#hi mrd fans
glitterliver07 · 22 days
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POV you are mad rat
og image under cut
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...So I've been playing a lot of Hi-Fi Rush lately.
I keep on thinking about MRD when looking at HFR stuff/playing HFR (despite the fact that I've never been able to play MRD... PC PORT WHEN NIS? PC PORT WHEN?). Probably because both games MCs gain magical music powers derived from "the beat" by having something weird happen to their heart (also Chai's Rhythm Dash being similar to Mad Rat's dashes, among some other more spoilery comparisons I could make). Decided to draw Mad Rat and Heart in a pose shown off in HFR's reveal trailer. 🤘 ROCK ON 🤘
I hope you like it!
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mantisgodsdomain · 11 months
Have been semi-rotating Mad Rat Dead recently, not for any particular writing reason, but because we took another look at the one Bug Fables cross it has and the whole situation there is just... really, really funny to us. Imagine being a parasite and fucking up your time-travel-in-a-desperate-attempt-to-survive gambit badly enough that you wind up in a far future where all of your host species are extinct. Where do you even go from there? What are her plans? What is the gambit here? It's a whole Situation it's great
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s10127470 · 3 months
My Wolverine and the X-Men Rewrite (Part 1)
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I'm sure many of you are familiar of Wolverine and the X-Men, as it was the last major animated series based on Marvel's merry band of mutants before X-Men '97 came out....
And before Marvel entered their infamous "anti-mutant" phase of the 2010s.
(If you don't count the X-Men Anime, which was a mini-series.)
Premiering back in 2009 on the somehow still-existing Nicktoons Network, the series is about the X-Men disbanding after a mysterious explosion results in the destruction of the Institute and the disappearance of Charles Xavier and Jean Grey.
About a year later, the team ended up reuniting for two major reasons.
The MRD (short for the Mutant Response Division), a government-supported organization created for the detainment and subsequent registration of existing mutants, begin capturing mutants from all over the country. Not only that, but they’ve even taken humans as prisoners as well just for helping mutants.
Charles Xavier, who the team find out is actually alive but in a coma resting on Magneto’s island nation of Genosha. Xavier is able telepathically communicate with the team from, in the words of Squidward….
Essentially, the explosion resulted in Xavier’s psyche being flung 20 years into the future. And Xavier himself won’t be awakened from his coma until those 20 years pass. Meanwhile, in the future, Xavier is awake, but finds himself constantly trying to survive as the future he’s in is absolute shit.
Being a loose adaption of Days of Future Past, the future Xavier’s in is one where the Sentinels have conquered the world after a war that broke out between the Master Mold program and Genosha.
In the end, nobody won.
As in this future, humanity has essentially been wiped out and mutants are on the verge of extinction, being placed in concentration camps.
But there is some hope....
Xavier in the future has formed a new X-Men team as it’s revealed that all of the original team are now dead. This new team consists of the likes of Bishop (who’s was one of the many mutants unfortunate enough to be born into this life instead of being a police officer from the distant future), an older Domino (whose present self is an enemy of the X-Men as she’s a member of the Brotherhood), and Marrow (who isn’t a member of the Morlocks).
Since Xavier is able to communicate with his past X-Men, he wants them to ensure that this future never happens.
So now, the reunited X-Men must face on the MRD, stop whatever plans Magneto has up his sleeves this time, and prevent the dark future from happening.
And all with Wolverine being the leader.
Yep! Wolverine is the leader of the X-Men as of right now as Cyclops is not doing so well….at all.
But in addition to those two, the rest of the X-Men consists of Storm, Beast, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Shadowcat, Angel, Forge, and newcomer Emma Frost.
WAXTM is notable things for two things.
It was also shortest-lived of the shows, only lasting 1 season of 26 episodes, which ran through the year of 2009, from January 23rd to November 29th.
This would be the sort-of beginning of an all-new shared animated universe known as the Yostverse, which consisted of the Hulk vs. Films, Thor: Tales of Asgard, and most notably, The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The reason I say sort-of beginning because one of the shows that’s supposedly a part of this universe is The Spectacular Spider-Man, which came out almost a year before this show did. But that’s a discussion in itself.
Ever since its cancellation, WAXTM has gained a following and has become one of the many animated shows that got cancelled too soon and has led thousands of fans clamoring for a revival.
And to this day, people consider the show an underrated gem.
But I'm gonna have to come out and say it.....
Wolverine and the X-Men is not exactly a good show....
It's not bad by any means, but does have a lot of flaws.
And while it did do some things right, it wasn't quite to the extent of X-Men Evolution and especially X-Men: The Animated Series.
So today I want to discuss how I would rewrite the show. Keeping what worked about the show and either strengthen or removing what didn't.
And for this rewrite, be prepared to expect changes in characterizations, looks and even voices!
For the first part of this rewrite, we'll be covering the first three episodes of the show, Hindsight: Parts 1, 2 and 3.
And for this version of the show, all 3 of episodes would premiering on the exact same night: January 23rd, 2009.
Essentially, Wolverine and the X-Men's premiere in this AU would be a full-on TV movie!
This would be similar to what Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends did as when they first premiered, they had the first three episodes packed into a TV movie.
And one last thing, I would like to credit synergysilhouette as my main inspiration for this post, as he also shared his own idea on rewrite Wolverine and the X-Men as well.
So with that being said, let's get this party started!
First thing we need to get out of way that this show would not be called "Wolverine and the X-Men".
As that title is undoubtedly emblematic of the show's greatest flaw: the focus on Wolverine.
It's pretty obvious that the original series was riding on the coattails of the X-Men films, which Wolverine was not only the most popular character of, but the essentially the main character (and the only one that really mattered, much to the detriment of basically everyone else.).
Made more obvious with the fact that it premiered just four months before his long anticipated solo film.
Yeah, we all know how well that turned out....
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Apparently, when WAXTM was first conceived, it was initially meant to be solo cartoon for Wolverine.
At least in the eyes of the executives...
But to the directors and producers, this was meant to be another X-Men cartoon.
In the end, the two sides essentially came to a compromise: the show would have the X-Men as its main cast, but Wolverine would be the focal character of the show.
Everyone has already said it before, but it does bare repeating.
The X-Men are suppose to be an ensemble. It shouldn't focus on just one character and essentially make everyone else irrelevant.
For this rewrite, the show's name would be changed to "X-Men Destiny", which I feel like fits perfectly with the premise of the series.
Next we come to the tone and style. This was another area where the influence from the films is quite obvious.
Just like the FOX films, Wolverine and the X-Men is notably more serious and gloomy than most other X-Men media, even the comics at some points.
It's somewhat melodramatic and there's rarely ever a sense of levity or humor to lighten things up
I'm admittedly not a fan of this style. I understand the X-Men are a little more serious when compared to other characters of the Marvel universe, but I don't think they need to be this overly serious.
I feel like the core of the X-Men, in spite of the all bullshit they deal with, they still persevere and keep their heads up no matter what.
So for this version of the show, the tone will be a little more light-hearted.
There will actually be humor present and some characters will be the resident comic reliefs.
But don't worry, the show will still take itself seriously when it needs to.
But another area the show would see change in is the art-style.
For this version of the show, the character designs would be done by ZyalahDoodles.
She’s an artist here on Tumblr who has done some redraws and redesigns for WAXTM.
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I really like her style. It strikes that balance between being similar to the original art style while still being somewhat different. And if anything, it’s actually an improvement over the original style, especially when look at characters like Quicksilver. 
Like Jesus Christ, he was hideous in the original!
I know he’s suppose to be Magneto’s son, but you didn’t need to make him look as old as him too! 
Like Zyalah’s Quicksilver can actually get it.
If you want to check out more of her art, here’s the link to her page below.
Next we come to the roster.
Overall, it's largely the same as in the original except we would see the addition of one more character.
And that's none other than the steel-skinned gentle giant himself, Colossus!
Not only because he's one of my favorite X-Men, it's also because he's honestly kind of deserves it.
For those who don't know, despite only appearing in the prologue of the first episode, Colossus was weirdly in a lot of promotional material and merchandising for the show.
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Apparently he was suppose to return to the X-Men following the explosion, but the producers decided not to do that and just save him for the planned season 2.
I'm guessing that the promotional material and merchandising started production during the early development of the show and before everything got finalized.
And thus, it's why a lot of this stuff still shows Colossus as a main character.
It's similar to what happened with The Simpsons, as during its early years, a lot of merchandising featured Bart famously wearing a blue shirt instead of his trademark red shirt.
But now that we got our roster out of the way, let's talk about the characters.
Specifically, their voices, appearances and ages.
In terms of voices, just about everyone still have their respective VAs in this version....except for two of the X-Men.
Those two being Iceman and Rogue.
Iceman would be voiced by Jason Marsden, replacing Yuri Lowenthal.
But don't worry, Yuri would be still in this version of the show, but as a different character (who we'll get to shortly).
And Rogue would be voiced by Melissa Disney, replacing Kieren van den Blink.
As for appearances, synergysilhouette brought up how a little wonky the builds of the characters were.
Like some of the males had buff upper bodies but surprisingly thin torsos and legs, and the females were pretty paper thin.
Like, we're talking almost VivziePop thin, specifically in the leg area.
The only part of them that wasn't thin were their chests....
Who designed these girls? Greg Land?
So yeah, in this version of the show would fix some of those designs.
Particularly putting a little more meat on the females.
I guess you could say I made them....
But for the builds of the X-Men.
Wolverine has a stocky and muscular build.
Cyclops is lean but athletic.
Emma Frost has an hourglass figure with a more top-heavy build.
Storm also has an hourglass figure, with an all-around build.
Beast...basically looks the same as he does in the original show.
So does Nightcrawler, Angel, Colossus, Iceman, Shadowcat and Forge (expect he'll actually have tanned skin)
And Rogue has a similar build to Storm.
Apart from the builds, the X-Men look largely the same as in the original show.
Though Cyclops and Rogue would definitely be getting a serious hairdo.
Since let's be real, their haircuts were pretty awful in the original show, especially Rogue's.
Cyclops' new hair would look just how it does in Zyalah's piece I showed earlier, and Rogue would have much longer hair.
As for heights, the X-Men are pretty accurate to those from the comics.
Yes, and that does include Wolverine.
However, there is one exception to this and that's with Beast.
I've always felt that Beast definitely should be a much taller character than he actually is.
(He's canonically 5'11)
But despite that, in the more recent comics, he's always shown as being bigger than most of the other X-Men.
So here, Beast is like 6'5.
As for their outfits...
Wolverine, Storm, Emma, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Angel, Rogue and Forge would be wearing the exact same outfits they did in the original show.
Beast as well, but he would also be sporting goggles this time.
(He just looks so right with them).
Iceman would wearing a modified version of his outfit from the show.
It would have a light blue and dark blue color scheme, short pant-legs and no shoes.
Shadowcat would be wearing her outfit from the Astonishing X-Men run.
And Cyclops, well....
This what he'll be wearing.
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If you collected any Marvel merchandising during the 2000s, you've most definitely seen this look before.
It's kind of like an combination between his 90s outfit and his Astonishing outfit.
And in all honesty, it's really cool looking.
But weirdly enough, he's never wore this any iteration outside of the merchandising.
So I figured.....
Finally, we come to the ages of the X-Men.
I'm reason I'm bringing this up is because of the episode, Breakdown.
In that episode, we take a look into Cyclops' past, and just like in the comics, the X-Men originally started off with the original five.
And we can clearly see that they're teenagers.
But this becomes an issue when take Iceman into account.
In the second episode when Wolverine and Beast come to recruit him, the latter mentions to his parents that Iceman is now 18.
Which would mean that three years have past since the X-Men formed.
And since the estimated age difference between the original five is that Beast is older than Cyclops, Jean and Angel by 2 years and Iceman is younger than them by 2 years, that would mean that Cyclops, Jean Angel are around 19-20 and Beast is around 21-22.
And yeah, there's is no way in hell that's the case.
I could definitely see them being in their 20s, but like mid-to-late 20s.
Definitely not early 20s!
Here, it would be established that the X-Men have been around for about 8 years, including after the explosion.
As for the ages of the team.
We all know Wolverine is old as hell!
Cyclops, Jean and Angel are 24.
Emma is 29.
Storm is 26.
Beast is 27.
Nightcrawler is 22.
Colossus, Rogue and Forge are 20.
And Iceman and Shadowcat are 18.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's go ahead and talk about the episodes themselves!
Hindsight: Part 1
This episode is largely the same, but there would be a few changes.
-All of the X-Men would be present in the prologue. Iceman would training in The Danger Room with Shadowcat, Colossus and Nightcrawler, Forge would be working on a new device while ignoring the cries for help from the four after getting trapped, and Angel would be seen spending them with Storm.
-We would get the establishment of where everyone else is once Wolverine and Beast reunite. Cyclops has living in a rundown apartment by himself, Storm moved back to her village in Kenya, Angel has been working at his father's company, Iceman and Shadowcat moved back in with their parents, Colossus moved back to his family's farm in Russia, and nobody's heard from Nightcrawler or Rogue. As for Beast, he's been hanging at what's left of the mansion with Forge, working together to see what caused the explosion in the first place.
-Speaking of Forge, he would be helping out Wolverine and Beast with their break-in. And also, and more importantly, Forge's characterization is much different. Here, he's basically like Sokka and Velma, being the team's resident tech-genius and total smartass.
-Pyro wouldn't be one of the mutants freed when Wolverine, Beast and Forge free the prisoners. Instead, his place would be taken by Jubilee (voiced by Janice Kawaye). She would end up staying with the X-Men, kick-starting one of the storylines for this series. As for her characterization, it's pretty accurate to how she is in the comics. In terms of overall physical appearance and age: she's about 15, has a slightly petite build, black hair in a bob-cut style, pink lips, brown eyes, stands at 5'1, and wears a modified version of her classic 90s outfit. It's largely the same, except with a navel-bearing shirt, fingerless gloves and sneakers.
Hindsight: Part 2
Once again, largely the same with a few changes.
-The Brotherhood has two new additions from the original version in the form of Pyro and Gambit. Yep! Gambit is a member of Brotherhood in this version of the show, as it would set up his eventual turnover to the X-Men and his romance with Rogue. And in typical Gambit fashion, he'll definitely be laying his Cajun charm on Rogue immediately. As their voices, all of them remain the same except for Quicksilver, Toad and Pyro. Quicksilver would be voiced by Yuri Lowenthal (I told you we would be coming back to him!), Toad would be voiced by Danny Cooksey, and Pyro would be voiced by John Kassir. Also, Toad will be British. Yeah, remember when he used to have a British accent?
-Cyclops' characterization. One of the biggest flaws of the original show was how Cyclops was characterized. In the original, he was intolerant, depressed grub. I get that he's grieving over the loss of Jean, but man. It's hard for us to feel sorry for the guy when he's constantly being angry and angsty. He may've not been done as dirty when compared to the Fox films, but this version of the character isn't too far behind. But here, Cyclops is will actually remain as the leader of the team, and his big story of the season (apart from the obvious) is him grappling with whether or not he still has what it takes to be leader again. And along with that, he isn't gonna nearly as angry and angsty as he was in the original. However, he will still be grieving and his depression will be shown in a way where we actually sympathize with him. This would be first shown when Wolverine tries to recruit him and after blasting him out of his room. And although he starts off looking down at Wolverine angry at first, but once he leaves, his expression eventually turns into one of regret.
Hindsight: Part 3
Just like with the last two, it's mostly the same with one notable exception.
-When the X-Men meet Emma for the first time, their reactions are a little different. Angel isn't smitten by her at all, as he already has a special somebody (i.e. Storm). But Iceman still is. But he's not the only one. The other would be Shadowcat. Yep! In this show, Shadowcat and Iceman are both, in the words of NSYNC....
Well that's all I have for now.
Let me know what you guys think about this rewrite. And if you could, give me some ideas on how the rest of the series should play out!
But anyway, I'm gonna go play some X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse....
Peace out, yo.
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mukuharakazui · 2 months
hi! i’m distorted-graffiti on her main account ^_^ saw ur tags and would just like to say thank you for liking my post! i can die now that someone recognized the url
OH MY GOOODNES!! AGAGHHGH!!! I am so silly. Even though you have it in your pinned I somehow did not even realize that is you. Distorted Graffiti is one of my favourite MRD songs after electroQtie ^_^ AND OF COURSE I LIKE IT :D I'm a Kazuihead forever (who always appreciates when people make him a bit scruffier ^_^) and an 0709er
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songbirds-sweet · 1 year
🏵 Hi! I'm new to GVF tumblr and I wanted to ask what blogs you recommend and why? 💁‍♀️ I'm also doing this to spread some love among the community while trying to find people to follow! 🏵😊
Hi new Grestie!! I've been a fan for over a year now and you can feel free to follow me as well!! (I'm in Danny lane and also Jake lane on the side haha)
Here are some and if you want more let me know! (this is all that could tag for now) @andtherestishistory13 @mrd-gvf @shutupdevvie @indigo-starcatcher @joshkiszkas @jakeykiszkas @earthlysorrows @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @dannythedog @jmkho @ofthecaravel @jakeydoesit @allieisacrybaby @fallonfatality @loser-user-noaccuser @mywaykiszka @sunfl0wer-power @nocuts-nobutts-andgvf @malany-gvf @ofthecaravel @allieisacrybaby @takenbythestarcatchers @laurenlovesgretavanfleet @writingcold @stonesponytail @obetrolncocktails @zoe-tally06
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natividadmoon · 1 year
It's going to be long but I wanted to give an opinion on the whole controversy of Jace's couples
I feel that it is much more complex to speak than just accuse of misogyny or homophobia
ironic because Sara Snow is a character with dubious reality but she is the one who started all this, lets go
I've been with Sara Snow's label since she started hinting at her name since the previous season and I've seen how it all escalates little by little
I don't know who was the first to mention it but I know that the first response was from the Baela x Jace chargers, at that time Cregan x Jace were not very active, it began to become popular with chapter 10
That he gets with the speech of humiliation and debasement of the black woman before a white one by Jace and Alyn (mrd's speech in my opinion because Baela will not stop being a white woman from a racist society no matter what complexion the actress interprets her, the infidelities were made as a white woman) ironic that those were fans of Daemyra (they even celebrated the beach scene) and I saw few complaints with the treatment of Laena, which was the true crime of the series
"That how they were going to take it from Jace" as if his were a prize, etc, etc. They seemed to be more people who didn't read the book yet or didn't remember that Baela was much more than two lines with Jace.
So as a woman and a fan of Elia it was easy to see what parameters were used to have compassion for a deceived and despised woman if she was not a Targaryen (Rhea Royce vs Rhaenyra is a clear example)
The irony that later en masse they grabbed that Sara Snow did not exist and it was Cregan with a wig. and Baela x Jace chargers who cried that if there was love, now they also seemed to live with the fact that HE WAS ALSO UNFAITHFUL with a man.
What I am going to say should be taken into account that she is being a woman, not a man. And it is that I feel that many times women fall into the fetishization and invalidation towards male couples, seeing as a fantasy or "minor relationship" towards a couple of two men, not a real relationship. This is a larger study, but this is in regards to women reacting to male partner history, as well as personal experience moving in different fandoms that include M/M shipping.
Fortunately @atopvisenyashill gave a very good point of the perspective of a gay man (or bi man too) before the Cregan x Jace couple and that opened my eyes a little. I mean, I'm not a man, but I certainly like how a lot of queer men take that pairing and pray it's canon (I even edited them myself because I'm not necessarily against it) bbut I feel like that applies to real ones, (hate that connotation), shippers of those couples that are far from the conflict Jace x Baela vs Jace x Sara
Regarding Sara Snow in the life of Jacaerys there are two points that will not change:
The relationship (more loving than friendly, although the latter can also work) does work to give Jace more nuances. I'm not saying he's a bad character, for me he was the best heir to the throne and my personal baby. But I feel that his character without errors works wonderfully in a historical book, and Jace is also going to be an important character in the series and when he is in a space of real time it will be noticed that he is not 100% like that (because that is what attracts us to characters of similar ages like Jon, Robb, Sam, etc) He feels the pressure of being heir to his mother, he feels the pressure of being a bastard in the series, even after winterfell he drives the dragon seeds. There is a reason that can be explained beautifully, if he gets to know a bastard.
If he falls in love with Sara Snow in the book or series,it will be blamed on a boy who literally has all that on top of himself, and who finds how different a bastard's life is and what he could have been in another time, Could it be a step to later weave friendships more easily like the one possible with Nettles? possibly
I know many say but Sara Snow has no personality and she is only turning to Jace's narrative. well at that point those are many characters, mainly secondary or third. especially with Jace ending up young as a result of his tragic death. Not to mention Harwin Strong, it's not like much is known about his personality beyond possibly "comforting" Rhaenyra or being on the birthing bed (even being present in King's Landing and Dragonstone, we don't even know the name of his sisters or what happened with them) and yet we all love him in the series and even Martin plans to write a book.
I feel like the fight was never in the Cregan x Jace and Jace x Sara shippers. The conflict was always like the Baela x Jace shipper, and their reactions to those two 2 shipps
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angelictactics · 1 year
YO YEAH HI!!!!!! i've been so into niche stuff lately, mrd and project moon have definitely been huge hyperfixations for me
if you want to see my mrd art or project moon art, check out my art blog @herosplatling-replica!
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atdutiesend · 2 years
{ About Grim }
!! Outdated! Read the About Page !!
Grim Iteiya was not born on the Source. His story begins in a shard all but devoid of aether, where none could use it - the Ninth. Magicless, the Ninth developed rather like our own world. And then, one day, what felt like yet another panic attack turned into being dropped onto the Source.
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Gender: None gender, left he; He/They pronouns Height: ~6'1; tall for Veena Eyes: Steely blue, more grey than blue, and nearly white even so. Hair: Medium brown, it naturally fades to a soft spring-y green after a few inches. Thin strands that grow in thick, leading to an almost fur-like texure. Unbound, it likes to frizz out to shoulder width. Tends towards wavy bordering on banana curls. Complexion: Porcelain pale with an almost unnoticable blue undertone. A scattering of starry freckles. Tends towards dry skin, but hates the feel of lotion and thus deals with being a crocodile. Artistically, the freckles are rendered as almost luminescent. For the aesthetic. Physique: Being brought to Eorzea meant he threw himself into taking care of himself and becoming combat fit. As a result, he’s quite muscular. Tends to move like he’s much smaller than he actually is, though. Age: 30-ish; due to Viera aging he’s closer to his early 20s physically, and struggling with emotional regulation. Soul Color: Pthalo green, a dark but vibrant forest green. Mains: AST / DRK / NIN / DNC / RDM Secondaries: CNJ, GNB, MRD, THA, RPR
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Grim was a fan of a game very close to XIV in his home shard, and generally knows the story up to the end of post-Stormblood, around the time Gaius passed Alphinaud over to the care of the WOL, unless the verse is explicitly post-Endwalker, in which case he’ll be caught up as of the rp’s start date. This means plot events usually won’t surprise him, but he does his level best to not assume that everything he knows from the game is exactly correct. After all, who doesn’t embellish a story a bit in the telling? - Not to mention, his memory is kind of shite; he doesn’t remember everything, and certainly not perfectly.
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Grim is never a lone WoL. If your muse isn’t a WoL, Grim shares the role with Dove, and appeared at the same time Hydaelyn sent the Warriors of DorknessDarkness back to the First. This exchange may have been orchestrated by Elidibus, in a bid to create a weakness to be exploited later. For other verses, see below.
Due to the nature of the Ninth, Grim initially has horrendous aether sickness as his soul adjusts to the sudden influx of aether. Combined with his aetherial block and tendency to accumulate aether as a result, it’s imperative Grim immediately either take up a casting class - usually CNJ - or find another way to bleed off the excess aether until he can break down the block [RPR and GNB].
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Is Grim a self-insert? Eh, shrug. While I use myself as a jumping off point for pre-Eorzea Grim, once he’s on the Source, he’s very much his own dude. I’m not going to force anyone to interact with him if they’re not interested, though, we’re all here to have a good time.
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Sjadarwesfv - Shared with @likeabeaconofhope, where Grim appeared as a counterbalance to sending the Warriors of Darkness back to the First. Beacon promptly adopted him as her elder brother. Light Party - Also shared with @likeabeaconofhope, where Dove and Grim make up half of the Light Party with Beacon. The Arch Rogues - Shared with @stealerofheartsss, where Lennel is one of the supporting WoLs to Dove’s main WoL
#isekaiposting - General Grim tag #v; bunbun - Sjardwesfv verse #v; crystalbound - Light Party verse #v; birds of a feather
Expanded Lore
{ Green Magic }
0 notes
kindestegg · 3 years
hi! sorry if this is awkward but i just wanted to say that i really love your welcome home playlist! the last song is an Especially inspired choice given both its original context and Potential context in welcome home considering what little we know of its themes so far. it's really nice to see other people who are just as excited for it as i am!
WEH ;_; this is such a wonderful message thank you so much! its always nice finding mad rat dead fans and its nice you made a connection between the song, the game, and welcome home! ive already stated this in a post myself but i dont think i was really intending to connect the two entirely when i picked the song out as i was thinking more about the triumphant end credits feel it brought, but i can also definetely see the shared themes you might have picked up on.
once again i leave you with my favorite line from mrd:
"what you were... doesn't matter! you're still my heart."
something about being able to look past our pasts and ideas of predefined destiny and focus on the love we have now and what we want to do with our power for the future...
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stqrbuck93 · 3 years
welcome to my soul LOL
I know how to use this, created a new acc bc i forgot the password of my old acc
anyways, welcome to my space where i hope can express myself without feeling judged :) but comments are welcome!
facts about me!
- i'm 18
- from south america, specifically a peruvian
- psychology student with a passion for reading and writing
- love pizza a lot
- currently on vacations
- currently listenting to salsa and loona (STAN LOONA)
- kpop fan since 2013
- but also like pop
- my lap is about to die
- there's a mosquito in my room rn and its getting on my nerves like FUERA MOSQUITO DE MRD
- i have to cook estofado de pollo bc its easy and i have to eat
- taken <3
- i have a cat that has to take a lot of pills bc of his cystitis but he's getting better thank to God <3
- i have to take a bath
- i was a bit depressed but rn i'm motivated so yeah i'll try to be "that girl"
- working on my insecurities
- LOVE FOOTBALL JUST FOR MY PERUVIAN SELECCION, like i'm just into football for them bc my boys give me a lot of happiness (specially Carrillo and Gallese)
that's all i have to say for now so bye!!
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galaxyghost4081 · 4 years
hi, I know I've mainly been posting about my Mad Rat Dead gameplay but
if anyone's interested, I also have my own MRD AU. I call it... Miraculous Recovery. (which can be shortened to MR, just like Mad Rat, hehe. though, I call it M. Recovery so I don't confuse the two :>)
It does take place after the game's events, so there are spoilers in the AU. there are also a few neat elements in it as well (Why else would it be called Miraculous Recovery?~), so if any Mad Ratters (my playful term for MRD fans) are interested, I'd be more than ecstatic to share! ^v^
okay, bye now! ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ♡
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Greta Van Questions 3.0
I was tagged by @mrd-k3 so sorry it’s late I just noticed and thank you so much for tagging me
When did you discover gvf?
I believe it was around March of 2020 so beginning of quarantine. Oddly enough I saw a fan fiction of one of them on archive of our own and they kept on popping up so I looked them up and fell in love.
Who is your favorite member?
Jake. I like guys with long hair and just his face.
What lane have you almost swerved into?
So at the beginning my favorite member was Sam even before Jake, but now my swerve lane is josh oddly enough.
Favorite songs?
So my Ultimate favorite is Mountain of the Sun. It always just makes me smile even on my worst days. My second is there cover of A Change is going to Come. It just makes me feel at peace.
Least favorite songs?
I’m not sure if I have any, at first I didn’t like My Way,Soon but it has grown on me once I took another listen.
What was your reaction when “Always There” was released?
I wasn’t a fan yet but once I had listen to it, I had cried.
Favorite Live Performance?
Probably Toronto specifically Edge of Darkness just hits different.
Favorite Music Video?
Most definitely Highway Tune and I know I sound like a local but that’s the video that made me fall in love with them and that just sticks with you, although I do love My Way, Soon just because it’s them living and not being directed.
My Way, Soon or Age of Machine?
I don’t know if I could choose but probably My Way,Soon because I have listened to it more than Age of Machine.
Are you excited for The Battle at Garden’s Gate?
Obviously yes I’m excited because it’s gonna be the first album release that I’m here for as a fan.
Idk who to tag so if you want to do these questions and no one has tagged you well I tag you then.
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caravelmp3 · 4 years
thank you so much @tellmama-allaboutit !!! i take any chance i get to talk about the boys lmao 
when did you discover greta van fleet?
i discovered them about this time last year! at that time i was getting into more classic rock after ignoring it for years (dumb mistake, i now know) and just wanted to branch out and find more artists similar to those i already loved. it honestly felt like it was written in the stars for me to discover them 
who is your favorite member?
josh very quickly became my favorite once i got more into the band and started looking up interviews/youtube mvs and stuff like that !! he’s just the brightest ball of love and joy, a cherub if you will, and pulled me in immediately. his power 
what lane have you almost swerved to?
oh god all of them at least once. but some more so than others. i was in jake’s lane for a few months back last year but it fizzled out and i went back to josh, but honestly??? anytime i see a picture of jake it still fucks me uppppp. when i’m in danny’s/sam’s lane i tend to just want to hug them or pinch their cheeks or cry bc they are so pretty, which comes around with any new photo of them lmao 
what was the first song you listened by them?
my first song was black smoke rising !! i had been seeing it around for so long and finally decided to give it a listen, which sparked all my love and interest for them immediately. it is still one of my favorites too and sometimes i get teary eyed and nostalgic while listening to it hahaha
favorite songs?
oh this is so hard omg because it changes with my mood. currently though, it’s when the curtain falls, because it’s such a feel good tune that i dance around my room to, edge of darkness is second, and then black smoke rising, followed by age of man !!! other favorites that deserve to be acknowledged are always there and talk on the street bc they tend to hang around my top 10 a lot 
least favorite songs?
i tend to tune out watching over a lot while listening to aotpa. it’s such a good song but i feel like the placement of it between when the curtain falls/lover, leaver is odd because i’m hyped after when the curtain falls, and then watching over tends to bring the mood down a bit before lover, leaver replaces it again. it’s in no way the worst song ever, it’s beautifully done, but just not my favorite !! 
what was your reaction when “always there” was released?
i wasn’t a fan when it was released, but MAN do i remember listening to it for the first time. i was at the dining table taking a break from homework and sat in shock when i began to listen to it - eyes watering, mouth open, that whole deal. i am such a sucker for it honestly lmao 
favorite live performances?
oh so many !!!! edge of darkness in toronto in 2018 is my definite top favorite, followed by their performance of the weight (one of my fave songs of all time) with yola in barcelona !! i also adore the white room cover @ the hollywood palladium and their snl performance of black smoke rising even though most hated it. also don’t get me started on the red rocks performance videos..... watching those is like a religious experience 
favorite music video?
ooh i would have to say age of machine is definitively my favorite, followed closely with when the curtain falls. age of machine just HITS different, and i feel like it’s so well directed and edited, making it creatively their best project yet. when the curtain falls is in there because it’s just so much fun and i love clowning josh’s sweater vest 
“my way, soon” or “age of machine”?
based purely on the excitement around it and just how much fun it is, i would have to say my way, soon !!! it was the first big thing to hit the fandom in a while and the whole lead up to it with the pictures in the mail and trying to figure it all out was a highlight. it’s just a feel good song that i feel like came at a great time + we cannot ignore the music video and how precious it is 
are you excited for “the battle at garden’s gate”?
most definitely !!! my sweatshirt just shipped out today too so it just adds to the excitement of it all. i am looking forward to the new singles & all the cryptic things that will surely come with it, and it will be the first album i am present in the fandom for, so it makes it a little sweeter :’) 
tagging (but you don’t have to take part): @sunshinesinhereyes @edgeofgreta @mrd-k3 
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fancyhwrites · 5 years
Best Stucky Fanfic Opening Lines
What are the best Stucky fanfic opening lines (from any Stucky fic ever written)? These need not correspond to what you think are the best Stucky fanfics in general. Copy and paste the lines down below, provide a link to the fic, and tag any fellow Stucky fans!
Oh hey, there it is. His old pal, pain. He didn't give it the slip after all. It's right behind his breastbone; a sucking void of fierce, burning hurt. Grief. Erskine was kind, and good, and now he's dead. The only man who believed in Steve, who wanted to give Steve a chance. The first person since Bucky to fight for him.
Steve looks up from Erskine’s body. He doesn't even remember that he's not five foot four anymore. He doesn't run after the spy because he's Captain America. He isn’t Captain America yet -- that doesn’t come until later. He runs after the spy because he's Steve Rogers.
Nothing that matters has changed.
-Good Morning Heartache, What’s New? by girlbookwrm
I could include any of the Hundred Year Playlist fics, but I really love this opener. It manages to give such good characterization and poignancy in just a few lines. 
Steve gets out of the hospital in two days, but just barely. “I’m fine,” he tells Sam, Nurse Eunjung and the phalanx of doctors assigned to make sure Captain America didn’t bleed out and die and get bad PR all over their nice clean hospital. “I have an advanced healing factor. It’s fine. See? I’m standing.”
“That is not standing,” Sam tells him.
“You’re bending the IV stand,” Nurse Eunjung adds pointedly. “Let go and sit down, they don’t grow on trees.”
If They Haven’t Learned Your Name by silentwalrus
Who would I be if I didn’t include this iconic opener?
“I’m sorry, you want me to what?” Steve sits back in his chair and tries not to glare at Hill across the (sustainable hardwood) conference table. Steve has slept in beds smaller than this table. He’s lived in apartments smaller than this table. There has to be about thirty chairs arranged around it. Why they have to have a meeting of just the two of them here, and not somewhere a little less officious, is beyond him. “Track down a cryptid.” Agent Hill tosses a dossier onto the table, and Steve has to stretch out an arm to reach across for it. “A cryptid,” Steve repeats doubtfully.
The Devil’s Acre by littleblackfox
I love the immediate humor and grounding of the fic with description. A unique and lovely AU.
When Steve wakes up, just for a moment, he’s sure he’s in the wrong place. He stares up at the dent in the ceiling, the one he’d made when he got a little too enthusiastic about popping the champagne after graduating college. Next to it is the green arrow Sam stuck there so Steve would never forget that night. It’s the same ceiling he’s woken up to for the last six months. But for some reason, his mind insists it’s the wrong one.
He blinks and the moment passes. He’s exactly where he’s supposed to be—in his room. Where else would he be?
So far I’ve come (to get to you) by obsessivereader
This fic! It jumps between past and present, and makes you wonder at the differences and the mystery until the end when it becomes clear and it’s so painful. The opening does a great job of setting up the initial conflict/mystery and draws you in.
Steve can’t breathe.
It wakes him, the tightness in his chest, the heavy working of his lungs. He can feel a nightmare wrongness pervading every inch of his body, and he has had this nightmare—this one exactly. He knows the way of dreams: how the sleeping mind has a tendency to return to the same places, long after you’ve ceased to live in them; to populate itself with the same faces, long after they’re gone; and to whittle you down to your true image of yourself. Steve blinks gritty eyelids and stares down at the small frail thing curled beneath the covers. He knows this is not a dream. The mattress is thin beneath his bony back.
To Live It Again Is Past All Endeavor by trinityofone
Great opener that immediately creates mystery and suspense. Love this time-travel AU.
I’m sure there’s lots more but this was off the top of my head. Tagging @itsmajel @frostbitebakery @spacebuck @mrd-k3
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dugruzz-blog · 7 years
A huge blind spot in X-Men stories
I had this idea while watching “The Gifted” (so at least that show is good for something) and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. I think this is a huge blind-spot in X-Men and mutant-related stories that could have a lot of possibilities to explore.
Let’s take Gifted as an example. Imagine an episode where they storm another Sentinel Services prison bus and free a bunch of mutant refugees. They return to HQ so everyone can exchange introductions. There’s one dude who looks like he’s part-lizard. He’s got scales up his arms and neck, sharp teeth, and slitted pupils. Lizard Boy kindly asks the main gang (Marcos, Lorna, John) for a private meeting.
LIZARD BOY: “Okay, first off, thanks big for the rescue. Second, big fan of you guys. So here’s the thing. Please don’t be mad.”
At this, Lizard Boy brings his hand to his eyes and removes his contacts. The slitted pupils are fake, and he’s got regular human eyes underneath.
LIZARD BOY: “I’m not, uh, strictly speaking, a real mutant. I don’t have the X-gene or whatever. I got my teeth capped two years ago. These scales are tattoos.”
In a world where mutants exist, there would be regular non-powered humans (especially younger people) who would want to be mutants. We already have sideshow freaks who change themselves with extreme body modifications, or people who just dress up as werecats routinely because they just feel like it. If people with super-powers were popping up everywhere, then some kids would hope to get powers of their own, and this kind of modding would sky-rocket. Especially in a world where mutants have to deal with fear and persecution from the government.
Maybe it’s a form of teenage rebellion. Just as some kids get piercings or tattoos, or decide to be Goth, or join the Church of Satan because they know it drives their parents and teachers nuts.
Maybe they hate their home life and want an excuse to run away.
Maybe they really believe that mutants are the next stage in human evolution, so this is a way to not get left behind.
Maybe it’s borne out of mistrust of authority. The same government that says “we need to monitor and incarcerate mutants (while we quietly build Sentinels and MRD kill-squads to hunt them down)” is the same government that says “we need to monitor everyone’s phone calls” or “we need more cavity searches at the airport” or “we need to build a wall” or (jumping the political divide here) “we need to regulate your firearms.” If the youths of America don’t buy that stuff, they won’t buy that mutants are the bad guys either.
Maybe it’s a show of solidarity. If The Man is gonna hunt people down for being different, then let’s all be different.
Point is, there’s lots of reasons to do this, but we never see it. I think we should see it all the time. 
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