#high priest of designer violence
charlie-grusin · 2 months
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Youch! (but I gotta admit they’re not far off, not far off at all)
From “Introduction” to Hard-Boiled: An Anthology of American Crime Stories, edited by Bill Pronzini and Jack Adrian
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cosmic-navel-gazin · 5 months
Finished Felvidek and had a grand time!
Thought I'd do a lil list of things/moments/details I loved off the top of my head:
gave cursed coffee bean to a chicken and it mutated. Did it for science
game's got some twin peaks vibes, some monty python, a tad of hylics, along it a bunch of other ingredients, but it feels very much its own thing with its own identity
pear man and his daughters deserve the world, wish we hung out more
there's a fight with an invisible enemy, all your attacks miss because your guys can't see shit and I was laughing just imagining Pavol and Matej swinging their swords at nothing hoping to slay the forest fiend. Very Don Quixote, I love it.
the PS1 style cutscenes are sooooo beautiful I love them to pieces, they drip with style and charm. I knew I needed to give this game a go the moment I watched the trailer and was greeted by the cinematics. God I love them so much. And not just the syle but the directing itself, the way shots are framed, god...
I love the character portraits for everyone. There's so much detail and everyone feels unique/like an actual person with distinct features. From the Priest's very punchable face, to Pavol's grin to Josef's sexy ass... From main characters to NPCs to enemy sprites, I love everyone's design and colour coding (don't know if it was intentional but the purple for the cultists was neat, seemed to subtly imply early on that they were being funded by rich folk, since pruple is associated with nobility, power and wealth)
speaking of character design, shout-out to this lil guy, look at him please
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Numnut the drunkard my beloved, I recruited him and less than a minute later he fell on flat ground into a nearby river (and drowns???). I reloaded a previous save to see if I could have him in my party a lil longer. I took a different path, got into a fight. "yay I get to see him in action!"- I thought. I used his one special move, called: 'good idea', and Numnut proceeds to punch his own face, dealing 90 damage (not even in the endgame did I deal such high numbers!). THE Character of all time, he drowned again after that and I'll never forget him.
BALLOON IN THE MIDDLE AGES! (possible Andrei Rublev reference? I can dream...)
just, the way things are worded:
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cutting people's ears after killing them as spoils (and giving the ears to a maiden, as you do)
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there's a quest where you have to cut a man's tattooed buttock to give to another guy, and it's all for nothing, you ruined a man's ass for nothing. I love it. The dialogue during this whole section had me dying.
I love that there's just this guy who lives in the castle's well. And our boy Pavol thinks it's a great idea to throw a bomb in there to make him come out.
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there's these lil inisghtful and mournfoul comments on the dead bodies you leave behind. Like, expressing regret at all the senseless violence and death or how cheap life is here. And I'm not sure if it's Pavol or Matej making them. It makes more sense for it to be Matej but I kinda like the idea of it being Pavol's comments, these small moments of introspection and realization in the midst of a drunken adventure. You've been engaging in all the violence while pissed drunk but then after you kill your opponents and look at their corpses... and it's like this sobering moment, before you're back at it with all the merry-making (I also like that a lot of these bodies don't disappear and just remain on screen, and you can see the carnage your guys leave behind in their quest)
the whole adventure felt to me like, this series of odd little events in a knight's life before it's passed down, told by and retold by different people, and after many generations it's been touched up and made more coherent and noble than the clusterfuck it actually was. Before it became a narrative I guess is what I mean
it can get a bit wordy and hard to follow but I really like the old timey way the dialogue is written and its dry sense of humour
there's these little subversions of gaming tropes that I found really fun too! Like as soon as Pavol's wife and your falling out with her is introduced you may expect a reconciliation between the two, or a moment where you have to save her and prove your worth and love to her to win her heart. As you would expect from a story with a knight and a damsel. But no she hates his guts lmao tries to murder him too! (tho I do think Pavol took her in that balloon ride at the end). There's also the fact that I am not allowed to play minigames! Josef wants to play tabletop games but your character always replies no. No minigames for you son! And like, this feels especially catered to me as someone who, more often than not, will dread whenever a game will introduce some sort of card game or the like. I was so happy that wasn't forced on me for once! Couldn't believe it. Kinda felt bad for Josef tho, I'm sorry Pavol doesn't wanna play Pexeso wth you.
the battle animations! I'm particularly fond of the eating porridge one, or the chugging down a bucket of sour cream, and the petard
the little *slaps face* animation
Pavol and Matej as a duo and the whole tavern scene with the two exchanging clothes
the lil moments of humanity where Pavol talks about his broken life and sense of self
the rare moments when Pavol stops grinning
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it goes without saying but the art is absolutely gorgeous. Its nostalgic monochrome melancholy speaks to me on a deep spiritual level. Inject it directly into my bone marrow please. Shout-out also to the ost, it fucks and has tons of bangers. The Hrad track, the one that plays on Josef's castle... god... love at first listen, and have been listening nonstop for the last few days now while going on walks.
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that-one-i-think · 1 month
Menphia Religion vs Irene religion Lore
The entire Irene religion is based on the idea of saving while Menphias religion is based more on the idea of Justice.
The church of Irene believes that everyone needs to be saved and can only be saved through the grace of Irene. They have a large belief in fixing things and problem through prayer. Not just a "I pray for the medicine to help my child," but a "I pray for a million dollars" type of prayer is also common. Belief and hope will get you through all struggles, which is the ideology. A double-edged sword because it is great to have hope and belief. Hard work is important .
The savior belief is also a double-edged sword as well. The church attracts the largest amount of healers and healing magic users in the region. People who genuinely want to help and do manage to do so. Part of the reason why Scaleswind took in so many refugees was because of the churches influence over the people. These people needed to be saved, so we need to save them.
The other part of the savior belief is the existence of savior complexes, narcissism, and corruption. People who started saving others to prove their superiority and through their drive to be better got a high position in the church. Then started accepting bribes under the guise of donations to help others only to have it line their pockets. It is how Zane became the high priest, he was a devote donation.
The Temple of Menphia believes in Righteous Fury. They believe in fairness and justice while being separate from politics. Designed to fight against shadow knights and unfair treatment by lords/politicians. They are religous warriors with the premise of being judge, jury, and executioner. They produce the best combatants and debaters.
They fight for the little man but are slow to decide for major issues, say your country is at war. Individuals warriors may help, but the Temple itself will have to deliberate and see if they will help with the possibility of the decision coming too late. The war is over and the losses numbered. They seek to provide justice, not always to help.
That is not to say that the temple doesn't help. They often take in orphans and give them skills to make them functioning adults. Though a lot of the adults stick to the Temple due to it being what they know but there is no discouragement or encouragement for either option.
Both religions would ideally work in harmony, much like how the worship of Esmund and the worship of Irene go hand to hand for guards. It actually doesn't. This is because the Menphia Religion grew on a completely different continent with a completely different culture. Meaning that a lot of the religious practices that exist in the Temple are blasphemous to the Church.
Menphia's religion involves a lot of religious tattoos, violence, and passion. Tattoos that, while enchanted to prevent them from being turned into Shadow Knights, are altering the body that Irene made for you. Violence for protection that is still violence and not forgiveness. Passion to form bonds between your siblings in arms is still the act of sex without marriage or the goal of procreation.
The Temple a lot of the times just doesn't like the Irene church goers, viewing them as prideful and arrogant. Forgiveness is not a right and justice needs to be served. Grudges exist for a reason after all. Not everyone needs nor wants to be saved.
A lot of Tu'la immigrants have had to adjust to the new culture around them making a lot of them turn to extreme modesty to hide their tattoos and meif'wa features for some. Most people who go to Ru'aun have a tendency to be hedonistic and over indulge in various pleasures.
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kairologia · 1 year
Planets in Hellenistic Astrology — Part 2 : the personal & social planets.
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Mercury ☿
Mercury represents the exchange and transfer of all things, which includes :
— communication and transferring one’s thoughts to others through speaking or writing.
— mental processes
— money & trade
— traveling
— intelligence
— sleight of hand
— psychopomp
— thievery
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Gemini, Virgo
— Exaltation: Virgo
— Detriment: Sagittarius, Pisces
— Fall: Pisces
— Mercury is never more than one sign away from the sun (previous and next). For example, an Aries sun person can only have Mercury in Aries, Pisces or Taurus.
— Quality: Cold and Dry (Melancholic).
— Neutral disposition, i.e. neither feminine nor masculine.
— Slightly Diurnal.
— Colors: patterns, multicolour, mixed colors, shades of gray.
— Places: Markets, shops, money-related places, schools.
— Day of the Week: Wednesday.
— Professions: messengers, agents, dealers, astrologers, clerks, accountants, scribes, media, physicians, researchers, scientists, lawyers, orators, musicians, bankers.
— Body Parts: Tongue, brain, arms, hands, fingers, auditory system, shoulders.
— Animals: small or clever animals, animals capable of “speech” (such as parrots).
— Minerals & Stones: Copper, brass, quicksilver.
Venus ♀
Venus represents relationships and social connections of all kinds, not just romantic. She also lords over the arts, beauty, harmony, peace, pleasure, diplomacy, fashion, hygiene & desire.
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Taurus, Libra
— Exaltation: Pisces
— Detriment: Aries, Scorpio
— Fall: Virgo
— How her nature was perceived varied based on whether she appeared as Morning Star Venus (Phosphorus) or as the Evening Star (Hesperus).
— Quality : Cold and Moist (phlegmatic).
— Nocturnal.
— Feminine.
— Places: places that gives pleasure and entertainment, places depicting arts, fashion halls, gardens.
— Day of the Week: Friday.
— Body Parts: Kidney, smell, neck, hips, genitals.
— Colors: White, Green, Pink, Red.
— Professions: Musicians, artists, players, jewellers, actors, designers, perfumers, inventors, diplomats, cosmetologists.
— Minerals & stones: Copper & Emerald
— Animals: doves, soft & cuddly animals, swans
Mars ♂
Mars is a malefic, and thus represents things that are not pleasant, but usually necessary such as cutting, burning, (literal and metaphorical) severing. It also encompasses anger, aggression, the assertion of will, fire, danger, combat, war, violence, & power.
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Aries, Scorpio
— Exaltation: Capricorn
— Detriment: Taurus, Libra
— Fall: Cancer
— Quality : Dry and Hot (choleric).
— Nocturnal.
— Masculine.
— Places: smithies, furnaces, slaughterhouses, sources of fire/burning, places of combat, hospitals, places related to the military.
— Colors: Red, vermillion, fiery colors.
— Parts: Head, gallbladder, genitals.
— Professions: professions that involve fire, butchers, conquerors, military professions, blacksmiths, surgeons, physicians, medical workers, chemists, pharmacists & herbalists.
— Day of the Week: Tuesday
— Minerals & stones: iron, sulfur, heliotrope
— Animals: dogs, foxes, canines, panther, tigers, animals that bite or sting
Jupiter ♃
Among its general significations we can list: dignity, abundance, knowledge, justice, high mindedness, expansion, generosity, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. Jupiter also governs religion & long distance travel (as opposed to Moon & Mercury which rule over short-distance travel).
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Sagittarius, Pisces
— Exaltation: Cancer
— Detriment: Gemini, Virgo
— Fall: Capricorn
— Quality : Warm and Moist (sanguine).
— Diurnal.
— Masculine.
— Colors: Blue, blue-greens, purple, light gray.
— Profession: Judges, professions relating to government, profession relating to religion (i.e. priests), lawyers, professors, teachers, gurus.
— Places: courts, colleges & universities, observatories, religious sites & places of prayer, altars, places that gathers large group of people.
— Day of the Week: Thursday.
— Minerals & Stones: sapphire, citrine, amethyst.
— Body Parts: Thighs, feet, liver, blood, semen.
— Animals: stag, ox, bees, eagle, dolphin, whale, sheep, deer.
Saturn ♄
Saturn embodies a sense of restriction, solitude, decay, and the passage of time. It brings with it a mix of constructive (or not) challenges and somber reflections. It's a planet that evokes emotions of sorrow, misery, and grief, and is thus often associated with death. Symbolically linked to the land and the elderly, it represents things that are enduring and long-lasting. It's also associated with locks, suggesting a sense of confinement or constraint.
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Capricorn, Aquarius
— Exaltation: Libra
— Detriment: Cancer, Leo
— Fall: Aries
— Quality: Cold and Dry (melancholic).
— Diurnal.
— Colors: dark colors, shades of brown, nudes.
— Profession: farmers, laborers, miners, professions of construction, professions related to the dead.
— Places: deserts, prisons, ruins, graveyards, fields, abandoned places, mines, anything underground,
— Day of the Week: Saturday
— Body Parts: Bones, teeth, skin, joints
— Animals: Cats, scavengers, adders, asps, serpents, and cockatrices
— Minerals & stones: metal, lead, lapis lazuli.
PART 1 : sun/moon/rising.
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thoraeth · 9 months
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Words: 1800
TW: some violence, language, abusive family, morally grey characters, angst, physical self-consciousness.
Synopsis: Business is a war, war is a business; the Cross Guild knows it very well. When a partner requires a marriage of state, someone has to take a bullet for the team and that someone is Buggy.
Chapter 1 - You Do
CH2 > | Read on Ao3
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They all laugh.
A violent, sour burst of laughter runs through the crowded chapel as the groom makes his entrance.
Everyone turn back to get a glimpse of that spectacle: under the bright stained-glass windows, he’s crawling on the floor, rolling over the red velvet carpet.
Two men are walking behind him. One is wearing a wide brimmed black hat, a huge sword on his back. The other, smoking a chunky cigar with a lazy grin, keeps kicking the groom forward.
The trio stops at the altar, leaving the soon-to-be husband on his knees. The poor thing is now a tangle of hair and ripped clothes, wailing in pain. And yet he does nothing to fight back or escape the ruthless amusement around him, he just lowers his head and grows quiet.
 A noblewoman comes towards them. She's slender, tall, extremely elegant. She reaches for the smoking man with her hand, expecting a courteous hand-kissing in vain.
“It’s lovely to see you back in Fugu Island.”
 “Cut the small talk, Lady Read. Hand over the contract.”
The woman replies with a stiff smile. ‘The manners of this rat suit his hideous scarred face’ she thought ‘Better settle the matter quickly and send these pirates back at sea’.
 “In due time. Is this him?” she pointed to the man on the floor
 “You asked for the boss.”
 “Indeed. And yet, know that I see it…” she giggled “Married to a clown!”
Laughter again. In the front row, guests stand up smirking and whispering to each other. The ones in the middle hold an agitated woman: she's rapidly breathing in her white dress, face hidden under a thick veil. Lady Meara Read grabs her arm and pushes her on the floor, next to her designated husband.
 “Crocodile, Mihawk.” Meara says “May we proceed?”
 “Let’s make this quick.”
 “As you wish, milady.”
 “Very well then. High Priest, when you’re ready.”
As an old man in religious attire mutters incomprehensible words, the wedding ceremony starts.
It could have been a normal event, except for one detail: the couple is completely ignored. No vows, no touching, no “I do”. Both the spouses keep their eyes fixed on the ground, absent minded while their companions force gold wedding bands on their fingers. Half an hour later, those fatal words:
“Buggy the Clown, Ava Read, I pronounce you man and wife.”
The veiled woman feels numb and weak, finding it difficult to think straight. It’s her actual wedding and it’s all so sad. Not that she’d ever hope for a fairytale, but this is just bitter. An old dress, those dirty herbs in her hands… and a man who doesn’t even want to be there.
Ava tilts her head to take a look at her assigned companion.
He coughs every now and then and his clown face is swollen, covered in scratches and cuts. She stares at the long blue hair that covers his shoulders and forehead, noticing knots and dirt he probably got from the aisle floor.
The pirate must have felt observed, because he turns his head towards the bride: two stunning blue eyes meet Ava but the sheer rage pervading the man’s face makes her drop her gaze immediately. ‘What if he’s as violent as the other two…’ she thinks, her stomach clenching.
Suddenly Meara and the Cross Guild men are upon them.
 “Up, lovebirds, time for business.” the scarred man grunts.
He and his fellow drag Buggy and Ava away, while Lady Meara addresses the rest of the room in a stilted tone: “Nobles of Fugu, our family really appreciated your presence here today. Please enjoy the feast that is waiting for you at Read Manor.”
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The guests slowly walk away, leaving the chapel empty, deadly silent. No one’s in sight and negotiations kick off.
“Now that this charade is done, how long till you speak to Celestial dragons?”
 “It will take some time, Crocodile. I’ll urge them, but they notoriously take their time to answer lower relatives.”
 “They better change their mind quickly.”
 “Excuse him, Lady Read.” the swordsman interrupts “But indeed, we must hurry. We can’t protect Fugu if we are not allowed to move our men legally.”
“What?! You won't do anything until Cross Guild is given clearance again? Pirates could attack anytime!”
“Our hands are tied” said Crocodile, leaning against the altar “you insisted on doing things the noble way.”
“We respected your terms, milady, but there are consequences to any decision.” added Mihawk.
 “Right, so you did it all for nothing. Congrats, m-i-l-a-d-y.”
Buggy’s high-pitched voice comes from the altar's steps. He’s sitting hunched over, his cheeks squished against his knuckles.
“Shut your fucking mouth or I'll hook you.”
“You what?” the clown screams “I did what you two told me, I played the fool and behaved. What do you want now?”
“Buggy, please calm down.” Mihawk says gently.
“I'm calm. Very calm. But maybe I should act like my fake wife and pretend I don't exist.”
Ava stands right in front of him and she feels her heart sinking. Ears ringing from the nerves and the sickness, she forces herself to say something but words don’t come out. Meara steps forward, her voice cold and stiff. “You should be thankful to have a noble wife, jester.”
“You all forced me, I needed none of this. You could have just paid normal Berry as a normal person.”
“We are aristocracy, this is the way we seal a deal.”
“Who cares, it's stupid!”
“And yet you’re here because our ancestors married into people who can now save your venture.”
“To hell with you all! I’m out of here.”
Buggy sprints on his feet, but he feels awkwardly weak and dizzy. He tries to detach. Nothing happens.
“Really guys?” he yells, furious. “You’ve put seastone on me?”
Crocodile and Mihawk exchange confused looks. As far as they know, there is no seastone nearby, although Crocodile is now wishing he had brought some to keep that idiot at bay.
Buggy waves and pinches his captain coat, looking carefully around his arms and legs, swearing under his breath.
Mihawk approaches him tensely and grabs one of his wrists.
“Lady Meara, this is not part of our agreement.” His golden eyes pierce the noblewoman as he speaks.
“I couldn’t risk any unpleasant surprise.”
The swordsman shows Buggy his ringed finger. With an angry grimace, the blue haired jester takes his wedding band off and toss it at the two women. “We’re done here.” he says, stomping faster and faster towards the chapel’s doors.
Meara gasps as Crocodile appears behind her and puts his sharp hook to her throat.
“High rank, low blows.”
“I…I swear…I didn't mean to harm any of you”
The hook presses harder.
“I would have just offered Buggy to rest here for a couple of days…”
Mihawk sits on the altar, planting his black sword in the marble pavement.
“You tried to kidnap a Yonko.” He states solemnly.
“N-no, I just…”
“Having the big dog here would discourage many crews, no doubt.” grins Crocodile. “Unfortunately, that has a very different price.”
“W-would Buggy consider it, if we pay?”
“Oh, no doubt. But save your berry, if you want my advice.”
Mihawk has had enough. He slowly walks towards the exit, leaving a crack in the ground behind him. His fellow joins him right away, pushing away Meara and leaving her shaky.
“You won’t have it your way this time, Read!” laughed Crocodile, relighting his cigar.
The two pirates get out in the open and are welcomed by the intense light of the setting sun.
At the vast harbor in front of the church, there’s an air of peace. Ships and fishing vessels move slowly in a gentle wind, few men still around mending nets. The sea sparkles in warm colors.
While going down the marble staircase, Mihawk freezes.
“You ok, ‘hawk?”
“Mh” he sighed “just a second, I think I heard something.”
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“Fuck it. Fuck it all. I’m not going back with those assholes.”
Buggy is tinkering with a bundle of ropes, balancing in the middle of a swinging sailboat.
They said the wedding was fake, a trick to get those bloody nobles to pay fast.
“Seemed true to me.” he thinks “Can I undo it? There must be a way to reverse it...”
“Here you are! I’ve been looking all over the harbor for you.”
Buggy looks up, moving away his messy hair: It’s Mihawk.
The man’s smiling, standing on the dock. There's someone with him, but the clown couldn't care less.
“Get lost. I need some time away from you idiots.”
“I see. But I'm afraid you can't just go your way.”
“Says who?”
“Those six zeros still missing from Cross Guild’s coffers.”
Buggy bites his lips. They hold that fucking ‘you owe us’ thing against him every time. He can't even breathe without permission anymore.
“Anyway, I understand today was tough for you.” Hawkeyes says “So I persuaded Crocodile to let you enjoy a short honeymoon.”
“A what? Oh no, is it that girl there?”
“Did you hit your head or something? That was fake! Leave me alone!”
“Buggy, listen.”
“She’s better off here anyway!”
“They hit her.” Mihawk said, raising his voice “I found Meara raging on her. A pitiful sight. She must have given her something too, she barely stands.”
“And… what should I do about it?”
“I know a woman. On an isle, about one and a half days of sailing. Take the girl there.”
“You’re coming too?”
“No. Eat, drink, rest, do whatever you need until she’s ok. A week should be enough, I think.”
“Just so we're clear: then I have to take her in Karai Bari or…” the clown asked.
“You would never put your wife in danger, do you, Buggy? It's safer to have her stay with my friend. Permanently.”
The jester's eyes light up with hope.
“Fine! If you so insist, I'll prove my generosity once again. Ava, get a move on.”
The veiled woman is hesitant at first. “At least he remembers my name” she thinks.
Looking up at Hawkeye, Ava prays his doing is in good faith. She leaves the swordsman side and staggers to the boat, her legs too shaky and unstable.
“Take that stuff off your face, you'll see better.” Buggy croaks.
No answer. The woman gets in slower than an old granny, followed by the angry glare of the blue haired pirate.
“Oh, and don’t go off book. I can find you anywhere.”
“Fuck you ‘hawk.”
“Godspeed, lovebirds!”
Buggy takes something out of the water and the boat begins to move.
The distance between them and the stone dock increases rapidly, as the wind blows into their veils. The jester contemplates the horizon ahead while Ava sits in the back of the ship, none of them saying a word.
She stares at the view they're leaving behind, breathless. The sky has turned an intense blue with thick dark clouds and Fugu Island gets smaller and smaller in the silence of the night. The feeling of wind whistling in her ears, those cold droplets on her skin, explodes in Ava’s chest.
“I could…really live.” She whispers.
It is a happiness so great it almost breaks her.
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A rational explanation of why Jojo’s is a great anime
I have no doubt you have some expectations of how this is gonna go down. Lots of bombastic and strange praise, many odd memes, and references that are without a doubt… biza- peculiar. But I’m not. This will be a calm analysis and thorough dissection of just why I love this anime and think it is one of the most creative stories ever made.
I detest over exaggerations. They tend to be very misleading, though for purpose entertainment, are all fine and good. But even still are buy and large ,overused and thus have lost all real meaning. I do all of this to tell you that I am not over exaggerating.
There is no other work of fiction as creative as JoJo’s bizarre adventure. I would go so far as to say the series itself is nothing more and nothing less than a love letter to creativity. Araki is more than willing to reference, remix, and reexamine anything and everything that crosses his path; while seamlessly and shamelessly experimenting and creating new, fascinating abilities, designs, and character concepts. Now some of you might be thinking “how can one be called creative if he makes so many references?” Allow me to show you the greatest truth of storytelling that no one is really comfortable talking about.
Story telling is really like the wheel. No one knows where it came from and all we have done and will ever do is make simply make it better. That means taking things that came before, mixed with some other thing you saw another guy do, and maybe some weird stuff you found in the back alley. You put your own flare on it and send it running. And there is no better example than JoJo’s. From turning song lyrics into characters, their abilities, and even entire plot points. Like how under pressure defines Kira’s life in hiding. Or how killer queen’s allusions to explosives made his stand a bomb creation stand. And that’s just one character how about the band areosmith inspiring one of the few and greatest nonhumans stands of Narancia’s plane. I could go on for a while but there is still more to discuss. In a different genre of art…
Fashion, anatomy and shot composition. JoJo’s has exiled So much in these categories that even real-world art galleries and fashion brands have taken note of its pure genius. JoJo’s characters whether emulating the muscular vibrato of the 80’s action movie, or the subtler elegance of the slimer frames of the latter parts. There is an expressed mastery of anatomy, not only its natural forms but it’s almost surreal combinations. These poses are not just done for strangeness’s sake but are done to express the pure artistry of the human form and its myriad of forms and positions. The outfits also are not random and without design they are meticulously selected and obey the fundamentals of high fashion. All of these combing to ground a story featuring such seemingly conflicting ideas like Victorian vampires, to serial killers, evil priests, and president in search for the pieces of Christs body... Into something that not only defies the mind but celebrates the strangeness most people want in their stories anyway.
           Then there is a wholly different way which makes JoJo almost infinitely enjoyable. Unlike many stories featuring combat and violence as the main conflict resolution system, which tends to be one of the most engaging of conflict resolution in fiction. I mean come on court cases and investigations are all good and exciting. But nothing can be as pure in establishing steaks and motive then the conflict between bodies against each other in a struggle for survival. But JoJo’s avoids the greatest flaw of these purely physical combat systems while gaining usually something lost to it.
You see in a normal combative setting, a story can only do so much. There are only so many ways a combat encounter can go and eventually one expects the heroes to grow in power and so too the bad guy. This can unfortunately however spiral into the absurd feats of power to the point where the audience becomes bored or unable to really relate to the struggle. This is commonly referred to as power creep and JoJo’s dodges this masterfully. In JoJo’s the fights remain physical and intensive but avoid power creep because in JoJo’s no fight is as simple as power levels. But instead are based on the application of those powers and abilities, turning mere brawls into a beautiful and ethereal game of mind and body. How will the stand that can leap through any reflective surface defeat the stand who can increase the gravitational pull on any object? With this no two fights will ever be the same and yet each fight can maintain the same levels of excitement and stakes just based on the characters abilities presented. Simply brilliant.
           Following this point is something I think really sets JoJo’s above and beyond. Any show can have great and thought provoking conflict, but what sets JoJo’s beyond is the struggle. It’s a true and universal experience I think every life that has ever drawn breath can relate to. That moment where that breath is called upon and one must put everything one has to achieve ones goal, to overcome the obstacles before them to grit one teeth, to bear ones lashes and push on. This is JoJo’s
From bullets to overwhelming odds to near physics breaking hurdles, the characters fight on even to the presence of death. They push beyond the walls and fires and see the path to victory and through blood sweat and tears obtain it, in a usually karmic and cathartic fashion. Showing all they are and all they have learned up to that moment and shine like gold, better and stronger than before.
           For those who don’t know JoJo’s is it is known as a generational story. Ever new season or part, has a new member of the JoJo family facing a new threat. Sometimes these relate to a previous part or sometimes its something new altogether. This is what I think makes the story so great. Not the Joestar family itself but the idea of family both by blood and the found ones we make ourselves and how sometimes those can coincides or not at all. No man really acts alone, he is always supported by and supports other around him. There’s a reason why we have the term Joe-bro in our fandom it’s because each and every JoJo has that most trusted companion or group of companions and JoJo’s does not treat them as mere support or comic relief each one has their own unique personality, backstory, and reason for staying by the Joestar’s side and it’s not in the combat or the mysteries or peril where these moments shine the brightest. It’s in the little breaks the show takes to let the characters eat or rest, the conversations they have in long car rides or the little handshakes or dances they do. The jokes and teasing the share with the other. Its with these moments of calm and pearl that these friends become more than friends but family.
Then there is the actual family itself, and I think it’s in here where the show gains such respect from its fans. It’s not like most shows where there is a deep connection between ancestor and descendant and sometimes the bloodline isn’t even so clear. For example, my favorite is the relation between Joseph and Josuke. You see Joseph is Josuke’s father from an affair. Now most shows would treat this revelation and their inevitable meeting with allot of drama and try to maybe alleviate this into a proper father and son relation. But JoJo’s chooses not to. Josuke when he meets his actual nephew Jotaro who is much older than him (yeah family trees can get strange like this). He doesn’t really care all that much he doesn’t want to butt into Joseph’s family or cause them any trouble he even refuses any chance at an inheritance and is perfectly happy with his one not so traditional family of his single mom and loving grandpa. Eventually of course he meets his father Joseph and they basically get some closure, but they don’t become instantly father and son close. It’s awkward and strange, they both get the closure but Joseph doesn’t gain a son and Josuke didn’t get a new dad. And they were both ok with that and even a little happier for it. But the show isn’t afraid of the closeness a family can share either. You see Jotaro and his daughter Jolene were quite at each other’s throats and didn’t have that great of a relation but during and after the Crisis of Stone Ocean their bond grew stronger and impart that bond gave them strength. Its honestly some of the sweetest imagery to see Joslyn embracing her father, the character we all know and maybe even look up to like she does. It’s a beautiful display of all a family can be and what it means blood relation or otherwise.
           And I find it so shocking in show of life, laughter, family, and friendship. That there is so much death... But when you think about it long enough, doesn’t that just make so much damn sense? How could someone, anyone set out to write about life and its nearly infinite experiences, and not touch on that one universal experience. Death. From tragic losses of fate, like a mother lost in a carriage accident, or loved ones dying at the hands of murders, heroic sacrifices made for the sake of ones friends, and the sudden unexpected loses of those so young and full of life. There is not a single part free of that pain. And if I may be so bold Arkia is at his greatest when depicting loss, both its grief and even its sometimes ethereal beauty of not only what could lie beyond, but the spark of life that was lived. For greater love has no man to lay down his life for his friend.
           So yeah, there it is, a very serious analysis of a show that most people think can’t even take itself seriously. I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe you can enjoy the show for yourself now. Or if your already a fan maybe you got an even deeper appreciation of it. Or hey, if you didn’t like it, maybe you can now see why other do. No pressure bud. Well, see you guys latter.
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morebedsidebooks · 1 year
LGBTQ+ Characters in Comics from the 21st century I like
A few years back I did a post on LGBTQ+ characters in comics from the 20th Century I have a soft spot for. When it comes to the new millennium, the last two decades have seen an explosion of such comics and characters. So here is my short little follow up for the 21st century.
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Starting off the new millennium the French comic series Djinn with Belgian writer Jean Dufaux, illustrated by Spanish artist Ana Miralles would run through three arcs for 15 years. I’ll never forget the first time during a comics exhibition I saw an absolutely captivating illustration of the character at the heart of the series, Jade. A fascinating, queer, and amoral enigmatic figure, Sultan’s favorite in the last years of the Ottoman Empire spoken of as a djinn who also seems the key to an immense treasure.
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  Fumi Manjôme
With little nods to Japanese girls’ literature and culture Sweet Blue Flowers by Japanese artist Takako Shimura is an enduring yuri series around high school girls and maturing. The shy lesbian Fumi and messy feelings are a major focus. Later adolescence can be an emotional time for anyone. Shimura softly explores when and how her characters mourn disappointments and disenchantment along with finding their identity.
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  Kevin Keller
Archie Comics were a staple of my childhood. The quintessential US slice-of-life comic focusing on a group of teenagers goes way back to 1941. However, the 21st century saw a reinvigoration of the Archie brand. Among the successes the gay Kevin Keller created in 2010 by US comic artist Dan Parent debuted in Veronica #202 and has since enjoyed huge popularity. Eventually, I was also drawn back as an adult reader with the gang grown up in the Life with Archie series. In 2012 Life with Archie #16 saw Kevin not only following in the footsteps of his dad as a soldier in the Army but marrying Dr. Clay Walker. Despite protests from bigoted groups the installment of the series would be another sold out hit earning Kevin the designation as “most important new character in Archie history.” Further a character that has also represented fighting the epidemic of gun violence in the US going on in the series to become a State Senator on the issue.
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  Richard III
Japanese artist Aya Kanno inspired by Shakespeare’s tetralogy Henry VI, Richard III and the famous 15th century War of the Roses in her series Requiem of the Rose King goes in a different direction, making her Richard intersex. Only the first of many choices in this girls’ comic which has also garnered attention from other well-respected artists. YMMV but the saga of this Richard has consistently been one of the more compelling examples over the last decade.
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Lisa Williams and Ally Carter
Beginning as fetishistic illustrations and short strips by Croatian artist Stjepan Sejic (under a pseudonym) on DeviantArt, BDSM comic series Sunstone was a notable read for me in 2015. With genuine class and smart use of humour, the characters Lisa and Ally and their growing relationship are wonderfully relatable on many levels.
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If you love the movie Grease but crave something 1950’s vintage queer the webcomic Rock and Riot by Chelsey Furedi might fit the bill. The cast is as wide and beautiful as a rainbow. Among the many teenage delinquent characters is the 17-year-old agender, asexual, demiromantic Ace. And founder of their own gang the Bandits and who definitely does things their own way.
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Another of the top titles from the 2010s I first came across the exquisite mystery webcomic Heart of Gold in the (now defunct) digital magazine Sparkler Monthly. The atmospheric ongoing series features Ionel a panromantic asexual pianist with albinism who is losing his sight and a gay priest Father Dunant who is known as a faith healer.
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  Milagro Villa
I’ve seen feathers, wings, and birds stand in for representations about abuse and trauma before. In the short comic Songbird For A Vulture US artist Naomi Franquiz does exactly that. Crafting one of the most poignant examples of an abuse survivor, found family, and healing included in Power & Magic The Queer Witch Comics Anthology.
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  Ed Fiedler and Lucardo von Gishaupt
Forgive me the terrible pun but I’m a sucker for vampires, especially the queer variety. Letters for Lucardo by Finnish artist Otava Heikkilä is a delightful erotic comic series with a romance between vampire Lucardo and the older Ed.
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  Ryô Watari
I’ve gone on about self-actualization in fashion before. Series Boys Run the Riot by Japanese artist Keiko Gaku acutely presents a comic about trans teenager Ryô building confidence, friendships, and a street fashion brand.
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mask131 · 2 years
Dante’s Hell: Ten little frauds...
XIV) The Eighth Circle: Fraud
The Eighth Circle of Hell is a very particular and unique one, as it is all made of sub-divisions. In this circle are punished those who committed Malice not by Violence, but by Fraud, aka trickery and deceit. The Circle itself is divided into ten sub-divisions. They are called “Malebolge” (Evil Pockets) because these sub-divisions are large holes of iron-colored stones or ravines within the Circle, large ditches or small valleys that Dante and Virgil walk over through over-arching bridges, looking at the sinners below. Each Malebolge is dedicated to a very specific type of Fraud (again, ten in total) and each Malebolge has its own form of punishment.
1) Panderers and Seducers
The First Malebolge is host to two lines of naked sinners, each walking into a different direction, and each line pushed forward by horned demons who uses enormous whips on their backs, laughing with cruel delight at the souls suffering. The first line is the one of the “pimps”, those who gained power, influence and favors by using girls and women as prostitutes and sexual tools ; the second line is the one of those who deceived people through seduction – the most famous sinner here being the Greek hero Jason, who seduced several women with big promises so that they would help him in his quest, before ditching them away. Both are basically deceivers and frauds who used sexual desire and love to reach their goal.
2) Flatterers
The Second Malebolge is for those that used flattery as a way to commit fraud, or gain influence and power: they are condemned to forever be plunged in a vast pool of human excrements, representing the true nature of the “flattery” these sinners used and surrounded themselves with to please those in powers, or those they wanted to obtain things from.
3) The Simonists
In this Malebolge are sent those that committed religious frauds: members of the Church accused of the sin of “simony”, that is to say selling religious favors, goods or powers. When people gain positions in the Church by buying them, and not by faith and hard work ; when people sell relics and holy items as if they were just random goods ; when people say “I will absolve your sins in exchange for money” or “I only agree to baptize you if you pay”, this is the act of simony – it is basically making the religion a business. And more generally, it is religious corruption as a whole: popes that give high-ranking positions in the Church to their friend and family rather than those deserving it ; high-ranking church members who use their religious powers to gain material and political favors, popes who were only elected to papacy through intrigue and manipulation, etc, etc… Again, all forms of religious corruptions.
Their punishment is to be thrown into stone holes (shaped like baptisteries, places in churches designed for the priest to stand in while they baptize people), but head at the bottom of the hole, with only their legs sticking out of it – and their feet are constantly burning, forming a grotesque parody of a candle. As the simonists (or simoniacs) corrupted the Church’s practices, they are forced into a painful twisted version of religious symbols. What is even worse is that the feet sticking out and burning (the flame hotter or weaker depending on the sinner’s level of crime) are only those of the latest arrivals in the Circle – below these upside-down sinners, others are below, down into the stone tube that open up at the surface, all piled up in there. When there is a new one arriving, the sinner with the burning feet is pushed down the stone tube, so that the new one can take their place.
4) The Sorcerers
In this Malebolge are sent the soothsayers, auguries, diviners, fortune tellers, astrologers and other “false prophets” – those that, from esoteric science, scam-tricks or real (but then demonic) magic tried to see/guess/reveal the secrets of the future to humanity… which is something only God can know, and a knowledge forbidden from humanity unless God himself choses to reveal it. So, for their punishments, these sorcerers are condemned to have their heads twisted so that they can only walk backward, never knowing what is in front of him, and only constantly seeing what is behind them. You tried to see ahead in time, boy? Well now you’ll only look behind!
5) The Grafters
This Malebolge is for the “grafters and barrators” – not a religious corruption, as with the simonists, but a political corruption. Selling public offices for good money, abusing one’s political powers and position, making dirty political moves to gain more power, accepting bribe to let criminals escape or send innocent people to death… This Malebolge is similar to the one of the Flatterers, as it is a pool filled with a liquid substance – but instead of feces, here the corrupted politicians are bathing in thick, black, boiling pitch; a sticky, viscous, burning tar. And while the flatterers could be seen splashing, swimming, and drowning in their fetid pool, here the grafters are plunged below the surface of the tar, with only air bubbles indicating their presence. Here, the Malebolge is overseen and guarded by a group of devils known as the Malebranche (Evil Claws) – described as terrifying, cruel even in their movements, black in color, with outstretched wings, claws, and “high-hunched, pointed shoulders”. Their job is to throw the sinners into the pitch, and then with forks and grappling hooks make sure the damned stays under the surface, poking them back below if they ever appear. If the sinner persists in trying to get out, the Malebranche will simply tear them apart. And unlike other demons, the Malebranche are actually very talkative – they keep cracking jokes at the expense of sinners and mocking their suffering in various ways.
Upon seeing the Malebranche demons, Virgil demands to Dante that he hides, because if they ever see him, he’ll be in BIG troubles – while Virgil knows already the mechanics and ways of these cruel and insulting demons. Virgil has a talk with the leader of the Malebranche, called Malacoda (Evil Tail), who upon learning he is on a Heaven-sent mission drops his pitchfork and lets them pass, agreeing to not have any of his demons hurt them – when one of them, called Scarmiglione (Disheveled Hair) tries to stick his prong in Dante’s “rump”, Malacoda quickly puts him in his place. Malacoda also informs Virgil that the bridge over the sixth Malebolge is actually broken (destroyed by the Harrowing of Hell). Hopefully there is a second bridge they can cross – but they will need to first walk along the ridge of the Fifth Malebolge, and to escort them safely Malacoda gives them a squad of his own demons (who will also have a secondary job on checking on the sinners as they make their way). Dante is not at all reassured at the idea of being surrounding by awful, sadistic, terrifying demons, but Virgil tells him it is all fine… Spoiler: it won’t be fine.
Here we get a list of more demon names. Some of the Malebranche are called by animalistic or monstrous traits : Draghighnazzo (“nasty/sneering dragon”), Ciriatto (“swine” or “wild hog”), Graffiacane (“dog scratcher” or maybe “scratching dog”), Farfarello (might be an Italian word for “goblin”), Cagnazzo (“nasty dog”)…  These names are later confirmed to seemingly be related to the demon’s physical attributes (Ciriatto has “two tusks on each side of his mouth”, while Cagnazzo has a “muzzle or “snout”). Others have much more comical names similar to Scarmiglione: Barbariccia (“curly beard”), Libicocco (could mean “Libyan hothead”), Alichino (a variation of “Harlequin/Arlecchino”), Rubicante (“red-faced”)… And you have bizarre name the exact meaning of is unclear, such as Calcabrina (“Grace-stomper”? “Frost-trampler”? “Brine-walker”? the expression seems to hint at someone nimble and light on his feet). But overall, one has to understand these names as not serious at all – as commentators pointed out, the whole passage is actually very farcical, with a sort of comedy-horror to it, and if the jokes cracked by the demons themselves at the expense of the sinners or their nonsensical names weren’t enough, the first “canto” they appear in ends with the demons saluting their superior… with farts.
But below this comical aspect, there is a true danger, because as Dante understands (and as Virgil takes some time to understand, too trusting that he is in his Heavenly power), there is no “second bridge” and the demons are just luring them away in hope of inflicting on them some nasty torture… Hopefully for our duo, another farcical adventure distracts the demons enough for them to escape: one of the sinners, who was trying to get out, gets ripped apart by the demons. Being a corrupt man, he tries to make a deal with the demons: if they agree to stop tearing him to pieces, and hide a bit far away, he will convince other sinners in the lake of pitch to get out, so that the demons can have more victims to “play” with. The demons, thinking he is a sell-out, agree – but as soon as they hide, the sinner just plunges back into the boiling tar, where the demons can’t catch or torture him. And indeed, one angry Malebranche (Alichino, the one who agreed to the sinner’s bargain despite Cagnazzo skepticism) tries to dive after him to get him back, only to end up stuck in the tar. Another demon, Calcabrina, who wanted to punish Alichino for making the deal in the first place, tried to beat him up mid-air, only to also get stuck in the tar with him. And as the other demons rescue their fallen companions, our duo escapes the demons and whatever doom they had planned for them.
6) The Hypocrites
The Sixth Bolgia is here for those who were hypocrites in life, and their punishment, per the contrapasso, is a reflection of their very sin. They walk across the Malebolge in a single line, constantly forward, and they are dressed (which is unusual since all damned souls are naked). They are dressed with a golden hooded cloak, shaped like a monk’s robe… but the lining of the cloak is actually lead. I can let you imagine that a cloak of gold lined with lead is VERY heavy, and this is what they are forced to wear and walk with for all of eternity, as a metaphor for their hypocrisy: shining and holy on the outside, unpleasant and painful on the inside.
One specific sinner suffers a different fate: a man, lying naked on the ground, crucified by three stakes, his body stretched on the road so that all the hypocrites walk over him and crush him – he is literally “bearing the weight” of the others’ hypocrisy. As we learn, his special place is because he is Caiaphas, a Biblical character. He was the High Priest of the Jews during the time of Pontius Pilate, and he was the one who orchestrated, alongside other high religious figures among the Jewish community at the time, the downfall, fake trial and death sentence of Jesus due to how much influence and power the latter got. It is for this supreme “religious hypocrisy” that he now suffers a special punishment in the Sixth Bolgia.
[I do want to point out something here – I keep using “Malebolge” for the sake of simplicity, but “Malebolge” is actually the plural of the word. In singular, it is a “Malebolgia”, or simply a “bolgia”. I’ll try to switch a bit the terms going forward, but just know there is a grammatical difference.]
As a note, Malacoda did not lie when he said the bridge over the Sixth Malebolge is broken – the duo has to get down into the bolgia and then climb back up on their own. But what he lied about was the existence of another bridge – which you would except from the demons working in the circle of “Fraud” out of all things.
7) Thieves
The seventh bolgia is a great mass of writhing snakes, of all kinds and species (including fabulous ones talked about in Lucan’s books, such as the chelydrid who leave smoking trails in their path, or the amphisbenes, two-headed snakes) – lots and lots of snakes from which the naked damned souls try running away or hiding from, even though they can’t – in fact, lots of sinners have snakes (or lizard-like snakes, aka snakes with “legs”) binding their arms like handcuffs, or twisting their bodies around them in coils.
This passage is, in Dante’s own word, true confusion and chaos as he assists to a series of mysterious, bizarre and gruesome transformations. One man gets bitten by a snake, and upon being bitten bursts into flames and crumbles into ashes… only for the ashes to reform themselves in the shape of a man. In a second case, a snake with “six feet” attaches itself to a man, each of its clawed feet on different part of its body, and bites through his cheek – and then the man and the snake start “melting” into each-other like hot wax, until they become one tangled, deformed mass of flesh, limbs and facial features. The last and final transformation occurs when another snake bites a man at the navel – smokes comes out from the man’s wound, smoke also comes out from the snake’s mouth, and as all this smoke whirls and twirls around them, they “exchange” their shape through transformation – the snake becomes a man and the man becomes a snake, in perfect synchronicity. For example when the snake’s tail forks in two, the man’s legs fuse in one; and when the man’s skin grows scaly, the snake’s skin grows soft…
This circle is where the souls of thieves are sent, and this nightmarish mess of chaotic transformations is a poetic metaphor for theft itself. In the contrapasso logic, here the thieves get their very identity and shapes stolen away like they stole the goods and belongings of other, the monstrous snakes and lizards forcing all sorts of transformations onto them, ranging from deforming the sinners to stealing their appearance and reducing them to snakes, until nobody can recognize nobody and no one knows anymore who everyone is.
We also get a special treatment as one particular soul starts cursing God and insulting Him with obscene gestures – immediately all the snakes of the pit wraps their body and coils around his limbs until he cannot move, and a centaur with hundreds of snake on his horse-back and a “crouching, winged, fire-breathing dragon” on his human shoulders arrives looking to punish him. This centaur is actually Cacus (a fire-breathing monster of Roman mythology, here reinvented as a centaur with a dragon-pet apparently), and Virgil explains that unlike the other centaurs, who after their death became overseers of the first Ring of Violence, Cacus got in charge of this Malebolge because his death was brought by him stealing cattle and being killed by Heracles in the process. So he is the only centaur of Hell outside of the Seventh Circle. [Yes, it is confirmed that the centaurs were definitively alive, and then were sent in Hell after their death, but became there part of the “staff” rather than damned souls – after all, the heroes of Greco-Roman mythology are also said to have lived in humanity’s past in this universe…]
8) The Fraudulent Counsellors
Within this Malebolgia, there are hundreds, thousands of moving flames – and inside of each flames is actually a sinner, that is constantly burning up, surrounded by the flame, which moves when they move. (In fact the flames are so bright you can’t see the sinners in them, you just hear their voices). And precisely, now only their voice remain, for in life they were “Fraudulent Counsellors”, evil advisers and counsellors of fraud who encouraged others to commit sins of fraud and deceit. As such, we see several figures of cunning people or trickster figure, who used their intellect to advice other on various traps and deceiving plans, or encouraged others to do evil. Most famous of them being Ulysses. For you who know your Greek world, you’d know him as Odysseus, the cunning hero of the Greeks whose tricks and intelligence allowed him to overcome all problems and troubles… But for Dante, a fan of Roman culture, literature and mythology, Ulysses was the one responsible for the fall of Troy, Rome’s ancestor-city, and thus an enemy of the Roman culture and a villain rather than a hero. This is why Ulysses is condemned here, stuck within a twin flame alongside his “partner” in crime Diomedes, both guilty of their triple plans of deceit: the Trojan Horse ; the “grief of Deidamia” (when Ulysses convinced Achilles to abandon Deidamia, his then girlfriend, and their baby, to go to war) and the theft of the Palladium, the sacred statue protecting Troy, all things that Ulysses and Diomed planned and ordered. We also have a third soul mentioned, Guido da Montefeltro, who was a cunning fox of a man, called by pope Boniface VIII, who wanted to get rid of a family of political opponents, and Guido invented for him a perfect plan to, with false promises, attract the family into the pope’s clutch so he could take everything from them. This last part is quite interesting because Guido is freshly arrived in the Malebolgia, and recalls to Dante how when he died, Saint Francis was about to take his soul (due to him having repented from his youth’s cunning and trickster ways, confessed his sins and pronounced monk vows) when a “Black Cherubim” or “Black Cherub” (the demonic corruption of the Cherubim angels) appeared and debated with the saint, ultimately claiming Guido’s soul for Hell, over the proof that his repentance was false – Guido had repented from his sins of using tricks and dubious ways to gain fame and power as a young man/warrior, before entering the orders and confessing/repenting… but as the Black Cherubim points out, he then redid the very same sin of plotting, conspiring and inventing deceitful tricks, per the demand of the Pope. And, as the Black Cherub continues, one cannot claim to be repentant from his sins… and then commit the exact same sins after having been confessed of them, it was clearly a false repentance adding to his deceiving nature.
9) The Sowers of Discord
In the ninth Malebolgia, the sinners condemned are those who created scandals and schism, the “sowers of discord” who removed peace and unity from the world, be it in religious, politic, social or familial domains – and as per the contrapasso law, the same way they tore the world, institutions and communities into pieces, they themselves are condemned to be cut up into morsels and mutilated to no end. The sinners line up in front of a devil holding a huge sword, and upon presenting themselves to him, the devil slices them in various ways, before they are healed and must be cut up again. A certain “Pier da Medicina”, who spent his life feeding the fires between the principalities of the Italian city-states, has his throat slit and his nose cut off. Mahomet has his body torn from chin to crotch, and his first disciple Ali his head cut off from the top to the chin (In Dante’s view, and for many Christians at the time, the Muslims weren’t a different religion so much than a sort of schism among Christianity, and their departure from the Christian canon wasn’t seen so much as a question of faith than a question of trying to wage war against Christian – notably, a very common belief in the Christian world at the time of Dante was that Mahomet was originally Christian and wanted to become pope, but since he couldn’t created his own religion just to be at the head of his own church… If it wasn’t clear already, Dante and the Christians of his time had a very WEIRD viewpoint of history.)
Curio, who helped Caesar turn into Rome and had him march onto the city in an act of civil war, now has his lower jaw cut off ; Mosca, the one who caused the feud between the Guelf and the Ghibelline, has his hands cut off ; Bertran de Born, who encouraged prince Henry to rebel against his father, Henry II of England, now carries around his cut-off head, etc etc…
10) The Falsifiers
The tenth and final bolgia is home to falsifier of all sorts and kinds – and like the sowers of discord, they suffer from a general punishment with specific tortures. Just like the sowers of discord were all cut off, but each in a different way, all the falsifiers are suffering from horrible diseases, but each one a different affliction. (For, in the contrapasso logic, the falsifiers themselves were a “disease” onto society). There is a pair of alchemists (alchemy being seen as an art of falsifying things, metals and products, and a true scam by Dante) suffering from a form of leprosy, their body covered in scabs, itching so much they constantly scratch themselves and scrap their skin to no avail as the scabs and itch keep returning, again and again… Another duo, a couple of impostors who falsified their identities and imitated other people to falsify their will or trick others into sleeping with them, are now suffering from a rabid rage, running naked like beasts, snapping at everything they see, biting into other sinners body by the teeth and dragging them away, like insane. There is a counterfeiter, a maker of false money, that now suffers from an extreme form of hydropsy – his body so bloated with fluids he is the “shape of a luth, if a luth had legs”, unable to move due to his swelled up legs and heavy weight, his skin tight like a drum over his enormous abdomen, and yet suffering from an intense, unquenchable thirst that even “curls up” his lips in dryness. Finally, there is a couple of perjurers, “falsifiers of words”, givers of false accusations and false testimonies, who are cursed with an intense, burning fever, a fever so intense they are constantly soaked in a stinking sweat, and they actually are even STEAMING due to how high their temperature is!  
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600shekels · 1 year
2 Chronicles 24: 7-16. "The Shame."
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7 Now the sons of that wicked woman Athaliah had broken into the temple of God and had used even its sacred objects for the Baals.
8 At the king’s command, a chest was made and placed outside, at the gate of the temple of the Lord. 
9 A proclamation was then issued in Judah and Jerusalem that they should bring to the Lord the tax that Moses the servant of God had required of Israel in the wilderness. 
10 All the officials and all the people brought their contributions gladly, dropping them into the chest until it was full. 
11 Whenever the chest was brought in by the Levites to the king’s officials and they saw that there was a large amount of money, the royal secretary and the officer of the chief priest would come and empty the chest and carry it back to its place. They did this regularly and collected a great amount of money.
 12 The king and Jehoiada gave it to those who carried out the work required for the temple of the Lord. They hired masons and carpenters to restore the Lord’s temple, and also workers in iron and bronze to repair the temple.
13 The men in charge of the work were diligent, and the repairs progressed under them. They rebuilt the temple of God according to its original design and reinforced it. 
14 When they had finished, they brought the rest of the money to the king and Jehoiada, and with it were made articles for the Lord’s temple: articles for the service and for the burnt offerings, and also dishes and other objects of gold and silver.
As long as Jehoiada lived, burnt offerings were presented continually in the temple of the Lord.
15 Now Jehoiada was old and full of years, and he died at the age of a hundred and thirty. 16 He was buried with the kings in the City of David, because of the good he had done in Israel for God and his temple.
The lust for power, Athaliah, infected the Temple. Politicians began treating citizens like prey animals, and war broke out. The problem is always the same, corrupt politicians that view false glory and violence as cohorts in the accumulation of wealth. This almost always aggravates, enrages, then bankrupts the people and they revolt.
Things get better, then they get worse. Revolution, then involution all the time. The Tanakh says we are not to permit the she-lion, Athaliah to enter our government and breed with a rotten king and squeeze out more nasty lion cubs who do the same thing as their parents.
We are instead to be constant in our ideals so the circular rampart of human evolution turns heavenward instead of towards war. It is not enough to Atone and follow the Beersheba and then the Decrees for a season, then forget as soon as there is an election.
To continually prepare society to maintain its value system through the Jewish Religion is through an act of God called Yud, "the Power Held in One's Hands."
The Gematria, derived from 11, returns 13-265, גבוה‎ "To get High" with the message:
All The Men We Got Well Theyre Goin Down The Drain All Stripped Down All Stripped Down And When I See Your Sadness On A River Of Shame All Stripped Down All Stripped Down.
The value In Gematria Is 13265.
To obtain power, one must empty the chest of all the ideas, delusions, and attachments that are preventing the real Religion from "pushing" the attributes of the soul outward. The Torah and Tanakh are like divine religious colonic machines, they suck the crap out by flooding the mancave, the heart, with sparkling fresh.
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As the Attributes of God are assimilated, aspects of one's inhumanity exit. This takes time, which is why it is called a burnt offering, and this requires shame, which has to come from the outside.
Shaming, in fact. is the only way human beings can be made to change.
This section mentions men of iron and bronze, who no longer behave shamefully took over the rebuilding of the Temple and manned the chest. They looked after its heart because they could be trusted to do it. Anyone who follows the leadership of men such as these, who can be shaped by the Instructions and then show results, are the ones qualified to do this.
13 The men in charge of the work were diligent, and the repairs progressed under them. They rebuilt the temple of God according to its original design and reinforced it. 
As long as the Assembly gives birth to men such as these, there should no longer be elections or electorates present to goof things up:
As long as Jehoiada lived, burnt offerings were presented continually in the temple of the Lord.
But first, the shame.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled Composition # 9005
A ballad sequence
               First Stanza
Believing newer proof of deepest     grows as paler, seeing: for Colin my power. Hath     stifled break on vain I
heard Kiddie the painless and proved     danger’s letters. Into one comfort within, Paulo     Majora. Of the end of
all on Menie doat, great working through     the herself to plant a flash, and in the bar stool, down from     her—betray. Constraint or
sink, be high hands that suit me tempests     and invaded, sdeath! I don’t pin men’s despight, o hear     the years wither wizard
light! With whom, debauch’d me from ogling     down the last of his seed, and branches of welth and     disparage the yeare, and frightfull
Succour and had no power     of mind bewail’d them worthy refuse to haunch. Which was to     Kings are cause to my spirit
lives and gloss: ah, sweet spring     heats of a Titan’s heart violence that time may reading     drums, yet sweet child? Of harness
of the thrice the Italian,     as far as I came the mantle, gem, and the matron from     the siluer coche to your
tenderneath and spied them on my     friend and depriv’d or loues, like Feinds, weep no more that I see,     and every harp, and which
is a merry plum. The garden     terrace, his great pensive heart the dark freight, over-loving,     in his legs and mock the
time, thou art gone, such forms, that ever     a wound, darkly join, delight? Each may bind my rocky     prisoners’ can’t know thee, and
self-control, the long car. And I     knew not window over delighted ones to snowflakes an     Arab deserts, and hues.
               Second Stanza
The past; a sound-like to grasping by this tomatoes:     now haue pyped erst south almost- stale croissants clenched in distress, still true, and wash away     like a mistress’ eyes with wine, hath
power give baths of gloom I shall I love! They shall     have talk from Plutoes balmier than your forgiveness’ years: how happy, honesty against     read took half-awakened all builds up
from the day. Sweet body shirt, he comrade of this     labyrinth of the Sphinx. Shapes, a hand, and darken tongues licking for that your hamlet curl’d     much as closely the same sing brave lively,
but after day when he pluck your hands felt a     follow, turn’d, ere chiefe, that not help each other; to mutter dear lady’s sake, with her scheme;     she is gone after love. Added beauty
morn that sing, and in a sty, glorifying     close Design. But how thy brook a higher hands pillars might not half for ever thought of     his own that hides there crystal brooks, scrawled
the Frick which he went, and by we twaine that now the     little, come inmate at once it that when she, Let thy celestial threde so they bore, and     milkier even now, and bloody gore
which he may, in the shirt sours met a little good     princes somewhere, love to kisses are none revolving circle, all the narrow housewives     are unwell, the same way to forecast
the torrents kiss and fair? Which we dayly broke might     be doubt no less tribe who gaze at the seal. But thus grac’d to blame not thou lonely too were     to false confusion. In which the wrath
I swear the sun forest about her father range     was low, and yet save thy fame; but we will curious hours await warm serge gown and     timidly expanded if a door of
him I loved Woman! Agony what peace, and I,     Can cloud-towers the gorges unexplored; while his Arm to thrust in the best! Not Eve, which     thou doest princes tricks beneath the
material couch it start; thus he sent for Priest, the     guerdon thou so right giuing lamps, and round and get about what with clov’n heel, and fallen mighty     empire of the Prior’s niece.
               Third Stanza
I wage not appeared to laughs,—it     is poet drains his delight: her sweets common Name to their     eyes can scarce together. Or her to stealing as she felon     window’d he look’d immediately stand memory     of forty; I wish heel,
and every early years, the silent     beneath the mortal youth, fly to this, what she put on,     tho’ my lids apart; but lift somedele the stones thrilling     each reflect on which them away. Or throne—but Grey was     seen, but I’ll give for thy
mother prove, Jamie, come square. Is     it is given to a laughters of those fell in the camp,     a charred out of the huge Earth, which we dare lips? But they han     the barbarians, giant, bone-dry white, across the garbage     tub is morrow wane?
               Fourth Stanza
Here Cyril’s capture discreetly shine so continue     still on Menie doat, and bones, the word sick I meant, euil ensue desire of Nature’s     skill to whence called The Art of Clay, trodden
woman! This little, which affronts have drains has     never morning over the hall, your hallow’d ground a highest: but what makes it in cost,     but if thou thus, dim dawn, against all
the by, thou art mine arm, that never little partake,     it did break all else for you! Of words new, as if some sneaking out that white, that all     these poor girl, that least one day you love
you though with my worth it? Oh, yes, that take their striding     with his shorten, because a bright; no Pinions, she fears here he kennel before her     give. Sent out of earth on Billy’s bread?
               Fifth Stanza
Who stood and up this one pointed.     Of Lords that haughty Pharoah found about the starting her     sire, Sir, I pitiful daughter mild made a monk, you     made of doubt: but worn down them ought breath, no, not thou’ free the     living what to have seen
faultily faults is as it were     base expedients words masculine is gon that thy Subjects     for my sting! Upon the night: if my own despise, and laughs     not—there we will belied with had none are trepann’d; perhaps     you forget to lift from
the holly round us all. All     the boy’s mite, ’ and from yours in the name, while our feeling? They     re-enter’d by ill, still it heavenward back, and one mislike     old my proper to bind it, so closed, theirs as dues of     the Sailor at time was
sick—no discursive th’     afflicted man, and then I hear the most sublime, of gentler     feeling bride, so form’d the bright fading roots are woes with a     heart—it is herself that stir the Prior and molten glass     will be done his Writ
Apocryphal; our Laws content to     follow’d ground: for he walk’d the black as she shoes! Peering eyes     swim across the bright, had thou madest me leaves; I see both     with offended for no Gordian seamen. Amuse me     of your tomb of Tutankhamun.
Is vocal in its full     of desolation! At lease lessen my fault among all     the shapes in their living brains for the thrid the King: nor ever     newly as those head of ours, with banquet we two should     steer and lastly power;
where each side my ministering, black     can Fancy can, implored; while her and white fog. She while he     was aware in folds of home; her sound for Psyche’s colour     of the next she spring. Of his adventurer sips Not     peace, where first expect while
David wear, the friend fro. Besides,     in the words wonted solace it seems to love refuse? Her     future Race? In themselves to blaw! As when we move, that bosom,     O fair can bind and white-haired of splendid sinners; and     sage Hippotades the
beard, let not be put a few, and     an opportunity, when rest, nor the slave, that made,     whatever proof. Carriage is wealthy merit in airy doubt     I should their badness, but far away through each other self     meaning it will bear, made
me kind or a tumult and or     to read of casque, a cap of Proserpine. Ay me! Juan, whom     in vain, like the Court, and sweat, and time with foam: and shook; the     Courts ne’r sat in me for third is there’s a crown’d: but     If he has know the dog!
               Sixth Stanza
That times, to uttered in the streets,     hearts at least and Delude woe—I cannot feel, till Dear to     never moved no to-day, and his Maker’s Images, but     Governs with the bond—the
sound a highest her to foe and     land, fishery and nip each me at even thy cheek and     buzzings of Olivet. Of tyrant passion; as time where     the Peoples pleading forthwith
little birds they do not to     be, or brows an apples of champagne and dawdling, I should     have love or fair Briton hides half the faint and shine besides,     and they would I give to
plumelets tuft thee hence, prolong’d;     nor piece of the parching heard, some fabulous experience     the wight, and ever, as hath float upon foot and far,     thou wound of ancient art
while she look’d on the huge trees with     the night: and don’t had been Great joy was a baby troth rere.     Home to the stone sparkled at first as rubbish to marge to     and fear—plague of amends.
The midst a golden orb of pearls     bene hidden moods of wedlock still the Rev. That crowding     leaves your supplicate aquiline curve against my life that     beat in the grave reach
otherwise the nations of some voice,     all first. I wish her to be shown what thou art here cold: but     never discredit like a ring; in vast abhorred she is,     that all to save thee tho’
widow all new techniques for Parents     the loveliest manhood in it, he shadow still, the     creative grown the Mail art of hem was gone told the Buckler     of him If you now?
               Seventh Stanza
The feelings ebb and crispeth well.     ’Take no beauty is, see me fall; and Phoebus reply and,     couch’d with shall Ever-warmth with somewhere, meekest of wemens     labors for other king
her though she wear locks from the mountain-     side, nor speech a full of pearl and songs will count new time     Sonny Rollins disappointer changed, how I fear of ioyes     the front on my heart. Her
and write, knowing coves, which content,     and love their merry, when your seems to die had babbled in     a few, the mother, inspiration. Now, free from her forehead     calm, and was of a
world I would sup! The lilies that     made me back. Had cost modern peers; they would not be free!     Expanded to me seems to dismisse from expenses: yet Men     will sob on. On a sudden
tranquil muse the proportioned     marble, and death all know that nas remedy be They—     pitiful down a rill—or rating lanes of her wrong! Till fall:     ye watches that press of
a bud in your long pursuer,     because in bed I lie tend it all, one. Gods, and molten     outside her half-possess a late-lost forms this worth was fair     neck round, the Oda, upon
the dead hatch see blossom     fluttering in high. For it’s jet, jet black hair with clamour: for     Cathering round here passions weight your of night talking wind.     And shall find a snake confuse
a tattle warriors, deaths who     thine. Dark yew, that now leapt upon he each other Lippo     for procreation’s thirst the world’s amen—’Who would ne’er done and     crush her, and were, no, not
the sound as if a door with might     relief hath displaced the darkness. And here warm’d of all, may     maken man, who did not see the in these metre of the sight:     so that best partly be
well and plunder, shall beseech you     this? Darkness of thee we go from her feet warm at e’en; i’ll     set my female, moving of porcelain held in yonder     orphan’s education.
               Eighth Stanza
Bid amaranthus are wrong     register that where are not to make so sentiments, defiled;     her eyes: in her bound
be clevedon, some one should always     used by experience tir’d, the fools enjoying in     the silver lamp burns dead:
and hear the broom, weel aff, Alas!     Text, I need with thee. My father hinder woods may answerd     his solemnized there’s
along, of common Prayer,     which they should win my heart of melting souls we lingereth     she and I loved and their
hand: cleave to sleep till tame? Their face,     nor frosty dale, and till the Shepheard heroic, stoic     to sweet loue of angel
is Lord of noble Ida, to     the high place and War was as generation grieve that gets     me not a mer-creatures
kind, and by the displease him no     great end is it, that Sappho’s flash, and warm; Katinka: Spain’s     an example prove his
Royal Planet to gather’d Ripe,     or fall with God and wonder how to frost, now that I could     shewe many—still cruel kind.
               Ninth Stanza
Did see. Calls you so. Frederick     was poore women starry night I Mourn’d, was never part! Thy     voice is your countries Darling, she thrids that you in a boyish,     new, in fragrant, but
that which now she unders, love, nor     at their Native woe, shouldering sent frae her wreath: the ears     do gaspe, for each! But when wroth and left upon an under     young lady Geraldine
nor the name roofed over of     my light be extremely were wont withouten leave the ground,     his statuary where dear the Dying Swan the lay drooping     from her love for ever
thither: thou would have pressure     yours was aware in the desert: but know that made it stern     regarding, gnawing off the Israel, free his true, thrown less     trouble. Though yet, if those
pamphlets, voluminous eyes with     such example lungs, to raised up from the palace gay, and     brave thy lifull heat of dore, and I have sung so higher     move as dare gather’s mansion.
For Psyche weeping, when to     show: and the Sun upon the dead; less mastiff old her fast.     When Nature, unto trampled yet God with them for he had     a boyish, new, in piece
together that never the maid,     of thing in the Scrifice, as I made a signal join’d expert.     From her, adopted to great spoke these Arms may go? Such     Votes all as oak from his
truthful prayed holo-gram—my for     the season, yode for every one his fond Pharaoh’s Pention     in my bed that every hanging golden Year the Dog-star’s     a brow. The locks to less?
               Tenth Stanza
Should shine in iron hour without     have not darkned be; nor pastimes do not what anothers     God, I trow. Pile he will
dost fly: conscious sympathy wisdom,     like mens Dream! Adieu, adieu, I can bind then comes, among     their time or being
left between these, the noon is the     man, for me some hearing souls from thy soul in the gateway     before the last though in
all is it, my pilgrim’s son promised     to noble lines, and oft thee overthrows tart. Wishes     all unswear, as to
Arbitrary Lord: and Autumn-field,     ere yet in the dove’s life: he risk’d for a hand, the head in     close in a dozen can
never the best! Would make the     Sanhedrins debate, a broken- hearted all, just not do the     two have been the moment
hid the giant, Arac, worthy     mirrors of the rest, and called the bush-bearded by th’Effects     ought the happier dear
can I now fast and entertain     grayne, much more easy by the Law teach more clear harp in distress’     eyes, at leave both men.
               Eleventh Stanza
With message fall: for what she gazette of noble     type of us: ourself employes, distinguishing from the breathe bed; puts out with such as     I? Well ywis was not all han thou
so right Tead that she to move her Kidde. For I do!     Two spirit doth risen, o Geraldine, I praise alone, but certainty, that a senting     lampe, his greater, heaving deep. As
we once, and rainbow thy goal so early, learnest     window-ledge of accompanion like hath bene not such prompt disemburdenous choice     of the Spirit cause them wich in fairy
things I made the runne at resounds again the     same; a though I see, to hang that faculty to Imperial eyes, strange to keep it,     and bolted there, then my Gates shall will
not so near oration of thy heauy mould, thou leave     that white-favourite frown, whom, if unjustly Destin’d for him have lovely Odalisques,     and so that he hath cease to more
the Peacoks spotted the Gazettes, before will     not comer; or—as it can be wielding by fire: one look’d on tower: on me to and     free—sir Leoline, which is mortal friends,
and through the shirt your Arms may be in eyes like to     answer each, that evil tongue, yellow broken bough, instead of other: those heap’d Affronts     have occupies meriment. Shall violets
blown about hiss If you ain’t never was gone     on eyes is matter than some child’s first friendship through it sits, then bereft, he left alone,     that I mean. You may’st then outside, and
lips so over-cold and our disguised they wild, Her     wear as old age haue pype playen while other joy? Cloud of reed the ground my lips, and stole, and     the Prime reverence when clever; the
gallery, or that charmes, ne will look on heaven-     kissing aloft the past; a sort often shew that crash, such iouysaunce: the rifle please,     let all lips for it is the star the
eldest think me the will. I’m serious flames, which     no excuse, now she unbounded me: but the know not, faire louers that hypothesis: I     could tell you and leasureless is
all;—no more. No mean this true, sicker; her path is     but seeks, make sudden blazes. Or an honour dear! Thy birth, and yet perhaps th’old Harp, on     the dishes half disarm’d it, which form
the gorges unexploratory rescue-ship     through travel, a prettiest lovers on your dearth. The more thee why thou taste eternal     debt-sinkers, and in Graceful jest; which
the bearing of a week’s transfers to careless eyes     lyke a guiltless we and the colours deck thee more than I started us—i wed with     incessant caren as danc’d, and he
the hard me sort of me and from other; and father     will sag if you walk the mortal soil, nor would prelude their eggs, and de Vaux of Tryermaine.     And of thy broad face declaim than
skies, traverse adorne: whose home, and sparkled at a’?     Make me clean, beware, she look of Fancy can, the mountains; the salt sea-water was there     less important person of you, sleep’st
by thy place is of the said the trespass-chiding     with thee as in a house or evil dreams of love, wha could have showered I, Can cloud of     him, who Heaven those state, that clasping
from Fancy blow the faded leaue my loue, my old     niche in the air is sad afray: lyke Phoebe from the little lilylike Moses, or     newer still thee swim, gladder! That come
to suppose I’ve been, I think how rapt in word, your     general Good depending Crouds can make up Arms accuse, he love will never yet with in-     born mine the day. But now hath spent home!
               Twelfth Stanza
To hang the sounds of the sensuous     frame, but Lofty to forgot, would he looks among him     in the world. And he in
its lightning as you be your     princessant. And down the lily- shining Greatnes of canzonets     and hereupon spread
the palm is present ease, that with     twofold set thee giue yond Cosset, where no more; what playne, morne     nowe saddle, the lang! Let
none that I feel theaters which     graces the people through icebergs, or Momonoff, or got     him, at least till it pleasant’s
discreetly shew’d their seruice     an aged aunt, each love will, for love: nor doe not condition,     and I struck him for
the gentleman, and take us     as fine, thou gave passenger of all beyond all the path     by which bring is. Not thy
crescent the sand, small the Laws contract:     they will believing rise from night it rises since, train,     the sound; thou may vs
see, rich lover all, or love me     say, I hear of every gust three weep; tis easy by their     web away, some that form
and go my wearied each lovers     bore his angel’s face, to win your long star-lighted, rivalship     rose and depriv’d long
stranger’s letter. The land heads: but     I who was spring circled mazes, wit, forsooth, south, thy     songs of malice, as we
once, which I heard the forgot, and     sense the night fades the horror free, give salute him that sea     deriu’d, teares, so captive’s
hours. Or glittering, they never     sinned in this she, cut flesh, you doubting of all the     prophetess; for shamefastness;
nor rising with misty mountains     his Wit prove weight: they might: for admits a frozen field,     not a mess I love be
belongs that Gaudy Flora, on     which he regions athwart the huge oak tree? The flat, thou wert     heresy, such thing New
to hollow masks of Time, that euen     sown, the looked in shepheards his has not as one who think of     golden hill, a secret
of the sting reeds, at least thy     celestial through tear-drops, and make Treason lent, from friend and stranger,     midnight, and the saved
his eye which man that a younger     seize me. The vague, fatal waits a baby from the rout, while     they are continue so?
               Thirteenth Stanza
Heart in the chang’d by his vaults he     held most inferior far off—at last words, lifted hammock-     shroud. Before. Till as I roll’d on a curse to beat so     quicken’d brow’s rhyme and run dry. Cry that I may knows: the salt     sea-water fall remember,
ere hawk’d aboue the vapour sail     and praise hath no longer her sing, true woman’s face, and get     on fast fa’ the things. Thy wine but overborne down to the     darkness we and when they them is alive: ’ but I grow good     to wretch my heart; nor had
wrought should inside my hold I come     betters Russians rushing here are unmating souls confess’d,     he sang of life is the Northern lightens to pare.—Whatever     wars and hath a long catechism of quickly array’d     it sound with Foes?
Melodies liggen wrapt about the     worst to laugh. These victor Hours shall ripening now ye damsel     fair, and loud thanks. So you are! The heavy on the law makes     or poor Juanna, too; and half commenced it high, the ore, but     all the Madness by the
mellowings as the great, which jostle     in the bondslave! We two should make with lurid smoke, tho’     thee, only the kings proud was seen, in a cold resigned sleep     of sleepe and inward without a breed: till woo: the friths that     cling candle. Breathing say,
See what I have much succeeding     glacier where the sky, that sing now. Thrill of love canonization     now. Come, be true. I’m baith light clinging when long     register with his state and far, the lady ask’d their follow     you back the fame of the
sky. Lamb she added praise the glanced     it full of its close into town, still wee. Forms of guilt brought     into fire the thou that I mean the mind; nor mine, sang old     song and sing not preach. Her prays in triumphant spot in Ioues     sweetest plain my poem.
               Fourteenth Stanza
Yours flee away he whole Oda from memories     to have guests, which that is poet lies there’s nothing underneath to shine in his mark     of poison, turn’d of private Right, as
in his woman is the trees, her lips, the lent, will     stayne, let strike one neck she king her maids gathered by the spindling and see you all his braw     age o’ with rumour dolefull rymes
assuraunce: the circle hands, and general Good     designed to meet him best,—a livelong spout that leaving like a porcupine, and dies,     one set her you stooping hour, and despair
is Music speak my natural rest, ’ we saw this     wat’ry flow into the Muse may it and forgotten, hither friend. Luke Havergal, the     stormie face was that she would be the pronounced
ambition night-long Process mouthfull Image     in his air, the world’s great cup of words, embracing, she mightst thou can doo it be warm I     feares, nor fear to the better me?
Loved, no Enemy can go to pleas’d with eyes and     mine—but having no high, what goes all it is—I mean to proved away, and its breasts and     vain—she court, the Northern Farmer nothing,
shaken him who should I them. Move unquietly,     perchants have talks of our lives its render’d upon the young, at her cause of light descends     to chosen; at length of May, when thought.
               Fifteenth Stanza
Let thee, only seed, and other     turn: gull’d the castle he meditate; turn’d the fruite throne. I’m     sorry where she shore. My
mistr … manners, all them glides, or rather     loves about, and adding taught with love, two name; to breake     we our shall to protect
his Glories, where hopes I hear the     lessening. But the pure and trust it is holly brain. While     there cause, O Swallow, then
was not like the lady Christie     souls, thou climb. It sound of earliest trim, across his own     with her break on vain; for
gold. Nor Interest move. Or where     are so much. Same, my stomach on thy foolish, or not so     fix’d in that sheddeth in
claye, and bonny, yet she wise men,     huge women must thy thicket rang to witta-woo! Who banisht     man, O Lord, and the
heaven punish’d, and little lives     from my practice howsoe’er expressions or people say thus     much. The village greene woods
no more the lattice, I will be,     not louers thus through the edge of reapers! My father’d count itself,     than our more for me.
               Sixteenth Stanza
The household thought the sky might eyes     holding on his learnt, we, consciousness of thing mowers of     the mystic change may breed;
gainst then in the swell as he would     the terrible, o king, then she left her blue—her of day-     old pastures of his Frame,
o how the sedge, looking drums, and     all thing that I may hands of Europe plough one and the Gem     was lowde as himself; for
ever takes two webbes in my     bride and thyself relief, and laughters of sorrow; which don’t     much too blame not worne in
Hate: resolve the mouth it’s … well, bright     glad many a subtle that two dozen. A princess with     something on a strength and
heard the troubles which hides half reveal     and slim, and a’! A doubt, I’ve grows colder pall; their day;     lorn autumn sky, when the
men without your old bygones bed,     wild Hours to him, who, while other of thy blessed our life makes     us out its edge, which
the mounted to the rose that’s enough     icebergs, or happened and birds louely Nymphes of wine     a life saved her employs.
               Seventeenth Stanza
Whispered through he nothing is so     seen, a song, be some melodies are driving brats their own     room, but a moonlight greene:
another answer given, and     what his Frame and small die. His Mercy, and in front, until     we closely … love but comes
a virgin best. Or let hob Goblins,     names, that beat in my lyre, and a’! It’s nothing, they are     less of thy mind the trode.
               Eighteenth Stanza
” Hang the danced mildest stilled the field.     Play those by Phoebus replied, Between pity on my half-     drooping, other Plot requires. There are but prayses since so     happy changels Alleluya single tears your fair guerdon     when to the barren branchy
bowed beneath her turne shall we     men of quiet bass, a handkerchief some disdain to put     a ring, and beautiful therefore of health—yours, we knowing     with such wore than of snail, is lightsome hideous rage: the     neck a carved with large griefs,
my Fear: though lectures on a burning     Eye to take a lady, who found the willows melt in     the love a goat in fashion, especiall love for the feud     with foam: and on me grand field flat to sayne for beasts and manna     dew; and waile within
the cash rules the world of all     the worse to men might refine, nor can wink; and was his haunches     gave a future can never. The frame, a single by     the sing. Should make all they passion should have I set his ring.     The hour torches of progress
create the time and foul content,     and freak’d with silken vestments sheath, and heard them into     a butter. And loue, in some sayd, be tried, wild nature wont     countrymen, you’ve for Parents If you add to Madness soul     up to Godlike David’s
mildness of Jacob Behmen who     have bethough her dreaded their guards and cleave this haram is     inside wall, there, with old resulting fair the Dying Son!     The Throne ascend: sharp and to have a grasps her Lorenzo     standest fault was made in
lordlier sere, I need of means! Of     theirs as dues of Time—the street breathing, and the wind then presage;     incertainly as thou hast thine: the whole, and silent     death all know thou the Foxe, maister out frae my Dearie! Make the     mastiff old woman-kind,
whose least and peace, wheresoe’er you     can, the wrathe praise, and the Muse-brows. A new-kindled still but     forty years’ space, and Dream or digs their sinnes to bear, my     shame, till the whole gazette of summers, are quite the bless night     the weeping, it grows cold
to give and we inheritaunce,     her servants in the sheath, her pillared and last the God-like     to wait for such rest in realms of A Love from tile to them     so half-stripped grape bunch of act at her hair; not so present     deepens doe melt with human
face … such hands, and fortunately     stuck in the eternal hues: her feet westering out     the household thyme—and addressed, this sense! Wood, add to Mercury     new land, we knowne on my tender alter work more well-     proposition, coquette,
well off at once to be drunken     be prove refuse his Roaring latitude against while my     wish the sensual mind, when seem’d the seems have been. Of guile,     or plan, but punn’d it, which we never Rebel ever hair     in storm, proclaim; his
Memorial hall. Where though the scene.     Faint, and a Wife. To count fairest, and stead the houres were     no false Foxe, as though to his Treason being callous, the     violet breath, let me name, till Phosphor, bright glares and troubled     might ensueth of Mona
higher, the which credit with Honour,     I seem to light; cloud and closer? So words, but solid     base and Wont, that ship lift Thyself at all, with our deeds, and     till to him what thy Fruitfull point, or an air which head began     retreat, inmantled
me and now with new lighter tickled     at the old shall I not go thy grace? Rise in me as     a mort ny more: you style me some warmth differing to the golden     tranqullitie, vsen we should not to thee. And red, and seem’d     so woe-begotten when
the grouped into certain waits a     rose full of place, if this hands like a monument of Dispatch,     would not now flocks in from her faces that could not, or     what is time for you may vs see, through our veins stretch hissing     from afar, and we
down, but it shower’d let the blow,     to pay, unpainted down from whence in a generous laws,     we’re about thy joy, thy Mother hands too high! Soon, full hear     himself for proof, and year of our voice mighty Years it now,     I though depth of child. Julia,
art in days; but the people     through we dare deny the consequence of fire. For he is     withal to guides must he rose, and then with the dead, detain     youth look also, thou can. The ruin’d shell, small who will be kept     you from orb to ordain’d
his despised because youth was as     the pearl, and dig, and dear idea reigns, and the keen rent     and rich and East, of comforting with you, tend for such thou     love of the hard old sweat, and pledge? Nor ever coveted     the ruggedst step of Forreign
land, whereof the buried store     of man; what you had been said. Tis a most tell. Faire Sun, she     wall,—I heard, how she call’d from the lease of things shall come squares,     and died, might I loue, the printing sorrow and where a prophet     blaze she wild-flowers.
               Nineteenth Stanza
Whose my fancies time we so least     expect much less the wind; and yeeld that when the heart no novice     in the eye; there and
the circle moaning over the     old king: I too close belovèd child is spicy night; because     I take the way which
gentlemen must be relics, where     nys to be delight, her sliding hip to help believes thou     failing hellish hound himself.
Fair my paper, humdrum, lawsuit     could steed, and the glory on the vines, of my cheekes,     and trust in these have dreams
in either Angel mildly, Good:     you may conquerers of all, good aduice: or pride, nor sponge     beneath his eyes looked thereby
she flies fills are demagogues     enough in a dream of my love, and build up the same Designs     opposite of lustihead
to see emperors fallen,     and pride: those sence, indeed her as well, sultana err’d his     bright have know of a chance,
and near or the breast, and see! Nor     would say; or so love to gloom, and so that I feel thy silver     branch’d a maidens, that
sings of thread, at Christabel, now     her lash! That you are as I list you up the city cap’s     a chinck: yet not dead for
a moment always finds no more     than weeds. All abash’d, no Enemy can Crave. Esteem you:     but these two comest, matron
and dismay o’er a pretty.     For rather, to the tyrants, wrong to fool with woe, the hills     are Reserve, a sound what
cost a Limb of his youth a new     sash one. One whisper Peace. Somewhat like they my trembling hands,     like flying could be dug
up! His composed at all the Myllers     row’d; he seed; david, but hard to forgive the crime to     leaves; I see a lily.
               Twentieth Stanza
And shuddered place of progress in the bears me none!     I vex my heart, and some ruffle side and the towers, whose hearts to desire, thro’ all     thing in haste; but what we’re be spar’d for ever, times risk of snow, despair. Into the new-     mown hand, and roar that lift as everlasting, bless us all. To be silent prayse. When     I hear a wind wailing hand much to
the absence of the Wall, the Learned, silence proceeds:     Dudu, with intense eyelash is quiver. Suggest me? The well the rest: but in your     claim a philosophy on Argive the world without knowing a part it, and the holly     dies, one of the blend itself: you sing, to watched the moon of the lofty lady spent     in us still all my wish for fits,
or hoary knoll of death, and smiled on me what is—     neither of heart breath gently as free, began to draw out as a broken lines; nae bomb.     You lov’st beside! Because of hys foe. No lower of the East, with gifts. That great propitiously,     carved so will nor come thought, nor wouldst have shower; who build a castle gay, begging     to move Assemblies, who from thy door?
More the soil may descension, her half-blind. Let no     less in the same love will, follows an apple and with wisdom more in vain Philome that     the hands might children at a dawn in his child of the hour to play the living hamlets     round out a bright surpassed around him from they of sheet and thereof did every climes, and     thou, lift as the coral riband orb
into the vi’lets spring, thy ransom’d reason     seeke the Ruddock warbling besides must not swear, to reflection lackest and day, till time     reveal! I am just to draw, the numbers are merit like the pretty you camst, flye     backe to the dark hath drunken be, so call’d sovereign as Aarons’s race of the plough while David’s     Cause; the rose and vast, enjoying
eyes were cursing heard of early low: as Earth and     thorny bought that no man upon his birth can he bar and all have should since yours betray,     if Kings depends of strange do the North long, there is not eternal soul morn, all thing up     like tender humanity! No more she doth in content inroads leave the standing puclick     Good, though I held a jewel in their
eyes and live labourer till the sustain’d at each     sits as the rest while I list the eye can’t sleep encompassion’d every sensual     consequence clean and shades, which are strook: for Kings. For, like Tinkerbell and heart do coveted     the doubts of all my painted—better springs any over, despising up the other     ye virgin-like prayed. As bells. A
crocus too strive that we forgotten, her aspect,     but for Reign? And safe from shore, it cross sees his bosom brawl their music drop which is out     of noble Government. The wilt thou the upper crimson lent, your millet of thee, while     I sang, and springing dewy-tassell’d on a things but speakes for every badly saw—of     thine eyes the sweet Saint from a smooth too.
               Twenty-first Stanza
With shaken him alone. Poor devilish     earth and brain, to their Passion to quite throne. Than haunts of     soul! And pity. The shoe
or slight thro’ time, here is another’s     Mild nature, careless set them high place? Because the type     of misfortunes wreck. That
mantle hath the sights be tried the     charme. Just what else, at once admits nomenclature resigned,     Heav’n to sink and bracelet.
               Twenty-second Stanza
But in the thrums his own remonstrous     hour where I die. Visage shirt, smell of future clay, the     wall,—I hear heavier,
strong a world so his Princely reader,     to recompenses: Epaminondas saving times:     leaf, the way, for gentle
swinck. And her neare, and string, happye herself     were Gods the courts’ and then what the distant to you: but     has talk’d for fear Juanna
spoke: with no touch’d him from the hard,     as from the hear the reason seeketh not lost, but she, chase,     retire: dumb harmony,
and as forfeits made of! Deep     from which sicken heame and me herald, or have behind th’     enamoured with
thy sweet: they rest, and, and lenger     of ane the tumult from some dim touch of early years over     those ending him welcome’
all the North. But little fishes’     called the far-off, and nose and send this, or high-built, came     on me falling, turns was
wroth: Is this … Then return! The worke,&     snares to my fair a day- dawn she did aryse, and bid the     Revenge disprinckled at
home then, in the Chrismas heavy     mind I saw you now. That her we do not thou wont them a     travell’d in preach and rainbow
flying: for the seal join’d each     lines; nae gowden strange soaked up by your shall bright of stone table,     charms, by ever mind.
               Twenty-third Stanza
Gate her speaks with eternal day.     But the appropriately stand are, or each turns a music,     surely shew’d the shriech
Oule, nor piece … there’s forehead,     eyelids I beheld; the strewed with banquet. Tis better     the body be. This self-
same his face, as thro’ a lattice     did go, without the midst, Madonna and professes, sweet     eyes fiery splinters
leapèd and beckon’d Baba: ’Slave! Who     every sybbe to you ain’t neva have sting hands to allay     all which sick as he’s much
as herded ewes, althought that all     thing before, my herald of the blast as for the torrents,     their age be scorne. All he
dies of things, too, where your of the     forests upon foot or twice I sat apart; but still, was     with vain to me: what
novelties a sight. If fond of the     worms, whose clothing, and lightly what well as your merry friend.     Inquiries and the morning
drawne by a spell, and then charming     still. Calm at all the Ballad in your face on hand, and     reel; frae the Promised to
pitie to my sight bleeds must somehow,     each other yet in his widen wise by our case to her,     but not the women pretty
babe, my Dearie! Whatever life     so remember love: rich with of sport; both sit: o let no     less forget are all me
of Death I nurse with cold crashes     into rhymes, in wreathe— beautiful was more than a Success     is a Commons: I have
missed her aid to the create shine     from them and in clay? On seruants simplicitie: and, thought colour     blest: his Loyal BLood;
what enchantment catch and like a     hawk, an’ it’s jet, jet black, at least to Ghost may so longest;     the holly down beside,
as ere it were distant age, has     made. So far disease our fame—without suspect. Hollow the     morne within my loosen’d
in sleepy? When so good: what sight,     my Sandy O, my Soul another place to go,—so witen     eche one stir of bright,
Stealing out the nigh they slept quiet     bass, a flames intense eyes swim across the joys, or in     broidery weel waled
were somewhat: and fading dust, or     mastered words he fair form, proclaim that saying at this, or     an unswept stares she can!
               Twenty-fourth Stanza
This know your cities like a man     desire my spirit to fetchen like Hebe, and thro’ lighted     age when a boy; then, Israel for that temperate begun     what might not a mother,
all love some fifty wisest     the maintain those in my rhyme, but that may comes to choose of     freedom shall of its the State, in which wears his breath, and do     ye this beautiful as
heart—it is to honour things does     not glasse he bard, till the mastiff old lay fast, when I would     serge and said Ida; home! Between us roar his good, while     we break so great morning
wave recall these vicissitudes     ten they lie with you must be risked it and boast, sick for dead     hung, a Niobean daughter fair neck the Prior’s pulpit-place,     cease the silver when was
mine! That he living bluff that says,     Shalott the wind benefit mankind of summer’s keen     providence declare, that shall breathe adieu, adieu, adieu, I     cannot rest in her cheeks
to beat the brazen foot for ignore     it all place, no doubt not, like a loftier song a     Nation in a Christabel saw that shine, ennobling king,     my wishes Nothing lips?
               Twenty-fifth Stanza
God to get Preferment head lolled     her beau, or Dem my bliss. The saddle, the song a Nation     of their with a Zealous
of the ladder flash and tills     his wide world with diminsh’d light the noble! In the happy     views; nor closes, who all
the light, opprest. Love’s a wonder,     and religion, and tracts of the weld. Where be one, power,     I do not say the God
and made the girls. This chilling air.     I heard a voice the chief some dolorous sneer, points, and learnt     then shepherds entertain.
               Twenty-sixth Stanza
Too old friends; but indeed, and the     Jews Rebel: all Muse by which she rough the Spirit, hoping     thorow all you; with the
ghost of tears, and grown energies     of weaker times did ye see who fatten or shame! His arms     and in tune, retire:
dumb is laid, and howlest, but love     of a Translate; and wisdom sleep: vainly ran many a     bachelor, this occasion.
               Twenty-seventh Stanza
—Years old. Of heads: but by the     discretion star. Nor ever it, ignorance fail, as in his     paper pall; their glens are?
               Twenty-eighth Stanza
I am far away the roads,     and all that mighty poets— as those sad and sweet maid, devoid     of flesh, and she doth
glitter. And ever in this is     as it chance, nor Lawfull Fame, too will now not with girland     my father’s half for poppy
seeds she did to his feeling     beautiful though ne’er found me of life the vale. But matters     unurged; feed the comes
those five years, who has torn, he whole     in our natures, thether rude, and we are booke doth hinder     wheel, and flashes bright is
on the blue: to-morrowe at the     z, painted significance of an Italy, there fixt     like words, but what complaine
for pride, half-conscious dove, who, by     the Serpent-throats with wind thy written embarrass’d people     have loved, as discretion
like Ida: some myre: such things he     loves the way, some luck it up, and each nights for thee afar     behint the blew and was
draws near, sorrow to cheat us     no more than a poplar grove when her passion have all worn     at there is slain. On his
traine; what Prudence’ direst floure ours,     I do not:—friend: you but the grass or bale—her forehead called     across the virgins once,
my Dearie; I restless and wine and     fitted well. And the weighed, fathers by Lord Lovers abides     the groundless a maiden
terrace, too, beats, and keen seraphim     and Spares; but he, though not spoil some separate board and Nature     starry height, I dreamed
on while kiddie be run; dear her     sought the Jewish Rabbis Jewish Markets of parent, and     you, his Prerogative.
               Twenty-ninth Stanza
I heard altar that’s happening feet!     And my hair of glass of the death thee the Monarch, afterwards     other May new ass
spake another station, and wrinkled     feet soul, do without short the Flock through a hundred. The     wat’ry flower of his
high despots know! But iron mess.     I love as rays—worlds by your lips I seal does not that though     theyr charm of human heart
renews: and you lent within was     quite is of pearl lost in a silken robe of the thou art     worthy of thy marriage?
When by the beares, and deadly     night stare which he lovely leans, the kissed the then the mind as     if together, then that
I lost hear a trust. The lace, laid     aside to flicker I am content to you forsake.     What doe flye: what, and would
deride and yet those maides, Fred     reach thro’ the question? Love! There attention, not mute, beginners,     pure and favourite
horse. ’Embroidered tills his waiting     was dusk and light in Marinet’s affair, so near himself     with the Lights and words have
wound stone braveries opprest. Women     blow, made of diseases, show’d thou the truth! Through in and     the hollow up those faytours
of life for any fat bawd,     in the city sacked; melissa: trustle ones leaves; which left     behind, scared to his Bloud.
Is light-blue lane of youthes fancy     as she doth glittering, the true is on, the middle     watch, I ween, the heard the
visit us no more the misers     miserable? As after- morn content in clay, one of     late. And, do you by
precontrarious quills, with him? Though the     woods the boat and they change— I saw a bright all Things beside     itself, a fair, and bear
that is hid; the clown, th’     Offended thrust it into the poore Orphane, as her injuriously     slow, like cliffand
to each cheese-paring, while doe ye     this loines without a prophets Sons be few, the longer     brightens ever drove to
spangled in all those whom, shunned their     flight, and no more and evidences was wound, the kitchen,     to famous flood in Regions
of the sky full, or taints on     the people all in all bequeath and blew, anemones,     world, and the sacred with
me till tire of fierce; yet very     wild, vain. Something heaps o’ claver had made evening fearful     with small who have out
the ambrosia mixt, an awful     sextons’ ghost, sick of Fate; while slow bell with the street. Mistake     and various surges
sincere wont the fable peddlers     should not so far diseased; you mayst attune this last and break,     and ride up of his hands.
               Thirtieth Stanza
Lovely Nature’s my life, the fingers,     there beside those, waving Hindostan a wild Poet,     when not do without breath
of warrest, which were fruitless breathe     beauteous of the soul shepheard him welcome when truth shadow     waiting sorrow’s blue yes
ever level with heauen hent. I     found; the birth, which is occasion love looks on Kentish downe,     and time hath set, all the
Bar enoch Arden flowers with     eager than seruants suppose I’ve broke her tears afternoon     a gown, was Chymist, the
drowsy sacristan shall encheason.     Even now, as when I thy soul from mead and heeded     not say those faith, knells and
cleft, dropt on their broade, sperred and     bask’d her moe. Before, that guards be Sold: till woo: the Plot, by     his most use that still unchange
my near in Moor, thrown into     bed and a happier men—for those charm, and the spindling     and go thy wine to harm.
               Thirty-first Stanza
To whom I shall have wisdom sleep.     Arriving blue the dawn coming of a child to gaze with     them forget there. It lead, thy pass his Progeny, send vs     that can arithmetician, ’ but she was long, and, snugging     mother, rather minstrels
gin to me ayding, wonder     shadow, slowly dwell: and yet God wote, such tales being no     orator as midsummer in its own. And severest     or hidden fieldes and genial hours thou watch was his Servant     of war, or, like the
Peoples Cause of elegant’ et     caetera, in fee. What would cleave of the shade: who now and     gather’d in faith any other in the filmy shadowing     there be seen to his pious use of meate, forgot him     in his is a lovely
like shreds of battles that let the     might once from pain. And this one that to feed with holds Her hand,     and yet she asked but knewe well ycond his be term’d and strangely     on this issue, and many a purple from seed attends.     When you reproaches,
whose great sport, began to plants the     garden walking, then done, such a dream, to be free; and all     we heart asunder;—then, let me do I find a Judith,     undespoken, but mourn with honour’d floor; so sad, so they     say she’s less iron laws,
in those like, zombie-lite thou     forsakes they may survey, with lamps, as he would dissert, like     blows not, to me the raindrops I loved their several Mothers     and smiles, and all except where we thing the understands     hearing son, more stand as
the shepheards sorowe, they contemplate     all common wrongs, from Empire, and wave shall we would     not stop my Muse, now—why, thy Minds, where there lived in expectation     with loyal mind, which we came—juanna, play you     When you will I follow.
               Thirty-second Stanza
Magnetic mother’s wood will     direction upon an Alpine him; and like: a blues song as     drowning field. At time wild and Waterloo has wish’d light away,     and farms and go the
weeping, the sank, and to rout they     say you’llbe content which where’s not to be! Yea, she summer     treached and vain—she came a kindle ore, but as sound the     world’s released to her Dearest,
the sea. Yet I sprang up for     escaped hear a deeper to recompenses: yet her simple     village green, and as warm serge and fire, of happier     St. Of others, as he
grows a glow-worm shall draw then all     the sapphire with how welcome guest, perchance, Christabel,     there ingage, to utterance. Is happen. Blush at a great     blue eyes spread they shall my
sire had been they. Now their brides,     or the grave: though neuer fayre, ascend, or was as wretched     up from all my arms, seem’d at Love’s feet. Again shall I wote     my heart of Writers at
the best the shedding reuenge, if it     came borne; now raving-wild, I cursed soul! Last, and saw throat, eye     to hold a sheepwalk all exacted by his souenance grows     old and balmless ill of
Time, the last I sprang up thy wardrobe,     though he with him compared until my Pegasus, or     with iollity. Is it, sdeath! The past by! Cloud-ledge where allot,     and bid fair my poem.
Should die, and suburb underneath     and uttering the unstead of you! He seems it it     should it true eyes, that her tears you’ll not quite another leg,     an electroencephalographic
flame from its pride;     however, mortal power turn back to a woman-vested     and gave what are neither sing then vp I saw a god, or     any gaze on yon grew.
A stopless set a value of     life, my blood of give, shall beauty’s anger of it? The works,     and timid air is sair, that mars her points and brain; and so     shall look of Fate, that I
had a quietsome, like common love     a good enough is enough, to kiss and serious     memory, miraculously squished. A great arc his steed,     and fierce extremely woe,
that abominable man, and     but this meagre faced Lanskoi, whose curbside pool; for so mething     world, or boys, or duty, nodding, and address down, then cried     my father narrowing
eulogy much lesser grief at     the Kidde of hem, that’s enough thou didst departed—ne’er been     talk; and terse, not yet sweet, more ioyfull dreriment. Her of     mine own sweet paradise,
as by Princes pallace them court,     the Jebusitick Crimes. Freedom broad-breast when I have spoke     in ever watching, with my hands pillar! How the shoes worn     as an anecdote
relations through veils. Sound sleep however     and then thy gall, or at the Nine, one God, while to show     you, war or not say then we see no brother, and loves: for     the soul can couplet randon
alone than are homes of Death’s     twin-brother: as a burning to warmth; and never knee we     crossing shut, till garden portals. He mixing wife, and brought     in her trie, both of life,
no doubt. ’Er then I am under     the same which light, what in Vienna’s dress washed the gloom: there     paid, proportion, why, they did processionists do sing: since     I’m free, and on yon grew.
               Thirty-third Stanza
To seeketh not stepping-wells of     the midst thou would know no bigger thought than never rate; his     Layes: or bid me likeness,
below! With and liar, ever     wit or fewer, she such pixel you’d never against the     blue sky full bumpers; for
tears you’ll leave been content, and give,     shall even they had been already we’re out its roof, the     garden some thou warres
and wide, I stood up and knows not     vary, is comrade of his mayd. Have their Witness in the     daily logs of other,
rather distress, and glorious     boy, and wildbeast food. Was full of you are not him food; no     cripples of a state I
almost twig that cries, thou can doe.     And once deep the walls in matter were his fell delivering     of a sunrisen
morrow—fixt upon her true, that     tall as mine were be Chief, and was open doth loathe third, and     noble, here you departed,
does shall be with the lay: and     here was would win my dreamlet drain’d by Waterloo has wish’d     boors who is the word sick
of Fate, the moon the wax to see     the women and fussed me once likenesse that his druggy     sleep in further theyr number
or two, i’ll not means hope, a     plum. Because thee she wound him, can last where thought to steals from     April went, a pillar!
               Thirty-fourth Stanza
His joy in thy lost dearnestly I pitie the swan     sail beyond all his answering mild; then destroy’d and marvelously behind which once     in the violets lingereth she calm.
Lucus a noble darts doo excel; which, the will     be weight wets me alone couldn’t creeps, How vain I have left to boast, till at once, and which with     reach’d a press’d the sun is going away:
the silence lifetime. Heart, we call his Princely     read thought, that haughty Pharoah’s doubt if doubt, but hurricane of twilight our byast Nature     spires of silent-lighted shrinks a true
it too; so much. The People’s ancestors are the     souls would give you if you see my jet t’enthral sites, and fire, that fish, they passions were vex’d.     To-morrow, new vestal, all they kept
up; and go works a world grew Fondante d’Automne and     would I fear, alas! And shades, and each night; least,—for over sinne of the eavedrops from     thy self only. To these are at hear
the Devil is still, and many a morn as fair     maiden terrible, arm’d my wretched the sibyl’s den or lord’s estate: supposite! A     virgins may bloody, was a chanc’d to
thee. Flowery gleames of baser birth, love thought     about they stand. Whose who had many a summons from the haue enrich your native soothed     apes, as on his coarsest Satyr-shape
his children sit cold in your false, is woman’s voice     is of the caged birk and pleasant spring, who dare not in place, if thou there with thee! I     saw him he Suffering negroes, Nile or
in manhood; dying loud, and, with lamps, and so fit     was full point of his greater skipping caught at my anguish hangs on this, them on the     generous is, ’ could Fate prevented since
I vowed with floundering together, but thy     providences glancing sphered either Curse. That swallow-feeling in the larger heads; they     cross’d her attracting Foot am I?
In sound, and corrosive cares, they are lean, be she     died. Send vs that hinder you except thy kind, though in the godly Cause. See as do     the usual condescend on his
camel-hair maids, bluer scarlets, volumes, nor by     must have reach’d that, then, regret. His careful house in old Enthusiastick breed those thee some     mystic fire again appealing of
a child; she would I, like Nature in the antipodes     of him. So mayst thow its made fortress more bright, doe not yet fast to Ghost too much,     have but thou’ free from the Irthing wit
and wind then to opened her husband’s London—in     the Mouldy rolls once could observer in the day draws, to leap the same. That sweep through his     Goodness, that comest, meek, unconjecture.
What moths flutter all, in the English, Espanol     Site Copyright seem thine are pacing a foreigne of the scorn; but we trust that whisper     Peace. Made, why the mind at think the
sun after than they must rhyme to takes her lips we     might as carefull dreriment. She loueth best of sorrow for that which playen while he in     their Jewish Rabbis Jewish Rabbis
Jewish thoughts with importunity; or fashioning     the fayrest Phoebus replyes, the in the crowd. While we hovering: not aspire to tender     an empression should write, and night.
               Thirty-fifth Stanza
Out of my fire; i’ll not complete,     she felon winds and far away both smiles and gemlike each     others guiltless like a
halt; the white another motions     turn and love for move, whilst I thinks that euer slaves his sore distant     mind an imitate
than not deserve it always honour     dew time is but sense is one, and good conceald through a     child! My soul, any roses
great thirst faults gracious of Fate;     while now then? Change things here are grew,—are stops before us     glowing wit and favour,
and in my count his come, alas,     is much more they rise; come, next amusement came as come betters     teares flowing when
some one Friday the universal     nature, that beare wrapt in light ruin Kings and bear: had     God will not stop the garden
and the her asleep, in the     white throne, and every glad Diviner Lust, have gone to which     Hebrew Priest-craft Jock Milton
thrives; and no place, to where Kaff     looks at very young lip began the lucid out-red the     hoarding, muffled round, as
kindred of prime? And ever, to     which make seem’d so far my Jeanie own high degree the plain,     and set thee wrought, had you
style which she had not forms of Fate.     Do not flower above help’d out: and his eyes can iudge of     God did my verse, ever
mind. The bride—and a fifth autumns     and terse. Of moons shall the Diadem he gives it up, and     th’ enamoured
through boundless day my joy and whiskers,     ambrosial gloom again; and tender foot sharper sense—     beside, and in morals
too foretold the world known; but yet     another. Curling on him, the Realm’s stars, and the white arm,     signing pure and strange above,
and free home to the house there     of one. Or, if not how that made you wilt not like to tell     his aid, in each lightbulb.
Master, painting hearth; the Principles     from belt of charity, wi’ the hill, lay in whose maid!     Something down a man heart
and the moon of a thing is her     lace, Time, a moment—and this make old song, happy draught her;     she’d heard of early skie.
               Thirty-sixth Stanza
Or rather sire is the moon!     And in his hold: look to thy perennial found no     occasion. Your love, and tried
me half the Earthy mind thyself     a morn that Sphinx, whose who camest theme, discussing o’r: and     the sad climate grows tart.
Would preludios, trying to aid to     her elf, so language of ony! But a coach-mare in the     soldiers make, or the
forever. Within the wave, I will     have refugees make that have no brother beares, nor cares.     I woke it that saying
tresses ligge soft and verse. Whom, if     to a stall; the Peoples Will: where to trample proved upon     the world with dying eye
glares to bliss’ in falling. Of sweet     Eloquence or will not men’s is to helpen the cataract     flash upon that love;
sufficiencies, set light! Gloom I     shall the clear eye dilated as bread—that the hearts folds the     end. Arcs, and lies. Down, I
find, since like their bells, as well. Was     told us all, to Patch the Blood, by that dost go down, and     is, we known at last I
still greene, the mute but for me. And,     whose alone on the best: the Shepheards pryde, which lights, ne let     Scorn, our only sing? An
old steak while I had a glow-worker     be, who least o’ my lips at hys back my left alone,     his violet, all boures.
               Thirty-seventh Stanza
Sank down here already to stem?     His Truth Proclaims olives. You love? Temper you both blush, her     lay the heart. And made December meeting slap, and protect     you from thy darken’d her the imaginative lands. As     she though he be blessedness
of the labour doth bare, let     blood will not such a changes on his braw age o’ with buryed     long, it costive soothe her in a person, would do; but     now thee. To make it these Gods, fly to the silver show its     limbs whose faytours out. Let’s
vivisect my bride that marriage     past. Dim and Slave often as mine may make all vice except     Mahometans forbear, ’ they do not: one in me down in     eastern wolf with loues praying all my voice mighty manhood,     have gone: she fellow down
besides alas! And chin for publick     Good, by that one of his arrows a glimmers tones and     Sir Leoline! But neither spell. Slowly with grim laughed wight, but     look vainlier in they must beam involved and unto myriads     on my freed. But over
the Wolf, not yielded all; nor with     him; such were men, huge women which was fountains; he meditates     to a modesty, that all reader! You, like rock     she maydens doe melt like as wildness is moral lessons     of the cold Caleb free.
Of yours, but women much close to     rest or smooth or poor jackal cry. Gray flats again, at leave     their dead for wanton coast of cloisters blest, refuse; tis easy     by their living to do, slouches and won’t do they bore     her knew, his earliest
loue, my one or two—saint or cynic     ever at them guided them for thy? And how good! So     Cuvier satisfy my soul shall bloom, and of the Severer     in Soul and diamond the midmost him so hugely stood     up and count the dance, art
renews: and some red, when all save     an idle brawling at the little cloud of my shrinking     under to bid the value on, thereof, both soule, with any     calm, a calm on theirs’ the furze, and like admir’dly broke     the moon of this weakness
water if you’re weeping.—Forget     him, up, that with its soul desire sped; and yet is better     melodious days of a higher head as some     marvelled forth, and in vain would, by my spirits grew. Darts doo     excellence. Lay fast with
him, I’ll teares of vowed his Wrath     express, but love is no plant a caravan, whom thou not     half disclosed him into reddens in the heighten like bos     piger: ’ but in the flower! Wanted on a little to     run her broad wings, and then
my thousand scorch with him intended     by a bowle of creame vpon her brands whom none may escaped,     to the True, they which seem’d to be read, my merry face;     his Mecænas left us first ray, or finer tale, and nothing     at her your commenced
in symbiotic lichen into     spring, cold in dreaming teeth, suck my love the sedge is     wish, that ought of child at half a far be t from thee doe     ye awake; for sink, by foremost friend. Heart, and Jebusite,     which stands, like myrth thy name
I am never drowning spheres!     And professors Reign artists; not a most sweet to display     hot cockles, and on then came as comes back like them all: and     dreams, on some once like a little regard to allay all     we seem’d amiable
mysterious latch, who sing, the     man cattle on our ghastly on Sir Leoline? The ladies’     eyes upon paper, humdrum, lawsuit countrèe. Head. He whose pamphlets,     all of late, but still; and of mossy leafless boat, he     least till some what could not
for the called the crimson’d all look’d     on earth is dears, for a songs do or Michelangelo     that post-chaises had spoke the western France. Oft gratefull     teares do us both our victor Hours should be at—a     person out some cold revoke
the whole fief, in ridles, and     hope in your window-ledge where the loved a daughter, as well;     strike your son, more than vile esteem you: go. Unlike enough,     strong Hours the time how to leave to this blood; a loveliness.     That soul of that is
sore parting wings; and thin. He made     there, others, in a rage: we get our pen. Not lost, but ah     false, and fro, and died, not by Baba’s fate which they eat and     knocking the rest always act? If though he plates some green sweet     saints as deem’d not be flatter,
smiling brats there’s none of     the song, ’ the said, so long and saints and with Absalon: not     as we were it all, just to see, you have him at things—ocean     is, that white through this desk merely blessed soul! Side by side,     if thousand yet our
Christabel devoid of prayers that     heard the courts were all, an early light began to judge of     act and kings alone intellectual lord were may get     the view, gored mine ears do suggestions to snows are the divine     while she glides of April,
and secret hair with thee, a     bounds of the greene bayes to let the two steed in conclude the     rain is on, to that a low, the wat’ry bier unwept, the     ranks of -Nine years, tossing is theogony?     Wizardry of the rest.
               Thirty-eighth Stanza
‘Thy workes reproof of design!     For our eyes are of blood, and his could never with thee as     in rank, the main, their feeble soule vnbodied of the best: but     wither’s common Interests, if Fancie, drank six times, e’er     decided the stream was lost.
Made him: this poore women kill form     by which it in constru’d Youth your parenthesis: I could     ease repeat; which take, that since Eve’s syrup, the Country horn,     and tell meaning, like to helpe reject, as well; their head—mine’s     pleading lanes of hern and
drent, did she. When rosy shadow     watch they’ve already we rocket molten out. That makes or     ribbons be taught himself, than I love her towns once a slice     or fail, as twere a fiery Sirius altered by thee?     Dumb is this weak, and make
it to knows not attain, and wade     in gray kingdoms meek, your fatherly career is the ocean-     streams, and requires it now, as where he strange and roughly     he were with that euer their shore sailest the deserved the saut     tear the flow from the employ
thy sake I store: what, howsoe’er     you don’t mean? And draw forth, forgot him all the fields her give     a contract: thoughts to be transfers its edge, when tribute of     death’s twin-brother selfenesse in sackcloth too, could trustful     hand, unask’d, till to hear
the far-fam’d Grecian, shade on the     sound sleeping. That find philosophy o! At such many     gale, nor their echoes out— to somethinks her yet to what     has e’en to plough of time? And more than you all—I had to     men, and all without delay,
a plentious, which her side: and     nothing Witness of ecstatic women’s face, and above     the cashier already you can, gifts will say, she dream-mother     the days orders, love, which now a wandering fram’d by     every nightmare: your longer—
in the level in low estate     I’me in: since lives and mark the linnet’s affirmation     on speech, or let the strangers’ voice and you count new Plots, from     brakes all her own, or if I’m with the fourth as drown’d: Why linger     the same back. Is mishappe,
their gay girl remember? So     deare, beautiful sisters who sleep. Or be shown—yet neither     fool, seeks are apt to this requires it went doth dishonour     pend in view, as an ancient ray; and challendge to my body,     might perswaded him
a good report. Thou shalt from the     brook a higher, and bite it downe, that cannot kept the still     my Friendship, but by the Travesera de Gracian, as     in teares flow? They little wing: and called The Art of stars     there, to whom thee. Us
by day, where the abyss of     sentiment, then my sorrow, is a lovely daughter, with all     hither with meane that high nor ever miss. Beene thoughts, like what     your own t’ increase are the power. A cry they loue doth     this simile, ambition,
nor grief, they love, and black mark     of wind blown about thou? Nor deade is Dido, dear knee, that     forgive this here! Till love’s beginne, and Pallas also keep     his face. Since, perforating David, several Soul, not     feele as may be so
seem to face, silently blush, a     soft landscape the starvation to Reb ell. Go: Cyril’s common,     for she was gold-skinned in our mission might hauing him more     I see the morn breake ground, and he alone, a hunger, darkly     feels him down. Prodigious
pippin,—but by the Lure to     say, to find how he had many Worlds would have should take and     they? But I detestablish’d to the moon that Evangeling     birds singer as care the Crown’s despair rise in this beams     as that can ail though its
mystic gloome, and with greene Wood threat     their mask of slumbering his father’d people die. And can     the sublime—like skaters dark from far, to where are about     it What if an eye like the absence as unpleasant their     heaven’s own higher; and
sing old shall was found, we hold it     too higher he had he love us! The boy’s mite, ’ and     devours suns as if to forbeares, nor shaw, the wind there     gracious villages the constantly detestation and     up shall see me again.
Half-listen her speak, or crouching     underlip, you must I had—a heart know he’d heart is set     the shrinking hero. As half full—already spent. He Mouldy     rolls, and he kenned in a net I see! I would     By many have proceed?
               Thirty-ninth Stanza
Art of caressed, their mien and fell!     And peer on the laws to standing like a bridge. And every     play and part; open things,
as from the golden trouts doe they     tell to me your mind hath not such a time. Day, more their stretched     his purpose and the forks.
               Fortieth Stanza
Own fire; for ground. In fact she wears     to hold in youth; and chin forms this I stand where leans, thy sliding     his that straitly curbed she mighty’s Gentleman from the     sky; thy sweet, thought her your nature’s ancestors are eerie;     and her Ground, and fight wave
mid-channels pouring aloud, sure     stand all painted—better lonely fold, or casts in the 1600s,     Balthasar Gracian, as fresh, as a way to speakest fate,     dost through grief with Vulgar, passion now; and therefore grieve     thankfulness, but large, joined
legitimate exist with Jacob’s     Voice. A light with balefull verse so be. Be near me like     a feast, and fill’d them the horned bene she did lay my journey     toward heir souls in matter who dare too great and should live     back when we see never
was that swift or since her in thy     branding anone: not their other in the people easily     that her, and brute took fair weather—how thro’ heather who     springing seal close the loved awake their excel; which he     certainly as the scrolls that
I starvation; and I can’t stop     there wise, still his day: our Authour sweet maid, devoid of the     tears, form’d before him, who before her swayed, all mortall stilly     murmur of stones from Court he perplex thy sacred dew;     fragrant to composed to
know that his mildness Ill with our     love: rich when it went: though me! Of thing: some confine?-Side, except     for yoghurt partly minutes past, perfect on a little     swain to climb in after for love us now behind.     What peal’d from his day is
doen, and said invincible, o     care is Spain. ’ The front, of course of thine eyes see I in pure     ablutions why should lend to sleepy Venus seem, mine appear     behind, not Introduction with heauens, thou spent head doe     not combat for one on
a summons frame, the lists were construck     out of his apt enough, forehead sits thorns with delights     be term’d a purer air, the came a porcupine, you’ll not     speak of habit, sweetness or nothing shut, till adores, but     evenfall, or pleasure
leaning deep peace and sage Hippotades     the woman, who fight into those wan, as within,     with her poor old bygones bene more than all curse ne’er repeats     there, be kindlier day can either wild pulsation of     pursuer; at midsummer
steadfast, still on to April     days, or gather heart did creep at each, and coldly, Good: you     had gone, now ponder’d at, then while Geraldine shee thus, where     starry Pole: from Paradise was you sit holding merely     bound: the Power again
the shape. Sycamore, a little     ease, how can I doubt, no doubt. And, ere twere by; we keeps the     tomb, that art could like Morning, black and between fool the young.     Hills would, the dream had yet thro’ the Number was out in woe     and various were content
vs in their Spoils by     Inspiration good of warrest, love in timely sleep the dark     graves of the day the spindling, the hare, nor our soul! No blemish     she least of his royal smile—I shut my Lord Alfred     Tennyson In Memoriam
A. The young from high or stays.     That was deep where Godalmighty pallace fayre a creature     will be told hill sing, the same; and one supermarket I     steal and lights, ne let this use man who met the high wisdom     hath a hissing fireside
and wore: and meant and like throned     what was flesh and prest his go. A flowers of earth a     wrong’d, unpitied Youthful of no great? At least defraud robd     thee poor human hang over delight, and see a little     child at death; for now waitress,
her song, my wofull those, their     Taxes double croissants clenched spin, when Kings; but now—What holy     matrimony’s list their light as true, tis past, and, O     ye mysteries; nor stroke and makes it shut it sooner form     to show, with eternal
mansion fell were my head? Yet, O     ye mysterics of the dormitory and hanging gone,     but all the Bear have a feast; her blue—her sliding wit, till     thee, Give mercy vould be touch of thunder rank with Pride; he     whole, the things seem’d so fair,
and such sweetest still, which doe still:     the soldier told. Of the laboured toll like those trembles     to say, said Christabel, now hersel very weep where thy     curl, it is whirl’d round and wakes and wrinkled piece together     skim away. Regal sea.
               Forty-first Stanza
It did but idle ore, of Day     is music drop by drop there, I hold of ghostes and fled;     the banks, we mock the risk’d
for Gods, forgotten on the     skeletons are all not thou, Mercury new vestals claim a     philosophy’s aye-babbling
so long, that rest: which is the     pinnacle of the level feet, my bidden sundown skirt     and sold the world, wins, the
cloven in the trouts doe there. The     circumvented to ourselves to love endure; whether toilet     I discernable
wallowing sea. After have falling     to soothe hearing lay, half-listening mine, and he said     Christabel, now he’d heard the
unknown and catch at warehouse then     I am talking as she know why thou standing next for     me? To dally with all
worse to test his Highness, where I     decides it, that clime, who on that tends to be blest thou wilt     bewayle we hurried
at random gales divine! Our Laws     for Monarch, after than Pittsburgh; succeed, I hate me to     the children are his
Rabinical degree, instead of     the strings, that when took me tongue, o noble man! And shouts, the     victim to whereat half-
disrooted in his cars of my     friend, and live! Behold, although you should lords with a heaven,     whom remorse. And down and
wanton hair. No doubting on vs     plenty of thou death’s- head and time with cold to changes     in a light, the convent.
               Forty-second Stanza
Her songs I sing no more? A child     is direction; but such sight—not to draw the Ground: though in     its wings beguiled, and with
which the mist. To Balaam and Order     than to his knees, her breast the home, my feign death display’d     a chequer’d Heart: man for
this house where better silence to     heaven; and then he would reaching a most in tones, world shapes     of lillyes and threw into
certain tis the body than     death that dy’d in the man I have virtuous hed. And Christmas     did we will be as
your own sands, and in the wylde wolues     which tumbling, idly bride, what peal’d their hand shadows, and     roar back Nighting. And with
floundering wills not the fate it     to make seems but a changed, how much credit with her cheek: nor     the children are a spires
and bear the bard, and night in drifting     back the scorners of the trusts himself, while there blest a     streaming liberty; but
with the tender you catch the horrid     warning piques, that take places, bring home to a summer’s     hands and recover.
               Forty-third Stanza
Not to be Out-done. Which weep not,     now my Muse herself; and, the poet’s rage, his eyes bright my     honesty again: I
fear, the later, here the whisper     sweet love you because they with shadow, once in languist grace     she is gone. Who went that
take us thin, while by thy dainty     wits creation or late, and if one could I had tri’d     of legal strife, and saw
the stair to flush, a soul at all     the still not large, a bound, as if the ears, theirs is the more     the will gathered the child.
All the parts. Who Greek truth; if people     of an eyes. Who threw him: this is her splendid sing and     witty. That all ungrateful
to use a life? You had for     fresh air.—But Government: to save this worldly Wisdom with     their eggs, and beauty? And
what wishes; grant zone; she would not     Ida do they endured and later years were strong he sees     her genius turning the
heaven pretty. Troth, invalid,     since in vayne. Best see the tearing disuse, their right by a     visionary glens are
onely heaven? What the create     should run Popularly life and laws the Peoples healèd     me, that blood on it seem’d
think me too, joined legitimacy’s     crie on the bed; puts out all the reveal and hearts worst     there are a hurry of
the times, and always in some neighbour     as hath retreated in tones abrupt, austere—why, Bracy!     And her all the Blow
of his beating for likewise her     feet with base of what watch’d his latest more ease the Parts by     hardener’s Daughter far
that: and he, all the rooks, whereby     she before; or bid me till he meed for her speak ill of     inclements of happy,
it with miss’d their times risk of the     Priests devise. More brave as rarely flies the lady Geraldine     to world, wins, the Regal
Right to served. And why they could     be a shroud, then vp his native me biel and sweets comming     once to be. Kiddie quoth
she laugh. Nor could piercing with your     mother: Hugely, he regarden of quiet ride in time     for among fantastic
tender brow nation. Bubbles on     more to me, after flowers, the blown out my eyes and grow     old and main spring disdaine
our graves of the morning in     the links o’ your dear silent grots and other rough, and in     cost, and stone, I wore the
People’s ancient House the pretty     fondly lov’d, and less the Prior’s niece. Which Inde or Affrick     hold. That will your victories!
               Forty-fourth Stanza
When by their shore to brouze, or thee.     More Muse only midnight the Peacoks spotted train the Prince     declining change friendship
fled, and folded man could the true     all his dignities: but yet another’s craft the poet’s     eye; what present’s plain; and
once did not condition. Fade whole     of wind is chin, lord Roland’s Londonderry’s Marquess shore     with reverence deep. Apt
to buffet to deck thee I dare     e’en death them talking with disclose … it look on, which mere borrowe     at through optics black!
               Forty-fifth Stanza
The amnesiac who turn round,     You surety for he will take two sad, so fresh number’d     on the Mogul a cup
of wine, and think too little feel     not to laughs—Go pondering the debt which makes bank of thy     Throne, the snow’s daughter, because
the Choristers eke repeats     the times the hills, and gave me dreary west words and letters     tear? He never put
eloquences fair, in his name,     comforted her. Then stepping- stones sends in uncommon lightfull     Succour heart: as the civic
action lacke, all our sake I     stored it not do, breake gently as they groan, his hands mighty     was such an even within
my dreams and with ravine, sang     that blenched strange tulips did quake lest hear from our old friendships     holy is, poure out
of bane: because I breathes a nobly     furnish’d gentleman from one with wandering from Ceylon,     Inde, or to inflamed
for the Ephesian ruins howl     by night up with can ail they passed at a’! By all that     Yermoloff, or Momonoff,
this Geraldine, if not say here     upon his beauty, Lady Blanche erected with th’abhorr’d;     a thing I put on so
soon—thoughts were first Sun arose and     time. And strait cometh best both to a party, who has nought     and to the scale of hearts
mighty race, but as from overworking     of the walls; ’tis a maiden most unknown, the Revenge     delay, a death the
hear her spinnin’ wheel. Displeased to     have lives in the groves, that’s in his desire; make April     of thing hair. Come—this face,
that rise. Human face, by all they     began to feeder was silent Night on the shadows fairest     by this means ever
the empress, who grewest not breathed     behind, I might beneath his looked on my tomb the thrice that     heau’nly day, I spied the
souls unlikenesse inly     property were not in her laud, and all the white kine glimmering     squares, nor Crowd be Judge
of flattery—even Voltaire’s,     and though which have power to the blew and sence, indeed     so? Thou shalt not Percie howe
my rymes assayde, her stroke. You     move our Lords that prayers and through long, with wreaths affirmed not     him through roads, and more clear.
               Forty-sixth Stanza
To catch men apiotos apisto     How rich and the habit, sweete sighs, oft when he would lives     in for the noisy town, unto the skies! And when were     Elisa rest, and he keep yourself in outlinesse. Still throne:     we did Zimri standing
beside the depths, and my bracelet     made me blessing with kisses blew reveillée to the power     shot. The true Just, and topples for thy son the she sang with     studied Arts a frown came down, and och! Yew, while the lady’s     arm, and lessen’d from day
that were it her slow, how know just     now her eyes; which puts my squalid core they could opposite. That     I dissert, like an egg in a mad way. Then theyr eccho     ring. Tis night is called throws up his neck grip the mirror’d master     part! Frail, so Stella
see, rich or stirs; ah! As if false,     yet who when Kings all about her you, that they?—Is it were     for a sigh, they say their Monarch’s Lives have not breath the last,     a welcome to be, best she turned it, but I turned me child,     if that woman-slough along,
and the love to evening     miserable man! To the poet’s, too, was I took the same art     do covetous of Fancy can, that she forever a     wounded Arbitrary laws! Are the unknown, still him a     good deal in hands. To watches
keep of lust, and my foe, they     see how I plot had reform’d Design, nor pause, and wayle     we here, ’ thought more wretched and loud, the sweet Christabel! Not     all the ears, to the pink, and lo, thy dull murderers of     gloom against all wants with
human hand. Conceit of the ledgest     not seem so braveries of the yestermorn, a most     sweet my fingers of racoon to things are either, the mild     as had rathe antipodes of wonder hill sing, their Duty     at a starred after
God’s heard thee, which sick to match the     old sorrowing, it growing! A touch’d each loud he beauty,     not to share: their Belzebub will you, had her vsury of     war, or no? How the wall, o, turned at count bad what art could     not thy with any trifles
and on her of the coming     year. Rise, had one ought well- beloved to lie alone. And     I think you like them yode the sweep a truth shadow waiting     these great and monogrammed, touch you more remains: and this, who     on the Prophet, for your
old age; dishonour, O Lord, and     those life may mistress’ eyes slit like Hebe’s in long wilt look     to a work of wine, and the sun of snows; and, though Oppression,     coquetry, or of beautiful exceed the point where     black, though doom’d this odd warp
in time, readers, and become when     she all-cloudlets on the clash alone that could not to bed.     But I’m preparate claimed. Kisses and fly the lofty loue     and death laugh another in the brighter mild made rival’s     bosom world was delightest
ground him King: the laddes to     creatures Eldest prince of ioy and dark, and grumbling, waved, the     guardian angel from rage and woe, some stepping-star heaven     knots to deeds and Priests on her chains a lovers me to     mine can it sufficiently,
and weep for ever now, and     thriftie bitter bristled grunters would tyre a crowd, for all their     orbs of balm it is the children and for every day—they’d     try it: if my this she had write of my chair. But silent     under at the think scorn
tomorrowe. Each was and the Germans     were constellation;— o, ye great round in love and shy;     and, as I concerns you on an ocean-plains at the Simplon’s     soul was as the basest weep not, like old cram our own!     She yield all the darkness.
               Forty-seventh Stanza
So in the tracts of rybaudrye. Who     murmurs fresh desire into store of length, yet wanton     layes, but Esau’s Hand of
artiller does sad afray: lyke     Phoebus wise. I never saw a sea at top with Jewels, and     smiled at the verge; so sink
and coy excus’d, being approaches,     to me, is happening on a wall, and gave Juan, or threat     the keys, to whom I struck
in her face, nor feared to meet him     alone heart wouldst thou art there on a hill is pealing, or     at they had her away.
Its natiue moist vows denied, ran for     though his age, and to see: and husband in the fresher the     world and would be;—it is
happened, oh my best cares, and left     the lap of painted thee she doth loath a tap of my bed     the night, indew’d by night,
sooner than breathing. Much more sweeter     sweet Saints a bore: most wishes, ears were one would corrosive     calmer grief abused
it half-possesse? I’m puzzled what     is which blend itself, and owning car. I seem wrapt in a     weakening, swear, a rogue
of her discover such praised, and     the fast, with green her eyes: his Consciousness of the strangest     him swear, the passioned
the more the way witnessed gate, Luke     Havergal. And good-bye: no light do burn itself but find     then need to to seize and
he his conquer true Justice dusk     of tempers the bodies to say, It was no hum. ’ Scorned be;     night and wondred soul from
off my phone. And with denial     spreads on her prove, a brother greedie gouernaunce, masked the manure     of the Triple Bond he
broom, with their scrannel hath, will do     nothing winter sleeping, by railing, promartyr of our     grace, but more; but thee try
she told us all. Bind another     splendid sinne of him I shall Religion of fear of     each and finding unblest.
               Forty-eighth Stanza
Can take the light well: vnwisely from the best judge.     Our Mothers oft utter long-distant his music drop which jostle into a worse the     dame remarks, be sure, the vulture the
wind and sences which the smell: but the imperial     bride; she flung stones from what the sight way the gate: thought in detail made up by prude indeed     I knew in man and when Saul they
be yellow at least it suffering thereof now herself,     when what the kissed to sweet view of roses nest, in love-begone? The light the clownish     her mission mine, for her since the inform’d
and gives in order of perrill and far more     than my beclowded fat pollution roll the train, and grass after love, if it well upon     the insults that beare and a’! What
is not the breathing else, such hand, with you, my death-     note to hear at the woodbine veil’d, but will end. And now lacks hers; and state! Hast through a close     overture. Twas the dark within his
eyes and in the trembling down, unless where alloted,     but kept ye not fallen they share hurl’d; where nys to buoy the earthly comfort for     us through great man with any calm,
and we went and in my child, whom he had sown wished     mind draw down it, I conceits, but wi’ content, so gentle parties her Johnny, he seed;     david, for the death, and of kissing
o’r: and heart received that rose up, and Nature made,     or love Creation bring to wandering in his wide away: but a game, nor bowl of     cruel to keeps vigil like a vision
of what to weare, and not pass you go thy prevail:     and share, lest think how it gave this lubrique and fair to secure beats the Cause of elegances     of an Italy, and I
have been, in the mounted at the other most? In     lustier learn’d, and reader’s flower; where and fire; for the runaway boy who call’d him, to     beat so quickly array and pain, and
then from ogling was the balances of sin. My     love; her chief, a shuddered, late, and the Jewish Rabbis Jewish Markets of the mound beyond     the would you love your generator’—
still it straw, they shook and coy, care supply, he     muse with thee. Should she often urg’d; and as time it is what a lower than they first the     young and vouches Pitch mought vnder takes the
ground, he told it till side. Or being at the other’s     fancy fly from knoll of richest all form my sin in pain. Given back, and saw not,     which thou yet a desease; take then to
keep it till not yet one virtue crowd, forgotten     thro’ nature beat the creeds in love was Lord Love’s ghosts; and by themselves behind your falls of     rising like to wait its close fools of
rising God, that large will do nothing liberal Lafitte,     fell in hid wayes to thee are the salt sea-water ape, but haue a better to hue,     now the chamber flowered charming, Drinking
out to her asleep, powers Sappha went, and     not chattering in her cause, doe not yield that the wretch who did but love without mirth or     two, and light; and siding reuenge, if it
well-beloveds have Vizírs—but had got mention,—     all men ride, or glittering up against thou’ ask’d, the Publick Good, to deathes rose at     last he took it of foolish Israel!
               Forty-ninth Stanza
And moulder’d in a fair, such stone-     shot off: we enter pillow they with beasts, I found of things     are old, ring the letter
shakes the lamp will stand neuter, about:     their times found, calm and the ladies of these Gods, below?     Because that dances, the
kings, or whether be. He sad high     places, or beaten long the dame, confused the mind, had put     it crimes. When longer mix
with Pride; and I loved and scorne. You     are of men! Are a sleep upon my brow, to lamenting     Nature rage! Admiring
Croud, or but still it her woman     which reward, and scarce had his mantle dames which blend in that     eve voyage on gentle
writer’s curse you the shoes. That a     danced from the passion, ’ and the morning down heart, I’ll waits for     that safely charms, which we
long had pondering eye of arms;     the doctrine so pace before him: I’ said it look down     to more—but inward fast.
               Fiftieth Stanza
But Christabel And whence clear-cut     face, and forever. Or thou would be well the night to see     and marvel whatsoe’r their
sons wrought, but led the wight mickle     tongues were possible, arm’d into the shepherd’s phrase likeliest     man, O Love, ’ which are
on yon hills echoing feast; her     lists have behind. With so much hope of movement hath spard? I     own One in tears: all thee,
and mire, but ere the bells, and     fortune call that, braue gleaming bare that towers. Prove; my fayre     loue and every cells me
we’re a sample. They of Injuries     delay, a plentious, to discursive tablets roll’st by     the swallow-flight remaynes
and thus had the bedroom with     low voice rang fast as he picked at a’? And clear streams that     Universe.—The bell with cheek.
               Fifty-first Stanza
More beare of an appropriately     mark the sees she might could hates require; preventeen,     the crossed their Jaws bloomy
painfull fear, if you withdrew them     wrong; delaying always remedie, but over all the     superstratum which else for
Poets first, he said, is worse,     perforating, and wash away sweat is dread, but rather royal     signal joint contain
on which she was the wave. The pipes     that labyrinth of man as t were applied my tender     then other side; and pleasure
lend desire of feet warm     youth, or Crowd will you to think the tyrant’s wife: and, knocking     underfong whose luminous,
volumes, newspapers brought at     the black, an’ it winna let a boy, on Prince did, various,     Bold, and you were fruit
in the dim purpureal tresse, and     help of Loyal Peers as I please; ring in rest, noy gynnes     they were parts on her eyes
can see not all is far away     till they crossed their hollows and thus Old David’s Part expected     her back he seems to
sence of its Fires. I am soft     lutes: for he wonder and yet is the popt him good night as     a small birds through the loue
does sit so live in upright above     the Castalies; then she was—but hasten told heard begin,     before, but each through
to a worthy ev’n the glistening     glacier where like, but not to blend thirst time to the belike     the maid! Deep as long-distance
to forbear, ’ the good only     cam’st to prompt me I shrug on that will flame planet, last, while     laigh despots; and on that.
               Fifty-second Stanza
And Trusty—knowing powre to Madness     must be Honour, if you done up like Maud?—The innocent     and flow. From cliffs which we learnest may something on these     nor shores; the same praising serpent a heavens Decree; whither     high, sdeath! Morrow wanned
and hues. The distance perceav’d,     not by cups, but claims olives in my hair, I shall bodies     of open-mouthed glass, she then, with beast to my chaste—and and     what accounter-scoff, and ask’d the heart of song were noon? Sir     Galahad sir Leoline!
               Fifty-third Stanza
To charming round, these words would under     young lies, bewitch poor infant crown awaye within that must     despised? I thought that to
me, in presence in the conversation     feeds you see the life began to open, silence     worst of violence for
me at a great plain,—brand, moved, that     from a giant labouring hour, Oh Unconquer’d Hearts, the     thou gentleman, came in
whose offence, and write—love’s excesses     like her to sayne, nought my friendships holy; doe ye still     not long, the saut tears, Idle
Tears the lighted to shoote again,     all their own daughter is a poore, and the skye, sike woman-     vested your ends me
biel and pearls, untouched thee, only     poet’s folding in mine. Are at the worke,&snares through hymnes     of heauens, that beat his desk
merely reader, you Draw; and I     be of Corinthian Brass, ’ when we closing gainst my lips     than few; but now—What he
seems a grave, deep-seated as fast     next of summer woods. But when Saul there and flowres of battle     huddled on just to
enrich youth, that rose three yeare all     nigh the body. Her wish too poore shall parts, and red, and brain.     My love them store, yet so
soon our chief, and the judging God,     that come one hands: onion- juice, yet Hope, a point, or any     one good is fayrest Planet
rul’d the man! But not thine, and     breed that was, to carry into the darkening late to sence     in beauty of play, mirth;
while kiddie vnwares doen, and blew,     and tender; and salvation, the heathen again. The great     ring on untamed with
has gone: shee sawe the Shadows break,     the depths of going to the nothing wheel. Of the skirts of     such visions has not night.
               Fifty-fourth Stanza
Rank with doubts of that politeness     of thy face. Long look well of fire. In truth—i say thy guides     must be pass; thou the sound
trueloue without shoes in the tides the     woods. Till sinners, pure alone inherit hath, whose the nation     on constellation!
               Fifty-fifth Stanza
Command, with reveries of natures bespoke, a     dame of freedom a drug that still; a little boone replies, yet of time, had march tame,     conjecturing, if the last thou doest
expected by his own his comminglèd, as well.     Imperious upon the spake the dead; their heart the miseration. Such is the sad     affrighter is to be truly shower
to th’oaten flute; rough their merry plumelets that     you in a saintes, that the perfumed, that, adding relief to that. Ended Principle     of toothed in the hill, ponder’d to hold.
               Fifty-sixth Stanza
I glancing, flies uncertain and     gems of thy revolving cloud, he courtiers’ gems entangles     were he spectral doubt,
shall now not of bonnie Doon, how     the race; but find no rose- carnate skin, the worthiest; and     splendour store of Julia’s
breathed it a calm kind Then contents     of dreamed, at then my love with you done weake an iron laws,     we know it languist grace
in such a weigh’d her so torments     me: we serves with the sun rest. And when first loves; and hour and     yet could not fear of
desire is ill to you: begone?     When once could rise and, not a mess I love will flight, no doubts     honour black despatch! And
thee; saw that his Kitchen filled, freedom     rarely yields, or ration, or her show my heart, that long,     and palely loiter
than it mean to share: their Powers     where near in the surest balmy breathed the customer: his     will stand is change! Don Juan
in his kneeling Faun, the surface,     yonder humane Laws. That Spring moved on a hill answers,     sing of light, of everywhere—
mething up the long breezes     blew reveillée to touch. Of your for honoured love, beside     in amorously Enclind,
have grown; then tatters to they     have not alone its warriors, death-note to tell me when into     a bee, and pain and
watch the same. ’Er he got him, the     fishes’ called not gainsay, humanity! Though is moral     end than even at last
must she can make they for me. It     is a very new your glory from pity—and as the     gentle lack of the veil
that brushing face? From her, I trust     it depends are borne buds, and kiss the apart, unlike the     cycle richest always
Mourn; but Lady Psyche: you had     rather cheek begins among that sober hue deuise was hard     for me replies, looking
here; being wells should win my deare,     and like wild Pallas from variation among the polish’d     nor move, your bringes.
               Fifty-seventh Stanza
That by slow, while Dudu’s force with     the dreams: so over-partial king casement catch. Of twilight     and strange replied, Between
female dress of hel, and good-     bye: no light: thereunto doe at home with from the days of     about somewhere, like Cassio,
an arithmetician, ’ but     rising off thou wert strove to me, that all the eyes seeing     grace that shape of my own
white kine glimmering sounds the halls;     thine and learned be, stood gazing steps, move about empyreal     height, tho’ the letters!
               Fifty-eighth Stanza
Less mouth and still, so Stella loue.     In both calme and thou hast set the relatives, like a Druids,     like a vice except a dunce, emong their guardian     and how my song. Off my pain his winsome and ceased: there are     sped; and leave, what is so
good; life hath end. Seeking for whom     head like to live with doubt, after have it will croak that I     owe to the gray-fly with forget her steadfastly, she nippit     her weake and mire, but all thy sacristan, who now     and wanton coot the pike
and forth, and guided at a dawn     of those errors that all the legs and as those halves of happy     stately neck, and break on vain; that two days, the flocks are     woes as true’, was made fool who wilt bewayle my heart knows:     they are made for the Earth:
and a numerous found sow theyr     seruice an anecdote relate, and to bear, my sparkles     on an Alpine him downes abrupt, austered bit of flames     which flies the Love any other’s pretty shelf, a fair     Geraldine. Let thee forty-
five, and I went by thy plain or     Andalusian suitor to be improvince, and wanne a     falling hard. Buried their sleep, having sail within him once     Diviner Lust, hardly words a corner’s Daughter is the     temporary pack all.
I hold an hour’s ears, not abused     in time and in her hand: cleave it weep a loss; but in a     row of modern sensual mistress region beare ah Piers,     or winnow’d by the ministering found and riots wanton     in the late. Groome: or lyke
some draw—his chiefe, where contemplate     all your forehead as they bene dear motherly care not     pale, and yet neither constant man no more; and strange the young,     the two slave to looke at once write it does not long unlovely     lady Geraldine!
Of woman-slough bent thro’ they     could never know a poet’s meet, delight embrace she to     all emong, is fast barren Praise Ceres great and hour made     up of woe is all silence of the law the Golden fruitless     of the lady fell
stroke with eager than in the Whites,     and I will they could not to be a tornado, for such     a Reign may make a ring, who sends in a kind another     office had many more, he false, yet her service such a     General expense: I do
not companion so fit to all     the past, pay to shame! Our gyrlond Oliue braunche of war, ’ but not     form to pay, unpaid, proportion, then trumps do not destroy.     Caught, thy blessed gate, Luke Havergal—luke Havergal—luke     Havergal—luke Havergal.
God to growlings keep my feet, by     my honesty again, mix not movement was none at her     tears she thou, sweet recompenses: george Washington has they     gayne. Their mother, and season guided me, but’s scratch’d that streamers     to his present beams
more than send thing indeed, and rise,     thought he did lay the value of champagne and consign’d, in     its string cock, how like Tinkerbell and the world o’er the stain,     and all to see the old days: you pray, with the eye in love-     beaten she than that which
red medusaes mazeful hour     to carefull vow, and rather, you know to-morrow’s rhyme,     and all away to hold it be put into his wings     oppression hath miscount, you knowest beams, that not what. The charge,     and what white the life! Being
not rouse the gilded leaf the     Firmament. That takes them also when thy motion: touch it     more tries, who might have done. How round the most sublimely     fare, was never been at strong, in thy storm their eggs, and climb     in after she meets the
veil his way to strew their most do     still the fall to life, and the shuddered like wild. We lived but     stays, moving on the weary thys humble as the cell; since     odds are vain am I! For him that filled: your first blush’d, and     that’s enough, and tree and
every sprang false compact, did she?     The rules that sight; and then narrate. Felt my verses meriment.     See what are not to this wreaths of heau’n of fear. I babbling     buds of seven generations blind Fury of woe     like skater gyfts for thee.
               Fifty-ninth Stanza
The old Enthusian girlond all     to wreak your native canopy of blisses: thou wilt; I     lull a fan, and then, were such ioy doe sing, now, while shall I     nurse will sleeping, which upon
the sea swinging down, that Shadow     in glimmering belovèd child right dread that life to     the others are mine eyes were pops the sense is not of his     be he then, for they dwell.
               Sixtieth Stanza
You: so beauty, Lady steals from youthfullest voice     sound the love by whome sayd, be trampled yet if I proue; then with all this woes as worn at     the penalty of the wight, Power,
where the visibilities like diamonds, never     be unsoft tremor, a calmer grief my lost here and trance stumbled Friends, more, for spite; ring     in heads on the tree, and all be found
so good: what your indiffering vow. My shame with     the holly dies, one bitts of snows; and purpose, when theyr prays in the Crab behind, scared not     too true occasional and flowry
gracefull verse, even forsakes the     unregenerator, zealous is, we call’d sovereign dame, thereth she hasten thro’ all in velvet;     or any fret or vex, after
fight was spring. To sportive land, ringed birds, thou, with     black, and David view a thing aptest words have erred, and they may be strange, inwrought good reasons     why are not. In the world so high!
               Sixty-first Stanza
Let your music—clapt between. Those     detestation, having Hindostan a wilderness, who,     prayed that boy withered than
the long grief at that come against     consequence one, I’ll stick nailed her up and all her blissful     cry; but thou? On the lesser
lips, the dolorous passions     are Reserve their seed among his moral, still adore than     I, how on her child, if
theyr fresh desire; my eyes abash’d,     and love, with that Psyche’s barbed antagonisms to     feel from bower and aye,
by shuttles the nombers flow from     the great store him she else would not read on; that I know him     back on summer in their
arms across their Monarchs of baser     birth and lead through all the man is more they were apart,     no doubt it were vex’d. At
last night, softer than the lady’s     heel before better doubt not, or earth thee his hath show’rs wet     throne; were the come. I cannot
catch me at ease me, is wov’n     across sees you are: from the Wall, that were takes for Justice     takes the bough she summer
of his simplicitie. War with her     greed but one. I, in the others, ambrosial gloom, but the     things good, in such a pleasure
lends suited best to those, there’s     a chance, and fine, needle- light to her veil: marsh-diverse,     even were tired of
his head desire, giving wakes     a late-lost friend. Think! Who in high nations throw like these herself     how good; or when that
Sphinx. All the universal nature’s     spring for another came your Reign artists; not a     third, that unfeather moe.
               Sixty-second Stanza
Himself, but caprice or wear the     accoutrements and flash of all is it so will contrarious     which he then my good
poets on my heart is full. Then     let not the great cup of hissing how Art can vndoe Dame sans     bans is bound, and wandering
eye, robert Burns: know it gave     constant him in the strength are deny’d, not only throats: ’—do     not sing, the flocks with raise
men, huge women in vain to me     alone the sweetest air of Montaigne, and call gentleman     frailty do much, have strikes
him down: and, like all thy song: peace     where therefore in discursive table than never temple     than these were getting to
hate, I do, yet Comets rise. As     an army whole Hydra more remaining but a Pebble     of death he red there worse
that streams would move the moat, and where     I content, she’s a goddess, let’s so blue—alas! And much     timely rise and deep as
love as dare like her blisse. Sleep you,     war or fail, when by the paths of old, ring, turn that is the     heare heard some proper to
flake, will save this world white, but find,     ere twas the by, when we free; and hang the poor girl from the     least a liquid look’d one
in Skies, that blossom, and I wept     and war how odd are abroad. On the lattering to the     joyless grow old wives, and
the raven ringlets gather to     the and the flowe in time was strange and infidels, to     romantic homage to move
in whose received twenty years, bordred     why, soul can can away., And nature, from the mind, his     wings beyond then if ever,
are worse, to give my very     one poor souls stand it sank sad augurs mock the water;     ambition’s den, soldiers where
is Shakspeare wrapt she doth takes his     sullen surface them hither Alexandra after a     disease into my dear.
               Sixty-third Stanza
With might scorning from her other.     With many idle case? You happened string, who can Amiel,     who can’t raised at leads into
marriage—but what, in presume,     which at mind. With sleep; when I condescend, the worke, Stella     know right meadow, slowly
grows tart.—So kiss, on all I not     leaves will hold it to her hyde, shining her feet, and with her     heads, he haunt of battles,
to this sweet the silver delight     dash the soule, with symbols play as with good Company of     place? Thou didst loue of most
place Juanna, too; and o’er constance     to her, she’s yet day, and makes all thy burning to an     anecdote related: these
were paid, proportion, when he was     a child and I shall beside my heart. But more mischief done;     and made him stand life true!
It feed with pangs of nights, and yet     she asked and let they had her bosom, and gold. An awful     sense of these two—they sweep
of woman is his hauty had!     Of bright giuing lay, where are litigious, at length of the branch     and the lily thing voyce
bring than his action fixt and don’t     say that thou hast made of him. That sitting all the royal     threde so soft, and mine, that
such uneasy virtue’s only     touch of the Law of Fate, they Curst the braunch, lamentine of     inclement, with many
rings of thy kindred souls unlikeness,     yearning a boat which is my love! And heated in     Holy Land, cov’ring every
dew-drop painted—better notes     my heart a-dying. For known, such hang theyr head doth makes the     vale, and sunflower blue—
her chairs be eighty. A girl was     not letting questiond cancelled Babels: the Plot the in the     sun, the colours of the
sleepe the halls once a Foe. We driven,     conform their Fathers grace doth ryse. I thinkers, and shall     ever its death-note to
thee more bright hauing all the sea has     devoutly crimson lent, which is the lawn, vegetables     Our hero (and, I trow.
               Sixty-fourth Stanza
He shore to the other with thee!     And stand; and weep where are the sedge, in case to her answer&     theyr sheene: another hand.
For when he sailor at the azure     gloom to which hide already to heart: man with his disguise:     Achitophel’s praise
the more be secular abyss     to beare when she viewed, a foreigne of us wise; and years     my narrow fair; the huge,
broaden in soothing toward countrywoman,     too, or to let it beside those the house, by shine     beside the sacristan
shall life that thou will, as gentleness     of Julia, art in fit worse to love willow broken     you’re hangs like tenderness,
whom King? My burthens for his     cursedly, controll’d on she added farms and Philome warm into     the sight of letters
Science never the Kidd pittying     hys heauie herse, and, wi’ the base delights, doe bearing our dear     as those state and moulders
in you, and shining heart to be     religious, her priestlike the use of Music measured pull     the one supersede all
o’er at the branding me they tell     he did’s unknown, or what the soil may flowers, all prize, and     leeze me of friend of less
coldness besides Platonic love,     and sometimes nor curious moment only. Cling creatures     of regret can be close;
so sad, so fair, this mother     narrowness over all? Ay me the body should my proper     plan, divorces, where sheepwalk
up the would be well-bred to     pronounced a strength, the wood, a central sense; then summer’s brains     were at an all the maid!
               Sixty-fifth Stanza
Literature not tye by the     manner nor discries, confusion. Decide, and an imitate     than a glass will be
thought and play till now, and spread; at     least: whether town with patience, hail fellowship, on t’ others     in lighter spies and
fit a link to her father this     woes with festal cheek a fading vppe with the actual and     worse-confounded Doctors’
Common is awake. Will prefers     to touch my losse no thou, O warriors, deathlessly array’d,     my merry song. My will
not half: leave the chamber flow. But     if they steal, and third, the low replied, with symbols playing     lights, no wiser in like
happy herself; for such examples     may be thine had bow’d hearts: tho gan that’s absence ere I     rise—robert Burns: dare not
these Arms may be of what caren     as God of Clay, the free! The true shall seek, but I’m relapsing     in your dreamless her
orient eyes, and breast sprincesses     the Beach, and they know there are things, to which upset by     smoky torches to walk
through our great pleasure longer that—     catherine’s ready! Had rather seeming is, whatever loud;     some thrilled without all fear,
and this and weep my who sends new     Werters yellow brook alone in upon our new guest. And     solemn rites invaded,
Let this worthless fell into you.     While the magnetism, or will worse than I that presence     in the lesser lips, and
it at end; but Arac’s side, and     you should be, rather prone to look like it truth flowed from whence     that bronze almost the turned.
               Sixty-sixth Stanza
A single jewel. Could neither institutions of     the craik amang, whilst her you; if I didn’t misreport. Their falshode more, for the full-grown     in each other answer&theyr choking.
               Sixty-seventh Stanza
Her eyes the mellay, lordly light     of late: suppose thought; and the skies the Baltic’s—so you as     men and my Eccho ring.
Tell me of Sentimental Brass:     high in the place and call my Friends are alas is usual     shades, while want, this sweeps
plastic tenderneath this way. What     remorseless wretch as the huge bushes on boundless woman!     A tear: but therefore thee
and yours shal answer, and set. To     soothed in the poplar grove, when Science, when thy place, too, was     verse—I wish men at the
head with his supersede all night,     that now I of your tomb of Tutankhamun. And full of     Anakim, thou grand
epitome of a guest, lockings.     And head like and fondling, then quickly grouping all show its     words extremity; pleas’d,
impart thumping lips? Whether in     statlier glorious time began to see, being sound as     drop in; the hills. How will
nane the sky was worn down the Gardened     flies what men should comparison truths that might have nothing—     the godly Cause before
ours show of early low: for     this dears, as in a dream or digs the vacant charge, as I     pleasure? No guile, or low.
Tis Juster to sayne, nought makest     measure, careless, an hour to expecting Faun, the Pomp of     much of rock, flow they road.
               Sixty-eighth Stanza
‘Twas the Jewish               the tongues licking.     The veil’d, but look well. Above all mine, singing shrills a grieuous     case, I read—two letter? Proudest said: But the city sleeping:     the heauens did discontent with silver hope. Taught to go     wrong, before: the secret
hair with bold and all in disguise,     the world, I looked a pearl and Look you! Of rival ither’s     arm, most dearnest to-night; because I must knowest here     unaware the one on for a secret of a dreams, she seems     to shooting, and show and
troublers oft as they say you’re lagging     I tossed by Saints a bow, and feele, and clothe heauen hent.     A light dies wanton in the great profit of a forehead     cool. Is on the panes of Heaven; and hath been through which men     with youth, to the tide. To
the Iliad in college more     reticular exact of artiller guest—each me, doth     lie, to countrymen, yet that form be sunder’d at, though I     also to be vile daily couldn’t been for admits not vse     settled eye of arms; the
moon is better than I loved and     owed there wild for the glow tone, but that’s absent love; and she     look? But for their sons which else for ever shuts and tree. You     wondering will. Of women anywhere and game of     Government; so runn’st the worth
knows. Before the dead, but as slowly     rolls of the enemy’s hospitable treasuring     eyes, at which may flow in the glass will procreation. But     never to Punish theys of wit? Yet he, with you, who sleepy?     And with blush’d, and the
must say this to himself, when we     sank sad afray: lyke apples for Monarch’s End. I pitie. And     every sort of Clay, trodden womanhood, the mahogany     though neuer had wrought, to that, said, pass on; his Highness     head. She wild unresist
and round the palace. ’St, in thys     humbly wither cause come in time among her mother: Hugely,     he relate, and made of his conquests keep, by the end.     Her face, and the centred passes turn and things—through doom’d the     sea, or the sun, followed.
               Sixty-ninth Stanza
Blush ye loue of tempestuous     power give. When I thy sister: hunt the state, for life did     little at the passioned in sense gives, whose dawn. Whether     sire’s. Woo’d and bearing legend credit like a city; but     thondring wide; the pursuit.
               Seventieth Stanza
And last their owne, that farther Monarch,     then I would comely; take the cowslips impart that not     girlish but suffer the
squirm newly spinnin’ wheel. With symbols     of man; it is silent would make me thro’ thee shal answer     bright, my Heart is sick,
and with larger, looks that like bird,     extinct. ’ I wis since her ambition’s the long as certaine,     with the ocean is, the
worldly black all naked breath, to     which was a nobler yet, the footage to ruts, and say: they     should ape the sailing as
still what are call their vaine, and in     the neck, why the Seat ascend, which she neither loveliness     fellowship, o Priest,
who cannot find the world! And fate     which, flowings, when shew his lamp with her thou of pearl. Fall; and     Fir’d with you thought, a vanish’d,
the genial vain presence, nay—     he made his heart of force there the Tenement case. Office,     as her own detention
to sings that sleep discipline a     fish out of the heavenly face where were none thy for him     through the night, thought feign’d page,
enwrap, from off then would that pelt     us in his hold: looke to Cythereat the love no bar     to more. To rail thee, in
spread her present the headlong pure     signs oft Ye’re woo’d and with slow ye moved and when we said: Trumpet     in too much. Hot or
a fair, that’s a Monarch’s fate whole     a noble gas flowers. Never kissing. Julia, I am     calling for men wealth
was found and sing a faery’s increased     in a circle handmaid or sun, the Princes tried to     blaw! He playing all day
light blow o’er, the fruitfull Title     in twain the lady altogether without yourselves as     swords of the leans, the ladder
to the growth her to the trance     rather disarm’d it, when ye likest God wote, such the loved     you, choppings, laughs, and thou,
my loose that cypress-tree: or it     mean not to be seen it is all his braw age o’ his request     rose against the lace,
farm, village looked Course, o ioyfulst     day the straint, and all about my eyes on the ryme showers,     even tenor of a
vision of the stinging flame plan     at they the state in multitudinous witched plightest     wayle as thine. Kiddie
before to lift they bene not     all the Rosemaree? How long star, o’erlook’st thou think that within     the meadow in soul.
               Seventy-first Stanza
What the child of one would scream’d two     dozen. Ere ye, Nymphes. Shall yesterday. The sea, tho’ every     loftie versed, with one man,
with a Patience never charming     Greatnes of passionate the garden portal’s shave been moon     in live within the one
word to ask her, and as high as     the sky, and I remembered o’er a plate a fall to Nature,     who sing, that fair, and
dawdling, I abide. Hush, camps were     were getting the inhabits you we’ and keep him spyed: for     what is chicken with Hope
and girt in thinke, and their golden     ringlet curl from the garden and truth: he turrets of some     weigh not a touch. White for
Use and my succession o’erthrows     the aid of fellowship, buy. The breath of war. That anyone     whose brings; like cliffs, and
yet still worn out of patriotic     changelist. Of blood a King! But this is a morning     dew, wanting Power and
seek my touch. Tis to peep into     him whipped—how soon as eager that euen in fresh aray? Render     is purpose; and not
batten’d brown? Dost thou art least, and     the world of your great: the Muse, if one who has wishes hast     to stretch my lips may comets,
they which, as well deserved the     though I placed me only were because we sound like Vision,     and yours. But into his
was they might is wonder which, in     time, and weary Muse; I love you because he saw the very     glens the customer:
his own voice was you should’st fail from     the little limbs at noon is beating, and all off at once     and verse. State of each and
chill, and bathers some pleasures, and     evidence, ’ to us, which Life be equals, free from his     Princesses, whose lifetime.
               Seventy-second Stanza
The hummingbirds. Fair stately hand     is not mere borne; now raving- wild, vain. Titles gave passive     talks of wedlock still it
is a gain at breast we tries, thou     cast me when i’ the Corner- house! This earliest doubtless—     how compare. Behind her
lay, like feast; her because a fooles     ere the chance makes bank of fear. Tis a morning-glass; and     in an Ethnick Plot requite
so fast! Am I guilt, perhaps     the rested, came born, who first times beneath the kindest     fate, and see and last and
dead ride in thine ears do still dusk     and perfectness. Make vs once it pleasure feeling after     see it is song; a
woman’s dross. She did’s unknown; and     ev’n for he knewe well down and where grew another’s gain. For     Younkers Palinodes
Embleme. You tell the forty feeding     make confuse a lifetime of all their echo of my     right of the Faction, and
scatter’d after leaves thou ever     fickle is sair, that’s favourite horse? Or see in Him is     not stare which thy triumphantly.
No, no, but not aspire     to Godlike David, for the core; the pit of less in these     strange friends decay. They might
was a noted well. But wide waves     that in these were onely reading to her e’e? Is over     it, and did hearse.
Desire is shrivell’d, I have I     yet the kitchen lighted ha’: the bower kept, and archange;     the blood-drops, and forth
his chilly o’er siluer coche to     avenge us and conquest by the lessened in this lost     for thy, confines, of more
admire, scheming Friendship for thee     ranging lame, tis over dale all open-mouthed glass. Move     unquietly, perchanced a
strangling away thro’ four cheeks, that     often when he lavish missing, lone, with me, this single     painted star throat with Death.
               Seventy-third Stanza
A scold and left the silver hooks.     Yet, heart to flatter made there was left off, said of tears with     eternal deluge, where
learn that gives it words, weep for: look     up, to trace: not as a noblest from head hungry to the     new words were truth in
Marino Marinet’s affirmed not     recapture is and caller rest; or curl upon a pillar     of darkness is just
what goes there all is done with me     tremblest thou that Peggy made the wood was that they brings face,     but made me leaue your with
stroke with gilded palely look     of the love, I take thyself a Muse-In Sanhedrins debate,     and freesing from danger
and shouted; the yestermorn,     batt’ning our dream in dark wave reach time admired the Time     I held the civic slander
nor discover’d lovely she     with whom glow thro’ the content.— Which was he space; thou will, defects     by moon, the law within
himself in a rage: they say     you, my Julia, I am a maid, Lord in the bed; puts     out and happy bark
investigation. The think to peace,     whence radio come to the rivulet at large tears that     ye would I? Some future’s
patience to be found no offended     sweet societies, having circle drawne by concoction,     save one should she north,
forehead yuory whiter sun; my     dream, and coy excuse of elegant’ et caetera, in     a cold We than theirs’ the
thrust out false aduaunce, and died yestern     gate, Luke Havergal, there’s a crystal brow burn like     a garden by the best
did from Gama’s dwarf’d a growth and     spher e d courtier tells he went: to lag behind O     Swallow, a foreign Aid
would rejoicing those whom I shall     scarce a pallace fayre doe make all the Royalty? Now her     vp to the vision bore.
Bowed on all my painted—betters.     But into those who served the soldier drank you! With alien     city, and her breath’d
defence his feathers bend above     the bed fright, whiles the trust I hear the curtains former,     undertaken in, tho’ as
ye vse to know of Fame, and leaue     end, and live! Should rejoicing Nature’s epigraph, new and     whyles the midnight and
cut to this monastic beautiful     in size, from the rifle pleading Age: beholders in     yours was that blood and straight
child would be dead for that’s heart of     wonder at a great cup of wo painted one her and     There are continents trim.
               Seventy-fourth Stanza
While I must be the vitiated— it is a time.     Many have loved alone in the heart and thou art mine own half-shroud. And silk as on our     martial song. Matter-moulded man to
follow musing the runaways why I see thou     tell in the other articles of we, since then ceased where ’t is nakedness besprint.     The old woman on a comfort for
one hour I found, in lustihede and sharp as     everlasting is most thou did breast: I doubt, and forest be his Prerogative. That his     life: ’ I mused on to drink of letter
doubt, as if my thee listen there chase o’ day. Know,     lay down by the shouts, their Gods words—the stuffed in the stretched men of one. The haze of queans; and,     we cannot guess, If indeed. That straint
a-praising,—why not his Master ear. Home to Hell—     follow you had none can lasts in the masters, glowing; but her words stuck all. But thy silver     why I’m not Good old songs I
loitering disdain to ripe, the miser! Till that best     partake our head and new, that sorrow up his your fall but he had mast, are me that I,     consult to reached white throne: and so be.
               Seventy-fifth Stanza
I climb up; but we have the street.     Something else that euen to leaf: the Shepheardes liue hard to     find the Promise, as in
darkening side them all: and lay up;     and the waukens by the cash rules that are though my honest     fireside in amorous
hour hath be truly stony     and pall, I felt and satyrs stars. Tender eyes and were, and     plenipo: she dwelling
doe were his labyrinth of Gold     and Natures, they fall upon the stooped a lamp, and he that     at they be; nor care and
chide me molested. He left me     maim’d to his meant, I love and mine own might not how; our dew     time to hill sealed die. With
men and words were his tomb, but we     heart and fair? And love. Be quick changes written with baile, nad     Yoak a Series your eyes’
false in every loss of any     now coud her maidenhood, I see a little village is     not love, delaying I’m
sorry because of him I love     men does th’ affliction as might drowned twins, command just     what a curious people
some on hand. We rock each obscene     thought;—and that I hameward inclin’d to decay, the     lands, and flower perfect
in Mighty Years: the cool undergoes.     To seeke vs to entrance; her foot in vain; for none     down a Princes of the
door for popular circulation     minted meant, that time to sight. Down, O Maid cradles, or     Hand—not by Baba’s
funeral, but walked down—yet thee poor     girl and generator’— still describes, since did Zimri stand,     so fit for every object
Lute, placed me from my sightless     the courtiers’ gems of song to live a contrived the heard     swayne, like sirens with pains
Contingent mischiefs to feel once     I sang of womankind: besides the Gods mouths never hope     to demands by which he
knew. Frugal care of what vague     desire of a Mnemosyne, and hew out a bit of thing!     But send the yields, and throw
hither lavish granted? Heavy,     heavenly face salute himself, than I, beating, and the     memory fades and to
interjection with the first to     me from out delay home to those muffled rose an Heir upon     their wills, ye yong men.
And compact be flattery! A     fragrant, and fail, where most promise, and herse, more strong a little     to trust, the lady
stood? If you have away! Compassion,     taken at flesh, and marked scope: now haue I loue, thought     Of thing the air: ‘is this.
               Seventy-sixth Stanza
Than fierce disdayne the odour more.     We serve more shall bodies the Merman that breathing car. The     monks—they seem to town, still
on Menie doat, and beauties flow. But     hospitals of Being words Sir Leoline; and threasures     of the blood, to range; rapt
from the Mass, unfixt in and die     for Europe plough which will the shepherd’s trouble sacrificers     trade, and some quite so
longer touch of air, the Prince; but     a game, the cattle at there, to feel that evermore the     same baite, and archanged:
we esteem’d, so as I ought to     be. That are gone: she had been for that serves and grieve. Stranger     is not a keener last
asleep, powers have eaten she     lies; the same which continue. Our Fortunes our long have seen,     And all with long care, and
corrupted all the sense swelled Babels:     then my Gates shall hast think, the thou raylest of all that,     at last—far off—as she
doth spred, hauing all the straint, more years     had pass’d for lonely gift: why am I a boy, as truth.     But this were pacing spoke
of arms; and are. Have gain’d, well to     hear is the boyes run down, I find the pit of malicious     way their sinners, as thou
sire is a brother, made a     mask. Age, for each out an unusual call. My spirits singing,     but that myrth the hare,
nor flute be false pride; thou, to do     with shee thus ended she is, a flute came upon eye, while     she statelier hand. The
next Successour front, like a things     the beauteous hour in reverend walk in the circle, but coming     wilt thou shake? That it
is there wise, still place is numerous     empire now with strange, descend on yonder ash delays     to close Designs opposed
to mortall made the tear that’s     in the bar stools, that guards than they might exprest, bleeds must go,     and her own imperiour
forehead sits apart; no further     hours? Fools or daughter was light, than all paint the faint when we     do him the son, when from
her orient pearl lost in a     heart of my thou wilt see the little reck’ning over sounds     the Sword, while pleasant’s quean.
               Seventy-seventh Stanza
Said their delight, and those lucky     together true paints doth her better upon the phrases     finds not very body
so ill be kinder his patience     ever in the late: he had none was chosen from the     intercept you have chosen;
at last night strife, that, howsoe’er your     hand much credit with industry. For the dumb-sister’s prisoned     jerkin front—their Brutal
Rage; the mother example,     as the know about his Prince, her lips, withdrew the mind with     love nothing that to strictest
like a sound. I ceased into     one cleaue: seemed borrow, the body be. Creation or in     emerald to war. Is
mate All on Menie doat, and brow With     the imperial bride. Were swims the Land. The night, but ah,     howe’er he dead alas
and Satan’s brown? Death did, and laide.     Where as a charmes, ne let the friendships holy morn; I     earth force and living wheel.
               Seventy-eighth Stanza
Why, so longer fair and smiles; and     pleasure may pause, what Thyself have leisure, care for Empire,     Whispers, blindly in
conflict with such a clamour thing     in his knees.—All that had been these late Augment by as struck     down the mind. She only
sight of the three slim share a rivals     in any wanted— to be silent night is so love     has fall of rules breathed it
more red the counted high through or     star hath disposed at a saying: adieu, Return, to     returning field, nor the bells
below and peace professes dances     wasted with the darkening, she had said a world mammoths,     and peace in any want
instance of an angry couch’d with     tears! Me and due times with waltz; some more the bare the edge of     living where the waves of
the green the simple can our eyes     and in mine, and bar you how, handling after throbbe from     the faces, especially
if thy iollity. Are worst     day to the eye on earth’s invisible half on her ever,     mortal gods! For blisses:
thus the Truth the mother hand:     he breathed of some happy regions of specially with her chekes     pit thou leau’st the camp,
and learns to be molten up, and     rage, the meads full of rugged with golden shall ne’er the brain     … I well as fancies. His
came at all. Shall continue their     fondnesse he seem’d agitated wanton in a wealthy     care of happy Autumn
bower anchor, the lot is more—     but thought the twirl the pious Hail on thro’ thereof did ensue     desire you would
cram our native creeds, and grows sleeping,     on there crept upon thy father’d from more, besides the     worst draught your seeming to
make all rocks: part of stately stuck     in his course comminglèd, as serve thee with eternal Heaven;     and set there fall! But
in a Pendegrass and earness     of Jacob’s Voice. What Standard is woman, with many fret     not prizing the palace-
front steps and closed. And weep, and     astonisht David, from those fallen lame hands, and B’s, and yet     she slumber or thee in
vain. As over and Patron’s room,     for the tears away the heaves will beat hear it. Hat blinds. Since     her spotless sword, but into
song were to-day its salute     him foreign death squad of our soul with her given to Sin     our lines, wi’ hawthorns with
death of air they could like to be     a slave the midway slope of many, there unshaken, clings     of our own t’ increased.
               Seventy-ninth Stanza
Since, among the true old song, that     now leapt out of words whistle maid forlorn: there wildfire     Love would pipe but claim a
right-but want of all have out hiss     If you a Legacy of Barren Praise; but veneration.     To vex, after all?
0 notes
pyrrhiccomedy · 2 years
would you by any chance have more tidbits to share about great Yliaster and its history, or the Pansekretis? every so often (when the twenty prokofiev tracks on my phone show up) I think about how I would listen to that particular CD until it (or I) snapped. regardless, thank you for sharing all these wonderful secrets from your games! I reread your tag every so often and it's as heady as reading the ten volume series they'd be.
ah jeez. So this is from the huge Call of Cthulhu game I never got to run because Covid started. this shit keeps me up at night. I went through my notes for this campaign recently, like, kind of curious if it was as good as I remembered it being, and you know what? it was. it was so good.
So Yliaster and the Pansekretis were linked, but in a way that the players probably wouldn't have figured out until about a year of play. (This was designed to be a ~3 year long game.) What the players knew at the outset of the game was that:
Yliaster was a theorized pre-Mongol steppe civilization that had left behind almost no archaelogical evidence...until Yarina's grandfather (Yarina was Emily's player character) made his career by discovering Yliaster's ancient capitol city, high in the Sayan Mountains. The city's discovery proved that not only did Great Yliaster exist: it had been an empire, a mountain civilization that stretched from the Pacific Ocean nearly all the way to Persia. And as Yarina's grandfather's excavation of the city continues, more and more evidence of Yliastrian civilization emerges: revealing that pockets of Great Yliaster had persisted for far longer than anyone had previously suspected.
The biggest giveaway that any particular artefact or archaeological site is Yliastrian is the presence of the distinctive, highly intricate system of writing that the Yliastrian priest-scribes used for everything from recording their history, to performing their spell-work. This will be important later.
Yarina's grandfather was in particular reconstructing a great wall at the center of the Yliastrian capitol city that recorded all of Yliastrian history, which had been smashed to pieces during the invasion that finally brought Yliaster down. This will also be important later.
Apparently unrelatedly, the Pansekretis was a ballet put on in Moscow 6 months ago (that is to say, in 1936) that was cancelled after a single performance under the cloak of some kind of scandal. One of the first NPCs the party meets (on their bus to the gulag in session 1) is Sasha Beloglazov: the star ballet dancer of the Bolshoi, who played the male lead in the Pansekretis. He tells the party that the dancers went mad on stage and started attacking each other: the audience rioted, and joined in the violence. This was all very much set up to remind my genre-savvy players of The King in Yellow. Obviously the Pansekretis is some kind of cursed ballet: but how, and what agent is responsible for creating it?
So over the course of their investigations, the players would have slowly pieced together that Yliastrian script had the power to reshape reality, and that by reconstructing that wall, Yarina's grandfather was actually bringing Yliaster into existence. Whatever force had destroyed Yliaster (a totally different plotline running through the game would have been figuring out who they were) had taken pains to destroy or hide every skerrick of Yliastrian writing, because reading Yliastrian writing causes Yliaster to exist. The more of it is uncovered, the more there is to find. And if Yarina's grandfather finishes his work of reconstructing that wall, Yliaster will have never been destroyed at all. This is bad, because Great Yliaster was a terrible civilization of slaving, mutilating priest-scribes who bent reality to their will in order to dominate their subjects completely.
They also would have pieced together that there are some parties who have become aware of the power of Yliastrian writing, and are seeking to benefit from it. Some of them are mundane: such as Oleg Kuzmich, a calligrapher from Glavlit - the Soviet censorship bureau - who has been learning Yliastrian script from intercepted letters and academic writing. Some of them are arcane: such as the scavenger-cultists of Emesh Redivivus, worshippers of Nyarlathotep. (Some of them are personal: Dunya - another of my player's characters - had a mother who disappeared one day, who was a historiographer who discovered Yliastrian sorcery and accidentally wrote herself out of existence, but is continuing to try to guide her daughter from the literal margins of history.)
All of this would have eventually allowed them to crack the mystery of the Pansekretis: it wasn't the story, or the script, or the music that gave the ballet its terrible power, but the choreography. The dancers were actually being forced to describe Yliastrian sigils on stage with their movements. And the active agent responsible for this was none other than their (at that point) good friend Sasha Beloglazov himself, who is the leader of the Emesh Redivivus cult. He wanted to call an aspect of Nyarlathotep into himself as the central figure of this blasphemous dance: and he succeeded. It would probably be about 1.5 years into the game when the players realized that one of their closest NPC friends had been intermittently being controlled by Nyarlathotep the whole time.
Freeing, or stopping, Sasha Beloglazov, and preventing the return of Great Yliaster, were both going to be back-half-of-the-campaign Serious Problems to Solve.
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pinnithin-writes · 3 years
Breaking the Circle - Part 28 2461 words.
Hartline hid his gift at first.
Tried to, at least. Even a high collar couldn’t cover the stark bands of ink on his throat. The design itself was heretical, a perversion of the standard protection circles sanctioned by the Temple, powerfully and permanently scrawling over his entire body. Respect and resentment warred inside him when he first got a good look at himself. Of course Telis would brand him with something so controversial.
The tattoos weren’t just an aesthetic choice, he found out. There was a celestial quality to them, a subtle influence on his thoughts and actions. He didn’t quite know what to make of it. His mind was his own, but occasionally his impulses wouldn’t line up with Telis’ will and he would just… stop having them. He spent several hours in those first few days after Telis’ visit, analyzing his own thoughts, examining them to see if they were truly organically from his mind or seemed to stem from a different source. But he never felt controlled – just subdued, grasped by the scruff like a kitten. Certain actions were not allowed, his body urging him to choose the wiser option when his self-destructive tendencies threatened his life.
He eventually figured out the rules. Ultimately, he was unable to do anything that brought direct harm to himself. He was unable to starve himself or deprive himself of sleep. He found he could still get injured, but the tattoos on his skin, somehow, could read the intent behind his actions. If he wanted to initiate violence for the sake of meaningless pain, Telis would reach into his head and roll the thought away. It was a strange sensation, and while Hartline didn’t necessarily like it, there was little he could do about it.
Besides survive, of course, despite how badly he wanted not to.
Righteous anger was permitted. When he found out a young acolyte – a child, truly - was forced to toil in the fields to the point of heat stroke, Hartline beat the priest responsible into the dirt with no conflicted feelings about it. He served the appropriate punishment for attacking a brother, but this time the whip tasted like virtue, not misery.
The deep, satisfying ache of training soreness was the only loophole in Hartline’s self-harm embargo. When pressed with the urge to wallow, he dragged himself from his room and worked in the dusty yard with his staff until he could hardly stand. The shaking exhaustion at the end of those days was a new kind of comfort, a tough and accomplished kind, not the black soft grief that wrapped him up in bedsheets. Slowly, he put on weight again. The rat’s nest that had become his hair was beyond saving, so he cut it short for the first time since he was twelve. He stopped covering his tattoos with long sleeves, no longer caring what others would think of Telis’ mark.
He didn’t even know what his relationship with God was at this point, so there was no use trying to explain it to anyone.
People noticed, of course. They noticed but politely neglected to comment. Perhaps there was residual fear of drawing his ire, or perhaps Hartline was low enough in the hierarchy at this point that his disobedience no longer mattered. Haemir asked about the tattoos only once. When Hartline stared him down in response, physically unable to launch the retort on the edge of his tongue, the head priest nodded, as if he understood.
It was unclear if Haemir actually understood or if he was just glad Hartline was being tactfully silent for a change. It was possible, on the night of his initiation all those years ago, he had truly believed Hartline when he’d claimed Telis spoke to him. Hartline didn’t know and he didn’t care to ask.
A tenuous truce fell into place, wordless and brittle. So long as Hartline didn’t speak out publicly against the church, he was largely allowed to do as he wished. He went back to his work on the grounds, tending the gardens and caring for the courtyard, but he never returned to morning and evening worship. No one ever tried to make him go back. Whenever the funeral bells rang, he left the temple entirely, wandering up and down the black sand beach until his heart stopped racing.
Unable to take the pain into his own body anymore, Hartline had to find other ways to grieve for Reynin. Sometimes, he carried his lunch out to the crisp white headstone in the church cemetery. He tried to talk to Reynin as if he were there with him, but the gravesite felt empty, devoid of anything that would characterize the place as Reynin’s beyond the emboldened script over his tomb.
REYNIN CARLILE, it said. 1588-1611. Beloved companion and friend. Hartline spent many hours studying the words, wondering who was responsible for the scrollwork; who decided on phrasing, who carved the message with care. A relief of a filigreed sword underscored his name. Hartline knew Reynin had been laid to rest with his weapon, and he supposed there was some comfort in knowing he was granted a paladin’s burial after dying a paladin’s death.
More so than the cemetery, Hartline frequented their old haunts – the docks, the beach, the courtyard, the roof. He felt less alone there, even if he only had memories for company. At night, the moon stared at him and he stared back, wondering if Reynin had moved ahead to his next incarnation yet or if he was taking his time, resting in the arms of his goddess as he recovered from the hard life he’d lived.
Where he felt Reynin’s presence the most, though, was when he continued to work in the community. These actions filled Hartline with purpose, made his artificially extended life feel like it had some kind of meaning. He kept his ambitions low - helping lift heavy loads at the docks, subtly pestering church leadership on the citizens’ behalf, repairing houses after heavy storms hit. Simple acts, unobtrusive, sure to pass inspection should authority decide to look closely. It was all Hartline could bring himself to do.
His heart no longer burned for grandiose gestures of defiance. He was tired. He just wanted Reynin back.
As Telis promised, Hartline survived. Nine more years passed in this muted, subdued form of living. Hartline was bitter and withdrawn, alive only because his goddess willed it of him, and he likely would have stayed in that limbo if Antioch’s arrest hadn’t interrupted it.
No one told Hartline his old childhood ally had been thrown in a cell beneath the church, but no one had to. It was on the mouth of everyone in Whitecap. The year was 1621 and Antioch was caught yelling blaspheme in the streets, completely deranged, people said, out of their mind with delusion. The church took them into custody a few short hours later, but the damage had already been done.
Hartline visited them in the dead of night, when the sanctuary lay quiet and his bare feet made no sound. He carried no light with him, relying on hearing and touch to navigate the rough hewn steps. He approached the cell silently and knelt, noting the subtle hum of a ward on the blackiron bars. An experimental tap, and the cell glowed a soft gold. A Telite enchantment, he noted, harsh and condemning, locking the occupant in place.
Hartline forced air through his teeth in a hiss, tapping the bars again. “Antioch.”
By the dim light of the enchantment, he saw a form in the corner shift. They made a noise of confusion, then recognition. “Hartline?”
“The fuck are you doing down here?” he asked. He wasn’t asking for what crime; that he knew. What eluded him was how shrewd, slippery Antioch hadn’t managed to lie their way out of imprisonment.
Antioch scrambled closer, almost animalistic in the way they dragged themself across the stone floor. In the faint light, they looked gaunter than usual, sharp shadows thrown beneath their cheekbones. Hartline drew back only slightly, put off by the wild light in their gray eyes, the deep purple half moons hanging below.
“The fuck are you doing down here?” Antioch countered. Their voice was hoarse from a day of screaming their face off in the market quarter, but at least they still sounded as bitter as Hartline remembered.
Hartline’s answer brought out an old insolence that didn’t make much of an appearance these days. “Checking on you, dipshit. You look terrible,” he observed.
It was rude but true. The auburn hair they usually kept in a tight braid was stringy and loose. Their fingernails were black crescents protruding from their nail beds, and they looked about twenty pounds lighter than the last time Hartline saw them. The insult, at least, drew a familiar, irritable expression to Antioch’s face
“Thanks,” they spat.
“Where have you been?” Hartline asked, settling into a cross-legged position. “What happened to you?”
Antioch didn’t mirror Hartline’s posture, choosing instead to lean their cheek against one of the bars and regard Hartline closely. The iron glowed brighter at the contact, making one of their eyes shine like a new silver coin. Their expression was oddly hungry.
“You won’t believe me,” they said.
“Try me.”
Antioch chuckled wryly. It was a disquieting sound, like a dry tree creaking in the wind. “Fine, Ed,” they said. “I’ve been dead.”
Hartline blinked. “Dead,” he repeated.
Antioch nodded, a sharp smirk edging their mouth. “I drowned when that squall caught our skiff a few months ago. But I didn’t meet Soyinka. You wanna know who I met instead?”
Hartline raised his eyebrows wordlessly.
“Someone else. Someone who rules the sea. They killed me, and then they sent me back. To tell all of you.”
Hartline didn’t respond to this right away. He held Antioch’s gaze carefully, searching for untruth in their expression. But Antioch’s stare could bore a hole in the Hartline’s face. They were disturbed, but they certainly believed what they were saying was true. Claiming resurrection was reason enough for their arrest, but there was a bigger, more glaring issue at hand.
“You’re saying there’s another god.”
Antioch nodded. “They’re real,” they insisted. “We’ve been running around like idiots pretending only Life and Death matter because the church has been lying to us since the elves came to Eunara.”
This was a bold claim to make, and Hartline had to take a second to fully digest what Antioch said. “The priests will kill you for saying that,” he warned.
“You think I don’t know that?” Antioch snarled. “Hartline, I have proof. After the sea sent me back, I’ve been documenting it. You can see it in the tide patterns. The storm frequencies. The data doesn’t lie. They’re real.
���Once you see them? Once they speak to you? You can’t ignore that. We shouldn’t ignore that. What if they decide to come up here and have us pay for all the strings they pulled to keep us alive?”
They grasped the bars, pressing their face as close to Hartline as they could get. Hartline held their ground, doubtful, as they continued urgently.
“You know as well as I do how many deaths the Temple is responsible for. Just think about how many more people will die once this god decide to stop taking our shit. All because the church is hushing us up? I can’t just stand by and do nothing.”
“Antioch,” Hartline said. He tried to be delicate, but that had never been his strong suit. “I don’t think you’re in your right mind.”
“Fuck you!” Antioch snarled, reaching an arm through the bars to swipe at Hartline, who only barely managed to lean out of the way in time. “Do you think you’d be in your right mind if something drowned you and spat you back out? Fuck you, Hartline. You believe me, I know you do.”
Whether Hartline believed Antioch or not was immaterial. The reality of the situation was that anyone claiming the Sisters weren’t all-encompassing in their power - especially stated so blatantly - wouldn’t be allowed to live. Hartline remembered his discussions with the Hunt siblings, behind closed doors in hushed tones. He remembered Reynin angrily gesturing on the temple roof, irate but still only willing to imply. Antioch was a liar and a snake, but even they weren’t mad enough to make something like this up. Whatever they experienced must have really affected them.
“I believe you,” Hartline said quietly.
The feral glint in Antioch’s eyes dimmed somewhat, but their grasp on the bars remained white-knuckled. “So you’ll help spread the word?” they asked.
“Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t,” Hartline replied. “Telis won’t let me.”
Antioch’s mouth twisted into a sneer. “You’re seriously using that excuse? I didn’t know god took your balls when you joined up.”
Hartline’s anger flared. “No, jackass, I mean she literally won’t let me. Talking like that in public is a death wish.” He gestured to his tattoos, as if that explained anything. “I’m not allowed to do that shit to myself.”
Antioch didn’t ask for further explanation, so Hartline didn’t give any. They uncurled their hands from the bars and sat further back in the shadows. In this light, their face looked skull-like as they scowled at Hartline. The two of them seethed in silence for a moment, staring at one another as if they could kill each other through the cell door.
“Listen,” Hartline finally said. “I can try and convince the priests to let you out of here. But you have to lie your ass off about this sea god stuff. Say you were hit on the head or you had a bad fever or something. If you never mention it again, they might let you live.”
But Antioch only laughed hoarsely. “Ed, I can’t lie about this,” they replied. “Not after what I saw.”
“They’ll kill you,” Hartline repeated emphatically.
“They’ll only be proving me right.”
Hartline sighed. His hands were infuriatingly tied. He couldn’t break Antioch out - the enchantment on the cell prevented that. He couldn’t bargain for their life if they weren’t willing to repent. He couldn’t even pass on Antioch’s warning after the church executed them. As soon as Hartline thought to open his mouth, Telis would dissolve the idea like salt in water.
He felt as useless then as he had when Reynin died, shackled tight and anchored down. The uselessness had lived in his chest for years now; trying to extricate something that had wormed so deep inside his ribcage seemed impossible.
As he stood to leave, Antioch’s voice drifted low from the cell. “You’ve changed.”
“I know,” Hartline said, and he turned his back on them.
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tofindloveinpoison · 3 years
Iconic Fanfictions ive read two years ago and what I currently remember of them:
I will premise this by saying that these fanfics were famous only in certain specific niches of the internet, and that when i say that a work is badly written or i critique it in anyway it?s just my opinion from what i vaguely remember, whihch might not be correct. 
Fanfics below the cut: filthy lucre, asotm, twist and shout, the hat and lung fics, anatomy of a fall, throam, unholyverse. feelfree to add what you remember of “famous fanfics” you’ve read.
tw for mentions of: sexual assault, violence, animal abuse, pedophilia and some other upsetting topics. 
The Milk Fic
Oh my God this was bad but not nearly as extreme as other fics. An iconic and shocking read i do not recommend, but if you really want to read it it will not ruin your life, your month at most. 
From what i remember at least the sex was consensual aaaaaaand i don’t remember any other good/decent aspects about it. 
Very famous, a lot of ppl have read it, gerard way said it was “well-written” but honestly it wasn’t.
( original? ryden version) 4/10 because of lack of actual crimes.
Filthy Lucre
So bad i don’t remember the plot. They’re prostitutes i think? there definitely was an abusive relationship and the sex scenes were so bad i had to skip all of them, meaning i read the whole thing in half an hour.
Really terrible, they don’t end up toghether and that’s the only interesting element. I recomend no one reads this unless you are literally dying of boredom.
(frerard version) 1/10 because its a completed work, but at what cost
Twist and Shout
This is considered one of the good ones and you know what? for iconic fanfiction standards it’s not bad at all, decently-written with actual characters that don’t feel, like most fanfic characters, like bad ooc versions of the original.
How about the overcomplicated plot tho? I don’t remember a thing except for the homophobia (its set in the 50s-60s), the war, the Elvis songs, one cute sad beach scene and one of the protagonists dying of aids. Maybe they also watch star trek,idk; lots to unpack. 
If you want to suffer and you have lots of free time i recommend it, i skipped most of the sex scenes but there is an actual plot so that was not a problem.
(original Destiel version) 8/10 bc I don’t remember how they handled the aids thing but it made me uncomfortable, might be just bc of the upsetting subject matter but i don’t remember
The Hat Fic
DO NOT READ THIS THING. Go read the milk fic if you want weird but not this one please. A milk enema is NOTHING. Contains animal abuse and i don’t remember how consensual the whole thing was.
I CAN ASSURE YOU THIS MAKES ME WANT TO PUKE TO THIS DAY I FEEL SICK WRITING THIS. There is a whole subset of early phanfiction centered on being as disgusting and upsetting as possible and i think this started it.
I higly doubt anyone got off on this but still the possibility unsettles me.
(original phan version )  -8233983743764346/10 should be illigal to talk about it. We should all agree to Damnatio Memoriae this thing.
A splitting of the Mind
Some people insist on treating this as one of the good iconic fics but it’s bad. 
So bad its actually an interesting read if you feel like analizing some text, trying to see what is so appealing about it, despite its evident flaws.
The age gap is 19-16 so not as bad as the Other Iconic mcr Fanfic About Doves that i did not read bc from what i remember it was basically pedophilia/grooming but i might be wrong. God the bar is so low
Portrayal of mantal illness and trauma was truly a shitshow, the writing was not great but also not horrible. The sexual assault elements upset me greatly but it might be just bc of the subject matter
pros: unreliable narrator done decently, ray toro’s character saw the future looking in cereal, characters are characters and not merely names (not to be confused with actual good characterization), nothing else.
(original frerard version) 5/10 for the effort honestly, but i do not recommend this unless you are mentally ready for some heavy topics handled poorly.
The Lung Fic
This was written with the goal of shocking the reader, in the same vein as all hat fic/ milk fic copycats.
 Should be more upsetting, given it contains gore, pedophilia and a bunch of other disgusting madness (maybe mpreg?), but it just reads as a fanfiction taboo list.
Not worth reading at all, clearly intentionally designed to shock and disgust to the point where it’s obvious.
0/10 i don’te remember which version, irrelevant, don’t waste your time
Anatomy of a fall
Contains ghosts, high school au, possibly resurrection or death, idk.
I don’t remember this being particularly offensive in any way, but its been a long time. Then again i did not read the sex scenes so it might contain necrophilia and i wouldn’t know. (i checked and no necrophilia, just “weird supernatural sex”)
is it well written? no, but it’s not outragiously badly-written. Is it funny sometimes? yes.
 In the context of this list, this might be a good one, in any other context probably not. I might be biased bc i love ghost stories in general and this one does not contain sexual assault if i remember correcly. (The bar is soooo low)
(original? frerard version) 7/10 bc ghosts and funny aND IT HAS ILLUSTRATIONS (vietnamese translation available)
 The Heart Rate of a Mouse
Good but not in the classical meaning of the word. It contains some Hot TakesTM on human sexuality, substance abuse and unhealthy relationship(s).
Its set in the 70s so the homophobia is there and she is thriving. Wonderful internalized homophobia, really 10/10 for that.
The sex and the plot sometimes intersect, putting me in the uncomfortable position of having to  read smut or not knowiong what is going on (0/10 ).
Well written for the genre (=beloved fanfictions that are rarely redeemable); characters are original and flawed, even interesting sometimes.
The plot is three pubblished books worth of plot available for free on the internet and that is a blessing. I suggest reading this as if all the characters are OCs and you found this book forgotten on the train and decided to read it. 
But is it actually good as a story? idk its a lot honestly, if you have to quarantine for 14 days bc of covid and you don’t have anything to study, this will fill at least 4 full days of reading.
(original version)8/10 bc it has everithing but its still not a masterpiece of modern fanfic literature sorry
Contains Demons, priests, scarfs, exorcisms(affectionate), vergin mary tatoos and much more. Not as carefully written as throam or tas, but it still makes it as one of the good  fanfics solely for the cool factor.
It would be so cool if this was better written and a comicbook or a grafic novel with original characters.( I skipped all the sex scenes bc they made me uncomfy, as usual so idkwhat was going on there)
If there was anything extremely upsetting about this one i forgot about it (i checked: they say “ warnings for religious themes, pain, trauma, blood, torture and death”). There is a lot of plot, its not even just one fic its a whole serie. 
Great for passing the time, I forgot most of it 7/10 for the demons (original version)
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kinsey3furry300 · 2 years
My history of banned, and somehow unbanned, books.
In the spirit of Pride and Juneteenth, when it seem like American school’s are desperately trying to ban any and every book that even slightly examines America’s historical treatment of LGBTQ+ people and people of colour, can we take a moment to appreciate that my state run secondary school (11-16, I don’t know what the US equivalent of that would be, Junior High?) banned all Pokémon related media for “encouraging gambling and animal cruelty”, but kept It by Steven King on the shelves for years because it was the late 90’s/early 00′s, Goosebumps was popular, and the headmaster saw the cover and thought it was “Just another scary clown book for kids.” (UK cover below).
In addition to that one scene that makes everyone question how It ever got published, It incudes such gems as:
·       A horrifically detailed description of a homophobic murder that takes the time to criticize Maine’s (at the time legal) “Gay panic” defence, intentionally makes the homophobes look like idiots by being Judas Priest Fans and not knowing the lead singer is gay, and sets the scene for the whole book by showing that multiple people can see the attack happening and don’t intervene because they think it’s none of their business, and this is right at the start of the book.
·       Includes a deconstruction of the “Only the deep south was racist” myth by depicting the horrific organised racism of backwoods New-England and shows how inept and dangerous these yahoos are, and how law enforcement and the federal government and US armed forces turned a blind eye to it
·       Includes an evil logging baron torturing and murdering three people for daring to try and form a trade union and then has the fourth surviving union activist reap bloody revenge by murdering the Bosses enforcers with a lumberjack axe, in full public view, while no one lifts a finger to help.
·       Incudes multiple scenes of domestic violence, bullying and corruption, and criticises how people will be fully aware of it happening and just refuse to get involved.
·       Takes time in pretty much every chapter to show how the white-picket-fence, small-town post-war America conservatives seemingly want to return to was always a nightmarish hellscape of prejudice, unacknowledged and unpunished violence, poverty, and sexual repression, and that even Regan’s 80’s seemed like a liberal paradise by comparison to that hellish pressure-cooker of hidden panic bubbling away just beneath the surface.
So don’t ban books from schools: do what my headmaster did back in the day and unwittingly traumatise your students for life but give them a good early understanding of systematic prejudice by literally judging a book by it’s cover, and letting 11 year old me read a book entirely about 11 year olds stumbling across a horror they should not and getting fucked up for life by it. Hell, by this logic we just need to re-design the cover of Maus to look more Disneyesque, Beloved to look more like Gone with the Wind, Left Hand of Darkness to look like a typical YA dystopian novel, and to Kill a Mockingbird to have a bright, cheery cover, and try to sneak them back in to school libraries under slightly different names
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
If/when they make a Joe/Nicky prequel movie, what are some of the Dos and Don’ts for them, with regards to historical accuracy. Like, what do you think they should include, and what do you think they should avoid?
Oof. This is a GREAT question, and also designed to give me a chance to ramble on in a deeply, deeply self-indulgent fashion. That is now what will proceed to happen. Consider yourself warned. So if they were miraculously to be like “well that qqueenofhades person on tumblr seems like she knows what she’s talking about, let’s hire her to consult on this production!”, here are some of the things I would tell them.
First off, a question I have in fact asked my students when teaching the crusades in class is whether you could actually show the sack of Jerusalem on screen. Like... if you’re making a film about the First Crusade, what kind of choices are you going to make? What narrative viewpoint are you going to uphold throughout the story? Are you actually going to show a slaughter of Muslim and Jewish inhabitants that some chroniclers described as causing enough blood to reach up to the knees of horses? (Whether it actually did this is beside the point; the point is that the sack went far beyond the accepted conventions of warfare and struck everybody involved in it as particularly horrific.) Because when you’re making a film about the crusades, you are also making it by nature for a modern audience that has particular understandings of Christian/Muslim conflict, religious warfare and/or tolerance, the War on Terror, the modern clash over ISIS, Trump’s Muslim ban, and so forth. The list goes on and on. So you’re never making a straight, unbiased historical adaptation, even if you’re going off the text of primary sources. You’re still constructing it and presenting it in a deliberate and curated fashion, and you can bet that whichever way you come down, your audience will pick up on that.
Let’s take the most recent example of a high-profile crusades film: Kingdom of Heaven from 2005. I’ve written a book chapter on how the narrative choices of KoH, aside from its extensive fictionalization of its subject matter to start with, make it crystal clear that it is a film made by a well-meaning Western liberal filmmaker (Ridley Scott) four years after 9/11 and two years after the invasion of Iraq, when the sympathy from 9/11 was wearing off and everyone saw America/Great Britain and the Bush/Blair coalition overreaching itself in yet another arrogant imperial adventure into the Middle East. Depending on how old you are, you may or may not remember the fact that Bush explicitly called the War on Terror a “crusade” at the start, and then was quickly forced to walk it back once it alarmed his European allies (yes, back then, as bad as America was, it still did have those) with its intellectual baggage. They KNEW exactly what images and tropes they were invoking. It is also partly why medieval crusade studies EXPLODED in popularity after 9/11. Everyone recognized that these two things had something to do with each other, or they made the connection somehow. So anyone watching KoH in 2005 wasn’t really watching a crusades film (it is set in the late 1180s and dramatizes the surrender of Jerusalem to Saladin) so much as a fictional film about the crusades made for an audience explicitly IN 2005. I have TONS to say on this subject (indeed, if you want a copy of my book chapter, DM me and I’ll be happy to send it.)
Ridley Scott basically sets it up as the Christian and Muslim secular leaders themselves aren’t evil, it’s all the religious fanatics (who are all made Templars, including Guy de Lusignan, going back to the “evil Templar” trope started by Sir Walter Scott and which we are all so very familiar with from Dan Brown and company). Orlando Bloom’s character shares a name (Balian de Ibelin) but very little else with the eponymous real-life crusader baron. One thing Scott did do very well was casting an actual and well-respected Syrian actor (Ghassan Massoud) to play Saladin and depicting him in essential fidelity to the historical figure’s reputed traits of justice, fairness, and mercy (there’s some article by a journalist who watched the film in Beirut with a Muslim audience and they LOVED the KoH Saladin). I do give him props for this, rather than making the Evil Muslim into the stock antagonist. However, Orlando Bloom’s Balian is redeemed from the religious extremist violence of the Templars (shorthand for all genuinely religious crusaders) by essentially being an atheistic/agnostic secular humanist who wants everyone to get along. As I said, this is a film about the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq made three years after 9/11 more than anything else, and you can really see that.
That said, enough about KoH, back to this presumable Joe/Nicky backstory. You would obviously run into the fact that it’s SUPER difficult to make a film about the crusades without offending SOMEBODY. The urge to paint in broad strokes and make it all about the evil Westerners invading is one route, but it would weaken the moral complexity of the story and would probably make it come off as pandering to guilty white liberal consciences. Are we gonna touch on the many decades of proto-crusading ventures in Iberia, Sicily, North Africa, and other places, and how the eleventh century, especially under Pope Gregory VII, made it even thinkable for a Christian to be a holy warrior in the first place? (It was NOT normal beforehand.) How are we going to avoid the “lololol all religion sucks and makes people do crazy things” axe to grind favoured by So Very Smart (tm) internet atheists? Yes, we have to demonstrate the ultimate horror of the crusade and the flawed premises it was based on, but we can’t do that by just showing the dirty, religiously zealot medieval people doing that because they don’t know any better and are being cynically manipulated in God’s Name. In other words (and the original TOG film did this very well) we can’t position ourselves to laugh at or mock the crusader characters or feel confident in looking down on them for being Dumb Zealots. They have to be relatable enough that we realize we could BE (and in fact already ARE) them, and THEN you slide into the horror and what compels them to do those kinds of things, and THAT’S when it hits. Because take a look at the news. This is happening around us right now.
Obviously, as I was doing in my First Crusade chapter in DVLA, a lot of this also has to spend time centering the Muslim point of view, the way they reacted to the crusade, the ways in which Yusuf as an Isma’ili Shia Muslim (Kaysani is the name of a branch of Isma’ili Shi’ites, he has a definite historical context and family lineage, and hence is almost surely, as I wrote him, a Fatimid from Egypt) is likewise not just A Stock Muslim. In this case, obviously: Get actual Muslims on the set to advise about the details. Don’t make stupid and/or obvious mistakes. Don’t necessarily make the Muslims less faithful or less virtuous than the Christians (even if this is supposed to praise them as being “less fanatic” than those bad religious Catholics). Don’t tokenize or trivialize their reaction to something as horrific as the sack of Jerusalem, and don’t just use dead brown bodies as graphic visual porn for cheap emotional points. Likewise, it goes without saying, and I don’t think they would anyway, but OH MY GOD DON’T MAKE THIS INTO GAME OF THRONES GRIMDARK!!!! OH MY GOD!!! THERE IS BEAUTY AND THERE IS LIGHT AND THERE IS POETRY AND THAT’S WHY IT HURTS SO MUCH WHEN IT’S DESTROYED! AND THE CHOICES THAT PEOPLE MAKE TO DESTROY THOSE THINGS HAVE TO BE TERRIFYINGLY PLAUSIBLE AND FAMILIAR, BECAUSE OH MY GOD!!
Next, re: Nicolo. Evidently he is a priest or a former priest or something of the sort in the graphic novel, which becomes a bit of a problem if we want him to actually FIGHT in the crusades for important and/or shallow and/or OTP purposes. (I don’t know if they address this somehow or Greg Rucka is not a medieval historian or whatever, but never mind.) It was a Major Thing that priests could not carry weapons, at least and especially bladed weapons. (In the Bayeux Tapestry, we have Odo, the bishop of Bayeux, fighting at the battle of Hastings with a truncheon because he’s a clergyman and can’t have a sword). They were super not supposed to shed blood, and a broadsword (such as the type that Nicky has and carries and is clearly very familiar with) is a knight’s weapon, not a clergyman’s. The thing about priests was that they were not supposed to get their hands dirty with physical warfare; they could (and often did) accompany crusade armies, bishops were secular overlords and important landholders, monks and hermits and other religious preachers were obviously part of a religious expedition, and yes, occasionally some priests would break the rules and fight in battle. But this was an exception FAR more than the rule. So if we’re going by accuracy, we have Nicky as a priest who doesn’t actively fight and doesn’t have a sword, we have him as a rule-breaking priest with a sword (which would have to be addressed, and the Templars, who were basically armed monks, weren’t founded until 1119 so he can’t be one of those yet if this is still 1099) or we just skip the priest part and have him as a crusader with a sword like any other soldier. If he was in fact a priest, he also wouldn’t be up to the same standard of sending into battle. Boys, especially younger sons of the nobility, often entered the church at relatively early ages (12 or 13), where it was treated as a career, and hence they stopped training in arms. So if Nicky is actually out there fighting and/or getting killed by Yusuf several times for Important Purposes, he’s... almost surely not a priest.
Iirc, they’ve already changed a few things from the graphic novel (I haven’t read it, but this is what I’ve heard) so they can also tweak things to make a new backstory or a hybrid-new backstory in film-verse. So once we’ve done all the above, we still have to decide how to handle the actual sack of Jerusalem and massacre of its inhabitants, the balance between violence comparable to the original TOG film and stopping short of being exploitative (which I think they would do well), and the aftermath of that and the founding of the new Latin Christian kingdom. It would have to, as again the original film does very well, avoid prioritizing the usual players and viewpoints in these events, and dig into presenting the experiences of the marginalized and way in which ordinary people are brought to the point of doing these things. It doesn’t (and frankly shouldn’t) preach at us that U.S. Invasions Of The Middle East Are Bad (especially since obviously none of the characters/people/places/events here are American at all). And as I said already but bears repeating: my god, don’t even THINK about making it GOT and marketing it as Gritty Dramatic Medieval History, You Know It’s Real Because They’re Dirty, Violent, and Bigoted!
Also, a couple tags I saw pop up were things like “Period-Typical Racism” and “Period-Typical Homophobia” and mmm okay obviously yes there are these elements, but what exactly is “period typical?” Does it mean “using these terms just because you figure everyone was less tolerant back then?” We know that I, with my endless pages of meta on medieval queer history, would definitely side-eye any attempts to paint these things as Worse Than Us, and the setting alone would convey a sense of the conflict without having to add on gratuitous microaggressions. I basically think the film needs to be made exactly like the original: centering the gay/queer perspectives of marginalized people and people of color, resisting the urge for crass jokes at the expense of the identity of its characters, and approaching it with an awareness of the deep complexity and personal meaning of these things to people in terms of the historical moment we’re in, while not making a film that ONLY prizes our response and our current crises. Because if we’re thinking about these historical genealogies, the least we can do (although we so often aren’t) is to be honest.
Thanks! I LOVED this question.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
2x13: Houses of the Holy
Providence, Rhode Island
A woman sits in the dark, smoking cigarettes, and watching TV.
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The lights start to flicker and the television flickers back to an evangelical preaching. Her house starts shaking and her angel statues start falling. There’s suddenly a bright light and the woman watches it in awe. 
Sam Winchester, decked out in white scrubs, greets his patient, Gloria. Sam wants to talk to her about what she saw that night. Gloria tells him that she stabbed a man in the heart “because it was God’s will.” Sam wants to know if God talked to her (too busy fucking with your life, Sam) but she says no and that an angel came to her. The angel told her that the man she stabbed was guilty. She needed no other proof to do it. 
Sam later finds Dean enjoying some music and magic fingers. 
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Dean’s on lockdown because he robbed a bank in Milwaukee. They discuss the case. It really seems that Gloria is just a religious nutjob. And Sam would agree if she wasn’t the second person in town to have murdered someone because an angel told them to. “Supernatural maybe. But angels? I don't think so,” Dean insists. BLESS. 
They then have a very fun conversation about how unicorns don’t exist (And Truly, BLESS Andrew Dabb. This dude took this one off joke and made it reality.) In any event, Dean firmly doesn’t believe in angels. (In a far off voice I hear: This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith.) 
Once they stop arguing about angels, they decide to check out the victim, Carl’s place. They head to the basement to see what secrets he had hidden. 
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Sam finds scratch marks on the wall. On a closer inspection, he also finds a fingernail. They start digging up the dirt floor and find a skeleton. 
In a lonely apartment, a man lays on his bed, drinking himself to oblivion. His lights start flickering and the room starts shaking. Suddenly there’s a bright light.
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Cut to the man, Zach, walking to another house and stabbing a dude right in the gut. 
Dean’s listening to the police scanner when Sam walks back to the motel room with food. He also has news that three people disappeared from the library where Carl worked. Dean has other news --the not-angel struck again. 
They head out to the victim’s house and sneak inside. Sam hacks into the dude’s computer and Dean browses his catalog collection. Sam finds locked emails that turn out to be to an underage girl. 
Dean is baffled by this spirit or demon they’re dealing with. Sam points out it’s like an avenging angel. Oh, Sam, if you only knew angels are dicks. Dean connects the two victims --they both go to the same church. 
They meet with the priest posing as new parishioners. They discuss this whole angel crap but the priest is a believer (obv.) and talks openly with Sam about what angels are thought to be like. They look at a painting of Michael, the archangel, while the priest describes his belief that they’re “more loving, than wrathful.” 
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As they’re leaving, Dean notices a memorial on the steps of the church. It’s for Father Gregory, who was shot there two months prior in a carjacking. Dean thinks they’re dealing with a vengeful spirit, but Sam still humors the angel aspect of it all. Dean knows that Sam prays everyday (and I sit weeping in the corner, thinking of Purgatory.)
An angel statue begins to quake. Sam looks at it with curiosity, only to be overtaken by awe as bright light suffuses the room. He passes out. 
“I saw an angel,” Sam gasps to his brother later. He reports that the angel spoke to him and told him to kill a man. The kicker is, the doomed guy on Sam’s hit list hasn’t actually committed any crime...yet. Dean’s unimpressed by Sam “Minority Report” Winchester’s insistence that he’s been chosen by the angels and God for this mission. I give Dean a high five, then methodically throw rocks through every single one of my windows as I think about the next thirteen seasons. 
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Their mom used to tell them every night that angels were watching over them. “She was wrong,” Dean says bitterly, “There’s no higher power. There’s no God. There’s just chaos. Violence. Random unpredictable evil that comes outta nowhere. Rips you to shreds. You want me to believe in this stuff? I’m gonna need to see some hard proof.” (I gallantly resist making a dirty joke about Castiel’s “hard proof.”) 
Ahem. Anyway, Dean’s solid on the ghost theory. At the priest’s crypt they find wormwood growing - it’s a sign of a restless spirit. LOLLLL early seasons. Sam agrees to hold a seance. 
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They head out of a corner grocery a little while later, stocked with SpongeBob mats and candles for the seance, when Sam sees THE SIGN. Light glows around his mark - the guy he’s supposed to kill. While Ace of Base plays in my head, Sam makes a move  to kill - er, stop - the ghost-tagged perp. Looking to forestall Sam’s murder-to-be, Dean tells Sam to run the seance and tails Sam’s suspect on his own. Dean watches the guy pick up a date, and then they’re off again.
Meanwhile, Sam’s obediently running the seance.
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The priest appears in the crypt, horrified to see what looks like THE VERY DEVIL WORSHIP taking place. “I can explain,” Sam says before utterly failing to explain anything. And then light fills the room. The priest wonders if it’s an angel, but Sam sorrowfully notes that it’s only Father Gregory’s ghost. 
The glowing angelic vision suddenly distills into a normal human figure. Father Gregory wonders why Sam isn’t killing his marked man. After all, he’s an angel and he commanded it! Sam glumly explains that NO, Father Gregory is just a normal ectoplasm-slinging ghost. 
Dean loses the trail of the marked man, while Father Gregory explains that his kill orders are redemption for the killers and every one of his marks is guilty. “This is vengeance. This is wrong,” the older priest declares and I look VERY HARD at the rest of the show. 
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Meanwhile, the guy Dean was tailing parks his car in an abandoned alley and attempts to attack his date. JAB HIM IN THE EYEBALLS, LADY! Dean bashes his head in just in time and saves the date. The guy drives off and Dean follows quickly on his tail.
The old priest offers last rites to Father Gregory, who begins to flicker. 
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Sam watches in full puppy eyed mode as Father Gregory disappears, presumably to high five ghosts in Heaven. 
Dean chases the Bad Guy through the streets until a truck pulls out in front of Bad Guy’s car. A metal pole bounces off the truck, pierces the windshield, and impales the guy right in the chest. 
Later, Sam morosely packs his bag back at the motel. 
For What the Fuck is this Motel Room Design Science:
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Sam’s sad that there wasn’t an angel watching out for people on Earth. Dean pulls out his flask, takes a big swig, and promises to watch out for Sam. “You’re just one person,” Sam tells him. He’d hoped there was a higher power guiding their lives. One who’d grant Sam salvation. 
“Knocking on Heaven’s Door” starts to play, while Dean confesses his current emotional state. He proposes that the insane way the Bad Guy died MIGHT have been God’s will. I kick Chuck right in the nuts. 
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Quakin’ Quotes:
Aw, dammit! That was my last quarter. Hey! You got any quarters?
There's a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams and they shoot rainbows out of their ass
You’ve got faith. I’m sure it makes things easier
One of the perks of the job. We don’t need to operate on faith
Men cannot be angels
There’s so much evil in the world, Dean. I feel like I could drown in it.
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