#hidden omega situation
shieldofiron · 2 years
what about Big! Billy that is also a hidden omega- and dom tiny alpha Steve finds out when billy goes into heat- and like billy is feral as hell and very protective over Steve afterwards while Steve is like
“Awe look at my big wolf man 🥺”
I swear, A/B/O is in the air! It’s on everyone’s mind! This one’s fluffy and not SUPER Smutty but... I mean... still dirty come on look at the ask.
Billy was sort of drifting in and out. He would come to with Harrington over him, Billy’s back sliding against the makeshift nest of school towels, his body pulled taut with desire. It seemed like every single atom and piece of his body would ache out for Steve, pulsing like a heartbeat, and then he would fade away and come to with his arms wrapped around Steve, pressing their foreheads together and murmuring sweet nonsense.
It wasn't like he planned it. They'd been the last in the shower, and Harrington had been lingering under the spray. His back had been to Billy, and Billy might have started daydreaming, looking at the taut muscles of Steve's back, his high tight ass. No one at school knew that Billy was an omega, he took the highest dose of blockers possible for his size. And his size was a lot. So he was normally tranq-ed up so bad he couldn't smell a thing. But in the shower, with the hot steam opening up his sinuses, Harrington's lithe, perfect body could fill the space with his scent and Billy wouldn’t complain.
He rubbed soap across his chest for what could be the third time and wondered idly if Steve could smell him here. Billy was so turned on he could nearly smell it too, though that was probably just the daydream. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, lazy and soft and slow.
Harrington turning too, was in slow motion, hazy with steam. He said something, but no words came out, just like a daydream. He really was alarmingly pretty, all flushed, his brows drawn up in concern.
Concern. Why would he be concerned?
The room has seemed to tip sideways and then he was being held awkwardly in Steve's arms, half held up by the wall. His legs felt like jelly, but it was fine because Steve was here soclosesoclose.
Harrington's pretty pink mouth was opening and closing but it took Billy several moments before he could bring himself around.
"...Heat?" Harrington asked, "Hargrove, are you okay? Smells like someone’s going into heat."
Harrington's smell, like mint and freshly picked oranges, swirled into Billy's head and sent a wave of pleasurepainpleasureohfuckfuck. Harrington was surprisingly strong for a shorter guy, never was that more evident than when Billy's knees nearly gave out under him.
Strong. Such a strong alpha. And pretty, he would give us such pretty...
"My dad," Billy slurred, "My dad's gonna kill me."
Harrington just frowned harder, "Hargrove... are you an omega?"
Billy tried to get his feet under him, "You can't t-tell..."
Harrington was leaning in, inhaling with that strong sloped nose, "Hargrove you're going into heat?"
"C-can't be. I'm on... like 900 milligrams a day."
Harrington hissed, "That's a lot."
"I need 'm," He blinked slowly, "I can't... can't go into heat."
"Well you... are so," Harrington blinked those pretty Bambi eyes up at him.
Billy sucked in a breath of Steve Harrington's signature air, trying to ignore the way the scent was filling his mind with contradictory statements. Things like that he needed to make a nest, and he needed to beg Harrington to stay, and he needed condoms because if he had a pup his dad would kill him, and also Harrington wouldn't want his pups, but also Billy neededneededneeded Harrington to fill him with pups he needed it.
His head was spinning.
"I can't... I can't Harrington," Billy clung, not even caring that he was saying he couldn't while his body was definitely telling him he could, needed to, needed so badly.
"Look, it will be okay," Harrington blinked, slicking his hair back from his forehead, "I'll help. It'll be over in just a few hours, okay."
Billy whimpered. He should protest but his body was making it hard to remember why through the fog of Steve and the almost painful, cramping need that rushed through him.
“Come on,” Steve started to tug a little, “let’s get you dry.”
Dry wasn’t really a possibility any more, Billy could feel the slick dripping between his legs. He exhaled, leaning into Steve’s hold, while still feeling like he might crush him.
“Y-you’re stronger than you look,” He whispered, not sure if he meant it as a come on or not.
“And you’re burning up,” Steve pressed a cool hand to Billy’s forehead and Billy nearly whimpered again, biting his lip hard to keep it in. Steve probably just meant to hold Billy through the heat, soothe it a little. Billy should keep his feelings about that to himself.
But that’s not what happens. Steve towels Billy off carefully once he sits him on a bench, leaning down and brushing Billy’s forehead with one wet lock of his hair.
Steve slung the towel over Billy’s shoulders, “It’s a good thing you can sit, I’m not sure I would be able to reach otherwise.”
“You... yeah... short stuff,” Billy had a come back in him somewhere. Only it was taking everything in him not to squirm against the hard bench. He could feel himself get impossibly slicker, but he couldn’t let it show. Harrington knew what a heat was, no need to rub it in.
“I gotta lock the door,” Steve rubbed the towel across Billy’s neck, “Okay?”
“Yea, okay, ‘s fine,” Billy locked all his muscles, trying not to lean into Harrington’s touch, “You can go too. As long as no one can get in, I’ll be s-safe.”
Brown eyes just lingered, “I may... I feel like I’m close to a rut. I shouldn’t be out there with...”
Everyone. Yeah. There was a reason why that was a bad idea, but all Billy could think was alpha’s going to stay alpha needs like me needsneedsneeds me.
Billy couldn’t hide the little whimper that trickled out of his throat.
“Is it okay? If it’s me?” Harrington asked.
Billy just blinked at him, trying to comprehend his good fortune.
“It’s okay right?” Steve reached out and touched Billy’s jaw with the tip of his index finger, “Billy?”
He didn’t mean to. But Steve was just there, and so sweet and so... hot. Billy tugged him closer and wrapped his arms around Steve almost roughly, pulling him into a a sloppy kiss that had Billy groaning. His head was filled with steam and Steve and slippery sensations of sliding towards something else. Something wonderful.
Steve pulled back, his eyes still closed, and Billy took the moment to just look at him. Even if it was just once, he had kissed-
Steve straddled Billy, hands going everywhere, teeth biting into Billy’s lower lip. He nearly growled, setting his hands everywhere he could reach.
Someone pounded on the door, and they ignored them, grabbing hard wherever they could. Billy finally, finally, got his hands on Steve’s high ass and groaned, feeling himself towed under by another wave of lust.
The pounding, and not the kind of pounding Billy was looking for, only got louder.
Finally, when Billy couldn’t take it any more, He lifted Steve by his beautiful ass and walked over to the door.
“Fuck. Off,” Billy snarled.
“Hargrove? Is Harrington in there-” It was coach’s voice and that almost snapped Billy out of his haze.
“I said, fuck off,” Billy hissed, “Alpha shit, coach. Door’s locked for a reason.”
Billy could hear shoes shuffling on the other side of the door and maybe coach was saying something... But Harrington was running one of his pretty long fingers along the side of Billy’s face.
“Aww, look at my big bad wolf,” Steve leaned in and nipped at Billy’s earlobe, catching Billy’s smaller gold earring between his teeth, “What big ears you have.”
“Shut up,” Billy could feel his ears turning red instantly. He rolled his shoulder, trying to brush Harrington off without dropping him.
Harrington kissed the tips of his ears, “And what soft hair you have.”
He ran his fingers through the nape of Billy’s neck and Billy whimpered, pressing them against the door.
“What warm skin you have Billy,” Steve nuzzled their cheeks together, grinding against Billy with the new leverage they had.
“The better to burn you,” Billy snorted.
“The better to burn you, alpha,” Steve corrected. He ground against Billy, their cocks leaking a little against Billy’s stomach, pumping the air with Steve’s scent.
Billy could only whimper in response, and it echoed off the locker doors.
“What strong arms you have, Billy,” Steve bounced just a little, setting every point of contact on fire.
“The better to hold you with, alpha,” Billy meant the last word to come out sarcastically, but of course it didn’t not while he neededneededneeded to hold Steve close. Needed to be his, his, always his.
“And what a nice, big,” Steve leaned in and kissed his mouth, once, than again, and again, “Heart.”
“T-the better to uh...” Billy’s thoughts scattered. Maybe it was an innuendo. Maybe he meant Billy’s cock. Maybe.
“Go on,” Harrington prompted, “The better to love you with, alpha.”
Maybe this was some sort of heat thing he didn’t know about. Billy’d never been with anyone through his heat he always just sort of gone through it alone, in a haze with his room locked tight from the other side. Maybe this was what always happened, people pretended to be in love or something.
“I noticed you watching, Billy,” Harrington kissed his cheek, “Don’t over think it. I’ll take care of you. Okay?”
“Okay,” Billy said shakily, though there was a relief in the way the order was phrased. Soft, with a question. Billy liked soft with a question.
Harrington smiled then, his eyes going darker as he watched Billy’s face.
“Okay, what?”
“Okay, alpha,” Billy murmurered.
@hickory-smoked-ass they wanted to be all lovey dovey I couldn’t help it.
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moonstrider9904 · 5 months
Even though we didn't see Hunter's reaction at the moment of him finding out about Omega, we do see the aftermath, and let me tell you, Hunter is calm.
Hunter is not lashing out at Crosshair, he is not blaming him either in words or actions, he is not shutting him out, he's not accusing Crosshair of having had any ulterior motives. Even when Rampart and the possibility of finding Tantiss being hidden comes up, Hunter adopts an attitude of wanting to understand. Even when Hunter would have every right to be furious at his brother and deem losing Omega as the last straw, question why in the stars would Crosshair allow such a thing to happen, why has he been hiding things until now, Hunter chooses to understand.
And to have Crosshair tell him that he did not want to go back to Tantiss, while the hand tremor is returning at the very idea, is enough for Hunter. Hunter didn't even need to hear that explicitly, he was already as calm and collected as humanly possible before, which in a situation like the one he's in, takes abnormal amounts of strength.
Hunter's got a heart of gold and a strength to be applauded.
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klausysworld · 1 year
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Pet Puppy
Klaus wasn’t easily fooled. He knew that the Salvatores, Elena & co were hiding something from him. So he did what anyone would do and investigated the matter.
He figured it out to a person, originally he thought that perhaps it was another Gilbert sibling but then one day he caught her scent.
She must’ve been a wolf, meaning she must be Tyler’s sister or another werewolf family was in town. So he went straight to his first sired hybrid and fired 20 questions at him. He watched as the boy struggled to find any possible loopholes to answer the questions in a a way that told him nothing. And yet by doing so it told him just about everything.
He figured out what she must look like, how she dresses, things she liked and what things meant to her. She was the perfect omega in his mind, a sweet little girl who would behave well and have a soft, innocent persona.
He knew she must if she had been hidden away this long, been compliant to the rules the Mystic Falls gang had set for her.
It wasn’t the easiest task as he searched through the Salvatores house and spied on the Gilbert’s. He checked Bonnies too but found she barely stayed there herself now that she had her mother back. Klaus had nearly forgotten that he was able to get into Caroline’s house after the whole biting situation.
But when he noticed the blonde coming to the grill and picking up an extra plate of food his curiosity peaked. He followed her home and that’s when he spotted the pretty face he had pictured so well as she came and pulled the curtains closed with a bright smile on her face as Elena beckoned her into her arms.
He had to come back another day, get her alone and see if she truly was the perfect omega.
His wolf already thought so and even if she wasn’t he might just take her for the fun of it, piss off everyone in town while having a pretty thing to entertain him.
Though that perspective changed when he got inside the house the next morning. He watched as she nearly jumped a mile when he came up behind her resulting in a pillow launched at his head and a chuckle to erupt from him.
He chased after her as she darted around the house, taking much enjoyment in the hunt before ultimately pouncing at her and tackling her to the ground.
His wolf could have purred at the instant submission she offered once he had caught her, the way her neck arched for him to bite if he so pleased and the little whine she emitted was delightful.
He looked down at her, keeping her pinned against the carpeted floor as he looked her over. She were smaller than he originally imagined but it only added to his attraction, her eyes big and fearful and yet a swirl of lust within them as his wolf produced a strong alpha scent to entice her in. His head tilted to the side and in response so did hers making the corner of his lips pull up.
She wriggled beneath him slightly in an attempt to get him to weaken his hold which he did after squeezing her neck gently. He moved back for her to sit up, he watched as she twitched in anticipation, as she got ready to bolt again. But she didn’t, just remained on edge as he trailed his fingers along each curve of her body. Certain spots he touched gained different reactions, mostly whimpers and little squeaks if he pressed down too hard.
But she didn’t shy away from him, she allowed him to touch and feel every inch of her skin that he could reach and shuddered or shivered in reply. Her wolf’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as his hands left a path of fire in their wake. Both amusement and lust mixed through him as she practically crawled her way into his lap and he rubbed all along her thighs, hips, back, torso, chest, shoulders.
His lips brushed along the side of his neck as she whined quietly to herself before stopping just behind her ear and kissing the spot tenderly.
“Pretty puppy” he murmured as a soft purr rumbled through her. Her head leant back against his shoulder as she sat between his legs. His teeth nibbled her earlobe lightly making her lips part and a soft moan to leave her.
Another 20 minutes went by of his kisses growing rougher, her sounds getting higher and louder as her body arched and clung to him.
Of course until a loud shriek tore his attention away from the swell of her breast which he had nearly gotten completely out of her bra cup. He glanced up to find Caroline looking horrified at the display of hickeys and bite marks in her friends throat, let alone her enemy with his mouth around the omegas tit.
Y/n was entirely out of it though and still moaning softly as his hands groped her gently, his eyes daring Caroline to do or say anything.
She practically ran out of her house, straight on the phone and screaming down it to Damon in a fit.
But by the time Damon had arrived, Klaus had Y/n back at his house.
Her legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he buried his face in between her breasts while he carried her up the stairs.
He nipped and sucked along them greedily before dropping her onto his bed and crawling on top of her. And he was entirely ready to claim her right there and then, until he looked down and saw her sweet face.
Her eyes completely black and her body almost vibrating from how loud her purr was. The backs of her fingers brushed over her chest as he hummed gravely.
“You’re such a sweet omega aren’t you puppy?” He muttered seeing her pant and tug at his henley like a dog in heat. His lips pulled into a smile and he leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek. “Oh I think I’ll be keeping you my lovely” he smirked.
And he most definitely intended on it.
He didn’t care how many times Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Tyler, anyone came to try take her away. He had a firm grip on her at all times, keeping her at his side or pressed to his chest.
She was such a good girl for him, always doing as asked and curled up on top of him.
He would kiss her head and smooth his hands down her sides while feeling her face muzzle into his chest.
He carried her just about everywhere, whether it was to the kitchen or across town. There shouldn’t even be the slightest risk that she would be stolen from him. And he made sure of it.
Hands on her, arms around her, scent rubbed all over her and a range of sweet nothings and dirty somethings whispered in her ears.
She was his little pup until the day they both died, she would never leave him, not with how good he was for her.
He always kept her safe, protected, happy, loved and cared for.
“Hungry? Don’t worry puppy, I have your food on the way and your snack drawer is full.”
“Thirsty? Would you rather drink my blood or I bring you something different?”
“Sleepy little pup? That’s okay, you can curl right up here.”
Anything she needed, he could and would provide. Always…and forever of course.
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hollyhomburg · 3 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.72)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: you get punished alongside hobi for your indiscretions in public.
Tags: mention of getting arrested, tense situations, implied non-consentual nudity, light angst, d/s, Dom! jin, Breif Daddy! jinnie, Dom! Namjoon, Dom! Jimin, Sub! m/c, Sub! Hobi, Group sex, gangbang, humiliation kink, praise kink, puppy space! hobi, omegaspace! m/c, crawling, Collars, fingering, edging, orgasam denial, orgasam control, overstimulation, painplay, brief cock and ball torture (hobi gets his cock flicked a few times really its very tame), shoe riding, Exhibitionism, Squirting, wrestle-fucking, cum marking, cum swapping, marking kink, mc gets treated like a little cumdump but she's very happy about it, size kink, pussy spanking, breeding benches. Shibari, ropes, dacryphilia, breeding kink, oral! f receiving, hole checks, biting, slight implied sub drop but it's nothing serious.
W/c: 16.8k+
A/n: you know what... this is excessive, i'm not even going to pretend that it's NOT excessive. no smut needs to be this long but! oh well!!
Previous part- Masterlist - First part
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“When I saw the car, I thought that they might have been some of those Gang kids from downstate. Obviously, I’m glad to be proven wrong.”
Namjoon has his arms crossed on the front porch, eyes flashing disapprovingly between you and Hobi standing with hunched shoulders and rancid scents between the two officers. Large and threatening, their black uniforms and neat little badges glint in the porch's light. Their guns at their side in their holsters that stay there (thankfully) their handcuffs that glisten like the silver sliver of the moon that hangs above the trees.
Namjoon crosses his arms and stares them down. “They’re usually very well behaved, I truly don’t know what’s gotten into them.”
The deference in Namjoon's voice is forced, but the disappointment isn't.
Don’t they have something better to do than this? Even traffic stops. Jin must be thinking. Hovering behind Namjoon’s shoulder in his striped robe, a sight that you don’t like- because no one besides the pack should get to see Jin in all of his fluffy cheeked and matching pajama glory. It’s not the 18th century and it’s not improper for an omega to be seen in their nesting clothes anymore- but still, the instinct to dart across the porch and hide him sort of from view is not a distant desire.
Hoseok’s hands hover, not reaching out to grab yours, because he's not sure that he's allowed. After being yanked out of the confines of his Lamborghini the hour before. He's right to be hesitant about touching you.
The last hour or so of your life has been a scary one, watching Hobi get yanked out of the car- a taser- not a gun- drawn in his direction. Freezing where you sat, unclothed. A strange man looking down at you- thanking your lucky stars that you'd had enough time to pull your underwear on at least- that you'd still been wearing your sweatshirt. Not entirely nude just partially.
"At least let her get dressed." He'd snapped, guarding their line of sight from him to you. Every instinct in him absolutely turned feral. He's still a little shifty, a little too close to growling and getting you in even more trouble than you already are.
namjoon's eyes are dark but assured. if anyone could talk his way out of a ticket for public indecency- it would be Namjoon. You’re a little non-plussed, less shy than Hobi though you would be about being seen in a state of semi-undress by two strange alphas and Hoseok doesn’t like that. That you’d been silent, that you hadn’t hidden behind him the same way Jin’s doing.
He doesn't know where the Lambo will end up but Hoseok doesn't care, doesn't care at all. It will probably be sent to an impound lot or maybe put up for auction. But a look at Jin's face says that he won't let any of this slide. Jin knows the law. Folds his arms carefully over his chest.
“Our pups are well behaved, thank you for returning them to us.”
A pretty omega is a special kind of good luck- a thing you’d always like to have in your corner if you can help it. The officers are disarmed by your pretty pack omega, Jin does not bat his eyelashes at them but it’s almost like he is because the alpha's scent next to you swells prideful in the tepid night air- like apples, but artificial not like candy but cough syrup.
You almost want to scoff, as if.
Hoseok wants to gnash his teeth. How dare he- projecting his scent here- in front of the den of all places. It's so rude. Hobi is surprised that no one has said anything.
Namjoon's jaw rolls, and you can tell that he wants too.
Alphas after a knotting are a volatile thing. The sound of Hoseok gnashing his teeth joins the white noise of having other people close, of being here. Between two men with guns. You don't like it, your instincts chaffing, screaming in your ear to get away- to get safe, to go to the nest upstairs, even if you would never risk taking the scent of strangers into your most intimate place.
Namjoon’s eyes flash, first to your face and then to the officers. And you know that he knows that you're on the edge of it, that you're one bad word away from bursting into tears. Every bone of his body is ramrod straight, Namjoon is holding himself back.
Not as hard as Hobi is, he’s shaking like a leaf next to you.
The other police officer (the one who has his scent mostly under control and looks younger than you) gulps. Uncomfortable with the level of pungent pheromones that Namjoon is putting out right now. Namjoon's pack alpha scent is stinky and unabated, with stiff liquor and angry sour coffee (you’d rather smell him than the sour apple scent).
All you want to do is close the two feet between the two of you and sink behind him but instead, you’re forced to stay here. A wide- unfamiliar hand on your shoulder keeps you in place.
The fact that the police officers are bold enough to touch you right now tells you everything you need to know about the danger of the situation; touching another alpha's omega is already sort of rude. Touching another omega who's just been knotted in front of two of their alphas and their pack omega? You're surprised Namjoon didn't come out the door swinging.  
You're pretty sure you can feel Hobi's cum dripping out of your hole, you have to stand carefully to keep it from leaking out. You squirm uncomfortably. Hoping that no one can smell it.
The silence between the alphas hovers threateningly, and you see Namjoon's nostrils flare.
“Listen- we could easily book them both for public indecency, but it’s not the summer yet, and we understand you have a lot of packmates, Mr. erm-“
“Kim Namjoon, Doctor Kim Namjoon.”
It helps that Namjoon’s still in his suit. Three pieces and dark blue that flatters his skin tone and an early tan that he has because Jungkook had dragged him out for a run on the last warm day you had. He's the picture of perfect tailoring and everything that a pack alpha should be.
He had a meeting with the board of directors today- you remember watching him get ready this morning, coiffing his hair back away from his face. Making sure he looked presentable.
Namjoon had his resignation meeting today- and broke the news to the hospital board that he was looking to retire. Maybe not forever- but at least for the foreseeable future. Maybe…until after the pack had pups even.
He's been talking about more and more recently, even though it's not really up to him. Even though it's not really up to you either- given how your heats have stalled. Jin is the only omega who is willing to entertain those conversations that happen in the late night honey light often when the two of them are brought low and sweet and so in love it takes your breath away a little.
The way the two of them look when it's just them, cuddled on the couch or the dining room table or in the bathroom elbow to elbow. And Namjoon's hands will skim Jin's stomach almost in worry, in warming. Like Namjoon's hopes are too big not to pretend already. Playing with each other's hands and whispering sweet nothings and sweeter promises.
"Do you think they'd have your eyes?" "I don't care, but I hope they have your dimples."
Namjoon will ask to mate Jin any day now, the second any danger fades. You know it as surely as you know that you and Hoseok are going to get matching tattoos the next free day you have to.
But the danger has not faded at all tonight, no, the danger is here on either side of you and Hobi. On your porch. On your front doorstep. sweat bleeds down the back of your neck. You think of the body that's no longer downstairs, and the spackled-over holes in the plaster.
You wish you knew how his meeting went. If it went poorly or not- there is nothing in his expression that gives it away, not the Glasses on the edge of his nose, barely shielding the officers from his glower or his suit still buttoned.
The officers take Namjoon’s glare to heart, probably thinking that namjoon's angry at both you and Hobi and not from the general disdain Namjoon has for police officers.
“When we found out that they were registered to a pack we figured- you understand, of course. We prefer to leave things like this up to pack alphas. We understand the delicacy of these abnormal family structures.”
Namjoon looks at you and tips his chin down slightly, imperceptibly.
You dart across the distance, folding yourself against his shoulder. But Namjoon doesn’t leave you there, pushing you gently behind his shoulder and into Jin's waiting arms. You cling to Jin’s front, side by side with Hobi too who followed Namjoon's wordless command.
He glances back at the officers and starts to growl. Namjoon’s sharp voice cuts off the sound. Louder- to block it out. “Thank you for returning them to me. I’ll handle it. Have a good night.”
Namjoon has a hand on the back of your and Hobi's neck, threatening a scruff if you don't behave, guiding you into the house. And you know that touch sets the police down and satisfied.
A pack alpha like that- I'd rather take a night in a cell you hear them whisper as they turn, heavy booths thudding down the steps. Hoseok pauses, a louder- deeper growl sparking to life in his chest like rolling thunder. How dare they- how dare they judge Namjoon-
Seokjin's arm tightens around Hobi’s waist cutting off the sound.
Jimin is there in the doorway as Namjoon and Jin muscle you through. Staying hidden. Probably because Namjoon and Jin doubted that he could be civil during a time like this. He’s jumping up and down on the balls of his feet, wound up by the presence of the police. The officers flash their lights once and only once as they pull away from your house. Jimin watches as he pulls down the blinds.
The floorboards creek under your feet as you sway. There are only two lights lit on the ground floor. The lamp by the couch and the one by the coffee pot. Both yellow, both honey. And it sends the 5 of you into dulcet chiaroscuro. Namjoon's face is all shadows and honey as his lip lifts in a snarl and he scrubs a hand over his cheeks. trying to get a handle on his instincts before he lashes out.
Your heart thumps hard in your chest as you watch him and he watches you.
You clear your throat, and your voice comes out tight, hissing. "Where's Tae and Yoongi and Jungkookie?" You ask him, anxiety bleeding down the back of your neck. No one answers your question. No one has any reaction and it’s like you haven’t spoken at all.
Namjoon is a man on a mission, pulls you into the center of the room and unzips your sweatshirt and strips it off of you efficiently. Checking for marks on your arms, your throat, the nape of your neck- looking. But he finds no evidence of hurt or impropriety. Not even a fucking hickey.
He drops to his knees to check your stomach- some alpha part of him that can’t avoid the temptation- itching and fighting to get out as he lifts the hem of your shirt. Hands circle your hips, checking for bruises, checking your knees, your hips, and your calves. Checking for anything.
He looks up at you from the floor, hands gripping the back of your knees.
“Did they touch you pup?”
Hobi shifts uneasily from foot to foot. "I was watching her the whole time-"
“No. Alpha-”
Jimin’s eyes flash in the darkness, “thought you were going to punch them hyung.” But even though he teases, Jimin’s scent is still sour, everyone’s is.
“Would have,” Namjoon grits out. It takes a special sort of devotion to make a gentle man violent. But you’ve never been gladder for Namjoon’s gentleness as you are now.
It rushes over you- everything that’s happened; Watching Hobi get yanked from the car by his shoulder and pushed up against the side of the car. Having to pull on your pants in the dark parking lot with a flashlight on you and some man behind it. Watched. Hunted.
A knot builds in your chest, and you don’t cry- you won’t cry but-
Jin’s hands brush your hair away from your face, tucking it behind your shoulders. “You’re gonna be alright pup- it’s alright-“
Your lower lips quivers. “Ask me my color.”
Namjoon is still on his knees below you and jolts at hearing your words. Jaw rolling as he looks up at you and chews through them. Both Jimin and Hobi's faces jerk in your direction, eyes wide. Nervous. jin's eyelashes just flutter, a purr building in his chest. soothing your fried and anxious scent.
“Ask me Jin- please-” Your voice cracks, wobbles.
Jin’s tentative, and behind him you see Jimin's gaze anxiously darting between the pack alpha and omega.
But you're trembling there, so unmoored, and all you want is someone to tell you how to feel, what to do, what to say, and how to sit. Everything. You want someone to decide what you need for you, to make your choices for you.
Jin eyes you, flickering down to your heaving chest as he pets gently over your collarbones with the back of his hand. Shushing you while he thinks. Is this what you’re asking for- what you need? Do you really need a scene from them right now? Do you really want to submit after something like that?
Yes, in any way you’ll let me. I just need to stop thinking about what just happened. I don’t want to. Please don’t make me tell you. Don’t make me relive it. I just want to forget. Can you make me stop thinking? Can you fuck it out of me?
Jin's thumb hovers on your lower lip, like he needs to feel as well as hear you say it. “What’s your color pup?”
“Green” your voice breaks, and Jin pauses. he looks at you for a singular long moment and then down at Namjoon.
Namjoon’s hands run down the front of your thighs once more to your knees and then back up again before he pops back up onto his feet. Towering over you and turning your hands over and over again in his. The marks that crisscross your palms look pink and threatening. But Namjoon knows that they haven’t bothered you in weeks.
Namjoon moves from you to Hobi, going not for his hands but to the hem of his shirt. Stripping it off of him, Hobi puts his arms up for him, obedient. His hair fluffy when he comes out the other side.
Namjoon presses the shirt to his nose and although it’s dry from your slick and squirt now- you blush, aware of what he must be able to scent on it. Of what Namjoon must be able to scent on both of you. The evidence of your indiscretion and the misery that followed
The pack alpha’s coffee scent spikes wildly, thick and musky- dizzying, making you teeter to the point where Jimin rests a hand on your elbow to steady you.
Hobi's arms rise with goosebumps as Namjoon palms him blatantly between his legs. Feeling for his cock, feeling for a still inflated knot. finding it sweet and heavy and lonely between his thighs. Hobi’s lower lash line is wet but his whole body jerks into Namjoon's hand as he gasps. But he stays mostly still at Namjoon's inspection.
“Green,” he says before Namjoon even has to open his mouth.
"Such a good pup, saying it before he's even asked. how eager, how needy." Jin praises, still petting over your collarbones, eyeing your throat with a keen light in his eyes that you haven't seen in months. Namjoon seems to have the same idea. Stares hobi down before jerking his head and looking at Jimin, standing at the ready, eager to be of use.
"Go get their collars. Please Minnie." It's the only time Namjoon will ask so nicely for something tonight. Hobi lets out a belated whine that cuts off at Namjoon's look, "settle." Namjoons shoulders straighten and he's still holding Hobi's cock, staring into his eyes until Hobi bears his throat with another noise, a pupish whine.
You don't know if you've ever heard Hobi sound like that. You wonder if you sound like that- when you're under Namjoon's thumb. There is nothing in his face left of the boy who teased you until you were shaking a few short hours ago. But somehow you still can't tear your eyes away from them.
Maybe Hobi needs this just as much as you do, which is why he's letting it happen.
Namjoon is so big compared to Hobi, at least a head taller and so much wider. He's such a big alpha. Hobi knows it too- He grits his teeth. Bares them at the pack alpha in challenge. An invitation if you’ve ever seen one, Namjoon just scoffs at the show of aggression.
"If you do not settle puppy, Alpha will make you and you will not like it."
Hoseok just growls again, louder.
They stand off like that, Namjoon’s jaw rolls and You stand there, mindful not to move, as Jin shuts the blinds and Namjoon lets go of Hobi roughly and then takes off his dark blue suit jacket, folding it gently over the back of the couch. Every movement is smooth and measured. He might be the angriest you've ever seen him, but Namjoon is still taking pains not to spook you.
Namjoon moves in your direction and Hobi growls. A real growl this time a warning.
Namjoon just looks at him and grins, bearing his teeth, a little feral. "Alright- if that's how you want to play it pup then so be it. You need to remember who you belong to- who you both belong to."
Namjoon undoes his cufflinks, letting them fall to the floor with a metallic pop. His eyes are dark and hot on you. "To answer your question pup- a certain photo made Jungkook too riled up to wait. They're taking care of him upstairs. He wanted to make sure the nest was warm for you- said you’d need it with how angry we were."
You swallow, silent for a moment- turning to Jimin, reappearing in the doorway, "you didn't-"
Jimin shakes his head, blonde hair flopping eyes dark. He's got both your collars in his hands. They look a bit more delicate than you remember. Hoseok's red and yours pink. "Wanted to make sure you were both alright."
You swallow and turn back to Namjoon. It's a real struggle not to burst into tears. "Tae asked me to wait up with you, to help-" he cuts himself off with a look at namjoons face.
you swallow through a thick lump in your throat.
As the pack's subs- it's harder for them to let you and Hobi play on your own without worrying and checking. On a good day this would have resulted in something similar, less rough- but something similar. And today has not been a good day- not by a long shot.
It’s no secret that both of you need a guiding hand. A guiding hand that you both haven't gotten or had in the last few months but one that you’ve needed. Submissive and packmate neglect isn't something that Namjoon takes lightly.
Namjoon’s hand directs your chin up so that you have to look him in the eyes.
“Riling us up is all fun and good- but I do trust you to be safe pup- not only with yourselves- but with us too.” You can hardly keep Namjoon’s gaze with the disappointment evident in his voice, the shame in your chest simmering. Not because he’s wrong and you don’t deserve this scolding, but because you know he’s very very right.  
His voice rises in pitch, his anger sparking from flares to a controlled burn. “involving the police when things have finally calmed down- to do something that stupid out of your need for some teenage rebellion. Do you know what might happen? What might happen to all of us if someone finds out-"
Namjoon doesn’t raise his voice, never. Not in anger and not in anguish but he gets close now. Voice rising both in pitch and tone. Cutting himself off before he truly shouts at you.
He strokes down your cheek lovingly, gently after he gets a handle on his tone.
“I know you are not dumb; I know you’re not stupid- but maybe I’ve been underestimating the amount of guidance you both need.” Namjoon pets your cheek with a finger, gentle. a little incredulous, like he seriously can't believe it, like he doesn't know- "What the fuck were you thinking?"
"Hobi and I- we were just- we just wanted to have fun-"
"You could have done it in the fucking house-" Namjoon bites out.
"No, no I couldn't have." You are stubborn for once, unflinching. It's times like this that you’re always the most honest. When you’re so brought down that you have no choice but to be.
Your voice rises, even though you don’t want it to.
"This place is so stuffy with guilt these days that I can't even breathe Namjoon, I can't breathe without wondering who is mad at me and for what- Yoongi-" You slip, looking down and away, looking at Hobi who looks like he might cry too. "I can't- I can't come to you with this because you're still angry at me- I know you're still angry at me-"
Namjoon is too stricken to speak, too stricken to do much more than clutch at you.
"Asking for a punishment is easier, asking for a punishment is easier because at least I know you won't give me something that you don't want-"
You know better than most that respecting people's boundaries means you won't always get what you need. And to have Namjoon disregard that when you know that he values boundaries as much as you do-
You won't be like them. Like Moonbyul or Geumjae or any past lovers that might have traipsed over boundaries and justified it by calling it a need. You won't have Namjoon disregard that either. To call what you and Hobi did a mistake and a 'should have' when it's so much more than that.
It's Hobi who speaks, imploringly "Alpha."
Namjoon turns to Hobi, “You are one of my alpha’s," he turns back to you "My omega, you are mine.” Namjoon’s voice goes honey-soft when he says it, and a flush rises high on Hobi’s cheeks.
“My anger is not something I want to matter as much as your needs. I want you to feel that I love you- always. And this is how I show it, if you felt you couldn't come to me just because-" Namjoon's voice is thick with emotion and he closes his eyes, stealing himself Namjoon's teeth dig into his lower lip, glancing back at Hobi.
"I expect you to know when to stop and when keep going. If you do not understand the line between agency and safety, the line between my anger and my love for you, I will need to show you again.”
There is red leather in Jin's hands, shiny in the darkness. He’s got yours as well- small and pink and delicate looking next to Hobi’s classic collar. You’ve almost forgotten what it’s looked like- it’s been so long since the pack has used it on you. Jin does not move to fasten it around Hobi’s neck yet. Just perches on the arm of the couch.
“Color?” He asks again, because he can’t not double-check after an outburst like that. Your bell tinkles in his hands as he turns it over. You almost flinch at the sound of it, almost.
Hobi’s a little breathless, chest heaving, instincts clearly running wild. “Green”
it takes you a second longer. They wait, Jimin strokes a hand down your back, gently. “Green.” It’s small and it’s soft, but you give it. You’d say no if you didn’t want it.
Your body is shaking- you feel so unmoored, so unsettled. Namjoon is angry at you and it doesn't matter. He says it doesn't and you should believe him. Still- you’re willing to do anything to get him close, to be forgiven.
"What do you need?" namjoon asks you it without pre-amble, without expectation.
"I don't want to think anymore, I don't want to be afraid, can you" you hesitate, "Can you fuck it out of me?"
Namjoon spends another second watching you, waiting. But then he plunges on ahead. Letting the full weight of his scent ripple out, heavenly and thick. Intoxicating. 
"Kneel. Now. Both of you."
Your legs go weak and you plummet without your say-so. Jimin is close at your elbow, catching you as soon as you fall, guiding you softly to the floor so you don’t hurt your knees. Huffing a quiet laugh. Your face remains upturned in Namjoon's direction. Unable to look away.
From the corner of your eye, you see Jin stride over to you and Hobi. where you kneel side by side. His usually comforting omega pheromones are rancid. He cups your cheeks, turning you away from Namjoon to look at him.
He dangles the collar in front of you teasingly.
"You both have to earn your collars today- Both of you- on the couch" You aim to get up on your feed but Jin keeps you down with a soft hand on the top of your head.  "No, you'll crawl."
humiliation makes your breath hitch, but you you jerk forward, shuffling across the floor until Jin stops you yet again with a quiet laugh. "Not yet puppy, wait- stay-"
You can't possibly know that crawling is something that the others often make Hobi do in puppy space. He is no stranger to this. But you do recognize the wild glassiness as something else other than subspace when you look over at him tentatively, hoping that he's not looking at you, hoping that he's following their commands just like you are. It's substantially less embarrassing with him by your side.
Huh, you like this. You like kneeling with Hobi, it makes you feel fuzzy, it makes you feel safe- in a way that subbing alone or subbing with just Jungkook hadn't- maybe.
Maybe it's because Hobi is an alpha. 
"Stay." Jin commands, a hand up, and you feel like your whole body is on fire as the three of them, Jin, Namjoon, and Jimin, go to sit on the couch, taking their time while you both kneel. A loud keening noise punctures the quiet as you watch them walk away from you, and it takes you a breath to realize it came from your own throat.
“Stay, good puppies.”
The bubble in your throat bursts and you let out a held breath. Shaky.
Namjoon's thighs splay to show his generous hardness tenting in his slacks, Jin sits daintier, one leg crossed over the other and his robe re-tucked. Jimin shifts uneasily, hands on his knees, eyes darting from you to Namjoon who stares you down.
You watch delicately, as Jin laces his hand with Namjoon's, smoothing the other up and down Jimin's thigh. The other alpha's hardness isn't so obvious. But the scent of Jinnie's slick joins your own looping through the air like the scent of fresh baked goods on a hot summer's day. Sweet and enticing.
All you have to do is not move until Hobi does.
You keen again, and it goes unacknowledged again. Hobi's knuckles brush against the floor hard as he shifts his weight. The pack alpha and pack omega hold their breath.
"Okay, now."
Hoseok goes quicker than you do, you're a little slow, a little sluggish, a little dumb under the weight of whatever Namjoon's pheromones are doing to you. Your cheeks feel like they're on fire and your gaze is downturned as you crawl to them. The humiliation of it bleeding down your chest and back as you fail to meet their gaze as you go. Stopping only when you're in between Namjoon and Jin's feet. Hobi's thigh pressed against yours.
You watch as Jin fastens the red collar around Hobi's neck. The gold metal dog bone-shaped charm on the end rests against the hollow of his throat is so pretty. When he looks up at Jin, there is nothing but utter devotion in his eyes, it's so beautiful it makes you a little breathless.
As you watch the words on the charm catch the light, 'good boy' it reads.
"Good girl." Your gaze is drawn back to Namjoon and you feel your own collar fastened around the back of your neck. Jimin’s hands making quick work of the buckle. Not the pack alpha, although he does tug at the bell at the front, making it jingle. Removing it after a second.
Too much excess noise- maybe for those upstairs. Namjoon has no idea if they’ve finished yet but it’s late enough for them to be asleep.
Jin tugs at your collar, one hand looped through yours, the other Hobi’s. Hobi goes where Jin pulls him, as easy as breathing. You’re a little more stumbly, setting a hand on his knee to stop yourself from face-planting into it (you wouldn’t have hit it hard, you’re just very wobbly right now).
Jin lets you catch your breath (you’re panting a little too heavy already and they haven’t even begun) before pulling you cheek-to-cheek with Hobi. Jin does it for seemingly no reason, pulling you this way and that just to see if you'll follow until you're cheek to cheek with him. Until you can feel more than see hobi's grin.
It feels a bit like an owner showing their pet what they did wrong. A little humiliating where it not for the way Hobi squeezes your hip reassuringly. Jin's fingers toy with the back of your collar before threading through your hair, the other in Hobi's, scratching his scalp hard. Hobi tips his head back into the touch.
Your eyelashes flutter- head pets do feel really really good-
Jin's long fingers go tight in your hair, and he starts to tug you back to Hobi again. "Give her a kiss puppy, as a thank you for asking for a scene so sweetly. Show her how good puppies give kisses."
Your eyelashes flutter, and you barely catch the deep red flush on Hobi's cheeks- that matches the collar around his throat- before he follows Jin's command.
It's different than the kisses you shared in the car- so much more involved. Hobi's jaw works and his tongue- the way he laps into your mouth- licks blindly and sloppy, is messy- but it's good- the tip of your tongue teases his sharp canines and he tastes musky and satisfied, the fear and anger edging away bit by bit.
He bites your lower lip, smarting. Painful enough that you gasp and lean further into him. You like it when he bites, maybe a little too much- the shock- the zinging pain of being marked, the ache that stays there and lets you know you'll wear his bruises later.
Jin pulls him back with a savage jerk. "No biting, bad puppy." but Hoseok is grinning, eyes a little hazy, and you know you must be his mirror, reaching, reaching to touch.
Jin laughs softly as he shakes you slightly once for good measure, keeping you at arm's length from the very alpha that earned you this punishment. Shaking you gently. Before he lets you go, letting you sag against Namjoon's thigh and into his hands, the pack alpha shushes you, murmurs out a ‘good pup’ that makes you feel like you’re melting, scratching gently down your shoulders, between the straps of your tank top.
Jin’s eyes are flinty in the darkness. Dom space has never looked quite so brutal, quite so beautiful either. Jin sets his elbows on his knees and stares down at you until you whimper and look away. Hiding your face in Namjoon’s thigh.
"Minnie, take the pups out of their clothes. Just her pants, I think the pup needs a little cover." You gulp.
He's right, goosebumps form up and down your arms. You're not sure how Jimin gets you out of them- picking you up by the loops in your pants and draping you filthy and quick over Namjoon's thigh (an impressive feat of strength) yanking them off with a laugh as you kick your legs a little- just so that Jin can grab them to keep them still, just so that Hobi can put his teeth against your thigh to make you stay.
 "No puppy- bad- i said no biting." Your panties are just as wet and filthy with cum and slick as they were in the car nearly an hour ago. Your cunt flutters around nothing at a bit of rough treatment. Forcing more of the mess out. Seeping. Turning the fabric dark with a mix of slick and cum and squirt.
Jimin pries them apart to point it out to namjoon and jin and your hand goes tight on the pack alphas waist. glad that they can't see your face as they praise you. How you whimper and grow teary eyed a the humiliation of being put on display.
"Wow Hobi- how many times did you even make her cum?"
"Yeah she's like- totally ruined." They snap the band meanly- but they leave them on. Someone spankings you just once, brief, gentle- you hardly feel the sting. Before they place you gently back on the floor- this time properly between Namjoon's legs.
But it’s not really rough- it’s delicate. The way that Namjoon and Jin tug at your collar. The dark cushion that Namjoon sets down for your knees. Hobi doesn’t get a cushion and it takes you a second to figure out why.
He won’t be kneeling for long.
You might like it a little too much, having them manhandle you. Keeping you there on the floor below them- below the hum of conversation, not excluded but not expected to participate. Reassuringly just at the edge of their touch. Namjoon's fingers stay tucked into your collar, just at your scent gland, rubbing into it reassuringly.
Jimin is a good alpha and disrobes Hobi with just as much fussing.
Letting the other alpha growl and fight back until Jimin has to put real effort into pining Hobi to the floor. Ripping off his boxers with a clean jerk and a loud tearing sound. Laughing all the while- clearly enjoying himself as Hobi’s growls become needy whines and the knee between his leg grinds down.
His cock flicks and jerks as Jimin holds him there. His nose is pressed to the ground until he stops fighting back. Arms and shoulders flexing with definition. Determination flagging.
-Omegas watching have to show omega- have to show- but- but Minnie's too strong- it feels too good to let him set his teeth on Hobi's neck. To go limp at the attention. Jiminie is just- he's-
Hobi is spinning, dazed. Too dazed to notice your staring, the fresh pulse of slick in the air as you watch him. Peaking over Namjoon's thigh nervously to watch the scuffle. It feels too good to submit. To let go of the rioting animal thing in his chest and just give in.
You'd be nervous if Jimin's touch didn't go soft, didn't go sweet as he pets up and down Hobi's cheek. "There you go puppy- just needed to know alpha's here, right?"
Hobi trembles as he leans into Jimin's hands. He's still shaking when Jimin puts him gently back in between Jin's parted thighs.
It's only with Hobi completely bare that Jimin settles back against the couch. legs parted wide, cock so obviously hard between his legs tenting his black pajama pants. It's hard to miss it.
Hard and aching. You wonder if it hurts to be so turned on- to poke out like that.
You blink, first looking from Hobi, where he sits more docile and even more dazed looking than before to Namjoon above you, watching with a satisfied glint in his eyes. And you realize he was poised to step in if Jimin failed to settle him. He let Jimin take the job of settling. Let him- because he likes it.
Namjoon catches you watching, stroking down your neck in question. "I didn't realize the wrestling was like- a sex thing," You mutter, soft.
"It's not always," Jimin says, at the same time Jin snorts and says "Of course it was a sex thing." 
Hobi’s a little dazed, not responding to your words and it takes a glance for you to realize that oh- he’s somewhere else. His eyes are wide and upturned, glassy as he looks at Jin. He looks at Jin the same way that Jimin looks at Tae when she’s not looking. Utter devotion and more.
Hobi's good. He keeps his hands between his parted thighs at Jin’s feet. Not touching his cock, hard and arching up towards his stomach. All but shaking his ass to mime a wagging tail (you wonder if he's got one somewhere in the boxes in the other room). When Jin touches his cheek, Hobi whines and laps at his fingers.
“Good puppy” Namjoon croons from above you, eyes sharp on Hobi, glancing at you when he catches you watching. “Such a good example”  
After a second. You put your own hands between your parted thighs and push up on them. Mimicking his posture and arching your spine. looking back up at Namjoon for approval.
"Good pup, just like that."
Jin continues to pet Hobi, up and down the side of his face, scratching the top of his head. And Hobi continues to push into his hands. Eyes fluttering closed. The touches indulgent and certainly a reward.
Jin’s supposed to be angry; he’s supposed to be punishing you- but sue him- Seokjin has missed his puppy, his good boy. He’s going to take every opportunity for some much-needed daddy/dog time.
"Now, do you want to tell me what made you fuck like a mutt during a rut in a car where anyone could see you? Or do I have to spank it out of you?"
"We just- I- we went to the store and-"
Hobi whines loudly cutting you off, Jimin is massaging at his scent gland, leaning low to teethe at it while Jin pets through his hair. Hands skimming down, over his chest and then the skinny almost abs that Hobi's always had.
You know that Jin has his hands on his cock when Hobi seizes up. Eyes fluttering in relief. Lips parting, tongue pressing between his lips but not lolling out quite yet.
He pumps Hobi hard, once, twice. And Namjoon lets you watch. Peeking over his thigh, chin perched there, stroking down your cheek. He lets you watch Hobi jerk when Jin takes a hand off of him. Letting out a half gasp and half whimper.
The pack omega changes his mind, looking down at the bit of pre-cum on his fingers. Almost purring. Purring because even after having you twice, Hobi is still weak for his pack omega.
You squirm, rubbing your legs together, and Namjoon tuts, nudging your thighs apart with one of his shiny leather dress shoes. "No pup."
"Actually, I don't think we should spank them, I think that would be too much of a treat." Jimin taunts.
"I agree," Jin says, petting through Hobi’s hair, tugging it this way and that roughly.
Jin notices your confused expression, and he tips your chin up to his. "If you're going to fuck and tease like a mutt without thought then we're going to treat you like one puppy. Only good pups get treats."
Hoseok whines, so far down that he can't verbally respond, you stutter, trying to form words. More cognizant but still stumbling, struggling to meet Namjoon's eyes when you look up at him.
It's easier to stare elsewhere, not over at Jimin, who has one hand between his own legs and the other loosely wrapped around Jin's waist, chin resting on the omega's shoulder, fingers toying with the closure of his robe and the smooth planes of his chest revealed by the plunging neckline. That delicate clavicle that you are only too accustomed to- that you are only too hungry for in omegaspace.
It might take one last push to get you there. But Namjoon and Jin have always been fans of getting you down gently. Not plummeting.
“Tell Alpha,” Namjoon asks, directing your gaze back to him. Your cheeks cradled in both of his wide palms. You’re dimly aware of Seokjin ushering Hobi up onto the couch, but you stay right where you are.
Namjoon’s legs part wider, and you rest your cheek on his thigh, looking up at him. Even though he’s glowering down at you, you’ve never felt safer- here at the pack alpha's feet, within the careful circle of his long legs. Really- your alphas are all a force of nature, all so big and tall and strong. The kind of strength that makes you want to bear your throat and let them do with you what they want. 
Those cops out there didn’t stand a chance. If this was the olden days, Namjoon wouldn’t have hesitated to get violent on your behalf.
He smells so good- you can feel and taste it on your teeth.
"No no no- no biting. Pup-" Namjoon catches you, his voice shifting from angry to exasperated. You don't know how you didn't realize that you'd subconsciously started to go and bite his thigh. Stopped at the last second by his hands, your teeth skimming the smooth silk taper.
It's not your fault, Namjoon is very nibbleable.
Jimin laughs, and even Namjoon can't resist cracking a smile- "just let her have a nibble Namjoon-"
“Tell Alpha what you did in the car.” Hobi whines loudly, and you know that words are hard for him. That it’s hard for him to talk when his mind is scrambled like this.
“Puppy” Namjoon corrects.
“Puppy he- we just-“ You stutter, lost for words, and Namjoon waits for a breath longer before he leans forward. Reaching wordlessly between your legs. Your panties are still on, clinging to the dampness there. Namjoon sets his fingers over you and doesn't move them. You whine. He has to reach so far down that he's practically nose-to-nose with you.
“Do you want me to tell you what I think happened pup?”
You nod, your nose brushes his cheek, and he pets softly between your legs. You’re so sensitive that you can’t help but gasp a little. “I think you let the puppy put his little cock and knot in this sweet hole right here. I think you let him mount you where anyone could see. I think he gave it to you good and sweet because you’re both normally very good and very sweet and I think it made him very very happy to tease alpha like this.”
You know that Hoseok isn't really small- at least not by alpha standards. But compared to Namjoon, to the length that's all but vulgar in the way it's swelled in his slacks, the thin silk that clings to it- compared to that- Hoseok is quite small. 
You shake your head, and Namjoon raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Did it happen differently? Did you make him beg for your cute little hole?”
“You- you said that he gave it- but he didn’t-“ Namjoon raises an eyebrow, stroking gently down the side of your face. “I was on top.”
Namjoon looks so fast at Hobi perched in Jin's lap he thinks it might as well have given him whiplash. Jimin’s hand in Hobi’s hair pulls tight, tilting his neck back so that Jin can nuzzle mindlessly into his scent gland. All while his hands drift up and down Hobi's hips, avoiding the one hot and hard place between his thighs, although Hoseok's cock twitches every time Jin's hands wander even the least bit close.
Everyone is quiet for a moment.
And then Jin flicks Hobi's cock, gently. But Hobi still jerks near violent. Like an alpha possessed. Unable to control the way his body contorts. His gasp loud, pained, but his cock doesn't flag at all- if anything- it only looks like he grows harder.
Jin does it again just to watch him sqirm and flinch. "Bratty little pup- making her do all the work. I thought my good little puppy alpha knew how to be a good packmate, or do you need another lesson? does alpha need to show you how to knot?"
Your hips twitch and the motion isn't missed, Namjoon looks back at you finally- “Oh? Do you want to show Alpha how you rode the puppy’s cock?” You stutter- confused at what he means, until Namjoon keeps his hand on your shoulder and tips up the edge of his dress shoe and taps the inside of your thigh.
"Go on pup, show me how you rode him. You haven't earned a real cock yet so you'll have to make due."
At this angle, you can grip his knee to your chest, can hug Namjoon's calf, and pull yourself up on your knees the same way you did in the car. You short circuit- and you don’t know how to continue until Namjoon pulls you closer by your shoulders, half bent over, so that your front sits against his leg, hot and thick and powerful.
Only then does he sit back and reach for the button of his slacks, popping it open. “Go on pup, you were so eager to show us earlier- don't get shy on me now"
You start, moving your hips in simple little circles at first. Shy. looking up at him for approval that you're doing it right. Namjoon tugs at your collar, guiding you until you find your rhythm with a deep pleased growl.
It feels strange to do it, especially with all of them watching you. As you set your pussy over Namjoon's shoe and start to move. It's good- even if it's humiliating, all of this talk and manhandling has left you sticky and sensitive.
“Wait,” Jin says, reaching down, craning to get his hand between your thighs, slipping under your panties and pulling back with wet glistening fingers.
It's not only slick but a bit of Hobi's cum too. Jin tuts, spreading his fingers. Showing Namjoon and Jimin the translucent and cloudy in places threads that connect the wetness on his fingers. You shudder as you watch Jimin lick his lips, and feel Namjoon vibrate with a growl.
"Don't even try it Minnie-"
Jimin pouts, plush lips catching the light, "Wasn't going to-"
Hoseok just growls. Namjoon taps your chin and you go back to getting off on his thigh, trying to hide your little gasps every time you get the drag right. You don't pay attention to the alphas, you just look at Jin and his fingers- watching and waiting to see what he'll do with them.
Jin continues on like he doesn't have 3 alphas bickering over his slick-coated fingers. "I don't think you'll have any more cum left for me puppy, might have to milk it out of you." Jin nearly purrs as he looks over to where you're currently making a mess of Namjoon's shoes, all wet and slick. Rubbing your cunt all over him without a care in the world.
"What a needy little omega I've got- taking all of it and leaving none for Jinnie."
"Didn't mean to didn't-" Namjoon's fingers pinch your cheeks until your words go muffled. All mean and almost laughing at you for it. You might cry with how wound up you felt.
"No fibbing my little pup- we both know you probably loved it when puppy made you wet and messy. You both had to show us."
Hobi's whimpers and squirming starts up again a new. You let out a soft whimper as Hobi strains and Jimin holds him, both his hands held behind his back, on his knees still so that Jin can have unrestricted access to his cock. He's squirmier than you. Teeth bared, still fighting.
Jin’s hand must feel very very good because no sooner is the pack omega putting his slick hand to Hobi’s cock than is he squirming harder than ever. Fighting to get closer, fighting for more.
Jin’s hands move up and down Hobi’s cock, as he eyes his gnashing teeth. Taking none of it- not the growls or the snarls or the whimpers to heart, just leaning his cheek on his clean hand while his other goes up and down over Hobi's cock. Your slick makes the glide smooth and easy as he fucks up and down slowly, stopping occasionally to rub under the head until Hoseok is panting until his hips can’t up and-
Jin takes his hands off with a flick of his wrist, almost animated, and Hobi jerks violently as his orgasm slips away.
You whine too, and Namjoon makes a questioning hum in his voice. 'Wanna see puppy get all messy, wanna see him make Jinnie hands all messy too- Jinnie has pretty hands don't you think so alpha? Pretty pretty Jinnie Jinnie- pretty."
Namjoon laughs, and lovingly strokes down your cheek. You blink away the words, babbling when you're unaware that you are is one of the cutest ways that your omega space presents. Namjoon doesn't think he'll ever tire of how honest you get when you start to go into omegaspace. The way your thoughts just come out all at once.
The tips of Jin's ears are red, and Jimin nuzzles into them. Jin's hand goes extra extra mean on Hobi the drag tight and wet and so good it makes him want to cry when Jin takes his hands away again. Namjoon eggs you on.
"There's my pretty little pup. I know you want to see our beautiful pack omega- but punishments are punishments for a reason pup. You both have to earn it." Jin flushes at Namjoon calling him beautiful but you almost don’t catch it, too busy rubbing one out on Namjoon's shoe and nodding. Agreeing with what Alpha says because your alpha is very very smart and very very trustworthy.
Your chest is tight, and you're breathing heavy until Namjoon guides you to rest your cheek against his thigh oh so close to his cock. to where his hand moves. Your breath goes easy and sweet, soothed. A tight knot in your chest all but unraveled. Your rhythmic movements as you grind against his pant leg and shoe background noise to your frizzled mind. Namjoon's got you- you don't need to think about whether or not it's time to cum because he will tell you when you can.
Just like Jinnie's doing with Hobi right now. 
Jin stares at his pinking-up cock with that disapproving lilt to his eyes, all mean in the way that makes parts of you all melty. He waits for Hoseok's panting to go gentle before he starts up again. Just as slow and just as meticulously.
He goes like that, edging Hobi, bringing him just there, just a little more but always stops when Hobi’s tummy twitches and he grits his teeth. Jin can read his tells well- the wide panic in his face of an orgasm that comes on too strong, too fast, too quick.
Hobi's cock goes pink and then red after a few minutes. His taught muscles hard and shaking with the strength of his denied pleasure. Jin edges him again and Hobi's cock twitches, knot trying but failing to inflate on its own. Arms straining against Jimin's hold. Still fighting.
Jin won't let him cum until he gives up and goes pliant.
"No Hobi- a few more pup- and then you'll be forgiven." Hoseok is a good sub, you never would have known it, but he doesn't squirm after the first few- surrendering himself to Jin's touch and Jimin's quiet hold. You keep moving your hips under Namjoon's quiet guidance, your cheek resting on his thigh to watch, his own hand moving against his cock. Hard peeking out from the waistband of his slacks. Watching as Hobi gets more and more desperate.
It’s pretty- the way he jerks and moves- like the pleasure has a mind of his own. Sweat drips down his midline, and Jimin's fingers keep Hoseok restrained. Although you sense that's more just so Hobi feels him.
“Don’t cum without alpha’s say so puppy.”
Namjoon's thigh is warm under your cheek, “Yes alpha.”
His hands are in your hair, gentle. Holding you close and keeping you pressed against his thigh. “Are you close pup?”
“A little,” you admit. You're not really- but it does feel good enough that you know you could cum, if they left you to this for a few more minutes- if Namjoon praised you a little bit. You're hungry for it.
Namjoon growls, satisfied. “Go slower then, lean back so I can see. Show alpha how good you are."
You lean back on your hands and Namjoon watches, grinning. The flush on your cheeks is something he touches, something he pinches, while he works his cock and you ride. Namjoon eats up your small sighs and quiet hiccups of pleasure.
“Such pretty pups I have, such pretty little pups,” he croons, almost more to himself than to you. After watching a little He pulls you back to rest closer, more firmly between your thighs. “Just stay here and watch Jinnie take Hobi apart, will only take a few more minutes pup- can you keep from cumming until then?”
“Yes alpha, won’t cum, promise.”
“Good pup.”
Hobi’s trembling gets harder and harder with every edge. He must be nearing half a dozen by now. It gets even worse when Jimin snakes his hands around to the front and starts toying with his chest. It must be an alpha thing, because you're pretty sure he wouldn't have the same reaction if you tried it. Jimin flicks Hobi's small nipples, and his cock twitches, dripping fresh pre-cum that Jin rubs into his skin. So wet and slick it makes a sound.
He gives him a breather, but isn't much of a breather at all when his touch treads down, examining all of Hobi- every inch. Beyond a neatly trimmed touch of hair that you know must be Jin's handy work- he keeps all the alphas very well groomed- Tae and Namjoon shave- but Hobi and jimin keep themselves just nicely trimmed. Pretty.
"Did you leave any for your pack omega Hobi, or did you give it all to her little cunt? Did it feel good? Pup is so warm and wet all the time- I bet she made a mess first."
You whimper, and Namjoon hooks a thumb into your mouth to press the pad of his finger against your tongue, just keeping his fingers there. And you part your lips wider. His own fist still moving up and down around the head of his cock. So wide that even Namjoon’s big hands can hardly go around it.
You wonder if the slide is too dry- you could make it wet for him, the same way you did with Hobi. You suck, soothing the wild want in your chest.
Hobi's mouth finally cooperates, finally sorts through the mess of good puppy, good boy, have to be a good boy, as he jerks away from what surely would have been a painfully needed orgasm.
"Yes! I did, I just-" Jin flicks the head of Hobi’s cock again and he flinches so hard that Jimin has to scruff him, turning his body limp, and he gives a wet sob, there is no remnant of the alpha that teased you until you were shaking earlier. But if anything- it's just as alluring. You can't look away, can't decide what to look at, Namjoon's big cock just in front of your face- or Hobi’s tearful jerking as Jin denies him an orgasm once again.
("Can you do that to me eventually?" You'll ask eventually, tomorrow maybe. In the nest, soft, pressed to Jin's chest, the safest place in the universe for pups that are still coming up, still feeling the after-effects of all of all this submission. hazy and trusting and boneless at your edges. "What? Edge you? You want to try it?" and Jin will giggle, and nip at your nose playfully. "Careful what you ask for honey.")   He cries, but you know that it’s not your job to worry about that right now. “Want alpha.” You say, hugging Namjoon’s leg to your chest like a lifeline. You’re not sure you could stand if you wanted to. The pleasure is secondary to the submission like this.
“Want alpha to make puppy full- want knot here" you touch your stomach, and every alpha in the room growls. "please alpha, knot-“ you babble, but break off the second Namjoon turns his disapproving stare back to you.
“No pup. Not tonight.”
You whine but Namjoon doesn’t do anything but continue to work his cock hard and fast. You open your mouth, eyes fluttering closed, and Namjoon’s thumb presses on your lower lip, sort of in warning, sort of in fascination.
For once you actually wouldn't mind sucking him off, not if it was like this. With you safely under Namjoon’s thumb. Before- blowjobs had been a source of anxiety and trauma for you. But right now- you are so neglected, so riled up and so far down in subspace that you want things you wouldn't ordinarily. Maybe if you're good alpha will-
Namjoon knows this, and stops you before you can bully your way between his legs. "No pup." You whine petulantly and Namjoon soothes away the tears at the corner of your eyes. "Don't act like I’m being mean, it wouldn't fit pup, your mouth is too small for me."
"But- but- Pup could try-"
Jimin’s tone is dark and when you look at him, he's glaring. "Alpha said no pup. I thought you wanted to be a good little pup."
Jin clicks his tongue, "Your size kink is showing."
They're chagrined but not really, Namjoon lifts up the heel of his shoe, far enough that the toe hits your clothed pussy again and you chirp, clinging to his thigh. "Don't-" you cut yourself off, distracted by the way that Namjoon's fisting his cock, Namjoon might be fucking massive- but it's also pretty and veiny, proportional. Pink at the tip and dewy. You’d stopped grinding. Too distracted. Too small-minded.
"If you stop grinding pup I stop touching, you don't want to deny both of your alphas their pleasure, do you? Don't you want to be good."
You do want to be good and you're plummeting. Your brain starts to hinge on Namjoon's every word, alpha pheromones thick and sweet in your throat as you nod and continue to grind against Namjoon's smooth leather shoe. You can't say it's not a good feeling.
Although your hole is already pink and oversensitive from Hobi’s knotting earlier. Your clit had remained neglected then- but not anymore. You drag it wet and twitchy, presses against the wet fabric that clings, over the leather and it does feel good, it does feel sweet.
You continue to grind one out as Namjoon works a hand up and down his cock. Faster now. He's long enough that if he directs it towards you, you can open your mouth and let him tap the head against your tongue.
He does do that, once, twice, and then again for good measure. Namjoon's hand moves faster and faster.
You know he’s done for when you flick your eyes from his cock, and then back up to his face. loling out your tongue. You want it- you want to taste that you make your alpha happy.
When Namjoon cums, it's all over your face and chest, the thin white tank top will easily be stained in places, ruined probably (a shame- since you're pretty sure it's one of Tae's. Your mommy alpha just might take you over her lap for ruining it) It drips down your collar bones and over the top of your chest in thick hot ropes. Namjoon always cums so much. You close your eyes but Namjoon is careful. Aiming most of it at your neck and scent gland. A bit of it gets in your mouth, lips parted, and Namjoon tastes salty and potent.
(Something, something deep in your body clicks finished at that, something that is neither instinct nor biology.)
Namjoon works his cock through his orgasm, fisting his knot that only swells part of the way without an omega around it clamped warm and tight. But still looks cute and puffy at the base of his cock when he lets go with a wince.  Letting you nuzzle into it and press a little kiss there. After a few seconds with him breathing heavy and your hips stilling, he tugs you up onto the couch. Guiding you to sit with your legs apart, giving your sensitive and sticky hole a bit of a break.
Namjoon wraps his arms around you and holds you for a second. Still breathing heavy. Giving you a little squeeze. Behind you- Hobi lets out a broken whimper. He’s too tired to jerk anymore. Cock going from red to almost purple with the strength of his denied orgasms.
Jin stops for a second. Holding Hobi close too- Jimin hooks his chin over Hobi’s shoulder to look down at his angry-looking cock.
Namjoon sits you on his lap and parts your thighs for the others to see the mess you've made of your panties. Skimming the tips of his fingers up to your twitching clit. Guiding your underwear off. You know better than to try and close your thighs. Sagging openly back against his chest and letting him put you on display, without worrying, without thinking. Staring up at him with what you know must be a dazed expression. Namjoon is such a pretty alpha, all of your alphas are so pretty. Jiminie too-
You blink, and when you look, Jimin's cheeks are pink, so pink and flustered that he buries his face in the nape of Hobi's neck. And you know once again you've spoken without realizing you have.
Namjoon's eyes flicker down to his cum on your chest and he wipes it away with a groan, “I’m sorry pup. Alpha should have been more careful about not making you messy.” Jin hums, eyes flashing from you to Hobi and you get the sense that he and Namjoon are communicating without words. Jimin shifts restlessly behind Hobi, holding him less firmly- but he's boneless now, tamed, and stays prostate as Jin shuffles over to you.
There is a towel- from where you don't know- maybe Jimin got it preemptively when he went and retrieve your collars. But it's rough against your cheek as Jin diligently cleans you of the pack alpha's cum- not your chest- but at least your face.
"My poor little puppy, made messy from two alphas already tonight," you pout, nodding up at him. Your hands tangle in the front of his robe, pulling at it petulantly.
"M'empty," you say, a little petulantly, and you are, the hollow ache is there, and you have three perfectly good alphas to fill you. "Want cum, pup's been good? Good puppy?"
Jinnie pecks your nose, "best puppy. My poor little pup, you did so well for Joonie- I think you've earned a little knot," Hobi shuffles forward, perking up, ready for his reward but Jimin jerks him back by his collar again and you've never seen him look so crestfallen.
Behind him, Jimin squirms and you sense it coming when Jin turns to kiss Hobi’s forehead and detangles himself from Jimin. Hobi needs to settle and Jimin-
Jimin needs a reward. For being so good, for keeping Hobi still for the pack omega.
You can feel the alpha's eyes on your pink cunt, a little wet and slick from where you rode Namjoon's shoe still splayed over his leg, on display. Jin beckons you over to them and you push yourself up onto your hands and knees, no longer unsure as you crawl over to the pack omega. You know your chest still has cum on it, that you're still wrecked, you don’t mind it.
Alpha, your instincts hum, I smell like alpha.
Behind Hobi, Jimin watches you with beady eyes, murmuring out a soft "fuck."
“Puppy was so rude earlier, making our little omega do all the work- I feel like I've neglected his education- I’ve neglected to show you puppy how a real alpha breeds an omega.” Jin keeps a hand on Hobi’s collar to keep him from getting to you but he tries anyway.
“Pup,” you look back at him, hands between your legs, back arched, waiting perfectly for his instruction.
“Present for us, let Jiminie see your little hole.”
You know how to make presenting pretty, guided by instinct and the desire to see your pack omega fulfilled as you start to turn and situate yourself on your hands and knees. But as you turn you stop- Namjoon's already moving.
He moves across the room, pulls the ottoman out from where it's tucked sort of by the coffee table, moving it over just in front of them.
It's not a breeding bench, it's really not but- but it could be.
Anxiety bleeds down your chest. You've never used a breeding bench, you've seen them before of course but you've never-
"Don't know- don't know how- Alpha- what are you-"
Namjoon holds out his hand to help you stand. "Alpha will show you pup," You get on your feet, teetering, clutching at the edge of your shirt with an anxious thrum to your bones, but Namjoon- Namjoon's so good as he guides you.
You squirm, unsure, unsure because Jin and Jimin and Hobi are all looking at you and you're anxious about doing it wrong. You get onto the ottoman on your knees but resist it as Namjoon pushes you. You have no chance- you know you could never overpower Namjoon but the resistance makes him pause.
He wraps his arms around your middle, completely disregarding the mess of his cum still on your chest, smearing it without care as he holds you. Pecking your cheek, your lips, your mouth that parts in a needy whine.
"In the olden days, back when people used to use breeding benches to settle fussy omega's like you- they had straps and buckels to keep you presented. To keep you in place. Do you want something like that pup? Do you need it?"
You whine and nod, and Namjoon jerks his chin again, not at you but at Jimin.
You kneel there, partially hidden by the pack alpha, content to be held for a second. While Jimin goes to the other room.
The silk in Jimin's hands reminds you of some of Tae's ribbon, pink too- just like your collar, but braided and strong- it matches the color of your collar and you wonder when they got it. "Yoongi's better at this than I am." Jimin says as he starts to tie your ankles, splaying them apart on either corner of the ottoman. As Namjoon latches a leash to your collar.
You surrender yourself completely to their tugging, the loops that Jimin puts around your ankles, and the way that Namjoon splays your legs wider and then pulls the ropes tight- showing him how to do it, looping them around the legs of the ottoman.
Namjoon leaves your hands free, but it almost doesn't matter with how short the leash is, you can't even lift your chin up off the fabric. It takes them maybe 30 seconds to properly restrain you, and when you try to lift your head, to stop arching your spine- you find you can't move more beyond a little squirming.
Oh- oh. You like this, you like not being able to move, not being able to fight and squirm. It's like a collar only full body, it's like a collar only better.
"There we go- that's a good pup, that feels better right? All settled now?" You whimper, eyes rolling, you like this- you like being restrained.
Namjoon's fingers are long, long enough that he can pry your hole open and show Hobi just how pink and messy your hole is, a bit of cum- the last little bit probably- given how much you've already spilled. Slipping out and down to the nudge of your clit.
Namjoon presses it back inside, and you keen, no longer empty. It's momentary because Namjoon doesn't finger you for long, just checks, just checks that you're open enough to take Jimin's knot. Hot and clenching around his fingers. Worked up already you know you won't take much. You whine loud and petulantly- you know Namjoon already said he wouldn't knot you tonight and he'd surely have to prep you more but-
Utter bliss falls over you at the tightness of your restraints. Jinnie and Namjoon are such good pack alpha and pack omega, surely they know what's best, surely they know what you should do with the sweet pinking sensitivity between your legs.
It’s not up to you what happens right now or which alpha fucks and breeds you. It's so easy to let your head down and let go. To feel the bounds of your own control in the restraints. Embarrassed deep down but in the moment unable to do anything but obey obey obey.
Jin's command comes like a crack of thunder. "Alpha, mount."
Hobi jerks at the command, almost falling with how quick he tries and fails to get up from the couch, he gets another flick to his cock at that- and the attention leaves him near howling. Blinking away tears at the corner of his eyes.
"Not you mutt," Jin croons, affectionate even if the words are demeaning. He jerks his chin.
"Minnie, show the puppy how it's done, show him how my alpha's are supposed to breed their omega's and not the other way around."
Jimin shifts, sliding to the edge of the couch, tentative but eager. But Minnie- minnies got a knot, you know it's chubby and that it feels good.
Namjoon eggs him on, "Show him Minnie- show him how a proper alpha gives an omega their knot, I know I've taught you and Tae well."
The implications of that make your head spin, did namjoon show them? Did he set Jin or Kookie up on a bench like this and show them one after another how to fuck properly? How to make the drag sweet and with finesse? Your head spins at the idea of it.
But too soon for your fantasy is Jimin bullying his way between your thighs, Namjoon's hands guiding his hips to put it in. "There you go minnie, just like that, isn't she so warm inside? isn't the fit tight or did Hobi take that from you-"
"Still Tight- wet" Jimin pants out as your eyelashes flutter open in relief, making eye contact with Hobi, bearing his teeth, feral, and you realize Jin is having to put real effort into holding him back.
His growl is all the warning you get as Jimin sheathes everything he's got inside of you. Not so long but thick enough that it has you gasping, unable to breathe, eyes wide and body taught. Hands gripping the edge of the ottoman for something to hold onto.
Your reaction doesn't stop Jimin, and he sets about a diligent pace immediately. Setting an even rhythm, pulling out almost all the way every time he fucks in, pulling soft whines from you. It's slow- but every trust is firm and deep, grinding in, pulling you by your hips back onto his cock, hands fisting in your tanktop. all but using you to get off with how he forces you back and forth on it making you feel inch.
You have no control over the pase like this. The room drowns in the sound of your fucking, Jimin's groans, hobi's snarls. His alpha chaffed at another having what's his. You're so full and wet that it's overwhelming, and you cry out gently as Jimin fucks you harder, faster.
"That's a good alpha, just like that" Jin praises, and jimin's pace stutters and then goes firmer, more brutal. more eager to show off just how good he can fuck.
Before long he's chasing his own end, both of you so riled up that it doesn't take long. Jimin's good at concentrating even though you know he's close. The delicate pleasure between the two of you simmers until there is nowhere else for it to go and you close your eyes.
Jin murmurs something, and their hands are on you- guiding the towel underneath your tied-apart legs as Jimin pants. "hyung- hyung-" fingers digging into your sides.
"Please- please alpha- wanna- wanna cum, want- knot" You babble, but Jimin is a good alpha and gives you exactly what you ask for.
You open your eyes looking at jin and namjoon, waiting for permission, so close you might not be able to hold off if they don't give you permission to cum.
you watch as jin wraps a firm hand around hobi's knot, holding onto it hard- hard enough that he wouldn't be able to pup a knot at all. you don't realize it serves a purpose until he turns his eyes back on you.
"Puppies, cum."
The three of you jerk, flinching from it. Hobi's whine is so heartbreakingly disappointed that it would surely put you into distress if you weren't preoccupied with cumming yourself. You wonder if Hobi would have cum from just a command alone if Jin didn't have his hand hard around his knot.
Jimin’s knot is just as chubby and thick as the last time it stretched you out, you cum when he plugs you up, so gentle and like breathing- so good that you hardly twitch or tremble. It doesn't feel uncontrolled or too intense. It's just warm and right as you sigh and fall completely boneless at last. Jimin grinds it deep and then lets it rest there.
You feel like youre hearing jin and namjoon talk through water as you flutter down, "Did she squirt?" Jin asks, and Namjoon's close, by your side.
"No, I don't think so."
Jin hums, disatisfied.
You sniffle but Jimin's so polite with it, keeping his knot inside of you as he kisses down your spine, plastered to your back and teething at your neck, licking, soothing.
You spend the next few minutes in bliss waiting for it to go down, letting him pet up and down your sides, getting kisses to your ankles as Namjoon unties you. Jin pets up and down your warm cheeks- soothing your hiccuping breaths at being so full. hobi laps at your scent gland, teething at it soothingly.
You get picked up, still on Jimin’s knot, settled back down onto the couch next to Hobi so that he can plant slobbery kisses all up and down the nape of your neck, scruffing you a little (or at least trying too- it doesn’t really stick). Jimin isn't threatened by hobi's presence, they nudge noses and kiss too- just as involved. You're genuinly a little surprised that Jimin lets hobi muscle his way so close and nose under your chin.
But then you stiffen, tensing as Hobi's cock nudges where you're already stretched around Jiminie's knot. You pull back, a bit panicked. Jimin growls in warning.
"Can't fit- can't-" but Jin is already there- stopping Hobi's over-eager puppy space imaginations. (Taking two knots at once isn't something you think you can do- maybe…maybe after taking Namjoon's knot you could- you won't muse on that until later).
"Soon alpha, just be patient" Jin croons, petting up and over Hobi's stomach. Even that makes his cock twitch. Another edge and Hobi will cum. You know he will- Jin is saving it for the right moment.
His knot goes down eventually, and when he slips out, Jin is there. You decide that you love breeding benches, and you want one- a real one so that alphas can just tie you up just like that and leave you there for whenever they want you, so safe and at their mercy. You like it lots and lots.
Jimin has his face tucked into your throat when you come too. And Namjoon grins, a little feral at the idea of it, "Be careful what you ask for pup."
Jin is the one who guides you carefully off Jimin's knot once it's gone down. back into the same position you were in before, displayed in Namjoon's lap, your cunt pinker and more sensitive than before.
Jimin is sated and a little quiet after knotting. It's not going non-verbal- but no one encourages Jimin to speak as you're transferred from his lap to Namjoon's, Jin kisses Jimin's cheek and then yours, eyes darting down to look at your pussy and examining Jimin's handiwork.
“Clench down for me sweet thing, keep alpha's cum all safe in your little cunt- you can't waste it- he gave it to you so sweetly.”
“Trying- can’t-” You can feel it slip out, your entrance so stretched out from two knottings. It makes you panicky in a way that it surely wouldn’t if you weren’t in omegaspace. Can't lose it, alphas have to breed puppies, alphas can't-
Namjoon groans and rubs a hand over his face. And you know you've spoken without meaning too. Jin makes a tsking noise in his throat. And then something slenderer is there at your entrance. And Jin guides Jimin’s spent back into your hole, plugs it up, and keeps them safe there with three of his long nobbed fingers, rubbing up against something spongy that makes your toes go numb with pleasure, feeding it back into your sloppy cunt.
You grab his wrist, stopping him, "Can't, too much-" but it's the wrong move.
Jin does not take his hand out, he doesn't even stop rubbing up at your g-spot, rubbing slow circles inside of you. Fucked open by two knots tonight, you're so sweet and open on his fingers.
"But I thought you wanted to cum puppy? You begged for it earlier, why stop after just one?"
"Sensitive- too much-"
Jin bristles, and he only fingers you harder, pressing Jimin's cum further inside, fingers brushing that soft squishy place inside of you that opens only during your heats- the place so deep inside you that only Namjoon can penetrate. The place that makes you keen to be touched like that, your chirp high and needy.
"I am the one that decides when you've had too much, I am the one who decides when you can't anymore, or did you forget that puppy?" you sob and shake your head and let Jin keep going. Three fingers slipping in, stretching you wider.
"If you really want me to stop then say it, say it and I will." You sob but bite your lips and shake your head. And Namjoon actually laughs behind you. "See? Daddy knows best pup,"
Jimin turns back to life at that, groaning, leaning his head back against the couch. "Jin, I swear to god i'll get hard again if you make her call you daddy."
Namjoon huffs behind you and you cry and cry and tremble as Jin keeps working his fingers into you. Namjoon pecks the back of your neck. "too late minnie,"
When he wrenches his fingers out, a little bit of squirt comes with it, darkening the edge of his robe. He does it again and you let out a few more droplets and you start crying in earnest. If he touched your clit right now you don't know what would happen.
Jin doesn't, although the threat of it is there. He grins down at you, where you cry in Namjoon's lap. Hobi lets out a concerned whine and shuffles close.
"Say thank you puppy. Say 'Thank you Daddy for being right even though I thought I couldn't handle it.'"
"Thank you, Daddy" You sob out, sniffling, Jin grins and kisses your cheek after you finish repeating it back to him.
It gives him a sick pleasure, to edge one sub and overstimulate another at the same time. You sob and Hobi leans over to lick at the tears on your face, letting out a comforting grumble. He laps lower, where the pack alpha came earlier. He can surely taste it and he probably likes it.
There's still a bit of Namjoon's cum on your chest, turning your nipples glossy where the tanktop has been pulled low, stretched out by Jimin's tugging when he fucked you back on his cock.
Jin's eyes light up wickedly. Eyes darting to your cunt, still messy with Jimin's cum, slipping out despite his efforts because your pussy simply got knotted too wide.
Jin starts to guide Hobi toward you. His cock still bobbing, pressing instantly up his hard knot close to popping. He trembles where he sits on his knees, hands planted on the couch watching you with beady almost animal eyes. Hair falling over his eyebrows. Lips pulled back around a snarl.
You wonder if this is what Hobi's like during a rut.
"Good puppies clean up alpha's messes." Hobi whines and tries to pull back, but he's never been able to beat Jimin in a fight, and now is no different. Especially when the other alpha tugs on his collar and grinds his own hard cock onto the cleft of Hobi’s ass. Jin hooks his fingers into Hobi's collar and guides him closer to where you squirm in Namjoon's lap. The pack alpha laughs meanly.
"What? Getting shy now? You were so eager to show us earlier- won't you give us a demonstration?" 
Jin tugs Hobi’s collar when he doesn’t immediately obey. Jin's hair is fluffed up at the side, maybe where Hobi scented him a little rough and clumsy. You know what it's like to need Jin's scent to keep you steady.
"Here's your choice Hobi, you can either clean up Namjoon's cum off of our pup's face and Jiminie's cum from her cunt and I’ll let you cum in the pup's cute little hole. Or you can stop now and go to sleep without cumming and Jinnie will fuck you in the morning." 
Hobi growls, as if the idea of the pack omega fucking him and not the other way around is too much for his instincts to handle. He shimmies forward, eyes dark, so far down in puppy space or alpha space or whatever you want to call it that his instincts are right there right at the forefront.
but hobi is practically wagging his tail, bright eyed and eager, "calm down puppy, you'll do it without knotting her- but jinnie will let you cum,"
Hobi's so excited he doesn't even whine, letting out a happy little sound- it's not really a bark but-
You're blushing so hard that you can't stop the headrush, “Isn’t it a little gross?"
It’s Jimin who answers, shaking his head and grinning “Not at all, it’s like-” Jimin breaks off for a second, touching gently down Hobi’s spine. “Tae would have better words for it but- it feels like our instincts swallow each other- when we take you down together it's like- alpha bonding."
Jin swats at his arm, “only you would turn cumswapping into something romantic.”
“Hyung” he whines.
Hobi can do little more than growl in response and jerk against Jimin’s touch, it's a good thing Jin has Hobi held tight. Otherwise, you have no doubt he'd take you right here right now.
You whimper, and Namjoon rubs a soothing hand down your side, pulling up the hem of your shirt so that Hobi can see your tummy so that he can set a possessive hand over it. "Don't you want to put your cock right here pup? Come on- be good for alpha, come get your treat."
You close your eyes,
Hoseok’s tongue is warm and wet, laving, lapping easily over your face, down your chest, gentle at first warm puffs of air, up and down cleaning you efficiently of the pack alpha's cum.
But then the bite comes, the pain sharp but needed to ground you, as you gasp and move away- only to be held still by Namjoon. He left marks- two circles just over your breast, another dark mark on your collarbone.
"Gentle puppy, you can nibble but be gentle" Hobi continues like that, lapping and nibbling and biting, leaving marks on your chest, your stomach, the tops of your thighs up and down the inside of them. Namjoon hooks an elbow under your knee as Jin holds Hobi to your hole by his collar.
"Don't cum pup, even when he licks your clit, you're not allowed too until I say so." Your hair bounces when you nod, close to crying again.
Hobi leaves his teeth marks on either side of your thighs, biting hard enough that you know they'll be bruises tomorrow. You tremble, and it hits you with a zing as Hobi sets his tongue flat over your clit. "Can't- gonna-"
"You'll hold off pup." Jin's tone is that of no-nonsense. Hobi licks you again messy, lost to the taste, and you jerk harder. Pussy clenching.
"Can't" you stress. Sobbing again in desperation as Hobi cleans you. Pressing sloppy kisses over your hole, lapping inside to clean you of Jimin's cum. Laving his tongue up and over your clit searching for more of your taste.
You tremble and somehow manage to keep off, probably because Jin only lets Hobi get one or two good licks in before he's tugging him up onto his knees, guiding his cock close for his reward.
"Remember no knots, but you can cum puppy," you sob through the sensitivity as hobi breaches your tender entrance, Namjoon petting up and down your stomach to soothe you.
Hoseok doesn't last, doesn't even last long enough to get in you fully before he's cumming. All Jin has to do is praise him a little more and stroke his knot once and then again and he’s soaking your entrance with ropes of thinner cum. Hobi jerks through it, abs trembling and head hung low with a loud whine. Jimin holds around his waist loosely to keep him from plugging you up with his knot.
It's so- it's so messy without that. When he pulls back, his cum slips out almost immediately. Dripping down to your other hole- all over you.
Someone kisses the wetness at your lower lash line. Eyes closed. You're not sure who it is. Maybe it doesn't matter. 
"My Messy puppies." Jin croons, stroking a loving hand down your cheek. You open your eyes.
Jimin laughs and leans over apparently not one to be outdone as Jin whispers sweet nothings into Hobi's ears. Jimin is just as emboldened, He shimmies onto the floor, grinning all the while.
The sight of Jimin between your legs smiling, his hands tilting your hips up forcing your legs wider- tips you over an unseen edge. You're already trembling as he leans forward to lap at your cum soaked clit, pressing his tongue flat there to repay Hobi's favor of cleaning it out of you.
Jimin giggles as he pulls back, and leans in to give it a little kiss.
Alpha's are so filthy.
Your orgasm washes over you, unseen, unbidden, you really couldn't tell them where it came from- but your legs are shaking and your hole clenches wildly- you squirt all over Jimin's face, spilling even more of Hoseok's cum and-
"M'sorry 'm sorry- didn't mean to alpha- was just-"
You cry freely, so worked up, needing catharsis and settling. Jin coos, cupping your cheek. And Namjoon lets out a soothing growl as he scents across the top of your head. Holding you hard as you cry and cry and cry.
Hobi just watches, a little dead to the world and swirling down from his orgasm to be of much help. Held tightly by Jin, Resting his cheek against your shoulder and nosing into your scent gland. Jin’s arm around his waist keeps him supine.
"Oh pup, it's okay, all is forgiven."
You keep crying shaking your head, "Baby pup was bad- Minnie kissed and- and puppy- bad-"
But your tears just down stop, you're not really making sense but Jin shushes you anyway. Hobi tilts his head, whining loudly. Apparently non-verbal this far down in puppy space but not willing to let his omega go unsoothed.
Namjoon's cool hands on your face bully away most of your tears. "It's alright- it's okay-" You're overwhelmed from cumming basically untouched. Overwhelmed by being disobedient. Jin just told you- just told you not to cum and you did anyway.
"Was bad- was bad, daddy told me not to cum and I- couldn't- couldn't help it" You're crying plummeting into an unhappy place that Jin and the others surely don't want you to be in.
Jin takes your face in his hands. "Okay okay- how about this?" You hinge on every word. Nodding eagerly for any solution. So far down that only their words make sense. Not the tightness in your chest. The want- the need to be good.
Jin’s voice is a low purr. “Joonie is gonna give your pussy 10 good spanks, and then after that alpha will kiss it better and you’re forgiven. If you cum during that you're allowed, and after- the scene is done. You're forgiven. And there will be no more punishment or cumming.”
You nod and relax back into Namjoon's hold, the pack alpha picks you by your knees,draping them on either side of his thigh. keeping them wide. Letting your breathing calm down, Hobi ducks low to nuzzle at your shoulder, nipping, teething more gently this time almost ticklish making you giggle.
"Is this what you meant when you asked us to fuck it out of you?"
You nod weakly, Hobi continues to nibble at your jaw until Jin pulls him back.
You do need a spanking; your alphas are so smart- they know exactly what you need. You need more of a punishment. Maybe a defined moment where everything goes from bad to good. A solid transition from bad pup to good pup and not the back and forth that you've been doing for the last...2 hours?
Has it really been that long? have you really been fucking them for that long?
"Are you ready pup?" You nod against his throat, sort of sleepy.
Namjoon sits up straight and sets you up so that he can look down at you while he restrains you in much the same way that Jimin restrained Hobi. Hobi- who sprawls out on the couch now, all tension in his body gone, nuzzling sleepily into Jin's thighs, between his legs a bit. Maybe this is also a treat for Jimin- for being good- for helping settle the two of you.
You're too busy watching to catch the first discend of Namjoon's palm, You yelp and shoot a couple of feet into the air, but your cunt throbs hard. Warm and wet, the loud slap echoes in the house. And you try to close your legs.
Namjoon keeps them apart, his big hands dimpling in the chub of your thighs. He only lets go when you stop fighting him. Jin smiles, setting his chin on his elbow to watch. Hobi's hand sneaks under his robe. Pawing at the pack omega.
Namjoo taps between your legs again and you jerk from the loud sound. It's gentle but the tingle comes first, the pleasure second. "Two" he purrs in your ear. Growing more confident as your scent swells sweeter. Jimin and Jin recline to watch, the pack omega crossing one leg over Jimin's and curling to his side before reaching down a hand to scratch at Hobi's stomach. Hobi's tongue lolls out.
Namjoon hits your clit fully on the third tap and you shoot almost a foot into the air with how sensitive you are, crying freely. It's good- so good, the sudden shock of contact, the hurtling feeling of his soothing touches as he strokes up and down your stomach.
"More." You ask, and your doms laugh at you as you squirm. "Please alpha."
You cum on the ninth spank, twitching and crying and squirting all over Namjoon's thigh while he croons and praises you through it. It’s not as much as you usually squirt, a pitiful amount really, just a dribble. You try to close your legs again but they don't let you, Jin and Jimin hold them open one a piece. Namjoon's teeth nibble at the nape of your neck, and your eyes roll back.
Namjoon slaps your cunt just once more, spanking the last little bit of squirt out of you through your wet sobs. The pleasure is so intense you think you might black out for a second.
When you come too, you’re crying and Jin is at your front holding your face in both his hands, shushing your sobs.
"Good pup, good babygirl- did so well us, for me. What a good pup we have giving us all of it.”
“M’ sorry m-’” you’re shaking, trembling sort of violently, you need- you need them close; you need all of them so close you can’t breathe around the need for it.
Jin bares his teeth, “Good pup, come to daddy, I’ve got you my sweet little thing, I’ve got you. That was a big one, wasn’t it?” Jin's got you sandwiched between him and Namjoon, pressing you so firmly between the two of them that you can feel it in your ribs. You nod, still crying.
“Too big? Too intense? Oh, my poor little pup with her big cummies. Joonie is so mean making you make a mess like that and turning your cute little cunt all pink, here let me see, come sit with Jinnie and I’ll make him kiss it better.”
You sniffle, still coming down. You get manhandled into position for some much-needed aftercare.
Aftercare is a bit of a blur. You doze and Your oversensitive and spanked hot cunt gets draped over Jin’s thigh. And a liberal amount of soothing touches get dispensed up and down your back, your face, rubbing away your tears with an errant tongue, a cool wet cloth. A soft kiss from each of your alphas (Hobi’s does get a little slobbery). You sniffle and surrender yourself to their fussing gladly.
You hardly stir when Namjoon presses a gentle kiss to your pussy, too feather-light to garner much of a reaction beyond a hiss of sensitivity on your part. Your knotted entrance flutters. Puffy and pink and too enflamed to cum again, at your limit.
Hobi's collar stays on- but yours gets taken off, a cool cloth rubbed up and down your neck and the rest of your skin. Cleaning you efficiently and truly this time. You'll need a long bath- but you'll probably sleep through it.
The next time you're lucid Jin gets you a small tin of cookies and guides Hobi to kneel on the floor again. Sit and stay- like a good boy. He snaps up each of them and happily licks at your fingers, sloppy, in puppy space, as you feed him his good pup treats (that are really just cookies) you giggle, high, cute. still in omegaspace and oh so softminded. hair mused, cheeks round and pink as you watch hobi.
"What do you say pup?" Jinnie guides.
You giggle again, "Good puppy?" Hoseok's hips sway, miming as if his tail was wagging.
"Show us your tummy Hobi- play dead, good boy. What a good boy."
After that, you're guided to lay down on Namjoon, right next to Hobi. Both of you need your pack alpha right now as you sniffle and press closer. Pressing your nose to the hollow of his throat, the inches of honey chest revealed by his unbuttoned shirt. Trying to get more of him as Hobi rubs his whole face against Namjoon’s stomach. Namjoon smells soothing and musky, the exact opposite of how he smelled when you walked through the door.
And before long, you need a hole check.
You’ve begun to doze between Namjoon and Hobi when A cool touch is dispensed over your inflamed lips and twitching clit that Jin only barely pulls at meanly until you whine desperately. But it's just him. Just the pack omega inspecting you and making sure you're all right, that you're all clean. Checking your hole for any evidence of too much hurt.
Jimin bullies his way behind you, hand sneaking under your thigh, "Here hyung, I’ll hold her up so you can give her some cream."
"What a good alpha Minnie, thank you." Hiccupping out your protests as you remain between your three alphas, pliant, at their mercy. The three alphas piled around you and Jin working to groom you clean and satisfactory. All of you smell warm and safe and happy.
“How did the meeting go?” Hobi's voice is crackly from disuse, from all that growling. Jin stills, and you sense that some sort of conversation is happening over your head. You’re too tired to figure it out- Content to doze.
“They weren’t happy,” Namjoon says. Your pack omega hums, soothing, and someone combs through your hair, you nudge Namjoon’s fingers with your nose and he keeps talking. “I really really wanted to quit outright but then they asked me what was the minimum amount of work I’d stay on for even just for the short term and-”
Namjoon pauses, sighs, starts again.
“I’ll go in 2 days a week, offer a second opinion on cases remotely when I can, I know it’s not what we hoped for but it’s still a lot better than almost 6 days a week.”
You wrap your arms around Namjoon’s waist and go back to sleep. already dreaming about how how good it's going to be to have your alpha here all the time- every day with you and Tae Tae and Jinnie and-
You doze going in and out of sleep falling back off again just as quickly as you came up. You sense you're missing time, falling in and out of sleep too quick.
One moment he's not there and then the next he is.
You know he must have been there for longer, must have been there for closer to a few minutes than a few seconds. All you can do is hold onto his sleeve, it must be a dream- because in real life Yoongi is still mad at you and wouldn't let you cling to his front like this. You keep your eyes closed, keep your nose buried in his throat. You don't want to wake up.
You can feel his words against your front as he carries you upstairs, "Which bubble bath? Bubblegum or unscented?"
"Unscented please baby, I can do it if-" whoever's talking breaks off.
"It's okay, I've got her. It's not like she's going to let go of my shirt anytime soon anyways, but maybe- the bath?"
Namjoon is close, a hand on your back, offering his strength incase Yoongi needs help carrying you. "I've got it."
Yoongi says something, and your pace changes, he bobs a little as he carries you up the stairs.
You can't stay awake no matter your best efforts as you're carried up and up and up. Namjoon and Yoongi and everyone close. Everyone is there on the fringes of your awareness. The sound of sloppy slow kisses and running water lulls you to sleep peacefully. For a second you think you feel something against your hairline. You think you hear a murmur. But it's probably just a dream.
A really good dream.
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Weird take but i actually love the near even split in the first few lines of the chapter where hobi and the m/c are kinda like- going back and forth between each of their perspective. like i think it gives a very nice contrast of what they're both going through. this background came about while i was editing because i felt lik the chapter was missing stuff without it.
i think this chapter started to touch on a very real fear alot of people have when they come out of abusive relationships- that they will somehow end up emulating their abusive partners because they once rationalized their behavior as normal- the m/c gets this and is trying to change her behavior- or at least not act a certain way. she does not want to manipulate them into not being angry at her.
"walk him like a dog"- jin probably.
i do not think that the m/c falls into puppy space along with hobi, like it's just omegaspace, but i do think that it's cute that she tries so hard to be like him.
in my mind the pack have realized by now that the m/c is very very good at riding cock- like not to brag or anything but i bet she's a pro- they've gossiped and talked about it and gushed about it to each other enough times that when namjoon and jimin and jin hear that she rode hobi they are /very/ jealous- because they do not ask her to do it often simply because she does not like being on top enough. And her pleasure >>> their pleasure.
For some reason this chapter had a higher than average score on grammarly for correctness? but i feel like some of the language in it is just a little jerky? It is what it is but idk why i grammarly's score never makes sense. I usually aim for mid 80's, but this was in the small 90's. I rely on it alot because of my dyslexia.
Namjoon- asking questions, m/c- but what if i bit you instead????
Don't tease me about my size kink or i'll cry, i know i use the word little too much but listen!!! i love it!!! too much! i wish i could get fucked by a 6'7' alpha with a coke bottle cock and thrown around like a little treat. most of my kinks are not about the actual kink but more about the trust and protectivness aspect of it. i just love the idea of fucking someone who is just so physically in control but gentle anyway that i don't have to think about it.
my main issue with this chapter is that honestly? no smutt needs to be this long like what the fuck-
honestly i think that the m/c goes into a bit of a subdrop there after she cums untouched or just from having her clit kissed by minnie, but everyone else remedies it. i also think that it shows how good of a dom jin is- that he's so easily able to pivot once she starts to go into subdrop.
Are you guys tired from reading all that? i know i'm tired? honestly that felt like three seperat chapters- gangbangs are so hard to write i swear to god i need such a break after that
the words cummies stayed in the final draft mostly because i am just a weak little bunny and i wanted to include it- you can't get that mad at me because it's only there once.
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lexirosewrites · 3 months
Ignore this if it doesn’t fit IM SORRY 
love the idea of beta eddie very obviously trying to court alpha steve but steve is so used to having to do the courting to omegas that he doesn't really understand what eddie's doing, like in highschool when steve was king steve eddie always gave him free weed and offered to smoke with him and had all his favorite snacks for when he got the munchies and he wrote steve little love notes for his locker but Steve didn't know it was eddie and just assumed some shy omega on suppressants made them, 
and the hellfire group sans Dustin and Co bullied eddie relentlessly for falling for the meanest bitchiest alpha in the entire school but eddie likes them mean and cranky, and after the upside down eddie is obsessed with trying to unleash the hidden bitchy part of Steve that he hides from the group because he's trying to Improve Himself (™) and eddie is still obviously very openly courting steve, everyone but steve knows about it, 
its why steve hasn't been able to get any dates even during starcourt, because all the people knew that just outside the shiny glass door was eddie ‘the creep’ Munson glaring daggers at any giggling omega, ready to challenge anyone who tries to so much as scent him, so after the upside down eddie is full on courting him, he's doing both alpha and omega rituals though because betas were never given courting rules like alphas and omegas were, so eddie makes Steve food and helps with his meal prepping and cheers him on when Steve goes running around the track field every Sunday, and he always leaves a few of his sleep shirts on Steve's bed and maybe steals a shirt for himself, and Steve kinda accidentally starts a nest with all eddie’s clothing but he doesnt realize thats what hes doing and eddie is very pleased by this development but doesnt say anything because he knows steve is clueless, hes always touching steve very posessively like hes waiting for someone to challenge him and snarls (as close to a snarl as a beta can get at least) at anyone who he considers a threat to him and Steve mating, and he scents the entire house and Steve, very openly rubbing his face against Steve's scent glands in public, but Steve's had so many hits to the face that he can't really smell how strong it is and Steve kinda struggles with more subtle social cues, like he can be very good with people in certain situations but in other areas his skills fail him.
 Like, eddie is a beta, Steve has meticulous protocol for how to interact with everyone drilled into him by his parents and higher class society but nowhere in the beta folder in Steve's head does he have any rules on how a beta might court him or what to do in that situation since the posh people of hawins are more old fashioned and the idea of an alpha or an omega entertaining a beta in any way has always been taboo or crass to even think about, so because he doesn't have it perfectly cataloged already he just doesn't process that something is happening, 
Now obviously Steve is just as gone as Eddie is but he doesn’t think he has a chance, I’m thinking this goes on for a while and it doesn’t seem like anything is going to change, Eddie’s obsession is going strong and Steve’s cluelessness knows no bounds, UNTIL some omega tries to flirt with Eddie when he’s doing his daily visit to family video to give Steve his courting lunch and of course scent him into oblivion in the break room, cue Steve going near feral at the idea of an omega touching Eddie, snarling at the poor omega, seeing red, and pretty much forcing Eddie by the scruff of his neck into the back room to stake his claim 
Eddie is more than fine with this arrangement. Robin, who clocks in ten minutes later, very much is not. 
i’ll be the first one to admit i don’t utilize betas enough in my fics because i find it hard to fit them into the chaos meaningfully, but this is a great example of making the most of betas and fucking with the construction of the omegaverse society!!!💛
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gremlinmodetweeker · 1 month
From the Cage to... Another Cage
Okay so, I'm desperate for some a/b/o alpha König, so if anyone knows anything, hit me up pls. I am desperate. I'm so desperate I made my own. I'm so sorry for being so degenerate.
tw: Sexual themes implied (heavily)
Story below the cut
From the Cage to... Another Cage
“Are you certain she is the one?” a giant man turned to his companion, a korean man staring at a piece of paper.
“I… I think she is,” the beta type A scowled at the paper, “but she’s a bit…”
“What am I supposed to do with her?” the alpha type A gestured at you through the bars of your cage, “this must be a mistake!”
“This is what the SHA came up with, not me,” the paper flapped in the korean’s hand as he dropped it to his side.
“She’s not too bad,” a tall beta type A stalked from the shadows to lean down to see you better, “you’re kinda cute, for an omega.”
You glared at her. She was only a beta, but still she was able to lord her status well above you. An omega type O like you was the absolute bottom of the barrel. You were the weakest of the weak and everyone in the room knew it. It’s not like it was a hidden secret. Omega type Os were typically used in the breeding program, so it wasn’t that surprising that you were selected as a candidate for the alpha. If anything, it was odd that he didn’t seem to be thrilled by your omega status.
“Stilleto, you’re scaring the poor girl,” a man with ochre skin called from the other side of the room. 
Another alpha, this one type B. He seemed more sympathetic than the others, at least.
He walked up to you and knelt down.
“Look, we don’t even know your name. Can you tell us who you are?”
You gave your name in a quiet voice. Submissive, just as you were trained to be. You played your part beautifully, which is part of why it was so startling that the alpha was so upset.
“I never asked for this!” the big alpha kicked a can across the room.
“I know, I know,” the beta man sighed and rubbed the big man’s shoulder, “but we don’t have a choice in this.”
“If I knew this was part of enlisting, I never would’ve done it,” the big man seethed.
“It’s not so bad, König,” the other tall man stood up to his full height, “I got myself a beta, and sure it’s awkward at first, but now? I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“I’m not ready!” the biggest man, evidently König, snapped before rubbing his temples under his mask.
“Dude, you’re a colonel. It’s a wonder you weren’t set up earlier,” the man scratched the back of his head, “but seeing as you’ve gotten so far so quickly, the higher ups are gonna be desperate.”
“So I suffer for my success,” König groaned.
“Cheer up,” the woman laughed as she turned to face the man mountain, “now you’ve got a new toy to play with when you’re mad.”
The man froze in place. Even you, despite not knowing a single thing about these people (aside from the obvious), shivered and backed further into your cage. The woman, however, stood strong against the goliath, looking upon him with Davidian confidence.
“König,” the woman challenged him further.
“Stilleto,” the colossus gritted out.
“If you lay one finger on me, this omega will be the least of your problems,” the woman said cooly.
The man growled from deep within his chest, but he relaxed his shoulders. He still looked like he would reach out and snap her neck without a second thought, but at the very least he redirected his anger. Unfortunately, he redirected it to you.
“If I could leave you to rot in this cage, I would,” the alpha seethed.
“Oh come on man. That’s no way to speak to your omega,” the korean man sighed, somehow visibly rolling his eyes despite wearing sunglasses.
König rubbed his temples again as he took a seat on the floor in front of you. The dark skinned man urged the others to leave the room before shutting the door behind him with a click, leaving you alone with this ‘König’ to get used to you.
König hung his head as he took in the current situation. You couldn’t help but feel guilty, even though you were just as much a victim of the situation as he was. It’s not like you would’ve chosen an alpha type A yourself. Quite frankly, you’d heard enough legends about how aggressive and destructive these alphas were, so you were keen on pairing up with a beta. A beta would’ve been lovely, honestly. Someone nice, calm, easy-going. Betas were known to go into heats and ruts, sure, but they were at least capable of controlling their urges outside of their seasons. A beta was easy to get along with, and they weren’t naturally submissive and weak like an omega, but they weren’t as dominant and headstrong as an alpha. A beta would have been kind and loving while breeding you. An alpha? An alpha type A? You’d be lucky if you came out in one piece.
You snapped your head to look up at the man in front of you, wincing slightly when you locked eyes with him.
“You know that as of today, we are both off suppressants.” 
That… You were unfortunately aware of. You knew your purpose here, and he knew it too. Good soldiers didn’t come from nowhere, and the government was always hungry for more. To satisfy a growing demand, your program was developed. And now, you were with your new partner for life.
“Once you get out of this cage, I’ll bring you back home. Do not look up at others. Just follow behind me and keep your head down.”
You nodded along to his orders. Something told you it wasn’t possession that prompted him to order you to keep your eyes down, but something else. Shame, maybe?
“And when we get home,” König faltered, “we will figure it out. I have a guest bedroom for you.”
“Are you sure?” you curled into yourself at his withering stare.
“If the SHA does a follow up interview, we sleep in the same bed and I breed you every other night,” König stumbled through the sentence awkwardly, but you didn’t dare question him. You were curious how he would explain two fertile partners not being able to produce any offspring by the time of a follow up, but you figured he’d figure it out.
König reached up and slid the latch of the cage, opening the door and letting you crawl out slowly.
“Did they really ship you in this cage?” König wondered aloud.
“It was just an overnight,” you said as you shook your limbs. Crouching down for over twelve hours had been excrutiating.
“Do you have a washroom anywhere?” you turned to him, and he silently led you to a public washroom.
You looked around the building as you walked out of the washroom only to hear a sharp clicking sound. You whipped your head to look at König, only to realize that you were already breaking his rules. You quickly train your eyes on the ground, relaxing when the man gives an affirmative hum. You wondered how you’ll know where you’re going when you felt a warm pressure on the back of your neck. It dawned on you that he’d be essentially scruffing you and dragging you along back to his home. It was humiliating, but there was no way to avoid the shame.
As the man walked you out to the parking lot, you endured whistles and catcalls, surprisingly not directed at you, but rather at mocking the man that pushed you along. He seemed to try and hurry you to the best of your abilities, but your legs weren’t nearly as long as his and he had to slow down lest he topple you over. It was laughable how this big man seemed so shy around those who were obviously of a lower rank, but still he seemed anxious as he rushed you to the parking lot.
Once in the parking lot, he hurried you into the passenger seat of a large pickup truck, evidently the only thing that could accommodate his size.
In the car, he slumped with his head in his hands, panting and gasping like a suffocated dog.
“It’s okay,” you gingerly rubbed his back, “it’s over now.”
König groaned and dropped his head onto the horn. You winced at the drawn out honk before he bonked his head against the horn as he processed what had just happened.
“Hey, hey you don’t have to-You should probably stop-”
“I’m never going to hear the end of this,” he flopped back into his seat and dug his palms into his eye sockets, “ever.”
“I’m sure it won’t be that bad,” you tried to assure him but he was inconsolable.
“They all know who you are now. You know, they’ve been making jokes about me for years, ja?” König barked a bitter laugh, “and now they’ve actually seen you. I’ve spent years building up my reputation and now it’s all over.”
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, unable to help the man beside you.
“It’s fine,” he waved you off, “it’s not your fault. Just… I wish they could’ve delivered you after work or something. I mean, while I’m working? Ridiculous.”
You watched as he composed himself. He jammed the keys in the ignition and cranked it harshly. He backed out of his parking spot, then zipped out of the parking lot as quickly as he could.
After a couple of clicks, he glanced over at you.
“I’m a colonel,” he said, “so I get certain perks, ja? I get my own home. It’s nice, but small. Not as big as my home back home.”
“Home back home?” you looked at him strangely.
“I come from Austria,” he explained, “so my real home is back in Austria, near my parents. It is very good, but I cannot go there often.”
“When you go there, will I be coming with you?” you asked timidly.
“Well, my current home does not belong to me. It’s only a temporary home on the base,” König explained, “so ja, you would come home with me.”
“Do I need a passport for that?” you asked.
“You didn’t come with one?” König questioned you bitterly.
“I don’t think so,” you picked apart your file for all your identification, “no, it doesn’t look like it.”
“Just…” König sighed, “wonderful.”
The rest of the drive was silent.
AU Masterlist
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robotsandramblings · 7 months
Crosshair dropping massive truth bombs on Hunter was EXACTLY what i wanted from their conversation.
and what i really liked is that Crosshair wasn't just throwing them at Hunter to piss him off. Crosshair was right! and, AND, i think he sounded legitimately angry that Omega was put in that situation, which could have been easily avoided, if they had just heeded Crosshair's warning and stayed hidden.
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echo-lover · 7 months
Why are you watching this, it's for kids. Focus on life, find yourself a partner, have your own family. You are an adult. Grow up.
You don't understand it. This is not just a series...
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This series gives me a chance to feel like a kid again. I find comfort, safety and care in the arms of characters who mean the world to me. I experience each of their moments of sadness, each of their smallest joys, as if they were my own. This is my home, my safe space. I love them with all my heart. Thank you Star-Wars for my beautiful family.
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I love Wrecker because he always managed to put a smile back on my face, even when I was having the worst day ever. His cheerful personality makes it impossible not to like him. Sometimes he is just a child, trapped in a large man's body. Behind all this muscles and enormous strength that can easily hurt you, there is a soft heart made of gold. He can be gentle, soft, even quiet if he has to. He would do absolutely everything for his family. He is also way more intelligent than he might think. The way he takes care of Omega melts my heart every time. Kids love him and he loves kids.
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I love Tech because he can quickly adapt to situations. His voice is so special... I could listen to him for hours and never get tired of his facts about everything he saw and heard on his missions. He showed me that being smart is not something I should be ashamed of. His voice is calming, gives me comfort... I love his little jokes and moments where he was just a little savage in conversations. Even though he processes moments and thoughts differently, he is still able to share his own feelings with Omega. She helped him open up and show the part of himself that he kept closed from the world, even from himself. He loved his family so much that he sacrificed himself for their safety, paying the biggest price. He is worth every tear I shed for him (and there were so many).
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I love Echo because I see a part of myself in him. He has been with me from the very beginning of my journey with Clones, and is one of the most important characters for me. I relate to him for many personal reasons. Even though he has experienced so much evil in his life, he is still able to be gentle, caring and show love to those who were closest to him. I especially love his bond with Omega, they both understand each other through their traumas, and way more. Omega quickly became the most important to Echo, but he couldn't give up on fighting, even for her. He felt that he has to somehow compensate for all the lost years when he was a prisoner on SkakoMinor. His honor, loyalty and courage inspire me every day. And his tenderness and softness touch my soul deeply. I could talk about him for hours and never get bored. I wish I'd be able to give him the biggest and warmest hug, and tell him how important he is to me.
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I love Crosshair because he's the type of character I could easily hate, but I don't. In fact Cross is very close to my heart, I feel sorry for him and I want to help him get back to his old self. He is so much more than what the Empire has done to him. This sniper who never misses, who doesn't have to use his muscles to hurt - words are enough for him - silent, yet sharp. Precise, accurate, always on point. Confident, knowing his skills. Painfully honest, but needing to prove his worth to others at the same time. I know there is this soft side of him, hidden, but it is there for sure. The side that loves his brothers and little sister more than his own life. He need some time to understand that he is worth all the love in the Galaxy and I hope that Omega will help him to realize, that his brothers never really left him. They would take him back, if he just wanted...
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I love Hunter because he makes me feel safe. I can't put it into words, but he's a character that reminds me of home... a loved one that I lost some time ago. He is so much like my dad at some point and his bond with Omega is so special for me. I know he's not perfect, he makes mistakes just like everyone else, but he always wants to do the right thing. He is a leader, not the one that only gives orders, but he is more like the head of the family who protect them - a father. He always puts his family first and is willing to do anything for them. For any of them, including Crosshair. He often doesn't give direct orders, just suggestions. His squad is not just soldiers, but they are his brothers, his closest family. His priorities changed when Omega appeared in his life - a child in need of a family, who trusted him and gave him love that he had never received before. From a soldier, he became a father, who would give everything for his daughter's safety and joy. His relationship with Omega is the most important to me. I loved him from the first moment and I could talk about him for hours, just like about Echo. I will always defend him. No matter what.
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I love Omega because she took the best parts of each of her brothers. She is fearless, brave, strong and ready to defend her family until the very end. She's just a sweet little girl who can't have a normal childhood. She's different, just like her brothers, and she's so proud of it. She is not afraid to show her individuality. But even though she is strong and brave, she is still just a child. She needs love, protection... family... and Bad Batch gave it to her... a home, a safe place, loving brothers... Words cannot describe how important she is to me. Now she has changed so much, she is no longer this little Omega from first season... I think she becomes so much like Hunter.
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
Bonny if possible I'd love to know how the Stereotypes couple will face the new bond situation. Does it change anything else apart from being able to reach the O? Are they both happy and comfortable with it despite not having talked about the possibility beforehand (so was my impression at least)?
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After Yoongi had taken a good look at your now shared bond, it's pretty clear that it's a proper one. A permanent one- because even now, after days, the scar still remains none of your body's usually fast healing affecting it whatsoever.
And another thing that's happened, is that it stopped.
No longer are you both being perceived as nothing but prey- no one dares to go after you no more, scent having mixed to a new one that clearly tells the fact of a mated couple, rather than two mingling omegas. But even that is not all.
Jungkook had gone on a trip with friends, despite Yoongi's warning to not go by himself. You didn't feel too great having Jungkook gone, but you managed, somewhat- not wanting to ruin his fun just because he's now mated.
But it's obvious that when Jungkook returns, that he now knows exactly what Yoongi was warning him about.
He had fun, he really did- but he couldn't sleep well if at all, he constantly felt an odd constricting feeling in his throat that just worsened the longer he was gone, mind constantly coming up with new reasons to worry about you back home, constant messages increasing towards you, anxiety growing if you didn't respond right away.
And now that he's back home, he's clingy, constantly attached to you, seeking any affection you can offer him.
Jimin laughs as he watches the young omega sleepily scent you yet again, moving around to properly hold you, both of you occupying the newly bonded couple's home. Yoongi has offered to let you stay with him and Jimin during the last day of Jungkook's trip- your side effects from not having your freshly bonded mate close having caused you great distress you don't want to admit to Jungkook.
You don't want him to feel bad- but you've been absolutely miserable, especially during the last day- crying until you felt nauseous, hidden away under blankets and Jungkook's clothes.
So now, earlier, when Jungkook came over to technically pick you up, you both fell into a different mindset- clinging onto one another to make up for lost time. You literally are touch-starved, and since you're both omegas, neither of you are currently really conscious enough to be left alone. Or at least, that's what Yoongi said- Jimin is convinced the alpha just feels protective with both of your distressed scents around.
And, since you're considered part of his 'pack', he feels almost obligated to offer help.
"How are the two?" The alpha wonders, entering the living room after having finished some stuff in his office, watching how Jimin puts a blanket over Jungkook and you who are finally able to find proper sleep. "I told him to take her with him.." Yoongi shakes his head.
"He has to learn, like you said." His mate offers. "He can't replace an alpha, neither can she. They have to figure things out themselves, and that's by trial and error." He shrugs.
"Still." Yoongi huffs, though he decides to no longer push the subject. "You gonna come to bed?" He asks, eyes still on you and Jungkook.
"I think we'll sleep downstairs here too, no?" Jimin purrs teasingly, hugging Yoongi. "I know for a fact you won't be able to sleep properly if you can't watch over them." He jokes, and Yoongi rolls his eyes-
though he does walk up to get some blankets and a sleeping mat for the living room.
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heyitschartic · 3 months
Harry and Kim stumble upon the Cauldron conspiracy while interrogating Faultline's Crew for a totally separate case. Harry is convinced he must be a Case 53. It explains the amnesia... and a bunch of other things about him.
Kim: Thank you for your cooperation, miss. Your testimony may be vital to this investigation.
Faultline: I am always happy to help where I can, detective.
Perception (sound): There is an edge to her voice. The words were given with care, but still come out clipped. Her every word and motion is hidden, as masked as her face, but the weariness still leaks through.
One of her employees peaks out from behind the doorway.
Newter: We done here yet?
Perception (sight): The orange man favors his right leg, the man behind him covers his throat.
Authority: They project strength to hide a weakness. They cannot allow you to see the cracks in their facade.
Conceptualization: They have a certain flair to them though. In the right lighting, they could both be considered quite attractive.
Encyclopedia: They are Case 53s, parahumans with prominent mutations and a lack of memories. All have a tattoo of the omega symbol someone on their person, though no one knows where they come from.
Visual Calculus (Hard - Success): You can picture how they were hit and why. Each attack meant to be disarming, take every one of them out of the fight as quickly as possible. These aren't the brutal wounds of a drunken brawl. They were calculated. A barber who shaved too close, a prick at the neck as a warning to stop squirming.
Inland Empire (Heroic - Success): A hand molded these men into what they are now. It opened the cage doors and set them free, blinking and blind into this world. They attempted to look back, to see the face of their maker, and found her eyes staring right back.
Logic (Easy - Failure): Lack of memories? Prominent mutations? Placed into a situations by some shady organization? There's only one explanation for your predicament; you are a case 53 placed into your office by this strange group.
Composure (Hard - Failure): You cannot stop yourself from shaking and beads of sweat seem to flow down from your forehead.
Kim: Detective, are you alright?
Electrochemistry (Easy): A drink to steady the nerves should help.
Rip off your shirt to search for the symbol. This could explain everything.
Question Faultline on this mysterious organization.
Ask Faultline for money to pay for your hotel bill.
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goddessofroyalty · 7 months
Fandom: One Piece
Going through my One Piece scribbles to do a final clean up before FF7 takes over my life from probably tonight and found this one that was me playing around with trying to match the more silly tone One Piece can get.
Law is used entirely as a convenient outsider POV.
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Tags: omegaverse, mpreg, accidental pregnancy
“Are you kidding me!? Again!?”
Law makes a point of trying to ignore the Strawhats’ antics as he travels with them. Strawhat’s crew is as insane as their captain is and often loudly bicker amongst themselves seemingly just to give Law a headache.
The shrillness of Nami’s voice and way Blackleg practically prostrates himself at her side in pathetic submission has him tuning in.
“What happened?” The Strawhat’s sniper asks as the rest of the crew’s attention is drawn onto the situation as well.
“Sanji’s pregnant. Again,” Nami informs them as Blackleg lets out a pathetic whimper that would perhaps be more worrisome if it wasn’t the exact same candor as the one he gave when the strawberries he was using the previous night for desert weren’t large enough for him to carve into perfect flowers for the girl’s. Law doesn’t try and understand why a man who would happily kick anyone’s head in if they suggested he may be less for being an omega immediately breaks out the keens and whimpers associated with his designation at the first sign of any even slight offence to the women on his ship.
The navigator’s offence is deserved from Law’s perspective. While they had hidden them well the fact of him travelling on the ship with them had necessitated he be introduced to the two other children that had resulted from the unique relationship between swordsman and cook of the Strawhat crew.
“Woohoo! New crew member!” Strawhat himself crows, completely missing the gravity of travelling with a pregnant omega aboard.
Although considering they had already successfully done it at least once before Law supposes the confidence is somewhat justified.
Strawhat rattles off his list of demands following the exciting news. A feast the first, most detailed, and apparently most important, among them.
Not that much attention is being paid to him. Nami still standing with her hands on her hips looking at Blackleg expectantly.
“It’s not my fault my m- the only option I’m stuck with for my heats is a mossy brute!” Blackleg justifies. And Law is sure they all caught the slip in his words. And all know exactly what he was about to say.
Despite the two – soon to be three – children they share and the fact the world knows them as the Monster Mates of the Strawhat pirates, both Blackleg and Zoro’s necks stay bare of a mating bite.
“I didn’t do anything you didn’t ask for,” Zoro says from where he had been napping on the ship. He had had their youngest asleep with him but the boy had woken up with Strawhat’s excitement, running off to join the noise.
Blackleg glares at his not-mate and Zoro moves to quickly block the foot aimed at his gut for it.
“It’s your stupid knot that keeps breaking the condoms,” Sanji says, driving his heel into the sword Zoro has blocking him.
“It’s your fucked up fertility that keeps getting pregnant so easily,” Zoro snaps back, pushing against the food driving down onto him.
“Enough,” Nami says, before they can go into any details of how they managed to conceive three children together. Her hand coming up to massage her temple.
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kitthepurplepotato · 10 months
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Chapter 4 - Calm before the storm
Summary: Izuku is self-conscious about the silliest things. Y/N does her best to change that.
Kyouka is looking for a new flat so Y/N helps her with the flat-hunt.
Warning: This chapter ends with a cliffhanger, sorry in advance!
⚠️: Suggestive, mentions of Izuku’s “morning problems”, swear words, hint of angst!
First Chapter Master List
“I don’t want to go.” Izuku mutters into your ears, his body flush against yours as he cuddles into your back at 5AM. It’s been ten days since the agency tour; having Luna around until late really made you both exhausted so instead of enjoying your new relationship you decided to take a breather and go straight to sleep.
Things have changed a lot. For instance, your usual Netflix binge is nothing but a make out session now; Izuku is constantly glued to you when he’s not working.
If you are still in the middle of making dinner when he gets home, he clings to your back and asks questions about the dish. He leaves the bathroom door open when he takes a bath so he can talk to you while he relaxes. That made you really flustered when he did it first but eventually, you got used to the lack of privacy so much you started to leave the door open when it’s your turn to take a bath as well. He’s also a cuddler when he sleeps, so… it’s constant. Not like you mind, it’s actually quite the opposite; as Izuku works extremely inhuman hours almost every day, having him in your space feels like a silent apology for all the time he’s not around.
Needless to say, Izuku didn’t let you sleep in your own bed since; hence why you just got woken up to Izuku’s blaring alarm today.
“You need to.” You giggle into your pillow. Izuku only whines at that, pulling you even closer, his hand wondering on your belly under your shirt; your whole face is red from the interaction and it’s extremely hard not to jump on the opportunity to keep him by your side for a bit longer.
There is a new kind of tension in the house since you two decided to act on your desires instead of suffocating on them; and that’s… well… sexual tension. A lot of it. Mostly from Izuku’s side.
Okay, that’s a lie, it’s definitely a mutual problem but you are so much better at hiding it; Izuku probably doesn’t even realize how hot his hands feel on your naked skin, how you can feel the twitch of his member at your lower back as his hands wander aimlessly over your soft skin, how possessive it is when he pulls you so close and takes a deep breath with his face hidden in your hair, filling his lungs with your scent so he can have you with him for the next 12-14 hours while he works. He’s also not shy to claim; sometimes, his innocent neck kisses end up leaving some marks; really tiny ones, barely there but the way Izuku looks at them when he sees a tiny splotch of pink half-hidden under your T-Shirt… his eyes are downward animalistic.
This makes you think about all the cringey Alpha-Omega fanfictions you’ve read on Tumblr and it really makes you laugh because most people consider Izuku as an Omega character but the real Izuku is far from that; if someone would ask you what type of character Izuku would be in this situation you would probably say the “hidden alpha” kind; everyone would think Izuku is an omega thanks to his adorable demeanor and they would probably shit themselves when Izuku gets jealous for the first time in his life. To be fair, Izuku being so possessive is kind of your fault as you were the one who told him to let himself have the things he wanted and he took it to his heart, but… yeah.
Oh my, how did you end up talking about fanfictions while the real thing is literally right next to you?! You are such a fucking weirdo, honestly.
You know Izuku did not fall back asleep again even though he did not move for the last five minutes at all; there is no fucking way he can think about sleeping in this position and… well… Izuku naively thinks you are not aware of his morning problems down south but it’s really hard to ignore them when you can literally feel it. No pun intended. You swear.
Ahh, you forgot to say; you haven’t… done those things yet. Nothing. Zero. You both try to make sure to stop right when it gets too heavy for some reason which is probably for the best because you really don’t want to rush this, especially not without having a proper talk about your current relationship status. To be honest, it has been bugging you for days; you know you two don’t really need to put a label on it to know that this is much more than two roomies sharing a bed but it would also be nice to be reassured that this isn’t just a temporary thing. Don’t tell this to anyone but Izuku isn’t the only one who wants to “claim” but you have no balls to do anything about it.
“I will think about you all day.” Izuku finally moves but instead of going out of the bed he positions himself right on top of you while he leaves tiny kisses all over your face, lips and neck then he moves down to your collarbone, cheekily trying to suck a tiny pink splotch there before he leaves.
“Maybe try not to think about me all day, otherwise you’ll feel really uncomfortable in your hero costume.” You giggle when Izuku stops his shenanigans to look up at you questioningly. His eyes are dark and sparkly, his hair disheveled and hell… you really want him to stay. It should be illegal to look this attractive so early in the morning.
“What do you mean?” Izuku mutters, looking like a puppy who doesn’t know what he’d done wrong.
“Well, your suit is really… tight.” You snicker and by the look of it, he still has no idea what you’re talking about so you cheekily decide to test your luck by flicking the hem of his underwear once. When the realization hits the poor boy he scatters to the furthest corner of the bed with his head hidden between his knees.
“You knew?!”
“Izuku, how would I not? You were snuggled into me just a few minutes ago.” You snicker, trying to soothe the pained hero by playing with the bird’s nest on the top of his head.
“I’ll never cuddle you ever again.” He mutters ashamedly and you swear there is smoke coming out of his ears.
“Hey! I would hate that!” You reprimand, while you grab his hair to force him to look up at you. Izuku makes a sound you try not to decipher for your own mental wellbeing. “I love this. I love all of you. Stop being so mean to yourself. I really hate when you do that.”
It’s true; you hate how Izuku stops himself all the time because he thinks he’s not allowed to do certain things. He also thinks he needs to be perfect, like having flaws will be the end of the world peace and he constantly overthinks the smallest arguments, makes himself feel terrible about things he can’t change… what Izuku doesn’t know though is that the only flaw you hate about him is this, his constant need to be perfect even though it’s his flaws you fell in love with, not the perfect facade he keeps up for the people every day.
“Sorry.” He mutters and moves his head to snuggle into his favorite place; your neck. “It’s all so… new. I’m not sure what I’m doing. I might freak out a few times in the next few weeks.” He admits as he slowly moves his body towards you. You embrace him as tightly as your sleep muddled body lets you; Izuku shudders first but finally, he relaxes into your touch.
“I love you. That’s not gonna change because of stupid things like this. I want to kiss your self-consciousness away. I want to kiss you everywhere until you realize how perfect you are. But go and get ready now, otherwise I won’t let you go.” You mutter into his hair while your right hand scratches Izuku’s scalp soothingly. He makes a content noise and lets himself be pampered for a few more seconds before he moves out of the bed, leaving a tiny kiss on your nose as he walks past.
“Come home soon, yeah?” You mutter into your pillow, ready to fall back asleep.
“Always, Sweet Pea.” Izuku smiles and closes the door behind him.
Fuck, you miss him already.
“Hey, wanna help me look for flats?” Kyouka calls you around midday, out of the blue.
Apparently, she’s been kicked out of her apartment complex because the owner decided to renovate the whole building; you have no idea what the heck needs renovating on it as the last time you’ve been there it looked fancier than any of the other complexes in the area but it is what is, you guess.
“Yeah, of course!” You perk up; you are extremely happy to be able to help her out a bit, even if it’s nothing compared to what she’s done for you. “Wanna come over tomorrow? We can both save some links and have a chat about it!”
“Sounds like a plan, my dear!” Kyouka chirps, and the line goes dead.
Oh well, you really wanted to get some work done today, but it can wait a bit.
The rest of the afternoon goes by really quickly, you manage to find a few good deals and also make a few phone calls to get some more information which you write down in your notebook to go through with Kyouka tomorrow. You barely realize when Izuku gets home. You jump up when the door opens around 11PM; you literally have no idea how it got so late to be honest and by the grumpy look on your roommate’s face, he’s not happy about you not waiting for him by the door tonight.
You quickly close your laptop and make your way to Izuku who doesn’t wait too long to lean his forehead on your shoulder, clearly too exhausted for his own good.
“You didn’t respond to my message.” He grumbles into your shirt. Fuck’s sake, you really didn’t mean to ghost him today.
“I’m so sorry, Izu.” You mutter into his hair; he’s still in his hero uniform which means he haven’t had the time to shower yet but his hair still smells amazing. You love how the curls feel under your chin, you love how it tickles your skin when you snuggle into it… fuck, you missed him so much. “Go take a shower Izu, I want to cuddle.”
“Warm the bed for me, will you?” Izuku puts his hand on your cheeks and gives you a scorching hot kiss; you swear you’ll never get used to Izuku’s passionate side.
“Hm, if you keep giving me kisses like that…” You mutter into his mouth, licking his lower lip possessively. “I might just follow you to the shower.” Well, needless to say the boy is as flustered as a virgin teenager now; he quickly escapes your embrace and makes his way towards his shower, muttering under his nose with a red face. “Have fun!” You giggle as you quickly change into your pajamas and make your way into the bed to warm it up.
“You are the worst, Sweet Pea!” Izuku whines while you burst out laughing at how high pitched his voice is; he tends to make a really silly sound when he’s embarrassed, it kinda sounds like he just inhaled some helium. That reminds you of your first phone call with him when Izuku was hit by a quirk that made him sound the same way for a whole day; you remember how stressed you were, thinking that Kyouka set you up to live with pro hero Grape Juice as a prank but then…
Well, you know the rest. You feel so fucking lucky to be able to call this amazing human being your partner. Ahh, you really want to make this official now!
As Izuku makes himself comfortable next to you, you rest your head on his pecks for a bit; you can’t really sleep in this position because… well… Izuku is quite big in the chest area and you usually end up having a terrible headache for the whole day after sleeping like this. Extremely sad, you know.
“You are mine.” You mutter into his skin as you leave tiny kisses all over his chest. Izuku yelps, clearly surprised by your sudden possessiveness, but he doesn’t seem to mind; his hand wanders into your hair, his fingers moving on your scalp soothingly first then he grabs your hair to pull you up for another scorching hot kiss. You can’t even try to hide the surprised yelp that leaves your mouth which might as well be a moan, to be absolutely honest.
“Okay.” Izuku mutters into the kiss with a tiny smile on his lips. “Yeah, okay. I would absolutely fucking love that.” The kiss gets a little bit sloppy as Izuku can’t stop grinning but it still manages to make you all dizzy; you don’t really know when you ended up on top of Izuku, but fuck if you care; you barge in for another a kiss and for another while Izuku’s hands caress your sides under your T-shirt. It goes on and on until you both realize that Izuku needs to wake up in a few hours and do another 14 hours shift.
You were so close to finally see that tattoo on Izuku’s bum. So close.
Would it be really weird to just ask him to show you? Not right now, but like… tomorrow? During a less uhm… intimate moment? Damn, you are such a fangirl sometimes.
“When I’m next free…” Izuku mutters into your neck, back in his usual sleeping position. “Wanna use the hot tub? Together? Uhm… in less clothing maybe?” You can feel the heat of Izuku’s cheeks even without seeing the blush.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to, I just thought it would be nice… to cuddle like that. Uhm… okay, nevermind, this is absolutely wrong, I’m so sorry…” He starts his usual anxious ramble, but you don’t let him overthink.
“Izuku, I’m more than happy to do that with you, stop freaking out over nothing.”
“Uhm… I can’t wait for this week to be over.” The tightness of his grip is a little bit suffocating, but it says so much more than thousand words ever could.
I love you. I need you. I miss you. You are mine and I am yours.
There is no need to say any of that out loud; the message is quite clear.
Midoriya Izuku is in seventh heaven right now. It’s 5 fucking AM but he’s already bursting with energy; maybe if he puts 120% into the day instead of his usual 110% he might be able to come home sooner.
The coffee tastes sweet, his brain took a trip to dreamland and the empty space in his skull is filled with fully pink cotton candy. The weather is good, Sweet Pea just told him she wants him to be hers, her kiss was so sweet and warm Izuku is quite sure his whole body melted and he’s only a blob of meat right now. Talking about blobs of meat, Izuku wonders how’s Shishikura doing; the guy had a terrible attitude back in high school but his quirk was extremely fascinating. Can he shape the blob now?
Izuku, focus.
Ahh, look! Sweet Pea left her notebook open!
He really wanted to ask her what she was doing yesterday but he kinda forgot between all the sweet kisses. She wasn’t drawing, that’s for sure; Izuku knows the exact face Y/N makes when she’s concentrating on a drawing and that wasn’t it. She wouldn’t mind if he would take a look, would she?
- Flat 1 ( xx street): Good price and fancy but a bit too far from the center + no stores are open after 9. Pets allowed.
- Flat 2 (center): Pricy but has the perfect location and looks relatively new - Close to Kyouka’s workplace. No pets. Really nice view!
- Flat 3 (center): Good price, quite old looking but tenant is allowed to make changes! Pets allowed, close to the police station and Kyouka’s agency isn’t too far away either.
- Flat 4 (center): Who has money for this?! I certainly don’t. High security, gym and swimming pool in the building, rooftop garden.
Izuku almost faints from the sudden surge of anxiety. He’s definitely misunderstanding this situation, right? There is no way…. There is no way his Sweet Pea wants to leave him right now. Why is she looking for flats then?
Was he too much? Is this too quick for her? Does she need space? Maybe she realized Izuku isn’t as perfect as she thought?
He knows he’s overthinking this and there is probably a really obvious explanation and his problem could be sorted with only one question, but… everything is too good, too sweet, too perfect… Izuku is ready for the catch and he feels like this is it, this is the day when his world crumbles again. Izuku is not used to having good things in his life, especially when it comes to love.
Izuku closes the notebook and decides to skip breakfast today; he doesn’t have the appetite anymore. The door closes behind him even though he doesn’t remember leaving the room.
Midoriya Izuku is on complete autopilot; the word is black and white, his mind is blank, his heart is bleeding all over the concrete as he makes his way to his agency to start the worst fucking day of his whole life.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Uhm… sorry! 😭 You know me though, I can’t do angst for long so this will all be sorted in the next chapter and you’ll absolutely love it :D
- If you have any questions, feel free to message me or send a comment!
- About the first bit: Izuku’s freak about about his “problems” down south might not make sense now but it will all make sense after the next chapter. Izuku has a reason for walking on tip toes when it comes to everything. He’s a broken little boy 😭
- So I managed to binge the first season of this (finished it in two days bro, I got hooked lol) and I need to say I really had to take a deep breath to not change the first few chapters up but it was really nice to see how the quality got better as the story progressed! I’m proud of myself!
- I ordered a beautiful Deku figurine. I’ll show it off once it has arrived. I literally have no space for any more figurines. With that said, I went out today and got 2 more. Send help.
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated as always! 🥦🌈✨
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai
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ghetto-omega · 2 months
‎❀‎✿❀Heat Crash Course❀✿❀
I would like to start this post off by saying don't have sex with your pups... Uhm.. I feel like that should be obvious but just in case U´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`U ...
I would also like to note that all my info posts are for MY verse in particular, and is not the end all be all, so you don't have to agree with me or you can adopt all my headcanons into your own arsenal
Beware this is a long ass post, like I spent about 4 hours on this for no reason. Smh.
If you notice any typos, no you didn't
With that being said...
Heats are generally only experienced by omegas, but there are enough outliers for me to justify mentioning it. For the sake of this post, I will be referring to omegas specifically just because I have the most experiences with omegas with heats. (both being an omega and being friends with omegas)
𑁍 What is heat ?
𑁍 Body's natural instinct to copulate and an almost guaranteed way to produce pups
Indepth: Heats are a part of (most commonly) an omega's cycle. It's the part of the cycle where an omega is the most fertile, the most sensitive (physically and emotionally), and the most vulnerable.
There's a hormonal change in the omegas body. It's essentially the body's way to encourage sex by "setting the mood" lol.
Scent glands also open up more, causing more potent scent and pheromones to attract other partners.
Physical symptoms come not only from hormonal fluctuation, but also the body going into overdrive to protect itself from infection, the body's stress from overworking itself naturally, as well as outside stresses like work and family.
Though if an omega gets too stressed it can cause them to skip their heat entirely, but this is also a very large sign that something is very wrong. Skipping heat too many times (both from something more natural like stress or manmade like heat suppressants) can cause an omega to go into a forced heat, or a self-induced drop.
𑁍 When do omegas enter heat ?
𑁍 Anywhere between 3 days to 2 weeks once every 2 months
Indepth: Every omega that you meet will experience heat in a different way, but typically they last anywhere between three days to two weeks, but the shorter the heat the more intense the symptoms. The average length is about one week, give or take a day, once every one to two months.
The first few days of heat are normally the calmest. A little bit of cramping is to be expected, but overall the omega should still be functional. They may be wearing a collar, cuffs, or extra strength scent patches, but they should overall be fine.
The next days are more unpredictable, there's a widespread of omegas who have the climax of their heat in the middle, but just as many who have it at the end. It's important for omegas to stay on bedrest during this time, not just for their comfort, but their safety.
Omegas with a shorter heat are at a higher risk of entering heat in public, seeing as they don't have the days long of build up that other omegas have. They're also at higher risk of dying during their heats because of how spontaneously they can come and go, this could very well throw their body into shock. Omegas who are malnourished or sleep deprived are also at higher risk of death.
𑁍 Where do omegas prefer to spend their heat ?
𑁍 Omegas typically prefer to spend their heat in their nests, or at the very least with their mate, but there are a few rare outliers to this.
In depth: Omegas will create a safe space out of their packs (or partners) items, could be blankets, clothes, toys, etc. Some omegas do this ritual year round, others only feel the urge to nest during heats. It all depends on the person. Some omegas need a whole space to themselves just for nesting.
Of course, you make due with what you have. In public, if they truly have no other options, an omega might find a small hidden place to go and ride out the worst of it. Even the most docile omega would get aggressive in this situation.
If they end up in the hospital or urgent care both places come equipped with seperate rooms for anyone to ride out their heats OR their ruts. Some people don't have a safe place to go through these things, so they can at least go to the hospital if need be.
Some particularly inclusive clubs or bars may also have one or two small rooms they can keep someone, not like overnight or anything, but for long enough that someone can come get the person in heat/rut.
𑁍 How do heats feel ?
𑁍 Every omega experiences it differently, but typical symptoms are: overheating, brain fog, cramping, excessive slick production, potent pheromones and scents, lethargy, fatigue, and an overwhelming need to be bred.
In depth: for a typical week-ish long heat you'll probably experience a little bit of cramping, but mostly all over body, and pelvic aches that'll slowly get worse until the heat is over.
Omegas with shorter periods or particularly painful ones will be on bed rest their entire heat. Their bodies are flushed with fever, and rocked with brutal cramps. The only thing that can really soothe an omega is a knot, exhaustion, sedative, or a long steady period of being bred. How long their contentedness lasts is really up to the method, and how good of a job their partner is doing at administering said method.
Overly sensitive skin and nose is one of the most common symptoms. Most omegas tend to spend their heats nude and enclosed in their nests because of this. Irritability because of this is also pretty common, try not to hold an omegas mean comments against them around this time.
The worst of the symptoms are flashes of blindness or whited out vision (remember to keep hydrated to help prevent this), temporary amnesia or short term memory loss, inability to move, and hyperactive skin shedding or peeling leaving sore open wounds on the body. These symptoms also aren't common, but can be developed at any time, especially in a high stress environment.
‧₊˚✿First Heats✿˚₊‧
𑁍 In order to avoid unnecessary fear or stress from your pup, it's important to have talked to them about heats and ruts before their first experience
Depending on your pup, in the coming days before the pinnacle of their heat you might experience clinginess, excessive crying, hyper aggression, anxiety, or avoidance (especially of school and anybody not family or a fellow omega)
It's important to watch their temperature, especially if they play sports. It's common for omegas to experience fever or even heat stroke if you don't know what to look for
Look out for more concerns about nesting (especially if they hadn't taken any interest in it before), excessive sweating or thirst, increased or no appetite, lethargy, and extreme mood swings.
Make sure to talk to your pup, as well as take them out of the school for the rest of their heat. Keep carbs and fatty foods on hand to prevent illness, dehydration, and malnourishment
Once at the height of their heat they'll be hypersensitive, so make sure to be weary of a stimulus and watch their body language
Don't be surprised if your pup smells sour to you. They are in a lot of pain right now.
Make sure to lightly scent ONLY the things your pup gives you permission to
The number one rule of helping your pup through heat is to listen to them. It's important not to overstep your pup's boundaries to not cause unnecessary stress.
‧₊˚✿Heat with Packs✿˚₊‧
This really depends on the pack. Some packs act more like polycules, others act more like a platonic family, others are strictly friendly, some are some mix of all three
This all completely depends on your pack's comfortability.
For some this means everyone in the pack helps the omegas out with their heat, some only allow their mate(s) to do it.
Some packs allow the pack members to help out in a way that doesn't involve sex, or maybe they're only allowed to help like that when their mate is away
Some even only allow other omegas to help, and everyone else has to stay out.
This is a completely gray area, whatever you decide is perfect as long as it's a good fit for you and your pack.
There are specific brands that cater to the needs of omegas in heat, there's specifically an abundance of food and drink brands, as well as a few adult toy brands
𑁍 Protection
Collars are a common tool used by all sexes while experiencing intense fluctuation in their scent glands or pheromones. Some prefer the stylish ones that give a little less protection, others prefer just something plain that gets the job done, and some prefer the discreet options that look like they're part of a top or pants
There are covers you can place over a knot to help with lubrication so you don't get locked in your partner, some condoms come with built in ones, but they are the more expensive option
Scent patches are even more common than collars, especially the ones that blend in with the skin. Typically you can find these over the counter at your local drug store, though you can get ones prescribed to you as well
There's more but I've been working on this post for hours... And girl I am SO tired lmao
𑁍 Heat suppressants
Technically heat suppressants could go under protection, but I've decided it needs it's own category
Heat suppressants, while being useful can also be deadly. It's important not to take them more than absolutely necessary
Unlike scent patches these aren't just a patch to put on your body to prevent it from happening
Heat suppressants are administered by pill or by needle, they actually mess with your body's hormones and physiology. They can cause a lot of damage if either used without caution, or bought from an unreliable source
They can cause irregular and painful heat, high blood pressure, infertility, cardiovascular issues, and more.
While fine sparingly, using it too much will cause health problems
I have a giant omegaverse dictionary in the works... It will be finished someday...
I want to make a post full of fake brands that would be in omegaverse if you want to help me with that lol
Ofc, feel free to give me headcanons in the notes or hop into my askbox. I love talking to y'all U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U
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shieldofiron · 1 year
You Never Can Tell
This fic is inspired by my Sims Harringrove family, and is a celebration of my 1000 follower count (now it’s more than 1000 but shh act like I had this ready on time.) Omegaverse with Mpreg (With a Twist), Omega Steve and Alpha Billy, SUPER FLUFFY. Also on AO3 here.
Steve didn’t believe he was really going to do this. As if to punctuate the thought, the baby kicked in his stomach, and he instinctively covered his stomach with his hand.
Hargrove couldn’t meet his eye, silently adding a new pillowcase to one of his pillows, but his eyes darted to Steve’s stomach. He’d been trying not to stare, which Steve appreciated, but some things couldn’t be helped.
“Thanks for doing this,” Steve said, trying to keep his voice steady while the baby kicked the shit out of his ribs.
“Don’t mention it,” Billy said gruffly, tossing the pillow onto the thin mattress, “Least I can do.”
That wasn’t true. Billy could do a lot less. Steve had been couchsurfing for weeks, trying to find something more permanent than being hidden in Nancy’s basement, subsisting on pop tarts and whatever Jonathan could spare from dinner.
The situation with his parents had been slowly deteriorating ever since he had to tell them that the alpha was attending university and Steve didn’t want to tell her. Besides, he didn’t really have any attachment to her, and Steve wasn’t looking to turn this into some sort of shotgun mating.
When he’d told his father that he wasn’t interested in repeating his parent’s mistakes and mating the first person that had knocked him up, everything had gone from bad to worse.
Steve thought they would get over it. They thought he would eventually freak and give the baby away or get an abortion. And before it got really bad and they damaged everything forever, Steve had decided to move out.
It wasn’t like they really knew him. At least not all the parts of him. They were practically ghosts to each other, rattling around in a big house, not a family at all. They didn’t understand why Steve wanted this, even if it was hard. They didn’t understand wanting a family, or they wouldn’t have made just a facsimile of one.
And they weren’t interested in having an unmated pregnant omega around, even if he was their son. So it was a surprise that Billy Hargrove was interested. At all.
The alpha had changed since the whole disaster at Starcourt. They all had. But Billy Hargrove going from polite nods in the grocery store to offering to room with Steve and giving up his bedroom for a baby… that hadn’t been on Steve’s bingo card for this year at all.
The next best offer was staying at the Byers, but between El and Hopper, the house was getting fuller by the minute. 
Billy plucked Steve’s pregnancy pillow from his arms and laid it out over the center of the bed, “There. It’ll be just like a sleepover.”
“Yeah. Every night.”
Billy laughed, “Just the three of us.”
Steve’s hand fell back to his stomach instinctively.
“You, me, and old reliable here,” Billy patted the pillow, “Unless she has a name.”
Steve huffed out a little laugh, “Not yet.”
Billy eyed the fat pink thing, “Looks like a Dorothy to me.”
Steve smiled, “I think she’s more of a Blanche.”
Billy grinned, sliding a hand along the pillow, “Oh really? My kinda girl.”
“You’re really cool with this? I can sleep on the floor until I get a cot.”
Billy’s scent flared with displeasure, igniting the room quickly and then dissipating, “I’m not making a pregnant dude sleep on the fucking floor. No way.”
Steve was too afraid to ask if Billy would sleep on the floor. He thought Max had mentioned something about a bad back, the doctors having to fuse or nail the lower vertebrae of Billy’s spine.
And besides… it wasn’t like Billy was going to make a move on him or something. There had been a time in high school where Steve had thought maybe, but…
In the dark, trying to get comfortable around his pregnancy pillow, with Billy pumping out calming alpha hormones, that time seemed all too real.
Not that Steve was looking for an alpha. He had a lot on his mind. He’d gone from spending his pitiful paychecks liberally, on treats for Dustin and expensive hair products, to counting his pennies to buy a crib and make up his half of the rent. In the dark, Steve tugged on his too long hair where it curled over his collar.
“Does the baby have a name yet?” Billy’s voice wasn’t quite a whisper, but it wasn’t nearly near his normal speaking voice. The sound skittered across Steve’s skin, painting his cheeks pink.
Steve tugged the pregnancy pillow closer, trying to arrange it so that his stomach was comfortable. This was weird, right? Or is the weirdest part that he didn’t feel all that weird about it.
“I was thinking if it’s a girl… I like Tessa,” Steve mumbled, “And if it’s a boy, maybe like, Ben? Or Benjamin. I dunno.”
“Sounds nice,” Billy did that half whisper thing again.
Steve had to delay getting the cot because Billy found a deal on a crib, they just had to drive to the next town to get it. Then Billy pointed out that a cot probably wouldn’t be good for Steve’s back and besides, they had a good thing going with Dorothy/Blanche between them. And didn’t it make the most sense for Steve to get stuff for the baby first?
Steve had to admit, he was getting more and more used to this one bed thing. They’d officially moved it into the dining room after Billy built the crib in one afternoon while Steve was at work.
And it got less awkward as time went on. Both the bed thing and the roommate thing. They angled the tv so that they could see it from the bed, and went to sleep watching old movies that Steve brought back from Family Video and reruns and shit, curled around the pregnancy pillow. Steve spent a lot of time readying for the baby in their new room, tucking newly cleaned onesies into the thrift store dresser that they’d found and Billy had kindly painted for him.
Billy was always making too much for dinner because he was used to cooking for his whole family, so there was often more than enough for Steve, and anyone else who came over too. Even Dustin had grudgingly admitted that Billy was a good cook after Billy had made the whole party spaghetti. He’d made fast friends with Robin, and sometimes Steve would go to bed while they chattered away for hours in the kitchen, only waking when Billy slid in next to him, murmuring quiet goodnights.
Some people still found it weird.
“When is he gonna get his own bed?” Max was trying to be quiet, but apparently that didn’t run in either hers or Billy’s family.
Steve balanced the groceries on his hip and shut the door gently behind him, leaning back and stretching out his sore back.
“I dunno, Max, it’s fine,” Billy said back, the alpha’s voice pitched low like a warning growl.
“I just think-”
“Max, lay off, okay,” Billy huffed. “It’s Harrington’s decision. And we haven’t had any problems yet.”
“But it’s not fair, I can’t believe you’re letting it happen.”
Steve frowned, not sure what she meant by that.
“It’ll be fine, Max, you’ll see.”
Max had stalked out, making an indignant noise when she saw Steve at the door, grabbing her skateboard with a huff, and walking out of the apartment.
“What was that all about?” Steve crept around to the kitchen.
“Ah, nothing. She’s just sixteen,” Billy was leaning over a large pot on the stove. “You know. Sixteen year old girl shit.”
Steve didn’t know. He had no idea, actually.
“How does stew sound? I thought Max was staying, so I made too much,” Billy’s shoulders were tensed close to his body.
“Billy,” Steve sighed, resting a hand on his belly, “Maybe… maybe we should revisit me getting the twin bed for the nursery. Besides, I’m getting up like ten times a night to pee. That can’t be good for your sleep…”
“If that’s what you want,” Billy shrugged, “Taste this, let me know if it needs salt.”
Steve carefully lowered himself down into one of the dining tables and obligingly opened his mouth. Billy brought over the wooden spoon laden with stew, that he blew on carefully before feeding it to Steve.
“‘S fine,” Steve mumbled, though he couldn’t say he’d really tasted it.
Billy really was a great alpha, took care of Steve so much. He was close to ending his apprenticeship at the mechanic’s shop, and he was making good money. He wasn’t blowing it on stuff either. He was responsible, and caring.
And Steve was here, sleeping in his bed, taking up the space that would eventually be taken by Billy’s true omega. It couldn’t have been easy for Billy, it would be hard to find someone to date with a random pregnant guy in his bed, eating all his leftovers.
Billy turned to his stew, dancing a little to the old Chuck Berry song on the radio. He lowered the heat and turned the radio up, spinning around and pulling Steve to his feet.
“Billy, I think-”
Billy wrapped one warm arm around Steve’s waist, taking the other hand in his.
“Just dance, pretty boy.”
It was a little awkward with Steve’s belly between them, but Billy spun him around, laughing a little, like whatever argument he’d had with Max didn’t matter. He pulled Steve close, filling Steve’s senses with his cool salty ocean scent and a hint of cigarettes and motor oil that made him a little dizzy. But it wasn’t the pregnancy. No, Steve couldn’t lie to himself that much.
That night in bed, Steve couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t that he wasn’t comfortable. Billy’s bed really was heavenly, soft and plush. He’d admitted to Steve once that this was the first thing he splurged on when he moved out on his own with his money from Starcourt. Not only because he needed it for his back, but because his dad had apparently piled all of Billy’s shit on his old mattress and lit it on fire before skipping town.
And that was a part of the problem. What was Steve meant to do with all of the stuff he knew about Billy? All the small things that Steve had stored up, like a squirrel for the winter. It was all instinct, not something he meant to do. But somehow he started to think of Billy as…
Steve rolled over and watched Billy. His mouth was open, tongue lolling out slightly and drool dripping from his mouth down his cheek into his pillow and rumpled curls.
Maybe Billy wasn’t always the kindest of alphas. He was prone to black moods, withdrawing, sulking in the shower or curling up for long naps. His stories about his childhood made the reason evident enough, but still. He was crass, often loud and made more dirty jokes than a retired sailor.
He apparently didn’t know how to portion a meal, though Steve had a sneaking suspicion that he did. He just wanted Steve to be fed. He built a crib for the baby, gave up half of his bed, working his whole life around a child that he didn’t even know, had no ties to.
And there was the knot of the issue. When Steve had a baby here, with Billy around… it would be like… sort of felt like…
Billy snuffled and rolled closer, throwing a hand over the pregnancy pillow. It grazed Steve’s belly softly, and the baby rolled, moving towards Billy’s warmth.
Steve worried himself to sleep, vowing that in the morning they would have to talk, work something out. Because he was pretty sure if he stayed here much longer he was going to fall in love with Billy, and that could only end badly.
Because Billy was… too good for this. Too good for this situation, too good for Steve, who couldn’t even take care of his own pup, and didn’t know how to budget, hardly knew how to cook…
Steve had fully resolved to cut things off and move out in the morning. He needed to stand on his own two feet. He needed to leave before he…
Steve woke up and at first, he thought something was wrong with him. The only thing he had looked forward to while being pregnant was not having his heat. But he woke up cramping, slick between his thighs.
His eyes snapped open, “B-Billy, I think the baby…”
Billy wasn’t there.
Steve carefully got to his feet. These were probably contractions. He was probably just an idiot.
There was light coming from the bathroom. With every step, it hurt a little worse. It really felt like a heat, not like the doctor or all the books had said labor would.
He knocked softly, “Billy.”
“Go away, Harrington.”
Steve frowned. He thought he wasn’t Harrington anymore. It hurt worse than he imagined it would but he tried to push it aside.
“Billy, I think I’m having contractions,” Steve leaned against the door.
Billy groaned beyond the door, “God fucking… of course… I wanted to be there, Steve. I was really excited to see the baby. But you’ll have to get someone else to drive you.”
“I’m having my fucking rut, I s-shouldn’t leave the bathroom.”
Steve leaned against the door, “Oh.”
“I’m sorry,” Billy said softly.
“No, I… that makes more sense actually…”
“I thought I was in heat at first. I’m probably just… y’know…”
“Right.” Billy’s voice was clipped off sharply at the end.
“I could…” Steve’s heart rose. Just a little. In any other circumstance he was pretty sure Billy would turn him down but in a rut… maybe…
“Oh, no,” Billy said swiftly. “No, it’s okay. You go back to bed.”
Steve rested his forehead against the door, and Billy whimpered inside.
“Billy,” Steve mumbled.
“Steve,” Billy groaned, “Go back to bed. I might try to leave, take a drive. Clear my head.”
Steve was pretty sure Billy meant he would go to do something else, but it was nice of him to pretend, for Steve’s sake. And he got the picture, really he did.
Steve crawled back into bed, holding his pregnancy pillow close as he listened for Billy to leave. He pretended he wasn’t crying, like Billy pretended that he was just going to take a drive and not to go find another, better omega to spend his rut with. Just like Steve pretended that didn’t hurt, and that he wasn’t already in love.
Later in the morning, Steve woke up alone for the first time in weeks. He got up and made some toast, even though he didn’t feel much like eating it. He didn’t have a shift today which was a shame, he could have really used some distraction.
Instead, he just wandered around the apartment, picking things up and putting them down. Turning the tv on and off. Going through the baby clothes again, the ones that he’d cleaned and folded with Billy. He sat on the edge of Billy’s bed that he’d increasingly started to think of as their bed, and had leftover stew. The baby was kicking like crazy, and without Billy’s low singing to soothe the baby, Steve didn’t know what to do. Even his baby loved Billy more than him.
The whole thing was making him feel rather pathetic, actually. So when Lucas rang the bell at four, Steve couldn’t blame himself for leaping for it.
“Bi- Oh, hey, man,” Steve bit his lip. Of course Billy wouldn’t ring the bell at his own house. He felt like an idiot.
“Hey,” Lucas smiled, holding out a covered dish. “My mom made some extra casserole, she asked me to bring this over on my way to Mike’s.”
Steve blinked at him, “Does everyone in this whole town know I can’t cook?”
“No,” Lucas didn’t lower his hands, “She really made extra. She told me.”
Steve frowned, but eyed up the container. Whatever it was, it smelled good. Cheesy and potato-y, not like the super healthy crap his mom used to make when he lived at home.
“Okay,” Steve took it, “Fine. Thanks.”
“No problem…” Lucas waved, “Well. See you, Steve.”
Steve came back into the kitchen and frowned, staring at the innocent container. Lucas and Billy weren’t the best of friends, but they’d slowly started to make their peace, even hanging out a few times. It was weird of Lucas not to mention Billy, or to just bring enough for one.
His suspicions were confirmed the next day at work.
Robin came back from lunch, her eyes trained on the floor, “Hey, uh, my mom packed too much in my lunch so I left it out back there.”
“My mom made me too much,” Robin noded, sort of weirdly. “I left it out for you, if you don’t want to go to the chinese place.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because you’re my friend,” Robin bit her lip, “And my mom made too much.”
“Your mom made too much of the same peanut butter, no jelly sandwich, with one apple that you’ve eaten since you were eight?”
Robin’s eyes danced to the Romance section, “Yeah.”
“Spill it, Buckley.”
“I can’t!” She cried.
“Oh, can’t you,” Steve rolled his eyes, “Come on. What’s the deal?”
She gnawed her lip, “So… Nancy called me last night and asked me, y’know, as a favor, to bring an extra sandwich.”
“Nancy called-” Steve wrinkled his nose.
“Well, I guess… Billy’s been holed up at Susan’s, he asked Max and your little brigade of tiny dorks to keep you fed,” Robin frowned, “So Mike thought he’d ask Nancy who asked me. So it’s not like…. A big deal…”
“Not a big deal,” Steve threw up his hands, “Why doesn’t everyone just take an ad out in the paper. Jesus, I knew Billy thought I was pathetic, but-”
“Billy doesn’t think you’re pathetic, dingus,” She rolled her eyes.
“Yes, he does. The other night I even asked him to share his rut with me, because… wait. How would you know what Billy thinks of me?”
Her eyes were still caught mid roll when she froze, cringing.
“What do you know, Buckley,” Steve pressed.
“I mean, I don’t know anything for sure,” She hemmed, sliding around the counter and tugging on her jaunty tie.
“But you know something, don’t you?”
“I don’t know anything,” She sighed, “But… Steve… come on.”
“You haven’t spoken to the guy in what, a few years-”
“We waved. Sometimes.”
“And then he comes up out of the woodwork to take you to his small one bedroom apartment,” She smirked, but her eyes got starry. Starry like Doctor Zhivago-y. “And he’s building the crib and taking you to doctor’s appointments, and cooking you food because he knows you can’t cook.”
“I really want to know who told him I can’t cook,” Steve pouted.
“I did,” She took him by the arms, “But the point, Steve, is that he spent his rut locked in a bedroom at his stepmom’s trailer, or did you miss that part?”
Steve twisted a little, ready to deny it.
“And why are you so interested anyway,” Robin smiled. “He’s just free food, right?”
“Billy isn’t just free food,” Steve snapped back.
“Okay. Then what is he?”
“He’s… nice to me. Puts on bad movies and dances with me in the kitchen and drives too fast and…” Steve frowned. “He does stuff for the baby but also there’s other stuff too. It’s like I’m not pregnant or… no… like he’s cool just hanging out with me. And me being pregnant, the baby… that’s all just cool with him. Like he likes… even that part of me.”
Robin nodded, “Yes. And how do you feel about that?”
“I really… I fucking miss him, Robin,” Steve doesn’t immediately recognize the feeling, but the baby kicks like he finally hit the buzzer.
“Yes,” Robin nodded, “Now, when he comes out of rut, I don’t want to hear anything about how you’re a bad omega or some shit. Go get your man.”
Steve intended to. The only thing was it turned out to be slightly harder to get your man when you started to have contractions near the end of your shift. Steve had heard that the first time giving birth there was plenty of time, but that really didn’t seem to be the case. All too soon, it got out of hand. He called and left a message at Susan’s, hoping maybe Billy might be able to hear it if he wasn’t banging some other omega across the mattress. And Robin insisted that she could drive him with her learner’s permit, but the drive to the hospital had also taken about two decades off of his life.
It shouldn’t matter that Billy wasn’t there. He wasn’t really the baby’s dad. Robin was there, helping him fill out the forms. And the contractions weren’t really that bad, except for sometimes when they were. Steve gripped the plasticky waiting room chair, trying to breathe through the pain while Robin hurried through the questions.
When he finally got in a room it turned out his regular doctor, who had been seeing him for months, was off for the day after a marathon cesarean surgery. And would Steve mind if they call another doctor in?
He minded. He minded quite a bit but he was terrified to say it, so he just shut up and got on the bed when they told him. Robin was out of her mind a little, but she was holding his hand and telling him to breathe through it.
“You can go, I got this,” Steve told her.
“As if,” Robin sniffed, “This is best friend privilege. I’m overruling you.”
“Motion carried,” A voice cut in.
They both turned towards the door. Billy was sweating like he’d run there from the trailer, but it was probably just his rut. He sagged against the door.
“You came,” Steve breathed.
“Best friend privilege. Gets you out of all sorts of tight jams,” Billy smiled, “Also I called the Doc before I drove in. She’s gonna hook me up with some rut calming injections.”
“You called her? B-but she’s supposed to be off until Monday-”
“Funny, she didn’t mention that,” Billy shrugged, “Now, how are you doing, pretty boy?”
Steve’s eyes did not have permission to fill with tears but they did anyway.
“Pretty boy?”
“Steve?” Robin whispered, “Is it… is something wrong?”
“No, I-” Steve swiped at his eyes and immediately broke into a sob.
“Oh,” Robin looked between them, “Let me give you all a moment alone.”
Billy was still hanging onto the door when Robin dashed out, “What’s wrong? Steve?”
“I didn’t have time to plan,” Steve tried to still his voice but there was still more than a little bit of a wail at the end.
“Plan what? Are you missing something? Your hospital bag, I can drive out right fucking now and get-”
“No. Billy, why did you ask me to move in?”
Billy blinked, “To help you out. Steve, I don’t understand, what do you need to plan?”
“How to tell you that I’m in love with you.”
It took Steve a moment to be able to suck in a breath and look up. Billy was staggering towards the bed, his scent heavy with rut, his mouth open. It reminded Steve a little of how Billy looked when he slept, his mouth open, cheeks soft and pink.
“I know that’s… God, probably the last thing you wanted when you offered to let me stay,” Steve whispered, “But, Billy, I-”
“It’s all I could hope for,” Billy was leaning on the edge of the bed, his eyes wide with shock.
“Everyone told me it was crazy. I mean it was crazy, because there was every chance you’d hate me, loathe living with me-” Billy broke off, shaking his head a little. “But I’ve been hopelessly in love with you, Steve. For years. Tried to deny it, lie about it…”
“Billy,” Steve whispered, “Why did you ask me to move in?”
“You needed help and I’m… I’m in love with you. I had to offer. When you love someone you offer to help them.”
“And you don’t care? About the baby?”
“What about the baby?”
“That it’s not yours.”
“It’s not mine?” Billy gasped incredulously, and then his face split into a grin. “No. I don’t care about that.”
“You really-”
“Love you. Yes, I do Steve. And you-”
“Love you,” Steve broke off with a gasp, grabbing out and holding onto the guard rail on his bed with white knuckles, “Shit.”
Billy reached out and took his hand, “Sorry, sweetheart. Worst timing ever.”
“Just,” Steve gritted out between his teeth, “When this is all over, kiss me?”
“When this is all over, you’ll have a baby, and the kiss of your life,” Billy held Steve’s hand tightly to his chest. “Promise.”
And just a few hours later, with baby Ben in a tiny bassinet next to the bed and Robin asleep in the visitors chair, Billy curled around Steve on the tiny hospital bed, and after wiping the happy tears from Steve’s eyes with his thumbs, Billy did just that.
Billy’s lips were soft and when he pulled back, pressing small kisses to the corner of Steve’s mouth, the whimper he made was soft too.
“You’re amazing,” Billy whispered, “That was… incredible.”
“Yeah?” Steve’s eyes squeezed out a few tears, “I feel pretty incredible.”
“Good,” Billy rubbed his thumbs across Steve’s cheeks.
“You’re really okay with…” Steve sucked in a breath when Billy’s breath ghosted over his lips again. “All of this?”
“All of this is all I want,” Billy kissed him, slipping his tongue inside and just stroking softly at the sensitive inside of Steve’s lips.
“How are Oma and Papa,” A nurse breezed in, clipboard in hand.
“We’re good,” Steve interrupted. “Feeling pretty incredible, actually.”
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Might be a bit dramatic, but Alien Blues by Vundabar for omega!clark and hungry!kon
Clark shoves aside his own issues, because they’re irrelevant here, and lifts off the ground with Kon in his arms to fly up out of the collapsed remains of the plant. He scans the crowd and the building, making sure there are no more hidden dangers, and then resigns himself to taking the time to talk to the police about what he saw, so they know what happened and what to be concerned about. He wants to just take his barely-conscious pup and hole up in a nest in the back of their den while Kon sleeps off the exhaustion from overtaxing his powers, but they still have a job to do here and he doubts the kid will appreciate him ignoring it to fuss unnecessarily. He knows it’s just that Kon overdid it, not that he’s actually hurt. They figured that out very quickly, the first time Kon fainted after using his TTK on something too big. 
He lands in front of the police officer who looks the most in charge of the situation–who is not the actual ranking officer, today, but that’s not really relevant in emergency situations. The officer is a male beta, who looks alarmed but focused, and Clark spends the whole conversation with him resisting the urge to take off with Kon and burrow down somewhere. Well–ideally in their pack den, obviously, but at this point anywhere will do.
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onboardsorasora · 7 months
one of my melatonin ideas lol I hope its good lmao my asks have been so full of pregnant Daniel recently that this was clearly the next step on forward.
Dewis Hidden Pregnancy 1400wrds part 2
cw: omegaverse, mpreg, so if you're not into that sorry.
Lewis walked into the paddock in Albert Park. Past the Melbourne walk and through the wall of photographers waiting for his entrance. The alpha took a left by the FIA building and stopped up short at the crowd in front of him.
There were drivers and media handlers surrounding someone and he could smell the excitement of the group. He slowed down, trying to see what was causing the large crowd when he heard a sound he hadn't heard in person in a while. Daniel's laugh.
Daniel was back?
Lewis thought back to the last time he'd seen the omega, back in Silverstone last year. They'd gone on a date after the race. It had been a lovely time, Lewis had thought. Daniel had done the test for Red Bull the following week and then he’d gone back to Australia after and kinda stayed off the grid. 
Lewis hadn't heard from him at all, he'd hoped to invite Daniel out on another date and maybe another after that. Hoped to eventually be able to call the omega his. But Daniel hadn't returned any of his calls or texts until Lewis just stopped.
He'd asked around if anyone had heard from him but people weren't very forthcoming. Lewis had been hurt, but he'd let it go as best he could. He hadn't expected Daniel to ghost him, but there was nothing he could do about it except accept that it was a problem with Daniel and not with him.
The crowd dispersed a little and Lewis was able to see just what drew everyone together. Daniel looked good, he wore a creme sweater and his usual skinny jeans. His hair had grown out a little, looking more like his Renault days than anything. 
Daniel bent over a bassinet and Lewis watched with wide eyes as he lifted out a small baby, bouncing the bundle and making shushing noises. Daniel looked over at Lewis and froze, the alpha felt sick at the fear that enveloped his normally sweet scent. His eyes were wide.
Lewis prided himself in being quick on the uptake, but he honestly felt like his thoughts were swimming through sludge right now. A pudgy brown hand with a tiny golden bracelet patted Daniel's lips, gripping at his nose. 
Daniel had a baby. 
Daniel had a baby with darker skin.
Lewis always figured he was good at math and equations. He knew that Silverstone was roughly nine months ago give or take a week or two. 
Daniel had a baby.
“Hi.” Daniel placed the small bundle back in the bassinet, making more shushing noises when the baby started to fuss again. “Uhm, we should talk I guess?” Daniel's voice was soft, timid. Lewis had never heard it that way before.
Lewis took a deep breath. There was a benefit to being stunned silent, he had additional time to collect himself and assess the situation. They were still very much in public, he couldn't afford any amount of reaction right now. 
The alpha nodded, “ok.”
Daniel led them into a small office with curtains on the windows and locked the door behind them. Lewis stared at the covered bassinet, he couldn't see the baby inside but he could hear and smell them. Daniel started wringing his hands together, the odor of his nerves was pungent in the room.
“I'm sorry.” Daniel whispered.
“You were pregnant?” Lewis looked between the bassinet and Daniel's nervous face again. The omega nodded jerkily and Lewis felt his chest seize. “It's mine?”
Daniel uncovered the basket with shaky hands and lifted his little girl out of the soft interior. Her little beanie fell off leaving her soft curls to spring free. Her caramel colored skin was darker than Daniel's but lighter than his own– a perfect blend of both of them.
“I have a daughter?” Lewis' voice cracked and Daniel looked painfully contrite. “Why?” 
Lewis locked eyes with Daniel's wet ones.
“I was scared. You– I–we'd only been on one date and I didn't know how…serious you wanted to be. I was afraid that you'd react badly– I hadn't known what I wanted to do if I wanted to keep it so I went home to try and figure it out. Then I got offered the Alpha Tauri drive and–and I would have had to- to get rid of her and I hadn't wanted to.”
“You didn't tell me?” Lewis accused.
“You didn't sign up for this, I didn't wanna like burden you.”
“That wasn't your decision?!” Lewis raised his voice before biting back his reaction. He had a daughter. He was a father. He didn't even know Daniel was pregnant. “So you were just going to hide her from me forever?” 
Lewis looked at him betrayed when Daniel stayed silent for longer than a moment. “You were!”
“... Not forever.” Daniel whispered, clutching the baby close.
“Why..?” Lewis felt like the bottom of his stomach dropped out. The room stunk of upset alpha. 
“Please don't take her from me…” Daniel pleaded and Lewis' eyes widened as if the omega had hit him. 
He left the room quickly, shutting the door behind him firmly while walking down the corridor to get some air. He had a daughter. He had a daughter and he didn't know. All this time Daniel had been pregnant and hadn't told him. Daniel was afraid of him.
Lewis' chest hurt. He never thought Daniel could think that of him. He'd never claim to understand the mind of a pregnant or nesting omega but he and Daniel had known each other for long enough that the alpha was sure Daniel knew his character.
Or at least he thought he did.
He paced the empty space for a while, taking deep breaths and trying to get control of himself again. He looked back down the empty corridor before taking another deep breath, in for seven out for ten. 
He had a daughter. He had a daughter that he hadn't known about. Daniel had been pregnant and had been alone. Lewis was going to meet his daughter and he needed to fix things with his omega. 
Because Daniel was his omega, that had always been the plan. Underneath everything, the hurt and upset and general shock, he knew it to still be true. He wanted Daniel and he wanted his family. They would figure this out.
He walked back to the room and paused at the door, listening to the sounds inside. Their daughter was crying and Daniel was attempting to quiet her, Daniel’s voice was raspy too as if he’d been crying.
Lewis pushed open the door.
“I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry. I messed up but I’ll figure it out with your Daddy, I’ll make it right. I’m so sorry my love.” Daniel was stooped on the floor in the further corner of the room, rocking their small bundle to his chest.  He fingered a chubby cheek, trying to smooth out the sharp shape of her frown. “My bad decisions won’t ruin your life, I promise baby girl.”
“Is that why you came? To tell me?” Lewis asked quietly. Daniel’s eyes snapped up to look at him, he stood quickly and flashed away his tears with his palm.
“You deserved to know. To like be in her life if you wanted…” His voice cracked but he powered through.
“What if I want to be in your life too?” Lewis asked softly and Daniel sniffled.
“You’d– you’d want that? After what I did?”
Lewis took a moment to answer, to think about how to explain it. “Yes.” He settled on. “I don’t trust you, and I’m very hurt and I feel betrayed…. But I want to work past that.”
Daniel’s scent soured, no doubt hating himself for what he’s done. But he nodded and stepped forward slowly, meeting Lewis in the middle of the room. He offered the now quiet baby to the alpha who looked down at her bright dark brown eyes with his own wide ones.
“Her name’s Ava. She’s two months old.”
Lewis smiled when Ava smiled up at him, reaching a chubby hand towards his face. “Hi Ava, it’s lovely to meet you.” 
To Daniel he said, “we’ll figure this out. No more secrets.”
Daniel nodded, “no more secrets.” 
“Good.” Lewis grabbed his hand.
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