#hi future dialogue
elderwisp · 3 months
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"Bunny, are you alright?"
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katabay · 7 months
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desmond & friends modern day assassin sequences…..I miss you……..
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scribz-ag24 · 1 month
vast ice mountain but you see future trio's thoughts
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a2zillustration · 7 months
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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art-soboro · 5 months
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my dogsred impression so far
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mycenaae · 3 months
ravi's little "that's my motto!" about enjoying it while it lasts in 7x09 was likely meant to be a throwaway line to bring him into the conversation, and he does not seem to be saying it cynically at all, but if i think about that line too long in the context of him being a pediatric cancer survivor i will lose what's left of my marbles
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vigilskeep · 28 days
i am curious about why this is such a universally pro-bhelen website. i mean i’m right there with you i love that freak but i’m surprised it’s such an unquestioned take, especially when i don’t think the main pro-bhelen talking points online or the consequences you will get in the epilogue slides for selecting either ruler are actually very well spelled-out in game for the new player
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pianokantzart · 4 months
I think I know the main reason why this movie design bugged me
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King Boo. My man. Why is your mouth so small?
It's supposed to take up at least half your face, that's practically the crux of your design.
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piecesofchess · 2 months
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Not me realizing I've been shipping Kane and Queen together since i was 11 and have not been given a single crumb since
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st4rstudent · 6 months
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April and May is a busy month
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larabar · 8 months
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need to go back to this but i have barely any context. oh how i love my 11pm ideas
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paingoes · 3 months
Cuckoo Egg
(continued from here)
(Content: institutionalized slavery, military content, minor character death, fear, begging, lot of crying, blood)
tags: @echo-goes-mmm @sowhumpshaped @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @teachunks @4th-dimensional-writer
She leaves it there, too. She disappears again. It bleeds continuously onto the table, staining the sleeves of his uniform. He has to keep it perfectly still to stop the pain from reigniting. He sobs dryly.
The door opens again. Nicolette slinks in. She’s carrying a glass full of clear liquid. He tries to apologize again, to beg. She quiets him.
“It’s just water,” she says. With his hands bound, she has to bring the glass to his lips for him to drink. He flinches, fully convinced she will break it off in her mouth. But her hands are careful.
“If you lose a lot of blood, you get thirsty,” She explains, “And you’ve been crying a lot.”
He drinks the whole thing. She pulls the glass back, placing it on the table.
“Thank you, ma’am,” Cillian says weakly. This time, she does a worse job masking her surprise.
“You’re welcome,” she says slowly, “Are you ready to talk now?”
He tries not to cry again, to immediately lose whatever hydration he just gained.
“I told you,” he whines.
 She makes a small noise at the back of her throat, “Unfortunately, I don’t have another knife.”
She plucks the knife out from the table, through the layer of flesh. It hurts just as bad going out. The blood pours with renewed force. Cillian screams. 
She doesn’t get back up on the table this time. It’s too soiled now. She doesn’t want the layers of accumulated blood to strain her clothes. Cillian recoils as she presses the knife flat against his uniform, wiping his own blood on the fabric. The metal catches the gleam.
“Please stop,” he gasps. 
“I’d like to.” Nicolette is right beside him, leaning on the same side of the table that he’s chained up on. All the blood has shocked him. All the terror.
“I’m trying,” he says quietly, going into a kind of trance, “I’m trying, please. I’m trying to be good.”
“Do it, then. I’ll let you rest after. Give me something.”
“I don’t know,” he practically yells. His voice breaks, “I am domestic. I’ve never been in a warzone before. I don’t know anything.”
She holds the knife to his throat. He sobs, barely flinching.
“I don’t want to die over this. It was just supposed to be a day trip. I’m sorry. It wasn’t my choice.”
“What do you mean?” The knife moves down a little, more to the collar than the jugular. It digs into his chest, not quite breaking the skin, but still thorny and painful.
“I don’t-“ he blinks back tears, cutting himself off. It’s so hard to speak now. The pressure in his throat has grown so immense.
Nicolette cuts him, unexpectedly. He jumps in pain and shock, forcing the dagger along a longer trail. It cut through the clothes, along his chest. Its shallow, but it bleeds heavily. His hands clench up reflexively. The muscles tensing triggers pain within the new wound. 
“Stop,” he pleads. She withdraws the knife. He wants the pain stop now, not just the interrogation. But the cuts still throb and burn. There’s nothing anyone can do for that. It takes him a minute to catch his breath. A moment too long and Nicolette presses the knife to the other side of his chest.
“I was only here as a punishment,” he chokes out. His face burns. It’s such a deep instinct for him to try and evade it. The shame cuts through him. 
“I’m sorry,” he manages, “I don’t- I’m not supposed to be here. I’m not a soldier. I’m not. It was just to punish me. I’m sorry.”
He can hardly see her through his tears, “You don’t believe me.”
Without moving the knife from its spot on his chest, she traces her hand around the bare skin of his neck. He winces, expecting her to tighten the grasp. She doesn’t. She’s looking for something.
“No dog tag. Cillian, what’s your full name?”
“I don’t have one.”
The knife enters, just a little.
“I don’t, I swear. They didn’t give me one.” He rushes the words out.
“I don’t- I don’t know,” his face burns, again, deeper, “My master.”
He hates how the word feels in his mouth, but it gets her to take the knife out. 
“No name on the uniform, either. All the others had one.”
He cringes as she realizes she is talking about the dead bodies of the soldiers he’d come with. He wonders where they’re keeping them now.
Nicolette slides off the table, turning back towards the door. Cillian can’t see her expression though the tears. Even if he could, it wouldn’t tell him much.
She returns quicker than he expected, but it still feels like hours have gone by. Cillian had calmed down a little, just enough to stop crying. Her sudden reappearance dashed his progress. She was trailed by two men. 
“Please don’t, please, please,” Cillian panicked, his imagination already running wild.
“Tell them what you told me,” her voice is more urgent now, almost beseeching, “Why you were in the desert.”
“I don’t know!” Cillian’s voice rose in frustration, his anger only slightly subdued by the blood loss.
“No. You, specifically. You know. Tell them.” She insisted.
If his hands were free, he’d have brought them to his face, in spite of the way the blood would smear. He wants to hide.
“They sent me on the mission as a punishment. I didn’t come by choice. I’m not a soldier.” His breathing is heavy and uneven. It makes his voice pitch.
Nicolette exchanges a look with the men she brought with her. They eye the wounds he’s been given. Without any words sharped between them, they all turn to leave. Cillian collapses back in the seat, too exhausted to live.
They return shortly after and without Nicolette. There is not much in terms of discussion, but one wraps a piece of cloth around his hand and another on his elbow, stopping the blood flow and cutting off circulation. It’s a little late for that. The cuffs are undone from the table, but not removed from his wrists.
“Where are we going?” Cillian says weakly
“Infirmary. There’s been a mistake,” The man says, not exactly looking at him. It doesn’t matter. Cillian can’t even hold his head up.
They find the brand quickly. Cillian had forgotten it was even there, it was the last thing on his mind. He had put a lot of effort into pretending it didn’t exist. In this instance, it saves him.
Their tone changes immediately. It is not one of apology or of outrage, but of hushed guilt. They can’t even look him in the eye. Still, he counts himself lucky just to have been left alone. The cuffs come off. They strip the bloodied uniform from his back so they can treat the shallow chest wounds. The medics there wrap his hand in a cloth bandaid. They do not seem to be in any hurry to get him a new shirt, but some of the desert heat seeps through the walls and it’s not at all unpleasant. The bed is so soft. He sits on the edge of it, still party curled in on himself. He rubs at the flesh where the metal bit him. His skin is still stained a bit pink.
He doesn’t hear it when Nicolette returns. She seems to maintain some barrier between herself and Cillian the entire time. She crosses her arms over the top of his headboard and rests her chin on top of them. Cillian jumps, scooting closer to the foot of the bed.
“Does it hurt, Cillian?” She says in the same emotionless voice. He cringes a little.
“No, ma’am,” He answers fearfully. It was true, though. The shot they gave him made his whole body numb. There’s a strange tingling feeling where the pain should be.
“Don’t call me that. I don’t like it anymore.” Her eyes are so wide. Cillian doesn’t respond.
“You are very upset with me,” She observes.
“I told you,” he hisses. He can’t hold it in. He wants to apologize for it immediately, but to his surprise, she speaks first.
“You told me what anyone in your position would say.” She readjusts herself, pulling one hand free to brush her hair back, “All the others had stories just like it.”
He shakes his head. She keeps going.
“You have to understand, Cillian. There’s nothing we find more despicable than an evil coward. Someone who can inflict pain onto others but can’t take it themselves. You’d be surprised how often we see it among the ranks. It needs to be stomped out.”
“But I didn’t do that.” Cillian says and feels as if he’s right back in the cell.
“I know. I’m sorry.” She still doesn’t blink, but her lips press into a thin line. 
The apology snaps him out of it. He’s not any less angry, but he is less afraid. He wants to cry again.
“My hand is never going to heal.” He clutches the cloth tightly. He might as well get her while he has her, before she can change her mind.
“It will,” Nicolette insists. She holds up her own palm. A jagged scar runs down the center of it.
“One of the most sensitive parts of the body, you know,” She speaks without feeling.
Cillian shivers. He did know.
“Are you going to let me go now?” He asks quietly. The room feels colder.
“Go where?” She tilts her head in that familiar motion, smooth and uncanny. 
He blinks. Back to his master, of course. Where else would he go? Nicolette eyes the brand, a deep purple against his tan skin.
“I don’t think so, Cillian,” She shakes her head, closes her eyes.
“I think we should find you new clothes.”
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demaparbat-hp · 14 hours
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For the Spirits— Chapter VII: Take Me South
Take me south when it's the time
Pour me away like golden wine
I'll form a splash and it will dry
But in the shape of you
—Pure You by Nothing But Thieves
Yume placed her hands on her hips and took a step forward. “That I do, yet I can't help but wonder about the timing. Heading South, seeking information on the Tribes…it's all very sudden, don't you think?”
The folded parchment hidden under his vest suddenly seemed to hold the weight of the world. Zuko placed a hand on his chest, where the sketch rested just above his heart. He stared thoughtfully at the floor.
Why now, indeed?
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darkvolley · 7 months
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Excuse the YouTuber in the corner I'm too lazy to switch to a different video but, it's probably a pretty easy conclusion to come to that KH might function off a somewhat stable time loop but nothing has really made it feel blatantly obvious than realizing that actually, since Ansem SoD sent Young Xehanort to Scala, that would mean there would have to be a starting timeline where the first SoD went back to start the loop, meaning there has to be a timeline where Xehanort never left Destiny Islands MEANING there has to be a timeline where SoD never existed, and as such neither did Xemnas and Terranort never happened along with basically everything else. So are we in fact confirming that KH does indeed function off a stable timeloop that never truly "started" somewhere and has just always been this way, or what in the world could have happened to still lead Xehanort to Scala without interference? Cuz now I have to wonder, if we're going by stable timeloop, then either Sora creates the tear in time every loop effectively creating endless ones over and over which could lead to a bigger problem(or not a problem at all if it's supposed to happen??) OR this is somehow the first deviation, which doesn't feel likely considering obviously Quadratum and Srelitizia being there seems to be decidedly factored into the equation here, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it hasn't been. Or maybe the problem is that Sora's genuinely not supposed to be there. Idk where I'm going anymore, but basically if time started somewhere and it hasn't always been a loop, how did we get HERE to the point in the screenshot where SoD/practically everything was able to exist to "create itself" essentially??? And I don't think that's possible without outside intervention, so it's gotta be a stable timeloop!
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ninadove · 2 years
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As smart as Clive is (you can fight me on this), it is my deepest conviction that Hershel bought his bullsh*t for exactly 0 second
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chrollosnenfish · 1 year
From the Project: Blue lock game…
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What does Shidou mean by “Satisfy him”😧😏?And why was Reo happy that Nagi wasn’t there? How did Shidou get Reo’s number?
I guess the “my little purple bun” thing finally has a basis.
So many questions left unnanswered 🤣
Honestly, the friendship/camaraderie/whatever it is b/w Shidou and Reo seems like something Reo would initiate to feel a little better about himself after Nagi left him. And good for him.r
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