#hi I'm back with some goofy sketches
lazybastardsstuff · 3 months
Paulie: I can actually drive too.
Tom: Okay, then let Paulie drive the car today.
Sam: No way. Do you remember what happened the last time you let him drive?
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Shit happens.
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ratwithhands · 2 months
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A few days ago I woke up bleary eyed, sat down at my computer, and spat this out.
Mostly just a bit of goofy sketching but here's magical boy (magical man?) submas
I'm not gonna flesh this out a whole bunch since there's not much I can really do with it, but some rough notes:
Both of them have two soul stones, one in the hat and one in the staff. In their base uniform, the staff's stone is on the back of their gloves, separating when activated
They're only able to activate their abilities when they're with each other. Though they can both separately fight and return to normal, they need each other to begin the reaction and use their powers. Should one of them go missing, the other will not be able to use their abilities
The stone can be removed from the staff, returning to the hand if it is. The purpose of doing this is to replace it with a pokeball, allowing the staff to channel the pokemon's moves along with its standard attacks (electricity for Emmet, fire for Ingo)
Ingo and Emmet can trade (or steal) clothes mid transformation, switching pieces or entire uniforms. Emmet will typically borrow Ingo's darker gloves and boots if he expects to get particularly violent in battle, while Ingo usually takes Emmet's white accessories since he finds them more classy than his full black uniform
They are able to float in their magical forms, mostly using the levitation to run loops around their opponents and pressure them from all sides
The only opponent is literally Team Plasma, this power is reserved solely for beating grunts, sages, or Ghetsis should they ever cross paths (technically the code is to defend the world from evil but for any other issue they'll either settle it normally or with pokemon battling)
This was mostly for shits and giggles but I hope you enjoy 👍
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zae-heeyyy · 2 months
Summary: Arthur takes you on one of his adventures. Pairing: Arthur Morgan x female!Reader Word Count: 1,760 Trigger Warning: Animal attack, angry-ish Arthur, violence Tags: mid- high honor Arthur, damsel in destress, fluff, and angst
a/n: Hey y'all! It's been a while since I posted because life is crazy right now. This is a request from @littlemistey. I'm paraphrasing from our convo, "Arthur x reader where the reader is saved by Arthur from almost being mauled by a cougar or a pack of wolves." Sketches are copied/cut from Arthur's journal. A classic "Arthur Morgan, please save me" trope. Thanks for reading!
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Valor: Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. It denotes bravery and heroism, particularly in challenging or risky situations.
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The bones in your wrists ached with the numbing weight of boredom as another morning of chores lumbered on. In, around, under, off. In, around, under, off. In, around, under, off. Intertwined pieces of yarn grew longer at your feet as the knitting cadence played in your head. You'd zoned out, daydreaming of anything more exciting than this.
A rhythmic clank of guns on a belt alerted you to your approaching burly cowboy.
You would've been glad to see him any other time, but your contempt for your chores and an odd hat on his head made you groan with irritation. A lit cigarette sat snug between his lips as he talked, muffling his speech.
"Why you sittin' here with your lip stuck out?" he asked, adjusting his belt and sitting beside you on a wooden crate. He tossed the cigarette away, leaned over to kiss the temple of your head, and placed a hand on the small of your back.
"Bored outta my mind," you complained. The sun reflected off a shiny decorative piece on his hat, making you squint. "And why are you wearing that stupid hat?"
"What?" he opened his hands out questioningly with a goofy grin stretched across his face. "A man keeps this camp afloat, and he can't even wear a nice hat without his lady callin' it stupid."  
You rolled your eyes and gestured to all the women in the camp, cleaning tables and guns, sewing, and helping with dinner.
"No, we keep this camp afloat while you men are out doing god knows what," you said, your stitches getting sloppier as your vexation grew. "I'm losing my mind here. Meanwhile, you come back with fancy trinkets, weird statues, emeralds, and crazy hats! You know, I think you do the robbing and hunting only sometimes, and when that's done, you're just out there playing around!"
You finally stopped knitting and turned to Arthur, whose playful grin had faltered into a thoughtful glance. You continued your monologue, "Ugh! I swear, if you don't get me outta here, I'm gonna stab Grimshaw through the eye with this needle!"
You held the sharp point inches away from Arthur's face, prompting him to snatch it from you. "Alright, easy there." He grabbed your hand in two of his gloved ones and glanced at it from under the brim of his hat, thinking for a long moment, "Fine, you can come with me long as nobody gets stabbed. Can't have a degenerate murderer loose in this camp, now, can we?"
Ignoring his sarcasm, you squealed excitedly and jumped up from your spot, pulling on Arthur's arm to make him stand, too.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," you said between the many kisses you laid on him. He stilled you with firm hands on your waist and chuckled.
"I reckon it won't be as exciting as you think, but I can't say no to you."
Within a few minutes, you were ready to go, aiming and checking the ammo on a varmint rifle that Arthur had given you.
"Met a strange feller, Algernon Wasp. He's a— he has— well, he— he's an artist, I guess; he's paying me to collect some stuff for his, uh, creations. Bird feathers, orchids, that kind of stuff. Would be faster with the two of us."
And that's how you found yourself in the swamps of Lemoyne with the varmint rifle slung over your shoulder as you swatted away mosquitoes and sweated your ass off. You were hot, thirsty, and worst of all, you'd only found four of the seven cigar orchids you needed.
Mud squelched under your feet as you followed behind Arthur; you spoke exasperatedly, "how much is this fool paying you for all this?"
Arthur had gone quieter as you'd gotten more frustrated over the hours. Both of you were starting to regret this decision.
"I don't know. Money is money," he said dismissively, his head on a swivel and eyes focused. You were bothered that he could so easily spot plants and always knew which direction to go, expecting you to keep pace with his long strides when mud weighed down your skirts, slowing you down. You knew it was irrational, but you were mad at him for dragging you out here despite your near begging.
The heat was getting to you, and you'd lost control of the filter from your brain to your mouth. Arthur was a few feet ahead when you started your mumbling, "goddamn swamps is no place for a lady. Gators, mud, bugs and—" You didn't get to finish your sentence before Arthur spun and made two giant steps toward you, jaw clenched.
"You got something to say?"
You crossed your arms, defiant. Arthur's reputation as a vicious intimidator didn't phase you, though. He wouldn't lay a finger on you; you both knew it. You rolled your eyes and said, "this is as boring as being back at camp, except I'm all dirty now."
He stepped closer into your space, his angry eyes searching yours. He spoke in a low volume that would scare anybody but you: "This is what you wanted, woman, so don't go gettin' mad at me because things ain't all neat and proper."
Were you frightened by him? No. Were your feelings hurt? Yes. You scoffed and nodded slowly while you spoke, "You're right. I'm gonna head to camp. I'll see you when you get back."
You didn't give him the chance to respond before you trudged in the other direction, clicking for your horse waiting nearby. Arthur watched you go until he lost sight of you in the overgrown vegetation.
Then you were on the road, your horse at a trot, when something in his line of vision spooked him. Before you could even react, you were bucked off, your head hitting the ground with a thud. Despite the pain, you knew better than to just lay there. Gators and snakes were everywhere, but only something notably terrifying would scare off your Andalusian. You took the rifle off your back, pointing it aimlessly all around, trying to focus your spinning vision on the threat beyond.
Before you could blink, a big cat took hold of your leg through your skirt. You shot wildly once, twice, then three times before the beast let go of you. Screaming at the top of your lungs, you scrambled backward as more bullets rang out from your low-caliber weapon. Hoping and praying, you squeezed the trigger one last time. Eyes closed, you prepared for the inevitable when a louder shot rang out somewhere near you.
When pain and death didn't come, you opened your eyes to see Arthur standing over you, concern distorting his face. Beads of sweat ran down his forehead, and he huffed, trying to catch his breath. His hands scoured every inch of you, searching for signs of bleeding. Panic started to set in again when you realized you couldn't feel anything; you held your breath as Arthur pulled up the hem of your dress, bracing for the worst.
You breathed a sigh of relief and let your head fall back onto the ground. The puncture was minor, no worse than a needle prick. Arthur stood, using his arm to wipe away the perspiration that had soaked him. Then his anger started up again.
"Can't go getting hurt like that, girl. Shouldn't've let you run off by yourself. If something happened to you, I'd—"
"Shut up, Arthur," you rose back up and tried to smile through your unease. "I'm fine, thanks to you."
He held out a hand to pull you back to your feet, then wrapped his arms around you tight. His heart hammered against his chest, and you could hear your blood rushing through your ears. Then you finally let yourself cry in the safety of all his bulk.
"I'm sorry, sweet girl; I'm sorry." Every shakey inhale, sob, and gasp from you ripped him apart from the inside out. He was supposed to be looking after you, always, but his hardheadedness and pride left you vulnerable. Killing was the one thing he knew he was good for, and to almost fail at the cost of your life made his insides rot with guilt.
He peeled you away from his chest and cupped your face, "I won't let anything else happen to you, ya' hear?" You nodded, and he wiped dirt and tears away from your cheek with a big thumb and brought you back into him, stroking the back of your head. After a long moment, he retrieved your horse, helped you, and then rode beside you the whole way back to camp.
The next day, you gladly did your chores while Arthur went on his adventures. You didn't complain in the comfort and safety of a shade tree and other skilled gunmen. You were sitting in his tent when Arthur returned in the evening, now wearing his regular gambler's hat and carrying another adorned with floral designs and a peacock feather.
He greeted you with a peck on your cheek, joined you on the cot, and talked through a crooked smile, "found the rest of those orchids today and gave 'em to Algernon. Took this instead of the money. Think he was happier with that trade, anyway."  
The closer you looked at the beautiful monstrosity, the more you had to fight off your reaction. It was undeniably unique, but you couldn't image anyone wearing it seriously.
"It's um—," You covered your mouth to stifle your giggle, but your quaking shoulders gave you away. To your relief, Arthur joined in your laugh and placed the hat atop your head.
"He tried to give it to me, made me try it on, but I figured it'd look better on you. Now we both got a crazy hat."
The idea of Arthur standing in front of a mirror in the hat with all his hardened features made you throw your head back in near hysterics.
"Well, I will cherish that image and this hat forever. Thank you." Arthur's face softened as your amusement died down, then morphed into a lamentable combination of worry and self-loathing. You recognized it all too well.  
He stroked your face with the back of his hand and spoke in a hushed tone, "I'm sorry, again, for letting you go off by yourself like that. I—"
You silenced him with your lips, pushing him onto his back and mounting him. Your new hat fell away along with his worry as you showed him just how appreciative you were.
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leeneir · 10 months
Relationship; Iso x Gender Neutral!Reader Headcanons
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This is my first time posting stuff like this so idk how it fully works but I'm figuring things out🫶
These are mostly based off of what I have written for my Iso x oc ship, I'm sorry for that but take what you like💙💙🫶
Iso at first introduction isn't talkative. He's not necessarily an asshole, but he is introverted. Either you'll have to pull the first move quickly, or let him warm up to you
Very much goofy. If you have loose locks of hair, Iso will push it back and forth with his finger like a cat.
Iso LOVES food, but he's also picky. He's the type to eat his favorite food nonstop, but if there's something he doesn't like, he won't eat it. If you don't mind, he'll let you have it.
Boy is RICH. Not like presumably Chamber, but he's an infamous assassin that can kill dozens at a time. He's got money for sure. Iso will spoil you with clothes, food, items, literally anything you want he'll buy it for you. Oh, there's a really nice top you saw at the store earlier? He'll buy all the options available. (Bonus: He knows your size and preferences.)
LOVES holding you. It doesn't really mean holding you. Iso will simply put a hand on the small of your back and just keep it there while you're talking to other agents.
Iso is a jealous type but it isn't too much of an issue. He'll notice how you were extra chatty with Yoru during training or how you volunteered to help Sage the entire day and he'll get a bit annoyed that you aren't spending time with him too. Later that, he'll come into your room with a knock and literally just bury his face in your neck while keeping his arms firmly around your waist. You wouldn't see it, but he's definitely pouting.
Adding on to the last HC, Iso will stay like this with you even though your standing. If you complain that your tired, he'll simply pull away, pick you up, and carry you to your bed where he'll snuggle up to you for the next few hours.
Iso isn't open about your relationship. He's not one for PDA, the most he'll do is just place a hand on your shoulder or back. No one even knows he has feelings for you (even you earlier on). But behind closed doors, he's one big softie.
Iso has of playlists for any scenario. You're on a mission and he misses you? He's got one. You two are together and he's just staring at uou lovingly? Yup, got one for that too. Both of you are with the other agents and you're on opposite ends of the group and it feels like a slowburn friends to lovers romance? You bet. This man has playlists for a n y t h i n g .
Iso does that thing where when you're aim training and your form is a bit wrong, he'll hold you and guide you properly and intimately. There's no room between you guys.
If you get injured on a mission, Iso will beg Sage in his mother tongue to stay by you and make sure you're. He doesn't tell her about your relationship, but because he's asking in their native language, Sage has a suspicion that there's more than he's leading on. (Bonus: She's the first to figure out your relationship but is a good bro and doesn't tell.)
Iso is an artist. He's more into environmental sketching, but he'll occassionally draw you. He gets embarrassed when you find out and probably assumes you think he's a creep. Show him some TLC and reassure him that you love the drawings, it'll get you a kiss.
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pjberribear · 1 month
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Barnaby's Official design! Original design back then tell now!
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I'm officially back, yay! YAAAA-
Hello fellow folks, I brought to you Barnaby's official design or I like to call him, "Barnaboon." This goofy ahh dude has been sitting in my files for quite some time now, but he's out in public now. Yippie! I gave him his polka-dots back since when I first drew him his red suit looked boring. Plus, he looked bald without his colorful dots on him so... yeah. It's funny, because when I barely sketched out him out @partycoffin released the plushie version of him. I was close to the actual design, but I made this arms longer than his legs.
Oh yeah, no ones voice acting Barnaby yet. So if you're interested in voicing him let me know!
Anyways, Bye now. <3
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komoboko · 8 months
There's a new official art and this tweet changed the trajectory of my life so I NEED AN ARTIST MUI X READER
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Maybe the reader would be admiring his way of drawign and nad nadua ndaud *explodes*
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Artist!Muichiro x gn!reader
this character art changed my life cloudy i forever thank you for showing me this
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Artist!Muichiro who first started having a crush on you after you complimented his art. It wasn’t something really big or important like slaying demons for example, just a passion he would do every now and then to pass the time.
While Muichiro was always aware that he's always had some skill when it came to art. He won't even realize how much people appreciated the craft until you complimented him one day.
"Muichiro you drew this yourself?" Your question snaps him out of the trans he was in previously. He stares at you a moment before nodding his head, noting the surprised but delighted expression that appears on your face. He never thought people actually admired his art, sure he's seen some lower ranks peer over to look at what he was drawing, but walking up to him? Complimenting him?? New territory for him.
He pulls his sketchbook in-between the two of you as he saw you take a seat next to him. He flips through the pages as he hears your comments and reactions to things he's drawn over the past couple months. "Who taught you how to draw?" You ask more eager to know where he learned his skills.
"I taught myself." He replies in a more relaxed manor with easily makes your jaw drop to the floor. Your reaction surprises him partially but he keeps his composure for good measures. "I could teach you if you wanted me to." He adds as your mouth continues to fall agape but your eyes shine with happiness. "Seriously? You wouldn't mind??" Muichiro nods his head as a goofy smile appears on your face. In response Muichiro can't help but let a small smile appears on his face.
He doesn't want to forget how beautiful you look when you smile, in-fact he doesn't really want to forget anything about this short conversation at all.
When the sun begins to set and you wave Muichiro goodbye, Muichiro immediately goes back to drawing. Instead of drawing the dragon like he showed you before or other animals he saw, he starts to sketch your face. He wants to make sure he remembers what you look like and who you are, and the next time he can see you for your first art lesson.
One sketch then turns into two, then two sketches turn into three. Then a sketch turns into a page, then two, then it turns into more pages then he can count. Different sketches of things you like or the food you told him you really hated. His favorite is the drawing of you two sitting next to each other while your sharing furofuki daikon, he was quite happy you remembered his favorite food for him.
"Love does crazy things to somebody, yes?" He hears Mr. Ubuyashiki states as Muichiro stares up at him, his face more confused than impressed. Kayaga only smiles before sitting next to the boy. "I'm surprised you haven't realized you've fallen in love yet." He. adds on as Muichiro can only look at him in surprise.
"Who have I fallen in love with..?" Muichiro asks the corps leader as he can only let out a laugh. He watches his finger glide until it lands on your face drawn delicately in his sketchbook. It only hits him then of what his master was saying.
So that's what he's been feeling when he's spending time with you. The warm feeling that bubbles in his chest. Love. You've struck him in the heart with your affection and now he can only wonder. Has he done the same to you?
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dreamingcloudie · 2 years
im sorry for immediately jumping into requests but i see dottore content and i immediately go gdusabjnkdsa
reader, feeling a bit bored and lonely, gathered a bunch of segments and asked if they could just cuddle with them OF COURSE they'd agree... prime comes back from a mission to see the tasks he'd assign them half done but before he could get too angry, sees you all snuggled up in a pile with the most relaxed expression on your face he'd seen in a while.......... he tells the segments to leave and hugs you himself instead (jealous perhaps? HHEHEHE)
❛❛ In My (Our) Arms You Go ❜❜
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✎ ❛❛ Dog pile!— Oof! ❜❜
Pairing(s): Dottore (& segments) x GN!Reader
Genre/Format: Fluff (oneshot)
wc: ~1.1k
Notes: Back to our regularly scheduled fluff :D This is so cute istg 😫✋️✋️Dottore and his skrunkly segments are just ANAKSHDIEJEFIS 💕💕💕 I'm sorry this is short! ^^;
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You sighed as you threw your head backwards and stared at the ceiling, the pencil that you were holding dropped onto the desk.
"I give up." You groaned into your hands.
It has only been fifteen minutes since you started to sketch random objects in the room. You thought having your mind run wild with imaginations by adding some twists to them would be the cure to your boredom. 
But it clearly backfired, it required too much thinking.
If anything, it made you feel even more bored than before, if that was even possible.
Heck, you even tried to watch the raindrops sliding down the window pane, pretending that they were racing against each other! 
No matter how much effort you put into distracting your bored out mind, you were too occupied with thoughts of your lover. 
A week ago, the Tsrista had sent out an order to Dottore, there was a mission that required his assistance in the far lands of Sumeru. And since this was an order from the Cryo Archon herself, there was no way he could decline even if he wanted to. 
So reluctantly, you had to let him go for you didn't even know how long. 
Without his goofy laughs and your daily dose of kisses, you felt lonely…
Especially with how your work schedule has been pretty hectic lately. Just as you thought you could have some peaceful moments with Dottore, he had to leave.
What kind of cruel joke was this?
What to do now… You thought as you closed your eyes.
Reading… Cooking... Beating Delta's ass up—
Wait, what?
Where did that come from? 
Reopening your eyes again, you focused on your hearing and could make out faint footsteps walking past your room along with a grumpy voice.
"I can't believe Delta messed all of this up! More work for me, ugh."
So it was a segment.
The segments…
You gasped a bit when a sudden idea came to mind. 
How fun would it be if you cuddled all of them at once?
You were getting a little giddy about your genius idea but then a realization made you doubt your plan.
They are probably busy though… You let out a huff.
Before Dottore left, he had given out a task for each of them to complete. He expected them to finish everything he asked of them by the time he returned.
But a fifteen minute break for them wouldn't hurt, right? You reasoned.
As you slammed the laboratory doors open, you slightly cringed at the loud noise it made when it hit the wall, startling some of the segments.
"(Y/n), my dear. You could've just knocked next time," Omega lightly scolded you.
Smiling at him sheepishly, you lightly scratched your neck.
"Haha, sorry."
He shook his head, chuckling at how adorable you were.
"Well, what brings you here?"
"So I was thinking… if we could all cuddle together?" You asked. 
Your voice wasn't loud enough to reach the other segments, but they could still make out the words "we" and "cuddle". All of them instantly dropped what they were doing and surrounded you.
Getting affection from their darling? And with no Prime around? Who would pass up such a great offer?
"Are we gonna cuddle?!"
"Can we really?"
"Cuddling? I wanna join!"
Well, that was a lot easier than you thought it'd be. 
Oh, how you loved their happy little faces as they trailed behind you, with you leading them to your room.
The moment you got into your room, you laid down onto your bed and sprawled your limbs out, inviting them to come join you.
One by one, each of them plopped themselves down onto the bed with you. 
Some of them held onto your arms while some intertwined their legs with yours, and a head was laid against your torso.
Though, even with this king-sized bed, it could barely fit all of them. 
Theta moved around a little to find a comfortable position when he accidentally kicked someone.
"Ow! Who kicked me?!" Delta yelped.
"Deserved, you gave me more work to do by spilling the serum everywhere!"
"Oh my— Whoever has their feet near my face, please move. It smells of rotten flesh." Omega covered his nose from… whoever feet that was.
Well, this was definitely a bit hard to get used to with how much weight was laying on top of you. 
You weren't complaining though, the weather was a bit colder than usual and they made such a great heat source.
Their bickerings died down and silence soon took over the room, only to be occasionally broken with some light snores and the soft sounds of rain hitting the window.
Ah, life was good.
After a week of being away from the comfort of the palace, he was finally back from the mission and he felt like he would pass out any moment.
The mission he came back from was hell even though it was a success in the end. Nonetheless, he was now back and he had missed you dearly.
Though before going to your room, he was looking forward to seeing how his personal project was coming along. He had calculated that by the time he came back, it would've been completed by his segments.
However, all he saw was an empty lab. What's even stranger was that the work was half-done.
Where did they go? They wouldn't abandon their work like this unless it was an emergency…
Dottore turned back and walked to your room, afraid that something might have happened.
The sight he was greeted with made his blood boil. His segments were slacking off, hugging you as they slept. But when he got closer and took a glance at you, he noticed how peaceful you looked, and it's been a long time since he had seen you this relaxed.
You were complaining about how your work was stressing you out and you weren't able to get some proper rest.
Well, he supposed he'd let his segments off the hook this time for helping you to relax.
Though, his chest tightened at the realization that he wasn't the one who was holding you.
It was his turn now.
He nudged one of the segments awake, and soon the others began to wake up as well at the movement. Miraculously, you were still sound asleep.
All of them stiffened at the sight of Prime glaring at them, oh boy, they could already hear the mouthful lecture they'd get later.
"All of you get back to work, now."
The segments scurried to get out of the room, a little down that they had to leave you so soon.
Changing out of his work clothes and taking off his mask, he slowly got into the spot beside you. Chuckling lightly when his thumb cleaned the drool that left your mouth.
His arm wrapped around you, sighing in content that he finally got to hold you again.
All to himself.
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maddragon15 · 4 months
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Happy pride everyone!!
I'm a bit late to the first day but nevertheless I throw a transtho at ye. I've made some slight changes to my headcanon version of etho because the sims has permitted me complete and utter control of how to envision him and therefore I'll make it everyone else's problem to also see said vision.
Ramble and variation down yonder
It's not uncommon to come across etho with the roots (bc of arctic fox seasonal colors) showing but what about the freckles on the body? I need to see more of that, and also he has gallbladder surgery scars because I said so. This man is so unbelievably a blank slate in terms of design and so I'm just gonna be silly goofy with it. I imagine that he has even more scars on the back due to battles with skeles and zombies alike.
Also I've had this pose with etho stuck in my head for at least a week and a half but I have not had the time to actually draw it until today. I wanted a pose that just kinda displays his body but in a non suggestive way, hopefully it comes across as that. Really it's just meant to show pride & positivity in top surgery scars along with other scars n details of the body. I figure Etho would be an ideal candidate for said topic because as I said earlier his character is such a blank slate but also I just really tend to project my transness on character fixations of the decade. (I'm still staring at you trans scar and gnc grian)
I wanted to do a more oil painted style for this piece but I figured a good 'ol watercolor style would be nice to dabble in again.
Also also I do plan to at least doodle the days I've missed for hermitaday as one mega post once I finish impulse & tango despite it being nearly a week after hermitaday finished.
Sketch & Sim (In case anyone wanted to see my eef sim)
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cyren-myadd · 3 months
Update on Common Enemy: Avatar fancomic part 2
I'm almost done sketching out the whole thing! I've completed 12/15 so only 3 pages left before I can finally start working on line-art and coloring. I am planning to take a break from drawing once I finish sketching all 15 pages, but I believe I'm on track to finish part 2 and have it posted sometime in mid-July. I'll keep you guys posted as I make progress.
Sometimes when I sketch I get carried away and add unnecessary details that don't fit with the mood of the story. Here are two little "bloopers" that I already know I'm gonna have to cut from the final draft of the comic:
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I should draw Lo'ak more. I love drawing his goofy wide-set eyes lol.
As I've been working on this, I've also discovered there's potential for an interesting dynamic between Lo'ak and Quaritch that I haven't thought about before. As far as Quaritch is concerned, Lo'ak is just Jake Sully 2.0, while Lo'ak himself doesn't believe he's anything like the "legendary Toruk Makto." Lo'ak would be weirded out by Quaritch making some irritated comment of him being "just like your daddy 🙄" because he doesn't think he can live up to Jake. He doesn't realize the reason Jake is so hard on him is 'cause Jake is scared Lo'ak will make similar mistakes that he did because he IS so much like him. And Quaritch on the other hand can see how much Spider cares about Lo'ak and can relate it back to how he and Jake used to have an amicable relationship. Quaritch would be scared of Lo'ak "turning" on Spider the way Jake "turned" on him... especially knowing that the Sullies won't be thrilled when they find out why he's still alive.
I don't have the time to explore that in this comic, but maybe I could write something about it one day 🤔
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periwinkla · 6 months
AU where everything is the same but all animals are replaced by Pokémon. So Phoenix cross-examines a Chatot, defends a Wailord (I know Finizen would fit better but it's funnier) and Missile is a Growlithe that probably sets something on fire at some point, maybe Miles' jabot somehow, which probably leads to Gumshoe not being able to afford anything but noodles for a month or two. Pess is probably a Dachsbun? Miles' main partner would be a Gardevoir (little Miles with a Ralts would be adorable), possibly a Kingambit as well in adulthood? It would kinda fit him in a weird way (chess theme, literal steel samurai theme, general color scheme). Honestly there are many mons that could fit him but these are the main ones I thought about.
I can really see Trucy somehow having a Hoopa and screwing with everyone. Phoenix is a tad bit more difficult to pinpoint. Any mon I thought about is a flying type but he's afraid of heights and it wouldn't fit. The most interesting would probably be a shiny Decidueye because it would fit with his colors and the fact that it's not really a flying type. His hair too, kinda. Also can you imagine little Rowlet with his faux bowtie next to little Miles? Gosh. Phoenix would be like 'see, you're like twins!' would take a thousand photos. (and then when Miles moves away and Phoenix looks at Rowlet he's always reminded of his long-lost friend...cries) Maybe I'll sketch something about it sometime. Also Trucy somehow involving a Decidueye in her magic tricks would be hilarious tbh. A Decidueye with a top hat. Imagine. Athena would probably have a Rotom in her Widget and a Pawmot and/or a Medicham. Apollo would have a Scorbunny or a Whismur. Klavier obviously a Toxtricity. Maya a Munchlax because I like the idea of them both driving Phoenix penniless with burger orders. I want to draw some sketches about this sometime, although I'm still pretty unsure about Phoenix. Other mons I thought about were Appletun (since he likes apples and he's also a dragon type, but maybe it's way too goofy for him even), or even a Goodra (esp in his crybaby days, but also from a pokedex entry: 'It loathes solitude and is extremely clingy—it will fume and run riot if those dearest to it ever leave its side.' so kiiinda similar nature). Maybe a Wobbuffet for funzies because he's a punching bag that always bounces back somehow. Maybe I spent a bit too much thought on this. Oops.
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pillowspace · 10 months
Hi! So sorry to get sentimental in your ask box, especially considering you don't even know me. But! I wanted to thank you for you unknowingly helping me get better at art! And to think I started getting better because of the catboy Sunna sketch of all things...
I actually have been looking back at the art I drew when I first got this phone compared to my most recent sketch and... And oh my god, the amount of improvements within like... A month??? I don't know what it is about Sunna, but ever since I've started drawing her as a warm-up sketch I've ACTUALLY been able to draw and enjoy drawing. I've always loved art, but I've never REALLY enjoyed it until I got my grubby little hands on that god. I feel like I've accidentally spawned a separate fandom with me and my friend (of which has no idea about any of the dca "lore", much less the existence of the csd fic) because of how much we love this goofy little guy. Every time I draw Sunna I fuckign study ANATOMY of all things. It's a fictional guy and he don't even got human bones ! Yet here I am. Getting genuinely good at art because of you and your stupid little... backpack-loving fool... Curse you and your cool storytelling & art.
I think I'm legally obligated to learn how to draw Meno now... But it's just so aha'rd to figure out their outfit, can you blame me? (No I haven't been rewatching the life series, I don't know what you're t-aha-lking about.)
Anyways. Enough rambling. Keep doing cool things, cool internet person! I've gotta go. Do school now because it's midnight and i forgor
AWW I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! I'm so glad my silly little blorbo can do that for you :'Dc sobsob
Meno is tricky, but here's some help if it's any!!
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ohnonononononono567 · 7 months
Artist - John "Soap" McTavish x gn!reader (fluff)
Quick drabble because i can't tell if the guy I like is sending me messages so if you want to comment please comment me advice im going fucking crazy im too socially inept to understand his messages
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Johnny found that the world was his muse, his friends, his experiences, everything.
Catching himself drawing you over and over in his notebook, he knew he was too far gone. 
Your eyelashes, the slight jiggle of your arms as you walk, the way your cheeks could give away a blush no matter how much or little melanin you possessed. 
It was harmless. Just practice he told himself.
Entering your room, stiffening at the sight of you wearing nothing but casual attire...god he's done. Say this shit to the guys at the pub, and he's sure he'd die fom embarrassment. Gunfire, explosives, his lieutenant's testing attitude, his captains questionable ethics, he could handle it.
But choosing between gluing his eyes at the sight of you or avoiding his gaze from you completely was probably asking him to choose between a million dollars or causing the destruction of the world.
He allowed himself in.
He was goofy, charming, he was a social butterfly. You entertained him of course, how could you not? Johnny Soap Mactavish was bright. He brightened up a room.
And if you only knew how bright you smiled with him around.
He sat you down on your bed, and pulled a chair across from you, silently sketching your features. Gently holding your chin in one hand to tilt you to the side to get a better view of your jaw, his thumb seeming to idly rub across your lips momentarily, before he stopped himself. 
Don't ruin a good friendship.
Sketching you; he thanked you with a hug, no matter how badly he wanted to tackle you to the bed and tell you over and over he was infatuated with everything about you, to the most irrelevant iota of your being. 
Slowly...he started slipping little doodles of you at meetings. Walking past and allowing the touch of his gloved hands on your shoulder linger, a singular sticky note showing a little doodle of you unapologetically smiling.
He found himself in a room, giggling, but always glancing at you, to make sure his joke even landed. He could make a room of millions laugh, but your opinion would be the only to matter.
A drive back from the pub one night, he was sat beside you, and god bonnie you're exhausted. Laying your head on his bulky shoulder, he idly started to scratch at your scalp, stroking your hair aswell. 
Internally he was nervous. He could pick up a girl with ease, hell, he's been able to get some handsome blokes into his bed before. But you? You were probably his greatest fear. And here you were.
You were comfortable with him. Him of all people. A man who's known strife early on, a man who doubts you'd care to hear him bitch about his past, as you fell in and out of sleep on his shoulder.
He became bolder after that. Sitting next to you, holding your hand around, arm around your shoulder as he entered a room, standing by you even if you didn't do anything.
He entered your room one day, exhausted; stressed. He doesn't know why he chose this room today of all days.
But he did.
Laying his head on your tummy as you both laid down, scrolling idly on his phone, before he feels your fingers gently thread through his mohawk. 
"It's gettin' long, huh?" He mumbles against your stomach, looking at his phone still as you nod.
He sighs, leaning up, looking at the being in front of him.
"I'm gonna kiss you. I've wanted to for a while." He blurts out, looking at you deadpanned.
"John," You giggle. That goddamn smile, makes him weak every time, 
"What?" You say
"You heard me."
"You wan' tha'?"
He chuckles, pressing his lips softly onto yours for a peck, leaning his hands down to hold your sides, before deepening the kiss. 
If only you weren't too dazed to realize you'r little artist was tracing little hearts as he held your sides.
Projecting with fanfiction instead of communicating with them is my favorite thing
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emporer-of-chaos · 7 months
another swap au design whooo i still cant draw sir Pentious and I ain't letting that stop me
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This swap was decided by y'all in this poll and I'm gonna be honest when I put it as an option I had no idea how I was gonna make it work and honestly I still only have like half an idea but that ain't stopping me. In my role swap au I usually try to keep their backstories and personalities as similar to canon as possible while tweaking just enough to make their new role in the store make sense for these two I found that that approach just wasn't feasible. So in this Au Sir Pentious was created as an angel and has lived his entire life in heaven he still has some minor trust issues mostly because even before the heavens meeting where he learns about the extermination he notices some things not adding up but questioning heaven is not something he would do as such those questions and suspicions are left festering under the surface which might lead to his fall in the future :) I leaned a lot more into the "flaming snake" depiction of a seraphim along with giving him wings becouse the boy deserves wings. Emily on the other hand is a regular sinner dieing in the late 19th century like sir Pentious and being an inventor like him. Like her canon counterpart I think Emily is still good natured and goofy getting sent to hell because while she genuinely wanted to help people her ignorance and naivety led to a lot of her inventions hurting and even killing people. She wants to become a strong overlord so she can transform the place for her idea of the better not noticing how her methods are hurting people and further cementing her place down there. Her redemption would be mostly about her connecting with the residents of the hotel learning their stories and realising how wrong her perception of hell and the greater good was. She would also play into Vaggies ark of learning to open up and trust others along with learning to actually help the citizens of help become better people instead of forcing them into strict moulds she believes to be the best for them due to her preception of hell as former angel. I actually had a lot of fun with Emily's design and while i'm still not feeling so great (why I didn't sketch out any scenes with these two goofballs I will do so when I have the energy) I'm doing a lot better and will probably be back soon. I have also been thinking about turning my swap au into a comic what do y'all think?
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/17-18/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Nathan Foad; Kristian Nairn; SaveOFMD Crew; Int'l Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Intersexphobia, Biphobia; Uproar; Fan Spotlight; Mermay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Hey crew, sorry yesterday and today have been busy ones for me, so we're doing a joint day again. Hope you're all doing well the beginning of this weekend!
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys just getting to be his goofy self, which we love so much.
Source: Rhys Darby's Tiktok
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan out for a boat ride with his co-stars of Love's Labours Lost. They had their last showing recently, and there are lots of dedications out there to Nathan and this wonderful cast! Gratz Nathan! Can't wait to see what you do next!
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Source: Nathan Foad's IG Story Wow Nathan's been busy!! Greta Gerwig will be available on Vimeo on May 31st!
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Source: Marybeth Barone's Instagram ALSO I've been meaning to post this for days, but I'm finally getting around to it. Have you seen the ADHD Short Film Nathan was in?
Source: Nathan Foad's IG Stories Days ago
== Kristian Nairn ==
Kristian's joined the list! Kristian, Con, Nathan, and Vico will all be at Galaxy Con in Raleigh NC July 25-28, 2024! Ticket here.
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Source: Kristian Nairn's IG
The latest episode of Kristian's podcast Spektrum is OUT NOW! You can find links to listen on his Linktree!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's IG
== Rosy Maple Moth Pie ==
Hey lovelies! Did you miss out on Samba's baking class? Good news! You can access it now on the Momentus website! You can also access the recipes here.
== Int'l Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Intersexphobia, Biphobia ==
Our dear friends over at These Thems posted a tribute to Int'l Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Intersexphobia, Biphobia. It was yesterday-- sorry for the delay. To learn more about this day, you can visit UNFPA
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Source: These Thems Instagram
== Save OFMD Crew ==
Pride month is approaching and Save OFMD Crewmates would love your feedback on how you'd like to help show Max, other streamers, the media, and the world that we NeverLeft! Fill out their survey here.
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Source: Save OFMD Crewmates Tumblr
== Uproar ==
Still havent gotten to see Uproar? It's available on Amazon to Rent and Buy! Uproar on Amazon
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Source: Blue Fox Entertainment's IG Stories
== Articles ==
So I thought I posted this back on the 16th with the trends but I guess not! So here's that article, you all have probably already seen it, but if not here you are:
‘Our Flag Means Death’ fans launch #DontStreamOnMax campaign, want David Zaslav fired
Robert Reich: How To Make $50 Million A Year While Your Corporation Goes Down The Tubes – OpEd
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's Cast Card is for the brilliant composer Mark Mothersbaugh! Thank you @melvisik and to the tumblr requester for including this fantastic guys work!
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= OFMD Colouring Pages =
More colouring pages from @patchworkpiratebear. I feel like we need a bound book once these are complete. There's just so many fun ones.
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Source: Patchwork Pirate Bear's Tumblr
= MerMay =
Can I just say that I am loving seeing how everyone's Art has developed over the past month? It's really cool to see slight changes in style/included details! You all are just so dang talented! <3
= SpencerDoesArt =
More catch up mermay prompts from our darilng crewmate SpencerDoesArtt over on Instagram, they've got some really cool stuff please check them out if you have an IG!
= Snejpowa =
@snejpowa Love you have been just stepping it up with all these gorgeous Mermay prompts. Calypso is stunning~~
Day 17: Have you ever been sketched? / Day 18: Calypso's Birthday
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= ErosTheArtist =
More prompts from @erostheartist - I am loving the colour contrast on these, they're so pretty <3 Day 13: Roads to Moscow Day 16: Kraken
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= Blueberreads =
Eeeeee I didn't know I needed little pixel Ed drawings, but now that I have them I love them so much. I went them as stickers for my water bottle or something. Look at the little Ed-Gull. I'm dying @blueberreads these are so adorable.
Day 17: Have you ever been sketched? / Day 18: Calypso's Birthday
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies <3 I hope you're having a wonderful start to your weekend (or mid weekend, wherever you are).
Tonight I'd like you to take a few moments to repeat after me, okay? It won't take long.
"I am beautiful"
"I am kind"
"I am loving"
"I am worthy"
"I am a force to be reckoned with"
"I deserve rest"
"I deserve love"
"I am enough"
You are all those things. It's easy to forget sometimes how hard we work and how far we've come. You are so many wonderful things lovelies. Remember to tell yourself that once in a while. You deserve recognition from others, but also from yourself. You are so brilliant, and you continue to surprise and delight us all every day. Rest well <3 A few more love notes from some lovely folks on instagram, feel free to visit them below :)
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is just goofy headwear I guess. Now we know how Rhys keeps his hair so silky smooth.
Gifs Courtesy of some of the most darling folks: @fandomsmeantheworldtome and @meluli
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libbylubb · 4 months
First Kiss - Amanda Lehan-Canto and Angela Giarratana
This is so... goofy, have fun. I tried to base it off as much as I could on what happened in sims. (And some of the things they said in the live stream)
I’ll be posting this on AO3 as well (as soon as I can)
Amanda and Angela is seated on a couch, just chatting and getting to know each other. Suddenly, Angela remembers she was supposed to do a bit, "I have to go, but we'll continue talking later!". Amanda nods and smiles, watching her walk by. Amanda sighs, looking at the door. "Stop leaving, Ang... I'm trying to make you fall in love with me," she whispers to herself. The door then open and she gets some hope in her eyes. But it was only Spencer, wearing a pride shirt.
Amanda sits on the couch for a bit, looking into space and just thinking about life. "Hi, I'm back!" Angela says, coming into the room with a huge gnome costume. Amanda bursts out laughing, holding her stomach and throwing her head back. "Don't laugh! I love this look," Angela says, giggling and gently hitting Amanda's arm. "I'm sorry dude, but you look ridicoulus," Angela pouts and crosses her arms, "Nooo, I look adorable," Angela speaks, making Amanda stop laughing. "Yeah you do," Amanda's tone is serious, yet her voice so warm and comforting. Angela thanks the Gods for wearing this gnome hat, or else she would be more embarrassed that Amanda could see the way her cheeks flushed at the complement.
Amanda grabs her phone, checking the time. "When did you have that sketch?" Amanda asks, Angela looks at her, "Soon, I think, we're supposed to meet in the gear cage," Amanda nods and puts her phone away. Angela stands up, "This costume is so hot," Angela laughs. Amanda nods, "I bet, but it looks great on you, so it's worth it," Amanda scoots to the corner, where Angela was just sitting, pulling Angela down in the middle of the couch.
They continue chatting, flirting a little. More than usual, however Angela seemed to have said something that messed the mood up. Amanda frowns, honestly wanting to walk away. "Oh! I have to take the trash!" Amanda says, coming up with an excuse. She proceeds to stand up and walk away. Angela frowns at the sudden move, regretting what she said. She didn't mean it, and now she had to make it up to her. She started planning self depreciating jokes in her head for her to forgive her.
As Amanda walks down the stairs, she stops at the mottom of it and and sighs, walking back up. She probably shouldn't have just left, even though Amanda didn't like what she said. Amanda sits down beside her, "I'm sor-" "So, so, I'm auditioning for a role at Gnomeo and Juliet," Angela starts, Amanda laughs, "Oh God," Amanda starts telling her a story, keeping Angela engaged. While Amanda talks, she keeps complementing Angela and the way she looks in the gnome costume. "No, cause bears," "Oh bears? I like bears, have you been on a bear once? That's crazy," Whatever they were talking about, bears or whatever, they were having a great time with each other. Suddenly they hear Courtney.
"Spencer! What the hell! What did you spend 115 dollars on?" They look over, Spencer is sitting on his iPad, smiling to Courtney, "115?? What did you just do?" They ask. "Troll te forums," he answers them, "Troll te forums?! Spencer!" Spencer giggles, Courtney only smiles and rolls her eyes. Shayne looks at them, eyes wide, hoping they wouldn't think it was him. Cause it might have been.
Amanda and Angela went back to their conversation. Now, they weren't really flirting, just goofing with each other. A different type of flirting I guess. Then Amanda starts telling this really facinating story, Angela just laughs and nods, throwing small "yes" and "uh-huh"s in there. "But really, I have to take the trash," Angela nods, "I'll follow you," Amanda nods. They start walking towards the door before Amanda stops, "just you go, I'll find you," "But the trash?-" "Don't worry about it," Angela frowns, not that you can see it, she then walks to the storage room/gear cage where they are gonna film the sketch. They start filming and Angela plays the guitar. When they are done Angela places the guitar down, talking to the others on what they will do with the finished film clips. Amanda walks in, looking at Angela. "Could you guys give us a moment?" Angela asks nicely, a smile on her face. They walk out, leaving only Amanda and Angela there.
"Did you get to take the trash?" Angela asks. Amanda laughs and nods, "Yeah, I... I uh did," her tone is low, making Angela's eyes darken. "I have something for you," Amanda says, pulling out a rose from the back of ther dressbelt. Angela aws, grabbing the rose with her big gnome hands. Angela takes off the gnome hat and hugs Amanda, "Thank you, this was a really nice gesture," Amanda hugs her back, stroking her back. "It's no probably, only pretty things for pretty girls. Besides I'm not the biggest fan of red roses, so I thought I could give it to you," The last part Angela really didn't get, how could someone not like red roses? She shook it off and kept chatting and flirting with Amanda.
Amanda tells her a funny story, making her laugh. Amanda complements her making Angela looks away. "Angela I have to confess something to you," Amanda says, making Angela nod looking up at her. "I really like you, like, like like you. Like not like, but like like," "I got it," Angela laughs, but then stops, "I um... I really like like you too, Amanda. Like, like like you," They giggle and look into each others eyes. The world seemed like it froze. Like everything around them stopped and it was just the two of them. Both their hearts were beating fast with full of love for the other person. Amanda grabs Angela's hands, or well, gnome mittens, and kisses them. Angela giggles, "I kinda wish I didn't wear this now," Angela says, moving closer to Amanda. "Oh?" Angela just nods, embracing Amanda. Amanda smiles, pulling the shorter woman closer to her heart. Angela listens to her heart beating. "Your heart is pumping a lot of blood," Angela mumbles, Amanda chuckles, "Yeah well, how can it not?" Angela pulls away, still close to Amanda though.
Amanda grabs a mistletoe from her boot. "Why do you have that?" Angela giggles, "So I can do this," Amanda takes the misletoe over their heads, leaning in to kiss Angela on the cheek. Angela's face flushes, smiling widely, "that's not how you do it," Angela states, making Amanda roll her eyes. "I know that, I just-" "You wha-" Amanda's lips cuts of Angela's words. She hums into it, pulling Amanda closer. They both smile into the kiss. As Amanda pulls away, Angela's lips linger in the air for a bit before waving her hand to her face. "Woah! Suddenly got so hot in here," Amanda laughs. Angela face palms, before speaking "I can't believe that's the first thing I said after we kissed.”
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oklotea · 1 year
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Tintin Character Requests! Pt. 1
The series where I draw Tintin characters in funky little outfits cuz they truly are funky little characters
In the first picture, we've got toxic yaoi, well, no, the first request was these two on their own but because I love them so much and their interactions in the 2011 movie I drew them together, and wow I am actually quite proud of how it ended up looking like!!!!! (Probably one of my favorite out of this batch of sketches)
Ty @mis3rabl3m3lody and @libraryidealist for the request!!!
Aaand behind curtain number 2, we've got certified best boy, Chang!!!! Where is he running off to? Idk. I would be embarrassed to admit how much time I spent figuring out how running looks like cuz I just suddenly forgot wtf running looks like
Ty @myfunnyvalentine !!! For the request!! You seemed quite enthusiastic
Next up, we've got AHHHHH MY SILLY MY GOOFY MY FAVORITE MANIC PIXIE DREAM GIRL!!!! PROFESSOR CALCULUS!!!! I drew him in polite little vest and turtleneck combo and some patterned pants, politely waving at you! I was watching a few episodes recently and AGEHHDHDHH I FORGOT JUST HOW ENTERTAINING AND AMAZING AND ICONIC THIS MAN IS he's so silly he's a genius he has no idea what's going on most of the time <3333 we need him in the hypothetical 2011 sequel (it's coming guys trust me)
Ty @unlikelyintelligent and @akasanata for the request!!
TADAAA!!!! IT'S GENERAL ALCAZAR!!! ok. As you know I've only recently started coming back to Tintin, and I'm ngl I forgot who general alcazar was. Then I watched Tintin and the picaros and pretty quickly I remembered. THIS GUY WAS SO COOL. my dumb kid brain didn't entirely grasp what was going on in that episode, BUT NOW I DO KNOW. AND WOW THIS EPISODE WAS WILD. every Tintin episode is on a spectrum of insane but this one tips closer to the more unhinged end. GENERAL ALCAZAR IS SO BADASS, HES LEADING A REVOLUTION, HE'S A MALE WIFE, HE IS A PRESIDENT NOW??? I miss the guy. ALSO I LOVE HIS DESIGN.
(Also if your wondering if every Tintin post I make I'll include a tangent of just gushing about how much I love some aspect of Tintin you better get used to it cuz I love rambling about how much I love Tintin)
Ty @tintinology for the request!!! AARRRGHRHRHHH GENERAL ALCAZAR!!!!!!
here's a couple characters ik little about, ik they were the original antagonists of the secret of the unicorn but that's about it! It's the bird brothers!!!! They're in some fancy suits, judging everyone they pass, their probably grumbling about something. From their appearance they look like their never happy sjhfjdjf
Ty @jimmyandthegiraffes for the request! :D
And last but definitely not least, IT'S JOLYON WAGG!!!!! if only the editing was better so you could bask in his graceful and obnoxious glory. I really like his voice! I really like his wardrobe! And he is some sort of anomaly to me, hes just popping up in the most random times, and most of the time it's to be an annoying little bitch (endearing), he has a medal of honor btw! If I ever met him, I would at first be very charmed, but then realize this is an entirely one sided conversation that'll go on for hours and hours that I won't be leaving anytime soon, and when I eventually get home I'll be completely exhausted by how much social energy I was using up just trying to keep up and look like I was really really invested in whatever this man was rambling about
But anyway he's silly and whimsical so I still really like him
Aaannnddd that's it folks! I'll eventually work on the other requests I have!!!! Have a good evening!!!!!
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