as you walk away and then turns back like he's gonna kill the other guy.
- "listen, kid. i don't have time to listen to your whining, so i'm the only one who's gonna talk right now. got that?" "..." "good. now why the hell are you even here, huh? i mean, isn't it obvious that i've already staked my claim. you think she likes you? nah. that's all me. so back off."
- and it's no surprise when the guy leaves immediately after cal gives him his little speech and you're left there wondering why he's leaving
- you're waiving goodbye to him on the porch and calum's right beside you with a hand on your waist, waving with a shit-eating grin on his face because he can see the guy giving him weird looks from in the car.
- all the while cal's on the porch pulling you a little closer just to rub it in
- "wonder why he left..." you say softly as the car rounds the corner. calum sighs and shrugs, taking a sip of his drink as he smiles to himself. "i dunno, i thought things were goin' great., we had great chemistry."
- but it's all part of his grand plan to get you with him.
#roommate!calum#5sos fanfic#5sos imagine#5sos preference#5sos smut#calum hood smut#calum hood x reader#blond highlights calum#5 seconds of summer#5sos calum#calum hood#calum 5sos#calum 5 seconds of summer#calum smut#calum hood fanfic#fetus calum hood#calum hood imagine#long way home#heartbreak girl#she's kinda hot#she looks so perfect#english love affair#jet black heart#valentyne#permanent vacation#5sos ashton#ashton 5sos#ashton irwin#ashton irwin x reader#fetus ashton irwin
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The Jegulus 1999 Record Store AU
Ff: Meet on Telegraph Avenue
The one where Regulus moves from London to crash with Sirius in California, then falls for his roommate who is an absolute prick to him for months before he finally admits that he’s in love with him
(Smut below the cut)
They crawl through the window and discard their glasses in the sink on the way to James’ room. Regulus sits on the edge of the bed while James runs a hand over his CD collection. “What do you want to listen to?”
Regulus lays back onto the mattress. “You pick.”
“Alright, but you asked for it.”
Regulus hears the click of the play button. Under the Bridge by the Red Hot Chili Peppers starts to play. Regulus sits-up immediately. “No, why?”
James raises his eyebrows. “What is your problem with RHCP?”
Regulus groans and falls back to the bed. “All of their songs are about doing drugs in California.”
James lowers himself to the bed and lays back beside Regulus. “I know. It’s perfect.”
Their heads fall to the side and James reaches across his body and lays it on Regulus’ cheek. “I’ll distract you so you won’t even know what’s playing.”
Regulus smirks as James rolls on top of him and lets his full weight drop onto Regulus’ body. His hand wanders down to Regulus’ waist and slips under his t-shirt. They kiss for a few minutes before James stands beside the bed. It’s art - how James undoes the second button of his overalls and lets them fall to the floor in one smooth motion.
James makes quick work of undressing Regulus and throwing his clothing to the floor. They laugh in between their tongues in each other’s mouth, a bit sloppy from the alcohol in their blood.
James guides Regulus’ head to the pillows and trails down his stomach with his tongue, then back up again. He takes him into his hand first, making Regulus’ back arch into the touch. When his mouth replaces his hand Regulus throws his head back, letting a shameless groan slip from his mouth as James adds pressure with his tongue. Regulus is going to implode if he keeps going.
James stops just before Regulus loses it, knowing exactly what he’s doing with his torturous pause. He kisses Regulus’ neck and reaches for the drawer beside his bed, finding the condoms and lube that he always keeps there.
James looks at him from above, hovering over his body. “Your turn?”
Regulus’ eyes go wide with surprise. He’s topped before, but it’s rare. Very rare. Guys usually just assume what he likes because he’s smaller, and gentle, and listens to love songs.
James’ eyes swim with unholy desire at Regulus’ surprise. “I believe you promised me a little payback from my actions on the bus.”
Regulus takes the condom between his fingers and leans in to bite James’ shoulder - an impure act to match James’ impure eyes. “Fuck yes.”
James turns and falls to the bed. He watches as Regulus rolls the condom on himself and drips lube onto his hand. James’ gaze never leaves where Regulus’ hand strokes, touching himself and purposefully drawing it out to make James agonize over having to wait.
Regulus climbs over with a leg on each side of James’ hips. He trails his slick fingers down his stomach and returns the patience James gave him, making sure he’s ready and all but begging for more.
The smirk that crosses James’ face is downright a sin. He nods his head as Regulus positions himself between his legs. He moves in slowly, inch by inch, soaking in every moan from James’ mouth as he pushes further and further. James’ neck cranes as he stays inside of him without moving, pulling James hips into him from below. The feeling of being inside of James barely allows Regulus the mental strength to tease. He wants to make it slow, make it torturously slow. But he’s not that strong. He has to move.
When he’s found his rhythm, Regulus leans up and supports himself with one hand on the mattress, leaving enough space for him to reach between them and tease James with his fingers as they go. When he wraps his fingers around James and starts to stroke him in rhythm with his thrusts, James’ gaze lands on Regulus’ face with a slack jaw. James’ thighs press into the sides of Regulus’ body as he looks down at what Regulus is doing to him. He licks his lips, watching Regulus move in and out with the stare of a hunter. Regulus has a sudden realization, and moves his hand from between them up to James’ neck. He lays his palm on James’ throat, just barely adding pressure.
Out of nowhere, James starts to buck from under him. James’ arms wrap around his back, pulling him into his chest. He whispers directly into Regulus’ ear. “Harder.”
Regulus is blind with pleasure as he moves faster, relinquishing himself fully and burying his body within James. James was right. Regulus can’t even hear the music over their shared moaning and heavy breathing. All he can hear is James’ inhales getting shorter and shorter, which takes Regulus right to the edge with him. Regulus comes just as James lets out a final long groan and throws his head back to the pillow.
#regulus as a top is my religion#they’re both vers in this AU which is the highlight of my writing life#also the 90s music hits and there’s a playlist obviously#jegulus#regulus black#james potter#jegulus fic#starchaser#regulus fanfiction#jegulus smut#James Potter smut#regulus black smut#jegulus fanfiction
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Former Fest Highlight Week 5: Tomione Smut Fest 2021
“Hermione” he whispered into her cool, pale skin, crushing her mouth against his. She tasted exactly how he remembered, like raspberries and mint and something slightly tart, something that made him want to take her into his very pores. The wind picked up, rustling through the grasses of the wood, rushing through the trees. The whole world sighing in recognition. — Submitted for the tomione smut fest 2021. Object prompt: resurrection stone
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle, Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Characters: Hermione Granger, Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Additional Tags: Undead, return from the dead, Resurrection Stone (Harry Potter), Deathly Hallows, dark themes, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Smut, My First Smut, Vaginal Sex, Angst, tomione - Freeform
#Former Fest Highlight Week 5#Tomione Smut Fest 2021#Tomione#Tom Riddle Jr#Hermione Granger#Tom Riddle Jr x Hermione Granger#Tom Riddle Jr/Hermione Granger#Volmione#Lord Voldemort#Lord Voldemort x Hermione Granger#Lord Voldemort/Hermione Granger
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rant but im a bit scared im going to get attacked
#so im hiding in the tags and book tok is the subject today#psa: skip past the fourth wing rant to see what im actually talking about#so. the abomination that is FOURTH WING#(my review on it was the longest i have ever written lmfao)#dont get me wrong there are good parts to the book!#most of them are plagiarised from like at least 10 other books tho#the one good thing is the dragon worldbuilding (if u could call it that) but honestly. that's probably plagiarised from smt idk#the pacing is horrible#and yes it was weirdly gripping but in the way you are gripped by a nightmare when u cant get yourself to wake up#anyways i havent even got onto the characters yet. fmc has no personality and mmc is tall and dark and brooding#supposedly enemies to lovers and it should have been given unsolved family business but nope they just want to shag UGH#anyways this was triggered by me talking to my friend's friend who is currently reading it and i was honestly gobsmacked#do book tok readers have no critical thinking (not generalisation im just mad)#like she said six of crows was worse than fourth wing#and it just pissed me off because people just read bad literature from book tok just for the smut when there is GOOD SMUT FOR FREE#FANFIC EXISTS BUT THE STIGMA IS TOO MUCH#and so there are authors who are writing terrible plagiarised shit and profiting off it#and then there are the valiant fanfic writers#like pls im so mad rn especially bc there are so many problems w book tok books (gender roles + pick me stuff etc etc)#one thing that really bothers me is the willingness to just ignore how toxic mmcs are just because they're hot or whatever#it's so problematic (also ppl excusing irl people just bc they're funny)#im so angry because book tok (aside from specific few books) is just a den of plagiarism and capitalism#and im also mad because when did the actual appreciation of good writing (not even literature) just GOOD writing die#and it died because of all things people want to read smut like you can have both and free from fanfic#note that this is not a personal attack this is more of a frustration rant and i do not mean to point fingers at all book tok readers#i just want to highlight the problems w it (mainly plagiarism and excusing weird things and normalising other stuff)#space boo screams into the void#book tok#literature#fanfiction
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Jules, the suzerain community on reddit is doing some banger yet again. Take a look:
I'll be honest, if this keep going forward. I'll be a little jealous of their skills. Joke, also i advise you not venture the community further down there's been a fanfic writer who created some "things" about the characters from the suzerainverse. Ranging from steamy to spicy and outright smut. Yeahhh... It was normal fandom activity. Pick your poison and horror i guess. Anyway thoughts jules?
OMGGGGG I LOVE THAT. poor vina, she probably wouldn't agree to be the protagonist in a YA-esque love triangle show (or even worse...a YA romance book *shudders*), but i know that shit would be at the top of the ratings, baby i can see the young rizian girls wearing their #teammanus or #teamaxel t-shirts lmao (and the very smart ones shipping manus and axel, because of course lmao).
oh, i'm not much of a fanfic reader tbh, but i totally support the community in their smutty fanfic endeavours. though, in a purely accademical way, i have to wonder, what are we shipping, folks? cute vinamanus? friends-to-lovers romuspabel or antonpetr? political yuri? political yaoi? minister orgy? gus sucking dick? (so, canon). i support every insane adult ship y'all can come up with, i love when a fandom gets creative lmao.
#juli answers#suzerain#lmaoooo i dont know what y'all are writing but if it's funny let me know cause eyes emoji#im not really that into reading smut but if it's crackyyyyyy lmao#thanks for the reddit highlights lmao love getting only the good bits#i did get a reddit notif the other day of a post that said 'IOSEF GETS A HAIR TRANSPLANT'#and it was a silly and ridiculous as it sounds. great shit
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first of all Grammerly:
#when this bitch program not only calls you out for uninventive language#it highlights this word in your SMUT#does more profound work for THRUSTING GRAMMERLY ????
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“My body is just a vessel that my soul inhabits, attached to a shell that it'll one day leave. And when that day comes, I won’t care to let that shell go. I carry my body around because I have to, not because it's a choice. But when I possess something meaningful, I’m choosing to hold on to it. Carrying something meaningful in my skin is effortless but holding onto something that I could lose—that takes devotion.”
Zade Meadows
H.D. Carlton Haunting Adeline
#things I highlighted#h. d. carlton#haunting adeline#smut#zade meadows#adeline reilly#books#dark romance#little mouse#mystery#reading#cat and mouse
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im finally home from visiting family in texas (godbless i love them but their so exhausting and i hate the weather) so once i recover from jetlag i will be back on the grind and working on my acotar deep dive. Im on chapt 14 rn of acotar🫡🫡
#arson yaps#acotar deep dive#Honestly the highlight was going to target with my friends and reading random pages of smut books it was bonkers#and seeing my nephews ig#i almost called one a thing#im so happy to be back home tho i love my bed and my room#so nice and quiet and SAFE#i will always be a proud texan native (fuck the government tho) but lord the weather in phx is so much better#FUCK HUMIDITY🤬🤬🤬
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Gikwang (Highlight / Solo) - Kinky Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): Dark Wood Tarot, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle
Spread: Kinky
Turn On
Dirty Secret
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Lee Gi Kwang
Stage Name: Gikwang
Group: Highlight / Solo
DOB: 30.03.1990
Blood Type: A
Sun Sign: Aries
Chinese Sign: Metal Horse
Life Path Number: 7
Masterpost: Solo Artists

Gikwang (Highlight / Solo)
Full Name: Lee Gi Kwang Stage Name: Gikwang Group: Highlight / Solo DOB: 30.03.1990 Blood Type: A MBTI: N/A Sun Sign: Aries Chinese Sign: Metal Horse Life Path Number: 7
Spread / Question: Kinky Deck(s): Dark Wood Tarot, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle


Position - II The High Priestess, Bat
Gikwang is really not seeking some powerplay in the relationship. All he wants is for him and his lover to be authentic. He’s truly longing for a person who would accept and love him as a whole genuine person and he would offer the same to them. When Gikwang enters a relationship, he’s following his intuition more than logic or reason. He’s reborn with every new relationship and he’s usually serious about it. He might often feel very devastated when a relationship ends.
Libido - 10 of Swords, Peacock
Gikwang is the type of lover who accepts his partner fully with all their charming points and flaws. For Gikwang, even the flaws are beautiful. Peacock type of personality isn’t only focused on looks, they accept beauty in all forms and coming from within. Whatever happened in the past, whatever disappointment Gikwang went through, he’s not holding grudges or living with resentment. He walks on, he’s open to all the beauty and love that can come into his life and embraces it in all forms. When it comes to love life, this means Gikwang feels no shame about his desires and lust. They are part of him and manifestation of his soul. He’s likely the type of lover who will make his partner feel especially beautiful and special. He’s both gentle and meticulous. His kisses heal.
Turn On - XIX The Sun, Swan
Gikwang is indeed a special person. He’s likely to feel attracted to someone with high levels of creativity. Maybe a writer, poet, content creator, script writer, lyricist, painter, craftsperson - anyone who uses their imagination to create beauty. The Sun card suggests he’s more likely to fall in love with a person whose works are full of light or healing even, rather than an author of horrors or thrillers. This person is likely to illuminate darkness, bring clarity to what was foggy and chase away negativity while replacing it with happiness.
Kink - 4 of Swords, I The Magician, Butterfly
With Gikwang there’s always certain softness and fragility combined with deeply rooted acceptance and openness. It applies to his kinky side as well. Gikwang might be a real switch when it comes to his intimate life with his lover. Some days he likes to be the one doing magic to his lover and pampering them, some days he will appreciate them taking the lead, strap him up and make him their toy, while knowing they won’t truly hurt him. Gikwang might really become addicted to especially intense experiences when he feels like he’s releasing old tension and transforming into a better, more loving self through the act of sex.
Dirty Secret - Ace of Cups, Unicorn
Speaking of Gikwang being special, here comes the Unicorn card. Lol! Gikwang’s secret isn’t that much dirty but it’s surely a difficult goal to achieve. He’s likely wishing to find a lover who would be as special and unique as he is, someone who can spread as much love as Gikwang himself, someone with a pure and loving heart. The rarest creature in the world.
A little ending note: There are a lot of air element related cards in Gikwang’s reading which might denote his “head in the clouds” type of energy. It might be him being good with words, creative, intelligent and highly sensitive to stimuli.

I'm sorry. I know. Gikwang is not requested but you know how I love older idols. Gikwang is just so sweet and hot at the same time. 🥰
Thank you for reading!
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#lee gikwang#gikwang#highlight#highlight gikwang#kpop tarot#kpop#kpop smut#kpop imagine#kpop scenarios#oracle kleo#tarot#tarotblr
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