#hidden treat if you check my blog. i guess
drifloonz · 4 months
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doors open is so unserious like for real. why did he say numbers. this equation produces 2010 btw. This means literally nothing because nothing happened in 2010 relating to strangled red afaik .* what the fuck stocks did steven have in 2010. What businesses was he investing in in 2010 . What the fuck did he know that we don't . What was the reason for this. Did he know ?
*other than doors open being released in 2010 which is confusing as fuck why does he reference the year this was written. what. Did he write doors open. Is he the narrator for doors open. what fucking angle was smr going for
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montrealmadison · 7 months
Congratulations on 400 followers! I’m newish to the fandom and your blog was one of the first I followed!
Pair: Nursey/Dex
Song: 28
Vibes: first date (can include smut if it fits in)
Congratulations again!!!!
thank you so much and welcome to the fandom!! this is only the second time i've written nurseydex and it's an honor to do so for you ❤️ i did not manage to squeeze the smut in but i did provide the lead-up so i hope that's acceptable. please enjoy these banana nut muffins being dorky and awkward on their two first dates
28. nurseydex + first date + I Love You More Than You Think by Rizzie Kicks for @hrtstppr95
I think that we know that we know each other really well I know I wanna know you for the rest of my life Because no matter the length of time that’s gone by When I see you, it’s fine It’s like I just saw you last night 
Dex is thinking about why fancy restaurants invest in stupid shit when Nursey says, “Poindexter, I don’t think this is working.”
Their table is a good one, tucked into a private corner and partially hidden by a big potted plant. The downside to this is that apparently nobody thought to install overhead lighting in this swanky Boston seafood bar, and the candle holder—which, for some reason, is shaped like a miniature lobster wearing a chef’s coat—is doing a terrible job at casting light on the worried expression that Nursey is wearing. Dex looks down at his clenched hands in his lap and can’t help but mirror what he can see of the frown.
read more below or on ao3 | request a fic here
God, he knew he was going to fuck this up. Dex doesn’t do a lot of standing on ceremony, but even he can admit that first dates are a big deal, that they deserve care. When Nursey had come to him with this grand plan for a fancy, candlelit dinner, his treat, he’d known it might be uncomfortable, that he might have to pretend to get it. This kind of thing isn’t him, not at all.
But it is Nursey. He looks right here, casually elegant in a blazer he doesn’t wear to games, half-empty glass in his hand with the ice clinking soft at the bottom. He’s been so excited for this, talking it up all week to anyone who’d listen. Of course it’s Dex who doesn’t fit in. Four years in this weird parallel world to the one he’s used to and he still can’t make himself take the shape of someone who belongs in both.
“No,” he agrees, eyes dropping back to his hands. There’s a long fresh scar along the base of his thumb, the brightest thing in the room. “Sorry.”
“Shit—Dex, no.”
Nursey’s hand appears in his field of view, warm and brown and stark against the tablecloth. Dex looks up, surprised, and finds Nursey’s face much better lit and clearly concerned.
“I just meant, like—you look uncomfy, dude.” He bounces the outstretched hand lightly on the table until Dex reaches up to still it with his own. “Are you having a good time?”
“Oh.” He feels wrongfooted by how much Nursey notices. “Uh, yeah, I guess… not really.” 
The thought’s only out there for half a second before he scrambles after how wrong it sounds in the air between them. “I mean, with you, yeah. But it’s, um, fancy here. Didn’t wanna… ugh, it’s stupid.”
“It’s not.” Nursey considers the watery Coke in the bottom of his glass, then drains it in one. “That’s not on you, ‘kay? I should have thought of that.”
The ensuing silent discussion, born of many years of finely honed skill at arguing silently on the ice, leads to an agreement that they need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Nursey flags down the server for the check; Dex lets go of Nursey’s hand on the table and spends the next ten minutes cussing out the stupid lobster, who, thankfully, does not respond.
They don’t speak again until they’re back in Nursey’s (asshole) Jeep. The parking lot is packed; the only space they’d been able to find is out in the farthest row from the restaurant, looking down the hill that faces Route 9. The air is freezing in the way that precedes a blizzard. Every leaf is crackling with frost, and even with the doors closed and the engine shuddering to life, Dex can see his breath.
He can see Nursey’s, too, when he says, “Dude, I’m really sorry.”
“S’okay.” Dex shivers. “Really. Not your fault I can’t hang.”
“Poindexter, come on.” The collar of Nursey’s sweater is folded funny over the top of his coat. Dex’s eyes stick on it. “That’s not it. I should have picked somewhere we would both have fun.”
Asshole Dex says in his head, Oh, you think? 
Civilized Human Dex, perched on his other mental shoulder, says, Hey, you agreed to this. Be an adult. 
Dex the Walking Basket Case tips his head back into the seat and wonders how long the chirps would last if he fessed up to talking to himself like this. Out loud he says, “It’s really okay, Nurse. ‘Sides, night’s young.”
Nursey turns the heat up as high as it’ll go, makes that noise that means okay, I’ll bite. He reaches over and folds Dex's fingers into the warmth of his palm, a conciliatory gesture that Dex can never admit makes him feel all soft in the middle like a homemade Bittle pie. “That’s true,” he says. “Any ideas?”
Dex leans on the cold window, lets it chill his overheated skin. Without really thinking about it, he says, “We could go skate.” 
It’s more to break the silence that’s fallen than anything else. When he turns back around, though, it’s to find Nursey looking at him with interest.
“What, at Faber?”
“Isn’t it locked?”
Against all odds, Dex finds himself smirking. “Come on, Nurse, I’m the captain. You think I don’t have keys to our own rink?”
Nursey’s grinning too, now. This is what Dex loves and hates about him, the way it comes so easily. He never wants that to change, no matter how much he used to tell himself otherwise. Despite this failure of a night, he thinks, he’s happy.
“Well,” Nursey drawls. “‘Swawesome.”
He pulls their hands apart and squeezes Dex’s thigh twice. Dex bats him away, smile stretching despite himself, and says, “Just drive.”
Faber is cold and quiet, no signs of life but the hum of the heating vents far above. Dex hits the ice first, sketches a long, curving line towards the box and then back toward the bench. He can’t really see Nursey, but hears him follow through the dark just the same.
The air between them is suddenly charged, heavy. They don’t speak. They don’t even really skate together, each carving their own loops at opposite ends of the ice, watching each other out of the corners of their eyes. Dex feels oddly naked. It’s a weird combination of silk tie and suit pants and his grimy skates, marked up by the years.
He stops on the blue line, bracketed by a big white square of moonlight. The windows are gorgeous, especially without the fluorescents to compete, framing the sky and the spreading branches of the linden tree that Shitty always told the story about getting stuck in. In three or four months they’ll play their last game here, a thought that settles leaden and cold in Dex’s stomach. He watches a cloud pass over the moon. If there’s someone out there to hear him, he thinks, then let them hear him wish, desperately, for five more minutes.
Someone does hear, because there’s sudden warmth at his back. Nursey’s chin settles heavy on his shoulder, and his hands curl around Dex’s bare forearms. Dex leans back and lets Nursey hold him for no reason other than that he likes to, and Dex likes it when Nursey likes the things he does.
“Feel better?”
It’s a whisper. Dex’s whole body goes cold, then hot.
“Yes,” he says.
“Good,” says Nursey, nosing into the side of Dex’s neck. “Nice save.”
Dex shrugs and feels Nursey’s head move with him. He has the weirdest sense that the two of them have become the same being, moving in tandem, breathing as one. “I wouldn’t mind doing dinner again,” he says. “Don’t want you to think it wasn’t a good date.”
Nursey frees his thumbs from where they’re tucked under his fingers and runs his hands lightly up and down Dex’s arms. “Well, I’m flattered,” he says. “Still. We’re just two college idiots, man, no need for fine dining just yet. Sorry.”
Annoyance sparks in Dex’s gut. He was starting to enjoy this, feels like he doesn't need to be reminded every five minutes of how sorry they both are about the whole thing. “Will you stop apologizing,” he groans, and goes to turn around, but Nursey’s massive hands clamp down swiftly on his arms, and he freezes in place.
“No,” Nursey says.
Dex’s heart is suddenly slamming against his ribs, just like that. Huh. Mood officially un-killed.
“As a matter of fact,” he continues, “I was thinking about how to make it up to you.”
Dex is not the poetry guy of the two of them, but Nursey makes him feel like that last long look before a kiss. Maybe they don’t make sense together. Maybe they’re only going to belong in each other’s lives for a little while. College relationships can be like that. But here, now, Dex is in the place where he and Nursey became a team twice, and that means something. Dex knows it does.
“Yes,” he says.
Nursey finally releases him and spins him around so they’re facing each other. He quirks an eyebrow, but he’s smiling, and the moon in his eyes is huge and bright.
“You didn’t even hear my proposition, Poindexter. I had this whole—”
Dex cuts him off with a kiss. The two of them together might not be logical or satisfying, but they’re a damn good twist ending, and besides. The night is young, and he knows what he wants.
When he says yes again, Nursey just shakes his head, laughs, and pulls him towards the tunnel to the locker room.
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stormblessed95 · 9 months
I don't think I can think of Jikook as special anymore when JK literally acts same with everyone especially JM and Tae. I saw jikookers overjoyed when some restaurant aunt said JK looked older blowing Jimin his hot food but we didn't knew on other side another aunt said even nicer things about tkk... we didn't even saw it while JK treating Tae at a restaurant footage is literally out. There are few exclusive things to Jikook I agree but who knows whether JK did the same things with others which wasn't caught on cam ? He might have bitten their ears too. Someone else has bit his neck and it made a bruise too. I'm glad I checked why tkk was trending only to see Tae and JK stuck with each other in whole LA and LV concerts.. even in beach while JM was alone by himself. Now what they used to say make sense because HYBE successfully hidden all these clips in memories but included in documentary. I understood whatever jikookers i follow was giving a vague idea of whatever happening.. always explaining away what others does as just friendship while what jkk does is some fairytale love story shit when it's really not. How can one be love story while other moment which is same as jkk is just friendship? If jkk are real then so is Tkk and jinkook or whatever and if all those are just friendships then so is Jkk. Simple. Now jkkrs will highlight and overhype JK cooking for JM in Jimin's apartment as if JK havent done the same for Tae and Jin especially Tae who said many times already that JK cooks for him while JM said he haven't cooked ramen for him yet.. but jkkrs ignore that and call JK 'Jimin's personal cook' yeah cook who cooks for all his hyungs including Jimin 😑. There's a reason why jkkrs always complain how Fandom ignores jkk... well what's special to highlight with them ? JK treating Jimin just like how he treat everyone else ? He speaks very highly of RM everytime thus even they are highlighted more than Jkk. Now I'm inclined to believe he definitely have a gf because all those 'if I was JK's gf and see Jkk....' is just BS because why she should be even mad ? That her bf treats his hyungs all the same and with love especially JM and Tae whom he grew up with ? Sorry but I don't think Jikook is real.. as in Romantic relationship, it's absurd to think it that way anymore.
How new are you to watching BTS content? Lmao how new are you to my blog? JK feeding Tae is what put you over the edge? When they've been doing that for years? All of them? I guess then you REALLY should have followed me much sooner. I had a whole series of BTS feeding each other I posted.... I could've helped you come to your new conclusions MUCH sooner! Saved you a ton of time and saved me the effort of trying to read your exit speech no one asked for. You can stop shipping at ANY point freely, I even encourage it. But I really don't need or care to know about it. Thanks anyway!
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vilithshaven · 3 years
How the harbingers react to the 'Imposter' /// Il Dottore, La Signora
Warnings: Mild descriptions of gore, angst, implied death (of the Creator/Reader)
Synopsis: This is how I think those two harbingers would react to finding out that the 'Imposter' is in truth the Creator before anyone else.
A little A/N: Big thanks to @nicebonescomrade for being a big inspiration. Honestly, I may be looking at your blog way more than I should, haha.
- Lilith
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Il Dottore
Dottore starts looking for the Imposter after hearing his fellow harbingers talk of them. Truth be told, he doesn't care about the Creator or the way all the Archons, including his own, crave their attention and light. He isn't even bothered by the fact that there is an Imposter walking around. All he wants to know is how someone managed to carve their face and body into that of the One. Was it Khemia? Alchemy? Or were they simply born that way, to make a mockery of the God? He would find out.
Finding the Imposter turns out to be a lot easier he expected. They had been fleeing from Liyue's adepti last, citizens talking about how they saw them run across the border into Sumerian territory. A death wish for those who have no knowledge about the local insects and animals surrounding the main city.
He finds the Imposter lying flat on the ground, sweat coating their skin and a sickly colour to their skin. They look just like the statues had depicted them. But to his surprise and utmost glee, their blood isn't red. No, it's a striking golden that pools below their dying body.
Dottore finds it amusing that noone apparently noticed it before. The golden ichor is a stark contrast to the dirty and ripped clothes. But perhaps they had been in too much of a hazey rage, all their focus being on their one wish: get rid of the person daring to impersonate their Creator. Childe had been just one of many prime examples of the acolytes' animalistic wrath.
Dottore runs a hand through their knotted hair, a crazed smile growing on his half-hidden face. "Guess I'll be the only one to ever know the truth, (Name). Just my luck, isn't it? I'll heal you right up and then we can start."
Dottore takes the Creator to the nearest hidden laboratory of his, chaining them down to the table. He doubts that they were strong enough to take him on, but he rather wants to stay on the safer side. Although they appear to be completely human, he doesn't want to take any risks. At least he doesn't have to worry about anyone looking for them.
And so the torture begins.
(Name) is barely lucid half of the time. Pain is all they start to know, they can't even remember how they got to be where they were now, chained and treated as nothing more than an experiment. They were lucky enough whenever the Doctor deemed it necessary to feed them and keep them tethered to this world just this longer.
The Doctor is the name he told them to call him. (Name) knows that it isn't his real name. Distant memories hid in the back of their mind, just out of reach. Bringing them forth is too painful. They eventually stop trying.
The experiment Dottore puts the Creator through are diverse. He starts simple: taking blood and finding out its components, checking their bond to the elements of the world.
Slowly they get worse. Does this organ function as it should? Is that an extra organ he sees? What does it do? What happens if he was to force cryo into her body, or any element at that. How do they react to a Delusion?
By the time he is satisfied, (Name) is broken. He would have discarded them if it hadn't been for a thought that struck him just as he was leaning above them, hand glowing with his element.
Why end the fun now? When instead he could make the Creator another toy of his.
He has more than enough time to play around more. After all...he is the only one who knows the truth, isn't he?
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La Signora
La Signora, too, doesn't care too much about the Creator and their Imposter at first. In fact, she hates the Creator. If they were truly the loving, compassionate being everyone makes them out to be, why have they forsaken her so? What has she ever done to deserve her afte? All she had wanted was to love and be loved, while studying in Sumeru. Even as she forgot her painful past over time, the hatred never ceased.
She hadn't planned on looking for the Imposter despite the Tsaritsa's order to kill them on sight. Yet she still found herself wondering off just before her meeting with Inazuma's resident Archon, letting her feet carry her to one of this region's many crevices. Which is where she's standing now, looking down at what she assumes is the Imposter. Or should be.
Golden ichor flows out of their many wounds and pools on the ground below them. One hand bends to a weird angle. Their eyes slowly move up from the ground they'd been focused on until they meet Signora's visible one. And the Harbinger finds herself freezing to her spot.
Long-forgotten feelings bloom passed the pain, reminding her of what she used to be. An outsider, a monster, a traitor. Just like the human creator in front of her, she also had been called those words and worse. Perhaps the Creator hadn't forsaken her. Perhaps they had put her through that trial in preparation for their own descent to Teyvat, to have one person understand. For surely they must have known what would happen if they were to come into this world without warning and as a human no less.
Even as the Creator reaches out a tentative hand covered in golden blood, Signora continues to stand frozen in her spot. "Can I...ask for one thing before you end it all?", they choke through the coughs raking their body, more blood splattering onto their tattered clothes. "Can you...call me by my name? It's...it's (Name). Please...it's been so long...it's all I ask for."
This breaks the Harbinger out of her rigor. She squats down in front of the Creator, a smirk playing on her lips. She moves to caress their cheek, looking at them with fake sympathy. "Poor thing...it must have been awful to have each and every single person hate you."
"It's a shame, isn't it? That noone ever realized the truth", she mused, taking their chin in a tight grip. "You truly are the Creator."
A pitiful whine escaped their cracked lips. "I...am not. I'm only...(Name). Not...a god or...whatever you think me..."
Signora doesn't listen to their words, feeling the red hot spikes of anger engulfing her heart. In response to that, her hand's temperature increased until it becomes too much. The Creator tries to pull away, face scrunching up in pain.
"I hate you. I truly do. You put me through so much pain, and for what? To have someone sympathize for you in the future? Help you? Well, guess what. I'm not going to. I'm not even giving you the pleasure of saying your name. Oh no. You'll die here, by my hands, as the imposter you've been dubbed."
Signora laughs in pure, unbridled glee. "It's what you deserve! You're no god of mine. You're simply the reason for all my suffering."
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kanmom51 · 3 years
Hi and I want to apologies in advance for my long ass question that pretty much comes with an introduction, but I want to give some context to it.
So… for starters I´m not an “official shipper” or someone that searches jikook intentionally, if I come across the content I think “aww that’s cute” “I love how they make each other happy” and that’s pretty much it. Being a 100% honest I’m biased towards Jimin, I respect and support all of them but my love for Jimin is just something else, so much that I don’t really have a bias wrecker, I even entered the fandom after I saw that famous “7 second clip” of him. But having him as your bias inevitably leaves you coming across JK sooner or later and of course there is a soft spot in my hearth for him, because why wouldn’t I?, he clearly is someone special to Jimin, ofc I don’t know the exact nature of their bond whenever it’s as friends, brothers, lovers or whatever BUT is something that is making my bias happy, so it makes me happy. I mean… he took him on a trip, exercises with him, check’s on him at his hotel room 3 times a day, emotionally supports him ( complementing him, calling him hard worker, on the ONU speech incident, etc) I’m realizing as I write this, that I do sound like a shipper, just by knowing all of that, but you don’t even need to ship them to know those things, you don’t have to search or “plot” to know, it’s right there in your face, I know because I never miss anything related to Jimin and those things happened and they did with JK.
The reason I came across your blog was bc after looking into the hate Jimin was getting on twitter from either other ships with JK or JK solo (y/n) stans I’m trying to understand why. It’s like everyone it’s ok as long it’s not Jimin, dear lord forbids Jimin breaths near him cuz he is Begging for attention, which lead me for the first time in my life to intentionally look for jikook as maybe something more, cuz I’m from Mexico and as people in here say “si el rio suena es porque agua lleva” or “If the river sounds it’s because there must be some water on it”, so… the question is basically why for so many people it can be anyone but Jimin? all of them getting pressed and with their veins close to explode got me second guessing, because why to get angry with something that is not a threat? Another thing I’m coming across its that people treats JK as if he was the ultimate price or jackpot that no one deserves, specially not Jimin and frankly that offends me, I almost feel like a mother LOL, like what its wrong with my son? Why wouldn’t he be more than enough for your son if that was the case Karen?
Oh anon, you asked me a couple of questions and without even realising it answered them both in your own ask.
I'm happy to hear how someone that isn't a Jikook shipper or supporter per say not only recognizes the clear as day special connection those two have, but is also willing to say it out loud.
And just like you see it and recognize just how much these two are linked, where JM is there will many times be "a JK" there or following or around, others see it too, and it bugs the hell out of them.
“si el rio suena es porque agua lleva” or “If the river sounds it’s because there must be some water”
Exactly!!! I love that saying anon.  Kind of like “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck”.
People love to ship. They love to play pretend that two hunky idols are together, but this is as long as they aren't really queer, as long as they look good placed next to each other, but hell, they aren't really in a queer real live relationship.
It's funny how some shippers fight so hard for their ship, while these ships are unattainable, the two members are distant, and they love to play the hidden card. I wonder what would happen to the popularity of said ship if those same two idols were to exhibit the same behaviour that JM & JK do.
As you said, many perceive JK as a lottery grand prize, one they think they have chance in winning some day (someone needs to tell them what the chances to win the lottery are, lol). JK is the golden maknae. He was built up as such by the company and his band mates. He's good looking, he's multitalented, he's hunky manly, the wet dream for every girl with eyes in her head. And JM, well to these people JM is ruining him. How dare he 'turn' their manly man JK. JM is the seducer, in a way, the competition. And none of this would matter if they didn't see what we all do, that JK would rather be with JM than anyone else. That JK looks at JM like he's the most wonderful thing in the world. That JK adores JM. That JK looks at JM like these people only dream he would look at them.
JK&JM are too real. If it was only a close friendship I think people wouldn't be acting the way they are towards JM. But they have eyes, and as much as they scream blue murder that it's only queerbaiting and fanservice, they know. And because they know, that's why they are so vile and hateful towards JM. JM threatens them. He threatens their JK fantasy. JK can't be queer, and JM, well JM being there with JK, JK being there with JM, the way they are with each other, the way they look at each other, act around each other, that brings down the fantasy. It's kind of like, in their twisted way of thinking, JM is 'the other woman', but even worse, because he's 'the other man', which would, god forbid it, make JK queer, and how can that be, their masculine manly man JK queer???? Clearly, JM's to blame for that, right?
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billiejean485 · 2 years
Guys, I reached a final decision. I will not be watching Miraculous anymore.
Enough time has passed for you to know that this is not a 1st April joke.
Yes, I know I've stated this many times before and tried to do so as well. So what changes this time?
The topic of Adrien not being concieved naturally finally reached me from my religion's POV, and, unless the show treats this as a bad decision in the episodes to come, I will not be coming back.
There is also that last glimmer of hope that he may not be a Senti at all, but I won't be staying to find out by watching. I guess I'll check from time to time, if I manage to hold any interest for the show in the future.
Reasons, like I said, are purely religious. I have no intention to support the creation of human beings (or even animals and the like) through magic. Whoever disagrees with that has their own right to do so through their own choice of free will, and I hold my right to not support this one bit.
... I'm really sorry about this. You know I never believed that Miraculous would take this turn.
I don't want to work on an AU or to watch any previous episodes, because these facts were there from the start, just hidden, and I am only getting repulsed over and over again.
This means that I am putting a stop to my fanfic as well.
I'm sorry. I don't know how much you cared about it, but trust me when I tell you that I feel a ton more devastated. Great ideas I had are going to be thrown in the dump and I'm going to forget about many even if I ever get back to this. All of it hurts like hell.
... I guess I don't even have to tell you that I'm going to stop following all the blogs that mainly share MLB stuff and I'm going to lose some really great mutuals and peeps that I looked up to.
This should have been a fun, tooth-rottingly sweet, serotonin inducing show, but it's never going to be the same for me. Maybe Zag will change something in the movie, but I have no intention of giving it a chance unless this has been made clear.
Again, I am so sorry. The biggest blow to me is losing a character I liked so much and which gave me huge amount of inspiration for both drawing and writing. But... you can't be devoted to both your religion and something that goes against it, and I decided to choose the former.
So take care and Godspeed. I'll be changing my Tumblr accordingly in the following days, and I probably won't hang around here much anymore, since I lost the main reason behind it...
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hidden64 · 3 years
I guess people do pinned posts instead of bios now?
Why not take a listen to some of my files?
If you're feeling generous, check out my custom file info!
The basics:
Please call me AC or Hidden! Either one works, but I prefer Hidden for when I am more dominant. That's not a hard and fast rule, though
My pronouns are he/him/his exclusively
I am a trans man (obviously). I have been on t since 2019, I've had top surgery but no bottom surgery yet.
I am currently 20 years old, but who knows if I'll remember to update that (making this post in November of 2021)
I am a switch, but I definitely lean more submissive.
I do not have a tist or sub and am not seeking one.
I am gay and prefer male and masculine nonbinary trance partners. I don't mind being hypnotized by women, or women listening to my files, though (I elaborate on this under the cut.)
I have a boyfriend. At time of writing, he doesn't know about my hypnokink.
My other kinks include [bold is dom only, italics is sub only, both means both]: edging, orgasm control, pet play, trigger play, light bondage, IQ reduction, humiliation and drug play
My limits include: bathroom stuff, forced fem, permanent triggers (aside from my trance trigger), detransitioning, misgendering, findom, any pain
For some FAQs that haven't been asked by anyone, see below!
I wanna send you an ask, but I'm too nervous!
Don't be! I don't take myself very seriously, and you shouldn't take me very seriously either. Just keep the above information in mind, and remember to treat me like a human being.
What is your trance trigger?
I'm not telling you that, silly.
Do you have an upload schedule?
Nope. I do this stuff as a hobby. I have a part time job, and I'm a college student- I just record when I have the time to do it. Making an upload schedule would just slow me down.
Where can I find all your files?
On my soundgasm!
What got you into hypnosis? / A brief history of my experiences with hypnokink
When I was very young and had unrestricted access to deviantart, I saw a comic featuring some girls being hypnotized by the pokemon Hypno. My older sibling and I were using the family computer (yeah, back when that was a thing,) so I was mostly watching them go on deviantart rather than exploring myself. I kept asking my sibling to go back to the comic so I could look at it again and again. Something about it just drew me in. Mesmerized me, even lol. Later, I saw a movie which had a scene where the main antagonist essentially hypnotizes the female lead, and again I wanted to watch that scene over and over. Part of that may have been undiagnosed ADHD, but that's besides the point.
As I got older and started going through puberty, I realized my attraction to these scenes and concepts was sexual in nature. From there, I started listening to audio hypnosis files on the internet (much like the ones I make now) and got into porn featuring hypnosis. Sometimes, I would go on Omegle to try and be hypnotized by real live people on there, but it was (and still is) a mostly adult crowd, who were unwilling to hypnotize a teenager- good on them! Later, I got into the hypnoerotica community on tumblr. I never liked any posts or followed any of the blogs while I was still a minor, but I loved the content. Unfortunately, most of my favorites were wiped out in the 2017 porn ban.
I didn't start seeking out live hypnosis in earnest until I was an adult. I go on Omegle in phases (it's a miserable fucking site, but every now and then you find a gem!), but I've also used r/hypnohookup. Most of those encounters never went anywhere, but if you've seen my "met an honest to god hypnodom" post, you know that I had one good one. I was a dedicated submissive to that guy for a while, but he really wanted to be my boyfriend and I didn't want that, so I left. Some time after that, I realized that I could probably hypnotize other people myself, and got into being a tist.
I have never been hypnotized in person, but I really want to someday!
What do you like about hypnosis?
I say I have a hypnosis kink, but it would really be more accurate to say I have a trance kink. I love the feeling of my mind slipping away, the relaxation and peace, etc. I struggle with anxiety, so it can be really nice to have someone just take away my thoughts for a bit. That, and the feeling of being controlled completely and utterly is thrilling.
As a tist, I care less about my personal pleasure as much as giving my subs a good time. I consider myself a "service tist", in that way. Honestly, I just copy what I would do to myself unless a sub has a specific request.
What's up with your sexuality?
If you asked me to describe my sexuality in one word, it'd be "gay". One word is rarely enough to describe sexuality, though. The best way to put it is that I am attracted to masculine and transmasc people.
Why would you want to be hypnotized by a woman, then?
Because I am desperately thirsty for trance. It's nearly impossible to find content geared specifically towards gay trans men, so I have to take what I can get.
How do you feel about women getting off to your content?
Honestly, if you're a woman and my files/stories/art turn you on, awesome! I make most of my files gender neutral for a reason (I may make genital-specific JOI files later), and that's because I want to make stuff anyone can enjoy.
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rainbowsky · 3 years
To the person who sent me the thousand word essay, if you check out my ask policy I don't publish these kinds of long asks. I used to get tons of them and it got to be too much. Also, a lot of your comments contain anti talking points that I will not publish on my blog. But I can respond to some of the issues you raised.
TW/CW - brief mention of homophobia and suicide.
Basically your message was a sort of cataloguing of your doubts about BJYXSZD. To quote your closing paragraph, "Ah....i am just desperate for them to be a couple after all these months and the bts videos and inteviews, but it just doesn't add up anymore. So, as a confused fan, i thought about seeking reassurance to you."
I don't think it's my place, nor is it really anyone's place, to try to convince you or reassure you that GGDD is real. You will either believe or you won't believe. In my experience, people who are filled with doubts and in need of a steady stream of candies and clues to keep them satisfied are going to find themselves on a constant emotional roller-coaster of euphoria and misery.
Let go of your need for certainty.
As I've said in the past, when you let go of your need for certainty you will find that certainty comes a lot more easily. People who need certainty approach GGDD like a detective agency or a hungry ghost, focusing on their craving for proofs and candies that never quite seem to satiate them, and they miss out on the real joy of just being a fan.
A lot of the doubts you listed are things that don't really fit with why BXG believe BJYXSZD. We don't base our belief on the fact that they did a BL show together. We don't base our belief on the fact that they get along well together. We don't base our belief on candies. We base our belief on the insight we accumulate over a period of time, and that's not something that can be passed on to someone else. It's something everyone has to discover for themselves.
GGDD have nothing to prove. BXG have nothing to prove. We are all just here to enjoy them, love them and support them.
My advice: just relax, let go of your need for certainty, and enjoy GG and DD. Certainty will come or it won't, so there's no need to fret over it.
A couple things I felt the need to respond to:
Hidden relationships
Hidden relationships are totally a Thing in the entertainment industry, of course. Andy Lau with his 24 year hidden relationship is a great example. But you seem fixated on the idea that if GG or DD were hiding a relationship, it must be a heterosexual one.
Heteronormativity is a huge part of why so many fans have a hard time believing that GG and DD could ever be a real couple. There can be endless signs that a man is in a gay relationship and the fans will just dismiss it all, but if that man so much as smiles at a woman, fans are immediately ready to believe he's in love with her. Heterosexuality is seen as the default, and that makes homosexuality invisible to a lot of straight people.
You mentioned Leslie Cheung. I recommend this excellent post if you want to see why the world wasn't ready for him. He was an inspiration to LGBTQ people, without any doubt. I think he was equally a cautionary tale for a lot of people, even if the tragedy of his death wasn't necessarily directly related to his queerness or how he was being treated by the public.
There's a trope in society and in media and entertainment, that queer people are tragic figures. Queer characters are often presented as emotionally and psychologically turbulent people who meet untimely, tragic ends. Queer stories tend to be focused around "the struggle of being queer" and the rejection, fear and bigotry queer people face. The violence, the death, the suicides.
How could this not feed into the fears we have as queer people growing up in an often hostile world? How could a story like Leslie's fail to scare as many people as it inspires?
And besides, there are closeted gay couples in the entertainment industry in China.
I have talked about the whole hidden relationship thing, the whole 'needing to appear single' thing, in the past. You can find some of those posts linked at the end of this one. I've also talked about the pressure to appear single (along with the pressure to enter a straight marriage) previously here.
DD and the anti bullshit you've read
I can tell you've read a lot of anti lies in your travels. You're carrying a lot of the toxic ideas that antis spread online. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you spend most of your time on Twitter and YouTube, where these lies are part of the air people breathe on those platforms.
The rumors of DD being in a relationship with that heiress are nothing but harassment and bullshit. She is a known celebrity stalker who has caused scandals with multiple celebrities. Antis spread those lies because they are harmful to DD, not because they're true. DD denies them because they are false, not because he's got something to hide.
DD has never once been spotted with her. He's never once been photographed with her. There exists in the world exactly zero evidence of any common thread between her and DD. Zero evidence that they've ever even been in the same room together. Zero. There's no candy, nothing.
Meanwhile the candy connecting DD and GG together is so abundant it would put Willy Wonka out of business. There are constant reports of them being seen together, evidence of them being together, etc. Some of that stuff is stalker material that I won't share on my blog - such as DD's suitcase being spotted in GG's car a few days ago - but yeah, if you believe in the stalker heiress BS but not GGDD, that only speaks to your ignorance of the situation.
One of the things I find most frustrating about being a BJYXSZD BXG is that we are constantly characterized as spectacularly naive and deluded, meanwhile it's our most vocal critics - the antis, toxic solos and insecure turtles - who unquestioningly believe anything they read.
As for 22*7, you can always tell a DD anti by their willingness to claim DD should have spoken openly about GG during the whole scandal last year. No one who knows anything about GG and DD or about the situation could say in good faith that DD should have spoken up. I view that whole attitude as a litmus test for who knows and understands and truly supports GGDD, and who is either uninformed or an anti.
You can read more about that here and here.
And no, GG has never issued any statement denying BJYXSZD. Neither of them has.
BJYXSZD is not based on old BTS and interviews
I sometimes get sick of seeing clips and photos and metas about the Untamed, I sometimes get tired of talking about the same old interview clips and BTS. I see these things as ancient history - something fun to visit every now and then, but not where I want to live. I don't base my present belief on any of that. All that stuff can ever really do now is give us background on how things started and give us a bit of insight into how they get along and interact.
No BXGSZD that I know of bases their belief on "old BTS and interviews."
Both GG and DD have interesting new projects and endorsements. There's a ton of new content coming out all the time. We still regularly see new evidence that they're together. The past stuff is just for context.
Wrapping this all up, I'll just reiterate what I said before. No one can, or even should, convince you that GGDD is real. That's something you'll have to make peace with for yourself. If you want to get there faster, just relax and enjoy being a fan, and take some time to learn more about GGDD. Certainty may come in time. If it doesn't, well at least you had fun!
Since you are a newer fan I recommend checking out my BXG glossary, along with my masterlist post for some of the things I've talked about in the past.
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Fight Me Part 2
Summary: Nico prepares for his date but it seems someone has forgotten.
Warnings?: Nothing much. A bit of kissing. Some fluff.
A/N: FJLKJLHGK, I completely forgot that i wrote this and that i was gonna write a part 2. Anyway, my exams are next week and i haven't revised so wish me luck. Little tribute for @thebigqueer and their old blog description of ‘people make fun of me because I’m short but I can reach their knees’ because lateron, Nico embodies that. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! <3 from me!
Read Part 1 on tumblr       Read parts 1 and 2 on A03
It was 7:30
Will was late.
“Hello?” Nico turned around. “Anybody here?”
The sun was going to set in around an hour and half and somehow, the sky was already getting darker. Nico could feel the sun's rays getting weaker and the warmth slowly draining away.
He had a small bag clutched in his hand with a collection of his favourite mythomagic cards and a couple of sandwiches and some bottles of juice. It certainly wasn’t a banquet but at least it was something and Nico had assumed that Will would have had a tiring day after working in the infirmary during a day of capture the flag ( The Ares kids were always involved).
He lifted his wristwatch to his line of view to glance at the time, noticing that the time was moving annoyingly fast. If it continued like this, it would be sunset and Nico would have officially been stood up. He could feel his chest prickling in anxiety from the idea- that all along it was a sick joke, made only so everyone could make fun of him.
“Hello? Anybody?” It was almost eight and Nico was getting agitated. Sure it was normal to be a bit late, even if it was a date that Will had asked him on but 45 minutes? 45 minutes late to a date? Nico was finally so sick of pacing behind his cabin like a loser, he worked up the nerve to march over to the infirmary to give Will a piece of his mind.
As Nico entered what he believed to be the infirmary, he questioned if he was in the right place. Then it hit him. The infirmary was so crowded, Nico couldn’t even recognise it. It was full of campers, from many different cabins, all covered in injuries and blood. This room, to surgeons, was like candy but with blood, which as Christina Yang had said- was way better,
That was only, of course, if you weren’t meant to be on a date with your cute ex-patient.
To Will, the sudden influx of patients infuriated him. He was meant to be having the best date of his life with Nico but instead, he ws here treating all these stupid injured buffalos who were too incompetent to prevent themselves from being injured.
“Next time, if an Ares kid threatens to break your leg, you should take them more seriously,” Will sighed as he finished the cast on the Athena camper’s leg. Weren’t these ones meant to be smart, Will thought.
His eyes searched across the infirmary, for the next most urgent patient; as head of the Apollo cabin, he was in charge of the infirmary which at first had sounded great. Now, he realised, it was not.
He was about to assist on setting a broken arm but he saw another healer get there first and simultaneously, he saw a very recognisable set of onyx eyes that came with a stunning appearance.
Nico was wearing black skinny ripped jeans with a chain hanging by the waist of it. His stygian iron sword that never left his side was being held to his waist with a skull strap and Nico’s eyeliner was absolutely perfect. Winged and angelic, his eyes were standing out like never before. Nico had been a bit nervous about wearing eyeliner outside of his cabin, but after much persuasion from Hazel, Jason and Percy, he had agreed to wear it.
Will thought he felt his mouth drop. But then, he felt his heart drop. Why was Nico in the infirmary? Was he involved in the fight? Was he hurt? Will rushed over to Nico, pushing through the injured masses, ignoring their shouts and snaps of discomfort. He waded through them like thick oceans of blood until he managed to spot Nico’s hand, decorated with expensive looking rings.
“Nico,” Will gasped, his eyes running up and down, scanning his body for injuries. “What are you doing here? Are you okay?”
Nico’s winged eyes squinted. “ What am I doing here? Did you forget?”
Will’s mouth opened and then closed again, his brain clearly racking for what he had forgotten.
“Our date. You were meant to meet me an hour ago,” He mumbled, raising his wrist to his face, checking the time once again.
Will’s face dropped, his expression ghostly. “ No! No, no, I can’t have forgotten- it wasn’t today. I could have sworn it wasn’t today.” He turned to Nico. “ It wasn’t today, right?”
“It was today.”
“That’s a good response, at least,” Nico murmured, kicking his boots at the bloodied tile floor.
“I'm so sorry. I got hoarded with patients, like hoarded. The Ares kids had some new weapons made today and the Hephaestus kids thought it would be fun to mess with them. Somehow the Athena kids got involved and I think there are some Dionysus kids who got involved just for the drama.” Will grabbed Nico's hands, squeezing them with such intensity, Nico feared they might break.
When Nico looked at Will’s face at that moment, he knew he was going to say ‘yes’ to whatever was about to be asked of him. Whether Will just wanted some gum or if he wanted to burn the entire world; there was something alluring in those eyes that Nico could simply never deny. “Nico, fuck, please give me another chance. I know I shouldn't have stood you up like that and I really wasn't planning to. It’s just, we got so many patients all at once that it completely slipped from my mind and-”
“-I’m not mad. A bit annoyed, yes, but I get it. You have people to fix. Go do your job.” Nico paused for a moment. “But one thing. Next time you almost stand me up, a note or a messenger would have been nice.”
Will frowned. “I thought I sent a note?”
Nico paused again. Did he send a note? Nico’s memory racked- did anybody come to give him a note? He couldn’t distinctly remember it.
The only thing he remembered was someone running to his cabin, panting and him slipping himself into the shadows, avoiding whichever body had come wandering into his domain- he had not been in the mood to interact with anybody other than Will (Or maybe Hazel or Annabeth because they always knew what to say and when to say it).
“Oh, That note you mean. I might have hidden from the messenger in the shadows…” Nico trailed off, looking everywhere but Will. Expecting a loud scoff or perhaps a jeer, Nico could feel his hands clenching up, ready to get him out of this situation. But when he heard a little giggle and saw Will giving him a genuine little smile and holding out his hand, he couldn’t help but be surprised.
“I know that I’m currently meant to be working but I guess taking a little break couldn’t hurt. Besides, I haven't eaten a proper meal all day and those sandwiches look delicious.”
Nico happily let Will lead him to the room reserved for the staff who were in this case, just the Apollo kids. But then he stopped.
“You haven't eaten all day? Will, what the hell? You were nagging me the entire of my stay here to eat and you don't even do it yourself?”
“I do eat, it’s just sometimes, I forget to because everybody is being stupid and trying to fight their healers,” Will huffed as he grabbed a sandwhich and stuffed a bite into his mouth.
“What idiot tries to fight their healers?” Nico asked as he took a sip of juice. They were sitting in the corner of the ‘staff room’ which in reality was just the back room. It just had 2 bare beds for quick resting and back up medical supplies. There was a bare sink and a couple of cupboards which were most likely empty. The freezer however, had several pints of ice cream.
“Oh who tries to fight their healer? Must I remind you of your behaviour every time you're in this infirmary?”
Will opened a pack of chips that he had managed to snag from one of the other healers; he doubted they’d notice. Well, he hoped they wouldn't notice.
“I can’t be that bad.” Nico batted his hand in the air, his hand reaching over to Will’s pack of chips and stealing one. Will smacked his hand and gasped, showing his mock offence.
“Oi! Those are mine!”
“Says who?” Nico argued. “ I happen to know you stole them!”
“Yeah but finders keepers!”
“I will fight you for those chips,” Nico snarled. Will, smiling wickedly, held his front; not in the least intimidated by Nico's violent demeanor.
“Perfect, now we finally fight. After all, I did tell you that I’d fight you later when you were recovering.”
“I’ll turn you into ashes.”
“Nu uh, I don’t think so. Remember I have regeneration,” Will boasted. They were both now standing, their food abandoned on the table.
“If I remember correctly.” Nico moved forward for the attack, “You told me you wouldn’t fight me because you knew I would win.”
Will gave a smirk. “You were ill. I couldn't tell you the truth.”
Nico squinted his eyes and waited for Will’s punch. He didn’t expect for Will to be waiting for his; Oh right, Will always fights defensive
But then he realised that this could be used to his own advantage. He went in for an attack, his leg going round to kick the back of Will’s knees, making him buckle to the floor. Nico was aiming to disable him from moving, not hurt him.
I may be short, but that just means I can reach your knees.
Will let out a rueful laugh, the game was on. Just as when Nico went to grab Will's arm, Will used his other arm to grab Nico and used all his strength and Nico’s momentum to flip Nico onto his back so that when Nico looked up, He saw Will's smiling face.
Nico rolled away, quickly forcing his way up. They both stood facing each other, none of them throwing a punch or a kick. They were dancing around each other, around their feelings. Nico ran into Will and used every force in his favour to force Will to fall onto the bare bed behind him. They landed safely with an oomph and immediately Nico got to work in immobilising him.
Nico quickly straddled Will, trying to grab his arms but Will, while not the fastest, was relatively strong. He managed to grab Nico’s arm, stopping him from being trapped. He then used all the strength he could summon from his abdominal muscles and managed to flip Nico so that it was him holding both of Nico’s arms above his head, effectively pinning him to the bed.
Nico struggled but Will was too strong. He had tried to flip Will back onto his back but it was too hard so he settled for trying to wrestle his wrists out of the blond boy's grasp. They were panting and their faces were close enough that they could feel each other's warm breath on each other's face.
Nico felt his eyes being drawn to Will’s lips and then his ocean blue, like eyes. It was a magnet being drawn across Will's face and Nico had no choice but to follow it everywhere. From the perfect slant of his cupid’s bow at his lips and the fullness of his lips to the half lidded eyelids that covered his deep eyes. The eyes that we're currently analysing Nico’s face, in the same way he was doing to Will’s, right this moment.
Will felt Nico’s wrists stop resisting as much in his grasp as his eyes slowly drifted to his own. Their eyes locked. Ocean Blue met Onyx. The sea had met the depths of the earth and it was only the roaring sound of their own blood being pumped ferociously by their hearts that acted as the soundscape of the ocean as Will lowered his lips to meet Nico’s in the most tentative of kisses.
Their lips brushed gently, as a taster and then, Nico slipped one of his supposedly trapped wrists out of Will’s hands and slid it around Will’s neck, pulling him to deepen the kiss. Will’s face felt heated as he moved his hands from above Nico’s head to cup his face; he could feel the heat radiating from it.
They broke apart- only for a second- but alas, even that felt like too much. Their lips found each other again, even in the darkness of the room, due to sunset and yet they were only in the dark for a matter of seconds. Nico, despite having his eyes closed, could feel the soft glow of Will’s skin.
“Hey Will, Where did ya g-” The startled young healer was stunned before cringing immediately at their older brother.
“-Oh god, Will, My eyes! My eyes have been scarred, dear, good gracious Gods, Help me!”
Nico’s hands flew to Will’s chest, pushing him off while Will himself made an attempt to scramble off Nico. They keyword there being attempt, because the next thing he knew, Will had stumbled and managed to trip Nico into falling face first into Will’s chest, straddling him and thus making their situation so much worse.
“What do you want?” Will groaned at his younger sibling, as Nico climbed off him, slowly burying his face in his hands out of embarrassment.
“You have another patient to fix.” The kid was now holding his hands over his eyes- something that deeply irritated Nico.
“Oh calm down, it’s not like we were doing anythi-”
“-Nico!” Will cried. “ Go out and find someone to cover for me. Tell Kayla she’s in charge; I’m off for the night,” Will declared as he grabbed Nico’s hand, kicked open the back door and fled into the early night with Nico, hand in hand.
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dirtyoatmeall · 4 years
Blueberries (Kaminari Denki x Reader)
A/N: :0 I know what you're thinking, another fic so soon?? I'm trying to go through my WIP's before starting anything else, and I have about 38 ideas and about 15 wips, so... yeah. Hopefully I'll get more out soon!! I wanted to say thanks in advance, this blog is a few followers away from 100, which is insane to think about. I really appreciate all of you for reading my work and liking it enough to follow. I hope you enjoy what the future holds!
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x Reader (gn but refences to makeup, so probably fem leaning?), Established Kiribaku
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Language, I think that's it
“I don’t know Kiri, finals are coming up soon, and my anthro professor has been up my ass-“
“It’s one fucking date, it’s not like it’s a week long excursion in the mountains, Jesus” You rolled your eyes at Bakugo’s interruption, sticking your tongue out at the angry blonde. Before you could argue with him, Kirishima spoke.
“Katsuki is right (Y/N), it's just one night! If you don’t enjoy it, then that’s that! He’s not the type to make things awkward if they don’t work out, I think you’ll have a really good time.” You sigh, you could never say no to the red head. “I guess it is just one night.”
He smiles, big and excited while Bakugo just rolls his eyes. Kirishima whips out his phone, furiously typing. “Great, I’ll let him know, you guys are having dinner at 6, I’ll text you the location, you two will meet there, just in case. There’s already a reservation, so when you get there just tell them your name and they’ll take you there.” Your eyes widen, you only have a few hours to get ready and psych yourself up for the date. You pack up, grabbing your drink as you get ready to leave the café. Kirishima wishes you luck and you head back to your apartment.
You met Kirishima Eijiro in your first year of college. You were in the same intro to history course, which was required for all freshmen to take. The two of you were paired together for a group project and became quick friends. You learned you both lived in the same dorm building (the only gender neutral dorm building on campus) and soon enough the two of you were inseparable. Though you hadn’t been able to meet his friends besides his boyfriend, Bakugo Katsuki, due to your busy schedule. The following year the three of you got an apartment together close to campus. You were a student full time and also worked full time at one of the coffee shops on campus, so even though you’ve known the two of them for two years now, you still had yet to meet all of their friends. A few had come over during your weekly movie nights, but there were still one or two you haven't met yet due to conflicting work schedules. One of them being your date for the evening.
You sighed as you stared at your closet, wishing the duo had returned to the apartment with you to help than staying at the café to study. You looked up the restaurant you were meeting your date at. It wasn’t fancy, thank god, and you pulled out your favorite outfit that fit the dress code and quickly got changed. You finished your hair and makeup with a few minutes left until you had to leave, spending them sending pictures to the group chat for approval, making sure your shoes matched your outfit and your socks weren’t pulled up too high. Kirishima sent a thumbs up emoji and a compliment and you were out the door, triple checking the stove was off even though you hadn’t used it today, gripping your keys nervously as you locked the door and made your way to your car.
The drive was short, and you spent it listening to your favorite songs of the week that hyped you up, turning the volume up and singing along as you tried to calm your nerves. It’ll be fine, its just one dinner. The date is what you make of it, go in with a positive attitude and an open mind. You repeated your thoughts like a mantra, thoughtlessly mouthing along to the song playing as you pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant.
It wasn’t dark yet, the summer sky just turning a soft orange, but the streetlights were on nonetheless, illuminating the almost empty lot. You pulled into a spot next to a seemingly empty car, checking your phone once you parked.
It was 5-till, and you flipped down the mirror to check your makeup, applying lipstick and double checking the contents of your purse. Wallet, keys, lipstick, pepper spray, makeup wipe, EpiPen, breath mints, tampon, condom. You nodded as you ticked off each item in your mind, you had everything you needed, your phone was fully charged, and you looked good. You exhaled, you got this, you smiled to yourself as you got out of your car, double checking it was locked before turning to walk towards the restaurant, only to stop when you noticed the man standing in front of you, smiling nervously when your eyes met.
Your eyes widened slightly and your hand instinctively sought out the pepper spray in your purse, keeping it hidden for now as you took a half-step back. Noticing your wariness, the blonde’s eyes widen frantically, holding his hands up defensively as he takes a few steps back, widening the space between you. “Ah, sorry! You’re (Y/N) right? Kirishima showed me a picture of you a few days ago, I’m Kaminari!”
You relax immediately, your lips curling into a sheepish smile as the apprehension leaves your features. He relaxed as well, bringing his hands back to his side as he took a step forward, making sure to still give you room. “Oh! Sorry, you just startled me there. Kirishima did not do me the favor of letting me know what you looked like beforehand.” He nodded in understanding as you approached, joining him on the sidewalk, much closer this time. You noticed a faint tint to his cheeks as you head into the restaurant, and you were already glad you agreed to go on this date.
You laugh, only to choke on your drink, coughing and hitting your chest before laughing even harder. You took another sip, grinning at the blonde sitting across from you. The two of you got along great, you had a similar sense of humor and plenty of shared tastes. It had been over an hour, but it felt like you just got there. You roll your eyes playfully at his joke about ‘giving you something else to choke on’ replying that an inch or two isn’t enough to choke you. You snort at the mock-offense on his features when you excuse yourself to the restroom.
When you return your empty plates are gone and Kaminari is smiling smugly. You raise an eyebrow and narrow your eyes jokingly. “What did you do now?” He scoffs, “You act like I did something bad! How you wound me so!” You roll your eyes at his dramatic cry, still waiting for an answer. “Well, I’ll have you know I took the liberty of ordering your favorite for dessert.” The smug look returns and your eyebrow joins the other in surprise, you lean forward, resting your chin in your hand as you watch the blonde.
“Oh? And what might that be?” Kaminari smirks and says with unwavering confidence, “Blueberry cobbler, duh.” You have to cover your mouth to keep yourself from laughing too loudly. His eyebrows pinch slightly, not sure of your reaction. “Who told you that? Bakugo?” You say it jokingly, but his silence is enough of an answer. You wince slightly, not expecting it to be true. You sigh and smile amusedly at the blonde across from you. “I’m allergic to blueberries Kaminari.”
He blanched at your words, a mix of embarrassment and mortification crossing his face. “Please tell me you’re kidding.” You smiled sympathetically and pulled your EpiPen out of your purse. “’friad not. But don’t worry about it! It’s sweet that you asked them about what I liked, really. I can bring my share of the cobbler back with me, I’m sure they’ll eat it.” To make matters worse, the waiter brought the dessert out as you comforted him, and smiled apologetically at the waiter when Kaminari asked for two boxes and the bill. You were worrying that he was too embarrassed to continue the date, thinking of ways to get back at your roommate when his hand touched yours gently, bringing you out of your thoughts. “I figured we could get some ice cream? Non-toxic this time I promise.” You grin and nod, shoving your card toward the waiter when he comes back, much to your dates dismay. “You can get the bill next time.” You say with a wink, as if you weren’t about to go to another location.
After dropping leftovers off in your cars, the two of you walk a few blocks to a creamery, getting your respective ice cream cones and then walking to the nearby park, sitting on the swings. You gently swing as the two of you talk about random things, almost dropping your cone multiple times from laughing. After treats had been consumed and wrappers discarded, you head back to your cars, walking closer than before.
You brush shoulders a few times before you loop your arm through his, hugging it to your chest as you tangle your fingers with his, glancing at him to make sure it was okay. You flush slightly when you catch him looking at you with an adoration filled gaze, he clears his throat and looks ahead, squeezing your hand in reassurance.
You arrive at your cars all too quickly, and you untangle yourself from him, kissing his cheek gently as you thanked him for tonight. You happily exchange numbers before parting ways, and you sigh when you close the car door, starting your car. You glance at the box in the passenger seat, grateful for the otherwise deadly blue fruit.
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sunakith · 3 years
hi! sorry in advance for this long ask 😥 i read metamorphosis in your old blog and reread it here again. i remember the asks you got in your old blog with all of the possible theories about WHO the snitch could possibly be: from yn’s friends to suna’s and the wildest one, suna himself. so i’d like to share my theory up to ch20.
* is someone who has been telling yn’s mom about her whereabouts for a while (even before she officially met suna and his friends)
* the only people who yn is close to AND trust are 3: kuroo, akaashi and sora
* the task at the begging was easy: yn didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, was always cautious around people. so it was easy money without getting yn in trouble(?)
* something interesting: the meeting between them and yn’s mom. they had to choose a cafe that was not only suitable for mrs LN standards BUT also a place away from prying eyes (i see it as if someone saw them it would be hard to explain why they were together 👀)
so the snitch CANNOT be any of suna’s friends bc not only they never met yn in person before she went to suna’s tattoo shop but there was no way they could know yn’s whereabouts and mrs LN didn’t know about their existence till after the family brunch at the fancy restaurant (yn told her parents she didn’t know them)
the snitch could be one (you said it was only one) between kuroo akaashi and sora
1. KUROO - probably yn longtime friend among the three. they come form the same family background: rich kids plus their parents are friends. contrary to yn’s parents, kuroo’s seem to be less strict and support his (side/temporary) career as a youtuber but it doesn’t mean they don’t have expectations on their son. he’s studying law school and one if not both of his parents are lawyers (him saying he would use his parents old books bc he didn’t have some at the begging of the smau) - he has to follow his parents steps either bc he wants to or has been forced/induced on wanting to be a lawyer.
even tho he said multiple times he was broke, we should think on HIS meaning of being broke. he has a certain life stile so when he says he needs money it doesn’t mean he cannot afford to pay for rent (does he even have to pay? does he own the place he lives in? and even if he was broke and needed money for food he could easily go to his family’s home.
is he the snake? for me, no he isn’t (and it was confirmed in ch21)
* as he said - (ch21) excluding the easy money - there was nothing for him to risk his friendship with yn. even if yn’s mom doesn’t stand him it didn’t stop her from being friends with his parents
* he’s the one who could really understand yn’s situation with her parents. what it means coming from a wealthy family and your parents put a certain pressure on you and your future wether intentionally (the LNs) or not (the Kuroos)
2. AKAASHI - the perfect guy according to yn’s mom.
* he doesn’t come from a wealthy family, his tuition is paid by yn’s parents (no one knows this info) so he really does need extra money bc he has to cover for his other expenses and support his own family
* he’s close to yn but not enough to know her feelings/doubts (sora)
* the way mrs LN talk/message the snake like she genuinely cares about them
* when yn ditched the dinner with the sakusa’s and her parents, yn’s mom with sakusa went to her apartment (they found sora with atsumu). yn was with suna and he decided to drive her back home, that’s when yn’s mom and sakusa met suna and yn panicked bc of sakusa’s presence. mrs LN asked info about suna to the snake and they didn’t know who she was talking about (sora was there and knew suna was with yn). only kuroo and akaashi weren’t there/didn’t know suna met mrs LN
* akaashi went back home for a month and during that period he missed certain things about yn x suna relationship also he didn’t check that often the gc.
* the brunch (ch20) - akaashi wasn’t there: we don’t know yet how yns mom and sakusa knew where to find yn. did the snake told any of them the address OR did yn ratted herself out by posting the place on her ig (it is public if im not mistaken)? the snake could easily forward the picture to any of them if her profile was private and they didn’t know the address (akaashi)
3. SORA - yn’s only female friend
* like akaashi she doesn’t come from a wealthy family (as far as we know) and she doesn’t go to college but works.
* yn’s mom dislikes her (at least on the surface)
* she doesn’t understand why yn is/was so obedient to her parents, it’s hard to understand from an outside pov (kuroo in a certain way can even if his parents aren’t that controlling)
* the cafe meeting with mrs LN. the way the place should be secluded 👀
* as i said before telling yn’s mom about yn’s life was easy money and there was nothing «interesting» in her life to be hidden from her parents
the snake (for me) is one between sora and akaashi.
AFTER CH21 im thinking more on akaashi bc of the convo between the snake and sakusa where sakusa tells the snake that what they are doing all of this for yn’s sake. akaashi doesn’t know how yn truly feels about suna nor her doubts/worries before they became official (only sora knows) BUT if the snake ends up being sora…(i guess that would be the biggest betrayal yn could get) she deserves an oscars as best actress in a bc not only she played matchmaker with yn x suna but she’s basically yn’s (only) confidant
last but not least let’s talk about my man (sorry yn) suna. not to be a suna apologist (im the first to call his ass out when he’s bitch) but could you really blame him for not wanting to listen to yn? he opened up about his past with her and in one of the first chapters - don’t remember if it was the gc with the twins or he told to yn - was mentioned how his last relationship or the most important one he ended up being emotionally hurt by his partner and he decided to stay away from relationship for a while. so imagine what/how he felt when sakusa told him he was yn’s boyfriend when she not only told him sakusa was just a family friends but they are (suna x yn) supposed to be in a relationship.
yn postponing to tell suna the truth about sakusa (them being together in a arranged relationship bc of their parents business) ended up hurting him. there was never a right moment (the sooner the better) but she should have explained
or at least vaguely mention it to him either when she told him about her parents (when they opened up about each other) or after the apartment incident BUT definitely before they started dating bc she basically lied to suna.
i think that’s all 😵‍💫
The fucking thought & detail that went into this ask!!!! I love it!!!!
Okay, so let me try to answer this properly without skipping over anything, but also without giving away any key parts of the au lol.
So, I did mention this fact on my old blog, but I didn't mention it here, so the snake has been betraying Y/N way before she was introduced to Suna, & his friends. So that fact alone eliminates Atsumu & Osamu from being the snake. You are also correct about the snake having it easy at first. Because there wasn't anything to report seeing how she never did anything until Suna came into the picture. That's when the snake started gathering information. But even at first they were hesitant to say anything, hence why Y/N's mom had to reassure the snake that it was okay, & that all of this was only in Y/N's favor.
We know now that Kuroo is not the snake, because in chapter 21 Sakusa had a conversation with the real snake, & pinning Kuroo out to be the backstabber was all part of his plan to keep the real snake safe. So that means, Sora, & Akaashi are the only ones left.
Sora & Akaashi do not come from wealthy families. Sora makes a very comfortable living tho with her job as a bartender. Akaashi is being put through school by the financial support of Y/N's parents ( this was also a fact I mentioned in the introduction chapter back on my old blog. ) But Y/N does not know about her parents supporting Akaashi, the only one that knows that information is Bokuto.
With Akaashi being financially supported it would make sense for him to be the snake right? Because in return he's doing something for them. But Sora could also very well be the snake. Yes she hates how Y/N parents are treating her, & she wants Y/N to be happy. But there could be a chance that she's the snake because she just simply wants to be on Y/N's parents good side. & at the same time try to convince her parents that Suna is the best thing for her. Because the snake does tell Y/N's mom about how they think Y/N is happier when she's with Suna, & they try to get her mom to see that. Though her mom is a bit stubborn, but maybe that's also what the snake is trying to do. Hoping that the mom will back out of this plan Y/N's family has for her, & let her do what she wants.
You know get on their good side & then win their trust in order to save their friend. So that could be a possibility why the snake is Sora.
Sooo who is the real snake??? 👀👀
& lastly, I agree! Y/N definitely should've told Suna sooner. But in her defense, she was scared that he'd walk away after hearing how much of a complicated mess all of that is. Sure she told him about her parents & stuff like that, but in Y/N's mind that's nothing compared to being in an arranged engagement against your will. She was scared that Suna will leave before she figures out a way to get out of going public with the fake engagement. She was hoping she would figure out a plan that would get her out of it before Suna found out. But it all back fired :(
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Call It What You Want
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part One    Part Two    Part Three
Summary: The other shoe drops and you weren’t ready. 
A/n: Look at me posting twice in one day. Who am I? I don’t know. I love you guys and hope you enjoy some angst and pining. Let me know what you think! Please it means the world to me!
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings​ @coffee-addicti​ @ilikestuffproductions​ @msmcsmutt​ @ravn-87​ @artemismohr18​ @whygz​ @crazywritingbug​ @dolphincommander​ @bisexualbumblebeesstuff​ @fuzzy-panda​ @bitemebro522​ @zombiesnips-blog​ @jillanaholland​ @shookyungsoo​
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Draco’s feeling towards you started to morph from hatred and disgust to curiosity. You were almost too cryptic for his liking... it was too Slytherin for a Gryffindor.
So, he started to watch you a bit closer, learning your schedule and what you did or didn’t do. Most of the time he was left alone because you were in the Gryffindor Tower. He only assumed that it was the location that you studied in because you were never in the library other than to check out books.
Each day he found out nothing more than circling answers and more questions. It frustrated him He was the best at everything except knowing how you worked. Potter was easy, Hermione and Ron even more so, but you were a force to be reckoned with and he hated it.
“I want her kicked out Father! You don’t understand, she’s making a fool of the Slytherin house and our name!” Draco paced as he spoke to his father.
It was the only answer that he could find. Send you away and he wouldn’t have to wonder any longer. His father could easily get you kicked out.
“And on what grounds do you actually have against her?” His father mused.
“Endangerment of students! She almost took down Snape’s entire potions class! She’s a Lupine father! What else do you need!?”
“I’ll see what I can do,” His father stood, “But in the meantime, I must commend you on your excelling in your studies. Very good,”
The last thing that Draco was going to do was tell his father that you were the reason that he was doing better in his classes. To beat you, he had to be smarter and ahead.
“He’s going to realize what you’re doing,” Hermione muttered. “Or at least the teachers are,”
I chuckled and put down my notes where I had resorted to drawing instead of writing and rolled my eyes. It was hard to talk about my Malfoy scheme because I had to be careful about what I said around Harry and Ron.
“I don’t think they’re going to complain that he’s getting better grades to spite me Hermione,” I pointed out.
“Are you ever going to tell him?”
“Ha. No.” I shook my head. “He wouldn’t believe me.”
“Did your mother ever answer you?” She shifted the conversation slightly as more students passed.
“Yes, and no.” I muttered and pulled the letter out of my bag and handed it to her.
My Dear Y/n,
I’m sorry that you are having trouble with the Malfoys. I had hoped to keep you from it, but it seems like not everything can be prevented. As for what to do about Draco, I can only tell you to follow your heart my dear. You were always so kind and strong, don’t be swayed. Stand firm in what you know.
I also want to remind you that the young Malfoy was not raised how you were. His father is distant and cold and his mother even more so. I did my best to raise you without high expectations, and that’s all he’s ever had. Do not blame him for his harsh exterior. Find his heart my dear. Do what you do best and find what truly matters.
Have courage and be kind,
Love, Momma
“Wow,” Hermione raised her eyebrows. “That’s...”
“I know,” I complained. “I thought I was going to get some hate letter against the Malfoys, and I get this! What am I supposed to do with this!” I slumped against the table.
“Well, your mother did say to find out who Malfoy really is... if there is more under the malice and evil.” Hermione muttered.
“Did you get a letter from your mom?” Ron asked as the boys sat down in the Great Hall. Hermione and I exchanged a look as I shoved the letter back into my bag.
“Yeah, she just gave me some advice about what to do about a boy,” I lied easily—well, it wasn’t a total lie.
“You like someone!” Ron was delighted.
I gave him a flat look and he simmered down.
“It’s between my mother and I,” I narrowed my eyes at the boys.
“And Hermione,” Ron mumbled.
Draco couldn’t help it. He overheard you talking about the letter from your mother and Ron exclaiming about you liking someone.
Who had caught your eye? He wondered. Maybe it was Krum after all. He did come out in first in the first challenge. His hatred for Krum grew a little more as another question was added into his mess of who you were. He couldn’t wait until you were kicked out. It would solve everything.
“I’m going to get her expelled,” He stated matter of factly to his table.
“How are you going to do that?” Crabbe asked.
“Are you talking about Lupine again?” Pansy scoffed. “Get a life Malfoy.”
His eyes met yours, and there was a small smile at your lips. Something friendly. Little did he know that it caused him to smile back.
How long was he going to live in denial? The voice in his head asked There’s something different about her and you know it, the voice chided.
You are above her, his father’s voice reminded him. You are chosen. You must achieve greatness.
Draco shoved both voices away and watched you slyly through the rest of dinner.
Rain turned to snow as December settled onto Hogwarts. Draco spent the night studying in his dorm room for Snape’s final that was coming soon. A tapping on his window interrupted him. It was an owl with a letter for him. The owl was vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t place it as he took the letter and sent the owl off.
Malfoy, Draco,
I don’t know why I’m writing this. I should be studying for Snape’s final. But... here I am. 
I wanted to say thank you I’m sorry I understand how
My mother sent me a letter. I spoke to her about you, and our feud. She took me to America so that I wouldn’t be caught up in it, but I guess that plan backfired. I don’t want to fight you. Not really.
I want to say that were more alike than we care to admit, but then that would be admitting it.
Good luck on Snape’s final. If you want help, let me know.
He stared at the letter, the scratched-out words in anger and frustration, and he wondered what possessed you to send this to him. This was different. This was new.
You were kind. He knew that, of course, but this was the first time you had been kind to him directly. It was jarring.
He was tempted to throw the letter into the fire and forget about it. He wanted to make fun of you for writing it and never let you live it down. Kindness was weak. Kindness lost the game. But were you playing the game anymore? Did he want to play anymore?
You are a Malfoy. His father’s voice scolded. You will do as I say and uphold the family name. 
He folded the letter and tucked it under his pillow.
Penelope, my screech owl, returned with nothing to say, but she wanted a bit of food for her travels. I gave her the end of my stock of her treats and she twittered before heading off to the Owlery.
Not that I expected anything. All I had to do was be kind and have courage. My mother was right about that.
Friday came again and during study hall Professor Snape came up to my table and requested my presence in his office. I wanted to argue, but my eye caught Draco’s and the look on his face let me know that this had something to do with him, and that worried me. What had Draco done?
I followed Snape to his office where McGonagall sat as well. This couldn’t be good. My anxiety spiked as I took a seat and awaited my fate.
“Miss Lupine,” McGonagall began. “It has come to our attention that you and Mr. Malfoy are in a sort of constant duel,” She spoke calmly.
“Duel? She almost took out half the Potions class!” Snape hissed, glaring me down.
“I didn’t,” I muttered. “And Draco had a hand in that too. Why isn’t he in here?” I pressed.
“He did not have a complaint raised against him by a concerned parent.” McGonagall spoke with her eyes.
Draco really told on me... to his dad?
“This is ridiculous,” I muttered. “What? Does he want me expelled? So that Draco can just coast through life? And never have a challenge? Never get any better?”
“Get better?” McGonagall mused, something hidden in her eyes. Oh, she knew my game. Maybe that’s what this meeting was about.
“Draco is... very proud.” I began, looking at my lap. “He won’t ask for help in his academics... but give him someone to beat and...”
“And he’ll do anything to beat her.” McGonagall raised her eyebrows at Snape. “I told you, this was nothing more than healthy competition. Y/n wouldn’t endanger anyone,”
“Never,” I was appalled. “This is because I’m endangering people? I would never put anyone in danger.” I looked to Snape, pleas in my eyes. “You have to believe that, after being with me all year. I wouldn’t take it that far,”
He pursed his lips and found resolve.
“I suppose you are right,” He sighed. “Be careful Miss Lupine, you are under watch now.”
I nodded and stood, taking my bag. Walking down the hall, I was fighting tears. I had maybe ten minutes to get to Hagrid’s for Care for Mythical Creatures and I was going to be late. Not that I was concerned.
Hurt flooded my senses at the thought of Draco wanting me expelled. I thought that maybe I was getting through to him... that maybe something could work out and then...
It made my stomach drop.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Pansy from Slytherin grabbed my shoulder and yanked me around in my fervor.
The students nearby stopped to watch us.
“I was going to class,” I righted my robe and glared her down, trying to keep from crying in front of her. “Did I miss something? Is there a reason you’re assaulting me this morning?”
“What are you doing to Draco?” She ignored my question completely.
“What do you mean what am I doing!? What I’ve been doing for the past four years, why do you care!?” I screeched, clenching my fists.
“No this isn’t whatever has been happening in the past and you know that. Now what game are you playing you filthy little whore?”
My eyes widened in surprise as I gaped at her.
“Excuse me?” I demanded drawing my wand. “What did you just call me?”
“What you are.” She drew her own wand. “You’re playing with his head like you’re some Slytherin. Stay in your lane you little bitch!”
A list of spells ran through my head, none of them very nice. As I opened my mouth to cast the worst one that I could think of, I caught sight of familiar blue eyes pushing through the crowd and I stopped. He looked hurt and confused.
Was I doing that to him? What was he doing to me? Was this a set up?
“It’s not worth it,” I muttered to myself putting my wand away to the disappointment of the crowd.
Turning, I went to head to class. Then I heard Pansy cast her spell. I dropped quickly, dodging the spell but when I looked back, I realized I didn’t have to.
Draco was between Pansy and me... protecting me...? 
“Pansy what are you doing?” He hissed.
“Taking care of your problem for you!” She snarled. “I’m tired of hearing you constantly rant about her! She’s nothing Draco! Nothing compared to you or me! She’s a pathetic excuse for a pure blood,”
Something was different hearing it from her mouth instead of Draco’s. Draco has to hate me... Pansy said it on her own accord. My gaze dropped to the floor.
“She better than every wizard in this school and you know that,” Draco hissed. “I always knew you were a jealous bitch.”
“Draco,” I chided softly. 
The crowd around us grew, hanging into every word said. 
“Shut up,” he muttered. “Get out of here Pansy,” Draco sneered. “And leave Y/n alone,”
Pansy looked cornered before she fled the other way. Draco started to leave too but I grabbed his arm.
“Oh no you don’t,” I snapped. “What the hell Malfoy?” My voice shook and tears threatened to spill. “Why are you doing this to me? You try to get me expelled then you come and play hero!?”
“Doing it to you!? What about what you’re doing to me!?” He demanded. “What game are you playing here Y/n!?”
“I’m not playing! Don’t you see that!? I’m tired of playing the game! The feud! I’m tired of it, Draco,” tears did start to fall. “Can’t you see that?” My voice broke as I trailed off and for once, I ran away from a fight.
Part 5
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SWAT!Jay / Upstead AU
A/N: Part 11. Post Bruised Ego. Crossposted on AO3, link on my blog.
They've come to realize that they're missing a lot of kitchen essentials and unless Jay is willing to dive into the tinned cans tucked into the back of one the cabinets, they are definitely in need of a grocery run.
It's been a while since they've been grocery shopping together. Since they're both barely home, their fridge rather resembles one of a bachelor than of a married couple, mostly empty except for condiments and random take-out containers and that old bottle of milk that probably went bad last week. But now that Jay is home with a broken hand, they've come to realize that they're missing a lot of kitchen essentials and unless Jay is willing to dive into the tinned cans tucked into the back of one the cabinets, they are definitely in need of a grocery run.
When Jay suggests that they go to Costco, Hailey raises an eyebrow at him. Jay is usually the get in, get what you need and get out type of shopper, so it really is a testament to how bored he is at home and it's only been a week. She doesn’t want to know what else he’s going to come up with in the next five. Hailey quickly makes a list of what they need – wow, they're apparently out of salt – and they're off to what she knows is going to be a much longer shopping trip than she had planned for.
They've barely stepped foot in the warehouse and Jay has already wandered off towards the electronics on sale, leaving Hailey with their cart. She thinks about calling after her husband, but she just rolls her eyes at him and keeps walking towards the food section in the back. He better not be looking at that 70 inch TV that he was talking about with Will the other night. Hailey methodically goes down every aisle – if they're here already, she might as well make the most of it and find some of those hidden sale items. She remembers going shopping with her mother, one of the few things she and her mother did together – just the two of them since her brothers hated it – and they’d make a fun game out of it, doing a treasure hunt for those elusive limited offers. She’d run ahead of her mother, ducking and jumping, running back and forth the aisles, trying to glimpse the highlighted price signs. Both of them would rejoice every time Hailey found a treasure. She marvels at how fondly she looks back at such a mundane thing as buying groceries.
Half an hour later Hailey finds Jay in the cereal aisle, one-handedly pushing his own cart, already filled with all kinds of things. "Jay!" She walks over to him, her eyes widening at what is in his cart. "What in the world…"
"Oh hey, babe." Jay gives her a blinding smile and throws two large boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch into his cart.
She rummages through the items he’s gotten so far and they definitely do not need 1,875 q-tips or 200 trash bags or that tub of 115 dishwasher detergent pacs. And is that a 2 pound tin of peanuts? She spots something blue and silver at the bottom of the cart and she scrunches up her nose in disgust. "Oh God, is that a 24-pack of Red Bull?!"
"Leave it," he laughs and slaps his wife’s hands away.
She sees that he’s also already been to the meat section and got two whole chickens, four racks of ribs and what looks like ten pounds of ground beef. "Who’s gonna eat all of that?"
Jay shrugs and scratches the back of his head. "I thought I’d invite the guys over for a barbeque." And now she knows how bored Jay really is, if he’s willing to cater for eight guys who eat like they’re bottomless pits, with a broken hand no less. Hailey sighs, knowing that this is going to happen whether she wants it or not.
"Alright," she huffs and looks through the rest of his cart – there's burger buns, but there's nary a vegetable in sight, and no, she’s not gonna count the massive glass of pickles. "How about some sides and some other drinks?"
Jay’s brilliant smile is back and he leans down to peck her on the lips. "You’re the best."
In the hopes of speeding things up, Hailey types out a list on her phone and Jay’s phone pings a few seconds later. "You get those things and I’ll get the rest. Meet at checkout in twenty?"
He looks at the items she sent him and nods, checking his watch. "Copy that."
"Oh," Hailey stops him with a grin, "and can you get me some tampons when you get the toilet paper?"
"Orange or green?" Jay sticks out his tongue at her. He knows she tries to catch him off-guard sometimes, but honestly, it's not the first time he got her tampons and it's not like he minds.
She winks at him. "Yellow."
"Yes, ma'am." He'll get her some tampons, she'll see.
On her round to get the last few things on her own list (a.k.a. the things that they were actually planning to buy before they got here), she catches Jay stuffing his face with food samples four times, and every time he waves and yells at her to try this or that with his mouth full. And every time she pushes her cart quickly down the next aisle, shaking her head at his antics.
After she gets everything they needed, she gives him the full twenty minutes and another ten afterwards just browsing through the store before she goes to checkout, but her husband is nowhere to be seen. Hailey tries calling him, but it just keeps ringing until it goes to voicemail. Sighing, she guesses that Jay got lost somewhere in the cheese section, looking for the feta cheese that she put on his list. Waiting for another five minutes, Hailey decides to pay and get a sundae from the food court while she waits for him.
"Babe, over here!" She hears his voice as soon as she’s past the cash registers, surprised that he beat her to the food court. He’s holding a half-eaten hot dog in his right hand and balancing another one on his cast, a soda cup tucked into the crook of his elbow. Jay looks like a food spill waiting to happen, so Hailey hurries towards him, saving the hot dog that is precariously perched on his arm.
The toppings are piled high and there’s extra sauerkraut, just the way she likes it. She smiles up at Jay and thumbs away a drop of ketchup from the corner of his mouth before she stands up on her tiptoes and gives him a quick kiss. "Thanks, babe."
He raises an eyebrow at her when she takes her first bite. "Who said that one’s for you?"
His wife giggles and retorts with a raised eyebrow of her own. "Let’s see you try and take this away from me."
"Oh no," Jay laughs, "I'm only gonna make that mistake once." He finishes the rest of his hot dog in one bite – his cheeks comically bulging as he chews – and washes it down with a couple of big gulps of soda. He takes Hailey’s cart and leads her to where he left his while she eats her hot dog.
"Hey, Raymond," he walks up to an employee, "all good?"
"Yeah, man, your carts are over there." The guy points at two carts (he did say carts, as in plural, Hailey thinks) that are pushed against the wall next to him.
"Thanks, buddy." Jay fistbumps the guy and pushes Hailey’s cart over to the others.
Hailey almost chokes on the bite of hot dog in her mouth. The last time she saw him half an hour ago, he had one cart that was already ridiculously full and he walked out with two? She doesn’t even know how Jay did it. It’s hard enough to push two carts by yourself, but he can’t even hold on to the other one properly with his cast? And how did he even get the stuff in the cart? She forces herself to swallow down the bite and blurts out, "What the fuck?"
A woman with two little kids walking by glares at Hailey and Jay snorts loudly. She doesn’t even notice, still staring at Jay’s two overflowing carts. One of them is definitely the one that she saw him with, only now thirty rolls of toilet paper and about 300 tampons stacked on top. The second one is loaded with three 24-pack trays of beer, three big bottles of bourbon, a six pack of Coke bottles and a gallon of orange juice. And it’s all piled on top of a…
"Is that a mini fridge?!" Hailey's voice goes up an octave. She turns to Jay who looks at her like the cat that ate the canary, big grin and all. Jay bought a mini fridge. Hailey pinches the bridge of her nose, but can't help the laugh that escapes her. She knew one of them was going to buy something they didn't need, but this definitely beats the yoga pants and sports bra that she treated herself to.
"It's actually a stainless steel cooler on wheels," Jay explains proudly. "It's got its own bottle opener and cap catcher."
Laughing out loud, she hands her half-eaten hot dog to Jay who gladly takes it and continues to wolf it down. She pats his good arm. "Honey, you get all of that stuff in the car, I don't care how."
"And what are you gonna do?"
"I’m getting a sundae," she announces and walks off. Behind her she hears Jay roping that poor guy Raymond into helping him with the carts. Then she hears him call after her. "Babe! Get me a strawberry sundae too!" She shakes her head with a smile and gets in line.
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kieraswriting · 4 years
Coffin Chapter Twenty-Eight
Roman ran into the living room when he heard Patton screech. “It’s what?!”
“What is?” Roman demanded.
Patton shushed him, gesturing emphatically at the tv screen.
“As according to even the lowest reports,” the lady was saying . “95% of the vampires have been rounded up now. There will still be people available to take your calls if you suspect you’ve seen a vampire, and we highly encourage you to keep turning them in. We will still be here to serve you, just in a less invasive manner.”
“What’s going on?” Roman whispered.
“She said the sweep is over.” Patton whispered back, his eyes fixed on the screen.
“It’s what?!”
In the next weeks, we’ll be working on transitioning the vampires into controlled work environments. They will be in public, but carefully controlled. There is no reason for fear if you should see them. However, we would ask that you refrain from bothering the handlers, as that increases the risk, however slightly.
“They’re what?!” Dee said, turning the radio up.
“Yes, we can confirm that the sweep is over. The vampires of course will still be arrested if they are discovered, but there will be no more searching of homes without warrants.”
“Well, that’s good.” The other person on the radio program said. “As much as I’m glad to have the vampires gone, it’s very disconcerting to have people storming into your house.”
“Yes, that is a large part of why the sweep has officially ended. Individuals will have to take more responsibility to hand in the remaining hidden vampires, but this way we can have back our freedoms and privacy.”
Dee looked over at Thomas, who was just as wide-eyed. “Can we…?”
“Not home, they know us there. But we can make a new home.”
Dee was just as fine with a new home as with the old one. He nodded enthusiastically.
Liam searched the house. According to reports from the neighbors, Logan had been seen here, but no sign of Patton, and there were only three people staying in the house.
So Patton and the vampire that held him under thrall were somewhere else, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t clues. However, everything he saw was merely personal items. And they didn’t seem to match the supposed inhabitants. Perhaps they’d managed to kick out the original inhabitants. Some vampires did seem to have hypnotic powers.
He kept searching, letting out a slight growl under his breath in frustration, and ignoring the looks his men were giving each other.
Virgil hadn’t had a phone in ages. He had… not really friends, just some nice people online he used to talk to sometimes, and he wondered how they were doing.
Between the three of them, they had Roman’s phone and a burner phone that couldn’t do much other than call.
Part of it was that he was bored, part of it was that he was just thinking about old times, and part was just the relief of the sweep being over. But he wanted to try talking to his fr-- acquaintances, really, and it had been at least a year since he’d talked to any of them, they probably were even less than that now. But still.
“Um… Roman?”
“Hmm?” Roman looked up from the fire. That had been his way of not getting bored, keeping the fire going. Between cutting work and tending the fire almost constantly, it seemed to be working for him.
“Can I…” It felt weird… bad… asking for something as personal and valued as a phone. “CanIborrowyourphoneIswearI’lltakecareofit--”
“Woah, slow down, you want my phone?”
Virgil hesitated, but nodded.
“Yeah, sure. It’s plugged in on the kitchen counter. We’ll do the bonfire in an hour or so, but you can have it till then.”
Virgil was very surprised that Roman would just let him have it, without asking why or anything. “Thanks.”
“Oh, wait, you’ll need a password. Uh… I don’t, really want to tell you, it’s kinda personal, but if you bring it here I’ll type it in.”
Virgil was even more surprised, but the password was quickly typed in and Roman handed him the phone back, cracking a joke about not downloading any viruses.
Virgil waited a long few minutes, sitting up on the kitchen counter and just staring at the home screen. It had a picture of Roman, Patton, and Logan, with Roman and Patton squishing Logan into a group hug. He felt a pang of guilt that he was the one here with them, instead of Logan.
And then he got over his anxiety enough to sign in to tumblr. Yeah, yeah, he knew it was technically ‘dead’, but that didn’t matter. He could be strange there, and instead of picking at him or just leaving him alone, everyone else was pretty strange there too.
He wasn’t terribly surprised to see 99+ notifications, since he hadn’t checked it in a year or two, but he was surprised to see that so many of them were mentions and direct messages. He nearly broke down in tears seeing how concerned people had been for him. They’d left kind messages, ‘for whenever he came back’, and they’d started chains of ‘loving V hours’. One of his old friends had sent him a message every week, even if it was something like ‘hey, come back, idiot, we miss you’.
So he messaged them first.
Ummm….. I’m back?
They didn’t respond immediately, probably didn’t have notifications on, or busy or something, and Virgil started scrolling through his dash. The tears swimming around in his eyes fell when he saw the post. It was someone advocating for the vampires. Saying that, no matter what they’d done, they didn’t deserve to be massacred. Virgil went to the blog, and saw that she was getting a lot of hate, but was making and reblogging things supporting the vampires, and ‘conspiracy theories’ about how they were treated that he knew to be true. He followed immediately. He kept scrolling, and found a few people agreeing with her, a very few supporting and sharing information around.
He’d always been interested in conspiracy theories, in cryptids, he wouldn’t be giving himself away to reblog some of these.
A fwip sound made him jump and then smile.
V!!!!!!!!! Where’ve you been!!!!!!????????
Virgil smiled wide. Lost my phone, kicked out of home, you know, all the stuff you warned me about. It’s really nice to hear from you.
Nice to hear from me???? Do you have any IDEA how nice it is to hear from YOU??????!!!!
XD I’m fine.
Did you really get kicked out of your home?!?
Lol, kinda. I’m staying with some nice people though. They’re even letting me use their phone.
That’s good, but what happened????!!!
Virgil thought about it. How much could he say? They didn’t know where he lived, and he didn’t even live there anymore. They knew his full first name, but not his last name. He’d… probably be safe talking to them. He always had been, when he told them about other things.
I saw the things you’ve been reblogging. Man, things are crazy. Are you doing alright with it all?? You didn’t have police bothering you or anything, right?
It’s a long story.
You think after this whole time that I’m not dying to hear long stories????!!!! I haven’t heard from you in ages! I want to know everything!
Well, you know about my dad, and all that….
He’s an abusive douchebag, yes.
Virgil had to give a small smile at that. They’d been the first person to call his dad abusive, and they’d helped him realize it too.
So… Dad was also a vampire…
Not surprising, all things considered. Did he hurt you?????
You remember that one lady I told you about?
The creepy fae lady? Did. Your Dad. Hurt you? I will find you and bust his face in, V, I swear.
I mean… kinda? Well, I guess I can’t say kinda. So he’s been drinking from me my whole life, and he went… way too far one time. The lady found me, oh, and she’s a vampire too, and she turned me to try and save my life. I went to live with her for a long time.
There was a long wait, and then a meme of John Mulaney, “Now we don’t have time to unpack all of that.”
So… you’re a vampire now?
And you’re safe. No police?
At the moment.
Ok, I’m gonna need a bit to adjust to the whole you’re a vampire thing, but before that-- At. The. Moment???? Who hurt you now????!!!?
There came the tears again. It was far too easy to cry right now. But to have his friend accept him so readily… and still ready to rail at people who would hurt him?! It was just a lot. More than a lot, and it made him so happy.
And don’t you dare say long story! Tell me what happened!
I got caught by hunters, before the sweep.
Another meme, “Now we aren’t just gonna skim past this like you didn’t just say what you just said.”
Please. Slow down and tell me what actually happened. You’re hitting me with some big revelations, and I need some details in between those.
Virgil went back to the beginning, writing out his story, and just avoiding names and places, just in case. It wasn’t easy, and by the end he was fighting back tears again. His friend wasn’t, they kept sending sobbing faces, and alternately saying how sorry they were that something like this would happen and raging against the people that had done it.
V, you don’t have to do this, but I think you should write that down. Make a post of it. I’ve seen the theories I don’t even know how many times, but I never got close to guessing how true they were. You… you really, really, don’t have to, and definitely don’t put your face in them, but taking pictures of the scars would really make it a lot more real to people.
Would it do any good?
I think it could do worlds of good. I’ve never heard things like this. NEVER. I absolutely believe you, and I think other people would too. Use a fake name, make a new blog, heck, make a whole new account, you don’t want people tracing this. But I really think you should do it.
Virgil hesitated again. He didn’t think he could take hate online.
I’ll help you, and I’ll get some other people too, if you don’t mind me telling them your story. I won’t tell them your name or anything.
You think… an ask blog? In case people have questions?
Yes. That’s a brilliant idea.
I won’t have a phone all the time…
I’ll help run it, and answer as best as I can.
It’s… It’s so nice to have you here, and here for me.
Always, V.
Virgil was quiet during the bonfire, but it was the thinking kind of quiet, not the anxious kind, which helped Patton feel better about it. They’d managed to get marshmallows, and to roast them. Virgil had hoped he could eat just one without problems, which, well, didn’t work out, but after that he ate a whole lot of them, ‘just to spite his body’.
They ended up laying on blankets near the fire, looking up through the leaves at the few stars they could see.
“Thanks for keeping me with you,” Virgil said. “I’ve… I’ve been thinking about the past, and if you’d sent me back, or…” his voice strangled a bit. “Or kept me in that coffin…”
“Virgil, I’m so, so glad that you’re here with us now.” Patton said. “I wouldn’t be the same person I am without you. If… Looking back on it, the very idea of leaving you there makes me sick.”
“You’re an important kid, and I’m glad we have you,” Roman said.
Virgil just nodded silently, curling in on himself a little.
Patton locked eyes with Roman, and they each had the same idea, moving to Virgil’s blanket and sandwiching him between them. There was no protest from Virgil, and he even grabbed their hands, squeezing silently.
Patton gave a soft squeeze back. “We’re here now, and we have you, and we won’t let go.”
“No, we won’t.” Roman echoed.
“Thank you,” Virgil said, his voice rather choked up, but a watery smile on his face.
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defenderrosetyler · 4 years
Searching for Distraction
Tumblr media
Summary: A restless night leaves Dean searching for something to clear his head. Little did he know, that person, was you.
Pairing: Dean x You
Word Count: 1,601
Warnings: Drinking, cheaters, possible smut
A/N: Okay, on this blog, this is my first attempt at a One-shot like this. I want to thank so much the help of @deanwanddamons​ for their help in Beta & even for helping me with this lovely picture. Hope you all enjoy this & if you want me to write more like this. 
Tags: @simsadventures​
As Dean sat in the War Room of the bunker, he sighed. There were so many things roaming his mind. Sam had Eileen. Sure, he had girlfriends in the past. Lisa, and Cassie to name but a few. But part of Dean had always wanted to settle down and have the 'Apple Pie' life as he called it.
His Mom and Dad had done well. Up until his mother's death of course. But would he be granted the same happiness? 
The need to get out of the bunker suddenly overwhelmed him, so grabbing his jacket and keys, he decided to take Baby out for a drive as he needed a drink. Sure, there was beer back at the bunker, but there weren't other distractions to help take his mind off everything, so he headed for the nearest bar. 
Dean let out a contented sigh, hearing the all too familiar rumble of the 67 Chevy Impala’s engine. It was his most prized possession. Dean had basically convinced his father to purchase the damn thing. The elder Winchester let the engine rumble and idle for a moment, taking a deep breath to gather his thoughts together. How long had it even been since John had made a deal with that yellow eyed bastard? Deep in the back of his mind, Dean knew that if he hadn’t, he wouldn't be alive right now. 
Placing the vehicle into drive, he left the garage and drove out onto the rain slicked pavement. His mind was wandering as it did most evenings. He needed to clear his head, and he knew he could do this with a glass of bourbon in his hands. Dean would welcome the distraction of a woman in bed beside him in the skanky hotels he’d come accustomed to. He and his brother Sam. 
Sam. Now he was a subject that he’d rather not think about this evening. 
“Damn it.” he mutters to the empty car. 
The drive was a good 15 minutes. The further away he was from the bunker, or in this case the distractions and wandering of his mind, the better he’d feel. Dean puts the car into park looking up at the bright neon sign of the bar. Stepping out of the Impala, he makes his way inside and sits at the nearest stool. Glancing up he sees a large set of breasts in his face. Normally, this would be a major turn on for him, but for reasons he couldn’t understand, he wasn’t interested. 
“What can I get you hot stuff?” The blonde woman purrs as she attempts to flirt with him. Dean’s green eyes looked into the bartender's blue ones. 
“Bourbon please, and leave the bottle.” He says, his voice raspy and low, his usual deep baritone. She nodded and winked. Clearly this woman knew how to flirt and more often than not, she earned tips for it. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he feels someone sit beside him. 
“What brings you here?” Dean asks, noticing the tear tracks on the woman’s cheeks. It was clear she’d been crying and he wanted to help her. 
“Don’t flatter yourself hot stuff, I’m way out of your league.” The woman snaps, venom in her voice. The tone was full of heartbreak and sadness, yet there was an undertone of anger. Dean shakes his head and rolls his eyes at her. This was SO not what he wanted when he came to the bar. Then again, this woman seems in need of the same distractions that craves. 
“How do you know if I’m out of your league, if you don’t even know me?” He says. His emerald green eyes examine her body. If this was her drinking away her sorrows due to a break up of some kind, the other man she’d been with had no idea what he’d lost. She was plus size, not the average tall skinny blonde Dean was accustomed to sleeping with, but he was intrigued.
“So, what’s your name?“ Dean asks
“Y/N” she responds with sadness in her voice.
“Well Y/N, let me at least ask this question. What brings you here at 3 am?” Dean asks, pulling his stool closer to her. 
“I came home from work to find my boyfriend in bed with another man. Something he kept hidden from me while we have been dating for over the past two years.” She snaps, her voice breaking with emotion. Shit.
Dean feels as if he’s been slapped by her words. If he was in Y/N’s shoes and came in on a scene like that.
Dean clears his throat as he looks over at her and offers her a glass of the amber liquid he had. “Y/N….I’m sorry.” he says simply.
Y/N looks over at the muscular arms of the elder Winchester and raises her eyebrows at him, “Tell me Dean, what brings you here?” Y/N asks, her hair falling across her face. Giving him a similar look to what he had given her. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” His voice trailed off. He couldn’t tell her about the hunts. For one thing, it was dangerous. He’d be putting Y/N in danger, the danger that seemed to follow Dean and Sam everywhere they had gone. “My job is just a little stressful and I’ve got a lot on my mind. One thing I will tell you though, is the jackass that dumped you for a guy? It’s his loss.” He pauses as he lets the amber liquid burn down his throat. “I’d consider myself lucky if I had someone like you on my arm and in my bed.”
Y/N looks at him bewildered, confused even. This man barely knew her, and yet he was basically telling her in the bluntest of terms, that he’d take her home. Normally, Y/N wasn’t up for one night stands, yet this man was willing to help her cope. Y/N clears her throat as she downed her shot as she looks over at Dean. “I um….I don’t have anywhere to stay tonight. Do you know of somewhere that I could stay? Ya know, till I get back on my feet again?”
Dean nods as he looks into Y/N eyes. He found himself lost in their color. Drawing him in. Clearing his throat, Dean pulled out his wallet and keys. 
“My place isn’t too far from here but, now with both of us having indulged in this wonderful liquid, the last thing I want to do is risk your life. What my intention is for tonight,” he stands and offers her his hand, as he pulls her close to him. “Is to show you how a man should treat his girl.” Dean purrs. His tone is full of the desire and lust, his lips inching closer to hers. Damn, she smelt amazing.
The tension is broken when the flirty blonde walks back to check on them. Dean clears his throat and backs away, handing her the current fake credit card he’d applied for. Dean knew of a motel just up the road where they could crash for the night, and if Y/N was willing, he’d do something he’s never done. Bring a girl home to the bunker. The tab paid, he takes Y/N’s hand in order to begin their trip towards the small run down motel. 
“You had no idea this scumbag was screwing around on you behind your back?” He asks her to break the silence once they check in. Retrieving their key, they find the door of the room.  Opening the door, Dean lets out an annoyed groan. One. Fucking. Bed. Sure, Dean thinks to himself, he may get lucky, but what if she didn’t want to sleep with him? What if Y/N wanted time to herself?
“I, um….I guess I’ll be taking the sofa.” he says scratching the back of his neck. Pulling out his phone, he sent a message to Sam, letting him know what was happening. That way, his brother wouldn’t worry. But he still had a nagging doubt. Did she want to sleep with him? He wasn’t going to sleep in his jacket, so he removed it, tossing it on one of the free chairs. 
Y/N sighs as she looks at the other man, her fingers laced together in front of her. Clearing her throat, Y/N decides to call out the elephant in the room. “Why do you want to sleep with me if my own ex boyfriend didn’t want to?”  making Dean’s head snap up in shock and astonishment. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” He purrs as he steps towards her. He raises his hands to cup her cheeks and presses his forehead against hers, “I know how a woman should be treated, and the way that bastard has treated you? That isn’t it.” 
His voice is soft, as if he were comforting a small child. His lips move towards hers, hovering just barely inches from them touching. Damn it, he can’t hold back anymore. Dean closes the gap between them and presses his lips to hers. They are soft, and gentle. Just like she seems to be. You can learn a lot about a person from a kiss. Dean knows that from experience, but he may have heard it from some movie he’d seen but for the life of him, couldn’t recall what it was.
It is Y/N who pulls back first to catch her breath. Her hands wrap around Dean’s waist, keeping their bodies close. Slowly, she opens her eyes. They look into Dean’s the shade of an emerald mixed with the green of the forest. 
“Yes, show me how I should be treated.” Y/N whispers.
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sufferingink · 4 years
Mixed up Miraculous AU Part3: flaws
a lot of my problems with the current show stem from characters not having flaws, or at least flaws that cause long standing issues throughout episodes. Marinette herself is a pretty good example of this to me, because her flaws are treated more like funny quirks that come up very little. Like with her almost kissing a wax statue because it looked like Adrien, haha so... so funny. so because no one asked for it, I’m going to write a full post detailing the flaws of some characters. (note: started writing this before the specials came out. might be irrelevant now)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (the big one)
So you know how in canon, marinette tripping over something or walking into a wall is a gag that’s in like a grand total of 12 scenes per season? and that’s considered one of her major flaws??? It’s not! But I’m going to dial it up a bit so the contrast between civilian and superhero is incredibly obvious!! This makes her the one that’s the most cautious but also the one that can wave away injuries the easiest.
One of the more fleshed out aspects of her character is that she is always losing arguments. That sounds weird. It’s more like the reason behind why she loses them is fleshed out. Most of the people she argues with are very good at make people believe they gave them evidence when they really just handed them hot air. Marinette knows what they’re saying isn’t true, but is so lost in anger that she doesn’t even provide hot air. It makes her seem like she just expects people to believe her because she’s... Marinette. the goody two shoes(have you seen how much stuff she’s stolen?). the one that never lies (or is at least semi-okay at it). It’s kind of rude to have the belief that everyone should believe you because you’re you, but that’s kind of always how it goes in hidden role games sooooo... maybe she’ll be fine.
BURNOUT!!yay. marinette is constantly signing onto new projects and throughout this hypothetical series you could see it take a toll on her. she becomes irritable and her anxiety goes through the roof. Pumilio jumps from rooftops half asleep. It worries everyone around her. She is near constantly complaining about her workload but has convinced herself that taking even a day to recharge is being lazy
she carries around fabric and buttons everywhere. just kind of does, for some reason. Jumpp doesn’t care so..
something something kissing a wax statue because it looks like your crush isn’t cute it just makes you look creepy. 
fuckin’ BAMBOOZLED by automatical doors, apparently.
Adrien Agreste
This kid has SO many trust issues and anxieties. He’s constantly aware that everyone trying to get close to him might just be doing it for fame (that’s why he’s more comfortable as a superhero. not much fame you could get from that). He’s constantly aware of his own appearance because he doesn’t want to upset his father. He worries that someday his friends will realize how much of a disaster he is and just... leave. Of course, he has to hide all of this (”worry wrinkles are bad for business”).
This dude can’t properly sit still to save his life. Not necessarily a flaw and more a character trait I guess? That’s why he looks so sad at homeschool. He wants to socialize, sure, but he also wants to climb a damn tree.
(this is one specific to this au) When the group discover the cat miraculous, Adrien was hesitant to take it. Pollen was one of his friends, and the only one he could really talk to about everything. Not to mention Pollen’s own worries, as most of their holders gave them up to become something different. he still took it, because the reasoning was sound and he had no real reason to deny it. But he never properly activated it. He didn’t want Pollen to feel like they were getting replaced.
He lets people off the hook far too easily. Doesn’t want the anger.
Alya Cesaire
For a reporter, she jumps to conclusions far too quickly. Barest amount of evidence and she will go reveal it to the world without even checking the sources (tip: check your sources. I can’t believe i have to say it). That being said, I do like the idea of her slowly piecing together the heroes’ identities. Like at the end of the first season,she makes a small comment about how much Adrien looks like Abeille and there’s little hints that she may be figuring it all out.
Gets frustrated with her friends easily because she knows they’re hiding something but she can’t tell what. Stupid AND terrible at lying? unacceptable.
kind of sort of really used to justifying invading other people’s privacy. She... really shouldn’t be doing that. stop, please.
Alya can’t ever force herself to do something. If she doesn’t like the work she’s given, she will either choose something adjacent to it, or will just straight up ignore it. Makes her grades suffer and her confidence in herself plummet
Nino Lahiffe
This kid just might be the most stable one here. He doesn’t overwork himself, he finishes his work on time, he’s relatively steady on his feet. but where everyone in his class is famous to some extent, nino just... isn’t. the most impressive thing he’s ever done is win an obviously rigged game show. He jealous, most days. When Marinette hands out free croissants, he’s thinking about how much he would have to pay for just one. When Alya’s complaining about how few people liked her posts, nino’s remembering the day where he finally hit 1k. Everytime Chloe uses her father’s influence for something petty, he remembers listening to his parents sob about not being able to afford their tiny apartment. he keeps it to himself.
He highkey feels like an outsider in his own life. (this might be triggering, I’ll put a funny summary at the end) Like maybe one day, he’ll wake up and everything will be perfectly fine without him. Pavonine will still be there, his friends, his family... none of them would ever even notice if he just sat in bed forever. Duusuu would probably notice and try to cheer him up, which would only make it worse.(hey, did I say the end? I meant right here. summarizing two sentences: Nino may or may not have depression. Duusuu may or may not be accidently making it worse.) Ironically, these days come most often when people notice him the most. Adrien straight up hands him four duct taped lunchables because Nino mentioned ants got into his food. Alya jokingly accuses him of being Pavonine for her blog (”He wears a SUIT, dude,” is really the only evidence he gives for it not being him. this somehow works). SOMEONE filled his locker paper frogs and Shrek Devito strickers (real thing. i have one on my desk). No one’s as surprised as he is when Mme. Bustier agrees to put them on well written papers.
kind of overbearing when it becomes to groups, but doesn’t like being the leader.
has this really terrible cough, hmmm I woNDER WHERE THAT CAME FROM.
Tikki (Kwami)
Gods, no matter how small and cute, work in absolutes. Their moral standing is no different. Tikki has particularly strong moral compass, and pretty much never sways in her belief. if her holder tries to use a lie she deems unnecessary, she will use her hold over them to voice her opinion in a less than savory manner (she’s a god, and she’s basically been in lockdown for one hundred years. She’s allowed to have a bit of a disconnect from what hurts)
Plagg (Kwami)
You know how in the last one I basically said that all Kwamis are all somewhere in the Good alignment? Plagg’s a straight up Chaotic Neutral. He wants his owners (and tikki) to be happy, but he’s only there for that. will happily leave as people stop yelling at him. He doesn’t hurt his holders, but he is very sarcastic.
Pollen (Kwami)
Very loyal, very quickly. they find their group and protect them to their final breath. Their holders tend to be offered better Miraculous and leave Pollen in the dust. They take this very personally, and refuse to work with that holder ever again. These holders have... not great endings, but Pollen refuses to feel guilt. 
Duusuu (Kwami)
they basically have no control over their emotions, and tend to increase their holders emotions. More recently, their Miraculous has broken, and infects their host with some sort of strange sickness. They’re so determined to spot any symptoms that they miss their current holder’s worsening mental health.
Jumpp (Kwami)
They have gone so long without everything that they cling to it so tightly that they restrict change. When your holder very much needs a change, there’s tension. They try to force their holder to stay transformed, so they don’t throw away their miraculous.
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