#higher tier
regal-bones · 9 months
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Hey!! I’m that sword girl u might know! And, annoyingly, my rent is increasing on the 1st January 2024! I have built my income around Patreon , so for me to continue working the way I do I need your support! This link will take u there, and £1 helps me more than you know! Thank you so so much, and to everyone helping out on Patreon I owe you so much - so ,uhh cool stuff coming next year ! ❤️
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marlynnofmany · 5 months
Not Special
The refueling station was on a small moon in the back end of nowhere, close to nothing but a couple of wormhole junctions. Since it had a little convenience store and everything, it really gave off “7/11 next to a desert highway” vibes. Just, y’know, in space. The moon wasn’t big enough for proper gravity or air on its own, so someone had installed a gravity generator under the dusty red ground. And turned it up just a smidge too high, but I wasn’t going to complain.
I was going to buy pre-packaged alien snacks at the store while my coworkers handed the refueling. Mimi was calling the shots, tentacles waving and gravelly voice audible from here, while the Frillian twins handled the heavy lifting of connector hoses and Captain Sunlight was at the payment kiosk. The others were either staying onboard or already browsing the aisles.
I’d just picked up a pack of something colorful (doing an artful fumble-and-recovery because of the gravity) when a rowdy group of Armorlites trooped in. I didn’t pay them too much attention — just a bunch of macho dinosaurs with holstered blasters and bipedal swagger; totally normal here — but one of them said something that brought me up short.
“Hey look, another human,” said the cheerful voice. “Maybe you can get some tips on how not to be such a disappointment.” Raucous laughter followed.
I frowned in their direction and saw that they did have a human with them: a pale and unassuming guy just a bit shorter and stockier than me. He looked annoyed by the comment, but not surprised.
When he walked over to me, I asked, “What’s that about?” The Armorlites were already ignoring him.
The guy sighed. “They heard a lot of stories about humans before they hired me, and I don’t meet their expectations.”
“What kind of stories?”
“Humans doing daring things, like running for hours to get medicine to dying people, catching a diseased rat before it infected an entire space station, throwing fruit at charging fauna hard enough to make it leave…” He ticked things off on his fingers. “Exorcizing a ghost, and riding a hoversled like a skateboard fast enough to catch a bomb before it blew up. How am I supposed to compete with that?” He threw his hands in the air.
“Um,” I said, putting down the snack I was still holding. “Would it make it better or worse to know those were all the same person?”
“The rat wasn’t actually diseased, the ghost was a howling dog, and I didn’t know the thing was explosive when I rushed to catch it,” I said. “And I wasn’t the only person throwing things at the fauna.”
“What?” he repeated, with a spread-arms gesture that smacked into the shelf. Rubbing his hand, he asked, “That was all you?”
“Yeah,” I admitted. “Unless there are other humans doing the same things, which is possible.”
He raked fingers through his hair, setting it at odd angles. “I can’t believe this. I’d tell them, but they’d just want to hire you instead.”
I rushed to assure him, “I’ve got a job already, and I don’t want to take yours.” I glanced over at the Armorlites, who were grabbing food and accessories. One clicked a flashlight on in another’s face, prompting curses from him and laughter from the others. That tracked from what I’d seen of Armorlite culture before. Toughness was important. Kindness, not so much. “What do you do for them?”
He sighed again. “Bookkeeping, officially. They needed somebody to handle the boring stuff like money and permits while they focus on hunting the biggest animals they can sell.”
“Gotcha. That sounds … exciting.”
“It’s not. It’s like going on a trip with my cousins again, except they’re even bigger and make fun of me for not having claws.”
“You’ve got other stuff going for you, though!” I said. “We just need to figure which of your differences they’ll respect most.”
“I’m all ears,” he said with a certain level of sarcasm. “Please tell me what about my fragile human physique will get me respect from the Mighty.”
Oh right, they did call themselves that. I’d almost forgotten. At least they were a straightforward species without a lot of mysterious depths.
“Well,” I said, thinking. “They like fighting. You’re more suited to stealth than they are, small enough to hide and do sneak attacks that they wouldn’t see coming. What if you introduced them to rubber band warfare, and sniped from hidden parts of the ship?”
“Nope,” he said. “That would just end with me cornered somewhere, and them showing off how even thin scales are tougher than my skin.”
“Good point. Oh! What kind of animals do they hunt? You said big ones, but do you know the specific names?” I got out my phone and brought up the database of known fauna that I’d talked Captain Sunlight into buying for me. As her own hired animal expert, it was really the kind of thing that I should have. My vet training on Earth only went so far.
“Uhhh, I think the last one was a treehorn,” he said. “Wait, they talked about going for Argoshan Dagger Birds next.”
“Right. Now what kind of noises do those make…” I typed quickly. Big creatures indeed, by the looks of it: Dagger Birds had prevented more than one colony from getting a foothold in the wilds of a nearby world, and were unlikely to stop being a threat anytime soon. I skimmed the rundown for the vocal files. “Here we go. Mating call.” Keeping the sound low enough for just us to hear, I played the croaking warble.
“Okay?” the guy said, confused.
“Can you imitate that?” I asked. “Give it a shot. Kinda like a frog. Woarrrk.”
Looking skeptical, he did. The expression on his face said he wasn’t impressed with his own efforts, but it sounded accurate enough to me.
“Great!” I said. “Give that a bit of practice, then you can go out with your crew and impress everybody by luring in some targets for them.”
“I could,” he said thoughtfully. “I usually stay on the ship while they’re hunting, but it might be worth a try. Can I have a copy of that sound for practice?”
He got out his own phone and I played it again so he could record it. The Armorlites were dumping things onto the front counter, ready to pay and leave. I caught sight of bright packaging that I recognized, and I had another idea.
“Thanks,” the guy said. “This might actually help. What was your name?”
“Robin Bennett,” I said with a belated handshake.
“Oscar Tennyson,” he replied. “Thanks for your help. Looks like I should grab my stuff and get going.”
“Before you go. See those tall cans with the purple labels?” I pointed at something the Armorlites were buying.
“Have you ever tried that?”
“No! They get wasted on it; I’ve steered far clear.”
I grinned with all my teeth. “That’s not alcohol. That’s caffeine.”
“Humans can process caffeine better than most species on our own planet, and just about everybody in space. It’s a poison to most. It gets them super drunk, but for you—” I pointed at him with glee. “For you, it’s just a bit of energy. Pick your moment, then walk in casually while they’re getting wasted, and slam one down. See what happens.”
He was smiling now. “You’re sure? It’s really just caffeine? How much?”
“I checked into it before. One of those huge cans is like a watered-down coffee. These guys are absolute lightweights, and they don’t even know.”
He grinned to split his face. “That is the best news.”
One of them called for him to hurry up, and he bid me a quick goodbye before scampering off. I saw him grab food cubes, water, and a six-pack of caffeine, which he bundled onto the counter as the Armorlites headed out the door.
“Be right there! Just getting some stuff!”
They didn’t look, simply telling him not to waste any time. He smiled his way through the purchase.
Peeking over the shelves, I smiled too. Then I went back to my own purchases, with thoughts of getting an energy drink or two in his honor.
These started as backstory tidbits for the main character from this book, and turned into a sprawling adventure series in their own right. The sequel book will feature a return of some familiar faces. And Patreon is coming soon — even the free tier will be a handy way to keep up with the ongoing shenanigans of this particular human in space.
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
Every Day i think about the official radiant emperor Fuck Tier List
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irishmammonagenda · 18 days
Belphie blinks at you in greeting as you slide under the covers with him, only humming gently when you hold onto him for dear life. Dark indigo eyes noticing with interest that you haven't even started getting ready for RAD yet---not that he was one to talk---the Avatar of Sloth merely gives you a lazy smirk and wraps his tail around you under the covers as you whisper a strangled out, 'hide me'.
He nods slowly, his throat feeling much too heavy, and he himself feeling much too lazy to use his words. A pale hand pulls the covers over your head, just in time too, as Lucifer bursts into the room, ruby red eyes shining like a wolf on the hunt.
"Have you seen MC?" The eldest asks, paying no mind to the usual sound of morning chaos coming from the rest of the house.
Belphie lets out a strangled, lazy, "Nope." all the while his tail tightens around you.
Lucifer shakes his head. Looking at the you shaped lump under the covers. Merely pinching the bridge of his hooked nose and sighing, "MC. If you wanted a break from RAD, you could've just asked instead of opting to hide."
You pop out from under the covers, eyes wide like a deer in headlights, Belphegor's arms wrap around you from under the covers, his eyes sleepily tracing the features of your face as you speak.
"Right.....yeah. Sorry Luci?" You tilt your head, the Avatar of Pride's eyes soften a fraction.
"Be sure to catch up on your schoolwork, we only have room for one academic failure in this house and I'm afraid that spot has permanently been reserved for Mammon." Lucifer says sternly, though you can see the faintest upward quirk of his lips.
"Aye aye Captain." You nod, sleepily saluting the eldest.
Belphie turns to look at his eldest brother.
"Just because MC has a day off school, it doesn't mean you have one. Your uniform's hanging up by your desk." The ebony-haired demon walks out of the room.
"...Diavolo fucking dammit."
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marcheriest · 7 months
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theodore slowslop for a patron
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mollyyancey · 9 months
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Christmas chimata for kofi!
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squishyowl · 4 months
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well damn that's nice
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nitpick7 · 26 days
bsd pronouns headcanons but it's in a tierlist format for some reason. (text-only version under the cut.)
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i know some of these takes are insane but i believe that i am correct. i do welcome other takes though i LOVE talking about gender headcanons with people!
text-only tierlist:
she/her: agatha christe, higuchi, elise, teruko, kouyou, haruno, yosano.
she/they: karma, yuan, sigma, lucy, kyouka, tsujimura.
she/it: louisa.
she/neos: naomi.
he/him: andré gide, alexander pushkin, mori, mark twain, rimbaud, adam frankenstein.
old man drag show (he/him): kunikida, francis fitzgerald, herman melville, fukuzawa, fukuchi, hirotsu.
he/they: atsushi, tj eckleburg, katai, fyodor, katsura, shirase, nathaniel hawthorne, minoura.
he/it: kajii, odasaku, verlaine, ivan goncharov.
he/they/it: akutagawa, tanizaki, ango, lovecraft, bram stoker.
he/neos: tachihara, nikolai, natsume.
he/she: kenji, margaret mitchell, jouno.
he/she/they: chuuya, dazai, gin, tetcho, shibusawa, poe, john steinbeck.
they/them: aya, mushitarou.
any pronouns: ranpo.
neopronouns: Q (kyusaku).
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dryya-doesnt · 4 months
Hello waxwitch nation, I have made a patreon.
With a small donation of $1, you can download HD versions of my waxwitch artwork and will have access to all my doodles as soon as I finish them (some are even exclusive to patreon!)
Thank you for your continuous support of my insane brainrot waxwitchposting. 🙇🙇🙇
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On my patreon, you can see more unposted doodles and wips like this:
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oozeandgoo-art · 27 days
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i'll be selling this on my SubscribeStar this month! along with a lot of other stuff!
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Would you be willing to share your tiering strats? You said you got around t100k. Most internet guides I've found seem to be for people aiming to get at least t10k, which is too high for a newbie like me T_T
to be fair i don't t100k that often (i usually aim for at least t50k) but i can give you some tips.
first off you want to have a good team. you can use the auto button and it should give you the team with the highest event point bonus. if you've got any non-4*s on that team it might be worth master ranking them if you have the resources since that will increase the bonus.
i like to use 5 LP per song and then just play whenever the meter refills back to 10. also do the challenge show every day since it will give you event points as well. i recommend playing co-op instead of solo since it will give you more points too, although if you're busy you can set LP to 1 and then just let the game autoplay melt or lost and found 10 times on hard and it should do you fine. it will get less points than physically playing but it's still gettting you something.
if you find yourself still not being able to hit T100k then you might wanna use a few LP drink cans but hopefully what i've just said can help you out a bit
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smitten-miqitten · 10 days
Here Lies the Abyss is rough for me cause I've always got Warden Alistair, so while Solas is tossing around mad disrespect at the Wardens I've just gotta eat those disapproval hits.
Sorry Solas, I know you've got a ✨unique perspective✨ on this but Alistair is my og Origins babygirl. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
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anxious-lorf · 11 months
I can't help myself.
Amazing Digital Circus jaywalking tier list
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My Shakespeare play tier list!
(Slightly terrifying to see how many I still have to read, seeing as I've read 25 already...)
Here's the tier maker if you'd like to make your own:
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grantmentis · 3 months
IMO my pwhl free agent ranking of who’s still available
Please note I’m only doing players who were under contact last year and not undrafted free agents
Tier One: their phone should be buzzing
Daryl watts, Michela Cava, Hannah Miller, Kateřina Mrázová,
All these players were highly productive on their teams last season and are immediate impact players
Tier two: maybe not the first call, but should be highly sought after
Kaleigh Fratkin, Rebecca Leslie, Lauriane Rougeau, Gabrielle David, Claire Dalton, Abbey Levy, Sandra Abstreiter
These are proven players who had decent years, but may be called after tier one players and some draft picks get settled in to see where they fit in the roster .
Tier 3: building out your roster
Emma woods, Emma Greco, Lexie Adzija, Gigi Marvin, Amanda Pelkey, Sarah Bujold, Liz Schepers, Melissa Channell, Paetyn Levis, Kayla Vespa,
Fits into two groups; those who are Swiss army type middle six / pairing players who can play up and down the lineup. players who will still be third/fourth liners of depth defenders but were extremely effective in that spot, bumping them up a tier.
Tier Four: quality depth players
Madison Packer, Alexandra Labelle, Olivia Knowles, Carly Jackson, Sarah Lefort, Leah Lum, Jillian Dempsey, Madison Bizal, Catherine Dubois, Taylor Wenczkowski, Kelly babstock, Cami Kronish, Claire Butorac, Amanda Leveille, Lauren Bench, Shiann Darkangelo, Rachel McQuigge, Johanna Fällman, Lindsey post
Third/ fourth liners and third pair defender and goalies. Some of these players have a specific niche they fill, a lot are veterans, thus making me think they’ll get some early training camp invites. Unfortunately with a tight cap and limited spaces, it’s possible not all will be signed, but all will be considered
Tier four: reserves
Sam Cogan, Jess jones, Maude Poulin-Labelle, Jessica Kondas, Emma Keenan, Alexa Vasko, Kaitlin Willoughby, Liliane Perreault, Alexandra Poznikoff, Catherine Daoust, Madison Bizal, Brigitte Laganière, Nicole Kosta, Abby Cook, Brooke Bryant, Clair DeGeorge, Dominique Kremer, Nikki Nightengale, Akane Shiga, Rosalie Demers, Sammy Davis, Sam Isbell, Malia Schneider, Emma Buckles, Lauren MacInnis, Carley Olivier, Olivia Zafuto, Alexa Gruschow, Taylor Baker,
A lot of these players here either played little last year or were already reserves, or are playing a position/niche that is overcrowded. Many of these players are talented and could def earn a spot for a team that they gel right with, but likely wouldn’t be until after training camp. This tier is pretty close to tier three and probs a lot of overlap depending on a coaches evaluation of how players fit in their system
Tier ?: the unknown
Sydney Brodt, Mikyla Grant Mentis, Audrey-Anne Veillette, Ann-Sophie Bettez, Caitrin Lonergan, Fanni Garát-Gasparics, Kristin Della Rovere
These players did not play a lot last year due to various circumstances but were pretty impactful / took on high end roles when they did. Because of that, they separate themselves from other players who saw limited minutes and may be ore sought after. The exception is Veillette, who straight up DNP due to injury, but was thought pretty highly of when drafted. Bettez is also a weird one here because though she missed a lot this year, everyone knows what she’s capable of, but I don’t think she’d be willing to leave Montreal
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squishescommishes · 2 years
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Now taking some Experimental Commissions!!
Heyya Beans! I've been Playing around with this style on my own for a couple of weeks and I've been having a lot of fun with it so I thought I'd open a couple of slots for it, using a couple of my own sonas as examples! 83c
I will be taking 5 slots for this for now! up to two (2) characters $45-$80 Halfbody depending on complexity $70-$100 fullbody depending on complexity Additional character 75% price full scenes $120+ depending on scene complexity Additional characters 75% solo price
contact me directly to inquire!
Reblogs are appreciated!!
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