#hibino brothers
advent-march · 3 months
Hibino Kafka is the immature older sibling that would die for his younger sibling while Reno Ichikawa is the "more mature" younger sibling who is unhinged and will kill for his older sibling
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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semirofly · 2 months
No braincells detected.✖️
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I can imagine Vice-Captain Hoshida standing there and laughing in the corner.
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sonicasura · 2 months
Mina is gonna lose her mind over Catka, and I refuse to hear any objections to that
I already hear the catlike yowl coming from him as Mina goes for a surprise hug. Catka definitely had trouble trying to get his friend to let go but she has an iron grip. The only thing that would make Mina let go other than her own volition is if he gotten her a Blitty doll.
Man bought plenty of souvenirs from the Lost World and that includes stuff from Broque Monsieur's shop. Also he would definitely take his friends to Lake Lapcat the moment he could. Mina might faint from too many cats though.
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mechazushi · 4 days
God, you're dense [Affectionate].
{a Kn8 short story}
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Hoshina wasn't one to play games. Sure, he liked to have fun, but playing with people's emotions and perceptions wasn't something he could get into. He raised himself on the belief that being straight forward on something was the best course of action. If someone couldn't get on the same page as him, that was on them. He worked in a position where the best moves forward and anyone else that can't keep up with him were best left behind. Of course, much like most rules in life, there were exceptions to the rule. His biggest fault to everything he stood for was a tall, jolly, brute of a beast named Kafka. Kafka would be an exception to most everything he would die on a hill for. On the opposite end of the spectrum, however, was one person that he held to the highest accordance of his standards. His brother.
Hoshina made a point not to talk to his brother after he got accepted into the defense force. The restrictions on that got tighter after he got accepted as Mina's Vice Captain. Since before, he still showed up to family gatherings at the least to entertain his mother's concerns about his livelihood in the Third Division. Still, just because he didn't make attempts to contact his family, doesn't mean his family doesn't make attempts to contact him. It was always inevitable (because they don't tell him ahead of time) always with the supposed best of intentions (Because what quality road to hell isn't paved with them) and always at the most inconvenient times (an ability that seemed to be an inbred skill in every other family member). Between catching up on chores that should have been done yesterday, decaf in the communal coffee machine, and his third favorite pen breaking, Hoshina found he wasn't in the mood to talk. So obviously it was a perfect time to be visited by his least favorite person.
Walking down the hallway with a mountain of signed paperwork, his pace was intended to be brisk, but felt sluggish all the same. As he passed an intersection in hallways, he noticed the large frame of a burly friend catching up behind him. As Kafka slowed his pace to match his commander's, Hoshina tilted his face in his direction and flashed what was hoped to be a casual and respectful smile.
"Had a feeling you'd feel like that once I heard about the incident at the coffee machine. Here. Brought this for ya." Kafka said as he handed over a steaming mug of dark tan coffee.
"Oh, I already had coffee today." Hoshina tried to politely decline. he guessed his smile wasn't as bright as it should have been if Kafka could see he was feeling off.
"Yeah, but that was decaf." he insisted as he held the mug by its rim and pointed its handle temptingly toward its intended recipient.
Hoshina stiffed its steam heavily as it wafted under his nose. The smell of a caffeinated brew being much more rejuvenating than the bland swill he choked down this morning. He didn't think twice as he shifted the paper load more securely under his arm and took the offered mug greedily. There was a low, grateful moan as the hot, searing, and just lightly sweetened liquid burned pleasantly down the back of his throat.
'You might've just saved my mental state yet again, Kafka." Hoshina finally muttered after nearly downing half of the mug.
Kafka just chuckled as he walked in time with him, and after a while, held out a hand in an offer to carry the paperwork. Hoshina politely refused again, feeling genuinely better now that he had something more stimulating coursing throughout his system. Walking side by side, they engaged in pleasant idle chatter as they continued down the hallway. Without checking how far they had walked, they neared an area that had a lobby that was sparsely populated. As they got closer, an irritatingly familiar voice rang clear in the partially echoey room.
"Brother Dearest!" Soichiro Hoshina, Soshiro's older brother, was leaning against the desk in the back center of the lobby, relaxing like he deserved the space he was taking up.
"Oh God, why aren't I being delivered from evil like I ask every Shrine visit?" Soshiro muttered as soon as he realized who was occupying the open room with them.
"That's your brother?" Kafka asked as he laid eyes on the visitor.
"Unfortunately." Soshiro said with every letter somehow overflowing with distain and loudly enough to be heard by the other person.
"Come on, brother! You had to have known that one of these visits was to have to happen soon? It's been, what, months since you've even sent at minimum a hello to Mother." Soichino's words were playful, a clear difference in demeanor to the attitude his younger brother was radiating. A second had passed as he clearly gave the plus one an interested once-over after he lifted his sunglasses off his face.
"Well, hello soldier. And who might you be?" A salacious smile slithered coolly over Soichiro's glossy, thin lips. His tongue flicked out and over his teeth teasingly as he continued to stare down Kafka with a darkened sense of interest. Kafka bowed deeply in greeting before he introduced himself.
"Kafka Hibino. Officer of the Third Division." was his militantly clipped response.
"Kafka... Kafka... Where have I heard that name before?" Soichiro drawled out as he shifted over to Kafka's side, poking his shoulder with the arm of his sunglasses with playful emphases.
"He's our Kaiju Number Eight, you salacious cur. Now what are you doing here?" Soshiro snarked as he took another sip of his coffee. His brother made no move to acknowledge the comment as he continued to speak directly to Kafka.
"Kaiju Number Eight, huh! So you're the beast on the battlefield. Is it too much for me to ask if you're a beast anywhere else?" That Cheshire smile never left his face as his eyes turned into a more evaluating gaze.
"Well, I'm the Division's only on call Kaiju. It's pretty safe to say that I'm always the beast when it's needed." Kafka smiled bashfully as a hand came up to scratch the back of his neck. Soichiro practically giggled as a hand came up to mischievously smack the other shoulder.
"Look at you! Making out to be something that strong and powerful as a humble brag!" the older brother seemed to slide in closer to Kafka's personal space, with Kafka playing it off as business as usual. Soshiro could feel the handle of the mug creaking under his tightened grip as he looked on at his brother's shameless display.
"Ya know, I had originally cleared out my schedule to take my brother out on a lunch date, but I've just realized he's been a horrible brother and hasn't shown me around the Third Division's main facilities not once!", Soichiro saddled up impossibly closer and even had the audacity to slip a hand around the back of Kafka's forearm, "Why don't I be a good Captain and help clear yours so you can show me around? I'm sure any tour by you would be far more interesting than what he could provide." Soshiro watched as he saw the offer being sealed with an obviously flirty wink.
"Well, I'd be happy to! That is, if it's alright with my Vice Captain?" Kafka asked as he looked innocently toward the younger brother, seemingly unaware or unaffected by the attention he was currently being given.
"No Kafka, that won't be necessary, If my brother is going to come out all this way to see me, then he's just going to have to settle for my company alone." Soshiro said as he placed his paperwork and his coffee mug on the abandoned reception desk.
"Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe some other time?" Kafka asked as he looked at the older Hoshina brother.
"Such a shame. Don't be surprised if I take you up on that offer." Soichiro tittered as he patted the other side of the forearm he was still holding onto. The two brothers watched intently as Kafka turned around and walked down the hallway. Soshiro waited until he was out of every possible hearing range before he decided to speak.
"Alright, you bottle-platinum harlot. What the hell was that display all about?" Soshiro made no attempts to restrain his irritation at his brother's expense. He had no idea what game his brother was trying to play with him, but he wouldn't stand for it since it seemed to involve a very close and personal friend of his.
"I don't know what you mean." Soichiro said as he kept tittering. His posture and demeanor revealing to his younger brother that there was a plan brewing behind those evil eyes.
"I will not have you seducing my strongest man over to your division while I'm here." Soshiro commanded as he leveled a piercing gaze at the other person.
"Excuse me, 'Your man'? I'm sorry, but I didn't see a ring on his finger." Soichiro teased as he turned to face his brother.
"That's not what I meant and you know it, you vile rake." Soshiro spat the words out in an attempt to dissuade any further conversation on the topic.
"So catty today, are we brother? I was simply taking in the local selection. I'm not surprised you're interested in him." Soichiro chatted as he teasingly bit on the arm of his sunglasses.
"I also see you've decided to take up slander as a hobby since last we met." Soshiro grumbled as he found himself forced into a position where he had to talk to his brother in person for more than a minute.
"Oh, please! You know our family has a history of liking them sweet and dumb. How do you think Mother's marriage has lasted this long?" Soichiro continued as he leveled a knowing stare at him.
"If you're going to keep insinuating things that don't exist, I'm going to order you to cancel the lunch date and leave." the younger brother retorted as he turned around to drink the last sips from the coffee mug.
"What do you think I'm insinuating?" Soichiro purred as his sight never left his brother.
"Don't toy with me today, you troglodytic trollup. I am in no mood to bat around this string of yarn you're trying to spin here." Soshina kept snapping back as he took the opportunity to avoid eye contact as he shuffled around the stack of papers.
"Why all the denial, Brother Dearest? Especially since we're so far from Egypt. Besides, it's not slander saying you like a coworker as if your interactions weren't displayed all over the news two weeks ago." The grin broke into a full blown, toothy smile of superiority as the Captain of the Sixth Division draped himself over the desk's top next to Soshiro.
"What... interactions?" the Vice Captain hissed as he slowly turned his head to side-eye his brother
"Should I reenact it for you?" Soichiro giggled before flopping onto his back and dramatically fainting, "Oh! I seem to have taken a terrible fall and broken both of my legs! Oh, is there some dark, handsome, Knight in living armour that can princess-carry my oh so fragile body to the farthest fucking ambulance on scene and completely bypass three others that were unoccupied and were going to take me to the same fucking hospital!" It was clear that he was taking a massive amount of joy retelling his version of events that he saw on the news as his voice raised in volume with every reveal.
"I didn't break my legs, I dislocated my ankles! What would you have me do, walk?" Soshiro started to match his brother's volume and had now fully turned to him to confront this problem of point-of-views head on.
"The cameras clearly show you two having a conversation where it shows you convincing him to carry you!" The two of them were so close to each other's faces now their noses could touch.
"I was trying to convince him not to!" Soshiro returned.
"Because the cameras were rolling?" Soichiro asked.
"Yes!" his brother answered.
"AND BECAUSE YOU TWO ARE IN LOVE! Why else be camera shy about being carried around in public?" The eldest returned triumphantly as he poked him in the chest.
"NO." Soshiro shouted back as he shoved his brother backwards, "We are not in love! What part of this do you think it's okay to date someone like him?"
"Oh don't act like you can't because he's under your position. He makes his own precedent as he breathes! And you are the right type of rebellious, attention craving, delinquent punk that would absolutely fall for someone that is perfect for you in all the right ways, while also him being a human anomaly in every sense of the word! He turns into something our family has been training it's young to kill for centuries so of course you're going to deviate from the norm and be practically head over heels for him!" The Captain couldn't stop himself from cackling as his lungs quaked from talking for so long without breath.
There wasn't anything left on the matter that Soshiro could say to make his brother change his mind, so he decided to let his fists do the talking for him as he sent a vicious right hook. His fist connected to his brother's left eye and caught him off guard for a second. Before he could speak out against the assault, the younger brother wasted no time in jumping onto his brother and throwing his fists left and right. The two soon became a mass of tangled limbs and colorful curse words on the floor. It wasn't like this for long as two other people came across the fight and helped break up the fray.
"Alright, alright! Break it UP!" You two are grown up men, and Defense Force officers at that! ACT LIKE IT!" Okonogi reprimanded them as Aoi held them off the ground by their jacket collars.
"Yes, Okonogi." The brothers said in unison. As they were set back on the ground, they straightened their outfits and waited to see if their new company would leave. When they didn't, Soichiro decided to speak what was left on his mind anyway.
"The lunch date is still on, by the way. Mother's orders. How about I give us an hour to cool down and we try this whole 'conversation' thing again?" he tried to say with as much possible conviction in his smile. Soshiro just glared violently as he picked up the stack of papers from the desk.
"I do what I damn well please, you leporid bunk bunny." he said as he stormed off. Everyone watched as he walked away before his older brother spoke up again.
"He'll be fine."
 𓈒   𑁍 𓈒
It was a little after seven thirty before Hoshina felt fine enough to interact with anyone. Spending some time in the gym helped him feel better after dealing with the Lunch Date From Hell. It also helped that he got to meet his favorite punching bag for sparring.
"Look -huff- I get you -huff- don't like your brother -huff-, but did you really -huff- need to literally -huff- kick my ass?" Kafka's lungs heaved after spending what felt like hours defending himself from his Vice Captain's volley of blows.
"Ya snooze, ya loose Kafka. Intense training is for your own good." Hoshina quipped back as he walked over to his duffle for water bottles. Kafka shambled behind him slowly and sat down on the bench the bag was next to.
"Intense training, my entire bruised ass. That last chokehold felt personal." Kafka began to regulate his breathing by the time Hoshina made it over with the water bottles.
As Hoshina drank from his, he subtly tried to look at Kafka as he poured some of the bottle's contents onto himself. He watched as the water made his partner's bangs stick to his forehead at odd angles and made a swift attempt to cool his fiery red cheeks. Hoshina didn't let his imagination run too far away from him as he thought about Kafka looking worn out and sweaty for a different reason. Of course he denied everything that was said earlier that was concerning the situation between him and Kafka. Mainly because it all implied that Kafka felt the same way he did. Had it been a complete stranger talking to him this morning, it would have shocked everyone that knew him once they heard how different his answers would have been.
As Kafka finished rubbing the cool water into his face and straightened his back and arms out into an intense looking stretch, Hoshina forced himself to look away from the rippling of muscle and the straining of his tank top around said muscles. In moments like this, when he was sure no one would be looking or they were alone, Hoshina liked to play a little game with Kafka. It wasn't one that you could win with points or anything. Hell, some days it made Hoshina feel like all he did was lose by playing, but he couldn't deny that conniving little twitch that begged for him to play over and over again. All so he could see that dumb little smile.
"Still improving as slow as always." Hoshina said after a minute of relaxing on the bench.
"Hey, at least I am still improving, right?" Kafka returned as he looked back at his Vice Captain.
There was a smile, sure, but it wan't big. He could do better.
"Can't say I don't find you to be consistent at least 1% of the time." Hoshina offered as a response, deciding to bring up a well used joke between them. He turned back to look out at the empty gym in front of them.
"God, I still haven't gotten higher than that, haven't I?" Kafka chuckled out of the side of his mouth.
"It was a good thing we found out you were a kaiju when we did. Could you imagine what would have happened if you couldn't raise that percentage up high enough in three months?" Hoshina thought the comment sounded funnier in his head, but once he heard it out loud he wanted to smack himself for it. Everyone knew that it was a horrible thought, thinking about Kafka not being around anymore. Even that was something Hoshina couldn't bring himself to deny or joke about.
"I do every day." Kafka sighed heavily, "Everyday I wake up here." He closed his eyes for a second as he smiled softly, his head coming to rest against the back wall the bench was against.
Hoshina turned back to look at him, taking Kafka's moment of vulnerability to look at him fully this time. He thought about it too. A life in the Defense Force where he didn't get to see Kafka everyday. A life where he didn't bring him coffee or hear his laugh or have drinks with him after work hours. Hoshina could feel his heart squeeze at the thought of Kafka not being in the Defense Force, or worse, suddenly living at a different Division. Being close by technicality, but feeling oh so very far.
"Did you notice my brother was flirting with you at all?" Hoshina felt himself ask before he could take the words back. He felt himself brace for the answer in the brief moments in between his heartbeats.
"Wait... really?" Kafka asked with genuine interest. Hoshina could feel his face twist into something between curiosity and mild disgust. Kafka couldn't tell he was being flirted with? And was okay with it coming from his brother?
"Ye-yeah?" Hoshina returned hesitantly.
"You sure? 'Cuz I mean... wow. He's... actually interested? In me?" Kafka's smile grew bigger and more wonky as he processed what he was told.
"You're okay with this?" Hoshina questioned incredulously. He could not believe what he was seeing, and was actively praying that this wasn't the case.
"Are you kidding? Of course! You're brother is frickin' hot!" Kafka replied with joy, "Is he, like, still around? I mean, I know he's not here kinda around, but I mean, is he like, nearby? Like in a hotel or something? Nah, that would be creepy. Oh! Could you let me have his number?" Kafka prattled on as Hoshina continued to become more and more disgusted. Sure, he was a little happy to hear that Kafka was cool with being hit on by guys, (and clearly reciprocated the sentiment) but felt absolutely horrified at hearing Kafka wanting his brother's number. So much so that he immediately stood on the bench seat so he could get a good enough vantage to stomp on Kafka to stop his train of thought.
"You! Will! NOT! Be! Dating! My! BROTHER!" Hoshina shouted out between the stomping.
"Jesus! And here I thought you wouldn't be having a problem with me liking guys! Yah know, since you told me about it!" Kafka shouted back as he tried to defend himself from the onslaught.
"I don't have a problem with you dating guys! I have a problem with you dating my brother!" Hoshina said as he pressed his foot down firmly onto Kafka's hands that were protecting his head.
'Well then, who would you rather have me date?" Kafka returned rhetorically.
"Me for starters!" Hoshina finally admitted. Once he did, he let the pressure off of his foot and just stayed in the position for a hot minute, feeling as awkward as a school girl admitting to her first crush. Kafka just held onto the foot as he looked up at his commander with wide, unbelieving eyes. All Hoshina could bring himself to do was look away, his cheeks flushing hot and bright. Kafka helped lower the foot down as he got up from his seat to face him from the front.
"Have... have you been flirting with me too?" Kafka asked. Hoshina still couldn't look at him or answer, so his cheeks answered for him.
"How long have you been flirting with me?" Kafka asked again.
"Two... two years." Hoshina answered quietly.
"We've known each other for two years." Kafka responded. Hoshina still hadn't made a move, only crossed his arms defensively.
"YOU'VE BEEN FLIRTING WITH ME SINCE WE MET?" Kafka shouted as he made the realization.
"To be fair, I don't flirt like a normal person and you clearly can't read context clues." Hoshina said as he finally regained some control over his mouth. He just wished he had better control over what it said.
"Why didn't you say anything before now?" Kafka sounded incredulous at the thought of how he could have been dating the most amazing person on base before now, had be been able to read between the lines.
" I kept thinking it was funny?" Hoshina responded in a shy, quivering voice as more blood rushed to his face and made it redder.
"Okay, now I have to ask. What about me do you like? Do you think I'm handsome, or do you really just like to think I'm funny?" Kafka questioned as he waved his hands around animatedly.
"Honestly? I just really like that you're funny." Hoshina said as he relaxed and playfully shrugged. Now feeling better about having all of this out in the open.
" So, just, fuck my face then." Kafka said in a sarcastically irritated manner while turning around and waving his arms.
"I would if you'd stop talking." Hoshina accidentally let slip.
He wasn't ashamed of saying it, but probably should have found a better time to say it. It didn't seem to matter anyway as Kafka took a second to stop his flailing and slowly turned around to face his commander again. A sly smile tugged at the corner of his lips as his eyes darkened at the play on words they stumbled into.
"Well alright then." Kafka chuckled darkly as he strode over to where Hoshina was still standing. He grabbed his legs and threw him over his shoulder, holding onto Hoshina's calves for dear life as he carried his thrashing lover out of the gym.
"Wha-what do you think you're doing?" Hoshina cried as he tried to look back at his kidnapper. Kafka returned the most intensely flirtatious side-eye back at him as they walked out of the gym.
"Moving training to your place, so you can properly shut me up."
"Wha-what, no dinner first?" Hoshina stuttered nervously as he continued to be paraded down the hall on Kafka's shoulder. He got even more nervous as Okonogi slid past his line of sight and watched them walk away.
"You've been flirting with me for two years. Dinner can wait." Kafka growled as the other hand came up and audibly smacked Hoshina on the ass.
#I consider myself impressed that I managed to come up with four different words to substitute wh*re..#I like to think that both Soichiro and their mother are fluent in “Fighting as a Love Language terminology”#i.e. Fighting back to back against each other means you two are fated soul mates#and carrying someone off the battlefield means you're married#so when the two of them saw the news footage of Hoshina being carried to the ambulance they FREAKED.#Their mother immediately commissioned Soichiro to visit his brother and instigate the two of them getting together.#Soichiro did it without hesitation and was the one to put decaf in the coffee machine as a ploy.#I was going to write an after credit scene Of Soichiro talking to their mother where that was revealed#but I thought this was going to get done in a day like my last one and it didn't#so now I feel like I've worked on this longer than I should have.#their argument feels so British coded when I read it in my head for some reason.#it doesn't help that Hoshina starts off by calling his brother a “Salacious Cur”#It f*cking sucked writing the argument too because I can't not call Soshiro by his last name (It feel wrong to me for some reason)#But he's talking to his brother that has his last name so now I HAVE to use their first name#and what the f*ck is the name SOICHIRO anyway?!?!!?#I still had way too much fun finding subtle ways of making him come across as flirty.#Long post#short story#fanfiction#kaiju 8#kaiju no. 8#kaiju number 8#kafka hibino#soshiro hoshina#Kafhoshi#hoshikaf#kaijuu number 8#kaiju no.8#kaiju no 8#kaijuu 8 gou
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 4 months
Kikoru: meow
Kafka: ? Meow
Kikoru: grown ass man 🤭
Kafka: BITCH-
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chernobog13 · 11 months
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The Ultra Brothers and Mebius in their human forms, from the film Ultraman Mebius & the Ultra Brothers (2006).
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miharuki · 2 months
𝕭𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕶𝖆𝖋𝖐𝖆 𝕳𝖎𝖇𝖎𝖓𝖔'𝖘 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗
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Fem reader
Imagine being Kafka Hibino's younger sister. When he mentioned having a sister, you, to his coworkers, he might say he bitterly regrets it. It's not because he hates you or anything, but he just can't stop being irritated. His coworkers always ask, "Is she single?" "Give me her contact info." "How are you the brother of such a precious thing?" With his brotherly jealousy, Kafka can't stand the idea of you dating, especially not a colleague of his. He thinks you're not ready.
When Reno starts his internship at your brother’s workplace, he barely arrives before overhearing one of Kafka's coworkers say, "Hey Kafka! This is Reno, he wants to join the Defense Force!" Kafka might show a bit of surprise before getting angry at the next comment: "Reno, this is Kafka. He also dreamed of joining the Defense Force, but he gave up and now works here, unlike his sister."
"Kafka's beautiful sister works there!" Just mentioning you makes Kafka irritated. He gets annoyed because his coworkers won't stop talking about you, always trying to provoke him by talking about how they’d like to date you, maybe go out and hook up. "Keep my sister out of this!" Kafka mutters before turning to Reno, who looks at him confused.
"Now I understand what the cleaning staff was talking about," Kafka realizes his mistake. Now his friend Reno Ichikawa, who inspired him to try for the Defense Force and succeeded, is watching you present yourself. Kafka can only sigh in exhaustion, asking Reno to keep it a secret or just not point out that the leader of the third division squad is nothing more than Kafka's precious sister.
Although it’s already too late, now in the bath with his teammates, he not only mentions Mina but also you. This makes everyone extremely curious. But Kafka learned that if he opened his mouth, he’d be teased for having you as his little sister, so he avoids the subject, though he ends up talking about Mina, with his colleagues pressing him for more details.
But one thing Kafka can say is that he prefers a thousand times over for Reno Ichikawa, his friend, to date his precious sister rather than the vice-captain of the third division. He really didn’t know that Soshiro Hoshina had been eyeing you for a long time, only finding out when Soshiro openly mentioned it.
"So you're (name) (middle name) Hibino’s brother? What a strange way to meet my future brother-in-law," Soshiro said. Strange? Kafka felt not only anger but also surprise at that moment. "Future brother-in-law?!" As if that wasn't enough, Soshiro knew Kafka wanted to fight alongside his captain Mina Aspiro. It annoyed Kafka that Soshiro wanted to take his place as vice-captain, so it was a nice surprise to find out that the brother of his crush was here. He could not only tease the old man but also irritate him.
"By the way, your sister says hi," Soshiro's smile was enough to make Kafka mad.
“Reno,” Kafka said.
“Know that you have my blessing.”
"W- what do you mean, Kafka?!!" Reno looked shocked and blushing at Kafka, who only had an expression of anger and seriousness. Kafka had just said he didn't mind if Reno dated his sister; he preferred that over the vice-captain.
“50 push-ups!” Kafka could only cry in sadness at his vice-captain’s remark. He knew Soshiro probably told Reno he preferred him over Soshiro dating you.
"Captain, have you noticed that the vice is acting really strange?" You ask Mina, and Mina can only sigh. If there’s one thing you and Kafka share, it’s the slowness in understanding others’ feelings, especially when they’re interested in you.
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witchy-scribblings · 3 months
hibino kafka? more like hubbyno kafka (mdni)
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❀ kafka who loves kissing you more than anything, and will have his lips on you at any possible time. this clown here loves to press the wettest smooch on your cheek just as much as he loves kissing you softly while you rock to the sound of the news in the background.
❀ kafka who's always texting you. his name will constantly be popping up on your phone, be it to wish you a good day at work, to complain about some inconvenience at his job, or to remind you that he loves you for the seventh time that morning.
❀ kafka who had always been okay with his bachelor apartment looking like a wreck, but since he started dating you no dishes pile up in the sink, the trash is taken out, and the cleaning is kept up with.
❀ kafka who immediately started getting extra toothbrushes, towels and other supplies the moment your relationship started looking serious, in hopes that it would incite you to come over more often.
❀ kafka who thanks his lucky stars every time he gets to wake up next to you because holy shit how did a loser like him pull a beauty like you? (it's fine we love losers 'round here)
❀ kafka who can never get enough of slow mornings with you. he often has you staying over at his place, and his bathroom is too small to let you brush your teeth side by side, so he gets the next best thing: you straddling his hips while you sit on the counter, peacefully getting ready for the day.
❀ kafka who gets a little insecure sometimes, especially before becoming an officer. he doesn't need constant reassurance, but there are days when he can't help staring at the mirror a little longer, a little harsher.
❀ kafka who falls harder still when you assure him that his dad body is extremely sexy, and that you love that he's so big and warm he's literally perfect to cuddle with.
❀ kafka who feels so much better when he sees how happy wearing his huge baggy clothes makes you. he has had to give up too many hoodies to count at this point, not that he's complaining.
❀ on that note, kafka who loves it when you're wearing one of his oversized shirts and nothing else - well, except perhaps a pair or wooly thigh-high socks during the colder months. After all, the central heating in his apartment is pretty bad, so you have to work with what you have.
❀ kafka who presses down on your covered hamstrings to keep you folded nearly in half while his fat cock plunges in and out of your soaking wet pussy; he's obsessed with the unrestricted sight of the filthy mess he's making out of your swollen cunt.
❀ kafka who sometimes absently wonders if you would be okay with him shapeshifting to fuck you better. he knows that kaiju no. 8 looks scary as shit and that he still has a hard time controlling the extra strength, but some twisted part of him wants to see how much further he could push you (little does he know his fans are monsterfuckers)
❀ kafka who ultimately is a pretty vanilla lover who just lives for those moments late at night when he has you sitting back against his soft chest with your legs spread embarrassingly wide while his thick fingers play you like a goddamn fiddle.
❀ kafka who, yes, is 100% a giver in every aspect of your relationship. but boy does he turn into a whore whenever you pay some well-deserved attention to him. he'll take anything you're willing to offer, but worship his body and his cock with your hands and tongue and he's done for.
❀ kafka who is not shy per se, but he gets really horny really fast if you start dirty talking to him. it might take a little bit of confidence for him to reciprocate, but once he warms up he's pulling out all the "yes, baby, want your mouth on me so bad", or the "i'm not gonna stop until you make a fucking mess on my sheets, got it?"
❀ kafka who used to dread laundry day, but will now happily change his sheets everyday if it means he got to fuck you good the night before.
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brother i’m so down bad for this himbo he’s making me have unholy thoughts on finals week
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fairy-writes · 2 months
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Kaiju No. 8 
Pairing(s): Hibino Kafka x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Female!Reader, Pregnant!Reader, Reader is smaller than Kafka, Childbirth
Notes: The title is inspired by what Steve Rogers said to Peggy Carter in “The Winter Soldier.”
Ichikawa Reno knew something was off about Hibino Kafka when he came to work the next day, obviously sullen and downtrodden. He kept fidgeting with his wedding ring, something Reno knew he only did when he had something on his mind.
But he wouldn’t say anything.
At least, not until Iharu found out about his marriage three months later.
“You’re WHAT?!” He gaped at Kafka, who looked spooked. His chopsticks paused halfway to his mouth, and he glanced around at the room, which had gone dead silent in shock.
“I’m what?” He asked, dumbfounded until Iharu lunged across the table to grab his left hand and point at the wedding band.
“Reno said you’re married! Since when?!” He demanded, and now everyone was getting interested. Conversations petered out as they all looked over at the commotion.
Kafka noticed everyone staring and promptly panicked. Reno couldn’t help but hide a smile at his flushed pink face and neck.
“We’ve been married for four years! Together for eight!” He squawked awkwardly, and Iharu recoiled as if smacked.
“No way! I don’t believe you!” He complained and looked to Reno, “You don’t believe him either, right?!” He asked, and Reno shrugged.
“I’ve met her. She’s nice.” Was all he said.
That caused an explosion of noise. 
And Reno noticed that Kafka snuck out in the middle of it all.
Of course, he followed him! He waited until Haruichi and Iharu were bickering and slipped out to find Kafka sitting against the wall just outside the dining room, staring blankly at his phone screen.
It was a picture of the both of you, his hand on your belly as the two of you celebrated finding out about your pregnancy. It was the one thing Kafka never shut up about until suddenly, he just stopped talking about it altogether. In fact, Reno was fairly certain that no one besides him and Kafka even knew about it.
Just what had happened?
“Is everything okay?” He asked and Kafka jumped, slamming his head back against the wall.
“Oh, Ichikawa! Yeah… Everything just… Got a bit noisy, is all.” He mumbled the last bit and that’s when Reno knew something was really wrong.
But, as clever as he was, he didn’t know how to make it better.
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Hibino Kafka rolled over in bed until he was on his back and stared at the ceiling. 
His apartment felt empty. 
He felt alone.
It had been four months since he had last seen you. By now, you would’ve been close to thirty-somewhat weeks along in your pregnancy. Had you picked out a name? Had you learned the gender yet? What was going to happen to your relationship with him? Were you really going to throw eight years down the drain?
He was just on the edge of dozing when his phone buzzed. He slapped a hand over it, dragging it closer to his face as he rolled onto his side.
Who was texting so late?
Probably Furuhashi sending a cat meme or something…
But it was like a bucket of cold water had been splashed in his face as he read the text.
It was from Haru. Your best friend and older brother. His brother-in-law.
“She’s in labor. She needs you.” 
Straight and to the point, just like he knew Haru to be. Another text and this time it was the address to the hospital. But Kafka already knew how to get there. He could do it with his eyes closed. He hurriedly threw on some clothes and shoes and was out the door before he could even really process what was happening.
You were in labor.
But it was too early! An entire month early! Sure, the baby was likely going to survive, but would you? You were a high-risk pregnancy, especially with this being your first!
Would you be okay?
He made it to the hospital in record time. He all but sprinted up to the labor and delivery ward and met Haru in the hallway. He stopped him in his tracks.
“You came.” He said bluntly, and Kafka huffed,
“Of course I did. Is she okay?” He demanded, and Haru gestured to the room.
“See for yourself.”
He checked in with the nurse coming out of your room, explaining that he was your husband and that you were asking for him. He barely said his name before the nurse ushered him into the room.
You were tired. That much was obvious. The midwife patted the sweat on your forehead with a damp towel, coaxing you through a contraction as you clenched your fists in the blanket as the wave of pain washed over you. But when you heard the door open and shut, you opened your eyes and spotted him. 
“You came.” You whispered, and he gently took the midwife’s spot next to your bed, reaching out to hold your hand. He ignored the pain of your hand squeezing the life out of his and instead smiled, 
“I couldn’t leave my best girl. Not when she needs me.” He replied and saw tears well up in your eyes. 
“But I’ve been horrible to you!” You begin to cry, and he hushes you softly, gently, like he is quieting your child, who is going to be here soon. 
“I made a vow when I married you, didn’t I? I promised I’d be there for you no matter what!” He said firmly but no less gently than he had before. 
Another contraction and the doctor instructed you to push. You let out a guttural scream as you tried with all your might. 
And a baby cried. 
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
Hello! Recently read a few of your kn8 Soshiro x Reader fics and fell in love with your writing style. It's so lovely, and I really like your portrayal of him! If you're okay with requests, can you maybe write a Soshiro/female!Reader story where the two have a number of memorable chance meetings from childhood to adulthood, until they "officially" meet in the Defense Force? I'm lowkey obsessed with the idea of two people who meet as kids and are repeatedly separated and reunited during different stages of life, before reuniting for good as adults who can be together. Bonus points if the reader is Kafka's silly little sister!
Sorry if this is a lot, and thanks for reading it all!
I love your big brain, anon. The childhood friends trope is really at the top of everything for some reason! But soulmates, too? (Or something like that lol.) These are just a few of my favourite things to write.
Hope you enjoy this!
cw: (F) Reader/OC has a name in this fic, Hibino Mayari, and is six years younger than Kafka and one year younger than Mina. There may be some inaccuracy with the ages. Written with a generic (f) reader in mind. ✧ Mayari is the deity of the moon, night, war, revolution, equality, and strength in the Philippines. Since Kafka had a unique name, I thought I'd give his little sister one, too. Think of it as their mother being some kind of voracious reader and giving her children names they absolutely cannot find in souvenir shops. wc: 3.8k
✧ Stardust - Sakura Fujiwara
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Lucky stars, a trick of the gods, destiny— you could call your meeting so many different things. Strings so intricately twined that you'd think it to be a single rope, raindrops from the same cloud falling into the same ocean, and shadows coming together as the sun reaches a point in the sky. There wasn't a single part of you that wouldn't recognise the soul that touched yours that fateful day.
What was it like to make a promise to someone? Your older brother promised you many things— sweets after school, a piggyback ride whenever you got tired of running after him, and taking you wherever you wanted. Such were the little sister privileges granted to you by your older brother Kafka.
In the wake of your home's destruction, you remember him making a promise to a girl— your next-door neighbour Mina, and how they both swore to rise above and become the coolest Defense Force Officer the world has ever seen. You wanted in on that promise, too, and Kafka agreed only because you were his younger sister, his only one in this world. And Mina agreed because there was no way she could refuse you and your eagerness.
"I want to be a Defense Force Officer, too!"
"Then let's race! Me, Mina, and Mayari! Let's see who becomes the coolest of them all!" 
Not long after making that promise, you were caught amid a Yoju attack that separated you from Kafka and your mother. You screamed and wailed for your older brother, for anyone at that point, only to be rescued by a lone swordsman who swept through the field with his single blade. Your nameless saviour brought you to the nearest evacuation centre, where you reunited with your family and the rest of your community. 
You only knew swordsmen from legends and anime and not even once in your life did you ever think you'd be rescued by one, but then you were. And you couldn't peel your eyes away from the older man, who was clearly flattered by how you followed him around the evacuation centre with your curious eyes. 
"Is there anything I can do for you, little one?"
"I—! I want to be a swordsman, too!"
He chuckled at your declaration, calling it an admirable intention, but the light in your eyes revealed the depth of your earnestness— a rarity for children like you who have lost nearly everything in your life— mostly due to Kaiju attacks. 
The old man in the familiar Defense Force uniform crouched down and held out his hand for a handshake with you. "Very well. If you wish to devote yourself to the way of the sword, you must be willing to sacrifice your existing way of life."
He scrounged a wrinkled sheet of paper and a pen and wrote down an address that your practised eyes could read. "Ho… shina?"
"That's correct. If you truly wish to learn more about swordsmanship, come to this place, and I will teach you all that our family knows." 
That little scrap of paper became your most treasured possession. After weeks of pestering your older brother to take you to that place, he eventually relented and allowed you a maximum of 30 minutes before he came to pick you up again. 
You were almost turned away from the dojo when the students mistook you for a lost child, but your saviour recognised you— and your eyes filled with hope. When you introduced yourself to him once more and reiterated your intention to learn the way of the sword, he acknowledged you with a deep bow, which you quickly imitated. 
"I have a son your age. He will be the one to teach you the most basic yet valuable lessons when it comes to swordsmanship," he said before gesturing at a boy in the same haori and hakama as him. "Soshiro."
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Rumours about the high schooler Hibino Mayari and her incredible sword arm reached even the ears of her older brother in college. While you remained his adorable little sister for the most part, it was clear to Kafka that you had a gift for the sword you had to continue honing. From his estimation, you won't have any difficulty passing the Defense Force Entrance Exams, but that will depend on your overall combat power and affinity for firearms. 
At 23, he had already failed four times, while you had one more year before you could take it yourself. And while you didn't wish for your brother to lose hope, the way things were going for him did not bode well. 
You were both home for the weekend, Kafka with his can of beer in hand while you practised your swings with your bokken in your backyard. 
"Aniki," you started. "Mina nee-san will take the entrance exams later this year, right?" 
"Yeah. Wish her luck when you can," he told you. "Speaking of which, didn't you say your friend will be taking the exam, too?" 
"Shiro-kun has family in the Defense Force. Though I doubt he'd try to get in the force by family connections alone," you said with a smile. "It's been years since I last saw him, so I wonder if he's really going to take the exam this year like he said before."
As a child, you learned everything you could about swordsmanship under the tutelage of the age-old samurai clan, but after being assessed at the age of 13, the Hoshina patriarch declared you a shodan, an estimation which meant you already had a clear grasp of the basics of swordsmanship. 
"It's a pity they had to let you go just when you were getting good, huh?" Kafka remarked as he drank deep from his can of beer. 
"I know, but Shisho said Shiro-kun and I were quickly becoming big fish in a small pond and training with a single person for a long time would narrow our perspective, so we had to start training with others. At least that's what he told me," you replied to him as you rested your bokken on your stiff shoulder. "I'm glad the schools I went to had Kendo clubs with members of varying levels of strengths and skill, so I was able to make use of my knowledge while learning new things at the same time." 
"Oh, come on. You learned swordsmanship from an elite dojo. We both know you just wanted to show off— ow!" He said with a small snort, to which you replied by lightly kicking his shin. "Mayari!"
"Well, maybe I do want to show off a little," you huffed at your older brother. 
"They even gave you some tacky nickname, right? Crescent blade Mayari! Pfft!"  
You kicked his shin a bit harder this time. "Aniki! I didn't ask for that! My kouhais thought it was cool, so…"
"So you ran with it," Kafka nodded at you before gently kicking you back. You could tell from the way he looked at you that he kind of wanted to cry. "I am proud of you, Mayari."
That can't be helped, you told yourself. Aniki is always so honest with himself, after all. 
"Thank you, aniki. Don't go crying on me now. I'll always be your adorable little sister," you replied to him with a laugh and playfully batted your eyelashes at him. "Speaking of which, this adorable little sister of yours just saw this pretty dress in—"
"H-Hey! Don't get too ahead of yourself, Mayari!" 
"Aniki," you said to him with a smile. "I hope you know I'll always be rooting for you, too, so don't give up, okay? I'm sure Mina nee-san will be waiting for you— and me— when she passes the exam this year."
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It was an endearing nickname that was even more endearing by the sweet way you said it. If he was being honest, Soshiro did not think much of you back then. For him, you were just a little girl his father invited to learn and train swordsmanship. You were different from him in the way flowers grew from the same bush. While they were equally tended to, some will grow larger than others and bloom more brilliantly, too. 
He likened you to a grafted plant— one attached to him by the roots. And brilliantly did you bloom, indeed. A wildflower that thrived from the same water and sunlight as he did. For him, it was only a matter of time until you bloomed in fullness and outgrew him, but that never happened because his father uprooted you to the quick— for growing at a rate he did not expect from someone like you. 
That, and he did not expect his sons to start fighting over you. And though you were one of his most excellent pupils, he didn't deem you worth the trouble his sons would stir if you did not permit them to tame you. 
You parted your place of learning in good faith and had nothing but gratitude for the Hoshina Family, but there were times you thought it was unfair. He will continue learning under the best of the best while you have to carry on by yourself… But you were more disheartened by the fact that you would not see him again. 
Soshiro was truly the best rival you could ever ask for. As you entered middle school and high school and razed through club after club and joined every tournament you could, you soon realised that no one else could ever come close to him— both in skill and in something else you couldn't quite put a finger on. You searched for him in every opponent you came across, only to be disappointed time and again that they were not even at your level. 
In your final year of high school, during your school's long-anticipated cultural festival, the drama club needed someone with your skill, and they made you the centrepiece of their performance by teaching you a sword dance that drew spectators to your graceful form. 
"She's a marvel."
For once in his life, Soshiro was glad to have let his curiosity win him over. He was glad he sighted you in your high school's silly-looking cultural festival poster— for never did he expect to see the most beautiful wildflower in full bloom, adorned with silk and grace that did little to conceal her thorns as she danced to the strong yet tender rhythm of an equally gorgeous piece of music played on a shamisen. 
That was his wildflower. 
When he came to see you after your performance, all you could say was his name. "Shiro-kun!"
And it sounded just as sweet as when he last heard it. 
"Are ya just dancin' now?"
"Of course not! I was just helping the drama club!" You retorted with a smile. "If you wish to challenge me, all you have to do is ask." 
Your wordless duel of wooden swords was akin to dance as well, both of you equally deft, your movements measured and graceful, almost like spinning before a mirror until your dull blades were pressed against each other's necks. 
"I see time has not dulled your skills. That's good."
"It looks like time has been incredibly good to ya, too," he said, a familiar glint of mischief in his wine-dark eyes. "You've gotten prettier, Mayari-chan."
"Hmm. Not exactly the words I was looking for, but good enough, I suppose," you shook your head at him before breaking out into a smile. "It's good to see you again, Shiro-kun."
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Mina's meteoric rise to the rank of Division Captain did not surprise you. Ever since you were children, she had always been more focused on her goals compared to Kafka, who only desired the coolness associated with being a Defense Force officer. She vouched for your potential when you took the entrance exams and passed with the help of her commendation, though she reassured you herself that your own skills brought you there to where she was. 
And though you were subsequently assigned to a different division, she kept in touch with you as you both anticipated your older brother's arrival.
An arrival that never came. 
When you last phoned your home, it was only then you found out that Kafka had moved out and started working as a monster cleaner. It was a noble profession for you, of course, but you couldn't help but think—
—of how lonely your older brother must have been to have received rejection after rejection from something he had wanted to do all his life—
And it pains you to think that behind his smile when he congratulated you for passing the exams and becoming an officer was the sting of dismissal. 
When Kafka stopped calling to check in on you, you figured he might be busy with his job. Behind your stellar performance during missions was a strong sense of duty and a great fear of failure that allowed you to focus on the things you can control. You missed your older brother, but it was his choice to give up. 
However, you sensed a change in the wind after receiving a summon from the Captain of the Third Division out of the blue.
"Captain Ashiro called for you again, Mayari. I know she's always looking forward to seeing you in joint training, but doesn't she realise how stressful it is having to travel to Tokyo so often?" 
The Captain of the Fourth Division, Ogata Jugo, was a relatively relaxed man for the most part, but he was also incredibly insightful. He had no qualms about promoting you to a Platoon Leader despite your inclination to use swords in missions. He believes in allowing officers to use their own weapons of choice and that you would eventually use a gun when the situation calls for it. 
Captain Ogata trusts your skills, but he trusts your critical thinking even more. 
"I don't really mind all the travelling, Captain, sir," you replied to him with your usual cheer. Nagano to Tokyo wasn't a walk in the park but a three-and-a-half-hour car ride.
"Well, I do. You are my Platoon Leader, after all. You must defend this base when the situation arises," your captain said with a sigh. "I'm betting that Ashiro would do just about anything to have you transferred to her division."
"Nonsense, Captain. My place is here," you reassured him. "And while I do enjoy being the apple of her eye, I don't think I'll work well under the Third Division and its Captain."
"Why'd you think that?"
"Because Captain Ashiro would sooner lose herself in the battle than send me out," you said with a small shrug. "Sisterly instincts, I suppose. More importantly, I like working with you and our division, Captain, sir."
"You should tell that to her," your Captain chuckled.
"But for the record, Captain, I enjoy seeing her, too," you replied with an easygoing laugh. "I hope you continue to be lenient with me, sir."
"All right, all right. Go before I change my mind," Ogata stated as he shooed you away with a slow swatting motion. "And don't forget to bring me back some of that stuff you last brought."
You gave him a sharp salute and the same warm smile he enjoyed seeing on your face. "I'll be sure to bring home a bottle or two for you, Captain, sir!"
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Tachikawa Base never failed to amaze you. You found it more of a marvel compared to Headquarters, seeing as it was at the centre of the busiest city in Japan, but it was a constant magnet of Kaiju attacks, too. 
The entrance exams concluded Tachikawa Base's busiest time of the year, and with fresh recruits to fill in the ranks, more joint training sessions would soon be set to foster a warm relationship and camaraderie among the different members of the Defense Force's Eastern Divisions. 
Mina received you at her office as per protocol, the one place where you could simply be friends and not Captain and subordinate. 
"Fourth Division Platoon Leader Hibino Mayari at your service," you stated your name with a sharp salute and dignity tied to your esteemed position. "It's good to see you again, Captain Ashiro, ma'am."
"It's good to see you well, Mayari-chan," the older woman saluted right back before offering you a handshake. "I'll have to thank Captain Ogata for permitting your visit this time again."
"I'll buy his clemency before I head back to Nagano, Mina nee-san," you said with a laugh. "How did the entrance exams go this year, by the way? I only heard from Captain Ogata that something… strange happened."
Mina squeezed your hand and motioned for you to sit next to her. "This year's exams were nothing short of strange, I'll tell you that. But there's something I want to show you, too."
Having the Division Captain herself guide you through the many halls and walls of her base meant you had to return many greetings and salutations from younger officers. Mina was evidently well-loved by her division and adored by the masses for her levelheadedness that calmed whatever panic struck them during Kaiju attacks. After what seemed to be fifteen minutes of walking, you finally arrived at the base training ground, where most of the recruits gathered for their routine drills. 
"One of these days, we'd like for you to visit again when we host the annual goodwill Kendo match," she stated, eyeing the state of her division's recruits from above the area's gate. 
"I'd be glad to take part in…" You answered her, only for her to give you a small smile as she pointed down at one of the Third Division's recruits.
Lagging behind their laps was one older man gasping for breath, while a younger man slowed his pace to keep up with him. 
Kafka turned to the direction of that endearment like clockwork, only to find you and Mina curiously peering down at him from the gate while the rest of his cohort eventually outran him. 
"Mayari! And Mina, too!" 
"Another 30 laps for calling your superiors by their names, Officer Hibino," Mina shot back at him, to which he replied with a small groan of protest. "You can catch up with Platoon Leader Hibino once you're done with your drills and punishment."
You managed to laugh off your older brother's misfortune over his excitement at seeing you, but your amusement was swiftly replaced by the same kind of shock that came over Kafka when you saw yet another figure in the same sleek black uniform approach you and Mina.
"Captain Ashiro! I didn't expect to see you here today! I was told you have a guest…"
"Huh. So you're that Shiro-kun, Hoshina? Mayari-chan told us much about you when we were young," Mina mused aloud, though you knew from the small smile on her face that she sewed everything seamlessly. "What a small world we live in. To think that one of my oldest friends knows my Vice Captain." 
"I-I apologise for speaking out of turn, V-Vice Captain Hoshina!" You mustered a nervous salute directed at your childhood rival, now one of the Third Division's most prominent superior officers. "I-It's good to see you again, sir!"
"Fancy meeting you here, Mayari-chan. Or should I say Platoon Leader—"
"Fourth Division Platoon Leader Hibino Mayari at your service, Vice Captain, sir! I'm here at Captain Ashiro's invitation." 
Hibino? He thought to himself. Same as the stand-out candidate from this year's exams— "Wait a second, are you actually Kafka's sister?!"
"I hope my older brother hasn't been causing you any trouble, sir," you let out a nervous little chuckle. "Truth be told, I haven't spoken to him in the last few years and I did not expect to see him here at all. Mina nee-san— I mean, Captain Ashiro only informed me about this today."
"I see. Then you two must have a lot of catching up to do," he replied to you with a warm smile, to which Mina responded by patting him on his shoulder. 
"You two have a lot of catching up to do, too, wouldn't you agree, Hoshina?" 
"Well, I— It's just that Mayari-ch— I mean, I simply thought Platoon Leader Hibino would like to hear about her brother's exploits so far…?" 
"Make good use of your time while you're here, Platoon Leader Hibino. Seeing as Hoshina is here, too, you should discuss the goodwill Kendo match between our divisions as well."
"O-Of course, Captain Ashiro, ma'am!" 
She gave your shoulder a quick squeeze as well, before eventually whispering in your ear, "Kafka-kun and I will be waiting for you, so make sure you two catch up well."
As Mina disappeared back to the base's main building, you were left to watch how Soshiro conducted drills and training exercises with his division's recruits. Nearly everyone cheered for Kafka as he finished the last of his additional 30 laps around the training ground before they all shuffled back to the mess hall, you and their Vice Captain trailing them from behind.
"Anything on yer mind, Mayari-chan?"
"How is Shisho? I hope he's been well." 
"The old man's as stubborn as a fox, I'll tell ya that. I suppose I'll have to let him know that one of his most prized students made it here again."
"Does he still remember me?" 
"'Course he does, even though we only knew you as Mayari-chan. You're one of his most dedicated pupils, after all," Soshiro stated with a grin. "One time he said he regretted letting ya go. But I'm sure he'll change his tune when he finds out how much better you've become, both with a sword and with yer guns…"
"You think I've gotten better with just a glance?" You teasingly asked him. "The last we met, you said I only got prettier."
"Well, pardon me for noticing your face before everythin' else," he shrugged at you. "And I wasn't jokin' about that, either. You did get prettier."
"And now? I can show you how well I've grown. If you wish to challenge me, all you have to do is ask." 
Soshiro chuckled at your instigation, only for him to tell you with the most familiar glint of mischief in his eyes, "I think you're mistaken there, Platoon Leader. You're the challenger here."
"Of course, sir. How could I forget that I'm on your turf?" You said with a hearty laugh. "Shall we put on a show for your lucky recruits? It's not every day they see two blade masters battle it out."
Lucky stars, a trick of the gods, destiny— your meeting could be defined by so many different things. But one thing remained constant in your every coming together and parting…
"I'd like that!"
Rivals, friends, colleagues, lovers. The titles didn't matter much to you. This meeting once more proves you were meant to be part of Hoshina Soshiro's life in one way or another, just as he was meant to be in yours.
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✦ Thank you for requesting! Nothing makes me happier than writing a request I know I can work with. 🍹 You can read more about requesting here
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iamjellyfish · 2 months
Hi!! How are you? How is your day going?
and also about the request. Reader is Soshiro's younger sister. She serves in the first division and as soon as Hibino and Kikoru transferred there. Kafka and she became close, and the reader began to call him “big brother”, and Soshiro was very surprised 🤲. (I hope this isn't too boring)
❥a/n:woahhh you're my first req! I'm happy C: I'm unsure if I got Kafka's personality correct! :")) So here is a little drabble because I kind of got writer's block on my other fic T-T I change the time reader serve a bit so I can wrap my head around it, hope you don't mind lol.
so here is a fully platonic fic because this is too cute xD
❥TW: prob OOC, all platonic, Soshiro did choke Kafka like in the anime lol, it was very short.
You were vice-captain Hoshina's sister yet you served in the first division, as much as your brother wanted to have his sister close, you can't handle too much of his tease or else you would get written up. You would always hear your brother talk about this Kafka dude who is a poor guy that got teased by your brother too much.
You feel sorry for Kafka even before you even met him.
So when news broke out about Kaiju number 8's identity, you were kind of surprised that the poor dude your brother teased too much is the Kaiju was on Daikaiju level. Since Kafka and Kikoru got transfer here, you kind of talk to him a lot with them usually because you're curious. Kafka is a kind guy though, he kind of treats you like a sister. And just like the vice-captain Hoshina who is your brother, Kafka has some act that gives you secondhand embarrassment.
You guess you had an extra brother now. "Big bro, how is training? Here, I bring you water!" You said as you pressed the cold water bottle into the old man's cheek and successfully startled him.
"Eekk! Oi, what's that for?!"
Kafka angrily said as he took the water bottle from your hand and gave you side eyes while drinking because you giggled a little. Today, Soshiro came to train Kafka, it's a twice-a-week thing if you were correct.
Then you notice Soshiro over there thinking about something so come walk toward him silently and press a water bottle into his cheek too. Soshiro quickly pulled back to reality and looked at you with shock-filled eyes. "Did you really call him big brother? You don't even call your real big brother 'big brother'!" He said full-on dramatic just to tease you. "Did my little sissy abandon her superhero-level cool big bro?" He pretends to be hurt and even shreds a tear while using a praise you used to tell him when you were five! You pouted, you tried to calm yourself down as you yelled. "Soshi! You're so done! You know I hate it when you keep using those praise I said when I was 5!" You punch into his hand playfully until you are so embarrassed with more of his tease that you leave.
Then after you leave, Hoshina stares into Kafka creepily with his creepy grin. "Seems like not only you try to steal my vice-captain spot, ya try to steal my little sissy too huh?" Kafka trembles at his words and just tries to distract him. "Your sister didn't call you big bro huh- vice-captain..." Not the best last words in your opinion. Kafka was choked by Hoshina.
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a/n: imma go work on the req, then narumi gen x reader x hoshina soshiro fic.
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shut-the-doors · 7 months
What to expect from spring 2024?
Let's talk about anime. Last spring was an intense one for anime fans, but what can we expect this year?
TV shows
First, we will discuss the new titles, and then we will briefly mention the new seasons of the old ones.
Kaiju No.8
Action, adventure, Sci-Fi
The new title of Production I.G studio ("Haikyuu!!", "Moriarty the Patriot", "Vinland Saga" and a bunch of other great titles)
Giant monsters are attacking Japan (where else could this happen). The defense forces kill these kaiju, but the main character, Kafka Hibino, is not one of them. He has another job, he is a cleaner, he cleans up kaiju corpses after battles. However, very soon he gets a chance to realize his childhood dream and join the defense forces, but unexpectedly begins to turn into a kaiju.
I expect at least an average title from this studio, so I will wait.
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Gods' Game We Play (Kami wa Game ni Ueteiru.)
Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance
The anime studio LIDENFILMS (Tokyo Revengers, Insomnia After School, Call of the Night) is an adaptation of a light novel.
The gods had too much free time and instead of finding a job, they created an intellectual game to test mortals. They did not think about the name for a long time - "Game of Gods". An ex-goddess is looking for a true gaming pro to challenge the supreme Gods.
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Go, go, Loser Ranger! (Sentai Daishikaku)
Action, fantasy, shounen
The new title of the little-known Yostar Pictures studio. The original source is the manga.
Earth was being attacked by aliens, so the humans assembled a squad of Power Rangers to stop them. After an attack on the decision-making centers, the top aliens were destroyed and the humans made a deal with the others. Aliens are allowed to live, and they have to pretend every Sunday that they are attacking Earth. And so, every week for thirteen years, the aliens invent a "monster of the week", and people kill it. But this show did not suit everyone. During the 999th battle, one of the aliens decides to attack for real, but fails. Then this alien comes up with a brilliant plan. Using his cosmic ability, he transforms into one of the Rangers and infiltrates the organization to destroy it from within.
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Action, drama, comedy, school, shounen
Titled by CloverWorks, known for The Spy x Family
Haruka Sakura is a sigma-male, so he doesn't want anything to do with weaklings. He enters a school for hooligans, known for the fact that everyone fights there just for fun, because he wants to become a local authority. However, it turns out that the students of this school are not just hooligans, they help and protect the residents of the city.
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A Condition Called Love (Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai)
Drama, romance, shojo, school
East Fish Studio, source - manga.
She did not think of falling in love, but she saw Him and fell in love. That's all. Another romantic title.
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And now everyone take a breath
I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince So I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability (Tensei Shitara Dai Nana Ouji Dattanode, Kimamani Majutsu wo Kiwamemasu)
Adventure, fantasy, slice of life, isekai
Why do you need a description when there is a title?
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Did you exhale? Now inhale again.
As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I’ll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the New World (Tensei Kizoku, Kantei Skill de Nariagaru)
An ordinary Japanese office worker (who else could it be?) was reborn. Of the skills, he was given only the appraisal skill, in magic and swordsmanship he is a complete 0. Another isekai.
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Whisper Me a Love Song (Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau)
Drama, music, romance
The title is about girls, love and music.
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Mission: The Yozakura Family (Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen)
Action, comedy, romance, shonen
Taio Asano lost his entire family in a car accident and became a sigma. However, he has a childhood friend, Mutsumi Yozakura, whom he of course falls in love with. There is only one problem, Yozakura is a family of spies and Mutsumi's brother wants to kill Tayo. The main character joins the Yozakura family, becomes a spy and gets a life, and we get a family spy comedy.
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New seasons of old titles:
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3
Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Part 2
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Hashira Training Arc
Boku no Hero Academia 7
Date A Live V
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 3rd Season
Yuru Camp△ SEASON 3
Spice and Wolf: merchant meets the wise wolf
Black Butler: Public School Arc
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Dead Dead Demon's Dededededestruction
Comedy, Drama, Sci-fi, Slice of Life
I'm really looking forward to the release, because it's an anime based on the manga by Inio Asano (the author of "Goodnight PunPun"), although I don't know how they'll fit everything into movie, so I'm a little afraid of being disappointed.
The alien threat loomed over Japan (they could get used to it). The characters are high school girls who live life in the conditions of the end of the world. They grow up and begin to understand that real demons do not come from other planets.
I highly recommend it to everyone who liked PunPun.
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Kurayukaba and Kuramerukagari
Kurayukaba and spin-off Kuramerukagari are original feature-length anime films.
Kurayukaba is a mystery film - with a romantic atmosphere of the Taisho era and powerful gadgets - about a detective Sutarou who solves a mass disappearance and steps into the underground world known as Kuragali.
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Kuramerukagari is a story that unites people and the city. A coal mining town full of small excavators, it is widely known as "Hakoniva". In this city, which changes every day like a maze, there is a girl named Kagari who runs a mapping business and a boy named Yuya who dreams of escaping Hakoniva. Later, these two, along with the unique inhabitants of the city, face a conspiracy that shakes the whole city. The fate of "Hakoniva" depends on Kagari's drawings on the map.
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Also, this season films with already familiar titles will be released:
Blue Lock: EPISODE Nagi Code Geass: Dakkan no Rozé
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sonicasura · 2 months
No 8 just casually bringing out a battle hammer while fighting the Vice-Captain has me laughing hard at it all. That is the least likely thing anyone would imagien a kaiju bringing out of their sleeve.
Let alone knowing how to use it. Hoshina is in for a trip.
It's a more reasonable defense than shoving a Mini Mushroom down his vice captain's throat.
Hoshina absolutely wasn't prepared for No.8 to pull out a comically large hammer from behind his back to block his blades. The kaiju clearly knows how to use it as the vice captain can't get past the damn weapon. No.8 either blocks his attacks or counter his blows to increase the distance.
The kaiju would escape by imbuing the hammer with what looks like electricity before smashing the ground to form a massive dust cloud. An addendum is immediately added to No.8's file afterwards.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
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I am both. I was born to fight those who break universal laws, like you.-Ultraman to Alien Mefilas
I am Space Ranger Zoffy, from Nebula M78.-Zoffy introducing himself to Ultraman
A bright light will appear in the western sky when the first star comes out. Look for that moving light, because that will be me.-Ultraseven (as Dan Moroboshi) to Anne Yuri
To love humans, you must know them. You must learn their strengths and weaknesses, beauty and ugliness. Only when you know both sides can you love this planet.-Ultraman Jack as Hideki Go
Don't lose your kindness. Take care of the weak and help each other. And don't stop trying to be friendly with people from other countries. No matter how many times you're disappointed. Those are my unchanging wishes.-Ultraman Ace before departing from Earth
Ultramen aren't here to save the humans. We're here to combine our powers with the humans, and to fight together!-Taro to Dark Lugiel
If that setting sun is me, then the sun tomorrow will be you, Ultraman Leo.-Dan Moroboshi/Ultraseven to Gen Otori/Ultraman Leo
he red ball that appeared when the world was in great danger... Yes, it was Leo's missing brother, Astra!-Narrator, Ultraman Leo episode 22
They didn't just love you for being Ultraman, they loved you for being their teacher.-Mirai Hibino to 80(as Takeshi Yamato)
Here are the Ultra Brothers and Yullian. Next up are the rest of the Showa Ultras.
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twilight-alchemist · 6 months
Tag Game: 10 Fandoms 10 Characters
tagged by @varusai
1. Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
2. Elric brothers (Fullmetal Alchemist)
3. Link (Legend of Zelda)
4. Vash & Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
5. Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill)
6. Galo Thymos (Promare)
7. Laios Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
8. Genos (One Punch Man)
9. Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars)
10. Kafka Hibino (Kaiju No.8)
tagging @spellbird @the-whale-institute @xanderorange-blog and anyone who wants to join in!
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