#high and low jdrama
itagakimizuki · 7 months
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get a man hasegawa makoto that can do both
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rainisawriter · 11 months
Worth the Risk (Yuken)
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Genre: Fluff, slice of life
Word Count: 4,484
Pairing: Reader x Yuken
World: High&Low
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The bedroom was dark, the house silent as the rest of your family slept. A tiny sliver of moonlight was shining through the curtains, falling across the round clock that sat on the wall opposite the window.
You glanced at it and scowled in frustration, forcing your eyes closed once more. Only three minutes have passed since the last time you checked, though it felt as if an hour had passed. It was only three in the morning and you should be sleeping, but excitement was swatting at the sandman every time he tried to get close.
Rolling onto your side, you grabbed your phone off the bedside table and tapped the power button. A smile immediately came to your face when your eyes fell on the wallpaper.
It was a picture of you and Yuken from a few months ago, both of you smiling brightly. He had snuck his hand up behind your head at the last moment, using his fingers to make it look like you had tiny bunny ears.
The two of you lived nearly ten hours away from each other so you rarely got to see him outside of video calls. While the two of you spoke daily, it did feel hard sometimes. You missed the gentle way he held you and the subtle scent of his cologne filling your nose. You missed running your fingers through his silky hair and the feel of his plush lips against your own.
You gently rubbed your thumb over the screen, glancing at the time again. Another three minutes had passed, but you were feeling less annoyed after having seen his face. You never understood it, but he had this strange effect on you. Whenever you were sad or angry, he could flip your mood around with a single look or a few words whispered into your ear.
Seeing his face was enough because you knew that, in just a few hour’s time, you would be on the road toward Toaru city. It was going to be a long, torturous trip, but it would be worth it in the end. 
More importantly, you had decided not to tell him you were coming because you wanted to surprise him. You couldn’t wait to see his shocked expression when you appeared on his doorstep. Taking one last look at the photo, you returned the phone to the table before burying yourself under the covers.
After forcing yourself to lie still for ten minutes, you were finally able to drift off, dreaming of the man you loved so dearly.
You stared out the train window with narrowed eyes, arms folded over your chest. Your finger was tapping roughly against your arm, leg bouncing up and down quickly to show off your annoyance. The scenery outside was still as the train sat, unmoving, on the tracks.
“Calm down,” chuckled your father, his eyes dancing with amusement as he peered at you over his newspaper.
“Why aren’t we moving? We’ve been sitting still for nearly twenty minutes!”
He quirked a brow before glancing at his watch. “It’s only been ten, dear.”
“Same thing!” You threw your hands up in frustration. “What do you think is going on?”
He hummed. “Perhaps a portal opened up and they’re trying to decide if it’ll take us to Hogwarts.”
“Dad, I’m serious!” You sent him an exasperated look and he chuckled.
“Calm down,” he set the newspaper onto the seat beside him before standing up. “I’ll see what I can find out.” He paused, sending you a grin. “Don’t get taken by a dementor!”
You rolled your eyes at his antics but a smile came to your lips despite the frustration you felt. You kept glancing between the window and the aisle as you waited for your father to return. About eight minutes later, he was sitting down across from you once more.
You looked at him expectantly but he just resumed reading his newspaper as if you weren’t waiting for him to speak. You narrowed your eyes at him, attempting to bore a hole into him. When you saw the corners of his lips twitch, you knew he was doing it just to annoy you. 
“Hm? Yes, sweety?” He looked at you innocently yet he couldn’t hold back his shit-eating grin or the amusement dancing in his eyes.
“I swear, I’m going to pour coffee into the toaster when we get home.”
The grin immediately fell into a frown. “Not toasty! He’s old, you know!”
You rolled your eyes, giving him an exasperated look. “Sometimes I wonder which of us is the actual parent…”
He snickered. “A flink of cows were crossing the tracks so they’re trying together them out of the way.”
You blinked at him dumbly. “A flink?”
He nodded and the two of you just stared at each other.
When you realized he had no intention of explaining himself, you asked, “What the hell is a flink?”
“How do you not know?” He sent you a disappointed look, shaking his head. “A group of twelve cows is called a flink. What are they teaching you at that school?”
You scoffed in disbelief. “Unless someone plans to become a farmer, no one needs to know that information, dad. You and your useless information, I swear…”
“Hey, one day my useless information will come in handy and you’ll be grateful!”
“When? When would that ever possibly come in handy?”
“Well…” he tapped his chin in thought for a moment. “Say we get kidnapped -“
“Oh my god.”
“Right? That would be shocking.”
You sent him a deadpan look which he promptly ignored.
“Say the kidnapper is a quiz enthusiast. Maybe he was inspired by the Saw franchise. He looks over at us and says, ‘If you can answer a random question, I’ll set you free. If you fail, I’ll cut off eight limbs with a rusty hacksaw.'”
He purposefully made his voice deep and gravelly when he said this, clearly trying to imitate the ‘killer.’ This caught the attention of the woman sitting in the opposite aisle and she sent him a strange, horrified look. You returned it with an apologetic smile.
“Oi, dad, I don’t think -“
“If he asks about a group of twelve cows, I’ve just saved both of our lives.”
“He would never ask that!”
“You’re right, we live in the city so he’d be more likely to ask where the word ‘squirrel’ originated from.”
“Dad -“
“It originated from the Greek words ‘skia’ and ‘oura’ which translates to Shadow Tail!” He grinned, sending you a look as if waiting for you to praise him for his knowledge.
Instead, you just exhaled sharply, pinching the bridge of your nose. You could feel a headache coming on and there were still five hours to go before arriving in Toaru city. You loved your dad, but sometimes he was just too much of a headache.
After five more unwanted facts about squirrels, the train slowly started to lurch forward, the tracks squealing as it picked up speed.
“Finally,” you muttered, turning your gaze toward the window as the scenery started to pass by in a blur. 
With a satisfied nod, he picked up his newspaper and continued where he had left off, finally giving you some peace and quiet.
You frowned, pulling the phone away from your ear. It was the fifth time you’ve called Yuken since arriving in the city and, each time, it went straight to voice mail. He wasn’t answering any of his text messages, either.
You had stopped by his home, as well, but his sister claimed that he hadn’t returned home from school yet. It was only five in the afternoon so this wasn’t too unusual, she claimed. He oftentimes didn’t return home until well after the sun had set.
What was unusual, though, was the fact that he was completely ghosting you. Unless he was sleeping, he always made time to answer your call or, at the very least, text you to let you know he was busy at the moment and couldn’t talk. You couldn’t remember a single time he had ignored you like this.
When the two of you first started dating, Yuken made you promise never to visit Housen without him. He claimed it was unsafe and he didn’t know what he would do if anything happened to you. Honestly, that was fine with you, but now? Now, you were considering breaking that promise.
Maybe you were just overreacting because the situation was unusual, but something felt off to you. There was a feeling that had settled in your gut upon first stepping off the train and it hadn’t gone away. You couldn’t put a name to it, though you knew it wasn’t anything positive.
The trip to Housen was uneventful, but you realized quickly why he didn’t want you to go there alone. The students were all large, beefy males with bald heads. They stared at you through narrowed eyes, watching every move you made as you slowly headed into the school. Honestly, you had to wonder if you were at the right place.
Surely Yuken would be bald, as well, if he attended this school, but you had run your fingers through his silky locks on more than one occasion and you knew it was real.
“Can I help you?”
Your head snapped to the side at the voice, seeing a tall, brown-haired male standing in the middle of the hallway. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his grey uniform. A thick bandage was taped to his left cheek, eye bruised, a cut on his chin and his lip split. 
“Oh, um…” you shifted your weight, rubbing the back of your neck. “I’m looking for Odajima Yuken.”
Monji’s eyes narrowed at you suspiciously as he sized you up. You didn’t seem like a spy from another school and you had a different aura than the people he usually faced. He was confident in his ability to tell who was a threat and who wasn’t and he was sure that you were no threat. Even so, he wouldn’t let his guard down, as is expected of Housen’s future leader.
“Why are you looking for him?”
“He’s my boyfriend.”
Monji was caught off guard, eyes widening. Had he heard you correctly or was his concussion messing with his hearing? “E-Eh? What did you just say?”
“Yuken is my boyfriend,” you repeated with a frown, taking a worried step closer to him. “I’ve been calling him all day but he isn’t answering and I’m really worried!”
He could see the genuine concern within your eyes but he was still hooked on the claim that Yuken was your boyfriend. The taller male hadn’t mentioned anything about you nor had he dropped any hints that he was dating someone. “Can you prove it?”
“Huh?” You blinked dumbly.
“Prove that you’re dating him.”
You didn’t feel as if you needed to prove anything to this man, honestly, but your worry for Yuken was stronger and you would do anything if it meant you got to see him and know that he was okay. Tugging your phone from your pocket, you unlocked it before holding it out.
Monji took a step closer, eyes narrowed at the screen. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting and he was left completely surprised to see a picture of yourself and Yuken, embracing each other and smiling.
“Here’s your proof, now please go get him!”
“He’s not here,” frowned Monji, folding his arms over his chest. “But I’ll take you to him.”
“Where is he?”
“The hospital.”
Your eyes widened in shock, heart skipping a beat. “What? Is he okay?!”
“He will be,” he nodded, brushing past you and toward the door. “Odajima-senpai is one of our strongest members.”
With a confused frown, you started after him. Perhaps following someone you didn’t know was a bad idea yet you did so without hesitation, more concerned about your boyfriend than your own safety.
Yuken sat up in bed, eating a cup of jello as he watched the tiny TV mounted against the wall. His leg was in a cast, propped up atop a stack of pillows. A white bandage was wrapped around his right arm and shoulder, a purple bruise resting against his cheek.
“It’s mine,” scowled Jinkawa as he tried to grab the chocolate pudding. “I called it first!”
Shidaken scowled, his own hand attempting to grab the pudding cup. “What, are you five? You can’t just claim something like that!”
“I just did!”
Sawamura sighed deeply. “If you’re going to argue, do it quietly. If the nurse scolds us again, she’s going to make us leave!”
Sabakan snickered from the bathroom as he looked into the mirror, fixing up his hair. “You’re yelling, too, Sawamura-kun.”
The bald male scowled at the comment, realizing Sabakan was right. What was he supposed to do, though? Those two didn’t respond to anything else. Half the time, they didn’t even respond to the yelling.
“First come, first serve,” snapped Jinkawa. “Eat the vanilla.”
“No way! The vanilla is sugar-free and tastes like ass!”
“Oh, how do you know what ass tastes like?” Sabakan quirked a brow as he stepped out of the bathroom. A smirk slid onto his lips when Shidaken’s face turned red at the implication.
“S-Shut up!”
“Stop yelling,” hissed Sawamura, glancing at the door when he heard footsteps out in the hall. “Yuken-san, say something to them.”
Yuken quirked a brow as the four boys turned to stare at him, waiting for him to speak. Honestly, he didn’t care one way or another, he just wanted to enjoy his jello in peace. Their arguing was giving him a major headache, too.
With a sigh, he placed his jello cup down and reached for the pudding. They held it tightly, making him scowl as he had to force it from their grip. Pulling the lid off, he grabbed a spoon and began to dip it out onto the empty plate sitting on the table. He created two piles on either side of the plate until the cup was empty.
“Happy now?”
The two males blinked at the plate for a moment before scowling and voicing their complaints. It was hard to understand what they were saying as they spoke over each other but they clearly weren’t happy. One thing he managed to understand was that, apparently, the piles were not even.
With a groan, his head fell back against the pillow, hand covering his eyes as the two started to argue over which pile they deserved. 
As Monji approached Yuken’s room, he hesitated. He could hear the commotion inside and knew that the others had stayed with Yuken since the accident. They were a lot closer to him than Monji was so he worried about how they would take this news.
He had no doubt in his mind that Yuken kept you a secret to keep you safe and he had to wonder if he was doing the right thing by bringing you here. Perhaps he should have called ahead first to ensure that the other boys weren’t around.
You reached for the door but he held his hand up to stop you, earning a confused look.
“There’s something you need to know first…”
Your brow furrowed and you glanced nervously at the door. “How… how bad is he?”
“It’s not that, it’s just -“
There was a loud noise from inside the room, followed by the yelling of two males. With a racing heart, you pushed Monji out of the way and rushed into the room. The sound of the door slamming open caught the attention of the males inside, save for Jinkawa and Shidaken who were on the floor, wrestling.
Yuken felt the breath leave his lungs when he saw you and he tried to push himself up, wincing as pain shot through his leg. You rushed over to his side with a frown, quickly scanning his wounds.
“Don’t move,” you scolded softly, hand on his chest to stop him from getting up. 
He breathed out your name, hand resting over your own. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” you frowned. “You weren’t answering your phone and I got worried…”
“Ah, my phone…” He winced at the thought of his poor phone being drowned in the river. Sabakan had managed to find it, but despite days of sitting in rice, he had lost hope that his phone would dry out enough to be usable again. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
You smiled softly, brushing his hair behind his ear. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” Your eyes flickered to his leg and your smile dropped a bit. “Well, mostly. What in the world happened?”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry,” he pouted. “I’m fine.”
You scoffed. “A broken leg isn’t nothing. And look at your beautiful face…” You gently brushed your thumb over the bruise.
Sawamura blinked dumbly at you, his gaze flickering to Monji and back. “Uh… who are you?”
Yuken cursed mentally when he realized that the two of you weren’t alone. Before he could speak, though, you straightened your back and introduced yourself to the bald male.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you bowed politely. 
Sawamura bowed back, brow furrowed in confusion. “How do you know, Yuken-san?”
Yuken tried to call out your name to stop you but you were quicker, responding without hesitation.
“He’s my boyfriend!”
The room went dead silent. Even Jinkawa and Shidaken finally stopped fighting, staring at you in disbelief. Yuken held back a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose because he knew what was coming.
In the blink of an eye, Jinkawa, Shikaden and Sabakan surrounded the two of you, screaming out questions that overlapped one another, making it impossible to distinguish what was being said.
You backed up against the bedside table, holding your hands up in surrender as you smiled nervously at the large men surrounding you. 
“Oi!” yelled Yuken with a scowl, grabbing Shikaden’s arm since he was the closest. “Knock it off!”
He scowled back in response. “How could you not tell us?!”
Jinkawa nodded, arms folded over his chest. “Seriously, Odajima! Not only are you dating someone, but you’re dating someone this cute and you didn’t tell us? I’m offended!”
Sabakan leaned toward you curiously, hand on his chin. “I’m curious how the two of you met. I mean, you’re clearly out of his league.”
“Hey!” Yuken’s scowl deepened at the insult. “This is why I didn’t tell you idiots.”
“How long have you been dating?” demanded Jinkawa, his dark eyes falling on you.
“Oh, um…” you glanced at your boyfriend and he sent you an apologetic look. “About a year -“
“A year?!” The three chorused loudly.
“Guys!” hissed Sawamura but it was too late.
The door was slammed open, a middle-aged woman appearing in the doorway with fire in her eyes. “That’s it! I’ve told you brats to keep it down five times and I’ve had enough! All of you, out!”
“But -” Jinkawa tried to protest but even he winced when her glare fell on him. He quickly bowed his head, muttering an apology before quickly leaving the room with the others following suit. 
Her eyes fell on you and you winced under the weight of her glare. “You, too!”
Yuken’s arm wrapped around your waist, tugging you down onto the bed beside him. His chin rested on your shoulder as he sent the nurse a pout. “If you kick everyone out, I’ll get lonely.”
She pursed her lips in thought, hands on her hips. After a tense moment of silence, she finally gave in to his request. “Fine, but if you create a ruckus like those boys, you’re out. Understand?”
You nodded quickly and when she finally left the room, you released the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. 
Yuken chuckled softly. “She’s terrifying, right? I’ve never seen anyone put those guys into their place like that. It’s pretty amusing.”
You hummed, shifting on the bed so you could see him better. “As long as she’s taking care of you properly.”
“She’s a great nurse, don’t worry.” He leaned toward you, forehead resting against your own. “I’m sorry for worrying you, love. I should have called.”
“Don’t apologize. You getting rest and healing is more important.” You scanned his face with a frown, brushing the hair from his face. “Will you tell me what happened?”
He really didn’t want to because, truth be told, he felt embarrassed. Yuken was a strong man, a fighter who rarely lost to anyone. He took pride in his strength and his long-standing win streak and yet… the great Odajima Yuken had been bested.
By a fish.
The thought made him scowl, hand running through his hair in frustration.
“Yuken,” you stressed with a sigh. “If you’re trying to protect me, you’re a bit late.”
“Huh?” His head snapped toward you, eyes wide. “What do you mean? Were you hurt?”
“No,” you shook your head, chuckling at his reaction. His concern did bring about a warm feeling within your chest, though. “I’ve known since the day we met that you’re a delinquent.”
“How?” His brow furrowed as confusion and frustration collided within him. He had gone out of his way to ensure that you never found out about the lifestyle he had chosen only for you to tell him it had been all for naught.
“Your sister told me,” you admitted, offering him a sheepish smile. “That first week when we started to hang out with each other, she saw us on one of our dates. Before I left town, she tracked me down and told me that I needed to be careful.”
Yuken groaned, letting himself fall back against the pillow. “Damn it, nee-chan…”
You chuckled softly, hand resting on his stomach. “She was looking out for both of us. She didn’t want us to get close only for me to find out the truth the hard way and then break your heart.”
For a moment, he considered your words, his eyes finding yours. “You stayed…”
“I did. I knew the risks but… I believed the reward was worth the risk.”
“And was it?” he asked softly, his hand finding yours.
You couldn’t stop the smile that came to your lips as you leaned closer. “Yeah… it was definitely worth it.”
He grinned, propping himself up on his elbows so he could close the distance, claiming your lips. You didn’t hesitate to return it, head tilted to the side to deepen the kiss.
The two of you broke apart, heads snapping toward the door. Jinkawa and Shikaden were peering around the door with grins on their faces. Even the nurse was standing beside them with a warm smile on her face. When she realized she had been caught, her cheeks darkened and she cleared her throat.
“I told you boys to leave!” Her voice lacked the bite it had possessed earlier. She shooed them away, ignoring their protests.
Yuken sent you an apologetic look. “Sorry about them. They can be… a bit much.”
You chuckled. “So it seems, but they also seem nice. I’m looking forward to getting to know them.”
His eyes lit up with surprise. “You want to?”
“Your friends are my friends.” You paused for a moment before adding, “If you’re okay with that, I mean.”
“Absolutely,” he breathed, arms slipping around your waist so he could pull you against his body. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too~ Now tell me what happened.”
He groaned, hugging you tighter. “Can’t you just forget about it?”
“Your leg is broken,” you scoffed. “Doesn’t exactly heal overnight, you know.”
“Fine, I’ll tell you,” he sighed, sending you a serious look when you sat up. “But you can’t laugh.”
“Scout’s honor,” you replied seriously, holding one hand up while placing the other over your heart.
He was quiet for a moment before sighing. “I was fishing with a friend of mine. It was a slow day and we barely got any bites. Then, out of nowhere, there was a heavy tug on my rod. It nearly flew into the river but I managed to catch it in time. This fish was huge, baby, and he was putting up quite the fight.”
You nodded as you listened to the story, taking note of how his eyes lit up as he recalled the memory. His hands were re-enacting it, as well, as if he could feel the rod in his hands once more.
“Todoroki-chan told me to cut the line when I was nearly pulled into the water, but I refused. I dug in my heels, determined to catch him!” He scowled at the window, eyes narrowed. “He was determined not to be caught, though, and, well…”
“Well?” You quirked a brow, waiting patiently.
A small dusting of pink came to his cheeks as he folded his arms over his chest. “I was pulled into the river…”
“You broke your leg from just falling in the river?”
“I didn’t let the rod go and the bastard dragged me through the water until I hit the large buoy… I tried to brace myself with my feet…”
“Ouch,” you winced at the thought, a frown on your lips. “Why didn’t you let go of the rod?”
“It was my favorite one… a Rodeo Ride Reviver 70XH Battle Cry with a limited edition dragon design printed on it! I barely slept for two weeks because I was trying to win it through a radio show and I finally got it! Take that, Yamisaka, you bastard.“
You stared at him for a moment, blinking slowly. When the words finally sank in, you couldn’t help but chuckle, bringing your hand to your mouth.
He frowned at you, arms folded over his chest. “You said you wouldn’t laugh… scout’s honor, remember?”
“I was never a scout,” you grinned.
He gasped dramatically, hand over his heart. “The betrayal…”
“I wasn’t laughing at you. I just didn’t realize you were so into fishing,” you explained with a smile. “You’re so cute when you’re talking about it.”
Yuken quirked a brow. “Am I not cute when I’m not talking about it?”
“Hmm…” You pretended to think about it, tapping your chin.
“Oi,” he scowled, nudging you with his uninjured leg. “That’s not something you should have to think about, ya know.”
“You’re always cute. You’re just cuter when you’re talking about your passions.”
A smile came to his lips, warmth filling him. He held his arms out and you didn’t hesitate to move closer, resting against his chest as his arms encircled you. Yuken wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve you but he was determined to never let you go.
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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hyugaruma · 9 months
I saw that your request are open,how would Murayama try to attract attention of the girl he liked, after realizing that he liked him?
Murayama: When He Likes You
re: murayama likes you. this is how he tries to show it
thanks for the req! i may have read your request a little wrong…? oops…so i hope this is okay!!
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• If you are in school or have a job, Murayama will make it a point to randomly show up to walk you to or from these places and home. Part of him just likes spending the time with you, but another more protective side of him likes to make sure you’re safe if you’re walking across town to get where you need to be. He’ll act all casual about it, making excuses like he was “just in the area,” but it’ll happen often enough that you know his intentions.
• He’s a big texter. Like, not normally, but if he’s interested in you then he’ll try to text you as much as possible. Usually it’ll be random things like a question he has on his mind, or something that happened during his day that he thought to share with you. Maybe a funny picture he took of Seki picking his nose. Just whatever, doesn’t really matter, he just likes chatting with you even when he can’t be with you. You’re on his mind a lot. He likes calling too, but there’s something nice and easy about sending you a text whenever he finds himself thinking of things to say to you.
• Speaking of calling, he loves an occasional late night phone call. Usually if it’s really late, and everyone else is sleeping but sleep is having trouble finding him. Murayama will text you asking if you’re still awake, and if you are, he’ll ask if it’s okay to talk on the phone. He really just likes hearing your voice; it relaxes him.
• Even though he likes texting and calling you, he likes seeing you in person even more. Murayama will constantly try to make plans with you, even if it’s something simple like running to the convenience store to grab a quick snack. There’s no end to the amount of time Murayama could spend with you; he’ll give you space if you need or want it, but if you allow him to, he could hangout with you everyday. He’s just working up the courage to ask if those casual “hangouts” can become a date someday.
• One thing he likes to do is invite you to watch his fights. Nothing big or serious, but playful spars between him and friends or him and the other Oya delinquents. He’d love it if you cheered him on, because he really just wants to impress you. There’s no way he’s going to lose with you watching him. Also, he’ll ask you to clean any booboos he gets afterwards, half jokingly, but also half hoping you’ll say yes.
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yuujismom · 7 months
Why no one make any J-drama & K-drama fanfic bestie!?! T^T
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save-the-data · 9 months
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High&Low: The Story of S.W.O.R.D. | S01E06
Japanese Drama - 2015, 10 episodes
Episodes | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Netflix
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whumpetywhump · 1 year
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High & Low: The Worst X (2023)
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minniesstar · 1 year
high&low is so underrated🫠 i wish it was more popular so there would be more ff n overall just more content for all the characters.I am in desperate need for fujio n murayama ffs rn😧
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chaoticriderlessb · 5 months
My extreme tiredness has been inspired by my own housecleaning chores to write some stuff with our sassy Daruma king.
Hyuga with a stubborn and very tired younger sister over chores.
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First off, his sister could be the type of person who gets hangry, and it's worse if she's also tired.
Hyuga would be used to it...until she gives him an attitude that he isn't a fan of.
There is no such thing as disrespect in this family, and he will not tolerate it from her.
His sister planned on going to bed, early, one day, as soon as she got home. Those plans were ruined as soon as her big brother reminded her of her chores.
"Wha?! No! C'mon, Norihisa! I'm way too tired!"
"I don't care. You told me you would get it done, yesterday. Yet, here we are. You should've gone to bed, last night, like you were supposed to."
"Ah, shut up, Nori! I'll take care of it, tomorrow! I swear!"
"No. You'll take care of it, now. You can sleep, afterwards. And don't take that tone with me. You know the rules of this house."
"Dammit! I don't care! You're such a jerk! I'm not in the mood for doing stupid chores! I'm going to bed."
But she knew she made a mistake when he raised an eyebrow at her, looking clearly irritated. He was always scary when he was mad.
Before she could think about running, he was picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Hey!! Nori!! Put me down! Norihisa!!" She would hit his back, scream, and put up a fight while he carried her over to where she was supposed to be, knowing how much she hated being picked up. "Nori, put me down!!"
Whenever she was like this, he would roll his eyes and ignore the beatings on his back.
Once in the room where she was supposed to be, he would "throw" her down onto the floor.
"Ouch!! Really?!"
Hyuga would never lift a harmful finger on his little sister...but times like this, just looking threatening was enough to make her drop the attitude, real quick. He was always wordless about it, too. And even when he wasn't, he never raised his voice at her.
If she still kept it up, he would step toward her with an angry look...you did not want to get the Daruma leader angry.
"Whoa! Ok...ok!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Nori!! I'll do it, I'll do it!"
Hyuga would then toss her a cleaning cloth to her, keeping that irritated raised eyebrow look on his face.
"Don't ever talk to me like that, again. Ya hear? I'm your brother, not your enemy. I know you're tired, but the sooner you get this done, the sooner you can sleep."
Then comes the one thing he really hated while she lived under his roof: the puppy eyes, and the lip tremble. "Nori...." And the hurt in her voice.
The corner of his lip would twitch. He hated scaring her like that, regardless if she brought it upon herself or not.
His face softened, and he rolled his eyes.
"Don't do a half-assed job, please...."
And just because he enjoyed being her big jerk of a brother, he would snack on something while making sure she got her chores done, knowing well that her attitude was partially her being hungry.
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darumaikkah · 1 year
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leeknowslaughh · 3 months
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I’m not exactly sure what I will do with my life when Wind Breaker ends next week (the anime). BUT if anyone is also feeling the same way, please check out the High & Low movies on Netflix!!!!
I’ve said it many times, but Wind Breaker is SO HnL coded. I think it shares a lot more similarities with The Worst movie and The Worst X movie than it does Tokyo Revengers.
Also, if you’re a NCT fan, Yuta was in High and Low The Worst X!! There’s not really a reason to watch the movies in a particular order (I started with The Worst and then X and filtered down that way).
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lovingtakeru · 1 year
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ amamiya brothers ࿐ྂ
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itagakimizuki · 2 years
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AKIHISA SHIONO as Odajima Yuken —HIGH&LOW THE WORST Cross (2022)
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rainisawriter · 11 months
Sweet Giant – Rao (ITYc2)
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༻ITYC Ficography༺ ༻ITYC Tag
Genre: Comedy, fluff, slice of life
Word Count: 1,986
Pairing: Reader x Rao
World: High&Low
I Trope You! Challenge #: 2 – Furniture Blockade @itropeyou
“Oi, get back here so I can murder you!”
You cursed under your breath as you ran down the hall of Oya Kou, shoving other students out of the way. You could hear his thundering footsteps getting closer and you knew you had to make a decision before you got caught.
Your eyes darted back and forth across the hall as you looked for an escape route. As soon as you spotted an open door, you darted inside, slamming the door shut. There was a tall wooden storage shelf beside the door and you grabbed it, pulling with all your strength until it fell in front of the door.
You could hear him roaring your name, nearly upon you now. With another curse, you started piling the desks on top of the shelf, jumping back when it started to rattle.
“Get out here, you coward! I’m going to murder you!”
You honestly didn’t doubt it. Yasushi was insane and you knew he might actually kill you if he got his hands on you. You scanned the room, looking for a place to hide. No, he would tear the room apart looking for you.
One of the desks fell off the pile from the sheer force he was using. ‘It’s not going to hold!’ You bit your lip, looking at the window. It was a dumb choice but it was the only choice you had.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the window open, the cold autumn air hitting you in the face. The ground seemed farther than it actually was and you swallowed hard, rethinking your decision.
Yasushi managed to get the door open a crack, his arm slipping through to try and shove the desks out of the way.
It was now or never.
Do or die.
Taking a deep breath, you carefully slipped your leg over the sill. You ducked beneath the window, jumping when the pile of desks were thrown across the room. The shelf scraped across the linoleum floor as the door was slowly pushed open.
You pulled the rest of your body out the window, clutching onto the sill for dear life as you looked over your shoulder at the ground below. The door was finally opened enough for Yasushi to squeeze through and, despite the fear you felt, you couldn’t help but snort at his neon pink hair.
“Hah?! You have the nerve to laugh after what you’ve done?!” He growled, rushing toward you.
You cried out in surprise, jumping from the window. He reached out to you, fingers brushing against yours but he was unable to grab you. Your body hit the ground hard, startling the group of boys standing nearby. They looked at you in shock, eyes wide.
Clenching your teeth in pain, you slapped your hand atop a desk sitting in the courtyard, pulling yourself to your feet. Your ankle protested but you knew Yasushi was making his way toward you and you knew you couldn’t stick around. Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself forward, heading for the school’s gate.
Your number one priority was to get somewhere safe, far away from both Oya and the hot-headed blonde. ‘Well… I suppose he’s a pinkette now,’ you snickered, though it died as soon as you put weight on your ankle. It wasn’t broken, you knew, but it certainly was not having a good time.
Using the wall for support, you walked as quickly as you could.
You could hear Yasushi screaming in the courtyard, demanding to know where you had gone. Oya was notorious for their students being loyal to their own factions. Since you didn’t belong to a faction, they had no loyalty to you and, though they didn’t belong to the YasuKiyo faction, they weren’t dumb enough to go against Oya’s psycho.
They weren’t as dumb as you and that was a bit depressing to think about. To be fair, you had been dared to do it and you weren’t the type of person to stand down from a challenge. 
“When I find you, I’m going to kill you! I know you hear me, you brat!”
You winced, slipping into an alley. You really should have chosen truth instead… Heavy footsteps were heading in your direction and you quickly ducked down beside an overflowing trash can. The smell nearly made you gag but you managed to catch yourself, slapping your hand over your mouth and nose.
The footsteps stopped at the end of the alley and you tensed up, holding your breath. A heavy silence seemed to settle over you for an uncomfortably long amount of time. Was he still there? You were too afraid to check. With your luck, he would be standing on the other side of the trashcan, waiting to grab you as soon as you peer your head around. 
You were nearly out of air and, just as you started to remove your hand to breathe, you heard his boots hitting the pavement, heading away from the alley. Your heart raced within your chest and you continued holding your breath until you couldn’t anymore, sucking in a gulp of air.
As you stood up, you winced in pain. 
What were you supposed to do now? Yasushi wasn’t the type of man who forgave easily and he never forgets when he’s been wronged. You’d have to avoid Oya for a while. 
Possibly even the rest of your life.
You sighed deeply, running a hand through your hair. “I’m such a dumbass.”
You fell onto the curb with a sigh, suppressing a shiver when the wind picked up. The sun was low on the horizon, barely visible behind the buildings. Leaves littered the ground, an ombre of orange, brown and red. They scraped across the ground whenever the wind blew, the sound echoing through the quiet night.
You untied your shoe, hissing as you slid it off your foot. Even with your sock on, you could tell it was swollen and it was sore to the touch. All you wanted to do was return home and curl up under your warm comforter. How could you, though, when you lived right next door to the psycho you had pissed off? The walls were thin and he’d definitely hear it if you came home.
You groaned, falling back onto the sidewalk and closing your eyes. The cement was ice-cold through your clothes, bringing goosebumps to your skin. Thunder rumbled softly in the distance and you groaned again. Normally, you adored the rain, but not when it was cold outside and you had nowhere safe to stay.
The sound of footsteps made you tense up but you didn’t open your eyes, hoping that it wasn’t Yasushi come to actually end your existence. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
You released the breath you had been holding when you realized it wasn’t him. Opening your eyes, you found an extremely tall, well-built guy towering over you. He was looking down at you with no expression, though you could see a hint of worry lingering in her dark eyes.
“Oh, uh, yeah… yeah, I’m fine.” You offered him a sheepish smile as you pulled yourself up into a sitting position. As you slid your foot back into your shoe, you hissed in pain.
“Doesn’t sound like you’re okay,” he commented, squatting down beside you so he could see your foot better. He still towered over you easily and you hoped he had no beef with Oya.
If he did, there was no way you could hold your own against this guy. He was just radiating raw strength and power – it was almost stifling.
“What happened?” he wondered, glancing at you.
“I, uh… fell…” You rubbed the back of your neck, finding it hard to admit that you had jumped from the second floor just to avoid the consequences of your actions. “But I’m fine!” You replied quickly, pulling yourself to your feet. “Excuse me.”
You bowed your head to him before turning and starting down the street. Only… your ankle chose that moment to decide it had had enough, giving out beneath you. You closed your eyes, waiting to hit the cold cement.
Strong arms wrapped around your waist, holding you against a firm chest. Warm breath hit your ear when he spoke. “Let me help you home.”
“Ah, no, that’s not necessary…” You forced a smile, trying to pull away. He allowed you to do so, yet he kept his hand on your arm just in case.
“You can’t walk,” he frowned, brow furrowed. 
“I can’t go home right now, okay? I’ll just…” you rubbed the back of your neck with a frown, glancing at the opposite end of the street. “Find a park or somethin’.”
“It’s supposed to rain tonight. You’ll catch your death if you spend the night in the park.” Rao scanned you, considering for a moment. Many kids who came to the orphanage were running from abusive families and he had to wonder if you were doing the same.
To him, you were clearly lying about how you came to be injured. Now, you claimed you couldn’t go home, choosing instead to weather the cold instead.
“You can stay with me.”
Your head snapped toward him, eyes wide, and he realized he had phrased it poorly.
Shifting his weight, he motioned toward the orphanage behind him. “We have spare rooms. You can stay here tonight.”
You glanced at the building, taking note of several older kids peering out the window curiously. When they saw you, they darted back behind the curtain. “Are you sure that’s okay?”
He nodded, getting a firm grip on your arm before he began leading you toward the building.
“Thank you,” you replied softly before introducing yourself to him.
He smiled down at you, his brown eyes warm. “My name is Mario. Misaki Mario.”
“Nice to meet you, Misaki-san.”
“Just call me Mario,” he told you softly, pushing the door open. Several kids were peaking their heads around the doorway, looking at you curiously. When he noticed them, he frowned. “You guys are supposed to be in bed.”
“We were curious, nii-chan,” replied a young girl with black hair. Her dark eyes met yours and she frowned. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you replied with a small smile. “Just hurt my ankle.”
“I’ll get the ice pack!” She stated before turning and rushing off.
“No fair, I wanted to get it!” cried a young boy as he rushed after her.
“I’ll get the pain meds.”
“I’ll grab a blanket!”
“I’ll get the snacks!”
Rao chuckled, shaking his head before leading you over to the living room where an old couch sat. It was full of holes and it creaked sadly when you sat down. “Prop your foot up on the table.”
You lifted your foot and –
“Take your shoe off first,” he scolded, reaching forward to pull it off. When he realized what he was doing, he paused, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. “Sorry, habit.”
“It’s okay,” you smiled, surprised by how gentle and cute such a massive guy could be.
The children came rushing into the room, carrying various items they believed would help, including toys and a card game. After propping your foot up on the table with a pillow beneath it, you were given some pain meds and some water. The young girl gently sat the ice pack on your ankle and you winced at how cold it was.
“Thank you, everyone,” you smiled gently at the group, hugging the worn teddy bear one of the smaller boys had given you for comfort. 
“You’re welcome!” They chorused.
“Alright, back to bed,” ordered Rao, shooing the kids toward the door despite their protests. 
You sunk farther down on the couch with a smile, eyes closed as you hugged the teddy bear. Maybe pissing off Yasushi hadn’t been such a bad thing, after all.
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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hyugaruma · 9 months
Tank Top Kisses (Seki x Reader)
re: your boyfriend wears that white tank top, and it drives you crazy
last matchup got me feeling some type of way about seki…hoo
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One thing you loved was when your boyfriend wore that white tank top of his. He wore it often enough that it shouldn’t have continued to affect you the way that it did, but sure enough each time you saw him in it you could feel the way your pulse increased and skin grew hot.
You reclined against the plush spine of the couch while Seki sat on the floor at your feet, completely engrossed in some overdramatized wrestling show on the television. One of your hands traced shapes on the top of his head, mesmerizing patterns that would often lull him to sleep if you kept it up for too long. Seki dropped his temple to your knee and nuzzled into you, very cat-like for the burly brute of a man. But you knew better. Tough as he seemed when hanging out with his Oya crew, the second he was home with you he was like putty in your hands.
You stopped tracing shapes, but he was much too sucked into his show to even notice. “Seki,” you called out to him, and he turned his head almost before his name even left your lips, honeyed eyes dripping with anticipation of any word you spoke to him. You felt all the emotions you had for him swell, all at once, and it was almost unbearable. “Seki, kiss me.”
“Wha—?” His eyes widened at the suddenness of your demand, and he looked almost concerned. He shifted in his place at your feet so that he could face you, and the way he looked up at you with those sweet eyes so filled with consideration did little to quell the intense surge of emotion you felt for him in that moment. “What’re you saying? Did something happen? Is something wrong—?”
“Seki,” you interrupted, a fervent need lacing your voice. You grabbed each of the straps of his tank top. Your boyfriend looked somewhat frightened at whatever had come over you, but there was no stopping you now. It was his fault for wearing that damn tank top, anyway. “Please. I want you to kiss me.”
“Oh, okay,” he stammered, using his hands against the edge of the couch to push himself up and land a small, chaste kiss on your lips. He pulled back, looking at you with anticipation for your approval.
You couldn’t help the deadpan look you gave him in response. As cute and sweet as his little kiss was, it wasn’t enough to ease the explosion of emotions you were feeling. So, you took matters into your own hands. You pulled him in by the straps of his top and mashed your lips against his. Seki seemed startled by your unusual ferocity, your sudden display of immense desperation and need. It took him a moment to get his bearings and kiss you back, but kiss you back he did. You couldn’t help but melt into the sweet softness that was his lips. He had taken to stealing swipes of your honey-tinged chapstick, and you could taste the familiar sweetness on them. You tilted your head to deepen the kiss, your hands tightening their grip on his top, and you could feel one of his hands make their way to your knee so he could steady himself from the mind-numbing dizziness of the kiss.
When you felt you had your fill, you finally pulled back, exhaling a sigh of relief as if your heart had finally been satisfied of its need. You giggled at the pinkness that stained the apples of Seki’s cheeks. He looked breathless and confused, but far from unhappy over your abrupt display of affection. You gave him one last quick kiss on the tip of his nose, like a cherry on top. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” you said. “I told you I really like it when you wear that tank top.”
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High & Low: The Worst X (クロス) Movie- Suzaki Ryo Whumplist
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Whumpee: Suzaki Ryo Portrayed By: Nakamoto Yuta
Synopsis: Hanaoka Fujio, the head of Oya High School, is the strongest man in the SWORD area. The heads of other schools are continuously looking to take down Hanaoka for the top spot.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Youth, Drama
Where to Watch: Dramacool
Note: Since I’m currently obsessed with NCT 127’s Yuta, I made a whump list for the character he portrayed in High&Low.
1:00: manhandling & threatening someone
53:20: fought, kicked, slammed into wall
54:40: continued, punched
1:31:35: fought, kicked, fallen
1:32:35: continued
1:35:28: continued, punched, slammed into wall, grunting, coughing, panting, blood on mouth
1:38:31: limping, face bruised, shouting, fought, coughing, furious, punched, collapsing, stopping knife blade with his hand, bleeding, emotional, lying on the floor exhausted
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save-the-data · 9 months
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High&Low: The Story of S.W.O.R.D. | S01E02
Japanese Drama - 2015, 10 episodes
Episodes | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Netflix
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