#high tech maniacs
smbhax · 1 year
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Jet Set Radio (PS3)
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gojicorps · 14 days
I've been trying to make this post for a while... This is my OC "master post"
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This is Ltw, if you dig stories of super heroes with a bunch of teenager drama and high school tropes, this isn't the story for you! Sorry, but this gender is already really saturated so I tried to mix and match different tropes across the medias to create a weird love letter to Comics, Tokusatsu and anything that I really enjoy. It's a coming of age story about Hart Lee Valentine, who chose to left his father house to live with his uncle in a city called Saint Expedite, famous for crimes, urban legends and some of the worst pizza you can ever imagine, an absolute paradise for someone who really wants to have a fresh restart in life.
The cast consists mainly of this 5 characters.
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Hart Lee Valentine: He's the son of the smartest man alive... But this is just a media claim, his father helped cure one of the weirdest illness know to mankind. But that doesn't matter at all, Valentine is already living under the shadow of his only parent alive (wink, wink) he starts as a calm and collected person but gradually starts loosing his manners, becoming an unhinged not so crazy science. He has an odd sense of justice but he's MOSTLY a pacifist who will try to talk before throwing hands around.
His favorite animals are moths and ducks, dor different reasons, in his opinion moths are our saviours from the monstrosities called butterflies. And ducks because he loves how versatile they are, he identifies with that Jack of all trades style.
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Sadako Atsuko: She's the local emo weirdo girl of the class, nobody knows much about her and her brother Helis, they live together in a mansion in the middle of the city, she's always tired, not in the best mood and usually sassy. People don't know but she's actually heiress of The Atsuko family, one of Japan's most advance tech companies, she's also a city vigilant who uses fear to stop crime... Yeah she's basically my universe version of the Batman, her character is driven by masks and alter egos, she feels incapable of leading a normal life since she's shattered between personas, not knowing who's the real her, not knowing how to express her true self. Those burdens started to get louder to the point she started playing instruments, as a therapy, but this basically turned into another problem, her days are getting too short to accomplish all her desires.
Her favorite animal is the bat, the long eared ones! So yeah she's basically using a fursuit to fight crime.
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Helis: Sadako's adoptive brother, he's basically the group heart, trying to make their maniacal schemes be a little more unhinged, he's the protector and the tallest one of them. Those responsabilities are instantly forgotten when he's near Valentine, something about him makes Helis adopt a more act first think later persona, but they usually have fun with that. He's the one that gives unsolicited advices with the bestest intentions he wants to know more about his origin and maybe who's his real family but that's more a monkey palm situation that doesn't goes well when he meets his father and sister. He usually helps Sadako in her schemes, usually to treat her wounds while calls her irresponsible, dummy or anything in between those lines (she doesn't even get a cute animal band-aid...) oh he has an abnormal strength and light based power's, but that doesn't matter much to him.
His favorite animals are giraffes, he likes that they have the strongest kick, and besides their pattern is beautiful.
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Ettore Zanchini: the definition of overcompensate! He simply is a tryhard in absolutely everything, he has a rivalry with Helis, Sadako and sometimes even Valentine, everything he does is trying to be the best. He likes classy outfits and good manners, he's a true gentleman with a short temper and overachiever, even though he doesn't need to prove himself that much. He's the best athlete of the school and won several fencing medals, he usually fights using two rapiers for the simple reason that this is a really dumb idea, so it's a good exercise.
He really likes Wolves and Stags, specially because they're the princes of the forest, he definitely cried with Bambi but keeps it hidden.
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Stefanny: Starting as a villainess, Stef is the last one to join the crew, she's really unused to a bunch of stuff the others enjoy but tries her best to get ahold of everything, she's not the warmest person and can be really misunderstood, she's gruff and goes direct to the point in most of her interactions, some have the audacity to call her impolite, BUT SHE'S NOT! She's just not used to have conversations longer than 45 seconds or with people that aren't psycho's, she and Sadako get along pretty well, perhaps because of all their battles and training, oh and even though she's all cool and collected... She has fire powers, yeah they are neat I guess.
Her favorite animal are salamanders, she loves those little moist dragons!
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feralrabidcrow · 4 months
My Merc LGBTQ Headcanons
Disclaimer: my headcanons aren't set in stone so these are like, what I assume them to be in the average fic I write unless stated otherwise. For example, usually I headcanon Medic as bisexual, but I might make him gay in an AU if I want to explore that instead. And I might make a merc I usually headcanon as cis trans if that's a story I want to explore with them.
Scout: Bisexual and hasn't quite come to terms with it yet. He has a strong preference for women, but being stuck living closely with a bunch of men definitely has him experiencing thoughts he never did before.
Soldier: Transgender and technically bisexual, but he thinks he's straight because he considers having sex with Demoman every night 'masculine male bonding to strengthen our manly friendship'. Demoman doesn't have the heart to tell him that yeah, it's pretty gay. He's trans because the hypermasculine American patriot named Jane Doe of all things is just Valve spoonfeeding transgenderism to me. I also like to entertain the idea that he's forgotten that he's trans (lead poisoning) and regularly breaks into the medbay screaming at Medic about how the communists stole his penis until Medic finally gives up and just gives him bottom surgery.
Pyro: Genderqueer butch lesbian who uses any and all pronouns.
Demoman: Pansexual, it makes no difference to him what gender his lovers are. I think he's known this for a long time too, no sexuality awakening that caused him any turmoil, just always knew that he didn't have a preference.
Heavy: Gay, and unlike Demoman, he definitely did not know until very late in his life. After joining Team Fortress, to be exact. After meeting Medic, to be exactly exact. Living in isolation for so long definitely stunted his ability to explore his sexuality. He had a 'crush' on a girl when he was about 6, but he only liked her because she had red hair that he thought was pretty. Looking back, it meant about as much as a crush when you're 6 can be expected to mean. He always assumed that the reason he didn't feel a desire to find a woman and settle down, like his mother always hoped he would, was because he hadn't met enough women to want such a thing, and if he did meet the right woman, that's when the feeling would click. Then the feeling ended up clicking instead with a maniacal doctor who liked putting black market zoo organs in him.
Engineer: Biromantic and sex neutral asexual. He always assumed he just liked women, simply because he didn't realize he could like both. After Medic told him that he liked both women and men, things started making a lot more sense. He can handle being in some specific sexual situations, but he refuses to be on the receiving end of anything, and exclusively gives.
Medic: Bisexual, reciprosexual/recipromantic. In simpler terms, Medic does not feel romantic or sexual attraction to anyone unless he knows for certain that they're attracted to him first. As a result, he has never made a first move in his life, and is also sometimes very bad at picking up on romantic advances unless they're extremely blunt.
Sniper: Gay, I don't really know what else to say he just gives me huge homo vibes. He probably got a mindblowing handjob from a bloke behind a Macca's that changed his life or something. Yes I think high-tech TF2 Australia that's basically a spoof of Wakanda still has Macca's why wouldn't they.
Spy: Bisexual, I'm going to be honest I don't spend a lot of time thinking about Spy's sex life but he definitely fucks men look at him just look at him. He's fucking men. And Scout's mother but also men.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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Week 7 - It’s just a cold, Izu!
Summary: Midoriya can’t handle his love ones being sick and Y/N can’t handle Izuku when he’s freaking out for no reason. The duo has their first proper fight but Mama Katsuki and Auntie Inko are here to help.
Warnings: Swear words, a bit of angst, Y/N has a cold.
First Part Master List
Things went back to the good old ways after all the drama during the camp; Midoriya worked a full week without a single day off, you worked your ass off on your commissions to have some money to buy the latest hero merch, All Meowth continued to get fatter and fatter so you decided to alter his fancy ass feeder but even though Midoriya isn’t home at all he somehow still manages to change the settings back in those 5 fucking hours he’s home. It’s a pain.
Sometimes, Midoriya manages to get into his bed. Sometimes, he just sleeps on the sofa. And sometimes, more often than not, he just curls on himself by the end of your bed like a little stray cat and sleeps for a few hours, not even changing into his pajamas which usually ends up with you changing your bedding after finding mud or blood - or whatever pro hero Deku decided to roll himself into during his mission - on your sheets. Thankfully, Izuku has a super high tech washing machine x dryer combo with a built-in washing detergent and fabric softener dispenser, so the only work you need to do is fold it and put it away. That doesn’t make changing the sheets less annoying though. You might need to ask Midoriya if there’s a device for that too.
Are you bothered by Midoriya sleeping by your feet like a fucking dog? Yes.
Would you rather have him sleep like a normal human being, snuggled into your back cozily? Yes.
Will you ever tell him that? Probably no.
Well, listen. Things might be back to normal but your feelings are not. It’s nearly impossible for you to sleep on the days he decides to sleep in your room. He also mumbles a lot before he actually falls asleep, his mutters usually consist of him saying sorry and talking about consent and about his terrible day and you do respond, especially when he starts beating himself up for doing “the wrong thing” but you are quite sure he thinks it’s his mind speaking back to him in your voice by the way he just ignores them.
For your surprise, after his fifth day of working non-stop Midoriya actually manages to come home on time; and by “on time” you mean 8PM instead of the usual 2AM. You look at the poor guy like you’ve seen a ghost.
“What? I mean what are you doing here? I mean, you live here but… Are you hurt? Did something happen? Izuku, are you an apparition?” Your voice sounds really raspy compared to your usual sound but you blame it on not speaking for 5 days. “Oh, maybe you are just that holographic thingy you have in your bracelet.” You move towards the ghost by the entrance, grabbing his beautifully sculpted bicep to prove your point. Oh. “You are here. Wow.” You snicker awkwardly, giving his bicep another squish because… well… you fucking can.
“Sweet Pea, are you okay? You act a little bit weird and I’m not talking about the part where you squished my arms, twice, but… you don’t really sound coherent?”
“Nah, I’m all fine!” You laugh like a maniac, waving your hands in front of you so aggressively you almost knock one of Izuku’s ‘welcome figurines’ off the shoe cabinet.
Yes, you guys have a bunch of figurines by the entrance to welcome the guest, mostly of the Deku squad so they feel loved and cherished. “I’m peachy.” You try to laugh but your face contorts into something extremely unappealing right before you sneeze and headbutt the door frame. “Ahh, allergies.”
Okay, you have a confession to make…
You’ve been feeling under the weather for a while now. You were okay when you came back home, but on the third day, your throat got a bit itchy and your mind a bit fuzzy. That didn’t stop you from working through the whole day, drawing, cooking, taking care of the laundry and the garden and trying your best to scrub out the blood of Izuku’s dirty clothes which probably didn’t help with your worsening condition.
It’s really not that bad though. Back when you had a job you went in to work when you were sick with no problem at all. It’s really not the end of the world…
… for you.
Apparently, it is the end of the world for the hero in front you.
“I’m calling the hospital, Sweet Pea! Oh my god, why didn’t you tell me you’re feeling unwell, you could have died! Oh my god.” Midoriya freaks out completely. He throws all his stuff on the floor with a loud bang and comes closer to you, his palms on your forehead in only a millisecond.
“Izu come on, let’s watch a movie, I want to snuggle up! I haven’t seen you for 5 days! Also, stop bleeding over my bedsheets I had to change them three times this week! Just put on a bandaid or sleep without your clothes! Wait… no… don’t sleep in my bed without your clothes on, you might set my sheets on fire with your hot ass.”
Shut. Up. For the love of god, just shut up.
“Oh my god, you are burning up.” Midoriya declares, ignoring your rambles. Well, thank fuck for that.
“Aww, thank you!”
“No… I mean yes, but no, you have fever! It’s really dangerous to have a fever, Y/N!” He reprimands with tears pooling in his beautiful eyes and you can’t help but laugh.
“Says the guy whose life is literally in danger 14 hours a day. Come on now, change into your pj’s!” You try to pull the hero in by grabbing his hand on your forehead, but he doesn’t move.
Midoriya is having a meltdown. Internally. And externally as he can’t stop muttering. He drops on his knees right in front of you, hugs your legs and just mutters and mutters and mutters…
“It’s just a cold, love.” You kneel in front of him to swipe your fingers underneath his teary eyes to dry the skin. “Do heroes not get cold?”
“I should have realized something’s wrong, but your snores were so cute…”
“My what?!” You yell, trying your best not to cough all over the hero afterwards.
“You snored a bit yesterday. It’s was so adorable. I should have known you are getting sick. You never snore.”
The fact that he knows that makes you wonder how many times he ended up in your room without your knowledge and you should probably be concerned, but this is Mr. Green flag. He might not know the word ‘personal space’ but he can’t even hurt a fly. Literally.
You wanted to buy a Venus flytrap and Deku started crying because the plant is carnivorous and it would kill the flies around the house. You really had to stop yourself from telling him about where meat comes from. If Izuku would take a few seconds to think about that he would go vegan in a heartbeat.
Wait, how did you end up on this topic?
Also, why are you flying right now? Oh, Midoriya is taking you to your bed.
“Izu, I don’t want to sleep! I want to watch something!”
“You are going to bed and I’m going to get a bucket of water and a sponge. Then I’m going to the conbini to buy you medicine then I’ll cry in the shower.”
“Izu, you are overreacting.” You sigh. Yes, you do feel a bit weird but it’s really not that bad. This drama is uncalled for.
“Okay, I’m calling the ambulance.” Deku puts you down on your bed and gets his phone out to actually make a call. You really want to fangirl over the fact that his background is one of the pictures the gang took while camping and you are also on the picture but even with a high fever, you know that’s not the priority right now.
“Okay, okay, Izu, stop! Just.. whatever. Do whatever you want.” You give in, not even moving to get under your sheets. You can’t believe he came home sooner to be with you and you ended up like this.
“What about watching Netflix on your computer when your fever breaks?” Izuku asks, his hands caressing your forehead.
“Snuggles.” Izuku smiles, tugging a stray hair behind your ears.
Izuku really goes above and beyond to take care of you. He sponges your skin with tepid water to help the fever to go down, tugs you in like a baby so you can rest comfortably while he runs outside to find something for you to take. He comes back with a bag full of random stuff; there is a nose and throat spray, cold medicine - the super high end one you could never afford - throat sweets, vitamin C, pre-cut fruits and easy to eat stuff, Orange juice and a Deku plushie.
“I missed you.” You murmur as Izuku puts the stuff on a big tray and puts it on the bed.
“Have you eaten today?” Midoriya grumbles and you really hate the way he ignores you completely.
“Don’t be like this.”
“I’m sorry, I’m freaking out. Let me take care of you first, okay? Then I’ll be back to normal.”
“Gimme’ the Deku doll.” You command. Deku’s eyebrows rise at that.
“Excuse me? That’s for when I’m gone to patrol.” Deku reprimands, his eyes full of that weird kind of darkness again.
“Are you jealous of yourself, Izu-Izu?” You say mockingly.
“You know what, princess? You are not getting it. Nope. You’ve messed up.” Midoriya pouts while pointing his nose towards the ceiling offendedly.
“Give him to me, I’m a sick woman!” You move yourself up from the bed, aggressively trying to take the doll from Izuku. You manage to grab the poor fluffy thing so you yank it towards you but the hero comes with it; he ends up on top of you, giggling and laughing while you struggle to breathe. Midoriya pulls himself up to let you take a deep breath and you can’t help but look at his pretty and tired face up close; his eyes are shining in that weird way they usually do when you are around, gaze full of fondness and something else you can’t put your hands on; you look at his freckles and start counting them but there’s so many thanks to the sunny weather… at last, you look at his lips which you kissed by accident the other day.
Talking about that little accident…
“What if you get sick?”
“Why would I?” Midoriya smiles.
“I… we… kissed… on the peak. By accident.” You mumble nervously.
“Could you not say that right after you stared at my face for a whole minute, Sweets?”
“But staring at your face for a whole minute made me remember it.” You mumble like it’s common sense.
“You don’t have a filter when you have a fever, do you?” Midoriya giggles, but his shyness wins; he moves to the end of the bed, his face hidden in his hands awkwardly while his shoulders move with the laughter. After a few seconds, his tone changes into a serious one. “We barely get sick.” Midoriya admits. “We are always on edge, ready to fight. We are stubborn bastards who don’t let themself rest for long enough to be able to get sick.” Deku smiles into the nothingness with a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“We should go on a holiday, Izu. To America, where All Might studied.” You sigh. “We could go to see his school, that famous street where he first debuted. Geeky stuff like that.”
“Sounds like a dream, Sweets.” Deku smiles for real this time and you really want to daydream a bit more but somehow you’re incapable of words; the sleep takes you without a warning and the world goes black.
You wake up after a few hours; it’s still dark outside, but it’s closer to the morning than to the night; or at least that’s what your body clock tells you. Next to you, there is a green mop of hair sprawled out on the second pillow you never use; he’s sleeping next to you but in a safe distance, unlike the other day when you woke up in his arms. You really miss the closeness, you miss everything about those three beautiful days; it’s harder and harder not to point out the elephant in the room and just end this sweet nothing and burn it to pieces for that 1% chance of your feelings being reciprocated. Apparently, Izuku is a vigilant sleeper; when a tiny sigh leaves your mouth he opens his eyes; without a single word he puts his palm on your forehead and starts his usual freak out session.
Honestly, this joke is getting old.
“Izu, stop freaking out, I’m actually feeling okay. My fever broke hours ago.” You stare at your shaking roomie with disappointment. “I’m literally tucked into 3 different comforters, of course I’m burning up. I’m quite sure I fell asleep in one, so why do I look like a burrito now?” You try your best to get out of the hellishly hot covers but Izuku looks at you with those freaking puppy eyes; he literally looks like a puppy who just peed on the carpet and feels bad about it. He’s the definition of a baby golden retriever.
“Let me get the sponge at least!” He murmurs almost silently with a little pout on his face. Adorable.
“What about a lukewarm bath?” Midoriya pushes but you roll your eyes. “I’ll help you.”
This guy is ridiculous.
“You wish.” You snap back with a red face and if you wouldn’t be so ashamed you would have heard the almost silent “I do” murmured into his pillow.
“What did you say?”
“I said I need to go to work.” Midoriya grumbles, his sleepy voice more deep than usual. Oh no…
“Izu, are you grumpy right now?” You giggle and Midoriya really doesn’t appreciate that; he looks at you with an offended gaze. “Did you wanna have a lovely bubble bath with me and wash my back like you wanted in the camp?” You full on laugh now which ends up with you coughing a bit, which as per usual makes the greenette freak out for a good moment but after he checks your vitals and decides you are not about to die from a single cough, his angry pout is back.
“Shut up and take your Deku.” Midoriya tries to throw the stuffed version of himself to you and it lands on your face as your reflexes aren’t really good in your condition; you might feel better but there is definitely a long way until you can go back to your usual self. “Don’t make fun of me, I’ve grown up in a really loving and really touchy family. Once I tried to wash Kirishima’s back in the river and almost got Howitzer Impacted into the moon.” Midoriya admits and you burst out laughing.
“You did not…”
“I fucking did and he fucking let me. It almost cost my life.”
“Wow, you swear so much on this lovely morning.” You grin menacingly. “Did you not sleep well in MY BED?” You try your best to tease him flirtatiously; Midoriya was right, you have no filter when you’re sick. Oh well.
“You snored so much I couldn’t sleep well!” Izuku sticks his tongue out and you can’t believe his audacity.
“You cheeky little bitch, get out!” You whine and your green companion snickers as he leaves your room to get ready for his day. He comes back after a while in a full setup with a steaming cup of noodles in his hands.
“Eat this and take your medicine. Only leave the room if you really need to. Send me a message every hour if you don’t want me to jump in through the window which I will leave open just in case.” Midoriya mumbles, and you can’t help but giggle.
“We have a door you can use, I hope you know that.” You try to deadpan but your mouth doesn’t want to cooperate.
“Let me be extra, okay?!” The move Izuku made with his hands really makes you question his sexuality.
“I didn’t know you can be so sassy, Izu-Izu, I kinda like that.”
“Say that when there’s no snot dripping from your nose and I might get a little bit turned on.” Izuku fucking WINKS at you and leaves like the sassy bitch he is.
So let’s take a deep breath and think about the fact that Deku openly flirted with you, even though you look like you were just hit by a truck.
… and now freak the fuck out.
Yes, that will definitely help you to get better.
Well, Deku wasn’t joking when he said you need to message him every hour. If you were even a minute late, you woke up to a green blob staring at you from your window like a creep. It was kind of funny until you realized how dangerous this whole situation is; Deku is clearly not concentrating on his job properly which is not just a risk for his own health but to the people of the city as well. You need to do something about this.
“Hey, Katsuki.” You ramble into the phone with a husky voice. “I have a problem.”
“The fuck, freeloader! Are you hurt?! I’m coming over!” Katsuki is about to end the call but you stop him.
“I’m sick, don’t come here. I need your help with Izu.” You sigh. “He’s not concentrating on his work because of me. He’s around the house every hour, he’s absolutely lost it.”
“Fuck. He did that to me too when I was sick. Only happened once but fuck I make sure to eat my fucking vegetables since, he was an absolute emotional mess, crying and yapping by my fucking bed like I’m dying.” Katsuki tenses. “I’ll sort this out, you rest or whatever.” The line goes dead and the silence is back. You send a quick message to Midoriya that you are about to sleep and decide to close your eyes a bit; the sooner you get out of this mess the sooner you get your old roommate back.
The next time you open your eyes, Izuku’s sitting at the leg of the bed, hunched over; he looks banged up and really tired but he still smiles at you as you sit up.
“Hey, Sweet Pea.” His voice is rough. Something is not right. Something is…
Dripping. On the bed. From his side.
That’s fucking blood.
Okay, this is it. You are done.
“Midoriya Izuku, you are bleeding! What the fuck are you doing here and why are you not in a hospital?!” You yell but straining your voice probably wasn’t the best idea as you end up having a coughing fit. Midoriya tries to move and help you through it but even the smallest movement makes his breath hitch.
This is not funny anymore. “Why are you doing this?! How am I supposed to get better if all I can think of is you dying on the battlefield because of me?! Huh?! I’m really fucking done, Izuku! I don’t want you here! I want to sleep! I’m calling the hospital!” You cry to him, your eyes full of worry. It breaks your heart to talk to him like that, but he didn’t listen to you when you were nice and if you need to break your own heart to save his life, then so be it.
“I’m sorry, I only looked at my phone for one second…” he tries to explain, but fuck if that doesn’t make you even more angry.
“You looked at your phone in the middle of a fight?! I’m having a cold Midoriya, not a terminal illness that will take me away randomly!”
“Don’t call me that…” Midoriya’s eyes are full of tears and that only makes you cry harder; it’s extremely hard to breathe, your already stuffed nose not letting any air into your lungs. Your door gets smashed in suddenly and you both jump; Midoriya makes a tiny whine from the pain.
“Okay, this shit show ends now.” Bakugou barges in and puts Midoriya on his shoulders like he’s nothing but a sack of potatoes. “Deku, you are going to the hospital.” He grumbles. “Freeloader, you hide that fucking bedsheet before Auntie gets a heart attack when she comes in from the living room.”
“Mum is here?” Midoriya mumbles with a pale face. The weakness of his voice makes you cry again.
“Yes fucker, she’ll take care of your girlfriend while you get your ass treated. You are not going back to work today. We’re going to use your window so she won’t freak out. Now shut the fuck up and chill for the fucks sake, what kind of fucking drama is this anyway? Honestly, you need to get a grip, you fucker! She’s just fucking sick. Stop being an idiot!” Bakugou doesn’t stop talking as he jumps out of the window; you can hear him yelling at the greenette until their silhouettes disappear in the sea of skyscrapers. When you hear the footsteps coming from the living room, you quickly hide the top sheets under the bed.
“I heard a lot of yelling, are you okay?” Mama Midoriya comes in but she stops at the door when she sees your teary face. “Honey, what happened?” Inko runs over to hug you. You try your best to not cry even harder as she embraces you the same way a mother embraces her child.
“He doesn’t have any sense of self preservation, I can’t do this. It’s my fault, everything is my fault…” you bawl like a baby, your words so mumbled she probably can’t understand the half of it.
“Is there something bloody hidden under your bed, honey?” She mumbles into your ear and you freeze; Katsuki went above and beyond to make sure Inko doesn’t see his injured son yet you managed to mess up everything in the first 30 seconds. Well done.
“… N-no?” You stutter but Inko only laughs at that.
“Y/N, I know those two like the back of my hands. I heard yelling then Kacchan disappeared through the window, together with my son. I might be a working class woman but I’m not stupid.” The lady smiles. “I used to cry so much when my boy got injured but it’s the part of the job. I can’t believe they still try to hide this away from me. I was the one who treated Izuku’s wounds in the first few years. I was the one who washed his blood soaked clothes. Honestly, these two boys… they are a handful.”
“It was my fault, I’m sorry…” You try to apologize but Inko puts her hands on your mouth.
“Oh, shush now, Sweet Pea. It’s his own fault for not taking care of himself. He should have called me right away. This isn’t a first time I take care of his friends while he’s on duty. But I guess you are special. He wanted to take care of you himself.” Inko looks at you with a knowing look. “Don’t be too hard on him when he comes back, okay? He’s probably really heartbroken right now. He takes everything so seriously…”
“I yelled at him.” You sniffle. “I yelled at him and told him I don’t want him here. I didn’t mean it…”
“I know, honey. But you thought this is the best you can do to keep him safe. Thank you.” Inko keeps rubbing your back soothingly and the movement makes your sick brain feel super woozy - in a nice way. You could really sleep in Mama Midoriya’s arms. “Why don’t you close your eyes for a minute, honey? Let’s kick this cold in the butt so you two can make up and be happy again, yeah?” The soothing little circles lulls you to sleep really quickly; the next time you wake up it’s the next morning; you are alone in your room, there is water and breakfast ready for you by your bedside and there’s also a little pot of pink flowers sitting next to your pancakes. By the look of it, they were planted really quickly and you must add, really messily but you know these flowers; they are pink kisses, the flowers you made Midoriya buy for the garden when you first moved in. You really want to cry right now.
“Are you feeling better, honey?” Inko comes in with a sleepy face; you really hope she didn’t sleep on the sofa. Knowing Izuku, he probably let his mother sleep in his bed while he crashed on the sofa even though he’s hurt. You want to strangle that man and kiss him senseless, all at the same time.
“Much better, thank you. That disgusting thing with ginger really helped.” You giggle. “How is he?” You ask in a serious tone, worried. The poor guy went out into your garden and dug a flower out of the fucking dirt. He must feel so guilty for everything he’s done and probably has the wrong idea about your feelings as well. You really need to talk to him. As soon as possible.
“He’s okay… right, Izuku?” Inko smiles and suddenly, there is another green head in your view; Izuku looks so tired, his eyes red-rimmed and full of regret.
“Izu…” Things happen really quickly; Izuku is at the door one moment and in your bed in the next; he hugs you like he haven’t seen you for a year, grabbing your shirt anxiously while he buries his head into your neck. “I smell really bad…” you mumble self-consciously, but he only buries his head in deeper.
“I’m so sorry.” He sniffs and you really can’t take this anymore; you embrace the man so tightly he ends up making a little noise of discomfort.
“Ahh, sorry, did I hurt you? You got injured yesterday, I’m so sorry!” You ramble but Izuku only smiles. Inko slowly backs out of the room and closes the door behind her to give you some privacy. Bless that woman.
“I got healed by recovery girl, I’m fine. I’m sorry I made you worry and for being a ‘creepy ass fuck’ as Kacchan has said.” Poor Izuku looks so dejected you can’t help but caress his cheeks to cheer him up.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you. You were hurt and I only made it worse for you. Look at your eyes, love, they are so red and puffy…” You barely realize what you’ve just said. It just slipped out without your knowledge. Oh, you really fucked up this time, you really…
“I love the sound of that nickname.” He mutters with a red face. “You are forgiven. You’ll always be forgiven, Sweet Pea.”
“And so will you, Izu.” You mutter back with teary eyes. “Whatever you do, I’ll be here, waiting for you to come home to me again.”
This is the last straw for your poor heart. You are in love with him. You can’t fucking lie to yourself anymore. He’s the most perfect creature you’ve ever met in your life with all his weird habits and stupid shenanigans. He’s everything you’ve ever wanted. You really need to take a deep breath and close your eyes for a second to not act on your instincts and kiss the man in front of you.
“Promise?” Deku smiles, his pinky lacing together with yours.
After a few days, you feel good as new; at last, you can safely snuggle with your favorite roommate as you two enjoy a movie on this lovely afternoon.
“Hey, Sweet Pea…” Midoriya mumbles shyly. It weirdly sounds like a beginning of a question so you look up at the green haired hero. “So, my mom told me off for not listening to the doctors and getting glasses for home to read and to watch the TV, so… what do you think?”
“About you in glasses? Or about you being an insufferable little bitch about using them?” You grin when Izuku makes that funny squeaky noise he usually does when he’s being bullied.
“Excuse me, first of all, I’m not an insufferable little bitch about it, I just forgot to get my glasses done. Second of all, stop chatting with Kacchan when I’m not around.” Izuku pouts, so you give him a little kiss on his cheek to stop his incoming tantrum.
“You are literally so obsessed with him you have all his merch, is it really a bad thing if I sound like that?” You continue your teasing, because you are an asshole.
“Well, first of all…” Midoriya is about to start ranting but he gets cut off by your loud laugh.
“First of all, stop saying first of all over and over!” You talk back, still snuggled close to him, your hands playing with his fingers in his lap.
Yes, friendzone be damned, you two can’t stop touching each other since the fight, and no, not in that way, obviously, but you can’t lie, it is constant. Good morning kiss on the cheeks, good night kiss on the forehead, a ‘well done’ caress after finishing a commission, ‘thank fuck you are alive’ kiss on Izuku’s shoulder because you can’t reach his face properly without jumping up on him like a monkey, fingers entwining while watching a movie on the sofa, secret sniffs of the other’s skin after a shower… Long story short, it’s bad but neither of you really care at this point.
“I don’t want you to sound like Kacchan, because one is perfectly enough of him. Also, I’m getting those glasses, so if you see a new man sitting on the sofa, please refrain from attacking him with a mop again.” Izuku giggles, reminding you of your second encounter in the living room.
“Nah, I would know it’s you even if you take away all my senses.” You smile with a fond look on your face. You are so fucking obvious it’s actually hilarious.
“That’s highly unlikely, but I’m still fluttered.” Midoriya smiles back with a dorky look.
“Damn, you don’t even have your glasses yet but you already sound like a fucking nerd.”
“That’s it princess, you are going to the naughty jail!” Midoriya giggles and makes a move towards you. You look at him with questioning eyes.
“The wha… oh my god, Izu, stop!” You whine as the hero lands on top of you, viciously tickling you on your super ticklish sides, movie long forgotten. If you two end up staying in this position after tiring yourselves out by playfully fighting on the comfy sofa then falling asleep in each other’s arms, that’s no one’s fucking business.
Fuck, you really do sound like Katsuki these days.
EXTRA - A few days before
Deku’s mental health support group
Green oblivious idiot: Even her snores are cute…
Kacchan: Jesus ducking Christ Deku.
Kacchan: ducking
Shitty Hair: 🦆
Kacchan: I ducking hate you all.
Kacchan: Duck’s sake
Green, oblivious idiot: 🦆
Kacchan has left the group.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- This was actually supposed to be a 2 parter but I have so many chapters sitting in my notes I decided to post both of the chapters together haha I hope you enjoyed the little treat!
- The next chapter is my personal favorite one and guys… you are not ready.
- HEY VIETNAMESE FRIENDS, this story is being translated to Vietnamese by the lovely @tlam105! Thank you very much for your hard work! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 CLICK HERE IF YOU WANNA READ IT!!
- Eyy, Izuku has issues, man 😂 Someone needs to give that poor guy a chill pill. I’m really not sure how the heck did he manage to look at his phone during battle though, I’m quite sure he was hiding somewhere and that’s when he took his phone out, not in the middle of an actual battle but that doesn’t make it any better.
- I have a confession to make; I finished this story a few days ago and I’m really emotional right now 😂 the story will end with week 10, BUT! You know me and how much I love this story so there will be a second season! We will see more of Izuku’s weird habits in that one! It will just as fun as the first season was! 🥦 I already finished the new header for it 😂 I really hope you like the ending! (which ain’t an ending but you know what I mean.)
- My boyfriend is cutting onions and I can’t see from the tears so if there’s a mistake in the potato ramble bit I’m sorry I’m literally blind. TMI, I know.
See you next week! Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated as always! I love to hear your thoughts! 🥦🩷
Taglist: @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @momothemasocist @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore
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mangoisms · 1 year
circle k (back to you)
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summary: in which you're just the graveyard shift employee at circle k bombarded by vigilantes.
━ chapter seven: just get me through the night | read chapter six
━ pairing: tim drake x f!reader
━ word count: 4.8k
━ warnings: none
━ masterlist
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Steph believes you when you tell her you tripped and hurt your wrist.
After all, it’s not exactly a lie. That is what happened. It just… happened to occur while you were being advanced upon by, you know, the Batman.
You don’t tell her that last part. It’ll just worry her, you think, and she was worried enough about you that following day, when you told her about how your shift was cut short and how you hurt yourself. She fretted about you coming back to your shitty apartment in Coventry on your own but you made up a lie about catching a taxi. 
(Technically, in a way, you suppose it could’ve been the truth but you don’t imagine Red would appreciate Redbird being referred to as a taxi service; though, at the same time, he drives like a literal maniac, so, it doesn’t fit.
And yes, he did name his car.
And yes, it is actually named Redbird.
He claims he gets around by motorcycle more these days but that obviously wasn’t conducive with the weather, so he used the car instead. A very high-tech, ultra-expensive car that you had to wonder how the hell he managed to get. He’s your age, after all. But you refrained from asking. It’s impolite, considering everything he did for you.)
After Steph’s shift, you both head to her mom’s house, where Crystal Brown, a nurse at West Mercy, generously takes a look at your wrist, as equally as concerned as her daughter when she hears the story. 
“It’s just a sprain,” she says, frowning. “I can’t be entirely certain without an X-ray but I don’t think anything is broken or fractured. No need for a brace, either, but if it keeps bothering you…”
“I’ll get it checked out,” you agree easily. “Thank you, Ms. Brown.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? Just call me Crystal.” 
“You know how she is, Mom,” Steph sighs, folding her arms over the back of the chair you’re in, dropping her chin to your head. 
“As hard-headed as you? Oh, I know.”
You smile bashfully as Steph snickers. Crystal rises from the table, stepping back to the stove, where she has dinner cooking. At their insistence, you agreed to spend the night. 
Crystal has always been kind to you. Both this summer and the previous one did she tell you you were welcome to live with her and Steph here at their shared home, since neither of you could live in the dorms unless you took classes during the summer. Steph abstained from them to get more experience and you abstained because your financial aid wouldn’t cover it, which left you grappling with a three-month lease at the shitty student apartments near GU. 
“No Tim?” Crystal asks, covering the pan, turning to look at you two.
Steph clicks her tongue, pulling away from you to flop into the chair beside yours; underneath the table, her ankle curls beneath yours, shin pressed to your calf. 
“Busy as usual.”
“He doesn’t know?”
“It’s not that big of a deal—” at the looks you get from both of them, you quickly backtrack “—I mean, I’ll tell him later… That new Mission Impossible movie came out a few weeks ago, so I was gonna see if we could watch it together…”
Crystal frowns. “But you don’t like those movies. Does Tim like those ridiculous movies?”
She probably wouldn’t be displeased if he did. Crystal isn’t overly fond of Tim. Steph says it’s because of their relationship when they were kids but sometimes, it feels far too deep for it to be just that. 
Still, she’s civil to him and he rarely says no when Steph invites him (and you) for dinner. If anything, you think Crystal doesn’t mind the opportunity to make him squirm. Steph probably doesn’t mind it, either. 
Steph stretches her arms above her head. “It would be on par with him but no. These two just like watching them and making fun of them. I’m good, though.” 
“I’ll tell him, then. He’d notice it, anyway, since my mobility is still limited, but yeah…”
“Well, be careful,” she says, mouth pursed. For some reason, it doesn’t feel like she’s talking about your wrist but about something else. 
Steph coughs. Crystal looks back to the stove. 
“Well, hopefully you two will see him soon. From what I’ve heard, it’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” you say heavily. “A while.”
Crystal doesn’t pay more attention as she focuses on the sizzle of the chicken breast but Steph does, giving you a lingering look that makes you look away. 
You… try not to give away too much to her. 
You feel horrible enough to be in love with her ex-boyfriend; pining after him in her presence is just the icing on the World’s Worst Best Friend cake. 
That’s why you avoided him, after realizing the culmination of your feelings in May. 
To see if you could shake the feelings, if you could get rid of them.
Considering how hung up you are on him still, it hasn’t worked. 
But you still want to see him again. It’s selfish, probably, to be okay with avoiding him for your own gain and then when he does it on purpose, you want to put an end to it. 
But you know now it wasn’t okay. 
You want to see Tim, want to hear his bad science puns, you just want him around. 
Your feelings won’t go away for a while but avoiding him was the wrong decision. You just have to handle it on your own like an adult. 
You would if you could see him more.
You hope you can. Even if it kills you to act normally, to be okay with being friends. By this point, you’ve started to realize having him in any capacity is more than enough.
It has to be.
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newest mission impossible movie came out… i can’t believe they’ve managed five of them and this one is only part one of the fifth one. they need to put that series down already
anyway :D in that case, was wondering if we could see it together? on sunday? i’ll get the tix and you get the snacks? we can get ice cream after and talk shit about it
i can’t, sorry! family dinner on sunday, then some other stuff before then and on sat too. see it and let me know about it, alright? :)
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You cry when the end credits start rolling.
Not because the movie is good or moving or even so bad that it makes you cry, you’re just…
So tired. 
Tired of him never having time for you, for you and Steph. 
One part of you wants to give up. What’s the point, right? 
His continued lack of time means you can’t even apologize to him, can’t even ask if your initial avoidance was what led to his in the first place. 
Mostly because it feels like it doesn’t even matter at this point. 
Maybe this is what you deserve and there should be nothing else to say on the matter. 
But that hurts even more. 
You sit far at the back—shitty seats, he would say—but it gives you the privacy to shed a few tears. 
You leave only when the end credits are almost done rolling and the theater is empty. You don’t care about the looks people give you, coming out red-eyed and sniffling from the Mission Impossible movie. You just want to go back to your apartment and hide away for the rest of the summer. 
You emerge from the cinema; it’s only eight, so the sun is still out, warming you up from the chilly theater. Sighing, you start for the nearest station to take the subway back to Coventry.
You only get a couple blocks before your eyes catch the storefront of an ice cream parlor. Wallowing deep in self-pity by now, you easily take the detour. The patio in front of it is busy with people and through the large glass window, you see the line inside is long, too. But since you have nothing else to do, you head for it, anyway.
You’re halfway across the patio when you see it.
Through the window, in line for ice cream, is Tim. 
Your eyes found him immediately, without intention or purpose. Poetic, almost, were it not for the fact of seeing him here breaks your heart.
Here, not just by himself but with friends. Friends you’ve never met but know of from pictures at his place. 
You try to rationalize it initially, still standing there in the middle of the patio, staring into the parlor. Maybe the dinner was canceled. Maybe they dragged him out. 
Maybe, maybe, maybe. 
But then it makes you feel second best. Second choice. That he didn’t think of you when his schedule freed up. 
That’s presumptuous, though, right? What gives you priority? Nothing, especially after what you pulled before. 
But the ache in your chest hardly allows for that much introspection or self-awareness.
Mostly… Mostly, you’re just hurt. 
Seeing him now, separated from you by thin glass, the yawning monster inside you that longs desperately for him is unleashed, because he is so close but he’s not here with you, for you. And that hurts. A physical thing, your chest tight, throat thick with growing emotion.
But then, he sees you. 
His head turns and you go rigid as your eyes meet his, which widen as he recognizes you.
It’s been long, so terribly long, since you’ve seen him. See the soft blue of his eyes, this lovely shade, like cornflowers. 
It makes this so much worse because you don’t think anything will change, even with this, so it’s like a taunt to see him, knowing this might be the last for a while. A long while. 
Another moment between you two, the surprise on his face morphing into something else and you look away before you can see what it is, turning on your heel.
You have to get out of here. 
The subway is across the street but the light just turned green. Too long.
The hiss of hydraulics snatches your attention. A bus, several feet away. One last person climbing on. You take off for it, scrambling for your wallet, ignoring how the rough motions make your wrist throb in protest.
You think you hear your name. You hope you don’t.
You barely wedge yourself in just as the doors close.
The bus driver eyes you with thinly-veiled suspicion but you pay the fare and take a seat at the far back, away from the windows.
You don’t even know where this bus is going. 
You don’t care.
You just have to get away. 
You bury your face in your hands, your tears flowing again as the bus pulls away from the curb.
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The worst part about it, you think, is that he doesn’t reach out to you.
Neither does Steph, but you reason expecting that is irrational. Why would he talk to her? Why would he tell her what happened? 
You can’t do it, either. It’s for the best, maybe, that you don’t say anything about it at all. 
Instead, as soon as you get back into your apartment, you collapse onto your threadbare couch and take a nap. Only dragging yourself off it when you have to get up and get ready for your shift, accompanied with the headache throbbing in the center of your forehead. 
You trade off with the evening shift and things are quiet for the most part. To distract yourself (mostly to stop yourself from bursting into tears if you think too hard about what happened), you take on your night shift tasks with renewed vigor. Cleaning the floors, the machines, adjusting displays, doing inventory. 
Your wrist protests throughout it but you ignore it. 
Steph would scold you for it. 
So would Tim.
You pause in the middle of cleaning the counter near the Slurpee machine. Your wrist throbs at your side.
The sharp gust of wind and the sound of your name surprises you.
Shocks you, really, since you’re still a bit on edge from Batman’s visit last week and you yelp, turning around, throwing the wet cloth on instinct. 
Your visitor dodges it easily. It lands on the floor with a wet splat.
“Flash? What are you—what—?”
He tilts his head, grass-green eyes narrowing slightly, mouth pursing, and you get the unmistakable feeling of being scrutinized very closely.
“What are you doing here, Flash?” you question. 
He keeps making that face. “I wanted to see you.”
That surprises you. You blink. 
“Batman won’t like that.”
“Don’t care. I’m not here to cause trouble. Just here to see you. He can’t say anything.”
You don’t think that’ll stop him but you don’t say anything. Flash probably knows. He just doesn’t care. He’ll complain about it sometimes, go to lengths to avoid it, but other times, he just—doesn’t care. 
Flash continues to look at you. Scrutinizing you. 
You don’t bother trying to stop him from doing it. You’re too tired and the way your eyes are still red and swollen is telling, as well as the circles under your eyes. 
“You look like shit.”
“Thanks, Flash.”
His frown deepens and one of his hands comes to your shoulders. 
“Seriously… are you okay, kid?”
For some reason, that does it.
The smallest of splinters to your resolve first, your breath hitching, then it breaks entirely, emotion swelling inside you with tidal wave force, your vision blurring with tears.
Flash reels back in surprise at first, then softens, muttering, “Aw, kid,” and pulling you into a hug. 
It doesn’t feel perfunctory. Like he is doing this out of obligation at seeing you cry, like this is just another one of his duties as a superhero. It feels genuine, the way he holds you tightly against his chest, like you’re a child being comforted. 
That just makes you cry harder.
It takes a while for you to calm down. Then you get embarrassed, sniffling out an apology. 
He hands you a napkin, then pokes you affectionately on the forehead. 
“Geez, what do you take me for? I don’t mind. Besides, worse bodily fluids have ended up on me. Way worse. This is nothing.”
You laugh wetly. 
He squeezes your shoulder. “Seriously, though. Seems like you’ve got some stuff to talk about. What’s going on?”
You squeeze your eyes shut as a fresh wave of tears briefly takes hold of you. You take a deep breath, working through it, blowing your nose. 
Flash grabs two Slurpees, one cherry and one blue raspberry, and hops up on the counter, patting the spot beside him. You manage to wriggle up using just your right hand, your left still throbbing.
With plenty of breaks in between to cry a little bit more, you tell him everything that has gone on for the past month. Including the stuff with Red and the others, then your impromptu visit from Batman last week. 
“That how you hurt your wrist?” he asks, thoroughly displeased as he reaches for it with gentle fingers. It’s more swollen than before, irritated from you ignoring your body’s warnings, warm to the touch. 
“It wasn’t him,” you mumble. “Just me. I tripped and fell.”
He purses his lips but nods for you to continue, which you do, telling him about everything that happened today. 
“It just sucks,” you whisper. “I mean, what I’m doing to Steph, first of all, by feeling like that and then with the stuff going on with Tim. I know I shouldn’t have avoided him earlier because of my own feelings and maybe this is what I deserve for it but…”
He shakes his head, seemingly bothered by all of this. Really bothered. You expected some, along with the concern, but all of that seems tripled for a reason you do not know.
He says your name, solemn. “You don’t deserve any of that. Sure, it was stupid but… you still don’t deserve that.”
“I can’t change it,” you sigh, setting your cup down. Your fingers are numb from the cold of it. “I just… I dunno. Had to get it out, I guess, so thanks. Why did you really come here, though?”
He sips his Slurpee. “I really came here for you. I just had this feeling… I don’t know. But it paid off, didn’t it?”
“True,” you admit.
“You want me to talk some sense into this kid?”
“Absolutely not.”
“I don’t know,” he muses, his thoughtful tone bellying the tension that seems to permanently reside in his body now; he’s really annoyed by it. You’re touched, if not a bit confused at the depth of his feelings. “I think I should. Might be good.”
“It’s not totally Tim’s fault—”
“His reaction is his own entirely. You shouldn’t have done what you did but anyone with any amount of common sense would talk to you about it instead of turning around and avoiding you, too. It’s dumb. Don’t let him off the hook.”
“Don’t let me off the hook.”
“I’m not. But from where I’m standing, his offenses greatly outweigh yours, especially with what seemed to happen today and… everything else.”
“I’m just saying. I am, admittedly, a bit biased but… still. I’m not wrong, am I?”
You sigh. “I guess not.”
“Exactly. And for that stuff with your other friend… she hasn’t said anything about it, has she? I mean, I told you what it’s like for me and Pipes. We don’t feel like that for each other anymore. If I had some friend who turned out to like him, I wouldn’t care. So, what makes you think Stephanie does?”
You throw up your hands. “Most people would! Flash, not everyone takes that approach to their exes.”
“True,” he concedes. “But they’re clearly still friends and just friends.”
“But that doesn’t mean she’s okay with that. That doesn’t mean it’s okay. I shouldn’t… it never should have happened.”
Flash sighs, watching you for a minute. “This is a mess, isn’t it?”
You laugh humorlessly. “You’re just now getting that?”
“I knew before but this is… a mess of epic proportions. Seriously…” he mutters the last part, shaking his head slightly. 
Before you can respond, the door opens. You can’t see it, the aisle hiding it, but Flash can; since he remains calm, you assume it isn’t anyone bad.
Then you hear your name, from a very familiar voice and—
She appears around the aisle, her jean shorts and lilac purple t-shirt wrinkled and in a state of disarray, her hair equally as messy, frizzed from the humidity outside; a light sheen of sweat shines on her face. It’s like she rushed all the way over here. 
You hop down from the counter, concerned. “Steph, what are you doing here? Is everything okay? What happened?”
She lifts a hand, cobalt blue eyes on Flash, saying, distractedly, “No, it’s… it’s alright, nothing’s wrong, I just… had to talk to you… Am I interrupting something?”
“Nope,” Flash says breezily, hoping from the counter. “You can talk to her. I was just visiting.”
“Wait—” you don’t want him to leave quite yet but you don’t know how to say that.
“I’ll hang around,” he assures you, tossing your empty Slurpee cups in your next blink; the only indication he did anything is the way they disappear and the breeze that hits you and Steph.
“Don’t care. If anything, I might like to talk to him.”
“Flash,” you say, nervous, not willing to reveal what happened to Steph but also trying to tell him to very much not do that.
“I’m still thinking about it,” he says, lifting a shoulder. “But I’ll be around. I’ll come back in a few.”
He lifts a hand, then he is gone, the breeze following him much stronger this time.
“I guess you two really are friends,” Steph says when it calms, sending you a small smile, making you relax.
“Yeah…” Though friends didn’t quite cut it for you. Silly, probably, considering you don’t even know who he is under the cowl, but you can’t deny it to yourself. It’s hard to quantify exactly what he means to you—a friend, a big brother, some kind of weird uncle. If anything, it feels like an odd amalgamation of all those things. You wonder if that’s how he feels, too. You won’t ask. You can only handle so much disappointment in one night.
“I’m sorry to come by so suddenly,” she says next, her words oddly formal in a way that puts you on edge. “But I just had to talk to you.”
“About Tim.”
You go stiff. You try your best to school your expression, to not give anything away. After all, concerning him, it could be anything. What happened today, maybe. What’s been happening. 
Or your feelings.
You really hope it’s not that. 
You’ve only just started to realize you might be losing Tim. You can’t lose her. 
You can’t.
“What about him?”
She says your name. Everything inside you tightens. 
“I know. I know how you feel about him—”
Your throat aches when you swallow. Everything seems to come bursting out of you in the next second. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Steph, I didn’t mean—I didn’t want—I wouldn’t do anything—” you take a step back, your heart squeezing painfully in your chest.
Her eyes widen and she steps forward, quickly closing the space between you, her hands coming to cradle your face.
“No, no, no, it’s okay, it’s okay—”
“No, it’s not, I never should’ve—god, I’m so sorry, Steph—” your vision blurs with tears. 
She says your name again, keeping you in her grasp. 
“I’ve known for a long time,” she quickly says. “Okay? I knew, but it’s okay. I was never mad at you, never, it’s okay, I promise.”
She shushes you gently. “It’s okay. Deep breaths, alright?”
A couple tears trace down your cheeks. She wipes them away, a small smile forming on her lips—for you, entirely for you, the warmth there reflected in her eyes. 
“Do you want to know a secret?” she asks, rubbing her thumb over your cheek. “It’s really easy to fall in love with Tim Drake. And this isn’t my roundabout way of telling you I have feelings for him. Those are long gone. I love him and he’ll always be my first love but that time has passed—for the both of us. But for you guys?”
“I don’t care that you have feelings for him. I really truly don’t. I just want you to be happy. I want you both to be happy. I think you two can do that for each other.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m not. I think… you’re good for him. He’s good for you. That’s all there is to it, okay? If you really want my blessing, you have it, but… it doesn’t matter to me that you like him. And I’ve known for a while but I just… I assumed you knew I was okay with it. Like it was the thing that was there but we never talked about. Stupid, I know. But… I just need you to know that. Alright?”
She hugs you. You bury your face in her shoulder, hugging her back just as tightly, unable to stop your tears from flowing. 
“I’m not just saying this to try and be the bigger person, either,” she murmurs. “Go for it. It’s been long enough.”
“I don’t know…”
“I mean, he doesn’t… and today…”
Steph pulls away, frowning now. “He likes you, too.”
“He does. I know.”
“Then why has he…” You can’t keep going, biting your lip.
“‘Cause he’s an idiot,” she mutters. “In more ways than one. But… I’m going to fix it, okay?”
“No, no, don’t—”
“It’s okay. There’s… there’s other stuff going on right now and we need to take care of that first, then you can talk about your feelings. But I’m going to fix it, okay? I’m going to try.”
“You don’t have to, this is our mess, my mess, I was the one who started avoiding him in May after finally realizing my feelings and then he…” you trail off, sniffling. 
“There’s something else,” she says cryptically. “That’s… just take my word for it. But I’m going to fix it. He’s been an idiot long enough and I’m not going to keep tolerating it, not if he’s going to keep hurting you.”
You shake your head, confused. Is she talking about today? Did he tell her? You have no idea…
“He only did it because I did.”
“No, no, it’s… it’s complicated, okay?”
You snort despite yourself. “You think?”
She smiles finally. “I know. It’s… a lot. But don’t worry. I’m going to get him to see the light. Not literally, though I wouldn’t mind roughing him up a bit just for how idiotically he’s been acting but… another time.”
You’re still confused. Terribly, terribly confused. But Steph is so impassioned, so sure, you let it go.
“Let me help,” you say. “I should be the one doing this but—but let me help. I need to. It’s my mess, too.” 
“It’s all of us,” she sighs. “And right now, I’m in a unique position. So… let me, okay? Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you more later, but hopefully, I can get something together soon. Just sit tight, alright?”
“You do too much for me,” you whisper.
“I’m doing what I should be doing,” she says, looking… guilty almost before the look is gone. “This has gone on long enough.”
She leans forward to kiss your forehead. “But it’s gonna be okay. We’ll make it better.”
You just nod, going along with it for now. 
You scrape yourself together after a few minutes, wiping your tears away and blowing your nose. Steph hangs around long enough for Flash to return, at which point she bids you a regretful goodbye, telling you she’ll talk to you tomorrow. You worry about her getting home but she brought her car, or so she tells you, and Flash generously sees her out.
After a couple minutes, he returns. 
“So?” he asks expectantly.
“You were right,” you mutter. “She’s fine with it. I’m not entirely sure why she had to rush out to tell me or what she’s planning to fix but… I don’t think I can stop her.”
“No, I don’t think so, either,” he agrees lightly. “I don’t think you should, either. It’s probably important.”
“I guess,” you sigh. “I still don’t think she should be doing it but…”
“There might be more pieces in play than you think.”
You send him a look. “I got enough cryptic talk from her. I don’t want any more from you.”
He holds up his hands, smiling. “No more cryptic talk. Got it. I do, however, come bearing gifts.”
“Where on earth—?”
“Well, I already had them when I came here. I wanted to check on you and give you this stuff, but we got interrupted,” he says. “Give me a second.”
You give him a second. 
He leaves and comes back in that time. You raise an eyebrow. 
“Check it out,” he says, holding out a box.
You take it from him. It’s a small thing, easily held in your hand. You pull off the top. 
And promptly blink as the shiny display of a phone greets you.
“Flash, what—”
He can’t wait for you to finish asking your question, apparently too eager to tell you.
“It’s a phone, for you. But it’s programmed with my contact info, that way you can talk to me, and you can move all the stuff on your old phone over, too. It really is just a regular phone. Well, it does have League-level encryptions on it, but you know.”
“Flash… this is too much.”
“Not really,” he says. “I couldn’t give you that info without making sure your phone was secure and it would’ve been a lot more work to get yours secured, too. Besides, let’s be real, your phone has seen much better days. I think it deserves to finally be able to rest.”
“Jerk,” you laugh.
He shrugs. “Not wrong, though. Anyway, it’s not just for emergencies. You can talk to me. Text me. You know.”
“Flash,” you say, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, pressing a hand to your face. 
He looks like he wants to say something else but stops himself last minute and just gives you a small smile. 
“Come on. Let’s set it up.”
You agree, not wanting to continue to refuse since it would be rude and… you do want to have a way to talk to him. Not just for emergencies but other stuff, too. This stuff.
So much is still up in the air. 
But you can focus on the here and now, with Flash here to ease your burdens.
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skellymom · 8 months
"Silent But Deadly"
The FIRST Bad Batch Comedy One Shot in the ONE SHIT SERIES!
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Background: A stinky stench "rustles up" controversy.
Word Count: 780 words
Warning: Farts, fiery crop dusting, stinky humor, swearing.
The Bad Batch landed on Anaxis at the meeting point with the 212th for a special mission. Hunter led the way and greeted Commander Cody who introduced them to Rex. 
Cody’s clone troopers loaded onto their flying transport first with The Batch filing in after them. The door slid closed as the ship ascended on its journey to Skako Minor. All was quiet as each soldier stared ahead, contemplating the scope of this mission...until... 
...Hunter suddenly started with a coughing fit. 
“You ok, Sergeant?” Cody concerned, watched Hunter thump his chest with a closed fist, struggling to articulate his issue. 
Then the ruckus began. Cody and Rex watched as each Reg in the 212th violently protested one by one. Falling out of formation like a line of dominoes. 
“Smells like a Rancor crapped in here!” 
“What died???” 
“I’m gonna die!” 
“Who shit themselves???” 
One trooper even tried to put his helmet on to avoid the fumes...to find the horrendous smell was trapped in with him, “GAAAAH!” 
It wafted up to Cody and Rex who grimaced and gagged. 
Every Reg in the 212th angrily glared back at The Batch. 
Hunter, ever the gentleman and a leader, tried to take the blame. “Uh, sorry Lads...huh, gag...too many rations for...gag...breakfast.” He exhaled, fanning himself. 
An angry Reg spoke up, “NO! I think it was the big guy!!! No way Sergeant Super Smeller did that!!!” 
Everyone stared at Wrecker. 
“WHAAAT???” Wrecker clearly had NO clue what was going on...as his sense of smell was deader than a Drydak. 
Another Reg threw in his guess. “Yeah! The other two look like their asses are so tight you’d hear a SQUEAK!!!” 
Tech’s head shot up from his data pad and gazed over alarmed at the Reg who was speaking with authority about HIS anatomy. 
“ENOUGH!!!” Cody bellowed. Everyone immediately straightened up to full attention. “Corporal, open the bay door and air it out!” 
Rex, speechless, put his hand over his nose. 
Tech quietly glanced at Crosshair. There was a satisfied look on Cross’ face with just a hint of a grin. Cross gave Tech the side eye. Tech glared back at Crosshair with his best dignified, “YOU ASSHOLE” expression. Cross just chewed on his toothpick. He was clearly VERY pleased with himself. 
Hunter leaned into Crosshair and whispered. “Do it again and I’m personally throwing your ass off this ship.” 
“Mhm...Almost worth it.” He snarked back arrogantly. 
Even though quiet and still standing at attention, it was clear the 212th Regs were fuming during the rest of the ride to Skako Minor. 
Finally landing sometime later, the men filed out of the ship with several of the Regs body checking Wrecker as they walked past. 
“HEY!” Wrecker protested. 
“Get out of my way you STINKY BEAST!” 
“YEAH, were you trying to gas us out back there!!!” 
“THAT’S IT! Tech, gimme your repair torch!!!” Wrecker had enough of this BS. 
Tech protested “I don’t see how that’s relevant to this situation...” 
Wrecker yanked the torch off Tech’s utility belt and turned towards the two Regs. 
“For the record...I’M NOT QUIET!” His voice rising.  
“What are you going on about STINKY???” The Reg stood his ground sneering. 
Wrecker wasn’t going to let this go. “You know what I like to do???” 
Both Regs stood there looking at Wrecker, then glanced at each other, then back at Wrecker and just shrugged. 
“I LIKE TO BLOW THINGS UP!!!” Wrecker shouted. With that he turned around, bent over, engaged the torch and squeezed out a LOUD fart that sounded like a TUBA BLAST. It ignited like a flame thrower, shooting out a jet of fire from his bum. The blast rolled over both Regs where they stood. Two high pitched Wilhelm screams were heard as both Regs took off running...their heads smoldering. 
Wrecker laughed like a maniac...and handed the torch back to Tech. 
Tech embarrassedly cleared his throat. “Uh...I assume those soldiers will need medical assistance...” 
Rex turned to Cody mortified. “THESE are the guys that are supposed to help us find ECHO???” 
“Yep...” Cody deadpanned. 
Later, after Kix had medically treated the Regs, Cody marched them over to Wrecker to apologize. Both men were noticeably missing two things: Dignity and their eyebrows. 
Wrecker couldn’t help himself. “Whattsamatter? You BOTH look so...SURPRISED!” 
The rest of the 212th erupted in hysterical laughter. From then on NOBODY picked on Wrecker and he was the regiment favorite. 
Crosshair sat nearby on a boulder watching all the action go down. 
Hunter strolled up to Crosshair and kicked his boot. “You know this is all your fault, right?” 
Cross pulled out a fresh toothpick, inserting it into his mouth. 
“Hmmm...and enjoying EVERY minute of it.” 
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To read #2 in this series:
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tsukimefuku · 7 months
Right, wrong and the in-between (Part 1)
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You and Higuruma were assigned to investigate the disappearance of women around Shinjuku. This led to a dicey situation regarding what place Jujutsu sorcerers occupy in this world and what is their role to play when non-sorcerers get involved.
This is part of my "Jujutsu Partners Canon Divergence AU". There is currently a sequence of short stories and random drabbles for a fic I'll eventually write (eventually). To see the ever-growing list of one-shots, please visit my masterlist :)  The "Right, wrong and the in-between" will be a 4 (maybe 3) part short-story set in this AU. This is the first part, I hope you enjoy! The tags below will be applicable to every chapter.
Tags: oc/f!reader, soft/implied Higuruma x reader, soft/implied Nanami x reader, slow burn, mentions of violence and non-con/abuse among side characters, canon typical violence, some angst, some fluff, just characters being themselves driving the plot (and me) insane. Some philosophical debate will be in place.
WC: 1.7k
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"Well, this looks like a one-man job." Higuruma said, with his small gavel resting lazily on the side of his forehead. You were both seated at the backseat of a Jujutsu Tech's car, and Ijichi was driving.
"Oh, it sure is," you replied, "but you can't be going on solo missions until further notice. So you're stuck with me for the time being."
"Oh, no. I'm definitely not complaining of 'being stuck' with you." He replied, looking at you. "I just think that there's probably a better way of using such scarce resources, like jujutsu sorcerers. This parole should've been over already, that's my point. I already commited myself with atoning for my crimes and fight alongside Jujutsu High."
"Higuruma, it could be worse. You could've been executed." You said, as you put the side of your forehead on the car's window and closed your eyes. "The higher ups are awful like that, I know it firsthand. I just hope they'll all die or go to hell soon enough."
That caught his attention, and made a small bead of sweat appear in Ijichi's temple as he looked at you through the rearview mirror. "You have told me to have your issues with them, but never clarified what they were. I mean, you don't strike me as the type to do something that would render you at risk of getting a death sentence, or anything of the sort." Higuruma pondered, now curious. "So how would you know?"
"Oh, how would you know that about me, now? We've been working together for only three weeks, smart-ass" you said as you looked at him, scoffed and smiled. "If you behave today and I don't get bedridden for whatever reason, maybe I'll tell you over some drinks at HQ, since you're still on a leash. I will get us some beer, and we'll bash on the established power right under their roof. How's that sound?"
He smiled. "Fine. We have a deal. But I get pretty argumentative when I drink, just a heads-up."
You chuckled. "Wouldn't expect any less from you." Even if you were working alongside Higuruma for a short amount of time, you actually appreciated the guy's company — when he wasn't being a risky maniac on the battlefield —, and could totally get behind his disdain for Jujutsu High. You felt that way about them yourself, and with good reason.
After the bantering, you started to mentally go over the mission you were both assigned. 
Many women were going missing in an area of Shinjuku, Tokyo's red-light district, for the past few weeks. It wouldn't be something to be dealt by Jujutsu High if it weren't for the cursed energy traces left around the places these women were going missing from. The disappearances were undoubtedly due to cursed activity, so Higuruma and you were sent out to investigate.
"Ijichi, is there any indication this could be due to a curse user?" You asked.
"No, Ms. Why do you ask?"
You went over some pictures they had sent to you on your phone. "There is no blood, guts, or anything like that in any of these places. I mean, curses are often related to disappearances, sure, but it's not a very curse-like behavior to kidnap people in so many different places through such a large area."
"So a curse user with criminal intent is the most likely scenario?" Higuruma completed.
"Yes. It would make more sense. And considering the area of Kabukicho, it's possible these women..." Your stomach turned on itself before you could finish your sentence. You were all silent at that moment, for you all knew what that meant.
Higuruma sighed. "Yes, it makes sense."
"Oh. Hey, Ijichi, what is Nanami up to? Haven't seen him in some days." You asked. Since getting promoted to a Grade 1 sorcerer, you stopped going on missions with Nanami and were mostly taking on tasks alone until you were assigned to shepherd Higuruma. 
"He's actually working on another mission around Shinjuku too." Ijichi replied.
"Oh, he is?" The excitement in your voice was clear as day, as you said that with a smile. Higuruma looked at you seemingly a little dissatisfied, but said nothing.
"Yes. But he's on the opposite side of Shinjuku, currently."
"Oh." You deflated a little. "Well, drink night with the sorcerers is almost up the corner. See you both there, Ijichi."
He smiled as his face blushed slightly. "See you there."
You looked at Higuruma. "And I hope you're liberated from your leash soon enough, so you can join us too. I'd be happy to see you there."
He was a little surprised as he looked back at you. "Oh. Okay." Was all he managed to answer.
After 6 minutes, you arrived at your destination. The street was covered with signage and neon lights over the buildings, which were all crammed together, in a tight and claustrophobic pack. Since it was still afternoon, there was not much effervescence, given that this part of Shinjuku would become more lively during nighttime.
"Ijichi, we will go looking around to see if we find anything. When we do, I'll cast a veil myself, okay? Wait for us here." You told him, as you and Higuruma started to make your way down the street.
"So, we're looking for cursed energy traces that could lead us to our culprit?" Higuruma asked you.
"Precisely. Be it a curse or curse user, this was sloppy as hell. They left remains in every scene." You replied. "Shouldn't be so hard to track them down."
"Fine, then. Let's get this over with."
After some walking around, you both stood in the front of a building that seemed to have some cursed energy traces over the door. They were very faint, but were definitely there. The club was closed, and would only open after 6PM. 
"Well, do you want to look around while we wait for it?" You asked Higuruma.
"Anything to be out of headquarters. I thought I knew what being arrested felt like, but it's so much worse than I thought. Not having the freedom to come and go to places... It's dreadful." He replied, his body trembling unconsciously.
"Oh, really?" You said. "I thought you’d be used to that. I mean… You were a criminal defense lawyer."
He sighed. "Yes. But then I wasn't. It's a matter of will, you see, fighting a broken system from within." He put his gavel away, deducing you both wouldn't be facing any harm anytime soon. "There is no way to win a game when you're bound by the constraints of the game's unfair rules."
"Was breaking free worth it?" You asked.
When you were assigned Higuruma's case, to hunt him down, you were briefed on his situation. A curse user that was a lawyer and had awoken his abilities right after a trial, killing the prosecutor and the judge in the process. After that, he basically remained hidden for a few weeks before Jujutsu High located him. He expanded his domain on you and confiscated your cursed technique, but as you both started brawling, a curse attacked, lured in by the cursed energy you were both emanating. In a split second, you told Higuruma to run, and that you would face the grade 1 curse alone. You just felt, right then, that this man wasn't deserving of death. He had killed two people, of course, but nobody actually knew why that happened or even bothered to investigate it adequately. You wanted to hear what he had to say about it.
"You have no cursed technique anymore!" Higuruma shouted.
"Just fucking go! Run! I'll handle this!" You answered, charging to punch the curse with cursed energy. It had multiple arms, like a spider, and it took only one swing to send you all the way across the place, having you hit concrete and spit blood.
Shit. Higuruma felt it would be unfair to let you tackle this by yourself, with no cursed technique, after he was the one who removed it from you. He'd be indirectly responsible for your death, and this was completely different from fighting you and defeating you himself. This miniscule spark of morals coming back to him felt... Strange.
He took his gavel and proceeded to exorcize the curse as you watched mesmerized at how well this guy could fight in a such short amount of time. You texted Gojo asking for help without Higuruma noticing, because in that state, you wouldn't be much use defeating this man. After Higuruma was done, before he could leave, Gojo appeared, and you shouted for him not to kill the guy. Gojo knocked him out rather quickly, and you proceeded to explain everything that had happened, while also requesting his assistance to suspend Higuruma's sentence.
"He's strong. He exorcized this grade 1 curse without my help, and he awakened his abilities a week ago or so." You said. "I think this guy has potential. I talked to him, and he seems... misguided."
Gojo pondered for a moment with Higuruma over his shoulder. "Are you sure? I mean, he's the one that put you in this situation in the first place."
"I'm sure." You said. "Gojo, you saved me from the claws of the higher ups. They're arbitrary bigots, you know that. Please, trust me. Take this as a request from a friend." You felt indebted for that man, guilty or not, had just saved your life.
Gojo sighed and smiled at you, giving you a thumbs up. "I'll do my best. But you'll owe me another bag of kikufuku."
You smiled back at him. "Of course."
"I don't know." He answered earnestly, looking at you. "I'm still deciding while I atone for my crimes. After all, I left one broken system and ended up entangled in another. People seem to be terrible wherever I go."
You laughed. "Well, that's for sure."
"Aren't you going to try to dissuade me from that stance?" Higuruma asked. "That people are terrible?"
You scoffed. "Me? Hell no. We're a duo of cynical people. Can't promise to give you back any sense of ideal or anything of the sort. You'll have to find it for yourself."
He smiled at you. "You think of yourself in a curious way. I wouldn't say you're cynical." He replied.
"Oh, really? What am I, then?" You retorted.
At that moment, you heard two voices in the street around the corner. They were indistinguishable, but sounded female. You both approached quietly, and saw a woman in her late fifties, wearing a velvety crimson robe, guiding a lady — who must've been no more than over twenty-years-old — inside the building through a back door.
"Well, that was suspicious. That woman looked like a pimp" you said.
"You're someone that sees things for what they are" he concluded.
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lifblogs · 4 days
White Noise
Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 527 Summary: Omega has a great prank in mind, and not everyone is as amused. Author's Note: I'm super burnt out, so I decided to have a little fun and write this fic, which was inspired by my bestie @miss-mouse99! READ ON AO3
Omega kept giggling quietly over dinner, even though she had tried so hard to hide her excitement all day. When Echo first questioned her, she lied it was a joke she’d heard earlier. She had the same answer for the rest of them as well. When she answered with that to Tech who sat across the table he just readjusted his goggles—Omega nearly giggling again—and gave her a discerning look.
“I am not convinced,” he said.
“Well, wait and see then,” she said.
Usually Omega was good at keeping quiet, but with something this fun, this exciting, she didn’t know how to contain herself.
Her exhaustion from the long day tempered her somewhat, and she was all serious as they settled into their bunks to sleep.
Omega stayed up, reading on Tech’s datapad he’d loaned to her for such things, and changed positions every time she felt herself getting tired.
When a good hour had passed, and she figured they were all asleep, Omega snuck from her room, and over to Tech’s bunk. He only slept with his goggles on if he had fallen asleep while working, so grabbing the recorder from them was no problem at all.
Recorder in hand, Omega snuck back to her room.
She had to put a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing when she connected the recorder to the datapad, and set it up for what she needed.
Omega pressed a button.
The sound of purrgil suddenly filled the Marauder.
With the volume high, everyone woke with a start, Echo even cursing accidentally.
Omega quickly got under her blanket, making it seem like she’d been there the whole time.
The loud song of the purrgil continued to fill the ship.
“What the—what is that?” Hunter asked.
Omega fake-yawned. “Oh, it’s white noise to help me sleep.”
She almost laughed as Tech crossed his arms.
“White”—purrgil interruption—”noise?”
“What is white noise?” Wrecker asked.
“That’s really loud,” Echo commented.
“Sorry,” Omega said. “I can lower it.”
“This helps you sleep?” Hunter asked, looking incredulous.
“You’re joking,” he said.
“Hey, you stole my recorder,” Tech exclaimed.
“I’m just trying to get some good sleep,” she argued.
Echo came over, and grabbed the datapad and recorder. She reached out for them, but he pulled them back.
He turned the sounds off, and then handed them back to Tech.
“Please,” Echo said. “No more white noise.”
Omega sighed dramatically. “Fine. But now I’ll never sleep. You really want me to be sleep-deprived?”
“You’re laying it on thick,” Hunter said.
“Fine,” she relented. “Now go to bed.”
“You go to bed,” Wrecker told her.
She waved him off, giggling.
At that, Hunter started laughing too.
“All right, I’ll admit it; you got us good, Omega.”
She popped her head up.
“Yes, now actually get some sleep. You look like you stayed up just to prank us.”
“I did,” she announced proudly.
Her chest warmed as he smiled, shaking his head. “Please, just go to bed. Or are you going to wake us in an hour with tooka noises?”
Everyone groaned, and Omega laughed maniacally.
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flashthescalesian-art · 6 months
Okay but Crosshair is a pretty good fighter in hand-to-hand combat. We’ve seen him nearly stab Hunter before, and Hunter’s thing is using a knife in close quarters combat, so Crosshair has to be pretty good in hand-to-hand too. Which makes me believe that for him to get beat fairly easily by that assassin, the assassin has to be one of two things (or potentially both, I suppose). 1- he’s gotta be BETTER in hand-to-hand combat than Crosshair, or 2- he has to know how CROSSHAIR specifically fights. Which leads me to two possible conclusions, neither of which I like but see as fairly plausible. If the assassin is BETTER than Crosshair, then my suspicion is that he’s Cody. Cody is a MARSHALL COMMANDER, and this maniac tackled General Freakin Grievous, so he’s definitely going to be even more skilled than Crosshair in close-quarters combat. Now, if the assassin knows how Crosshair fights, then there’s a high possibility that he’s Tech.
I don’t like the idea of either of them being the assassin (because it makes me sad, not because I think it’s poor writing or anything like that), but I do think it’s highly possible, especially given the importance they’ve clearly given to this mysterious assassin. I do think it’s more likely that he’s Tech, but Rampart seemed entirely TOO calm when he told Cross about Cody supposedly going AWOL, so I have my suspicions that Cody did not in fact get a chance to go AWOL and was instead given to Hemlock to experiment on. So I do think it could be Cody, but Tech seems a bit more likely. Either way, I’m dreading it because they’re two of my favorites and I don’t want them to no longer know who they are 😭
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shithowdy · 2 months
Please tell us more about fallout Oliver (falliver?) did you like the show by the way?
You could say it made me... falliver in love....
That sucked, I'll workshop that one.
I loved the show!! I even did some fanart for it, I never do that! Like a lot of people it was my impetus to actually Play A Game, despite people insisting for years it would be up my alley and getting the old 'I'll add it to my list'. Seeing Cooper run around like a yeehaw maniac had me continuously thinking "oh he and Oliver would be such good friends" and once you start imagining an OC within a setting it's all over for you.
Considering they are both prewar ghouls who served in Alaska as power armor operatives there's a significant chance they do know each other (in WoW, he was a Silver Hand paladin before becoming a DK-- how could I resist the parallels). Maybe one day I'll draw them getting trashed on coke together.
Unlike in WoW, where he deserted on conscience in the middle of the Stratholme culling, he stayed with the military right up until he met an abrupt "retirement" in 2070 after a psycho-induced heart attack inside his armor, an incident that left him deeply traumatized and mistrustful of any sort of organization where you can't say 'no' to a command, which is why he refuses to fully affiliate with the NCR. The "good boy" payout he got for the incident allowed him to retire and purchase his dream ranch in the Jemez Mountains, which he and some fellow hands maintained for seven years until the bombs dropped.
My headcanon is that northern NM didn't get that cooked in the blasts (Alamogordo is presumably a barren field of trinitite, though), but his area was so remote that when communities tried reforming into city-states and pooling their resources, no one could justify the back-and-forth with limited transport options. So he released his small livestock and they all packed up and attempted a cattle drive toward Taos with other ranchers. But winter was setting in, and an irradiated storm from the north blew through in what would be the event that began his ghoulification. Most died, the cattle scattered or also died, and as an absolute husk of an individual he decided "fuck it" and went west with his horse to find the hidden vault that is his son's tomb instead.
And for 200 years he's chased that delusion, not knowing he's been looking in the wrong city the entire time. 👎 He did meet and fall in love with a woman (hi, Senkha!) about 150 years before this RP; they spent decades together and through her he gained experience with psykers and how to wall them out of your surface thoughts with constant music, but he also gained experience with the eventual understanding that most humans grow old and he doesn't. When she passed, he began distancing himself from people.
When he's not scouring the old LA metro haystack for a nonexistant needle, he does mercenary work to support his hobby as a scavenger for prewar memorabilia and civilian tech. His prized possession is a turntable he repaired (and the vinyls he's scavenged for it), and he also has a truck he's completely restored save for the fact that he has no power core for it. So he just sits in it and pretends.
Some mercenary work he did close to their formation put him immediately on the Legion's shit-list, a status in which he takes pride and now goes out of the way to cultivate to the point that he's earned the nickname "Matador" within the NCR. Now that he is traveling with the deserter son of a high-ranking individual in the Legion, life is about to get spicy!
So yeah, I'm having fun. I've joked that this is actually the setting he's supposed to be from and WoW was actually the AU, because my boy was made for this.
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t-tomuras · 6 months
Gyuutaro x reader, modern au, wc 1k
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He knows he should be wearing riding gear, that it was something essential and he knows his sister will ask about the first time he comes to pick her up. He wanted some as well, helmet at the very least so he could really enjoy riding the bike but it was insanely expensive and he spent a good chunk of his savings getting the bike in general.
And pretty much only the bike. 
No insurance, no proper license, no tags, no helmet, he wasn’t even wearing sleeves nevermind a riding jacket. Gyuutaro shouldn’t have this 1000cc death machine in the first place. 
But it offered a decent amount of freedom that he could taste on his tongue immediately. Feel it whipping against his skin in a way that didn’t feel like torment for once in his life while he weaved between the painted lines on smooth asphalt. 
His speedometer ticking upwards steadily, downshifting as broad palms grip tight to the cushioned handlebars. Shifting his weight to lift the bike from two wheels to one, balancing himself carefully as Gyuutaro howls with laughter. 
Grin splitting his face wide and flashing jagged teeth, baggy shirt pushed back with the roaring winds from the high speeds outlining his thin frame. 
And his mood doesn’t falter even when he wobbles slightly, tensing his forearms as he straightens and falls back onto both wheels. Bouncing slightly as he opens the throttle and rockets down the near empty highway. Reaching new speeds the shitbox he’d owned up to this point could only ever dream of achieving. 
Yes, there are ninety nine reasons for Gyuutaro to treat the road like it was his and his alone. Could count and reclaim each and every one of them while his music blasts like his own personal OST. 
Laughing maniacally despite how the rev of his engine through a short tunnel drowns out the sound with its reverberations. Adrenaline surging as the numbers climb higher. 
120.. 140.. 180.. 
One arm cutting through the torrential breeze he causes with his speed as it relinquishes its hold on one of the handles. Angled to make waves before it opens his palm flat to let the force throw it back like he’s riding a bucking bronco. 
His exit is soon, but Gyuutaro already feels at home right now before his song stops abruptly. Snarl marring his lips almost as quickly as he splits the lane between a few cars before the automated voice reads out the text you’d sent him. 
Dinner will be ready soon, get home quickly but drive safe okay?
‘Would you like to reply?’ The AI preprogrammed into his phone asks and he does, he always fucking does but he doesn’t have a helmet to muffle the loud howling of the wind. He’s lucky enough that the headphones you’d gotten him for his birthday hadn’t fallen out yet, it’d be nothing short of a miracle if the tech could decipher a word he says. 
So he slows, decelerates quickly yet safely just like you’d asked of him. 
Yes, Gyuutaro has ninety nine reasons to drive like a bat outta hell. But the one that matters most is you. 
The image of you waiting in the doorway when you hear the purr of his engine down the street. A scene of him backing his bike into your little carport before long legs cut the distance between you in a hurry before your arms wrap around one another as he kicks the door closed behind him plays in his mind. 
And just as the numbers tick down on the speedometer, so do the reasons for him to drive as recklessly as he pleases. 
His sister, the smell of dinner in the home he’s steadily moved into with you, the feel of your skin against his beneath your weighted comforter. Knobby and calloused digits intertwining with yours as he pins the back of your hand to the mattress in moments of intimacy. The way he fills you, the way you preen so prettily for him and the pleasure he provides. 
The intent to watch the swell of your stomach that only grows the more he comes home to you, and sure it would continue if he didn’t. Time would tick on if Gyuutaro’s was cut short but the thought makes his chest ache. 
Finding the actual speed limit as he veers off the on-ramp to take the exit home. Wavy locks styled chaotically from his trek back to you but you love it either way. Choosing not to question it but you do mention going shopping for a helmet when you receive him with open arms. 
Giggling between smattered affections to your forehead, the apples of your cheeks, the corner of your jaw and finally to plush lips because he wasn’t one to interrupt you when you talk. Your fingers carding through his soft curls with care, working out any tangles he’d caused just like you had many times before. Threading delicate digits together on the nape of his neck as you drape against him, telling Gyuutaro you’d already looked online for a few. 
“Pretty affordably priced with practical reviews,” because you always do your research especially when it came to him and his sister that you’d accepted into your life with ease. With a quiet compassion that spoke volumes of your character that he was more than aware he didn’t deserve but you fill his head with cooed confessions and his chest with their sentiment. 
And each kiss, meal, outing, lost restful night of sleep he’s ever gotten as well as each domestic and carnal moment alike replaces all of the desire for destruction. Be it internal or external, Gyuutaro was born to be a man that wrought and collected as he pleased. 
Yes, there are ninety nine reasons for Gyuutaro to speed on his bike, but they’ve morphed. Shifted and molded into something lovely instead of ghastly like he’s always known. 
An effect you’ve had on him from the moment he’d met you purely by coincidence. A stroke of luck in his underrated little life. 
Now, all of them revolve around you and the way you’ve integrated so effortlessly into a world that never belonged to him. 
He knows maybe you won’t like it, that you’ll worry and chastise him every single time but what reason could he give to not? Not one he thinks is worth it.
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badschmitt24071994 · 1 month
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Vice: Project Doom, known in Japan as Gun-Dec (ガンデック), is an action video game developed by Aicom and published by Sammy Corporation for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was released in Japan on April 26, 1991, and in North America on November 1991. Vice: Project Doom is a side-scrolling platformer with noticeable similarities to the Ninja Gaiden series for the NES, with the addition of gun shooting and driving segments as well. The player assumes the role of a secret agent who must uncover a conspiracy involving a new kind of alien substance. A Sega Mega Drive conversion titled Deep Scanner was in development, but never released.It was released on Nintendo Switch Online in August 2019.
The game has a large number of cut-scenes for its time, in which a full-fledged plot in the genres of anime, noir and biopunk is revealed.
In the distant future, the B.E.D.A. Corporation, a company involved in the development of electronic equipment and military weapons, is actually a front operated by a race of alien beings who have been living on the Earth for centuries in secrecy. The aliens have developed a substance named "Gel", which was initially intended to be used as food for their species, but also functions as an addictive substance to humans that results in terrible side-effects and is now being sold as an illegal drug within the underworld. The player takes the role of Detective Hart, a member of the Vice unit who is assigned to investigate the B.E.D.A. Corporation following the disappearance of his partner Reese during a previous case.During his mission, Hart is assisted by his lover and fellow Vice agent Christy, and Sophia, an acquaintance of the two.
Inspector Hart is ordered to stop a maniac on a road. After battling a high-tech, heavily armed truck, Hart discovers a monster, not a man, behind the wheel. His cargo is an unknown substance. Hart asks Christy and Sophia to find out its nature, and they report that the substance (probably a drug) leads to mafia and sorcerer Kim Long (in other translation – Kim Ron). Hart goes to China in search of him, and after breaking through mafia and monsters, he defeats Kim in battle. Christy determines that his clothes had soil particles from city of Ricardo (probably fictitious) in Central America. The information received leads Hart to a secret research base in the jungle, where he fights a certain flying cyborg. Defeating him, Hart recognizes his former friend, Captain Reese, whom he believed to be dead. He repents that he was once considered a war hero, because "there are no heroes in war." He tries to tell that a man with the face of Hart himself is behind the vice project, but at that moment he receives a bullet from an unknown sniper, but manages to say that Chris was kidnapped. The hero pursues the mercenaries on a train, fights the cyborgs in sewers and at the power plant, and finally Sofia says that Chris needs to be looked for in the biolaboratory. There he witnesses experiments on humans and animals and fights with a certain slimy mutant, but after defeating it, he realizes this is Chris, she confesses her love to him and dies in his arms, having managed to report that B.E.D.A. Corporation is behind everything (in Russian "beda" means "trouble", "doom"). Hart also sees his own clones in the flasks. To avenge his girlfriend, Hart breaks through an ambush on the road and enters the corporate headquarters, where director is waiting for him behind the security lines, and he looks like an aged Hart. He explains that he considers all of humanity to be pigs, and himself to be the one who can give them everything they deserve, the hero is a clone of the villain, and the corporation should be controlled by a dynasty of such clones, replacing each other. Hart refuses the offer to take over the board. A fight ensues between them, and Hart defeats the director of the corporation, first as a human, then as a monster. Dying, he says that fate cannot be avoided. Hart leaves, but another clone comes to life in the flask.
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starheirxero · 3 months
Earth's entire character revolves around making people happy! She is the caretaker, the therapist, the golden child.
She is kind to a fault, always wanting everyone to be happy, and putting the people around her above her.
She was created and taught to do so. It's her purpose.
Taking the character trait that defines her the most, and twisting it into something sinister?? Holy shit, I love that!!!
This truly makes her feel in-character, while still giving her a chilling edge!
Instead of simply trying to make people happy, she's actively forcing them to! Even brainwashing them with camps!
And if they can't be happy? If they won't be? Then they are tainting her perfect utopia, and need to die.
This Earth seems to idolize the Creator a lot more, or he, at the very least, generally seems to have rubbed off on her, considering her apathy towards her sinister actions!
I cannot describe to you, how much I love this!!
I'm also really interested in her dynamic with her brothers, and the general world-building!
For one, she actively mentions, that their hatred for her comes from a place of prejudice, because she's a robot. The Creator's robot, to make it worse.
I love, how they consistently throw in humans' distaste for animatronics, and the latter's lack of rights!
Though in this case, that's definitely not it-
She also generally seems to take more of an older sister role? The way she talks to her Lunar sounds like an indeared older sibling, using a higher tone and generally seeming amused by their antics! Also her mentions of them being "silly" again, much like an older sibling indulging in her little sibling's games. This also plays into her patiently explaining everything.
I can't quite say for her dynamic with Moon, though it has shifted somehow!
There's little to go off, when analyzing the brothers, though they too seem generally more apathetic, and honestly tired. Especially Moon.
It's also interesting to note, that this Lunar apparently has a lot of memory issues, the humans actively meddling with their systems to put them against their sister! So much so, that Earth seems very much used to it!
This world fascinates me so much, and I hope, we'll see them again!
With her comeback, I also have hopes to see the other AUs again!
Listen- I need Lunara to make an appearance- I need them to be an antagonistic maniac- I need to know more about their resets, and how long it's been going on- I need them in my life-
I really hope to see a glimpse of Lord Lunar and Servant Eclipse again, and see if their dynamic has shifted since Gregory came by-
I want God Eclipse to be a smug bastard-
I also want go give a shout out to Ruin for being absolutely UNHINGED when it comes to building- Buddy legit built a high tech spaceship in underneath a year, and got a hold on several whiterstorm pieces-
And it feels CRIMINAL not to at least mention Earth's dream episode- Which I haven't done, cause brain fog-
It made me incredibly emotional too!! It's just-
The atmosphere was so incredibly somber…
Earth KNEW, he wasn't real, yet still found comfort in his memory-
YEHWYSYAYAYYAYAYA I KNOW RIGHT!!!!! GENUINELY I'M SO HAPPY THEY BROUGHT HER BACK AND SHOWED OFF MORE OF HER CHARACTER AND HER WORLD IT MADE ME SO HAPPYYYY!!!! I always thought it was a lil weak sauce that, last time, they just went "she's a dictator, evil enough!" so having them revisit her to elaborate and make her properly villainous is EVERYTHING TO MEEEE
AND YEA YEA YEA I LOVEEEE HOW THEY TWISTED HER MOTIVE!!! Exactly like u said abt her having more the Creator's influence, I adore that it's still distinctly her goal, it's just that she's not as emphatic about what she has to do to achieve that goal! And YEA the fact people were particularly displeased about her being the Creator's creation fascinates me.
In my heart I'm imagining someone in her universe made a very online callout post about her and her ties to the creator HSKAHSKS "ouf, unfollowing her now. i was a fan of her 'keep everyone happy' goal but i didn't know she was made by That guy 😬" LMAO
BUT ALSO WITH HER SIBLINGS YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!! She's definitely more authoritative with them, especially with Moon just outright calling her "boss"?!?!!! Whatever is happening there has me SO INTRIGUED. It definitely make me wonder what the lead-up to all this looked like...
I was sort of talking about smth similar with a friend earlier, like. if any of them ever pushed back at any point, only to be put in their place, or if they've just always been too scared to work against her.....
SPECIFICALLY LUNAR HAS ME SO FASCINATED THO YEAH. I cannot explain why for the lofe of me but the fact they're usually a target of the rebel's attacks and have constant memory issues as a result just scratches smth in my brain I rlly like it HAKAHXK
Genuinely that whole ep was DEVASTATING. The whole "you don't know what he'd say, do you?" coming out of his own mouth had me MESSED UPPP 😭😭😭 1 MILLION EMOTIONS ATTACK FOREVER
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spopsalt · 5 months
there's so many cartoon villains who could have been defeated just by jailing them. King Andrias, Catra, Hordak, Mina Loveberry, the Diamonds. I feel like all of these characters should have spend at least five years in some sort of magical/high tech prison before redemption was even considered as an option. Why are writers so scared of putting their characters in prison?
Well yeah but in Mina Loveberry's defense, at least she wasn't immediately forgiven for all of her actions and everyone remembers her as a bad person and as the genocidal maniac that she was, the other characters on the other hand...
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lexmista · 10 months
Hiruma Yoichi, 176 cm, 24 y.o.
Eyeshield 21
N, R and SR card design
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let me tell you about this fucker 💖
hiruma was my first very serious crush on fictional character! my first husbando~
i watched eyeshield 21 when i was 14-15 y.o. and oh boy, that sport anime glabbed my ovaries so tight, i found in my small hometown american football team full of dudes who are enthusiastic about this sport and nothing else, and stuck with them for three years. yaya this bitch played football *smug*
i wasn't good at it, but i was very determined to get good (i didn't) 💪
hiruma himself isn't a *good* character, he is very cruel at times, selfish, scary, and just a maniac!
but he is a very determined dude, passionate about his dreams and attentive to others (when he needs them for something)
also, he loves guns, tech, and schemes ✨️
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(these are pannels from original manga "eyeshield 21" by Riichiro Inagaki and Yusuke Murata)
hiruma is a high-schooler in manga and anime, but in the end, he does graduate and goes to college to continue play football
i love him very dearly ❤️
in nu: carnival world he is a vampire familiar, like aster
i know that familiars are created from essence and they have their creator, like huey, but let's keep those details out *sweats*
hiruma is isekaied into the world of nc at the same time as oc (me) and second familiar (reveal in next post)
he can't really remember his past life clearly, only that he felt satisfied with it, some of his interests and at the start he spoke japanese (he doesn't forget japanese after btw), but magic of klein give all characters ability to speak klein language freely ✨️
his age in nc world doesn't mean he died at that age in his original world. since we don't know how his life continues after manga, i say, he lived very fulfilling life and died at whatever age is appropriate. he just moved on to another life. 🫶
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vomitalien · 2 months
hi Friends!!
Little intro to my new blog
European so my English might not be the best
Nickname: Vanity
Height: 173cm
Current weight: 66kg
Goal weight: 60kg (for now)
Also in the tcc!
Fav cases: columbine, Sandy hook, v-tech, academy maniacs, Andrew blaze, Charleston church, chardon high, Brenda Spencer, Mary Flora Bell and Jodi Arias
(some other stuff as well)
Music: Marilyn Manson!!!!! KMFDM, nine inch nails,and one,chemlab,the birthday massacre, MSI, die so fluid, massive attack, bananarama, Lana del Rey, princess Chelsea, hole, no doubt, Katie Jane Garside
I'll be posting mi@ content, tcc stuff, and some shitpost🩶
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