#hi tech hunter
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chickie456-chickencoop · 8 months ago
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Patrick Star) I love you ❤️
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misstoodles-doodles · 13 days ago
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Patching Up & Post-Mission Debrief (AU)
AKA a 3 character sketch that got way WAY out of hand.
Close ups:
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b4adb4tcher · 10 months ago
imagine watching hunter run around bringing a knife to a gun fight, tech rolling around and refusing to find cover, and wrecker bodyslamming droids through a scope and SOMEHOW trying to protect them??? crosshair earned the right to act like a bitch
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juliberrylive · 10 months ago
i love tank force 99
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archivewriter1ont · 2 months ago
Bad Batch Incorrect Quotes
Rex: So, how's adjusting to your new squad going? Echo: Well, my net worth has certainly gone up. Rex: *confused* Uh, what? Echo: Yeah, you know. What you're worth when you're caught in a net. Rex: Rex: I'm sorry can you please explain that. Echo: We were running out of fuel on our last assignment so we landed in a Separatist port and Hunter put on a disguise and turned Tech in. We got six thousand credits for him. Rex: Six. Thousand? Echo: Yeah, turns out he's the lowest-value option at the moment, but Wrecker said he got turned in the last time. He's worth ten thousand, because he's blown up, like, a ton of important stuff, apparently. Hunter and Cross are probably in the eleven to twelve k range but they can't agree on who's worth more. Rex: Rex: You sold your brother!!!??? Crosshair: *offscreen* Are you even brothers if you haven't sold each other once? Tech: When we were cadets I sold Crosshair to Hunter for two credits. Crosshair: Those were imaginary credits, Tech. Tech: Which was the agreed-upon currency at the time. That transaction has never been voided, by the way. Legally, you still belong to Hunter. Hunter: Please, void it. I don't want him anymore. Here, take your two fake credits. Wrecker: Don't say that! Come here, Crosshair. I want you. Rex: *still on the comm* YOU SOLD YOUR BROTHER? Echo: We obviously got him back, Rex. Chill out. We fueled up in like ten minutes and went to retrieve him. He's fine. Rex: So you sold him and then you stole him BACK? Tech: Obviously. This squad would not survive without me for longer than the time it takes to refuel. That is why we usually sell Hunter or Wrecker. Additionally, they do not require extraction as they usually do that on their own.
Echo: I'm worth three thousand at the moment. But ten thousand is coming, wait and see! Rex: *frightened ori'vod noises*
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m00ntunaart · 4 months ago
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Bad Batch/His Dark Materials AU!
Here’s The Batch with their daemons! Be warned I have so many thoughts behind this AU. So leave now if you don’t want to read my absolute essay of a lore dump.
My idea for this AU is that all the clones tend to have dogs daemons, both in line with the whole ‘clones are the same’ idea and ‘dogs who follow orders’ stereotype, but also this idea in this universe that the ‘Vode’ are a “pack” of sorts. Generally the clones’ daemons are dog breeds with pointy ears. And battalions usually get made up of clones with same dog breeds as daemons (the 501st has mostly huskies/malamutes and the 212th has mostly German Shepards/Belgian Malanois for example). All of this to say, Clone Force 99 stands out even more in this AU because of their daemons. ��Regs” who have daemons that deviate from the ‘normal’ type of daemon clones’ have, get terminated. Though for clones to have daemons that settle into something ‘abnormal’ is rare to begin with. So The Bad Batch having not-dog daemons AND being allowed to live is kinda the main reason of tension between The Batch and the ‘Regs’.
Some more details about TBB in this AU: 
Because Ghost is albino, she has sensitive eyes and bad vision in general. Which is an interesting duality to Crosshair’s exceptional eyesight. 
All through out s1-3 of TBB I imagine Omega’s daemon (Delta) hasn’t settled, and she shifts between a bird of prey and different dogs breeds. And Delta often will shift into the same animal as the other Batchers’ daemons when interacting with them. It’s not until Omega escapes Tantis with Crosshair that Delta settles into a Timber Wolf.
Echo’s daemon (Mimic) was originally a grey husky, but after being captured by techno Union she starts to shift into different dog breeds. This is very unparalleled, it’s very rare for daemons to shift again after they originally settle. And it’s NEVER happened to a clone before. Its not until Echo joins The Bad Batch that Mimic settles again as an Australian Cattle Dog. Though it takes even longer than that for Echo and Mimic to become comfortable with each other again.
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barissoffee · 11 months ago
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Hunter: I'll handle it Narrator: Hunter, in fact, did not handle it.
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yunyun160 · 4 months ago
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blairaptor · 1 year ago
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The Bad Batch in hats!
I saw ep 3.4 and thought... "wait, why is Crosshair in a ball cap actually fire??" And I just went from there!
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phantom-of-the-501st · 4 months ago
Clone Headcanons
This has been sat in my phone notes for a while and I kept forgetting to actually turn it into a post. So here are some of my clone related headcanons (some of which have no explanation)
Crosshair is a nail-biter. When he was a cadet, his nails were almost non-existant and completely ragged. Once he had to start wearing blacks, he stopped because he couldn't chew his nails through the gloves, and he turned to toothpicks instead. He eventually worked himself out of the habit, but he will start biting his nails again if he goes without toothpicks for too long.
Echo talks in his sleep. Normally, it's non-sensical but he has spooked some of his brothers due to some slightly terrifying things that have been said while he's asleep.
Tup is non-binary.
Echo is aroace.
Wrecker has hearing loss in his left ear as a result of the explosion that scarred the side of his face. His brothers will talk a little louder if they are stood on his left, so that he can hear them better, and sometimes it takes them a few attempts to wake him up because he's fallen asleep on his right side and can't hear them very well.
Cody despises crying in front of people and will avoid it when he can. Rex is the only one who has actually seen Cody properly cry.
99 would tell the cadets stories when they were having nightmares and would often sacrifice his own sleep to make sure that they were okay. He would also name characters after the clones that he used to tell the stories to. One of the greatest honours was for a clone to be told that a character was named after them in one of 99's stories.
Dogma is allergic to tookas.
Echo has always run cold and would often sleep with socks on. He only stopped doing it because of his prosthetics. Fives is the opposite and will often sleep in as few clothes as possible.
Jesse has a scar on the back of his hand where Hardcase accidentally stabbed it with a fork.
Hunter is dyslexic and Tech would often help him during assessments so that the Kaminoans didn't find out.
Cody sleeps like the dead. He's very quiet and doesn't move around a lot, so much so that his brothers have panicked that he's died in his sleep on more than one occassion.
Wolffe accidentally called Plo Koon dad once. Plo actually found it very endearing but no-one is allowed to bring it up because Wolffe has very heavily implied that anyone who mentions it will never be found again.
Fox has a small scar just above his right eyebrow. If anyone asks, he just says he got it in an altercation and leaves it at that. No-one knows that said altercation was actually with a door that Fox walked into because he was too tired to pay attention.
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sanshinexx · 1 year ago
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Don't worry guys he's fine, it just took him a while to find his way back because he can't fucking see anything :]
[More incorrect quotes and other tbb art here]
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here-comes-the-moose · 7 months ago
Tech: I no longer have a twin! I do not acknowledge him and I will be leaving him at the next stop. *slams door*
Echo: What’s up with him?
Hunter: Crosshair ate the slice of cake that Tech was saving so now Tech is disowning him.
Echo, thinking back to when Fives did that to him: That’s valid.
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misstoodles-doodles · 7 months ago
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Clone Force 99 Hijinks 💥
>Sometimes you need a transport to get to safety. Sometimes you are the transport.
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This was fun ❤️ XD
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anstarwar · 19 days ago
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Hunter told a dad joke. Or did a dad sneeze. Either way, he deserves this look
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juliberrylive · 1 year ago
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is is wednesday yet?
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archivewriter1ont · 2 months ago
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I like to think this scene is the moment Crosshair decided they were keeping the reg (not Hunter -- Crosshair. Because he's the baby brother and he gets what he wants). Crosshair is highly skilled and extremely irritating at times but he values loyalty, competency, and valor, and I think he saw all three in Echo right off the bat.
Crosshair was kind of the one who stuck beside Echo and General Skywalker during this arc. (I would like to point out that he shot threats off of Mr. The-Chosen-One twice in these episodes, thus proving his cool factor and my belief that Anakin was always slightly overrated.) He got a front-row seat to watch this broken, malnourished POW get jerked straight out of cryo just to 1) goof off and snark to his captain and general, 2) jump on a living dragon thing and just wing it like "Sure I can fly this why not" and 3) start popping airborne droids with ZERO armor and a borrowed (stolen?) blaster.
Of course Crosshair looked at Echo, then to his brothers, then back to Echo and went "He's ours now, deal with it." Echo reminded him so much of himself and his squadmates that he imprinted on sight.
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